The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 16, 1855, Image 2

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ttmpqua (Sajcitc.
-. "iT1--?.
iirrici: in nixiitiitr.its huiliiimis, m;t
tion,n wr.sT ncoTrsnuna itovsi:.
scorrsfiuito, oiujoox.""
Fintiirl:iy, .Time 10, IS.'S.
Ttio S'mii't-itl.
" I m one, my llfffe,
weary tvtlli illsiMef, worrk-1 w Itb fortune
nnl i um.iii ui my in on any en nice, i
o tacnj It, or Ic tM ol IL." ShaUprart.
Some few weeks sinco wo ptihli.hcd'
tlio political resurrection of Jolin P. I
Gaines. Wo Know then, tliat it would j
1-0 our painful duty to clironiclo liU po-'
litical domljo nml tlu "funeral," immo.
I'.i.itcly after tlio Juii election. Wo,
r (tempted then to show tint tlio nonil-1
nation of Gaines by t'w w'uiji ami'
I. 'ton-nothings, for DelejUto to Con-1
,;':?, with any hopo of succesi, was a.
uoro farce that lib own fiiends en
ut.iiiiod no such visionary ideas i
. ut ho v.-a: brought b.-foro tlio public
tut ho might receive nnow n Jutland
t witcdrcbuko. and tliut ho might not
' .tcrforo with tho futuro aspirations of
Jrycr, Cliinn A: Co. Any other whig. !
' lownotlriiij In tho Territory would
l.iva received a nw.-o roinjctibL' voto
'.in did Ciinej, but thero was no hopo
," securing tho election of any ono of
i .em. '
Tho formidablo array of opposition j
'rich they presented In tlu l.ito can j
isJ.was.ln reality all "fun and foath.
t ," and amounted to nbout as much
j Gaines bcrolo Encarnaclon affair.
: id tho ono adds about as much bril
I incy to tho fonts of its leader, as tho
'..her. Whero now is Jheir boasted
.") 030 knownothingi who woro goi'ig
i ,r "Gatnes agiinst t!w world l" Cor- '
i .inly they havo dwindled down to ,
i jibing very fast. Hut wo aro unwib I
. tgto bellevo thatthoro wero ercr half j
t nt number In tho Territory. It was
i ", a deception to hduco others to join !
cm. And wo never behoved that any
niiderablc number of democrats bo
! ijed to this midnight cabil, although
his boon repjatedly asserted that as
i uny democrats belonged as whlgi;
r r tbo purposo of getting democrats
i joTTTtlTcm. It was conclutlvo enough
i iis that it was all a whig moio In this
crritory, from tho fact that it was or
j L'.niitd by wlrigs, advocated by wlrigs
. :d whig papers, and that their nominee '
ir Dlegato to Congress was tbo old i
..funct whig, Gaines. Tho seqjil,
n)ws that our predictions In this par- j
ialar wero well founded that they
. .ceivedno support from democrat
't:d lost at least C00 votes from the
.'jig party by this unnatural coalition-'
ow, wo venturo tho aisertion that '
isro has not been fifty democrats in
i ,3 Territory who hava ovor joined the J
' iiownothlngr, and cuufiJently predict '
: ut thero will not baa wigwam in the
".'erritory six months from this tims.
It is impossible to reconcile the liber. '
' principlos of our government with1
io proscriptivo and intolerant policy ,
.f knownothinglsm. Secret political I
rganizatlons, however commendable I
!elr policy, aro foreign to tho truo
l just
Raines and hli followcrj. Tiiii alone
ould havo boon am;i!y saSIjiunt to
hivo defeated Gainer, If there vrero no J
uther objections to him, nnd for tho po- i
"lilon to which ho aspired tjicro vruro
,ioro objections, well grouiukd, and
ilhlch could be sustained ngdnst him, i
','ian wo hava "imagination to give j
:hera shapf," or words to express thtm '
!! Nor Is thodo.vnf.dl of knownoth
1'ig.whlggery confined nlone to O-cgou,
i . California and tho Atlantic Slat; in
went elections Iho democracy have
rltnlncd gloilous victories In tho very
i trongholda of linownothlngism. This
t':mplo of lnloleranco Is everywhere
Intlering nnd falling to pieces, ..nd the
men who worshipped tt Its shilno nre
ict becoming tho recipients of an ob.
''vinus fa to.
