ijctt)ttifiafl?cttC' errics in HUtuEiiKu's rtuiLDiNus, hkxt D008 'WEST eCOITRDUrtO MOUSE. SCOTTSUUUG, OREGON. f Attinlnr Mornlug, Mar, 10, 1855, G. D. HBOYD EDITOR. Mr, BoTJ l'leass announce tbo name of JOSEPH W. DREW, AS A CANDIDATE rOR DELEGATE TO C0K6EESS. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Territorial Convention, Andobllgotho Southeun Democracy Tho whigs and knownothings aro work tag zealously to mako capital out of tho set of tho Legislature proscribing tho viva toco modo of roting. By using tho argu ment thai tho law was enacted by a Dem ocratic Legislature, for tho purposo of fore big democrats to voto a particular ticket, thoy think to crcato a disturbanco in tho party, and induco democrats to vote their ticket, and publicly boast that such will bo tho case. Now wo venturo to predict that there it not a democrat in tho Territory that will ehango his vote on this account Sorely thore is not one that would relin quish tho great principles of democracy tho only principles that bare stood unawed and unshaken amidst tho conflicting elo meats that bare agitated tho public mind aver ainco we hare been an independent govornment, for so slight a cause. Admit that the law is not good, and that a Dem ocratio Legislature did pass it, and then what will democrats gain by voting tho whig ticket I They will hare been mado dopes and afterwards will bo laughed at for their duplicity. But we do sincerely believe that beneficial results will arise from this now and independent mode of exercising the prerogative of a freo poople, vouchsafed to us by our republican institu tions, and we gavo somo of tho reasons that induced us to arriro at this conclusion last week. Now let us try this measure at tho next election, and If it proves defectivo and docs not come up to the expectations and wishes of the people, then have it re pcalod, tho same body that enacted will re peal it if the peoplo will it even tho man who introduced it we are confident will ad vocate its repeal as zealously as ho did its enactment, if it does not prove satisfactory and bencfieal to the people of Oregon. Nothing should bo cried down as worthless before it has been fairly tested. Let it bo submitted to the peoplo on tho first Monday in June next, lot them bo tbo jury, and let its intrinsic worth stand or fall on their verdict And wo are rtry far from believ ing that any democrat who esteems and venerates the principles which he professes, will either stay away from the polls or have his vote recorded for whigs and know nothings nferely because he does not like the manner of voting. On the contrary tho whig gentry who aro now chuckling over an expected victory that they think to affect by creating disaffection in the dem ocratic ranks, will see that all their decep tive machinations to regain power will provo futile that the democratio party of Oregon with a full confidenco in, and a sin cero attachment to, tbo well-tried principles of Jackson and Jefferson, and of tho Con. stitution, will march to tho ballot-box a ni ted, and not boing actuated by any secret motives, as aro their opponents, will declaro their sentiments openly, publicly and fear lessly. Wo aro sorry for somo whigs who ' honestly entertain preferences for princi ples, but havo been wheedled into a coali tion with the dark, designing midnight order of political proscriptionists, tho knownoth trigs; and wo think that instead of demo, rats voting the whig knownothing ticket, that when whigs become fully to under stand tho true state of affairs, it will be visa vena, whigs voting tbo domcratio ticket, in stead of a mongrel one thrust upon them by a few of the leaders, but which thoy cannot swallow with til the greasing of Dryor & Co., tho elements being foreign to all whig principles whjch they have been taught to believe. 03"Tbo beacon at the mouth of tho tfmpqua recently blew down. As soon as mado known here, our citizens turned out Mr. MaeTavish having kindly furnished them the use of tho steamer Excelsior for ' the porpose proceeded to the mouth of tke river and re-erceUd it in the fame placw 03" Tho mail carrier left this placo on Mon day morning without taking tho mails. Thoy wero not quito ready when ho called and so ho left without them. Tho post master informs us that nocording to his instructions he can dotain tho carrier at this placo until Tuesday noon, if to accommodate tho pub lio it bo required. Even if tho carrier was justified in leaving without tho mails, ho might havo waited 15 or 20 minutes