The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, February 10, 1855, Image 3

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    Wroult of Ilia NfOitinslilit Hoiitli
oritur. Tho following account of tliu Iosh of lliln
lll-fntoil stonmur In (Ivcii tiy tliu purser.-
Out fellow townsmen, Messrs, (J, Oiijian.
liclinor nml H. H, Aliuiii. were mssrut'orsj
limy arrived hero on Monday last, after u
linrtl jqitrney by lntiil from l'lif-ul's Sound.
Wo tiro paiuuil lo learn tlmt oiirtnurclintilit
linvo lout consiilornblo iiiiioiinU liy tliu
wreck of tlio Soulhrrnertito oxtontof tliolr
losses cannot at present bo nseorlalnuil
Anion; thuio who Mpped oii Iiit for tliln
plnuo, wnn Messrs. Mtrrllt, Opponlioluier
V Co., Wmlswortli, I'oturn As Ladd, nml
Drown, Drum As Co.
Mr, Hush, of tliu Statesman, lutd nn en
tiro now pritilltif establishment oti tliu
Southerner. All lost.
Tho steamship Southerner, V. A. Hnmp
m)n, master, left San I'VaucIhco with tliu (J.
9. mnil for Columbia rlvuruud iiiterniudlnlu
jiorl., Duo. UOlli, nl 10 1.2 a. r., niul nr
ilveil lit Humboldt liny on tliutlvM Mil 1V!
a. jt.', landed freight and passengers and
, loft at li! 1.2 I'. i., nnd urrivnd nt Trlni
lnil sstiio day nl :i lU i. t., mm lull no r
1.2 Arrived nt (,'roscont City on Deo. '.VI
nl (1 1 a. Jt., nml left at !l r. x. Arrived
..breast I'ort Orfordut 12 midnight -blow,
lug fresh from lliu H. V., heavy km roll
ing In: Captain did not dorm it nnfo to en
tcr, mid proceeded to tho Uninpin, whom
uc arrived abreast, Deo. "1th, nt 1 1 a. m.
AVuatlior thick, blowing heavy from llio H.
AV breaking clear ncross Hid bnr, mast
head high. Having lnld off thero thrru
hours, ho kept her off lur Columbia river,
wlieru wu arrived nbrcatt on tliu '2.rith, at 1
r. . blowing n gain ftom tho H. V., and
thick woathor- ship leaking badly and no
prospect of bolter weather; at (I p.m., tho
Captain kept her olfl'or l'ugct'ii .Sound.
During tliu night ol tliu Until, nml all day
UOlli, all baud lioiit constantly balling. At
I-. i., galo incruttiiiig water gaining rap
idly ciigino working slowly wind hoaiU
ing us oil", tho Captain found it was fmpos.
slide to weather CajKJ Flattery, ran under
tho Ico of a small Inland and cnino to anchor
in seven fathoms of water, (distant about
thirty tulles from CajHi Clniiitt.)
After being at anchor about half an hour,
heavy rolls commenced coining in. Tliu
Captain gavo orders to tho engineer to go
ahead on hi" ungiuu would not pans too
centre. Order were given to slip tliu chain
and let her go on shore, which was instant
ly done, when she drifted upon tliu beach.
Order wcro then given to cut nway tho
mnsts nnd suioko stack, aftor which sho rc
nialned comparatively quiet. Atdaydlght,
on tho morning of Ihu 27lh, succeed In lau
ding all tint pnuergers and crow safely.
About an hour nftur, ihu nflvr pnrt of tho
ship broke into n thouiand fragments. Tliu
tliruo days following it was blowing n ter
feet hurricane, 27lh, 2Slh and 2l)th. On
tho inorning of tliu IIOlli, tho vWndandsoa
liaviiig gono down, Cant. Sampson, with
Mr. Itlaltilcll, second oliiccr, and flvo of tho
crow, luft In n boat for I'ort Townscud,
with tho intention of procuring assistance.
On tliu morning ol January Will, nt 10 a.
m. tho steamer Major Tompkins, Captain
Hunt, arrived and received us on board,
and left at 2 p. m. Arrived at OlympiaJau.
Will, after having experienced heavy gales
of rain over slnco filtering tho .Sound.
