The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 30, 1855, Image 2

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llmpqua njcttc.
01 iick i. niNur.nnns mjilmmis, skxt
uoon wkst scoTnwumi iiousk.
Snturtlny, Juno 30, IbfsS.
1)kUsqij.st3 Pav Urv-Wo wish to settle
up all our business trnai;tcil In tho lat
year. Many of our tubserlbcr owe us yet
for tho Crtt volume of Ibc Gaiettk, and
we want them to "fork over" Immediately,
nrtro will bo after Ihtm with a sharp stick.
We havo ft largo amount due us for ndver-
tiring and Job work, which raut 1m forth
coming ocn. We haro recently sent ao
count to many, torn) hate responded ahd
tome havo not. We can't afford to spend
lime In writing dunning letter, ana jmy
pottage on tho tame more limit once. The
subscription for Tolumo two Is now due.
Recollect, our terms arc atteante. We hope
that this bint will bs understood.
SDClub subscriber, ir persons who
take more than one copy of this piper, arc
reminded that If Ihctr subscription Is not
paid strictly in adcanct, they will be charg
ed fire dollars per ccry.-tr:
VI r a Voco ttuil 'Sum.'
Wo wero truly gratified to fee that the viva
voce mode of voting was entirely mttltf.ic
lory to the reople at the late election. Wc
haro heard It commended very highly by
loth democrats and whig since It hm been
tried, and we are well satisfied that If It
was submitted to tho people of Oregon for
cr against the viva toco mode of voting,
tho expression In Us favor would bo fully
a unanimous as lias been tho elccttoo of
Gen. List, and the recent glorious triumph
of Democratic principles. SInco tho elcc
tlcn some of tho whig-Sam's, anxious for an
excuse for their rrctnt disgraceful defeat,
assert that tho democracy are Indebted to
the originator of the viva voce law Hon.
Delazon Smith for their Tlctory. Wo arc
unwilling to belicro this, and cannot think j
that the opposition are serious when tbeyi
tunko these assertions. But If they can In
-If II can 'I
m J
laiajwimrr aci asa ucaung oa.o w meir, 1,tM bT foa, unprincipled leaders of tho
wounded pride, and ralllatofora nofnt(lkaownoth!ngrirT) t lh, express porroso
their guilty consciences, they are welcome
to the 'flattering unction,' and can lav It to
their souls, If they please, that the viva voce'
law prostrated their hopes, by laying bare
tha evil-doers. Cut the democracy were
certain of victory, tho handwriting was up
no tbo wall, plainly, conspicuously and In
ilclllbly fixed there, ro that tho commonest
understanding coul 1 decipher the prophetic
words, 'Democracy triumphant, and death
to Sam. Wc bad truth, Justice, and liberal
principles on our side, and they were advo
cated boldly, openly and publicly, In oppo
sition to tho clandestine movements, the se
cret plottlngs, and tho tnlJntght lr.acjilna
t.ons of tbs whlg-knownothlngs. We will
not attempt to deny but that It was verv
desirable for us to know who we had to fight J
and the honest vihlgs wero also as anxious
tentdnced and entwined by the tllmy
jv,uui tug cu4&vm&o aaio , aau. now iar
the viva voco manner of voting has added
towards tbo consummation of thtlr wishes, '
let ILi practical operation, evidence. It
seems that It has been satisfactorily ascer
tained who "Sam" Is, and who aro Us fol
losrtrs. WMlo we think that tho adoption of the
viva voce law was no a tlernitr rtsort of!
(bo democracy of this Territory, as our op
ponents would now havo us believe, yet wo
!o thluk that It added much to tho large
majority for democratlo principles, and the
Lumlllatlng defeat of the opposition In the
late diction. Mr. Smith, Its originator,
deserves much credit for hit successful ad
rocacy of it in the Territorial Assembly;
and it it truly gratifying to see that be is
receiving a jait reward, and Is dally becom
ing moro popular for upholding and ad to
oatiog a measure that his enemies wero to
confident of destroying. Dr. Henry, who
was elected to tbo Leglslaturo las', win
ler from Yamhill county, and who fought
against tho viva, voco bill nnd Mr, Smith,
loud and long In tho House of Kepresenta tire s,
has been beaten SO votes this year, fcr Hep
resentatlve, whllo Mr, Smith has been trl
nmpnantly re-elected by -RO majority. The
fact Is, asMr. Chlnn said in bis speech at
Wlncnttler, "llio hvlj polltlo wm kink, nnd
it needed something to purgo and cleans.e
It." Tho onlyNllOercnco Is that Mr. Cblnn
Intimated that 'Sam' was to be taken In
small doses fur tho political malady, which
would effectually euro It, while wo think
that tho of Mr. Viva Voce, n
regular practitioner, was moit opportune,
In preventing Mr. Body I'olllio from taking
this poisonous drug, which was certain death.
