The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 09, 1855, Image 1

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riifa:f ' :
I4'vj).l IoUmi IrliivlpluorDfiiiiirriicr,itiii llio tllas-einliiatlon of Ucnoml itud'ftiefiii JTittnlfl(tmir. ' "
35 00 I'.jr Annum.'
-at. . .
yuiaimh &.
HiuvvrHnvno, o. i, NvvimuAY, jissb t. ibsb.
Tivunsn 5.
'M'UMntii:n liVim? awintirw,
i ii. h. nuYti, ai.i:jc. ulaxxct
Ori'IUHIn HiNirnrr'i IIi'ii.iiinii, Main
Ilmliifi. L'nr'N. of twtlro llni or let.'
fur out car. i'ifii fvirlt uo:i If. : furl
u.rici, mxi niiui miii"ficoiiuiiri(iibur." into Mill wnlcr, nml iihIk-i nm leap!"..' ..,, .... ' , "-," " i ,. , A ' " .. .. ' , V T 7 7. UBBrl" prosecution o. tno net sugar " Jvcniucuy, 'ium virRinl,U4iln Usl
p- onward mid t.t.wnr.1. ....Ill it ...,.ll.iilil , '! ' ., ,' "' '''' 'lcr may jj rtr. . ,Mo an, In. an. put, I ... manufacture. Tl.l, minshctiin orlg- iifori.ln, 43 In Ohio, 08 I.. CeorgN. I i.w apvancu. , ,,int)(l( vM.t,, Int., tl b,.,v I. 'T " '' "f "ml '" JT I!"'"1,"' ,. fL. , ..1 . !,. r "f.'l V .'" 1 17 "?'lkc nntal rciB.. of Napolooi, in Mliaouri, 01 In Mluliilppi, 301,
uatoiv,r..ronayiar. MOO. !,cm..,' Ilml titfn,i't: , ,.,."0,1. ' e .'' "'; thus In I U -w. out of cr M,lo M...R': where, na,,a,to. Ill, coloniaUy.tem raLcd ' IVnn.ylranh, SO Ift TenncMo. lOM,.
,, ;; ;; .1, .nuMba .it. 'wim- ,(, hoiM cnllul a ChrlUli.1. I...I VI , , la,erw" ' I","lv" a,Ml1 rc,,d,;rH ". '1 """t" "' l.atcl. , colonial prodnco to an R,,.,Mt fuh..lo..l.Mu..lrhuSclti. I., in Maryland, nt.dlo
' iLr.Mooi.llM. 00. , , , , mi(,,lM((Sl0 ,,.,, , UI " ' "" ' Jr.. worth,! W y jrf on I.. tl.B top of chorr ,prJcp. Tl.o hlh rate of.,,Kar. Induced on. '1 hero ceeurrW, al.o, 61 cmo
M.nrrcnrNKar. imiiTj. . ,'?. .., .. ,. i.. !. Not on.y lilvcr, Uid, nml li M"l their ttil'i-i ofteif I.Jn tht- aelni? aoMral hnmn.nn.l nh I... Mi. !vi!ii,ln..n.7 i.. Smil. .!.,.
VIII li inUruri li ii" flliVl, rl. . t.nt ..f U.U worl.l'- Kon.l. llmt. I... 3l.l 'V';' .I.;:; V' rM"t,l "' ?i . iSiri iy fl -'td T'' I'fe' tho .rch. l,y .... ' 7 I,. .V, w York. &ml 1 In IWnlf,
-On. lino- or Km. on- ..f nlk.lo... ii l.o w .!....... I.. Iir. . lp'.' '" ''?"' ''. ' " in:lar re- I ty ""in liavu tlio uorld ovcriofler ofn iiinuriifleont nrrmlum l.v iV iThi mtn.l)fr of Mcambuat ncr den
lii..tllii.0B, .!. ..W..ii iW!lon "rt c(llrc,. lw",1' i,eiiW.irt-o-iIIiil.urnrtI,wlii.iii wii'!iii.ecityori'roi.lpitc.,wlieru jnnperor tu lho nicseuful tlmcmrVr ,,i,,m -1J, l.y wlcli MJ7 per.onj wcm ou. A l.l.trnl 'Uil'ictlttii mnilt to' ,. ,. ,,,. ... Ju'nndle nro IniriiMl. when iner la .sll till ..,. n inauo imvelrv. uud lho wo. n ,...,,,, ,.,.. ... ..t U,n..i ,..i i.'i .... :.. . ...
,,,r."!',.!:.1.". ..,, Jwonll.or.n...l,...t !!,,. .J
K v ii.i.'i t iii-nii t-vit muni iv
dlttttietlr mitVnl .: ll.n imrn. ntlictul...
. - .rt . .. - v - - " w . - --- :
intr will n lOIIIIUUW nil I
l'l accorJIncly
A01B1 l'X& I
Tl. MUolniiiin Mn. are author-
I.ul torccle aui'riiiiutia uii.l nyhrrt -i
met. for the (;..! ai.l rmlM for il.,i
taint t i
IJI'NIIV IIA 1.1!. I!.,,.. 90 front ..,..
