The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, August 16, 1855, Image 1

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II V IIOVO rtc 11 Alt IX V.J
Ilovotoil lit llio I'rlii-Il or Democracy, mid llio iIImoiiiIiiiiIIoii of Cluncrnl nuil Useful Iiitclllffcticc.
85 00 Icr Ann i m. '
.. : ; .arte - r-'i .
VOI1V1MI& ta.
Hl'.TTMllim;, O. 1, 1ilUllHl.VV, AllttUttT Ml. 1HR5.
I'liiii.miiiii i.miiiv Tiiiiiuinv,
ii, ii. mini, ai.i:. iimkki.v
in' i- lui, in iiiniii iim n in ii.iun'ii .-...
rHrctt, next duor mil "tk-nttslniricllttuao."!
01'1'KIi: III lllKlilllKl'Mlll'll.lllKll, Mlllll
mivamcb. ,
One copy, fur oimieari S.l till,
Ix tnoiilln HI .
I II II ll.,-,,, .ni.t.ll.a .1(1(1
ivirN'u piir will I." illncmilliiiKil imill
llinitiirm Oiihl". if tni'hn Hum it I
for "no ) car, I'.' "i i furhU in(inlln,$l,'i; fur
tlirci) iiiiintlia, Sill,
ttf Tim iiiiiuIk r of Iiit11iii tnimt In'
ilUllnctty iiinrl.i'l nn Hie iiitrln, nllirritliw
llii'y will tin rmitliiiiiil till Icirl'i'l, iiml tlnir
t.l ixccilrilliiKly'
Tim fiilliinliiKiinini"! "Titiii nri niillinr
licl In rrvvltra milcililloii Kli'l U'ItiiIIm
iiiciil fur t'"' Outtllr uii'l nvvipt fur tli
imi) :
itr.Mtv iia:.!:, i:u :o rrunt irtoi.
Srtil rrniiclc".
M. W. Miiciiku Kuittiir Clly,
J. H. Milini M. M. Ii., C.niill'.
I. .v'. ijMiru, I1 , llurltiiKtuii
IlkMnv S'liin, Ih , AlUny.
I,. I", Cumin, l'.' , Sntrni.
M. II, Ta)I.iii, Jnrkiuntlllv.
.Iimi.ii Twimiiiiiii, l.i'laml CivrL.
K V. ItiilUM', ri'K"ii;iljr.
W. II, l'rnuii, K-1 , l'urlt.tii.1,
litt. Ai'Aln. Aat'irln.
din. II, Auiiiiimk. M II , Jitrkuiiilll
lni ,V Wiii'l', Jarkmimll.
J. 111'oni.rii, Diir Crrek
J. H. IUmihj, I'i , Pint Urfir.1.
(I. Hl'mmiii. I'nlli-t iif llii-t'ipluiiilila.
Aikh II KimKiM, lt , I'imhii Hay,
l.'ol W W.Ciiiimih, I.lktoii.
(', I'liuP, l WlhdiMlrr.
Jih, lti:vMil,l.i. Cnuyniiflllv.
ii .in
A 1'rli'iiil.
Iluw nuny lotity lliliitwe flh'l
In rarlli, li'l tir, mil me -Thr
illiUnt Im-Ii uimiii tlm wlnl,
Tlio liliiMoia on tin trre (
Hut lovelier tr than rliliiic or Itowrr,
-A IJ Mn. In rn'i hour,
SfivJ l ttjc csrul of a Mrd.
Wien mrl.lln nn llm .ry.
An I iMAiillriil Ilia inwn'i il bc4tn
I til" in on our ay ;
Yet lotellrr rrleii'lrili' look and wnnl
Than mooiilljiht, nr Itun warMlnjr dlnl.
lluw rll tlicroral an I tlio ilirll,
Atl'l t nltiol. too, the prill J
Ulin enn Id'' M Men Ircnmirra ti-ll
DVr willed Hie wft wnrei curl ?
Vet iimrrt itllt n frltii'l l In
Than alt In emlli, nr air, or ret.
'a iiuiu whit."
(!li in but a lltllii limue,
Wlirre inorlnl netrr Iro.l,
A little way ntnto tlio rarlli,
A llttla nearer do,
A llltl" bt-rt to lure lue true,
A little seiiM) to know
Cnmtant inula nn eartli are fi'W,
To Heat en, lliey early go,
(II bIiviiik Iml a little Joy,
ihli nnrlu in rarrly iki.hii,
A little life without alloy,
A hIrM nt liallnwed hoiti !
A little lonitof iiralm lo lnj
The Rlorleaof llif nilinl,
That ireka ntioio the only rrt
Our aoiih can err llnd.
