The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, February 24, 1855, Image 1

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j.iuui,u..j.j,iu J- firiiiiiMwiniiiiimiiiimwiwiwi "i"i '"fi iim i
DHvoriiii to roi.rnus, i.rn.iiATiiiti:, Atiiiiniirnit:., i..n..iiai. imi:i.liiii:.m!i:, m, m;.
iT b-4Kt. f-W nrt
nnrfUiKcc in"
ViHAttlV. .
Ki.ttwswimu, o. 'v., ha'vijuiuv, l'liwi'Awv J6i, Hr.r,.
i-ui.Msiii.ti i.vr.nv hatiupu,
BY 110YD & 11LAKK1.Y.
n. ii. ..orn. iii.iki:i.v.
g. ii. It
OFKICI. In' Hrii.niMi, Main Mreef
at door west of llio "SciitliiliurBlIoiiie.
Ono copy, for ono year, . for six months,
$3,0t) : fur tlirro luiinllit, V-J.t'il.
No paper IU U dlicuntliw.d unlit nil linear-
tovU.c.Tntr.--Otie rminro of leu Urn ur.luM,
ei.O . A liberal deduction inula I" ycurljr ml-
TC1Imism Oahh, or ten Hues or ls.s. for one
, yesr, iii 5 for six montli. $ 1ft ; for three moutln,
S,trTlie number of Insertions must IwtlUllnct
ly nmrketl on tin- mnrgln. otherwise limy wll in)
continued till rorMd, and clisrgedjiecurdlnKl).
Tlio followta Muit"""'' are niitliotied
toreec'no suU-criptions and a luTll-cmenU for
the Gmtttr, slid ncrliit for th same
Jl. W. Jlnciiu, l.uwne CHy.
J. S. McIikkx v, M. P.. Con nllls.
J. N. Suim, K-q.. llurllncn.
Ur.i.AuS Smith. rq., Albmiiy.
L. I. Gr.or.ii, i:i., SMcin.
(5. V. & It. Aavr atbh's. fcmntlsm Uty.
tico. H. Uocmv. I.sfsyetlp.
F. S., Oregon City.
W. II. Kauiuh, Khi., l'ortl mJ,
Oik. Amln. AMorta.
tlio. 11. Auimasi:, SI. 1 . Jacksonville
Umvs A. Wow, Jacksonville
It. II. Ukamiouv, Deer Creok.
Hov. Jai-' 0 "' Csnyonvllle.
J. 9. QiMDLi:, Um., Fort Urfirtl.
0 Hcjisiasov, Dalles of the oltimlila.
AMOT 15. llnor-its, Esq., Coow Hay
Col. W. W. Ciiai-u in. Klkton.
0. Tijooo, K., Winchester.
Jin. ncrxouu, Canyontlllo.
Jn. A. (Juuiam, Ksq., Kort Vancouver, W T.
Woman. Hear Juliub Ctrear llannlli.irM
opinion of tho fair rex.
Dov may rail acnint women a much
ng dey like, dcy can't net mo up ngninit
tlein. 1 hah always in lifo found dom lo ho
r.,. In lull, fuit in a ouarrel. fut in di
danco, do fut In ilo ice-cream saloon, mid
"""t"'"",' i. Ir.l .t.V r,nni l'ay llilporiMtl BlMlUt UUI l CIOC
J0 fose.. and la.l ,,rft ..J."01'- ,arr,.llv well natiifixl with ihem.elv
Vhat would wo poor dch.U . b w do ,it,l . mmUwW.
dem f f us no uorn a. ,ou,.b, . b , ,
nnu iieipiB" i'""-" " "-:.;
r.n nm oneii lo receho u
ruin ii nm
whogubsusour fuss doo oh cantor oil,
nd putH clozo 'pon our helplessly linked
limb, and cubbeni up our foots mid lose,
in long Ihwntl petticoats; mid it mn ho
who, as wo Rrow up, fills our dinner baiket
wid doenuts nm! npplon n wo slart to ikool,
nnd lick us when wo tear our trowsis. it
is sho who, in our manhood, makes do
moon brighter nnd bigger, nnd do stars to
twinkle in do finnimeiit wid tie splendid
glory. (For tako woman out oh do world,
nnd it would loso much oh its beauty.)
