0, I, J Lei not your Majesty tblnk tlutt tliu least pnlmonlty cnti outer my heart. I fi'fl no other sentiments than thosu oxpro'im-il by your .Mnloity yourself, In your letter of thu 17th of Jmiutiry, 18fi.'l, In which you wrllo "Our relation ought to ho sincerely nmioablo, IiiihuiI as limy nru upon (liu samo intentions tliu iniiinteuiincu of order, thu lovo of peacu, rur.puut for treaties, nntl ru clprocal good feeling " 'I'll 1 1 programme i worthy of llm sovereign who traced it, uml I iln not IiuhIIhIo to declare that I will ri'inulu fuithful to it. I lieu your Alnjunty lo bili.'vo in llsi sin sofity "I my siiiliiiiuiitr, mul it 11 with these I sentiments Hint I urn, firi, ymir .Majesty's good friend. NAPOl.l.O.N. B ituvul I'icpntiitioitf hi i:iit;lnii1. m 'Ilio niiimiincri.i'iit I mi been already V been in. hIo (hut tin' gnvi rnuimit hail msolved W ' nuil vir' taking thu tit'icHnnry steps to send I out to Mfillii, n llm li M dlvirloii of tho r Uriiidi contingent dislinrd f, r thu ilof.-ncn of7mkey, n body oflnl.iiiti 10.000 strong. ntid n proportionate Uicu of. cavalry ntid nitillery. Tho extent to which this nuxili f L-J-r -;yrc,-""t"-l"'for bu lllC""",J' l," "r prfTiili up in olrcuiiutnnro. 'Ilio division tfilleoiiHistiiflhrnflhsltfilionsoflholJunrtl thu dtli, UMtli, :i.JJ, .lOili, 77th nml D.'Jd rrgiiiiui'M of thu hue, mul thu i!d Imitation uf thu llille Ilrigmle. Tin artillery fon:u will Includu flvu Ikhl batteries, mul otiu bri gade lor Mii.ill.iiriii hill cartridge. Ills not xpecUtf thai thu brigade of cavalry will leave until ently in March. Its destination will Imi C'niif t.llltinoplr, nml it will comprise , tlio Hcnta (irrvs, tho Carbineers, thu I7th Lancer, thu lith lluunrs, thtifath Hussars, nil the I'linlskllleim. Thu lJuko of Cambridge will tnko thu coiuinnuil, nrsilrtl by (loueral JJrnthcrton and thu l.'tirl of Cardigan. Lord Itriglan, 'wo niidertnml, h.m been appointed to thu i chief command of thu i-xpedition. Tho on- t ly transports nuw nt hoiue, avsilshlo for carrying thu troop to .Mid la, a ru thu SI ' tnnniu, Vulcan, llulldog, ami Dragon.- Thesf, it i4 said, iiiu capable of carrying I ,"00 men each, a cnnsiderahlu number, but fulling far short of tho present emer gency. Tim govrmmont have, therefore, chnrti'ted the following steamers: From tho (iiiiertil Mcrew ijtiui.!iip , Company, thu (Seidell i'lcece, Jniou, Cx of (Send Hope, and I'ropontU. From tlio IVmiiaular nml (Jmtitnl Lomp.nuy, Hie Mlmnlnyn, .Mm i'a, and iflixi.i, !'.... i win Cunnrd Company, thu Cainbrii, mul tlm Niagara. I'rom the Australian Company, thu ictum, Horblngt'. rroiu uio ports oi i.onuon, Liverpool, !, l,i,,rr...l tlint ll. rli,rt..r...t .,,nnl., !,.... ,1... I.s.1. (' :... :, :. .i.,.,h. ' i . , ., ". , linvu luinnem-il In liusnasler. h ;ho tnhl t in ' Mmxroiui, ....... ...u ,,,., , .(.iij.aiMv. . n ,. iiniioiianco win on maun on inu pars oi ---i. ..So-ts id' " Colllni'. $18 by Mr. James Hartley that thrct or four v,inm nlll Auslrii. Th.su eomiuuniea """ ' "tern nnl .nmo wpes, arid ' a; TUr w'p,ckt( 20a8 steamiM can bu obtei.ii d lor trnuiputt aer tim,H t U said, will relate to tho r.aitern f",If,w '" ' "'" Kc,"" onbassI"tance at sardlon.bf boxes. Cordage, '.'3130 vlff Thu fit-nrrsl Hrr f.'nmmnir ItiiL....!... -...I ... .!. ...... ,J Ll. .... AmWuW'. wWh ll iiiu. f0ner had Ptf UU2 . fCssi ..