TtB" f ii i II I r I II A: u i n u. ',' ny novo & iiuxuvt.w Dcvoluil to tlio I'iin:lIci or Democrat:), mid tlio llM.'iiiltiiitloii of Gciiornl ami Useful IiitclliKCiirc (85 00 Per Annum, VOliUMK . 8COI THUUIU;, O. fl, TIIUHHIMV, AlHU'ttT 1. 1HRR. XUMHK.U li. THE UuIPflUA GAZSTTE. I'tiiiumiiin nvisitv thuihiiay, liV llOYU&llLAKKJ.y. u. tt, ii. nnru. ai.i.x. nurrt.v OI-'FICi: In llixiienr.r'H IIi'ii.iumj. Main Btrctl, next door west "j-cottiuiirg lluiuc." TRIOtt tNVAIIIAIII.V IV AUVAICi:. Oni ci py, fur on year, S 01. IX lllllllllll Mini, " " " llitep iinmtlK, S'JOl. r.n-Nonptr lll tu dlscuiiilnueJ until tUnrrnutujii arc I'.il.l.ij. AtAVl'VilHttiUCUtS Will tv lntiitUil nl Hit' t'lllowln- rales! Dim iimri' (r twelve llnr or lm, nii liiirrtlim, ft Uil titili illiMiiicnt lumr UU, A drdudMi iuil tu yearly mlurti.irii. lltititK'x l.'ruil. nf twalvc linn or Ir for on yer, i'i'i furtlx inoullu.fcUi lor til IIC llllllllhl, t-lu. I'tY" The numb, r nf lined nni mutt I hi dlithictly niirl."l mi the nmr-lu. uiIhthIio tlic)' will lm iiiiitliiticl till lurlil'l, und idinr--vd occiir.llnntjr. The fiillnwiiy nann-l 'tiun arc aiiiliur lifil tu mi-lvo iilcriptlnus nml alu-idie-liicuta lur ttiv (liitillt, mi'l receipt fur the i kiii' : IIIINIIY IIAI.i:, i:m0? Front itreel. .Sun Krit'telit'u. l. W. Mi i cut. i., I.iiirn City, J. 3. .Mcln:iv, M, i.,(Jimllli. I. N. SmitiI, . HurlliiKl. ii llr.i.tsn .Suitii. Kv.. Alu-ny. I.. F. (iiiovi.ii, l)i . Kalrm, U. II., Juckionillle, Jaw Thiiiiikiii, I.eUnd Creek. K. S. Ilni.i.ivn, Oii'K'iii Cllv. V. II. Pakxaii, '.v , I'urllnii'l. (lev. Aim. Alurl.t. (itci II. Autumn, M. I) , Jacksonville. lIl'HNN A Wimiii, Jnckniilll. J. IH'.iktii. Peer Iretk, J. H. (Iaiiii K, '.'i . I'urt Orfnnl. 0. lluMVtivi, pallet i f IbeUuluinM. AMU K. Uu.iKlln. I.'m., I'ihjiv liny. Col W. W. Oiai-uav Clkluii. 0. Futon, IV Wlhcltflrr. Jul. IUvmiMm, Caiiyiuivllle. Ijloctrn. Gents msjr ilgh for their rcRilU', Malilt tor tl ilnty cupt of ia, Dul ioukIUIiik In lh s til ft'inl tiorU Htth Rtt-nlrr ch triut lur me. Tli mt ctchinliiK K"tlp With your ne jjliburi tlirr pin, UUilfli'Vt n'rr llmUluit f.i.hioni, Nir yd luokiiiK In tho ulmi. It ii lilting, nice and raiy, lu a co.jr oil snu-clnlr. With tlit. ipni crminl nljrh jou, 1'illiJ ni Ii Ingrain inula ralr. Anil tin "weekly prr"lyliu, With Its ihuicvit ip-ini uf llinuxht, Wholciuine it'irlo, pot.' inuitngi, From tlitfarmtTclly hrounhl. Dropped Into your quid nlnlow, In the Italy country lure, Whr th er.ckel low is chirping, Aait no Jarrini: suamls mi nenr. Fool It gtt Kt llgliliuiiiv, clictrlnjr, I'ur your soiacliiiica iluuklinz in. ml, And It tiring w,th inole.t teaclilius, Trutbi that you cuuld novr Bnd. Ad 1 1 know that you will Join me, Whin 1 with tlurs noon in'gUt be One In tvrry cottage wlnlow, Krorn Nebraikt 10 lln-ics. An4 that nil thrlr hippy lamatss, On the pmlrle, In tho kUJc. Knew tu real tlici.i ami lu lots them. And would nrx lV.r. ralu. I'.irott'i'll. BT MIS1 Ml "IV llltDLT. Tbt mtliJen, when leaving her father halls Tu lilo tu the ruiiteiit cell, Feels Hit Ifitr kII'Io ullly tlunn her cheek As ihe whlipeii lie wi'pJ, "lareweUS1' Ihs mi! Ii. as l.c l.uvinli'urooJUiil humo 'MIJ worldly cares lu 'Uu'U, When ho hears his inuthtr'n henrlfiH sols, Weeps as Iicm), "larrttcll'" Tho icbool girl, whoto CO' and incrry laugh Itlni; nut with a inniosp. II, Grows eal, ami ihe rlilug lnui;h Ii Milled As she lists tu that word, farcHclll" And often, hrn uiulh'i rulan l o'er, When ltIlI In lur liuurt ilolli sutll. the tluhs as she think tl' her y onager dsys, And tho school riiI klaifurvneitl'1 A rtotlo on diiitt. Luminous hlar.o! I never seed Ihu like in all my tiurn doys I , Tallow ciudlcs iiint uu moic'u tar When jou'iu