The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, May 05, 1854, Image 4

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    Ir f
"aMMHMrW "5"
i r
' to
ttm ir t i
Fross tho Knickerbocker.
T j4mi uw, f
'iiMta ihwn U"wWr,w-?ljh.
Iv -owns o'buy swn
t srtrtsilf m Mr to .
As boa-It Fanny Dttn.
t MT MM tlO tW-Jbt. ,
Hor ilo a ssrsst wm mott' ;
" Assloh her hssrl U toft and paw,
J -rep o' joornluf dw.
, 'TV glossy tlnf til' fre msy twill
In natura' "IMS -sung;
ror rofa' itlll ower Tixrt't broj
Jhr gtfwdsn trtiMt bine.
t kent hsr tin shs wm s bslrs,
' A wm bit catto thing ;
lot nw thoc-t br budding rbuan,
A tpU ower tn w4 fling.
HI never bre,s the scre4 vow
Tba prostlM tnsds yestretn t
t Com weal or wot, I'll wedded b
Toboacy Faany Doant
fir Wamstcrlstl Age.
" Well, AU la remarkable age a iron.
aftriil afraaldl aloud to myself quite
UU one night lat, ii)tr, in my room at
Um . Hotel. iM tratli It 1 bad just
reading a batch of.loauent editorials
'AoceasioB of the Ntw Year, wherein
siyra nunftrated.tii njinifold and striking
ridtneaa.oC, progwu with which we are
amffOCTpateed; th inventions, the improro
Mita, ao.4 the nighty revolationa disturb
iaf tke dee of aaeiety. Theee latUr, ac
eordiag. to the editors, were especially to
atbtioguUb the unprecedentedly momentous
jeeroflWi As I rerit wed and pondered
nn Umm thlmra. I waa almost over
Whelmed by the atranjro importanco of
ear partieular timet, to unlike all previous
experience, and began once more to exclaim
"-Tble it a remark " whon the door
qaletly opening, a figure of singular ap-
Karanee entered. Ilia dress, owing pro
bly to tha agitation of the moment, I
did not distinctly notice. Bat his aged
Keard, bit national east of feature, and es
pecially his eye-brows, forming one conti
nuous line from temple to temple, with I
know not what mysterious influence alioat
hit, person, at once made roe sensible that
done othr ttood before me than the veri
table Wamdehiso JkwI
I had hardly time to recover from mv
amazement, ( and terror it might be, far I j
know not how cite to account for that j
fi?teM.t taeroJUo my "fil
vImo with an air tho most kindly and
kK'. nir visitor began : '
Yon were peking, I think, of this re. I
smarkable age. I am glad to obscrvo that
19 appreciate its value; for, let tue tell
ym, it ia a rare virtue, eyen among the most
Mtslal minds. One Dortlon of them are al-
wayt looking to tho gloriomt future, and
Ve other to the glorious past. But if you
heartily eater into tho spirit of tho times in
which Providence hat plaoedou, you can
t&n .quietly ascertain your dcttes, and easi
y dUcharge them."
M Bat each a wonderful age," ssid I ; " it
sswilcsea one."
'A WHer smile played upon his lip, at he
Mied, taming aside: " The invariable fol
ly! Ab," be. returned, " had you accom
panied ma in but a small portion oi my ex
and retulta.1
"Why, there is the whole period called
the Datk Ages," I replied, "which seems
to me a perfect blank, a link absolutely
dropped out of the world's progress."
" X ou echo tba commonvbv(.rash j'udg.
saetit," be replied. "Dot aa this period ex
tendi over a thousand years, wo will divido
it into three equal parts, and merely glance
at them in order. In tho first we havs two
-naxampled events;,, the. dying out of an
eiaat elvUiaation, and that daybreak of tho
mw, the irruption of the Ootbio hordea in
Southern Europo. And, with Uie mingling
f these, never shall I forcet the tumultuous
feellngt which filled the whoje conscious
worlds ' Whtt an awful age I' sighed tlio
iti-t, as they saw every vestige of anti
itv a went away. ' Wiiat a elorvnu age 1 '
shouted the barbarians, aa they rushed ou
in their destsbying march. Whilst I ray.