-- ..-....... -...., .v .-- u.chui,, Him ... .m ..... mu t..i'.m utricr . , , , 4l... .1 I ' . 3tMLlSJ".JWi8J WUSEhgs&sJffitti.iMtt - v, taa K'imnw uio iwwvnng oips 101 the'oxUtlnt; di foww. ttWiwmIfalWiluTi7K MrkrUaho ' WAUttlEaJ iin ii ur'i iiu vii uini rrar itviftv , mn t Quc n of IliQ South, tb MfdiMi. nud the ..TT . nnulliaintiliiii. ntid l.I.n'nw. n Ijrther iuii. JfHBk if1' ' '"""r rft, I'fucured to any e.x u", ,V' -1' "";';'"'" ' ' i.U'-ia.ileru ir,t.,tly lowen I. nt 1 t'.o shepherd ' AltniVED-Arril 13. t1 3Mt I,,nt " f,lv,,,, rcnuir.d, but at present "' ."' " '""" ""' "" uinpiiupai--Trw.n p.ovidenfnlly nr, I quickly release), ffom F,n Franclrco rjRmmMI ivru i. a r lucianr1 10 inivrrupi uio regular " -i i i .,.. ' 'o"g,i ,10 '' " -uii(a..i.' m n nog, irotn ; pafener. ye ruaiiMtor thu ocean mails, and tho above , 'J ,l" uo P""' ...iiiir.ieKni,.. iiibi iriloiM itaaiiotr. ,Il sheep wen?' April 21, Schooner I f . IMnisis iHAht s..i.u.llii (ii ln.nt.t li.. I!. ' . '. I , -.numeration merwv comprues thosu ships '""- """""""J " . ?!' ';"" Imtstwl up Iiv thv ropiii. UrrriHjol Mer. U 'hs IUv, In ballast. f that ran at this moment bu spnred. If sas!! I IetrotIic-I. Iloisfocpcct- I at leiiru. IhuVar I ci.CAUKIl-Anril 21. with Ihe exception of th.,"( leneral .Screw," i lv iU at ,Cft'!:ir"- ''i,'",ral l.iprandi bus hr.ve their lleits nlniust unlirukcn by . ' 'mod the commsndof thu Ruuian uiny nsilstanco vvl.ieh lhun far tii-v aro called ",,,'owcr "'''':. '" '" room ol (.eno nin.iniiK. U.liiiiii..rkf.in,l!li.Mli..nu.iral Aurep, who was dmnMuil in ronse srnnient, with tl.nl consi'ieration for the wtlfarn of thu oxj-dition which befits the vxtrnordinnry resources nt tlii' disrvnal. aro determined to give a fair allowance of elbow room on tl.u pir.igo out to the .Me diterranean; I'rom -00 to '.'50 tons regis ter will be allowed to every 100 tneii, ro (hut tho uholit furce will rcnrli tho point of rendezvous not only with the best speed of steam, but in thu host posmMu roudition. For thu boaster munitions of war, and pro. tMnly tliu artillery Iinn.cN, snlioc veels will bo emi'loved, and it is understood that aoino of Mi. (ireen'ri and .Mr. Duncan Dun bar's llueM ships hnvo already been engaged for that sen ire. Thcso details will onnbla tho reader to form ft tolerably correct conception of tho m rnllltnry preparations of ti.n government, as far as they have et been developed. Tho fa itt .Mi which its plans aro bring car i riod iut- cxicution. fii'ii.fhfH eiidence) of r Vilafnu'rwu'JTirjuntryi.li.ar, whlrh 43 r twos-tic would do well to consider. ihl OfMy aro nblo to transport an ev nrililion to thu Muditcrrauenu without so jIouk emburrniunicnt to our commorco, but " it Ib ulso not improhnblo that etenmerH, l.t therto thu proerty of Ktiliih unmpnuieH, will bo employtd in enlivening tho l'ronch auxiliary unny to tho I.ast. It is stated that