The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, May 12, 1855, Image 2

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    7A.1 ,
i H'l'M i "nrEi- iA - suth.
1' - -!- - -
4 Mmpmicv'
4 .SSSMI.I '
k 4-vSsnejWtJsjMMMieBm ilMcif 2
mutub huiluimis, sbxt
Ml ! ii ii i m I ! II I I i i
i 5SR WEST PCOTTRni'no uhum..
Saturday, MJny 2, lOS
Delegate, to ConRrcs,
, r For Councilman,
'i For Prosecuting Attorney,
RT e. stratton. " .
jt Umpqua County.
Aim c at
$, v Fet fRcprosentatlvo,
For Auditor. W. If. SPENCER.
For Judge of Probate, P. C.PARKER.
For Commissioner, G. D. VANRIPER.
"For Treasurer.'. W. AYELLS.
.ForAfseaeor W. II ANNA.
frFor Coroner. JOS. HEAZLEY.
ForSurveyor. J. J. KELLOGG.
uFor Wrcckmastor P. MACKIE
The xrhlfkowBotIilBir Candidate
for Delegate to Congress,
The Cosstitction vs. K:ownoth-
Immediately after tlio, nomination of
..' Gaines by tlio so-called whig conren
iionTat Corrallis, a few- of tho' same
persons, met at Albany, and nominated
Lisyiver. again, as tho know nothing
taodidate. g Bat fbis ii, if possible, a
.greater' farce than the former, for ont
Y 'the'Cd'rnctnbora 'who attended tho
convention at Coivallis, and who nom
inated Gaines as the whig candidate
fer Delegate to' Cbogrcts.fftt, at least
were kriownothiogs. This information
ame.frora a member of that conren
iin, and cannot bo successfully reTutcd.
AaiUkis Gainca' platfotm: whig
tun .lie not only subscribes to all of
tke above Utat, but bo publicly nuvo
taaiaa -tkam i b JiU -nppfir. Ho nrO
. ibe'sAme tim advocates too enactment
oflaws to diifraucuiio all foreigners
aad Catholics, from holding cflico or
'irosa oven'totiug-pltcingtlicmon ado
cradine Jercl with and citing them no
more rights than tho Indians or negroes
ow possess. IIo is opposed to tlio
'principles of popular sovereignty, as
'contained in tho enactment of tho Ne-
bratka' bill,f yhich gives State and
Territories tlio right to govern theirj
ewn domestlo inititutionaas they think
1 proper thaf thoy know what will bt
. Srvo their own interests, and tho in
terposition of tho general government;
vith their local nflaira is a llagrant act
eCinjastlce to tho rights of States and
Tcrrituries,and a power no? guaranteed
X to; that general government by the Con-
atkalion nor by the rupt ctynmon prin
ciples of equity and right. Ho panders
to'tho" sympAthies and prejudices of
religionUU by saying that ho is In fa
ever of si stringent and intolerant law
' ler the suppression of the liquor traf.
flck, similar to the unconstitutional
,Maino Law, Now, it is ncll known
that Gaines likes his "toddy" as well as
any man In tho Territory. And we
are informed that no longer than last
'winter lie was strongly n favor of the
.principles of tlio Nebraska bill, and it
t, k hfghly.frobabl,thst,, snr.Ti, nroyet j
'taaia honest convictions, as ho was "born
and bred" in the sunny south, and par.
takes of oil their prejudices in regard
, to slavery, la fact be has been a slave-
f bolder in Kentucky for many years;
but now, In-order to secure the votes
fof all theYactions,Jn certain localities
' jjie, adyocatcs ' abolitionism, rampant ;
fjin bet be is eyerybadyVi manprofuss-
using to-one principles wbicb he would
trenaoasly condemn to another, if it
' would 'ensure him a vote. Dut leaving
too rqass of contradictory and moon-
diaistentisms which Gainea espouses, let
,"r8 i refer for a moment to his leading
"', ';hobby,"knownothingsm, and see how
, .tbat corresponds with tho Constitution
vaitime United States and tho principles
!efijepablIoaa government.. Read tho
f CoeiiTunoir,or.TnB.KsowKOTnTfp Cox
cvUmted SriVis.
