The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, May 26, 1854, Image 1

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- i
W!.J.J '.'J,' .
D, J. LYONS, iiurroji.
HiHVff'VHttiJuu, o. Tr., viav, mav a, irA.
WM. J. UEG'US, I'ujituiiKK.
-r .-
XimilKU 5 .
TO -
Of KICK In lUnnu' Nr.w IIummnm, (accond
Story) corucr of Jduln inl Yuncalltrft.
Oo copy, fur ono yi-nr, e.n.oo ; for six month.,
3.00 j for threw indiillio, M.'HI.
JiWkktiumemi will Ix- Inwrtrd t tlw fol.
loilnitrl:-Oiii) "inure .r ten IIiim or le.,
& ta.rrllo.i, W.0 Vaol. .nlr,ii;nt Inwllon.
$1,00. A literal ilMuctluii made to yearly ad-
J"vJ"u OARW, cf Un l!o or In., for on
mS, month. 8l ffur three month.,
jiv-Ths number 'o'f Insertion mint te dl
ftknl'otf tlimrtnfcUirii tiwy win m
, lUtUlU, ...........,- "-
r aaarkri
MfttlbUfl till
I Wnlt fr Tlice."
TJw bnrth l swept the fire I bright,
The kettle alnj; for tea (
Th cloth Is ipnud -tho Ump I bright.
To while cake iwokr In napkin white ;
And cow I wait for thee
Cffcie, eonit , love, houw, thy tak U donj
The clKk tlek llillD(ly,
Tht blind are hul the curtain dawn,
Th w arm chair It the trrtlJe drawn,
Tk hoy 1 on my knie.
Com homo, lote, Loom, hit deep food ey
Look round hlta wlntfully,
And whin the whtip:rlj5 wind not hy,
A If thy wtleoma ftrp wa nigh,
II crow ciultln-jly.
Xa vsla h find the wtleoma rata.
And turn hi (licet on mine,
Its tarnritly, that yet again
XII fgrtn unlo nj beurt I (train,
Tht (lane to like thin.
Thy Uik 1 done, we rain thee hue,
WWs'cr thy fbutatrpt roam,
No hind will .plead audi kindly cheer,
5o Watlng heart, no tlitenln; ear,
Llk thoi h?nl thtftUiM.'
WiMrtl J
M 4rtW.taJk Jirtl ilk
.- (u te HmK iW
Mii.l i' ii i
t- I sfcY Sji ,
H f k Jtsssswij) jwrni 1 n 1 1
Krum th Ofruii Stalrtuian.
LArAVitrrj;. 0. T Mny ii, IfM
Mm. EprroK. 'Churu it no numauro inoro
JaporUnt to l!ii proaporttv or thin 'IVrrito.
jjr, (a III Rcriculturnl aiiiLconiniorclal I'd.
ttr, than tlio vttAblitbirVcnt of a ccnlral
milroad, wiUi judlclouily aclcclod intor.
Meting branches. Tho inaudlciuiicyof tin.
hoJ ofwAtor, with iUalmnit iiniirinount.
bli obitructiona of tlio WillamotUi riwr
bite tlio fall, and il tnlnl inailuinacy to
Milder Oio ilemnnii nf tho coiiiiiutco mid
ttafi of tlio country during tlirou.fourtlia
oftlin ji'nr logctlicr witJi our rapid in.
cro of conimurconnd pojuildlicni, uracil
itingly tho tu'Cf iilty of tlio LvKUlaturu of
tbi lait tcMlon to acl iininodinU'ly mid
pmiplly in tlio (pfeniltoK ; mid ncriiriliiily
ly paitcd tvrn net, incorporating iliflVr.
, comji.Tiif'f, for tlju purpose of currin-j
c4 tlififl 1,'rrat iiiMUiirt's eo nt'CrMi.iry.
A mi ilum of Democratic dnctrino it lias
jyya boon held, that Cuiignia Imi no
51it to in:th iipirupilatiniia in inniiiy for
. a purK)K but that it bulonyn, and con.
m exclusively, tlio iarlicular Stato bo.
