The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, June 09, 1854, Image 1

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WM. J. BEUGS, I'viituuEu.
1 I
"M . ,!'U Ji. " ! V -
JIJM', t, 1854.
KUMllFAl 1.
" r
vjawsaii imifnMi'm..ivi naim ";H'.ii.h. u. -i i L-U.Ji-U"" i J a--iil ''un " v . . '. 'ili't'.'.l'.-'.r?;
D. J. LYONS. I ii mi.
.Wiuv4t.AX tfflM " wtissnnra'a l -- i -v
voiiVMi: 1. HioTisnuiui, o. v.,
rtinuniRD KVKKY
OSTICi: In Hinnta New
ktUMN'o. (second
atory) corner of Main and Y
otlalU street.
One cony, for on year. B5.l6 1 fur six months,
3,00 j for three montlm, !,.
ADVKKTiicMKVTit will bo hicrtrd t the fol
lowing rates: One square 6f ten linen or low,
Brst Inicrtlon, 2,00 j each subiuent Insertion,
1,00. A liberal deduction niado to yearly ad
vertiser. Brstxcss Cam, of ten line or Icm, Tor ono
year, $21 : for six months, 815 1 fur three muntbi,
flsVTb number of Insertion mint be distinct
ly auraed on tat margin, otherwise ih.y will bo
aoatfawd till forbid, and charged accordingly.
; V-pctra.
" Away with tilouru.
t jouk Tjcumx.
5porn the Unci wbleh aorrow tract t
Laugh the Ills of lib away.
Tbey who wear the longest faces
Always lUe ib longvst day.
Why complain, though fortune press tbie t
Why repine at lowly birth,
While contentment itlll may bleu then
With the Joys of ptmllog mirth!
Art tbou rich In poundt and rubleit
Desl thou tlerp an bwls of down!
I.augb to ace bow Tain the baublei
Which deceive the gsplng clown.
What though now thy year are many.
And thy lock arc turning gray ;
HmI thou uot a hope of any
Joy beyond tby mortal day T
Thou hut dreamed, perhaps, f glory ;
Fate baa beld thee under ban ;
fjtlll, unknown to rong or etory.
Tbou canst be a merry man.
Tell not after gilded sadmts ;
Let not woe thy soul entice;
V'or the earth U full of gladness
Offered the without a price.
Dett then peak f care and tronblee t
Cart and troOileii, what are thry I
more thai n'i" M-lf a
licit IaugnZiy drive away.
Laugh, and charm the fatei to Hilcn ;
Hoot all gloom fsnclt down ;
Thus nball Time fcf Kt to hasten,
And e'en Dcatfc relax bin frown.
The Wldgcou.
Jack Sawwell, aa honest a carpenter aa
ver drovo nail in timber, lived as happy a
life ai man could live, till his good or had
Kniut, I know not which, inijiirud him to
do ponanco for his dim I tnunn to marry.
He married then ; alas, tho day ! Mr. Ann
for to tho good croaturo waa called whom
be deigned to make bono of hit bono took
great caro, like tho re ft of her sex, to put
a her best niri before marriage you
weuld sworn the would not aay boo
to a gooso ; and yet, between you and mo,
ho waa a very Xnntippc. She lisped out
"honor and obuy," in io humble, ao com
pliant a tone, that I'lumpjolos, tho parson,
turning up his cyca to heaven in admira
tion, compared this couplu to tho primitivo
fiair, and prayed houvun to tliowor down
ta choicest blessings upon them.
Well, tho honoy.nioon, you nay easily
Imagine, waned an uninterrupted scono of
wtyt .' Not ao, egad ! yoo are ahrowdly
nw(en in your opinion 5 madam, whom
-tempei wJlkc a br.ndtnff'toinncii. had
kept loVring a while,' only to pour down
with KrcVer impetuosity, began ! ia wry
next day U glvo'hlra a apecimen of what
he was to ciV0Ct in futuro.