tho Tranmlhiutio Steam Navigation "" Company, of vliicli thu Uulcu do Monto H bcllo irt'ehairwau, and tho formation of which was nnniuncu.l roihu mouthrt ago, has leccntlv pu chased iu this country a fleet of tun Horcw itenmera; nnd it isbo liuved that tho lomptny ban placed these Hiips, which aro ti largo uze, at tho ser vico of tho Ktnjsror iu tho present tmer gcucy. Tho naval prcjaratiuna aro now chiefly directed to tho brmation and cnmpleto equipment of tho leet which is to bo eent early tioxt month b tho North Sea nnd the llaltio, and which to consist of thu fob lowing hhfi.H, .z.-,l)ul(o of Wellington, fcresv, Jill gumi ; rcptuue, 120 gums; St. George, 120 gtiiibjlloynl Oeorgo, icruw, 120 yuna; fi, ten d'Acif, screw, 101 ('ttrin ; frlticrnn Itoynl, scrow, 01 guiw;! Uusnr, screw, 111 guns; .Nile, screw, t miim; JnmeM W'ntt, nrruw, 1IL f'tirm ; I'rincu Itefti'iit, 110 ijuimj Monnrrn, HI kiiiih; CicHny, (icrow, til (,'imnj .Mnjcullc, mraw, fiO fjiiim ; Hoocnwvii, 70 i;uni ; CumherJnnd, 70;iiiih; ISJonhcItri, Kcrcnv, K) ;;ntin; Maf,'uu, Hcrow, (10 kiiiih j Kdlnburfl, ncruw, fiHgumi ; Ajax, Hcrow, f9 (imi; ImjicricUHc, ncrow, fl kiiiim; Kurynliin, hcrow, Til (,'imn; Arro aul, ncrow, HSi;iiiin; I'imit', d0utm; Am phion, Ncruw, .'II jjuusj bamitlcMo, wrisw, Jl.'l l'uiihj Trilniiiu, ncii'w, ,'10 uutin ; l.eo. pnitl, jiaddh), 1H kiiiih; .Maf;icienrii', pad llu, ltl khiih; ViloroiiK, paildlu, KSfjiinn; Deupcriilc, ncruw, H ;iiiim, Thii list puali4 for itrndf, mid requircn no rnnitmiil."-iM'((M Times. MISCKI.l.AN'KOI'M ITMMH. One half thu Hritinh icwiuuu eonnl-guaril furce nru ordered to bit draughted into thu navy. Thin given. U,b0() additional nyamen. Thu policu of I'uris havu broken up t Itmu-inii club, called tho " Uurau do I'A ijenei', rlrmigen," or thu " lioulevard iIim ltullrii, rnrii." At this rlub run, rnrii." At tins rluh tiie secret agent of ltunla receind tluir orders to circulatu reports on the I'our.e, and in thu street mid cafe. No arrests wero made. A bread riot broke out at JVrii'ncux on .1 . . . e i i .... ... inu in oi roiiiu.il iiiu militarv wen t... ....- Tho IVench i...w,,,c are ordered not to .,.!. of the m-,ve,,,ent,of.hu troop,, or other preparnliom for war, ixcept i, ho term Ml foul, in th, Mm.: r. Sir Slei.l.en I.nl,...nn.1. ul. ,n,..n,l. tlm ateikloof Kaugers m th .... ... .. ............. --..,, -4Tfll(llIV war, lis received coininaud lurkish troops in Arm Among other siKiulic tnt ordeis reccntlv given by tho French Coverrmient, Is otiu lor three m.lliuns of canunii balls. Till: VKRY I.ATK.ST. 4lX'iiviii:sT, Feb. I, 1W1. i no uussians nv.e now o.i.uuu men i;e for K.ilefat. Ileforu the arrival ofd'enerni Vchihlers, i'rincu ('ottschnkufT bad resolved on removing his head-quattir to .Slslina; but tho (leneral hail ivmuaded tho I'rincu t ehnngo his plan, mid hid hnuded bun mi order from the Kmpiror ti use every ell'ort to drivu the Turks outol I.esir Wnlbehia without further luss of Tinn1 Unth sides ucru anxiutulv t-xpertiiig and ).. riren.iriiu for .1 iI.!cIbIVi ntl.'ick. HW.I - - I n - I UAMtlfiUT, fell, a, HUX. . ..... It i. renorted