(ltted by tliu iinprotement; liowovnr, tliuy
lava by eatabltilitd precedont granted do.
talionRofland in tho particular Statu to aid
in tho worli, as in tho car.o of Missouri,
Illinois, and utlmra.
TlieHy and very exteniivo system of
internal Improvement in'tlio latter Stato
filieel,' and Involved tho 8tato in an nior
moiM ftut debtr occasioned by tho
Yiaent financial nruri.tfon.ri... ......
ed with Ju credit, In selling it State bonds
t iucn an enormous ami dupruciHting dis.
count m to put H beyond (J I human proba. tho time, of its over lioimr llnnt.l..
jiocrtn.j wi ,iiuum..i1iu.1 n, iflll'VU IHU
in lil mi in i in iivfiion or tr.'nio. nut were Joint .luson, oi wutor ainillord. evinced
lliu roiitu pnictiunlile, I deem U wholly w,n cterylhlng sound judgment, except that
exiiudlciit, from the circumstance to en. ho believed that ho was lilins, nnil foretold
di-nvor now to construct iirnad there, Thnltho ndvent of Christ, who was to cmnmenco
high prices of labor, the zig-ig course it I the millennium nt Stratford. A lady, t won
would li.'ivo to run, the circuitous road it.ty-tlireo yenrn of age, alllicted with hyato
would iiecessnrily connect, Jim cnonnous rical madness, used to remain constantly at
outlay for engineering, ttiniiiding, exuava-' the windows of her apartment during tho
ting, mid filling in, would not justify mich summer. When alio saw n benutiful cloud
mi investment nt this time, piitticiiUiiy In the sky, slio screamed out, " Oarverin,
wlien it ia comiidered that thu return trains . (iarverln, come and lake me 1" and repeat,
would must likely bring nothing hutpassen. led the same invitation until tlio cloud disap
gem. pcared, Slio mistook tho clouds for bal
Whilo, on tho ohur side, l'Vunking the loons cnt up by (Jarveriu. The Uev. Si.
terminus nt the mouth of thu UniiciuaTtfiorelftibn Drown died with tho cotivicilon.lhai
ruliserintiniiM nod iuveatments of. would bo the coinmerco of all that country his ruH'mtd tuul bnw been nnnihilated by u
stock, both nt liomu nnd abroad, mid then to transmit, Ila produce to send out, besides "pt'cial Hat of the Divine will ; and n patient , beforo they percencd two largA br
let (his road, after n ruvuioii by (he I.egi fiirnishlnf from Cidiforiun as many pasucn. in tho I " ISetreat,' at .ew 1 ork, irnals, which they took to bo cowi,
nturo (if tho act in nuesliuu. comu in m a tiers both routes beiuu' tlio samii in point thought ho had no soul, hear!, or lungs. outside of tho fence bordering tho
branch at somii future period. nf distance, if unylliing tho advantage on There was n tradesman who thought that pasture-ground contiguous to tlio hn
Tho hccoml nnd most serimn objection ; tho sidn of the Scottsburg route. I " was a S"veu hliilling pieco, anil auver.
to tho act is its iiilsuumer in leganl to the I , not nfMiiiniiitcil with tho topograph, ""''i himself thus "If my wifo presents
proper terminus. i,..n c,nnicter of the valley near the mouth "w for Winent, don't chango me."
I'ossibly there may bo a road constructed !f tlio t or, or the safety of tho harbor and Iliihop Warburton tolls of n man who
and Mr.
to ii lino of Meamm from fan Iraucisco, , rerryoay, oi lanciiestcr, nau n patient
I'ortluud, rid Corvnllii', to tho northeiii
boundary of California, add road to run on
tlio west aldu of thu Will imeltu liver.