nbout And spirit I imps U no tvhar ; Ilcluclcaudunout. Spirkllnslltol I think I never seed unythlnr; half su brlto; Uiorythini; Is amntlii clear, Thu hldjus lumu It defunct, mid every cheer Is aipurlcut in tho rumel GUryoiis Unto I Your sklnlclnthuns iiuiko aaurrrlslndlphy; Von dun't need no snulTcr i llularottiHt ecrudo mil; When i ourrii sipieiichcd ty puffers Ojus lumvs nryse. Ilrlllynnt Flame I The nltet not noxt to darkness when you came, Dill cundlo's has vanlsht lkfuo you aiuLlurd oil gono to srasi; 1'vory greasy nii!sanca has beeu banisht Hurraiv lur (lass I Vj. Ho who is not elated when bo Is praised, or dejected when treated with dlt resprol. Is it tvlo man, Tliu 1 It lis II y ni'illiur. '"K """ in'ciuelir, ami me cimip'iiiy exrcuiu iiriemirrx ugi'iuir iiu mi . ncliire mo preieni moveincni iook rier i un-sunii, o.iu-suwui, ami as lar inn uay, tayt iiieoacranieiiio union 01 Iiormt sulffrcil considerably by the who aro concerned with him. , place, all the artillery in nod nhout' at the Hogue, it free from interruption ( Friday, nn tho unfinished po, limit nf" tir 4uuik e. iitunr. . ".li.U'mner." vthlch inDvallrd to to n. I appear that the accusation was. .Montercv. iucludiui' ull ihe nuns in the tirdinnriiv.thuu"h tiiii.-iU nnd defenceless . the enidlnc of the Sacramento Valley Arrlvnl of Col. Mtf)ilo' Com IIIIHkI III NlKII'IIIIIL'HlOi 'I'liu milviil nf (Jul. fit' ptitu'a until iiiiml, my tlai fiiM(i,liiiitu a ilirilny . vmil In lliv liUtory nl lliu l.i'vi'c U'y,, iininiiiicli imtliuic ii tu tlit Hi nl of IJnvl'' llllll'o hiULth uliu Ihivii IVlT t'OIIIU lit lliu oviil.iiiil runt iliivully In .Snurn.1 iiii'iilo. Tlitniigli tliu t:nuil('y of W.I llm nul,y iiiioiulcil riiiiiiiiiiiiliintn on IS. Itnlikiii, A;cnt of tliu QiurU'rimi Jlilio iiuiiIhtii fronliur of bivvur C'nlifor. lui'i Ii'iiirliiii'iit,u ire i-milili'il lolny iiilu, nnlvcil nt Hiti Vincvtu ni-nr Hun Iii'Tmni our rcnilcrH n IV iv lulcrt'iijiiui 'ruiimt. LK'iil. I'ujnl, Iniini'illiitrly uii nilti;uliiri nf llio tili from Unit Like In tliUrllv. On tlm V!7lli fif Aliill. I.lcillli. llntrry .... . nml Cliitiiillrr It'll dull l.iilttt Clly Willi ini't, mIii'H lie wu iirrcalt-il, nml iii-l n ili'tiitlnnt'iit nl' ilninniiM ccrtill,vii( ' IhimiciI tlntl lm liml livvii tiliil nml ken ion, liiimri.pln., Ii)' tlm miiitlifril roiili' ' Ii'MCimI to lit .lint n n trnltnr. .M-Icii. lur 'IVjim l'n. 'I'liin tlil"lnn nrrln-il tin. irntt'ti'il iimIiiiI lliU tiiimimry t mimn lime llnct'. nn wit huvo Ivurni'il iiioi'im-iIIiil' witliotit nviiil, noil lit Iwolvr ' llirnil'jli iiiltlci'ii Iroin .Sn Dlfgn. A- liotit tint iiiiiii' tlnic tlifii'in.iiiiik'rorilii' iderofllii' I'nrcf, llm i'iiiIm nf wlmli iiutiilnri'd mii.u SUO men In the vitlh-y, Lit the' iiiy. apart for CnlifnriiU nml n part' i fur Oregon. 'I'liem cut under cum- i in toil ol thu fiillutilng intiiied nllleert : ;t,'til. .Sleptn", O.ipt. Ingill. Quittif'i maittiT, ,Mnj. J. I Iteyiiuldi, l.ifiit l,.i I.. I.iiingitun, It. O. 'rylernnd All.tnu On Ihu l.'Jth June, thu troop aiilved , at l.iwmin'a .Meaduwi, nt which place lliu (JiiaMi'iiiiiut'r, (.'npt. Ingalli, run: Lieut. Aililnii.willi ti'inu lxly ilrngoiiii reeiuiti, to hundred lioitei, wnuuua, etc., left lliu main fuicc, diverged from ihu miiiii roinl, nml took thu ruulu ( Tint Lane, Oregon teriilory. Tlda detachment aniviil nt Tort Linu aiirnc week tiiire. Ku. (lAicrrn. The ri'iii'iimltr of lliu tronpi cainu directly on to ('iinon Vitlliiy, which they reach- ed tin the .ilh June. .Many linll.un were seen, who trouh. ny linli.iiis wno seen, uiinirnuu- number of rutllo trains hi the rem ii command, hut iit.inro w.t tlv lendereil by llio latter, and led n in lliu tiromi.llv lemlereil liV Iheir deiiretlutiiin tlweddy chriketl Two or llirea men were lost by drown 'ilio I room wrro fovofed with nil ex celleiitguiile, mid found ginss and ttn leriihunilaiit beyontl Cnrimi Viilley. In llie Sierra Nuvatla feetl wn scarce, . . . . I. I ...! I and thu animals accordingly sulferetl seveiilv. lliu repoil nf there being sumo lorty or fifty Mormon women in camp it 'grcallv exaggerated. Willi lln'exeep i nun ni .ii rt. llrunmhcnd and three Itlaimhlert, nno of whom only wat ihe I . ." .. ...i..... .1 Willi Ol n .Iioriliun, nun o or nin-e I 1 . .1 at . ........ .r.. - . I .!.. . .. II.. i. ill, a. II tl r it . . . 1. T ."..!. .!... .'. .1 -I . I F ! I ... I . S." .. '- F i I inning an extent last season. Hornet thut .Mileudrez nml otheri wiiheiT lo cclfhraled lll.tck I'urt, had been re. t, boat ro pounced upon,probaVily more iHillroad, tho Disttict Court having' lllleeii or twenty animals tiled in com, ell Loner Citltfiiinin tutliu Aineiic.tns mou-d Into the iuleilur of tho country, by men rendered desperate froni.hunger 'placed the company In poietsion or i nquencu nf it tremeudoui iwi-lllug hit for S'J.OUO.OOO. Any man that it not. and the v.ry general belief it that the than by lliu in. called rebel. Shiklung tho disputed premise' Tho enliro ihe throat, which produced AuUueuliun 'a commiiu idiot mult b roiitincctl of few regular in lliu cily weuld not even lit guarded carefully by a body nf troops ''grading will bo completed during the i ten-tudi rule. ., lliu falsehood of inch n story. At il atlemnt to defend it. laud the cnlrnno un to lion the ftist., month of August. Tho track layin? otheri; tho remainder, ten oe diizeii,ar' Imu without a passport signed by Hie and hkv been iitlncheil to tho nllicerk ..Mexican Consul in b'au l'ruuciico will iirlrnnm ilnni llirlr deiitrlure from ihe" shoL i ntlier tide, and hate hid nn connection whatever with the Mormons. Our Informant pak in tho highest terms of the hidiei nbovo referred to, one of whom wa an clresi nf ennsid. erabhi reputation in Halt Lako City. 'Hit' daughter are represented tit Intel- ligent mid hanilinme, and it wn to n .1 . ....!.. .. I... capo the contaminating lulliieiici-t by which they were tuirouiided that llieie and oilier feliinlei wero placed under the protection of the U. S. nllicers. The latter, hnwever. havo fultilled their mil- ion, nnd it now rcm-iiui for tho char- it.tbly dmposed to protect nml asii.t, tliesu iiiifoitunntu females, who, w tin-, ilerslmid, aru left in ibis city peiiuih-is, nml tlenemleiit iinuii public '.charily milil they can obtain situations,, suilablu In their icx. I Tho olllcer and tronin, luggage and 1 aminuniiimi, tchli'let, mulen, nml nil' I ! accompanying pariiphernali.1, pitted j illlirouglitiiwiwibniit meridian yesterday.) At thu lung train or rniivas'covereiii.nei, aru nuuny cxpecieu 10 arrnuiu inu wngoni, each branded "U. S," cann'lbayof I'odutHiiitoi. TI11 order pub ihundeiliig ilnwii J stieel, llio walks, li.ned by I'ujul uro nf such unheard of liims and wlmliiw wemliltl Willi ipec; 1.. 1 ..1.... 1 iiuuri rngji-uj- eeitoiiiiiQ m" iiiukia.iun, thu tlnmseh to catch it gllmpso of nu1 epailKtte, llm ynulh n peep at n Mor moil maiden, mid all to observe 11 spec taclu never befuro presented to their ( wondering eyes oil this tidu of lhe mountuiiit. A portion of tho little army crossed llio Hucramenlo below llm city, and eu 01 mped for lliu night on tho into eid. uf the liver. Tliu troops went down in thu afternoon boat. '1 ho former jour ney across tho pr.iliio to-day to lieuieia, whither Col. Hteptoonnd Lieut. Taylor Imvu 11 1 re inly gone. At thut point the uiimmniid will bo turned over to Major (Jeiuriil Wool. It Is understood that most of tho olllcer will ho ordered to