and it would not havo mado any difference in tho time of his arrival at Yoncalla, as ho has four days to mako it in a distanoo of -10 miles and wo think tho citizens of this placo will know whoro to placo him nftor this demonstration of his inclination to no commodate them. Truly this fraction of tho mail scrvico is "gone in," salts and son na can't savo it 03" Messrs. Oppenlieimer and Poters of this placo have just returned from a trip to tho mines. They report "hard times," there not having been rain enough tho past win ter to materially assist tho miners, in con sequence of which money is very Bcarcc, They inform us that several morchants in Jacksonville, who haro bought goods in San Francisco, have ordered them to bo shipped by way of tho Umpqua river, in stead of Crescent City ; they find it to bo a great deal cheaper and moro safe to havo their goods hauled on wagons from this place, instead of paying an enormous per cent to packers for damaged goods from Crescent City. Wo are glsd that thoy aro beginning to too tho importance of this course 03" March, the first spring month is at hand, and with it rain crcry day thus far) a God-tend to tho miner, but not so favor able to tho farmer. Tho past has been s a real old-fashioned Oregon winter mild and pleasant with occasional showers, and somo snow, which melted as fast as it fell. All through February wo had tho most beau tiful spring weather; warm, sunny days; the grass sprang up, leaves put forth, and tho bills and vales were soon clothed in per rennisl verdure. Warm rains aro anticipa ted during this month, and perhsps part of next, as we wero informed that such would be the case by a venerable siirash (Indian) of GO summers, and he furthor said that he "eumtuzed Mas close," (understood very well) 03" We notico by our exchanges that printing paper is becoming rery scarce in tho States many of them coming to us on half sheoU, and somo having been dis continued for somo weeks. They will ex cuse us for sending them the Gazette on wrapping paper, as our whito paper is get ting very scarco, only having enough to furnish our subscribers with until wo get ji supply, which we ordered somo months since. 03" We see that tho democracy through out the Territory aro preparing for tho ap proaching canvass. The Democratic Com mittees of tho several counties havo publish ed notices of tho County Conventions, and all aro up and doing. Washington county holds her Convention March 21th; Clat sop county, March 2 1th ; Clackamas coun ty, April 7th; Yamhill county, March 31st, and Douglas county, Saturday, March 31st 03" Hon. L. S, Thompson ol this place, who has been prostrato for somo months with the rheumatism, is now slowly recov ering. Ho is now just nblo to walk about town. 03" Just as we wero going to press, Mr. J. R. Peters, of this placo, furni.bed us with a large bundle of Now York papors of Jan. 20. Tho news is tho same as pub lished in another column. Thanks, Mr. P. 03" A Democratio Territorial Conven tion takes placo on tho 7th of May next, in Washington Territory, for tho purposo of nominating a candidate for Dologate to Congress. 03" In consequenco of tho failure of the mail between San Francisco and Portland, we will not get a States mail hero until a week from to-day. ' 03" Robert J. Metcalf, of Jackson coun ty, has been appointed Indian Agent, in place of Win. J, Martin, resigned. 03" Trado has been dull tho past weok. Money is scarcely visible in our midst. Tho shipping of Oregon produco still continues however. Tho "Devans" takos a cargo to San Francisco, and quantities of frebh eggs aro being packed by Krauss & Mahard for shipment by ttetmor, Portland Times, Feb. 24. Tho kuafctt Hows. Through tit kindness of II. J. Burns, Esq., wo hsio boon furnished with tho N. Y. TWouncof Deo. 20, which was bro't from Jackwnvillo by Mr. Opponhelmer. Wo aro onmbled to lay boforo our readers news from do Atlantic States and tturopu several weols in ndvunca of tho mail: The hoa'y banking house of Messrs. Pngo At Union, St. Louis and Snn Fran cisco, havo suspended payment. Thoy publish a cat! in tho St Louis papers, in which they sato that they will bo ablo to resume payntnt again in a short time Their liabilitm aro probably insido of n million of dolors of which six or seven hundred thounnd dollars aro duo dopoji tors. Tho rod estate nlono of tho partners is estimated to bo north n million and n hnlf of dollar Tlicro is but littlo doubt that tho boose will pay all its liabilities nnd havo a lsrgo surplus. Their