The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, May 26, 1854, Image 4

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aasBBBBsattt?'a6&3' 171
Song (or Thinkers.
nr ciuu. bwaim.
Tak tlio Spade of Perseverance,
Pig tho Hold of Progress wide
Every rotten root oi faction,
Hurry out and cant nildo
Evory stubborn weed of Hrror,
Haste, nml pluek It from tho toll t
Tares, whoso very growth la terror
Dig them out, wlmtc'er tho toll!
Otto tho stream of ftlucallon
Uroadcr chsnncl, bolder furcef
Hurl the stones of Persecution
Out, where'er they Mock III coursot
Seek for strength In solf-owtlon t
Work, nml Kill liiwo faith to wait ;
Clone tho crooked gate to fortune
MuVo tho to honor stralghtl
WrWv nS)ta for tho fliturol
M fhey work so nges win
rfcnrvcst of advancement,
Jtssproduct of their bIuI
sVeAt truo Cultivation,
ten LMucatlon's plan ;
'From tho msjeily of Nature
Tench the majesty of SUM
Take tho rpado of Perseverance- t
Dig tho Held of Progress wide
Erery bar to truo Instruction
Carry out and cait ailda I
Feed the Plant whow fruit ii Wisdom t
Cltaoto from crlmo tho common tod j
60 that from tho Throne of llcaeu
It Bay tear tho glance of (Jod.
jrr Djrlleaf.
Tb!t gem baa Juit leea recovered from the
rsnity recontiof nnllqnHy. Aetbo lswycrtsay,
It U touerrhat void for want of definltencss, but
ye think the moral a useful one, To n hat coun
try or what e rloJ tho ballad refers, it la Irnpos
.ti.u tr. ..11 .. m. i.i. 1.1 1 - 1.1 1
dole to tell, m the ilito had licen corapletelr '
Aiii.Mit .,...... f.t tu 1
obliterated l.y tho rava:tt of time. Tbedocu
, , ,, , ,?, , , .,
inoum .k- carciuuy r.a omoog im
nrchtvr of the State.
IV jott JnerifUlh Syr Dylteng,
There was a verrye staUarto kuyphte,
Who pynnl forre power and fay me;
He fonnde yc iwyiMrm rrtlty tyitbte
Krr n.iinn, uv. i.u ... -.
ho'uehe. mvnde. y. matWre don'lo '
- J ---
ZZL'"J!?ZZZ 7t'ffyffhiw
v. ir!y liu?.,
wa. i-M i.-,S 4'm.T .
! '
t. -
. t
m A 1 Z. TTfT, I"
Antyc deponent ysconnJtnlUnyynitructcd
allbeytt yttys oph 1100 conek nice u liornnn
jn oulJe, oulde Yrclande.
lite mayktlh ye (Sallye L'otke tor treict.
Syr DyllonR beo was " comme II faut,"
Cared tiotto a " were damme ;"
Hee mayde yu Oallyc rooster irowe,
Kyeku upH. a levylle oph a Loblre, and
pMye at Uncle .S'amme,
Syr lloffinannr lyhtth yll nottr,
Tliere ria.) n Jmhlgc, Syr HolTuianne lowlue,
Lyked notto Syr Dyllonjr,'s ayres ;
Syr HoCTinannc hee dyd knocke him cold.
V.t than n wellgc yn aUiutte a mynule bye
sendynijo yc Irno knyghte, Byr lllchanlionnu,
aflerre Syr IHlIoiif,, us tt playulye nj'pnyrcs.
Syr llyeliurtltannr nutth oph,
Byr Rychardnonnc Lie tnyde, " I'm hire,
Wythe knynhttlye coiirlt'c f
fc'yr Dyllou;, I mufto nowe, I fecrt,
Yn yo mot delicate insnnerv ytnaynrisbU,l
tayke youe nlonj; with me."
.Vr Dyllonx tire trytlh alowir.
