The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 16, 1854, Image 1

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I). J. LYONS, Kiiitoii. J
i:voTi:it to r.iriiiiATinii:, Amiit'ini 1:111:, miwinm hkws, iika-hiai. i.vrKM,i(ii:M;i:, .., c.
WM. J. IIEGGS, 1'uui.mimr.
tHtTK rrr i
Bi'.oTTSui;n;, o. fi, fuumy, .:m: k, iks.
Wail ft ft !
l t.
i'I'iii.iniikii i:vi:uv iiiihav.
OITIUi: lu H.iiitM' Ni.'v llni.tuMi, (stcon.l
story) corner of .Main unit Yoiicalla streets.
Ono ropy, for otm year, 8A.W) . fr sit moiiIIk,
$3,U0 ( for three month, t'i.M- . , ,
AlivmTlrtrlimiH will Imi litw'rlnl iillhofiil
lowlnjc rides! Ono uiiiirit ill Icn llm-ii or Im.
first liuiriloii, $2,00 j uicli ulwii''iii liifj-riliiii.
$1,00, A liberal iluil.iMluii nmdi l-nearly ii'l
vi Miners. ,
'lh.-siri Cam, of ton line" or lv, for mm
yrr, .6 for lt months, tl6 1 tu Hire.! iiunlln,
airflmlTiimlMr of Insertions nni'tlMi.Ulltirt
ly iiiarhiil mi tin mi-ruin. "Ho rwl'o l"7 wl" "
roiilliiiiol HII f'.rl.ll, mnl ur or llii'dy.
Tim .Tluhton'i Choice
n r oti-tii o. iik.ius.
called me Mavoiiriivrii. and Until rno nt
Ant jirumlnliicxt iiIkIiI torapfi t tlio door ;
My hunt! was In lil, nml he prewed it nt ntartliiK
ft nt sure other iMtrilonctliellkcufli-ii before.
Tit true that I lotc lilm fur lullcr limn IMnjr,
A n J Mdtilil dli If hiimIIht uiir mad" lilm In r ox n;
hut toy motlirr dictarc I mint I after kIvIiik
My hand aul my heart In nuM Dcrinol llaolmii.'.
Jifit ay lli at in; Connie In poor, nte! ilmNcd
11 all In tliv country that' ilrcrntly fuiilnl i
Thru tliv inuro In tie re net-1 fur one kiii'l uu'l
true In ai tn,
To lltflilni tliciluktu-m tlat clrcln lilm ruutnl.
Tli true that he'i fund with lilt little diiiMnii.
Tii lt at the ak"! kiiikIiik Ihisliln inarun-r,"
Hut ure ottiira, Wire iioliU', I i.llrii lmu seen,
At the satin illrty litMl contented lir.
They ttll of tlio llur ami Intnl uf Malioni,
Of the beautiful lioimc far away in tin pirk ;
Hut rai l tin- wialth ol tlir uorld, wttn you
Not tho trtAttirc wlilrli llliti up tl. ibul hUIi
lt pirk'
ICormae but lotri, on J I think he ilotwdl.
Vcr at school lie mi aluajn. my right hinJtU
, inatr,
' Aud he alnaya mi kind, kinl hr Irarnt'l mc lo
''T" JTA"1' m"y'" ' 'tlii ho Rot fir my ak.
Ilt'a poor, I wtll knux, Imt that'i iKtlilni" nt nit,
f Where the heart i tuiiccrnul, nii'l I'm iiii.'ly
. ai h;
AnJillwr ami i;ot I, Hioiik'i they hulhl up th
Cmnot purchase tin loe that I hear fur .Mi
chrrrt IJ.J L . I - '
" lHi$ccllancau0.
Krmii tint OriRoii Sl.itfm:ni,
Town Nltcs In Orcuon nml Viili
IukIoii-OiiIiiIoii ol lll:nllllU.!I,,,.m:,',,! ,0 '' n"" ,B"-
toiler of .'ciiTHl I.uitil Oil ice.
ticiirnil Lund (Mr. Aiiril 17. Is.". I.
