The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, August 09, 1855, Image 2

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    lilmpquct (Gmjcttc.
door wkst scnrrsnimn itoi'sis.
TlntrMlity, Augit't 0, 1853.
G. J. B. DOYlf EDlM"
m m iraii is us
Lust Dim 2
All thoso owing ui for twelve months or
wore, who wo know nro able to jtij m, nrc
noticed that If they tloa't send us tlic amounts
due by the 15th of August, wo will put our
.accounts Into the bands of au officer fcr
rolWction. If that won't da, we'll try the
"Mack llit." Birds that "cm ttug, nnd
won't sins, Quit be made sin;."
July :o.
Ilcsldcurc ol Gfticrul T,:iiio.
Whltaen a. tour U.rouch the turner tisrl ,
rf this valley, recently, we bad the plea.-,!
nre of visiting the residence and home of """ ' propriety, nnu n -u know iiscn in
rnrdlstlDguIhedfIIoiT-cIlltcn,n:x.lMNU. i tlmattly nnd we think It do," at least In Its
The Gcuernl has a Icnutltul land claim, , nioro ,ucM Intervals, It could'nt satlsfacto.
situate J on the usln rend leading frcm the illy demonstrate to Itself a few evenings
Willamette Tlley south, nbout balf.wayi !' "'h' " WM located on Family
between tha villages tf Winchester and How or Commercial strctt. to such a fright
Deer Crejk, In Douglas County. The trnv-u M pitch were Its hitherto quiet nerves work
rllir who has pasttd through this fait of ed up by the enormous heaviness of Its head
the country could not have filled In arm- ' Hut Init week our arliite took otT these
ing at the tame conclusion that wo have, ij undue rrc.crtIons, since which tlrao the
that' this Is oae of the tajst beautiful and
picturesque spots In the territory. The
country Is made np of bsauttful II ttte priN
rles t urrounded by hilts. Thcio prairies arc
generally covered with the best of grass
the whole year, (the grartbopptr this sta
son have completely mowed them,) while
the td'aecnt bills afford tlmtcr of every v.
rletr, pine, oak, cedar, fir, &c This part
uf tha country Is the belt adapted for'j
firming and stock growing of any wc have jl
ever seen In anrcountrr. without excctdlonj'
The Tallert are small.aad water and timber
Is ahooJant. anJ as eonrmleot as roul.l U- i
wished for. In one of the choicest of tUcso
little valleys, Gen. Lane ulectcd a lsnd
claim lomo two years slice, for the many
natural advantages It pessctted for stock
growing and agricultural purposes, and we
much sdmtrs tin taste the General has ex
hlblttd In his selection
nt- 1 1. '
ills ivuso is millfc
on sn eminence from which a splendid vlew
of lbs surrounding country Is had. Altho",
tvcrtltieo bis location hire be has been,
nearly all the time tngiged with public du
ly, yet Lis claim bears evidence that be hss
not leen lite In the Interim, and that he Is
a good practical farmer as well ns. a great,
General and statesman. A commodious
house bos been built, and Gnlsbcd In a com
fortable and substantial manner. About 30
acres of the claim has been cultivated this,
year, and we here noticed one of tha most
promising looking gardens we have teen
this season, which wo were pained to see
being daily destroyed by the blighting rav
ages of the grasshoppers. ll
We fennd the General busily engsged la.
barrelling Lis small grain, planning opera-'
tlons for more extensile improvements, Ac!
We were not surprised to tee this ; we werol
aware that Gtn. Lane was not only tbeorct.
ically, but practically n democrat a man
although possessing an enviable national'
reputation who Las wen renown and Irn-1
perishable fame by Lis brilliant achieve-'
ments and military skill In Mexico, yet,
who Is not afraid to work, to swing the'
scythe and hold the plow with his own hands'
whose bappleit momenta (as ho tcld us)
were tpent In tilling the so.l, in seeing bis
labor rewarded with a bountiful harvest, In
witnessing bis herds fattening on the luxu-)
riant grass, and sweeping over the beautN
ful valleys. Wc were forcibly reminded of
similar Inclinations and disposition of other1
eminent Americans. The "father of his
country," the Immortal Washington, was'
proud to hare on opportunity to labor en
bis firm and to witness the growth of his
crops. These are tie kind of men that,
made America free, nnd these arc the kind j
that will steer her straight through all con. I
tending elements. Such men hive a com-'
mon sympathy with all classes of people,
and particularly the laboring class, who arc
the legitimate rourco of the greatness and
wealth of alt nations, and who should be
encouiaged as far as practicable by judl
clous acts of legislation. Such men Lave
been and arc yet the true Amer'oica, true
Republicans, and true Democicts, In theory,
sentiment and practice, of this great coun
try. To-day an humble cltlz:n, mingling
with his Cocks and herd), laboring with hit
hands, and earning his "bread by the sweat
of bis brow," and to-morrow he Is In the
councils of the nation, discussing great mea
eur.'t for tha bcncGt of the psoplc, and as
sisting In framing laws fur their mutual in
tercets and protection ; ready at all times to
'ctcr the battle lIcU In defence or the liber
ties and honor of bit country. Such is the
rhsraeter and disposition of Gen. Lane.