Tlmro are weighty and prudeulinl reasons
urging htrongly lliu abiiuilouiiiiiiit for thu
present nf thin route, and the objects con
tciupliili d under (lie act, the imat important
of which will untire. The good sense
and sagacity of the p"iiilo of Oregon should
tench them the impolicy of attempting to
build two ro.ids, Midi our preeiit popula
tion mid limited tesouices, but n central
railroad we must have, and thu nonrmr it is
built thu better, mid sucji n route should be
selected as would insure huge, liberal mid
Cuntous ADVKjrTURn. Tho following
remarkable circumstance, which Is said to
be truo in evory particular, is related In
'Lloyd's Scnninavian Adventures:' Two
women, witli four children, wcro tending
their cattle at a shealing.far from homo.
It Was tho duty of onu of tho women to
tend (ho cattlu In tho forest, whilo tho oth
er occupied herself with tho household mat
ters, nnd in looking after her children. It
so happened, however, on tho 22d of last
September, that whilst ono of tho women.
as usual, watched tho cattle, tho oHfJtf
scutcd ncrseii lor a snort tirno on a.i
n neighbor,Jca'.ln(; the children. nltl
to themselves. Huohadnntnccrrlonj
!r All
at aoiiio time on tlio route proposed, nut at itH, fiilrniicoatScotUburg, to iiniiro safety tuonghl himscirii "goose-pio;'
such nn enormous outlay and oxiiuuso that! in h lino of kteatnrra from Han Francisco. ! I'errvdav. of Manchester, had
.. - .---- '!. ' . . .: ......
ojiinu lie would liu n very Itold speculator ( (jonneet with this road if put in opera- who thought bo bad hwallowed tho devil.
who would invest his money In auch nii(tiim, but presume that the would be l'i I'aris there livid a man who thought lift
enterprise. It is hardly necessary to speak sulllcicnl harbor, nnd that following the had, with others, been guillotined, ai.d when
of the country through which the road is,,ieanderiiigs of tho river eomo little, there. Napoleon Mas emperor, their heads were
contemplated to run, to any person who
has traveled It. It Is an Interminable range
of precipitous mountains, without beginning
or end, mining which no civilized human
being should ever tread, unless fur gold,
and then with tho utiuovt caution, being at
the imminent rink of his neck.
Uur aim should be to select such a route
children are curious nnd indifferent to dan
ger. Without consideration, therefore,
they climbed over thu fence, nnd made up
to tho creatures. When tho animals be
enrno aware of tho near approach of the
children, tho larger of tho two compelled
tho smaller to lio down at the foot of a tall
pine, and then crouched by its sidoas if to
protect it from harm. Whereupon, tlio
least of tho children that of two venrs of
I l" " V.....W...., ...... ..V.. ..WW . I . . .......
would bo no difficulty concerning either all restored, but in the scramble ho got tho oge w tnoui hesitation, toddled diroctly
point. From tho provisions of tho ret, wrong one. Marcus Donatns tell u of "P ,0. 'no ""imais, and laid ttseir down
there will bo no difficulty in placing the o;)y Viccntius, who believed himself too likewise, with its head resting on tho belly
point of terminus opposito or nbovu Port- large to pasionoofhisdoorwH'.a. Todis- ' ll)0 ,irB one. humming nt tho lemo
laud ; nnd by constructing a good suhstan- 11 this illusion, it was resolved by his phy- imo nw nursery song, as if reposing on
tial btidge, with n double track, ono track fcicinn that to should bo dragged throu"h ,ls mothers lap! rho other children ro-
for n common road, with tolls would soon the njwrturc by force. This orronous die- 'ma'ned the whilo quiet spectators of tho
rinv for itself, mid not bo a serious clmtmc tato was obevtd : but as he was forced r?ttte V ''en however, tho eldest hadre-
as would bomost erntral to thiivnller. nnd ihn tn imniiiii. .-lir.n it l lalons ieentiua serenmed out in nironv Hected a little, and lad como to tho con-
most convenient to tho mass of farmers in , that largo vtssels seldom go higher than that his limbs were fractured, nnd the flesh . elusion that it was rut n cow, but a bear,
getting their surplus to maiket, and liave its' I'ortlind, and fiinll steamers never below torn from hit bones. In this dreadful delu- " J"0 fac,i) "w child was to-,ing
terminus at sucli n point ai at least will bj l... riu- ..r ... ,.l,ii ' sion. with terrifie inmrecations ncainst bis i wltI, "0 became suely affiigbted. Mean-
. ..I zi. I i I J- .- .. .' i .i.litlu iU t.r.... il.n ...!.! .n ...!