Much Jiralso and credit i dun to ('apt. Hunt,
J. II. .Scranton, Ksq,, Mr. '1' Fuller, and nil
her olliccm, for llio numerous nets of kind
ness wo experienced at their hands, not
only procuring overy comfort for us, but
actually giving up their own sleeping apart
incuts they tdceplngon tho Hour nod else,
where, ns they could get a chance, during
tho uholo timo wo wuru on board. I, for
one, will always consider mysolf dooply in.
debted to them, and pray (nd if thoy should
bo so unforlunato as to bo shipwrecked,
thoy may meot with tho same treatment that
wu havo slnco coming on board tho steam
or Major Tomvkin.i,
Purser lato Bt'r. Southcrilcr.
Correspondent or tho Weekly Gazette.
Wo were Illlml Now 'a Ni I
Tho experienc6 of tliu last yoar has con
vinced us that SuolUburf; is tho point to
Vhlcb wo should ship our goods. Tho
wagon road is now oponcd from Jackson,
illo to .ScotUhurg; and thcro is fiftocu
thousand dollaru of govuruuicnt money to
ho oxpendud on tho road betweon this and
Juno next, which will mak(aTrjt: rate wig
on road. .Farmers along tho routo nro pre
paring to put toanu on tho road. In tho
xpring, and nro willing to cotitraot for tho
delivery of goods nt Jacksonville for six
cents a pound. Packers nro throwing nway
their pack D.uhllea, and purchasing wagons;
well knowing that thuy can haul cheaper
than thoy can pack.
All charges from San Francisco to this
placo, will not oxceed eight dollars n hun
dred responsible inon aio jioio willing to
contract for that prico. Wo havo been
shipping to Croscout City till wo nro sick
of it. Honiotimoa our goods nro carried to
Portland, thon back to Sail Francisco up
mid down again becnuso tho harbor is bo
clangorous thoy cannot bo landed. Whilo
Uiuprpin is acknowledged to bo tho best
winter hnrbor from tinn Francisco to l'u.
gct'a Sound, and perfectly safe, in tho sum
mor, for all classes of vessels on this const.
Goods nro frequently damaged In being
landed, nt Crescent City, through tho surf.
And, to cap tin! climax, after nil our winter
goods had been landed there, llioso of us
who had no iiiiilm, wuru obligod to pay
seventeen cools, mid over, pur poiind for
packing; its tliu rmylug 1 they had tliu
ici(r wimd on us, and wo wcro obliged to
iff,', out,
Hoinusay: "Tho wagon load will hu
opened to Crescent City next minunor."-
Ilnlil It will cost oiin hundred thousand
dollars; and all that can bu railed is thirty
thousand. Foreign rinpital cannot bo ob
tained to upon n road over n mountain so
high that llio snow fulls ton feet deep on It,
In tho winter, when tho holders of tho samo
can got .'I per cent, a month lor their inon
oy, mid good security.
Again, llieru is a scarcity of feed oti tho
route. Packers havo to purchase hay, at
over ono bundled dollars u ton for tho same;
whilo tho Scollshitrg routo U over tliu lineal
grazing country in On-uori.
Tho Nuutltrrncr U reported lout, north of
llio uoluinliia what of flint f A belter
.Steamer will gladly take hur placo. Tho
advantages of tho IJiiiqiia nro hiviwn, and
a ruvolulion of tho tnnlu of Southern Ore
gon and Northern California is at hand.
(loods brought in wagons lo this place, In
orii'inui iiaciiiiuus, nro worm two cunts per
pound uioro than If p.mkeil,
Wo now arc and our goods will bo ship,
ped to .Scotlsburg, mid wagons will bring
thum hero.
Jan.tJO, 1855.