We can now; complimont tho pcoplo
tf Qregon on their appreciation of
r nc p es or rrco governmen., ana 1:1. : " 7 , , ... , , , ,, S""ernny tuuttiieu inn .hi "" ' ' sadd o t speak lo snmn 0 eiul, lut , "u iimiu niren ... i m-im. . .. 1
arlably when, thov havo bicii tested;! kum," in tbi, Terrhory-for tho Dele-i' Nothings nro defeated, but by what X,i litllo T no wu.l.j tho latter ... iliu, IU-a,d, l..l. dierWiig the tbo Itba.been
Li ... n.., .., gatcship. Aside from its politics, the majority ii impossible u In ennj.-c- 'i,......?.,, ..,.ir umv throudi tho canal, llmdynnil ca.tuiiug u" niiiiibcr nf punted but Ihoio who bao used itsay
tvoled onuarc yandth f CoarJui no doubt p J0 ft va ullu ,tur . The counting ha, preeded ir , J glx flW ..i ' -). V?, Snuie-IOO junks lhat It ",-. Ar, f.c ,,.
.conuslonandblooJs., d -And nr.' .Islnsprngressofour u,; ' ,",:,n,,tr( ''"", 'f' ,,e,"I" jlmlly c.m.e.liog.ho clinic, nf.mno . will. .1... Chief u ho e h, ; " J, As oltr ,,,. nro irolnUy not
u ar y aro tneso organizations (Ian- 7 lu'7"u V l" ,, ' ", , ,, ' could bo nscertulned nbout any olllu ......f.. 1. ,.,,.,1 ..d.l hnwever.ln I" Ciiwcnon, ,1 town alioiit 100 miles
-,rous whero A.I, avowed policy, as '" Territory. M'. Afflk.tta edl r,o, C...I... . 1.- llirjr have made n ' J ncr. wo will! forru
tho caso with tho Unownothings, con- " ' "h cxpe.ienco in the in doubt. 'Pho I-.r.t Second an. Light., N() , ?i.p v ,,,. ,,, ul f,,,,,, J , stand. themlln .horoi.n.iew.paperpiiu ed at
i;ts with ho constitution and laws ol !"-.paper business, and bo wields a Wards havo gone Deinocrallcbv I irf iff , , ,,.,,,,. , cnll,( of Sinco Hair ..Cry of iho ,.h. the ().,.( ,,y, on the old inrilerlal. of
rt:! -Ith no ordinary ability. A. an TSlSt lvZtrZVZ C'Z ! JZZZl TT'' '' IT
,;;,d advocate ,h prUCM di-rfdl V', t3 X1,J& Hul country .nred ,,, It,.,.. V ' -- ' C
..!...(.. ..I.... T..1... T .wi uur Ul niliiH lui in. iuiuiu ..if .luuillli lli'il llio 01111 II lliiliuillll ,..,.. ,,... i. .... ,1..,,,. ,.r , , , ,, w I Oil IHJWir. U.l III Hill iin.u n i ' ......,....... h-
knuwnolhlng.wMggcry nml John.
Gaines Ihelr luvo niul profound (
urntioti for, nml hottest devotion to thV
Constitution, nml llio men who gnurtl
nml sustain snored palladium
otir liberties; unit llieir entlro con
principle, ntul their niter nbltormic
dencu in tlio p'ltiiotNni, iuti'giity nml lit Mibcrili.n! assnnn piusllili'. not
'ib.lity of (5i:.. Jo I.vmmIiu mliouutfLi'li)' cllUcnsnf tho Umpiiii'i Milley In1
of liberal nml Just piinclples the un
ple'j fiieml successful In wnriiud' tri
umphiut over tho enemies of on gov
eminent, whether they bo Mexican
lancers, or secret political organizations
at home.
Politically, Gaines Is no more. Thel
paoplo, unitedly, havo condemned Jibii, ,
a unwoilhy of their confidence or sup-1
pirr. Tho "funeral" In now over, and
wo will leavo him whero wo found I
him two mouths since, in tlugr.ivo of,
political obicuilty, without any hope, j
however, of over being resurrected
ricotlon Itotiirn.
jACKio:t Co. Lnii' majority MO.
flireo Democratic and ono Whig Hep.
resentattvu elected. Jackson County
has dono well. Sho has reversed her I rienco orpractleal men in to Hie
Uepresentallvc deleg ilion. List year j products, soil and clinnto of lhi const,
tho dilegatlon stood threo Whigs and This makes It moro valuable tit the fir.
ono Ueniocrat. Wo understand thai mer hero than one published in the At
llrfggs was elected through tho Iiiflu Mantle States, where the mode ul farm
once of a local question. '
Coos Co. Gaines, for Delecato l-IV.
LmoUO. Council O'llrynnl, Dem..