- Slut-Under dato of U. June, 18:.:i,"lu',r l'""""'.- ' "'. J"'. '.'' '!
the Surveyor (Jenerd of Oregon trii.ili: tC0J? V .'" I 3--..l"iiJK nt
ted to this ollico a mass of testimony nml",'"1 '" 0,,t n".'1 C0Hh.',,M'B "ll ,u h ""
nrgumeiils, in relation to tho eonlficling I ,,, T' '" .P."" T, ,"' T "t ""
. claim, to tho laud cover.d by ihe silo of.f1'" M WM ' ''" ".
tho town of 1'orllaud, in that territory, ..... "'" l'--"'l'". " WM ot "I'P1' o
dor tho act of SHtl. of b'eplember, IH.-.O, '-'
with his opinlnu thereon. h. inuel. ..r the law . I ho case-t ho
r Ileforo considering the .potions present- ?"'?"". f H"V "l""" -""" Jf "
cd in these caseMhopoint to ho deler. , ,,n,"U '" (," -" '!''' ."' " "' - '-. r
...,! - . 1.. ..1 1...1 .... . fr piiriiini"- ol trmlu nnd commerce, bcloru
town site, or for purport of Lie mld
eommorce, prior to the act of 'J8th Sep.
tetiiber, 1 850, wnssubjucttodonntioii under
that act t
My own opinion Is, thnt Intnl en occupied
is not subject to such donation : nnd from
that decUiou tho Hun. Joseph Lane, Orlit-
gate from Oregon, has requeued mi nppeal
to you, that this qucMion of vital moment I
to that Territory innv bo settled bv thol
1 -i .Itlnlinal nvnintli'.. ...ill.... tl .. I
T From tho retmrt ol the Surveyor General.
it nnnpars that tho town now rl.el nf Puri.
land was laid out in 18 15.
Hy tho Mth section of tho act of 11th
-August, 1818, " to eslnblish tho Territorial
S'ovurnment of Oregon," (IW. 0, Statutes tit
urge, p. 3'JO,) it is enacted thnt all lawa
Jiofetoloro passed lu nniil Territory, making
"grants of laud, orothnrwlso nU'ectingoriu.
vcumbcring tho title to lands, shall ho iml
are horeby declared to bo ; nml void,"
This cfluclually ohuts out all claims tin
der tlio Territorial laws, prior to tliih nr.t of
In tlio sanio section, and Immediately nf-
oj tho. words iitiovo (tuoteti, ll is cnnclcd,
that " tho laws of the United Stntes aru
hereby extended over and declared to bo in
full forco in said Territory, so far ns thu
sumo or nny provision thereof may ho ap
plicable" Among tho Iiiwh of tho United
Htfltcs, then in force, was (ho nut of 'SJd
My, " for tho relief of tho citizens of towns
upon puhlin land nf Iho United States, tin.
dor curtnin circiii.ihtmicnii," ( Statute nt
large, IW. ft, ;, (157.) Ho fur, then, nit thin
lnw was applicable, it wiih extended over
ibis Torrilmy by tlio net of IHIH.