When wo witnessed Low comforluUo LU
family wcr situated Low pleaiantly Le
rcemed to enjoy himself turroundid by his
children ond friends how it pained Llm t
think of separating himself nga'u from them
ko Boon no could scarcely think that there
was ono In our bud so lost to nil thame, to
all sense or honor, to justice, to truth, to
attempt to Injure Gen. Lan's private char-
aoter, as was attempted to be done prior to
nlectloo, by n bane, malicious, nnd fulK'
publication by one or the ilandcr-dcallng
nonymnua wjrlbblew or the Ortgonian,
rrs h IH Ic Irtter thsu tt wa supposed cv-n '
Dryer would ttoop, and thwe vho witnessed
his humiliation nt tbo'polltlcal meeting at
Winchester, when a certain nillclo In Ills
paper was referred to.wlll rcn Illy understand
to what wo refer The slander recoiled ou
the perpetrators, nd so dlgustcd many
honest whlgs tint they renounced Dryer
Gaines & Co.,nnd went tu work icalously for
General Lane. There Is no man la the world
who is more sincerely attached to his family
an 1 who more pi I Jo In Indulging
In Ihoio social qualities which make the
(amity circle a place to bo coveted, than Jo.
Oin IIiap. If any of our readers are
troubled with the "blghcad" and the fact
hat been established beyond a llngcilug
doubt, that It Is now prevalent and raging
to a frightful extent In our very midst let
thcra do as we have done, frankly ncknowl.
edge It nnd try nnd a remtdy. Our
head, that Is to say the head of our rnrnr
! was trnnliliMl with thft Witi'.lirail !' n tnntli-
er Partington would say, It bad the "dis
traction of the brain," o- something rise,
which from lt top-hcvIncs was producing!
frightful ravages on the delicto constitution
and other portions of our said paper. In
.fact Ithadnultolost Its equilibrium (Jones,
I who has been looking over our shoulder, the
rogue, suggests that he never heard It called
lT nl " bcforcl-and well nigh Its
( court tits known Herself more satisfactorily
'If not mire Inlinntely, and we are bapjy
to say Is now convalescent. If any of our
rea'eraaro troubled with a Aeapy AtaJ, we
, adilsc them to ue soda water freely, and
I abstain, young man alitain, from the too
frequent use ot ttrouger Illations. We have
tried la mo I there we go again that l,
i . .
out win paper has men ti wun eminent
tucccsji. No, dear reader, 'make a note
u''.' Th, "r? finable Information wo'd
ll&TC botn ElTn you l ek but for want
r ro"m' nnJ u now n" on account of
.. . ,
Wc shall con-'
" pttnlirul ItCK or news,
l,,nue slT',ott dissertations on probsble
that ther are verv troublesome un counir I
. '
Is to beat turpentine red hot. and then
-..1,1. it,. !. n.i tmm.,.A ii.i. .n,.
extremities In'the said turpentine, which!
they tell us kills the flea Instantly. Our
preKrlrllon Is very minute about the neccs-
slly of catching the flea. And while we'
think cf It we Kllljusto-ld that all kinds of1
fruits msy be preserved forever In the same
?& We Lops the "city fathers'' will have
ft fIiiA Mfi am 11 Ami mV rttirt npAiisi. '
loa to prevent the hogs from literally taking
the town. They hate undermined our or.
flee and taken pissesslon or the cellar, an 1
fu consequence U, that thero not being
rojra enough ror both fleas and hogs, the
fleas fled and have taken possession or our
ssnetura, and driven us into the garret,
Mn... a,.. 1,11. .i.b.i. .1.1..1,.
menu; and on these occasions they express '
ll.A.irl..a wmm i. . . ..f . ax I ba ha .lAnl.t '1
- n.lw.1.t
, . . ... .. .... t. a. a.'
prlnciiwilitlcs' without resisting tbelr aggTcs
tlon. We bad our band of fleas carefully
caraled under the house, but the bogs have,
rooted them out. Now, wc have talked to
preventives lor uiocr nnuujauccs. ror in III lite recent wiiiiiiem tnn.npa, ti,..- -- r-- ------ -- 5' , , . , , nn ' "1 v o ....v.-. .... - ( j
' stance, wc have Ju.t room to say that the 'ell stated In a ;k-ocIi in Jacksonville ," mcioiirc 01 which wo nvno iiioj a,l,, lie was tli.cliatge.l.
