The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 23, 1854, Image 3

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t t -i.o
jtiiiiiiik rtoun.
Goltl lit lltn Ciurmlo IH'Hitttulm.
- llf.. -. .....III. ..I lt umLi link rfi1likU.lilf
U nrw jiuiiiiiuvu i' iiiitiku hiu i'h'mmihj
nitrnel from n tirlvnto letter to n Konlloman
oxiraci ir
i.. it. I. .nun "Tim u'Hfftr linn riipfinllv
In thin ploco. inn wrttor na rocoimy
boon exploring In tho Cimcndo Moiiiitnliiu
nt tliu head of tlio Uiiii(iin Vnlloy ; mid n
Ant' days slnco ho ruturncd thither, with n
number of others, with llto Intention of inn.
hlny further exploration. Wo licliovu tlint
Jiii statement may bo relieil upon
" I luivo just returned from a three would
exploration In tlui Citicndo.Mountnl , nnd
mil luippy '" my "ial '"' fcHUit of our trip
ban tluvolopod tho lildilmi trorumrun of RM
J "" . ' " "!",
burled In thu inouutaiuii, which will beyond
n iluiiht pay hotter than any mines of leconl
I tturt hnrlt lo. morrow, in com
A tllIBIJ-
" nnllV With
Jinliy Willi inn linn. iiinipmin nun inuum,
r. .1.11.. hi 1 ...1
with tho ueuoitnary outfit lo tent tho mntler
fully. It i thu opinion of .Mr. .Simpton
that thoio milieu will pay double thosu of
'oo!io May."
fj'oi. Mint.1 or Nj .v .Mnxico. Tli
flntiln l'o Untitle, of the Htli ult., bIvoh nn
ncoouut of tin jnlil inliic in ieinlty.
TJm ilrhe are found in the l'licor Mono,
tnhm, nbont foil oilli 1 fouth-caiit of Haiita
l'o. They nro now wotlietl to Homo extMit,
mid tho )f"ld of ;ld h ipiito eiKMmr.'iiiif,'.
'I houuh the Hiiei'lmciii are not mi rich nt
onto found 11 I nufuroiii, tlio vr cent, or,
titiro gold In I.iibo bodi of roclt Ii H.tld lo
... imiml on nil nv.TfiL'.. In llinl nf llic until
benrltiK qui" I f nliftirnla. 'J'lio Civile '
!.'... ... . ... .(
Is roulidont Hint .dew .Mexico it ih-ntinnl
lo be.agreat ininiug country. Duicnuville
L'ui) Citiun.
iius V.r.i.rv I'licnurnglng success,
- ......I. .... .. SI... 'I'. . 1. .!... 1. l.Btf 1,.f II...
ininersfn various locnlities tluriug tliu pre.
rent week. At Tiltu lint, the Urnlfeyillo
Company took out over 8i!.00(); on Moij.
day lnt, 8HI.1 Hi- l.aglo Company took
nut iiuu imv iai with mur 9ipu.
I ll
lluena hlit t.oinpativ lourf out lasl tvw-K
..... . ...
81.1500. At rluinbog Mnl, the Old Ohio
Company are milking from 810 to 8I'J to
the band per day. At Woodpecker lt.
tine, the iniiitrs aro making big wages.
The extiiisiu1 diggings on Squirrel Creek
are tieldiug Irom SITi to S'20 per day to
the timu.
At Iowa Hill, ouo company of'
.ix meti washed out -00 ounces of dust 011
Monday Inst.
Hiiien:r or fJot.n Ui-sr. IMwntd W
Tracy, l!m , nf Adams i: Co.'it I'.spress,
informs the Slinsta Courier that their ship
ment of gold dust from that placu nmouuts
to 8 iH.:i()0. When it Is recollected that
Ull'f' I) ni miner iiniiitiiii: nun i.xiiiuii ma"
In fbl. .J,-, that doe. U.., I,, si.ieM.nnd
.1 I . .1 .... Il..l ! t l- I
nccuiuni " " k,""'i "" "", '""Ito mvl enm,
. .1. '. 1. ...? ..i...'
,,' m.-u iiiiii iii"rrnnnii mni 1
llrlsssW '..' ' '. it Mill be ie.ii
ai nnrtt that
'Kh if "tLaTIlniTMHllatii
ltirtU1ti j. fl'K' mules.
