- l)c tUttklg (njcltc. omen in HiNtii:iii:it's lttumtMis, kxt door wi:sr i;nTmtiim norsR, SCOTTSUURG. OREGON. tfatiirdnylttoriilii;;, April US, 1M55. wrg- G. D. R.B0YD EDITOR. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Delegates to Congress, GEN. JX)S. LANE. For Councilman, HUGH D. O'BRYANT. For Prosecuting Attorney, R.E. STRATTON. -. ' Umpqua County. , For Representative, Jt J. M. COZAD. For SbcrilT. ALEX. ULAKELY. For Auditor. W. II. SPENCER. For Jndgo of Probate. P. C. PARKER. For Commissioner. G. 11. VAXRIPER. For Treasurer. W. W. WELLS. . For Assessor XV. IIANNA. For Coroner. JOS. I1EAZLZY. For Surveyor. J. J. KELLOGG. For Wrcc'kmaMer P. MACKIK- Ileury Half, oq. ! oar autliorlml jcnt lo receive subscriptions ami aJrtrtliltic lu San r'r.vncisco. He will be found at bis office, 9C Battery street, comer Clay. A Uoy Wanted.- A snwt. Intelligent boy, between llio age of twelve and sateen, wh i wlliN tu leurti tlie printing business, "ill And a good situation at this office, If amplication ii made coon. Tlio Resurrection! Tho recent attempt at tho resurrection of "I, John P. Guines," from the political obscurity into which ho had snnk, in tho estimation of tho general government, and also ol tho peoplo of Oregon, is otio of those political farces that has frequently been enacted by the whig party, since their first organization ; and it requires but a cursory view of tho present condition of the whig-kno wnothing party in this Territory to find their reasons ftfr this last Quixotic move on their rotten old platform. Know iug full well that defeat was certain that an overwhelming majority of tho peoplo of this Territory will speak In thunder-tones In favor ol JO LANE, on the first .Mon day in Juuo next, it becarno a mttter of consultation among their leaders, of (not who should bo the candidate for Delegate with a prospect of victory,) but, uho should run for defeat? It was necessary in order to keep up tho appearance of an existing branch (though small) of the whig party in Oregon, to nominate some person, not to oppose, but merely to be spoken ot as an opposing candidato for Delegate to Con grcss, and in order that tho name whig, which includes all tho isms of tho day, should not be entirely forgotten on the Pa cific coast And, strange as it may seem, even in this consultation or caucus, which was held at Corvallis, on tho 17th inst., and which was to decide who should bo the tnan to bo beaten, thero were no less than five who were aspiring for that position Dryer, Stark, Chinn, Gaines and Henry. After weighing tho matter carefully, it was finally decided that tho load of condemna tion which had been placed upon him by tho united voico of his fellow-citizens, and which his own conscience told him was jutt, should bo attempted to bo rolled aside, and hence tho effort at tho resurrection of John P. Gainer, Gaines tho haughty, Guinea the onco nmiable, Gaines tho usurper, Gnines the brave, Gaines tho tool of tho "Evil Genius," Gaines who kept tho peo ple's money, which was donated for tho purposo of building a State house, Gaines tho "hero of Encamacion," Gaines who was onco "I, John P. Gnines," but proved unworthy of tho trubt, and in consequence of that sank into insigniflcar.ee, and now, lastly, Gaines the whig-knownolhing can didato fur Delegate to Congress. And this is certainly "the unkindest cut of nil," that after the people of Oregon, by repeated public demonstration have decided that ho is nelthei morally, nor mentally capacitated for any public position, (Gnines was beaten for constable, in Oiegou City, in 1852,) and after hating been driven by public sen timent into rurnl retirement and that sweet tranquility, for which he is so happily adop ted, constitutionally, and made- perfect by eereral years experience that his quiet repose should ha thus disturbed, and the .manifold errors and iniquities of his earlier years again arrayed beforo on iudignant