iMtlMM lfWfWHfWINMl && W ;j4M'.liflfJ --tv.!; v i- sWlT i&)t illcckln a?cttc. SCOTTSnUltO, FIIIDAV, MAY 20, 1S3I. -T Tun Wauon Road. TIio work on this rond is still progressing, and each day wo hear of its rapid ndvaiiconicnt. Wo pro phecy that In n fow yours tlio T rnil will cover n portion of this rond, mul heavy train?, laden with produco mul provisions, bo running from Scoltsburg to Portland. This prophecy to many may appear chi merical, aud snvor a littlo of gas. Never tholessit is suro to como to pass, ns tho Umpqua valloy is tho only natural 'outlet from tho interior of Southern Oregon to the Pacific Ocean. To Corr!:ii'omi:l'tr. W. N. G.'acom municatious have been lost or misl.iid. Tho communicatinus signod "Zcrali" will appear in onr next. Wo nro sorrv IE; r-tn , . , ., cy re? tamo too lato for tho present number. 'Ujsi's" communication abounds with ILr. dclldato touches. It is entirely I , "for our little, unassuming sheet; ,vc taken tho liberty of sending it OiS. Mail lino to tho Emperor of China, as no one short of a Celestial could appreciate its nngelio highfalutinism. MUs " Adelia " had better quit writing poetry, and turn her attention to raising chickens, instead of meddling with " birds of Faradise," and " golden pheasants," a branch of ornithology of which sho is en tirely ignorant. OCT Wo are informed that S. 1 Chad wick, Esq., will speak in Green Valley on Friday afternoon, Juno 2d; at Oldham's place, Calapooiah, on Juno 3d, and at Von. calla on the morning of tho election, on the subject of n Stato Convention. OCT We learn that Amos E. Rogers, Esq., lias been appointed Clerk of thu United States District Court, for Coose county, O. T. y " Pkookiiss or Civilization." An In dian cauoc came up the river the other day, carrying a square-sail and top.sail. , OCT Fifty-six warriori from DeChuto'ii v river arrived at Yrckaoniho 10th Inst., with' 1 !? "tho Intention of flgljting Qio Shasta Indians. " ,'' i , . '-'-- "T - I ! ,J" Vo ro indebted- Jto'Mr. llolhrook, hit' Agciit of.'.daui As Co.' Express; at Ore- gon City, for filc3 of late papers. OCrC. S. Ditnw, Esq., Jacksontiile, is authorized to act as agent for tho Gazette- Jacksonville, O. T., May 10, 185 1. Mit- Editor : Permit mo tc. tender you my acknowledgments for tho receipt of the ilrst number of your paper "The Wmpqua Weekly Gazette" This portion of Oregon, since its early settlement, has labored under cry many serious disadvantages for the want of a me dium through which its citizens might ad vocato their own rights, and mako their wants known to tho world ; and to this ob ject 1 have no doubt you will lend a heJp ing hand, inasmuch r.s such a course, if - properly pursued, would prove of vital im nottanco to every citizen of Southern Oro gon, to say nothing of its beneficial rcsulu f to tho northern counties of California. It is true tlio "Mountain Herald" has gene rously espoused our cause, and has at nil times ami on all occasions used every ex ertion to promoto tho best interests of this section of tho country. Yet from thu fact of that valuable sheet being located south of tho forty-second narallel7ln a country of. moro than ordinary interest, whoso cituens iro noted lor tlieir enterprise, industry, and jenerosily, wo must not claim nor oxpectto roctivo tho boon to which they are justly entitled. I. .!. I . ..!.:..,. .1 :....... Southern Oregon and Northern Cnlifor- -mia possess supyrior ndVnntageb ocr any other portion .if tho Pacific coast, and in vlnw nf its nrrrfr.ulinrnlnnd mineral rcsour- ces, its motes and boundaries fixed by tho ..v.. ... -.