tho Kusturn Sink's in n few weeks, whllu one of tho companies will proceed In tho Tejnii Past, nnd tho other to Foil Yi1m.1i. tu"rtlovliiH" says that whatever may be tho charms and social endearments of tlio breakfast tublu, they aro entirely destroyed by making It tho irena for 'feats ottlrtnulh' hetwesn tho butter and endflah btllr. I'rom l.nivur llfoi'iilu. Forty Troujn orriinl from Im Pax Mckmlrrx Arretted unit NhoU AH'.iirt mi lliii iVniitlor nf Loner Cal i If'irntii nn- iissumiug n luiliiiHchurnti'r. On tin- '27lbof Juim, niyalhu Northern Uiililiirman, n mi. ill force of iilinut -II) iiivii uiiiiiirtliuuoiiiniiiiiil or 1,1'ul. I'iiihI i'" IiIh nnivul Invltuil Mt'lvinlrct, iIih iAciln ciiiiiiiiiiiilnntc.tii nii'ftli wlm' . ... .. . u 1 1 n ix-o Ii ult I y cumiillvil Willi tlm re "Vliik-lt llm lii-xt tiny li w.n ilinl, nml left lyliiumi ll.f I'liin, tu hetnlieii anil iliinltil liyliN wifu and uliilive. Atllie'ihu lll.ick I'oit miiiI nil that it contain- muiu liuiu Melemlre. wmi aneiti'd, lii ., (.'ovtriior Cuiilmm uml almut (10 .Secretary ivna ntriileil iith liiin, nml ,ollicir vere taken primiivre. All the iippielieiiiimn nro hud that hu will uf nrnu uinl aimiiuniliuii, togetliui with It r the a.inni late. It trill he recollect J thirty piecet of cannon, lell into lliu ed that hut fall n deijieralo hand nf tiiiinU of lliu Imurguiilt. 'Hiia i n. liont-llii'ivi'i mid munlerera ckciix-il ,' the viileiict! of mir nllieert mill iiinde, lluir w.iy into Ltiivcr Ciilifnrnla, wlnij claimed prottclioii from .Mvliiulrez n, .('ouiiii.iinl nile, from their ptinilert. At, in mutter ofcounu liuliail no authority, to deliver lheu fugitive froin juitlce up lo thu milhuritiei of this cuuutiy. i.itnl not uUliiog to keep them nbuut .S.iii Toniat, w hero they might continue (' their luwlets depredation on thu du-1 feiiceliM In'iiiliit.inU of hit diitiict, he tent ihein (u Li I'.iz. Oat of rcvengi" theto denprrNihni iltpontl charges 'agaiust Milemlrvz to the Ciimmniid.iiite utnrm, io inu en.-ei initi ne was in iii'giillitiiti with thu United b'tatet In 'sell Lower (.'.tlifornii. Thu Commiin daiitu (Seiieral uilhuut fuilher intpiiry, Ueiiernl, to thu eir.'t't initt he was in I!.' ..... .1... ....-. jiui inu i'Airiiiimnri ruwc iu nv uj.jn-i country Mills Instructions to seize ami aiuiear llio crimi is in de.ilitii! with the Vniericsiis. llm properly uf lliosu nn the toulh of ihu line we look upuiiasbeing in gicnl danger, mid theru it no ilnubt .1 . I I . .1 . .1 that already thu troops have commune ill" laku ami ilestrnt. Atkociiii'i Omuiihs or tub Nbw Co)iMAMiAri:. The following are ' .1... ...t.I.t..l ....!.... ..I l..!..t 'rii.v.ti. lliu nriglnal ordertof I'ujul. lheyat ! pear in thu tinaiiith culumnt of the IIIU "llll. ...... . uj... ..rv....- , Calfornian : I i r I ..I .t i. s.tery lurvigucr lino cruiei inc U. Thnto nnw in tho Territory liy ' thu toleraucu ir llio traitor .Mclcmln-z 'leavo immediatt-ly, nml if they should fail tn du to, Juilicet of tho I'eacr.piil nwiii-r of hacienda and major dtinias ofirunchos will older them lo hu shot. i'in tho action, ortublequently captured ' ii. Ititroduclliiu of arms and muni-, by Iloaka'u party and shot, nro Acliil- tlnnt of w.irnru foihiddeiaud tlulatotnl let Kewan, CJeorgo Cole.Oeorge Leon I-.! I... ..Ill I.,.. I.... ..