Tlio only question tliut can do raised In
lioiinrr.llriti ullli (IiIh lcw of lliu cnan, in on
llm Html " nurrrynl," In tlio cnliil lino of
i tliiH nl. It ptdviik'N " llmt winineviir nny
p'lflion of llm Hurvcyrd pulilic I.iihIh Iiuh
I litiffi or hlmll ho nctlliil upon an n town hUi,
I mill lln'ri'Tnro nut Ntiliji-ct Id entry iiiiiIit
tlio iixIhIIiil' iirctjiiiiitluii Inn,' Vc. ArciJ
Rclllnrnonlii of llil clinhlctur, or wimirrriril
piililii InmU provlilnl fur liy tliin m:t ( In
uy opinion, InniU olllcil iijmiii in ;t town
Nile, for purpoM" of tiulo nuil coniincrri.1,
mIivIIiit hiuIi ccllli'inuiitH worn nmiln prior
lo, iluriiif,', or ul'ti'J tln'ir hiirxcy, ro milijpct
tu tlio opcrutioint of lliM law, lid hihiii rift
tluiy (iliitll li'io lii'cn Ktirtiy-il, no tlint llioy
cnu ln (li'dliititi'il timl onlrri'il liy their
proi-r nml iwl 'licnl ilc'crlptiiin. Sujipimo
a en c, wlitii part of llio n"lllcinimlH wcru
iiiiulo liuforn tlio mirvis, nml pi.t t jifttr tint
IiiihI u nli! do tilij"i:t to tlio not of lb 1 1,
nml nil tlio H.ltlcth uoulil ftntivu lilit bone
IU from it ; mnl lienco llm h tlloM prior
In tlio Mirvi'v. nmlof coiKKotlii) H'ttlcnioiilii
. prior tlicroto iru not ovcluiloil from thu ho
linTit of thin net. It Mill not of ronrxo do
mipponuil (lint tlitho ri'iimrltH npply to i:;ik'k
Iwlu'roprrniiiiM Imvuoliliiincil v.iliil clr.ifiik to
Intnl, mid tiilinoi'iiciitly lay nil' n portion or
tlio wlmlo nh n town ditD ! Tliero could liu
no oliji-i'iloii lo micIi n conmc, liocimnu
i wlii'ii tlio town iln wni Intil oil', or llio net.
tlciiiuiM intulo for purpiMUM of trmlu nml
rmnmiM'i., tint Inml. woulil not lo jmlilir,
hut privnto proiurly, mnl of ooumo not Riih
jirt lo tin. opcratiniiH of tlm net of INI I.
'i'liu fact in I hit I thU net of IN 1 1 oxtmiiU to
tlm ilwi'llors on tint pulilic, IntuU in towns
nml cilicH, tint nniu ri'lilH nml privilo;;c to
tlio o'tonl of tlii'ir poM'Mion, n iitu ("rant.
til to iifiriciilluritH hy the pro-ouiption law k;
nml tin oliit-ct of hntli in inanifiitllv tn tiro
i u-rt tlio Umn fair M-tllcr friini opt ciil.ilor,
with phturnnl care, nml lo M-uuro Ilniii tln-ir
hoini'M nt ronHonnblo rnti-H. Thu nif-otia.
lion tide of Vih (((ii.'liun m aUo equally cluar
lo my mind ; that in, that tho public land
in Oregon, otlled upon and occupied n
town niton, or for trmlu nml commerce, in
dopcndeiilly of the act of 181 1 above con.
MiIliCiIi mu "not Milijocl lo ilnuntion under
tho ncl of VISlli .Si'jiteinbi'r, Ih.M), (:!:,ttu!rs
ut lurac In. II, i. .107.)
I ho iionationt made liy thm act are ngn
cultural grant., made lo 'induce settlements
ill that far ditant region. They nro in (he
iiaturn of pr.-.i iiii.tioini, more liberal as (o
hud been previously given to tlio pre-emp-
.1 . " ....... ......
Under (l.eso
1 earlier ami general pre.eiupliiiu l.i n, it was
.held that ton 11 proporty was not subjeet to
!' 'r rw.y, nro regarded ns M.bject to
the operation of (In net of IS 1 1, above re
ferred to, substantial justice will bo douo lo
every settler in those towns. It is tiuo that
the golden ill cams of those who l.ivu at
tempted thus to claim tin o Imtis wi'l be
dissipated, but tho good of tho greatest
iiuiulntr will bu legally and equitably cur
"V, ',')'; ,',
ried out ; til of which is most respectfully
our obedient servnnl,
Ho.v. H. .McCi.iii.i.ami,
ticrctiiri Interior.
