. m ' if' Itmpqtm ajcttc. a uriicuixm.NDKiir.its nuiMUMtf, m:.t uooli xvitsr fcorrsiiriiu hou.m:. 'JTIiiiraitur, Ai:gut 2, IS'i.'.. a d. it. Bora'tlioi"" N Sflie CONVENTION ID IB. I.att Slim t All Iheso owlog us for twelve month or note, who tto know arc ablfto psy w, are notified that If they don't tend ux the amount dne by the ISlh of August, e will put our ' accounts Into the hxnli of an ofllccr fcr I collodion. If that won't do, we'll trr the u 0,i i uo, B 11 irv ,ne BlrJ that -mi, stttr;. anJ l l mad, ,lr.g. LOYP A. I'l KU1.V. Mack list." on'ts1ng, must July 20. I I - The Noxx t.KiioiviiotliJjri; c. rtllo:i. Tbencns vbtcltarrlicil ly lut mill, a rondenrjd report of vhVi Till! te found In another column, Is iry Important. The Knownothlng Xalional Convention which ciwrcicd at Philadelphia cu tt.cflhof June, ' v' Rfter a itortuy eeulon cf nlout f.to d: iCccttd a complete dlicrgxiilratien. The northira dclrcatcs, hradexl hr the great al lllloni'st. Wilson, of ili... l.nltr.1 n th. Ait, .i .ri -1.1 t- t 1 I,.. m Uay, ana nIlLdrnitIn5 lo n dlflcrent room, draughtiil an alolhlon phirorm, and Ped resolution, condemning In unmc... ureo,eTthe.ni,u,.on, of th. aou.h.- Tie southern delegate, nho Herein the mijority, stood their gronml, nnd promulgrd a pUtfonn aprrovlng the Ncbraiki-Kanxa 1411, and molted 1 that ihMr tiHrint.. it .t. I that their principles, their g, Ac. ilull heraflcr be pliccsof meeting! taaderuUIc. A jrcpcslllcn ttm submitted 10 dlrpenic xrlth the Catholic tcst.VMca was ' . ..... . . .. ,""a"i" ueieiicu tiy a large majority, to tuey now ilasd publicly confessed before the country r.s religious proscrlptlonlits. Ofcoursethis UtLedtath-kaellof kaoraothlngbm. They nciir tan mi ic,sii Bsnin b n uanonai n organlntlon, oni conicrpicntly their action Vf rrt(Si snp-tll sis-Afit tft.fTi T. In liHHi.l.ai .': ' . . "?" " '"1"""'" .., , .. j ..J.I. ,H ..H.W.UUW, mount OI IOC ll Uliv cuiinuu iitit, Blum a ifancrganlrcdloilv cither corth or soutlLi'mlleialovetbeCa-cadefall., and continues whlcUIshardlvprolabl.lfnotoulteimpc1 up thcxalley of this river adl.tnncoof 15 iccUols, tven If they keep up the semblance' ilble. At the first dawn of Lc"ovnolhln;lirr, all sensible men who Investigated their pol icy, predicted thclrdonnfall In n very short lime. Their opposing elements were too eppsrent to admit of a different conclusion ; sxd tic folly of thtlr attempt to nationalise knownothlngltm has been made raanlfcit, These predictions have been TcriCed sooner lhaa was eipccted. A little while and one uf the most evil orgtolzaitons that cvcrdii j,-raceJ any tountry, will be known no more , . . , Artrtr, and Its leaders, these modern patrl- vl.; "in w BMiiiuicu iu uiiuiminurair,...,.,,,,, , ,. i.,,. f It,. XV!t fellowship with this corrupt, .hort.lived, monstrous ab.nrdlty-it. pernle oat Infla. race will bo no longer felt, and the curtain . , .11..1 mi ..I. 1.1.1. .. .1 ,!' u uvu ,..,u . ""7t"' City and John Day', river, ax that route an indignant people this new-fledged Intel- cro;.t, ht Ciwajc ,outhof Mt ,IooaiBnJ trance, and may lis folds Uampls enough ,, ,h, DaCJ 50 mM ,0 ,ho nortljwt , to effectually envelop the promulgators.- AcccrdInst0 ,Bt accounts glvc.7 of the The fate of 'Sam' will afford another in.foc4t,oa cf tbMe nIncl, Eugtne cil, ,, stance corroborative of tho trnthfulnei. of ncarIy on , raIght Un(l UlKttn M, placci iuc iuiiuhui), unu.ui.i "Uliiiu .,, so;: 'If there le any among nt who wenld! with to dlttolvo this Union or to change it itpublitanftirm, let them stand, uadiiturbl I'd, M monuments of thetafety with which1 trrr ejT ppinion rtoy be tolerated, icAerel rtaion u itjijrtt in tomoai if." ij The people, In all the "times that bave'j tried men's touls," during the existence tf ' this republic, have proved themselves fully loual to any and every emergency that when the Cnlon Is threatened, by tho pro- molgatlon ef baneful and pernicious limi, 1 ly c'aminns, dttlgnlnz demagogues, then It ftund He ccmervathe of all parties standing firmly by ths Constitution, and protecting that loercd palladium of our lib- trtlM from the encroachments and Innova- I lions .of Its tncml't. knowing no north, no' rcuth, nothing lit the Constitution end the I'nlon. ir....il.f..J.M 1 L.if, I.. l.t-... I.. nUWu...HB. ..... ...S4tti., iTepi-ciueu-.aiocrai.epar jmnnea. 