I Art.V,r.r"Ko relt-
(K. "...'. ...
ArL III. Thn nlw
'fZTMM9111 "UA" tvtr
?" fReanlredm a ounl-
Meet of this orgnnlza
IflaaUnn tn-MV office
uua eimii us io resist
tho Insldlona policy
tf puWlo truat under
Uwl otlicr foreign in-
oi mounurcn or itoini-
(IncawnRnlnstllioItt" ' nl. I 1.
jtl(ullon( r' the
'coiintyi y :
m cEtheirtottt r
tut naliet btirn prot
rttaut attstni. k
Knowsotivo Uvtii
"You fiirthcrmoro
proinina aii'l doelary
itntjo.l TfIUnotVl5
nur Rivo j our Influ
ence for ny man for
niv uinco In tlio tlft
or "tlio people, tinU'M
lis be nn Amcrlcun
burthened In bis body
or eotd, or otherwise
mi It i r, on Account of
Ida reunions opinions
or teller) Imtnllmcn
ibnU l free to pro
fit, nmt by nrau"
ment to taMtitaln,
Urn oillaen In favor
of Amtrlenn rnllnjt
Amcrlc , ip if he br
a Cat'wtic,"
their opinions in mat
tors or religion, ami
the taint sUM tn no
trite nfftct, iltmiuhh
or rnlartc their titU
AirAin: "You w)l
cmnly and Blnccrtly
nu'odr tliKt If It may
bo done loRAlly. you
nltl. n lien elected to
cajiacattt. '
otuce, remove all ror
ciicticm anil liotmtn
CatholUtfrom v(T(es
km! tint .yon in in
ne tan appoint $ueh
to ojice."
The direct antagoninn between the
Federal and Statu Constitutions and tho
rituals of knowpothlugi'm is ptlpnblp
and plain to every man of ordinary un
demanding, and v. ill not admitof an
"Tlio object auu ue-
rlnmilonRorHtMorder cofifiictnot on
ly with tho abstract principles, but with
tho actual provisions of tho government
Knownothingism dues prcscribo a reli
gious test ns n qualification to ollicc.
Knownotliutn doca molest and burthen
men, and does diminish their cUil cn-
pacitte;, on account of their religion."
And Gaines Is n member of this order
7m conspires against the government
anil the liberties of the people. Somo
places they say to foreigners th'xt thoir
object is not to proscribo or in any
way molest those who nro nlready in
thonlted States, but their "holy pat
riotism" is directed against thoso who
may seek a home hereafter nnd who
may wish to pirtako of tho Ue3iings
of our frco government. Till plausi
ble fabrication is for tho nurpnw ofl
getting foreign totes. This movo is
Leing mado in difleront parts of tbe
Territory, and la talked of by a few
of tho faithful In soiuo parts of this
county. Dut to show.that is a decep
tion, in addition to what is containod
In their rituals above quoted, wo take
the following significant paragraph
from their organ,, the Knotcnoihing tj
Cntsadcr :
"We not tlits down as a mlnelole uhlch I
rlEbt, Jut, rcaionaMs and patriotic, xi :
I A'unt tut American) ieutJ le allowti to
tote." -, f
To tho honest foreigners who have
thrown off tho yoko of allrgianco tn
tho monarch of tho old world, and
who havo sought tills country that they
might bo freemen that thoy might
worship their creator according to tho
dictates of their own conscience, wi
would say, havo nothing to do with t
this evil organization. II you havo
entertimcd a thought of upholding
their unholy principles, or sustaining
their men, diicard it. For know you
not that tho samo hand that Is nnw
raised to prevent your father, mother?,
brothers and sbters, who dwell in for
eign lands, from emigrating to and par-
tlcipating with you In the blessings
which you enjoy in tho land of your
adopted home, onco it gets clothed
with power, will bo wielded equally as
proscriptlyo against you. Is it not
reasonable to supposo that tho same
men who would disfranchise ypur
dearest relatives, would also, had they
tho power, disfranchise you I Then
heod them not. though you may have
had tho utmost confidenco in them in
former years, for when thoy como to
you with such fabrications they only
want your votes that thoy my bavu
power power to placo tho hangman's
noose arouudj'our nrcks, Thoso aje
tho principles and tho policy advoca
ted publicly by Gaines an old broken
down political hack from Kontucky,
and theso nro the troacherous vlewi
prpmulgcd by'hls follower his aldora
and abettors In Iniquity.