M.tnti'ns.t Cunr.K. Miners on this creek
both nbovo and below towi., are gtnernlly
mailing good wages.
Iowa iln.i.. The miners in thlsticinlty
nro doing remarkably well. Itichdiscinc
ries aro being madu daily.
A.n Imui:si: Ni'iiort. 'Hid Sacramen
to Union bus seen a nugget of pure gold,
weighing eighty ounces, tnken out at .Mo
kclumno Hill.
OCT A correspondent of tlio Hmton
Trnnscripl dating from Melbourne, Antra-
lis, writes as follows: " l-.nnnnous rortunesges. rassenger steamers, carrying passed,
bate lieen nmdo here, to wliirh California 'gers fiom one place to nuolheroii tho coast
gains nro but as penco compared topouudi, 'of tlio I 'oiled Kingdom, will h" subject to
nml that too by persons who put no capital I tho provisions of the S'teaui Navigation act
In tlieir business, not even tlieir tiassiiKo mil, i
that being kindly provided for them by
tho goterrimcnt, much ngniust their withes
too. Tim richest men In Victoria,
and jCtiOO.OOO is not cnnsi
.ImI. Ik. I mil.. .... ilii. I.ilili. nrt 'llt.a'
lt.ll, ..... .....j , ..." i.i(,r, .......
(bn itrlinal intiii Iii Vnllielnrln. wnrlb itnniii ! v
right or nine millions Moiling, was lagged j
.W ........ v.-....-, -
for HI... mid cannot lento tho colonies.
It is a well known fact, that this man, n
short time since, nlfeicd to tho (ioverument,
to build tin m n largo vio fiigate, equip mid
men her, ami pay all her expenses for a
year on this station, besides devoting two
millions tnwmdit pyying off tlio national
debt ; nml for w hat f merely to bo allowed
tho privilege of returning homo for a,
not to exceed two mnnthi in duration. Of
course the government rejected tho propoii
tiou in toto. In fact, tho largest part of tho
money iniido in this colony is in tho hands
of lags and Jews. Hut iho day of rapidly
itc qui ted fortunes is past, ami tho prosper
of Victoiia Is on tho wane."
A Fi.onn. Tlio recent rains liavo swol
len tho river beyond tho cnnflucQ of tlio
liier and docks, and tlio tatter nro over-
flowed to tho di plh of .overal feet. Tlio
cellars, loo, of (Implores in tlio vicinity aro
flooded, mid merchants urn busy hoisting
tilt ir goods aloft. This afternoon the water
Was at least u foot deep on iho firnt floors
nf some of tliu stores, mid Mill rising. Were
St not for thu umth wind prevailing, tho
flood wfiul'd i each tho former high water
jnnrks. Albany Atlas, 2 ir7i ult.
Tho receiver of public mnnoys nt Shaw.
neclowu, says the lllinotetm. informs us
that tlio cash receipts of llio miartor ending
with tlio Inst of March, ItiB I, woro 801,.
000, mid that tho warrant rc60ipts amounted
to 815.000 totnl 8100,000. Heuco it
rm appears flint government, in tho short ttpneo
, , of throo months, bus tlisposed of 8,:,500
I aercaof ianil in our tlistrict. this is lino
if t'tidtnro of futuiu wenllh
IliHiiu ol I'ok'Ikh Mo-ivi.
Tun Waii .Ni:w. All persons with
anything Him im iidumiiitii itloii of the now.
. ,, '"'mn "" '"" minnier ol troops
which tho Cnr lun In tho l'rinctpnlilies,
.. I i I i . - . .1 , . I., '
or of Itusstn, Mini iho number of troons
will luivn been prepared for thu inlclligeiicu
of tho rovei'ie oriliuTurhs.brnnghl by th
irruc. ACCOIilllllf lOllnt Alllli .ill lianom.
tlio has hem Monthly increasing his
forcea vii tlio Danube, fur wm.o tlinn pnni.
Around Knlarnt 'I'i.OO') Kui:iau't r hi.
camped; 7.r,tlOI m mi ar In (Ireat Wnlla.
chia, uililcr llii'pfnioM:il (joininnnd of (torn
chaltol)', wIhixc liciid (pintlriHiiro in lllicli.
nronl ; betwoi-ii thu .'inhniid ll v I'rutli
ntaudii (i'ch. I.udorn uith 'Jfi.OdO men ; he-
. - .... 1
" '" " ' '"". """ "' J"iirr, an
I... .,...,1. ..... ..... ,,...!.. ,.
