' " ' l)clUccklnacttc. omen tx, itiDunp.n, mmlmnos, next ooon west scoTrsncnu iiocsk. SCOTTSUURG, OREGON. 8liirdnyJIoriilii!f April 11, 1S5. v -w-W-V WW w G. D. H.B0YD EDITOR. Henry llnlr, vt. Is onr authorised gent to receive subscription and advertising In Ban t'nticisco. Ho will bo round nt bis office, SG Bsttcrjr.strcct, corner Clny. ' i ' 05" Air. G. D. U. li.yd, editor of this paper, is nbtent on n trip to Salem, on bus iness connected with tho Gazette. Ho will probably be abient ten days or two wtekt. April 7th. Tho Convenllon. The Democratic Territorial Convention, which convened nt Salem on Wednesday hit, for the purpose of putting In nomina tion a candlJalofor Dilute to Congress, to bo supported by the Democratic parly of Oregon Territory, has, no doubt, ere this, consumalcd its work. Although there were several prominent candidates for nom. Ination. before tho Convention, we Iioik-, for the good of tho party, that their deliber ations have been marked with harmony; that they have presented to tho ieople of Ore gon for their suffrages, a man in whom we can placo tho utmost confidence, and one In whom tho people of Southern Oregon can safely confido their local interests. Notwithstanding the bitter warfare car. tied on between the personal and political friends of tho rival candidates for nomina tion, prior to tho Convention, we hope the Democracy throughout tho Territory, may seo the necessity of laiing asid nil prefer ences, and rally, to a man, in support of the nominee of tho Convention, be ho Lame, Pkatt, Dkew, or any other good nnd tiitd Democrat. It is necessary, in order to se cure a victory over r.ll the isms of the day at the next Juno election, for the Demnc racy to present a united front, for "in union there is strength." Tho Whig Press, and Politicians, are. in ccstacies at the apparent disaffection in the Democratio ranks, and arc st living, by all tbe dishonest means In their power, to wi den the breach, in order to slip in their fa torite candidate. This should sete to arouse the Democracy, and to awaken in the breast of every man who has the inter ests of Lis country at heart, a renewed xenl for action. Wo have confidence that if the Democratic parly of Oregon Territory tut will it, they have tho power to give to the candidate put in nomination by the TenltoiUI Convention on Wednesday. such amaioiity as will coniir.ee thaWliigMHivervaIloyslookverypromi.il, Know-Nothings, &c, that the people are not ytt tired of Democratic men and mca. lures. People of Oregon, be not deceived ! Tho Whig Politicians, knowing thi ir ina bility to carry tho day by fair and hnnest means, havo introduced on the political checker-board, a new ism, by which they expect to be alio to deceive the honest mass of the voters, and to pull tho wool over tbe eyes of the people; and it is evi dent, from the tone of the old political hacks of tiio Whig party, that all the isms of the day are combined to defeat the Democracy. In order to stay this onward tide of cor rupt principles, it is earneslly hoped tho Democrats will discard from their minds til dissatisfaction, end give to the nominee n united and hearty support. Ifyoudothis, a signal victory awaits you at the next Juno lection. The Mails. Only tho letter mail ar rived at this placo last week. There was so newspaper mail brought up from Cor tallis; therefore, all the people