..".:- -.--- - - '1
11, V. iluuiki i lluf.t.i) City.
J. K. MiIrK.MI. Ii., Cnnlll.
I.N. Hxtiit, Kv , lluilliialoii
Dri.trov Kmiiii. I., .MUny.
I., 1', (Junu.u, l , .Sulci..,
ri. II, Titi.oh, Jik..)inlll,'.
JiUKH TwcKiiMin, (.'nrij.mtlllr.
T, S. ItiiLUM., Orrfion I'lljf.
W. II, r.muii, I.'i ' , rortUti'l,
Oix. AvilM, Anrl.
(Iio, II. Auumii.k. II I) , Jnclttc.ivill
lienv tc U'noi'. Jm lnoniillg
It, II. Detnuohv, lh-r ( rnk.
J. H. (UkiitiL', IVi., 1'ert Orf'rl.
0. lluMUiitnv, llallva'oluii.Ua.
AMot l l(iiiiKui, l., Cooe Hy
Coi. w. w. c.uini, niktiiti.
O. rto.m, I. , Wlticlicvttpr.
J OK Itl.M.l.ln, I'nnjntitlllp.
Illdilct. MkIiI.
I ruucli Rililru.t lit? tuks
Ttiat'ijr H I'-ait. ate eoM
Tttattatreatlf lalrrett rclgnt.
Anl all I. bought and i.U.
I ta'acb tnl.tru.t tlio initi
Wk.-lll ni. llt.K.uau4
Born latent virtus In
Tbt.ojlofall uaaLlnl.
V.t If ou aar, lbs fount
1. tcalet anil drr, 1 Uooit
II ncpli a l?r haal
To make tlto unttra U jf.
If you would .till ppil
To evil llfu In .ill,
t tton a ilrmwi Un.l
Will jn.wcr luyour call.
Hat when tho I.nrd nat Ron,
Tlio Irfird who came to nif,
Two AufrcU, filr atitl lirlght,
Sat watching by tho graio.
And from that bltl Lour,
Wltb an Immortal tnolti,
Io every touili of (loud,
Com. ang.l alta uiiMJvn.
lbo rrU to lirlng It fortlil
Witt, lowly, cviillr rsln 1,
With jutlcnt loic ami tru.t,
Oo Mtk nnil ve .hall flnJ.
las barber abavca with )H.heJ Mailu,
Tho mercer aliate. nhru laillcs trade,
Tb tlkr abave. nt itri par rent.,
Tho Uwllonl alitvea by raUliiK rent,
Tho farmer al.arealn luy ami cat.,
Tho tiAukcr ahave. in bis oirn iiutr.,
Tho lawjrer alis.e. bith friends ati'l foe,
Tin j.e-lJUr aimrea whtrenrbo Roes,
Tho wily merchant ihiua Ids brother,
Tbo pulillo nil .bavci ono another,
An eJHnr, alas, can uartr il.aio,
Dut to tho public proves a constant .laic.
OCrA Clurgjmuti was asked Io
ilrink uluo ut u wedding, but cry
protisrly refined. "What, iMr. M."
aid ouo of tho gtictts, "don't you
drink wltio ut n wedding i"
"No, sir" was tho reply; "I will lako
glass of water."
"But, sir," suld lho oUlcious guost,
"you recollect tho ndiloo of Paul to
Timothy, to lulio a litllo wlno for his
"1 liavo io Infirmity," wa3 tho rover,
end genllemaii'aieply.
To Tim PoirvT. Dan Iluasel was
onco a candldato for tho Aiiditorsldp
of Mississippi. Having been called on
for a. pooch, ho doliverod tho following,
which though brief, will bo admitted
wm to tho point:
"Fellow citizens, you havo called on
to for a few remark., I hnvo iiouo Io
nuko. I havo no prepared speech. In.
deed I am no tpauker. I do not do
sire Io bo n speaker. I only want to
bo an auditor.
'I lut l.enuoit I'liu.l, or 'l'oi)i'
' I.tichy Licit.
Ill lIlO pllllU.lIlt town III' W I,
slintil on IIih beautiful riicr l.y llio (if Q y, llmt lima apitkllug
over mluiiituro pr(i'iili'itn nnd empties
farmpm, rarrlcd (hi the I
Inrm. tin Imd n.t hmi
I f. hi. trkMiiitt.!.iMfirti. i. u
it. i i i
tnltl lit aoino .lila..c.l from
to of llwn. ho i.tfilcekd to
....,,...., ' "
I About a wee Ii after purchase. In !
tl.n cay pa.lor of hit fai.n hou.e, Ml
,.. i .,.,, ,... ..., ..... ,.r. .1.
' C"T II Lll T.. J . t I u.lJ
' u until wu win call loin, aMiott, iiutJy
ll.M.UIn.f f.llnw. will, f..,H.nlr ,.,! ul.f,.