Ibcstmcdeto citermlnale flcas-(they are' . that tho "liuio bad tieen when a whig, attention or tlio public, Mid tlio author., Wm ) Unn(ll.tU ii.ado a balloon
' not very bad here, there nctbelng more than dam'topen his mouth in this Territory," ilw at nj l.ington. will bo found the ', r,(lin Adtian City, Michigan,
'anwlrtoerfrTSnuare fuot. l.nt ll.rr . which Was trtlO SO far M llO W.11 COIL ll '"" " " Uottol , Oil ICCOIIIIt Of lllr ... . . . . 1(mi,,. ,, lid lltf.
these gruntm with "tear, in ooreyes" on mck um,t.. n.11I1(.ig , .
the propriety f their restoring he, j, 1)row (YL!t0 tv,.r i ,ie ,erco at any
scs to Its rightful owners; we have Riven, omj ,, n1(j C0liwu.,v the claim
them the "clean law" upon the subject; of , ,,. , ,ors lliisii 83S0 isct animal.
the probable coniequtncesofa suit In chan-jVgBn( jjri.w ca;,na aml j, noivi-il
eery, tor ejectmen'. and rorclble entry and g-jjijo for Hour furnished for tlmt sir
det.lrer. liut they are deaf lo our cntrca- j vi(.e M le ow rul(J of (0lty ccllU pt.r
tles.tpurn our depreeallons, and have a 'ji ,o7f) cts is nllowed for colT.-o,
most perfect contempt for Mr. niackatone.
So we have arrived at the conclusion that
hogs are liO per rent, worse than women
i.hcn they take a notion to 1 perverse. As
a dernier rcorl no petition the bon. city
fathers for rtlief, and we will be very hum.
lb as all prayerful petitioners are.
Another 1 11 ill mi ITInasncrc.
SevcMKr.n Men' Killko! By late arri
vals from the touth we understand that the
Indiana near tho mouth (if Humbug, recent
ly attacked a party of whites in tho night
nhllo they were sleeping, and killed seven.
teen men. We have no particulars. If the
report proves correct- and It seems to be
pretty well corroborated thero should be a
war or extlrmlnatlon commenced against
these murderous red devils, Immediately,
and kept up until there Is not one left. We
are no advocates or mob law, tut this seems
to be the only course left to ensure the safe
ty of the lltes of our citlicns and their
pfjpvrty. Treaties seem to do them no
gjod, nnd their depredations appear to be
on tho Jncriatc. We understand that Dr.
McKInney and Mr. Flanagan, tbe latter
formerly or this valley, nre among the mur
$Jr Tho Standard and 2'i'mes Portland,
having exhausted all other subjects or con
tention, nro now fighting about tbe proprie-
of firming n new Ilepubllo out or the l'a-
ciflo States. The Htandard I rather raror
ably Inclined toward the project, while the
Times Is decidedly opposed to It, and gives
Mr. Standard 'purtlklar pbltt' tor Lis te
merity, in ft style 1 ccullar to tho Times' ed
itor. Look well- to your laurels Lelsnd,
Tor ycu haro a uirrnldnble opponent, ond
liinlt'h. you bio lniprrrlou tn the assault of
' tolncco Jn'ce, mi rniy 'go In.'
f& llustness during tho past week tins
been very brisk. Ono small house bai been
removed precisely two feet eleven belies,
and elevated another has been decapitated.
Potty It uhtuually tow, while smlmoa bus
rlz. Two new boarding houses liaveaprnng
Into existence, nnd havea"locnl habitation"
but as yet no name. Speaking of business
reminds us Ih tt Nicholson ,V Moore rcccltod
n, line lot of goods by last arrival, which
they nretcllltigcheap. Some artleleswhlch
got slightly wet at Inst wreck, but which arc
very little damaged, they nro, selling for less
than cost. Call and sco Mcsirs. N. A M-i
and we don't think you will go amy dlssat
Islled. (ttr Wc understand Hint n vcsel,tlu
schooner "Astoria." nctuHtly snileil
for the Uinpiiu.i from San Francisco,
itbout tlio S 1st till. Wo expect n tari-o
uppljr of pnpor liy lU Should It full Ut
oomo lo lintiti, howeyt-r, our renJcts
may ptcparo tlicmscives tor niioinei
suspension in n few weeks. Wo fear,
hut still have hopes. Wc'vlH do some
tiling desperate soon, If something don't
"turn tip," our disappointments nro
getting beyond endur.inco.