of southerr. Oregon have experienced tho samo disap pointment with ourself. We believo that the law requires post masters to have mails forwarded, when from any causo the con. tractoia shall fail to carry tho mail accord log to contract. Tne Loo Cnoo. We learn from n friend who has just returned from a trip in the country, that thcro was a report in cir culation in Douglsss county, that the schoo ner Loo Choo had wrecked in attempting to go out of this harbor. The Lon Choo sailed nn tho 7th inst , and instead of being wrecked, she went out without nnv mishap, whatever. She is ex pected here again in two weeks from this time. Wltiero will be Preaching ntthcScottsburg Douse to-morrow, (8aMatb,) at 11 o'clock, a. u. tad7,Jit . WIMtff.SM J.IWSUW1" W. -inJ.Am1-s' Hl'lUll.AHY A.D AllSO.V Wo ll'lllll "mUU . the nihil carriers between C.,ivallii mill this I plncc, that n mail named Uo.ld entered ilm Ktornnf MesirK Flion.llV vV Co.. merchants in Coivallis, on the iiljiht.if IlinSllrt ulViml stole $l,:t;0, nnd then set the premises on Are. The tiro was discovered sonn after, and by timely efforts was extinguished be fore the lliimes had made much progress. Persons were led to suspect Ilojtl, In mi his excited and unusual maimer on the- follow lug day. Ilo was seen go to a pile ol rails nnd hurriedly stoop down, nnd seemed to deposit sonu tiling among the mils, and then Walk iiwhv much more rapidly than was his usual gait. lie soon afterwards met an acquaintance who spoke to linn, luit Itout returned no answer. Tho rail pilo was searched, and eight hundrid dollars of the money found theriin. Hoj.l was finally arrested, nnd thobal.incoof tho mom) was found in his bed room. The Justice com milted him to await his tii.il at tho next i. ..f ilni Diiiiii-t (nir( Iii ilia t couute. and in default of 8tf,000 ImII. ho was .ei'iii'"1: ' ! t"H '" B' l' , .i ii . .1 , i ilho Inghoht pilch, wluii I load accouiiN ol to .iiiany nmipui in .. j.... . ... "MU., ,(,rnl.le criulliis as the one which I The carriers say that the cause of tho I!IVV jHl ri.nlt nonanival of tho iievpaier mail at this I said, upon the neensiou to which I Invo olaco last week is, that iiiijiI is a mail con jl ivfemil. that then, wvio ln.li.iui.. Or i i i . i '.! .... .r. ...... goo with whom w oouM not treat. 1 .Med, tractor, or has had control ol tho route f.o.n I:,,,,.,,,,..,.. Mx- Corvallis to Voucalla, nnd that tho animals hitheitouseil lor carrying the mails on tuui route had been attached by Hold's cred itors. Mr. Itandall, tlu earlier, brought the letter mail through from Corvallis to Yoncalla on his own animal. The carriers think that tho entire mails will bo brought up this we-k. We give the above statements just as wo received tlu in, and do not vouch for their correctness, but if they aru untrue wo will gladly correct them. Qr Dr. E. P. Drew has kindly furnished us with the following extract from a letter which lie received by last until from (Sen. Lane, dated Washington City, February I8tb, 1503 :' "I shall, I feel cnnfiJent, sneered in pro curing the pasage of a U' requiring the Post Master (Jei.eral to cause the maiU lo bo drlivered at Gardiner, Uu qua, semi moiiihly. This, as above staled, iri be done.' Fnojt Jakso.nvilli:. 