self, uotf then experienced in the vicissitudes
of human aflairt , felt it to bo indeed a won
"But pry into the very midnight of the
Dark' Ages, and what dp you behold t All
governments hopelessly breaking- up into
baronies, byf-he Waro. unheard.oFeudal"
System; frfwoy advancing to ab'soluto
way; mjraclea performed at'evory church;
Ifahometpfotelytingwith Koran and sword;
vokbaiourf singing from place to place;
ehivalric horsemen Tu tearcbof adventures ;
and at the tame Urge, atnpng the best In
formed, to firm a conviction of impending
destruction, that the general, beading of
barters was, 'At the world is now drawing
-i.,. ,-l i"t ,t-. j)'it y 'i",irr'.rr.i. - .. i-.i i.. . .i:
pUtory wanaenngt, you wouio nave "ten ' ""B'" - ; "" - """" '- , r;ntr tho t-round under annl.. trees with tan 't'!,1"'I U " his wifo wero or the
syery rolling year stamped aa 'remarkable,' , boar, had been akon m that region ; n dog "t K,onUn.."3 ' , ," ,," I party. Among i.ther thing, that passed in
and'hav. aympathized with me, who an, with no perceptible tai had eoino into ex-' J " k J g nt 'nt nV, I conversation, .Mr. .Morris Observed that ho
w forced to look back opon eighteen istencesand a i travelled KamUchatkan go- 2 a Si ces " I.l ".ado his will in the prospect of going
hundred dreary and rcmarlubl.' -years, niut, braving tho threat or prejudice, '. m""""'.1" and turning to II iho, Moor-, rail
Buff am curious U know, tlnoe .11 other actually introduced the method of counting j nJ" '..' "," " LvTi To di a. n : '
.get, In Tour opinion, are commou.placo on the fingers Ihoso things w-ero too f,tJ. I rovcrr I t i J at firal for tl .. , "' reverend friend, I have bequeathed
eSwpare with this, what particular ono much for tho nitioual .obruty .and my ears JJ J ' ' ' " L t,P rat nml! I J l0 - "' w,''" "tock f !' Jon"'.'
nmtake to bo Its very opposite hi spirit wore dmned by; ho uj.roanous outcry.. P" r. ' "fc, ta". ' '' N "IJ,,!,,;,, .Monro replied: '
ijit - aa-'-U-iiit' ii'i
ft clofO.'
ou look astonished
tho simple recital of theso tldnus
so, hail
pponinir. v
joined in tho gcnornl cry, Was thoro over
uch an ago before I
"In tho third division, wo havu Peter tho
Hermit enKantnir Euronu in mishly cru
aadei to tho Holy Land, and raisinn audi
intenso and universal enthusiasm, that nine
tw lJiminil rttMrnn ant mt fnmtuMMiirl -
by a child j tha innumeablo and romantic' All ploughs, burrow, and other looUnnd
batUca with tho Turks: the conquest of.iinnlaint'iiM. fchouhl bo well housed for tho
England; tho liso of tho Italian dries;. the
Roman church convulsed with two Popes ;
and all Europo filled with the wondrous
storioa or tho returning crusadorH. huen, Krouml Is open ami tho nlr u not rreezinj;;
in hriaf, woro tho Dark Ages, as relieved by I but they must be well (.ecurei) from tho mo
Unto few brilliant points, to say nothing of tion of tlio wind by tyluj; up ,to stakes,
tho countless events which usually escape Tender strawberries should hnvo n cover
your historians, but which wore no less pro. ng of chair, leaves, or straw. Tender
liflc in interest." ;rapo incn should be laid down nud cov.
"It may bo true," I reluctantly said;' ered ; nud nil tender trees and shrub should
" but when mankind had emerged to light, be protected from winter by n covering of
then nil things went forward slowly nuui
Inrin.wl I" a.trt t... "Wii tlm course
of tho next age so meekly unobtrusive.
tttinn V.mpn i(lirnvriil thi tinU!locted
extent ofhis own continent, and Columbus
the undreamed of existence of n new ono (
vjhen microscopes first rcvenled atoms to
tho human ovo. nnd teleseooes worlds!
when tho invent ona or ns nt nr? In o I. en.
