The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 16, 1855, Image 1

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Egl i
j tv itovi ,t imiuxt.j a
Il'((cil lii llt iMiiflplciorOfinttrmcy, it nit (iiu llinri:iiii:itloti of MijiiciiiI and 1'icfnl Biitrlllgoui'i!.
Kcivv'VHui'.nu, o. v., 8atuuv, jvsb 10. iHr:.
git 00 I'or Annum
r ac "
-mar T ra W TWHSk flTTK FJW T" Ei
m J W m m v&rffl WA J "il,
' ; W )& W n? HP Hi " "
r-j:' i
ri'nitriim. iii-cnv hiiihiiiw,
it. i'. ii. iiun. Atxx. ni.txm.v.
(UTH'lIIti llixn iiKi'n, Mnln
hired, imililimr neat "HiolUlmrr; lluiiw."
Ono copy, fur tiiiayinr, Hi (HI.
' els imiuthi t-.'Kll).
" " " three iiiniitlm, C' OH
llipx' iiiunlliii, ill),
117 inu iiun.inr
i,f Innrrtliil). tiiu.t !
ili.llmlly iiintkiHl in. llm uiirtilii. nllnrlw
limy will lis con
Keif tucoiilliiKly
Iist-olliiuixl till liirl-M, aiiilclinr
Tl.a fiillimliiKiiiiiiii'.l imuim ore uullt'ir
llnl In rri'i'lin mil,HTl,linn nii'l ii'lmll"'
UH'lit. fur lliu (liiiillt. nh, I ri-cclpt far II."
nine !
III'MIY IIAI.I:, i:i UJ rruntdncl.
Hun l'
11. W. .Miuiii.i.. Ki.ittim City.
J. H. Milihixr. M. i , Corvnl.
I. N. Kwiw, l.. HiiiIIiikIiii
tin wiin Suitii, IVv., All.nny.
I., P. (iuiivl.n, ;- , hiuliin.
,S. II. TaiI.iki, Jucknimllh-
Jmc Tttiiuwni, C'ttiiyiiinlllo
I'. H. llnl.l.Mi, (Iick'iii Cllv.
W, II, I'liuuii, IU' I'm 1 1 anil,
, (Ir.i. A lain. Anlvrli.
(lio. II. Auiihimk. Jl. P . Jiickiiiilllv
III iisti .1 noli. JnrkMimlllr
It II, IlrtlitiniiV. Heir I'm It
.J, H. (It Mini. i:-i. I'url Url-rl.
0, lll'MMlhllS. Illlll'll cl Hi"' iilllllllll I.
Aim I'- It'n. Kim. li., Ciiu.f lln)
Ci.l. W. W. Ciui'UtN, l.lklui..
C. I'mhiH. li- Wlucl.i-.lrr
Jut. ltHMil in, Ca ti UL-
Tim tlil.K"f ntl.i'.'ilii)').
Tli. I'lrnMi.l llilngi nlnlli-r ilft)i,
Jlow 1ii llirjf away
Ilutr falnlly tu uur traliiliij; fiiie
ltiturn. life'i uimy ray.
Anient bcfnrettit luuitill.R tun,
Hoi', llouow". wither, ont liy one,
A ii J fl "lMi'i lb l'-"l-
Tlio mli ! t "lli.r yr,
Their tonri ft nft uml low,
"Tliit whl..Tol mmlc In our ir.
Are client, l.u nn.
The hearti lhtlie'l aro.nil mir mill
The aunllRht f tbrlr rn). -Th.
e)e tint fumlly, huo
Arc UpI "aIIIi oilier 'lay.
11ioilcnaiit tbliiRifif otlunUy.,
They lurn llirm .lly Nek,
To lre, anil I thu nilaiy lm.
Their Ulghl an-l early Unci.
They are the light nf aunny rklM,
They watditltc ofcnhiK f.'it,
An 1 ieik amid lli'Ir crl.unou ily,
Thu hloom of vnnMicJ Iioiuk.
They li'nl "ilh to'l nml llnt Irwi'l,
Thro' menifiry'" Jim ilnmaln,
I.IVe .haluny ii!rlliif lh"ilenl,
Mcuriilnji far llf kb111.
The ial lnith ipM Hi mlghly tmnl'.
Aid o'er thu pri-nt, alrnyn
The." ipre(rl f..rm-. hut nh ! thvlr l.lomu '
llunllol it III. oilier Jny,
Tl.o pleaiant tl'lnp of oth'r ilty,
Tl.t-y tieier limy return,
IlIumliiM with ilioi auiiny r.i-.
Tlut oc'r yimlhUlKhtly lairn.
Tho' Ml the in (iiinK kIw I" ''-r.
.Still tlir' He- tttihi'lit i'l-i)i
A hlel rloaiu, like nf ynri,
Which llnhtntolli(nUyJ.
'J'llllt 111 llll
Wlillo mir jintlhfi.1 he.tiU lire Ushl,
Ati'luruiinil ii nllli hilht--U'hllu
wo over hippy Ik.'.
Father I wo nil! trint In thw.'.