people, is not only extremely ungenerous, but it is actually a species of torture' which was hardly to bo expected uvon of tho big. nted and prescriptive lenders of tho whig-know-nothing party of Oregon. I ho (tooplo recollect yet tho struggle for their tights in tho c.tily history of tho Ter ritory, when they were opposed by the whig federal ollieers, of whom Gnines was tho prime leader. Ho then assumed pro rogntives and established precedents ns strange na they were foreign to our liber ties and incompatible- with tho true genius of our republican institutions. Hut tho people in their sovereign capacity spoke aloud in tho Legislative halls and at public meetings in till parts of the Territory, ngiilnst the usurpations of Gaines & Co., and that appeal was not only regarded and approv ed of by tho general government, but it tolled tho political death-knell of Gaines nt that period and for all subsequent time, and an attempt to resuscitate his fallen fortunes Is certainly a piece ol folly that his true friends would not seriously indulge in. The County Ticket. It will be .oen by proceedings which wo nublish tn-dnv that the ilemnrrnrv nf ilit count v have "made their nnmin.dnr.. fU count V ollicers. Tho convention .. ll attended, tnd tho utmost good feeling and hannoiK prevailed. The delegates from all parts of the county manifested a wil lingness to withdraw all personal preferen ces, in order' t lint men inLjht bo nominated of unexceptionable character, and men who would carry the entire strength of tho de mocracy of tho county. Thu is certainly very commendable, and it bespeaks thu victory that is certain to perch on tho stan dard of tho demncrncv if tlio democrats come up to tho polls on tho first Monday u Juno next. In the nomination of Mr. J. M. Cozui, for Representative, thoy hive a in vi whom every honest intelligent citizen be bo whig or democrat, who has the truo interests of tho county at heart will say is tho say is proper man. As an honest upright citizen, Mr. Under wood probably may havo no superior in the county, and far be it from us to find fault with him or detract from his fair fame mere ly becauso he is a political opponent, but when the interests of tho county are at stake, and as imiortant an officer as a Territori al Representative to elect, we think it right and proper, and imperative upon us, to lay aside all personal and selfi.h considerations, and discuss fairly tho merits of the differ- ent candidates It is a great absurdity to think of electing a man loan important of-' fico merely becauso ho is "a good fellow;" ho should havo some qualifications should be thoroughly imbud with the progressive spirit of the age one who will stand up for his rights, though hu is opposed on all sides, one who cannot be huneu fugled into tho support of any and every measure. Mr. Cozad. we aro satified has nil these impor tant requisites, and is tho man that the peo ple want to represent them in tho Lcgitlu tivo Assembly. Ho carries with him the impress of a life of usefulness and fidelity to his country, in tho advocacy of liberal snd just principles. The DiFrr.ni:.M'L'. Gen. Lano went to .Mexico and too'c tho enemy. Gen, Gaines went to Mexico and was taken by tho enemy. Hut that is not nil;' Gaines was taken prisoner by a negro Mox- ican, at n timo when nil of his men wanted to figh, and wero satisfied that they could maKo ineir escape ; tnoy wisuea to no a little fighting nt least beforo giving them selves up to tli3so negro rufli ins. Gaines would listen to nothing, however, but tu submit to tho mercy of tho captors with out firing n gun. Ho was taken to their city and was permitted to have hU freedom on his promising to not leave tho city. They relied upon his honor, and ho was treated as a prisoner of war, with all the respect duo to his ruuk. Hut (Jiair.es took tho first opportunity to steal from tho city nud make his exit, leaving his brave com panions to encounter thu distrust that wo'd be entertained ngniust them through thu infidelity of their fnitldcCH and dishonored lender; nud from this brave (?) movement of his he is seeking to gain capital in tlio presout cauvt3. . Joint Coxvusnox. Tho Demoo ratio Joint Convention which met nt Elktnn on tho 25th inst., nominated Mr. II. D. O'Buv. ant for Councilman, and R. E. Stuatto.v, Esq., for Prosecuting Attorney. Coos County was not repiesented. 