n,..v, kl.u . I. IUI.I, UJ WVU.U llUi ICI1I0III
long in the sam jusition, presently roso
iniii its hairy c icj, gntheud some bluo
lierri-s growing hard by, and gave them to
practicable mid profitable, so si to iusuru 'Pitn from Po.tlaud to Milwaukie, around murderers, ho died
orcign ui.i to swell our cnntal stock, and by Oregon City, crossing tho Clackamas,
liaVU thtl road built Jllld III Operation inline- nl ihn nrnir nnint find nn tlu. iir uiml.
i... i i i'-- r -- ---,
'lliu last act, lat't'd Jan. .10. 1851. and
infilled "An act to incorporate tho Oregon
and California Itnilroad Company," has tho
fcivnio objection as rcgaida its title, but no
objection or fault in tho body of the act to
Tseate tne authority ol the company, in act
ing around tho benutiful bend of tho Wil. '
billa In ilir dnu'ii find vnlleva tn till tin. ten I
: . "o ; -j- -- " -i -
..r .1,,. ..... ii..... iii ,.... I -..:..! ...i i. i?u ?. . " , . ....
ametto to Salem, with no lmi..liu.ent. u... ' "'" "J ", T 1Z. " ,'.. ,-""t ""....... '" lr"0 10. " .". "nmeuia eiy
..,..., , ,, ... - iiuu reauu in uic umou is peruaiis unooi mo ent tlictn out ol no cln
nils to dig down and valleys to fill up, wo ' .. . 'n, ,! . . .
have tho smooth and meadow liko bo toms .."'T.'" '. "? ,- ' . ',,', "" "T'1' I? ? piucKei a spri,
oftho Willaincttn ami I'mrxiua to Sends
i . r k . ' tor. -?i - Sr- it r .m r-r1
nurg, njvranneuing u'eioivur' ana grii
tim. lL(poiftfl.rlla r?filiffiAnilt ,vifitt-llrifllf.rlrt
. . -. t ' "' -w! - - ww. .-..... ... .... w..,..-.--.
Wf and changing the lenuinu oftho road," San fmiclc wilJiiu. fxrty-f!cht or sixty
J..-'irwl tji univiiiL . 'Il. ...II ml.' .l.Mti Li" ....."! n . .
motlilei ftv a doublo or amgle track, fiom I -wills tic- pri'vilugoofaoouring all her heavy
f.ugetui uty. in Lane eount). to .omo point a!,itiirrrr8irrRrnrl br'Asforii.-" '
on uiu cast Mile of tho illmiu-lto river, i There may. and nn doubt will bo sntnol
r- in n lliu IUli
IiaiI a niece of Span.!, birth, an orphan. ' borin
1..l id ,i.. .tl i -I Iw.iif 1. .wi- tt.tif
Ci. "ft ,T"1T,SVJ,,,-H1W HM1Wii.I)
welt iarv'mej.' AJ tfta -bUV Juk whimt,
Idllo or no Mention Was'wiid to 'her'' la.
deed she etietl Co atUad'shem.- npiW m
chi!d'n hand!
from a
y!. fr?iKWB.L"S!S1jSv ';$& riS&i&Z$y,
-' ri I'm - . .-SSJI 1 ssjsnB
"'vsi - ii"iivvi iiiuv.ii ii
bush, am ofTercd it
to the heir.