reported fail ure and siMpenston created quito a sensa tion throughout tho western Slates, and will bo severely felt in Oregon and Califor nia, as ficir bouso at San Francisco has been ddng tho principal part of tho bank ing buuness on tho 1'aciflo coast A re port J in circulation that Adams & Co. htvoatso failed, but wo havo nothing authentic. I'ago As Bacon btvo mado an assignment toiho Stato Bank of Missouri. Failures of banks, Railroad companies aid largo mtrcantile houses become moro numerous, in fact thore is a complete burst sp from ono tnd of the Uuitvd States to tho othor. John C. Brcckenbridgo has been confir med as Minister to Spain, vice Soulo. Mr. Soulo was recalled from Spain at his own request Harlan, fusionist, has bcon elected U. S. Senator from Iowa, Geo. G. YY right has been elected Chief Justice of the same State. The clipper ship Tingqus, from Shang hai, with a heavy cargo of silks and othor valuables, was wrecked on tho 12th of Jan. on tho outer shoals of Hstteras. Com plete loss. Tho family residence of 'John Apploton Haven, in .the twelfth ward, New York, was entirely destroyed by fire, on the 13th of Jan. Three of his daughters young ladies in years, and remarkablo for their beauty and accomplishments, perished in tho flames. From Salt Lake Tho DctcrttNowt, of Nov. O, stys that Col. Steptoe, with a smtll force of dragoons, had made a tour south as far ss Fillmoro City, accompany ing Judgo Kiocey, who held a term of tho U. S. Court at Nopbl City. Nothing of importance bad occurred be fore Sovastojn since previous advices. PnosrECTs or Peace. There are nego- tiations on foct which may, possibly, result in a treaty of fence. On tho 28th Dec, the English, French, and Austrian Pleni potentiaries met at Vionna, and drew up and signed an' interpretation of the four points, as a bails on which their govern ments wero wiling treat Tho Austrian Minister took tlom to Princo Gorchakoff, Russian Plontpitontiary, and asked him if he was prepared to accept them without reserve or modification. Gorchakoff said that his inttrucfons did not go so far; his orders wero oiiy to negotiate respecting tho four points ; ho requested two weeks' delay, to obtain furthor Instruction from St Petersburg, which was granted It is said tbsUbo tortus proposed to Rus sia are neither hard nor humiliating. They do not require the reduction of the Black Sea fleet, or the razing of Sevastopol. There is no cessation of hostilities on ac count of the negotiations. The Siege, Tho Russians continue to mako sorties against tho linos of tho Allies, almost every night, but, after a warm con- test, aro rcpulted, generally at tho point of tho bayonet The contending armies are both strongly fortified, nnd neither can, as yet, gain any important advantage over tho oth cr. For somo timo past, tho Allies havo boon acting more on tho defensive than of fensive. And having long lines of works to keep in repair and defond,thoy evidently still need largo reinforcements tq havo any assurance of quickly reducing, or gaining possession of 'Sevastopol. Dec. 25. Gen Canrobcrt writes : " Wo shall soon bo nblo to take the offensive. Wo mako good of our losses moro prompt ly and moro solidly than tho enemy can. We aro full of confidence." The Allies woro to open fire on tho 25th. Their plan was to keep up a brisk flro for -18 hours, ami then mako n vigorous assault with all their forces, Tho Sultan had ordorod Omor Pnska to go to tho Cri mea immediately, to concert measures with tho Allied Generals. Dun. !(V Mi.inclilliofl ttdeurmihs that. between tho 20lh and 2tUh, nothing rouniik nblo had oomirrcd, with tho exception of two em tins on tho 21st. in one of II olll- cers nud 33 soldiers wero taken prisoner, and a oonsjdorabl nuinhur Killed. In consequenco of bud weather, tho siego operations progress but slowly. Ac coidlng to telegraphic despatch from both armies, they woro preparing for tho assault on tbo south side of Sevastopol. Deo. 28. Considerable Russian reinforce muni arrived nt Odessa. Admiral Dun lins and llnmeliii wi'ie nt Constantinople, on tlioir way homo. Admirals Lyons ana Bruct aro, at present, in command of tho fleets. Lord Cardigan lias loft for Eng land. Gen. Sir Do Lacy Evans has re signed in disgust. Constantinople now says that siege works havo advanced so far that direct com munications woro prevented between thu grarriiton of Sevastopol and thu Uusd.iu forces near llalakl.iva, to whom provisions could only sent by roundabout pailM along tho coast. Although