"WEEKXiY OREGON STATESMAN. 8 MISCELIJiKEOUS. MLSTELINKOUS. roST-OFFICKS. WISCELLANKOUS. MISCKLI.ANKOUS. LAWS 0? NEWSPAPERS. PobaeriVn ; Oonot give eiprewa no tioe to the contrary, are cosrahlered. aa wishing eoatitine their aubscriptioa. 3. If Bubeerlbera order the diaeontlmianoii of thatr periodicale, the publisher may eoetuitie to lead them until ail arnaragee an pud. 8. If subscribe irit or refuse taedr peri otwah from the ofliee to wtueb the; ara di wnoted, they ara held resrwavsibr. antil they kmirtlM their bilk, mod ordered them d mtirjoed. 4. If subeerfbers neve to other pUeea vith M reforming tbe pobHsber, and the papers are eot to the former direetioa tbey are keld aapeaeible. 1h Conrte have decided that "refusing to take periodieala from the ofiea, orieawvaig aad then onoalled for, ia prima fane art. i of mtentfjwal fraoa." Aay person who receives a newspaper tut antra oee of it, whether he baa onto ml H ar Mt, h) held -a law to he aanbeeriher. T abaeriliera pa; teadraBee, they are eeaad egre Botiea ta fbe pabtieher, attbeeadM 1hir thee, if tbe; do not irieh to continue tak ing it; otbenrlee tbe publisher h aofheriawd to venal it on and tbe acbscribnr will be mepoaal ttentil ao eipreM netire. with pay mutt ef a arrearage ro tne pnausoar. KEW RATES OF PCSUCL BardtyAtkr pamea bat wa are asked for reformation relative to the present postage law on rsewspaperB and letter. Below we gr tbe Twtoa a they now aland, which ewBry bosineen Ma sbonM eat oat and paste op for future Foetal earrM, nne cent each, go wjtbnnt far ther eharpe to all perm of tbe United Rtaree and Otaada. with an additional one cent (tamp the; ( to all parte or Europe. All lettem to ail frt of the United Htatea and Canada, -three rente per half nonce. Local, or "drop" letters, that in, for the dry r town where deposited, two cent if delivered try carriers, and oae cent where there ia no eer ier system. Kewspapers. daihr, aemi-weekry, triweekly aad weerly, regularly isaned and sent ro regular oeeeribere. two rents prr Tjoond. perableat the wffieeof publication; newspapers and migaiines laa frequently than once a week, three eenta per puoiid. Au other printe' -Batter , inrhxriiif transient aewepappre. maparmea. pamphlets, handbills, wad books, one cent for each two ounces, or rarric j thereof. On unsealed rHrenlars, and all mailable matter eH tbe third class, other than that designated in aoa foregoing section, peerage as heretnfere, ane eent for each erinee, or fraction thereof. The following are the poetal rilea wrtb T.n aoae. The rate for letters are for the half tutor , or fraction thereof, end those for newa wpers for fonr mi nee, or fraction thereof. Ta Great Britain and Ireland. Mtcra See eaa, newepapen twoeentB; France, letters Bve rents, newspapers two cents; Ppero, letters trve cents, newspapers two cents; to all parti of Oct many, including Austria, letter five cents, w luapera two eenta; Denmark, lertera five tm.t i jMiwnapeT8 twoerate; Bwiraertaad, let 4 tm erntg, Dewapapere two eenta; Italy, let 4ere five eenH. newspapera two eentot; fcnmia. Jetters 6t eenta, newspapers two eenta; Nor. wwt, letters n-e ennts, Dewgpaoera two cents; weden, letters five orats, newspapers two oenai; Tarkey, Eoropean and Asiatic, letters 8 Te cents, ewspapera two eenta; Egypt, letters flee eenta, ewspapera two eenta. Packages contain? liqnide. pnuens. gbwi. ex assrre cbetnieaie, live antmaU. sharp-pointed aatromentii, augar, floor, or any other atatter