It is !m who robs troublo of had' its Ming,
when do troublo niu't 'bout nnudder woman.
It ant slio who tenches im wertuo nnd good,
ness fro life, providing sho niu't bankrupt
in bofi" of dem herself. It nm sho who
watches in do eick room, nnd gubs you tho
calomcr nnd jollop nnd rubiib, nnd currnii
jelly, nnd it nm tho who Micks to you in
do ItMt hour oh life, nnd cousolos do trubled
spirit ns long as it sticks to dis mortal body.
AVho can help lubin inwwwi ?"
Handsomo is that handsomo docs.
Just let tho ugliest woman in tho thiity-ono
States fow on your buttons, hem your pod:
ot linndkcrchie'f, keep nn oyo on your dry
goods generally, tuck up your bod on cold
nights; sond you boiuuta nnd smiles week
y, nnd sho becomes n first class Venus.
A man's judgmont of n woman depend
very much upon how iho looks nflor his
buttons, fchirt-collars, comfort mid uuibrelln.
Thcro is n man in West Troy
who has so much of tho milk of human
kindness that ho is obliged to water it, for
fear that ho should bo so bonovolent na to
givo uwny nil his property.
Tlio mother who suw nuothcr
baby prettier than her own, baa been nciit
to n lunatic asylum.
Tlio man who got into a. train of
thought was takon into custody for travel.
Jing without n ticket, and sentenced lo thrco
days imprisonment in h brown htudy.
It in ostiinatnd that threo hundred
million pounds of paper nro used annually
in tho United States.
A vounff lady was rocenlly hoard
to declare, that alio would marry no ono
who could not keen her u carriugo and
horses. Her fuvorito air in " Wait for the
What ia bettor than preBnuco of
tnind in a railroad accidont? Absence- of
body. '
Corns may bo removed by simply
walking away with thorn. To mako tho
euro permanent, don't como back youredf
Wo hIiiiiiIiI Imvo received llio following
eoniiimnientlou some weeks since, but ow
iuit to fcoino iiiMiuii it only cmnu to liuml
tlio 1 7tli iiihl., too Into Tor pnlilioiilinn. Al
tlniiif;lt n Htllu outnrtlnlc, It will Iiowovit,
ninily rcmy n perusal :
Sti.iiM, Jiuiimry I ft, INftfi.
I): CiAT.nrn:: For tlio llircoor
four wi-vhit w Imvo liml a ronl winter rnin,
Willi tlio UKiinl flccoiiip.inliiiiint of oiii .wi-h-
lorn, nor .wrMiTN nuil ulliur Iiko viutnrn
from tlio fnlilcil littul of lvilla. Hut ono
iiinil linn Iipoii K-celvi'il luro hOUth of Cor
vallln linto tlio inci'llujj of tlio AmuniMy,
nuil luit low from nny olht-r din rlion.
On llio ni;lit of tlio oi(litli of Jtiiuinry
llio Jnckion I'luli ci'lolirnti'il llio nuiiivur
Mty of"()lil UloLoryV tfiuiiiili at Now
Orlontm. A mipprr wn not in tlm (!oiirt
room, to which nliout ono hiiiiilri'l nul llliy
pennon nat iluwii. Tlioro wtro tlm muni
iiuinhcr of lunula, roytilar nuil oIiititM-r
e'liocialiy mo i.uier. niieerues oi mi n-;
t at .. . .. i , . II . I
rietie", gravo nnd gny, arguuieiitntivo and
witty, liUtoricnl nnd nneciiiitical, hard nnd
soft. Among tlm upeakers wero Curry,
Vn.miil. Smiili nri.inii. Willliiim. Iltibi-r.