-.I !.... I.. II l...l. ..!. ...! nf tin. tinier will bo shot. I -t. Whoever made common causa with Melendrez or now attempts to follow In his footntipi, will bo shot. l'on-ign vessels found near tlio const will hu icqulred to thnw their paper, anil thoso at anchor In any roailiteail with pnsseugeit oil board, will tet tail I'm tliu ith ; in case of non-couipli.ince, Itliev nro to ho cniuiderml 11 pirates mid Irenletl as such. I'ujnl also or ulurod a small piece or ordinance, lor 'many yeans tlm piivnlo propeity ol Unu Ju.iu llaiidiui, tu bo confiscated. I'rom two lo threu hundred governnienl troops under (ho cominaiid ufa Colo. nlroci'y, mat even an nciuai warcouiu nut excuse their publication. Mvxleo. CltlTlCAl, l'osiriON OK StNTA Ana. Tlio Santa llarbara tiatelte ay; "From Mexico we learn that on the day the F.uiilio left Mazatlali (Juuo'il)' i repurt (caelum ineruiiialoanta Anai. forces weru surrounded at Ari.n, Moulin, by the nrmy of Gen, Comoii fuit, mid theru was every probability ol success fur the 'He vnluthuiist." In tho Sl.itjof .Miuhuicau, which ad joins Mexico on the one siiUyiud Guer rero, in which thu Revolution origina ted, uu thu other, lliu Insurgents were incri'iittni; nt every pnint.nndtho wliok- Statu may hu said lo havo declared against Santa. Ann. It Is nlsn reported that tho important city of Pucblu has pronounced against tho Dictator, nnd that thoro uro a largo number of mal contents in the cnpitnl prepared for 11 rising nt soon as lliu Revolutionists ap proach iifar enough to sustain them. Gun. Tavora.coiiimauding u division of tho Government Army lu tho Statu of Mexico, report having encountered lllll llcbrll llllllcT lIlU COIIIIII.IIkJ llf Di" gull.idu nml I'lutiireo (ioii..ili', at I'li oyullii, nml uiiiiiiilutely inuluil lliein. .NcitliLT ol tliij ii'inlur wuru unitnrril, ultlioui'li ninny nriioniTit wcro luki'ii nml iiiatfintly elint. liiiiortiuit nn till IIUW lllroni till) South of .Mrxicn. ititl'ii liv tlii rifim it... Vi.itli. ...... . ...,,... ,,j ..(....... B..u .. cm Htutvi. Ily lliy lliu wny nf Saw t Ofk'iuil.we k'ntii Hint lu-ntly tliu whulr . of tliu 8lali't nf 'l'miiiiulip.ii, Nui'vo l.voii nml t,tMliull.i, tveru In tliu Iiiiml' 'nf lliu Iniuri'iiH tl(.l.t..l tiiii;,r Si'UJiim o- tub fl ..... whvi... .III. . ri.l'l m.MMa i.v NiMitiiKict .Miixicu. .Monterey, lliu ttrunliuld of Northern .Mexico, anil kty to tliu tiierrn Mmlre, Inn liven citpluiedliythuruvululioiiUti. IliipiM'ins tliu pliicu waft nllavked I ..M.. . . . .... inn mux. ill ,M.iyiiy ien.M.niti.igu VI niitl, in lliu iiioriiiiiif, and CHi.turt'il Injur n thurl toL'ttluT with ilcitli hluw tu Ana. Thu inoveineiit wat initiated toino. vsltut touner than iU leader intended, but at they ucrti lielrayed, they pro- claimed war tig.iiimt thu tyrant in one town near .Monterey. Thu leader fur thu pieieut it Dow .Santiago Viduuril.l for muiiy yeaia .Secretary of Sutu of .S'unvu Lewi, under thu federal form of government. Monterey it th'j must wealthy and populous city in Northern Mexico, and in Ihu casu telf-preterva- tiou will induce its iuhiibitunts to furn- iah thu meant with which to organir.) a Inrcu pullich-nt ) succetal'ully defy the tlespot and hLs miuiuiis. At I wiite,tlie tiespot anu Iiu miuluiis. At I wute,llie mott Intense excilemitot prevailtamung thu tiuiiierout exiles here, mid Ihu lead, jn.r nu..,) ninmig lliein will tuon be .. ,-..,".. .. r-.ll. i ". noion inu revoiuiiuumi, luny utienu u ...''.. i . im,d to do or die. J Tlio i I)i:tIat Wo publish . . Tlio Wnllier i:xn.-lllloii. ation or tiii: Companv. ed tcileidiy an account of Whlker i itrrivitl at Itealejo; tan. guinnry conlliet between bit little bsnd .-!.. . . -. . .. nml tliu .Mcarngu.i Inrces, untler lien, Duska. near Kivat: lilt rc-cmbarkation i.f Sw,i Tn.n .. I.mi'u ciiia iftitltnrml ....J... .w...... w h ... soino ad Jitlonnl particular of interest, Theru It n letter in town, wriiten In' n I... tt'.ti.... l.i If J.... I. pvinii iit ninn ininivii, j'i.i u.i iuv i-ve oNiUleparture rrnin fcan Juan. 