0r Deprive us of the eflicient aid
of foreitfnorB nnd what would our ar.
my generals do for traitors to bang In
timo of war. Orcgonian.
Tlio abovo, from Gaine' organ,
requires no comment from us, it speak
for itself. Foroignor, will you uphold
uch men men who brand you as
'traitorsl1' If you would not, remem
ber them at the ballot-box.
0- Capt Suqtt, of this placo, is
tho whig csndidato for councilman in
this district Thoy hold no conven
tion, and probably not ovor a dozen
whigs in the district were consulted in
rogaid to who should bo tho nominee.
Tho Captain .is opposed to Lano, and
non-committal on Gainco. It.has boon
asserted that ho was a knownothing,
which b douiss.
J .Majority ov vtiiic
"No man .shall lie
compelled tofreqiicnl
or support any iVll
pious woflhfCpttce
or ministry whatnoav
wj nor shall any man
bo enrorccit or res
trained, tnolcelatl or
.TliQ.Orrftotilnn nnd tho Umpqun.
IlrYer. editor of Ahi Ore rnnirtii, a.v
lli il tin ti tint onnnsMt to tho llttorcstfc
of tho Umpqun. This Is iiuVvb to the
people, ot tlits place rimt icnwy, w
rnml !ii th-ltt'lilhi' nrilclo about the
Inr-keepors, chnmbcrinKidi nnd stow
nnls of thu ntall stcainor Columbia,
last fall. UU conitnendatlons of the
nllkers of tho P. M. SfS, Co., on this
coast, liiWo been unojsjiliig eor since
tho first issue of thoOregonlnn In
liim thoy found a rcajjy npologbt for
the couw they lino taken pgnlnst thu
Interests of certain places on tho coast
and partiuhrly the Umpqun. For ev
ery fnllttro ol complmico wall meir dilR-renco how palpablo
tho wrong nor ImW lljant tho lnju.
tice to the-people, Uryorlnvnri.iiiiynati
an fxcuso ready coined to suit tho no-
enslon. His courso was so very cm.
sistcnt on this one subject tho uphol
ding of tho P. M. S. S, Co., whether
thev woro riuht or wrong that the
people notually begantolnsiuato that
tho virtuous, trntlifielrserifioing
L-dllor of the Orrconhn had been
bought to "blow" for them, thoy being
in want of n trumpet In Orrgon, and
Dryer being mado up of unadulterated
brass from head to loot, they oonstitn-
ted htm brass trumpeter of tho steam
ship Columbia, Dal!, commandor.
domo malicious persons would make
theso assertions, whilo others would
insist that ho was Jo occupy tho ilou
bo position of figure-head and trum
peter too. All thosa surmises havo
lioiio tho rounds in regard to tlio editor
of tho Oregoniun nnd tho P. M. S. S.
Ca. but nublio opinion conernlly was
united an ouo thing, that tho editor of
the Oregontan had stronger and inure
potent rcaions for apologizing for the
steamship Co., than raf ro lovo for their
olliccrs, or for their pfculiar and unjust
course towards tho peopie of Oregon.
