k. -- i hiMtm - l4i tho Integrity urTurkuyt '"' ! KIK bus docldod not lo roipilru from I'riiiaiii llm limtvy aaerlflr.tm limqmrablo from war, tin (II tliu peculiar Intercut (if Primula mriilor hiirIi n iIqcIsImi Imperatively "iiecosHnry." This. In, of cnurm, wpilvnlont lo (i dooln. ration of neutrality lor tho proaont. It I announced, llml notwithstanding llm rejection of tlm ultimatum by tho '.nr, Prussia will not inohill.u tliu iiriny hol'oro tho Clmmk'i Imvo volrd tlm loan. After his vote tlio nenion will liu lirouglit to mi enrly closo. An mlilroav which wni exhibited on llie Hldllln Kxoluiiigo, prating tint I'liiHiiun Oovuriunoiit to join tliu Western Powers, was In n Tow Iiimiis covered with signatures. lantMh'il. Ono interiuplion, made in Inn Great aiiiisation wan iroduced by llio ic. jgiiugo uhinli any iii'in olHpbil would cor colpt of orders from l.nudou nii'iranlibi litinly coiihidt-r (tmulliog, wan followed by luiunen, ntduiing their eorruHpoiidimts not to , another, ten indecorous tierhutri, but hard. hhlp coniiiguuivnU on board I'iumI.iii vch- Hl'M. I'littco lloliuiirulleru and (Sen. Cioebeu lind rcliirned to Merlin from their rcniiccliv iiiImIoiin (o 1'arU and l.oiidou. AlJMTItlA. A pi'Vi!.- Hi)t. b iiiiiii.iueen that the .Oorertifiitn lit. Il U rtuiii-"f now that the --JlWl'-'il ' '"K-'y ,,,,' '",u In oml nnoliier ;in,inMi nv u u iiio fruntlr. 'He liamtwirUtioii oi Iroi iii.iiufiii hi win im urn miiiiii i K""'K " . ... , . ....I ..1. 1 1.!.. I'... warn on ino inoi exieniivn nemo. Ailktiin exleudiitho ptnhibitioii toexpoitl arm to llm TurltUli frontier to Mobiuvia nud W allnchiu H J:I)I:N AND I)i:MAItK. conlingly. Tim Norwegian Diet, following llm ex- amnio of Nuedeti, tin voted tho auuia ile. mantled by tho CoU'riuncnt for llmnatioiial nimimeut The Ii' retlitary I'lince, rum of the 1'iinco Irom t openliagen, .Alarcli 17, It i tio lrei!hriiiiilg, n-nl wlm-h cium r.o uearter-1 "fi llitirailnv (.Jan. I $2,) tlirnu wioU' btenkmg ilown loresl treM nntl unroohng bate Court if ic coumr, u. j .. w iiib unucr. graphed that tho King had auaweied the iniiialing in n ImMile meeting betneeii tho-te I wen; Hied ft ,..i tl.o cily walli, ubii.h fell bridgox. yWitl. on the c! Vo'Vili 1 All tr'aon 11?- nililriNM, ealliug on him to dUuiin hi mill geinb men. clomt to the galo of )r .oclihart'a honpital. lVffimi apmi'i -ll" cttat'e arj rt'iue'te'l tn Intern, by xayiiij; tlmt Imwill coiuider wb.i In tlm llouv, on Monday, the tJOili ult., Tlu-re wan no Mint king form at the lime, I Ahmv Fa km a. Tho oxporiment of far- .ir7.:nt the Mini within on-; year from ilat, and la beat lor Iho nubile ncrvice. and act the Nubiimkubill wtiMreiWri.il in llm (.'inn. 'nml no nniiireiit rtmmi win. tbev. -knulil Iih mini: bv tho lT. S. tronjisnt tho nrniv ri'istl i.ll tirrana Imlclitsi) to rM estate aro rcqUrttwl Uoyiil ol Mvetien, ui.'ii on ine i.Hli nil. ... , .-. .. I lir ol iniM.Taliit roliliers IUii;' ibepo We mom kiniinna.aa n means to promolo econ- mnrr or lie i.tm f '' " . ,Vi Up to tlm 10th ..f March, no n goil.'ou1 "" b.ive dates f.o. i!m City of Mexico ((liltn. mk-n,,,,,,,! ta .;II ,:,.,;, ,. r,.i0M. ; nmy, has failed to answer the expectations T..raMwVarorOiaiwi1 of .Swedi,h i.ei.tnilily luid h-iu obtMiiied ''," "l"' '' Ma"!'. Iho paM'r. are htr.lllL. l3ll MH.n rilH, Ut ,jm U.H ..Btjt..H' wi.kh Indutd its cMaUi.i.ir.rnt tho ex- r!uii' ' IJ "' l""i''l" "' ,ll, from Hiu.ia. Tie. Siudcs ktill i.iaiiitnimnl . I1' im'l.Hv neriipn-il w lift two tnpie lite ' il( ,, ,.it vw, jinvl, ,oniiu., to bo more j I"'""' ncecnaiily inenn d hnwi.jr fur ex-, mulo-i, ; laml. tw'. nin uiicU'tncil In tlic y thilr reaolule Mtilude. j ' I'""' 'f AJvare.mi.l the ( .,m!'l.'ii treaty, j cw11ii,HMVi lulure. I newlad tlm profits deriv. d from tin; sale of) i ral to-vfchilitreifore mrrcycil '''."ei;"" I Vl'nr"'- '"'J '"'" lM"'- ' "'' "' ''i ''''" I To ih-Mi nimora wo u.av add the facta, j prn.lucts." 