Kelly and Nowell. Thero wero pigs, fowls ("iii'. bucnu-o it will nllVel llo Insto of
and dinmpague, in nbuuilatice of llio 1st-1 ! ""Ik "'"I buller. Ho it diux if Am! raw;
ler at least, for an hour or two. Tito "1 'u nvoided by boiling, lor oadt
greatest good humor prevailed throughout eunr boil half n biiihi I of isruip nofi ;
tho evening, nnd tho room rnng with penis ! whilo hot, mid fivo or ix ipinrl of tdiurts,
of laughler and deafening cheers, at each vv''lcli will nwell mid ou will get Iho full
sally of wit, hurst of elo.pience.or decidod ! world ol it. A mess like this led to n cow
hit. However there wiro somo hits in n !"" ; day, will produce moro milk of n
litornl sense, madu with such missiles ns ' B""'' "dity, limn nny other fved nt lliu
fowls, bones, b ml, nnd cookies, lhat wero I ""'"e cost. I uruipt fed in tin. way do
not so nrreeahlo to tho objects ol them. I1"" '" either tho milk or butler. One
These wero enu.ed by some of the Young ' '" fnvor ol turnips n feed for cow.
Dumocrnoy becoming more tlinn propeily tK ''y nan bu iohii in A ugtiH, or nn l.itr
iinlriulio before tho removnl of tlio frag- n tho lirst of Heptember. I sowed miiiik
menu of tho feast. Hut theio lilllo exu- " ''e heptember last ear, which wrn
berances wero soon overlooked mid forgot. I very Hue. runups nm also .-ry prollt.ibh
leu. Tho Salem band, under llio lender. '" "'" I'igNwhen boiled in tho sumo way
ship of Jo Wilson, discoursed sweet inunic n' 'or cows."
from .Norma to Hory O'.Moore. Tlie com- j
lispormtl nliout tttuhn o clock, np-1
inselves, nnu
, ,ho .IMl ,Veel llio removal of the
,.nt of i-overninentlins heen llio i.roinin.-i.t
. ." . .... .... - . .
let-'islntivu tonic, 'llio bill for tlm location
ol tho cnpitol nt Corvallls passed tlm house
on tho l.'lth, bv n vote of seventeen to
twelve. Its friends expect it to pass tho
Council, but whether it will or not is n
subject of such dubious iuinoit, llmt I re
frain from prediction. In tiieso days mem
bers aro momentarily liable to have their
mental perceptions changed on this qucs
tion by tho magic inlluenco of some now
II. .lit lint u-orkit n r.liailL'O of Ollillioil nl-
most "ii llio twmk intr of nn eve." Uius
.... --,. -
far it bus been n compound movement, the
: ... - . ' ...
other element being tho location of tho
University nt Jacksonville. A clauso wns jiny enso to n I. I'm delighted that you
inserted in the bill for tho latter preventing jean njipreeinto my position. I nlwnysheld
tho expenditure, of money until April, '.10. your judgment in tho highest reiqx-ct, mid I
In the menu tiiuo n memorial has passed ; feel now moro than ever continued of it.
tho Assembly asking Congress to authori.o jtiivo mo your hand, my boy."
tho Assembly to convert the University i -.,... ' "' r"" '.,,. ..
fundinton common school fund. On tlm 03" i ho fraternity of fools may bo tl
i:ith,nr.ertho passage of the capital bill, iho ? cUs,ll, who know
Univcrhily bill was referred ton special com- "V t$, and ll.oso who tint. I. Iho
mitteefor the purpose ofhaving tho restrain, i InlfrcliiB. incudes those Kiiporanuated fo
, g strucic out; tho houso adjourned gleswho can descant lor n week upon tho
over until Monday nnd left it in the hands of ' germinating properties of a ho cab
llio commit. I believe tho University fund B. f'" W 7ld ',0 V"ff , ''
will bo ulti.unlely changed into n common jlmo xvlmt relntin.ibhip mi mint bears (o ,
school fund.",! coiiMiumtiou It, bo dovoully 'Krn.i.h.iothor. oung ...en on i.,glo bed
..T.I....H. i... i. in. ...uiii i... i .I., tstend salaries, who tuko on tho double
huuit to tlio dour of every ono uliLo wliotli
crrich oriioor, near or reinoto from nny
.t I . t ti.. T 4 .. ! t...
iiartlcuhtrloculity. Let us seo to it that
wo lirtt havo good coinii.ou schools "mid
nil things ulsu (in this respect) shall bo ad
dud unto us."