To Ho.v. J. 0. Avimiv,
Postai. Am:T or Oiinoo.v,
Km: Tlio undersigned, renldeuU of
ncott,tliurg, lielioviug it to hu esteuincil ns
a great favor by tho Pont Olilco Depart
ment, whenovcr failures or delays occur In
tho mail service, to havo those who should
bo houcillcd by their punctual and safe do
livery, report to tho Department such fail
ures or delays, nnd their causes together
with other information touching tho faith
ful, or unfaithful comiillanco with tho Kpirit
of tint contract, by tho contractor. In view
of what has past, tho people of this placo
do, most earnestly, present the following
grounds upon which they nsk tho Mipon
Mon of tho present mnil contractor, referred
to, nnd the nppolnment of another:
Tho failures of .'10th Dec, 1831, ami of
atltli January '55, A:c, wro, in tho judg
ment of tliu undersigned, unnecessary, and
Inexcusable, and without tho shadow of n
justifiable cause to sustain them. Tlio
nrools nrtheso facts nro herewith furnished.
In this connection, wo would most earnest
ly call attention to tliu violation of f.o much
of his contract as refers to a sufliclent num
ber of good nnd serviceable mules or hors
es; which we, tho undersigned, lieliovo have
been needed in tho service, slnco tho present
contractor entered upon his duties, proof of
thts fact Is herewith furnished. Wo would
hero state, that at and during tho days on
which these failures occurred, men were
pasting to and from llio interior, without
any hindrance whatever. And we also beg
to call your attention to the fact, that Ihu
contractor does not rcsido on, or near this
route, nnd therefore, is unacquainted with
tho means required to keep up regular mail
service to which extent ho has been, and
is at this time, guilty of gross negligence.
Upon these proofs and grounds, wo ask
for the suspension of the present contrac
tor, nnd nt the samo time, urgo tho appoint
ment of Henry Christian, tho young man
who formerly had charge of this service.
In recommending Mr. Christian, wo feel
that wo nro doing great ten ico lo this com
munity because of hU qualifications for
this service, which cntltlo .him to our es
teem, nnd cordial support In this recom
mendation of him, nnd request of you to
reinstate him.
Wo would further remark, that Mr. Chris
tian will bo ready to give bonds, nt this
placo, nt once, for tho faithful performance
of this service.
Loyal P. Ilrown, Wm. M. Hnrr, Henry
G, Itro wu, M. F. Ilolbrook, Lovi Kent, Pe
ter Johnson, J. It. Cowlcs, Samuel Rich,
L. L. Williams, J. R. Peters, F. W.Morritt,
llcnj. Itrattain, D. M. Thompson, G, F.
Hunker, Gnrd Chlsui, C. E. oodman, S.
F. Chadwick, G. I). R. Ilovd, John iNich
olson, Alox. Illakely, D. Mactaueh, James
l'r.'dn, R. H. Lord, Isaac Oppeiihelmer, E.
Spiror, R. F. Maury, A. G. Langdon, Dan
iol Conk, Job Hatfield, Cyrus Heddeii,
John Collins.
To tlio Dciuoi-riioy of Ors'Koii.
Tlmunilorilcnc'l, Territorial Committee, here
y request tlio Democracy ul'tlio various counties
In this Territory, to select ilelcgutott to meet in
Territorial Couvcatlon to nominate a camttilnto
Tor Dck'tr.itu to Congrrw. Tlio committee rce
omniuml. ni a IkikIh of representation, tliut each
county M'lccl tiro delegates for each memlior of
mo iioiiHo in Heprei-cniimvcM to wlilcli melt
county may to entitled, nml that each county lie
ciitltlnl to at lcait ono ilcU'i-ute. The Conven
tion will moot at Salem, on Wcilnenlny tho llth
day of April, no.t. In tlio aluuucu vl any res
olution or expression ly the last convention, a
to tlio place or tlm) of meeting thereafter, the
coinmlttcn havo heeu ((uliled In thing both, by
tho precedent established two years ago,
It laconlMontly expected by tho committee,
that each county n III tako prompt nnd early steps
to select delegates, and secure a full and fair rep
rescn tatlon iu tho convcnlloii.
A. 0. lilltllS.
J. 0. WATERMAN, Tcr. Com.
Democratic. Territorial Central Committee.
Tho followlnj; aro tho names of thoso nciille-
men vlui constitute the Central Committee of tlio
Democratlo party In Orc(,'oa :
J. W. JNlISMlTH, J. W. Wu.kv,
AsAimr. Iliihii, A. C Giuita
J. 0. Watlkman.
Jlcfilslcr and Hccclvcra Notice lo'Scillcrs.