'e learn from n gentleman who has arrived from Juckson. iiIo, that tho miners in the icinity of that place, nnd ot Sterling, have been doing well for some time past The weather was dry, and the miners apprehended that wa ter would sonn bo scarce, if rain did not fall again this spring. Business was rather dull. Tun Cbops Wo are pleated to lnm 1 that the crops in tho Umpqua and ItoU' Persons nv that they have never saw ihem belter at this season of thu year. We believo that the above named valleys will produce suf ficient grain for the consumption of the in habitants, and probibly n largo overplus. (fir We are indibtcd to Cram, Rogers cc C.i.'a Express for some late numbers of Yreka Herald, and Crescent City Herald by last mail. 03" Wo are indebted to .Mr. Wm. J. Hecics, late of this paper, who has just re turned from Jtcksonville, forlato California papers. Wmo Convention Tho whigs of this county met in convention nt Flktnri on Sat- ur.l.iy Uit,'inJ el.'cted three delegites t) the whig territorial convention, and also nomi nated their candidates for tho county ofiices. Wo understand that tho following named gentlemen were the delegates and candi dates selected : Delegates to Territnral Convention E. Spicer, J. W. P. Huntington anil D. C. Un derwood. For Representative D. C. Underwood. For Co. Commissioner J. K, Dodge. J-or Sheriff Samuel Rich. For Auditor Thomas Stoddard. For Assessor Zib.i Diinmick. For Coroner Geoige Paine. For Surveyor Socrates Scholfield. For Wieckmasler Job Hatfield. Wo fear that Dryer will come "down on" the whigs of ibis county, for departing from tho long established nnd faithfully ob served rule of whig political wnrlure.which reads as follows: "Whigs should uever.uu der nny circumstances whatever, make their nominations until after the democratic candidates lint o been uninitiated." Congress has passed n joint resolution, conferring tho Brevet rank of Lieutenant General upon Gen. Scott. fctT Head tho new advertisements. An extract fi-wiu Uviu C.ltlU)' UmM-.t m iJc in Ihs Ihux of 11 prcscn '''. J''muni 'Mh, IBM. "r ll.tvu prmnun ua .. .. Bl' "& 'ho muii.U of tho tip"", ' I tiiliutiiiL' iiHifirnnt iinL'iiiiL'LMinilM.iuuiiiirn sesto (Son. Lane. Obtaining lenui loiiialio n personal explanation, ho matin n rather lengthy speech, which I couched in puro a till iL irwttl I, hi tit itml ttiilMi Uitlll,f emmnco'any roador.bat ho never ..red .ho . . ,,ii i ,. ti , i , vulga.um, ichMilma been atl.ilmte.l to lilm. After r.mli.. to tho Itmiai mi ac- oount of tho murder of Ward's family, by the Stiako tiver Indian", hu epealts as fol lows: Tho extract which I have road will giv. r tho House an idea of tho leriil.lo mode ol pmiuhment, anil the mmlu ol i.illictii.g cm elties upon women and chil.licu. I liaui ieeii so many men killed in baltlo and oth erwise, that'll, know that n man has been kilhd or murdered, does not present its' If to me with sn gro.U horror an it ilm'-t to others lent lainilur with such scenes. Hut I must cmili'that thu blooil olulU ill my ,j w,.t,.rn m(u umi.iIIv ..proM lis selves, on heaiin"olaii Indian outrage, that they iMl;lil to be "c..lK.'