'iliis cxperiinmit w.t3 instituted -u'1 'n w,i,cr ,,,f iKi.eS u.elcrnct Culm. I r'll" .'""' !" '. '' ll" (' ""-"" " ; that ( :,.mo.i w.ia i.V.r imieler. ami Hint the ! ill 1S1I. U,r. "l. ","''. '.T'l'. . l.n -nil ,tttlr,. Trla The ktcamkl.lp llbick Wanior, wliomll"'"l"u "-", i'leil hit col.iMog nil... ..! i. ..!... c. i i... .:.;... i... i l.'llilll- IM III" II...III Itillllifl llli.-n ll.m iivvii ami ktill "u the caue of l'.l1 ixeil...ii....l and iii'bUHlion lliroughoiil tlm country, nnUt'ilitl tin pint on U'cilnen.lnv. haiug' been r lini'ii!n d to her Captniu on (he; pavtui'iiliifkit llioiiiiiiitldnli.tiii. Sii.. aW1 frnm llnviiun on the lln imt., ami Ltmn'k two dnv4 Inter aiKicek. From tlm lett"in i:im aur r nrrr'petHe'.t', it wej'! r"ti ilfi litiluiUkUitn.linx le r'l.' of the lllaek Warrior, lhr ft..1.. trWUli nro jjiosv mu WH t ti .ju,..i.i tMenoiT unJ.i rKKeouUwU.thtie .Mi're u,mi. iho ki.aoi -. .i . ...... ...,i i-.., ... nuff J!.nfi!ffi 1. r.MHMi luir itifMnl li .mat iiilnlraiy ami niagracelul mauiivr. Ilnu much longer are lheo iinligiiitie't to lie MIUUHm.! Ml l i'H. ..IIII-IIL..II-, lll-l.il.' . , . ,. .".hi c, . I their (ovoruinent will keo fit to iliop mere , ii. . roc lonal iMjilick, and atloiil iiieniures to i ....t.... :.....! ... I... .1... i : I. ..'..... . 1 1 I . I energetically riilreka ll.eir gtiev.tucei. ' o have lieanl lint Don ItaiuiM ,Mniu, ono of her Spauikb Mnjealy's olliciaU, Hew into iilenl iinkkiou when iirekviilctl Willi into iviii1 lit iinkkiou v nen .re.eiu.tl win ,..77, .',:.i ....!.!.. ,'...,, ni 1. a lul ..I (lie ariic t-a mikiuug Irom tlm II acli ... . . 1 . .t 1 Warrior Micliatt poo h, i cs, Arc and ,. , , , ,' , ,,, , ' fll threatened tlentrtiction to tho agenta nf tlm 1 1..... ..1.1..1 ?i... n, , p.e.iiiii:i, uiiiup. .nut .iiiin.iut. iiiv un. 111111 . . 1 .1 : .:..:. .. : I . fiilrnnliiil flm iiitiilil nllikll if tmiilti liu.il miu nil tl.o fair fa.no of her Majekli' kubjeeu .. r . -! V MMIMIHII"II VUIIIHIIIIII IL:tIIIBt Ltioii iienring ol Him, captain iiuiioch, m juiupnilj ..nil v.fiiinui t. niF.in, in nil . . H. .Steamer Fulton, waited upon l)nu Mavin, ...a ....ii.. .1.. ..i-. I I.:... .1... i i.. nuu puiuvi iiiitiiuivii nun nun mi nnarenuy .:...! !. : t.i. - in i:iiii. iiiiiifiu .iiiaiti.iiifii i.iiii in . ra . '. ... . t!...i n :.... ' i . iiuii .liu i:mt.iiiuiin tim imuiii it'll ilia i. ,i... i.. ..n:.t . ! .... i.ohftl to f.'lnct. InntlilitIon,(.npbi u W at. 1 i i i . . t ii ii t on re narked that a (aptn in lu och i.i i i..t.. .i.n i ,. .Lit ... ...... ViUlllll IIIWIIII aripiii; V.MI ai riiii. hit l II III. Wvat ludlia. Havana. Tho decision of tho tribunal . : . .. .... .. leave tlm Maud. In fact, llio right, of pri. , 'I'" ,;",nime..t had ncceptud a tnodilica. vato American cilieiM aro violated in ilw."," "' 1'"' "drd.ui tii-nly .W. wou.laui..oluspoiitIoni..tI.ealb.ir,l r- , ,.,,,.. of ,":, fclm. The l,tr" l0"' without an obiee, or tl ho iia.l -,, k , IS llraml.A..,, l,2.-!.il.n7 and bo happy to hear from tlm Ij.u, nl ,'," 'f,,pra'.,1'. ar.li.im,!,,,; , ...,1,1.1"" il was f'"Aild ami because it wa. mc it Fr. J--.V.0.,4 whatever Hum and place ho might plenae to ! ' '. ' 1., . 7fr !l? I m. i , . ! ll", "' WS '"' M 1"' 't'" !' ' I '' A' a: !lf, 'i""'1- 2--'-5 tamo.-,YrW VorklhrM. h ' vn,, c0" ' 'f fi r fw,,ph ' ' C,"v"" ' nl at the Fort in oxtre.ne deslitJtio,,, M In ilnj. Ss ol hml CI... g28jJ0 - I!1 ",..."V.?..:.?." ' hmtlwero kindly fn,ilw with clothin J , C1J na' l "f A, 1X Oi.iorn whom Hh raw oi lii kteamaiiipinini A vies, via Ulack arnor brought, alter tho se. ''SCTo of tho vr,.l ami cnuHattrtlirii ami din. charue of her cargo, wan as foil, ws: "Tho oontiicatinn of the cotton, ami n lino nf VU'2,00(I mi thu vushul. I'lus trihunal ii u ono sitletl alfnir, as neither the bteamer'n agents nor her Captain were allowed to bo present. 