- n. - . God of Nature, together with the general good feeling existing among all classes of its citizens towards each other, it seems to bo almost a Nation of itself. ' ' Nothing can appear moro beautiful to tho eye, than a glanco over our exceedingly rich and fertilo valleys to gazo with won der and delight nt tho permanency of our improvements, which havo sprung into ex istenco in tho short spaco of thrco years tho indomitable energy of our cit'ucnB, in securing to themselves homes, not inferior to those they left behind them whilo on our placers and in our ravines and moun tain gorges you behold tho " hardy minor," toiling on, toiling over constantly looking for his "pile." which will euablo fiim to re turn to his loved ones at home, or perhnps funiibh the moans of bringing them to their future homo in this land of gold. "With my best wishes for your tucccss in your laudablo undertaking, I remain Respectfully yours, Pjiilom. Dnipciuri County Court, MayTi:iim, 18!) 1. Junor. Dkaiiv presiding. .1. W. Dm:v, U. S. Marshal. R. E. SritATTON, U. S. Dlst. Attorney. H. F. Cuauwick, District Attorney. J. A. Knowi.i:s, SlierilU R. J. IiADD, Clork. Attounii: in Atti:m)am:i: A. ( Gibbs, Esq., R. E. Stratton, Esq., W. W. Chapman, Esq., D. It. Italian, Esq., and S. F. Chndwick, Esq. Giiami Jnioits John Hudson, Fore man, I.owls Churchill, Lemuel Rcckct, E. Stovons, Thomas S. Colvin, (5. W. Snyder, Robert Smith, Thomas Pollock, E. Estos, Thus. Robinson, J. J. Kellogg, Alfied Am broso, W. J. J. Scott, II. Duhoy, I.ovi Scott, Charles Putnam, R. Hratton, A. W. More. United States w. G. X. Slocum. Dis missed. Territory of Oregon r.t. Win. II. Hrackct. Indiotmcnt continued. Urown rt al. vs. Winchester et al. Dis missed. James llutlcr vs. A. E. Racklelf et al. Settled. Henry W. Suvernnco vs. Heiiry Urown. Continued. I.ei Scott vs. J. D. May. Default of defendant entered. D. W. Frarey vs. Seott and Win. Scott. Continued. I Publa Martenas vs. IJriggs aud Thomp son. Dismissed. II. Scott vs. Colvin et al. Continued. Win. N. Wells and W. V. Johnson vs. May oc Purdy. Decree of lalo ordered. Tibbetts rr. Tibbetts. Contiutied. E. 1. Drew rt. Levi Cant. Motion to dissolve injunction motion overruled. Elkto.v, May 21th, 1SSI. In pursuance of n notice posted at the Court House of Umpqiia county, a meeting of tho citizens of Uuiqtia county and ad joining counties assembled at tho above place, on Tuesday, Max 2 lib, at 12 o'clock, M., for thu purpose of considering tho pro priety of voting for a convention to forma State Constitution. Col. W. W. CHAPMAN w.i? called to tho Chair, and Jon:; W. Flow waschoion! 1 Snirsrtf r ! D. R. 'Italian, Etn., of JicLson county. ' R. E. Slratton, Esq., of Douglass county, ' V "TrR on Mfurv Tointv : and A. C. Gibbs, Km., Dr. J. W. Drew, I . "'"; "y '! published proceed and H. F. Clmduick. Esa. of Umimnn i'.'l" . ' ,0 tonvciUion lioMon at ICIkton, f-nntlfl ntlfli ressed tho mcctiig. w v, .v... ...v . A motion was mado bj A, r r' i U. lilllDS, Esq., and adopted, that Messrs. J. W. Drew, D. II. Italian and J W. Flovd bo appointed u committee to drift resolutions; whereupon Ikey presented tlb following: Ilesnlccil, That In the 'minion -of this meetitia, )ho tirno has now q rived' uhon a duo regard to tlio truo Interts of. Oregon imperatively demands that' tlio initiatory steps towards tho formation of a State Gov ernment should now ho taken by voting at tho coming election for n Omentum form a Stato Constitution. llesohcd, That tho Secrtary of this meeting is hereby requested o forward n copy of tho proceedings of tin meeting to all tho newspapers of this Terrtory for pub lication On motion, the abovo reeoutions wero unauinioutly adopted. jon tho south, and Rossi v Uaidsona on On motion, the mcctins ndourntd iwcj tho north hide of Miner itreet. 