'Hu gives thu patliculars of hit fight with Iloska. and tav. "TIlO bov llO.I haved a well at could bo cypected. lie wat hnpciul, anil comiilerinl lilt np parent defeat equivalent to .1 tlctory, considering the very large oddtnrrnyed1 against I1I111. Thu names of thoso killetl ard, Chaik' t Ilrognn, Frank Cole, and II. V. Willi.inuon. Wu hear the name of a .Mr. Kerrigan or Knnigmi mentioned as among those killed, mid of Crocker, who wat with Walker nt Husenadn, among the wotiu thd. The name of (hu live or six other wounded wo could nut learn, It tvns icpiirled through the city tester- ' tl. v thut Wntker had been wounded iby a muskit ball in thu head, hut this i rnrri.i'l. tin oirnnn.l miliiiured. About llfty.fivo men accomianIed him June, of an extensive iibcest, aged -10 on hit arrival at San Juan. Theru ho years ond ten inuiithi. His Excellen found tlio ichoimer San Jose, of which cy Paki wat 0110 of tlio highest chief ho look possession, mid which ho as- of the aboriginal race, and lineal do erts was a government vessel full or fccndiint of tho ancestral liousonfkani. arms, nmmunilion, tore . etc. Thl ihameha. Ho leaves a widow undone prize wa just in tho nick nf llmo nnd daughter. Tho funeral will tako place greatly raised the spirits of his compa- in about n fortnight, ny. It wat hit intention to return to Ij Tliu Wiiuat Cnor. Mohave seen Itenlejo. and thsneo pnelrato to Leon, sample of the new crop or wheat, say ihooapllol, where hi friend Castlllon .tlio Polynesian, (Juno 10.) now being wn strongly fortified wills about li.500 men. aiker tays ins men uui great execution with their Sharp's rilK's, and that full 0110 hundred of thu enemy wero killed. Ivacli man was armed wills a Sharp' rille, loading at the breech, two Colfa largo size revolvers and 11 biiwlt) knife. Not even their cour age could havo saved so small n hand I'i 0111 niiuiliilalion had it not been for llio Hupoiiority of their arms. Each man carried thirteen thots, with n rifle (hat could hu fired ten or fifteen timet a minute, while tho Nicaraguans had prohobly nothing mora than the old Tower muskets. Should Walker suc ceed In joining Cnrtllloii.tlio latter tvo'd havo a lorco of about '-',000 men, that might safely defy all attempt of thu nppnslto faction to dialodgo them. & A imiM, UVA ult, 00" It is said that sulllciont calico is dully manufactured in llhodo Island to make each female in the. Stato a dreta. l.utcr from (ililnMi Tim ilutin from Hongkong nro to May lUlli, and from Slmiiglinu lit .May 5tli. Dr.vri ri-rto.v at Camom. Tlio. tniic of Inlorett In Cnntoii,i mi Itu, China Afnil.nnvr Ii.tinur. urn. ..!.. .... i ..........I. i.. ..i ....I l....u iiu iiiu i't tin UM'MtUII ,.J VIII, nun IIW III vmu iniii?tril III IHU I'llllllUII Ul IIIB lliosu w!io liavu not onongli nre to he, cominnloni,ly lopinlng to riia tnprtlor1 kept qiiift. "1'liv rnlii (If alert wholniy . tntho Ignoranco of lib f.'llow bflngf ' c.ifL'ooj aro illipnu'tl to deitl well wiilij'io look down with pity npon tlielr era- lliu K!iiple, inorn than reliiileri.. ulio. Imvu yot "omio uiliiiiii,nli in iicli ....... f...... ll...I ..n'..l l.i tn.lntil.. hii.I lflBl'S, l. fill IIICII VII. .Ik IU III lllll.llll IIIIU . iiihaiice tliu price. Tlio rtUil price lint hecn nlmnt HI (per liicul nf l.J3 1 .. lliu. nenirdupoii,) iliiiiiifj the l.-tnt ten tJ.iyn fur good quality, down to 85 f.O1 fur nrdin.irv. 'llio wncei of n hihorcr' monlimtry (lmcU?l or 85 pcrmontli, .. . . - . " . I and lia cmiiumei tlireu tirtln ol plcul n uionili: a famile of flvo neriont will tluit nteil a plcul nnd it half each month fur iUitllowanc.i. At pieient.aman with . family mint livu on leu than half tl.Ii quantity, not allowing for other expen- e. 