"0 1 sacro nommo do dleu ! " he eryede,
"Och, bye yc powere of mudde,
Ye'rc woundvddc alio roye finllyo prydc,
Ymultiil myo I-!mpcroirn Nupotconuo, andc,
faUe, yu'll have toe p.iye forrf ytt yifsoye wyll
I swearc bye Marye rooile I "
Syr IlyehurtUonnr ynttrutttth hym.
Byr KlchanUonne hen iqipe ande spayke,
' N'otto so, Syr DyMly IIuiib,
Vo tyrao has eomrrio,thouo"inut awake,
' To a sonito oph yo verrye y mportunlo ni -sylyV
oph suUmyttyiiKe tio ye Inwca oph yo pco
" ployoue nowa UoqiIwcIIu runonge.
Syr lhjllong, iltckorayltlh hymtelfe,
Byr UyllonK he puttu onne his breaHto
' Tho starru undo ryblonnu bhio,
(There was more onnu tlmnno lurii! his. veste,)
uado hco wrapped liyuuelpho yu a phlagKQ andol
was eorelyu troubled to learn (undcrrn
cKKstraoniynaryo cyruuuutunccH) wliat nekkst
lit ipetdtthe toe Syr lloffinannr,
Thcnno top Syr Hotrmunno speeded hco,
And uppo, ho bonldly aaydv,
" I juste hnvobtrucko, sir, my flag.gco,
And youa mayo betto youcr rlblict I shant'e
beysto ytt ngnyno untyll I reecho myo forcygu
eorrcrpondenco, soo-I'myouro prltoncrro, oudo
eacre I who'sC afraydot-"
Then cryed Syr HolTmnnno, Juste ande stcrnc,
" Youo Iiavo youro llbertyc."
Syr Dyllonfj cryed, " 8yr, youo mnst Jcurno
That I cnymo hero plior j 0 cklmprcsi pin paio
oph boyngo maydo n niurtyrre soe, none of youro
shsenunygynsl I'll styll youro prywier bi,"
Syr llyUonR rtetyvttfi hy forty rh ttrrttponil
Nowe, vn yo covrso oph lymo thoro cayrao
A myaayyo fiirro lYummo Frnnco,4
Nnpolcontio Inydo Ml yo blnymo
Onnoyo rydyculotisogoiysm mid slupjdylyo,
oph 8yr Dyllong, tcllyima liym tlmlto ypu
dydu'to hoytto thntle lUggo ngnyno uiyglityo
quyclio, ophilysmyifnl undo ilysgrnycohco would
stando n rygkte uitarte rhiumoe,
Nove, alio ya morryo gontlcmennc,
Vo lyltell ones mule bygge 'una
Whcntie HolTmnnno rnllci onno yono ngayne-,
You'd 0 bottom goe nmln notlA mtykc mug.
gynsit oph yourselves hjoputtynge tmn "rrnich
ayro," by ilMMfyiiK1 yoitiFtlr'ljrko kululryo
gyrlosyn rybbonrs, inystnkjngo notorjrlyoforro
iojiiilnrylyo urro youMu bittern) byu nnno
cvcriaityiifto syglile iibnpiatlulitlu yo dyggyu
San Joiujuin Ittpullitun,
llio 0110 word most needed to do itmlttr
stood by Amcrlcnn farmer, 1 U.iti:it.
iniA I m.mi. It cnrrlos oil" all idnguaiil wu.
tor. It nrrcttt tho ascent of wafer front
hcuoath. It nllnwa thu water to purcolnlo
or ttnilii through the mil luitcnd of run.
nlng over It. It curries the nutrltlto elc
inciita of rnln water Into tlio soil for lli'i use
of plants. It causes fresh nlr to circulate
tliroiili tlio noil. It makes tlio toll sweet.
or, looter, inoro friable, moru cnilly work
I'd, tuoro productive It linstcim tlio inn
turlty of crops. It Ii rqiint to n cliniifjo of
0110 or two decree of cliinuti. Tlio to
inovnl of Rtnjriinnt wnlcr remove tlio cold
ticss. It onnlitca tlio farmer to sen tun or
thrco wroki earlier in tlu aprliis. Il '
I equal to n deeponlnj of tlio toll, nil over
tiiu Held. It otinlilea tlio farmer to uu mn
tiuro to much y renter ndvaiit.iye. On wet
soils, bonu4, wood ashes, nnd other nttlfl
cl.l m.tuures nro nlmnit thrown nwny,
iii'io finiii nut win on 11 11 icri I
1 . . 1 ... 1 . , u 1 .
iln lrtiio wliero wnler J nllowcd toatni;.