(ttf l. V, Iskiivkr, K., will deliver
tho next nnnual address beforo tho
.Marlon County Agitcullurnl Society,
tFrom tie Oregon Statesman
Ilspotlilloit Id right tlit
Dr. tin Ciii:uk, Dunn. vs Co.,
July fi. 1 8.15
A. Ili'su, I'.xi jVciiroir; In tin-
last Urrgouitii I notlcci n letter I'lOin
It. F. L) J well, commonly known In tlio
Southern country n "collir-moulhcdl
l " II.A..A ..TIdl n lltn li.l-.fl'
..... v . i . .. .. - , .i
itn mo crnchon voice, it is ruined his voice in tho winter
.if lS.V'-a ulitlo ho a cninu. ilJur'Coinimiyiiij,' nccouns, is nn to mi n .mi.
for sale at n dolhr nnd n q uar t c
. ' . .
nor lb. Durlni: tlioto memornMe ttnr
...i(li... it... ..a ll..t,utl Mrttt'.til l.t Inrh
sonvilbt with ii load of Hour, nnd ctiiii.'"!V1, bjCl)rg ,utt wUI''
inoncod lo sell it out nt llfty cts per lb.;1
but toon increased his extortlonato do, I
innnds until ho raised it up as high as n
......w. ...... .j .. .. . . ., .... -.
down ; his idce f.tiletl him, nnd ho has
'not recovered it to tills d.iy.
"cerned. lur unlil lio bcc.iino sanguine
' - ., , ... .1.1 I .!...
1 01 1110 Knowiioiiiioga mm um n.-suwi.
uf finlnoa. ha una nrofcsiodlv neutral
in polilies.but like many oilier neutrals,
, " claimed to bv ns goou n uemocrai
' col"li '" lou,lu "' "'.gn
I':l,t umnicr when Chits. S. Drew,
""en Quarter-niaster General of the Or-
t-uon Militia, was organizing bis rxiio
dition to "light the emigrant" on lhi-
southern road, Dov.-ll was nmoog tho
first to Invest in thai infamous siktuIb
tlon. It is now gcuernlly coiicrded thali
this expedition was unnecessary
Ktiptlittiin was uimteessarv nnd
vklmlli' iiih-i.IIkI fur no hostility
on tho southern route indeed the w holo.
airair was gotten ujt lor me purMjie 01
tpecuUtmg olT tlio Geitcrul l.overn-.
,'" The greater poition of the lor.
ge, transportation, provisions, hospital
' and ordinance stores, cVc, for the i-x
ped.t.on were furmshvd either by the
i..h..Ias mast,. limiulf IP Soma ill Itlk
IIUIIIKI IlldllCI MMM-Mt W V w. ...-
nartiiera in Lu$iuf, or reUlioi.
I , . ......f Hun nrnur .l.mif.
' that ho has allowed tlio clati
UU IIIU it UII VI v.. s." - '
of hi.
brother, II. J. Drew, for tlicuio of park
limits hi that service, amounting to the
.,..,....., .,1 OOCTI'.t Vn i.imi-.-
and tho same for bacon; 50 cts per lb,
is charged and allowed for sugar ami
salt. Vet CIms. S. Dreiv.tpiaiter.mas
ter, "ceitiths that all thoto articles wore
purchasrd at tho loicttt market price,
and that he was in no way interested
in the purchase." Messrs. Pearson anil
Hunter, supposed partners of. tho cpjar.
ter-mastcr, havo alto large claim of u
similar character. '
Il appeara,tliiit Mr. Pearson was paid
and is allowed 8r0 bcr month for rent
for four months of ollico fur the quarter
master, while it Is well known In Jack
sontillo that C. S. Drew kept his orn'c.
in his own bouse, and that Pearson
owned no interest In the homo unless
by virtue of his copartnership with
Mr. Hunter, another partner in this
enterprising firm, of Drew, Dowill cV
Co., is allowed 8U per lb. for powder,
.10 cts per lb. for lend; 75 cts for shot;
$10 per thousand for porcutaioh caps,
A;c. Dr. Cleavland, lute of the Coun
oil, and ns a member of which body In
voted for the resolution Hiking G'cn
Lnno to get an appropriation to pn,
ditto bills, another personal and polit
;cal friend of tho distinguished Gen
Diow, is allowed 620 per oz. for Qui
iilno, alto 82 per oz. fur cubebs, Copo
via, and Parugnrio ; charges for oilier
Hospital stores furnished by Dr. Clove
laud nro of a character. Among
tho rest, 88 per gallon is allowed for
braudv.' Tho miscellaneous items of
the expenses of this service include ma
ny very singular and interesting stores
for a campaign in tho mountains 812
per ream Is charged for fools cap paper;
81 per bottle for ink ; Urgo umountt
ire allotted for onp, candles ami olbtr
extras. .