Kilowinc Dryot's mania In regard to
this lubject, and being well aware, that
tho iKoplo wero placing a proper estl-
mato on his character for truthfulness.
wo detmed it unnecessary to notice
his indbect attack oh tho harbor of
tho Umrniin. when mine nn account
of his renwhnblo trip down tho coast
last fall. Our nttcntlon'as called
particularly to tho artlclo in question,
by a prominent whig; in this place, who
liadmor aonadtna IiliKapaclty
of our harbor than o had in Dryer's
honesty. Wo exasiincd tho article
-ind exposed its objictionable parts.
Wo knew then, that Dryer would deny
every word that bo lud written as soon
as ho found th it popular opinion was
nnfavorablo to him Is this section.
llirce months after tho articlo had
been published and answered by us, a
whig in this town, who found It ve)
difficult to swear by Dryer during the
enmimr contest unleisho (Drver) dii-
nit-d our charces. wroto to him about i
the matter, nnd Drjer, weathercock. J
like, turns about, anil ssye tuat iw. s a
friend to the Umpqua! Unaided by
any proof of his frit mlly feeling ror our
interests, sato bis aslrrtion, tho people
here believe it about as much as the;
would tho report of any othor mtrqboi
of tho P. M. S. S. Co. Somo of his
friends hero swallow it in tho same
manner that they are going to voto for
Gaines with tlicir eyes shul
Dryer said that the first placo ofany
noto on the coast was Crescent City,
this is what tho agents of P, M. a. a.
Co. havo always said, and this lathe
reason given by them for not leaving
tho mails at tho Uinpqua, and thl4 i
what tho Captiin of tho Columbia told
Dryer to s.y when ho returned homo,
which promiso that editor fulfilled, t
tho InOnlto amazement of every one
who know him. I ho following is
another paragraph from Drycr'a "no-
t(h)liigs ,by 'ho way :"
"All thoso way ports between the
Piilum'iln River and Son Francfsco lire
dangerous and difficult of acciss during
the b1 and winter season, aand uitt
always rejnain so, without extensive
imprnvenciits which would cott im
mense sums of money."
Wo answered tlits mlicnood mat wai.
intended as a "cut direct" at tho capac
ity of tho Umpqun harbor, as follows :
'Tim ITintmua affords a (rood har
bor and Is easy of access, which is pro
ven beyond n uouni, jty tuo saio arrival
.mil ilcri'irfiirn nt ntpnmnrH of larirot
draught than tho Columbia, nnd that
too, "during tuo tall and winter," at
u-lilfl. ilmn iho editor of tho Orecroiii-
an says all tho port botwoon tho Co
lumbia river and oan rranoisco aro bo
'difllcult of access."
Wo tubmit tho abovo facta to tho
pubi'icpeaving it with them 'to saj
whctiierthoy will tak(? Drycr'a word
or his aeH or either, to cloar Urn of
tho noetuatibtuiiow being mado ngntnst
him, that ho hits boon bou1it nnd paid
for by tho P. itt. S.S. Co.
03Gniiioa njinlnst the world"
so eald tho Corvullls whig Imow'UbUi
Ing convention,. How much more
truthfully and consistently could they
Invo tnltl, '."Gulnes ngidnst Oregon,"
us Gnlne-1 hai nlwaya by his nets op.
posed tho Interests nhd tlio will of tho
pooplo of Oregon. ',sldo from this, It
would havo boon decidedly more mml
eat, nnd thoy would not havo by never
nl feet "' ff to fall on tho first Mon
day In June. Gaines was "ngnlnsl"
iho Jlexlonti. until thoy took htm
prisoner; breaking hi word of honor
and ntenling away, It proveil grenlly
"ng.ilnst" tho welfaro of his emnpnti
Ions whom he left bohltul, IIo wm
"agnlnst" tlio will of thu people ns ex
pressed by thoir Representatives, wliett
ho "I, John P. Gaines," mid nt
tempted to. nullify tho nets of tho Ter
ritorial Assembly, because it conflicted
with his pecuniary Interests. IIo was
"agalnsl'V tho lut,creats of, tho Territo
ry by withholding tho money appro
printed by Cougresa for tlio erection of
publlo building. Finally, ho kicked
np a quarrel with hi ovn friends, nnd
was "against" them, ami everybody
"against" him. Now, ho is "against"
Jo. Line, mid "against" every liberal
nnd rpimblican principle. I" fact ho Is
"against" everything but Ids own stub
born will, nnd when they nay "Gaines
against tho world,'' thoy h.vo said all
that can besiid in his favor.