- U ' -
her., and .pair of l.hio eyea that stiftl.
dee,. Into hlihtad, t,..wjn8 a
of !l..ep otitini..,; and Mug, ... om
and anon they , nrM.-l, aa ho li.tenc.l
lo lho converaall... of lho deacon.
To...." am. Il.n .l.-nron. S.mlr..
iTuft. Im, got; fl,io l-.l of theep ou-r'
Km lho mountain. it. 'where
initio nr paMnrc.l; now If you will t;,.
every i.jf.t or two and tnlto a rheep
'frntnlii.and tho iielchliora nulurei.
.I'll .'io w.o, cent, a he,.,!
lor .very ono ou wiiii; and nobu.lx
I'll WlUf klilli KIWI I II hfiln n artiiii.
forw... m .. l.u.,.i '
aaing tljU, niter li.uini, been lrwal-d
. T . . .. . .
to a glaaa or bard cider, ho left the
houie, .iugiiig, "'llieru's n good lime
coniitiL', ao iluut Ijo alariuetl."
Walking idong bo to himself
... .i.l
UiuiL "l.Uou l taaclly.WAiit lo
;Gd ,zr ii. Hx bin,;' .";?;.;
. --r- ii'i . . .. t i . i
ver ill
.uuii uaabtaj u. ar. - - m
cents niieauj my iics.lli as ol.i n, n.s
' SAlcl.l..p I.U head at this Idea bo
. -...
i ..i.., ...I l,i. ln ,i ni,,.,i
. ei.ieie.i in nouin nn.l cninineiicqu
it.liiLInif mi 1.1. i.U,,. . ,(, .1... .Iron....
andu eulvt
an nil wunltliio r.nt a lieml.
'I'l... ... I.. 1.1m ....I.I I...I..i I.... I
............ ... b..,..wi L......U. ..
ulri'ftiiv kcl. nml ll.o li.iil lirfiii. In'
pup Iron, tho (ir,u.ent,n..d tho moon,'
iko a ball of fi.i was vi.iblo in tho .
liurinn., when a was see., weml-
im, his wnv toward, n ...nunlnlt. whore
ils wav Inwards n mounln u wi.ore I
lb rk. of . i.lm. u.., Kinif n.l..... Ilo
...!.... 1....... ..... -r;.,. -.:... 1. 1.... .,,.. t
'""""I ...,. ...B ...-,
hij luiu-r, iinciii'ti iiiu mmiivmi iui.
nlaco. .-.irinu t,w, of tho
i... r. ...... .. . -i. ...i .i 1....1 r...
ll .l...,l l..a
1 . . . .". .
niL' them .hi his'
.tdeil to deacon '
uoumt their leg, tlu
aiiouiiicr, nml procci
Arriiing nt lho gnlo ho met lho ilea
con, win. congratulatul l.lii.onlii. mic
cesi, and tool, tho shoe), and cairicd
tin'. 11 nil without oir.-.inj; to pay him;
but Tom followed him to the kl.iu'-liler-
houie, and told him bo idukI have cntl.j'
down, or ho could not do lho lniiiie. j
Thu deacon polittly excu.eil liisneg. j
licence, uml I'oikul oer n and 11 ,
'half, for which Tom thanked him mid.
proceeded home.
Thu kuumiir month, flew ipm-M)
away, and. tho timo was f,it,l ai.ronoh-
log when tho beasts of tho (leiil would
hnvo l lenvo lho paittito for lho barn, I
yet no ..beep hud been im.nd by lho 1
ueiiiiibola, nml, to tho E.irntlto 1 the
!whn, Ii.inIiii; made, us ho Minpotscd, a
,huiidred dollars out of Turn, appeared
I perfectly alilied.
It una on a cool da) llmt tho de.tcon
set off after his khcep. Ho reached Ills
, pasture, but thoy weie not thero!
I tjnililoiilv tho ttuth Hashed across his
mind I Ho'd often noticed n low chuck
ling laugh whenovor ho paid Tom any
money, mid now 'ho understood tho
moaning Tom bud sold him his own
Mottiflod and cheated ho retraced
Ids tepr, thinking what bo .mould do.
As ho passed Tom'a hop Ihreo loud
huzzas broku on his oar.
Tho company thero heard Toni'i
veraion of thu atoiy mid blood around
tho door to congiotulnto tho doaoou on
his fortunuto sj.eculntioii.