'lliu fol- die. ' lowing is n hurried estimate of thu lowes t. it. lWI.WVl.., luainiiau. niocracy election. Tho conucnlion was tcmorariIy organ- icuiiou w.-ik n;iii".'v '"a-" ing THOMAS SMITH to .. ii ir iiitiiuniiv appointing It. H- Dkauiioun ized by callui Chair, and Secretary. IU i..fln annotated .""r-.Yr."V.tlnCriAo..tIali John W. Flovd, Secretary. C.W. Mink, 81,0110: hhaw, S.,000: frijl .mrcM,B j tho furtliest isles of tho reason with nn Intellect idnnwt npjuul. Sleeper & Han.blin,6.VO0O: JulieruVSto. il(lllljK will, tlmw raru and costly mating to divinity Itself and fully dolgyd Pursuant to rah1, the delcg.fes from tho;phens, dl'J.OOO; Spencer, SI, . 0() ; Uelaml ,,rotjllct, w,ic, Imtllru i:t, distributed with 'that ho should carry on a social and coi- , ffi.r,.n nr,.- MPa nf Don.. .. rnuntv met ' AC II0VI, C,uoui usuiiwon. v iuiiwi, -..; ,, nm i.vni ouiii.r uitli more 131 intercourse. CO-OXIOHSIVO Willi BO in convention at Deer Creek, en Saturday. 1100; D. D. Colton, S'J.OOO; S. R. How-1 . , - r,.!lw.!H'IiiL's. Tlio value tilamt ho inhabits. I 'or that purposo U .May la, 16.1, for tho puriiosoof nomiua- HU, 8 1 ,500 ; f rccn 8'-,()00; Jacks iV Ja, f(, commcrco f wi,ic, wo nr0 (11M to created this globe, with a variety of sj I.. J ... ... ' ' . . ...... n.a fccnnf.. I'nlirinun 810.0(11): II. I. .. . .. i. ...... ..(!!. ...... . .,, I ...,.,, ...i.wrt. me nan, uuaies to no innoriea nv mo vo- ..., -,v..., .............. w. -.,.--, ... 1(,r, . . nmct invoreo ree nienis. is no nun n vnimv " ". ' lllllll't of said county, at the coining Juno Goldsmith, 810,000; -Newman V Co., 9;'. ' Sl.crct l(, thu world. Iy river, seas, lakes, gulfs, and ocean, " " Z" ZZ . , veial orecinctS.i"00; Ho,ar. (butcher,, 1,0)0; jj. C. Kel 0n w I1U,,0I)) a Commilteo wis appointed , ,onnrt ..i,.., nmi on0r of proceedings, , fnr .,' ,.n:mnont or'-aniatlon of tho con-. I - I "" tuniiuii. . . . . it-... Tho committee having reported, tho con- a.i... .... i.... i... .i. ....... of jqhS GOULD) Esq., President, nnd '1'1, n,'We lmato will bo round in tho ,. ,, u.,1...fT0.v and J. M. AiiiiiNOTiiN.tngsri-gntu to bo nearly correct; but in do- inn VK! Ill IV iiruuiiwvu . iim cuxikjii ,. ,-; .nfrri.inri.TH. Tho convention, on motion, proceeded to I.. ,n,lMnln fnr tl.n RfiVlTf,! nffW. in Douglass county, to bo filled by election on tho first Monday in Juno next. Whereupon it nppeared that the follow ing gentlemen were duly nominated, for tho several oiliccs annexed to their names : Representative James I'. Gazeley. SherifT L. D. Kent. County Commissioner II. D. O'llrieiu Assessor w. u. Milium. Superintendent of Common ncliools G. 1). Sanderson. Auditor R. II. Donrborn. Treasurer Geo. llnnnnti. Coroner Grover. Prosecuting Attorney R. E. Slratton. Several of tho candidates were called for, and addressed the convention, with much spirit and point. Tho utmost liurmony and good fooling prevailed. On motion, it was ordered that tho Sec- retaiies furnish the " Oregon Stntcxmun," "Tho Uinpqun Weekly (inotto," aud the " Weekly Times," copies of tho proceed ings, with n request to publish tho same. Convention adjourned. JOHN GOULD, Preri.lout. J. M. AuiiiMiroN, R. E. Sni.vrro.N, ) Secretin ion. ScoTrsnriKi, May 2.", 1851. Mit. Eiiithu: Sin: In reply to several communications in your last number, nllow mo to express my regret at the manner in which my name' has been connected with tho ollico