No kst. Wo have had an account
on our books fifr about a year against
tho "whig parly of Unipqua county,"
for printing election ticket". N o havo
dunned several gentleman who by their
talk wo took to be the parly, head, tail
and all, but they "don't 'know-nothing'
about it, nsk Mr. , hu was n can-
lidato last year." Rut Mr. don't
'know-nothing' about it, neither. Iltv
Ing spent ns much of our precious tiun
as wo could afford, calling nn ono and
another, it occurred to us lint perhaps
tho better way would bo to havo the
Shcrinr viiit them, when again our fond
hopes wore all knuckoJ into "pi"
there's no defendant' It was rather
premature, coming down on tho eA-
zirrrn at tho whig convention at hlk-
ton ought to pay up first
Slnco tho abovo was in type aRon.'
tleman informs us that tho bill shall be
paid ; hope It will.
CirThcroisa boardless youth up
tho country who has taken our pn.r
for a yoar, and now wishes it stopped,
but refuses to pay for what ho has re
ceived. A man has a perfect right to
stop his paper whenevor ho chooses,
by paying for What ho has rcciircd,
but person cannot stop a pspcr un
lit all arrearages nro paid. This is reg
ulated by law, tn prevent swindlers of
tho nlmvo character from impnriiig up
on publishers, by saying thry imvi-r
subscribed, after having taken the pa
ler for somo tims. It is scarcity ncu
eisary to add tint the gcntlciii'iii ro
ferred to ii n brawling (Saines man.
U'u may havo occasion to giro this
gentleman's name hereafter, that tho
public nny bo on their guard
pit" UmiiicM Lai Rritly Improved dur
ing l!m piut wcftV. There aro ubout ono
hundred mules lu town, loading for Jack
sonville and Yrcka. Wo Ir&ra from gentle
men bo havo juit arrived from the Interior
that tbero will lia'qulto n number of wagon
here In a few day. Prtsvat apptaranccn
Indicate that tbero trill Lo a lawo amount
of basinets trammeled hcru this summer.
Yi'o notice that comtldtraMr quantities of
jjo-xh for mcrcliints ol Jackionvllh and
YrcVa irero hlpned to this placo on tbo
stctmcr Gotiah.
OirTho steamer Coliah loft the
Umpqua for San Francisco, on Friday,
tha JJd Inst. Tho schooner Loo Choo
Mtilod for tho samo pjaco on Monday
niJAUTiruAv' CuAsru Tho Orc
gonian of tho Mth of ApVil says that
tho editors of tho Umpqua Gazette,
Statesman and Standard aro "d d
- (Kr Wo Bcknowledgo tho rocelpt of
a lato number of tho Umpqua Gazette,
from Hon. Cyrus Olney,
(KrGeri. Lano has been stumping
tho Southern part of tbo Torritory,
recently, with much success. Gilnce
follows aflor htm, as 'tamo as a poodlo.
They aro novy on their way to tho Wil
lamette ,
C.P.Kimball, nnd J. W. Sullivan,
San Francisco, hnvo our thanka for late
pappM byjlast' malj. Soettholr adyer
tiscmo'nfa in another column!
tlnlnns Blitiorr Monti-
In whither nrllelo no Imvq nllmlcd
to tim faot Hint (laltico Was opprfafjd tc
tho principles of tlio NulirnBl(iiJdll,niil
on tiiat ground vvna trying to gut.nbn
lotion nnd freo-noll suppurt nnd that
Gnlnot always had been ntnl Is yet lit
heart ftivnrnhto In thu Institutions ol
slavery. If any imu douhta lliuniser.
tlnii, let them tend tho follow Ing ex
trnol from n letter written by "John P.