. . . V . . . .. .
oravlni'. nanor. and iirintinp. noured their
cflulgenco upon society I when revived' it turning sour if still in good order. A
learning enlightened, nnd the Reformation ( quarter of n pound of mllpetre to a barrel
redeemed, tho human mlndf Purely you n( cider will also preer oil from change. I
would not didor from vour applauded wri- Cattle nnd horses should have n constant
ters, all of whom (till hang with delight; supply of good, fresh water, particularly if
over this wonderful agcl" 'working. "
Dut since vou speak of inventions," I ' "rops of turnips in gardens may be of. '
cried, " what can all tho former centuries fectually saved from the ravage of the lly,
nmJimio .nmnan. niil. i. ...,.n..l,w.. Iiv conliuitiL' a lieu uiion them thai has
tuotivos. and the ma-netie tt-leprnt.h ! " '
" They can produco," lie answered, "ev.
cry ono of them, an invention which con-
tributes, in an equal degree, to the direct
Improvement and enjoyment of the race. J
Locomotives and telegraphs! what arc the v
but lifeless
abbrcviators of
time, bringin
neither a new thought to tho head, nor a
sinclo impulse to tco heart I I heir hi"h
estimation springs onjv fro:a tho fact, th
Undard coin. But th real importance..!
k.u ..u ,i ...i.i. .... Zr .i. .
!.! u.1.n h t,.i .........!.. A SM l. ..
movable printing.typc.'is as trifling as the., ,,,"iia -"Ww mi s-aci-llent .ulwlllulo for
worth of Newton's fluxions, compared with l,,aU,,'r' "' ct-UBHB valves for pumps,
tho infant Newton himself. I
"Thus, you see, in lifting the veil of tho ,, ''""'IM '-" 'll! ""P"1-
past, that every' Knerarion. whlio contribu-' hu ''"I' ' i the plough should bo ma...
tW !.. .nm ,.. it. .!,.,.( !, ! I
proirress, is also puffed up w ith no idea
. , '-. i ------ o- -,
its own snecia! importance : and vou mav
infer that you, liko the previous voyagers ou
tho bark of tho I'res)nt. are not to foriret i
that the samo daahings nnd eddy Sugg by
wJ ri- --,
in-turbed tho smooth wake which si
behind. Rut I forget shall wo gin
any other penod I I hero is tho M
anco nt
fbifv. ilh Henr VIII. ni,,l CMutrlee V..
T"'s. .7 rf V." . '
ft HvaKAlta anrt tSN. liejSillt & tnkstia I in I
a a .a s . . .
land, ttio ctgtitoer.ui, wu:i j.ouis ,n ., re.
. . . . '. - . ..-. . ....- ..
tor the Great, Charles All., rrcdenck the
Great, Mirabeau, our own Independence,
tho annihilation of Poland, tho French Inv
olution" " Thft was an extraordinary ago!" I in
terposed. " It was, perhaps, to Frenchmen," ho
coldly replied; "but tlio whole civilized
world must bo atTectod, in order to charac
terize tho age. And this reminds, mo of
what I witnessed in ono of my journeys ,
I .. ,.... .. . . .7
unrougn ivamucuaiKa. u seemeu, in mo
"Indeed!" I gasped; fori must av I
began to bo exceedingly puzzled with my
visitor; whon, with a quick movement, ho
wiped out his singlo eyebrow, tore oil his
seventeenth, with the supremacy of IIol-i,.
.!.... -r . ,;.j. .. i. . .... cr, iiht. nu ini n i.-iii-niii,.iguiiiiiii.iiwo .- ... . .. . .. :.o : i
'i-nsiTn nirnnri. ..... ..... . trrtnri iw hi ------ - ..- ........ ,..,..-.- ,
( M. ll i j its i
board, threw open his drewng.gown, and ?" ,r w" uYk u,1(lur ,l,(lrl ,rtt,s ""."".' i
became Tom Williams, an old friend, who'11 ot cnr.vwilont In run a plough, n, it will.
..., ... .... ..,,.
occupied tho room next to mine! I tried,"1 "" nvcn mo iiaiurni swam io ma
to put on a bland carelessness. " Vou lnure lf ,I,cr" Is otllcr vlrt,,u '"
didn't think, Topi, I was swallowing nil!
" Ah, my dear fellow, your innocence is
decidedly no go ; ' better drop it nt once."
" Mut what could have suggehted such a
foolish project to you t"
" Why," said Tom, laughing, " I hap -
pened to overhear your oxclaMiations, nnd,
at you aro a prolesaod heliover in ghoits,
niosmorism, and spiritual rappings, so,
thinks I to myself,' hero's room for exper
imont, and thesp tableaux-trappings shall
constitute tho medium. Besides.' I wanted
to sue how much I could rocollect of tho wNo haw had. In tlio languago of a sue
Universal History I havo just finished." 'cessful merchant who ban tried it, ' Thoro
"ut did you roalpy nellevo I could
huaibuggedji tills, way."