While our ilcnreal frlemh arc here,
llldkln in Willi nurd of rlieer,
While from every Mrmw free,
Father t mo will limit lii'lhee
Trust In Tln-1 dh, tt hero t lo tnul
When aorrnWH eonte, m eoiiui Ihey mii.t I
OH I Iheu may our nt'illn he,
" father I wo will Inul In Thee."
ThouKh acTiire.t Irl.iU unue,
Jlny woaay, "'Ihy ttill hodoiio,"
"As our day, our flreiiKlh fhill he,"
rather! wu will d list In Thee."
OCrTlu. p'h'u "I" iidvcrliiing in lho
London illustrated News is nix cent
per worth Tho London Times hasru
ccntly iargely Increnscd its latei, which
compared wilh llmso of American
nowapapors' mo enoriiunis.
A Man' trim ptospeiity often heglni
when he ia unld to bo ruimid; hiiiI hii
jilln, Wl.oii ho U'snld to ho proHjieiing.
...... ...... .... ......... ... r..inri,iliir II,.. ...i..t. :., Hi. II.I.... hi.. I nmi mm hi mi ll mux IIIH. . .... . .".
MWci'tlMMIIfntH I'.i.mmir nil, r. .,,, it wni wl.Uj..l ' w ll... nmr.l ,.f Iwn-U,,, women' , JJh uTH, Zi iJLkJS '""'' l" m 'I o cMtk , -y wopl "" l', ,"WS wl.icli llionrfi lio could
Will Ihj ln.,.rl..l .it ll.- f.illuiflnn rii: hlint w uw I n wimMIiiu bufou ,r",""l '". I'f rnrriMfmitfi.ifr .ml r """"' l' ' Hl W- IrackH., .i,,mM p " ' !yZ not -jwrnk to Iit forfcarof llio tontl.
.lla. ,.. ..ri.lilli.M..r Iih. t,Mr ""V1,1 ?""' '' ' '", Mr"",Hl "' !. ;-". '' '" "U .lHt-ito of Urn, ' ?,M,'n" ,,r1w?to1V ,,,3 .cllr'" nel. reconciled In moaiun
liLrltluii'.ri ill): il. ilM.,...t ln.r. .ll t. . , ' , T Jml t Ii ...'.... A... Minu: ill w (l-Mnvin. b"r' w,B'.'-V'n--w.Mf,.) c-m- "' '0 ilnvw. nn I ll. volca f ,,,,.WUv, ou.t l-Mrnud llm bur-
tlii. SI o-l. A lll-rtl .k.luellM.1 u.a.1.. n. ' 'I-'' ":'"' ' ' ! n'f . ,,,w '."" ' ' , , w" ", ,, u ?,. " ,, " , '' nl or f"rl '" lN w" "!"'"'i'' n, -lay' m'" .rt , lTilwl tl.;- MtaneH ..,, j ()f , ,J w0. ''My mother layt
jM.rlynOirrllr. IkiIIuh' ril.ui, mid npicdlly iimliina Hi r"" ""' "'" " n ' " 'lin. "rnwr, r. . . k , . .,, ' ilm rim. ToVaril .nnrn rt our trnin ',, ',,, :.,! ,., ,l-.
' ll.i;i.i.C.r.l.. ..rtvrclni ll.i r I.m. y lo ll. lw.ll. ll.i. Imll'r ilirk, nml ''"" " ll"' nutonUlimmil and i.i;;hl "V . 7 , HW, ,";.r WM-wl,V' , ' movnl nuMln. Hilor.t itnit v-.l and 'l1 ' l',,l ", crJ "-V in.
imoiininr. iiiiiiiilin.tiUi l.,r '.. . ... i. ...J' .... ...''..... of murv ohm. .i lUwii liko. I.l.m ,.' ,tt,fl fw-t wl iwl..-l lip., ci.wil to the " ." " "h" '? ,n" ,l mm V :" , nn ' her nnns to tl.o cnrri-l window, showed
y I
tlutv (it (In iij. i
A few yuirs iigo I mitdti mi.) of tin.1 iiiiiMiiiKri mi Imiiril lliu i
frial kIimiiht i.mily lS-iilmi, hound up
lliu Tciiiiumop. A .lfiiiiL ifit1IIwiit '
go nlinnd fl.tuin, ii good Hlmv.ird, unil
social, n lined tmmp my. imuhi llm lilji
oi.o nf iilt'iiiuru : iii'l.'fil. l-mif hIiiiII I '
r.i.llrlilllir (In. H.UI-V Ivi.lK. It.ntn.i Mini
llm iiioiinl'iln, cfilhi'ilng kii, form mid
iiioiiiniilniii, n It lolh'il ('iid, until
llio piinclpnln in lliu lnli'ienlini; nueno
uciu nut only pointed out, bill llio pi
mini iiiiiii) krrnpoi in lln. Iimlnry of
unrli liutimi, f.irl nml mini. Ino, till lialch
nt up iui'iiimnly, li'.iviug you in thu
ii .i
II iii';innt, li.ilf iminlnl miii
,l diMil.t i.n.ih llio .-ye.... uidu,
.I hfnma thu dm nhinmrao liht
to nil li,iiiil.iii,iroiiiid ii'"- Wl11'
wn IiiiiiIihI to nt n iiiauiiiflctmt
I, beach holloui, Iho tall Imnvy . lualtd
Ircer', with their aiheru'ray triinln, 111.V
kmg n ib'ip, 1:1ml nhuilc, whilo they,,
wiili thi'ir X'ny green bank that bore
Ihem, weio in II. i glanv liter, 10 clear.