'Tl little more I lli to lone,
Tlmt llttlu null I crate;
'Tli n llttli' tear from llmie I love,
Dropt on my liltlagrjte,
Ulicu llltlr foriiK ilmll Wnr ntiing
My little lio'ly llicr.',
0 ! let ni" li.'ir their lllttc totiKiiei
.SMiiL cacti nml all a prnycr.
An I mWi ii little t!me Ii icl,
And lltlln miiUilo rlw
Krem nut the mil alioiemy lieail
01 do not Iheiu dcii.li4i i
I'ur they partake the lira I lutve,
And If out nuraed ttltli caro.
You'll llnd, anon, oa every Made
A lanKtiiiKolioly tliere,
J. Jt, ilowt, ll'nrtrlji Mtifuiint.
Took IIkii wlrll llltf. It lll bo rciucru
".trcl that lnt f.ill tli) eilllor of tho Crcen
Hay Advoralo, Wlaroniln, ilurliiR his !
renco left Ida wife to edit tliu paper, mid
llmt lie, bclnitn Wlilg, took tlio Dmnoorulla
ticket down fioui Hi coluiiina nnd ttrote
eomg enorcetlo nhlg iilllorhdi. Tim editor
It seemi, (in i liven called agulu to tlio rapt
tal, imiI throii;li Id tulintltutv writes as fol
lowi, on March 1'- i
'Our editor liai Kona to MjiIIhoii, and In
order to maku a miru tiling of It, uud pre
vent ttio nppimrniioo of nny mora ttlili; cdU
torinln, lias taken Ida wife with him.
iT When a man eoniracucea the puUlnli
Iiir of 11 pnpor, liu can't dto It up till ho In
ruined and then, when I10 Kta " 'VAt0
JninOred, hu aturts nuullier, Wo linvo our
eyes on mi "liomliro who has alnrtinl moro
than 11 dozen papers within tho lt six) cars
but tlioy nil dled'oiit, nltlinugli they posars.
red 'undoubted liileiil.' Tlioaiimo Rent U
now pcMllnjr, pcuniitt, and navliig tho prof.
ItH lo itiut nuotlier hi thr f.ill.
Kiioiir. It Is siild Unit n mini In Ohio, lo
1 .it 0 time and paper, writes tlio name of liln
fi'tinly Him -Y A . Wj.inlott.
MImMB"r.M,-. , inn, it in tint mini portion m n)() mna. ,!, (Crt.. r ,., ,rd.
ArtVl'i'llSClisO.iiH llm" iislltuwi ie, nuil Ih.-ino ! Ati . fought conflicts havo not denciled. A
Will IxMWKrUil ul tlm fiilluwliiit mir' is higiilfyliig Uctolallini.' llioilnim-''fuw corrupt leaders Imvu l'oiio "
-Onvriuiivul tmlllii t liw, nm ,or,t!lviiii fivo piny to Ml Imnuluilluii, ..0(,, Jij,.eo,,..,,." iJtl. ,t, ,...
lnwrlliiii. 2 lift I ineli Mil.iiient Imut- i ,.,.-I.ltux. IT wnilil...! In I, It lunitl'. Iilul ! . , ' . B 5
Hun, e I mi. A lilnral .Icliiutiun nnila to f.11" ' "".H ' W""" " ''" ' "" lindy il tliu prngrciulvo putty Ii n full
iMrWwhcrllwrn, hwocl cl.lldimi nru lioru j but wliili r,.,.rv nml Imno ni ever It wn .nml
.,- .HI II'IIM, ,..,! ."I 'H". MVI -,,, ..,,., ., . 1 ., " -
'J'lio universal niiulniliyorik. .Mar.
vrl'R "H'-vurlim ofn llneholiir," In no
iimller nf wonder Id any wlin Imvo lin
gered m! dreamed ovur Its fucliintlng
tinifp ! tint fneiiiiittiiir tui.tlln
i""- : n '"h" .-'-.
brilliancy, but '" H quiet, pathetic,
img licnrt-plclurei. In 4li, presontl
uuriilM-r of the llmne MWlua is nn
viifiraviiijf inmiiuu exquisitely lllu.lra-
- , , ! . ,., I
II l IMMI'i'l '! !' J 1 ll'IM'lt I U II
. ... . . J
irom which too mint took lilt
Hivo K'own aroiiiiii iiivni, mill iiinii't
lliciii n pint or Its wiy liru, tlio MioIIrr
Mitur, nnd tlu'v nro turn nwny. Next,
llm Bi-tillo iimllivr Ih'bIihIh lad.;, nnd
ilrmpiiir ilny by ilny, nt I.lil elnlu Into
tlio iiarruw ri'MlnK plncu of poor rtior.
tnl MV. ii. iko in,, cloiing com.
ill IliU ISitclulomiiHU laiU'lino:
.. ,.n ,. ,..U I. ,.?,.l.l.nfinr.