We always admired the prluclplo of the
, viva voco bill, and slnco wltneutug Its ope
' ration wo are moro than erfir inclined to
our flrst opinion; It is anopifnand indepen
dent mauuer of oxerclsIng"the privileges of
4 rrcomen, which the pcoplo approve of, albeit
tho whlgs are "down on it," and the odltor
of tho Wtekly Timet has been pleased to
frown oa it, and term it "antiquated."
Tho people couldn't cmbraco "Somlvel"
witboutflrst having a gllmpso at tho new.
jledgcd gent. , Happily the viva voce law
rtTcaled this illegitimate offspring of whig
gcry, and the pcoplo heartily disapproving
nnd detesting tho nocturnal habits and apt
pearanccof'Samlvel," warned their friends
of his lieachiruus advances, Ami now 'tis
said that from much toll nnd labor after
titglil (for Sam tWa all his work In tho dark)
hcaccldcnlly Ml lulo n "rlpvanwlnklo"
slumber on tho evening of tho 4th 'of Juno
last, from which It Is supposed that ho will
never awaken, (lalvanlc batteries, and even
the hopeful words and comforting mor
sels or tho Orcgontati, cannot bring forth u
single otldonco of returning animation.
Samlvcl' "Is In his gravo J
After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well.'
Tiik Convention'. From the large ti
Jorltles which the flrst counties wo heard
front, gave In favor of a Convention to form
a Stat Constitution, wo were flattering
ourselves a few weeks since, that Uhad car
ried In tho Territory, by a very largo ma
jority. 1a this, wc were mistaken, since
hearing from nearly nil tho counties, we
aro satisfied that if It has carried, It Is by n
very small majority, and wo fear that It Is
lost. There will not bo fifty Totes difference
for er against It. In tho warm contest for
the delegntcahlp, wo fear that this Important
measure was too much overlooked. Tho lit
tie hopeyrmalnlng Is depending on tho re
turns of Jackson and Coos counties. Should
It prove to havo been defeated, then our
deep regret, as should tlioso or evet j No
ocrnt, will go with It.
It Is very well known that Oregon as long
as the remains a Territory, can take no step
above her present condition. She Is want
tng In vigor and force of character, and tho
Is destitute of any political power, such as
a State should pO!sess,ln order to obtain !y (
right, that which Territories now receive as
a favor by begging. Tho opposition com-1
btnatlon of Isms, among other hypocritical
and ridiculous pretensions, appealed to tho
prejudices of tho pcoplo on this question,'
. . .I..t. . '
iy asserting mat me taxes woum do so
largo that nono coul 1 withstand them, and
they, and all that could do to would leave1
the Territory, nt once, tn consequent of
Oregon becomtng a State. Of those who
bavo been affected by this kind of reasoning
we would Inquire how much bavo they lear
ned from these men I how much were they
enlightened on the subject! We venture to
say, not at all. They commenced their ar
gument with the word "taics," and ended
It with It, nnd never went beyond. Sever
toour'kiowtcdccbascno offered reosonl
for his opinions, when questioned, except
"taxes," and when questioned about "taxes"
why he knew nothing about It except "tax
es I" and the more wc questioned, the more
like mad-men the v n outd behave. Now the '
trath ,, tUU- TbIl bng.b(!4r ,tory w
of defeating tho demxratls party la Ore
gon, fully and effectually. Wo all know
that had Convention carried one year ago,
or even thlsyear, Oregon would bo able to
cut Lir votj In the Presidential election of
'56, and that would bo a democratlo vote.
It la Important to prevent this, says lb K.