'I'he daily coiituinpiion of rice in Canton ordinarily hat Wn reckoned nt I'J.UUO piculi now it it probably lin- der 0,000' and fifteen cattiet o"f thli ('grain aru told for n dollar, whllo 23 cattiet of wheat can bo bought for llie I tamo vim, V.-ulmit deviccf for iliniiiiikh. I "in ' thu coiuumi.tion iif lice lioveUeii ttai led by making rrcparaliont of' i beam, taro,ynm,greeui,elc, nod manvi which ho hat sacrificed irttio I W'heru 'pertout have entirely flopped their ai.l hit courago I flit glory hat vanished ,llowauco of lice. Viih theio prcpar.i- like tho darkr.ots of tlio night befors tiuiu, "chirms, intended to allay the, the light of tho morning. Thu deceitful pangs of hunger and fortify the hotly ''bubblu of famo nt which hu to eagerly ugHiutt faintuest, nro given by burning caught hat crumbled in hit grasp, and 'iheni and mixing tho u.het with tea.and,1.! llio litllo tpaik of life has grown idiinking the iloto before callng. Kvo-l nearer to itt end, hit couiage ha ry thing etlitilu are taken to market.hut , ry tiling etlitilu arelnken to market.liut, , other articles do not bear such a high rato in proportion at rice. SfATK or Air.vtus in Canton. i..u .. . 1 ho slate or nllnirt in ths immediate vicinity of Cniitmi it quiet, and the Ititvr dtfi'iided. This town was nnt much injur.! by ihe foray made against it last January, when so much oil mid sugar were destroyed there; but many tutviit along the bankt of the liver bu tweon it ami Whampoa are in ruin. 'llio "rebel chief" at Sun. Ito, Chin, llien-liang, wa teen tho other day nt I" I ...t I.. ,!...!. ....... .I:m . . .... 'Ml.. . .. ... .. IVIIM-'HUIIi;. Ill-IB 111) 1111113 i:il.'afc llilll' eultv in malntalnlm? hit band, as tin cnunlry hat been eaten nut. Theolher . . r . ...i iii cnlel, rcporteti as near 1131-1 nan nlh a large lleet; and it II not unlikely these robber-patriots will soon nnlm Ihoir f.irrii nml rv.if ilia eoast. The ditliculty of provi.ioning their troops is alio felt by tho Imperialists, nnd this hinder thorxpulsion of Cliin from tho largo mart of Kowkong nnd t)C towns of Kum cliuk nnd Sli.t-ping, where nomin amUi .. e tils authority is proiuniy nearly nal. Ihoexeculion-grounil Itsiui hnost dnilv covered with carcasses; thx criminals bein" now mostly those 1 who have been given up by the gentry and flder of their tillage, and tho jit-! dieinl dentin at present average, it i said, nearly a hundred daily. Sumltt it'll Inluiids. DutTiioi-A DiTiNi:i'isiii:t) Ciucr. His Mxcelcncy Kalanihelemailunn Aimer Puki, Privy Councillor tu His Majesty, nml Member of tin House of .Nubles.iUOd lit IliS mansion Oil Ilia l.illl ' l.u.un.t...! ami Its iiiini.iirnnpn il """l " "" - "11 - seems much superior to the crop of last year. 1 he weather since me cominencu inent of harvest has been fine, mid hall tho crop or ten thousand Initials has been safely cut. Wu understand .'llio crop will bo from twenty to twenty II to thousand bushels, which will furn ish an ample tuply of the consumption of tho Islands. Flour has been made from tho now wheat, id to be of n good quality. Wo havo not yet hud lliuaieuns ofjudm'ng ntraonally of it.nor of the now corn uieal.a supply of which as well as feed lor hotses, is now on hand at thu Company' Steam Mill. Fiom present appearances, we shall be independent of ull foreign supplies ol Hour for the year to come, and save much money in tho country, and have tweet bread to eat. The crop last year tva damaged by the wot woather, and the flour made from it wa poor, and could not compare with the fureigu article. Hxtrnet, Tlicro nr few who can rofilso a lr. Imlo of nilinlratlnn to that might and unseen lifin, whoio oxcvllonco and power mutt mny wonder nt, lint novef en n rpiiL'h. Week nnd ihnrt.tliihtcd liulppil nin;l ,n ihnt urlm iki la ..l....iA l.! H ii.. .t..!. r t.t dulity; to