1 0,t Sawwell aroao tho next morning
highly dolfghtodJththo paaivo obodionco
of hie wifo, and woit to work na usual; for
. ho waa an induatrJom, paina-taking man-
who ui jruur nonuay maxora. lioioro no
went out, ho travu hla sdouiq lmlf a uulnaa :
" My doar," aaid ho, " buy us aomothing
nice for dinner, tbouch it coiti ihillinii
xtraordinary, lot us go through tho wook
niorniy as no oogan it,"
WouW you beliovo it. contlompn. Mrs.
nn, for onco in her life, nald nn imnlicit
hedionco to tho commands ofhor husband ;
obaoiy Her passion for tit bits reigned
naominani iai aay ; mat u tno only roa
ei. I ara capablo of assigning for her con.
deXonaion. To market aho went, and pur
chated n wild duck, aa she- thought, and as
tho ntultercr aworo; but wo can assure our
readen, from very good authority, that it
waa noting rnoro than a widgeon ; which
beara at, n0ftr a roaomhlanco to tho wild
duck, thA none but connoisieura ean'di.
tnguiih. th onv from the other.
When lior huslmnd camo, " my donr,"
unld she, " what do you think I have got
for minion
" I don't know," snya ho, " innyhnp you
have bought n gooso.
" No," reiillud alio, " but I hnvo bought
n lino a wild duck as you over set your
uyes on." Having deposited lior duck up.
on a dish, nourud her uravy over it, and
added tho necessary garnish of siloes of
lomon, alio served It up.
Tho carpenter now roturnod from whct
ting his kuifo upon tho stairs, and casting
his oyo upon tho dish, "Zoijudil Nan,
cried ho, " why, suro you did riot buy this
for a duck I " " "
- .ii.Ksi Luy thai for a duekt why, what
did I buy It for then t " cries sho tossing
up her head.
" Why, 'tis no moro n duck tlian I am a
uucb," replied too carpenter; "tako my
won! fur it, 'tis nothing but a widgoon."
"A widgeon a fool's huad I " cries his
wife in a rage, " do you think I don't know
a duck when I aeo it, as well as you dot
Besides, tho woman said it was n duck."
"'Ilio woman Is a lying jade," siid the
carpenter; "I'll warrant ynu imagino the
woman knows better than 1 do, wlio am a
Lincolnshire man, and have killed score of
them in tho Fens."
" Why, now, only behold tho obstinacy
of the man I" cries Mrs. Ann; " why, I tell
you again it is a duck, and it shall bo a
" My dear," said the carpenter, who had
much of llio philosopher in his temper,
"you do not consider that whtlo wo are
spending our tlinu in idlo disputes, tho wid
geon stands cooling."
" Tis no widgeon, I tell you, but a duck."
" Well, thun, my dear," replied he, " lot
i t be a duck, for peuco sake."
" Fur pencu sake or not for ccn sake,"
continued sho, " it is a duck, and I'll tako
my oath it is a duck."
" J own it," said Sawwell, " it was I that
was in tho fault; let us ngroo to drop the
discourse, and do you cut up tho duck."
His wife, ruSjulwug to have tho last word,
continued to harp on thosamo string all the
limn alio was carving. " Yes," says aho,
looking attentively at her husband, " 'tis a
duck: look aa snltclul aa.vou Dlcasr. 'tis a
Hawwell, who had now lost all patience,
rose from hla chair. " Hang you for a lor.
magant liulHiy," said he, " I liavo been fool
enough to lot you have your own way, for
tho sake of a quiet life, and yet that will
not content you, but ou must bo bringing
up tho old story ngaiu ; hold your totiguu,
or by (ioorgo I'll cuff you handsomely."
Hold your tongue! " said she, "wl
should I hold my tnugur, when I know it is
a duck 1 you cuirmu; I ilefy you, you vil
lain I touch mo, at your peril I I'll clapper
claw 30U, you rogue! yet, 'tis a duck; In
spite of your teeth, 'tis a" duck, she
would have said, but a stout box from tho
husband made tho word recoil again down
her throat: and now a most dreadful com
bat ensued; pinching, tearing, culling, and
bruising. Tho victory which hnd long re
mained doubtful, declared at length in fa
vor of tho husband; and tho wife, totally
defeated, fled into tim street, still cryit.g
out, " 'tis a duck, 'tis a thick."
tiawwell, having lopped off a leg nnd
wing, marched away to tim next public
house, eat his dinner in pence, and return
ed to his evening work. When ho camo
homo at night, all was quiet, and no men
tion niude of tho quarrel :
'llio noxt day at dinner, " My dear, says
alio to hor husband, " I hope in find, wo
shall cat our bit to-day with a litllo tnoro
comfort than wo did yesterday; you must
confess, however, that you wcro in ill-humor."