Male to deiaos or dee troy the con teats of the nail, are nnmailable; ara not placed in or allowed to paea through the mails, noder any tBTeomsrancee. By a late act of Congreee, also, all letters or strcolars relating to hitter iee, gift eonoorto, or eheaie( o chanos ef any description, are -4oiarcd to be nnmailable, and eutirely ex ABDITIOSAL f-ONTAs. UW, The following sections of a law nam been aaaed by Congress and approved by the Presi- tocnojt 13. Ttiat transient newspapers and aaagazinea, regnlar ptibU'janons designed pri marily for advertising porpuws, or for free cir culation at nomhul ntes, and all printed mat War ot the third tSm except aDsealed circulars, waall be adaiilted in the elails at the rate of one went for every two our.-w or fractional part thereof, and one cent tor eacb two additional nonces or fractional part thereof; and the wader of any article of tle third ciw of mail natter may wnte m or her name or aildreas taerein, or on the oauiile tlwrcof, with tbe ward "from' shore or preceding the same, or may write brierly or pnnt on any package tte onmber and naiaen of the araclee tnckned. iHiblubers of newxpaperx and periodical mar sxrint on the wrapper of newspapers or mag azines sent from the office of publishers to rf -xtiar snbicriberii the time tu which snosenption Utereo! has been paid, and addrewes a son )vMtal sards and nnnadlvd rtrcnlars may be either written, printed, or afiixed thereto, at the op sea of the sender. riac 16. That al! acts or parts of arte in con flict with tbe provi-iuot! of thi act are hereby repealed. Cm ncseakrd circDlars and all mailable mat to of the third clam other than that desiKnatrd m aforegoms section, poetae will be charged aa aeretofore, one cunt for each ounce or frao tas thereof. There ara manv who have never known the t-Vsasing of strong nerves, having been born wrth weak once. Tbnee who bavo, and through ixisease or some other cauee, have suffered a lass of nerve power, can, by contrast, more -tvUry appreciate Ilia m-'m:ude of tht Uim. "Tie true way to repair it is to invigorate tbe vatem throrigh the mxlium of improved digee ieun, seeretion. and tbeestahlishmentof a ren iar habit of bodv, three results invariably ae Tfjsnplishcd by the two of Hustetter's B t4mach Blters, wfaicli iiuarue the thorough conversion tk the food into pure, nouruhuig biood, from which the nerve, in common with every other )rt of tne bodily economy, gather vigor, fix: land prerequisite of heal til. The great objeo od to tedatives and naroottoa is that Uiey not aviy exert no tonic influence, but are alaav foi tmei bv a hnrtful re-action, bach 1 far from mug the ease wiUi tbe Bitters, the primary ittioo of which u most salutary, and wbo- ftor efk.'Cta are beneticial in the extreme. njHe came home one night with a torn coat, aiiob she kindly niKkrtook to iseod: but wbn tie turned it uiide down, so that a letter and a Domestic rasufs of anew fjTersairt, wtiicn fee bail given him to mail to bar mother some wo week before, tumbled out of one of the jaUots it was so lively there for the text Wn minute that bia first move in tbe mcrmnjC was ia the direction of a wig store, to the proprietor of whieb be gravely explained that close applica tion to the study of the Foreign l'vU7 of the Eaedive of tgypt had Oone IV- rrat LIST OF POST-OFFICES. ORECON. Baater Cav. Aabnre, Aagttsuv. Baker Cltv, Clarksvtlle. Express Kanohjuwihe, Khloratlo, fampWataon. tasvontaty, tanip wataou, (Jraw. tietn, John 1 lay CI HnmhoM? Itasllt.llayvtlle, Jnman Valley, Prairie Otty, rtve vaitey, wasrniw. Mtuiw, rat at. Ttetael, Hndgejwrt, ltmna Vtsu. Pallas, Kola, Elk Mora, Itraml Rnnde. ImtepeiMtoaoa, Usmla, Laoktninta. Lewsvtlle. swanHA, Jsiiephlsia. Perryilale, HHinsii, PiirkersvllW Tenola, AtwtaVallev, Corral lis. Itnu Creek, Cnllnis kvingvi Talley, Ijbem, Little fclk, Newport, Newton, Oaeaita, Phiismath. 