U3,Scoll, Whig, 03. Hepresenlatlvo
-Tichenor, dem., elected by a large
majority. The whole ortho demoern.le
Counlv Ticket fleeted bv nbout ninctv
Louny iickUtlecteil i0 about nine..,
majority Majority for Convention
X. The majority of Gaines in this
strong Democratio county cannot be
reason.bly accounted for. In a county '
that has received such liberal favors
from tbo general Government at the
hands nf Gen. Lnne; In a county where
such favors havo been so recent that
that they would seem to demand an
expression of grateful apprecistion, the
people havo been Induced to cast their
votes for Gaines tbo embodiment of
Whiggcry and Kuownothingiim, nnd
general fannticism and to stand in
tho unenviable position of being "soli,
tary and nlono" in tho support of the
'Ilcroof nncarnacion." What more
..milil tlml nil: nf C.on. T.nn llitn In..'
" - - -1
the terminus ortlic'Taciuc Itailroa.l r
Do ihev dtilro Government to "rade
Uolhcy Utsiro uoiernmcnt to ,
tbo Const Hinge, or dig out the oceaiif o cannot account for the
rf, ,
action oftho Democracy ortIiisarorrii,(!ccttfj iy n ,ijorily ofiJTO,
county. Wo fear that leading Demo j
crats have, from pcrsonul and mfcrcJi (&- dilllcuity nccured in this place '
motlvor, j.iined withnur political oppo. luring tho term ofcourt.c.fn nature1
ncnts In misleading tho Democracy of"l, wo fod 8nmo ,".' '"
... . ... ... , , , , having to record. It seem two
this county. Wo would bo glad ' mo7li; jnmc8 ,uShcs. ami J. Can-
learn atijll.Ing In palliation of tho ex.
iraordlnarj courso of tho Democracy
of Coos county.
T,. "Plt ,.v., rn,.n,rn '
,,..,.... ,.,.,.. v.. -r . .. '
"" "?..:. ;r" : r: ,r; r,
lv, u. in, .,., umW i" "
v- , a- wV,.v
I1IILI.I.A V,k... I I1U IIUIlllVI Ul-IUIl-j
ww ... ...:... 'II.A.......1...B I.A.nv..
us is well nllvtl Willi interesting renU.
ing matter. It is of rcspcctablo size
and well printed. Tho Courier Is whig
in politics, and advocates tho claims of
cess mid protpeiiiy in the arduous du
tics ho has asfumrd.
OCT Tho Schooner Loo CIioo brought
... . .......
up tlio irons and materials lor tlio twoi
ves'ils that aro being built in this river,!
ono by Messrs. Clark & Baker, nt
iho Lower Mills, and tho other by'
Messrs. JInckles, Providence. Wo un.
Icrstnnd lhatthoso two schooners will,
be nompl-tcd now as soon as possible.'
l'liry nro both Intended to run between!
San Francisco and iho Umrqua.
CO" Thanks to C. P. Kimball, of
Xoiry Carrier's Pubii.hlng Hall, 77
Long Wharf, and to J. W. SnlllvnnV
Xows Depot, San Praucifco, for late
papers by last mall.
S. J. McCormlck, Esq., agent of the
Pacific Express Co, Portland, bar our
thanks for lata pipers and porioiicniK
by last null.
jiiu".) j 1 1 is ii uuiiiti nuuiiu ita lJaiju,' .....ii.. .......!,. .1 .i.i.. . 1... . ....... 1 . . . . . .1 ... .. t .. i ..rn... 11.1. ! . 1 1 !.. ihiiihi v .( v
i", L.tq., proposes
LtO Comttuct ti yuijil wagon ronil tliro
tlid lilg C.myon Tor 0000, nml lvo
8300 toward Us completion himself.
Wo understand tlttit nbout SfiOO mure
.Si , I ..!.... I !.. .1... .!..:..! I
OlilmiS pcfll riiuicinicii in uiu iitinuj vi
fi lV. Cicek. Tho olherSI.000 should
ibnAaiilin this mntter. With (Iiih'n
8?jluii of tho Illg Cniiynn, wo haw
im tilleiit wagmi rmul from this pl.U'i
to JuiTsniivilK. Wo nro sntiilii'd tlml
Mr. lili(Vill inakun good ro.ul if tin
money enn bo titvil, nml rxinpctvut
juilgos Inform us thk S J.000 U a u'n
rensonablu piifo for tlio woilw
feci that wo havo iulected n duty In
not callinL' tho titteiiliun of our romlei
j to this excillent before. Altet
''patroiiiing their owli loeal'M
j' I'irmcr should fiibiufbo for n well eon
Jducted AcricullurnTiouriinl. Tlu"Cl.
ifornla l'urmcr"is the only ono pulihihcd
on tli PHrlncU3itr'Vlll coiumend
itself lo tho Oregon fanners from tlu
fact that it contain, weekly, tlio expo-
ing is so tiiucli diinreiit. I'ublihed
: eckl- by Warren vV Son, San Iran.
c,co Price SO prr nnmim.