4 " Nay, my dear, " ropliod tho carpentor,
"don't say ao, it waa tho efrocts of your
obstinacy: did I not desire you to drop tho
discourse? it seemed to mo as if you took
a ploasuro in contradicting me, nnd mak
ing mo angry."
"Nay, but how was I to blatnoi" crios
she, "I only said it was a duck ; and a duck
it was, that I am certain of."
" Como, come, Nan, don't begin again,
lot us livo peaceably and quietly, can't
you I" T
" With all my heart," roplioa sho, ,' I am
sure, if nobody lovod quarelling hotter than
I do, thoro would bo moro poaco and har
mony In tho world than what thoro is : but
however, I ntn certain as how it was a
duck, If ! was to dio this moment."
" Nan, hold your tongue," onco again,
said tho carpenter, who began to grow
warm. -
" Why should I hold tny tongue," roplioa
aho, "when I know it waa a duck I "
"Ztmndal woman," crloa Sawwoll,
whom her obstinacy had irritated, " if you
will not bo silent, I'll servo you aa I did
" No, that I will not," saya she, "it waa
a duck ; and I will swear it was u duck."
And now, a hearty culTfroin the carnoii
ter gavo tho signal to engage.' Mrs. Ann,
with nimblo lingers, seized wills both hands
upon a dish, big with tho remains of their
dinner, and darted it at her husband's nod
dlu ; but, by tho Interposition of some del
ty, tho dish took a contrary course, and fell
amongst n sot of china, wldrli Mrs. Ann
had purhasod tho day bofoio; Ihreo cups
two saucers, and tho lid of a broken len.pot,
fell sacrlllces to her fury.
Tho carpenter at length, llred of waging
so micquul 11 fight, soixod upon n orahsllck
that stood near him, and the victory, which
had hithorto been doubtful, begA" to declare
Itself in his favor, whfiijinppearanco of
the neighbors, who' had UefirnU'turbod by
tho uproar, put a final conclusion to tho
combat. By their friendly interposition,
the breach was ngain cemented, and they
paused tho ensuing night as lowly as two
turtles ; but the next day at ("inner tho
duck was brought upon the carpet, and a
battlo fought and won, as usual, and from
that tlmo to this, not n day has passed, but
ha been productive of tint liku consequen
ces. I must fnsUl iiou it, though it will on
doubted ly seem a paradox to some ladies,
that thu wifo is ever to blamf, when sho
ierslsts, tenacious of tho argutiout, to con
test with her husband : in trMal dispute
sho ought always to show ho condescen
sion by submitting. What bmellt can pos
sibly result to her from 11 ic'iry gained at
so dear a rate, as thu loss of her husband's
affections I let her rather, liko tho great
Scipio, learn to gulu n sure and lusting vic
tory by tempoiiiug. Whet her husband
has had leisuru torellecl.iuic become sen
sible of his mistake, with hl delight, with
what inexpressible raptures till ho behold
tho dear woman, or rather C10 dear angel
hIio conld make so great a sncrillco to his
tranquility I ho uill amply repay, by pro
fession of lovo and tenderness, tho mortifi
cation aho underwent for his sake.
Dun ring.
