m"t s - B& llftf J HH i D. J. LYONS, Ewitoii. IlKVOTHt) TO UTRUATHtn:, AriJUCULTUIUJ, MIKINO HBW, OJ.NKIUL JsTTIILMOnNCK, AC, ItC WM. J.' BEGGS, Pobusubk. 4 Htiirttfttin- it i 'lUfci - -a- iwr ajwrfr.'Jn -v VOllU-Voll 1. tiUOTTttlltmti, O. T., VttllU, 3VXU Z, 1854. NVMBGtt 9. WW it Um TO MM glHTTl; i.-. THE UMPQUA WEEKLY GAZETTE. riniuiiii-.t kvisiiv riiiKAV. Ol'FIUi: tit IImhim' New llt'ii.uisii, (second story) corner of Main und Voncalla streets. THIIM ISVAUIA1II.V IN ADVANOII. Olio copy, fur one year, S.'i.OO ( fur six uumtlii', $3,00 ( fur UiriHi mantlm, i'i,W. AMr.HVnrnr.siH will Im Inwrlnl at tin; fol lowing rU: One pqunru of ten Uriti or lr. flmt luncrtlon, t'l,W rach stiUi-micnt lnwrlloii, I,W), A liberal deduction made to ycaily ad vertiser. . --, IlumsKH Caiiib, of ten lliiw or us.ior one year, $'...' for nil month", V 16 J fr three months, lu. :i"rT.io number of Insertions inl Ixidl-llnct. Ir marked mi tho margin, otherwise thy will to continued till forbid, ami dinged aicnrdliiKly. 'jpocitfi. Front tho N. Y Spirit cftlm Times. Au Original Z.uvv Hlury. Dim I'. Your clly wets may m well "banff their liari" en tin I'urk tree. Tim lVtastis of Colbam l not fast rnciUKh, We. la I he Country, can beat hl tlmr, and not hair try. Any Jury of tho " freontid liilclll-ent " woull certainly award leather medal to tho Cattaraugus " lovyer " ho penned tlio accompanying lint-. There I somo thing In ttictii that city folk never dreamed of Tie poet's description of Courtship ami I.oto In ft Collac-i It very touching. As they aro nut copy-rlgbtid you may lio them. Yours, Ac, ..Lrnrx. Ki.licotvili.i, N. Y., Jan. IC, IMI, lit struggled to kits tier thn struggle the oatae To promt Mm, to bid I mil undaunted , Hut, a imlttrn ty lightning lie heard her ciclalm "Avaunt, r" an I o'J honvaunled. But when ho returned with tho fletidNhcst laugh, Hbowlng clearly that he was alfronttd, And threatened by main force to carry her off, Klu cried " Ubu't I " ami tho poor fellcw don't tdt WUn Lc mctltly approacbMl anJ got dovrnal her feet, . rraylni; luil, aa before ho had ranted, That ho would forgUo hint, an I try tobc aweet, And laM "Can't you" thu dear girl ro canttd. fjis.nhlt. M(wWti,iMido' I certainly thought I wa jilted j hut cotno thou with me, to the piriwri we'll f,n Say, wilt thou, my dear!" and iho wllttd! Then gaily he took her to nee her new home A ihanly by uo uicani encliantol- "Keol here we can llro with no longing to roam," IU (aid, "ShAij't we.my dear!" aothry rhantled' iiuj 1T'mm' ",l, iHi0fcllaucou0. Iiliuiidcr llcy. An English paper gives tho following account ol Iskander Hoy, ono of tho " brn est of thu bravo " in the Turkish annv at Kalafat : J "Uo is about tho middlu hight, but ra ther muscular and symmetrical; hit, hair and heard aru conl.bhiek, but, if possible, not nearly ho black us his eyes, which llaih liku flro under daik, overhanging brows; a long and slightly curved nose, a small mouth, thin lips, and high for-head, and a complexion bronzed by sun and wind, corn, bino to form onu of thu muit striking phy. slognouites I havo ever looked upon. Ho is of Tuititr oiigiu, and n Mussulman by birth, and Is owner of Inrgu estates in Hess. Arabia, but has been in political exllu over since hu attained tho ogu of manhood. Per sonal tasteri mid family tradition mado him n soldier : hatred of Rusaia mado him u tol. dicr oi furtuno; mid, as inlulit hnvu hiu.n expected, thero huvo been fuw wars In any part of thu world for thu last twenty years, in which ho lias not taken part. 1 1 o sorved with distinction in tho Carlistwarin Spain, and tho Don Pedro war In Portugal, in both of which ho was famed for his dashing courngo us n cavalry leader. Such was his character for determination that, while in Spain, Itu was appointed to tho command of a hgion called tho " Legion Provisoiro," composed of nil tlio mnunii.i sujvts of thu army, cut-throati and brigands from every cJiuio under heaven, who woru found intoi erablu In tliu company of ducenler man. Tho