the works of attack wero in n very forward state, tho corres pondent of tho i'rrwe beliuvun that nothing serious can bo attempted against Sevasto pol before thu 15th of January. Tin: Italian Thimitv. It is foncrnllv stated that the treaty is actunlly signed be tween rrancu and Austria; tt is stated that Franco guarantees to Austria tho posses sion of her Italian Piovinces. Tho Lon don Times, howevor, disbelieves the exist, coco of any such treaty. Tin: Gkuman Relations. Austria has called UKin Prussia to placo her army on a war-footitiL'. but the Prussian soml-olIleUl journals tay that Prussia will not assent to tins. EtiANcc. Subscriptions to tho new Loan wero opened on tho 2d of January, and good huiinojs done. Considerable sums camo from England. The Baltic fleet is ordered to ro-asiem-ble at Brest and Cherbourg, Basinets was very activo during Christ- mat week, in Paris. Accounts from tho Industrial Districts woro most satisfactory. There were im mense demands for tpaco in tho Crystal Palaco, and a now gallery was ordered to tho buildings. ' Tho Emperor Napoleon and Empress notify that they will not accept auy pres ents from the French Exhibition. Great BmrAix The returns of tho Board of Trade, for tho month ending De cember 5th, show a decrease in exports amounting to nearly two million sterling. Messrs. Moiowood As Rogers, iron mor chants, of London, have failed for upwards 180,000. Their assets are said to bo large. Tho London Timrs has created consid erable excitemont in England by advnea ting, in the boldost terms, tho immediate removal of Lord Rsglsn from his command fn the Last, on tbo ground of incompolcn or- Wak Department, Washington, January 2. 1655. Sir: Tho President has referred to this Department your letter, with enclosures, of tho 25 ih September, last, with regard to tho late massacre of emigrants, by the Snako Indians your call for volunteers, Asc. In reply, I havo tho honor to inform you that it it the purposo of tho Department to send a force aguinst these Indians in thu Spring. This force will probably consist el eight companies, (two of Dragoons, ono of Artillery and four of Infantry,) drawn from tho posts in Oregon, Washington and California. The companies will, if possi ble, be filled to the maximum organization of 81 per company, and it is believed, from tho success which attends the recruiting service at tho present time, that it may be done, and tbo recruits embarked for tlioir domination, via (he Isthmus, in the month of March, reaching Oregon as early at thu season will permit tho expedition to bo made. Tho force is believed to bo sufficient both for thu protection of tho emigrants, unci for tho punishment of tho perpetrators of tho lato outrages and is all which tho vory limited strength of tho army and tho de mands for troops in other sections of tho country, will allow for service in Oregon- I nvail mysolf of tho occasion to remark, that on tho 13(h November, Gou. Lano brought this subject to tho notice of tho Department, and usked what rnoasurcs would bo takon, suited to tho oxigency of the occasion, what amount of forco would bo furnished, &c. In tho reply to him, on tho 27th November, informinir of thu forcu that would bo employed, it was stated that the sixth Regiment of Infantry would form a part of it. SJnco that date, circumstan ces havo transpired which will require that a similar expedition should bo sent against tho Sioux Indians ; tho sixth Infantry had, consequently, to bo relieved from tho order for Oregon, and has ben designated for thu duty. Very respectfully, Your ob't servant, JEFFERSON DAVIS, Soorotary of War. His Ex'cy, Geo. L. Cuury, Govornor of Oregon, Salem, Oregon. in' .'."J. J-IStHf Uront Mpuovli of MatiRtor DeuglM. Tho following truly eloquont extraora wo take from Senator Douglas' great speech at Chicago, rccontly, lit defence of tho Ne braska Bill: In conclusion, my friedi, penult me tn tny that there Is nothing In tho result of Ibt ricout elections which should dampen our 4 nrdor or Induco ut to reltx our energies 'U, n la blent, from the tho returns In all the " Status whero elections havo been recently held, that they aro the result of a coalition between Incongruous and Irreconcilable ol emails which cannot long he held togoth ur in harmonious notion. Chocri.l It is an invariable law of political action Hint coalitions, when ouco miccesful, can not hold together in thu next succeeding campaign. lloslilu factions, like alllid nnnl's, may net In concert in tho face of a common