03" Reader, will you subscribe for VoI.S? Urul of Volume One, i With this number closes thu llrst year's existence) of tho "I'MruwA Wi:i:klv Gaz. urn:." We have attempted to iitnku the pn. per, during thisiu-rlod, t qualm llio oxpoetn linns of tho generous puhliu with whom wo Imvo had to deid.And It Ii truly gratify lug for to us know that our humble eflurts Imvo been appreciated, and that tho en Icrpttfu is tin lunger questionable of success, but that our subscription list Is daily Inerons'ng, and tho reputation of our litllu sheet becoming tnoro firmly founded aiming tho peoplo nf whoso Interests it a'tnll ever ho n truthful advocate. Wo deem it unnecessary to (Xteud these icmarks any further at present, ns the crowded state of our columns will nut pur mit it. Sullico it it to tt-ty, that wo nru willing to submit to the people ol" this pirt of the Territory, who have a full knowledge of our past course, whether or nut our ef forts shall be sustained and encouraged tho coining .v ear. Vo will nut publish another paper fur two wet'ks, us we will h.ivo to take that much time to mike thu contem plated change in the size and appearance of our s'leet: l'". The Uu..quu River abounds with !B B1 VB,,V "f ,1,u clmici',t '. ' nS ""'K"' ""''. '"'' tcuul.grcyll.ig, lampereel, llounders. heriiiui. oV:c. W wore shown some herring a fov days since, by John Eudicnll Gardner, which bad been caught in tlic Uinpqii i mid dried. They nre equal in size and 11 tvor to herring caught in other parts. Wo are assured by gentle men who are ncquniuted with tho finding hu tiucis tlmt the supply nf Hull in thu Unixpin U rery hnuulillil, mid that persons could ninku it very profitable by eug.iging in the business hero. 05 The rnlificHliuii Meeting which was held nt this place on Thursdav evening list, was. iddressed, in an eloqumt innmier, j "' Or. J. " Dkuw, and S. I". Ciiadwick, j E(1- They showed up tho past history of 'Gen, Games in n maimer that convinced every unprejudiced man prtsent that his claims for public confidence were as groundless, as is his presumption great in forcing himself upon an intelligent people, nt this time. OCT Mr. J. E. Gardner will plonso ac cept our thanks for a fine lot of fresh fih We are also indebted to Mr. Craz, of the "Globe Restaurant," for similar 'favors. Jjnv wu bo permitted to iu.luhjo tho hone thnt these gentlemen may live and prosper Jn this world until the excrescent part of their coronal region becomes white with t,0 frosts of intuy w inters. There ! (KT Wo learn from reliablo men that the citizens of Crescent City havo relinquished all hopes of ever building a wagon rond to tho interior, that the statements in the C. C. Herald lu regard to tho rond, arc all gas.' 03" Ily n letter received from Jackson ville we loam that Col. "PVault, and a man by the name of Mason had a fight recently. Mason stabbed T'Vnult, and it was suppo sed he would not recover from the wound. 03" Through the kindness of M. F. Hot. nnooK, Eiq , of this pi ice, who has just returned from Crescent City, we ore placed in possession of one wcek'n later papers from California and tho All iiilic States. 03" The h iiniio Sum S3. L'unt. IVii-mi. porf nr,Ivci, ,t Cwt ,J)ty ,,, lM.k twe. 'j'lt, Success brought up machinery f,)r tl0 rair0a, nt Coos. We are informed 'tuH.Bl0 is taking in a large cargo of coal, nud will tail in a few days fur Sun Fran cisco. 