, 1 .1 n i t .1 r ,1 "
nalo In Itio noil. iMnuy of the failures of
Ivvun llmo exhlliltn hut nnn Imtf It frrtill.
-,-.!,., , .i-.i-,, ,-.,. trnm ,iin
of nrtiflciul ferllllzera tuny, then, la atlri.
billed to tho presence ol water In tho toll.
It makes llio. noil of
n Held,
liko tho
soil of n r'nnfun. 'lliU
imvcs It
n liiiMi
ly nlnoi Imnt (lower to nttrnrt moiituro trout
tlio ntmosphere, n most valtiablo proirty.
o niinoipnere, a. in
WM,n8 .,ho o11 ,0 lxv ,.,, n.Fr fro1, '
nnn nittaf mini In llm ttilr.iifiiAlt.m nf tmli
. itv.Mf.wv . IIIU IIIIIVUHbllUM V. III4III.
n( ...lil... .. . II.. matter.
Tlio more extensively tho
he more llntly divided to
Ive, tqo mora thorough
bly Is nnturo cmplotcil
The act of plowing and
rin.'t tlin earth In tlio
','! an al of ntanurliiL'. In
tho driest weatlior tho nlr is loaded with
moisture. ThU moisture Is carried by tho
air in nmniij,' thu toots of plants if tho toll
l,e liupl ottril 111 mtmtt l. 'l'i ' 7
of plmita in tlio toil nro better supplied w itli
'nourishment, It beliiy nearer to them to nil
ridel within reach than It cnu bo where
', tho toil is Icni lino, its in common tillage.
u" """' '. , .",, " ,., f .,
Tull tnid ; " to demonstrato that ilewn
thodiard, diy ground in tho ilryeit weiuli.
!er, ntdeeji ns tho plow outfit to go, beat
thu oratli very lino, ami nil tnu uoiu inero
' with ; and after n few nights dewt you will j
I find tho earth bocnniu moist at thu bottom,
wlnlo lliehanl grounit arounu win no ury.
Till n field In lands; mako 0110 land very
their iilnutH at huch times."
In 0110 of bit nruumeiits to hit broth
farmera to deojien their 101U by uvery
practicablu menut, to let nlr Into tho roots
of tho croH. and In givo ivory faciltily
nosbiblo to thogrowth oftliorootaof planli,
liu oxjireriily assurex them thereby plants
derivo benelllH which c.cluivoly belong to
tho vegutnblo wmld,
Ol tho mibboll plow, l'rof. Jnhniton nays,
it is nn inttrutnunt uuequnlleil at irutent,
believe, foi giving n real iiraclicnl money
vnluo to still cluyoy subsoil. Vet oven he,
strong ndvocato as ho Is for deep plowing
and l ho use of tho subsoil plow, ndmils
llinl nfleiiliinea It la of but littkl ValllO III)-
lest nreceded by drnirdiiK. "Hut though
:. 01)CIIB wiyg lt. u,0 ,,0 fnr n lime
yotoft rt.UL.r ,entli. tho MiliMill plow will, in
lnoM CIIHl.H nflord no
pcimanent euro lor
thodefiolencietofthoMibsoil, if umuih'il
by thu driiiiutffr, "
Wlion a toll, especially rt retenlivo one,
in undordraliied, tho water na it percolate
through il leaven innumerable- Miinll pores 5
it bocomoH lilto n huoiico a reticulated
rnanaof fino tubos. Not only doos under.
drulning retnovo all oxcebt of water, nnd
supply it when deficient, but It eiiuulizes
Uiu tumpcrnturo of thu uoll. Ilckiue tho
beneficial mechanical efieut nu tho toll, un
dcrdraiuliiir bin uront uhcmical ridtion.
