MI. J LK!tl!iMJl UMMMIMM jMwMjpyAiiyjyi'nwijugp wmmmmmumpm'mMmfyH J. Li ' 'If.' 17 w HOYD AilJLAKELY, IMtOlMHBTOUS. iiKVoriii to I'Ouru'H, i.tTi.itAriiin:, admcui.timi:, nr.Ni.it.si ii. i.vriif.uoi'Aci:, i., id:. TEH MS 85,00 PER ANNUM. rTM,...-r-irvfVr i . - . ( - - ...... tjfvttf .... - NtuvvvKiuiiu;, .. 'v., svviiinwv, Ainuii tat;, shrr. t l ' M i 71SM. - "kfM SDMUiin rA. VOliimH I. XJJUU...J '.U'-UXf-J H.WUfUL TBI MtPtiA fIH THEUMPQUA WEEKLY GAZETTE." ri'iaisiimi kvi.iiy ssrriinvs, BY 1I0YD & JILAKKLY. . p. n. botp. ":x. nusei.T OFFICE In llivpenr.n's lint ihmi. Main street' out door vol of tbe "Sootlsbitrtf House. -rURMS INV.HIA1I1.V IN MN.tCi:. On copy, for ono ye.ir. tffl.On ; fur sis immtln, 83.0U ; for three months. iW'", No paper will be illscuiillimsd until all nirear- B.Vi.ViVt7skus.vm "III liir-rlcd at thu fob lowinii rutcs.-Uiic siu.re or ten Hum or Km. tlr.t insertion. a,WI; each suli-enuent lii-ertli.ii. t?l,0 . A liberal deduction m iJo l yearly ml- llwisr'n Cshih. of leallm-mr less, fur one year, i! ; for fix mouths, I ft i fr tlnvu montli. sia-Tbo number of Inrcrtlou must Indistinct jT'insrkcd on tin- margin, otherwise tlwv 1 I bo eTjntlnuod till forbid, und cliirKedarcordliiKly. MlwIiT' . . . Th foltowlni; nnuivt .viii an- authorised io reecho sub-criptions iiii.U'loriliiiviil fur the Gaulle, an I receipt lor Ilia cie : M. W. Mitriiri.. Kuirr-ne Oily. J. 8. McliKiNt. M. !.. Corvidlbx I. N. Switii.li . llnrllnitt"". Ditatuv awiui.l-i.. Albany. h. F. fiKuvi.it, !.'.. Salem. P. II. TaYI-os, Jacksonville. Jamx Twoooon. Co'iynnvllle. r r. K. Holumi, Oregon City. W. II. Finnan, li' l'urlUnd. OtK. AuvtM. Aitorls. Gto. II. Ammiiiwk, M. I , Jnekiontlllf ISvrss A WihiIi. JuekjumlllB II. II. Ummioiiv, Deer Creek. Ios. Jamk OaLLV. CanyoiiTllIr. J. 8. Hamuli:, F.-i , l'ort tJrf-.rJ. 0. Hlmmvwn, Dallis of tic; Columbia. AV(M J- Kouius, Esq., Cim Iluy. Col. W. W, UiurVii. hlkton. C Floou, Fji., Wlucluitrr. Jos. Ulvnoi.pi, Cnnyonville. Jn. A. Giiviiam. Ksn... Fori ancogver. w T. poetvii. vi:iisr.x. SoBJMttJ by lb words In the Hlli I'salm cf Dasld, 'Tit fuel UibwM In ULrt, lltr-1 bo GoJ." T mil lipu maoitxiit .Yb Cedr .Vo GuJ!" Tlif ilmphut flowtr Ttiiton tie IM lifouti'l, Kbrlnki, Hi It drluki 1m t.u) of Jew, And trmblt at tbv iounJ : -No Cod" mlosIilu-J IXlo trl From out bir ciuto bear, And vtry waiiderliipblrd that file Itrprovtt tbc Al!n-it-lor. TheioUron foret llfi its heid, Tbv Almighty tu protlalm, Tin brcoklt, on lt cryital ura, Doth leap to prae bU natr.r. Tlowiffcllt tbedcrpand VfDRvfjl i. Along Mi billowy track, Tba rd Vttavlui orfahli montb To barl tbc falxbood back. The plmtrtt:, wltb Itt prlnctly crtat, Tbe coco't ltafy ibadv, Tbf bread fruit bvodlnK to bi lor J, Io yon farJiIaud-Rlalc; Tbc vilngtd wed 4, tbal, borne by hUJ, Tdc loving apurruwi fcfd, TM id1oii, on tbo rftitrt ;ittdi. Confuto tb accrotr'a creed. No God 1" Willi Indication blKb Tbe fcrcnt Son U atlrrtd, And tbe pale Moon turna pMer still. At each an luploue word : And from tbclr burning throuer, tbo Start Look down wltb angry eye, That tbua a worm of dutt abould uook Eternal najefity. rormlnE in rrnnce. One of llio richest won in France, nmi who iiuociatcd in timt country with (hotu jistingu!bed for rank mid fanliion, loft J';i. juhn gaiety a Tow years miiuv, mid took to farming, IIo had hit cstatts in Nor ranndy farmed aftur tho