th.il M the m t sitti.iK of ihu Diet. eoiiiiiiiiniGitioii of thu hHu-sr i.vv. 1-1. K 1.1.1 ... ' . . , T? ,luV""' ,;.ou,.":I,"or' rlVI""' ,,ms nr , J 1 . V . trauquiliilng i-viur.inces rt'latlvn to thu atii , cx.l'feiineni l'Kt-0 ivtrnvuii it iianLvrnuj rpuenre of thu alfair of C'it.ih'. Of Uklatio.ns with J.vr.v.v. What's id nu Uom: now! According ti thu lain nuvvs, the hmpernr f Japan u dead, and it seems that llm ttt.tblithed I iw of respect to his memory ri(uinM that no olliei.il in terrnurso should bu Inld w ith i.ny foreign power for the spam of two. run; not even a foreign nmhassadur being .il.uwed a ro cepliou until thu uxpiratiun of that time. I liu places our rtlitiotiK witn Japan in u vorv awkward poiiion. On iho 1 1th of j July last, Commodore I'erry had au inter view w ith the nobles of Japan, at (hir? hsina. a town near tr.n'iia, on which oo casinn he iref-ented hii n. deuiials iu great state, and a letter fiom 1'ici.ident I ilimoro to tho Kuipernr in a gold box; r.nd on tho 17th iifJiilyCiinnnodi.ru IVuv sailed, pro mlsing to call for the l.mporor'n aiuwcr in tlio spring Now, whiit'M to be done I Tlio "pring is at hand, and no foreign nilib.issador can bo received for two yearn to come. Ami aro tho great objerts" of Cninuiodoro Perry's mission thus to bo tdnved oil". Tho open ing of a mighty trade with Japan, a com merciiil treaty, r.nd the conversion of all thoso heathens aro the.o great objects to bo postponed for two wholo years, on ac count of thu death of a half savage, gouty old Umperor? Im Coinmniloro Perry to bo kept boating abnut in tho Japanese waters for two yours, waiting for an answer to tho President's letter I Let President Pierco wrilo n new leltor, ..h.i ..... r ti. . ... .... ...i.i i.. r..M .I... ....ii' ,u ,.u. ...... .... k... w..a .... .. ..v.. liniporor, to Do carneuupto nun, il neces.iL" '""' '" nary, ut (ho point of tho bayonet ; and if tlio Hmperor resists, lot Commodoro Perry bo instructed to annex him and all his iMuuds to tho United States. Lot tho new I'.mpe ror understand, in thrco words, that ho imifl trado or tight ; nnd lot Maroy prescribo his costume without delay. If'Y. Herald. tXrTho crops aro thriving iu tho upper Wilhimelto Valley. Hi-ANimi i.f Tin: lloMiJ or Hkpiimkxt. rivr.i. Tho prediction that tho (ougreoi of tho United Stated would, in not many years, Ineludo monitor of various (oiikuoh mid nnlloiialltle, linti begun to hu fulfilled. Tho following ronolutlon ha recently been introduced in tho llouttoof Iteprvsontnlivci, hv Mr. Htantou of Toihimiicoj ' JtcHoIved, That Honor Joo Manuel (Jal. le;oH, tlm nilting UclcgaUt I mm tho lerrl torv of Now .Mexico, bo allowed to tnlro. (lucii an Interpreter on tlio floor of tho Houho lo onnliln lilm to iiriiicrnaiia. im proceed, Ing; and tliatxnid intcrnrelcr bo paid 1 dollarH per ilium out of thu contingent fund, Ifiis resolution raises an interesting quev tlon whether thooxponw of an Interpreter for a Miiglo inomber, who uocs not under stand tlio languago oi inu ouior two liun. ilreil and lliiriyMX meuioHrs oi iiio nouic, ought to bu palil bv Congress, or by tlm member himself ? In thin Htale, whoru it friouentlv batmen that tho Lecislaturu con t.iiun member unacquainted with Kngliili, translator i employed at tho expense of I thu Statu. Ono of tho Unvernors of tho Htale, a few year ago, couH not speak a wonl of linglWi. llu JpM afterwards a member of tho .Statu Henoto, and for hii benillt alone, all tlm procec dings and FpcccheH had lo bo rendered into French. A'. (;. Delta. I I ' ' w A I)oi.