03" Wo are indebted to C. P. Kimball, of "Noisy carrier' publishing hall," nud to J. W. Sullivan, Eoq.,01 San Francisco, fur late papers nud publications by last mail. A Quick Tiiir. Tho schooner "Loo Chun," which sailed from this port on tho 7tli inst., arrived nt San I'rnucUco in '21 hours after leaving the mouth of thu Ump qual FnoM Coos County. Tho following extract wo l.il;o fioin a communication u-. ceiveil from Coos : "Tho news of tho nomination of Gen. Lank was received hero with n h".iity cheer of threo tinuM three. Ho will get the sup. port of the democrat of our county, nml a majority of tho whigs will go for him. Success attend him." Another currr epondent writing from near Poit Orford, says: "I find tho people in high spirits nil thro this county with regard to the mail m range, inents carriui out by "Old Jo." Ilium for him ! Wu will tell him what wo think of him at tlio next election." lttiiiquu County Domocrntlu Convcn lion. Tho Convention unviuhlcil nt Ellilnu on tlio Unlit .if ApiiUcWi, mid was iirganlii'i' by tho election ol' (!. I) R IIOYI), Ties- tiieiii, mill Unn'r. J. Lni, Seeretai-v. eiiiimillltc nt Unci, wore appointed to examine ciciloulinU aid to iiki'.-iImIii who was 1'iililli'il tu represent llio ililleiont duel. Tho Ciuumittco tcpoitcil it I'ul- lows: I'nm Seo'liburfi I'rrcturt.U. I). R. . . ... r nn.vii, Knlit. J, I.ulil, W'iii. M, Hair mid Ileiij. Iliatmii, mton. l)w,. W..U, W. W. Chip man mid A, II. Kellogg. t'miijmi. E. P. J)m-w. Harm I'nVry. Win. Cliugan, niul Jon, 1 1 en i ley. )oiri(r. A Ives. fWixHirr W. 1 1 Mima niul R. II. Tiipp Tho ii'jiort nf thot'iiiuiuitloo Wiismliipii'd 1 1 ui Uoiivi'iilimi llioii pmeuei'ili'il in iiiuii iunlo candid ties I'ur County nlHcem, which resulted a h follow I'nr Ropivont,ilivo I M. Cozui. For Sheiiir ISIik.ly. I'nr Co. ('oiiiiint'iniii'r (. II Van Riper. I 'or Auditor W. II. qucer. I'nr Axsi-imor W, lliiniii. For Treiismoi W. VV. W.-ll' I'ur Surveyor J. J Ki 11'g. I'nr t'liroiiei Jiih, llonzlev. I'nr Wnckinimtei I. .Mncklo. S. I'. Ch'idttiek iirule known tulhe Coo Wliliiiu Hint ho ioteiiilril In ri'Mgii tlie (i tli.-L nf I'rnliato Judto, wlii-rcupoii tlio t.'ooMii. lion iiuiniiiated V. C. Purker for Pmhuti- Judge, Tho Convention thou adjourned inci. li. IJ. II. 1IOVI), I'ri-ki.t't Ronr. J. Lion, Soe'v. HntKioulluii .Tfrttllnc. A rntillciilioii inociini; iifilu- IJ. oiopr.irv look place In Scotl.hu u, mi Tlnirilny . yeidug, of which T. I). WINCH KS TKU. Ei., wis clnni'it Clinniii.iii, and S S Mann win made Srcritnry. Tin- mi-wing was opeiie I by a f. w rein ?!( frmn i)r.i)r. w, who slnlid tho nlijict of tho ineeliog; after which u comiuitto of ihreu wero appiiiitid lo drufi rosoluiioii, whieh cooist. d of Dr. Drew. Iti-nj tmiii P.rallniu, nml G. I). R ll'ivd, who report -d iho following rosnlu lioii, which wi-r uiintiimoii.lv mloptiil: Ituclecd, Tim this iiieelinghmilily np- mvo in mo connte purmiiMl liy tin lA-iimcr alio Territnii il ('(invonlloti ren-mlv Im-I.I ut Snlem.-lh'it wefullv.tdohi ihoHiiiiitHiiil cu- timeiit of the n-frfdil'i iih of tint ('unveil- linn, nud pledge mr unni.immi mid ciithti- nslie kuppoii to GEN". I. WE, iIk Demu erotic nniniiiiMt for Dele" do lo ("oiil'ios. Ilrtohed, Thit vvi- havo implicit conll douce in iho nbility, integrity mid sound Democracy f R. E. SnurroN. nml llimn D O'lluiA.sr, llio nomio.-e of the Joint Deuifii-r.tlio Convention of (li ciiun. ties of Uuixpia, Douutua nod Coin, fur Prosecuti.ig .Uloriiev, mill Coiinriliii ni.auil that no rxorlioiiii hnll ! wanting mi our pirt to oiMiiro llicir election. Resulted, That vw will rhforfolly unite lu tho Mipjiort ut all iho enndid.ilo recently noiniiinled by fhu Democratic County Coii ventioii for tint different Cnutily ollicor, and that wu Vtill use nil hnunrtihl.i iiiimiih In secure thu full success of the entire Democratic ticket. Tlio meeting was nddresnd nt length liv J. W. Dm: w, nml S. I'. Ciimiwick. At the churn nf Mr. Ciiadwick' remniks, he introduced thu following resolution, which