l'orltnns Dowcll'n bill ll fslr ipecl
men of tho rest, nnd for tlio i(llfleolnn
of tho yoml denioernts who rend lltf
s'tiilesnmn, nnd livlluvo In tho ocononi.
iinl mlmlnistratlon of tlio govoriiinont,
wo wlU Biibjidn Dowi'll'a nrcount n
irnlnsl tho United Slates In full. Com
incut Is iiiiiieut'smiry wlicn wo considei
iliatQiinrU'r-mssti'r Uonernl Drew lias
col tilled Ihnt nil thrso oxlrarnnnt di
mauds nro just tlmt tlio nrliclvs furti
Islii'd worn purvli.isod nt tlio lowust
mnrltrl piicc, nnd Ihnt he Is lit no wn.t
intcresteil in tho purclinsc.
30 nnlmils todays at SI
KU Hut lasli rope, at
'i black rasps,
1 huWhcl.
4 hulls twtuo,
2 sail needles,
1! rutlillrr's unls,
It avis with liehes,
1 eullee-nilll,
2 rainpkctlles,
2S frying pans.
i:t l.ruail puis,
20 tin Clips,
3.tNldtii blMikits,
(! lbs. pun dor,
IHIls. lend,
1 M per lb.
:i 00 apiece,
I on
I 00 apiece,
0 flO "
0 SO "
10 HO "
0 00 "
II 110 "
i IHI "
3 HI) "
1 Od
4 00 ''
3 00 "
80 '
74 "
10 It, shut,
3 lux's percutlilon caps & HO per box,
1 but stivl peus,
4 00
l Lome ink,
4 quires uf paper,
1-2 ilotcii pencils
1 spring tnl.wice,
All lbs. louf sugar,
8,i lbs. rice,
31 lbs.,
TlllU. beit,
VH'J Itis. pork,
SCJO lbs. Hour,
7A lbs. suar,
3:uUh collie,
lit; lb'. U-nns,
& gills, vluegiir,
3 00
I 1)0 nplccc,
1 30 "
4 DO
73 per lb.
621 "
75 "
30 "
74 '
. l " 1
All " '
C 00 per cat.
I would like to accompany tlio nbovo
nllli sonio oxlracts fr.nii the) iriarlrr-
mnslcr's report to (Jov. Curry. It is n
I'.Ifli siiKfltMPii ofnilhtirv iloniie ncr. .
, ,. I " . ... ;,
' l"" a m """ " ' ",0
rH P"uelloii Indee. I; It it coucl.o.
I. a ll... I..l.sal ati n s s I n ll . 1 isl f.tliiitls Hllil'
til HIV lH.r atjiv t riiiMi s jsws i-,m tss
Is such a model of Its kind nsvnu lutvol
Hut I will not
trespass farther upon our spurn at this
time. W. J. MAltTIV.
'Hie Stitennan otlitor comments n
follows upon tho nbovo commutiicntiou:
In tho letter of Citpt, Mntlio, which
exHciillion in iigni ino emigrants.
l.f . ...!. . .1
ii . ..i ii.t. ... .i i ... .1... t i
Tho Items of this bill, as given, Pi,.cll,ck , ,ho , Asking thej
correct, for wo have caused then, to bo ., f .,. , rour lljur,.(
coniparoil will, the U, is or. tile in-1 ie
Gonernor odicc, matin out and cerli '
lied by C.S. Drew, Lite Qr. Mit.ter'l
G'eneMl. 'H-e other bills on filo thero. ' .
on account of this sclieru light tho'
ondgrantt" and plunder I'nclo Saiii.nio
of the same character, rxhorbilint bo.
y ond degree, or paralhd. Wo subjoin
a few items wlilcli wo liavo cnplrtlnur.
Bidf from tha ronurt of llir Into Or. Mas.
tor Ceiioral. Drew. We conv from
the medicine bills:
Capsules, per oz.,
lliisiin CupasU, per oi.,
C'uUU, per nt.,
fincct Sp'ta Nitre, r ox.,
Illue alius, jwr o...