-Ma V remarkable ,?do,M nr""" record re nt.ve to thu ca ""IV""'. Bm " tm, follow InS fact Imn "ol 'up" . " I'""'' V." t ' '.ll W0!.,,,y f rV .1 "! ' ' l . ir. aaiiiii-riviim, grnmi ' -ijiiiinnniHll 1 1 ,i .-mi l . I' e i ii. recent C,;i..r',t,,.t'rnf.1"""?'1 'H'"""'. ''l;.f 'wf r ii ' r I1"" . Ha y-na-nphyri, leu of Man, who "f n body of !,icrRevc... vc:.r agoat Coulthover, ncir llawkshead, soon niter his rmrriago resided near Low vood Inn, on tho horders of vMnuermero LaKe. llu lelt nomo early ono morning, accompanied ny ins stippherd dog, to look after some ahtcp in the Moun tains near Kydal, about four miles di.tnut, and dincoveriug two nt the bottom of a irecii'lcc, between two rockf, ho descend cl with the view of extricating them; but when ho got to th bottom, ho could neither niS:t ( li , ttti. nr lift lit. liifmfli' mMm Anil ". ." " "r" vr -, ....,.... . mere no was connncti unui rniuiigM. i no faithful doi' remained nt the ton of the tiro !',.! cipice, watching ids master; but nt night' fall he proceeded homo, serW tho door, j and wis let in by hi nuttres, who ex pressed her Furr-usc nt lite harkim.' of tho lilm nml llin nou.nrrivf I nf her luiih.iuil i .1... r i:..i.. ii. .1 .....i... ......... ..... -"." - - nriiiiiii-"iiiiri) uiiiivu ujiiiiu rvi-vdii. ii.iu, """ '0'" T,',wl ""' m "'? "iM,S" ?"' '' l,,. "' ,rar vme ning mu.t """ "" 'orsr. wu .,r.T , . . il!J wi. iiii, mul .in ran lurwanll ' nR-'". " i"Men i',r iiisik vpeed. '1 be , inuinui g i-u tun rniu nml his compau (XT Vo Icani from a London paper that IVofvinor (liven was rei- -niiy entertained at dinner iu tho garden of the Crystal I'alaco at Sydenham, iu the model of nn Iguana. don." The auim.l iu wltoio mould thu din1 , tier was given, was one cl tlio loruier in habitanti of Susth-x, soreral of Ids bone hating bvn found nenr Horsham. His di mormons nave i)ken Kept sine ly wiinm me iiniM oi rnainmieni i.ni.wieoge. iu length troui t'i snout to the end ot the tail was ..!i feel; Iu was I 'J lvt high; tho cir- eumferi'iice of his body was 25 feet; and tho girth of his foro leg 0 feet 0 inches. Twenty-nno gentlemen ilinul comfortably within tho interior of tho creature, and Pro fessnr Owen Eat iuhis head as n substitute for brain?. Tlio hmauadnn, it will lm re (rnruTtiiienibereil, was si bugo veget i!i.i mointcr, living upon tlio coarse, raukherbago of the epoch which witnessed Id existence, when no human heiugH existed upon this globe. Vkkka. Husiness lias been tolerably brisk during tho past week. Quito a iniiii- i . . . . , thowevcr, nearly all goiiufont towards ' hop di Ir.iins aio nrrivin." il.mv. l nev me. C;rescent city nun ncuttsnurg. liuito a number of persons