8nnan, Tassse, Taqoaia. Khbv. Llad, rllate Creek, Wakhi. JsrkM Tlllssaaws Osrlhaka. Tisuurta. Neatwktaa, , Nenalewi, Tillamoek, Trasa- KUoniaJ Anntecat. Aahlaad alilk, Ttarren. p,.wtww art. Central Pot at, fasHsUllau Kaale Point. . 4iTants Paas. Butter Creek, Hottvartnas, tMlls, jskmvtl la, tayv m, lJnkrille, Hapaer, lanrell Valley, Lana, PttwniK, atllton, K.nk P-ant, Wklwar. Kern's Valler, atilohellwMa Tabte Bwik, Una. Wnnlvlifcv Manaalt, wIIHnw Springs, Meartnw-rllle, Vanajt. Pi Bjtave. llasaiilki, Weasoa. Knrnner Bonse, Belknap ajtringsYellow For. miue isap- vxtnuaent, wasss. CTasa. Astoria, Calfion, Mlunas, Jewell. Ksaipa. Nenoina, Oiner. aesfcleB Mtnaixm, Westasn. C laeamaB siaw Barlow Beaver.' Bmte Creek, Oanby, t'lfctetmso. Clear Creek, Cmtingsvilu. IianwiK-as. tncieOeek. (iiilTittngs, High land, M-ilalla, Mtlla. New Ent, Mllwauk-f, Needy, Norton. ttjetttmCtt . CKwega tyningwater, Slwlv, t nMMi Mills, ZMn. Crew. . Anteloae. tVHtage Orove, Bse liven. One rnrk. Irridge CreeA, Camu Creek, farnp Polk, ('SrtWTighl's, lieechotte, Iiexter, Pnsml, KtateweCUy, HayOack. Prnnklin, H-l Kiver, tinsnen, MHchell. Irvine. Mmnt Hood, Jnnotmn, ilex. Long T"m, Prlnneville, V.ihaS, PwMtX l. hAwk. Rranih Hollow, lnKenaieBTi.l;.nie Halle. Pleasant Hill, Tvgh Valley. Ratt'o'nake, twiner tVhoco, fnielaw. Warm Kuringa. t-penver Creek, Whwi, Kunngtield, 'Wiltoughby. 1 rem. WlllUe forfct. Lskcl yinrton. Coqullle, Cemral Cliy, Coaieilo. Co- City, Imra, Empire Cty, Patrvtew, Henmllie. Hernia nsvtlle, lows lsrh, Marshne d, North Bend, ott, : Randolpb. FMIkin, Oftkom. mierarv. Antler. Anrora, Bnnanin, I Anmvllte, ( nenmnkan. Bnttevtlle, lrrew's Vslley, Brooks, liooee Lake, Pnrrteld, Linkville. Fair liruund. Laniieil Valley, iHtrvaia, liVI 1,1. T7I , Morsnnsville, eiiver Lake. Pornirue Kiver, Ktimmer, Tule Luke. W bite Hall, Yainax. Lteau Hubbard's. Howe I Prairie. Jefferson, Marlon, Monitor. Newelloville, Silem, hlrvertoa, K. Louis, Scavion, HilHtmlty, Turner, vernon. Alhany, Bruwnevllle. Kn.-h.-int'riPTa'a.(awionlsville. Waconda. Diamond Fill, Wooilbum. (olnmbla. Hamshrrrg, Knx Vallev. W aaliiaartaw. .TO-e UAOjCJ, Halsey, Jonlun. lbanon. Miller Mt. Pleaxaat, e.lvine, feweeihoine, fcoiia nrui!i, Shertd'a. " Tar.genu Water kw, Saltavaaai t'.ilumbiaatty, Chunaanles. Mamhland, Ranier, Rivensle, St. Helens. Saovles 1-iaiid, Newbern, bcappuoee. reora. Pine, (arrj . eoso. diet coo, Ellen .ihurg. Port (morl Monglaw Alvord Cle8 Vafley, Cleveland. Comae Valley, 1 train, Etkton. Mlem-ille, tanlner, Kellugjr. Lookihiftft'S. Myrtle Oeek. North Canyon- ville, Duklnnd. PaCik, Eobirra:, !Otteitnrx. Ten Mile, rmtiqtia City, Wilbur. Voncalla. Beavertoo. t-entrevili, Corneliua, Ihllev, Fore Grove, Uleneoe. t.ale's Creek, liaston, tireenvllle, Jonna, lliltflboro, MsWIeton, Motinuwn Dale, Peake. Hholls Ferry, Taylor's fern, Tualatin, Wapato. Taaiablll. East Portland. Powell's Valley. fort law l. pTingville. Amirr, Miaviw Island, Bnllevne, a. Johns tarleton, William ttlwich. latnon. Iiaveite, I'ntoo. MuMinnvtlie, Mountain House, Cove. North YamnllL Inland Cttr, Ht.Joe. larand, fheriilan. Nortn Powder, Veet Cbehalim, inrolieii. nneatianu, rT1lJKirii-s. i-nmmervilie, rrarta. Sand Bidge, WASHIKCTON fRR!T ORY. fctetlmeasssM. New Ihmginess.' Port Angeww, Clatrat. Battle Oroond, Bru-h Pntirtc, Martin V Bluil, PeUn, I'nlon Elver, ?aocouver. lalakaxl. Coonevllle. Cove at nd, I'laalstdy. Osebali. 