, AMMriMBSW ,.UIt T1IR Fonril or
jt.LV.Tu.r0 i n M nl ,l0 ttose
b Uohl I)ocr C,d, and one a.
i.i u .. i n i .i i i
,10 feeotuburg House, In t .lace. ....
, ,, of Jul .,u, Exle,u,Vt.
Lenaralion. aro brim imiuV at boll.
. .' . ,..vo . .,"', ,.,.. , t,
f ' I, J, ,
l!"i "f"V '.
' B"-" "".' mM..-
' e..coonl once a car"-;Um
. ... I- J
Nr.w SroK.:. Wo would call the
attention of our readers to tho n.Ker.
list men t of Wm. ISrand oc Co. Those
wishing an outfit for tho fourth of July,
will no doubt do well to givo tlum n
call. Wo arc satisfied that they will
sell very cheap.
OCT Gaines' biography, coupiiencing
at Kncarnacion and ending at his "fee.
t vr- M nll,U,.f n.,r.tU
f (rllugh D. O llriant, Demecralfc.
candidate- for tho Council, for tho couu'
,U. of P. I!,,, m..I !)m.l I,
t.w ws vwwr, w...-.. "-. --0-, .-
,... tav,, ft aw ,it bcfnro the
court, cnmini' to somo iniciiiderttnnd
ing, about the cnuso on tiiil, nil affray
took pltce, in which two shuts were
",l ' 'Vl " I'"""' ."'"" " " """
...... .... .1 ! .!. .1... Il..
J."!'B" Wnocrlti l..teriere.l at t nv
w ..t:." rs?.,r, :f
.' " """ 'l .;.".........
! . . 4, . Ill llll'l "Hill ! -..- -..--
ojuryto uny one. lsr.i iound.Jllo irc,.g,in n cenemi thing
'. "' .T..
TZuiilcipiil ului'llon.
rrt . . 1 .
rlio returns aro as set 111 incnmplelr
I impossiMe lo iinhe at "y"i"'gtjll ,unM ,.,.. itii.m ,.nd pedestiiiin
,likn ""ur",0,.cm,,:lu',m,l " '0..,!S t1st"i7.ri.icr making n vasi thnw, ns
result nf tbo election yestord ly.
It i'
. "
London, March .'iO, Evening,
M. Drouyii do I'JIuv a left Loudon
to night, ilu stays ut Pniii two dar
and then goes to Vienna. Count Wnl
ttiviki, the rrench Amb.isia'lfir, and M
du I'llujs held n cnufircneo to tint
with Lords PalnierKton, Lanedowiie,
and Clarendon, which lasted three
hours mid is understood lo h.uo been
of Iho highest importance. MM. Wnb
ewskl iiuddui'llujs subscqueully pin
ceeded to Uuckiuglmm Palace, mill
had n lengthened audience oflho Queen
It is not truo that tho Congress nl
Vienna havo proceeded to tho fourth
ihit.(Ecr,)thhig linger, on llio tlihil
I oint," oiul llio l'Vcnch Minister will
bear to Vienna tho Irrcvocablo deter,
urination of tho Allies thrrcupon.
i voiyicwni mo cnmiiiuies win run i 1 1 .,., i .,.1,,..,... '.. .
iir e . . . ..'il .... -i..M. ,..... ........ .....-- -. .,
Voi V few of tho candidates will run I .,,..;,., 'i,.11.,..i,1iw.f' - .
mucl. atieau ol no tlcua. ttuasy.s , , r ,Rt.u , ,,..,, Iir.iual.tlii imm ll.o e.iuniry ami exo ,
terday a contest of principle, not men ' . ollt.r reM, utaMo norlloris of tho ', cuUd. '1 o .'Xpidilit tho cxecu Ions iho ,
' J - t . . . (II II1IU lllllll II.IIW I'll'"'! "" "J
nnu initio general iiue , cn lb. , ,, m&na Heart and band , Man. aims liuvo ..r.iere.i tnai nits ihii...
i nun nr vnto fi emUhiii wi bo ant J. ., ?.ir." i a .t...i ... uera bu tied time b.r bv liven nnd Icim.
, ,, , , ,, ,, ,, ., inr unco in inusi.iie, iiii'iiivitni , , ." ., , ip. i, .
in bu disregarded. A. 1. Herald. (l8Wt lll(,,f t,,t ,ll0 rro uteot0 mid Ihiown into tho liver. I Im Man.
lUHfon and". Iho wing. Tod-poilt darina havo a very simplo way oftry.