Tho following is tho net of -May, IS 11,
referred lo in llio foregoing opinion of tho
" AN AU r for (ho relief of tho citizens of
towns upon tho lauds at tho United States
under curtain uireuuihtauces.
Jit: it ciiihUeil by the Senate and J louse of
jiryiijcviiuure.v 11 inn riuieti Mutes uj
America, in Congress assembled, That
whenever any portion of tho surveyed puli
liu binds '.as boon or shall bo settled upon
nnd occupied as n town silo, and therefore
not subject to outry under tho existing pre
emption laws, it shall bo lawful, lu case
hiicIi town Is incorporated, for tho corporato
authorities thereof, and, if not incorporated,
for tho judgos of tho county court for tho
county in which hucIi town Ij shunted, to
!...( i.i i it ....i. "'" "m '"' orsiiaii nnve iwcji, ii iiln.ost lln i.len.icnl words of 'J'K'I l'"r thereto, nnd who shall mliab.t ., son ewor.h twelve, twenty, thirty, .and b Dead J .
III... prcciiiptio,, net of IMI, ( IW. ft. AW. I ,,ml 'I'"'V if wlso I.rx. or bhn!i f Toro " per ource. while an article .of , fm, , , ampMti ho prom;nent
!.rf.!rA.r, ,' 155.) It is l.uo I ...t tho net of ''H n8 Uim-oii, fc,al U-. nnd M ey.K.r.or excellence has even sold fr , wm t8 ' f of
INII in terms excludes tow ., sites and lands "v "" ,""";;! tor u r .V"1! lf r ,lc. le. tn",;.do,,',?,,,Cr0,U"CtV'ou''tai"nd tho hoiry gray of tho nearer
settled up..., for pu,pes of trade, but that lur '." ,a' lml ol '. for " ''" '' ' 'f h ' ,,' '" ?'B !l '"J'.s ,,,,' vaIuo ' hills. The wall, were of tho dull yellow of
' .. ' . ' . . . . such laud m.-iv lie. bv lei'.il u itiinii. L'o d. K hod.uill IS lotind in the ores of .. ... J .
was iiuiy hRiiciiiiiiiug mm carrying mil i.y , , ' n ; ., ,.... ... , ... .... . , weamer siainea maru e, ana uio oniv ireea
i ....:.i.... ....i ......'?. ...i..r. ' number of ncius. not exccedim; ono platinum associated with iridium, osmium I. . .1...1. .. .: ..... .
onlur, nl tint jiropor Jnml olfieo, nml at llio
niinliiiiiiii.tliu land no xctfli'dnml ocenpicil,
in triinl, for llio novcrnl tino nml henclit of
tlio occnjinnU thereof, nccoriliii to llicir
rcHiioellvo InloronlM. tlio cxKCiitiou of which
trtiiil, n to tlm dinpoanl of llio lot in hiicIi
town, ami llio proeeeu" oi mc nam uiorcoi,
to ho comliicleil under micli rulon and r.'fij.
lalimiH a a may ho prcMcribed hy thu I im
liitivo nnthoilty of tlio HLnto or Tcnilory
n wiitcli llio "ami! iizituauu: I'miuicn.
That (ho entry of tho ImnldiTiiibl by lliit
. i i..ti .."It... i..'L .... -i
net huiiihiic iHor lo tlio cminnciicenient of
llm pnhlic Halo of tho body of I .ml in which
it Ik inrludid, and that llio entry 'hull in.
(dudo onlv hitch land an In nclin.llv ceii.
pied by tho town, and be made in confor.
mily to the I L'al Hubdivixioim of tho public
lamlx niitlioiii'il by tlioai:t of twi.nty.