.l. I h.ivo I ecu in Ii.'ttlo with tho Indians, linvu heeii m my ol them kill, d, but have never seen theiii enlped b a while man, even when ho had the opportunity In do so; but 1 have nen many white kth.iis who li.ie been killed bv "the liiilin, se.lX.I, and oiherwito honibly muiitated i.ud ili figured. In a piper published in Ohio, I find a riiliuinn nl my leiua'ks, and the eoiiviis.i. lion I held on that occui(n, with tho hon oinble ChbiriiiaiiuftheCi.uitiiitl)'. of Ways and Menus. The criticism emanated from tho lobby of this House, 1 kiipp. Sonn-a-rnm, within healing of lhai conversation, iiiailon skiletourep.nt wlulh it u-.ii made by that "l.i seiini.l lnoking boast," an m trieii.l from New Ynik (Mr. Walsh) term ii certain individual who, by themuilesy of tho S culior, r.crupios a reporter's dr sk in this ll'iil.e, I caliliiit say. I regri-l In lie eomiK-lled to iiiako tliis tdlurioii to the in- diwdual refirnri to, whelher bo bo guillv or not; for, in my nature, I bate n cn.m.l, fvii'a '! t.v .- h"'!.' and therefore I would not s oak of a man who is catuhlu ol such conduct. ll.isM the critieirin: "An iuil.ince of elegant promt illustrated by a humane Keuliuietit, wa giv en in the National House ol lii-pri scuta Ii pri Hi ligl h ili tieatios. I hey II roll and murder wlioiiever they cut get a chance. Tho only way to treat the critters it to sculp 'em." lho author ol this criticism nttriliutc. to ves. n lew il.nssliieo. An IiiiIi.ii. appro. ' fiVl. . npnoii.t. d to a.tiM.rlin.. the number r.., air... j. ir.. "'... ... - . .. . i . . . . . .... . .. ... i, o. c. r...... ir. .null. .K.tiiiMfnp i;..ii. ali'in lull iv.is iin.ler uisi'.Kkioii, wnen h,! iIi-lfUHles to caeli lot ci.iei, and to rail '" ..". "" :.X . .. . i I " ' I . . ll k l. II I .'. In.lii.i. 1 .lun.lnlii o Delegate fiorii IJregon uudeiloi.k lo e.i- ..,..r tho County Coiiieiiliou on the VMst erai. .-ir u. .-..iiie.., y., - .hv-.-s. ...v-- llw, the House. "Mr. Speaker," said r April ri.xi. , General, lho lion. Ii, , r. Hllcis; imiicel. .."'lauit n.iuso triing lo eiuluo lho in. S. H. lailor, Geo. II. Aiiil.mss., A. I'. lor i w.v -. i...... ' nin...- . i.fll. ........ MliMt-.,.. iiiill.iiii.n Ih.ijI ! Tl.... I I M v....,,imI. loll llllil.l.Ml. l.or.l-i.ieuieiinoi, unri "- ...!..-.. --f . I uilll'li I il'i". sj.imui sum I, iii,uiii" mo cant phrases, which a. l!.rcs.cl, l.-ibit.Coiuiuiiteo until others aruappoiut.il by, tho uml a duo sen o ol tiio priqiilelles ol .Ii-ImH-, with it tolerable know ledge olcorrecl hog lisli, acquired by some application to honke, and long iK-rtoual intercoursu wilhgeollo men of education mid refinement, I'm bid me to use. So. no geullemeii may nffi.tl to indulge hi such phraea,lor tl,oi.,i.UKme.it of thiliuelveH, uiid ot.'iois ofiin upially vi tiated and p.urieut last,'. Resjiect lor my. self and my oitioi,, furbiJ mu lo attempt it. AX ACT to secure the right of citizenship to children of tho citizens of lho United Statea burn out of tho limits thereof. lie it rmieled by the Semite, and House of Representatives nf the IJnitid States of America, in Congress mumbled: Tho persons lioreinioio nom, or iiereaiier in uu crreJiasKs,!"-:--- lho United States, whoso fullers weie, or shall be at the liiuu of their btith, citizens of thu United Slate, h.ll bo .Icenird and ciim-iderwl, mid aro hereby declared, to be citizens ofthu United St iic; provided, how. ever, that ll,u lights ... citizenship shall not descend to pertains ivln.se fathers never re third in lho United Slates. Sec. U. And bu it further enacted, That any woman who might lawfully bu natur alized under existing laws, uririie.1, or win. shall bo uiarriwl, ton citizen ofthu Uuitul Slates, shall bo deeuud and taken to be ti citizen. Approved Februnry 10, 