Englith fashion, bought a steamer ami ostuhlibhed a com munication between C'ureiilon and Koutli mpton, to convey liormd entile, slieoji, poultry, and all kinds of dairy jiroduco from Franco to England, Tho captain and crow aro all EnglUh. Tho steamer mikes ono or two trips u week, and real, jwsan immonso profit. A largo eatablisli ,men, both Kroncii und English, is kopt eui ployed by tho farming operations and thu eteam traffic. Carcnton is a small town whore Norman rr)nnnor oxist pcrfeclio. It has a church near u .thousand years old. Atnong'tho nativo farmers in tho neighbor bood, agrieulturo is enrriod un with prim itive simplicity. Their horses nro harneas dbycoarso ropos and heavy chains as in tho days of William tho Conqueror Ap pies, wheat, barley, beans and potatoes, all grow in tho samo field. Carcnton is about tw'onty.flve miles, from Cherbourg, and is connected by n Cno old Uouiun road, is itraight as an arrow. rTh nd oWl argopnt:,"y?u'"' 'oihtr." Currwpoiidiiicu oftho Weekly ln.ili'i, KllO-.'VolttlHHlMII--ItH I'oillltlDI-. Mr. Eiiitpii : I nnlici'd, n fuw witIih hincc, n coiiiinuiiiualiiiti in Mitir papor signed " V Metlioditt," which has pluMH'il mo much. It i reitniiily very -ood tn final n mini ulio le nuiitid ill tho doctrines of hi cliuri'h, apoaMiig out boldly in defeiicu if piinciplo. It was thin elilliitliin that led iiiolii my heart to tlinnlt tlm'. in'iitli'iiinii fur hliiinin up llio liiinuiMtliliiua in lliclr pro per lightparliculnily so', whi'ii ihey creep IlkiMt lliieviiig nioiuo into tint aiinctiniry mid while I hiiwt been watliiig with iiIIiith fur Mr. Miller to deny llmt ho U n know nothing, nml v Inlo I am atill unilitii;, it it well I'linugh In give brief hiatory uf the grout eli.iinpioii of tin' order, in tho hope (hat ho uny bu ddVuiled ly lliomi who en dorio liiiiown. "Ned lliinlliui'."in"E. '.. I'. JinUoil," who I'orinellv belonged to llio party known an tho Nntivo Aiiicriciiii p.irlv, i tho f.ither, li biiplmiii.of lhi"oui' idi'n" hobby, kiioMiiotliiiigHiii; mid now who is Ned lliiutlino ( lie hm nmwercd tins liiniM'lf uilli lu pen but In iinwiilleu libtory lit better llinn tho rascally ovation of truth wliiuli ho h'ta iimde. IIo anys llmt his father w illicit him to Mllilv law, mill bouglit for that end a copy of IlhicUtoiie, placed him in nn ollico and utarted liim. llul "Ned" being rather more fool hardy than n geniu which ho auppoM-d ho waa ho concluded one ilnv to iilfect a coinri. euliiius hoKiiily In tho law, ami immoiliato. ly threw liia lllackitnnu into tho llre.w here upon he sworo that tho fogim of n fnthr nor tliu iiitmoralily of the law at a profc aim) should noter turn liN holy, .xnitlifiil anpiralions from tlieir l-gitiiuato rhannel. Yea, ho says ho did nil llii and dovnles a U'oml portion of a loltuno Io n lato tliinf.ict. Tho r-ipial, lioweier, ahowt tlmt fiom the law hu went into the Navy, from which service ho was afterward di!ionora'ily dla. chnrged. IIo next turned up on llio Mil tiaaippi, near Hi I.ouia if wo remember cnrwllt wheru ho bclrnyed tho confl. demloof a friend, anil seduced his wife. Thu faot beeaiiio known to tho huabaud of thn lady, win; at oncu luado an attack upon JinUon; but Jiidaun betiig lliorfuiLflily arm td, boasted of hit crinio, mid aliotlhe In no. cent hmdiand down in his tracks. A mob collected brought bun to a railing placid n rope about bu neck, and ran him up. 