'OdaTville. (nietuilbi Point, Ktnia. Hoolsni, M'Mitetauo, eharua. Kin. tiuifk Blver, Kjk-Iio. Httle, aiaogUt'. Sonak, vVhae Hirer. Port TKnery, Ellis. Port I.wtWnr. Kranklln. PenTowBendt4trllaiwen., Tsiysna. BUtetaiaat. aikaiauasiia. Bl'iJi Horn. Colimtho. '"afc-AileH", sawllia. Cawtl Rouk arret Hod, rTeeiiort, KaL-ima. Mouu.xtllo, Oak Point. KJtaavpi BUkelery, Pon Madison, Poet William. 1'ort Oruhanl, 'eaaeok, leokaiet. Lewis. Rnfcilort, I owtlu. Chwfuau, iienilem. 'rand Prairie, Porodhrey V Landing. ikaokuuMShUiik. 'tfoitimtiiate- VSjMtm' Aims la. Oakland. Mok'swli. 'ierwtii.i' Hill. lsMtie. Hnk-eonn, CVilmiok. Knsi'-fi. CXervllle. FJvertil Inlti, frjiward LamiliE. aaklskaiS' (athlamrt, KasTlei'L-ff. Wulte Fwiimc Ms. Ptiiain. L&tsuter, Port t'olvllh!, mmi-ii. Koek (, "kaidt. nokane Brlilge. Wtiaasum t n Plot. WsJIa VAaJU. T".niloa. Ixlta, Catatia, f teaTer, T iikanon, ( el rank, Tmn-liet. i M'KiD'l, W al la VTalla, Varna Prairie, Walhila. otvnvoia, 'Pamwuter. taklnw. Verni, hwahaaaksK. T-owll. .Meklliwi, ,aM. T .Tulip Attanmn. PiSft KmeiKl Kinneisi,;, Kuwait. Mok ee, miah. takiaoH. AvTsTjk waawTam AVk r mum V The Asrastlea ara Rlltawa twlle, the in- itewiihalile panes ef I hmnlo tifagestlon, the ileblll v awl menial stupor rwulting troma one live habit, mav be certainly avoided by rwnlsih g Ibu eviem wlia tbal agreeable ami rufreshing mamtard Preiaraiinn, IakksktS. Hki sh Apkkik-nt. t'miurable at all dnisgteta. r Tfii Want aeeok, Waal Klerk. Want a )artaer. Want a attnattea. Want a sarvaat girl. Want to boy a bna. Want a plans to boara. Want to sell or bay protstrty. Want to sell greaeries orirraca, WaBt lo sell drygosrls or earpeta. Want tAnl eastoaieva for anything, ADVERTISE IX TBE BTATEBatAK. AdvertiMnc will gain new eastaners, dverttainr wtl I keep oM eust te'ra, Advertistag UbsrallT always pays. Advertising begets eenftdeBce, Advertising shows energr, AdverUslag saowa platvk. Advertise and snooeeii, Ailverthw or "bust," Advertise long Advertise wellj Advertise Esn.; THE EKEF.1Y OF DISEASE 1 THE FOE CF PARI ! TO MAN AND BEAST! Ia tbe Urand Okl MUSTAlfG LINIMENT- nne" ha?tood pne tect or forti TEAKS. TlfEKE IS Sw SOEK IT WILL NOT HEAL. SO LAMENESS IT WILL NOT CITE, Kt iCHE, NO PAIN. TTIAT AFFLICTS TBE IIT- HAJi BODY, OR DOMES11C AKIUAL, THAI DOES NOTYlELJDIOrTSMAWICTOCCn. A KOTTUE COms 2Jc, 96e or 1 0, IIAf iJFTES BAVED.THE LIFE OF A HfMA BETX, AKP RESTORED TO LIFE AND CSE- rCLKESB VAST A VALUABLE ItORE. marSt-wly JUST ISSUED 200TH EBITIOH. MANHOOD, arvracrj a!ncouaiwrrr.D bt the acthov, e. ie r. -rnTis, n. cte A Mbca) eemv ou the cause and cure of pre roatere decline in man, showing huw health la los nd bow regained. It gives a ulear synopsis at (be impediment to marriage, the treatment of nervous and pbyial debility, exhausted vitality and all other dtaea! appertaining thereto; there tntt ot twenty years isweessfui practice. Ccktu on "Manhood." There is so mem ber of soriety hy whom thw book will not be fount aseful. whelherwie be turuot, preueiaor or clergy man. Ixmiion Time Crim on "5ISTfoon.,'-Tbls book shoulc be rea.1 by the youug lor fnornclion, and bv tlH tiued for reliei: ji will tcture