1855' Paoe, Hacon cc Co.'s ArrAiui. The St. Louis hotiHu of Pago & llacon rehtimed business on the lUlh of IVIi. On the day of thu le-ripi-uing of tho St. Louis house, there was 6ti()0,(J00 placid on rifpotit, mid but 8i:i."),0IJI)ilrawii out. All demands up on thu house iu"Phlludclphiti were promptly met. There is a grndual but sure improvement in money malteis on thu Atlantic tide. The liauliH woiu never lit a stronger position, mid money U easily obtained nt lower rates than Imvu piuvuilod for sumo tune past. (fir Thirteen persons, recently from Ger many, perished from cold mid starvation at Pittsburgh, Pa., a few weeks sluco. ttW,lsrt.1-y.iiWl.w.sw. Jmllwiii ., . '' , Ooi.Hioilillo ( oi.li'l.t'oti. ' Tho pxicccdiugri "I lho I), uiooialio Co '.inveiilloii of Jii.ksoii.'nui 1 1, Ii published j , Vi.hn Herald ol ih. .'11,1 ult , i.u.l wo lake the llb.lll of timihlriliig tliun to ... ... i . i i our cnliiiiius. Ho Impo our iiieti.tsiujiicK .on eountv will not bo offended nt in fnr'llio Hriii.h .iiinpeunthiuoi., am part ol IU. i i i .it i llrilld. linos huio boon oreiip led by ( so dmog. It bus been our earnest .1.-1 . X liner being nnalllu to occupy to oo.operato with the IJemooialio parly ..n .i.-i,. ,m tiunulivis. Tliern UtrriubMn ,l,r,,"p' l 1"' ;IV,,i,"r' ",1 M0 wf ham been peace, to hre vo a rnpv of tho I ,..':. ,.... I""" "B" '""-' i - vention lor pul.lioalion. o Have no com- mouts to m.'.kii upon tho pruoeodlnus, r1" - wo hold that any poison or poillou of the Deinocratlo parly Imvu the right to express ta r their preferences lor candidate,, for uioaien ior nny.llico whatomr, fmm tho President iff tho United Statu down to n Supcnisor of ! uiad district. Tho Oemotratlo Convention, to elect' I IU' l1-llli'l.l (UlU 1IH-Illlirn, i ill-it . . I I I l eight delegates lo repros. ..t Jack..... Counlv l'v "'" presented at ho I.or.l .Mimira in thu Territorial Coiiwiitl.iu, win h. Id .it ""'"' ,,rt",l"". ;"''1 '"1'' 'wel''- ' ll.oCo.iit II...,-. in Jackso.nillo, on tho'' er il.-lit.Ti . I ,. ..dent attack nnthu 'J III. March. IMS. , Mhil.lry. and especially on H r James t.ra. lho Convenllon was organi.d bv np. haul Ii.t l.w.1 ol tho Admiralty, who. pointing I) Nuw.oun, l-resl.lent; 'I. ho sa.-l. hoi hau.po.ed l.iu. as conuiiamW M.I.I..T imiiI J. Km..-, .SV.v,.i.,.,. '"I"'" Ib.ll.c lUl, l.y uhiurd ordor. and John V. .Miller, ,S. II. Ta.lor nn.l Jamei' ' icuMVed hi... limn liU pusL l ir Taleio, we.o appointed i.e.." ill pre , Cui.li..n gam n history ol lliow.r, and denial,., who iepotte.1 lho following d.lo Uspeeully ol lho nmr.leroui cavalry charge ' ' I . If ... I t .. .. ..I nl. i. it. I..s at , lli.s Lutil.ir" !-Mr..t: AsMmiiui. II. Kussell, Thus. Smith, "u, "' , '" "' " "" - ."" " " J.,1. Kilgrom. Ifha.ge, ho did ii.il say i...fier the fault Alirlg,itcC. II. Datidsnii. . ' ' "B,'" "r l'J,l,, h,a'n , , llultr t 'mi D. Nooco.nb.' Jas. Tatem, I 'IV in ukil. n.o n..l oh . .rfe,l. Ilread. j. (j',j M11II1 i.m.l.i nl loimur pnuui. IVovUions ;'A'r.Wr.t(;e.,. . Ambrose, A. J. f re .lull nl lls ..IJ rate., and Cotton is th. Kaoo, John lli'iijiiuiin. . a.itm. ...,.,,. , ., ,, ('.(. Cm -A P. Tumor, II. W.' Tho lliiiid. Ministry I. finally ro-consU. WixMin. jti.i-dasi.illow.: JacltmmlU S. II. Ta.lor, J. - Miller, I Mlmukih or rin: L.u.nr.r.-Fir.l Lord I. F M.i.her " inr Tiei.Mirv, i.fouiit I'almerstou; Lord " .sirrlinK-ilvn. Man.illo, Da.id Powell, Clm..c.