N.'s; no matter if we remain poor miserable
beggars as a Territory, for years without
credit, without commerce, and without rep
resentation. Oh taxes t what a taagte there
la In that word. Other States havo been
admitted, and taxes have not destroyed
them; States which did not possess at their
admission one tenth of the necessity for
state organization as Oregon does at this
time. How silly it is to recur seriously to
this reason of tho defeat of Convention in
Oregon. Asido from other benefits whl:b a
State organization would to Oregon, It Is
plain to be seen that the wontd In her state
capacity ttand by the nation; her vote In
the next Presidential election would be
democratic, and Senators and Represents
tlvcs democratic. These considerations ar
worthy, and ought to have been met am
dwelt upon, instead of the srgusMp o
"taxes." which was accompanied with ntl
.. ' , . "r
luvr actuQur iui.ii.
& Tbo Oregon Statesman has hoitfed
the name of Gen. I.ane fur President in 'J8.
We bellevo that the General As most
available man for that distinguished posi
tion, now In the democratic rank and wo
know of no wan In the United Slates whose
chances are better for sccuring'the aomlna
tion of tho Democratlo National CeiwtMlon,
than those cf Ocneral Lane's, lfe pWesses
all tho elements of popularity, and Is deci
dedly Me man ior the times. Wo slnccrly
hope that hew 111 succeed, and wc presume
that there aro very few tit Oregon that wo'd
not like to see him President of the United
States, and when Oregon becomes, or has
any prospect of becoming a State, then the
Oazktte and the people of Oregon will have
something to say about lbs Presidency ; and
In the meantlmo wo say, success to Qcncuii.
JosKril Lank, may ho lung live to honor
and lo a useful member of this great repub
lic, and no persons would more gladly see
blin occupying the highest place within Its
gift, than the publishers of this paper.
AtTZHrT at Mcrdkii. We undcrstend
that a man by tho nae of Stanley ottctrp
tcd tho 11 fo of u man (nnmj unknown to our
Informants' B Douglas county recently.
They had previously had some difficulty
about it land claim. Tho man whose life was
attempted to bo tnken was splitting rails In
company with another man, when he rcccl
celved a shot from toins ono concealed In
tho bushes. 1 1 is supposed that the wounded
man win rocover. luero is noiiung uui
clrcumslanclal cvldcnco that leads them to
suspicion Stanley as being tho perpetrator of
this cowardly and malicious deed. His ex
amination was taking place on Tuesday,
und wc have heard no further particulars
jr"!! will Ihj eei-n in another column
that Mr. Gordon has succeeded In crossing
tbo coast mountain with tho survey of tho
publlo lands. Ho has established the most
western section corner ever plantod In the
United Slates.
jr-O"- We hive received another leller fiom
"A Methodist," In which the author handles
tho rowdy-preacher, Miller, without glove,
If wc arc any Judge of rcllgtousdlacussloin.
Wc have rccolved several olhcr communica
tion! upon tho satno subject, nono ofwhteh
will be published until tho circumstances uf
tho case demand It, and wo hope that the
(Into may never come, when a renew. at of
this subject Is thought to bo necessary.
JW Wo would Invito tho attention uf our
readers to tho advertisement of "llrltish
Quarterlies, and lllacltwood's Magazine," In
another column of thl psper. for histor
ical and political Information, theso publt
cations have long been acknowledged tho best
nnd most reliable published In tairvpc. They
arc-rendered unusually Interesting nt Hits
tlmo on account of tho almost unit crsal war
throughout d'.urope. Leonard, Scott .t Co.,
re-publUher, 51 (lold street, New York.
Ns.w Pai-hr. A newspaper, to be called
the "North l'acltlc Christian Hcald.," will
be Issued about tho 1st of August, at "Port
land or Salem." Wo bcllovollla lutended to
lo tho organ of tho MelhodlsUEptscopal
Church, iu this Tercllory. Her. Thomas
It.... will lw lit- Ailltup , nnil k ninrii nM
I V.1II1V nil, - .mw -..... , . .- -. -,. .
or pru)tr pran for that position could not
havo been selected In tho Territory.
UxraiusTO Scomneno. Wo.tako tho
following extract from a letter received by
us from tho ageut of Wells, Pitrgo & Co.,
Portland :
'We are now miking arrangements and
hope toon to ruu regularly to Scottsburg,
either from Jacksonville or this valley, by
horse, should tho mall contract not soon lo
l.AXk's MaJorITV. We will publish the
cfliclal returns from all the counties net
week. The majority for I.anois about 220O.