Cb. lagugiie, IT bottle,
Quln.ue. per ox.,
Srldlltt Powders, per box.,
I'arazorle, ixros.,
1 SO
Sniiiu ol llieio nro queer articles (or'
an expedition of that kind, unless tltoy
Hxp.cte.1 to take tick Indians prisoner..,
And thoto price, are all rather refttja.i.1
sa a .
ing for haul limes ami tlull saler. All,
theso niticles G'en. Drew certifies "on
honor were vurchattd ut thr. loicetl atih
prre :" somttimes at the "lowest mar-
Co.nuitiom ornii: "Amrrica." It
.... . . r. r .,
appears tlial ttiero is more lett ot mc
steamship America than was at first
anticipated. Tho Crescent City Iter'
aid, of July 'lib, siys :
Ilcr boileis, steam chlmnles, water!
tank, donkey engiuo, wheels, (excrpt
the wood work,) and shafts aru in per-
feet onler. The engine Is but slightly
injured, nnd tho bull, from below cop I
pvrlug, or nearly so, in pcifoct condi-l
lion, ami not makbii; n ilrnp of water,'
It is thought by tho olliccr on board
that after p-movlng her wheel, ma.
ohlnery, and somo sixty ton of coal,
together with all the refuse stud- on
board, that alio will float somo three
feet higher.
The samo paper, of the 11th July,
says :
Tho bulk, or so much of the steam,
hip America ns was not consumed by
die flmiius.has been tightly planked over
ind othuiwlto fitted up tu fur, tliut it is
thought practicable to tow her to San
i'nincisco. The Ooliah is to leave
with hor this evening.
was, on Sunday, 2'Jd ult., ordained a
,i Minister of thu 0 ospal, at the lluptist
Church in this place, by n Council ol
Ministers of that denomination, called
lor thu purpose. Itev. Mr Arlington,
of Maumee City, preached the' sermon.
Mr West's proposed field of labor is
in tlio Umpqua Vulloy, Oregon, width,
er ho is preparing to remove. Defiance
(o.) Democrat'
Mr. West died of cholera, while
returning to this country. He was
formerly a residont of Douglas county.
Ills family aio now on their vay to
1 1.1 vnllny. '
A.I.IKIoiiiiI News Ilciua.
I' itiB, Hacon tV Co. From Ht.Lnnlt
wo Icnrn tlmt prococilliiga worn Ueing
instituted on tlio l'-'tli Juno, by tho city
and county of Si. I.uuls, to restrain tin
nP4o!latlon nfii noto in favor of liiii'
iVllacoo, for the ainii of 5l,16y,5H.1,
pnynblo live days nflor ditto, iurporllng
to ho cxoiMiled by tlio Ohio nnd Mis
slsslnpl Uiillmnd Coiiiinny, ml t" lf
secured by their deed ol trust. Pngo
is I'li'shlviit of tills company, nnd It is
cliatgcd that ho drew ihuiinlo and deed
oftniHt himself, without tno knowledge
or consent of tho Directors.
On ii F.ri:ui. I'ublio nKontlnntii
llm city of Now VuiK lias livvn illrt'Ctod
to lliu oxevstitu nso of opium, ami it i
prnposi'd to reprosi tliosalo or tlio o - j
.'lotions drug by law, In the samu way I
as legal enuetincnt Is applied lo itrdnit
Tho Prosidrut has called (iov. Hood
or ami other Kansas olllei d.
'o nucoiint, for certain alleged litnd I
spi-i'ulitioui willi tlio liiill.iiiliiliesu llli-1
in llielc jurisdiction. In violation of tin
Acts of Congress, nnd Informs (Jov '
Itocder that hu catmol bo retained in
ullico, tiidoti coit.tlu iinproisloiis now
on his (tlio President's) mind shall bit '
stlisfiictuilly romovod. J
Iu.nm-.v Com:. Nutftllliitaiiillng
the vigil inco of tho (tovoriuiu'iit olli
el.dt. Col. Kinuov has succeeded in
i'liul.iiig Ids way buyoud their jutiidic,
!liiiu,iind at last rircoiinls was safilyat
jHiuaica, W. I. lis. incites his fi lends
jlu lo.ivo thu United States by the 11 fit
iouvoniices for Nicarnguu.
il A niiinlier of eminent attorneys, in
eluding Ittifiis Choato, h.ivo piiiiioiiuc
cil tlio M.nssiielituells liipiur law tn be
'jiiiiconstilutioiiul. I
'' 'Hut volo of Illinois nt Iht-
l.ito election, was ndverso tu tho li'liiur
. line oi leiegrn in
soon bo in
operation Irom
llxlifax to St. John's,
when it Is estimated
that tho news brought by the nloamora
(torn I'uroptf may be plilillshed in New
Vtnk within six "day, from tint tlino of
Ihtt ateamers teal log l.lverponl. '
'llio inail'agont at Now Oilonni.ulioJ
detected Mr, Kontlall in his mail lob
belies, was a few days sinco arrested'
in a charge of liolaling llm liw in ro
...... ...... t.. ,.,. .,.,.. ..." ..... , ..
L f UunKujl tlttl, ,
, , ,. . ..
I Imrnlisii. of Sump r, Ala.,
" ''' '" ' " ''"
belonging to her father. I he negro.
