nil i l)UUcddsci?cttc. omcr. in HfMiKitnu's huilmkus, m:xt hoou wr.sT scorrsnuiio n6t)n. scottshurg, oregon. SntiirIny Jtloriilitf;, IJc. 10, 1S11I. G.D.R.B0YD, EDITOR. Henry Utile, esq. Is onr Rtithcthed agent to receive subscrlptlijas and nJtcrtlslng In Snn Trnnclsco. I to will le found at lib office, SO Battery street, corner Clay. Mr. Dotd riquM announce tbo nsnic of JOSEPH W. DREW, A A CAM) 1 DATE roll DELEGATE TO COS GUESS. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Territorial Convention, And obligo tho Sotrntcns Dkmockacv. Democratic Meeting . There will bo a mooting of tho Democ racy op UMrQU.v County, on Wednes day noxt, tho Wth inst, at Scottsburg, for tho purposo oforijanfzjiig a "Jackson Club," electing Democratic County Committo, &c, Scc. Every democrat in tho County is earnestly requested to attend. Como one, como all 1 M.1NT DEMOCRATS. Our ICcxt Delegate. It is now but a short timo (two montlis) when the Democratic Territorial Conven tion takes place, to nominato a candidato to bo supported by tho Democracy at tho ,noxt Juno claction, for Delegato to Con gress. If there is ono subject abovo an other which should reccivo tho undivided attention of tho Democrats of Southern and Central Oregon, it is that of of nom inating a proper person to represent us in tho National Assembly for tho nest two years. Prompt measures should bo taken for a perfect organization, and that imme diately. Organize, and elect men to attend that Convention who will cast their votes for tho man that is known to bo favora bio to, and will uso his influenco to forward our interests. Joint Resolutions haro again passed tho Legislativo Assembly requesting our Delegato in Congress to uso his influ enco to havo tho U. S. mails for Southern Oregon left at at tho Umpqua River, and for establishing n Land Oflico south of tho Calipooia mountains. In regard to our present neglected mail Ecrvico : Petition after petition and letters innumerable havo been forwarded to Wash ington to tho proper departments, and to individuals, and thoy havo received no moro attention than tho "idlo wind," at least as far as theso petitioners know, for they haro almost invariably been tieated with silent contempt. It would bo a work of supererogation ,wcro wo to again assort tho great number of peoplo to bo benefitted by tho mails bo- ing left in tho Umpqua river, instead of go ing up to tho Columbia, and then coming across tho country 200 miles by tho . snail-liko movements of worn-out Cayuso - animals ; and it Is unnecessary in this con- ' neetion, for us to provo boyond a doubt that tho Umpqua river is as practicablo of cntrancoas any harbor on tho northern , coast, and that tho P. M. S. S. Co. havo had no reasons for not leaving tho mails here. All this has been "kept before tho peoplo" for tho last four years, and theso facts havo also been mado known to tho . proper pcrsous through whom it was sup . posed relief could bo obtained. Not hav ing succeeded, howover, it Is now our duty (tho facts' being established boyond a con tradiction) to administer tho proper alter natives. Patiently havo tho pooplo or tho rich valloya of tho Umpqua and Rogue Rivers seen tho mails ordered to bo left at an un inhabited and uninhabitable gap in tho rug gcd coast mountains between this placo and San Francisco, viz: Port Orford, there by building up a trado at tuch places as Crescent City, Port Orford, ccc, and com pelling tho citizens of tho ndjacent mining country to travel over an almost impa-siblo mountain country for a hundred miles to got their supplier, instead of coming through a continuous vnlloy to Scottsburg, their natural outlet. ; nor havo thoy envied tbo good fortuno of their neighbors, for thoy , confidently expected that if theso places mere indentations in tho rocky rugged peaks of tho coast rango mountains '. wore treated with such fatherly caro by tho , (,. general government, that a harbor of tho -,' importance and notoriety of tho Umpqua, would' reccivo at least, tho same attentions and favors. Whltotho Light Houso bus been built at tho mouth of tho Columbia, buoy established, how Is it with us f Four years ago Mr. Thurston obtained an nppropria tion for building a light house at tho mouth of tho Umpqua, and that appropriation i now, for aught wo know, in tho vaults of tho National Treasury ; not nnolhor stop has been taken fIiico that gentleman's la mented decease. Theso and oilier matters of equal importanco should bo represented to the proper departments by our Delegato according to tho facts. To efiect theso objects, to