II win ix nut very lew votes more or inu
than that. The wholo number of votes
cast In tho Territory Is about 10,000.
d Wo aro Informed that the coal which
was taken from Coos Hay, to San Francisco,
told readily at J13 per tor.. The coal Is
highly spoken of, and will bring a much
better prlco when fully tested.
O- We notice that Messrs. James 1'raln,
M. 1. liolbrouk and Henry Drown, hare
erected asubstantlal wharlatthesteamloat
landing, In this pise).
ptr Wo are pleased to learn tbtt Judge
Hudson, of this county, who has bcn dan
gerously 111 with the lung fever, it recover
ing. fourth .Stmtilnril 1'nrultcl.
. D. It. llovi), Esq .ViV . I havo
returned from tho survey of tho Fourth
Standard Parallel through, tho Coast
Itango of mountains to tho Pacific.
N o left the tottlemont nt tho resi
dence ofJnmes tIcatherly,Ctqrtiii Lane
county. In nbout -1 miles wo reached
a branch of thoSiuaolaw, running writ;
at 18 mites wo crossed tho Slusolaw
river 10 lards wide, courso N. W.
At this placo tho river has n smooth
rocky channel, and n gonllo current:
two feet deep, with a quarter of a
milo in width of timbered bottom land.
At S3 miles wo reached tho waters of
Smith's river running touth; at HI
miles wo returned to the tributaries of
tho Siuselaw. Finally, at tho distance
of -1 1 miles wo reached the ocean, nbout
4 miles south of tho mouth of tho Si
uselaw. The country through the
whole distance is mountainous, nnd the
ridges very lUepand rocty. 'I "ho lim
ber is all killed by fiiv, except in the
deop canyons nnd a mile in width along
ocean sand.
is to be Imped that Author
ations wilt bti niada in these
Ins; but pmom doinir so will
do frcll to tarry tho "atafT of life" with
uicm, uecause game cannot uo ueponu
tjj0noti, as wo found by tad expui
Doputy Surveyor.
Umpqua City, Juno 20, 1M5.
Scott Kiveic On Poor Jinn's
use are informed that 810(10 was Liken
hnt of a shaft onn ilav last H'PfIt.
Orilliov Drown x Cos claim on
FrcncirBar, thoy took out, on 1'iiday
.-, . ., .......
insi otuu to tnrco men, aim on Satur
day about 81000.
On Whiting Hill, in tho claim of
Messrs. Chat. Gnnlnn A: Co.. one
. . y ..
drifter took out on Saturday last, in
nbout two hours, tvvejvo ouuq&s. This
ia llin ninmmntli drift mnftlinnlr nlintll
..w . .t.w.. .., ...... ..... ....-.
SOU feet, about ono f of which (JU-
tnnco Is tunnelled Inrougli tho bed ruck.
Thoy luvo now ttruck what is sup.
posed to bo tho rich lead which runs
uiroiign mo juco claim.
On IIUMIIL'd wo hnvn (mint of 110
larco.tttikcs during tho uirb l.nt hour
(ood reports of nbovo avcrngu ny.
Last week in jMillar, Turnliol iV: Schuck-
man's cluim they divided nearly S(JUI),
but this is not uucomnion nav on this
stream. Yreka Herald.
Indians. Wo understand that tho
Indians on tho Klamath River between
llumbui: and Scott River nro becom
ing rjuito insolent tresspassing on the
property of tho whiles nnd making as
sertions that "they would net nt they
pleased, as it was their own land," &c
wo would invito tlio attention oftlio
Indian agent, to this. Tho inhabitants
of dial, as welt as all other parts oftho
county, nro lawnbiding, lax paying
pcoplo, and are entitled to the support
and protoction of tho govern tnont.
Tlieso pooplo nro ablo and willing to
protect themselves, but would prefer
laving Iho proper authorities altend to
this matter. Otherwiso they will bo
forced to protect their own lives and
properly. -Yre hi Jhrald,
Vit!Utltm UctuvitH.
Uotuilai foiiHly Otflclttl.