OfttPii.Hnckcn, 'ihonocorpK, nK imoii iik (ien. dulo in tlieir wnrlllio proji'-tmities wl lihi
TiilieoiitiirH tin; lion arilven, will amount to ' turn. An ihU will ho nn excellent opportu.
00,01)0 iiicii A rescMvo of .'10,000 men it idly lo ut rid of n numbor of thonu tett
or(niiiit In Volliynla, by (Jen. Hlsiiicllnlc. of Ciilifornia.and n.t they aro tlfsiroun of
till'; 'l.()()lf moro nro on their miirrh lo ' hilling each oilier, wo eo no reanon why
Oden mid Crimea; whllo tin nrmy ofthv wo hlmnld iulerfmciii their social relation 1.
Ciiiimkiis, under I'riuco Woroiroll", nr put Fair play and plenty of room it our motto,
down mh H)v!,000 men Hlron Ily thin IU 'em llyht. Sw. filnfe Journal.
stati m lit, I lie Kupropenu minv against
Turin y mid her allien, amotmlt to uenrly
.'100,001) men and nbowi .100 cannon..
IhiJjitUi (m.
Tun I'nnKO'Di or Tin: I'iiksh in I-'no-i
ttn. Since i'nlnnd Inn becorm tlio
ally nf franco sho Iiuh in a measure partn
lli'ii nf tho despotic princijilct which oh
tain in (he Litter country, mid wo sco that
j"" allnipt Inn lately b-i-o undo b
I Dei by find nmu'i of his fliemlx to
ll"1 frw-.l.ini of tlio press in Koi' I
All .1. ..f t.. ........ ! I I...... '
.All ill- (.npi.ts of tin. coiitin.t.t hnvo been
i.i.icd Mriet nfns(iri.liiri. m-vernl
of them liato been suspended for loo great
freedom of speech, nml tin- nncii discimrioii
'of poliilenl I'pics in a iinnucr displeasing
I -
N M0j, 0 ,,,l0r,. rnI1 vt. , X(1,c8f,,
l.:,,wnm, , jt j r.r,ni ,,al ,. rIti
nn, f(.nr,.M t,,.ie, and tho great inllueiieo
, ,,f ,(-. j,,,,,,!,,,, ifl..( lft1 ,.j. ,.,, t.r;ui, ,.,,
I, if .llJiLl. I,, ll... f.r..ll...rr.l... I,... If Innll.. ... .. .. I.!-.. !.. .' f. - '.I.
. th..,v ......i., ,, ,....r..i riiisib-adlv haired.
....... .... ... ..... ........ ......
,, l.,lIv vt,rvffm ,1(, 10p0that parlia-
, Ilt wtl, ,.,), ,,,. Meps, to cuitail the
1 ,mir,(f ,lt. ,,.,., ;.', ,sn.
I.ortl ris.2ii:usToi i reKJrlrtl to have
aid in Parliament, that " thu I'liited States
haw 1.11 foieign policy." 'Ilin ,atiuiir.l
lull 'iiriirrr cnitradicls Ins lordship's rath
erimpLilineiit ilecla'nlion. Veioi a fur.
eign pnliry, says the intrlliijriirrr, the
Mm, I'M, hal'ost, am! uitmt wliirh any ivojilu
ever adop'id, namely, " pence, commerce,
nod huiitkt ' fiii ml ship wiili all Sations, eu
tangling alliances witli rione.'" This it
.1... ..-I!.... l..!.l .1 I... .1. . I.-..I .t.t ..
I "u
' 1, .11.. 1 1 1 1. r -.t r 11 . 1
I UThhe, and while it 1 f... hfully prac tuu I
uiu hmii:v i.'iui iiiiwii iiv inu I'atnerp 111 mis
nulliiog to fear from
A now vehicle bus app4artd in l'aris, in
which thi honws ate behind the enringe,
and I'ulend pullimr, . A tlcerieg
wheel in front is used'for guiding
Dr.r titTsi tat or Srti K.April 18, 1P1.