8CccpUlrtbank,4 Dcar , nume vlUle rositlon, n1 tho recent d.'truptlon ofl0W we (o!lI) ,n 1C adjaCent mountains, iai isms uuKUI i ir tun ucr o. iu, Rnd at th,, (.alon of ,he Jear tliCy ,f, Tcry ntst dtmocratlc candidate for tLc Tresidcn- j faU Tfce mcat we tUnV u a,toSctlier supe 7' j r'.or in taste to any other klud of meat In Griikkliiippors lU:c. The bear from which this mcat wo Tic rapid strides of ibno restlf.rouc ni-ij taVen, was killed by Mr. Williams about two mudasbavo not jet ilr.clud, Iu the upper i miles from this i lace. Itwas of theblack part of this valley everything In tho way of' , Vesetables, br.ve been entirely destroyed -j vl...w,M f.i,.wi, ,r'i deTMtatlon. Farmers have bsd to resort to j Ati fvt 4 4 v. 1 A-rt 4. 4 . them, wbil. those xho baro failed to do t0Eirre:s, Portland for forwarding us late ( have wltsctscd tho destruction cf many I"'"0' PaP " ' "B ""' nlnaUs tr. which thoy hod Undtrly , these nsnere a week earlier than w. would couriihed for many years. In tho KoSue ".. one by mall. No person can appre and pUmath river valleys thalr ravages 'O'ate raeh favors tetter than ourselves. bavobccaxTor If petslblo than here, a,,Ju't continue todo so, gentlemen, tliere they commence- earlier and destroyed I State Govcn.vjiKM. We ask nn ntten tha greater portion ef ths wheat and ots. tire pcrusat of the able letter of Hoy. Dei. In this valley 11 is estimated tlmt about cro , aok Siitu, upon the subject of State Gov foarsu of tho nbe&t and oat crop has been , crnraent. We hope we may often bear from destroyed whilo com, rogetablee, &o , will prove to bo not worth gathering. We e'mll cnatlnuo to publish everything that will; , ,, , . . , tend to ennghUn the fa mer a. lo the best mtans of r,rcventlng their dcs.ructlons an. other year. The editors of that excellent agnouliurai journal, uiciiaiiuruia J prmzr, sraln pureult of kuonledgo upon thl.i tub- .et at pri'ent, and c thall continue lo piie-ur ri-aderit Iho bonflll ff their llmt and inxcirl-xllciit upon the tulject. l'oit Colvllio Clolil Mini Itoutc, Vr. From tiilcllljcnco received by lt mM from Ihonoitb, wo nro lot to bellcvo that thcro It no Joult about tlio truth of the reports hitherto circulated lr-reiril to the dttcouiyof geld near Ft. Colvllio, Wash Ington Territory. l.nriso amounts of ruM Imxbcen taken out Inn xcry thorl time, and It only now remains W bo seen whether these mines" are extensive, or whether tho supply of available ore Is only conllueil to n email district too much limited to lieuellt the country generally, nnd supply worlc for nny considerable Lumber of men. Ibis will bo" nscirlalned very toon. Itcllablo men have Iksch ent thither recently, from the Willamette valley, to gain Information in this point. Wells, Fargo .t Co.'s incMcngct-j as expected to return about the 2.1th ult. We male tho following extinct from a lmI-' iicjs lettr finni a frUitd l Corvallis : C-returned yesterdM-from the Dalles, 1 1 started lack agiln lnt night. He tay gold In thctc mine!' 1 a "lUed fact." I 1 .V ,1.t t t llin rnk.. Vrattv l rtlllv ' tbo cold In Ihctc mine!" lx a "ilxed fact." I think that it Is the caw. Nearly exyrjltoiiy ,"" '""" ;,. lallev ' ! U ,r 'n, ? & ftoBI W; ,"!. J, I , c understand tht sclera of our fr .ids Hln ll,U vMlcy- Jc8'en ',utlI,,S for ',,CSl' I ' mines In a short time, and that they may he ' , I postcllnrcgardtotho routes, wo subjoin thcfolloulng extracts from tho Portland standimi, iucn wo iuioms ic roosi rvii- nldc description of ths routes yet given : iscription or tuerouicsyei given: 1 uo generally circuuicu, nnn iorwnriieiii,)(,(. fc csact joint of the recent gld dls.'to the Axemblv, tlmt tlml bn ly nnv' ,v' (j sis dccrlbod to be on tho fen l)'- ,aVo a prfteticablo ami reliable b.fis :fi! ... .n. rhcr, one of the tributaries of the,' .....,.' ..,1 npli-.. I , ,,., Ml. The walors of this stream pajsV0r,i,,,,MVUcUo,,f , , , the Nil "Tliecsact joint of tho recent gnld ills coverlcs Grille I voiiii'r'n ...i; .i vi tins stream I..I U. rTh.t .., AT J1.T- .1.... . .throti?halakcefthamename,lnlatltue:r ISUck. north, ant llow on In a direction a lit Icncrmcr.'CM.auisiaiiceorawoul cu , ml es. and unite nllh ho Columbia In la ! itudeJSdeg. 