TIII3 LATEST Ni:WS.'b solo Is a liltnf Hu duly which b'tf iho accused. hen brought In
liivlcst Nt'ws.
Anuiv.M. ut' i in: Si iioo.Min Loo
I'lino.--Tho Schooner I,on Chon,
dipt. Ilii;(lii, niilved ut li.uilluer on
tho I'ill. Inst., with iihont (it) toimul
;iiml(i nml several pasiengi'is fur thl
pi ico. She win twelve day coining
up. Ciipt. Hughes Ims our tli.'inl.s fur
l.iie pi'peii1. lb 'I''4 '"(Will wo hiiw
news fioin S.iii rr.inriico to the UOlh
HN ritVNttSL'll MlIMl'ITAt, I'll'.H
rio.Ns. I In' ili'ctlnii lor city ullioem
in Sun riniicUeo took plueo the thi
previous tolhonallluitiif the I.oo t'hon
I'ho result had nut been olllclaily mi
iiouneed. It bad been s.ilisfiieioilly
iscert.diu'd, how over, that Vim Nes,, was fleeted Mayor, over
WMib, Know-Nothing, nml that n mi-
j.nlty of the Demiieriilie. ticket wan
'Mccteil. At the last flection preiioiiH
l'totl.l, In Sun Pialiel-eo, tlio Know
ijiiolhiiigi had an overwhelming major!,
iv. Veiily, ilm Knowniitliiiig puly i
1 l.orniniiH. ilofnnct sooner th'iu wu nil,
ticipaled. I
Itrovs ami l.tuiir llovsn ion Tin:
ITmi'iiia The bnos for llio mouth nf
thu CtiiHiia nro now in Sail I'inuoW.
co, nml will be placed in the river at
an emlv date.
Tho Light Homo will bo erected ,
this summer. Wo gather this Infoim
wlio au tlio 1iuot ami lontnctl tin ir .t
destination. I ho irimwf, of a late
. . . 1
date, contains a notice of nil order of an hour, when ulie struck a rock ill ly K"lng In P.ut Pl.llip. You uisy an
tho Light House Hoard for the Inline ' reetly under her bow. Sho li.imc.liate ,iu-iulit f;'W or im shipment, lo your
..,. " ..., r ,i... I t..i.. ii ly C.HII.IICIIB...I leaking. Sho ...mils I ..l for ll.i. e? livn or threo months.
.""".,. of llll ... I
llio moutli ol llio l-nqqua.
S.:v.-llenry Clsv Mold
' J '
M rit. ' '' " C U C .. l ?
' """ coas -u o eouirac.
'''' leIJ tho leaxing the ...alls nt
V"- Mr- 'MuiM' e under.
... j ,.L.nlbiIiii' with sumo of the
I mU''. m tnlial'M.b , ' """ ", .
steamship companies In pelform 'i'
s-rvice. Wo hope .Mr. M. will bring
,. .!. ..,... ..
uism-guiiiiiuii. m nc.-Mj n, .1
possiiiio, nun nring lining our in 111s,
'I'lm foils.
A molly crowd was gathered around
every place of holding tho (lectin...
Hero might bo seen the old, dyed in.
ll...t. ii.tlilli.t in Imtliin liiit.liinr ilm
' . "
..ui..i.riiiiv 1'iili.r nml tirffiiii. Mill kiim.r.
wnve.ii.g ot r, ami urging ll.o tupir-
imity nl hit clnlins fur nllu-onvcr llme
nfull other candidate.! tloro n loud-
iniiutheil, sauiitiug wnrker, paid by one
V"r" """"" ' "' """'" "" '" uf
"""""K im-roinj nu.i-v, . .
,rll,kill(, nns f tho eily cam., gal-
In.iii, up to increasn tho crowd, .Iib I
..c.i.M.i.ltinn l..1.n linlleil with iiimlail.e1!?"" .-fc? .""' ,,V.C"UV,..U "'.'. V.'Z
"- "I y ' .