" "Most certainly ; for you aro honest in
yourprofossipps, and no less credulous than
thousands of peoplp now-a-days."
"Then, byK Jovo!" said I, "this m a
wpnderful age, and tho sooner wo get out
of it, tho bettor! " Knickerbocker.
It is said that .Senator Owiun is about to
ponoso that Congress adjourn on the I5th
of July.
Hints to Fakmiius. Cellars, contain
iiur roots, vegetables, nml fruit, nliuulil be
well scoured from frost, and ventilated, if
too warm.
Turnip tops may bo fed to cattle, but
beet tops nro not yoml for them, hut nre
vti 111 1 ltlil lit ttlmttvlt mntiiif..
' 1-rutt trees, and ornamental trees nud
jahruh may bu transplanted uieuever the
evergreen bough,
Snado mi tho Mill into .n mound round
fruit trees to pruont the attnek of mice.
Salt water. .nr U... will rnvlvo fruit
trees, ifplnC'e'd ou tho loot, niter reniolng
the sod. Tansy or woimwood growing
near trees, liiktroy the molhdiku wonn.
Camphor mm tobacco leaves do the sjiiio
'on rlothimr
. ... ". . . . . -
'eider vv ill restun. It in ..... inetj. or nrnveiit '
A n n iniul.ini aeoil tn n linrrel ofsour .
vounj! chickens. Thu cidekons will sulfer
none to escape.
I Carded plants should be watered in the
'".',! ,
es lieavil. loaded shoiild line the
limed upon tho branches, nr ele it .
I will be surill, nud of inferior flavor. The!
3 I I.... f ...!. f . .!..; ..I". I..
quamy in iron in one arienes uueii ui :
iiends urentlv ou this circumstance.
lfnl' Ilrniichcs of isar trees which aroattscked (
,1 'lev the liro blight, should lie cut oil' inline-,
,u,,f' ftt iwo ,l,rtuI fi','t M,w l,w nf'
fected part, and burned.
pe" iraie, n may no iniiicim .. ...y
oartiriilar tKiiat. but comultinir our own li-'
"'mitedexrwrience, and the nature of the eon.
ilant wo u re prepared to say that wo Im-
:......... .. i.i 1,1 1... ..Irt..l,.vl nf
a les.s lent i man aewn intlies. n'ui lliai
. .. . . . . ' ' . .1 .
..... tnL ,.f ntco.,.,1 ...,ii. ti.. ..,. I...
WWI to thatrwi!l lucre
. V lllbll tn l"i'SVM na '
Ae id.. sieM nf tin-:
fOn I
l.nyiugof funows.-llie furrows should ,
t... .. i. ...i .1. ........ -ir... I
" .r"" """.': "' . ".""" '" " "' "","" '""
nm Hir in I iO it Hit.
.. , ..'.,-.. .7, ?... .i
.,..... r, . " . ... " .
i Dinimn'T : mil iiii mil vnrvnccoriiniE? iu inu
I latitude.
From tho first to the fifteenth of
.May is docidr dly the best time. I'nut scl.
dum injures the young plants alter the earth
lias nncu hccoino settled nnd dry.
Denth of nlantiiiL'. From threo to fou
inches is a good depth.
Number of grains in a hill. In rigul.i-
ting tho number of grains in n hill, don't
sparo vour seed, ll is better to pull up.
than to replant. '
Tan Maiik rou Aitu: TnKi:s. far -
tho hark b-gnu to turn to earth, nud lie
found that tlm roots of hia trees wero creep
ing up to the burfneo of tho decayed tan
bark. Wo hlimild liko to have more of our tad
.... ..... . ..
I now t(iivi:ai: i HAiiB. ino oon
80ckct ratriot, in n well written nrticlo
""d'-'r 'ho nboio caption, m tlm following
mj; "ther excellent remarks:
1 "Adertising, when followed Byst'-mati-
, caiiy nnd liherally, has iiuvor.fmluu to hung
1 1-1 "di reward. A single sale secured by
nn advertisement has often paid for a wholn
vear's advertising; nnd all who havo mlver.
lued judiciotitjy havo realized piollts many
times beyond 'ho outlay, and inado sales,
l"d eeruretl patrons thov would not ollior-
be"' no hotter uivostinont fortlioso wnoaroin
biiiinom, nud wish to extend it, than tho
money expended in ndtei lifting.