Tho question of stato government con
tinues to occupy tho nttention of members
"out of lliu hniiHo" us well ns in. Tlio la
test idea on that bubject is embodied in u
resolution that pnsdctl tho Council a low
days fciuco, providing for tho iiiiu.ediato
immune ill li uuiinuiuiniii ... .. . .,........-.
of tho heg.tlaturo, to ho niiliinltleil t,'.t.l,.
peoilo on tho fourth of July next 1 I Ins
den has tho merit ol originality, nt least,
l,nl 110 vr.1 llu iiMlunl liiil.irnlll' iu llnillllllll.
..... .... IVto ... ...I...... !.-. ... J " ' ..............
A friend of inino has suggested that tho
couimitleo should consist of V s of tho
Council mid I. y and II s of tho
House, that llio first two might enrvo out
tho body of tho thing, nnd tho latter the
Hill or Rights. I'j'cw la llaealrlla.
Tlio resolutions introduced by Mr.S.nith
of I.iuii, endorsing tho Nebraska mid Kau
nas bill, havo punned tho House, mid nro
now in tlio Council. On lliu final debate
of tho resolutions in tho House, IlolmoJ of
I'olkintioduceil n ntilng of resolutions us
11 substitute, dinply deprecating furthor ug
Station of tho subject, nnd protoMlng ngalnst
tho reponl of tho Nebraska mid Kuiisus
net. Thoy woro vory proporly voted down.
Tho doctiino of "squattor bovoreignty" is
ei'lu-r il'jht or wrotij'i K rij'h', ll" ed
fiirim lliu Noltiwiliu hill luiivoii llmt "nnvur
I'lgnty" iitirimtifiiiu'd iti ciinoliiiuul kIioiiM
Ihi npprovoil ; if wrouj; it itlioiiM ho con
(Iriiinuil lo tlio nainii oxlout. A ilnlforiii
tliiit n:yn in ullVct tlio hill ahotilil not Imvo
lici'ii piinniMl, lint in il In ilono, for four hiiiiio
limlyit uuru'1 will ho ilinturhod hy u litllo
wholi'Koiiio k'(iiihitIou, wo will ojpono iU
rt'pi'iil, mid ncipiioaco in tlm wroiiK, hiiuIi u
pliitforiiiln ninvorlliy of nny cntulid niiiu
Mich i plntforin will moihut oIrIt hocoino
tlio. jiolilionl irnvo of nil Wllywonty,
iipilvocnl piillticliuiH, who in tliiio of llio
politinil titorui cnmil its parll-colorcil
pliuihi for miffty nuil nuucuni. .Such n
pliilfiirm wiih proun(vilhy ihonorciioluliunii
I which woro oliori'il im u MihMitnto. -Such
a philfuriii iliil lhu"mifl" odiivcntiim of
j Now orh pri'ont hy thrirfiiiiioiiKNi'hrnv
kit ii'Milutiiiii ; it rovihitlmi that nmilo tliini
n hyti-woril nuil n lopro.ioh for iunhmrrity,
iluphi'ily mill I'ipiivoonliou, from lliu At
lantic lo tlio l';iclllli.
Yuure, JIIIITU'.
llnur i:ui:rtiiM: ion Cows.
.... f.l lln. X.i.llt.i.t. I
...... ,.... ........ ... .,,u ..,.,....,.. .......ul,
. nyh : " nm eg.iianio wiilcli I wun lo
recommend m tlio host, nil ihuirfs r.oinddor.
ll' r"" ildi cows In winter, ii whilo lint
tiirnipK. .Snmu iieihni,, will i.iiecl to ill"
liuiMii.M) Tin: i.asi: lloi- "unn you
maKo u convenient 10 semo my mini nc
' niiiiit tf knlil ii f ill. is ti sine friuinl l.ittltd
" Do you owo nnybiidy anything ("asked
(ho iinperturnhlo .Unw.
' No. .Sir." replied tlm tailor
"Then you can nllbri! In wail," nnd oil"
do walked.
After n day or two tho tailor enlled ngain,
nnd Jones was posed lur n moment ; hut
recovering himself, ho said
"Are you really in debt to anybody I"
" Well, .Sir, siuco you nk mo I'm sorry
to sny I am."
"Then why Iho dovil don't you pay?"
null's just it," ,replied tlm lallor ; " I
. .. -
'null trot llio money, eiso
I sliQUliln t I to so
i v ..