Gaines" to n fili-nd In Itn!lim:i, which
was published lu (lip LouUUIIn 6'oi
ricr. Thin will Im n relreihlng inuiM'l
for sonui of Guinea' Irlunits lu tho upper
part of this county, who havo been
hentd to say that limy would "forcibly
rosUt thu operation of tho Fugitive
Slave I.w." Hut to tho letter :
Ovk UiUi, near Salem,
O. T.. Doc 17. 1851. Sin: Tho election
rosultv hi P'iiiiiKvlvniila, Ohio, nnd lu
dlaiia nm n just mid teriihlo rebuke to
tlio weakest, most liUtiiU's, uiui iihim
corrupt ndmliiistralloti that over dls
uraend thiaulurloiis Ronuhlic. I fond.
iy hope that Now Yurie, llliuni, Mich
Igaii', NYitcoutiif, and Cuiiuootiuutfiate
iliine'liliuvvlsti) If so, tho "linmlwritliiu'
inny bo plainly seen on thu wall. My
only fear now i th i( North may in
trrfeiti in tome esicntial particular teith
tho fugititii'O slace law. That
manure Is in cxteuthn if n solemn
Imnd entered into by all the neoidc ol
the United Mates in our glorioui Ccm-I
ttitution, and, vhife tt rrimnnx, placts
the North on impregnable ground, but
should it be repealed, or so essentially
mollified as lo render it inoprrulivo in
diichurging the "bond," Iho South it
a'ii in Iho right in thii particular,
and the North may hare to arrount for
the u njtcakabln horrors of dissolution.
I am, most respectfully,
Your obedient rcrvant,
Will "I, John P. Gaines" tell us nnw
where tho ''handwriting" 1st Well,
this letter writing is n bad hiiitncM,
truly. It has been tho political datum
linn of bettor men llinu ever Gaines
was. It will ho Interesting to Gninrs'
friend', (if be has any,) in tho South to!
learn that ho is running for Congress
on thu MainA.hw.abolitlon.kiiovvnnlh-ing-nntl-Nehrarki-whig
ticket In this
country. There Is n slight ilNcrcpnuey
in his professions horo and his letters
to friends in tho States.
(r Wo will have a little business to
settle with tho Times editor, after the
election Is over, if wo 'don't meet him
In person before that timo; in tho mean
timo wo file away a very interesting
letter from "Avon" It is decidedly
AMIIVAT. OK Till: 1.00 ClIOO-Tbo
tchoonrr lu Choo Cspt. IIurIic, arrlvnl
In tbo Umiia iRaln, m thu evening of the
2'Jih ult , eleven diys from Han Francisco,
with CO tons of freight for this pl.icl. .Slit
rsHr!cnced a hmvy i;ala en the 27th. btn
offt'op-J Mendlclno, which cnrrleJ wy her
jib'tiooin, fllfy. snd n 1 tnat. llrrcsr-
go c:ini nut In c&l condition not tho
Icirnt lUmaed. Vfe are Indrhted lo her
gcntlrmvtily cemmwdtr for full flies of hit
(Dpcrs. also fur other Mori.
Nr.w (loont. Our mtrohanta havo Jot
rtcclved pr steamer (lollnh and rcliooncr
I,oo Choo, larffi lots of mtrcbmidlieof ev
ery variety. Wo would Invite particular
attention to tho ncwadvtrtisemcntsof
4. Co., Wabwortb, l'ttcrs A l.adJ, nnd 11
II. Ilcrttcl, which apptsr In nnolhir col
umn. ?tr We ara ludohtcd to J. W. Sullivan.