13 north nml lengitu.lo 118 oeS- wist. The guM has Ictn principally found belireen thl. Iskc an I the mouth of ,lMs rUcr.wlilcti is north nnd east of Korl Cotr.llo alMO miles. , Jff BS:fiuS ,ffi 'son miles. 1 "1b route uliiclt I' now travelled ly land, is across tlio i.imM'Jcj tutitn or Jit. Ho0'- crossing the Deshuttes. Juhn Day's inJ Vmatllla rivers to Walla Walla, leasing ihe Dalles about 30 miles to the north nest. From Walla WMla It proceeds across the Sualic riur '" JIrJj" "f'r uc north on r nn ontn and rolling country to the ovirnn open and rolling country to the , i.c j'Orllle. This route Is represented to , 'afTonl a good wagon real from WalU Willi ito thoinlnesor to Fort CoUlile. It erodes 'yiia! for animals may oe lounn ai ncariy nn pc- lo ot the year, "Another route which Is said lo I veryjl When the fi.ii'illoti o aclicable.toaus 1 the Columbia river at the lnn)ellt WJ1 v,.,uii!tcd 'tJ.elc.xble, mouu, 0r the While Salmon river, alout 13 L.. ,. .i.-..'.' 1. .1 1. .f .l.'Mll.t... ,..1...V1. .1. .,,.u -I .1. Mll.t... I ir ,,.',, tou?. '1 . Vl V."i '"' 'blahwefewa0!! Hon or rnesi 1 rar". wnerc is gooo cros- In;, and thence north by tast to tho mines. 1 Ulm ruuic lllivirvi lliv I wu.v iivm ..wiin WalUnoir the Grand Coulle or ilttp ravine and rroccds on (ha east aide of this ravine, but west of the Sfokan house." From the above It would teem that the nearest and most practicable route from l this valley lo the mines, would be to pro- CTCUIU1-Ugvili2l.il, nan mtu ivuun mc ,m, t md 8Crc(J lbe Ca!Cadt mountl,nl, I Wal.& aad ColumUa ,,, , , , Wfl ,h,nk hat ,hc , wooM ... ,. ,r, ..,. i,... r... strike the Willamette routebetween Lugena j J-'of t ColvillC The War Xcxv Which we publish to-dar. Is more than usually Important. The allies have gained, complete po'seislon ofthe sea of Azoff.cap. tared th? ferlres ofKertich, nnd destroyed Immense stores belonging to the Russians. I .. ... . .. .....1 .in. ' ... aHimllsr result c the former, lhfl allies at 1. Selaitapol have succeecdcd In taking tbei "White Tower," on 1 the "Mamelon," after a molt sanguinary ccnllict, the details of which are not given. With these Important. pcts In ponesslon of the allies, It Is tald, ( that Sebmtapol will be In a very critical 'roltlo. Hy the next steamer from New! York ne look for news of the most ImjKir tnnt and decisive character. I Lvscbtv iTTI Williams, Etr., of this I II... ...,....., ,, . unvc, jifcscuicu u nunc jiicccoi iiir Hicai.i e fcn daJ, aau f(;r nhIcl,hewllI p,ea, davsalnce. fcr which he will please species, and weighed about 200 lbs. . . ", 7, , . v. 1 .. r Again we are greatly Indebted to C. .T. XfrPtirmfrV. nf thu rHrlfic Knrea. and to J. O'Xell, cf Wells, Fargo & Co.'sJ -. wva v r . - ..-,. j-- , Mr. S. upon this and other subjects of publlo Imporlaucc. . . ?.. . , , .," .. , pir Much ed tor al and other matter n- Mi ft ,m, M w () lrojko rogm ftr ,hc ncw, bll)UgM , Uj6 ,Mt ,manf 10 NatI(,nal Knownothlng Con- ventinn, nnd tho Important and exciting Tirwii from Ihirop'.'. .jfrFrfh Inel Is tilling frr 13 itntxper' lb. In Philadelphia. For tho OaKllo. NI11 to Convinitlon. Mn. Hovi A'l'r: 1 peieolvo i' I'10 Gatcttc of the 7th Inst, tlml yon hxve dcclnred "1W ConventW'i in 1850." I nut glad xitu Imvo iltmo tltiij :nl t ,' hojio wo shall Injur soon I'loni tin' pres licncinllv. tliiotiuhout tlio Territory,' unon this tiuesthm. tutor to tho meeting, hi the iicgmulme, unit not oniyiruin .-.. - 1 too press lint lioni tlio people. It cannot he doniul th.it tho volo of the pnst nml present season, upon tlio jt ormiifiit. Is llmt th.y feiir tho new Glutei question of Stiito(inveiiiuiciit,willhuU;j i, olliceifd by ilrmwriits. lie- ( :itendeiioy titcuihnruiss tho action of the mi)Vo this I'enr nml you reiumo llieirli next I.citaiiu Asseinhly In nny pro. j' t,jiositlon. The lo.uiing wlilrOn' ,i poscil nction upon tlidt Rulijoet. l'i-l j.on nr0 men of too oml ieuxi notil positiitns l'or action of tome Mini will. 1 in know tint n .Slate uovetnuienl U . tlouhltesa ho rcncuril. In onlcr thai ' ttie lVoplo Itepresentntlves tiny know ulint they ought lo tin, nml what they1 will be ciicctal to do, it i Important'! that tho iitteitlon bo nult.xted nml tlii ' 7',,l1. lj,ul1' "in8 ''" I'l'0 ""J1 Ii through Iho meiliiini of tlio pre. Anl,j Inasmuch nx tho ittcmbcrs of tin) I.c(- !!. . l, I ...I, ,.t .. ...