" hy, by Jnvo, my dear fellow, that s
utuiisil without pecuniary increase, nro also
of (his class. S(rmigo, niu't it, that n iiimi
will go oil' into till kinds of foolishness lie
cause a snub-uoscd girl declines roosting
on tho snmo polo with him !
Iki: ox tiii: Crrv Kixction. "Hoo
ray 1" screamed Ike, through tho broken
pane of glasu, pushing at the sumo time, u
bhiuglo nnd iho fork that held it thorodown
to tho floor. "Hooray!" the Know Ntith
ings havo carried tho tiny, nnd Smith is
iMnvur!" "Well, Isaac," said Mrs. Parting.
,,.., ,,.,
on noeiln l iii.iKo such u iioiso mioui
. it yoii couldn't mako moro noisolfnliorso
, , ji,tun,l f n inure. Dr. Smith is
i 1H1I11, ,..,, .....i 1 ,l,iri8iivIio linin't forL'ot
. " I . !.l ,1 1. I... I... . 1
i.ow to vnsc.lato either, though ho has got
to bo father of tho city, and dispenses law
rather than physic, only don't mnko such 11
nolsu about his 'loctiou, because it nin't
anything nbout, any bow."
CrrriMi out or Diaixmma. A credit
or, whom ho wns noxious lo avoid, met
Sheridan coming out of Fall Mull. Thero
was 110 possibility of avoiding him, but ho
did iiIt loso his prcKoiico of mind.
o'I'IhiI'h u beautiful nmio you'ro on,"
said Shuridau.
" Do you think iio V
"Yos, iudoed. How does bho trot i"
continued Sheridan.
Tho creditor, highly Mattered, put her to
a full trot. Shoridan bolted round tho cor
tier, and was oit of light in ;i moment
Tlio ISimI-IJiikS Doom.
Anil llioii nrt ioiki! No more,
day lmll veil Imrfaco hefont Iho thousand
eyes of sober nlghl, Minlt thou, nocturnal
vlslliiut of this my hiiuiblu couch, lenvo thv
secret hnunl, hy mo oft nought never found,
nnd ghoul-llliu bntupiot on tho blood that
lies within my shigglMi veins. Oh, how I'll
miss then I iMIns llm llchlngs, Mrrnlchlngs,
sloopiugs, and iho anient exerctso of boot
lei's search that worried mo so oft, nnd gnvo
u vent mid iijuielllo lo nftor sleep, that only
was Voiiuhrafud when thou linilit gorged
thv (III.
Oil in tlio lono nnil Molemu watches of
uiyMeiioiis nighl's high noon, when nature
lay in neeiutng death mound, mid hallowed
thoiiiihl Iho natural lhouihtn of n holy
hour distilled their halm upon my sinful
houI, mul worldly passions, powerless nnd
dead, lay t.-nplho to tlm genius of man's
belter nature hint llinu, inlawed by dr-t-uiii't'iuces,
or Hum or place, unmindful of
iho thoughts within mu Mitred, with uniHo
lens step my body (ravelled o'er, plunging
thy excruciating fangs deep in homo lender
part, mid eaithward turned tho current of
puiu thoughts, whoso fountains welled in
heaven !
How have I noiiiiil'. in madness from my
couch, mid searched, nye, blndo by blade,
my pallet's humble straw! How have I
Dcatiucd each uiuvico mid each nook, to
wreak my just levengo upon thy vmnpiro,
head! Ilowhnvutho inquisition's terrors
nnd llio direst cruelties that froo my tiling
henrl's bltio-l when lirst I rend (ho ilook of
Mnttyrs, paled before llm tortures I design
ed fur Idee wh-ii I rmilil cnlch tlicr and
linw linvo I cnuidit thco not wondered
wheru thou'dst fled and even thought,
when weriried with tho search, thou art no
leal being, but come lo mo n u'rMiug,
whoso temporal part in self-dufenco I'd
ilain. Thus wonied out with spcuIalioii,
would I lall n-leeji luit morning never
failed lo rhuw to too thy bite nt least wns
Tiinu tlliUt not diu ns bugs
nro won't to
the, by baleful poison s lin
genrig, torturing
ilealii. I lion wnsi uoi crusiieti, ns many
bugs Jinvts been by screw lug up nfresd (ho
bedstoud's tottering frame. A mousu-trnp
. .. .... . ii
cniigdl Iheo! n lilllo (rap, (nangular m
frame a lipony garrote llio offspring, I
believe, of sumo great mind "down east,"
which I tlid purchase, nnd did bait with
cheese, to slop iho breath and gnawing of
n wanton mouse tint scuttled 1113 new boots.