IN TuhiisIiIi .! south or rnriuo one cant.
" ' S7 " " ,m '
" " IIH ' Iina
" " ' ens nt.
' " HI " " eao "
" " a7 " " " ono "
" " :w " " " ono "
" " :ir, " " ' iho "
" " :i7 " " " two
" " lie " " ' threo "
" " 1 north " " otnj '
The alKive townsklps li.irlna; liten urvhycd,
and tho pints thereof upjirovrd on the ICtli dny
i,f January, 18.1.1, nil trlllut who have rliiimt ur
jmrlt if r.'itlmi tlnrtln Ixiforu llio ilatp of such
uiiriival,iiri;rc'ini'tH toniiar at the office of
tho Iteglstcr nml Hwclvir of the band Wislrictof
Oregon ieiOi liiity ilmt frow otid alter the
KSllnlnyof March, IKVi, or provloiu ti thnl
lima If coriveiilciit, when sod where no lnll lo
prriiuri-l to rccdvo the notifications of their
Llnlins, reiiecliftly, and enter iqioti tho uljunt.
liieiitniiilmtll-m"iilccoril!ii(-to law, ifn eon
llluis of iMiundary lines that may bofuuul to etist
atiioiiv them, '
Ami every person who Ins Milled, or Minll
pcttle, within ruch lownihltis after th ihUi of
iipprovnl iiforciiald, Is rivpifr'-d by Isirtoflle nl
this oflin the iiotlfleitlitii orhh) claim. iclfyuijr
the preclne tractor traits tlalmc-1 by hiiii,wiMfi
llirtr mimtht from tho dale of his n-jltl'-birnt, r. ri:
he Is hurnby reitiosled so to do at any (iiiivenlviit
time within mk.Ii term. ' ,
filvmi und'TOtir linrnls nt Ori-j-cn tlfy, this
"Uliday of January, IKo.".
Jt. tt'HttuX, ItcKlstcr.
JA.S. (JUTHUli:, Jr., Receiver.
I'cb. 10,-Mt.
Post Oilicc.
rpilr. I'oil OfTico has len rcmivc'l t" the
X. "Hcoltsbuiic lloinc," upper fcoiwburt,'
Any pcmonnliihln)' li rccolve their letters and
pnm nt Lower hcottsbur. oaii havo them lift
at Allan, M'lCInloy t: (,Vn itora; they can nb
mall llir-lr letters tin re, If prifcraMi, in tho car
ricr will call on koIhk aim relurnlni' on h! trip
lo IJrnjKiim Clly. . Jt. Kl.SKK, P. JI.
Jan. t:7,-tr.
Amos E. llogcrs
IS desirous iif closing up his buslnw, In order
to el n freoh Mart for tho rpriiijr, trade, Ilo
hnj no doubt hut Ids ell customers wliuluvctin
K.'ltle-l accounts will readily interpret thli as u
hint, lo call up and settle,
('old nnd tilur ULcu at cash value, and stone
coal at jur.
Coos liay, Jan.; il, Ki.i.-a3ll.
'aikvinistiia tows xotici:.
"VTOTICK Is bcriby KlvVn that letter of a.1
.Li ministration have Imm (-rantnl to tlio un
ikri!neil by tliu Probate Court of C County,
T.rll..pv ,if, f.n It. A.f - ,.r e f?Af.
Ilu ileccaKd, late of raid county. Irf-arlw; date of
January I.', IK'..'. Alt p-T-oni Indebted to said
catitto ore rc-inntiNl lo make imineOmtenaymcnl
und all crwiis harlnj; claims n-alnut mid wtnlu
are rciuestcl to J rewnt tho same to tho under
signed at Kmplre Clly, Coos Jlay, within one
year from tills date, or they itlll lie forever bar
Kraplrn CI It, Jan. 21, lU.V39tr,
rpillS Istncrtlfy that W. C. Mycr. f.f Ash
JL Uii-I 1'iKlnct. Juctxoa cuut, IX. T.,
brought Itforo ine, a Jimtica of th Peace, In end
for said county, Coyuo honv. sorrel, with a
laid face, and three whits feet, as an eitrsv to.
lij appraised; valued at $10 this ICtli dsv of
January, lt&5. S. II. Tatlou, J, V.