Cvj., Km Fraaclnco, for lato pipers by the
CorrciKndcnco of tbo Gazette.
Cooa Hav, Aiirll 2, 'fi5.
Eiiitoii Gazj'.tti: bear Sir : I
arrived here after n journoy from the
Coquillo country, Jolinson As Wood'
diggings Incliidid, Inking a now trail
by way of Poit Orford, and up the
roaxt to this placo. I find tho barqun
Nucceti, Cnpi. Dtvenport, here, from
Han FrnncUfo, with nbnut forty tons
of uoods. Slio will talto nway from
horo about two hundred and fifty tnua
of civil loaded by Mr. Norlhrtip nnd
Mr. Roirtrc Ab It Uthi first thnl leaves
hero fur tho San Francisco market, 1
find tho pt'oplo hero quito anxious ubout
its reaulls in thu above nientluuod city
Should it provo to' bo an good coal us
llioy IIIIIIK It IB, H Will givo quuu nn nil
peiUB to mmiiiuau in una nauu.
Ill Johnson As Wood's diggings I
found only n few mini who wintnird
there, 'they told mo tho had made
from four to flvo dollars a day to tin
hand in (hn banks until tho snow fell,
but wero then about commencing again
and will continue to wmk In tho banki
until tho Watora fall so that thoy can
get into their old claims of last year, In
tlio bed of iho river,
On my way lo Port Orford, I mot
numbcra going to tho nbovo mentioned
diggings, aomu of whom I learned wore
(hero last summer. On taking tho now
trail from Calf Camp Ridge, it ruhs to
tho eastward of thu1 old trail, nnd cros
ses tho head waters of SixesJaJKid Flo
ra's rivers. I fell in wltli-.vpartyjol
three prospectors about sun downi as
The I'rouf-
.wwiiamUIJslMsssWWWrTmLl-. lUWHUlU I
mmal, thoy weio out of mucl.amuck.-
Thoy ImU their g" nlonml wera
as hrtppy ns'jclanfe at iIrIi wiiIm. J
i ..rcA, ilmn Hint I ho v hud found
ll-IHIIl'il ii,im ........ - ,- v, - -
gold ,on ant-oral 4 tho itreams In thst
SnullOII 0 OOlliiiry, uj;"v -'"
ubout two dollars worth of rouniljiiiavy
gnld which limy had rvujiil.-fjwyt
ilmn mi Ihelrwny lo CootMlay or Port
Orfortl, nlivr provlnliminBwl Iti-iijloil
fo go back to tho locality' wherrf thoy had
found gifud iroicpli 'd wow eitllsfl
d that limy can do well.
I'rniu Port Orford fortlgjit miles on
tho lieueh there nn'Tio initdnu g'llng
mi Cnpo Ulnnco being llu flfl'f
I H-iw thu miners ntwork.w horn I learu
them ntd auveral rlnlnm paying welL
Kluhloen miles further, I arrived at the
mouth of tho CnquUlot Iico Ibrraliire agL
about fifteen men nt work, ntaWiig ""W
nbnut eight dnlhrs per day. A,,MiiVi
miU'H iiioiu brmiuhl nit) l Hftliorjljih.
This pluco.last full, every persnn I heard
glvo mi oplnlmi on tho subject, imtpj
berrd It with thu tilings that wero, I
stopped ut tho housd of Mr. Fluuiiiilng,
(inu of the oldest Inhabitants. IIo in- ,
formed mo llinl thorn wero about fifty
men nt work on tho beneh, and that
tlm miller Imd never dnno belter than
during this winter, Jilnuelf Included t
ami Irgiu tho nimunranuo of Iho good
things nn his taife,ynu would think so,
tun. Twenty flvo miles morn brought
mo to this place,
I find the pcoplo lu high spirits all .
through this county, with regard to lh
mall iirrangi'inoiiU parried out by old
Jo. Hurrah Tor hhn 1 wu will te liha
what vvn think of him nt thu next eleo
il jii. Ho ihiiuld call and sto the Cooa
stock. Yours, truly,
a sunken tiwu.'