-. ,,"""r0 " "' ""vc "" ""Position 10 run r upon th e pooplo what tl..' people tlo not wal ,,;, u, , lia h,u been fully, freely mtd fairly .liou-vl, ! t I Irn.t If tilll In tiriiip til tlt.i ail. .. ....... ... ........ ri 0 t,e I.pBil.iture I would re ,,rctfully sufc-yesl that inenioriMji-or reuionsirnnces, nx toe c.tn may w)lia' coualru 1110 our new .VdifV. Iltil bo Benerally circuUted, nml forwarded ' "'.v Ho urged to reply lo tlie niii.vi. , suggestion, Hint a bails for Legislative j . .. . .. npiuion nml nclton nlreatly existMutlie1 f,r, ,,,,, .i.,, liri)ni,j,in.. f.,r ..., ,!,, ,. . .: " " " "J " ;".: ;.V " vi'ljei 1 -.....; l'"''"'"' ""'''"" 1 lulrallll' ol",u -i'miiuiiuii inn uvi-ii prescntid to the people bv two sucees , K l.rliilliirr. m.l t"s nfton ,.laI ,oxr. bv-the t.eotile. 1 denv the I,-...' Jitney mid couelusivouessorihiiohjfc., 'lion or Answer, and the issuo ttnii pre- , lenteil 1 now itroiinv. with your pir- 'iiteii 1 now projio', with yi niiislon, xery hrielly lo ilixeuxs. It ll truo tlmt the question ofn coil I vnnllntl lint lipmi tlviin nmiiin tiil t,i tliH , i , , "' I""'" ; .ill .lllllllUSUWI.l. tail, viilllinn nil (luynn- peoploj mid It U tilsc Into that the pro.",,,,, j Xetv .Mexico, Ni.br.wkn and Kan. ""uu " "" """; ""l , . ,nu - v.tg.. .in. uivii' iuv in .ii, i other things truo nl.x, connecled with Mho hiitury of tlili iuction. I'owques- t"01"' certaliil.v. xvr. ever ttubniille.1 lo- n poind ir into under moro unfavorable' Iciicnmitaneei for tlitir tuccMn. ' f a Stato gov. one year ago, .. n f t ., 1 ,A ithe Uomocracy rertseU or neglecteil to '.niako it n party isiue. .Not 10 wilhthe . . I . . 'proposition llicir nresi anil parly ma. jthlnerv ami party' drill, to the extent " . . 1 ." . " " i'"i ai u "" " llliiu (I'livrni uui'utBiun liui, iiiinuv. and worso than nil, the quest! n convention w.xi cruelly mvrdcret tween contending local mrirrjii.wtilcli, rf. . . . mueeu, 11 111 uni meei or ucciuu uiu icai merits oflheuueition of a htato gov. 'eniiiient! 'Ibis fact was tullicieully ' ftltifuil l.v lliu v,tn if M.irtnn Jnrll. ....w.v j ,..v ...... -. .....-.., son, I.ano and olhor counties. 1 hit year, AL-ain many ardent friends , of tlio tnensuregave It tlio go by under, the generally erroncoui supposition that they would thereby frjiinlo tho. ucc of their county nnd Legislative' licket. Ileiidei, zealous, rampant mid ovcr-confident knownothingiiiu.impoii. id a sort of necenily upon u lo forget or ricgicc all oilier mxttcri in onlor to akin tliut 1 It rexulttd tint our news papers; said but littlo upon tho question of a convention, it was not broached j in some counties, nnd but slightly dis cussed in any, whilst in I.ano it was designedly ignored a placo upon the do-1 mocrntic ballots.yct llie woriU'Vvrmt convention" wore carefully printed up. 011 tlie whig knowiMtiiitf! tickets! Kiinwiiothingiim may, therefore, be litvrillAii flrmii nt Iimiiiii. iltrnMli; uml '.. . " T. " . . indireclly, crucified thciucstiuuof com venlion fu leaf. I It is evident that tlitf result of tlio 1 two last canrnitcs may bo rucated , again nod ogi.in, and thii, too, wiC!' out eicr onco latny cnnv.xuinj uie merits 1 nls or truly nnd justly deciding tho mil cstion of n JJtnto government, if grco- ' dy local uestioni, or iusolmlly rain. , 'pant new tstuct are to bo iiarnulled to thwart iho wiihes or to direct from their Iniirr.ninthn rnnl t,.mnrrnrv nfllinTnr, I'-'i""--"- "" -'"-. " ..