1,10 Inn', that inv.-rmou only pointed llm
f.ilao I101.1 llm n-nl. Cillllui; lliinjlmr.
miiiK upol in Iwnin i-aiiik .1 inuriiiuiiiif;
rrv.lnl l.rni.k .ir,'ii Inlir llillIK uiil...
! lo'ii..i il.ilf m Iho iiiiHoa iiflhn Ton.
. iiim-i" wall r, thn In lurn lo b nliki-
I but in llio biiuiidi-i ar.l.
, .No ao.mcr wna lln Mn(,'iog out
I than-1' r-d fimn llin Indi.-a imhin 11
fin.', binkiiiK f.'llow, ilntMwl in '. '".m weui up mat woki. im
fmllhaalniK', inl.lli-ct biainiii in eve- 'I1'" '"r "''; "'rv I""'1' tt'm vxlvwl
' ry finlurw, whilonll over hi. r.iim imt.
It el hi;iiin. nhiiiio Iiko tihoilm.ii
in llm a : ami ImiiIhi? mi lili nrui
' .. - ..-
' .1 .'. ... ... .t - 1. . "1
,tne..i 111 'it in nip mi. r, hum viiri.
. thitt wn. wo had nbniitni clear nnidea
' nan Iruiitefi.ili-.itidi't generally lm nf
I what l.o ia talking ub.iut.
. Hut ono thing 1.II aw.ii In himw, thai
. Ihem w.11 Inn ninMid, nid llut In fall
1 in their waU wn. Iho ttnv to f- it.
Aa the lailieu i.a.d. a uall.iul arm wa
!ii't'riH lo eiieli. nml Imi. w inaielied
nut of lln rnliiii, dnwii the alai., ncina
.lho il.iping, mid up the liipi..;: bank.
.Sii.iii lii'iy iiiida up the hrnnk the wir
tupped, and, joining liiilid', they rtiml,
with lho tlenr water Ih-1 dwii iIkiii
biilged na ll una willi thu twining Mil
gi ia mid cri)l.'d by 11 nl love
11 puro n itM'If. All w.i j adtiit atnl
inilll br.ikp.i by the miniatvr, reading
in 1111 improMho inaiiuer:
Ami nl tlio n!i wli.el. (lie l.nrtl o.i
I had litkeii I'niiii u man made lie it wn-
I limit nml bimighl her In lho man. And
1 Ailam mill, U now bnim of inv
bniie, nml llefh of mi lleah; alio rh.'ill
In' enlM wimia.i bfvaiuii alio waa in-
iV,M , ,.rn,.ul 'nieie fnro ali.'dl (1 mm.
lunvo hi. father nml mnllirr nml chave
miin I1I1 wlrt. nml tlii.v whall be mm
lio rliiaed tho bnnl, ami rlTered a
iim.t liiiicliiiiuniid Uiiiliful prnie.j.iol
n lieii.t but sei'.iiid In foil th-ilenrni'al
npM'il to tl.o Throne ol'.iiace- Then
I mlilng Iho imi;tlqimtlmi, lie pninoiinc
V'l litem hiuluiid mi I wife. The bride
fluwly i,iul,ii.g nn her kmut. iiiiiii(r
'her bi'.tutilul, nil nuercd wilh
nud I if i- cl.isped hnnilx, mid in u iim.t
i Ion filing, aweel voli-e, Itumiloii. will.
I deep ciimlion, s.-iid;
' "And miM, t) iiuit'il'ul l-'nlher, grant
'that mir two live', thus tmiii-d, may
peacefully How in one, even its this riv
ulei, until wo reach tho Kiver of Death,
and tiudlMileil in Pallia or ciinduet, lm
'peiimlteil to I'lijovThiuoeteimil niilles
!.. ,1... I ....I ..e.l... I ll... I.IupI "
,11 111V lilllil IM llll' (Mil v 11,111 lln' .'i.-.i.
l.voiy itulio seemed ulill, Impiugi
wi.hing for morn of this lie.iiitlful dm-
ma. Notnword.iinlniimveim'itirroni
nil llirimg nil, nil wn. I.O..Iiiom.