," J, ..-.
iimiil. lci.if kttli U not; heavy,
"Tliov hni' ('iil for ion,
I '
".Shu is lying iloun; her nyca hiilf
clii'.i'd; bvr bri'iitiilug long nnd inter.
",iliu Ih'iiik yon ; hcriis open; you
put oiir band hi Intu; onri trciiiblcii
licit due nut, Her lip inuvc ; it in
y our iiaini',
."'I In ttroiiL',' ttiu says, '(!ud will
help you
ftiiu preascs Harder your nana .
'IH'I .
A long brcalli-anntlier; you nro .,,,,.,, r0oa m)ll cf!llK., .,,. ' MtA fri whilo tharo Isciiurof Korn
idnno ngain. No tears now ; poor man. ,.,1,,, ,mtll(J 0f AiiurlcinlMii. Ifwe Kob left to feed the lla.uo.
, 1 nil cannot I ml llivtn I jovr, nr C()lllltry cM Vv tUmM MJ i 'n10 j,j,cU of tllj ndnraIiun Is an
-Again Iioiihi inily. I here is jet theko madmen go on. Tho leison angeluek tL-ttcimuIslimi, tint plwo on
asuiel of tari.I.I, in t.n.r. ...uai'. A woll, Jr) , (I ,( u Mn0 ,f ,IU Lrdiaa. (tbire lu mini, she don't
colllii la tboro; thoy havo clothed ll.o l,V(;(0 10, llrc,iHll, at?j)0,,reat n coit. karry an organ round tho strcto on her
l,u.y in decent grave clothe., nnd l','Aruaiy an nppalli.ig recor.l has been buoiml back.) (), she's an nngii:
.iiid.. laker is screwing down tl... hd, in,Jo . Tlu N,iril 0f Inaatieinnovn. iuch a llgger! such fete! (large, ll.o
alippng ruuml on tip-toe. Docs ho ,0 IM ,roken out wherever tho phrc... sl.n.nelrikal.) And then her muV.kle to waUenlinrl ' ay of Intolcranco has penetrated. It talents, and her kaptlvatiiiCcrinmi aek
"llonkstoiiBiuiiIoiiicstionnbotil ... ,,. i,.,...r. ,i,t, ' ....!:,t-.i .1..1.1 . .1,. .. ,i,n,i ...i -i. f,r
.1... 1 .1.. .1... .! 1.1.1....
1.10 1. acnpiioii ujh.iiiiio iiniir, ... K
it with Ins roat cull. Vou louk him
stialghl in tin. ; you motion l.lm to
th-dour j vou not speak.
'Ho takes 11 1 Ids hut and ulidoa out
t',r."ln.!!,!..n' "i-.i.. m. .....L .l.'l'i l nlry. On the ono Innd,
', for all. It is anico collln a very nice
a ,w ....... .11.. tiuiiv .... nu.n .. .,
.nt.. 1 i.. 1. 1,..., 1 lil.u-
I smooth !
V"..... .,.. JVM. .H..U ,,.. .. ,.w
' "Homo sprigs of mlgntonetto aro ly
ing cart'lesaly in a littlu-gllt edged sau
1 cur. 8I10 loved inlgutnnvtto.
. ''It Is n good staunch tablo tlio collin
I lead oil J it is your table; you aro it
housekeeper t man or family J
I "Aye, of family ! keep down out.
I cry, or thoiiurso will bo in. Look over
1 nt the pinched features; is this all that
is loll of burl And whuro ia your heart
now I No, don't thruil your nails into
your hands, nor mangle your Up, nor
'igrato your teeth together. If you
1 1 could only weep I
1 "Another day. 'Hie collln is
t gone out. Tho stupid mourners have
wept what idle tears! She, with
: your crmhi'd heart, has gono out I
it 1
,,.,..,, 1 1 . . '.iiinii'rn, ftucuna tt cro acaritiy ui'iuiiiii
"Will you hate pleasant evenings at, 1 . . ....,,...,'. nlld I,.
It our Iioiiid now!
I "(in into your parlor that your prim
hmiiekccpcr has made comfbi table with
clean health and blnzo of sticks, 1
1 "Sit down in your rluiir ; thoro is nu
otlier uKut-ciiihluncil oue.over against
youts empty. Vim press your linger
on )our eyeballs, ns if you would press
'out sriiiit-tlilug tlmt hurl tho brain ; but
you cannot, lour head leans upon.
'your In ml ; your eyo rests upon tliu ,
tlaildiii! blnzo. I
I "Allies nlwnya unmo nftor liln.o.
"(in now into tho luui.i wbero sho
f was sick softly, leal tlio prim homo
keener coino after.
1 "They havo put now dimity upon her
Ichnlr; thoy linvo Iiuiil' now cuttalus
1 'over the bed. 'lliey havo niuvoil from1
I tlio stand llaphlaN, and silver bell; .
iiior nato put n 111110 vnso 01 nowera 111 '
their place ; tho perfumo will not oITcihI ',
tliu tick fcouao lunv, limy lint 0 hall
opened tho window, that tho room ao
long closed may havo ulr. It is not
too cold,
"Shu is not there.