of Prolmto Judge. Tho singular method by which I have becomo an involuntary and letiictaut party I" a public discussion of tho question whether I nni n candidato for an important ollico, linn prevented mo from declining Iho noniinntion at an earlier period. Having received neither ollicial nor public uotico ol my nomination, it was out of my power ueciuiu to run lor an ollico I tlitl not do irc. Aud especially, when thu name of'" Acjlmi," said Mr. dishing." Is the noeos another L'entleiiiaii had nnnenred niibliclv. ! -ity ofiuirai'o, and eHiK'cially of tho noi as tho regular Whig candidate, it would I feem iniportlnenco on my jart to either ae copi or decline too iiomiualiou. J hu sub- fequonX-jti:u8sioii oC the mtitler in your last number, givei mo an opportunity to say, injustice to nivself and Irieuds, that I am not a candidate for any olilco. Ry publishing the above, you will obligo iiu, nun mil to re j i iiiriuertiouiii or i ueus !ion. Yours, resneetfullv. .SAMUELS. MANN. Wiciii:sti:ii, .May 10, 18.". I. Eniron or thu IbirufA (i'..i:rii:: bin: In answer to your inquiries con. corning tho Umjxpin harbor, I will say that from personal observation, and reports of wiip masters, i oeiievo tliero is twenlv-sev-on feet of water in tho channel at hig'h w.v ter. It is buta short distanco from deep water outride to deep water inride of tho liar. The marks of thu entrnnco are plain and easily learned. In good weather, at high water, ocean steamers may enter ami ilu p.ut without dilliculty. Small steamers may crors the- bar nt'anv lime, except in heavy gale. vry respectfully, Your ob.l'tserv't, A. C GIMltS. VVUe Vaw ('"M,C ' ' ' ' n n;nscMl tlint my uninu a ""l '" """'inaiion tor tlio otlico or Counts Sutiorint ..rwl.w.f Mil.n.,,.1. ..., I.. I sensible to tho compliment, justice to mv , ,. ......v ..iij.,1, nn , self forbids that 1 should ue-m .1.,, n;t. nation. I would reeoinnwgil tho qauiu of' J. L. Gilbert as n candidate for tlut.'oflice. ' i our rispepcuiiv, . ' N.W. AMiEN. mv,. . , ,.7- , - . - OM'MIALP OF t!vA IN AS 'S'! . . .. ,- . ..... loss j'Mimaii'd at .sii..iuu ;: : . . : icsieroayaoouioneoc ,ick, w.reori.ut . , . Ill I 1. ' out in the liakery of Mr. II. I). Van Wyek. 1 on Miner street. Tho wind coming from tho north and eat, caused the fire to range wostward :ind dc-trnv a 1 that iinrtiou ol tho town west of Cohen 8 brick buildings "- . - ... .. nusmiiieu - 810,000; Roscnborough, 80.000; Dr. ir cr.nn- V fe'lA-Joi. I i air, c-,uijii, Jon ,,,,' 8J00() . m V. Rums, 81,000; S. omnia, &i, 'Mit: ;iiaiii- Isou, 8000;Gillett .V. Co,,8.()00; Ilrewery, 82,000; Shepard ', 81,000 ; Mexican woman, 81. ui woman, tl, f)00; E. C. Kel jr. '0,,0 ; orribou, l.hOI); Dr..' !ioo,,000;i,, "!y.ft; Jarny. '.r' ''"T.T"' -, m . ( m 111, ?.'J",., 5 .J; V?.""J !!!' '''.. ".; ' ""'""Vv Jlr,.)l If .....l.n..l.. 1 71 r.llll . Ilnrtlir.r. . ' i i. inn. 11....M UI...,...,,,..! o nriri . i Piuirami ..,.jx,M , ,. ''"" l"" "'"-, """"' '"u" I lAiflO. I'riu, f ,, I -i--. toil iurv inueh to I ho contrary. . Much prniw u uo many lw. r ' j . - tllCir lintirilll' CllorlS 111 UaMl.g ll.u .i ...... tvnrntlin.B. Tho Chuton Hivor Indians i.itolicil Iii mid worked liko men in having property, for which they deserve much I . .. . f.tAn (.nil !l 14 imposiihlo to give n ""'into desciption or nffalre YrcU Ilrrahl, Vlth mat. ir..,..., it. ;.,, ia vni. in (mjiiiuoiwii. ' m... it... ililleront localitioH in this vl-iniiv m. fnr ns wo Havo nearu, u.,r K 'l-iiJl? in ,w . 1 1 thu pint week, havo been doing well . . l.!.- Imnduntnn till in tt Oino, indeed, aroieai.MiiK .........- .