11039 tr.
lis -Iiisticti'ii Court.
aTllUITOIt V of OreRun, county of I)urIsj,
X ss. To JuM'pli Jordou. You aro lureby
notllled that a wriluf attachment hw been tue-l
against you. and your projierty attached to sat-
ihv tue urinaiiii ol la. J. Jlarun, aioounimn to
ilchty dollaru. Now uoless you 'shall ojpear
beture Samuel Stover, u justice ofthacacf, In
and for said county, at hlsntllce. on the 'JOth
day of Jlareh, A. I). 1&35, judKmenl will be
rendered ai;aIuilyou, and your property sold to
par ino uciii.
Uatod this 22iJ day of January. A. I). IMS.
Wm.J.Maiitiv. ITtt
no3D It.
In Jutl:'s Court.
rpKIIIUTOIlY of Ortgon, county of JacVson,
X is. To Rco. Turner. You nro Iicri-br nc
llllcl that u writ of attachmen has been Wed
iitfaliut you, nnd your irutcrt nttachcl to sat
My thudemaudot W. (I. T'Vuult, amounting to
Iorty-sU dollars and coats. Now unless you shall
apn-ar and aimwer before S. II. Taylor, a justice
ot tho peace, In and for said county, at his clhce,
In Jacksonville, un tho 1st day of March. lrJ5.
judKiaciit will bo rcndcnil o;ulnstyou,aud;our
properly sola lo pay tliu ucbt.
lluteil this 20tU day of December, 1 W I.
w.o.t'Vaixt, ri'tr.
Uoscburg Hotel.
riMIIS "'"'emigncd ImilnR recently erected n
X UrKonnd commodious hotel In tho nourish
ing town of Ituicburi;, Hillcits a sliara of public
piiro!in-e. llio tabid will nlw ays bo rurulthed
with tho licst tho market nlfurds, nml the bar will
be supplied with tho choicest Honor nnd clpirs.
A. HOSK. .
Iloratnirj, Jan. 13, 'M-91
Look Hero !
ITVKHV person Indebted to mo Is reo,sestM
U tocomu forward und uiakapaymcntliamedi
ntcly, us I will grant mi further indulgence tn
any one: fair vturnlnz you'd better protlt by It.
Jan. 13,185.1.
Wndswortli. Peters & ladtl
rpKXUr.U their tlinnlcs to their numerous cus'
I fnr tlnlr unit liberal mtroaaiTO.
and solicit a eontlnuauco of tho Mine. They
tako pleasure In Inturuiliiginopuimo mni iney
hivvoonhandalariconnd deslrnblo htockofljry
l!nn.l. .....I Mi'.worl.-J In u llli'b tllOV nl'O inaklui:
constant additions, ond nro enabled to sell at as
low rates as any oilier otoro in ocoiisunrf;. "u
of tho partners resldliiB nt San I'rnncUco, nnd
I J.nnlnMnn.tnn.niitl llm 1Tiarlt.1. Wll thllH
III UIMIIIIIM. II... ih.miiv. v.. .-., --
have Increased facilities for iiiakhiR purchases at
tlio lowest rnles,as wen as bi-ivciii-k luu UVDk " '"
inntsiiltnblo articles.
Tho IiIrIicsI prlco pshl for gold dust.
Scottslmrg, lo. SO, '3 Ml.
IiJN Wnre, a good nssortincnt for wdo by.
WAvsviurif- I'btkrs & Umd.
l)ec. :io. If-
Sl'U'.NDll) aisortmcnt or Salttuotts for
tmlu clienn by 0. A Co,
... .. Oa it V
Seottsbiirg still Alive !
MDIIUTT, Ori'i;.N'IIi:iMi:it k Co., hayo rm
hand And nro constantly receiving largo
and well selected stocks of merchandize from Han
I'ranclsco, per steamer Huulhcroor, Consisting
of Dry Hood, Orocrrles, Hardware, Ac., which
they oflcr for sale cheap. Jfavlng moilo uptliclr
minds to do a tlrklhj rath luilnru, enn afford
to pnrt with their gwls nt n Icsi profit than by
entering tho same on book.