I'oiirtli April, one ihoiiannd illit hundred
nml twenty, and uliall not in tlio whole ex
coed three hundred and twenty aci e: !'
imiviilril, aim, Tlmi nny act of 8'iid tru
leen, not iiindo in conformity to llio rulei
and regulation herein alluded to, dnll be
void and of none effect; And irntidnl, aim,
That nnv act of n.ttil tnmlecH, nut inado in
ronforinlty to llm rul and regul.ilions
herein alluded to, shall bo oil, and of none
ell'ect : And jmiv'uhd, aUo, That tho corpo.
rale aulhoritie of tho town of ton, in
tho couiily of I'latte, Stnlo of Mimourl, or
tin county eotirt of hntle comity, in rnt.I
.Slate, slinll lit allowed twelve ruoiillin. from
mily , hi rni.1
nioiil lw, from
and after tho passage of thin act, to enter
nt llio jiropor land ollico the hndj upon
which H.ilil town in lituate.
Apjiroved, .May j:i, JHII."
Tho following seclions from tlio act of
W....I i iuii ....i.i i i. i . .
hop,. I 1811, en llilcl An net to appro-
.ri.ito mo proceeds or tlio salos or tho puli-
lie lands, and to grant pre-emption rights,"
, I a . m
hot forth tho law now in foree, wherever
applicable in relation to prc-ciiiplion rights,
anil which is referred to, in tho Ccmimi.v
sinner's ojiinion :
oi:c it;. And ho it lurthcr enacted, Ihr.t
from nml after the iiassaaeof this not. evcrv
person being the head t$n faruJJli,rv idoyt
or single man, over tlio ngo of twenty-one 1 ojierntion is culling it into stubs short
years, nnd being n, citizerr ol thw trnitL I ' pieces jointed aiuI an'ilarjXjflV'tii'initiil
.State, or baviny idled his de;lufjiitonof cufsijuaro olTnt tho other; this Is done in
liitention tn lieciimn a citizen, nSToquirrd '" die. Tho itubs arc then run through a
by lie n.ilur.ilixaimn Itws, who, olnco tin machine, and each pointed for tho receji
first day of Juno A. D. eighteen hunilrcd tion of thu real en points. The next ope-
and forly, hnn mnli or h.-reafter make a
' ......I . - -.. .1 .... .
I " "t " , L ii"" '. ..i". " V1"'"
nun the Indian
time of such H'ltlemeiit extingunhed,
- " ' i s mi-
.....ire., nnd my, or n quarter .ectmn of
and .0 include tho reMdence.if such cl....n
ml. upon paying to the I'm.ed .States the
.............. pneo ,,f such land, subject, how-
ever tn tho follow iin limitations and ex-
ceplinns: No rsuu shall bu entitled to
more than ono pre-emptive right by virtue
of this act; 110 person who is iuepropiiotor
of three hundred and twenty acres of
in nny Stato or Territoryuf tho United
SlatcH, nml no pcrM.u who shall iiuit or
abandon bis on ti r. -.iil-iice 0.1 his own
to rcttilu on the
public land in Ihe same
. mi nid w,iu nniu
Mate or 1 1 rritorv. shrill acnuire nnv riL lit
acquire any riulit
r.T ..r.i.. .in. .ii. 1. . n.'.l... iI.1l ...... .... I.... I.. ...
.i...i...i :,. .....:.. 1
.......V., .1, ..II, . WOVI .II.1WII, 11 UIIJ lll'.D,
1 1.......1 r ..... n.... :. r.c.