" Oh, (lojl! Ilinu who dusl
temper tliu wind to tho thorn lamb
bo kind I 1
"Tho embers w cro dark ; I Btirred
them ; thorn was no sign of life. My
(dog was asleep. Tho clock in my ten
ant a room nun striicu one.
I dashed i teur or two from mv
eyes J how tlioy had oamo there 1
knew not. 1 I in 1 1 ejiiculnted n prnyor
of thmiks, tlmt such deaolatlon hud nut
yet como ulgh .1110 ; nnd a prayer of
linpo that It might iiuvor come.
"In half 1111 hour more, I was- bleep
ing soundly. My intorlo was ended.
MiLDitw Mains nro wry diflicult to
rcmovo from linen. Tlio most effectu
al way is to rub snap nn tho upota, then 1
uluilf. nnd bleach tho L'aimenl in the I
lltlt Mill,
Tlii) Hi'iiiocrutlo I'nrly.
Kvcry otlior p.irty Imi retired from
tliu struggle with iiitoluranco nml big
otry, or linn ylolded Itself captive to this
coinhlnnllnii of taction!, savo nnd ex.
cuit tlio democracy. Throughout tlio
iititlra field, tlio only fluff, that waves In
proUl ,t.niico of this combination
,ml r,clmJcrn0yf Nor aro tlio roc
lllllt (1 UlllKUIIIU Tf Hill IIIW till) llllill
lilnliHMU Mm aa.l Hart
hurt Unit gather under ll.U fin,; unwon
thy of tlio cnuo to which tlioy liavu
l,,1r.iwi i,n.,n,,l..
I ho rnnk and
,i iu,.m,M of lln noblu nroiiorllon
pr,n i, ,y ihnt t,o llnL' of pronctlp.
,0M tlf,rurU-iJ lln dnrk wlutr, w!o lialli-d
(l fCnl futuro of huccom to tlin dcnio-
,.rillc mr,,.( am ofecrvlcolotlio conn,
.. ,.. ,inl .l3tly j0 wlic, n ls .,
v,lUir!ci ,, nl , t Knkn ,,,
nrovi'in nolMm' 'I'lu. tmllllrnl fmlruit
'".T' n.V"""nb-, .. ,U,1I,0,,I r",i0,,s,
iiiiii c'liiiumiiiia oi uiu liny win nonti ra-
n, ,i, i,.,.!. ,,.,.!,. i,. il..r
- , i-.-i--- ...
, i.!.i. .:..... ,i t
.... u...i. "" w,m, i. .. u
rut I nnd of iriu.i ti ofrnt nna 1 ber.
tv ntltl Slflltlltl till ttitfLa miul at.t .
........ ........ ,.........,, ,u.k b-'"'
Uhrthertho prolhgato leaders of tho
incn who havo gono into iheio dens of
m'crut nhauiit (nil to
io carry out their
tliov fulfill them, It
In tho end ,i wido
pledgen, or uhuthcr tl
will ho all thnsnmu
ami general cntnMriiiho will overtake
.,...,,,, . , T... T i.i iiiui.iiiiiui iiii.ii iitn
m'weii.tho cheat will be apparei tin all Its
corruption. If limy go on, tin Ir votaries
iiicm. II tiicy lail Inmakngouil tlieirprn.
ill its
.corruption. If limy Kn on, thilr votaries
'will blurt ll.f"ilf. lfw liitu I .....asiLwi .f
' """ " 1 "' ri"'
lm ,, , It nuiiula the
Itlnil lantnil lliialtAaai !lt.i. mA
ilrlkM (m
!, ttt.MnR of ,,,,. Md ,' ,he
. ...,11M rf " ., i.,ii,v,.;.,-ni i
i, frt.. h..
'It forces upon reluctant conitnuiiltles'
...n,i.lH.. l..w. .1... I.I I .1!.
," r'r-y '""" v."" .""" . "
graced the most dlisululo monaich that
(overlived; nullifies thou-,
solemn guarantees tthicli protect the
States In their covenanted rights. Here
1 it strikes down an eminent citizen for
his religion ; there, for tho place of Ids
( Iiitth. Kxtravagaure in its municipal
'and Statu aduiiniitiationr, and the noin.
nations of base, Ignorant, nnd corrupt
men for ollice, havo been conspicuous
feature In Its practice, If not In Its
professions. In .Massachusetts it insults
weak and helpless women because they
havo tho hardihood to bo Catholics; in
unto 11 destroys tlio ballot-boxes, wltn
tho cry of "Americans must rule Amcr-I
lea," and retires abaihed and penitent
beforo Its own turbuleuco; In New
Vork It buries a murdered bully
In. ....1 1.. 1 .....