.illeillploil 10 lioiaiu nor poitnn,uui imiki
tog, ho boat her to ilritli with a club
Mo was taken by tho lilirciis and pub
licly burned on the spot where thu mur.l
tier was committed. I
I The whlgsaml knownnthingnf Kon.
I lucky biivii inimluatvd the fulloivlug
ticket: ror Moot liovernor, James
,11'jnly; for Attorney (ituoral, James; fur Treasurer, Itlchard C.
i Wiiitersinlth.
A monument to the memory of Col,
j W. W. H. litis has been crectetl at
.New Orleans.
Tho Union says that Mr. Mclaue, U.
S. Com.iilsiioner to China, has been sn
tece.sful in tho .xecullon ..fid. trust
that no necessity oxitts for bis return
Itk lint I' tint 1
The new steam frigate .Vcrrirn jc!
was launched at Huston ou tho lltli
J! June. i
' .... I..U .l..l!.....l . I...I.... .1
11 uen, iiiiiiiinii iii-iiiviru n ,vi...o.,.
'short tiinu sinco, at Jackson, Miss., bo-
lore a largo audience, In favor of the
.-...- ........ I. .,!.. ..t ..... I
,irinue nciuia...ui. i .
llio untlro nmoitiit ol loss nv urn hi
the United Slate from thu Isl ofJau ii
uary to tho let of Juno, current, Is set'l
down ut the enormous sum of Di'-M,. ' i
000. (
A valuable gold smifl'.bnx, mounted
with brilliant, was recently sent Hy
Ivmpcror l.oult Napoleon to nil old
friend of his in New Voile. On lis ar. I
rival in this country it was eiel by
llio ahi-riir of Nuw Votk, upon an oxv
cutlou for debt conlrnctud by tjio Mm.
ptrjr while in this country, seieral
yours ago. 1 lie box was sotn at aucr
tion Tor 6B0O. llio Hoiicu Intemis to,
contest the auction of the slierill". (
7Vio 7'oirri Deitrtul by tho Hastlam.
Ily the arrival or llio l-reucli tirtg ol
war Obligailo, Com'r Katcncnurl, in
twenty-nine days fiom Petrnpolowrkl,
we learn that ou thu arrival of thu id
lied fluet they found tho town nnd for
tress entirely' deter U-d by tho Itumditns.
Two Americans mid ono Frenchman
wero tho only inhnhitanti of thu place,
with the exception of numerous herds
of dogs. Tlio ships tirrord and Dwina
had Hailed sometime before, for tho A
moor Ilivvr. utter having destroyed nil
the fortifications, and taking with them
all their guns and stores. Thu Mounter
Brisk wui wnilingat Polropolowski for
the arrival of the Monarch, which was
momentarily expected. The remain,
dor of the fleet, consisting of the La
I'orte, Alcaic, l'.urydice., President,
Trincomalce nnd Dido hail sailed in
company for Sitka. Cut. Chron.
03" We aro indebted lo Win, Hrniid
rV Co. for a copy of tho San Francisco
MVrWt Chronicle of tho 'ilal nil,
" " "" J "V I.ll
Clioltirii nt Mitn I'riKilsco.
Tin: Chom-.iia on Tin: Sihiiiia Ni:.
VAtu Tiunrv DiuriM on lloAttn.
Dining tlio patsnijo of tho .Vtcrrii
Nevada from Han Juan lo this port
tidily persnim tiled on hoard of tho
Atlatlu cholera. When lliu pniscngora
hy tho PromKhuis rencti.-il tin. lath,
urns tho dlsonso hud bi'on raging for
somo days near tho Lake mining tho
unlives, most nftthom had fled in great
Irror. One of the passoiigers liilnrm.
oil us tlmt they saw seinnl bodies of
unlive dead by choloin, deserted ami
partially onion iy the wolves and
crows, iioiir the toad. Tin flight uf
tho natives was so great thnt they
could not bo induced tn iild, ns they
usti'tlly tin, In tho tiantioitntlou 'f
goods on thn Isthmus, ami the passim
gors wero delayed n .lay lunger thnrt
the oitliuary time at Virgin liny. At place n young (iiicinn girl was
attacked, mid she diud in a few hours.