guard against a repetition of llko dclinqcncies, in future, wo must enquire into tho truo causo of tho same, and act accordingly, It is to our Delegato in Congress that wo must look for theso mailers being properly nttonded to, henco tho great importanco of tho De mocracy making n judicious selection a man of known positive attainments, un flinching integrity, and abovo all ono who will not turn n deaf ear to tho requests and petitions of any considorablo portion of our citixens, no matter in what locality thoy may bo. Remember that in tho selec tion of a proper person to represent us in Congress for tho noxt two years, mainly depends our mutual prosperity for several year to come, and having this uppermost in our thoughts, let us select men to mako that nomination who havo tho samoyiows, and who will carry them out to tho very letter. Wo hopo to seo a man selected who will bo willing to givo his timo and talents to secure tho best interests of tho Territory; who will bo firm and prompt; faithful nml judicious ; ono who will bo willing to sac rifice privato and selfish interests for tho public good ; ono who will bring to tho oflico such an amount of intellectual abil ity, knowlodgo and experience, together with individual reputation, as shall secure tho confidenco of his fellow-democrats, and ensure his triumphant success over tho combined hosts of antiquated whiggery and intolerant knownothingism. To tho Democracy. It will bo seen by referring to anothor column that tho Democratic Territorial Committco havo issued their request to tho various counties in tho Territory, to select delegates to meet in tho Territorial Con vention at Salem, on tho 11th day of April iutU tft nnm!nla a. ramlldalo f. llglo to Congress, to bo elected in Juno next. Wo would urgo upon tho democracy tho importanco of making a speedy rosponso to that call by organizing in each county at onco, for tho purposo of selecting good and truo democrats to sit in that assembly of delegates. Tho shortness of timo in which wo havo to organize, and tho im portanco of a thorough and efficient or ganization of tho cntiro democracy, at this time, suggests tho propriety of prompt ac tion ; for it is absolutely necessary that wo should bo amply prepared in tho coming contest to destroy our Jesuitical adversa ries. CO" Hon. Root. J. Laud, arrived in this placo from the Territorial Capitol, on Mon day last, where ho has been laboring zeal ously for tho interests of his constituents tho past winter. Ho has kindly furnished us with copies of tho principal bills, memo rials, resolutions, &c, passed by tho Leg islature this wintor, somo of which wo pub lish in another column. G3 Another bill has passed tho Legisla tivo Assembly, to tako tho senso of tho peoplo in regard to a Stato government, at tho next Juno election. 03" Tho Milatary Road has boon declar ed a Territorial road, by tho Legislature, from Mr. Kellogg's to Myrtle Creek. Odu County Seat. Wo aro informed by Hon. R. J. Ladd, that tho county soat of Umpqua has been located by tho Leg islature at Elkton. (KrMr.Chas. P. Kimball, Noisy Car rier's Publishing Hall. San Francisco, Ad ams & Co.'s Express and Wells, Fargo As Co.'s Express, havo our thanks for papers bv last mail 07" Hon. A.C. Gibbs will pleaso accept our thanks for forwarding us lato papers by way of Jacksonville. G3 Wo aro indebted to Hon, Jos. Lano for a copy of tho Congressional Globe, of Dec. 12, 1854. 03" Tho Legislature adjourned sine die on Thursdaylast, Feb. 1st, N-imiiiAry of tlio MitUm' IVeivn Tho inol Important tiuws from tho States Is that touoliing tho panto that is now hang ing over tiu Atlantic, States. Npt with standing thofcupposod benefit tho European war would bo to tho foreign (ratio with thoso Stntos.ftho commercial revulsions, at this time, in 1)10 Union is moro severe than it has boon fur several years before. Tho Hanks, says tho Now York Iff raid, go down ono after another, like tho card hous es of children, tho panic still uidoning and deepening. Tho total revenue for the last fiscal year was 87!l,fi 10,705 ; expenditure, except for public dobt, 431,015,'.! 