O, lovtly p.-iiiorntmi, Imw deeply Hum
wn llm iimat ii.xeaiiie uiim.ui 11 una yy .. ........r... . ... . .-.u.., ..... tlio journey ncroia the deicrt licfore us. weatiier, uui noono ivnoum not unow nn thu next nl-ht when thero was no
ev.r been ...yb.t In MmM. her line I i"i m.lly r..covercd iny aelf m.Mof.oii, yJ,iai joined our twin lid. r-ido of would have Imagined that tho partner ""' "flX "n,": cord wai fatencd
l,A,.lej,a(t,lllbi thai limy were, m.d thruat tho WHakneM from me:) wo; SaU !,,(,, with a ainglo team, acco,.,. of his .life had been laid in tho grave so ' T, "K. and Uanmlllcd to tho
linking dp .......ti..... nml her ex- '" '"' iwel. other always itmned , , , IlU wife ,, llirc0 mr,u cU.;, cwitly. IWrwinMVorchildren nVi'ner The ropo "as firmly Taatcn.
llWlw.l.l,Mit,,i,.(,w;,h K., ,25b1,S !,rt,"" ''V;a-fMillUlica,VVmr? Hm Tun: tt.vt, Co,,-A few-year.' ed'on un onod ton be.m In tb.
MciUiiK-iil, while h.r .U'p, tin to. mid ' i !' U.i ... ibouhnfc,l.m, v.u all , MttIUM, 1rok d t.,lb Ul, mm or Broat pi.v.Ie.1 lren8Us' garret of the lady, ami tho other end
j'"W.? wroclectedtothohegfalaturohtoue t U..b of lho c.U ; tlren mw;
I ..... hott ban am,,.,'' bur.t ft nany ;,,, .h. clerk out l;V mar j iMToldW'o:;" Z, iTaTT .tnEM
aln 11 tin llv 1.1,11 1.1 w-jiv Inr !" rriiuiciiiov; inp.v ivrra sihiiimi ui- .li.i. ri.. ,., .,. ,. -.L;r, n r" ..''.: ...-... ''.. .. . . ' . .1.. ....
utt graven on lho laeiatt! I Im happy hue; wheio tho atmosphere U redo.
mini wiiB In lho net of iuiiiiiiiiugn hhi lent nf soothing, spicy nioma, that
on tho Mulling lipta nf Ids inngnillrent iniikeilho eve.l languith, and lliolieuit
wile, when tho clear louea of n ua.iuly hdissolvo in tho liquid Ikes of love; wliein
v.iico Muilletl nil iVom their plon.lng' the balmy morning zephyrs sigh.i.a the
riiiene; lamvcrfcitl giuo loaiial nn a tal di'iiso finest s lonfy niae, chanliug
ii'iiueiiijfiiii, unnu engm eytinpiMie t.iu
mill a lit leiireientativo ho wu of,
.. .. i..i.. ..a..... .1 - .. i. ..i. ......
ll.o .Sliito whciofcloepsu Jnckyon,
j "I can't stand Ihia miy longer, I can't,
,by I I'.inhm, l.nlies, paiilou; I li.ivo
it priijiiisilimi to iiiiiuii m (lie goon tuiiii
oruiMi. win. noier lies or Irilles. 1
must luko it or din ioheregnes. Now
I will marry on thii tpot nny lady in
dm crowd itlmbii. lliu norvii tn f.ioe
aucl. miule; look nt in, nuil if ion cn
I'M! lll'l ll MIU I'lVl'l, (piiil.ling ul lliu
mlilo) " prnmfw to Im i lniiliiiiil (
.V"'. '"eli Imibiml ni rim damv,
'"' ':' m.ibnnd n Inn. henrted
"'"' w " ' '" ," woiimn wlm .mm
iroiiilillni: h.-ItIiU jinB. I r,ni,ur
"'O' ""ll ,l" ' I'"1 ,r ,"""1 slm-his lo
"0' '"'". '" ''J'"'' ', '"ul lliiii ntm
Ul" "I'l'l'l "'''I proUct tlio ono wlm
"'' l'"l " ' '" W "!
ill. fi (Jill llm llowurv huiiku nf Ala,
Intin, Mi'ppcl to bin aitlu. mid lookliiK ff"' '"r ''y'' "" """ tf "', ,rIU "t
.miilldmilly tip In hiifw., willi liw' '', P" mnl'" ! ealM m t cnoonn-
I..imli. mi Till nrm, said: '.lXrr- A'w to W!owial.lfatliln llialr
"I inn thliin!" I rni'lft, an I the,iof tb"ir MtUr,rroirI.
llvthi tiuio liimrm ii-at (irnmid ht-n.
w..M, nud her cmh .(Mark a.
In' ravun'a wii. nt nii.lnii.'hl.l loolied
teniirmlljr In her faro for n iiioiiikiiI,
" 'l llm lontr.ict" with n Mia
' l "I" mariiiil la.lici nrturwnnl
proiionnrid of the gtniiino lort wr-
'Ttiy, Milil.ictorlly. llni.iiig lila IMile
mi; i"yi"B Mini n iiiuuijiii.iiii cxpri'iiion
from thu iii.iiiaut job imt mentioned,
no Fnin
" liuro in llm pimon; ,101111 111111 r.ulil
Here eiii Una ipot vo met, ami on thli
"I"'1 "" '"" '""" -. 1 ucvir luinicn
l,,ul' mi thii piM 1110 by wailing n mil.-
Ult"! HO ll uhrnil, all', rduly."