no one. Metiuui Timet and (invite. Fnoe- One lkiiiar, nv rofdl or express. A dreas the author, 1B. Ct'ETlS Wfi rHWter street, or P. t. Box SEf7 han FnuKiiHO, Cai. auglSy ourjc MAN Who may be snfferlnp from tbeeffet ot youth ful lollies or iix1i:retlon, will K well u avail themxrlves of thi, the greaiest boon ever laid at the altar ol suff.T ng bumanltv. gpiB. NEY will guareniee to turiett inr every ca-ie 01 H;muifii weiiknee. or private tlieae ef any kind or i;har.n-).ir whi.:h be nndei takes and falls toonre. He would therofesre say to toe nnfinaunste sufferer wno may rewl tms notice, that you are treading upon dangerous ground when you lonmnr delav In sw.king the proper rrmely tor your complaint. on may be In the flr.t stof; remember you are af. pToa.;hing tbe last. If you are bordering upon tbe last, and are suffering some or all ul It 111 efreeta, remember that if you pereirt in pro crtteiinatlon, I lie time must come Winn liie mt skillful physician can render you thv tt sistamse; when tbe dmrol'bope will beebved asuinst you. when no angul of mercy can liriig you relief. In noauu has the doctor failed of suivMj. Then let not tles)ir work npnn your imagination, but avail ywurseif of the beneficial results of bis treat mert before your ea If beyntHl the reael, c f mdk-a) "kill, or before grim death hurries you to a premu tnre grave. Pull iionrse of treatment tari uo. Hend money by Poetollh- order or xprv vnih full deATTipthm of case. Call, or Siidrexn, DR. A. B- SPINSET, II kearny strtxt, n 1 ranclMi. mlecdAwlT MARVIN'S ARE THE BEST. Money Kile' Oat. lnTjCT',tr HAPPV KKUI-r u, Youtg , UDS lAtLLo M.-n in an Jf.tu ,tf Kerurs Til nowl rnatimef. fnifMiunent ! Mifcmaii rrvmwU V--w wtcotirr v'l-u rf n;. x-w : Tl'VlUl3l- I'-1 reiii!-ljV- ,''vwils f '.1 -."-k- ' 'Wiasij h "l- Ire' 1' ili'n4 f- i J'ire- !! Al A-NS 1JtTll. tW . Mnili I I'l,. leilbi, IV.. JUi UaUlUiio hTUIa OWTi lijJrSMt iitf" r,i" ' '.t " euilti,- Mel t.l- Lit nl FIRE AND CURCLAR! S.A. F E S . Counter, Platform, Wagon & Track SCALES. 5enJ for Price List, Agugts Wanted. MARVIN'S SAFE CO.. 265 Brcadway, New York. j 721 Chestrvut St., Piiiiadeiphia. I 1 17 Seneca St.. C!cw4ar4, 0. THE SUN. I ( 1877. NEW YORK. 77. ', The different eililtnns nfTBB tT during the next vear will he the sans ss ttin-tng the year that ha jut passed Tbe dally edltSin will on week itavs tie a sheet ol ftmr tares, and en Sun day a sheet m earht pages, nr M brnsd wilumiis; wmietheweekiy eiilthm win be a stiset aietgnt rages of InewmedinwiMons and uhsranter that are ramlllar tn our I Mends. The Sun will aentlnneuihe I no utrenanna ad vivnte of reform and retreiKhmenl, and of the suhstitnlion nf atalerman-hip. wiwlnni and In tegrlit r hollow pretence,lmhesllltv, and fraud In tlui aatmlnlstratton nfpuhlln affalra It will contend for the government nf the iple nv the nsnple ami for the people, aa opposed in govern ment rv rraiHls in tne nauni nnx anu in tne oawnt Ine or votes, en fowled hy ailUtarv vin'enoa. It will entWsvor to supply Its readers a body new not far from a mil ikn or smus vntn tne most earefuL, onmplete. and trustworthy aeeounta nl current events, and will rawMy Inr this purpose a nnmerou. ant oarenniy srie'.tei stsa nt rejiori. ers ami anrrespnaikmts. Its reparts frem Wah Ington, esptwwlly. will be hill, a too rale and fear bus; an. I M will dnnhtlewsontlnua tnOssrrreand emnv the Kstred of those who thrive bv nmnder ingtbe 1reaor-or nsurnlng what the law does ant rive