'llio rono bruko : in n lit of diaieration he ruauvii iikuujii niiT ijiM.il, .u iiniin, ,., i, ,u river, wheru ho tii.nl 1st ercape. In hit eartiK ho received n allot in ono of his let: a, winch has crippled linn Io lliii day. W'e liateset-n Ni.il lluiilliiio limp often; and nn man can now witness him without seiing him limp. IIo next turned up in New York city, as the editor of n ariitnlnua sheet ...II .1 1. .1... ...I .. ,. il.:..L, ,,.11,.. called "l.ifo in New York," iV-c. When there, through faUo nnd fraudulent represen tations, In" gained llio hand of Miss , n vouiiL'ladv of reaiiectabililyand standing. Shortly oftero Ida martiage, a tlillicully took place In I'hiladelphi.i botwren thn friends of tho actors Torrent nnd McCrea dy, in couseimuncu of what iiappened to Mr. I'orrest in England. Those two ac tor caiiio to New York; Mr. McCready was to net at tho Ator 1'laco opern, and I'orrent at tho Itroadway iheatro on llio Mimo eveniiiing. Ned lluulliiie, with n gang of his kind assembled to prevent Mct'ready fiom acting, and when tho hour camo ho marched his poo to (ho opera house, and indulged in wh.it is now known ns tho "As tor I'iaco riot." Wo witnessed n portion of it llio chargo of tho eily guard mado upon the rioters, tho partial destruction of the theatrn by thu mob, and tho millering of tho innocent who woro ihnt down on that dreadful ocensinn, wo cannot forget. Ma ny wero hilled; mokt and nearly all of wlioin woro entirely innocent. It would bo didicult to recount thu scenes at thu various station houses tho following mumbii'. Pa rents eudenvnring to recognise their sous; sons their patents; fciaters and mothers weeping, in tho last agnnius of denpair,ovr thoHit who had fallen tho night before. This beautiful Ned liiinllino for this was arrested, trid, loiinil guilty, and by Jtulgu Daley Kent to IJInchwcir ielaud. Dining Iuh tri al at tho Court of Oyer and Terminer at tho Toniln, llio wifo of Ned lliiutlino was in tho City II. ill, obtaining a dissolution of her muriiiigo vow. Tho evidence upon which it was obtained camo from miiiio of thn worst harlots in tint city, with whom lluutlino had been familiar ninco his marri age. Just previous Jo this, Hroadway was lliiowii into convulsions ono mottling, nt tho Announcement that tho notorious "Kato Hustings" hud shot Ned lluutlino, but it proved otherwise. Mis Hastings made an attack on him with u pistol, at which Mr. Ituntlino took to n enrriago and mado his iscapc, Tho causo of this, was for Intima cy with, and nftorwnrds slandoring (if it wero possible) ono of llio most notorious harlots of tho city, lluntlino did lint stop horn but wo have not spaco to uhow any thing Author than his connection with kiimuo!hiiigitui, and in older to do thai, wo ipiolo from it Huston correspondent of tho Itlelinioud (Vn.) lUnnhir : "Hut, as I was snlug, (he know nothing dodgu wns hatched up, originally, In tho ollico of iho N. Y. Trihunu hy n joutuey man printer. Hu set himself nl.mit pnra phrasing tho oaths, uliligalioui,leuturu, Vc., of tho OiIiI-I'oIIowh lutot'ierlnptriip wlileli ' has already been extensively published as "llio win U" ill llio liuowiiiitliing older, This ' piiriiplirnte was InliodiiciiJ into tho oidur of "United Ameilcam," aid lliiuco triiuti 'milted to all putts of llio Union. I "liout a j ear ago, the notorious Ned I