Pennsylvania It desecrates Iudepeiid
enco Hull by denunciations of the adnp.
ted citizens, breathed in wicked con
tempt of tho memorUt of tho revolu
tionary strugglo. Wo say wo could
wish lo teo these humiliating proceed
ingh conducted to tho close if the coun -
try had not already "supped full of hor
It is natural that at such a timo nil
eyes should bo turned In tho democrat
ic party, widen, unawed by majorities,
and tinseduced by appeals for aid nnd
comfort, fling its defiance into the
teeth of (lies bold bad men, and dares
them lo tho Issue. There is something
sublime In this. Honest and clear mind
cd mon will tee in it nn opportunity to(I met her Itumin out of n lagai btcrsel -
cm looso troni tlio irainmois 01 mowing
puny, 1110 pcraccuicu win aeo in 1110,
democratic ranks a refugonnd a rescue
from their foes. Thoso derided for their
faith will find In that party n furtrctt
that will Inngh n slego to scorn. Now,
at ever, tho democracy opens Its arms
to tho oppressed of alt nation; now, at
ever, it stands by (ho teachings of tho
sitges of tho past. .Not ono tenet of lit
creed lina it t killed, not ono stlnblo
ItH pledge; but tho moro It Is assailed'
. . r ...
tho. moro strongly It adheres to lis prin
ciples. Let factions exult over tempo
rnry tuccets; thoro Is in store for the
democratic pirty n higher glory than it
has ever yet attained tho glory of res
cuing our country from tho hands of
tho worst conspiracy that has ovorbeen
organized against civilization nnd free
dom tltico tlio foreign foe invaded our
happy tholes. Union.
Otr wiso man stands firm In all
cxtrcmltleH nud bears tho lot of human
ity with u tlitiua temper.
(fctrA good cliango in lifo is liko a
cold bath in winter wo nil hesitato at
(lie fiist plunge.
IProuillieS, K, aolilenllrn.
"Kuril Kou" In Iov!-Tli ril
ling Advciiluro Willi u r;-
iniilu Nlrctit .Tlnnlclliii.
I'tiitrvun or this Gouir.n Kiia.
Scrrnc Hurt : I inuil ipeko ! Ml feel-,
ins nr work In Intlda of mo liko n liotlle'
of stntiul bier In dogilflziyiml If J don't
liml vi'iit fur mil, 1 ilull butt And run1
outtnto itrcanin of liquid iiiunlck audi
wgnrfliouiu mo1aiu'l Oil I Olil Oli!
Kut mo up Into pceceii n littto ns tliu.'
pogi ; run mo thru n tx lion tlirnaliln
mniiliOfii nml n uniutintll; puUciizo mo
In quurtz cruilier, nml dlixilvo me In
wnrm.wnter, nnd cvry inlkroslcotilc nt-
nn of Kuril Kob will ling of l.uv.
Kut mo up into snmngcii, nud tlio link
will ktirl inti)juze.iarpsnnd trombotici,
to pla thumofodiof luv, nnd frl nio.nnd
tliu ravy will mll of luv.
; Kuiilil lint dun liU barberoiu.i
woik, anil i in ictciivu gone in-iiiijrunict that li
luv ail over. .Mi paihun is not such a
B , ,,it ,k,ibo, which
. ', , ,i.
"Kltili iu iiurc. ami orlcln In yutli'i
I.'.cci-Iiiu nlilrlwlii'l of JifuDiiUt I ml,
LMiaMilorreOsckllT read's enlu, J'
v... u i - ...A i..ii
', "", i ' " "
L-a ito with nn nch noalf. nnd as
.....!.. a. . ! l.iivili.r.nAHIA If! fl
.ii.iB u ii .B.m.u ,u....-....v...v ... -
galo ol wind. And it kan't bo put out
jany uoro than tlio fires of Vcuutius
with asqulrt.gun, or the fucrco bluxes '
of ilia sun by tliu curies of n bareludcd ,
planlaihun nigger. I'vo trideovry thing
to brini it down to tho kool temiiuru
.luroorivajn kolu oaths, starvahun,
1 1 u i ii hi vcv'ss n wv4 "ya
fuzick am! whliky bul
feckt; it ksn't bo choki
fluick and whuky hut all without ol
feckt: it ksn't bo chokid down, mid I
l.H( .t imt lin1ilsnl..( in Inl It l.urM fit.
".. t"'- .. ... ...-.
I. ts and nuorte.s.
ml sole the furst thno she put her hand
' Intnml !.k!t of nee.