10; estimated cur rent expondittres for this year, 819,170, OHO ; estimated receipts for this year, 53, C01),:):10 lotwing n largo balance in tho Treasury. Tho veteran soldiers sent to the Senate a notification of jheir intention to hold n con vention at -eliington, on tho anniversary of tho battle ol Now Orleans, to urgo upon Congress, tho justice of granting them bounty lands, t Mr. Badger introduced a bill to inereaio tho pay of Judges of tho Supremo Court and members of Congress fifty per cent. Mr. Mnco, of Indiana, re opened thoNebrsskaquoslion in tho House, by bringing forwanl his proposition to pro hibit slavery in tho Territories of Nebraskn nml Kansas. So wo are to havo tho slave ry question up again. A bill to crcato a new Department of tho Government, to bo called tho Department of Law,, was under discussion. Tho bill provides for an assis tant Attorney General, and many other advantages to tho Department. Tho objects and principles of tho onlcr of Know Nothings formed a spirited de bate in tho House. Tho order was effect ually scorched. Mr. Ilroadhcad's resolu tion, in tho Senate, for sending a steamer to tho Arctic seas, in search of Dr. Kane, was adopted. Serious apprehensions nro felt, all over Ilia Union, for the safety of Dr. Kane's expedition. Myron Clark's right to tho Exccutivo chair of Now York is seriously questioned in that State. Tho Albany Atlas says: "if tho obvious inten tion of voters hail been carrcd out, Goorgo Soymoro would bo re-elected by a plurality over Clark of 105 votes." Hon. A. P. Hut lcr has been re-elected to tho U. S. Senate from South Carolona. Gen Josepa.W. Whitfield has been elec ted delegato to Congress from Kansas Territory, and chosen on tho slavo issua ho being favoabIo to legalizing slavery in that Tcrritorj: A largo banquet was late ly given to Senator Douglass, at Chicago; III., at which tho "littlo giant" mado ono ot his happiest speeches, in defencoof his ac tion in tbo last Congress. Public meeting. Pursuant tea call tho citizons of Scotts burg and vicinity met at tho Scottsburg House, on the evening of tho !id Inst, to consider tho propriety of organizing a so ciotv, tbo object of which is to more effec tually urgo tho claims of tho south to mail eorvico by steimor through Umpqua river, and also'to encourago similar organizalions south for that purposo. On motion, D. MacTavish was chosen president, who declined serving. On motion, Levi Kent, Esq., was chosen president, Dr. E. R. Hike, vico president, G. D. R. Uoyd and Win. M. liarr, secreta ries. Tho meoting then proceeded to business by calling S. F. Chadwick, Esq., to fctato the purposo and object of tho meoting, who gave at length tho reasons why tho south should bo heard in this demand at this timo. Not having a copy of tho remarks of Mr. Chadwick, wo aro unablo to givo but fuw points alluded to by him. Ho referred to tho present misfortune that has just fallen upon our merchant! and tho community, by tho los3 of tho steamer Southerner tho totil loss of tho freights and mulls, and tlio narrow, bat providential escapo of tho passengers on board of her and of tho fact, in this calamity, as in others of simi lar character, that tho shipper -ami passen ger were not only sufferers, hut were loos crs in almost every cubo, to tho full extent of their moans involved ; of tho inefficien cy of tho means heretofore used by tho peoplo of this place, to prevent calamities of this character happoning to them, and of too great Importanco ol tlio present pro posed plan of operation, in tho hopo that it will avail in obtainingvregular communi cation with San Francisco by steamer, and a delivery of our mail matter by a moro direct route. Ho spoko on tho four past years history of tho rivor, and southern Oregon, her condition then and tho advan ced condition of both since, mid of tho unquestionable necessity of having this great agent mail ecrvico to aid in per fecting our coiumorcial relation at homo and abroad. Ho also alluded to tho strange and uuaccouutablo influenco at work against tho commercial advantage of this river, and of tho astonishingly fatal results which have attended our cfl'uits to develop and sustain those advantage ; of tho re peated ilmnaixla and request mado by (ho peoplo of thl place for thoso prlvlllgoti re ferred to, whloli of right they for tluwnsclvoi and for others, ought to have received years ago; mid of the IndMoronoo generally man ifested towards our must earnest ami soil ou.1 petitions asking for mall norvloo at (IiIh place, by steamer; and also of tlio bIIoiico toward the joint resolution of tho Oregon Legislature, nsMug for the same thing, both of which havo met with similar fates, those fate whloli havo greatly injured us, from the want of a proper defence and ex planation, whenever our rights and ndvau tngeshavo been assailed. Ho further re marked that nu efiect so unerring in it fatal Inlluonco upon our prosperity nml rights must proceed from u eauso both no tent nml determined, and from ono which Is