legion toon acquired tho habit of kill, ing their' Tillicers, so tli:U at lmt no ono could bo got to command them except Is kantlur Hey, then Count llliitsky. Hu no sooner found himself in his now pott, than Jio took thu initiative by killing threu men on tho spot who gavo blgns of iiibiibordiim lion. Everybody wnB expecting each day to hoar of his death, but his troops, finding tlio sort of man thoy had to deal with, gave up their old practices, and followed him in action with uncoiiquornblu valor and duvo. Hon. Ho loft Spain and Portugal with oloven crosses of variotia ordors. Tito year 16y found him at tho famous siego of Ho rat, in Persia. ilntiiiL- tho ItiiMn.lWainiwlir. rVrtnee, which excited eo much Intorott in tliu Iiiillnii jif)iionnliiin (if (irt'iit Mrltnin. 'I'lio CIiIiiuko war druvv liim to Canton, wliuru Itu wiih n Hjicctntor of tliu liuHlllltlco from lii'nlnniiij,' to end. Itu tlit'ii mitoruil tliu I'rt'ncli Bcrvico In Al;!rln, nuil w.ih ircncnt In rnokt of tlio nutlotm wild Ahd-cMCudcr, nml llliowlio lilmrnl In tliu dnngoM nitd dim.alorH of tliu torrlldu rclroiit frmn Coimluntitiu. Ho tuft tlin I'rcncli nrmy willi lliu stnr of tlio Legion of foiuir, nml in IBIS look ncrvico In tliu HuiiL'ntlnu Army of Iiiilopcnilcncc, under liU old c"ominnloh In ntniH, (Jcncrnl llum. '1'liu trvntdiury find inUforliiPicH of I Hit) nciil liim to Tnrlicy, with it crowd of otliorn. Hu iiilclily ohlnlni'd ciiiiloyniciit, ntid lioru ior other duly uulliori.ed olicer, of tliu p.ir it proiiiini'iit part in tho citiiipalgint of Hon- ticular tract claimed under IhU section, nlii mid .Moiileiiegro in tho former ho rom-1 within six montlm nfler tliu survoy of such mittided n divUlou of tho 'i'urlsUh army, Jmnl Im nmdu and returned. And nil per which defeated u vimlly huperior forcu of ' sotm clnhiiing iloimtioiis under this Act, or tliu iimurgeuiH, am! captured a largo num her of their giinn. I liU nemco wih most Important, as it inllietnl n hlotv on tliu Ilosnlnns, fiom uhlch they neti'r recovered. 'J'hu (Jovernmciit ovinced its grntiludu hy rnMug him to tho rnnli of I'achn, hut Ant triu and Russia jointly irotis(ed against his elevation, and ho relieved the Hiiitau from his cmharrnssuicnt hy voluntarily relinquish ing his new dignity. Ho now hears tho grade of Colonel of cavalry, and has had tho command of thu outposts of Knlnf.it, claimants undur tlio Act of eighteen huu though nominally second to .Murair I'acha, ' dred and fifty aro required to givu notico of thu sou of UcHchid I'acha, who, thru,;ii their claims, shall he, and tlio samo is horn. tiltu a hoy, and without experience, is a , hy, extended to tho first of December, Hrigndlerof cav.ilry, but has tho good sense (eighteen hundred and flfty.five, except in never to attempt to perform thu duties at- cases wheio tho Surveyor General shall tached to his ranh. Isknntlcr Hey Is not reipieit them so to do, as above provided, nbovu forty years of ..ge, but war and we.v Six. !. .-lwi be Ufurllur cnactcI, That liter mid fouiti-en wounds havo ilono their; In lieu of tho two townships of land granted work so well that ho looks ten years older, i to tho Territory of Oregon hy the tenth As a horseman and salrcur hu has few 'section of tho Act of eighteen hundred and equals, and probably no superiors in Htirope. fifty, for miivrrsities, there hall bo granted Hu is idolized by the soldiery, rather for his J to each of tho Territories of Washington brilliant courngu limn for anything in his ) ami Oregon two townships of land of thirty. manner, when ho first took command of mo outjious, so IiujIi uas th u opinion enter tained in Turkey, us well as in iho rest of I'.urojie, of thu capabilities of the Cossacks, that thu Turkish troops viewed them with conwderuLlj nppreheusl'jii. When tliu vi deltes saw two or threu approaching, they llireu or four, ho mounted on horseback, and, in tight of his men, Hung himself into tho miilht of them, sword in hand. They seldom waittd his onset, and whenever they did, found reasons