The bait nlluriid thee, nnd morning's enr
liestdawn disclosed thy strangled form
thou patriarch of thy race, nnd "big bug"
of (hy (ribol
And thou nrt gone, tlroad spirit of unrest
thou vampiro incubus and left tlm fldd
to pigmy bugs nnd llees, whoso geutlo
punctures and clout fellowship will move
1110 not for I am lough by Iho tanner
Tinu Imvo ran the gaunt-let of cheap
board through town havo lived on hash
of nil tilings cUo imvo meat have been
the middle ono of seven in n bed in do
fost room, on hottest summer night havo
fed to bunding g.dlinippers huge, nnd sno
red to concerts of ninorous tnmcnts, set
tling love's disputes and 'mid tho ills, tho
thousand ills, that wed themselves to "p'i"
vato board," I ne'er was uuiiv-a by might
sao thee thou blood dyeil vampire, grand
dad hed-hug of thy tribe.
JorrvriiAN at 1111 Oi.n Thicks. Kendal of tho
New Orleans Picayune, relate (lie following,
slti'-li cnrr-l Its lilts pretence nt linden linden,
In (iinnaiiy. At tlio juncture we wero
jolnwl dy mi KukIIsIi party, when tlm suliject
mutter lirmijdit iiiiilrrilicus-lun was lalliliiR. "I
lulu a eold hatli every mcrnliiK when nt luune,"
mM John Hull. "So do I. " retorted the Yankee,
"Winter and summer," continued llio ttiBlMiiiiaii.
"My system exactly, " respomlwl tlio Yankee.
"I your wuntlicr nnd water cold!" iiurrled
Jolui Hull. "UlKlilly cWlly," continued lirotlier
Jouatliaii. "So eold Hint tlio water nil frce.cs us
I pour It down my Imck, nnd rattles upon llio
Moor In the tlmpo of hull!" continued llio nnkee
wltli tlio tame cuiuiini; twinkle of tlio eye. "Woro
yon hi tho net room to mo In America," ho ic
minded, "and cuuld hear mo as I nm taking my
MMiiiKclnitti of 11 cold wlntcr'r morning, you
would tliluk I wns iioiirlni; dry lienns down my
lmck I" The lJiiKlUluuausliruggwl Ids Mioulucrs
m with a chill mid marvcleil.
OiTiciAi. Voti: or Kansas Tr.ititrrouv.
Tho ollicial nggsegato vote of lliu wliolo
Territory, given at tho lato doction for del
eiriilu to CoiiL'ross. was tt.8!H. Thero was
seven candidates. Gou. Whitflold, Nohras
fin democrat, had 11 majority of 1,095 ovor
nil his competitors.
OrAu Knglisli writer says, you enn tell
when you nro surrounded by dozen Anieri
cmiH, by Iho following unorring tost ; threu
wiii bo found smoking cigars, mid nine
reading nowspnpois.
05" Thoro is 11 man in Missouri who hns
lived so long on corn brond that his voico
is husky, his hair is silky, and his loos nro
covorod with aright smart ohanco of corns.
Tim Soam:s ov Justci:. Tho bnlanco
of power.
li . f"."1"!" " WL" '- . ' ' I.
Written for tlio Weekly (I met to.
I'oiiulur IMui'iitioii.
I'Aiir contioiip.
" There are two viows of liumati nature,
both of which nro plausible, and may bo
supported by many facts nnd argument.