so firmly fixed in ili object, that It ha remained undisturbed and unshaken, not withstanding tho ardent, sincere nod just requests which havo been repeatedly and respectfully made by tho people of this place, for four years past, for mall service at Umpqun by steamer ; thoso Influence aro foreign to the advancement of central and southern Oregon. Hero Mr. C.suaned minutely over tho history of tint country south, referring to tint act of Mr. Thurs ton touching .Southern Oregon, and closed this review of tlio past by paying a just tribute to tho memory of that distinguish ed gentleman, for hi many service render ed to thin placo while living; referred brief ly to the legislation for Oregon since; upon which ho urged tho organization of thU society; ho beliuved it to bo n good one, with an object most excellent in its bear ing on tho commerce of tho south; and closed by stating that his mail matter from tho States or California had no moro right to pass over tho Columbia river, or the Willamette, than it had to bo lodged in the packet of thoso who compel u to reccivo tlio mails over this indirect route, and again urged tho necessity of the organiza tion, to secure to us if possible, nu influ enco which which will enable us to obtain malls from two to three week earlier than wo now receive them. The proposition to organizo a socioty for tho object expressed was unanimously adopted, On motion tho society proceeded to tho election of officers, which resulted as fol lows : It. Hrattain, President. 1). MacTavish, Vico President. (5. D. It. liujil anil L. P. Ilrown, Secro taries. S. F. Chadwick, Cor. Secretary. On motion, tho following committco were chosen to draft n Constitution and I.y-Lnwj, Mcssr. Hoyd, Harr, MacTavish, Fisko and Chadwick. On motion, a committco of three were appointed to draft a petition to the Postal Agent in regard to tho contracts to carry tho mails between Yoncnlla and Umpqua City; committo were .Messrs. Chadwick, liarr and MacTavish. After somo further remark from gentlo men present, and business being done, tho meeting adjourned. LEVI KENT. President. K. It. FISKE, VlcoPres't. G. D. It. Ilovn, Wm. JL Uahk, Secretaries. Scon-sunn;, Feb 0, 1855, S. F. CifAMvicir, )sq. Dear Sir: The undersigned having beard with much pleasure your nblo and eloquent remarks on tho evening of thr .'Id Inst., in regard tn tho interests of Southern Oregon, would most respectfully ask of you a copy of the samo for publication. Truly yours, G. I). It. Uoyd, J. It. Peters, E. It. I'isko, I). MaoTuvish, L. P. Hrown, II. G. Ilrown, It. Hrattain, D. M. Thompson. Lono PitAinin, Feb. 0, 1855, To Mnssit. G. D. It. Ilovn, ami Gentlemen: Your esteemed letter of tho Oth inst., requesting for publication, a copy of my remarks mado on tho evening of tho ,'ird instant, I havo received and con sidered, and in answer would say, that while I feel thankful for tho respect con ferred upon mo by your request, I must do clino for tho reason that thoso remark wore directed to a subject in which Cen tral and Southern Oregon are moro partic ularly interested, and tlio sutijuot of those remarks being of a local character, tho spirit of which would becomo moro effec tual if carried out by tho societies when organlzod, than thoy would by publication at this time. Yours, very rospoctfolly, S. F. CHADWICK. Correspondence of tbo Weekly (lazeltc. Jacksonville, Jan. 21, 1855, Di:au Uovu: I turn from tho press of business tor a moment, to write you, and say that trado is slower than over flour Is down to six, eight, and ten conls it is hard to cash a largo amount at any prlco; in conscqucnco of this stato of things, and tho unabated demand for water, to work out tho "dust," every branch of industry is knocked very nearly dead. Tho committco on tho Indian Spoliation appropriation, now titling horo to reccivo and adjust claims against Government, aro progressing, and will riso and go to their Bevcral homes about tho 10th of February. Yours, II, (&" It has commenced raining again, & OCrTho following Memorials ami Res oliitloii passod tho Legislative Assembly during their lato Benslou, They wore Intro duced by Mr. Ladd, of this uotmty, with tho exception of one, whloli hmm Introduced by Mr. Scott, In tho Council. Mr. Ladd lufornm us that ho hud to contend with much angry opposition in getting thoso measures through. 