nr klniui'il ri'lillll'm. lis tho lil.l
'cards with whicli thu vehiclus werel
adorned announcid tho stiipo nfthe
ctrgn. Somo ofll.eso wero adorned'
witli Hags nml U'tuners hearing llio
iiauius nf thu can lidatcs, and others
made their predelictiont manifest lo
loud hurrah! fur lids or that ntilir.iiit
lor public favor. The two par ilea had I
their challenge r and attcutivo w nlcher. '
at the b-Ilot box, ntul an liid was tlio
:,,;,., r ,., ,,r .!,., tli it wi
"'"'"V .--...- --
tew wero elm enceil ll.rco ami lCH
, , nM rla'ii tlio placu nf
:je. "' " -"
lin eiii'i-
.,.. nnd nt her Ii im linttet
Tbo" law
was Inld sacreil, nnd nuuiero.u tutor
hnpern werebui..uln.,tunce,en,onlous,
' . .' , .,.. ,,,..;, ,., .1, '
1 'J fill' ill liu iw Hii ... I -
, '.. f ,lu jll0. Thero were polillei ins
'.1 1 1 i.,.:,.i,r .l.,um rrnm ilm
.!!- IlllHLH IfUllli...! I ...-ii ...-
n.w.'u ..! Sj n lilt ill liltlillft fllllV
no cllioii should shiluk,, illicit a brulre.l
com an ilbmv In llio nbi U tbo priial.
ly paid for iho tafk. ('id. Chronicle.
ltt..i . Ttm r.ivmltn llllli
,n,.n,.r .,. CU, ill .all for San
I-rancisco to-day or to-morrow, iier
,'c:ilL'(ii.-.iily cujitniu, Iluglier; iufornie
its that hu will return again nt soon ns
possible, full cargo of weight having
been engaged for incrilinuU In this
03" Wo mo indebted to President
Pierce for a copy of his Veto inossago,
and lo Hon. H. A. Doughs for Pub.
Doc i.
I ,!,
tAXcctlon nctuvns.
in:t.!:oru ro couiii:s.
CVu ifVi.
Lvm:. U.INIH
I .Inn,
liM! nnjority In tho Tenltmy,
nil bat Til.imiiiili lieniil liuin, for Dili"
j y.ito In CmigreM, 'i.lKl
.Miiimllv in l.ivnruf u eonventlnn lo
,1'iirui :l Stulo Couialiiiliiiii. nbout 1-00
, Ihnery enuiil) In tho 'I'l-riltnry has
! fleeted di'iuouiatio eiuinellnieii mid
roptoeiit.itlvi', wlilt llio excepllou nl
tlio fiiiiuiifUmail irinii uano, nun io,t
iiseutiilivo IViiiii JiicIkiiii ami umi hull)
Coin iill.i. "O whar US a. ml"
Waifii pollod (11, votes af which
30 weru for I.inel
XVrork l tl.' Uol.leii A bis
The niileued P. M .Stoamd.iii GnU
! den Ago wns wrecked 1111 her .limit iiin'i7 ntili'i, fmm P.iiisnii. A
in olt,,, sho was wrecked nil" the
', Nrnthwet Point nf Kiearnu,
1bo.1t '.M7 miles frnui P.iif.m ., nil sun
,y im. ruing, at nbout l." minute.
:vil ii oclneK. blie was uniier lull
i............ ....Llmf nlmul Inutleen knot.
U ""'1"" ",' " r.r ...i..ulv..t.uK u . . o ., , :";" -"""
another rnck, but much lighter, nt near nl llio slnto ir our iiijihels. i.iil..f the ship. Tho Ilngll.l. ami rreuch ll-rts r
,linpk .J,,,,,,, IIW 1M.Br,llll.I.i... nml ,- gf.ling r ly I . move ...ward. Petrop-
'turned t.arli.llv mi her side :.,iilu.kl-m fact, a of t ..
,., , M0 (, ,,,
,.ro,m(l(.lli;, , 10 llp,vr .,,, , ,,,
,Mp. ami .ho Capla,,, illiec.ed he,
em.rsn tnwan.1 inn rioacii hi uio nimvi"
I.I ,ml. (Kienn.u Mud,) uIkn he,
'mr,r u.Jclml. whir .!.e nuw lls.
KviarM ik'iuh ui, iiwi uivMnii iiu, ,ri,
I ,rillll, ,rB,. t , ,,t. ,, -fur , .llt.-.l
uiliMx. immclmtety, u Hint n. tlio llini- licr
I buvv bI.icL. .lie r.Mi.i.l Ik'.cI. llio water hml
i'tlnKiilnl die ("'. nu I licr I'lidno tl"p-1
I Col. 1 tir 1 !- iirrs nre rn.'.liHl In nil
1 .rlc for Itirlr llrniiie,s ami c-iIiiiiicm IipI
' on .lie trroul a wai.Tjr Rrair nil niprir
',i In lw fully eiiiicivustir lli KlKt iling.T
suu liU:: Hi ! allir lifticlilnir. Jles luor.
U.... I ...II.I.IV . I I. l'.ltlAlll.