f-W twWcIi ltW,-llowiijg.lJ'tftiJii
lalilensyou will, p ne
jkir : v i
hiv civjr
hi ii. ii
- --.., '- wn. ...u.i auu iiitu- n irrenriiHci
at un-i'iiu (.iv. or lit kimiu n i.ini...i nt.-lu rrnn. lnnlni..l . . . -'- "- -" -"" wivuium iiuur, ue iiruiipni lumoti 10 IlkCHIIIll. Iflfn
wTfVAikhlsifi'nllsrAr iilcl.S-.f i C.,.L Jr;,'B'lJ,l w't,tA- "Jil d'vnco when your neighbor- if thev'U let vou and bo
lb , Cum S t seEl the ,,o nt. " m,!,'T ! I'" Aie M wntmplnied, ljf if f "" .- pbt-focd. She good nnd charitable, Mill curious tongue!
particuh 'rlyi -no tl r , o Th. '' ,""'l,,,1" ',"' t passed; but th ',. om'1 Vf ''' W "ot.ced tho same fact, will clatter, people will mU nmtthhg to
full, and we g e '"1 and o M,. fllu '"'T"-' a",U l,,"J UC',S, i! HleAj lY?"? RCC0Tdiy- talk about, I if you the least ,sco
, -(,"- up, ami proline lor Mint nlirinitfv ,.ti ......... ..:.... t .t... .. . I ' "e IncUelt Wl ch led tn tin. ilrnntinnnt i-.J...l :.... .i..t '
roaI.-M,d a .,!'?:."." V1" . J-V"t ' M' ' "cer.ained whnher .he fl, . J,,.n w ' .,hu SPJ''J. practising 'deception, peculiarly t,yinK to
fu I in. I ...... I . . . , ' ' '"-r in Mo.iiii COUIU overci
Soney JeS SZT"" M h"W; ,w,ion of th" ' ,lt ' I"'"
SB Kl! .5 ." .' '" y bo practieablo through
i.iniai,i, in respect to chartered nr tnu. ul.;..l. : i... A.
ctitinrj decention. nceuliarlv Irvini-
ivercome the Incli- r . . "FJ"-""'"."'" to aslt her uncle have your best motives suspected, but the
)int. Thorouto ." m marriage, tie, nstoniobed, moment these things como home to rou.
t... Ct.vnn "" -, proposal n very coot re
11 I . V """'' -111" I'llllKIl
inll.ivu li.-iviiii. il...t. I
. '. : "" -npnnuuii or mam
poiiim of trade-their "depit" lor their
exporti and importh and also their for, i-i,
..K....VI- i oriiami is me place of uiarke
'per po
rn.inus oftho road, Ifcoii.iructwl speedllv
regon pror Is diyide.l into two agricul.'
r-.l region, the Wilhimetto nnd Um,a
ii. mug uieir
every enterprise, it is necessary to have' "" don't go there, go tJioro no ! with a universal "don't care."
persons interested in tho w ork to carrv it(n'or . That's about tho only way to get along
through, and no interest is so drivin'' "and . " -v ,ovp' ' '4 yQri' oasy to say so. comfortably, and keep all important bless-
energetic in it4 action as a ii.-cuni.irv in-1 "7 Ings in a state of preservation vclopt heoltli
i comin' 'of " l l . ' V?'1 h ", W Ti-
IScottsburg, for all of th at "xteS r
ge of wuntry bordenng , , '$. 1 1 1! tT"h l"fa "- " '
i river m,d between tuL ,oin ' It I ?" j ,"" J hie tl
teresf. l-armer.4 mnv ln bfn..tlr--il!i
( I'Med in the reult, but not k immedi.iti lv
as cuy mid town proprietors through which
UIU mail 18 1(1 P.M4. Then th.. nt.rtm.r
rovl jeenis to
, but-
"J'.asy to ray, nnd easy to do, both. I
huvo a million and a half. Nobod knows
it but my uncle. I always made n "point of
fo.etiing it niyn-If, lierauso I wished to
rhome a nally disinterested lin.tmn.l
and spirit. CWrc Branch.
ha. marked out the road and, ilade its r!":"r" M a.,,,l ,il",r"1 "ilri,,lion. of lUlU that you neglect nothing
v.iiiiiiii-iiki-iiii-ui, nun lerimuus, injlli in point
of conveyance and Ideality, being thu inott
A Xovrr. Heunuv iok Onr:.K-:;s:s.