1 liu ilecreo ol this court was an nulled by thu Cuptaiu (leneral, as .Super iiitcnduiite, who onluted that tho bhio and cargo should bo given up, and a lino of 80,000 Iinpos'iu Inktomi, llo alio tllrecteu tiiat a bond should bo uivuit by tho audits to tho Collector, subject to thu decision of tho Queen, nt'viking that a mumurial liu prepareu ami seni iu uer, ami proimsum to liavo it promptly forwnrdod, and ho had no doubt it would bo remitted altogether. A bouil for tho SO.OOO was accordingly matlo, guaranteed by ouu of tlm moat substantial houses Id tho city. This was refused by tho Collector, mill (to refused to allow any American hoiibo to become bondsmen, Tlio monoy was then paid under protest. Tho Captain (Jeuornl is very much ilissatis ilwl with tho courso taken by tho Custom IIonso ofltcinh. Wro consider thin decision uiado by tho Captain (ionernl as a oomploto Dclinowloilgment of tho injustlco of thu claims of tho (iovornmont. .j . , i in in i i i in ni.i ' .1 j ..'. ; ii Affair In WutliliiKtoii. I l.nUir from Clilnu. j Thi.w. and Conviction or this Mux- In lliu Moure, on Aloniliiy, Mnroh U7ll., Tlm Hamburg ihip Vlllilfiisburgtrfivfcd tv.x C'onm.:, at San Fhani'iscu. -Quito tlm Civil Mini Diplomatic Appropriation bill; on Hntiirdny from Cliiim, hriiifji'iK llnig. jnn interesting trial Ims been recently going wan brought iii. Mr. Culling hml pre. I hong tlul.-H loj.fniiunry 17, antl'lroni Khuiig. Ion In Kan I-Vntwiico, before tlio IJ. H. Di.i. viouMy moved ihat It bo icfoirctl lotlmjhao to .January $21., Tlio new i not (rict Court, in tlm mailer of tlio United Coinuiitleo of llio Wholi! on tlm Mlnlo of: important. In regard to tlio progress of . States it. l.uuU del Vidle, .Mexican Con llm Union. Mr. Iliceliciuidgo iippcand lollho war, llm Overiniid Mail ban llio fol-jnul, for breach of llio Neutrality law. Tlio havo dlNcovured that Mr. Cultiug'rt courso: lowing: Jloyond llio litllo now kcx!raoJed ayuopnh oftlmnblonrguinontgof.Mr. Inge, wan treaclieroiM to llm narly. ami likely lo Hwamp the bill, and a good deal of wircamn piiHued bctwnen llieui. Mr. Ilreckeuridgo attacked Mr. Cultiug in u moht peiHoual uiauuer, iulimatiiig thai ho bad embraced llm bill with one hand and flahhctl it with tlio other. Mr. Culling' reply wan proper and htiitable. Mr. liruulieiiildgu wan not t ly lent annoyim; to a bealeil Hpealier. .Mr. Culling yielded the lloor lo bi angry aula- gouinl, and again hMpcrannnl ,:o..,ct and moiiveM wem rudely iimiiIIihI. I'inally, lo wind mi tliu Kerne, lor the me of tin exoron. nioii tiiiiiuentioiialilv lent t.evere than maiiv which bml falhii from Mr. Ilnclienriilge, .1.. ..I I . i .... lh.lt giUilleiii.in uriiHO and cth.l, nil lnlieii,ileiiiiiu kiin what U fale, and bo know i Tuikinlillt." A eiuilh-iigii w alierwariN xaid lo oopuiidhaie p.iMeil between ilium, ixiuiing iiiueh I lie ui'ii. . . I. .. .. i 'cii ill in i.niigioim. iiuwever, me iiiimei nan mnc li.'en iiinmalily itetlleil. 1 . . . In uddili by tilegrap! linn to nilmr iuluriMliug matter p!i limn Wuidiiiigton, we Imvo an I ll I I !..l. .. oiiili.ie o llm enrieponilence which ro- eemly oikm-iI beiw.-eu lemrn. CuitiiiL'aml inillee of tliu Whole, ami placed on tho Cub-mlar, by a vole of 1 10 to tt.r. j We regret to Icttrn that Major llobbie, Aaiinit I'nkiiuaater Ceiieril, died of ron. Miiuption, in Wiifchmgtnu, Thurailay week. Ktancti in in.' i.