lluutlino eniiio In this city and eiuuuieuceil Idcliicinig kiiowuiiihiug lectures, Inking up i collections, e. Mo appealed, diesiidin iMiroini, in tho lliiiil rate taverns, mid low ur.ehisi gtogshopt, iliuinmiiig up for ro cruils to his "liimrd of Liberty." Nul I wus palrouieil by all the hailing know ! uothuigi. IIo wns milling tho Hi ft to Mini it klluwiiot ' weekly noitap.ipor ono of tko Imlf which havo siilnHpienlly Iw u i ml thoiltiinila of copies ol wine' ' i citeulated through the Souil. ' ion eolnoiteurs. who nt the ( a line. also paid hero to cstnhll'h .kiiowuo. ..g lodges. After riiiiiiinlug some (Weeks in tins citv, lm was sent down Into ' Maine, Jilat pluvious to the .Statu t lection I hut full, nmi, at the last accounts, hail been i sent to jail for some outrage committed du ' ting a diiiukeu row which look place, one .night, tiler ho had delivered liiuii.ll' of a know nothing lecture. Next lolloweds per- feel deluge of kuiiwmithiug eleelioiiieiing document", in ihu sIii(mi ol iiiilodramalie aloiies, it lit I iielo Tom's t'abln,) ilesigued 1 to excilo MCtlonal nnd teligioui ptejudico ; against fnteiguets mid Uooiaii Catholics. 1' Liming liauiiliilU blared you in the faeoat every cottier, headed "Just I'uUiilieil'tind ntiiiniinning sntiH'lhing new in Ibis llne.geti erally from tho irest of Messr. Dsuirell V Moure, Iho abolition senior partner of which (Inn hns been tewaideit with a seat Hi the next Congress, tho linn itself, likes Oliver Twist, nsknig for moro patronage, in the ahapo of ihu h'tnto priutmg, Hero was handbill advertising "Tho lied Cross or Malta," jiii which tho consumption of red printer's Ink, In emblazoning a represent!! of the aforesaid cross, two feet by one, wan absolutely lorrifle I Thero nas another handbill, announcing "Ono Link in the Chain of Apostolic .Succession." This thrill ing wink graced the first sixteen number ol n recgnied weekly orgsn of "the Order," called "The know. Nothing and American Crusader," ami for n time gao that paper an immense cirruhiliou among Hats mid bigots. The publisher has been rewarded with a sr.it in Iho lower branch uf thu Leg Uliitnru irniii tins citv: while the author u( I the tale, Julius Wutreii Lwii, has aulise 'inn nil v met with Ned llillilliue's fate. hnv. ling been incarcerated in Nuifolk county jail, last week, lor llirealeiiing io nsaiiu ato (.ol. hunch Irani, wno hail reluteil to pay him "black mall." If this is the character uf the champion of "knownothinlsin," what can the ptiuci pies of tho order bet If this is the man who is admired fur lus genius, what is the character of thu genius of his followers I If my Methodist friend desires an item from tliis hu can take it and I would say Io him, go on In ynur elforts In expimo those who havo turned sacred places into bad nchs; nud with one inquiry I will close. If Mr. Miller is n knownothiug, and n suppos ed preacher, l beg to ask how ho regards our Saviour, and his teachings I for ho was n foreigner. TEMI'LE KOCK. IIowto iio it Hiinir IIosoms. We often hear ladies expn siog n wish to know by what process thu gloss on new linens, shirt bosoms, iVu., is produced, and in or der to gratify llicui wn subjoin thu follow, iug tecipu: "Taku Iwn ounces uf lino white gum urabiu powder put it in a pitcher, and pour on a pint or morn of boiling water, nrcordiigto tho degiee of strength you desire