TVTOW DUK, snd hourly expected, a Inrgo lot
li of Urii-s and medicines. M. 0. & Co.
Deo 3o, tf.
ALU the favorite brands of tobacro constantly
. on hand at JI. 0, t Co.
Dec. -lo, tf.
SWAN (2IN always to bo found tn original
packages at JI. 0. A (Vs.
Dcc.'io, If.'
KA rii:OI.H llnsey forsnloat almost Stitcs'
tj prices, ny
Dec. So, tf.
HAMff, 1'ork, Ac, n good supply on hands
and for sale low by
Wadswoktii, PiTr.its s: Latin,
D.c. .V) tf.
Ct I IOICI. liquors or ul I kinds fur sale cheap
by Vi'iMYtoinu, 1'ktkiitI A laoo.
!Ncv .Year. Pay Up.
AS I wish to scttlo my business up lo Die first
of January, 1W5, nil tlio knowing them
li Ives ludi bliil to mo by look account or other
wise, will tdcntv coma forward immediitcly nod
ntVn payment. a & MAN.V.
hcoiisiairg, nee. ao, ti. v
') ff A Dozen (htaf oals for salo by
i)l)Y) H. S. MANN.
A CHOICi: lot of Scotch Whiskey for sulo by
J. S. H. MANN.
Dc. 3o, tr. .
'POIIACCO or tho tlncst brands for sale cheap
JL by S. H. MANN.
Dec. ?.o, tf.
ClOKi'l.l.. Tea, Sugar, a good supply just rc
I reived, and for saleby MANN.
Dec. 3o, tf.
rpill. III-ST qualities of liquors and cigars al'
a. wai a on uanii uuu iur aaiv ijvaii ur
Dec. :o,tr. MANN.
IJKORIAI'rcralum Steel Plows a few left
. n-id fur sale at reduced prices by
Dec. 3o, If. Uaowv, VMM & Co.
300 Howard.
rpiIKAnOVK sum will l iald to any parties
X clvlns Information which will lend to the
conviction of any person or persons counterfeit
ing ttieiaiiclsuKMi ny n, ana iwsrtng our names.
All irinters are hereby notified that should
they print any of the above labels, they will be
proFccutcJ to the utmost extent of the law.
' ii-tf ir tir.rc- f. nr
" Jl. ll. nii r.r. a. w
3 1 DatUry, corner of Clay street.
San Francisco.
All persons sclllns our Cotfce and Spices will
eouf'r.-rvutbjr.rttqrnlta any article tnannfacr
turr.1 1it us and Irearinz oar namo that does not
prove an represented, ana mi con inu ui:iiit
will Iclie-rful1r refunded, as Itls our determi'
nation toru'taln the present high uputatlon of
oar Cottce ami Jjptces. (.ucc.-Jai.
A Cook Wanted
TMMEDIATKI.Yat I.angilon's Hotel. Scollr
JL lmrg, 'J. J. .ono netu api'iy uuium wch
ouallfiol ond experienced In tho business.
' n- - ir A. fi-I.ANRDOV.
prit" Oregon Statesman nnd Deraocratlc Stand:
ard please copy tho above 1 weeks and send bill
la mis omcc.
A Mi I'KR.SONS Indebted to CAjimav A Co.
ore re-pirated to scttlo their accounts with
nmnr.i:ifAYNES.nn or liefore tho 16th day
ft Januarv. 1 W5. If not paH by that data they
will le banded over" to tho proper officer for col
lection. CAMMAN A CO.
Scottsburg, Dec 10, ISol.
Justice's Blanks.
JUST printed, and for salo at this office, a
larco lot or Justice's blanks or various kinds,
also blanks for tho District Court, county orders,
Ac., Ac
H(DIL !.
" Delightful task I to rear tho tender ralnd,
And teach tho young Idea how to shoot."
riIlK undersigned have Just received, pcrstes
X incr .imtriea, a large and splendid asortment
of School Hooks, or w hlcli a cnUloguo can be seen
at their store,
l'rlccs very reasonable.
Lower Scottsburg, Sept. C, 183 t.-tf.