- -- ''ry. J.aitwinlcr I introduced, in tlio I. eg iilature, n bill which, had It passed mid become a law, would Imvo brought tho question of n Stato government fully and fairly before tho wholo people. That bill provided for tho election of I delegates by tho people ton conven tion. If a majority of tho delegates so elected wcro in favor of a State gov ernment, tho bill provided that they should framo nnd submit to tho peoplo for their ndopliou or rejection, a const!, tution ; but that if a majority so cloctcd were opposed to tho lonnation of n State government, no constitution was to bo Iramcd. Had that bill become a law.sixty of the best men in tho Tenb tory woulil liavo Ijeen beforo thopeonlo In iho Into canvass advocating tho for matlonofn Stato government, nnd I do not entertain a doubt but tbatlhrco fourths of them would have been til umpbantly elected I Indeed, had tho samo exertion been made in behalf of the convention question that was put forth to carry (ho Delegate tickets, it would Imvo liiutnphed by nearly n lurge a majority! J.inn county gave 373 majority for convention. Had we labored as energetically In its behalf n wo did to cxpow) and route knownotli Ingitm, thlt county would Imvo given 5(11 majority fur comention ! Though lo tho honor of tho democrayof Linn I will my that they hnve iievorfofferv I tlio Issue, or iiuuyht to avoid Its discus. 'slon. I I have tto faith in tlio idni'oilly oftlm whlg leader in tlivlr oppnxlllon to n 'Statu ititvornuiciit. 'I'lmt ihey "rr".v tliotnolxt-n in opposition Is most true, ''iat they ciirp iilmtit lax'itlon, Ato , In ,' ......Mi.. iMi,,. ImiI llmt tlioy nro itwirtfi, in il,,,, nrolotsliiit to Ktnto the rail grounds of their opponilion I tin not bo- j, Tl.,v,. 'I'lm unlit riiiiaoii for their Imv , . . 1 . ,i ;,.. 1,, i,0 pronoiillnii lorn .Stittogtiv now i(Miiniiileil hv thii liekt prenenl null prnatictstixo inteiesta of tlie peoplo of ,i, Territoiy. l'tior M tin list tloelhnt, when ml .lr..Rin'. n timiiini uf ibo neonlo ol'tliii county, I itrgetl, in ntlilltlou to many ,itu,r coiulilerelioni why we Mioiildnel troimillv nml decisively In iei:nd to n t. t J ... ..," , S j-ou-intlieiit, tlio MCI Illill on 1)0 '.omill Slnto wo would be entilUd J f ,,, ,,(llorllm,u, 1 r00 000 ncre, uf land ', nnd llmt if wo ..I'.t t t I .t. well' expcnilimiJ iiimhh 11 u 111 i,,n 1 ii." lM;l tint muoiiut of bind ensl of the, K'ascnde mount tiu, mill ificurvm.V l,)()(. flM, ,(,, yMden inonieiit haxnom. (Sold, silver, lead, eo.d, vVe.. It is iirnvereil there. l)nr people lioin 'illni.it tin nr rtniertiliiH' to tlie .... ..... .r,. . . . ? . ,.asi f ,lt, Cnioftil.. 'Ihey will join ,1, ,c,,p,y tlit.ru in milling t'ongresx for n Territorial vuntKirnt. ndifthey " ,. ... ... ..' .. , ,..,., f. ,,t,,,e ull vuiiavnl lit In' fiUfill,!) lot ' y ltl, KI,Criuiii'iit. l.'od inilv knuwi i. .. n. 11 i..- C: ZV XSZtiZl n W .i.. ( of l.tud whvii iluio'i' 1 p',,1,1 wv ,, brS(mU) n yta'.o we max luii i.,,,,,, t,, i ielM ur mi.itil.ition , nitic't, mvo by natural proeie.itioii. ft ..ou,i ,,.,1 b.nsiiriiriiu''iireuinxtanct' n ill f '...1. il. ...!.... I ....I.... - s:is, anil even t!.o country luiutcilUlviy w.itt (ii inn i.iitr.ifii, man unins. (iiieri'ii lt10 ri0M n1 .States, In ndvanco of '( ),.. t We.it em, nro eoutent ,,.1, fifty ihousnud strong--!., bow our riechx to the yoke of ColoniM in xalago Tor xenri to cuiiii'.lnr lc.tr o. too possibility of bung cnllid upon, for n cnr or two, to pay 11 tax o tliu one. .. 1 . .... tluUiint, paft uoach dollar wo po. wji(l eXei,ai.g.. fortl.o nylit,.il.iIo- .... ..,,1 1. 1...... of a Jstato govern. .menl! '"X JO.OOO people of Oregon own' ri'" "" until. " moro latin titan nny inner iiu.uuu pco inAlly. 1 ntc taken an a wholo and prouilscu 11 or nMy 0 tl10 gb! Tho lunicrs nf """'"!, Oregon own more cnltlu(niid of great., moro laud titan nny oilier ;U,OUU pco cr alue,) than uuy oilier npial number 0r farnura t.ikuii an ti wliulo nml pro mticuouily 011 tlio globe! The fill. 000 people of Oregon liavo moro real, .iiir..iiitii trrnlih Uiutl tho drat flO.OUU neonlu of imv Territory of this Union rr.r i.-.i t vi. ;,ii 000 iioiinlo of Orn. Vi )cller( ,nuro clioaidy and nt moru C3gu ,!, aivj :,o,00l) peoplo of lom ,.lV0 m,y kuuwledgu! The r'),000 peoplo of Oreg 111 are 5,000 milea rr() tl0 CJ,,,tu ..fti.u Niilloii.and expo, t;c,lc.