Tho lllngo or W- 'tbvcanio n.
vorv disagreeable plnco for Deacon C,
mid bo pnvkud up his traps and moved
to lho "I'm- w eat.''
jntr-V'Utn 'ilitR out of the earth, dia
mond, havo no I'rllliancy.
wiIIimt ruiil.oio I in nuill v. or ou . i TV , . . ' . " .aim mm iwucu,nnmi.orooio- - -- ; -..-..-, ....w..i, no icsa man cigniy-aix Having ciOJCM
' Iher, for 1 at., deneon and ..u nro .ex. "I'l'""'" '" us ui.per.ion in mo or a treo Tor a plough, while he is .Ires-1 . Bou" rer...nS civ.ay; xmumca tuc, their earthly cxUtcnco daring tho IaM
,lnn. m ..othli.-. will bo nor found oul. 'Shjr ttetan ; but it neu-.tlu c.s eon. 'wd In with theha.ron. I.i Uomr,, "u !var' fr'. Chrutianily catablishes ,. '
' Wo belorr- to I'araon Il'sehuich so ".'""' ", oxhu Imliclof Vienna, nnd Dresden, iryou hirca man '" "'. " permanent princlplol -
I tin ill' ' ,clreolll.umcU.. n Hovo it dlsap.1 to saw wood, l.o doe. not bring a hone 'a,ld IndiipcniaUo obligation. That! KxrcwExcn op a Stsnme M.o
' 'Ton.' eye. brightened ur, nnd nllli. 'r",1." ? r !w K" pro- .along. Ilo never had ono or El. father n9r,1,',lI lo ,f ,.hum:,tl k nd rw!ich,i.v New Yoax.-I- dined ono day A
. i i, Ti.i... ......:.... ' I dticedbeiriKmixcil wllhr!ioatatnio.- buforo hm. Ho r.uls mm r.n.1 nf .l.o prompt the thrhtun to watch for tho ',, i: n 'ii ....!.
i'... ...7.. i t lutbi but jet lho clareoal Is still ln.'.aw on tho (.-round, tbu other nr-ninsi tb'O0'1 f oUtcr, and ombraces cvcrt".;,i , i,f. ,im,. ...i..'. n... ...
It I.IU. tt'J T,l t llll'li l H 141 U f
, ..-v., w,,f ....s v a.i. a ....... .m,v i- ...,.,. ... ..- .. - - . (i , . .. .l It la
. t iisintrj i i. ti.i iii ins it utmi ifiim n nnunii'iinnri'
in tho ccntio of tho village, w boro ho uvr i.ululg.. an cxpre.s.Ion that WnsVV, "V . " i wnrdrobp, during tho last low years,
was limiting money "in .puck time," na, not itiMatulyrecpgtihed ns nature It-1 l't lie never to hi wiser, Thov havo appropriated our shirt bos
tho Rood 1.101.I0 termed It; and was self. Yet somo of his penetrating .-indM,t'','-'r "r 7"01)' Mn net er falls om,;god Muds und all. They havo
.nwMli.Mitlnl.ra.i:iiiiruillillinil.nROii. 411 II 111 lid lO.irA Were n HO lite V tifCU . , tw "M .."fc"l """""H iiisuer ...Jr..,.l ,.. .oft lintrlteliliic nocks
I'roii ilioH-Jcnllflc Amtrlcau.J
.TlitlcrlitW In their J.ulslMo
1 IT n ploco of silver bo put Into nllilc
nclil, n rlcir nml dilorlc. liquid, It la
II rnillfllU II tMf.ltjail ,.! ......I.1. t II 111 If. P It lln Lnii ,..!. .a I t .' . ' - . - II
.Vi.rim.t.... li''u,,,l'J' tl'Mo l"nnc all .linppnr,liiiii Lelu0 In npiiit tapplnj-aj where (
;,.!!" r r,!t . ""' ,'ecoml' lr.vl.lhlf. .Malte. which '' Iwe a l.t!do wider tlmti It'alonjr, I ii
J'"'". Ml'ii'iio roi.ilitiou Ii pnf.'clly oiwiiMe, Macadami.l on .Idea; where all'!t.
.. " '"' and will not admit th.ilon.l lavtf lftrl.t I tlio l.Ultvr llttl of ircat inuii liavinrriivil.
----- j----n"n
f?. ""T1 " ft'TTnt If'
orthi wonderful illoct of tlio condition
." ,l',",r u"c:," h'JlJ'l;- I'"
,Z T i t . CV" I V0"' ,!?
op'in the atilijecl, tniich leas do tlicyot
' '""I'1 "M'W t- 'Hio anhalance.
h ' n , . . , .. .
. Iol VC.I Jl. WUkr or III tho,
I "" ."". uw.n.jBu or ion.
f f6""1" "'"j""i menus UiV can
'" ' cvert.l, ami ,g, bo rendered
I v,s l'l"" lly It. he Mtno a ato
i",' .uro lUf".'01 l,'l.,r ''""WJ.'
i0"'1'"' tl.OUKla .lot In tlio ra.1.3 tUttf.
Mm ..... 1. ......
..... .. . .. i..:
" ". '! ,n ! ,lir l ""V ;
l' 5 ,"''' U can bo nrovcl. that!
' "7 ", u ,", , ' ..
! ""VHUhouglilt Ucon.
Id,"" Uko. ,,lu "l". lc -
."'"" l,,.yfM,'.,l ". ' KorK
'eons btilte.lly.