".i" ....... ..-,.... - -
,fi)f ( T( -j,.,,,, ,. j,.,l,,n, !...
n-m, ,,,, r..r rmm.-iseu lnilo.1 .In im-
niriri. alii u;l I'linblf muriilil. May lit.
. Ju'clm!.. cn.1.9 In our rrli.f. o fte
utm-d. ai I t'.st l. If. In HoMcti Aro l.s-l
, ,,ot hiuscl .Imro clo-iy. iiiis lamMiiai. o
wcMeni wouM i.iU.UftUn il.Uxer.
lent ltp. I us il "' '; ilri (
ri!et..MiKr, p nt rally. ar ilroniily
la faiiiriiffniiimsnilrr iitkuis..iiet..iuiu
nr.lie.liiMt'n Axo who Isnini of nulnre
1111 nuMcno-ti, iinlnonniifiis nro IhmiiHi
j.f Ms kiiiilmxit'ol nirilnlliy of ininnrr"
anil rr Ills 1 xccllrn. lolleo rcKula. Inns of In
Il.f.i.e.l lilp. Whether iW ml in
was llio rr iittufiielixynec, Ut etery man
huiiMtly Jil'l". .
h. 1: iioi.coMin:,
Iianrs a i i.ij'rr irwcnjri.
Cerref jHirKlenee of llio Alt 1 ('alifurnla.
l.tltu I'lolll Clllllll.
("AMIIN, Alllll tl, .1.1.
... , , . .1 ,' I,' ,
.Siuco my 1 1st a eomplelo clringo ol
. ir.iira lias taken I'liic in our neigh
Iiurh.ind. Thu Kebils, who for ihe
Inht eight month, haw been the bane
il liumue., ami iiiriui'.n. u.ic iiniuiii.
lnt llneo iiiuiillis
11 , , , . , 1.1 l.
a- com,
,u. been diiveii frnui
"ii tho liver.
! ( tho Till nr last montli a largo
' force ofyobinteer and Imperial s.ild.era,
wiihii laruo ll.'et nfjuiikr, nltiiekeil
,. . -- ,,,
said that 100,000 piiMii.cra have been
, lli piUouer is nuked whether bu ran
urovu bv nil v person then present that
ho has had nothing to do with thu Ko
licit; If iiufoiluunlkly hu eauuol, ho is
furtliwitli lii.mle.l over to llieexecilllo'i
f, who in I.U lun. lortiires ll.o piisouei,
Ihv benllli'' him nil the niikles Willi n
y lienl Hi'' liim on
piece uf hard wood to (.licit u coufcttinii
nf who were hi nccnmplicfs, nr who
ut Ids ncfpiainlauceii weru fnwin.hlu In
the ItebiU. Win tlier ho coufeHnes in
not ids head is lukc u off in n few lulu
iitea after. In encu Iho prisuuur lint
been n pemou in uulhorily among llie
Itubi'ls bis uml is not so Kumnuiry.
Wlicti handed over to iho Executions
hu is bound to n wooden cross, when
iho executioner commences his work
by drawing a slurp knifo across the
'""lTy !C?M,1
'pilsonei'fi forehend, whinli mtknii
'rilghtful gash; ho then nlawly eul olf
bolli eats elosu to llio luirvl; thn mnn'i
lireastn nro llivu rvlunvf it,f xpmiiig tint
ipilieiing llofli; tho It n I lo Is then drawn
upward thiniigh the nlnlomiii, llio bnw.
flu t liken nut, nml before life Is fairly
exllnel tlio bend Is setetril nt a blow,
Ono of llio Clilef who was tnkru
they out liitoUl piece, commencing nt
tlio leet nml hamU,
Tlio Mandarins havo not ns yl nt.
tempted to ntlaeh llio IUImN nt tlulr
slrnngesl point, Coweoon. A bloody
ii llii 1 1' lo nnlii'lpateil when they do.
A laro Imdii bus been going on n
mnng tlio liuelgiiera in inilng thn
gondii ihv Kfhi'U Iiiio seized from tin
country people. I.orchus end small
vi'Mih mo lent fit t.'nwcnon firiui
Wli.iinpot nml Mneiio,nml olleii reullr
100 per cent, pmfll nil u Inp.
The l"gltliiinto irudo uf Ciinloti a
giiu lotitlng nml inilrli netitity Is
utinwii by tho t'liiusmeii In open tho
country Inr llio now leai, which art
expecled in n mouth nr two,
Dili In;; the itittiirbiuuei nbout Can.