Iiifonnatinn has been received nt this
Department, from Albert Davy, K., I'm.
tel Slates Conul nt Leeds, of thu ian''o
oran act or I'arliniiient, liy winch tlio wiiolu
coasting trade of tho United Kingdom is
now thrown open to foreign Miips, and they
will ho subjert to the sumo tegulilioni as
diiimii Miips sn einpinveti, ami win pay no
(higher rales of duties, due, tolls and chnr
ol ibltl
Doint'ktlt: ,tVivi,
Kxn.osiox On Tliurstlavovetiinc. nt J)
oVIicfc, tho powder mills of tlio (ieuesee
Powder Co., (Messrs. Fairbanks, Coiinlly
Uromlue.l nt .Miens t reel.', foino live
miles east of Iho city of Rochester, explo.
ded, Willi n shock that wiirilily allected all
thu buildinus in the eitv. and was felt at n
ilittmicu of ov.r l in'.hs. It is Miiumsed
llmt tho cliuder mill lirat lildie nn. uilbiu
. !' " "I
eliargeni niiynegsoi gunpowiler, ami lired
tho graining mill adjoining ami connected
with it by thal'ts, wliieli nt unco.biirat, and
n " "--j --"- -...., . .,.,.,...
caused thu second detonation, which sue-
ceeded tlio first almost itibtuuluucouly.
Tlio rtlinderx were of wood, uiniut four feel
in diameter, tilletl with'1 copper balls,
and constantly revolving, at in into ol lo
or 10 ruvolo,tiom per mim.lo. In those tho
powder was giouiul,aud nfterwards passed
lo another fuill for graining. Thu men had
left tho mills which nro carried by water
power, and l;opt in motion day nnd night,
r.bout ti o'clock, and there was no person
in or near them at Iho tune ol tho eruption
Qr Co.onel Colt lias received nn order
from tho llriiish (loverumeut to furnish
their Ilnllio licet with fi.OOO of his pistols,
i3 soon nn possible ; and ho is notilied that
llio entire (loot is to bo fiimUhed with them.
Tlio armory hero will bo required to do n
good portion of this work, and probably
tho Kuropcuu orders for Col I'd pistols will
bo immense.
Mr. Ilrieht), engineer, is pushing forward
tho South Meadow works an fast an
lilo so (hut tlio armory in jliis eily nmy ho
greatly increased, Hartford Times.
07' Tlio lloston duetto learns that it is
tho intention of Mr. Donald McKay, tho
eminent shin builder, in connection with oth
er capitalists, to form n new linu of Liver
pool packet, composed of eight ships of
VJ'JOO tons each, tlio wiioto lo lie jitloat
within two tents.
I'r.v in Stow:, Tho Chinese residents
of thin cilVi desirous of perpoliinlinc tho,
manners find customs of IhcirJirollirrm in
tlio "Celestial liioplni," roiili-mplnto Imlcl
Ing in it fow tint's, somewhere in tlio ticiu.
. " .. J ' .. . . .
lli'i " Celestial Kiriiiirn." roiileiiiiihitn hold.
ily of Hncrnincnlo cily, a grnnd iintiounl
i bailie, In which they intend hilling ns many
ni oilier n tiOM 1 e. In inn (11 mini
rl . : -1 . :
..I'll.... .1 --. I.. ..I- I--..I..-. I ...
ii nun, invy nro iiuvmi; iiiiiniii ivmrrii in
mwii 11 inn;u iii,iiiui in niiu, milium, iron
swonis nun various oinor wenpons common
In their country. Ouu person in ibis city
has n contract for malting SfiGO woitli of
1,.,. 1 .,1.. ,.r ...n M'l ,..1;
UPHIH llll-llll Wl lll. MV llll.ll.T HI. rUIII I
Pie ulioill tel iiiL' their intenlioiiH. nml k.'piii
to loolt upon it as a matter of cotiMo that I
our civil nuthoiitios will permit ilium to ini
(Jjiowrit or Tin: Cou.vrnv. It is com.
piilftl, 011 rnlculntiiinr7nrriislioil by lliu
census returns, llmt (Mi.'I.OOO new homtci
hnvu been built in tliu L'oited .Slates in tho
Inct iiixjcars, wliirh, at an nverago of
61000, would add 81503.000,000 to tho
wealth of tho country, to say nothing of
llu furniture necessary to the habitations;
tho shipping and raHroads, however, would
ineroas') this amount to over 81,000,000,
000. In addition to tins, thu vrst sums for
factories, insurance companies, mine, Vc.,
" ,l1- HW'11 IU "rftjregnte, without hating
I innilo any pcrceiitiiile increase in tho
i "mount of stocks lu-ld abroad.