Oreaonlnn Itond I Tcstlnionr freat
n DMtlDBillshcd Mouree.
Gcu. Adair, of Astoria, sends us
the following letter from lion. Win. M.
G win, tho nblo II. S. Senator from Cab
Ifornln, and a champion of tho Pacifle
Rutlroad, and Pacific luloresls. No
other man in tho United States has
worked with ns much industry and sue
ceis ns Dr. GhIii, nnd no man stands
higher there California owes him a
debt ho can never repay, for the mass
or legislation nnd princely appropria
tions ho has obtained for her.
As for the calumny Dr. Gwtn refers
to, It fell still born here, whera Gen.
Latin Is known, and where the lying
character of Its author Is knnjyn. We
doubt if a single man in Orrgon Kill
thought of It slnco Dryer uttored it:
8a f Eta Cisco, March .11, 1855.
Mv Dkau Siu, I hnvu been inform
ed, rinco my nrrival bore, tint a state
ment has been published In some news.
paper in Oregon, that I am a wIucm
to Gen. line's having been intoxicated
in Washington, during his term of ser. J
vico iii.tngrtu.aAailelogatnilor.yoar M
lurritorv. s uavo m. m-uu i.uio wki
I. f, I.. ... I .!.. . a
that publication, and cannot refer U
tho allegations it con'alns against Gen.
I.ino hi detail, and my rrlorenco to lit
deporlmetil In Washington, must be In
general terms. ,
I presumo there it no person In th
Uultid States who has had more intb
mate association with Gen. Lane than
myself, sinco ho has been n delrgato in
Congress. Wo havo met almost daily
In consultation, in regard lo tho legis
litiou for this coast, nut only in the
Capitol but at our private room. I not
only uorer saw the General intoxicated,
but never Haw htm touch nrdut spirit
in Washington, nor can any man truth
fully charge htm htm with dissipation of
any kind, during Ids resldenco lu the
federal city. This la tlio first time I
havn heard such n chargo mado sgainsl
Ho is ouo of tho most laborious and
Inithful representatives I havo nvor seen,
nnd his exertions for his constituents
have been crowned with eminent suo
cess. No Territory in tho Union bsa
n morn faithful, or so successful, a rep
resentative; nnd, without disparage
ment tn any mnu, I do not hesitate to
say that no delrgato you can send from
your Territory can surpass hhn In zoal,
or equal his past success, which Is'only
un oarmjst of his future usefulness if
continued In Congress. -With groat
rc.pect, your friend and ohediont serv
ant. , WM. M. GWIN.
Gen. Apa'ir.
Our Reporter sends tho following,
which ho says woro tho closing remarks
of Gninea' knowtiotliing abolition
speech at Mr. Reed's, on tho Calipoola,
on Tuesday last:
"Kidlnr Cltirons and Wlmmln' thn
great bird of American liberty's flowed
aloft and sonrln' upon tho wings of the
wind, nnd now Irnvvrln' high over'the
cloud capped summits of tho Rocky
Mountains and that's inol Fleet me
to Congress nnd I'll stick tn you threw
thick and thin like a lean tick to a nig.
lMrormr.T Fnojt AvniA'tTA.-i-Ir.
ir.i',iN.)i:MJi Dbci,ahi.i, iYcw lor,
March II), Thonuula by tho steamer
Africa havo nrrive'd herp.aud brinim.
portant luformailon from Auslrnlta.
Tho London Morning Ilqralduif the
1st March lias despatches, (rom Coylon
dutod Feb. lnt, wlilch nui0tnoo that
tho pnnplo of Australia hnyo, doclared
their liidependciico from tfioRrlfish
Crown. Troon had beijn sqiitAtq,put
down the insurrecllooaud a.HSf.nguin
, nrront had been fouaht.Msl.
bourne was la a state pf .ahjif-jfta
ft w
"! -4