Inn, gull wu much In demand, mid
tlio i xuhnngn between here nml San
l''iaiuiicn win ery fiivnrnblo, but nt
pri si-ht tho ('liinnuii'ii fuel secure, anil
ilicriloi" tlioto U but little nr no ili'tnaud
Inr gnld. (inld nciy bo ipiotvil nt Q'i,'
."i',l per tail nf 100 lunch, lit conn,
pieiieo of llio fiillro ilotiuclloti of llio
Miiiiillinii winks nt I'lilklmn, quicksll.
er has been in lit lour no iloininil. It
mav unw bo quoted nt, iiumlually, 9SU
lU'i por plcul.
Tlieru nro now but three ships on thn
liet ill fur viinr port, nml ihey liitv been
ubligrd In till op with Cliinvso chow
cliiiw freight.
Clilni n einlgr.inls lldi year nr rnnsU
IC.yll.l, fleet have nlrendy Irrt Tor tu
Nnh, nml I, Ihey aro bound
, ft.r I ho It.,.. ... ; , "'
i.m.m ...,v.m... ........-
Imo for Pel.opaulow.kt day
i 'ivipurs ii r itt t. " 0 rrcfuru or
, ihr U.l flk ..Hlll.iril limit the I'nMli
( licit". Il.e mrlu of i.l.icli couUlneO th
roll'iw.n :
If 1 on can't H-tnl a psptr In "(" first
11 it. I full mot '.inr. lililuri cr.urslly b.s"
.Ii eur.rny lo el" will, roltuiimrarlri.'
lie ii'um' )uu rrrlnlnl' do not uisn
.lis. r.llmri otulit 10 et(UiiK ,l.b all
.. -1 I l.i I ... I..M- . .!.... ....!
their "cote ini urine ' live arocorrrr.l
i'flici, nv iirpini iw miv n......
Sh...i.aii. eutiwiwrarie.- on the day w.
,tuil our ifli-r. e rrre kh! lli frlvl.
!..,. ul..r!i m juikwi! all nli.urt cUlmel.
u( itltilmi; mrii n U.imikIiI nouU It ct
im.lisl ll. Vi.rr.y "toul . Jan
irw,ufi, In return ror .lie ls numuu
w.Vi,,!! ii.-Cuii..y" i..snl Wm. If
j01lr trtihrm ln.lim.1 u.n II. .Is .Kur,w
1"""' '"!""". " ,V. 11 rou a
11. .w nl vmir r.tiif.,! r!irrfkil. nj VAll tha
An... n 111 an "n," Blllioiirli we bats n
nCCl f ila, Umciic," unlrM we could
wmi tt ell f .r Ilm 'Ms.iurnan,' nl tli
, ti'i-' mihiII oilmfiwlrile ouritr
ilicir 'irK"i" inlnl r Hi -illirr. In tht
tlV,e H,c nrrr iiimikiiI Muullmlt rnnarkt.
,y r, ., j.,, ,lttl , n mj(, ),Vo hs
,si,..,uuii In it .oar ami If tt
iilisil becu twin I roiluClluD Vrtgoti 4r-
Somi. In our nbsenco a fuw weak
1 linee, snnio person tont one of our pi.
I lull. Ill .tin .lrfflif rtrniriin r'llvll ivtl
I , ,, . Ill
dune, without our knowledge or coo.
, t
sent. Wo have reeehed the fuii near.
ly every mail siuco It has been pub.
js1(., nl f wo iaj walc, Jt w.
, , ,.,. .,, , ,. . .
iininiu hut inr ii. ,. 11111:111 L'Atiiauun
.:l 1 . .. . . t... i. it' I. .1.. I.......
, it, (, .,(., ,,, if ho would send
,,,,, ,, .iei.rpnpcr before they
ami Kiiownolhliigs in that vicinity.
Tlio first number was n neutral paper,
ami tho second udvouated teniperanco
ami nbulllioulmu, tho 'third whiggcry
diiguiu'd, and tho fourth undisguised
w bigger,) knnwnotingism nimpsut, nud
"I, John P. (inines. Sinco which llmo
(three numberii) it tins been anmewbat
cniifclsttnt, pmticulaily on Gaines and
KiicuiinlhiiigUm, This man Adams
bus been utmost bopelesiily insano for
several ycariyuul Li.-t namo It only now
ineirled In tho quoudi.m Spectator, to
ll'iller ono ol Iris crazy freaks.
" Tis ptearanl to !C ono'a uaroo In print,
A IxioU'h u book, Il there'll iiollilug lo't."
(fi Aftur going tit prrsi ve received
thu ulliclal returns frnui Cuok County,
which givoii Lvni: ii majority of thirty-
fita iu.tea.l of Guinea 51. I'ho do.
inoornuy of (Jons havo dono well, and
wo taku back nil that was said about
them in nnnthnr column,
fTv .