Tho London Spectator mentions n curious
remedy now In use in Swedish hospitals, inn n. There need Ihi no nioro office work for v ou fr ,',n' frn' of madness which oxhibita it-
tho road runs '' -xo" ,, "f', "' ,u 'vl till, my advice 8t'" " nn uncontrollablo nppetilo for olco-
iieci lioitilntr." ihuihj iiiiiui.iina. uiu mill's is iimo uu-
cribed : Wo will enpeose that tho linuor
,.--. I s a, eay unu praciiiaiiie, mid tho most
beneficial to our trade and commerce.
v here is our foreign marketl 1
in n cmtM nni i .,.,. ,L.,.., .. i ..uaiiut nun tutu n tiieeii i
nil f, II - .. "' .
.. .... , l0 Wny r investments. I
Bllr, "wrll'tioHs. gmranteed ' A Venv Suiiioim Comi-ou.nd Fiuctciid.
ary ue ns o S'ef I?'"0' f;,r,.'", T" A "." !ll wooden leg, .ulTered a com-...r.-V'.!
IO ?"rry wnrk-t!iroti"h to pound fracture- of lint" llmbor." nt Sun
. ..wv ....... i ii'iiijii lll.lllll'll I WOlllll liwilllliciion. ,11)11 till mm .......I .1 I. i i w I .... '.
ask-is ,l Vreka, Maryav.lle, or in tl... or h s -P Tho Sun
..,.......:... ..r i-.i:.-.....:. ........ . ..' ni "mswnont. It hafits nroiiiietor in his nrm ni.u
Stalo from this incubus upon her prosperity,
fell into tho hands of private commit.!.-.
and nnw. liko nil nf tl . -I . '
I mi I . ' ' u ,ri-a"'rii railroads,
(as will bo seen by a rofuronro to statistics)
pay a haiidsomo dividend to tho stockhold'
n. And It will always bo tho effi-ct, and
the history of tlio country boars mo out in
the assertion, that private incorporated com
panes mora enorgolio and efficient, in
works of this kind, which, if left to govern,
snent agents mid officinN wm.M ..?..,! ..
eglecJ, lirivatospoculalion. and imposition
tmsur PC0P ly ,'I"ndur Up " t,loir
The first act passed by tho last Legisln
nr, entitled "An act to Innnmnr,.. ii.
knu tbo
valley KniJroad Company,"
rourii w ixi irojo th city of
mountains of California, wo should
want ti road connecting thrihig.i that coun
try f certainly not. Hut it i iho great city
of San Fl.lliuisuo nnd nlni...
atsnding out us it wero in thu ocean, hem
men in by tier own magnineem bnv tho
proper and only market lor all tho industry
or Oregon- proiJUcetho proper um.ket,
for ourmurohaiili and imih.r. t i... .t. ;'
e.(!lllllll'HJ. mill ii r....,l I.. I . .
. --- - .V....J uiiau mariioi, to ro
pay tho toiling nnd iudustrio.n sons of
Oregon with a yuidproquo" ior all they
can send Horn the great btaplo to tho mi
nutau or butter, mid eggs, ,,j vegetables;
nnil this is tho city wo uru in thu main to
.-,-., u.i ior mans mid investments in put
Hug up tho road, mid ... Vt....
country in proximity to her maiket.
It is argued that by carrying tho road
through California, wo t-hould ovudu tho
competition of Chili, Sonera and Honolulu,
by finding a market in the intorior ? Tho
sauiu competition would find its way thoro
and w might ss well meet it st tho thrch'
il-SH am lllnrn u I.I... I .. .. ..-.