Cmtliilntrs, Mil,
Joseph l.ane, deni., 4AH -!(i"
J.r. Ualues, K. N IDG
II. 0. (Vllrynntdem. .1(18-191
lest Scott, whig, 171
11. i:. Strattou, dcm., -1003:21
(I. llaynes, lud , 70
Win. ltulsoii.dem., .1.18 1C2
James Cole, w hlg, 1U0
W. I'. Terry, 8JU )
D.T.Craig, JIM S Democrals.
T.J. .Mclliilre,n:t3 S
C. C. Heed, Hilt ) .... . ,.
A. Ireland, 1!) I',K,
Three to be elected.
S. Hamilton, dem. H03
It. 1'. Daniels, dem., :UI-i:l
1'. 1. I'nliuer, whig, :00
8. 0. Strang, dem.. a.1l-ll)'J
A. 11. bllnt.whlg, I.U
Tor annexation l
Against annexation, fiOH ID'.'
for Coinetillon, UI6 9
Against Conentlnn, 2T
It, II, DcanuoiiN, Auditor.
coi'Xcn.MUH i:i.i:oti:i).
Multnomah, Washington
.V Columbia Counties, A. P. HtxMsoN, dcui.
Ump)ua, Douglas and
Coos, II. 1). O'lliilANT, dcm.
llcntou nnd I.ane, A. A. Ssilin, k. n.
Mnn, 0. Drain, dcm.
1st Judicial District, T.S. Hkamhiv, dem.
2nd " " tlvo. K. Siis-il-i dem.
3nl " " It. H. StnATTo.v.deiii.
lib " " W. It.T'VAVLT, UCIll
iiKpnrsi'ATATiVra kw:cti:i.
Clstson Countv. Philo Callcuder, dem.
Polk A Tillamook. It. P. Uolse,
r. : .. . . .. ,.
jo:in Harris,
N. Il.datis,
Vi aco,
11.11. V. Johnson, K N
(I. W. llrown,
Jas. Umecr
Hiram Straight '
1,. V. tlrnvcr, '
Wm. IIspolo '
J. M, Harrison, '
P. Waymlro, '
Dclaton Smith, '
11. L. Ilrowu,
II. P. Grant,
John Itoblnson, '
II. 0. llucklngbam,1
A. Shuck, '
A It. llurbsnk, '
J. It.Mocres, '
A. McAlexander, '
J.M. Cotad,
Tlehenor, (
Win. Unison, '
A. P. Turner, '
M. U.,
J. A. I.upton,
Mul'nW AWaili'n.IIyer Jackson,
It will bo teen by the above that tho next
llouieof Representatives of this Territory ,
will be composed of 28 democrats and -knownothtngs.
The Council will be compc
J nt 7 democrat and 1 knownolhlnm.
one whig councilman hoIJlng over who was!
elected last year, and one elected Ibis year
from the counties of Ilrnton and Lane.
I'or the Umpqua Osteite.
Orcson Itlhlo Noclct)'.
I'uitou orTiic GAinrrc .S'i'r:
Hy a voto of tho Oregon llibto Socio
tv. I was rcnticsledio preparo and send
you a synopsis of their Into anniversary,
lor publication.
Tho Oregon llibto Society common,
ccd Its ninth anniversary at Corvnllit,
nt 10 o'clock, a. Jl. of tho Dili day of
June, Rov. U. I.eiiii', president of the
eocHy, in tho chair. Religious scrvi
ccs contitting of reading tho scrip
lures. ii'"inL' and pravcr, wero con
ducted by tho president, Rev. 0. 11.
AlKinson anu uvv. ii. n. nines.
Tho commiltco aiinolnted to audit
the treasurer's account for thu lust year,
rcnorted It correct.
Rev. S. C. Philips, agent for lliu A.
II. Society Tor Uregon, read u report
of his doings tho putt year.
Rev. G. II. Atkinson nnd Rev. T.
II. Pcarnc, wero appointed auditing
commiltco for the cnminK yonr.
Voted to amend tho constitution of
tho society by IIiIiil' its annual meeting
on the 2d Wedneidav in Mny.
Satcm was then selected as tho placo
for next anniversary.
Voted tn adjourn to .'I o'clock, r. m.
Ilcndiction by Rev. T. II. Peamc.
II o'clock, r, t.
,Mct, ns per niljuurii'iient,nnd listen
ed to addresses by Rov. (I. Illncs and
Rev. G. II. Atkinson.