foe, hut they full to pieces ore the rerpnu!hll!lcs and spoils of victory. Apjilaitse.J '1 bus It vill ho In Potinsylvaiil, Ohio, Indiana, and wherever ulsuthu nlllod forces of abolitionism, wblgisin, and know-notb-ingWui have by stralcgcm obtained a par tial lctory over tho democratio party. -Tliey must now act nfllrtuntively, and by their united votes ludeuui all the pledget that each faction has mnde, or thu cotlltlott will bo Instantly dissolved. Will thoy ven ture, in ortler to retain the support of the HholltlonUts, In repeal tlin fugitive slave law, or abolUh slavery in tho District of Colum bia, and to prohibit thu slave trade botwtta thu Slates f or, in order to retain the co operation of tho ktiuw-nothhig cabal, will thoy abolish the naturalization liwt, and proscribe a large portion of the Awtriotd 'oplu becituso of their religious faith or their place of birth I Noverl Thty darw not! Hence, my friends, let us be of goo4 cheer. All is well. Though the bttveaa are partially overcast, tho clouds are past ing away, Cheers. Let us stand Ants by our principles; thoy art the prineplttof tho Constitution of the Union of that groat democratio party, which bat so long controlled the destinies of the i)atioo,whio has conducted us to a position of greatness and power that challenges the adralrttioa of every enlightened people, and whltk cannot bo abandoned without destroying the last hope of the enslaved and down trodden masses throughout the world. Applause. Lot thoro be no coMraokltta with the enemy, for thoy aro the emtmlttt of tho country no concossiont to die pes nicious tnd hateful isms of tho day. As nlausr.J I,el us unfurl our banner to the battlo and breeze, havilng inscribed upon Ita ample folds "the constitution and the Ua ion ; Stato rights and tho right of the people to self-government ; icrfeat religious toler ation, and no proscription of American elti izetis, wherever bom." Cheer and ap plause. Let It float proudly amidst the raging storms, for thoy wilt be as brief at furious. They may boat against the rook of democracy on which that ensign It plat tnd, but it will not be mored. Long after the agitated waters have subsided Tt wlfl stnnd out in itt Invincibility, and no mm notd futr for the ship of Sttte while It U tnchnrtil to Itt everlasting base, LM aud long-continued cheering. LAWS OF ORKUON. A.N ACT to tale thesemeof t he people rtf uiiiv; to the formation of a Slate Vostitulum,- Hue, I. He it rnuctrd by the Legislatim Assembly of the Tcritoryof Oregon, That lor thu purnoso of taking the tense of th people of tho Territory, upon the formttioa of a Stato Governiuent,apoll thsll be opes ed at tho general election, to bo hold on lb first Monday of June next, for and tgalatt a convention. :;. 2 That it thsll be the doty of Jod gct and rlerks of elections, at etcb aud every precinct wiibtu tho Territory, to pre pare separate columns, In which shall bo entered iho votes, for and against a consti tution; and it shall bo the duty of tho judg es of tho sovural precincts within the Terri tory, to ask each and every voter that may ofli-r his vot-', tho question, "Are you for a constitution or ng.iinst a constitution I" and according to their duiiro thu voto shall b recorded by tho clerks of thttr rttpMtlr precincts. Si:o. 3. Tho voto for nnd against a coo stitution shall bo taken, certified and oan vassnl in tho same manner and under Ilka regulations us by law Is providod for th voto for mombors of tho Territorial Legla turo. Sec. 4. That within twonty days aftet tho vote shnl bo canvassed in manner afore said, it shall bo tho duty of tho Secretary of tho Territory to mako out an abstractor thu voto from tho sovora! counties fnr and against a convention, together with a cer tilioato of tho final result of the whole vote, nud cause tho same to ho published in the several nowupaQura of this Territory, and if. by such abstract and corliflcnto published us aforesaid, it shrill nnnnr thnt inniiirft of ull tho votes cast aro for a convention, then in that oasu an election shall bo hold in tho several counties in tho Territory, on tho first Monday of September following, for tho clootiun of delegates to form a con stitution and Stato Government. Sua 5, Each county shall bo entitled to elect twice na muny delegatos to snob con. vontion as such county has reprosontatlvra in tho House of Representatives of tb Legislative Assembly, Sec, 0, That tho' eloction of delegate to the convention shall bo conduoted and- hold, canvassed aud cortlfled In the