Just Received,
""r!R S earner SoCTHEIlXKn
X .1 STOCK UtYO. I OiriA".'l sua.vt,
11AC0N. yc,
which they will sell nt the most modcrato rates.
Dee. Ki,-tr. Lower Scottsburg.
flllT ..An-iMrnnf-Jitn liftrMrtfiirrt nilsttlK IsOtWOtMl
-hi. -i' ",", . iV--"i f; .it;
JL ino iiiiuersicneu uun v. n. mwu, wb
, ... .itAnl..n.1 'rim iinilemti-neil will Bfittlo all
iietnnnu-i iiKa- J"""'", """-"; i---- -this
(lato bj' D, W. Wood A Co.. nnd reeolvo all
ouutaudlugdue,. 1-Bri'Jl MAC1UE
,. I--, ,Ua Cm. MfnlnitiA ,iTAlnil. (A
Uce, su, iNii. nt.
TT Is hereby umlert.tood that tho undersigned,
1 tn..,. i..Klnlnv (Y.. of Lower Scottsbur?.
having retired rnim Coosq liny, they havo left nil
m , . it. . i .!.. i.. I.a Milln.l litr .4 1.
their nu.iirs iu iuai piucu m iw mii.iii . ..
mini'iii! I'uintn.. K.ibl A. K. Ito'ers belns lullv
authorised by them to collect nil outstanding
debts duo them, nnd to my nil demands on them
that ho considers just snd proper.
AII4W, J1CII..V1. iv ..,
Lower Scottsburg.
Nov. 11, lS3I.-tr.
Mechanics, Inventors and iManufiictiircrs.
8570. IN CASH I'HI.hs,. 8.r70.
Voi.wir. Ts.v oh Titn " Hcik.vtimc AstKr.tCAN"
commences on tho loth of .September, It Is chief
ly devoted to the advancement or the Interests of
Mtthantet, InttnloT,MAnufatturtr and J-'ar-mtrt
nnd Is edited by men practically skilled In
tho arts and rclencis. 1'roUbly no other journal
of the namo character is so extensively circulated.
or so generally esteemed Ar Its practical ability.
Nearly all ,thc Valuable J'alentt which Issue
wctkfy Trorn tho 1'atknt Orncc nro llluttrateit
wni jiHffravihfii, ana tua claims or all tho i'a
tents arc published regularly In its columns as
they aro Issued, thus making It a rrtrfccl Hcikm-
nrio a.i JIkchamcai. KxcrcMrnnu oflnrorm
atlon upon tho subjects or Mtthanlcal Improve
tntnli, t'htmhtry, Jineinttrinitinil tho Hclentrs
generally. It Is iiubllibcd weekly In imnrto form
suitable Tor binding, each yoliimo contains Koch
SKvnnAi. IlcxDnKii Exoravixos. with nfull and
complete Index, Its rircnlntloa on llw lost Vol"
urno txccc'Iid twcnty.thrcc thousand copies per
week, and Iho practical receipts In ono volume
aro worth to nny family much more than the
sulrrcrlption price.
i no loitowmg cash rniitKs aro oflcred by iho
I'ubllrhcrs for tho fourteen lorircat lists efsub-
scrilKTS sent In by tho first of January, 151
unis iiunureii dollars win lie given ror the largest
list ; seventy-five dollars for Iho seond ; slxty
five dollars for tlw third fifty-Otedollars for tho
foiirtli; fifty dollars for tho fifth; forty-flro
dollars for thoiUtb ; forty dollars for tho seventh;
thlrlyfiTC dollars fcr tho eighth ; thirty dollars
or Ihu ninth ? twcnty.flro dollars for tha tnth ) '
twenty dollars lor tho eleventh: fifteen dollars
for thovtwclfiIi; Un dollars Tor lLo thirteenth j
and flvo for tho fourteenth. The cash will bo
paid to tho order or the sneccfrul competitor
Immediately after tho first of January, 1851.
Tsnfs : One copy, ono year, t'i ; ono copy,
six months, 81 : fiio conies, six mouths. P4 ten.
copies, six months, $3 j ten copies, twelve months
$15;lflecn copies, twelve months, 322 ; twenty
copies, twelve months, S28 In adranco.