....-...-..-.. .......................
knuts, andiKdj-rUorii-eViul ttr,.
yu Walnuts XkVo(rt,r:fTVn -
ino lurst timo I kum akrots her wos
in n Uor seller, on Mundy nite. Luv
at furst site wos the konsrquence. As
Sezcrsed,"! kame, I saugh," but she
a a aa ,m a k a.
konhtnl. All inlairtiiiliun roraclitrls.
ses diajicard in a niin'tt, and when the
kum round, I giv her n dollar and six
bits all tho mumiy I bad, I cudn't
slepo that idle. Sum how or utber,
Dutch guils and akordlans run In ml
lied and kept me attnke, and when to-
fwards mornln 1 did drop into a dozo, I
ilicintd or will, felt happy to think,
whenlnwoak, tho law cudn't prose.
Kute a man for his dremes !
Tlio next da I got worse. The leven1
of luv kept workin in mo liko a pot of
intent veatt. until I found ml hoto sis. ,
tim tlnglin with it. For three daze and
ultcs I Iridcto chi
boko it doun, using nil,
tbn norm-rtnalinnanf mnilprn atftni-i. lint
, . , -..., .. V w.. . . .... ., .
to no purpose. 1 tride to flzzick it out
l"f ..
ui 11
ml clitlm with kaster lie and kalo-
but tho meditln didn't hav enny
moro iTieckt under tho cerkumstnnces
than so mutch kornnicel and water. 1 ,
triJo to starve It out; but It woudn't1
do, for sutcb luv wud sustauo lifo six
months of itself. I trido to drown it J
!',ter had the saim effeckt on mo that It
uui uijuinpm 11110 1110 iia, oui 1110 tv.v.
hat on hidrofuby it only maid it wors.
I trtdo whisky ; that only intlamcd and
maid It unmanageable. I put a
btlttcr on ml stuuunicU and trido to
draugh It out, but after kcepin it on tlx
ours, i felt kontinccd that ml hole In
sides wud kum furst.
Nothlu wits left mo but to hunt up
ml ntiivil nml tli in itiltnlfnt liar fut.
I'dld so. Itwns ten o'klock ntnlr.B.mid"why I jutt tu""-'J "t fuf bhnl'
ler. 1 naro was no ono nccr. J to;.er n fallacy, whereby I havo long
1111 iiaiait uuun, mm upprunciu. 1 at-
tempted to talk herhaud.bulcndn t. At
last I hit upon n plan; 1 held out a bit
'In tho gats-lito,and at tho tride to git
lit.l grabbed uer hand nnd prett it to ml
boozum, nt tlio taim timo pourui out ml,
luv in nur 111 (iri'tu nuti pueiry, tviiicu,
to mi unspeakable joi, 1 found tlm re
turned with nil tho ardor of her inusikle
ofLsole. Almost krazv with' tho dlskuvcrv.
...... .1 -'
1 cud not resist tlio lempttttiiuu 01 em-
hrasiti her befoar partiti, to which sho
had no objeckshutu. Sho razed her
arms, with tho nknrdlau in ono hand ;
but jutt as I wos in tho nckt of foldin
her to tho hart of Korn Kob, wo mist
our footin at tho top of tho stares, and
roled noutly into the saloon belo, tlio
akordian, as it went doun with us,tum
timea over and tumtimes under, with
lurtt 0110 ko lifted and then nuuther,
gittlu oph owful muslek, Nether ofut
wos mutch hurt, and as ovry body wos
drunck belo, wo got oph without nt
trnoktiit mutch nttonshuii. I maikmon
slum of this littlo insident to verrjll what
Mr. Shakospier Iihb sed that truo luv
novcr did run smooth, and this npplUe
pnrllckulnrly to luv runnln dounnpnro
of utarcs back ward. '
Howovcr, tvr thlnj; gozo itratotiow,'
We nro eugnuod to be married at toon I
a wo git ritcli, which I kalkulato will
bo about next year, unlcii I chatng mi
mind bofoar; tliiskan hardly be poiiiblr,!
however, fur within tho pait fow da7
mi pnihun bat bokum so nnguvcmablei
that 1 have bin kotnpclld to ibavo mil
lied, talk aolti twico a ua, anu liatlin ml
foto In kobr wnter uito nnd inoniln.
'Clio Koltt aro koolin.
Youn, fvolin aa tlio
I was kompozed oLcqaal narti
Of Holian harps, haio-drums
And moiaiea kandy,
I'. K. V. Knitx Kon.
Ptii'nririv m Mfil'VT Vratrvf .....