was nt once adopted : Kcsolreil, That tho Democracy of Ump qua County, with ii fiiiu nliuico in lli-t'c common nud clieiMn-il principles, and with a mural courage quick -noil by iho danger), i K.iyl ,) in nn easy, self-poMi'Med manner, which ii fo now threatening lli pniei-1 ftlu ' It ooiihliileil ofnrigiunl nrlirlos furnished by Republic, ilu ut onco put nutli iheir tiniieil the scholnrn, in.l tiuap (uoty thotoaoh. idiotHto urrort tho progicss of every iigeut , or, iii which ho pcrinuified the Aosdemy, which has as its object tho hubverniuii of Jniid gave a !tort Imtoiy of tho lime and llio priueiples of tho Cmi i'.utiuii of iln-ho oirouiinitiineei of its erection. Tho tlecU Uiiilod Miiln: thai they legaiil the Cooi.ti- j ui.tliuii by the vintng inoit, lu tho evening, tutiou as the sacred Pull iilium nf lln tights i W'nn ver.v creditable to them. With sum nud libotty nf tho American peopl.'tho , of them it w.is, perhaps, tho fiist time in niul of the Union of llui hlntor vvliieb their lives, 1'ioy had ever atteiiijited "to guarantees nliko fn'oib.ui of eh, (.(. ' kponlt in pu'ilin on thu at n go," Not to di.ciia.iioi, mid religious Intention: toil "brenk down." under melt clrcunivtAncrs, thoy roginl tho Cmn-liiirioii us tin- great barrier liitwi-i-n Church nml .t iio. betueen reugiuii nun pollutes, nun in, it it iiocmu. tho Miprrmu arbiter of nil keels when il pro claimed to every (ieuouiiuaiiou of worship per, that "(.'ougiitim kIijiII hi iko no l.iw resivetiiig thu ottithhuhmetit of religion or piohibititig tho free exercise tlleio il": (hut thoy therefore look upon thiinllotupt of iho fuioi."ims" of tho liotir, to iiuilo bojtnri. mis ns Biie.h with iho politics of Oregon, ns being not only fm hidden by thu Coimlilu lion, but Hint it is alio ik-Mruelivv of tin peucofnl protion'ly of thoso prineiplen nf Anieiicau liberty which, with thu cuutiu ued blesniiigg of mi hnpailial PiovMouoo, havo mtdo thu Amoiicmi (iovcrumout the piido nf nil Iuvoih ol lihcity throughout tho world; iho acknowledged home of tho op. prehsetl of other climos, and thu admhed religious tolernnt. T. D. WINCHESTER, Cli'm'ii. S. S. Mann, Soc'y., I'iiom Mi:xii:o. Advices from Mexico to Feb. II) rcpresunt Santa Anna ns daily hiring nud Alvarez as gaining ground. It is fcaid that Sauln Anna Tiolds several htenm era ready lo leceivu him on tho nppro.sch of tho revolutionist. Santa Anna lias Kent, what ho could of tho kcvpii niilliuiiH fioin the United States out of tho coiinliy, m gether with till his valuables, and has sold throe millions yet to be paid to Mexico by th United States. i ' ' ' . I WtaesMSMSSMMSSMSt CorrrniKiiiiU'iico of tint Weekly llusttc I7iiipiini Aciulciur. I)i:.u (lAKiirn:: On Friday, thi 13th or April, I hail llio pleasure of itttmullttv; the uonteily oxiiniinillnn nf lint nchnUis of . . i .......... llio I itipipi i Wwlouiy. Aft Inn lii'illiuunn was mainly buill by llio contributions of tin ciiUoiis nl'lhe Uiiim'h miIIov, mid as it Is the otdy Aenilciiiy hi O'-'gon tilth of Ha. , , I ilmilii mil Hint Miur leaders will bo plui-id oitlt mi impiili'il account of Its progress mi'l iiiinigeiu -nl. I'lio Venili'iuv nl tiiiS"lit U under tb siipotliitoinleueo nl'llic Rev. Air. Wilbiii, t ulllMII, lllliro tllllll Hll V HIM' IIIMII, il O'MlltS cxisteliei. Tim tenchflH n'o Mr J. M, 11. niul Mm M.ny E Rom.I, lirntln-r nml lis l"i. tiuito iiro'piMitiililoitilinlioml'iiiMiulf, I'liiiiiN, nml in trillion w'eio ir..t..ii' itiiiing llio day mid ti-iiiiig In x i 1 1 1 1-! -i Mi" vrcl o. Am ory fiequoiilly liippi'iii. nniiy of iho si hoi ilk win) lin'l ult'-iiil. 