(.d m()l0 i,iconenieuce, vesatiou, ,c4.. itmj ,JMi ,uir illlCrcoursu with ,lu Ul.,icru nvernmont titan the people. of au v other I'errilory lielntiging lothe Unilt d. Stutcae 1 rr (( )reguii has more inhabitants tlinn many of thu nuwb'latus had when llioy xvero admittud into the Union. And Oregon bus lets to lose and more to gain by becoming a .Statu than nny Ti-nilory uver hnd llmt bax preceded it unlcti California bo no exception! Ami yd 0..'L'on plead the lilj net J llow i.ru wo to explain or oxcuio nur position, n n pL'Ojile,upoii tbiiiUoition 01 mi iiiuepciiiicru pomicnt oxisii-iico 1 It needs tumu explanation nml defence. For il is n curious fiict in our history, tlml liy turns too editors, orators, legis lutoM nnd leuderit of all parties in Oru I,,,...!.,.....!.. i!.Ph nanLndvocaled either i,i.1oinlnii mitloi.il iimSr.iin itm-.l crnmei.l oxisleiicel ; or .ntlcnsl .that iho 11.-i s. ,t,i..i 1,1 ,.pi .,11 ,,i!ii.H l0rnlcir uCll iveriiiii-nl I Souw ilomocraU of Oroifmi (thott''h professing to be jiersonxlly InJ'uror ol ) voted ngaiiitt cotivciilioii,becnus,(lhuy s.iy,) they went fearful llio knownotli' iugs might entry tbo day; in which' event, Ihey wero fearful wo might gut a kiioiriiittliiiin coiutitulion ! Whilst Dry er, Chirm V Co. voted against convert. lion fonring wo might Imvo a"J)urhnm" ... .. 3 1 .- " I .1,1. .1 1. ! conellliltioii I iow, 1 iniiiH uiu ruiuuui tho lato clecllon, aa well ns nil those which hao proceded it has pretty well cslablisbetl Iho fact that Oregon U Dr.xiotjRATio ! so well, indeod, thai Dryer will actually cumo to believo that "di'inocrnl n talismanio wonl !" nnd timid democrats may venturo to vote Iheirrtti sentiments upon all ques tionsl With a largo democratic majoiity In Iho Terrllory.and with so many cogcnl and conclubivo reasons in fnvor of n Slain govcinmeiit, it Is n khamo that this senseless cry of iho whig lenders J.nnlil Imvo buen normittud to frIhton so ninny democrnts ftom their pioiiriu ly, mid Jiat tho questloii fthould Imvo been dofonted nt nil, under uny circum stuuece. I trust, howovoi-.tlmt wo hnvu tion tlio last of this timidity in thu nrceenco of the klusli.fuiigus assaulti of kiinivnothlngisin. Linn county Is able to givo a major ity for convention largo enough to rnoh thtt which bhn gavo on tho 4th of June nnd cover, in addition, rrht'f of tint number by which tho piopoxl. lion wn iliifunteil In tho Territory I An (iitu ol'hurreprofienliillveit, I iroioso in rii.liitroilui'c. nt tlio next Hi'ixinii, my bill ori.tft winter. I ineutlou tliU Ihnt tliovt Inteii'ileil nmy rIvo ' thmihl. iiivo wi lien tniien moro lli.tn 1 in li'iuleti wtinn I looli up my pen, but l hono my mi;i'eAllniit inny prove noli only (le'eoplaiilo but tteriieeiibh'. I urn, in luior ofiilher nluiulonio)' ihlt.St lie' Kiii'iiiiiieiitiiuilliiii enlirely, or ofjlv J luj; ii riii'lt nlleution iih kIiiiII euniiru it eoutiii ii' Hiteeens In tho lori'iinliiK iiIIikIoiix to wliij," I tin mil vlli l(ie iimletslooil iih em liriii'lim nil wliti'. Tlieto .110 nnut : . , 1 honorable except n who Are .now..,! ..ml liotieilnilttnjnU'H ol n Mate jjov , r,","Jl,,V . , tt Idling you 1 great nueeen in iour enlerptlie, I aubterilut tiiyneir Tiulv and oliediiiullv youiit, l)i:i.'()S ! SMI I'll. Grand IVmilo llonie, July SIOlli, 'iVi. Tin' r'iil EC. N. :m'iilloti I. ivt.lt.. .!.. I.I,... Wi.iid.hklilll 111 ... . ......... , . tttii.orlll'rii .Tloinlifli'B'Mo r;iiiil.iilloiii. Tlio National Know N'othing 1'mii vnition MH"tnM"il at I'liihilelpltl l on l'.e .lib June, mid the ruiiilt Ii the proinnljiti "i oftivi)ilitfiiriiii -i t'it botweeu the North nnd .South, and lliu foriualiiiu of ln orgiiilillous, The fllotl In nation tlliJ Ixtmw Nittliiugixin h.'ix failed. Tlie result It tx tint Mirpii J .'Hl one, I'nmi llie ncliitll of llie Noitheru Know Nothings, It was t l expeeled that n diil-oi w.udd t .It" i.t:o ti.i the Miliji'ct "f slii'ny. A ilcpaleh In tho New Yurk ''imrt, da ted I'liibidelplilt.Juue I It'i, my1 Tlierv It is been n j'Mini ilitroptinii of iliij Ktiotv Nnlltli Order. Toe Northern nii'inliem refuxo to nbidn In the pro t-l tvery pi tlfurui llmt w u adopt I'll MSI lllglll. .11" .ii.llilvii.M.i.h.mj,,N 0, Ul, a.S,Ifr, nml lint inel tint It to the Aui-lican .Natio-nl Convention mw.f iB iiioiiiIiit.aiiiI it rrconinitmU conxenetl nt H o'cloeli thii niornliig, lit ,lnl .f0 , concealment of Dm thu tiir ird llotiv, for tho .'irpoio of iU(vt ,)f Mvvlu, ( t.utJI,rdiii.ile cuun. nri:iuiii; n Norlliern (Inlet. I In , t.,j, Hon. Il.-irv Wilson wat catli'd tn . -. . .1 I 1..I. 