Tho removal of btugnnnl water and tho free
ndmiHsiou ol air In itu tterul, acceloi uteri
thu disintegiatiou of ininetaU ;ih well an tho
ik'coinpotslion of organln uintior in the anil,
0..n ..III. r.nHiliI 1 mfl II llUlllll '. .11111 L'la 'nnnl ni'ttl. I ill ICSl IlieilOS Illlll Hie "mil ........ ,,li 'I l,..r. irm "liimn Inm.h''
other bo rough from iii-isufiicent Ullage al- jeiuuiies: they are Hair iirntiieu "g" ' Ihenrd before thu benediction waa pro. JJJOAl IiUILULU AINU Ol'AJl MAIM '
tornatelv, lh?n plow the wl.olo field cross 1 rf,,., and may bo eonipared to li.r. : ouncct. imwiwa nivkr
wuoiu ll.odryest weather, which h.t con- nnd mole, wllhout bit -tnd In Idle. Iiiotli. -ntT-itmilreJ ml all Winds of CaV"'
tinned long, nnd you will percehofrom tlin .r colon!, t I have paid for mr food 1 tnwK ,n Hmivntots If it widow mnr. R y. Tt "? '' horl-at notice and-etviW
color of tho earth, that every line laud will 1 lodging, but rould never spend one penny rjpi nj,nl( 0 jK oUj.j , cllt ff joint :mit ria.0UnbIe terms. -si
bo turned up moUt, but every rotili land i fruitful Connectleiit, whom bankt '', linger for her husband alio mnriiet af. 1 April W. WJ'1' ;
will bo dry as powder from top to bottom, with milk and honey, nud whose Hint nml 1 ,vr ,, (, (1-)i . ,U ,,!, pt(,.n r nw ( h0U jm.; CUUUlLLb. .
In tho dry out weather, good liming pro j, laughters never fall to feed and roficali the lUI,.im .r wvildlng day, bvgliiuiiig ml ,.,.... .. iitCKRIIAW." Cpt. Vm
curea inoisturo t- tho roula; ihoiigh thu ig- weary truUder without iiioney nud without )()0 oflK, Httli' flncra lirtl. A wMv.w bt. I 1 "wxl wlli ImIIioi the e m
norntit and incurious, fancy it. letr. in price. On Saturday evening tho people i(, .. ofnlir .qiaunee who it look! i. for ,, 1,1 the litii of May Vyr frdnU or ic
,v " ..,.....- , ,- - - ..-..-,. ..... .,.. PV -.-. -- - o- 1 .... Ol. Ill llll '
.r,....,l.( nml nm Ibreforo afraid to boo unit sour and ra(I,arul on Haliliaiu 1 iey iqi'.,,.. rIH,..,. i,...!,....,! ,. 5...,fc , ,,. ,.... ,, umrd.or to tbot apiam ....
rtimleiliiK tlirni both uvnllnhlo ns food for
ilnut. I'lio wlinlo of tho Incranc tit eropi
ohlitliietl friiru ilrnlnliiu, mint ho ooiuliler.
cd cleitr prollt. liolluvo uiio.thlrd In.
oronso to ho n low oilliunto ; mid nit (his
oiio.tinrti or tlio ontlro produco of tlio fhrnt
Is clenr prollt, It will pity n hlli Interest on
thu thirty dollnn Investod In uudetdriiliilii.
Any fitrm which from ltd location N worth
J340 to 8I00 per ncn, If It uocdi dinliilni;,
oiiimot lull to pny n hiindsomo Inlereat fur
money judiciously Inid out In undordrnlif
1'repitrnlltiu of Kccd Corit.