-.... Wo havo not i-paco io paru.....u, , tho amounts ri-alted will compare favora bly with thoso of any week during tho prcci.t season. This, is encouraging to miners, and will nM '" imprefising thu nl ready established fact that tho extreme y northern mines of California aro not only ii.oxhnustiblo. but maintain that oven tenor which impart health and prospoii y to all kinds or business. Yrvhft Herald. nun' ii nrnn rs:t hiiii: u. u. t itn u vi:u. i . . . .i i!,i... n...... ...i..i,i i,. .. inn iniiirmirmffi ti i 1"Wi SIMIVIII ..-. -.... - "F 1 I fionntur Diuvhoii'n Stullroiut lows,. Wo((lvn below an extract from tho speech of the lion. John J.. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, recently delivered In Con giess, in sitpiiort of tho " HuiueMoiid lllll," reported by hiiii as Chaiimau of thu Com mitteo on Agriculture. Wo regret our Inn bilitv to piihlUh tho ouliro tqiccch, inasmuch i.a thu quculinii no ably pieHcntcd ami dis cussed by Mr. I). Is at present attracting the consideration of some of our most emi nent statesmen. That puitiou of thu speech which wo publish, lofci.s to tho Pauilie Railroad, aud h very appositely introduced with thu sub ject under immediate discussion : Sir, I was sliuek by a remark niadu by the Attorney (ieueial of the Government in a leeeut speech made at Itallimore, or Newark, when noMininmiyhu:. with Iiih brethren of tho Cabinet, our honored Chief Magistrate in his ollicial Unit to Now i ork. turn. phyMcal ami poliliciil, uliieli wo hold ' : ri v --.-F -, .among the natioim of tho earth." This, tlr, , is most emphatically true ; and the on- ::":V:r!;l".:."''.r.r.s:i:vv.;'i stand still if wo wish it. This appropriate and well uttered remark was made in re ferenco to another great question with "hlcli thu present hat a most important connection. I allude to tho great Pacific I ...:l iim i .- i. .. i i..i ... . ... ' i.iiiniij. i hu value in Kiicn a uiguway ioi 1 the eommereu !' the country and tho wnihl, I am glad to llud, is thoroughly appreciated by our people. Sull'.r mu to glance a mo ment nt tho great ends which ar.i contem plated liy a completion of Unit wink. Rut, j"ir. I must dissent entirely from the couclu ion of the argument drawn by thu distill .,..1.1. ...I l....l ..i.i. . w, . i t "iiiuii "vo mv ten uiu irauu hi iiioso viu; giilsned head ol tlio ur Ueparttue it fro m . x . r .i i i i ... i . . ii ...... ..u.t eir .it regions of tlio lakes and tho nortliwes. its necessity as a mens re of defence to the v , . , , , ,r . . i m country, r-xcept in connection with tho ! 'lUX m i l'"'i rrti o bnll homesfead policy, which will carry nloiia'1 "' " r".rd" rnll without do.nesllo pre the line of tho road, nn.l into tho gorges,, "" !'WII,'T7 , ', ,r" the mountain, u train of e.nigra.i.V, ol ae- ,,ur ! Ur 'A'f P' ""; lual settlers "bio and willing to protect it ''''' 'iit and workshop; tsJo. against hostile aggression. without n numerous and still growing i.wo. Hut I wishtolooka moment at the great I''0,1" clothe will, .lulls from foreign loonij, purpose which it i ,!,.,tm, t iUlIH.e '"" M''l''y wth foreign fac.litaliiig thu roniiiiercu of tho world. It " co1 l' ,ml U'a '""l """ n,,"l t,lw,M"l U bv such n h.ghwav. indeed, thnt the dis-, w'tl' W,,,1U,, nml '. ft,ml l''w 5 " jointed rnemliKMof .mr a-t confederacy "U !,,"11co1ao,,,, i Mitl' u",,,ry d crook dNjointedoidybvtl,.. interu.nionoruv.utlV ui',' ,aCB il"1 Juwt'ry5 with linens ..Ti.t..,ir,l,.nl,'i,. .....i ;.;,. ..i.r-i. .and woolluus. separate our Atlantic and P.icilic regions ... .....' f i aru to bo brought into cl-.e and easy proximity; thnt the barrier of tho Stony mountains i to he broken down, no longer to interpose, h towering bights and inhos pitablu snows, an obstacle to int.