them, while It will ewtosToe lo siertt the oonfiiienoe nfibe pohlw.by detemlisg lbs rights mlhe people against tnesooraacnmenuioi unniati fled power. The nrwenf the dally goit will be M eenta a month ar HMD rear, post paid, or with Uie mi mat v etiitmn 7 7 a vsar. The "fttts day edutoa alone, eight pages, fl.M a vear. past laid. t Iw. W rrt lv Ht'H. slrht naree nfM broad ml. timas, will be himlslied during 177 at the rate of Via year, post nae.. The benefit ol this birge reduction from the pre vious vale for Th WkKKLY can he enior.l by individia! anhwDDers without the neoewitv of msklns: upoliibs. At themme Ihnellsny ot our tnemts choose iosiU in exiemilng out oin-niniion. we shall be gntteftil lo Ihem aiHl every sueh per son who Mnil"iii ten or more paiiers frnra sf plane will he entitled tntmeenpy ofihe nsper for lumeeir wlth'Nit cha'ae At one ueiisr a year r"MiHae puxl, the exposes o pasr and irtntlne oar iv rernnt; ann .insetenne iim w.r in ihe neet m.u tne nuaiity i us .-oiiieoim, we nn ,.i,nflilint tin imitils will eonfler IIIK Wfkkly .ik the eneaiel newspaper piibllhel in the worl.l. and we trtwt aio one nt tne veiv besL Address. THKSLN. New lork lltv.l Richardson's! New Method FOR Pit 0. A CARD THE riT.LIPnKKf,P.ELlEV,et:TlIE DE SI AND OK THK TIMES Knoi7Ll BE MET. HAVE Rtlll CEDTIIE PKH.'B orTHlf FAM OCH METHOD FOR THE ILNO-rORTE TO s cn I'HEY UKLIEVE THK PCBLTi WILL AP PRECIATE THE1K ACTION. TO MERIT AND EXCKLLENtT. THERE IS NO BOOK IT KOTJAL. IT STAMIU TIBRT AND FORE MOST. AS ITS PALER OF IIUNIiKEI OF THOUeAS I WILL ATTEPT. IB ATI RACT IVE, THOROUGH AND SUCXIIsrLL ITI6 OOXSIDKIiEIl BT ALL E AIR JCDAES TO BE THE PEKrKt.TION OF A PIAb'O IXSTKUO T1'K BtKIK. PRICE M aft. SENT PWSTJ PAlDFt RTHIB PRICE. w fetf WILD BV ALL MUpIO ASD BOOR DEALEII8, AND KtiED BY THE PRINUPAL TEACHERb IN THK UNITED CTATth AND CANADA. OLIVEtt DIT'N. Boston, kUwa, J. M. METZLER'S AN RE HAD IN ftALKM AT A MYKR. FurnUnrn Rooms, onlv, on CtHumonua root, tn Mar key's lllo,:k. The Best in the State. Catrfall and see thorn. Al' ' ik wnrrsnteo lefhirsoa. AH1 111 i"t ODD FELL0W nRECT0RY. Salem Oregon. HAM. AKI I.IHRAHY KlMIIS. X:M t'nmmomial and Prr stieets. Hour ol meellng Is as follows: Jsnmirv, Ftdiruary, Mart'h, April, Sepiember, tJ-or, Snvenilwr and He tiemhen 7;stl o'xln-.k, V. at., Msv, June, July and August, s nVln-k, H. M. Members irom other planes ara cordially In vited to altetu,, a (Tiikkkkfta l.olKir No. 1. Meets on every Weilnesilay evening. M M. Wilier, N. U.i Wa. Wsldn. V. (i.; M. I.. rasmirlin. R. H.; F (j. Monro, P. 8.; J.D. Jtinlau, Trviisurur Anniversary l.orsm 13. Meets evert Mondav evening. W. L. Wsde, N. N..Bfcrr, V. ti.; R. M. Hay H. 8.;T u. Ilarker P. 8.; Jas. Coffey, Treasurer. Olivb Loiwik, No. '.K Meets every Saturday evening. O. N. t'hnruhill, N. ; J4in llo'maii, V.U.; John Minto, K. H.; Saaioel Aiiolh Treas urer; Roliert 1 bompson, P. 8. WILLANICTTK ENOAMPHKNT NO. t. MeSU sstnnd and Imrrth Tnesiiar. of saob month, tieo. amuuws t:. P.; T. 11 ' Barker, H. P.; Waldo, 8. W.; 11, H. HI'fry. J. W.i C. at. Par. menieT, fiuribe.: J D. Jorlaii.Trsaurer OunFxXLtwM LtBRAKY.-Usmhers ot pat ronising Lodges, and ihnlr families, are entitled to free use of the Library, siihMot to the regula tion. Rooms msin every evening. Humlsv, ex vpted : npen, also, gundsy afternoon. lld Fel lows visiting Helem are made weloome. They will find a uhotoe sedition orhtstk., and an ample sup plr or uurrent literature in the room. The Hoard of Trustees ! ooni)H.ted ol tlui Trustees 01 the win. tribntlng Lnilavs. Time of mee tng, third Tlmrs. lav In eauh month. Wm. Wsldn J. li. Wnaht, iml J. J. Murphv of No. 1. T. O. Barker, tieorve Wllltr.ms ami F. '. t;hunihlll nl Nr. IA T. M Oaleh. E. M WullH and H. II. tiihrv n. No. IM F. 