...... ... .iwv.i.i....,.if.i ui itir 1 iiaiutviii .11 .iiu
United Suies, or reserved for salines, or
tor other purposes ; 110 lauds reserved for ! w" poor pens mane by nid.tlerent maker,
the uiippoit of fcclioob, nor the lands nc- After tho pen is pointed, it in rolled out be
quired hy either of the two lait treaties with tween rollers with indents in them to save
tlui .Miami tribe of Indians in the Slato of tho points, until tho stub is drawn out to ils
Indiana, or which may bo ncquired of tho 1 proper length and correct thickness; the
Wyandot tribe of Indians in tho State of rolling also makes the gold elastic. After
Ohio, or other Indian reservation to which d" rolled they nro cut to tho proper form
the litlo has been or may ho extinguished ," ' finishing die, then stamped with the
by tho United States at any time during tho J "' of the .linker, and afterwards tuned
opeiatiou of this act; no sections of laud "p to tho rounding quill form. This is
reserved to the United States alternate to dono liy a very ingenious littlo machine,
other seclions granted (o nny nf the States tho invention of a guutlemau of this city,
for tho construction of nny canal, railroad, After "quilling," tho point is slit with n
or other public improvement ; no sections ;
or fractious of sections included within tho
limits of nny incorporated town; no por
tions of the public lauds which have been
selected as the site lor a city or town ; no
parcel or lot of land actually settled and
occupied for the purposes of trade, nnd not
agriculture; and no lauds on which are
situated any known aminos or mines, shall
bo liable to entry under and by virtuo of
the provisions of this act. And so much
of llio proviso of tho net of twenty-socond
of June, eighteen hundred nml thirty. eight,
or nny order of the President of tho United
States, us directs certain reservations to bo
mndo in favor of certain claims under tho
treaty of Dancing-Uabbit crook, bo nml tho
same hereby is repealed l'rovided, That
such repeal shall not affect any title to any
Irnct of land fiecurcd in virtuu of Hnid
Hkc II. Ami ho It further enacted, 'Hint
when two or morn pcraoiis Minll hnvo set
tied on tlio iwunu (inarter ection of land,
tlio riulit ofpro-emption Mmll he in lilm or
inr wn iiiniiuiuourB'.Buiiiuinciii, proviuen
Iwich peromi shall conform to the other pro
i..:.i ..r it.:. ..-i. .....i .n ... .-
viaiuii 'i .ma iiufc, itiii. mi iuudiiiiiiii in ms
tho riulit of prL-etnplIoii nrtxinu between
lillorent netllerj uliall bu nettled by tho roL'
liter nml rer.cirer of tho dUtrlct within
which tho land is situntori, suhject lo an
appeal lo nml n revision by tho .Secretary
or tlio I rcnury or tho United fjlnten.
I Ki:c. IU. And beit furtherenaffed, That
I prior to nny cntrici being rnado under and
,by vittiio ol'thoprovisioiiH of thin net, proof
of the Hettlemcnt and imtirovement thereby
re'piired, nliall be inado to thu Ratisfaction
of tho register or receiver of thu land dis
trict in which hucb lanih tnav lie. ntrreoably
to hucti rules as liall bo prescribed by Uio
"secretary of tho I reamiry, who shall encli
In entitled to reccivo fifty cents from each
applicant for bis servics, to bo rendered ns
uforednid; nudnll nssigiiiuentsnnd transfers
of tlio right hereby secured, prior to tlio
issuing of the patent, shall bo null and void.
American .Tluniifstctnrc.
'Ilie manufacture of ijold pens uses up
; moru cn ,ta, n XW Vork tlVI onu ,ialfof
10 sU..m.,oit.rMUJi,hmt.,)t,. A, our
, readers aru aware, the manufacture of gold
I pens is confined almost exclusively to the
il'nited Stalei a N'ow Vnrher having not
only originated the idea, but he lima lair to
'!"' '" "J'Vnnco of it. Tiio n
Aow 1 ork take precedence of
, ot(Cr of-or of w(
pons mudo in
f those made
r ! '1T''P ,-
1 111 nut.' ntlu.r lirirlinri nf llm ivnrlil. I.t'iiei
fc0-mshii that crocs tikes thousands of
dollars world lor almost every city in Eu.
1 rol-'' Having said thus much ofits import
nttri. Int tit iiTnrninA Enmntufint ttin rriMtti.
'.V, h W' w.. w .V...W.'.. . -
od by which it is made perfect.