It is absolutely necessary for tho ad
vancement and prosperity tf a nation Uiat
its peoplo should bo to indulge
in some rttoroaUc". xxiir nnslliue. .bv the
occasional enjoyment onvuicn tuey can
drive tho ghosts of by.gonu labors from
their minds, and banish cant and ennui
Tho recreations generally vay in charac
ter among different nations, 'according to
tho degreo of progress which civilization
has made among tiio.ii ; but thorn is ono
amusement which is common to nil ll is
dancing. Tho danco is onjoyod as much by
tho most misorablo and degraded of the hu
man kind, ns thu by those who rank high
est in the scale of intelligence and refine
inent. It is generally used to denote feel
ings of joy or mirth ; though among some
nations and tribes it is not uufreqtieutly
practiced for the purposo of depicting sor
row, or augor, or of exciting thu passions,
'llio auciout (i reeks deemed this accom
plishment an essential roquisito to thu com
pletion of nn education; and even now their
decondauts delight to assomblo at tho twi
light hour on tho villngo groon, and drive tho
mists of caro from their their bosoms with
tho musio of their voices and tho revels of
tho dance.
Tho anciont Egyptians celebrated relig
ious festivals by dancing ; and tho figures
of tho dances were often arranged to rep
resent in their evolutions thu motions of tho
heavenly bodies about tho sun. A Jewish
festival is thus described : " After thu sac
rlfico llio people assembled in tho outer
court of tho temple, illuminated by two
largo golden lamps, llio priests, carrying
lighted torches, began tho danco, while thu
Lovltcs, stationed on tho steps of tho in
ner temple, played on tholrharps. " Even
in Franco two hundred years ago, dancing
was permitted in hor churches on certain
days of worship; but ns tho practice was
thought to impart an appearance of licen
tiousness to religion, it waa oventually an
.'It . . .1- -- MA. A... ''1
nulled by law.
Tho natives of Siberia hnvo characteris
tic dances such as represent hunting tho
crauo and running tho deer. Tho dancer
who performs tho part of tho orano, covors
himself with a cloak, tho under portion of
which ho raisos by means of a stick, on
tho end of which is fastened tho hoad of
tho bird. Thus oqulped, ho commoncus
operations, keeping tlmo to tho music, and
communicating to tho stick tho peculiar
inotiona of tho bird.
Tho Kamaohutkana also havo a kind of
danco that represents hunting tho boar. It
is a sort of pan torn ino, and has charms bo
captivating that great numbers join in
tho oxhllaratlug sport, and continuo it
sometimes from twolvo to flftcon hours.
Tho Indiana of our own continent aro no
tod as much for tho varioty of thoir dances
as for thoir peculiarities. Our roadera aro
probably all familiar with descriptions of
tiio buffalo dance, the deer danco, dog
danco and pipe danco; and thou, too, thoy
have their tcriihlu war and scalp dance,
which has furnished many a loquacious
traveller with an ample thumo on which to
'Jim aborigine of New fjoulh Wales,
who aro mining tho most lavage and de
graded (Kioplu of tho human race, enter
with thu keenest zest into this spociea of
amusement; for this purpoio they tako tho
utmost pului to deck their bodies with a
profusion of finery and paint, and often
present an exceedingly grolesquo appear
ance. Thu " corrobory " or skeleton dance
Is tholr favorito. It forms the usual close
of their combats, and is alio frequent in
a of psace. Indeed, it appear! almost,
snry, to stir up their blood and un-V
tho excitement thue produced tho whole
dcr thu excitement thus produced
uaturo of thu peoplo seems to je changed.
When tho darkness of evening approaches,
a fire built in a sultablo location by tho
women and the boys. The preparations
being coiuplelod,aud the lira burning bright
ly, llio jierformurs, usually about twenty
in numb'ir, are Keen advancing in tho guise
of as many skeletons. Thu effect is pro
duced by pipe-clay, with which they paint
broad white lines on their arms and legs,
and on tho head, while others of less
breadth aro drawn across tho body, to cor
respond with tho ribs. The music consists
in beatlni! time on their shield and sinir-
III'', and to it the iiiovemouts of thu dan. I
iiiuiiniici'i 01 iiiu uiiiifjiitmiru iiiiiivui ui x,u
rope and America, (termativ, that conn
divines, is famous for having introduced
thu waltz to tho world. Her phlegmatic
student find that In no way can thoy so
easily counteract tho wonting effects of tho
midnight vigil, or tho atwlhctic lullaby of
thu incessant meershaum, as by occasion
ally indulging in a social " trip o the toe,"
cijiecially when thoy can find a charming
llitio bright eyed partner.