to regret it ; hut a few displays of this sort wero sullieiiiit to con vince the soldiers, that a courageous man, with a good tabrc, had nothing to fuarfrom tho Cossacks, who, 111 reality, are only uso. ful as scouts, and in-iK rail v tako earn tn keep themielveso.it of tho reach of danger, . Tho following is 'thu Hill now beforotho j House of RenretenlativeH. as renortod l.v - wcro hi uio iiaon n rusnuig to iskander rics. whoso iwirents, or rShcr of thcm,.lf llcj, Mi.iieiariiiiirl.il clrcumslancuasono living, would havo been enjillcd to a dona- of deep import. Hu .lisMpated their illu. lion under this Act, or cither oMhoso of sions by a very simplo process. Whenever whiclt it is amendatory, said orphans shall ho received nows of thu appearanco of two. ! .mill...! in n i,n,in,..n,t:.. c 1....1 .. inn iommiuou on ruunc l-umu. It will probably pass : ' ' A HIM, toainenil'thn Act approved Sep. tcirber twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty, to create tho otlieo of Survey or General of thu public lands in Oregon, i:c. , and also thn Act nmondatory thereof, approved February nineteenth, eighteen liundred and fifty.thrco. He it marled by the Semite and House of ltejirescntuttve of the I'nitrd States of tinierruin Cwii'rcsi asumblrd, That tlio donations herenlier to bu bt.rveyeil in Ore. gon and Washington Territories, claimed under wiy of the provisions of tho Act to create thu ollico of Survovor-Geiieral of thu public Inudu in Ore.ion" iVe.. annrovtd a September tweuty.seveit, cighteon hundred and fifty, thnll in no enso include n town site, or lauds sotlled upon for tho iwirposes ofbusinoss or trade, and not for ngnculturu ; and all If gnl subdivisions included in wholu or in part in sucli town sites, or settled up. ' 011 ior purposes 01 business or trailc, ami not for ngricultuie, shall besubiect to tho ojierations of tho Act of .May twunty-threo, eighteen hundred and I'orty-i'our, " for tho relief of citizens of towns upon hinds of thu United States, uudir certain circunistan ces," whether such settlement wero mado hoforo or alter thoburvoys Provided how. ever, 1 lint tliu period nl two years occu pancy reijitiied of tutlleis beforo they can puruiiiiu iiiu lands ciaiuieii by iiiem under thu provisioni, of thu first section of tho Act of February fourteen, eighteen bun. dred mid fil'ly-three, abovo mentioned, shall be, and thu tumo is hereby, reduced to ono year. Sec. -!. .rlw. be. it further enacted, That tho pinviso to tho fourth section of tho Act of twenty-boventli of Septonidur, eighteen hundrud and fifty, abovo mentioned, by which all contracts for tho salu of lauds claimed under that law, beforo tho iuMto of Iho patentii therefor, aro declared void, shall Ni mid tho samo is lureby, repealed. .1 ... . ... ...i-..l.:i.f.f 1-. 1,11 .. t,l Hi: (j. '4. And be it further cniictnt, 'Hint tlio tiru-fmiilion irlvuugo Krnntbd liy tliu A i:t of fottrtli Hopt'iiil)or, figlilcenliundrcd ntid forty-one, linll Itu, and tlio mno it liorulty, cxtcntlod to tlio Innds in Oregon nml Wiulilnjrton Torritorics, whether our voyed or unsurvoycil ,not rightfully clnimcd. entered, or reserved, under tho provision of thl Act, or tho Acts of which It In nnieiudntory, nor excluded iy tho Icnns of tliu wild Act ofclghtuciihuttflred nnd forty ono, with tho exception unnurveycd Innilrt its nbovu inentloiicuTnJmi nil leltlcra on unnurKiyed Inidi in mid 'Jerrlloricu th.ill givu notice to tho .Surreyor General, tliu acts of which it is amendatory, shall In liku manner givu notice to thu .Surveyor (.enoral, or other duly authorized olBccr, of thu particular lands claimed as such do nations, within thirty days after being re. fiiunteil to do so hy such ofliccr; mid fail, ing such notice in cither case, tho claimant or claimants shall forfeit all right nml claim thereto l'ruv'ulcd liutreur, 'lljat the time limited by tho sixth section of thu Act of eighteen hundred and flfty-thrre, in tvhicl six tectums each, to bu S"bcted in legal subdivisions, and applied to