Ami ll... ,arvm did "go nln-nd," and
'" '', fP"1 heio limy fint met worn
""')' "l"t"i.v imlti-d lovvur. W hen
Ihu wonU. " hat ( I1.1U1 joined to-
"" ll '"' """ P" nitimlor," diwl
eel... In .... .-.; Merv was extend.
., I.. lh ha,,py, uek.v,,
fallotr. n.,1 ;v-ry Udy in that crowd,
. " "" .appy, mv, luiuurvinin,
........ 1. 1.. ,:.. ..riri i .
i"-" i ui in nnimno n-,
tho j 'iraou ni'vciityfour witimaie.,
(Iivi ninro undo lho niuo, ion know,)
mp, umimn clnl'Irmi, nil told
vry body wjned. Then wc danced,
we langhtil, wo mado children of our.
otlvri yen, I am nfrald wu made foola
"f miielti. . lie that na it may, when
wntcl. cliang.d at llm noon or.iilil,
- "10
.Mm-.i ixii'i Wiviii. Speaking of
llio inidJIo rank ol in,-, n good writer
'T'h' ro wn behold ivomtn to her glo.
r, not n thdl lo carry silk or jewel t;
nut n puppet to Ik llallered by piofani'
ador.ttion; roieiencud to-il.ty,dicnrdetl
tn morrutt; nlttnys jo. tied out of thu
..I.m. .. I.trtl ...ili.r.. Iia n..(...til l,..
'" """ " "" ""'rt'"-" "
iv aeiiiunlily or conlempi; ailuiired uui
imt re.-ih-oli-it; .lenrod not oMeem.
oil; ruled bv p;iion not nllt'Ctioii; im
ii.trll.i Her weaMieai not Her constan-
.v !" he " "J'" ''ldd c.N.ilt; the source
nml minor ol vanity, wobeo her n w lo
piiil.ikiiig til llio caro and eliwring tl.o
.lUM-ti ol n Im.iMml, iliiitling llio toila,
..i.i l.u I,.. ilil,....i... .,ir,,Milnii. fiin,ir
ttroiiii'd her, fm hi. hike aharing tho do-
eiiit itiiuemei.ii ui ino worm wiinoiu
b.'iug vaI.i of tin-in, placing all her joya
mid luippinoas in tho man the lnve.
As n wo llud her m. iiiiVction.
iilo nml nrdettt inatrnclnr of her child
Aimi.riir nun l.wutun. "Dear-
... I ..ill l,i. ilil .1 nil ,iAi-.iri,l
with ivy, in mui.o wclmlc.l ule, close
by n purling brook, meandering ovor
pebbly boltont, incessanlly babbllttg
i-jil ..... ........ ..i.v i .i. .... .........
in dulcet tinkling Mrams, "love, love,
line meumy; uiu-ie tuu tiny nuiigsieis
that whirl in ethereal snaco warblo not
Hi ... i. i .. in ..i 1. ...... i ... i
'but love. 1 will plant theo n garden ol
' I goigeous lovelineai-, culled from natures
'Imost mdent designs, ivarmvet lints nud
1 1.. ii" 1 . i.i. .1. . ..a- !.
I ver retlirmd on y Ul.blnkull tho echo, ;". ,' " :' " l,.f ' l ',, ' ' "au "eeii maue uiu. unccremon.uu.y 11 put wa.uui,i.ioiUi v-.v. ..w....
ufllie Imara. ouiihii.rilie llmiU , V i . ui . u to outrank him. , glide from knot to knot, and enjoy
lla r.m-.eS,,S - day Ids ......tic Mend and bro- lielightful hours of converse with her
dreauu vainly 'liied Miio with tho f" 'i'Lt'co o fo.! M c' t 'gWator. lho lawyer, got Into an whom he loved beat on earth.
lou-lv rmlilv of lho evi..iin. coal tic aeuiLiiiict ol loeltig. .loc.i. oxciting political debate tho lio was
luiiiy riHtmy ui uiu i.i iiiurf. anlcally Im brought the water and in ido ......i0 ' ,i . - ,nnmni i!,., l.Vrr . r .-'n. a.-..
....... ... ... i,u..r auu r-iiBcrpti iipr nil iiiov couiu . i- .1 .r-....i.. .ti. i-.i. ... 1 ...iti.i M..i ta.aii.i
..ii. wlmui slioluii tended Hon. heir ; g nroumi t0 wiu0p.a In circle lho know'what vou como for," cried tho lion," but now conducted by a handful
mlaiicy, tr.tmmg them as rational be. CiiUlu were and Immediately exasperated old ilrgin, nssho backed nf midnight-plotting Know-Nothings or
iiign, prepaiing tlu into becomo men r.M down. The supper was cnten in Uho balchelor into n cornor. "Vou I the rabid sort. llio ivltolo affair wae
iiiul, iviimeii in turn, .tlechnnica , s;.U-i, for all felt gloomy. I felt that (como hero to l.i.s mo nlmost to death! an insult to tlio fair famo of ho open-
i i.i uiri lers iieein no uie ueai ttivea in uiu ii,,ii. . :.. .... ,...: .,.. u 1 1... ...,,, .i,.,-'i .,.ii,nnt vnn'n ll,,. nearieu. ciiiuuiuiis. inu-iiniuiv.i i nnv-v.