'fho Into nc wi from Kuropo contalm
'nccounti ofn new eruption of .Mount
Vciutlus unon n L-rand acalc. tho
occured for centu.
nes. i no report oi in suonmc
irrntideur bad nttractod thousands
. f. nt. II
lfrom all parts of Kuropo to witness tho
-.... ..! Ilin snail IrAin Jnnlttl In
'27, 1
-.-'"" " J ". ."" "' .
tinually crowded with spectators going
. i .V.i.. ri. .ni.i.. ?.t ii,
a . 'I
volcano Aro reprcseniea to naro been .
u,rri0c amJ tho lava poured over tbo'
j 0)- l0 CMjer jn ,g0 gwelling!
w'av(,f ,,,. downward and on-i
wftn, oyor villc..arUl anj villages that
la( ilourlshed for centuries. Tho lava'
like torrents of burning brass moved
slowly but unresistingly forward, his-l
sing and sparkling as it met with ob.(
sUclcs in tho way, then accumulating
and flowing over tlieni, "eating up lendeavor to swallow it. He was care,
every green thing." Houses and stone jru. treated, with cool cloths applied
,wall fences, furnished no elTectual 't0 j.jg i,eaj ,,,,,,1 poultices to hi
resistance to its course, It Unwed down reeti and the administration or nr.odyno
a reiistleis sea of fire. The sides of (Mui nourishing enemata, but ho died in
tho crater resembled thoso of n rod hot . tCiity hours after be was admitted,
boiler. It was feared that tho towns , 'rlie peculiarity of the hyrophobb
ofSf. Scbastlano, Matin, di Somme, poison li, that it may slumber In tlm
and Polltna, would bo dcstroyed, ,y item for somo time, and then begin
Cercula has already fallen, and it was t0 cxert t, terrible power in some un
ihoogbt that a destructive explosion, expected moment. This patient was
lli.A.,.tn-. lii.i,. ,n.L..nil t.tlAanr I,,, p. 't.. n l.t.r t. .-I
l In... li ilirillpil """"'"b ""o" '""""" i'"v- --- . umeii nro weeks ociurn ne was utaen
v, now 111 In , ft,b(!i rar anj ncar.and scattering ,0 n10 hospital, and the wound was per
9 she nut her hand .1 ?i. 1 . .i l,i .n.,t.,n '., ..,',,. . ... ... .1 f..
".. .--. ,
,m granu eruption.
b 1 "
, uni-nx. uoniiiig ocrui. uii cnj.
boat from Ilrootyn to New ork city
I a gentleman, one or tho last ruon-ovi
dently, drove on board atarapid ratc.'lj nmj iookng up tho black bonnet
..a 1 .. H .am ws.A.awA
aim ncany ran '"':lu,u""
Ids bono by the bridlo and brougut
him to a standstill.
"What do vou mean, "said the dri-
lng individual, "by catching hold of
my bono V
'"What do you mean by driving over
pcoplo In this kind of a way t"
"Let go of my hone, I tell you !"
"I'll seo you bung first"
The man leaped out of his buggy,
and coming rapidly upon tho other,
whip in hand, cried out :
"I sav let no of that bono."
"I sav.I won't till I cet ready."
"Well, then," said tho driver, throw
lng Ids whip Into tho carriage, "jutt Mrg paUeri0'D, that had been discover
hold him, wil you t" and ho walked ed nt IowelL(lI be contentou,
into tho cabin. 'jand umuovablo under mottthings,"said
That was at ntiiet. nnd nolle as ccte .1... i.i.i .1.:. 1. . r, 1I..1 r
a way to settle a dunuto as that adopt-
cd by Js'ookt when he met Stooks in
a tight place, and neither could turn
out without somo dang
their retnactlvo carts.
turn out," said iSooKs,
iikI na I did h man I met half a mile
I 1. I I.. !.... -...I. .l.ta ' i
HACK nere III JUJI aueu o juauu aa una.
Stookt was impressed by tho decision
which Nooks displayed, and promptly
'complied with the request ; but just 111
ho was getting by, ho inquired,
I "How ubout that man you met
.how did you servo him I"
"Well, you sec," said Nooks, "when
I found hu wouldn't turn nut for me,
,1 JlcntN to-day. Lord, 1 do discor-
'deceived myself; Which IS tilts ; 1 nave
)teslrctl to begin my amendment from
nly birthday, or from tomo emtnent
'festival, that so mv rcnontanco might
'u0nr .omo r..maikab!o dale. But when
those days were come, I havo adjourn
ed my amendment to somo other time.
thus, whilst 1 couiu not ngreo wim
myself when to start, I havo almost lott
tho tunning of tho rate. I am rotol
vod thus to befool myself no longer.
I seo no day but today ; the inatant
is always tho fittest time. In Nebuch
adnezzar's image tho lower the mem
ber, tho coartor tho metal. Tho far
thor ofl' tho time tho moro unfit. To
day Is tho golden opportunity to-mor-ro
v will bo tho silvor season, noxt day
but tho brazen one, mid ao 011, till at
last I thai como to tho toes of clay,
and bo turned to dust. Grant,- there
fore, that o-day I may hear Thy voice.
And if this day bo obscure In tho cat.
under, uud rcmarkablo In itself for
nothing else, give 1110 to mako it mem
orablo in my soul, hereupon, by Thy
attittance beginning tho leformatlon
of my life, J'uUcr.