-ll..r; Lord Cranwortl.; Proslduul of Isaac .Sl,.,er.. H'" CmimciI. L...I .rni.llle; Lord Privy .Vr-S I). Vand.ke. Geo. Vi.ri..-. ..!. "V ,,f l'1! '? ('" ' "fu,a ll ...i"......i ' All'ali". Call ol Cl.irel.ilon; ll..m.i SeCroU- Tho President I. .tl..!; staled the obji-rt of . t- lloii.dnc.v llerbofl; Colonial Soc io rueHiog, lho Con.enli.... prop ed to r.l..r.,Mr (.eo.go t.re.v; Minuter oV ar, tho luerliog, lho Con.enli.iu prop itl ! ..ii .U which reM.ll.d i.i tin. elude. of lhol,.llowu.gp,r..,.i.d.legl..s: C-or-... II. Amino,', Itichard Dog. u Join, F. Mil I.r. J..v II. It.. , l),... I'ow. II. James K.lg.ov.-. A. P. Tii....... I.. F. Mo. I,..r. The f.illuwi.ig resolution wa.unriNimwiv adopted. ' iWrri. That lho .l....Mr. bo in.lrurt-' 1...1 ...:.. i r,.- no in riisi iiii'ii i.in-n t iii.i i in imii. .ii' r n '. Joseph Lam-, u tho eholeo of Jackson f.o.nly lor D.l.-gat Ciiltfr.-si. o....r....r m... i.. ...r.i i r any of ll , lej-at. s. the M.it Is i-i.liil .1 iiclil...ii,n pi tl.,.ivl,..l,..i.,t voi-sofihi, rouniy. (),. rooiiou ..f Mr. Smiili it wh.; i-rW.rr.'Tl.rit ,, LVi.lral Ciiiiiiit f were apptjnted mI.I ('...n.nilteo. On .notion of Mr. Tail .r. llrmlml. That the. I. legates from each precinct lo this t'nuuuti acta preclnrt ' ,rii,. The Convention then adjourned. I). NEWCO.MII, Prist. L. I M(miii:ii, .. r , , , ! i hecre A. J. Kim:, I'taries. I-'iioji Yiieka. lly last mail we reri-iv. .1 two number, of lI.oVr.ka Herald, dated illth and .'list ult., frem which wo tako the following items: Tho Church in this phco was dedicated on Saturday week last. It is a iei lino bml.liiig and neatly finished, at a c...t of 8(5,700, ai.d was coinineue.-d iuS. plenilier lam. Tiio citizens of Yieka and vicinity havo taken an interest in ibis matter which rollouts great credit upon them in a com. nionilv. The Church is nil naid fur. or . ill n.-irt nl'lhu iM'tcn i nil I'lillt-L-tid. with tho exception of nboui 8.'U0. To lho eueigy, Inl.'iil nnd nbilil V of lho Rev. Mr. Stralloii, patr.r.if this Cliiiri'h, in ich credit is duo. Through I.N lulhieiico thu church has been built 'Jl.'A ult. WiUnu, who was rescur-d from tho jail in this place, has boon re-taken by ihu Slier, ill', mid is now in our County prison, y li ult. Maiivsvilli: .ink Yii:ka Ti:r.r:riiiiPii. Thu books for subsciipiioti of Stock is now open at Dr. Hean, 'a ollico, Miner St., Vreku, up stiiirs. Wo will havu mi uriiclo on this eutorpiiiu in our next. Wo notice n great many trains arriving during the week, with new goods, to al most all of our merchants. U. S. SiiNAii:, Feb VJ.'I A resolution riquoHliug thu President ofthu Sonatu and tin- Speaker ol lho Hoimu to adjourn Con giess at I- o'clock on tiio night of Satur day, tho !id of March, was adopted. , Siinati:, I'eb. !(!. Gen. Jackson's sword was presented to Congress by lho family oftholito Gen, Aruibliong, mid was ro ceivt.l willi appriqiriatu ueromiinieH. Gen, Cass in ulo tho hpeech uccepliug it, which war. eiihigistiu of tho hero of New Oi leans, and was very interesting. A resolution re turning thanks to thu family of Get). Arm strong was unanimously adopted. RVoiij i;nriM. Woan ivili'i.i dM.stc I Itii'iihtln, hvy f, ,S Y Tn'ii'ir. dated IVlf V!7th, f.otu w I loll mii tnke the lollnw.ng new IIoiih! Ti (( )(, mm Ul(() ,..,,, Jf bi,8. n(, u,,, dV l.ilcr li. W. Fii.iu Hie seat of r. , , ...iii.t t.. vi IIidiv H untiling new; uiu iiiormiiis m ,!" I'.enel. tamp, owing to jl"Mmwllll..8 uess of llio troops In remain Inacllm u I,,.,,,,,, and It I, oxneeled lhat when Oeu i(i((,ni ,,.