The followlnjj method of prrparlii(r corn
for seed, hut been pursued by tho Former
with uniform tticcotu friroveriilyeiirlopre.
vent lla destiuctloii 11IW belnj planted, by
fowls, birds or oven liou!
'In ho oiiu bushel shelled corn In n linn
ket, nnd hiinieivo it In writer, ro hot jih
cciircely toenduro tlmlinntl In it the corn
to lennilu In tho water until thoroughly
wanned ; iiiu0 ut tho brisket with the corn'
to drain, Iibvc llitu rendy some niltnblo
vessel In tvlileli to pour It, anil put thereon
n pint or tni-rtfl'll wnnned, Mlrrlng It lin
mediately unlit each jrnln It coated with
tar, whleli will en illy bo accomplished while
tho whole It vtnrm, (and thin it tho whole
design In warming llient) llicn linvo 1.2
Hi. of eoipurat (round or finely pulverized,
thrown upon thu tarred com, mid well alir.
red ; then dry tho whole by lulxliifr slack,
ed lime, nihes, plaster, or iypruiu there
with when it It rrmly to plant.
This contiii of tar, copperas, llmo cVc,
It oxcecdliiily unpleasant to' tlio taste,
which Is tho entire of Ita Ih'Iiir free from dc
tiredntlon, nml its unpleasantness will not
im nlFected by tlio molsturo of the urouud.
If kept what has been loft after planting,
for two or three weeks, nnd then tiso it fur
replnntini,', and It would vrfictato well but
not to quickly.
If thrown, of this prepared corn, whoro
plgt mid fowlt had fair nccert to It with,
out their eating a grain. Il looks very
durk nnd unsightly in npiearance, but it
iivvvrllielcit comet tip and grows well.
Preparation nf seed. Honk your seed in
n solution of salt, saltpetre, soot and cop.
turns, made n fullov.t : To every tin ;a.
lout of boiling water, add 2 lbs iltelre,
libs of toot, and 2 llm of copiHTn., alir
these until tho raits are diisolieu.theit put
lu your corn, regulating tho quantity, so
that nil tho grains will bo covered.
Wathiiv PorATom. Watery potnlors
or thoso In which carbon does not abound,
are generally, indeed nlwaya, deficient In
their nutritive qunlitirm, which dejnd mi
tho preicncoofenrbon. Tlio latter cannot
exist In its juit proportion indewndently nf
proper Hg'ifiJinl" beat; Hence' "Kitnioet
grown lu nu orchard nro never goon ; tnu
act upon
light ami oxygen which ilinulil
lliem is Inlerrenti'il liv thu leavoi
them it Intercept-d liv thu leavoa oftl.o vn. ,
- .... . '
rioin fruit trees; tlio iteleteriout (Mirllori or
.l-- .ri-.i4.i-.i --, """
riouv fruit treet; tho deleterious portion
liaxe carried on mixes im nm i..... 1 1
il-l f ,1... nl.l. nnd It l.eeom.s not
only deficient lu nutriment but nbiolut
A (iooll ClIAItAlTI'.i:. The IteV
George Wlullleld, In 0110 of hit sernums,
j.Ve the people of Connecticut the follow.
"They are-tho wisest of nny upon tu
tlio nesi iiieiuia nun mo i
ii..... ....
near to bate loit their dealest friends, and
or 1 aro almost speechless nnd walk softly.
Quaker preacher onco mm tiieni wim
much truth, thai they worshiped tho Snli
bath, nnd not tho Cod of Hnbballi. Tho
hospitable people, without e.hailty, con.
detuned tho Quaker hh n blasphemer of the
,oly .Sabbath ; lined, tarred and feathered
lilm, ptit-a rnpn round hLr ncclc, nnd pluiig-
I him into tlio eonbut ho escipid with
fC though ho wnt nbout eoventy year, of
I'lttxriNO or Cloth hv Daoi'eiiuro
Tvee. A most Imiiort'iut r.ud cuiioui no
..H.HiiIiin of the Immortal discovery of
r:. .v . .1.. 1
Mepco anil wagueno una ineeiiiiy imih
miido in I'm Ik. Mr. Smith, who is 11 pilntur
nfBttifi'i, hit taken It into hit head to em. j
ploy tho Milnr light in printing hit wltreh
wlili'h hna neceded to lilt wibbeii, nnd the
tiling U HOtlled. Mr..Smilli exhibits cb'tliH
pilnted by Mebtrs. .Smith & Light, Hindi
ford. Uo call thu operation I'hoUi.Chrn.