2o numb?r or subscriptions aboro twenty ssn
be taken at less than $1 , 10 each. Nsmcscan 11
sent In at different times and from iluTvrcnl Tost
.Southern and Western money taken for sub-,
Lettem should 1 directed, ntst nald. to Mlk.v
A Co., Ii8 Fulton-Stntt, N. V.
Jlcssrs. muss k Co. are extensively ensaznj
In procuring patents for new Inventions, and will
ndtl'o Inventor), withoat charge, In regard to .
tlio novelty or their Improvements.
uct. 21
rPIIE undersigned, baring just received ijlrcct
X from New York a splendid assortment of
Hooks, herewith take occasion to enumerate a few i
of them, had to state that they ito telling oil
Harper's Magazine, Italian's I teraturc,
Greek and Latin Dictlon-Dwlgfat's Theology,
aries, Addiwn's Work,
Encyclopedia of ScIcnceGrcy's Nat. l'hllosophy,
and Art, hcrwcol's Works.
Coleridge's Works, Itojlln's Ancient History
ItarncsrNotes, Henry IV, liy James,
McLean's Church Hist. Dickens' Works.
Ilurke's Works. The. Campbell's Lira A
Hannah Moore s Works, Letters,
Robertson's America Aramily A Classical LI
ChartM Vlftb. Irrary. -
jays woTKr, Uoys' & liuls' do.
Urviicn's orw, AiiiioitsViorKsiorjoung
Jobason's do 1'eople,
Hall's do Mills' Logic,
Hen Franklin, lllastratcdlllalr's Lectures,
Dr. Chalmers' Works, Edgcworth's Works,
Ac. Ac. Ac'
There Is also soon expected, direct from New
York, a general assortment of School Hook.
Lower Scottsburg, July 10-tf. '
Adams & Co.'s Express.
vr?rm wu DiiSrATUi nKt.Mii ror
t i-uiuroa.fU,niE .v.LA-vnc STATE
i&x.xD Eucorr.
We ore nrerared to furward TrcnsHrc.
Parcels, oaJiTIcrcImiuIIsc, to and from
The Coi.T.Kcno.v of Drirrs, Cuivs, Lzaxctisi
Diuns. Ac. and all private and confidential
iujinfi transacted with
VldcUty anil Ulspalcli.
We draw PILLS OFKXCIUXGE, In sums ,
to suit purchasers, payable at . ,
rortland,JnIy2l,lS5I. '
ALL those knowing themselves indebted to this
Office, Tor sulocriptlon, advertising or Job
work, prior to this date, aro respectfully reques
ted to either call on us and settle, or pay tho ,
.Annls it sADia tt inr aiilfsnrlv(i1 fttrpntk. fut thn
recent cbaogo In tho rrorrictorjulp of the print t
lug C3iaunuuiL.iv luur-io mwrcui j .w ...... -.(
our accounts to this time.
UUVU & liU;ULLii.
Feb. 3.
JUST received by the undersigned, per schooner
Frances Helen nnd steamer America, a geno
ral assortment or goods, consisting of '.
Dry (Soodi, ,
Carptnttrf Tool),
Chili and Fresh California Flour,-
S,c, S,:, Ac, . i
All or which they Invito their customers to in,,
spect. l'rlccs very reasonable
JU.L.I.Y, .VeKLYL.1 YtfCO.
Lower Scottsburg, Aug. 21, 165 Mf.
I)ROWN, DRUM A Co. havo tho pleasure to
J Inform their friends that they havo made
a second deposit in tho Sand Hank at the mouth,
of tho Uiupouaj In consequence of which they,
aro compelled to request Immediate payment of
all demands duo than.
710rJV. DUUM& cu.
Scottsburg, Dec 2:2, lWl.-3t.
A .Altai". lot orillll-llcad paper, just receive.)
per steamer .Imerita. lllll-IIeads executed
In tho best mauncr, nnd on tho most ruisonnU.
terras, nt ' THIS oFFIOp.
Scptemlier f, 18 i.
"COFFEE, Sugar, Tea, or the finest (lunlllt.es1 '
vy just
i avi mi uj . 4i rf
Wabswoutii, rr.Ti.tts iv laiuig-i, ., '"hM?'
t ,