and then having coveted it, let it stand all night. In ihu morning pour it carefully from tho dregs into n clean buttle, cork it and keep it for use. A tahlu spoon ful of gumwater stirred into a pint of stitrcli miido in Iho usual manner, will givu lawn, either while or piloted, a look of iiuwiicsh, when nothing elso can rustoro them lifter they hilvu been washed." If our lady readers havo n bettor way than thn uhnvn finut tho (Iranito Farmer, pleasu let us know what It is, for theru is real comfort in a fchiit bosom neatly douo up. "T " A.v Ihisiiman's Wii.i,. "I will and bu quoatli to my beloved wife, llrhlget, all my property, without resorvb; and tn my eldest sou, Patrick, onclialf of tho remainder; and to Dennis, my youngest dqn, tho rest. If anything' is left, it may go to 'lYrrcnco McCaitv.'r ' ' Thn I'tosiniroiM I'urnier. What happy fellow the farmers must be now. Until limes! Iliud times! is thu in cessant cry of tin ini'tehant, niiiuifaeluter, and mechmiic. Hiisiuess is neatly pins Irate, iiionoy at n premium of thlity per cent' mid not to bo had at that without lirst class colUlleriils piincely firms of half a ccnturvs standing are totte'ing, fulling, and carrying distiess mid tiiiti to all mound llicui giant iiiiiuufaetiiiies siispeudlug ojt enitions wiirhshoiis eloilug food of all kinds exoibilniilly filgh ihoiMiill'ls of me ehiuiics mid Dinting men, with tens oT thoilS'iuils ol hilploss ones depeiuleul upon them, without emplomcul, nmi with no lm niedinto piospnet of seeiiiing iinv, rnd to add to tho ehilling gloom of the picture, cold eheetli'ss winter encirt ling us lu his icy anus. When, befure, havo wo fidleu upon such evil limes ( In tho midst of all this deiolnliou ami dislriM, the farmer ststuls, tho only man in ihu whole community upon whom prosper iiy nmi success deign to smile. While thu met cli. nit tosses iiueiiiily upilnjiih pillow, with vi.iniiH of note duo mid nothing to meet tin in, hurilhcattoil creditors, bauktupt ey and tuiii lliiatiug through his liraiu, tho firmer with an miliouhled heart scans his btuail acrer, ami looks thn future in the eye with an uuhlauched cheeli. Whilu the indiistiioiis mechanii', with a wifo mid chi dfcn wholly ileHuileut upon his exer tions, turns with a sad heatt from tho workshop, where, a b w mouths since, his skill mid ingenuity had guaranteed li nil a eniiifnrtiililo support nt least, and surveys the clifitlcss plospect heforo hilll. not ktiowing where iho next dollar to purchase food mid fuel for tho helpless mid loved ones at home is to coiuo Irniii, ihe tanner turns to hi mother in' ill, ns mi infant to llio iiialermil lue.isl, know iug that in her simple bosom almn'lance may always bo found. .Such coutrnsts are painful, but they nro linstiuclne Thev setve to show how strong and steadfast Is the man who in life it deM'iiduit, not unon llio lluc,tu.itlous of stocks, or llio 'inks nud H-rplexitii-H of trade, hut upon tho roil, tho grateful soil, which, like mi honest employer, pays I he full value for evry hours' labor bestowed upoiiil. Think of these things, ye who nro longing for tho excitement of n city hf. with llio hopo of realising fortunes In a dny. Hear Mr. Ilole.omb on this subjrrt: "I willliuttmy farm, I see it will at least suppiiil me and mine, I will even lend it thu last dollar I can spare. Yes, we may trust the hind. Thu banks nnd