matio IN luting. Any vegetnblo nr niilmid
cloth, no nintter which, Is first pliiiiguUlua
chemical solution, nml then illicit In tpo
lm k It thus beeometi Kcnelblo to tho action
of tlio lidit. 1 1 la tlmii exnoted to thu light
in tho preteiioo of tho object to o rcpnv
diiceil, and whim It hna been submitted to
tho action of tho solar rays, it Is subjected
to n Holution wiucii nuvoiopea tnu 00101 ,
niiil rendera them periimncnL TIiIh Is tho
operation for fixing tho colors, after which
tho niatorial it washed, Vc.
A Si'Kiu OitoiiAiin In ono of lilt Into
letiorn from tho Mast, llaynrd Tayloi glvot
nil nccotinl of n visit tp n, nutmeg orchard
on tho Inland of IVming.
"On 0111' returning to tho ship," ny Hay.
nrd, "wo visited n nutmeg plntntlnu, Tho
treed, which nro from 20 to 30 loot in
hlglil, nro planted in row, at Interval! of
about 20 feel. The leiif It dink green and
glossy, rrt'iuhlltig that of tlio Imirel, and
tho fruit, at it little, dislnuuo, might bo tnlten
for n small rtittet.colored niijilo When
rlpn tho thick husks split in the center,
showing n scarlet net.worlt ormneo, envoi
onluu an Inner nut, black ns ebony, thu
kernel of which Is Hip nutmeg of commerce.
I lie clnvo tier, not In Hi nenrlng teuton;
hAt tome resemblance to tho ntitmer, but
tho leaf It smaller nnd thu folbigu moru
Iiiobo nud sproadiiii;. A wo drove throurrh
tho orehnid tho warm nlr of noon wnt heavy
with solee. The rich oilort exhaled from
the treen penetrating thu frnmu with a ten
satioli of languid nnd inltiptiioui reposo.
IVrfutuo heeniiiM an appetite, mid tho ten
sen wcro drugged with nu overpowering
felling of luxury. Had I continued to in.
dulgo lu II, I should ero long have realized
tho Hyharitu'a complaint of hit crumpled
.Maciii.m: IIiiii.k Maki.mi. Tliurxpret
ion " Walk Into you 1iku n thousand of
brick, so 0II011 to lie liearil in thu classic
regions of the llowury, it no longer with
out meaning. O110 of the immortal Smith
family Mr. i'lancU II. ymllh, of Mnry.
land Iwii invented nnd him not" tu nperu.
tioti n iiiiichlnu for making, which
works nlT thirty brlclri riiluuto; It will en
lily produce fllteen thousand per tiny. Tlio
iiimlut oticntntti it qtiltu simple. 'I ho clay
It wheeled along nu a plank scaffolding to
tho pulveriser nl the top of the ninchiin
which eonverlt It into dust Immediately,
mid Incorporates it witli tho water thrown
thereupon. In this stale it it .thrown Into
tho machine, which revolves steadily, pros
sing thu clay down Into n set of moulds,
the In each Irnme, which inovo on n rail,
wuy beneath. The moulds are thin trans,
feried to a light bam w, mnud to tho yard,
and transferred in the usual way. Thu
cluy it much stiller than it ran bo made
with tho hand, and gle a solidity to the
brick, and a correctness of form rarely
Tlio N. 0, I'lu'iytiuu lelntet n funny
scene which happened In church. The
Herruun was ended, nud tho clergy man,
who had b?en previously apprized thai hit
services would bo wauled to marry a cou
ple, called upon those wishing to Iks united
in the bonds of holy matrimony to step for.
wan). No una responded In tlio call, and
1 fter wailing 11 while, thu clergyman agHln
ljl.u,!l iIm rnrll lu . t.UJ ,,
manied to step forward. At (hit sreond
hullfllloi., n young man loft hit teat ami
l"",w' ,,,,"M' ,H",,rj l",u l",'?r-, ' ,0
. Is. eta siimIi .! m.tJfit tt litis iiilfls tlistt tin.