'IV thn Honorable the Senate and Ifousa of llcprrienta'M'fiofthc United States In Conirei artrmbtrd t Your memorialist, the Legislative As sembly ofthu Territory of Oregon, must re spectfully represent to your honorable body that all ihat portlnuof said Territory lying on tho Paeillo Oeoau, notith of the forty fourth parallel of north latitude, including tho UniKim river, constitute one uolleo- tion district of tho United States; that, for tho past two and n half years, a largo amount of merchandise ha been trasportod by ship from Sail Francisco to Sootlhburg, which i situated at tho bead of tide water navigation, just east of tlio Coast Range of mountains, supplying, thus far, iho demand of tho Interior. Hut such growing com' iiicrcu has been seriously embarrassed, and In ninny Instance siiitnluod disastrous los ses, for tho want of n light-homo to mark the cutrace.niid buoys to deslgnute the oliaii uol nfKald Umpqun river; that the appro, iiriiltioii heretofore mndo by Congress lian been considered entirely Inadequate for the erection of a light-house, as intended ; there fore, to tho cud that tho promising Interest of the western coast miy bosulnerved.nud tho enterprising Hplrit of American citizens, in their endeavor to open n now field for commerce, and n path for civilization, your memorialists pray that tho further appropri ation of twenty thousand dollar bo undo to build n light-houio at the mouth of said tJtnpqtia rivernud also n further additional appropriation to mark tho channel of said river uilh iron case buoys; and, as In duty bound, ill ever pray. To the Honorable thr Senate and Ifoutn of llrpresentativfs of the United Stater, in Congress astcmblrd: Your memorialists, tho Legislativo As sembly ol iho 'IVrllory of Oregon, most re spectfully represent, that most of tho public lands in said Territory, west of tho Cas-? cado mountains, have been surveyed, and occupied by nctuil settlers; that tho pro vision of iho laud laws render it necessary, in most instiuces, that claimant he er soually present with their witnesses, at tho office ofthu Register and Receiver, to se cure their donation rights, and to adjust tho frequent conflict of boundiry which ntisc, where settlement.-, precede tho public surveys. And your rceniorilisti further represent, that tho present land district of Ore gon, is of ho great nn extent, that settler upon large tracts of tho public lands In said territory, are required to travel a distance of moro than threo hundred miles, to attend upon tho oflico of tho Register and Itecei rer, the cxeiiso of which attendance is of ten greater thin that of purchasing at gov eminent prices, thu lauds to which they may be entitled by donation. Therefore, to tho end that said laws, mi king donations of laud to actual Settlers lit .Oregon, may bo rendered of practical ben efit, a such, your iiiuiuorialistt pr.ty that all that portion of said territory, liug south of the dill standard parallel, at m . K-d on tlio plats and surveys of the eiiii , 'u or ganized into n separate l.ind di-t'f'i, and that a Register and Receiver lu appointed fir tho same, who shall bo invested with all tho powers, duties, obligation and respon sibilities a are now prescribed by law, for the Register and Receiver of thu district of Oregon, And as in duty bound, will ovor pray, eVc. Wiiciir.A, it is now conceded that tho southern portion of Oregon is suffering great incoiivcnlcnco from tho detention of their mail mutter by tho present ar rangement for delivery from tho ocoan and carrying by land : Uesolted by the Council, the House con riirring, That his Honor tho Postmaster General Is most respectfully solicited to causo tho mails to bo delivered by soa into Port UmjKpin, and establish a mail route from Scottsburg to Deer Crock. Wiii:iii:a, a memorial passed tho Legisla tivo Assembly of tho Territory of Ore gon, at its present session, (1851-0) to tho Congress of tho United States, ask ing and praying Congress to establish a separate Lund Office for till that portion of Oregon lying south of tho -1th stand aril parallel Houth, for tho benefit, ac commodation and convenience of tho peoplo of southern Oregon, and to ap point a Register and Receiver for tho samo, and Wiii:iii:am, your memorialist, representing thu Interest of southern Oregon, In said memorial, failed to designto any placo or whereabouts thuv desired said oflico es tablished; therefore licit Resolved by the Lcgilalivo Assem bly of tho Territory of Oreubn, That our Delegato in Congress bo, and ho is hereby instructed and requested to uso his Influenco to havo said Land Oflico located In Ump qua county. (& Tho brig Potomac, Captain Hutlor, was completely wrecked on Sandy Island, Jnrmarv Hlli Klin urnu In Knllist and bound in. Oflicors and crow ull .WTTff'