I liivo thnii..l. . J . "'" s"BS-m' alier souieiniiig or
.!.!.. ":.r.. l""l'.ur " irow out lor con
nKe, .. V . ",,J,,e " 1"'' n I which not onl
'" "" ' ciiooko tl.eir owu road."
'ry respectfully, W.
which tho patient has been addicted to
drinking, is tho commonest in the country
say gin. When ho enters the hospital lor
treatment, ho is supplied with his favorito
! drink, and with no other ;-If anvlhiiic else
SaVS tc irll-im In fitn. a. i.t. Al.n. In.l I. t. II..
. . i- . tl v ...., v. -.f t-lill. luuu, ifc la 11.1
in his prodigious hurry Vored with gin. Ho is in Ileaven-tho
other, ran (ho unluckv '.... -.....i t. i.i.... ..-i .- r. -. through a hole in the plankim. I 4 " ,'", .'! ,.'"" " . ".., ?,l
I.TI.MII 1.- '.. " ' "-"IIIUi ll IUU11I IS Bl-l-lllt'U Willi I'll:
V Irllll lllliwull anrnu-liiw. r.... - . .. . .. .. . .? '
- V "I '""b""-"!!!!.' Ueil,IIIS CI01
I that "its jirojuictnr in
relates tl
or tob Hkain. DrCooch
sno was tlio mm Mi.n- .....1 .1.... i.... i i
vviis constantly encirre, by a brilliant halo. ! smith's nnd have an iron bandago applied,
int ."ln8 fi,vt'8 ?" nceonnt of an intellec. 'M ""'s1'1 '' 'o well. When raised and
downward, but caused a compound frac
tare of said nether Integument. Surgeon
uiu'Ksaw was soon at nand, and alter cop.
sidering tlio case and being probably in
want of a job advised immediate amputa
tion of the Injured limb. Others thought
mat n tue puueur. were taken to a black
3thos, everything around him ;
moihfc.Tg ?0""cm. ho, from some
pnant, was struck l. .. i m i..
....... ,l. . J " "umno spasm wuon.
befor Mi... iWa8 nu,"c written
fatm ii, : Um,1,0l' a Pitch was his in
latuatiun earned, thnt ,.i..i. in..
"floct. A similar
tho ;Hh"' ,0 " ""f'wly escaping fr,
(ho car hnualia at Li..lnn ? ,' .
ol dolinum vvhonornr !. i ....i,.......
was pronounced in hu aVdnJ. Tho'
cn40 is told nf a
extricated from his painful position and ox
hibitiiiff a very bloody proboscis, bo ox
claimed: "Look here, you mean, miserable
ridiculous sot of mice! Whut do I care
about that tniss'd old stick-thero's enouidi
moro whero tlmt grow'd, but what Iroonro
ftir is, that I jammed my noso (giving his
nose a wipe) through the crack between
them two plank, and hero I had to lay for
half an hour, smelling h-l from undorne.-.ih,
stinking liko Satan of brimstone and bilgo
water! "
every mouthful ho eats or drinks, every.
thing ho touches, every zephyr that steals
into his room, brings him still gin. Ho be
gins to grow tired of it begins rather jo
wish for something else begins to find tho
oppression intolerable hates it cannot
bear tho sight or scent of it longs for
emancipation, and is at last emancipated ;
ho issues into tho fresh air n cured man,
dreading nothing so much us a return of
that loathed persecutor which would not
leavo him an hour'B rest in his confinement.
"This remody," says our cotemnorarv.
" appoais to havo boen thoroughly effectual
bo effectual, that persons who deplored
1 1 l(af IIMAniilKnll..l.l . .. .! 1 '
...v.. mi.uiiiiuii.iijiu propensities, navo pe
titioned for admission to tho hospital In or.
dor to bo cured, nnd have been cured."
(KrTho man of " vaulliriir ambition" l..
joined tlio circus. i