Several cntcs ocsurred ut San Juan,
nnd nflor gelling to son thn plague bv
yau to rage mining tho passengers, For
even tUy there was a storm and rtln
which probably had contliivrable In.
tluenco to iiicroatu tho ihiilvnco ol the
tloadly tliseuio. The passengers gen.
orally osiim.tted thn iiu'nber of death
at forty or fii'ty. Ono gentleman in
fnriiH'ii our ropoitor that he had kept
an account of tho tlu.tths ou board
which uamu to his knowledgo, and ho
umiiborril them at ,'17. All tint deaths
wero by cholvM.ntid nil lliosu attack'
od by eholoin tiled, Sot end poison
had slight'attack of tliahiva, (perhap
premonitory sty itijitoin ol cholvra,)aiid
ttoro I'lirod, but none of Ihnatt saved
i'ihiIiI be said to Iiiimm ntelid lliu difiit.
od limit of tho Asiatic scotirgo. Tin.
physician nhnald wi.t toiy uttt-nllvu to
thu sick, ilud thu olliet'i of the boat
did nil in their power to aid thu
big. Ttioso uttaeked gonvrhlly died
in lift hours ; nnu mam lingered lur tlireu
'll was grnorully I'ttimnlod on boaid
that two thirds ol thu death ncrurrid
beforo reaching tho hittiluilx of llm
G'ulfuf Cidiloriila, at which limu the
woalhor oloarod up and tin)
moderated. Ten or ttv.lva of tha
deaths were in the cabins ', the rrmalii.
tier in tho steerage. Most nl llio steer
ago passenger who could nllbrd it
bnugbl Ciibm passages alter the break
iv out of llio disease. Un llio arrival
ol the steamer hero thorn were about
twenty pvismit'ou bmid sick with tha
rlnder.i. Among the tb-nd aru Mr. C.
II. West, a lltptlsl minister, who had n
wife and child on board. Mr. Ilrotvn,
an attorney, bit wllo ami rhihl, nil
died. Among the icliui,-ue Mr.l.mtl,
a rurpenter ol tin city, thu first main
of the wstfl and several firemen and
sen ants nit tho ttoamor. There wa
no chnloru ou thu Sierra Nevada go
lug don ii, nor on thu Uamor on tlio
oilier side.
Falsi: St.ftis Knit'.: the Coin
It npeait that there is a large num
ber of lalso "slugs "Jn clrcuUlion,
.Mr. Case, of I. nso, llvlser cV ('o.
showvd ua yoatur.Uy arvoral sped
uioiii, A genuine slug hud been sawn
from the edge bnlf through thu piece,
In two places, and close respectively
tu the uppoi and lower aide of the
com. A solid abp of gold, nearly, in
dimension, half lliu superficies of tha
lug, bad been then extracted, nnd it
place supplied by a piece uf compress
ml copper of thu samu size. The bro
ken edge bad then bun covered with
gold, and milled nilow. To the eye
tlieru teems no dlirtirencu between tha
Hue and the falsu coin. Ail thu old
impression I retain, d, and tho geuor
ally battered otlges do not betray that
tlieru hat been any tampering with tho
pienu. The weight is not in sensibly
diminished as to excite suspicion. 'I l.o
only mode lor the public tu distinguish
the genuine nolo is liy llm ling. Wlnm
poltcd ou tho finger-end, and ttiuck by
a lilt of metal, tlio li.tsu coin give n
dull sound, at if it vrru cracked, where
a lliu gniiuiiiu piece yields n clear
ringing sound. Tho slug wo saw
which bad been (umpired tilth had
lust gold to thu value of about thirty
per cent., or 810. This is rather tot.
much to run the risk olio. Ing by ro.
coiviug slugs u cash. Several of our
baukiirt, merchant nnd other have
boon imposed upon by these cunningly
debused pieces. It i not known
whoro thu manufacture has bt en carried
on, but it hit been supposed that til's
Chinese may have had some hand in
tho process. Their iiiitutivu Ingenuity
is well known, It is possible that thn
spuiious slog may all ln.vo coino ill.
reel Irom Uliiua, II lliey liavo not been
turned out of tho Little China among
There seems but ono way for thn
publlo to protect themselves In this
matter. Let ixople refuse, all slugs,
as cash, no mutter how uenuine. tho
pieces may look, by such conduct,
llioy will lie lorcetl Into lliu mint Tor
ro-uoiuago, where their true worth
will be ascertained. It is believed
tlmt a larg number of tho false slugs
have been sent lo tho iuteiior-l'or cir
culation : so let our country renders
buwato how they dual in this matter.
The coin has of late been sonowhiit
scarce literally in Sail Kniuulaeo,
(Jul, Ctiroif
Z-Cr In tho United -.States there ro T
persons to tho squaro mllo ; In England 332;
France 172 ; Itustla 26 ; Turkey 7Ii ; Aus
tria 111 t Mexico 7; .Canada 6 Bpnlu 7flj
1'rufislaUl; ColJondWOj Uelgluin 33fl;
Ktigland la tho" nlosl densely points lid
I'Mintiy In I'.tirnpe incept llrlgliiin.