0""' Was. , stroncest, and tho Lord knows you,
sweet minling ineenstv
"Dnlphv, tlenr, don't foigel lo Ip.ivu
a patch fi.r cowciimhera mid iugum;
jlmy nre so nice pickled."
k . I
rji'i f'.Uomlnv. ihIIilA foiinl III wy
mii id" n artrlJiia'finr,hntlnn unr-L
'lrai.ii f.'imoor ihnrrt.ili.YloUiilimlMaiHl'
wirrum, .f
. orrru.4 jMrn lo the l'.
-In . . . - .'
.... .V IV mm, wowan an-l
Gn.... . w-gnn. w..rrWH jb, ,,,aI. ,U.
n'MH.Iinllar,ahl ltviml!jr mora hMrt,n;;,r,. inly, inoaanbolioiwl
n rirj
i ihi mi. inrnr i. C41 lonn lull I
in'ioRpi'l lncorrt cpfni'in of llio
fi---l ' otrfl,,j Xmy, very many
, W. .Mr I. . .. Mm. friend, wilh
'ynt jnilne lH.pi, fur the
r weal, lwaiL.a.tiMr frtunM In ik,
gl.ti'rlnK an-l. f tfca l'aelfie, fouml earlv
,Phm,mi ii.' u.aei noir meocii aa.i
"Wt ' the harrm plaliu, fur from the i
Koaurti.eirm-.ire.. a imiy tear from .
uii'ir oarew.rn coejianio&i, ana uey me
tou.lmed lo the earth, only to 19 foixl for
tlio raM-noiil wolf. Ua, on, lull their eom
l.nn'l ihu inmate, tl.o mo.lier, tbt
kM father. ih-patUM huml or tff.
iluMb., or,r faQN mortal rerailn.
they .0 r ntly pawl tho acl, 1 fcrptlen
, . - . ,-J , , . 1.. .1 .
In the fr. J.ilin.c'atlc, nl mi'lexltle, that
meet them diily:
Gommoier-d eroding tho a lough
about by twrlyo o'clock had
completed il.a oh. Vh, aomo of the
mej ginnled tho cjltlo on llio Band
,,, ,,(. ,(Intl! fltlJ Vrn down with
,;, ,,r , at, betI(J lho ,.
0; lnl!,lnlono ,nxct nroUMl), mllins
I ' a
1 u i,i.. i0 richli. m.d nronarins lor
w'(i;d; and in tho nlortiing tvjion tho
trni.i atarted wo aaw no more of her
l , . nil t
mild camjiing tlaie. Day by day alio
grew weak, and finally was unahlo to
lo.ivo tl.o wagon. In thia tituation aim
aecouiiaiikd the train for days, nml
ulieit wo croued tho (dough four
inen placed her, ln'il mid nil, on tlio
thu fire, ami did aomulliin" towards tho
cookin. I often (houiiht "l'oor mm
I perhaps, after all, hois ono of thote
1 who bear without making complaint nt
eii-rv ttiul t-ilcntly nud m.inlv " llul
I thin!, iigiv ho was w orn down until
ho h.ul hut all care for himaelf or for,
her, ni'i iiiougiit only ol (lie tl it) WU3U
Im wo'ild reach Iho cud of that O-
souio lournvv.
v. .,., vn', tn il.
morning lho
half frozen
tr.iii) moved on. Like a
serjKiit it wound around
r.mong Hie
i,:ii-.i., ne .,..,1 .,,,1 .,i,!,, -i,i t...
WlM j,,,. on Vf;t i . .loathuto of lho
liat vcaelnSon or water. Tho cattle
Wl..o nuihedns much as thoi- could
1onr tr, .,.., ,;. i.olnt nt which we
.... .. ... .
ii Salied to rt,t n few hours. Towards
evenitm thet becan to droop, and now
and then tint would givo out nnd liy
down. Ho was immediately unyoked
and dioppeJ behind with tho loom'
...... I... Il.-i ..1.. ll..... !.... .' l.i, v., , '
....... 1,1,11111 lll.-l liHI. I., t.U. 1.1.1
. . J .. .. '
nml ciminutmie tun II v came. Ilraw.
Tho Women gathered in n knot and
acenied di,cuing tho best way to do
.....i ll.ti... 1 ......A. l:ill.. ..........I
rviuv iiiuiiT, .1 Dlieci lllliu,
jwhout I iievirwldito loiget, wnsluisy
toothing lho pillnw of Iho dying moth -
or. Silently im glided froni i wagon to'
wngoti, asking for something necessary
' nud giving directions to tho ntltcis. ,
Tho huslund, wilh hii hoad resting on ,
his hands nud lho children around liiiai.)
sat upon tho wagon-tongue, nor lifted!'
his ryes. Tho men in wldiacn lnnul.;l
red ol each other tno causo of all ihis,
giooui, nmi l'3Cll nnniuuy iiiuen u ue
' could do nnvtbliiit to nsslst. TliomSn.