Tho Usnaiana love dancing? The Ital
I ft if nt-fi (jail Mil tilii I rtwiiiiiftfij niiil nistsnjitit '
ians nnil Nwiu.nuIovJLainaziuA'r! anil th
fondness of tho lreuch people for the art,
is proverbial it world over. The Marifka
originated in Poland : akd the Polkai'whtcl
is danced throughout tho whole length and
breadth of the civilized world) and is at the
nresont timo the favorito danco of tho Eng
lish nation, was first introduced in ono of
thu northern countries of Europe. In Nor
way, sunny Castile, and oven in oor old
Ireland, this amusement is common to ev
ery grado of society.
And in sober Scotland dancing is pro
ductiveofas gonuino enjoyment as any
where. 'Hie attachment of thu Scottish
peasantry, particularly, to this amuiemont,
is very great. Tho winter Is their season
for instruction and enjoyment, and often,
alter the labors of tho day are over, the
young men and womon will walk miles to
participate in tho excitement of a social
dance a largo barn frequntly serving tho
purposo of a ball-room. Thu Scottish mu
sic ia celebrated throughout thu world for
tho wild sweetness of its strains, and as tho
violin strikes up a native air, tho bent form
of tho rustic, which but a moment baforo
seemed ovurcomo with fatigue, becomes
erect, his fcaturca brighten, and his feet be
gin voluntarily to mow aa if iutbuod with
1111 irrohistablo sympathy.
Dancing is probably loss in voguo in tho
United States of America than In utiy En
roK'an country. Our I'liritnu fathers,
when they settled on those shores, deemed
it one of tho vanities of life, and discoun
tenanced it by every means in their power.
But their stoni rulo gradually passed uwny,
ami U10 reel, llio contra dance, nnd U10 co
tilllon havo long found euthusiaslio vota
ries among tho young and aolivo of ovory
condition nnd sox. In this progressive
ngo, however, tho moro modern "Scot
tischo" nnd "polka" scorn to bo rapidly
usurping tho attention of thoyouthful portion
of tho community, und porhaps, oro many
centuries havo rolled over tho world, tho
United States will bo ns famous for supe
rior cultivation and oxccllouco iu tho art as
Franco and Germany arc now.
Dancing is universal ; on ovory conti
nent nnd among evory jtoople, aavago nnd
civilized, tho practice of it is sustained.
Tho leaves of tho forest aud tho grasses of
thomoadow, danco to' tho musio of thoir
own rustling i tho waters of tho running
brook dance, merrily murmuring over their
bed ; and infinite rnyn of light danco a dis
tanco of ninety flvo millions of miles
thorough tho realms of snaco to render all
tilings visible to us. Tun plutiets danco
round tho sun, tho moon dauocs round tho
earth, and wo poor mortals danco through
lifo all forming ono grand figure cease
less eternal. llotton Journal.
cers conform. These movements aro com-. '" " cuuu " "TH c """ '"
posed principally of sudden contortions of"'0.'' ' ,l'r """-My g" uc!l " hr,err0'
the limbs and body, and violent muscular I fe,ve,I A c Uen of.N. lorh. In Tur-
actions, amounting almost to frenry. I il U c"t",,ar ,0. Ij? cl"",," tt" r
., ,.. tt . 11. 1 delicacv which prevails in that country, for
Iar difTerenl from these, but though less KOtUilimiin to dance with a Indy." No
exciting, corU nly quite ns pleaurable. are uc, c,mirnon c,0 prevails in any of tho
.i...i. . ..r .1... ...if..i.. 1.....:.. r 1.-.. 1 . .1. . . n.
Commas Rohso.
'Hill is a very common phrase, frequent
ly quoted, though not generally well under'
stood. It la a common romark that aucb
a parson has good common son so, or that
another is destitute of It. What Is com
mon sense t It is described ns a faculty or
part of a faculty, possessing a quick and
universal perception of right and wrong,
truth and orror, propriety and Impropriety,
in human affairs, by Cicero, Borkloy,
Shafisbury, Fentlon, Locko, Hume, Ilobba
and Priestly.