Ac-ordinir to tho Scicntirlc American,
the gold for pens is rolled into thin strips,
annul tlio tlilrty. second part of an Inch in
thickness: in this state it is blnck on tho
s'ufaee nmLdooUs liU brcss.
ration is pointing tho stubs; the Rulutancoi
..I C... ...!..,. !. .1 ..!.. . l. .11.1.. I
" t lA." ',..:.".: ?... ,. ni.
".. uiiwAttiwiv
llnnieta that wo wiih tn direct
ii.:. .. . . i .i . . . i . . . i uiiain.1 aim iuuiiiuo, rose men anu Sleep,
. ? . ?' fl ' ' ,0.,lircCt,',;.,,Cularfibut direcUy over the city. thu.i5ht fell fir
'attention. Iheit are various qualities of' v. ' ,. . ,, J' . . .. .
i. 1 ..URUiiim. indium u-t-d liy some fur
1 .0 .o ...u . fgod pens, but rhodium ..the.
dea re. . r.d best. All of tins metal used .
hi tho Liuted &ta e. comes from tho Peru-
''iu or Russian mines, nlthou"h larco aunn
titles might bu obtained in California, and
w'h le trouble than wo now obtain gold,
Kliodimu is of a white, glassy color, And
in minute particles like sand ; tho
round globular panicles are the best for
I"-'" points; in fact, out of ono ouuco of
? .iwtal, perhaps not one seventieth of the
........... -.V.....---........ ..vVtV. ... . -
granule can be used, the restate rejected.
A ".10 p;
particle 01 runuium is soldered on
the iittliitil.'il iiriinl nf .ni-li Ktnli hT rril.l
..In. anlilnr ii mn.tlv rnmiinoi..! nf.fni.1 r.,.
... .... . . . . kill? U1II& LV IIKM iillll LI1U IHUUllIlL UllliL.
-"- --.w. .w -,.j ww...'VW.. . fW.V., .V. I . - . - .. . ,
m..I.v ii i. nn. i..h .... .i..- ii .i'man Jew, where wo found Dr. llobinscn
j --- - -- ia."., -... Vw..w..v .., .... .
,''10 rhodium point drops on"; this is tho caso
thin, soft copper disc revolving at n great
velocity ; tt.t great speed maKcs the ttoit
metal disc cut tho
cut tho hard metal rhodium,
The gold is slit with another machine,
thoroforo to mako 11 slit in each pen, it has
undergone two operations. Tho point is
next ground on a copper wheel revolving
ut n high volocity ; this is n very delicate
operation, and 11 good artist gets high wa
ges. After this, tho pens nro "stoned
out, " that is, thoy nro ground down on tho
insido nnd out by lino Wutor-of-Ayr stones,
by hand, on a bench alongside of a tub of
water; tho stones nro long, thin, roundish
slips, nnd tho pens hnvo to bo operated so
as to mako ono part more thin than an
other, in order,, to give them the proper
sprjng ; they nro thou polished on swift ro
volviug coppor rollers; and afterwards flu.
.- . i as juj
(shed with fino powder and soft chamois
nkin. Thus, lo mako a gold pen, it under
goes twclvo operations. Inferior pons can
bo inado with less labor, but tlioy soon do
velojxi their truo characteristics. Deforo
wo conclude, wo would rnenllo-i that thoro
nro in this city no less than forty makori
of gold pens, ono of whom uses up no lost
than 81ii0,000 worth of gold annually.
iV. Y. Dutchman.
Xiio I'lrst Vlv of JTcrtt'iilcm.
Havaiid Tavlo, In his last lotter, pub
lished in tho New Vork Tribune, gives tho
following account of bis first fmpreuionF
of the Holy City:
ISut when I climbvd tho last ridge, and
looked ahead with a sort of painful bus
pense, Jerusalem did not appear. We wero
U.OOO feet above (ho Mediterranean, whoso
bluo wo could distinctly see, fur to tho wont,
through notches in tho chain of hills. To
tho North, the mountains were gray, deso.