the railroads, the stocks and the sctip, may or may not pay us hark, but this uutsing mother will 1'uilill alt her promises, honor all drafls, You may draw on her at six months for your nnt crop, at nino months for your corn crop, nnd nt twelve months for ynur wheat, and if from any great calamity, as iho drouth or flood, she cannot always pay up on tho day, she will make a huudaumo instalment, ask a little time, nnd then pay up this last farthing, and if you have been generous tn her, inaybo sho will make sou a handsome present besides." I'nrasiie Fanner. Tho IZxpcctril tircnt Comet. The eminent nsttouomer, M. Ilabiuet, member oftho Academy of Sciences, gives soino tery interesting iletmls relutivu to the lelutii ollli.it great Comvt whoso peiiodicnl coutMi is computed by thu must celebrated observer at three hundred years. Our cy clical records show that it was observed in thoyear HM,:UW,l8'J,il7.r again In 1'JIII, and tho next tiinoin IflSU always descri bed ns allium;' with the most extraordinary luilllaucy. .Must oftho European astnmo. mets had agreed in mmouuciug (ho return of lids comet in 18 IV; hut It has hitherto failed to appear. In fact it is nut so easy or riniplu u matter to compute thnso vast cyclical poinds as anmo supeificial persuus who do not look beyond ihu day of tho year in which limy live may imagine Wo are, however, assured by M. Ila'jinet, that, up to this miunent, this beautiful star "is living on its hiilliaul reputation;" so thnt Sir John llerschel himself was wrong when hu despaired of its rcuppeurance, and put crape on Ida telescope 1 Wo mo now in formed that a celebrated and accurate cnni putiT M. Iluuime, of Middleburgh wills u patiencu and duvoleduess truly Oerinan, has gone overall provious calculations, and mndu n new estimate of llio scp.uatu and thu combined action of all tho planets upon this comet, of HOO year?; mid hu Iiiib dibuov ured that it is not lost to us, but only ro larded in its moiioiii' Tho result of this so voro lubur gives thu nrrival of lii r.iro.nnd renowned visitor in August, I8.r8, with mi uncertainty of two years mnro or less; so that, between 1850 nnd 1800, thoso who aro then living may hopu to sco tho groat luminary wliluh, hi lfl.lll, caused Cliurlan V. to abdionto. ttiiifaf and Journal. A Mnthfi's Uoutli. Wo yesterday riceived front n friend a note, ono paragraph of which Is us follows; "I yesterday evening received iho news of the death of my riiuthor n good wom an. I ueid not tell you that my heatl Is full of soitow." No, you need not. For who, that hss not lost his manhood tis well as Ida youth, could hear of the ih-ath of her upon whoso kind bosom his young mul helpless head was pillowed when ho was most helpless, lioiri llio fountain of wluitii hu.iit his bib was drawn without feeling within him tho unspoken anguish which such mi an nouncement must produce. Thumeiiioiius of one's deatest nud happiest days tiro bleed ug, and tin-heatl is s.ul mid lonely. A Mother!, I low many sweet and ten der lecolh'Cliousaro wakened by that grnto ful w.inl! Mow many llinughlsof llapa't are associated with tho niiinu. Who is (hero ll.nl does not remember n thousand imtiueeri id lier aU'eclioii. How tenderly, when tin omig heart was giieved by tho troubles of childhood, did her voice soothe, her riHecliountu touch heal, her soft kits '-make, it vitll." And wliodnes