'i "-hwntka. Lihrarutn. aiiaiHfnlv si, 000 INCURABLE CASE. REWARD FOK A7i IK. IE BICUAI'K GOLDEN BALSAM. Alter ten years trial on tnix ooaat oari nrorei Xmtlt the onlreuratlveir. a certain ola of disease" prnnounoeil by ne.tl.l rnw-tltloners a hiuuratl. ur. LeRichau's GOLDEN BALRAM No. 1. nires Chonehn-s tlrst and sn-.nnl suges, bcres oa the Legs or IWyfr; Horn tars. Eves, h osr , Ac; Opperuolored Hlotes, hvphllltlo tatnrrh, Dis used Scalp, and ail primary forais of tl e teas known as tsypiillis, l'rk, 16 pur bntti 1. or twr LeRichau's GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2, joree Tertiary, Memorial, r-yii!IIUo .'Iheumallnni Painee in the Itoncs, Bsok of toe Naik, Ulcerate im ThroMt; Hypliilltio Rush, Lumps tnd im trauteil Cnrdn, htilfoens of the Lunm. 11ml eradl. .MUes all (Useaseetrom tbe system, whether caused hv indisoreuonor cause of mercury hnvlnr tin blonl pure aud healthy. Prkvu, (r per xiule, ot two for fu. Dr. LeRichau't GOLDEN SPANISH AN- UiloUi, tir Ihe t:ure ol UnnPortMsa, Cleet, lrratioo, brawl, and all ITrUiary or tienluii dl nrrangti-m.-nts. Price fJ ou jnr lutilc Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- eiulon, a wish and injecllon for severe mus-s ol (ionnoThtra. lnnAmmatnTybel.Htrtctt-eeaMdall dl-enseeof the Kldneysand Bladder. Fliee, II M' a:r bottle. Abio Ajronte tor DR. LE KICHAUfi IXiLUKN PlLIffr bemiuul Weaan'jes, -fright l.miliitu, bnpotnoy,aril all dlsBttseearising from Maeim ballon ami exoessive abuse. Prite, FS er bsttle. Tbe genuine tioLDKN IIauas In put npoult InrauniT bottles, tm re. tint ofurioo, these metb dinaswlll be send to all nuns of the oruntry, bv expnss ornsul, securtuy packed and xee fnan bwrvatioa. Sile agenta, C. F. RHTUaRDt) A X-, Wholesale and Reuill Inraggtsui and Lbemits 8. W.enrnrClay andSonaonie Streeti, KuiW Francisco. onaill.'dAwlr A KrTABI.IMIKD IH(!9. K. . & A. P. IiACi:V, AttornvyN-tit'Ii n "w , 629 Seventh St., Waanlncton, Z C. INVBKTtiKS. Wrt prnenre pnlnitt. In sll countries No at- TOKNKY ?KI-h IN AIIVANI'K. Nooliarirfl Unless tlie patent Is grnlel. No fees f.ir unking pre 'imlliary ejimlllSM'pnR No S'l'Mllniutl t-.-i l"ir obislning snd condiHi'li.g a relieurti(r. nimvmiI sllunltim given 10 lleri-i'ii.-e t u-es l.'Ii're the Patent tiffi.ie, Kven! n N-tore ConnreM in filngenienl Milts In ilifftirent St.u,-.. und all llllirii llon Npitttrtnlog to InvenTlons or I'liientH. riMi TAMI gull PAMI'Kl.KTt.lVINti KI LL IwKTtil.'C Tlu.MS. CKITEl) BTATEtl ClVItTS ANU llKl'AKTMBNTK Claims pmseviitiHl In the Knpreme f'nnrt of the f'nlteil atstes :ourt of I'lalnw.. 1 ourt sf 'onimi. .loners 01 Alshsms ('sims. s.utberiiClsmMi oni mi.slon, and a I utne uf war clftimi before the Executive Departments. ARKKARMOF r AY ANT BOUNTY. Orrt'-KKH. wil.nrrHH. and kaimiks nf Ihe Inle war, or tlsslr heir-, are In manv csw- emit left to mnnev from Ihe government, of whh'h ihov have no Knowledge. Write full history of service, snd slate amnuul of tiav nnd iHiiintv receivo.1. I,n- cln .tsmm autl a toll roplv, sfter eAauili.aton. will be given you without charge. PBNHtvNS. All OITn-Kii. Hn.liri. and HAiLOUk wonnd ed. mptiireil, or Inloreil In the Isle wsr, howe.er slMhtly. an' enutle.1 toaml