'I iIihiiiu th fjre.itoi pndi in of u o ipi i'iw i'r.'ti t p,4- r' li. iSolliini Ohii In- mi,' mioovitii to tbo lonelier ut iiiipi- fli i' ' in tin- (irbol ir, tl i'i tlii. prueiieo nf 1 1 ltI r . n n c!iolni lif'io llio eloki nf Hu- linn. ( li.os nre liinlii'ii up, nml tliogeuoioiM miii) o-i till nil oliillon which llio iirugri-M of on- scholur begvl In tin- tiiiini of atiotliiT ei'iei, or tli. unlit; nml fxntnloiiioit lny , to which bull, tonehor iiud p'i.l looked 'oinard as llio liiirvi-Ht nflhi-ir joint lilmr, exlilbltsrc Milts but pooily proportioned lo th1! real mint ol'i iiloT. I'riMii li.it I obtorved of the condact of tho ic!io-im liming th,. d,iy, I ihhik th itiicitilinc nf tho n'lnml Is goml "Order Is ! II'mumi's Ilrhl iw," mid in tho srhool room it N i'ii'iiii,il tu miccc" llnil ttiit hw sho'd ln ohi-yeil. Ilv ilitciplirir, I do not mean that ututo terror whieli reiu'in In silence while tlio oyo or tho birch of llio teacher Is npoiitli- K'liol.ir; but rlher tlmt ey meth oillcnl iii'iliiirr with which each scholar or each elans perform bis or their psrt lu th oxercis of tho sehool. Thu oxorciua t'oimUti'd of nrthography, reading, gi-ography, moitlnl nml practical tiiilhtui'lio, lliiuk-keeping, llollili rim mar, Natural Philosophy, Alg'bra, esuys, deelnitntioii and vocal muric. Most of Iho scholars txhibiti-d a fnr de gree of profiiicory. Ofcour.o, all the boys n"il gi.-N in n school urn seldom what It cillrd "Miiart ;" ami tho Uiiiiiin Academy is not an exception. Heriilr. their oppor tuiolK's in pit life had rild'iitly been rery dinuilir. All, however, neinud Imbued with t dcxirr, to Micceed, mid n fa w had ui'xle nil linmetits nt wliirli inoir teschtrs nml p-irvutu uny urll f.il grniifieil. I nru nliuiMt louipttil In Iimiiiii one or two nf tb I itter, but for fear of making distinction tlmt may sielti tu others invidious, I shnll refrain Thu oiol luiererilng part of th exniuiustioi was tho "little unes." Thoy wero n group of ihout n dozen little girls nud boy, from four lo neveii joars nf ngn, neatly dressed nml well lo-haved. They ennio iipiin the stage nml recited llitlr uv tilt po.-in., or, led by Mlis Royal, sang sweet htllo songs, with such artless earnest. iii-ss ns only belongs to children. Their i'iwj wero never in their wty; but nccu pi d tu Homo graceful nud easy porition, in linriuony with tho Attitude of the body and ll st-reino in which thoy wero engaged. When tho little urchins chirped the chorus of "Chiek-:i d dee," every face in th room brightened and every eyo glistened. Tho eiays nil showed some knnvvlodgo of iho EnulMi I mgiiago, and the nrt nf so n leoce ucikiiig. As might bo expected.thtir merit was in tho romposiiioti rather thna tho miller. "Tho Gem," a tnanuscript uowMpnper. was read by its editor, (Master requires ns much coungo ns It tines to chugo n lino of fixed bayonets. Thr da- clam ition was agreeably varied by vocal inii'ic. .Miss Royal, who led tho class, bat u rich mellow voice, of much compass and well cultivated. Sotno one of tho young men, who sung next to her, did not observe, pfihr.ii, that ho snrg so loud that ho fro. qiienily drowed Mis R.'s video, very mncb lo tho unuojnnuo of tho nudieiicn, Musia nud Hrronuilug nru two thing', and have a very different efect upon llio ear. At the close ofihouxercijoH, R, E. Strut, ton, Esq , delivered nil uildresstn thoschol. ii rn mid tho uudiouco, which wits well re el kod. The iustiluiiou is owned bv, and under llio coutiol of tho Metlioillr.t B. Church in Otigoii, I believe tho dni'y rx ercisea nr r'pem d nnd concluded w ith pray or mid kinging, ufier thu innunor of that denomination, In the ennnys nnd tlyelama. lion, there was n painful tuimen ss In tho subject nnd thu miutuer nf treating it; but patliculirly so in llio declamation. Whis. key was tho only evil douounced, and total ub.tiueneu thu only viituu inculcated by thoo hi loclloni. A fiddlo with one strinif makes mniintouniiH iniihic, nud n youtk whose mind is unduly impressed wilhsinglo uloitH in morals or iillgiun, is likely to bo cumc, in nftor life, if the iinpresdou contin lies, bigot ; or if removed thu very reverse. While drunkenness was very proKrly hold up us it degrading vice dishonesty, avs rice, hypocrisy, idlaucs, sud tnosiiwas In