OnO of which is, that man seeks his princi
pal happiness from tho source of n well or
dered notion of his nnluial propuuiltcs, nut!
may ho considered n bearing striking rn
kcmblnucb lo other spodos ofmiiinnls, tho'
possessed ol tpialities of n superior rruture
I do not wish it understood, that I refer (o
Ida meiu "eunsual" wishes, but nil tho par.
llcular qualities not of mi intellectual nature,
of which man may bo in possession, belong
equally to other animals, mid which nro en
dowed wild tho peculiar propensity of seek
luii for selfish uratificatiou, ns tho chief
motive fur uctiou ; or in other words, man,
considered in regard to his nuiiual nature,
seeks tho mere gratification of hit senses,
in common with other animals; though, of
course, tho menus employed for such u pur
nose are dillereiit. As nu oxamplu: exist
ence may bo considered ns being bestowed
on man that ho may indulge in gross pleas
ures; of propagating Ids species, of appro
printing u portion of tJiu goods of this world
to himself, of seeking worldly honors, and
likewise, of satiating tho thinking nnd
fantastic faculties by literature, nnd tlio arts
and sciences. If regarded in this light,
"self-interest mid individual aggrut.
dizement, would bo (ho leading motives of
all sensible men during life ; and tlio moral
faculties would bo uu-d cluelly to control
and direct these selfish teniuahl.ei in seek-
jng their gratification, so as to prevent tho. n
from unduly injuring their neighbors, and
j mlnngering thoir own prosperity." It can
readily bo conceived what would bu tho
final result ot tins system. 1 ins Hie wouiu
ho without ono leading moral motive; nil
hnppiitcss and prosperity would bo selfish
and isolated would place every man iu 11
comparatively indciHindout position, and,
consequently, bo would havo but lilllo sym
paty with his fellow beings; and tho whole
of bis intellectual faculties would Uo direc
ted to llio moans of satisfying his lower jor.
eniiies. If society should finally bo re
duced to sued a state, and make tho forego
ing principles tho chief objects of life, tho
world of mankind would then sink into do.
gradation, ho cnvrlojicd iu mental darkness,
and reduced, iu reality, to the condition of
tho bruto creation. It is (0 bo hoped, tint
this will novor bo tho caso again, as in tbo
dark ages of tho world.
Tho other view is this, that man is un
doubtedly nn intellectual and moral being,
having Iho powers of discrimination, tho
correct conceptions of right and wrong,
seeking Ids principal pleasures in tho pur.
suits which liavo a collection wild Ids mor
al nttributes mid intelligence, tho animal
desires acting ns tho mere factor of (ho In
tellectual faculties, to nssist them in using
Ihoso means which nro most likely to ben
efit tho wliolo mnn, and for 110 other pur.
pose. History is not silent on this subject.
It will bo seen by nu examination of il pa
ges, that man, In iho early nges of tho
world, is described ns ever IMng iu that
selfish, isolated condition, previously refer
red to. During thoso dark periods iu the
history of man, it is well authenticated, taat
ho either, wild undisguised motiros, sought
those objects of sensual gratification, ns
tho only purpose of existenco, or control!,
ing thoui only in such a mnnnor, so ns to
bo moro cortaln of rcnlizing, to igrentor ex
(out, tlio end proposed but never once ma
king his notions subservient to tlio nccom
piikhmout of moral objects, nny further
tiian would bo consistent with the original
intention. It is to bo feared that this is
tiio oaso with socioty nt tlio present day, to
a extent, though moro dis
guised than in former times. At tho pres
ent time, men havo become moro skilled in
tho nrts of deception, nnd linvo groatcr fa
cilities for accomplishing scllisii nnu uiuoen
purposes thnn during thooarlior ngos of tho
world. Now, tho grenter portion of man
kind do not hesitato to mnko ubo of nny
plausible means, so that they but iusuro tho
gratification of certain wicked designs.
Tho nbuso of nny assumed chnrnotor or
virtue does not, nt nil, Imvo a tenueuoy w
curb their sinful desires; mul I hero stato it
ns n fact, that men of tho present ago, how
ever that fact mny bo disguised, nro
more inflincero, nnd consequently.inoro fatal
In certain influences if wielded iu opposi
tion to tho improvement of .society, than
wero tho" undents. t
Publio example jjoss n great way to im
proos for n good purpose, or to frustrate
tho designs of nny oonunondnble improve
ment of socioty. And hero lot mo avail
myself of tho opportunity to write a few
lines in regard to soino tilings of a publio
character, so objectionablo hi their nature,
so pernicious in their influences, nnd havo
suou nn intimate connection with tho sub.