.... . . i .. i in....
litonng angel at her pillow was wills
ncilntr nenco lo her, nnd listening to
Iter broken thoughts. Sho spoko of
hot-little ones, what would becomo of
thoui now luw fho had loved them
nnd then she a-ould pray. Siie enoko
lof him she did not want to com-
in.nni on tin )r,crl.
.11 - "
. Bunt-. ... m.v.c .v 1, rrnMn,,,. - ., , n .iiiia ilm. m inn anninid.s : no rroii?u ino atrcei.
I lWl.lll lll.a HI 111V ll.llll .11111 WV 11 illl. Jl.ll Sll.l.. ., ....wm. whi. .... .
lain iicrlini Ih lintl ilnno Ilic bout
(ilntn ncrlmii lip hail ilnno llip linni'
lio ci.iild lint kIiii wlnlicil ho liml!
1'ivoi Iit iiidio Imw nwfnl It wnn to'
moon llio Deicrl alimliil not wiili to.
. ... ...
f '" "'" '" "'" , ,
.l. II. .1. .....
iiuio woman flMm njr l.rcfttli
u-nor nana roiAXN iu Mi com.mlriot!, wn Immured In llio prison
! l n plowing a iriek liroko otil. J H w(n not tlioroloiiu bo-
"win r iy i.oil limy nov- ,
r hoar iho llko ngjln-nhil llio iniilt
of ho lioart-brokeii woman was lw-
by llm rtarlight, unl.l . ,U y Ug.11. t-
.Uwn, when wo Ktruk the d-M.d
MihuIm from Iho -nnr. A .fimfli.ig
ho water, thn Mlllo bent Ihcmfolrw
tolhoyoko with rrnuwed iiror, nod
a....,... .,.,. , ,. ..?.. '
:;'f.N7,hll' 2 TvtZ
,,.., nnA . , ..
,0r . vW!o. luh.
ifllo , wnt ,,, ca(lIu ,ilu.e, t10fr
nnice into tlw i-le.nont nnd drnnk until
,ll0.. w.,.t0 ,0!ltP(i nr,j ;.,,.ifc
iVopirallons wero midi for thufu-
,njrfl, colliii wm comtructoil of
I ilm rninilni i,f n ipi.n,. l.n il,. ..,
1 . . . 1 .1 , 1 ...
duv', nml tho tod worn ciniLsranti L'.ith".
, ored around the grave. No word waa ' I""" m" ,' l,'er-,. ', .: ! "'
l.poken - no f,.n-raln,,vieo Ml'ml
' ,'adly and rllcntly wo laid her down in 'e, ?", ,t0. ' ,cr .i h" " '"irfj ita
' the cold earth- , huibiud and w ifo woro enabled to
it . 1 . .1 . . corfeipond, to cheer each other a hopot
.Many a tear . Iromml on that cofi.n.'. j , , . , ,,.
I ho women a. ,bbl, and iho children Thii waa all dono nt night
icomod to eq. for ,.,-to aympithy. . , acrutinUing cyei of tho
Moody ami iHen tho l.uiband Razed ' , , ncd ,B , J ioranco
upon tall. No tear moiitened hliejo'. f mcdIum ofcornmnnfca,?0. Sue
"0 tremor ahook :ldi frame; and moo;,i . , , , j cot,.a0i th0 JadT
atlcki.ig down a Make with her uamo
,,, ng(.r , ,IepattC(1 ,0 lI)e can,j,
In a day or two wo moved again.!
.. .... .
lie fnofeo oftlio road the enttlc tlio
lalter was verv troubleiomo to his'
friomln. His name commenced witliai
iiiuihiii. i.e ii.nin; vuHiinciitvu iiuiiu.
ttcr A He frequently voted wrong,
b mUtlI((.( anj ej otIl- wron jj..
ftrrangomclllI wjt, ,i10 d bit name
wnJ put down acennd in tho list, and
, - ren,r ,e submitted, and
teJ !nvariablv with lho loader that
, had Ids coat oil, ready for fight. '1 his
itnlugislativo nttitudo paralyzed, for n
moment, lho Ilouie, which had becomo
I'i-."l ai..a .i'.. .. . ...-.. IIlAiliL -U aV-lt,atiJl i.4-aa-
proverbial for order and decorum. Dj. n.otith at Paris ; somo to make lho tour
redly, however, every person's alien-. 0f Uurope, and somo to visit tho Cri
tion was drawn to tho gigantic black-, mca j0 witness tho grand tragico.melo
smith, who rushing up to hi- comrado tlrainattti spectaclo nt Sobaslopol.
'exclaimed, pointing towards tho other j steamers take spectators from Marsell
side of iho Mouse; "You tako tho back jc l0 llalaklnva for two hundred and
teat, and I will tako tho front. I can't fifty fraHC8 each. Three hundred loft
l legislate, but 1 can fight liko It." oa Thursday In tho Ilaltica-tho largest
-. .rrT-TTl .-i . ...... i .- ..:. number ever carried across thoAtlantfo
I &- hat brought you here said . ,. (ei, .,..
a lone ivomaii who was qmlo "1 ultra- c our inI..tfr ..