I 'I'm: f'jTf or (.'i.vsr.nw. Tho fninl
hope of the fJlasgotv'a safety, Inspired by
iiiti rejiort (inoiisiieti yestertlay lias been
dissipated, it liaving lieu ancert.iined that
the steamer seen 011 Cai'Ju Island does not,
11 nil n-spects, answer to the OlaKgow. It
:. i:t...i.. .1 n. ::.!. ....: .
... .,, .. ,,, i.i.i, i.i . .iiii. 111 1.-1iL ifir hi
arr. It m Is now Iirtr-eialit tlays since the
f ;... r I...,.,.,.. .:i; .1 r.. . t :.... . 1
i "ty ol tiiasgou sautHl Irom 1. vernool.
.. .. .. .. . .
. . ..- . j ..
I'Mlwlelifiui Jltillctln, 'ISlti ult.
TniKi) O vi:n. CoL T. II. Lnwrenre,
son of Hon. Abbot Lawrence, and attache
of tho American Legation in London, has'
been united in wedlock to .Miss Chapman, '
daughter of Judge Chapman of Doylestown,
I'a. It will bo recollected that a few years
ago Col. Lawrenco married Sallio Ward,1
me iKi.c oi i.oumin, ooi was uivorccu ai-
ter a teiliois trial, in which bo'.h parties
aiiauieu sumu notoriety
The Legislature of Ohio has made provis
ions for n geological sun -y of lhat State.
Tho law provides lhat iM Stale shall be
divided into ti,X ijislricU, jnd
.lono by ouo pdnolpol logfsfJrtSifH.
cient uumlier of ailtatiU. A man aTloast
rcven feet by ttx, engratingn to illntrate
the linal report, tho topography of cveiy
square mile of territory, assays and bo on
nro all provided for in the bill, and taxation
to tlio nmount of 8 1 per square mile 8 10,
000 per year fcr tho Sutc to pay the ex
penses. Tin: IIoto PotT s vvs : A hor;o rail.
I road is contemplated between Chelsea mid
, llnston which the growth and pro?jeritv of
the town seems to call for. It is estimated
tlint Iho number passing daily between the
two places is nix thousand. ThUrond, it is
said, would lie agreeable to all parlies in
Chelsea. A lilto roail, is proposed from
ulinrJotnwu, nml another from bommer
ville. Thu Traveller that if tho pi litHis
for the thrco road'i nro granted, the proba
bility is that tho Charleston!) bridges will
be widened, and tlio tlin emails will be uni
ted Irom Chnlcstown b'qunru to (ho pro
posed tiepol in I laymarliot square, lioslon.
(rCr Tlio Kditors and Printers of Western
M.iufacliuselts, at a Convention nt Spring.
' ' ays ago , rero ve. t.pon a gen
,'" """"-'" .. .y...- ....... y
""" l"'r " . miverlwmg. mm twenty
'lu'r cuut' "" J0" wnrI(-
'.... n. ....
Ciov. Stevens, of Wasliington Territory,
has written to tho inoroliants ol Aew Ueil.
ford, commendi u: to their notico tho ad
vantages there nlfurdcil for those engaged
in the whaling business. Afier enumera
ting the resources of tlio teiritory, ho con
eludes thus:
" What I wish to iuggest t, that the
eastern capitalists engaged in tlio whalo fish,
ery, hould, by tlieir agents, select some
port adapted to tlio wants of tho trado; lo.
ealo tlio adjacent lands, and create a depot
for, the entire business. Such an ono onco
cMablMicd would speodily becomo n ren-
iloAVOiis for seamen, nnd a placo at which
provision of all kinds would geek n market.
Tho invebtmeiit wovld find an enormous
return in the increased value of tho proper,
ly, and tho territory ho in proportion bene.
lited by tho introduction of this now ro
source and by tho creation within herself of
a maratimo class of population.