Milk. Wliilo your milking is going on,
lot your metal pans bo put in a kcttlo of
boiling water, strain your milk into ono of
tho pans taken hot from the kcttlo, ami cover
it with another of tho hot paus. My; this
process you will get double tho quantity of
good rich r.roam. Farmere, try this. It is
ehdnp, and comes from good authority.
I'imo of planting. U'e go for carlv'w"1'0"' rolled along, espected to see tlm
..i.. i . . .... i i- .. i wiiuii iiu hai nimiiL iirri.iriinr nr r.tirnnn.
p,v.'.Ji'riir - J -
To AhumtTAiN - IIo.'Au-. Kvory
horso has six teeth nbovo nud below bo
lero thrco old lie sheds Ida middle
tooth ; nt thruo ho aliods oio inoro on eaoh
nldo of thq central teeth ; nt, four ho ihedi
tho two qorncr nod last of thq foro tooth,
lietwoen four and Ave the l.orso cuts tho
under tukn; nt llvo otilt Ida, uppor tusks nt
w lilch thuu lila mouth will bo complete. At
six yearn tho i;roovon nod hollows boiln to
"" !U7 ' u ,ovcn "" v'11 '1,
dllduh I lied up, except tho corner teeth,
Ienvh(' little brown npot. wliuro tlio ilurk
brown liolhtws formerly were. At.i'ight.
tho wlirle of the hollows and grooves are
filled up. At nine there is Tory often seen
n munll bill to the outside comer teeth, the
point of the tusk is worn oil', and the part
that was concave begins to till up, and on.
come rounding ! tho siiuaros of tlio central
teeth begin to disappear, nud the gums loato
them small uml narrow at thu top. on M.u Irni in .Swjsk. A
correspondent of the .Maine Tanner reeom.
mend the following J Toko raw tobacco,
steeped cold and ktruni In chamber lye,
''r oirtlm dear liquor, then mix It, equal
part, ilh lump oil, nud then rub on the
composition. It is a stfe nud loveielun
remedy for mange, in all stages nud all
animals, bruto and liuurin. This ointment,
'.! . .. .. .1 .1 . I ..l Ill -.1
n lie H in n nciu noiiie, win KeenKonu nnj
lenii'li of time. It should bo well shaken ,
together when used, for tho parts soon sep.
arato when standing,
Nnw INi: or Tin; Tom to.- Tho Clie.
raw Gazette states that in addition to tlio
advantages of the tomato for table use, tho
ino I of great value ns food for entile, ei.
penally row h. It is atnfid Hint n row led
" tounto vines will give more milk, and
yield butter of h liner ll.ivor, nml in greater
abundance than on any other long feed ever
'tried. It is thought, too, that more good
1 fnoil for callle, nml at less i'XK'iisi', can Im
raisvd from n given quantity of ground
plniited in tomatoes, than from any other
vegetable known in tlio southern oountry.
I A llio (i v. The largest cmiiioii in tint
world is at llejapoor, In India, and weighs
forty tons. A seat in t!.e interior arcom.
'" P"!. without mud, crowd.
ing. It u formed of mixed metal, in which
thern is aaid to bo some portions f KM
nnd a contiderable portion of filter, nnd
is wry sonorous. It was the work of Chute
bv Knomv Khan, nn ollicer in the service
ut llusieln Niam Nliah, nt .Miminliiug:;er. '
giving n Ueseriptiou of it ( l. yks
" : .'" tho isit nl hir John Malcolm,
'hiring the period of his iceroyshlp at
Honiuay, thv .'suttornli Kajali, whohoMs the'
.. . .. .......!
iiirroiimliiiL' terntoriis under the I!r itisli
f!,......n t .II.....I...I .1... !.!. n.... .I.....I.I
" k. .. .. .,,.,i. ..... K.. ..,...,...
bo tired as an appropriate salute. TJiniiun
I aa f . I
not charged Willi more than unit tho weight '
I ..t !.. ...!.!!. . -I I .... ..