Subscriptions wcio called for and
83 50 recelvod, 80 of which con
sttUTTteil Rev. D. I.eslio n lifu member
oftho Oregon Ilihlo Socioly.
Thomas Pnpo win elected deposito
ry for tho ensuing year.
Thu oiliccrs lor tlio ensuing year
were :
President Rev. I). I.eslio ;
VIco President Rov. II. II. Spa til
ding; Secretary 0. Mines;
Treasurer Tlios. Popn, Kirp ;
Executive Committee Rev, (, II.
Atkinson, Charles Pono, jr., Rev, Tlios.
Condon, Rov? C. S. Klngeloy, und Po
ter II. Match, Ksij.
Tho jiriccs of thu eocicty'ft books
wero referred to thu executive commit
tee. Tho secrclnry was required to furn
ish copies of Iho doings uf thu society
to tlio Oregotiian, Oregon Argus, Ore-
gim Statesman and Umpqua Gazette.
Alter pravcr liv I to v. It. 11, aiiaulil-
ing, thu society ndinuitied, sine die.
II. K. MINUS, Scc'y.
II irn Olir-A lnilrra i( Imnu'iintli.
ings broke up in Linn Cn tho week of
tho election, and burned their papers
and traps by a formal voto of tho mem
bers. Oregon Statesman,
pir The people of Iowa have decided by
ballot in favor of prohibitory liquor law.
I.utt NiiiulH's' of tlio Ulniiiitulti
Tlio proprietors of this pnper linui
recently disposed of their Interest to it
now firm, and n new pnpor is to bo
imhllslieil. In bo milled tho "Yreka
Union." Wo sincerely regret tlio no
cestlty of tlio withdrawn! from that pa
per of .Messrs, Thorr.htiry V Co., who,
to judgo from tho nppoarnnco of theii
sheet, hfcd stirmotinted tlio many oh
stnclet that is mot with In tho vstnb
lislimont of sucli nn enterprise In it now
ly settled country, and had fully sua
creded in limiting their pnper ono uf
tho best tn Cnllfornin, Wo hnvo over
admired tho iimnly, Independent cotiisu
thoy havo pursued, and tho laborious
ellbrts they havo evidently mndo to
present their columns well filled wills
tho latest and most rellahto new. If
tlio successors prove at fully ndeipi ttu
to tho duties and responsibilities vriituh
they hnvo nssiimed, as did Messrs.
ThomhtiryA; Co., Noitliern Callfornln
may yet feel proud of their tocnl jour
nal. Tho following is thu valedictory
of Messrs. Tliornbtiry A: Co. :
Mnn.nlits! Is a crenluro uf ctrciim
stance. To'tl.iv Ids iiitriiosoi nro lixoil
upon thu steady avocations of lifts llio
events of to-morrow cast lit tit upon n
ten of tincortiituly Ids frnil b.nlt nt
tho mercy oftho w iiidrt tho fuluri(nnd
much of tho present) In objcmlty.
To olnlnto tlio necessity of cm, tend
ing witti opposition nod tho coiisupiont
einbarrntsmcnt nnd lots, we hau, with
rrluctauco, disposed oftho "IIimiai.i.."
Wu should not havn done to had wo
not, after matntu deliberation, dveined
tho sacrlflco of contending with thn
powciful factions in which wo would
necessarily havo been thrown In con
tact, too great, and cnnlliellng wlthdu
lies wo owed nbovo nil others.
Wo havo sold our establishment to
Dr. J. Lytlo Cutnmtngt, n gontlcmnu
in who jo worth, honetty and Integrity
we havo full confldonce, and who wo
recommend to our patrons. That gen
tleman Informs us, however, that ho Is
but tho agont of oilier paitloi, whoso
namosho Is unauthorized to giro us.
A strange proceeding, but ono wo nro
assured entered into by Dr. dimming
only ns an agent ami pnemcatnr lio
tween us nnd our enemies. Wo not
only exonerate him from all centuroln
thu matter, but offer him our heart-felt
tliMikt for his valuable services.
That thcro has been deep, dark nnd
dainnnblo schemes for our ruin con
cocted by patties in Yreka, wo do not
wish to withold from tho publlo.
Wo leave tho "Herald" freo of tho
odium of ever having been tho tool of
faction, clique or patty. Mny It nvor
prctervo its purity.