Into and awful. Not a shrub or treo re
lieved their frightful barrenness. An up
land tract, covered with whito volcanic
rock lay beforo us. Wo met peasants with
asses, who looked, to my eyes, as If Uioy
had just left Jerusalem. Still forward wu
urged our horbcs, and reached a ruined
garden, surrounded with hedges of cactus,
oyer which I saw domes and walls in tho
distance. I drew a long breath and looked
at I'rangois. Ho was jogging along with
out turning his head ; ho could not have
been so indifferent if that was really tho
city. Presently wo reached another slight
rise in the rocky plain. lie began to urgo
his panting horse, and at tho same instant
wo both dashed on at a break-necr' callop
round tlio corner of an old wall on tho top
of tho bill, and lo! tho Holy City! Our
Greek jerked both pistols from his holsters,
and fired them into tho air, as wo reined up
on tho ttcep.
From the descriptions of travelers, I had
expected to see in. Jerusalem An ordinary
modern Turkish town; but that before mo
with its walls, fortresses, and domes, was it
nnl m! ill ilia ..Itu-nf I)atr7il.f .loMUf.tfiA Jflnli
-"" r ..j-. r.. . . -" .w.-.
salem of tho JNow testament as LTiasTjTS;
iiifd ,ir Lone
ly it notched parapet, and strengthened by
towers; n few domes and spires above
them; clusters of cypress hero and there;
tliM was all that was'visible of the city. On
either side, tho soil sloped down to tho two
uecp va!Ies, over which it lung?. On tho
tho Mount of Olives, crowded with
ii-..i -..4 ........ . i.ii. i .
r""'?.' " - ""J-i 'B '" """.'
g. wo .rrid, I hava looked down upon
ho e, fr0 tho'mountof olives, and up to
j, f f h rM of JehoMphat, but I cun-
, , ,-, j f fl y.
We allowed our horses to walk slowly
down tho remaining half milo, to tlio Jaffa
gate. An KnglUhman, with a rod silk
shawl over his head, was sketching tho city,
while an Arab held an umbrella over him.
Inside thu gate, wo stumbled over an Italian
shop, with an Italian sign, a." after thread-
"B "- ' '" r.caio Ib' "-
. - . I- !
M-" vi - "v,f " - -
ono noiei, wmen was iuii 01 travelers, wu
reached another, kept by converted uor
. . . .
anu ur' li omtiti, w
ho both nrnveu yes
terday. It sounds strange to talk of a ho
tel hi Jerusalem, but tho world is progress
ing, atid thoro are already thrco.
Our eccentric- nod almost ubiquitous
correspondent lion. Mr. James Pipe, of
Pipesvillo pays tho tollowmg tntiuto totjio
great merit of tho Graefenburg Pills, Lip
Salve and Green-Mountain Ointment:
"To tho President of the Younited
Staites Grntl'enburg Pill Manufakturing and
Lip Sarvo nnd Green Mountain Ointment
Kumpany in Congress not assembled ;
"Sir: I were afflicted with n wcry wi
olent pain in tho regin of my lower stom
mick by lloeson of induting too mutch
Lickker in my cistern. It remaued with
mo for sum time until my previous insido
was materially lessened in its parts. Driv
en orlmost to madiiojs. by ono of Kipp
and brown's omnibuses, 1 aliteted at your
Pill repository, in dredful ngoni, nnd found
vour doctor just helping hhnseir to tomo
lli.tjrs, for to givo him a appetite for hta
Pills arftor dinner. Ho advised mo to taik
sum whloh I did, and found Relief beforo
IM finished takin' it. It warmed mo.ltos-
stines nnd other things, and corsed tho por-
pornshun to exude from my sum, anq tno
Kflwonno Penner to raise in my etumack .
so I hollered right out no mow for the
Present, from yours trooly, J. r.