'I'l... VI. .11. ...1. .1.1.....,... tho chair, nnd II. M. McAbee w. ni!, pointed aecrctxr). ! I-'i 0111 thu UtruUl, we txke iho fol- 1 lowi'tg brief t nopxis of the entire pro-! ccedmgH : " w iiautleipatid, upon thontlopl. ion of tho majority report "f tho plat form committee, tho Abolition faction. led by.Si'iiator Wllion.b'tlled. Thiir. day t'hey.iirgnnixnl n sepirato meeting, and promulgated nn million to Iho'' tonile, which wo publish: 'I'lto regu 1 Inr L'onvenlion, pug.'d or it nialcoti tents, proceeded with tin Ir business, nnd ditcuiacd the mollifications to tlip ritual. A proposition lo ndmit Aitmri can Catholics lo fi'tlnwslilp rrrtnl a warmtlebxle, nnd was llually tb-fealetl by n l.iriui mniorilv. A imlion tlirccl- lit" tha .""'ocret.iry to publish the pro ceedingt mid platform in uontpapera liiemlly to llio citiit', was nuopieti, Inilian ( rink, a ilistanco ol aoum nnd nn addreJS was ordered In bo pro three miles on (o lids brach. It has iiwil nml circulated. Tiio Ixbors of already reached iho "lUt" claims, and tho Know Nothing Contention nt will bo iniiiily completed in about six I'hiladelpliln tnriiiiuilttil on IVi lay. 1 week. As soon ns nil things are in Tlio lituil lias be-ii lomewhiit modi i rendinesi for miiihig, there clearly will lied, mid tho ('Atholiu test lexllirmed bo a heavy amount of mining done. by n largo majority, notwithstanding" .Moro lnvu will bo required nt that limn an cloijucht I'lfort Iris been initio b ibnn nro At present upon Iho beach. Judge Hopkins nnd others to died itsii Wnges will probably rango from flfly abrugatititi. A committeo wax cppoln. t sevnly.o dolln'ra per month. Wat ti'd to ateeilxbi iho n'lount nf Mr. havosemi inonlhly communication with llarkor'A expenditures in behalf of thu San I'rmicisco, ilx Crescent City or Order, with thu view of its repay meiif Port Orfunl. I'olillcitlly w cxerelsi a The sum Is add lo bo a largo one. I decided iulbionco In this countycast. ,Thu roprei-ntalloii in the Nominating jug soventy, out of Iwo hundrod, xoles Convention will comprise one delegate nt tliu June election. No prevailing from each J Slite. Tim next Conyen- eiel.nesi rxeopt thu besch fover a ills tiou will lielield in this eliy, on tliu llrst t.n50 pticlil y subjected through tho Tuesday in Juno next." , medical nldll of Dr. McWIillo. On tho blxth tbiyoftht setiimt, the'. If uu deiin tho nbovo worthy of in majority mid minority rep-nli wen;1 serlion, please givo it a place in your .submitted, tn folio: ', iourmil, nnd obllgo M.womrv r.r.i-nur. I Jli'tohcl, That iho American paily, having niiKuii upon Hut mini mid in spituof iho opposition of the Whig nml iJeiuocrnllc parti'-ii, cannot bo livid in any manner rusjiiituililo lor llio oiinnx ious nets and violated pledges of ci ftf Iher: that tho ynteinxtic ngiluliou ol tho fclatery quiMion bv ihoto pxrtiol bus elevated nee iniiml linsllhty into n ,, postivo element of political power, uml brought nur iustltutiun Into pctil. It baj, therefore, bueomu tho Iinpurativii duty of tho AmiiiCAii party to Inter, pose, .for iho purpuso of giiiug penco to llio tountry nml pcrpoluily to tho IJuioii ; llmt ns cxperletico bus shown it is impossible, to reconcile opinions so extreme as those which separate tho disputants, nml as tliero can bo no dishonor in submitting to llio laws, the National Council has doeiuod it thu host gunrnnteo of common juntlco nnd of future poauo to ubldo by mid iiinln. lain tho existing luwsujton iho subject ofalaxory, n 11 fluid and concludvo lettloinciit of that subject lu spiiit uml In substance. llesovcd. Tlmt regarding it Iho highest duty to nvow these opinions upon n subject so important, m mi' tinctnnd unniulvocul terms, It is lieie bv doclared as thu senso of thin Nn tioual Council, tlmt Congress posses h8 110 power miller tho Conetittitloii to lenlihito unon tbo Kiibject of slavery in tho States or to oxcludo nny Slate from ndmlisloti into llio Union Ijocnuso itx Coiisiitutou does or doos not rccog- 11U0 Iho institution of slavory ns a part of bur social system ; and oxpruasly nroterminatlng any expressions of opin ion upon the power of Congrb to es tablish or prohibit thvory In nny Ttr. litorv. It is the route ol this National ---' ' -' . 