I am confident that I need not enlargo
upon this proposition. It will bo Eutlicieut
to suggest it to your minds, to securo it such
consideration ns it may deserve. 1 will
therefore onlv add. that whatever encour
agement ami nsbistnuco I can oiler within
thospiioroof mv oflicial duties, will bo most
cordially rendered. Tho union of this,
distant slioro with mv own Now Eni'lnnd
home, in pursuing ouo of the greatest bran
ches of (rude, would bo to mo a sullicient
remit far my political ambition." Salem,
.iiMt lii'xitter.
mnnirnr nurr mnmiirriiriTi'rrTr " "
ImiorluiU qiiutlloii Hottloil. ;
flubseiiiii'iil to Iho tiiiHiiuc of tho law ofi
. .Sept. ',18. )H'tO, cranlinc donations of the '
! mi die Intirln lo fettleis In ()nirnn. various
l jullic lands lo seltlois in Oregon, vnrini
Bpcc.ubitorn pounced on tho iJiffuront tnw.
I ' ... '... . ....
i sitcB in lliul Territory, in which tiny woro
'nil r.clllcd. They worolnoll case thu first
mill lm 00 llm ililli.rMit trnnli. iinil el.iiiiieil.
I ..!. . !.!... I I ...!..!
1 - ' :'
miii mu i.iaiigu m lli'i inw iiniivu iiiuiuiiinuu,
1110 ri;ui in lociito inoir uiu ncro warrnius
. thun ouxIiol' n ' other nersons who iinu
alo settled in thu diffident towns of tlio
Territory, nt d improved l!ie respective lots
thev occupied, Tliu Commisiioner of tho
(lericnd J.nnd Oliice, however, on appeals
fioin thoMJ tlerisintiK oflho Surveyoideneral
has revered his decison, on tho gronml that
tlio donation law did not nuthori.c thu fcclec-
lions of fcit-s of ctlli'il towns under it; and
that under tlio law of May Ml, 18M, tho
corporate authorities only nro authorized to I
enter such iands in trust for nil tho occu.
pants ol Midi lands or sites nt the timu Mich ',
entries may bemade. An appeal v?ns taken
from this decision, find tho Secretary of tlio
Interior lias coridrtnou it, wo understand. It
is said that tho property Involved in this
docifciou Is worth millions of dollars.
Washington Star, With.
W'n linnr Hint llin .Silrvnrnr flMnprnI linn
mi ns to cover not only I lie portions 01 uio.huur, ;so. 1 uiiinn, wi 'ori win,
vnrioua towns oceuiiled by themselves, but 1 '! " 2. ,i& IIr'',1cac,'c,
l. r.'H...r. 'I1.n ..ln...VA fJm.r...l nf Orn. L " ( rusb1 1 , I P. Cberries.
i " "u,.rt . ;.' : :. .::::; " "i: ;. o!,,!?'.. ,.. i'r" !'"
im utniiiu 111 ihyiii i men iniiiiiinniiiiiin I nn. I III. Ctt'ltllCf. MlUICrne.
.,.,., .t...l Jr. iU... -. I.I.. r. il,.l'rtlrlc, JacoucsHcrtant, BgtHlf.2 years.
above decUion,-
V".. , .". ;"" ."""-" "
iyc6i. "yi.uu..
Kri:ri:.-o Tim Icr.Tii Ci.kax Jlicro
scopicai examinations nayo oecn niauo 01
tliu mailer uepojiieu on mo leeui 01 moroXbcottbur(j, pawlnf tbrouKh Itandolpb and
than lorty inuivuluais, seicctcu irom nil
classes of society, in every variety of bodi
ly condition ; and in nearly every caic, an
imal and vegetable parasites In great num.
hers had been discovered.
Of tho animal parasites there were three
or fourfpecics, and of tho vegetable ouo
Of tlt'O,
In fact, the only persons whoso moulha
eru niuiiu it uu coniiiieieiv irvu iruuj
,. . ,,, , , ,,', . , .,
lliptii. elonniril tluir li.flh fnnr (.men rl.iilv.
, . . ...... ...... .,
usiiiL' soan once. Ono or two of these in
dittdunU also passed a thread between the
teeth to cleanse them moro effectually,
In all cases tho number of the parasites'
was greater in proportion to tho neglect of
cleanliness. Tho effect of tho application !
of various agents was also noticed. I
Tobacco juico and stnoko did not Im. '
pair mcir vitality in llio least. llio same
was also true of pulverized bark of lodaJ
, ammonia, ami various otiier popular titter-
gents. 1 ho application or soap, however,
nppears to destroy tbeni uislnnlly.