If a ptiilfiill n't tho o.,
On tho bilghteat and sunniest
- -..--..-- -
W u,,l,f' cverJ object can bo dulinct-,,
IV Kitun (il.lail lltn Iim I.m lit.atil. .( nf
' ". , T -""-," ,
tons or charcoal In an linliiblo condi-i
lion ptrvado tho lho air. Clais is n
beautiful illu.tratlou or lho Iraniparen-
cy of a compound, which In truth Is
titnirtaii. i iim iiuucr cji mniicr hi
- r-L f rwz bbti. t - .--. ..a-. m J-
.nmnt f'om mIM '?
I(U.n, ,.lt.0lnelin. .Sub.lances
i"croaw ,n Wl,,,t withoiltla".' I'l,3r'
iv iu umrii.i ir.ii.'ri.irnici . rniifr" auiiii-
'.u cnu.e; lorin.uiijce, a j'miubukbuii
. .......... i . i .. . i v.i . r..
' ""crea.iiij; in we.nin iiunureu-iom .or
,,",t !l "'i,fct,li rrom !'
Ii,,...,, , ,.Upi, ,, ,frnu" vn....h
- - H,w r' -
,im,,i0 oxnlnnnilon of ia that the
. '. . . ... .
'e"c orr",u U.M.t-rol nllli.
,lrftv,i"K ll, l'lWo charcoal rrom the'
'' T.0l,l,(tfr(t .m,a '" """I
. ?",1.B "a, i si,mo. !'l
ng it to Its
; . . '. . .
' " ,U,,B "' " """ '''
.'.rnncu oi.aiiuo ...wwr iron, us ti.iuiu
..r I .. I
'. ,,, ru n.., . .,, ....,,. ;,,. f
" "-" ..was 'v "
rt i .. i .1 i .1
n.",,r m".' l ,0 ,.??. rovo tl.l oj.cra
t'0". 'oiiiIoiIok IniUililu nr gnirou mat-,
,er v,si,,Ie- 'I'lim lho bnl.inco In iialuro,
ia iiiaiiiiuiiiiu, i.iiiiuu;ii iiiu
, change lias been going on long prior
to tho cn.ition ul tho "extinct iiniiii
als." ! .''niTivrs I'lititn.
lT,?rrir lti'vn Prftdrpvpi. I
The power or Henry V cloqnenco wosj
ilur, Ural, to tlio greatness of bis emo
tion mid pnnoon, iiecomiiaiiicd with a
versalilily which enabled iiiin to nssuine
.it onco any 1 motion or pisstftn llmt
was fulti'.l to lit end. Not less In-
di.pi 11. tblo, recondlv, was bis matel
loss perfection of tho organ.
presiion. Includiii!: tho entiro nm.ara.l,lt,cnli mai' ."- '"" M .,o-Pio. r
tus (,f voice, Intonation, pause, giltimV'-'-'-V1' Wn? ,ow J!"'1 tn1sul"c'en'' J01
alliltH, and Indncrihiblo play of IV1.01 ,l,en ,hal Kfi' 8Cok ,to ,in,P'Ovo,
In im inatn...... .11 1 I...
,nr, n. inlmltaiiloas llie.y wero tadoscrl
liable. The.o woro Alt bviucry lienr-
,cr, in all their force. His mightiest!
fellings wero Eometiines indicated by a
. tlu(iioiit aspect, mid somo significant
ilso of his linger. Tho sympathy bo
' tweeu mind mid mind Is iue.xplicable. '
IWheio tlio vhmiui'ls ofcomiiuniicatioii
liiro open, lho At cully of reve.iling in-'
Iwnrd passion t;reat, and tho e.presaio!i
of il sudden mid visible, lho cdVtflsnro!
extraordinary. Let these shocks of iu
lltienco bo leiiealcd nunln mid n"iiin,
mid nil other opinions mid ideas nro
for tho moment absorbed or excluded,
lho wliulo iniiul is b. ought into unison
with that of tlio speakur, and tho spell
bound lhtencr, till tho cnuso ceasea, Is
under an enliro fam-Inntloti. Then per
haps llio cliaim ceases upon roilection,
mid tho Infutuutcd-lie.irer resumes his
ordimtry state, Dr. Alexander.
OirTwo hundred and forty-lhrco
joiirunls and periodicals aro published
111 seventy different Ho'lann on Itliodu Island.
(Jot t!u (I of Now Yoilt although It
it a town of comlilernliln oonsepUenco.
Yftitt(J to sea tho world i co atarlpd
for (In) itvpn-liy.nino fltato of Rhode
. r n--j i .
(real inuti Have era v
il... u. .i.i t. ..... i
'npploigrow n la
ifternuoil : wlivre the.
j iifji.k ...u K'a " I
Inrco ai w3mi tutu. ntiil.U.'frmirif n..l r... :..... ,. :,......'... ..ri'vonr .Lorn u-sr,. i.'iq... .:,ti. .. .. i.t....