nro coming in from all ' directions. Improvements nro going on j rapidly. Threo brick-yards will bo in sue ' cestl'ul operation in it short time, of sutli clout capacity to manufacture enough of that material during tho present Minimcr to build ipiilo a respectable city. Tho crops in tho valleys look quite flourishing, and promiso a rich harvest to farmers. Tho miners in the different diggings in thi3 vi cinity nro doing a fair business; nnd nil aim generally woar a vory healthy nnd prosper oiis aspect. Tho Yrel ka Water Company's gaw-miU is ,,: , ,, 1, ,V,1I now bo commenced. Mountain Herald. OCrTlio Sonoma Uulletin, from upoci mens shown and operations mado, has now concluded that tlio reported discovery of gold on Russian Hivor is no humbug. It says : "A friend writes us from Santa Uosn, that numorous parties aro leaving that placo and othor localities for tho diggings." j Tun Tuhkh. Kvcrytliliifc in relation to tho lilUory and character of tho Turks U particularly liiteretlni at tliii time. La inarllno tsay- " Tlio Turku, nn n racn of men, and ni a nation, nro Mill tlio first and mont, clovated amongst tho pcoplo of tho Knt. Tlieir character In noblo and grand; their courago h Intact, their virtues, reli gious, civil, and domestic, aro calculated to nnpiru in every impartial mind, cutccm and admiration. Their nobilltv it written on their brown, and In their action. If they had teller lawo, and a moro cnlighlenod ' I'nvnrnmpnf . thov tt'Milil fir rim nr llm Ort n" ..., ...m .. .r..w w. .. ...n jicoplu in tho world." In regard to their lionexty, wo with amused with an anecdolo wo read not long kinco. Homo Turks, who weio loitering about a mosquo in an liitrlor town, mw nn Englishman guarding some valu.ihlo (foods that wcro piled up in tho street. "Ilavo no fear of thiovcn," ssld .Miiktajilm to him. "There Is not a Chris tian within twenty league of ibis place." Oar ."Market. Thu amount of goods on harfd in this place, would seem to warrant a larger trade than at present exist). All tlio merchants are well supplied, and many of them havo heavy hiocki on hand, purchated during the Into depression of prices in Han Francisco, and thoy nro ofTered at rates in many in stances lower than at present rule In tho market from whunco wo ddrlvo our sup plies. And the general doterm Ination teem to na to oirer ovcrv inuiiceincnt to i traders in tho interior to mako their pur , . ... , . , . ., chttM" '" 'IJ"C. ' ordcr " rc"Tor the '"''am or trado which properly belong to thu point 8C0TTSBURG PRICES CUHREfTT. HcorTincRo, April 29, 1851. Flour, Chill. "c Tobacco, Orsne. tOslJ CO C2J JJisC " resscktd, f'orn Mesl, llscon, c!ar, " mci, I'ork. cltur, CaCil " Fniit. 