U irniv bcticInttr t-nt t)n4 i tV
i)xtl 1
and most protex. wrrilit fr
teth.Ihlu ca? whcr ilTnTrwL
it receives uanualilfed rfintnnJatto. ' k
may also bo'proper to add, that nono but!
tliu purest white soap frco Irom all discol-l
oration, should bo used. American AnnaU j
of Science.
A "Know Nothino" Ahmjitishmknt.
The following advertisement of this famous
society, is from the Philadelphia Suri ;
K N- "'sft" 10
In tho nritUh American Provinces thcro
is an agitation for a union of the three low.
' lr, .ova .-scotta, .ew iirunswick
nml bo named Acadia.
The las of Sptia require, that aa alitor be
at ltatt 'ii years of ape.
A wctrrn editor says that "acbild was run'ovcr
In the strt ly n wnt;on three years tldand
cro-tyed, with psntaltts on, which never rpokc
ftlterwurds 1 "
Never ask charity tf a man who don't smoke.
For softening tho heart, ouo ttgar b north, a
dozen sermons.
There is one ndvantape in Wtee oil. and that
i. vnn ran " Inuf i.rnnmi iim im.i.'' u-iiiimit 1...'
Ine ehar'ffe.1 with lazlnw. V lo..V r.)r,ir.l to '
n K00.I deal ofcnjoyiacut afUr we have readied .
Attorney and Counselor, at Law, and
scoTrsiinto, o. t.
June 23. IMl-tf.
JUsST rieehcl by the midcraisiud, nnd for sale
tow, nn nsiortmeut of Agricultural Imple
meats, consisting of
Xeytics and Snath;
Jljuaiiil drain fatM, Cur Jo lion,
Fork) t'falUirttli,
(liain Shunts, Sfiiilo, !r ,
Funning Alitl Scritnt,teith lions can
llte. They nrc 11U0 selllnpolfall their present stock
of goods low, to mako room for a friab suiiidy.
ALU1.Y, AltWUtl'tf CO.
Lower Scottsburg, June '.'3, Itvl-tf.
"Lrm.r.L's'iiivi.NG a(;i-;.
A Beautiful Engravipg in Kaeh Number.
I" ITTKl.L'S LiviiiB Ai;e h-is been abundantly
J honored by tte nimrobation of tho best
jn Iges; It has been proiioueed to li sound and
tigorous, lull oi rpiru ami me; nulling tnoquai
ilies wlilch grnlify'tho K'liobir, thu plilloiophcr,
ami tlu man of business, with tbo.-o which recom
mend it to their children. Wo shall now eadeav-
ur la ndd ! theso intrinsic excellencies the
grontor attractions of Art, and beginning with
Kvtrif .Winder will contain an impression from
a Beautiful ftetl Plate.
Tho 63 plates n year, will alone ba worth tho
etilucrlptbin. "
Tlio Living Age will bo sent, freo of poitase,
tn any sutocribor In tho United States who will
kciI as Six Pollurs In advunce.
LirTEI.L, SON k CO..
Ilostou, Ms.
pM.m'f mwiftnn
SYorrsiiUiii;, Juno !23, 10" I.
. 1'lour, Chill,
Toti.tcco, Grit op,
' " Fruit.
" men,
r -..
" l'cnch.
20u2'-' llsisln?, pr bx,
18 whiskey, Jion.
itf. cunr,
1H ftrandr. Am. l,2.'S.'il.37i
i .--
14 " Fr.
7t ivncli Brnntly, .fl7ii2,W
i jjuh fs.ljf.,)
j.nrJ, In linn,
W, Holland Gin, SC'20
CamllcK. ftilAmsti'.lne. W I toner In, 2.'
...... ' ..!.. -!. ..
VrM Apnlti.