-iveimoi lit. n.titLi Atiiia ... .... . . ,vl1 ll,r ,:f'l ' "" "" -- ' i!' ''"'"',l tei .n wetek'.ii! rnv.li" .1 by ',i. Ituliins, KN-t bnllli (huI Immi fou-tUt ami iini-v In. NMl IhMI ''-" ' ' , "'' ' iH.ibmg .upoiiiint ' ''' e,wau.tu tie.,. ni.uicliarU ,,v( u',', '. . ' ( "'"'"' '"' ," i'" ll.v 'I.'kii'ftii imiii" niiuoutije llint .;... L.'i.i !..-.. .. i.: : "I Til-l It Hull " " '""" l'" Tuplri ol llii' ltiy. The ('hileau guveiuuiei t hna taken ami. .. t t , , , thcr r e p foiuar.I, by nrilering ii ceiidua lo , , , ' , ,, ' ;. "... bo taken, ami the ob.'era tero to liem , . . ,' , . , . . .. ," iiivn i.uiirm tin nn- 'kil ! .tlilli. I III' , ..,.. .,..,.' . , .,., ... ,, ... ,, ' .,, ' " .11 llll"l...l. Wl. .1. ..., .111-IV, 111. iv III' ri. , mal peel of peace. Fein ni.pie is nlill noiiiiiiti ,, 1 . . , i ., . I rekident, Imt Keicra of Ihr protmcrs are . ,. , ., ' . , in oin'i rovn t, r.tul ih" government liai no .. ' e ', . ,". , """" 1111 Uarv force In muiiitam order. .No ono ;, , , ,. 1 ... 1 : .1 . 1 liiiow where l.l.a i. but lua daco as lea- .iifn... n. i.... i . . , . . . Oer lilt 10 rfVtilutmuintn, H ..I. ii .. Iilletl liy (mil. ,. 11.. .. 1... 1 1. f . .1 ....... 1 '""'. 7 ."J' '", " '"' '. ' :'" .U.K.. w.L.lif I1111.. ...... n..1 I... .1 M..I.I..... , i m.pio a light hand man and beat Holdier. im , . - . . . .. i ...-. ...... .-.-...-...-- -, I III '.III 1.1 rwi in i.i.r.iin liii ii.i I ... t..k..p. .... ...... ii.... ..... . .. ill.. .11 in.. ..r...ii r-!'iiA lit!., .tt. ..wiiiinim.. ..irii'ini ll. .UK ' ! f . i .,. ? . . ' J"i".v. tt'Ht fin. liiipiri.Hiit! niHliln. "- ," "7 ,, , ' "". T i - V : four roatlii from tlio ilntu otlW.n notiro i.-z. I he .u,.r U S1. i K. .v.rroui.d ... ,-, , ., IW v- nllx.k ,, ', ,.( lt A co. I at tlm Lrysta I'.dacr, ami nnurjl I,a Hi. , J', X hive taken their clatma.o Iih mountf.iii.iuH r-ireai. deMilolo of m , ir.., ml'0 ,IM, 1H.ov.'r.,l,and a nun. i 'v'" ' l VIT"' la",,w'" ?W l, L l" lh'rhy l w. " MX hfreafwr nU thir i. tl i.n.ti i..i.j ini.l ....In .l.....l... I... I I - . l'wi nl W.. ttttttft t I IJ.ir. ria I... ...... ..Ti i ..... .. .t.t... mil tinfitFTmHX If lUaki '", I h,..'mi ira.tBM.jui, ,.r ()f ,1K. ,jj(.M ,.uu,lt j ,hl. ct f w-. ' .......,.-.,, w , ... .mi eu, .""'""''" """"ctoelr n...,r.e... . ptn.u ,.,, man crenu-ti a ,!.:..,, .... eii...Tl,irlee.. of the .ot.M.ir.i. ' '".". ami ii i.ii...o'i, we n. neve, 10 grncc '';, - ; r", ,1 ,,,,,,. -,.,.. v l.i.iiteriHi : 'iivr.il. lJufai.j.. ami Xaca t'.P..,.. .i......... ;,,. ,i...ii .i.. ,i...!he Cillery ol the new Cosmor.olilan Art!:f..Lv; .... .u.Unf ihelrnotific .1 -i e I .' il. illillia lU'l iiitiit iiv.t'.iv.i biit.iiiii ma llm jmU of revn ut nn aro night. "., . . . ,,i ..,;...,. ... i . . ii f ,. i , their fctole i cattle, nin ii te at by a ma iguant ve low Wsvt, which!., si. r .1 i.. i I irinwi? " . ... ...in them lovoii or eight of the Im! d i)iriiilll)liwri"inti,out of l.iO.OOO, in .... , ,,. . ,,P ... .. ,i ni. ,i .. , ,. .lulled. After thw Walker rec 1 cited K.irnt a iiHiiiiii, in iiiiua uiuiumiur amg.inim.i I ll l. .1 . . . . . i i . c i '"f trade t-iid want of ikmco i.rev.idii. .1.1 .. ,. ... , i ... . ...., i IheL iletl St.it.rt vessel Water W trh, . , ., f ., fiotit to kiirvey tliu upper p.irlton of the . . u- i I. i . n...... ,1'araguny I liver, hi.i returned to Hueiio i r r,.ilr, r. V..l,rl... t.. II...,. : (MMHIIIIIJII ll.lll MLMUU. M.lll UiU, I1U HIM u"" " - imi tlmt Meleuilre ami his party have slain Walker nml thirteen ol his comrades is pro. Iiably coirect; ami thus entls the great ni. publio of .Sonora, iih all its sins of slavery extension, roblmiy and iniiider. It was tin. forliinato for W'libter that ho lived long enough tn degrade his enterprise h ciiuies befitting only an nhaiidnuud .pirate. Had ho died early, liliu I.ope, a ronmiico would In on attached (o his name, which now will