university nur poses, under the direction of the legislatures of said Territories, respectively. Sr.c. fi. Iik be it further enacted, That in any cavwJioiLfrjiJintis.Jiavp Jiecrj. or may lie, left tit either of tho said Tcrrlto. iiuo prool being mado to tho satisfaction of tlio Surveyor General, subject to tho deci tion of tho Secretary of the Intciior. Said laud to bu set oil to them bv tho Surrcvor General in good agricultural land, not re. sciveu, or oinerwiso nppropnateU, under any law 01 tongreBs; an death of either or an v of said orphan., nfler I their laud shall havo been dcJignated by the ' X.i-f,.i.,.r : 1 it. ,:...,D. .:..i... r, ..,.,.,.,, .-, ,. IMMIIVI'CI,VtlUII U lUIIll Ull tho decea-cd shall' vest iatho survivor or! A,cr,B1w- parly tforil is notl survivors. ifiway tho next Presidential c Six. ti. And be it further enacted. That I 'all il, ,vl.l. nfThl. A,. ,,! .1 ,. v,.(Jl'.cu .'r.Pfw-nBioiucuini.iiierpno-s ul oicn Hinnmeiiiiainryiiaiiouexieniicd in nil if u innim in 1 1 mmm miim ii tk 1 im nn I. II .1 I I ' III If ;.,; ' . , ; .? -.-. lerrttories; and, for tho purposo of carry- ing taid Acts into eiTecl in said Tenitorier, the President thnll be, and ho is hereby, niilIioriz-.il to appoint a regiter and receiver for each of (aid Territoies, whoso powers, duties, and obligations, and rerponsibilities, shall bo thn saiuo os aro now prescribed by law for other land officers and for tho Sur veyor General of Oregon, so far as they apply to such otlicers. Thoy thnll keep their oflicon nt such plnen as tho President shall, from limo lo lime, direct 5 and their compensation slinll ho twenty-tivo liundred dollars each, per annum, and ollico rent; '" '"7 s',n" ',0 t-'iititltil tonol'eosorother emoluments of any kind wi atsoover, except thu receiver's actual and necessary expen. w i depositing ; and. on satisfactory proof ''",lt 'il'lt,r 0I" Sil'1' "Ihccrs, or nny other "Uicer, has charged or recived fees or other rewards not authorized by law, ho shall be forthwith removed Irom otfico, Kcview of tlio Hurltcts, Pen, Ink nml Paper remain sbtionary. Cutlery rather dull. Great fall of Flour caused by a waro lion 10 iloor giving way. Cordngo rather tight. Hallooiuaro tising. Corn nnd Potatoes aro also coming up. Ripu Fruit hai n downward tendency. A great crash in window glass during tho last hail storm. Heavy sails havo been mado of canvass. Cedar Posts remain firm. Haby jumpors hung about, as usual. OtrStnvcs mado of Russia iron may ho preserved from rust in tho summer, by" np. plying 11 thin coaling of amixturo composed of threo parts of lard and ono of powdered rosin, mid 11 portion of black load. Tho elloet is equally as good on briun, copper, or steei. Jtew I'olltlcnl Association. Kvcry arrival of our IJaitcrn exchanges brings usaomo newintclllgonco coricornfng tlio sudden rise- and rapid extension of a now political association in tho Atlantic States, but particularly in Now England. It has been successful in several sections, and it is confidently predicted that tho next Statu elections in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Maryland will bo controlled by this mysterious organization. '.lie new political element Is aptly turrnod tlio " KnovvN'othlng Party," as its mem bers aro all professedly ignorant of every thing connected with lu organization, gov eminent and intentions. It ramifies socio ty, yet its orders and direction aro us secret as tho .Masonic brotherhood. Its move ments aro compact, united, and unselfish, making no particular nominations of its own members, but takes from tlio nomina tions of both tho other parties such men ao come best recommended by their lives and deportment. Political demagogues can mako nothing of tho " Know Nothing " parly, for they aro novcr aworo who con trol its deliberations, as tho councils of tho order aro secret. I la principal feature is Native Americanism, if wo may judgo by thu tenor in which it rejects or accepts tho names of candidates. Americans aro cho ten in all cases whero tho " Know No tlmi'V exercise an influence: and tho opinion is gradually gaining ground that it !.. ,1... v",:.... i .: ... i i. i iiiu iiuuiu .