I io oyter nltaln the Pnormons I ofa RimJa, and now thero Ii prodiic .1'aOl persons worohillid and -10(5 wouiT
Ihrtc. cvii.l piece. Wtniinto tho woods ihii kind of ttigv on lho cotitlne.,1 of ded. Thero wewM.'Jlirs attended wlP,
aflcr ihc.tuut-cooldnt find any, butli:iiropo three l.undro.1 and tlt'.y mill , lots of life, tho number or persons kill
(lescovcrc.i i. maunificeiit treo n tho1 i,,n.,.r .m,.,l. ... ,..! i, ,iri ....:... '...I l.nin,, i-ri
tiuwacc re-joiriin.Mcecilln;lytUcreal
itarled for it Ihreo-ouarters of n
... ' . .
inilo .head ; went out stone, dilchci,
fence, .nnU-n, briirs, and stone wall.,
until it latl I rtacl.'il It and found it
was an elm, no cheatnuts on ll got
very mid; walked round lho h'Uto n
coup!, of limes, and took tho first train
for homo.
Ta'TKs In a lecluro on
what ho has seen abroad, Wendell
1 ' l'hillip. observes : s
In Italy j on will aeo n man breaking
hi. breast, nnd Inking tho wood in bis
. ,ut nsa.n.i ...o saw. it ii a
solemn fact that in l'lorcnce, n city
filled with tho triumphs of ntt, thero is
not a tingle augur, ami ir a carpenter
would boro a hole, bo docs ll wlUi a red
10t poker, 'llils result not fron lho
- .. - iriryi - tt af Msrclly ofii!
. . ." t. i ...
inntiLMiL. ihu it?oniri nrc nv nn niosni
,ui- ,n,v w. cari imitl,uttL "
un iitn r.iin riiniirnn. iuri nfi iiiiifiiipt.
that slames Iabor-saIng Yankees. I oi"our c'3' "aturf, wh.rcof tho Ian.
''''" '''a' Wor, that tljo poor)B,"'f0 orB0?,., lKng 1. so remark.
irnmi nre. in uomo cnarcoai is priu-i
, u. , r.. i ..I.I
cnuny lor iuci, ami you wm seo vv - .. .i--i
Mring of twenly mules bringing littlo,P"''''lf. ut lho extinction, o(
..iu ,.ri, .,.. ,i,t. .!,. n,J.eery Indelicato tJiouuht. arronanl
..bna vi . ui'vn itivt wuvnai khvii wmv
',,...1. i.n..M . nu-ll nf i .. rnr.
- -- ."- -
Hut tho charcoal render never had a
carl, and so keeps his mules ami feeds
.,.. ...,i it,.... t. ., n..,.u..t,irt , recommended I Miat Is more tlllca-
,....,,............... .,-...,... ,,
Yatih.o nlwaj .looks haggard nnd c,iuul th?u j'al'itual good humor in ren
ous as If ho was chasing n dollar. , J"'nS & ntercour.o ofscciotyogreo.
iiArvntti at i( Iia ii'ii itfificTnrr
wiit. ... ,nnP t. ..,. iMnn. ....1
when wo go abroad, wo nro surpriicd'
!.. u IIIV..S J V v.i (- .
.to find tliat lho slollar liat ceased to bo
almighty. II a Yankee rcfuio to do a
job for fifl v cents, l.o will probably do ,ana at onco traniiorms a bsrUarun in
;. r... .t,.i". .. ;n .....i..!.,!- .in (. I to a man ; a brutal, sclfiih aud inelan-
for n five. Hut ono of tho Iswroni of
lor n live, iiuiononi 1110 iszarom 01
, N.ii.!c., when ho has earned two cent. I
.an.! eaten them, will wo.k no moro that
day.ifyonoin-r bin. ever 0 largo a
sum. Ho nas earned enou"h lor the
day, nnd ho wants no more, bo thero .
is 110 i'fl"ertieM tor making money, no
.. .... jiv.'. .. ........s ...u..vj, -1
motivolor il, and excry body moes
., .,
The Id k.u.
,ua.v- liTery man
" "".I. i s.t .:.... .1- .:.. -. r,
I "' l "' " ,".' "" "" '" l,u ,u"' "' '
,T. "' . .,,' . " ,. ,:
a i iKiw man mo nciuat cnamcicr.
.. It . IC. Il r I . .
. u.i.wvt. ... mvwi iiiiiti miv.i
wo project ns it wero out of ourselves,
i'and seek tomako real this wisdom,
I 'goodness and holiness, which wo aim
to transfer from ojiir thoughts In our
limn iiiiiitmii" 1 i.iai iiiaui hiu.t t ti.Mi
life has nn notion mora or less pow-.i
erful on each man, rendorini: htm (lis
tatislied with present attainment, and,
restless, unless no bo becoming better.
ll'I.l. . .... ,1 .!. .1. '
11 un nuiiiu uii'ii 11 uuii'3 uiu roso oui
or tho cheek, and forces them to wan
der n lotiij pilorluiaio or temptation'
before thoy reach tltodelcclablomouii.
tiiitisoriraumillity mid find Uest for tho
Soul,' under tho treo of life.