!.. .....i... ...i,:-i. i.. .t i.... ....t,i ,...i
injsiiii i sv ii iv si nn I iiiiiiiuvi .sfsiis i.sni
in, tho rniieussloii wss awful; it ultocsk
m.iiiv of the limhiiiL's In their fiiutiditiotis.
. '.I.- . ..til ' t-C.I.: .. .1 .-.-
",i hiviviihivu iuiiiumi-iih", .. ivivvi-
ulnmni n, rt-..r miinf. ,.r fnrmi.r
VO-fl.: j4J.-- i : ! ;hLi
.eenrilini In llio'"'""' " i""m, miomiim m oi
...I l.. i.i .1 1. ..I.
" .
I shocks, eomo (uuibliug nbout their ears
Tjir. following nuccdoto of
( .Morrisis related by a correspondent of
r Now Vork Times :
,i ...
"Ho luid a respect fur Mishap .Moore, as
a mnn noted for the purity of hit character,
but not less noted for the retiring modesty
of his disosiiiou, and general favor In
which ho was held.
"Ah llio story ran : A dinner was uivon
' 'o R0"' ""o.of Governor .Morris' friends,
Sir, you aro not only vorv kind, but
very geiicmiiH; you Iwuo left me by fur llio
largest part of your estate
" .Mm. .Mooro immediately added :
" ' My dear, vou have enmo into the lias.
' liil.lnn nf t'..i. ! a...... ur..... I "
"...i"ii ". j.m. .i,,,- ,.i,i,T ..Jiy nui.l.
O.m: of tho rendii'st replies wo havo heard
lately was mado by nn Irishman:
A gcutltmaii travdling on hoi :l.ack
" dowji l.nst," enmo upon an Irishman who
w.ih fencing in a most barren and dcsolnto
picco of lllllll.
" What aro you fencing in that lot for,
Put?" said he. " A herd of cows would
starvn on that laud !"
" And lure, ycr honor, wasn't I fencing
it to kapo thu poor bastes out uv it? "
OITKKS for Mile n CHOIUi: nrforlmcnt or
Groceries, Jrj-iloo(I,
lOOtS a.- HUot'S, JC, AC.
I ...V ........'(....... ........ .... ..... ,,U
'been puiclirwul recently, at tjio pr,rsunt loir rrl
icesol tlm Marl.ct, will hu rold at llisuns that
lncuimve hock in i.MiiiKi.r .net, ana iiavine
cannot fall to f tilt piircleisers,
April -8, lrV.I.-ltr
On or aliotit llic 1st of May.
'I"MIi: Ballliig .Schooner "Kit ASCIIS IlK.
L LKS. " JoM'ph 1). I.ceiln, Mneter, f sail an
alxiTC. For paiiiage om.y apply to tho Cnptola
on bnarJ.
Hfoltubtirj;. April 2-lt
" - "l - J' - '"."rswnH'
OCO. IlktUtA, ttlQS. WAI.r, ,
f.7fl MAlrf HT , COKNKII or TOSOiLtA ST
OrKnit Fort flAin . .
Hour, UnllforulssuJUMII,
ilscoii, .Mms nud Cluat,
Tprk, do. do..
Ilcgr, " rjiltoti MsrVst1' Moi,lu It Uk'--'
Itatns, Iluen cororinl, ,,
I,nnl, In thi. - .
Hunr, Chins, No. I A t, i
CoHw, lllo ami obi Jan. , '- "
Cnndlrs.Sdsi), l.lqiiora.Vlarain, Dry-lroi! f
H6ot anil Hlif. Ae. Xc. lu, t
April 1(8-1 IT . i I . jSW
ALLAN LOWE t'C'to.'; .'"
131 Cl.AY HTUCRT "' '' ' '
Mill I'r(lMcltC , , ,
A. us, Mcldsur A Co,, j Xmcfe -'
spXB-Cm i "
'"PIIK unJirilinmt Im for sls a Isrjs sort-
X in en t or
Clsarl, i
floti A Bbc,
Tlnwars, Ao
Mala Klrcei, I.owr rkottiturf
Tilt: t'LACi: TOt.Kf VOUIt MONEY iu;.
lVHnt,KSAI.K m:.I.i:RS hi Dry 0K4a.
t (iroccrlM. I'rinUloiif, llsrJwuic, Iloott
ml Blio. Clotliluic. Liquor, Clears, Ac. Aj. '
Ail!L "
HI" niMliriUiie,l,liiiiKiurrbsaJ this HaU
lUhtnvnt an I firlinK grsttful for ps'l P-
I J ,,innl an I firlin grsttful for psil pst-
i-.nnri-. talir. lliU eiiitoritinltr to Inform uai
frlinlt. wiJ lie public Ktnasllv, thai ksisM,
i.riiiareil t arc jiiutm Isle rrular lonrilrri, aaa
Lll lr.trlt.ri nr tl.lltri ftliO llltY COtlli till "ST.