-iuu.-iic.iu pally ruviveu uuuer new and moro favorable auspices. Thu order is rapidly extendim:, and in order to give our readers some idoa of tho importanco already gained by tho "Know Nothings," wo extract a paragraph from the Ilaltimorc , (Md.) correspondence of tho '. -"" -- -"'". wu believe, in Uoston, and it has already extended as far south ns Maryland and Pennsylvania, after creating a tremendous sensation in tho Eastern States. "Tho 'Know Nothing,' or American party, hi Halu'more, is going ahead without precedent Thoy now number fifteen thou sand voters, and will, beyond all coutro versy, carry tho next election, not only in this city, but throughou the State. Demo. crals and WTitifsEliK iaTllnto tlii Every ward in tho city lias a perfect organ ization, and holds regular meetings. Per sons aro joining by hundreds weekly. Tho same organization exists throughout tho entire State, perfect and complete. The next election will show their strength with a power and emphasis that cannot bo dis puted. It is astonishing to seo how this H.-irtV is nrOL'ressin''. Our rionnln liivn lion.. proprtaieo, uniien, . (., a ,, ,.,. ,,'..) , " d.incato of their l T old IK)llt,caI divisions, and aro lernmc, u no ?u lc.c. n..t1 P"sed to lindll uviiiiiiiiu uu iviill-1 iu auiuu uv lunin. .. .1- 11.... .1".- .... in. uu- iiiu siiiaiivai uecreo sur-. d that tho iuilueiico of Uaia great ' arty (for it is nothing else) will I lection. Pre emit Ttiitlfsn tinna lit-tvn knv,ltt .Ia!. -,!!. ?'" '"? .". 'T, " '" S "."".""" "'? Nuncio, his impudent letters, tho combina tion of foreigners, Arc., havo conspired to bring about this result. Depend upon it, uemocracy ami vt tuggcry both aro to be blotted out for somo timo to como in tho United States. I havo been a Whig from boyhood, but tho charm is passed. Thcro aro thousands liko mo. Nor am 1 a mem ber of tlio Know Nothings,' but probably I shall be. Old Fosvism has had its dav and generation. Let it go to tho tomb of tho Capulcts." .Little Mary' Story. " Mary," said tho younger of two little gins, as uioy nestled under a coarso cover let, ono cold night in December, " tell mo IlliOUt thanktcitin'' dav'befnrn nnnn unnl to henveu ; I'm cold and hungry, mid I can't go to sieeji l want something nico to think about." "Hush!" said tho cider child, "don't let dear mamma hear you; como nearer to 1110 ; " and they laid their cheeks together. 1 lancy papa was rich. 1 know thcro wore pretty pictures on thu wail ; and thoro wero nico velvet chairs, nnd tlio carpet was thick mid soft, liko tlio green moss patches in tho wood; and wo had pretty gold fish on tho side table, and Tony, my black nurse, used to feed them. And papa! (you can t re member papa, Lctty,) hu was tall nnd grand, liko n prince, and when ho smiled ho mado 1110 think of angels. Ho brought mo toys and sweetmeats, and carried mu out to tho stable, mid sot 1110 on Romeo's back, mid laughed beca'uso I was afraid 1 And I used to watch to seo liim como up tho street, nnd then run to tho door and jump into his arms ; ho was a dear, kind papa, sold tho child, in a tailoring voice. " Don't cry," said tho littlo ono ; "plcaso tell 1110 somo more." " Well, Thanksgiving day wo woro so happy ; wo .sat round a largo table with so many people auntu and unolos and cousins I can't think why thoy nover como now, Lctty) and Hetty mado such nico pie-a, and wo had a big big turkey; and pap would havo mo sit noxt to him, and gave tno tlio wish bono, and all tho plumbs 6ut . of his pudding; and after dinner ho would tako mo in his lap, and tell me ' Rod Riding Hood and call mo ' pot,' and ' bird,' and fairy.' Oh ILotty, I can't tell nny more." "I'm very cold," said Lctty. "Docn papa knov? up in Heaven, that we aro poor and hungry now?" "Yes no I can't tell," answered 3Ianr, wiping away her tears, nnablo to reconcile her Ideas of Heaven with such