PourtoAr. CDLi'inr, "Tho last link
Is broken," ejaculated Tlios. Link, as
ho yesterday paid his last live. dollars
to Justice Uoweknmp lor mi assault
comuiitUd upon n nou.combn;tivo lu
diviJuil. ,
"You may go," said tho
"And tlio wprds thou hast spoken
havo rendered mo fioe," continued ho;
us firmly planting hi l.eavor oft bis
nob, he stalked oul or tho I'Utco.' " J
- 'HjizurjMnntiractr.rc of- Trance.
FrnnefljJi lho lar -st producer of
beet timaiyln lho woild. A favnrabto
toll and cllmr.ta, and 6'raral-an(J in-
iHiiiiuiM population: coiimiitiio-irt tin.
Of all the phntj lik.l tia l-t-l pfoied
lho moiit tiromikiuL', but forlv car.
lapstd buforo tho in.iniificl'fo of bet''
eiigtir was enabled to copo ..iccea.fiilly
Willi Cfllof.Wl amr.irl. Irn.ti Vtaltfin ,1...
riili.i.n .,! t,.....i. it.,.. ....'
itii." I'V.riritiiiiiii iillV'tlAII l nill II
is nianur,.clurL-(I in France, In tli.-c
ilmtitfrr..! ...! .!...r, ,..,r : .
i . ' t' '" - !-.. ii.R.irfinL.;.i a
In tho viciiiily of l.illu thoa.crjQo viild
of the stiar beet-Is sixteen tons to tho
ocri1, and t nlenrinnncs nfnat.'eti
tons, hi come, localities twetilylive
Ions oro protluccl.
j ItCLHIIO.V AMI. (JoOll MA.tRpi.
Tho meek mid buncvoloiit apbit of our
religion lias Ifadn piworfoi ItilluDiice
1 Irs sweclenlng and nllnhignll the com-
I forts of human rociotv. and conversa
tion among tho rer. Tint Immility
,"PI"(tun!ty ofpromotlng not only their
";-;- -- ; - .--
"Pporniico ol oiil would not tho manl
f ncknowledgo to bo tho very.'
Pffcelion and liorolim of good bclia-!
..v.v. .- ...,v...., ....-,, ,.u,i.6 V,K U1K
viour I
Mutt not lho aireetini view
trui relliton xbibtAof.aU!
. f a
beating (b ono anotner
-r ' ,r . T . I
...-..-...- v a w .
tuo '
... ...
., T1, . v'
ciiritilnnitu n.r.,n.n.t. nn. ,i. ....
i f w
.emotion and inmalevoleut
tmrnoio ;
.......i.i .
would conversation stand in need of.
any further refinement, wcro this law
. , ., . . . ,
'able, nnd In keepln
at a distanco all
, ." w i
'""n.pcrato passion, and all uariuncu
... bvi.i.iiii,i.v ui iaiigUHQti
hi a word, truo Chtlitianlty alone
cuo.b- ""K?. Into a kind, a generous
,v - 1- -- - , iiiu luroai 11111 tus joou. .loner .'
;'l,,a rt cheerful as.oclatc.-Dr. Hoattle. ( , m0ney money. ;.ao Courier., ,
J WmsHnas. Tho editress of tho 1 f 7T" , '.
Lancastcr Uly Gasetto says sbo ,,. LnD '""A frma1.
...,.,. n, ,,. '., ., .' t.'tlng to tho Aew J.n"aii Farmer
wouiit as soon ncstlo tier
rut'i nett or swinglo tow, as allow a
,uan willi wl.tslters on to kiss Iicr.
Wodont believe n word of It I Tho,
objections which somo ladies pretend
'to hao to whlikcrs all arises from envy, i
lTI d ... n ,. if
"J -."w "J. " ..num.,
they could, but tho fact Is, tho contln-1
nil motion or tho lower jaw Is fat:
..v.v... jh.. v
11 our standing coll irs aud cravats
driving us men to llattics mid turn-1
downs. Their innocent littlo hearts
hno been palpitating in tlio insidoof
our waistcoats, iiutcad of thumping
against tlio outside, av naturally inten
ded. They havo thrust thoir pretty fct
mid ankles through our unmuntionablos
'uuwuUpcrablc'i untbinkaboutablcs-iu
suuri, us ..iicnwuer wouiu say, oroecnea
And they aro skipping along tho streets
In our highdieiiud boots. Do you
hear, gontlemen I wo ay boots.