ICO UIU U llll I Illuming u iiii !! kail
from n bachelor neishbor who lived on
nosite. and whom alio regarded with
tieculi ir favor, although aho had
dared to tell her love, Imt "let conceal.
'. ..... . 1 . ..I..
nienl, lileo ft worm in tho bud, hide in
the furrows of her univrinklcd face and
chmgo lior sldn to parchment."
"1 cimo to borrow- matches."
l(!f'c n IiWaK (nrv( WIlV
.11.1VII.7. 1..... . . .1 ... , .... T
. . 1..
t ont vou maLo n inatcn vourseut l
i nre 1"
wag ouco entered n store In
London, somo years ago, which had
J' ',. j -Tho Two fiabboons ' and
,,,, ,,,f j tho nromlotor.
'W"""l. "",,scl1 ,0 wo iwopuowr,
i , .. , mrtnor"
. . nartner sir"
..t ! VOui- ii.tralan tsir mid ltopo
v01.,n cx Jgo ttio mist.iko " ' i
- 0 .j,- uo iarm done- but what
, ,k ,h;ra wn t!0 or,lbl..
.,ym. s,, 'I'im '.'im U.ibboons." '
Hindoo Si'fimsnnoN. In his rccont
lecture in this city, it was stated by
llayard Tailor, that n true Hindoo,
considers he bus sustained pollution if!
t.- . 1... ... I-....II.I .vi... .. '
ho touolies nn J.uglislimmi. ii lien a
Hindoo linker delivers bread In his
Knglish customers ho throws tliuj
loaves nt them. Cin. Cum,
I.niniirllim'M 7Itliur.
K wan lliu futo of lliu fnilior of J. im
'nrlino, llio jfcnt living I'runcli pool
1 I I i. I.. ...!-A,l .... ..111. ll...
.in. .irii.i.r. ... .. ..'.. .ii. .ii... ...u
iVcncl. Ilorolulion. Duriiitf that ilormy
, , , vil, t ,)mnW oniij
foru ,, wf .,, ,, clM look
(H,glnK, 0ll)0',lt(, llw wImlotof Uio
Hi W mrlowl llio rcnuUlean:
I ... 4a ....a f.. I t. .. mm ln,l!li.HJIlt
before h.m, mi.lo mo atreteh out mr
.mtlitlinniU towardi tho ban of lift
, , ; . forfhoBI, ,f,
, ,' , C nMmsl "dovoured me
with hi-nuniii lliu n'-dit of llio iiruonor.
I and aocuisd Uiui to waftlilm mentally
all the ctrencs which alio lariihed on
mu." At last fcho hit on tho happy
' AW..A.t!Mn, a! HnttKAxl.N t.t.rt lAllftra 111
t VAp'.'UIU'li. IJ, Ul.lltl'JIH lll v.v. ...
tho following manner: Sho procured
a bow and sumo arrowi, and tying a
loiter to a thread, alio ahot tho arrow.
to which attached tlio olhor ond
'of tho thread, into tlio window of tlio
.... - -.11 1.. ill. ...... .tM mi
prisoner 3 ceil. 11. una my an ti
ii.. ;.i 1 11. .t.. i.
?"" J .ft;" cowcd i file- o
'JX S wUoh he a lent S
S'j&t Z , ofSo ban of I ! ?rU-
and found himself In tho arms of lit
wifo and bealdo thocradlo ofhis child.
iiu uuu ucauiu wuviduiu w. ... ..
Such an adventuro required tho hero'
cour),So and tho philosopher's caution,
and nono but thoie who wero 'personal
interested in It can over imsgino tho
feclin-s which must have asitatod their
hcarti! From lime, to time, when the
,ij,j for l.uropo are now crowded with
na$icii2crs; some to visit tho Palias
, ,c I'lMutlrie. which is to open next
Spain, would go in the IJaltio, but it
'npiiears that Cabinet at Washington
did not get his instructions ready in
OCT Tho memory of tho lamented
Henry Clay was nbused on tho night
of the l'-Jdi by n carouso gotten up in
tho nanio otn defunct foody ouco Known
--- .... 1 1 1
. ii'PI. ll..... Il. .linii.i
as . iivj n, , -":-,
of Statesmen; nnd it was fitting that
tho chief speaker (IJrooks) lliould bo
ono of those "fair weather friends" who
httrayed Mr. Clay nt the Slaughter
House Convention; who wa3 tho first
among Whig editors to whiille 1dm
down tho wind, nnd run up the military-
glory (lug of Gen. Taylor, nnd who is
iiio!7.idIiiff Iho Native hobby with that
fiery zeal peculiar to apostates only.
i. V. Tribune.
Si.Axnr.ncu. A person of whom
lho (Srecks showed a deep itpprccia
lion, when they made tho word synony
mous with evil, Slandcrora are at all
events eoonomlcnl, tor they m.iKO a
littlo scandal (pa a great way, nnd rarely
open their mouths excopt nt tho exponso
of other people. M'o must allow that
they have n good oxcuso for being
defitmitory, if It bo their object to
bring dow u others to tlieir own level. .