(iiri u u'tm1,ir ()f )u,. ,. M,, brukoii out Niuuiig the Zouaves; ,iu it laelts cniillriimlioii. (inior Pacha has r.tiime.l llio oniuinui.il ni ino I uraisu ariuv. '"' " ''',"" "," '"' 'mw''m . '" ' i , . ,i I;. ..i... I i.. hum inliiiii iiljr on 111 . ,Miw l(.twoii tho Uul(ii nutt 'I'm hi ; tho latter worn victorious; but we hum no details. , , Ml' npier nn u i.im uor. ''""r"'"":" '::.;. :v: ..:: r.l..r.,Mr ..eorgo .,re. . ...u.u.er , , ...r, Lo.ri P.on.i.r.-. t.l. ...cullor ol Lxcheque-. Ui- H-.o W. L t.l. ..torn; l-ir.i L.idof Admit-ll... Mr J..u.e. (.rah...,.; Pub. Works. M' Win M..l.-.w..,t ; In Lab,,.. I, without 'Hie '. M.-qm. f L....d.,wno. 1 re. I IJoird '" C....H..I. Mr Lln.les Wood; I usIiimsUr General. r.l t 4 g- Nr -r hb l """-'" l "f lalird, of rra.lo. Hot. hdwi.nl t.nnlwell; Lord - . ... ... Great Clwiiihoil .in, Lord dbiughby U br. esl.j; l.-.i.l OI..WM..., ..... .vo'. ' M.i.lml. Uuki' l Noifolk; L-ird Lhatiibjr- I"". '"'I'"4 "'";;;'", ""' "U'J ',.",r ,,ri." Ho.se. link., .-f elh'.gto..; Lon.M.i.idor i" l-l. 'c,'u',,11" """ r ' ',,no .Mini. Sir J. f- lle..cue,i .u.or ey wen. . - t'er.ua.o; I.or.l ii.g.i. aoc.-r.or, ,,un. ' M. Ilrady. Master ol tho Roll. Hon. I. U. Smill"! Vllon.ey (..i.eMl, lion. A. IWuivslor. Solicitor General, Uli..m heogh. ,. as ii I. j , ll . II. . 1 1 loin thr hncrsia.lito Union.) I'ri.iu CnlUo.lllll. SandmMurder Slabbing Vhinrte Se cret Surirli llucktu Sup o.r I'ouon tag Xuuidc St. Patrick's Hall. Sin Fui.iriMo. March IB. Oilier North has relumed after uu uo mcc-slul .ercl. i..r n..i..iew. win. was a r. irsli-ll ior llirgil v. uu iiiunii in.ui, hiuid uiuiouii, inurde.ed near S.iu Jose, I A man ...imed Autoiiio Aiiitalinn was stabbed this eveiil-.g in lho breast by a boy "f uvilvo i.mi. i. allied York, uhoescapod. ,Tho .vouinU aru .buieious. A Chinaman was found drowned to-dsj 'at Washington street wharf, with a number of bricks tied to his legs. It Is supposed that it was thu woik of tho Chinese Secret Socittv. iinniisouuicut, mid 8100 lint. A man named L'.iign. How was picked up in Ihw street l.nl uio'lit uud carriud to tho Sl-.tion House, whew ho died in u fuw . hours, ll ii supposed ho was poUonod. , man, wiiimu uaiiie is nuppi-u ii uo Jmiie Hutch! ui, u gii.l.'iier from Alamo d.i, was found dead at San Mateo. Au la quosi was held Verdict, suicide. Twilvo hundred persons woro present at the St. Patrick's Rail last evening. Han Fha.m'ihco, March 10. Sentence has not yet been loudorcd in the casu of III ike. His counsel have ap plied for an urrest of judgment. St. Losky, Levy Ai Co., havo had n largo lot of cigars seized at tho Custom House, for mi attempt to smuggle them on tho inail sleamor John L. Mophouu. A 1 trgo amount of fotged State warrant, nro said lo bo "in oh dilation," San FiiAM'isctt, March 10. Further developments in thu cusool'San deis for forgery show thai tho amounts liu god nro between ouu mid two hundred thousuud dollara. His dupes nro principally Frenchmen. Thu niodo of operation by which they havo been swindled was In tha iepieseiiti.ll.iii of Sunders that ho could giva mortgages on vuluublo real estalu for raon. oy advanced. Hamilton Dowie, lato City Trowum . IJ..ll.....llflll..S..ar