'I "M ' 11 !"tr) ('ouuull, tlmt ('nuitrum (Mi(;lit nut to leulsbtto upon tlio Mibjict of sbtvrrv within tlio Territory of lint Unllci'l Slntea, nml llmt nny lulnrfurenuo by ('otii(rrat wllli nlneiv. " It I'xlati in tlio Dislilct ol Coliiiuiihi, would bo n iliilatlon of lint spitit nuil luleiillon of tint eouipnet by which tint Hlnln of Mnrtlauil eeduil the Dltlilcl Id tho U. nileil .Stales, nml 11 hie.tuh ol'lhe imllyu. utliilth. MIMililii lil.iiuir. IU'ohfil, Tlml tint lepeal uf the Mis. Isouri t'ouiprnnilsu wnit nn Infraction nt the plighted Initii or Hut imliim, nnd that It shuiild hu if Milled ; nml If eirortx In tlml mill Ji. II I. .11 ('... .1 11 ... .... . 1,1. nn 11, iiik, . ,'iiuirB liuillll r(,fi(i( , ,,,,, .. Sla, ,nurM , 1. , . .. , , , iiiiypuilliinofthuTi'iillorv I'rorn which I,,,,,, hl(, )( V((l, p3,e,'ul)fj , mt I'uiiiproinlte. ,.,. ' , , Hi" 'tmjoiily or xlneery report was I' .nlopled by the follnwliig ote ! ij Ar. New Vmh, Delnwnrr, tV I, I11111I1I.1, Vli(,iul 1, Nntlli (.'innliiin, tieor. 'KN, Sonlh I'm.diui, 1'lnilil.i. I.uulsl. .... l tl, ... , , ... ,, i,,.,, , .(nan n, ,ii in 1. nn . .xi 11. iiuri, Atlixnsrn, Teuni'rie, lielitiichy , C; lllnriili, Miinlan.l M). iSon..New Ji-itriy, Nt tr I lump. re, M due, Veimoul, Illindo Isbiud, .tilr Conui-eliiMit, MIMdgnn, lllinuls, Ohio. , low.i, IViuisvlv.tuIn, M.xsnucliiiiells, j WiiL'tiiinlii, Mluiifviln- flO. I'ilty. three nii'mhers, representing ' M txsaehiix'lt. New Hampshire, Vrr 'tit ml, Maine, (I'tlo, Indiana, Michigan, lilliu I., lowx, Ith'ule Inland, Cuuucl. , Itcut, Wiii'iinitii,. Seceded. Wc u!nl'ip f.illoivi.ig fioill thu plat I'm in of tho .Sriulhem l.if liuti : This N ill iiixl Ci.ini.'il deolarra that nil th" ji'l'irii,', n tlui (IhIit shall bis lienecfoiwalil t.iy wlirfr nirnltr avtiweil; nnd liint eneh iiiiMiilur shall bo ntlilurU In malm Kliuwtt tlio ialat . . '.. . ... ... l'or ths Uiiiwi. (ItKll. from .lloiiili ol IIohiio Itlvrr. 1 Wit iLt:iiaiu), July IS, 'ftS. 1 Mil. Dniron: lleforolcnvin;; rlontti. illiitrg r 1 r llils place I wax tolicllrd by I ii'iftnl geiillentcu in that place and vl cii.i'y to give them such information at mv own xiowx nml olMervnlinn would dictate in rrfi reiito lo iniiiliig, iVc ,A,i!., in tlui section. This mining district 14 probably Aiming ihn xrry best yet tits. covered on ihii coast tho only obsta c.i being want of water but, happily, ibnt inun'tlimriit will shortly bo over. come. XI 0 Have u 11 ntr -o., iroin -San rrnneUrn, wills an engine nf Iwan- ' ly linrtn pawar, r.xialiln nf raising al b'Mil thirty torn heads; nlio n Ditch Oo. ' have, by a gri-al cxjieitditurn of labor ami money, aucccoiletl, or nearly so, in bringing n largo nmouiit nfwntor frrrn Ax ui.u lti:siui:.NTiir .Si'onsnt'uo. Amitiiiiii .Srtitr.r Hiicii:tv ami it Via rroii.M. nnttier secret society, or rather a new order of secret political refornnirs, hasieeoiilly snrung up. ll nn Anti-Shivery nirnlr, nnd lias . . .. -r ..l- iHMtlHUll HIV .... ...-. . -- o,,,..,,!,!,,,,. ai n rneenl euiivunlliiii ntloiituil llio cogiuinivii 01 -niiim, J ,0tilin Ht Clou land, Ohio, tlio follnw. , i,aiforin wits given to lbe world by tho new order : I. Distinct nnd drleruilned Inutil ity lo theencronchmonls of slavery. II. A demand for thu restoration uf thu Missoutl Compromise. Ill,- Internal linprovemsnts under tbo authority of thu (icnornl Govern ment. IV. IVutcvtiun lo American Indus try Tho question of temperiTuuii will bo left to tho action of tho Individual .States. r Wlilln tho Know Horaqlhtug Uga xi'litlou wus In scsiton at Olsveland. thg fol lowing despatch wis received from tho kaoif nothing coiivnntlun In Philadelphia 1 "Tho North defeated 1 Tha pro slawry platrurmll TltlrUiu States withdrawn III ilod I'trrnallydninn slaiery and dugioooi Until II" 1 hi nn ircelrcd wlthtrcmunduoui shouts mid iherrlng. SBr The New York Herald predicts as follow In reganl lo who will hu the cut.ill lutes fur the next Presidency : Deiiiocrutie Candidate, on.ry A, Wlu. KnowcoWac Goo. Liwor -WLIlaixl I'UU more. x Mixed Ab-illtlon, W. It. Bojrd Ucnx ry Wilson fuTho Xcw Ilompthlre Houtoof np rcrcntutlvca Lavu clouted James Doll a 'id John P. Hale to thn U. S. Kcr.uto, till fcr Ike long turn and Uclu fcr the ihcit Krm.