-reourse. but tho dweller bv the niutook. tie, llud. I 'i, ami the Potomac i..a n.ns a. readily "' nI'10'1 '1U t hi fri-nds on tho Sacramento and tho San Joaquin, as lip can at this time to Now Orleau l'..ii...r..i 'I'M.. l... ..Ml i..m.,iliti- il a ii, .u.ioiio. on lln.l might v and ...aj...ilice..t achievement of ''Wars the magnitude or this enterprise. - .'i ...i..b.r. ........ r. i... ' scientific I i!. .rnn.I Kkill. Rut Mill greater . ,. mm ii in (i, inriiiiuu j, - .iiui mv -v .... .... .. . Ull'l vn 111.11..' r ,.,,.,i;,.,,i n,.. i,i,.i,u:iv r,r thu other ... ".,:." :,i mi.: i. ht;1: ;. "r:" ': r z:., ;z . - .1 t I l'l . . I ttijeh u o tmU Lii'lH'l IIIMII'MIB su (IIU ". , '"v", ", ' C n;Z...n . :Vl. xUU J, of lt. Atlaude, but hcarctly t0 her ,Voni ,(.w UU) in , ' .. . .. ' -. i f-i.iTr. on i p. urn romiiiLTCiiii ...,..., ...n. ...i:...,. nli i,u ndh-cted back I increased iiitenilv; on tho ouo hnnd,!ut bo an intcrcharigu of commercial com frm ,10i0,u,rof0.',,l,ur;Cnii race", and inodilies. Tho Almighty, In his bouirilcii ,j10 )0 r ,l0 y,0dr ,,m the African j'bencficinco, created man In his own iige, nn a,, nilii.r fnini tin. Crn. n of our . hoi. tins trnuo v. Tyro aud Sidmras commercial cities. Its peculiar commodities built uji subsequently and in Miccumn'or. tho cities ol l!nh Ion, nml Palmyra, and Alexandria, and Constanti nople, and Venice, and Genoa, mid Ant werp, and Rrugi'K, and Amsterdam, and, at this day, contributes its richest streams to 111 io commercial importance ol London, aim Parlii. mul New ork. Rut. sir. tho courr.o nud enriching char ' nnlnr il Ilu. I Irumlnl I'lilMlllori'll ll.'HII IK'UII ' . .. . . ' . I, i ...:,i. ,,ri;,,i.,,ii,. ..i.ti-li rnminot inu;ui. t.u. . jti Mviti'mtj, . .. ...... - -- imitate hero,) by ouo who, wtlil in ihlo brauol. or tho LegUlnliiru, has grown gray In tlio distinguished service ol iiih coiiniry. i rv O.r to thu Senator from AliiMouii, wliosoen- thiiKlns-n on this Hiibjnct does him honor, nml who, in Ids Hpeeches upon it, has illus traled il with n Hood of elegant learning, which ho in over ready to pour ' .-.ry subject which hu toiiuhna. If wo do not immediately poicelvn the connection which tbW project has with tho munsiito chiefly under consideration, wo l.nvA nnlv to reflect that tho commcrco of uuy country js limited by the amount of nroducts uliieli it lias to givu in oxchango. Now, it i8 oxuully tho products ol ngne.ul inm whip, i uro cal oil for, liy tho millions ..f ihn Chlneho and Japan Empires suffer, ing from tho evils of uu overcrowded pop. IIIIIUOII , m mu" -" transit nfi'orddd by this, road, in connection with (ho Pacific bleaiuer, reaching tho East from tho Wost, will euablo us to furnish them with mlu.irablo promptness, nml in the greatest abundance. In return, tho cultivator of tlio soil will roceivo u full and cheap supply of tho now costly luiuries of 'China and India. Tim limner uin .. without alarm at tho lurumls o'iiiurv n' wife and daughters comfortably ..imyodl,! tho ullks and riisliiiii'rns of China u,A vit bol and tho tun of llm Culosllnl IJn,.,t0 if I lllltl II IMI tl If.iifliti.... . I.I i. ol lla.or nliluli ho will noiiroely rtounlfo ns of tho miiiiio hold which, robhel o it, best prnpurtien by a twelve month tonup ho yet know how to prUo. ' True It is that tho spirit of thu woiJd t commercial, aud that tho sliiprt of n t)a tiotm now meet In friendly rivalry upon every son. Tho rdmro of trade, hewovor which will fall to each tuition is yul,(o Ln dotenuiuod by tho luturiihl tapniilllt. nj ihivelopiucnt of each. And nllow 0 to say, that tho cllcct upon production ofthn passage of ibis bill, In connection with that which nhall provide for the countruullun of tho Pacilio railway, will bo great beyonj tho teach of pnipheoy to toll. Wliat thi opening of a great aveutio Into Territory nt that time unsettled will ell'ect, has alrcmlv ui'cii uiiisir.