a thought. "uusii: mammn wyibear. .. .iinmnia nau nenra. mo coarso car. rncnt upon which sho had toiled sinco sun rise, dropped from hor hands, and tear wcro forcing themselves thick and fast through her closed eyelids. Tho simplo re., cital found but too sad an echo in that wi. dovs heart. Dear reader I & joa sit at your laxurioua Thanksgiving table, and soo no vacant chiir or number no missing ono from your flock; as you lean still on tho dear arm to which you trust, remember thoso who with chilled limbs and bleeding hearts, know of no treasure on earth, savo in tho churchyard. .1tutca World. Eloquence Sublimated. Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Ly team : I rise to arguo tho case between tho rich and tho poor man, and fervently hope, cro I concludo my remarks, to convinco vour Utonor that there is no argument on eithor siuo. In tho first placo tho rich man reclines C h0, a'nd carved from tho oft- carved from tlio lofty cedars of Lebanon, which grow on tho ever metnorablo and ncver-to.bo-forgottcn Mountain of Jehosa. phat. Ho raises to his cadaverous lips tho golden China cup, manufactured in Chili. Peru, and other unknown and uninhabited countries, beneath the shining canopy of Heaven. Whilo tlio poor man retires beneath th sltauo or somo umbrageous atJH7tSlp1Jornnrllpnailliliti, of nature, and other fixed and immovabl sitcllitcs. Ho calls round him his wife, and tho balance of his little orphan children, and discourses with thoai in tho most angelio manner, in such a strain that it brings the 1. ((! It I A I 1.1 -.! 1 . ml ft.?. I. If .J -v,o, iinu iiiiuiu uiauiuiius, incKiing uown their damask checks; so that the most superficial observer would conclude that a cataract existed in cither cyo; in glowing vCords ho expatiates on the ckismatic tints of iho rainbow, tho rory bory allis, and oiner uscu stars anu consternat ons.wh eb ....i .,., . . , ,, 0' ound this teropml firmament oa '" '' D'Y a"er dY ho t,,us "mblca mis. iviiaiii'uua.j mruuyii bpace, now noininr tho fiery comet by tho tail, and then repo ting on tlio ragged end of a thunderbolt; Orion's belt, tho sparkling Zodiac, and the Seven Sisters are at his command ; whilo on fapcy's wings ho soars aloft, and is lost amid a galaxy of bright conceptions. So mought it bo with tho rich man, could ho but arouse himself from tho lethargic slum bcr which hangs over him liko a thousand of brick ! Fioutino in China. Tho Now York Tribuno has a correspondent who writes in a letter from Shanghai, dated Co:omber 17, 1653, an account of tho warlike oper ations of tho insurganta about that city, which is ludicrous in tho richest extreme. Tho correspondent says : " These field tournaments, or rather hide-nnd-seck fights, consist in chasing and bo ing chased. Nothing could bo mora ludi crous thnn tho tight of ono or two hundred rebels, with muskets, chasing ftvo hundred Imperial spearmen, or rather bannor-men, for more than two-thirds of their spear ( which an a gonorol thing are from J2 to IS foot in length) are, in order to present an imposing appearance, ornamented with ban ners of almost every variety of color, form and device. It reminds ono of a company of sportsmen bhooting crows on tho wing, for tho rebels run up mid shoot at tho ru treating multitude as it flees in tlio most indescrilmblo confusion j and tho warwhoop of tho Chiuosa very much rosomblos tho croak of a flock of crows suddenly starting upon tho wing. Tho chasing party still continues their pursuit, till thoy como sud denly upon a body of troops that had pro. viunsJy sccrotod themselves for tho nurnou of giving the attaoking party a warm rocopj nun, wui'ii (uey uiu pursuers; in turn r(j. treat, aro chased, ami shot in tho back, abovo doscribod. If nny poor fellow; of eithor party is so uufortunato as to fall., when thus chased, ho is suro to loso'bi head ; for both parties tako tho head of v cry enemy they con lay hold ou, whether, (load or alivo." Tub Dukbs Ciuclk. A lady's waist 41 1 1 1 iyw s JkL 7!" m -.. m 4