bo'fulliiwetl by tho enrsoR of all wives andanotheiH. Happily, .San Francisco has a prospect to bo untroubled for Rome time by any imitators of Ids criminal ciueer. Alia Cat ij'or niu. "Well, l'at, my good fellow," said a vie torinus (icneral to a bravu rRu of I'riu, al'tur ii battle, "and what did you do to help us gain tlio victory!" " Do," replied l'at, "may it pleaso yonr honor, I wailietl boldly up to wun of tho inimy and cut oil' his feet." " Cut oil' his feet! and why did you not cut oil' Ida head," said tho Clenernl. " Ah, and lailh that was oil already, " .Ai'.ni nml ni.-ikix ii li rv i:ii'fir:.liln lenull . . . . . .....' mi.... ii u .i.ki-i' Mnn.. 1" . .. .im.iiasiiiaaiiia.iifikaiwtat.ftaiar'ii.i.ii.ivd - . ... . -.. ...iiiiiii . iiii'ij I'liiiiiiiiii ill ill in .ill iiiiai'iui'i. . . .... Him Alt'lidou, ii ilutanco "I;', ',.,., ',.i ..,, .i, .:. ,..:,.,, ,t , MViii.lleii.n.Ininaiitltie.JW Honey Incaii'.prlli., M I.1UU mile-., llirniigh u rich country, and 7-""' , "' " ' ,."" "", v - i Dri.l Apple, iiror-an pr ilea, (VMS nver tlm Amies, ii a lino conception, but ! :,bmU ' "1,.,a," c,"l,,n ';:" . "!X 1 hl l'a'- ' & lhw' . SJ "2S ll.ero is no danger of its bcit.g commenced : " "M" ' '' I'VJS. tl.ey will r.m S..... ou. ptr ca. -la. .0 it.- I til it I i.i ii.. x I ( ft. ...ii f...ii 'T u niit.ttl ll( LUaUIUIUInin I11UIL, 11 A v..- ti.i..lt.J . t-.ll a'liiiiii kit" m . a ii ivnui nj ii tfini l a,'ttlii. 111 II y .4 ii-.'. nnil'l ivi Irom our Wfchly Maims, lucre is nou.iog I . ...... ....lll.l.. rem to communicate ; out among crc.iuuu minora we may mention I hi, That Iho Noilhem army of Uin Hob. U it not mulling much progress, mid ban iaiilured neither tliu crioitiil of I'ekmg nor Iho port of Tien-Miu; no that tlm reports oiiuiimtcil in China, and circulated by the homo paper iiioiiIIm ago, worn very pre - mature, mnl do not Beem liltfly.tojuo ifei. ilyialied. m. Hint tlm recehtion oi mo rreiicn. ii Vaulting waHuvur les. uotili.il (ban we bavo 'id read v wippoked, ami atguei ill Tor impro. ; veil iuteieourso wi)li foreignerH In tlio event of (ho HebiU being ultimately Micccmful. I .'Id. Thai .Shaut'hao 'u likelv ooli to !o retulien by. orrentoied'to thiiiiiitrinliti I llm latter p:rhapi llio mom probable, it com .' 1 I.. "iiiracy lor a mi rentier inning oe'rvfcuoiiv.' omcoiiied, and 200 of llm conspirator pilto death; but tlm actuating tpiiil in i.'ill , iil!.', and nailing a coiivenient ojiporlunily . ... . .. ..' I .1 r . . 1 10 m:ie:: i meii ; ami wiiii" inreign cnii- lileimo Ii Hi" city rabble i w axin" lalni, . .. . ... " i jlhu following puragrap'i, cojiii'd ftoin tlm I Ninth China Ileiuld of iho 'Jht J.inur.ry, .1 I !'..!.. .l... - . .1 t.fl ahowi how lilllo dei rung ihey HUimathv: nro of , fired. Ur. L. therefore went into the citv and utupiired at I.ow'm oflice, when Im win told by a person there, that they had not fired at hi bouse, but that llio men at thu battery (I red at the ( if k cM.'ihliriimeut Ileoanal' ihey knew that there win n mini '.t.,ttxU f.,,.,1 China wi-io imver una largerl .... i "V..I'". i A n.tnorwai eurirnt t S!.,i.L''.mi. nn the , next il.iv 107 were Ih-IiiiiIoI SairmilM.. I ........ .,:.. U.iot(. ! fitv hot noiluei. . . . . . - i,,vu Ilctioll !ia, ll(kl. ,,,,.. Walhuk' 1'ai.tv At". I ... r. .. . ... i CI- ... ml tb. ?ib In nn tpv nn in- . .1 - men enmo tin tho .Sonora hido so ortiio i;oio.i rado, ami crmcd tho feny, nearly hi n taKvi nuu kiarviim coiiniiioii. int iinriv. .. e . 