Homo leodi haro been reerlvrd at
tho Patent Office from New Orleans
for diitribution, which aro mod In Ht,
Ucrnard'a Parish, Louiaiana,for tho euro
of hydrophobia. Tho plant originally
camofrom Mexico, and tlio secdialonii
aro employed for effecting n euro of thll
peculiar dlnonsc. The Way to uio it i, '
t sleep tlio aevda in wino for about 24
bonri thren iceda U a full doio and
three dotei aro givon to a patient etery
day, for nine day.
I ho ducovcry ot n nerlect antiUola
for hydrophobia would really be ono ofr
the molt important eror made in inedl-'
cine, for although many inbstnncei
havo, from time to time, been brought
forward at curatlvci, atill no one haa
really proved so. Tlio caio of a patient
who died In tho New Yo'k Iloipilal
on tbo fifteenth of .May, proves that this
illicimn til tint nllnrri.tlirr trfll nampd.-
Vn, nhviieinn found, thai tbo moil dla.
tresilng part of the malady is tho dW.
,u ,) '. t ..Mn,, ..l.U
- ' --- ,..-.- .
from sharp spaimodlc action of mosclea
. . . s
C"C "eu " ."" ,u"c" "Mno'n?
.omeunici even lo inose oi mo ncc
nd chest, and nroduclnir a feolinir of
. """ I'u"cmH iboih'B m
alarming constriction of tho organs of
respiration, caatmg almost epmplete,
though temporary luffocation, and thua
aggravating if not actually exciting tlio
convulsions, with the moroor less vio
lent contortions and discoloration of tho
countenauce,protrus!on of tho eyeballs,
and other actiro and piinlul symptoms.
U'Jt ho experienced no tlreau 01 tbo
.-, 0f watCr, and oven took somo In
,1,1s mouth, but found great pain In an
.ccuy ue.t.oo, out, .iuiiiii3ii me i.i
tlambcrcd so long in bis system, it at
lasLy. It fearful work. . , . .
Mm. 'Pahtixotox u Ixdioxaxt. .
Tho khadotv of something dark fell on
tho paper wo were perusing, on Satar-
s "- m a k k
orfllrs.rarlInBton brooded nbove our
'ieaj Jiko n de
detached thunder cloud.
Wo taw at onco that something was
wrong. Tlio brow of the dame wast
troubled like a mountain lake in No
vetnber,. her eye, 'in tho caverrrous
gloom of tho bonnet seemed uuwon.
tedly brilliant, ber voico vrtis trema '
lous as though bent feeling was strug
gling with some philosophical thumb
that was holding it back. "S68 here,"
she said, at length, and laid a 'front'
cript before us, much soiled and crura if ashamed ofiUfflf: "an barn" .
I pointing to a paragraph ineinuatlnir
tlmt It was Mra. Pa.rilnrrtnn. nni
lcalJ.t ltand anvhow. What Is it that
( uavo iivad t(;onl, virlU0UI jf 1 m u,
Hher could turn 'to trMlciJ witl ,$, vilo cliomoLtthi
;orof overturning I 'al , Dou.t ..ou lUu,k j coM ovei au
"If you don i,,B,lnchment0l lho jitor for ft jabci Y
1, "III servo jriWoBaw that tho was excited, mid not
to trMlciJ witl vilo cliomoUtthi.
wishing to ruin tho TraiucriiU, we in
formed ber that it was probably a
typographical error, and that tho edi
tor would undoubtedly correct it. Sho
went down stairs to join Ike. who
stood down stain, watching tho opora
tiont of Mr. Saunders, railway. Hat'
Ion Post.
CiioLEitt Pkizk. Since 1649, a
prizo of ono hundred thousand dollars
has been oltered by lue rrvneti Acade
my of Science, for a prescription which
would cure tho Asiatio cholera in a ma
jority of cases. At a lata sitting of the
Academy, it was decided that not ouo
of tho many suggestions which bad
boen offered was worth a farthing. It
has now been determined that any per
son who shall discover a positive indi
cation of tho causes of tbo disease, 10
that by the removal of them it will dis
appear, or who shall discover n sure
preventive, sucli ns vaccination is lor
tho small-pox, shall bo entitled to re
ceive tho prize. There is hkowlso a
ttanding ofTer of 5,000 francs for a dem
onstration of tho exlttenco, In the ter
rettrial atmosphere, of any matter or
anlmalculto operative in the .propaga
tion ofepidomlo diteatea. Set. Am.
To IIu.novate Silk Duessks.
Take tho water in which potatoes
have been boiled, dip therein a clean
sponge, rub carefully, then take a cloth
and wipe evenly ou tho surface. Po
tatoe water, not only lenows the lustra
of silks, but stiffens them as if starch
ed. Gentlemen's ci avals treated In
this mannor have all the appearauc
of new goods. " '