hare the with hut not thd power to rniio them to ttia high pomelo ..f .....f'...ll ...l.tU U.. r..vltl.lM l. IH'I ICblll.ll, lllUII IVIIIbll IIV IVUIIIUI ihhiki ho fclandi. Ho fninvt llio lilet. tlngt oflhit life.wilhout lliinkfnj of tlio Donor, or If a thought doci Intrudo itielf upon hit mind, liotiitem toitbut nn n romantic anil unmraninir tale, fit . '. .only for tlio ear of n tiirnlo and credo lout Chrlitlan. Ho believet not In a '(Joil nnd glurict in bit belief ho locks the wreath or ramo wliicli enctrcleu tha brow of .Mahomet In adorn hi own templet, and graipj nt the halo which brightened llm head nf (Jbtitl, n filling In ihino around hit own ho lookt fnr thu character of n hero and acquire llio namo of a fool. lias any behold this man on the Led nf death, on the evo of departing fioni tliU shining world to that "Uudiicover cl country from ulirno bournono trav .tiler returntl" Wlicro it hit lonj tought fur glory I Whero hit fame fan changed to despair; nnd instead of the cliangcu to uespair; ana inslcnu ol me nspiiing hero we behold tho trembling and repentant sinner, bACtUMENTO ALLr.Y IUuboad. .. , Tho tubcontruclott commenced work ' it to be la'gun on tho 1st prox., and continued thereafter uninterruptedly along ihe entire route. Tho loeomo. live "I'inneer " will be tet up and rea (dy for running by this evening, r.nd it .well worthy of n visit at the temporary "depot, foot of II itrceL Ten freight ca' already finished Thcro are forty in all, two orwblco nre completed iiaiiy. six patsenger car mo nt me abovo place also, hut will not bo ndju. 1 ted until thu road it nearly ready for their use. There aro now no less than twenty threo thousand ties on tho L'rouiid. These, together with the .iihove, evidence that this magnifiicent enterprise is rapidly approaching com- 'pletiun. It alTortls us pleasure loan I nounce, n It undoubtedly will the , public to learn, that on or about the 1 iiiieenin uay 01 scpicmner n granu anu general jubileo will probably tw wit i:essed in the Vulley of tlio Saeramen to. So mute it be. An older was 'I made in thu District Court yesterday 'placing tho Hacrnmento Valley Knii road Company In possession of the land necessary lor the track between I this city and Negro liar, in accordance with tho survey ndnpled by tho com pany. Tho bond on the nppal taken 1 by the company from the decision of tho court, obliging the company to pay (he probiblu cost of nil new fencing that will bo required on tho lino at mentioned, was also approved yester day by tlio court. Consciknck. When conscience I enlightened ami refined, of courao it ( an excellent guidu for a man's conduct but not otherwise. Notwithstanding this, the cousclcnco of every man It generally belter than hit actiuut. It it a step or two In advance even In the mokt li'iiorautand denraved. There U In tllil small video that tells the thief ami tho swindler that what ho it doing is not right The voice ho cannot (till; and it makes him n tneak nnd n coward in fpilu of hlmscll. Ho frew that be would bo a more expert knavu without il ; and would, perhaps, gladly tllenco il, lor tho invigoratlon of hi nerves. Hut it haunts him rurever. bveu on tho scaiToid, or in tho garret, when lit) drinks the poison or appl'us tho loaded pistol to his mouth il mil ttiere.sonie thing bettor than himself, a counsellor to whom, had ho nlways listened, ho would have been a btt?r unu n happier man. iif-"ily love," said Mr. F002I0 to her husband, "oblige roe with a five dollar not to-day, to purchase a new drosa." "Shan't do no such thing, Kate you called ma bear yesterday." "Lor, love, that nt no thing; I meaut that you wire fund of bug. 8'ng." "You little , I hart no two, tut hr'a a ten," ' v. JfV 1N