Two yurs tince.wo commenced Iho
publication of a noivspapor In Yrekn,
Its obiocl was to ndvocato tho ncncrul
hitorcstit of Xotthern Cnlifoml.i and
Southern Oregon an object to which,
without poillalily, wo havo ever thrown
our columns open, and n duty in dis
charge of which, wu (Utter ourselves,
wo bavo given general satisfaction,
During this period, wo havo labored,
and contended vritli many adversities,
all of which wo havo overcome. In
tho tnt-nn tlmo the country lias Incrcatod
almost ten-fold in inhabitants. Land
has been taken up and cultivated and
thu honest husbandman received n rich
reward for his watchful euro nnd labor.
Mills havo been built to convert tho
rich harvests into (lour. Schools havo
bvo established for tho instruction of
tho young, nnd Churches rear their
spires toward Heaven, In which nro
taught tho doctrines of an ever living
God. Towns havo been destroyed and
built up with ronowed splendor. The
war-liko spirit of tho ssvago has been
subdued, nnd wu now havo, comparatively-
u land of peace, plcnly and pros
perity. To tlio pl-oplo of Northern Califor
nia and Southern Oregon who hnvu
patronized us, wu offer our aincero nc
linowedgesnunls nnd will feel evergrntu
ful. Ungratefulness, of tho (oclings of
man, mnreit approaches to tho brute
creation, Toward our moro immediate
pntruna of Hitklrou County, wo foel
an equal gratitude. Wo bono to spend
mnnv Imi'l'Y days within view of tho
snow-cupped Itullu ami amongst tho
good pcoplo of Hiiklyou. Wu have
watched her progress until it is almost
necessary to our existoucn to mark thu
rapid advances of everything necessary
to tho welfare and prosperity of ucouu
try prosperous in such rich, extensive
nnd vnriod resources.
In conclusion, wo would bid adieu to
tho public, invoking unnn our friends
tho blessings of Almighty God.'M'i: Curriut "Josnrii Lank."
Tlio Noifolk, Vu,, Argus says, that
ordora hnvo been received by tlio Col
lector of that port from tho Treasury
Uctmrlment, directing tlmt tlio name
of iho splendid revenuo ctiltor "Cnmp
bell," whiuh has recently been recon.
structed, should bo changed, and she
Is hereafter lo ho called thu "Joseph
Lane," hi compliment to Gen. I. anu,
latodelegttu In Congress from tho Ter
ritory ol Oregon, This determination
arose from tlio fact that thcro nro at
present two vessels by tlio namo ol
Campbell In thu revenuo service.
Shols intended for tlio Pacific coast,
and nctivo propnintions aro making for
her tleparturo nt an early day.
'''' .' ". 'u . i.. j
A Ilrlllsli All)' for lliu Knou-
Thu London Times dovolea a solemn
lender to tho now combluaton of know,
nothing. It palionlsea them with do.
phnntluo gntco. No such good now
ns tlio organization of this party has
been received from tills. Iilo ol tho At
Inntlo for many n day. Nothing oouhl
bo mtiro ncceptnhlo, It Is a sign of tho
decay of an enlightened publlo opinion
In tho United States; a sign all thn
morn welcomo hecauso It comeii at a
period when thooltlsynlemsof Ktirnpn
aro themselves falling to iileccs, with
nothing to savo them unless rnptihll.
canltm Is proved to bo a folly or a fraud.
Ilenco Iho cordial sympathy of this
London Times for thu kiiownotlilhgt.
Tho sccreey of tho conspiracy Is Its
first charm. Secrecy Is tho soul of ah
soluto power. Secrecy makes despot.
lam Invincible to oppress nnd to destiny.
From tocrcny springs a brood of bloody
and Inhuman exiioilleiits. Tho coup
d'etat was conceived tn secret. Thn
order In iiiiirie tho pruts wait conceiv
ed In secret. It Is In thu secret r?ccs
soit of consulting ministers and tremb
ling kings that right nro denied to tho
struggling masses of tho Old Woild,
nnd denied, too, at tho point of this
bayonet. England's long career of ag
gression upon other nations horseli
mo of territory nothrr own her Inter,
furenco In thu nlliilrs of thu distant and
unprotected N a result of clamlcalhiu
mniui'tivres. In thu Ishiuil of Cuba,
among tho horrid riles by which tins,
pollsui avenges Itself upon tlioso who
long for deliverance, secrecy Is fiist.