QCr "Tiioso w ho reel most deeply,
uro most given lo disguisu their feeling
and derision is never u iiironizln'T as
when it pounces on the wanderings of
mlsgutucil ,'
Anvnusirv intioduces us to straugo
bedfellows. Mr. Shorts found liinmlf
snoozing, tho other night, besido a log
of wood, a hog mid n diunl.en Dutch,
man all in a luuiber- ard. Advorsily
their growth. Tho ladfei God bless until it boils ; skim of what rises ; lot It
tli.m ! adopt our fashiou ns far as they ' tfmmer until tho water Ii boiled out, or
can. Look nt tho depredations tho till It ceases to throw off steam j pour
dear creaturei havo committed on ourljo'Vtho lard as soon as It is done, aad
Minucns, Uxruutiom axd Casu.
altiks. During tlio yoar l33Jthon'
occurrod In tlio United Stated 6'Z mur
ders, of whlcli 74 took plaoo In Now
xotK, ou in roxas, 47 In Louisiana!'.
iriuii$ year lliero were 01 acclin
in which 010 rieriuna were liillcil nnl
I5H wcut.ded. Tho number of rallroa'd
accident. wn IDS, by which on hurt
.llod Atltl I irrhlv it- lu.t.m tvuhi tillmf
....! '.'i ..,,.,. I. ,i ... . si ,i. .....:...
J Tho list of mortality fur the year i.i
' eludes the domlso of no less than cfgli
I Iron men and twenty -seven women who
j had attained tho ago of one hundred
and upward.. One a colored womai
Was laid to be ono hundred and for
Uy-tix; another an Indian womin-
ono hundred anil foity Ihroo years i?J
ago. Tim nlduit white man wns'ont
hundred and seven, and tho oldest white'
woman was onb hundred and IwenU
i ono year?. Uentli lias also, during tin.
year, great'.y thinned tho dimlmsbefl
ranks of tho solJuri of tho Hevolation
day p.
! "Why, rising; wo madoanUo thin
0ri. ibli mornlmr a TAw tlinonrt."
Umca next day at tlio Astor. Mai.
next mo observed to lib friend. "Wull.
how'aCiIor '
un: uown, sir, down doll. vr
dull i-ImiI t).on' montrrlrrlt." "
Dined next day at St. Nicholas.-
Man next to mo said to his ncfahbori
!I.Tnn7f.r. I.i.ilnn.. 1,1,1 I.,,, I. I
"1 should think so : rou can bur n
ship now for flvo thouiand dollarn lesl
than you could two months ago, anl
...!. i-.ll.. I M
irrigui aro aw-iuuy low. j
Dined noxt day at tho Metropolitan,
Man next mo iaid to bis iietshlio'f
"What'a lho news from Kuropol"- "
"Consuls havo fallen one half.'in.l
money Is tight" m
Dined tho next day at tho Now Y01--
Hotel. .Man next to mo said to Lu-
ntL'hbor, "Dy Jove that's a prcltr niu
yonder." ""
"Sho is to, and betides Ii worthwn
hundred thouiand."
I I at onco left tho table. Heavens,.
! exclaimed I, Is thero no .pot In thi
(great cily vhero a man can eat'wltn1.
j out having such talk, crammed dovriV
I.U throat .utli bis food. .Moner '
For IS lbs. of lard tako 1 lb. of salt v
peter nnd 1 lb. of alum, mis tkeiffauil
pulverixe them ; dissolve tho galtpctc'r
nml nlum .n rritl nf l.nilfnr. ...,.. 4.
.v." """o ""
pour mo compound Into tho lard before
.itisuuito all molted: stir llio ulmK
! ...... . " "1
.clean llio boiler whilo it is hot.- I(,tho,
candles aro to ba run, you may com-.
iiienco v , 11 10 00 llippcu, L't
tho lard cool first to a enkf-. nn'd- fKt.V
tho lard cool first to a cake, and- (renV
It as you would tallow. --t 'sud
Sxails. A acor(espondenfo(.tk
Scientific American say "a ' ditta V
kind snails aro consumed In SwitzcV'
laud as wo consume oyslors hero. Thol
kind I refer to has u shell about
nch nnd n half in dbnieter near tho,
ipierture. Thoy aro nil nbout two and.'
' : "I
a half inches Ions when creenimr oill
tho around ; their color is cray. 'I'boV.
uro found about hedges, and am onb'i
oaten in .autumn and .winter, when .if,
their dornlant state. Monks anil th'oso
professing tho Calhollo reIiglon'1a'rt'
very fondof them, as ihoy aro allowed
to eat (hem upon fust dayi when tlfd)t
...rt.. I. ft. m..n nt ... ......
una. .4 ..tMiu.iw... .., DV'iia ui luv.vili.
i cuts they havo regular snail pa'stureh?.
whero they nro raised In largo quanti
ties,. 'J 'bey aro boiled 'or roasted,ban(tr
eaten wilh butter; tjitir tasto ia excel
O-Kobert WilMn'has been'coavtctedT
of nnwu, at Qsnlou, N, V., anil sentonevj.
to tho Slute Priion'. for Ufo.
. ""'- ,. 11 ihl