1 1 .1 1. ...... w. ...... ..Inn ..Vl.l'lllilliilt. ..Ill tl.AO I " , , ...; ' -, ., . aei.nrnii'ti iron a i.er. 111eykmieti1u.11 .' . , . ... , . about ten days prevtoiu Wllr crowMi Ih.. river mi,,., loily miles below tlm inoull, . ti . t Iho (.da. by means ol tall ami nilit MVIIII 1111111,'. lln vtletcilbothc whoieof thecom ai i .11 ii inaiiil as miug in a miift nii.erah oauu ties - .. .!.! i . lituti com Hum. NW.tri.iL' tlm Mine do. ' . . , , . , ,, ? . .1 . ithiiit! wit 1 which thov went lo tho country, , , . . ., , ,, ., ..' I mid t us lit tatlcri. nntl rai. Walker Iiimi. .,.,'.,.," ,. "" ' '" ' .ml u no utter clad than tlm lest, and , .... ..... ..... , , ....... ..... ', iuuiu ciiiiiiii"ii. .le.iiiii .im Mini- ci". ' 'll.m nil. inn. iiimi. nii'i 4. iih-i.it hi ti iiuhu ... ...... . i i 1...1 . .uuictr cronsnit; uiey r.i...i airtviiiyuri righty klau.U of arm. The Cucupa . r. J I ' ,,. .; ,,..... ......i:,,., c' .. ,.ri ailtaiia mil linn' vxwavia .?.., i-'iiw ' ttack ution utlians were i .i .i... i llllicil ill. una ..llii..-! itbiu.jvu mi: . . . . ... ..,,. ,...... " "- ,--...., --"- .. livo men, ami ai.i.ieu i.jt.i iur o.iiimi i u. .-. I I I I. I".. ...... ... iiiaa, will, nothing t'1 aubsist upon but beef, llieir only faro previously. They represent W .. ker ni ImvintT tiirnetl back lit (.'leer.Ies. provisos I iv Mnjnr Heiutzelmnu ami . lk ...a . . ,. .- 4 .i . ut M ,vms,r-v- l "W'T.".'"1 ' nemseivea Fiiom So.MiitA. Intelligence from Sono fain it party .. ton or iHeiyo o a km., . vUnlli,i ' , ;. uWM.Utur.i-y IW eondi lutudent. .V. ii.ln.in.. v unrre nr Iimimh. in in,., i ,.. I lM, I tll.CIU'lies, iu;u..i .uiicrtlt, j ra is to the itli .ilarch. lite comlilion ofiSantlm-n, liflmxcs, thu neoplu is miserable in the extreme. Thu depreilations of tlm Apiclies are una batetl; proUious scarce, nud no money in tlio country. Unprotected, unemployed, and starving, llio people are lleein;; up every opportunity. Mmigrttuts arrive almost .Int. ly nt tlm" Fort. Tho tax levied by tho l.'overunient to pay for protecting them from tlio Apaches is so cuoriimus, that'll is impossible In e::rn a livelihood and pay for tlio protection they do not get. Tlm decreo prohibiting emigration is enforced by ttnldicrp stationed nt all points along tho frontiers, and those who escape aro obliged to steal away in tho night. Tlio intelligent portion of tlm peoplo aro represented as being very anxious to become citizens of tho United .States, and it is only iu becom. pig siiuh tlmt they expect any relief. ItiscuiiATioN is only valuahlo as it tin. bends us. Tho idlo know nothing of it. It is exertion that renders rest delightful; antl sleep sweet and undistmhed. I . imi. rtiinrnoy, lor prosecution, nud Mr. II. .11. r... .1 ., r ' . . "ii wr mo uc-cnci, in ino a. v. iter- aid, weiolmth nblo and Ingenious. Tito 'ofl'.iioi charged, wait that Sciior del Vnllo procured the enlrttmont of cnldicrit and tranaporlH ihiiu to (jiinyiuax. HUsenlcnco waa poMponru until llio Ifltli or .May. Air. Dillon, tin, I'ronch (otnul. wn (iuiiunoiicd (o appearand testify, but ho re iuw.ii lo uo hn.Urriin Wrrhhj Tunes. , '.iuuiotio'v or tiii: j.m:jii:.vih i i Ohio. During Monday night and Tuos - nay monung lat, n portion of Ohio Ktalo l' uw jorK, n .rp enmu iiMoriracni or iiuum, wan vMtnl by n remarkably heavy fall of; iht "'" dl,I0, r on Tcr' MOnoWo rajn, which caiced a sudden liio. in lho Tliu IlcaillngPuMIo will plcasocomcanilJaJga . Little and liijr Mi.imi riven, with all their for thcmchc. , tributaiior. The mail train from Colum. bun lo Cincinnati on Tuenlay morning, I.... ..I..l. .!.....! C.... 1..... 1.. .1 ...t , away ol a bri Igiyn w.m also tlm morning train from llilllmro. Most of the fences in iho vnll ) of thy Litllo Miami, below Plain - hub .ii-uiiMi-u iwur uuurn uy wo waiiinni' Cl.l . . !....! I hi, unj ni-pi nveay, oui ineir mm wa nmre man mane goon ny me ricti neiimitnt . t .1 . . k which tlio watera left in tho cornfield. On Tueiday afie.nooii n toruado aw ........ ll... Ii.)i... .....l!n.i ..I lVn....M Ani... ePli ! ncrnsi tin: lower pottiou of Warren eounty, mmn'iiiL' a number ol Iuimi huiWAiw on tho frontier. has been nbaadoned by urn wnrtiepartineni. , general order Ironi the war department directing tlio iImcoii.' linunnco of firm culture, says: "ll has been afcertainetl, from fair experiment", that lh!i cultivation of fnrim by the troops at re - Tin; (iiincic Suvi: Stu.ii. Wo nntica I , , . . , , , , ' ,hat '? "r,Xir"? ":,.'J woilil-rciiowiiiil stat- ....III........ ?-.! -.l... ,.:... .. :"' ""r. .r. w..hiu.mh iii.ui.uy. ire- I"1" H furchate. It was about being' i . . - . . .. w ... .7 r.titM 1 , , ' 1 " phippvil to hurnpc, where lnrgoofT ra wcr'a 1.1....U mr 11, uiii. iib uiv kuuiii; rmi Mr. mtw ..... .. .f i. ma " - rs nrmiunl unit luvonto coi.v. nml itm liU j ... ,...- , , ..... v , , ;; : 1 imi? lit wiMiiii ilt iiriiunr!. nu fikkraHi imt , - r, ; 1. Bvviui iu 111. iidiiv. 1. -w... 1 ,.,f IlimiT op i . v. An expressman from . .. ' tho citv ofiMexico readied hi raso nnti 1 . .. .. .... . ... , ,,. - ,1 . long since, with n uisp.itch to tho Atneri- , nl ,,mt , ,,;,, ,lm w Mm ,,, ,,'(,en ,, toflm (; '....'. ..-. I -..J r- iiiiti.i in uiv .Tin it' j. 111 1 xiii uiinii3LriiiiLi.il Hiir ii . iiir r.iiirnati to tue ',i ... .. i tlm llio dranu railrnntl lo tho Pacific, on either lido 1 .... - -r i J'acinc, on i-uijcr ituo ni i or Kto Uila, through the ,..,.... .r ,.i... l .....t.i:.. .. f.:. ...i ... e 1 n . 1 1- . , , territory of nhe Koiublic of .Mexico, and 1 v . ct r . 1 1. 11 1 pub cation of the fact has been duly made ! ,1 .. ., . ii 'i bv the nulhonles at 1.1 l'aso, m order to e' ., : 1 ..... facilitate said survey. '" .'. i ..vini..iu ..I .ui-iicu, """.lutor Viand.a'. iirweutci uuiiyx. " ', ....I; . : ... . . l. ...... I .... -.!.... IT . . ...' . .......! IK. HA ti.lnl iMi.iiiinifi cnii Biirene. ' ... . ..... llm I.tMi-. A nfeco of en 1.1 w it 1 nuntz :. ... .' . . '. weighing . '10 pounus, was lounil .lay l.eroro '....!.. ..-ll.... .11... ...! vofterdav at Vnllecito. Tho nuru cold h .. a " " . 'nateil at uv: pnuntlf . SCOHSBURG PRICES CURRENT. hVorrsnriii:, May 10, 1S5I. i pin,,. p.,t Tc Tiihcco, OraiK, iil " I-'rutt. .'.tai " IVaeli, lOalJ r.o SMntJ I " r.vtckcil, Corn Meal, ai yn. cic.ir, 'MA'ii l.nlln, por iix, Cruhel. 17 Hr. Clierrlin. S10 . oace, liaill Claret jn;r c..., S5.0 Jv,,,,,',, T.irinr C..I.. f.O, " Collins', 6a Picks, iCordutre, J.i.l!10 1t lor.. Siiafi ' M.inniv.1). On tlio th ult . at the resilience of Samuel Stovi'iison. iu Dmi;I.i9s county, by J mice Urnily, Joiciili S. l.tnic. Esq.. to MI4lcanor Stevenson. On tho S:M till., by F. II. EhlrlilRe. J. I'.. Mr. Thomas O, Uavls. of l.iiin eonitty, to MIm Ellrn lth Ann, ihuightcr of Willhiui Chrlstman, of Marlon county. On tlio -J7lh iilt.,bv the Kev. Tkoiuaa 11. Small. .Mr. llviij. F. Hall ta .MIm .Mury A. Juhuon, all of Marion county. On the 18th ult.. Mr. Parlm Smith to Miss M. 3. Manner. ofTualitnu I'lains. Arrived. May Hlh.liriit FuHti,llArret, 18d.iys from San Francltro. A, I It. EDITOIt : You will please nnnounco tho L nanio of AIIIJAH IVES m a caiulMali) for tho oflice of Colonel in tho Militia nt thocomimr Juno Election. Mr. Ives served his eonutry with honor in tho Mexican War, and will be supported by n host of friend. S. Ii May l. 185l.-tf. n. J. LIDO cou.VKU coMMmiriAi. mtEKT and i-laza scoTTsnuno, o. t., v&. WHOLESALE DEALERS LY DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, IIooM mid Nlioci, Slntt mill Cap, 11 ; ril v a vc, rV nwarc, Stoves, liquors and Cigars, Together with a (icneral assortment of Mcrchan dim, adapted lo tin wants of Farmers, MlncM anJ others, mayHMf. rpHK iin'leritlffntil Ik leave to Intimate to all I I.Ahili In C.nl1.Ain fl(AVitTt I till ftiftV IlftVA ! lately rcccivd frnm Jfewr.". llnrivr & Ilrothtrs, .. ALLAN', McKIN'IAV ti CO., may 19-tf. Lower Scfti ".'7. a"IinBini"rfa6 ix25m .rpuKS 1 L at i; itnr v.XCI'l.SiOll leathr hrt rplxTHcotuliiirtf. Tor the mouth of tho s, on TucnUy ', 'I IwrMaj a ami Saturday t. !'