Tho prlvnto trial; tlio iuipiltltorlal ex
amination ; thu midnight sentoiico ; tho
unheralded death ! these aro tho tip
proiiiiatu mulls of that fell science of
espionage, by which tho wlitsjrered tbo't
is tieasured up for tiro blttur day ; tho
hnlf-breatlivd bop of rescue written in
tho bnok of doom ; and tho purest and
best condemned to dlo whllo Using In
observance of all their obligations to
God and mnn. It It, Indeed, a most
propitious thing for tho batons of fieo
Institutions, when Inn land of liberty, of
publlo ditcui'iont and orpial laws, of
popular ttiffrago and universal cd'calion,
tccrrcy is relied upon tu niako a party
powerful for evil. Such a spectacle is
worthy ol tho Imperial approval of tho
London Times.
Again.tho knownothlngs aro entitled
to Mnglith tmtronni'e, b-rausn llievarn
I governed at with a rod of Iron, by cho.
sen few. i 1st m mnuarrliial principle it
faithfully copied by tho secret party.
Tho decree ni a small body of leaders,
chosen lo dictate, In thoto below them,
and empowered In demand full obedi
ence, is unfaithfully nbturvrd by thtlr
oath bound followers n tbo mandate
oftho Crown end tho ministry aro sut.
tallied ami venerated iu the- Old World.
Tuko thu couferiticii at Vienna, whern
tho chosen agents of a few rtilr-rs, cho
sen, as thoy vainly tbo volcu
of God, to govern lliu human race
and how many millions of lives depend
upon thu decision of four or fivo weak
mid worn-out old courtiers I Do theiui
half doicn diplomats caro for thu poor,
down-trodden masse t Do they nrguu
ami contend fur topular lights I Do
they plead for the lightening of tho bur.
dens oftho heavy Indon I Alas 1 no. It
is for tho frB thoy toll for their ho.
roditary matters and mistresses ; and if
thoy fail to agree, tlioso who would not
bo beiiifltd by their concurrence will
bo marshalled auow In tho array of
batthi, and fill tho earth and startln
heaven with their groans and their suf.
feriugs for their Royal rulors. Thcso
aro tlio men who claim tn booted spur
red, to rido rough. shod, by tho graan
of God, over the necks oftho people;
and of such aro tho triumphs of tho
rulo of tho fan;
Hut Iho London Times may wrll
"harp on" iho knownothlng movement
for another reason. Tho all-rwrvadlng
equality among tho dllferent religious
sects in this happy country has been n
living and constant reproach upon tho
cntiso of Church and Statu in thu l'u.
ropoan nations. Whllo religion Is thoro
a matter of statute n part oftho gov
eminent And whllo Iho pooplo urn
theru forcud to worship their Maker af.
(era prescribed faslilon.or arucompelcd
to aid iu Iho support of n beliuf they
do not endorso ; hero thcro is a patri
otic unison and sympathy between moil
ofdifTereiit creeds, that constltulu ono
of lliu glories and wonders our ago,
and that, thus far, havo kept Inlolorauco
boldly nt bay. Human reason, grop
ing through centuries for tho grand so
eri.t of combining men in ono political
union, and yet allowing them to sock
Heaven ench in his own way, seems to
havo been successful at last, and suc
cessful, too, in land won by virtuoantl
valor from thn grlm-sjiollors and man
haters of olhor iluys. Jt Is this spocla
clu which scars tho ovo-balls of tho
masters of ISuropo. Willi what joy,
then, havo they seen this noblo prospect
suddenly covered with gloom Mow
tho London Timoi can now exult at
thn spectaclo of a pcoplo calling aloud,
as it wore, for tho accursed demons of
t inscription nnd intoleraiico, nnd Invo
;ing tlio aid of tlioso vile passions
which cover mora than half tho world
with religious intolerance and political
darkuesslAlrcady can Vre hear Iho mon
archist, who believes In Church and
Stnlo ns a chief tssentlul of civilized
govciumout,tiiruiug to tlioso who in tho
light of our oxporiooo, and declaring ;
''Heboid your oxamplo I Seo bow tho
Catholics) aro traduced In tlio United
States, Iho soat of oxcluslvo democacy
and liberalism I Sou how thoy are (lis.