5M. " Peacb, 20a2i Hslilns, pr bx, io wMiicey, y.'t, I.U 18 lirandr.Aro, 1,15a 1.37 J jjutUr. (HcjIkd) Lard. In tin. UlfM, 14 ' Fr. SVlOit 07 j P'ach Braady, i25,ai 'ii MO'.una uui, ii,ou "?". No-1 China, 121 J'o"' wb5 ..sJf$l .! " , ' " g 1 ( cfrcr. Crush ii, 17 Ilr. Chtrriti, $10 17a:0 CUret per cj., 850 Tea, 1 lb.ct'HIei. C0W Fsntcrne, S5 utmnti, auarasntine, Moloney in can, pr io., i.i" jii'i'ica. n.ii ..! n urogtn pruor. siotzz SO Shoes, Cne, ZJa30 1 i Uoou, tier case, t570 tillNalli. Fs3 (J(,il 1'cochcs, "rp-n Soap. - s t, 15 Axes, tsndleJ, ZZAQ .S irthfc trcgi qn .. jth ir,,, by rei3 . tr i M. Lsuav. la Mi ' ! City .i;iTHj.i: -.r- ..s, SUVttn IuIcUVrcwcc. rrlj Jadsan, Danker, itb merchandise ; fire 'raaces Helen, Leeds, from Dris Judsoa, Busker, r .can FraaclKO. ' SAILED April 23. Brl, Fawn, Barrett, for Hun Fraaclseo. OUTSIDE Bork Loulilsna, from Coois Bay, !ouiM la. MEilOKANDA-Thc Frances Helen tailed ffom Ccoo Bay, en the IMib, In coaipaay with the Bark LouWana, for this port, and arrived hero the ramc day. Left In Coosa Bay Steamer Crcvent City, and Schooners Damarisoato aad Cvnr-ure. all outward bound, . n UEO. HUNTS, TIIOI. WSBCLC, JR. GEOIIGE nAYHE8 & CO., .'75 uir.v ir.. roRNER op voNcaixx ST., SCOTTSBURO. OKFI.K FOB SALE Flour. Cnlifornla and Chill, Ilacini, Mens and Clear, lr. lo. do.. Beef, Fullou Market " Mei, ia hf bbls. Uxuu, linen covcril, Lard, in tint. Susar, China, No. 1 .ti, Culfee, Bin and old Java. Candles, Soap, Liquors, Cigars, Dry-good., Boots mid Shoes, Ac., Ac. April S8-ltf , . L MIB undersigned bat for saIo a Urge aort- went or Groceries. Provisions, Liquor. CIpaw, Boots .V Shoes, Clothing-. Cutlery, Tinware, .to. ISAAC K. HALL, Malu Street, Scottsburg. Ap2K-ltf THE 1'LACi: TO filTT YOUR MONEY' BACKI MIRniTT, OPPENIIEIMER & CO., seoltNliiirK) rHOI.rSAL!. DE-YLERS In Dry (Icols, t t Groeerles, Provisions, Hnnlware, Boots and Shoe Clothing, Llqupts, Cigars, lie., Ac. April 1SU( SCOTTSBURG HOUSE. '"1",1U. iinderslKued,hiivlnj purchased thlsestab X llshwcnt, and fcellni ;rateful for past p it ronaKi t"104 tnls opportunity to lut'orm his friends, and tho pulilio tcenerallv, that ho ia now prepared to ticcomiuoduto regular boarders, and all travellers or visitors who may como this my. Terms reasonable, and accommodations as good us generally fuund in Orepou. b ' JOSEPH PUTNAM. Scptbnrpr, April Vtf-ltf CONTftACTHfor tho Erection of tho following J Ilridgcs will bo let t.) ttio lonrxt bidder, at i;ikton, on the n.-st day of Mar next ; No. l.Klk Cruck; No. 2, Anylilm'sj No, 3, Fool of the HIk Hill. At ficottslnirtc, on tho 3d of May nzt, v bo let to the lowest bidder : No. 1, GolJIng'a oreck; No. 2, Ilurgcss'i No. 3, Cbsdnlck's t No. 4, Chad rick's: No. fi, Sswrcr'i; No. C, Sawjcr's; No. 7, Hudson's. Contractors will bo rennlred, to (rive bonds for tho completion of the bri Jzcs by ths Ur.th. ( f Au tiat, tho Elk Creek brldga by th? flrit day of eptcmbcr. Bpccincstlons csn bo inn br calling on L. S. THOMPSON, CommTijloneT. The amount lubscrlbcd Is bstwe n s7in snd eight thouiand dollars. Contract w'tli Mcc-s. Coopr and Dlmlok. to conpHtc tho nsd from Crccnt Ferry to Green Valliy by tho Brut of July. The Cpmmlislonen ero ns!ns crcry effort to complete tbs grading oa tho catlrs route by t5o 31st or July. Scottiborg, April 18 -H ALLAN, LOWE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, is? clay srncsT, .fiau Frawtclira. .v.. ."Tii. TriMi l Tinfr Vw-5! JOB PMKTING, Or trcry descriptlcn, such ai PsjrrntrTs, Cims, ItuNDBiLLS, rosTtrii, Diuj or La LDia. Dlasxi or all Dr.icatrrii..'a, Ac, &c., nsatly and ehtsply executed at this OQco. Also OaNASfiSSTAL PRJNM6, In Colored Inks aad Ilroair. April 28. 