Dr. Ueul. Rush defines It aa follows -.
" I Consider It," saya ho, " aa the percep-
,lo,n ofH "U',Jr 'PP'r ,0 ll'? ,f "V
Pyt of mankind. It has no relation ta-.
' Wnjj true or false, fight or wrong,
proper or Improper. For the aako of per
spicuity, I shall define it to bo opinions and
fouling in unison with tho opfniona and
feelings of tho bulk of mankind. "
It is evident from this definition, which
wo think a good one, that common sense
must necessarily difTer in different ages and
localitios. What was good common sense
at one tinto will not lx at another. It is
not considered good common sense to talk
of republicanism In England. Neither Is it
considered good common sense to talk fa
vorably of monarchies orinonarchinl forms
of goverment In our American Congress,
Thu notions of common sense as enter-
" . . , ,a
western countries of Europe or in the States
of America.
Nearly all tho reforms and changes that
have been effected in society havo gone
counter to tho common sonso of tho ago
and place. Let us not forget, then, thst
common sense is made up of the "opinions
and feelings iu unisou with tho opinions
and feelings" of the majority of thoso in
any ago or place that givu direction to pub
lic sentiment. What goes contrary to
this will not generally bo received a good
common sense. iYirto j'oricr. . ' ?
Mcsrra Snriuen.
" Whiio residing, a few years ago, in the
.Monumental City, I used sometimes to go
on n Suuday to a smalt church near my
residence, to hoar a komewhat famous ne
gro preacher. Tho church had been built
by a few benevolent gentlemen as a placo
of worship for their slaves. The preacher,
himself a slavo, waa an old negro, famed
throughout tho city aa a tterfeclTy original
sjttcimcn of imagination and humor, and
more especially for his very unique con
struction of various portions of tho divine
Word Ho frequently numborod among
bis hearers tho tlile of tho city, drawn
thither in tho hoje bearing "somo nw
thing t" nnd truth (0 say thoy woro seldom
diapK)lnted. To give somo idea of his
stylo necessarily Imperfect to'an outsider,
for his gesticulatiou was peouliar and for
cible I will narrate two morccaux: In
describing Christ's entry into Jorasalcm,
ho said: ' Well, my bruddren, whuti de
people in 'llusalem heard do Lord waa
coming, dcy 'baudoucd dcr okerpashon, and
cut for do subbuh ; crowding tru de gate,
I'sotio doubt, liko a flock o' s.icep; and
somo broke off do branches nfT de trees,
and t'rowed em down, aud eomo t'rowed
down straw nnd liny, and do rest took off
der clotlios not nil obdem, I 'spoct and
tru 'cm down In do road. Hut 'twas no
use, my breddron ; wld all doy could, dcy
couUhvt slop dat are colt ; ho kim along,
and .wont right in do gate' easy as r.uflin' 1 "
On another occasion, when striving his ut-'
must to bring about a revival, ho elevated
Ids humble flock several ticgs in import
ance Ho said: "Now, if any oh you nig
gets t'ink dot 'kn to you're black, aud poor
and misorablc, yon'so oh no groat conso
kenco in do Lord's oyes, you'sevaslly 'sta-
kon, I 'spoot, as I could provo by many
tiints ob do divlno Word J hut ono will bo
'fli-lnnt tnr vnur dull niiinnreheuslnn. Da
Lord says, in one place, " God will uot lot
even n spnrrer lull to tlu ground wiuoui
His notlco : " nnd In 'uudder place Ho says,
" Aro uot two sparrers sold for a fardon' f "
A fin-don', I would inform you, Is s'posed
to bo 'bout ns much as a cent. Well, den ;
now, if do Lord takes so much caro of a
sparror. worth only half a cont, of how
much 'portanco, my dear bruddern, In Ills
eyes, aro you flvo and six hundred dollar
niggers I " ii"ncAeroocA-cr.
Pa do chimneys tnako pictured N
child, why do you ask thatt Why I heard
Mr. Lampard say, ours draws very well.
Ma, havo steamboat boilers wingsi Oh
dont bother me, uo. Why, la! I board a
gentleman talking about a boiler flu.