....,. J, 'J.'. VI -I, ae oiipiy on Ininril thetcnhi " ,.,r m vuiilSON & McTAVIsII. Itll 'II vi ..---- I1 i i... ., ....--.. -- t ... it m-.i-ir. AllUIMSTUATOR'd NOTICi:, 'ji -v Tixir'r '. i.i-ihv (Tirpn. tnai iciicra oi ao m,; mlrrntrafioa liave tcn granted br the Pro- j to make luunidiate Iyincnt. STVUK ml,.3t A-lmlnistrator. '1 . -tin .SURVEYOR (JUNEUALy NOT ICE nYft I C, jr.T? IffUSTiSt. ' tn nurtunntr of inlruti'jn$J rum ti.t Commit' lhie n t uken their eltln ny f K y : mi mi. . . i .i..ill..-. In Mteh to..il.ll.. an" o "? V' 7. " notTieatioa-. nr rcqu-r '1 to have the Ircla mi autltoray w mw ui.n.i, ... ; ana ui oa nniur- notlr' SUlliTi- claim ur- llhia lour atloru, re- I "' "" Mti,Iv. X jl:t MT ,l-l'.. .-ivwinl : ak ;., ill 111 ll IkjIIIMI Kin 1W v. j, ii. wAtHivoiiTir, . n, rcTKiw, .ti.!v v h th ,,; ..r.Ijf.' "gilitV " 1 ..,.. i-.'....i Mii n ...f. 1 nnMiarmturui hi t " - 1 . .. .a..,.. ,., .'. f..' iirtiai"rin". v ""T." " . . i.iiiAn rt- iuiim v tr..i uf VjCOr-.A. 10 ' u. R.u.ur.u, nrrTrr;onctalOlurtCon ', " ' 1 Orceon ..i'" Bon City, April SD. 1651. 5 nyl0-4t- ,ff HOTEL rrvn n?mr i? Jl ar.iP: fPlTOS 'iJJ U LLi Ui I "- "j .. .-7.... t.rt 1 sailor that COOd. ' .1 Uli.lilU.1 "M. . A i. .1at..nr4 11 1 a . 1 in : niu nuw - . .. T a nvKTIfWinVM V.. a.l.ft lk.llfV0 lUttfc UVWf of A palatable foo.1 U cnttai to xne aca.u. - 1 , ....... .w.- - .-. - ..-.-. - , Uo-M iVeifaUr Invite nttwttolooM cviiiHiri ui uniiMin. : " 'ii' iihiiv --- .... . " T. 1 f .... - ir Tftrklik: Mill 1 taken Jo ma'ke them comtortabl. antl , jfl ..I.. !,.... u-til. ,hn li the market attor-U.-"-J ..h.l .l.n ...al.ll.. ...IV ri.L IkKUill. .MM .'w i-.k r1.' .....".....-- - tl Kl0i and Fowl 111 lh-:lr koam. Ulll of I'lirtN I1HEK STEAIC. (Fried (Iroriett.) JIOILKO l'OTATOES, (M'ulcrnf.) HISCLTTS, I Krr.) Weaaurf. STEWEI) Al'I'LES. Hare.) pdWc wo.ill ii 10 adil, ih.it we omtt the uaual seasoning in onrvookcry, preferrlnp to have that to the various taato-i ol nur rustonicrs. TAKE A. HINT &. CO. May 12, IMl-tf. ADDISON C. GIBBS, Attorney at Law, and Commissioner for the State of .ew York. GAKD1NEU, UJIl'QCA CO., 0. T. "T 11. THE partnership heretofore existing 1 between U1III1S ft STH.YTTOX has bea .llirolr.Ml by mutual consent. May .'.-3tn BllOWtf, DHUH & CO., - o. 28 (ommi:iici.i. st., Rcorrsnntc, nAVK conntantly on hand a (Uiternl Awort nicnt of MerclunJIze. cur.ilstlns of Flour. "lsll'ork, liacon, Hams, l.anl, Sujcar. Tea, C'otfet, $2oVi4 1 'l'uljacco, Llmiors, l'ariitlnt; anil .MIuIiir Tools, I u'f ""ou' "oi ai11 tiwe, iiiinitvarc, VC., aC. r.u.i..i.o. . ,iift....o ii iiAur.ii5 nro Invltcl to call anj exaiuliie our Stock, when vUltiiiK this City, as we will roll ut all times at thv lowest market rates. May a-tf FOR THE COQUILIE. THE SLOOP "FLYINfi CLOUD," Captain EiciiAiii) NcnsK, will call for the Coqullle Klvcr, on or about tho 10th of May. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board. MeyS, IMl-lt tvtOKK TO LET on Main street j suitable for O a wholcsnlo or retail biisim-ss. Apply to WM. U. II. TOIIKEV. Scoltsburg, April 28-tf AMOS E. 110GEUS, r.MPiin: citv, HAS on hand a well assorted etock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoots & Shoes, Ac, tit &o Ho Is anxious to sell, vnd niches It to be tr ilevhtood that ha Is prepared to otter goods r.x iii:mw.y i.ow ron VA8U. If nny doubts aro en tertained nbout the matter, ho will ho exceed Inply obllKCtl, If persons doubting, will ipeeijjlf call, and at onco nut It to'tho test. Einplro City, May 5, IS3 l-U - 5rl