-iu'ii on n iiiaguiuceui rcaio In tho ease of uw York. Thu 'cuius. of. JJj win i'n iii::iK.. ii. tVzi. s,-Jll.v ...... ,, ' tfi,.,!:,tttirZ!r;r:T T'i.!. sprung at oueoiMe m, $Qpilm;mtr U thu hcglulhift)ertlM MuMnticMters New York lindKfl rrpnlntfmnnrhnrnrty llinusnud, That sho now Approaches in inagtiitudu tlio city of Paris, numbering inure than seven hundred tlioiuud aotiln, is to bo attributed mainly to thu develop. incut ol Iter great interim! resource, con sequent upon thu completion of thu onunl, and yet further rince, by thosu triple linudl of iron, by which her eastern and western extremities havo been bound toguthur, aud n,,, ,..i.., H... ,i. ,. a,:ii ...i,.m.Im..- ..m. ..r Kit i.Jl.ll .IIU IIIU mill I'H'iiii. .men ti railway throughout tlm country what thu canals and the rivers ploughed by thu steam boat, but illustrations of thu happy effort of riicli works in oiieiiiiiL' no our domuslic '"."' rail. ,g into l.einK new ami ,,al,J'Jr "l1 -'oi..inunities which react again Sa'Wr".?':"1 CHUABjliUWii-u . JSfcBff if ."!jff!? -'"-JfifimZt lmHnJST.!Ti f .? '""sSS i tin fttencrr iimifc V niciMrnQ"trt i.;-svisrH tacyHM lEnM4-Mi ' -.ii... r "i". "j " ""."X1 """ TST-r? F?SZZZZ mcrT7naT nee.r increase,, a W ' V " ' ' l'": f J" wl f '" c? " !-W, J. and ibo odoi.l.oi...if. ...r . "",r. ,,r - . --" H Itn. mciiiclv stimulated thereby. ( treat , j( "." IIIU iriLIIU UMU IMOUHUMIMI, Miinuii;. k UIIIT im . i I I. .-..I.... I... ...,.-..- : ....I.. .. r.i.w. what ...m h r,r. '!' ." I":,ic ,,,,w ',rol,?N,l '" "" to public audero onco adopted. T, cuIIVBtirln of tho sol s a nilnri ;. nml II U n rosnlt nl elvilitntion mil, ...... .- - - -- --- the nrgntiizatioii of governments, that thori I lied llllll will, uusirus, eiinnwiii nun wmj varied coinuiniiiuea. no lui.y uusiKnts that tlio products of tho valley of tho Miv sissipp! should bo exchanged for thoso c tho Indus mid the Ganges, as well asof th Thames and tho Rhine. AfsniAMA. Tho Panama Herald haa received, via Calli.o, tho Melbourne paper to Jauuarv 12th, aud coiitahdim; Harlvj moiilh laterTTivratktyehil. IVaiudsco dlrM.ti flHrwrft-.4 Uinfr tt.i tfl r. .ii.. .i.i Tho steamer JHnrbinf wik.ftiririlAJ'ie sail on thu l-lU.attiMMMNsvi'aftM 2Bth of Jauuaiytfji&jsl? Jnb Tlio Araus of tho ftth of" January, con- tains n ery long loading artiolo ..galntt tho new Governor, Sir William DcnlsonM whom it calls a " niero goaler," and corj eludes by saying, "If wo aro to bo insulted liy l.iu , i- -. " " could bo fccntonced would bo inllnitoly too good for ouo who has injurod us ns ho has done. " u speaking of immigration and labor, It notices thu tomporary utoppago in tho Ira. migration from Groat Hritaln.umUrtor rea Boning ui,on tho cause and consequoncol the.eor, comes to tho conclusion that ' tliero is nmplo room and abundant wowi and first rato wages, and a certain PT" lor overy inuusirious iirii.i - . . who choosos to como to it, and thoro ia hardly any ussignablo limit to tho iiumbw of such workers who could find Immedl ato employment in it. ' Tho gold market remains dull, and " j nrico may bo ,p.oled at from X3 15y 0 I fi ioin.1. At tho UondlgomarkoU flour Jniq.iotlatj:iatoi:-ir.loron. 4