Term rrsushlr, ami aerotnmoJatloDi as f4
as tfvurr11sr rcund In Urrnn.
.SVctlihorf . April CR-ltf
yi7 welTs,
House Carpenter an J Ship Joiner. .
tl" Tlirl:T, LOWfU OTTSilT0.
VI I. V.irl of tin nut" irk iloot ea ssssti
notice ami ou rvMonsUa irnns.
April SH-tf
UltuUsmUU V. ;uiHVlk.
main srintirr, i.owtu srorrsavxa.
r r nti.tlUSlirir.lS'n ilnnu nn the saartMl a
I I lin. .,.1 nn rr.wil,t. Irrtnj. (lL'.Sar
.-. " ' .".v"- ,-i.-,---r-vi
' I'" "" ' "' '" WM' """"
April 2i-lt
' ma an 1 1 r a r. ft
i UitlUUAMss Jfc v VII
I WilOlcsalc UcaldS in CeMnl MercblBsto
I ''"M ' MAIN ANII ,NUI..o,- STa,
Inrlir tto attrntlon of Trsdtrs.
I i i
, . .
I I'aekirs, nrwl rarmrrt lo ihflr art atxl
elUtecinliocV nfciothlre Dry Goods. Bests
. ami .hotf, llsriwari-.uroerriin, ac, -aico may
"Rrr f-r asle al prlcrt which will L aa UvUis
irriii in iiiom- winning io (inrruarc.
fall anil lnircl cur itocl..
"WUXmaVetr'-wrikly trip bctwtnLeer
T ."tutt'liur and ll. nioiilb of ths ViBMae
Itlttr, U-avInc Allan, MtKlnlav Co.'aWktef.
Mon.lav. Wrhiclay, and I'rJdays.
A K'd scow for Uie trantporiatloa of settle b
alwsya In rt'!iuii.
Tor frilcll or nfao apply ca board, er te
.mill cm:--, miQt'.v hivii.
BOATS lli-palr"!, ami nil klr.diof CsrpaejJ.
Work at tl sliorUft nglles ana
uint rcasoruilile Urin.
April 2h, IhSt-tf "
fob""the copTTle.
Till; .Sloop "MIICKHIIAW," -api. Joas,
.1 WsUKii. till anil for the st ovo placs, oa of
al out the 1Mb or Mr..r. Tor freight or Pl
apple on 1 oard, or to thofaptnm atlkotuwirf.
April zn-i. -.
IITUUK TOI.irr-orT Malif slfeTf) sWWs7ot"
a wbilcalo or rrtall iiiiaintss. J'J
SccltiiburK, April '.', t . ..
""0 I.KT. Tliolomr flnry of lUasi'' Nt
I.,t mi Mnl i lr.,t,t. Iio4ftC60. CSil.-
bo aa a f Uirchoutr, or would bidlyldad
Into Uw' for any kind orwalns.
I' or particulars, ippiy on ii" iirniii y
Loner .ScotMmr-, April 8-Itf
i.nwint hcorniiuitu. " i
T? S.OnOSIIY, halii(j ugaln tilf") .f
: tl the a!ioc nnmi',1 llolel, will 'pirsonallr,
eupi-rlnteii'l tin- tL'orts to inHkethosoCowortaM
wliomuy lui.occai)a to visit this plsle. Thst
tat,lc will bt supplletl with the best tbs tosrkst
aUbrih; ntnl ihuioeLlriuoisauilOlgsrsesslraj.
bo buil at tbu Ilnr, ,
April "i8, ItUI.-ltr
OF awry ilctcriptlon. ruuh a Piurnurff.
Oari ii, JIakiuiii.1 s,, Bimj or Li
mn'ii, Hi.amm or iUi iJLkCnii-rKJhS, Ac.,-
lually aud cbuply executed at this Offea, A'
larulereil Inks and Itronztv.' i !.'""
April 0".