15 Hrozrtnj pr doz,'k2(M2
CI.III I'cnchw,
IJrown Soi,
30'Sliocs, line, SZltan
1 1 Hoots, per CMC, 45u70
i:nlls. 810
1.1, Axes, bundled, i2,60
f.0, ' Collins'. $13
gSXs, "f . 'CordaKc. 'l0
pcriln.. SflftOj)
On the 27tli ult.. Iijr V. Hudron, , Mr. Tho
rns C. I'ark'.r to Mis E. IJrown, all of DojuIm
. Iter. A. I'. tVnller, Mr. KIIhK 'S'roaj,;.SL4U
''I'"-' "a'"- all of .Marion coe 17
.Mine rniii"neo or v. K. v iei. a r
At b!s re"i'kncc,tn Douglas county; cm-lb 17a
of April, Tlieotln Hanly, formerly of Quelle,
Lower Canada.
On the 21 Imt., at bis residence in the Frtn:u
On tho -Ith Int., ot Uuteville, Marion county,
j navjcn Loignon, formerly orhttbokla. Illinois.
j WII(T( rjn an nxi'RHSS from Port Orfi-rd to
I'mpire City, scml-monlbly, couuectinz with tho
Mall Slcamir at Port Orford. All perrons wlnh
In to tend rmall parefls. letters, or papers ly
KxprcM, nill pleats leave tbcro at one of the fol rls: "" ...
Port Orford, . .
:. ;;. rjlvs, itanMph aty,
.i.uos k. noamis' Kmpht Cttu,
.1l.Ut.S',McKI.YMY if VO.'S, Sccttilutr.
Persons wtiblns to koI letter, papers, or small
article by Herein), will please leave their naaci
at one of tho above offlccj.
For TEIIM3, Ac, apply at t'ic different oIEcm.
AUjlv, ilcKiMav ic Co., .Scoitsourf:.
Dr. J. II. Fostkii, Itandolpb.
Kor.Tuaop & Siuon, Eraplrs CItj.
Cjipt. TiaiKvon, rori ururu.
:ott.bur. June 10, Uot-tf.
(.Oregon Spectator copy.)
Money "Wanted!
"V"0TICE It hereby Riven, that all whobavr mu
Xs fcrlljl towards the Scottiturs? Wagon lload
nri rmucstcd to come forward and nsr th'rrnb-
I terlption. THOUIVON L LA W
KC4HUtiurr. J reie . ji-ii i-omnniioaM.
r . mtw
Jacksonville, O. T.
i t has left my bl and board Tiftjom any
tut mue, thU is to notify all p.r u's, that If U r
Imrlfor or credit said lluthlmia, ittvlll Lo at thnr
own risk, as 1 will pay no debt enntractte by fctr.
Doagls's county, May 1 131. niay2f3in.
THE Steamer EXCELSiOIt leaves "jer wfcuf
at Upper Scottsi'ur?. for the aintita of tho
rmp-jun. on Tucday. Thursdat s nrtd ?atunlay.
For Irelght or pawnee, npidy on 1 the steam
er, or to IIAIIIIISO.S, McTAYIill i CO.
Jlay 12, mi-r.
"W'11' m:!," tri-wekly trip Utwcrn I.owsr
i I Scottsliurii and tho mouth of iho t'mpau
Hirer, leavinc Allan, McKInlsy & Co.'s Wharf
Mondays. Wednesday, and frldays.
A iruixl scow for tlio transiiortatlon cf rattle it
always In readiness.
I Kor freight or pasra-e apply on board, cr to
April is-nr.
j, p., s. it. rwTKia, it. i
liBien peters k m-
T -
COKM..I C0:t3ir.H"t.tL TIIKKT AMI 1'J.A.XAi
n-HOr.ES.1LE DE.1t.EliS LY
Rontit nud Mioi, XJiiIh itntl,
Stoves, liquors and Cigars,
Together with a general assortment of Merchan
dise, adapted to the wants of Tanners, Minors
and others. mtylP-tf.
LOWlllt SCOTTSllVltll,
HAVE always on hand nt their storo thrre, a
general assortment of Hoods, adapted to thu
wants of the Cnuutry, and superior accommoda
lions for packing. ,
Mayfi. IMI-tf.
ftmmtM mm
TUST received from New York, by tho subscri
bers, u splendid assortment of HOOKS, which
they will dlspo.'o of on very reaonablc terms. '
may 10Ttf. I.owijr Scottsburg.
"7 ANTED At this Office, a good, honfH,
I intelligent, Industrlnui boy, tmtwrt n th
ag?s of'U nnd 17 yosr. A genl situation may
lu nbialneil Vv applvlng ? n.
April i liV.1,
' """ ' v- y"-
, -WJ