"H"';"!-- .w . jw... .... ...
Willi Tilni the elerL'tman ruL'KOited that
1 .1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 ? 1 m I
the ceremony had b.itter Ik deferred. ""'
youth thought not. r.ud asked the clergy.
'man If he didn't think the lady would be
along anon I The iliigyman, snuiewhrtt
, ....
,m c' ri .""'".
surprisi 11, siaiui tiiat no huow iiotiiing ai"Mt
the lady the geulb man said lie was in tin1
anme lix the eleri-vuiau wi.h.d to know
why be riiinu'foiward f ihegeiilleinau an. .
......rl 1I..I l.n .11.1 beemiso b.i wished.
( j)(, mnrriHt HU j10 clergyman had call-
. ( , (1)m ,j(W ,v0 XvlaItri t enter the ho.
y bonds ol rnntriiiiniiy to step lorwniu ;'
' ,, M. bflti mii of that class responded ' '
nreonl nclv.
, . . .
the llolteuiot wiuow gelt along nler !ier
fingera, aie all gone I .Sho expectt they
commence on thu men then.
Mi, '2a i'ommuiil'ivl nr., mjut.miviui,
HAVIi eouttniitly oil hand a Ren. nil Aor
nifiit ol Merciimidite, eoinUUn.; of I'limri
l'mk, llacon, Ibims.
jJX't ;ij
Lanl, iiar, Tw, toffee.
iiil Shoes, llnrdwuiv. Ac, ic
mill. UK mm .'lllllliu,
nru Invited t-i call and etmnliiu our Slock, wh-iv City, nsne will sell ut nil times at
the lowest market rates.
.- "
Till: SLOIJl' KI.YIXO CLOUD," Cnptalu
Itiriuhii Ni'iihK. will ball lor thu Coniiillo
Hlvir, on er nUmt thu imh of M.iy. Tor freight
ur p.innio jiply to the CupUiu on ncard.
3liy a, ihiH-ii"
V'l'(JlllJ 10 LUT on Main street suilablj for
O a wboletnlc or retail business. Apply to
Scott.burg, April 28-tf
amos k. ltoaiii.s.
UMI'llli: CITV,
Url lined about the matter, h wl" -
iiBly obliged, If pcwotw oubtlug, will aycvxl 11
caKandutoncoputlt o Ihu teat
Kuiplro City, May , Dt-tf
HAS on liniid n well astorlcd ftock of Dry
Ooodt, OrocerlM, e,.t Shoes. .lc, Ae,
io Ho l nnxlous 10 tell, md wlshe Il to N tin
dertlnod 'hut It. U Pit-I'Med " " K"0'1 '
0K0, MAVMC'I, TIIOi. WAftivn, IK
670 AX st.( coaxxn or voxoaiu nr.ti
wmm scoTfjsBimu. ;
Flour, Citlirurnlaan-J Chill, , ,
llncon, Mtsrr nnd ttour,
I'ork, do do..
Ilrcf, " Fulton Market" Mm, In hf Mi.
llama, linen coreru'l,
Lard, In tint,
Huiiar, China, Not. 1 2,
Cotfcc, lllo and old Jha.
Candles, Soap, Liquors, Clgari, nry.oot,
Boots and Uliecs. &'., io,
132 CLAY 8TnEET,
Nnti I'rnttcltcw.
' yV, undcrl(Ded JiasTgt. aaloa Inrf
1, mint of a?rV,lBT'"'1
L ruiu
uroeerirs. urr.r ii in.