8 AMUEL 8. MASH, SCOTTSUIHO, OFFERS for sib s CHOICE astortscat of Groceries, Wry-Goods, Uoots to fsbocu, Ac, Ac. The aboro stock Is EsmtLT Nevt, and bsvlng Iten purchased recently, at the present low tri ces cf the Market, will bo sold at figures that csanot fall to suit purchssers. pa-CALL AND KXAJII.SE.-SS; Ar.rU 28. 1E51.-Itf CEOSDY'8 H0TE1, SCOTTSDL'BO. FS.Or0SCY. IttTlne anala tjien chsrM ef the aboie nsmed Hotel, wilt personaUr supsrlateud tho offorts to mske thoss comSbrtablo who tasy hTe occasion to visit this place. TBa table will U supplied with the best the xaatket affords; and choice Liquors acd Cigars can always b had at the Usr. April 18, lWL-ltf ri l-O LET. Tho lower slory of nssms' Niw L Dcildlvo, oa Mala street, slxe XC0, can K. nwntiM t a ttor-houst. tr would be djvylea lato'two stores, suitable for any kind of btumtts. For psrUculars, s?Ply ftXia Artl 2A-Itf 01fl31ALi7r CU,, VsboicEalc Dtol-a ia GCi-mUlenLatidbo .... . .... .VIM.... VI AAIA JK.U .bVUl .., scorrsuuna, 70CLD larlto lbs atteatloa of Traders. l Packers, tad Fanners to their large and vail ..1wt1 irV nfClotblm. Drr Goo b). Boats ' and Shots, Hardware, Groceries Ac., which they ocer lor sale at prices wasca win te aa iniuce mtnt to thwo wlf hlng to purclase. Call acd Inspect our stock. sptB-ly FOB SAIf FRANCISCO. On or about Mie 1st of May. TUB Fast Sailing S.booaer "FRANCES HE LEX. " Joseph B Leeds, Mter, will sail as above. For paesiM (lt aprly to ths Csptain on board. ScotUbur,;. April 2t'-lt FOB THE CCCU1LLE. THE Sloop "MUCKSHIV," Cspt Jonx WiLXta. will sail for tho above place, oa or about the 15th of May. For freight or pasjago apply cu board, or to tha Captain at Scotttburf . April -io-vi. STORE TO LET on Main street ; snlUblo for a bolesalo or retail business. Apply to MM. rrMiirx WM. TOBKEY. Scettsburjr, April 28-tf jBTHE STEAMEBfisa WASHINGTON VX7TLL roaVe trl-wcekly trips between Lower t t Scottvburp and the mouth of the Umpo.ua River, leavlns Allan, McKIalay & Co.'s Wharf Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. A pood scow for the transportation of cattle Is alwavs in roadlnc. For frclcht or passage apply on board, or to ALLAN, JlcmLAY, k CO. April 2S-.tf. WILLIAM E. LEWIS, BOAT BUILDLR AND SPAR MAKER. MILL CUKHK, UMFQUA BIVKU. BOATS ItcpalreJ, and all kinds of Carpenter Wcrlt doue t tho shortest notlco and on tho most reasonable ternu. April 28, SSt-t W. N. WELLS, Houso Carpenter and Ship Joiner. MAIN BTltEET, KCOTTSDUBO. ALL kinds of the abovo work done on short notice, and oa reasonsbU tenns. April 28-tf D. F. JOHNSON, Ulttcusmltu & Guusmlili. MAI.N STKEET, SCOTrSBWKO, , HOHSK-SHQEING doao on the shortest no; ticoaud ou reasouablo (terms. GUNS re paired and put In good order, , ' April 23-tf W" .YNTKD, Al this Office, a good, honrsl, iutelllin.'iit, Industrious boy, between ths ages or 11 and 17 years. A geoil sltuatloa mty bo obtained by applying soon; ' " April 28, 1W1. ' 5 i I .iteSfciiii