nut teuiem her how empty seeini d the home of child hood when she wns nut then. How her solicitude followed us step by step, from ihu cradle to mature manhood, from her own bosom to the great battle of life. Her wishes went with us, her prayers went up In llcnven, when no ear but Cud's heard her petitions for our safely und hnpplueit. And she isdend! .She who wore us In her ln-nri; mitl lulled our sorrows to sleep upon her bofnm, There can never coino In us agiln n love like hers. Nevir ngilu that proud, hopeful, pitiful iiHt-clinu, that untiring, loving devotion can bo ours, us when exiillug in n mother's heatt. And when the tinuuuuccuionl Climes that sho will smile upon us, mid pray fur us no moro, h lm is there lliat dries not bitteily regret that he ever, through intent orcntilcstnvss, grieved thu faithful heart which will never leel for him either pteasuru or pnin ng.iln t Ah! how many havo fell this sorrow since they lift the scenes of childhood for their new l'uciflc home. TwriLvi: UfLiis ion Tim Yc.in. Tho following nte intended mainly fur tho guid ance of young men ami women : 1. (Jet msrried if you can; but look before yon leap. Love matches ato ruinnm tic, nice things, tn talk about, but thoy havo brimstone in them now and linn. , '2. Fiiilo in overthrowing thu fashion which tmnil ites civility into lovo. .'I. (Jo to church nt least onco a week, i -1. Whenever you see a lecture adver tised set thu evening upon which It Is deliv I ...... I .iifirl fur r!ul!iii fifteen nni'ea of a good book. f, Circulate no scandal. 0. Avoid all kinds of spirits particular. Iv snltit ranners. I 7. If in tho theoro, or any other placo oj ' public amusement, do not level your opera 1 glasses nt strangers. ' 8. Never notice tho clothing of persons attending divine worship, nor stand in front oftho house of Und after the service. I). Never ask another man his business; where he Is going; w hero ho camo from; when ho intends In go nack.nr tliu number 'of his dollars. You may inquire as to tho Until of his health nud that uf his parents, histers and brothers but ventuio no fur ther. I 10. Defend tho innocent, help tho poor, laud cultivate a spirit of fiieudship among I all your ncipiaintauces. II. Never speak disparagingly of wo men, nnd endeavor to eowpiei all your pro 'judiees. Ilelievo nil iktsocs to bo siuccro in llio religion which they protess. l'J. lie economical, but nut parsimonious nor niggaruiy. .uaiiu punu use oi your 'dollars, but not idols. Live within your means, and never borrow money In nntlci I pillion of your salary. 03 It bents all how tho equeezo of a pretty hand will make fomo folks feel. Ouririeml Clieckeiherrv tho other day got hold of tho velvet-like digits of tho poello nnd susceptible Miss Jenkins, nud felt ns though I no, wns up to his chin in Juno roses, Unman punch, Italian sunset and Cranbor ry jelly, Just then, Jenkins, tbe paternal, onlciod tho pmlor, mid Checkerberry, tho happy, went out. Mr. Jenkins is constitu tionally opposed to unnscuso of all sorts. Jenkins tho female isn't' A Jerseyman was very sick, und not expected to lecnvcr. Ills fiiends got' mound Ids bed, nnd ono of them uavs; ""' "John, do you feel willing to dlo I" John mado mi effort to givo his vlows on tho subject, and uubwered with a ftcblo vo,i:o: , , , ,. w "I think I'd rather stay where I'm bettor no'quainbMj." ' ' . 4' k. $