-"'thuori, i?-""-
l.I.t. Ml " r-wr-f wf-
luort, ia : iry' u
Ikwla A truoaa, 'ieW 3
uiointnfr, f. .- , .
Tinware. A'!.
Main Street, Lower HcotUWg.
rJ"'OI3 iiniieraTjcnciT, linvin piirclnvi'l this tsta.
J llhmcnt, and fecllrifc grnUful forpat pri
ronnKO, takes this opportunity to inform L.
frlrndi, nnd thi public (.rntrslly, thai ho Is nr
prrjmred to ncoornmoilate regular jonnJer, an
nil traveller! or rlsltnrs who may enma this )
lerrns rrssonsble, and accommo'latloni as (Ja
ns freueratly found la Orernn.
Seotulmrir, April 28-ltf
House Carpenter and Milp Joiner.
mai.v stiii:j:t, ixiwi:ncorrini,ia.
4 LL kinds of the slove wcrk dorm on s"
ii notice, ajid 03 reasonable terms. ,
April it-If
Lowiiit scoTrsnnio,
I I'AVr. alwavs on hand
suiM-rlor uccoMrco
J.JL irenrrtl awmrlmcnt of Qlol
want of the Couatry, and superior uccomxo
tluns rrpscKinK.
Mayf., IWI-tf.
rASTKl). At this Office, a k.1, I-i
l lutolllzcnt. Induitrlous iOJ, betwria 1)
Kes of H and 17 years. A good situation a
be obtained by applying soon.
i obtained b
April 2P, I
1 1
WkaWLsil DeatleniiVlaM MrrciiantT
1 n
IXTOULD.'lnvlU U'aifietiikisiipf fint
I'.r-Vr,, mi.1 Firmrrt to thilr Href
wrll selrclo! stork of Clothing. IiryOoods.Vt
.n.i Wiqw. li'pJraBviirjicgrJfs.Jtftt-"''-
tuvnt to tho: rfl.hlmr. to purchiue.
no lull
Call mill in'Piti our mck. i'.r-. -
"" 1 ' ' ,, -
CjsSSTHF. S T E A H E II 55.
S1T . nTTrvriTAif '
AoJLli iN vj A U v
Call nnd lnpct our ik,
nTT ,, , , .. ,.., .mt it: t,.lw I r
1 Scot'itmr nod llm mouth n! ti.o I'u.p
i:Trr bavluit Allan, HrKmNy .VC' W
Monday. Wnlnei-Ny
. A K'?' nJM b
J t'oVfrciaht or pira,'e applr n, er r. .
j ALLAN. ilcKlNLAY, & C - '-
April 8-lf.
April J8-t.
.fT0 1.CT -Ibo lu"" ttry of lUau a St
1 l!fii.WMi. oil Ma.u slrwt, lf 10 A'
.. . .. ..,.,. ..iii.ililu tin jnvkiiul on 1
jKr p.nlI.nt. -ij'sSSlliJSBBki
' i,0 irSco'tslmri;.AV":'R"1"'
.--, TfrTi
C ii U 5 Q I. S.aJi M
,,,, , uCftrnutHo1!l
U 'i ... .', ., ,.mAtllt,iil. will t ''
w. ,., aji.v .1iv11IIT Anain W.l '
' - V" " , . !' 1..; V. . ,o.,Voil,.,oC.ea'-
" ," ' "i'lT1. o..-loii tu visit tb 1 pl,,J
' M 'XTwl h h UM A- '
!&. nd c')o'coLn.uursaudClgiteauK.
. April iH. lii.-'
Lowuii ai:ornnu
TU. above tiWTtoV
f '
ZMslwSt&bmte , ;
AprlV 28. 18fl.-"r f
flii: l'LAQE to gkt rouit aosiiY iu'.;-i,
W'awCTto. I'rovlslcus, 1 Urdf ;are, BocH
and Shoes, Clothing, Llars, Cigars, &e., 4.
April 2&-lf