can otin a pension. fftrrEDSTATVaOENKBAL LAND IjKTlf'K. (,'onte"tl Iud In.. Prtvaio land 1 Ismw, Minine;. Pre-emislon and llotne.i.il t "sis. pro-e- citted ls-fore the t,eneral Laisl Odlje ami Dejwrl- inamtol the Interior. LA NT) WARRANTH. We pav cash for Bonntvljwid Warrant... ai.d we luvite eorresiHnlem'C with nil imriten hnvtig any fnr .ale, and give lull and rxnlletl instruc tions when! assignment are itnpnrieci. We conduct our hiiflneee In simte Bureaus, bavtnti thernin theolerleal seeistaie-e of ulilc and cxMrlonced Inwver, and give our clowst pir snnal snisirvMon to every Imiwrtsnt tpi-r pre pured In each cai. Promirtwt attHiiiion thusiss curedtoall business entrtisteit ton. Atklmes R. 8. A A. P. LACtCV, Attormns. Wahhiniv)n, l.r. Anv terson dcirlnr informiitlm as to Ihe standing and resistn.lllliiy "f tlw loeml.-r. of tlie firm will, on reipiest, be fitm!ihel wuh asntl.l'nc torv roference in his vicinity or f)ni;r'Stmal dtstrtsa. adjustableIpring bed. UAUTLETT'S PATENT, June SI, 1870. A LUXURIOUS BED With Onlt a Sln-le Mattraiw. f For Dnrablllty, Cleanliness sml Adjustment, ft has no eunsl. , IT JH KCOffOMICAL AND NOIHRLXSB We challenge envnpansnn ltb any and ev ery other Mn-tng Bed. TARE AN AIIJI-StTARIF kPRINO HKW. On trial If de-treft, at the msnnraomrsrs risk, t ' bereturnetl In sua week If not entirely sausfae " lory. HOLIDAY MUSIC BOOKS Tim) SiArndid Fofvnws of Vesenti The World of Son If EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES II TherelH nnqtiestlonahly an other roroeuy 1 so certain in Its elfei-ts. AHfTHMA. WIN TKU iill 'iH. KUONIinrm and DIMOttDKRe oi the THROAT alike yield to its influeum. The Oif n-t uielu-ul testlninny stales no better cure fur ItKMe cemplalnts exuls ! now proved by over half a century's experience). Ttioj- contnln no opium, morphia or any violent drug. kFATINOt COLLI! UrZKNUeA. pvwpareil by Tllo.MAe KKATINb, liondon, nrtlain. iiresuhltiy all Drim irlsts. Arents fortliePacillc(iast.lf3l.,UTU.N, ViAfTinVH HI ran Fransillsro. Iaw43dp PHILlIAEMOfflC PIANO Tin KjmiiKLY w iwrni'MiiVT pn.ieesirtrig al) fheellltu, fiualrtw-sof more eKpenstv.?and hjgber.prvl Pinisx Is offered at a lerwer prlle than anv similar .me now in the mar ktt. Il Isduralile, vlth a nuarnidooit Mine hard ly surpuesmi awl vet it can ts' pwn-Iiasiat prviss awl on terms within tbe reach "H ull. This instru ment ha all the iivilm impruvenaiius. lni-hKling the vtlerout .VnTsHe' lr.hlennd U fitly wur r.u-J.-l. Clrtrux.!:. nulieii. WATERS New Scale Pianos H1TEHS f OXf EUT0 0 PC ANN Priee la BUa H3.B0. 1usti83.00. una Ilarnly have we issued a bonk of songs ttsilm!. Imt siwh a varlelv of really llrswilaw anl imptt ler Vocal Music, 2.V) t ig".' full -het-t Music, nto, fconss by nearlv til., ttiffernnt eomiioser., ami among the coninosltion are many Such gems as Come lo mo qiiickl)," tJ 'Idee Liks ere hll vr," "My HcartH Beat L "!,' -.-tie's a Homiv, ohe'sa psey,"auu itiiiai.t vvq.ipuoorwiii." We publish 19 valuiihle colli..nms uniform with the Wiiki.ii" and "t.KMS." Moud for ('atulngue ol "Hdmk Mphii ai. Liiikaky,' nisi soleclone or more of Its booksfor ChriitmMs. Gems of the Dance! A Ckmtpanion to thr frurtous" fVems oSiruuss.' S3. 50 In Hoards, H3.IHI lolli, MMuil Tbe 'Kkwh or ivtkai'ism" hail a wonderful suc ess, and this new work is fully its ennui, and contains the recent "Htrainsi" pieces, and many others by (tiing'l, Lamm be, Faust, I ne, ZUnff, and other eminent co mooter. T.fi psires. full Mwnt M"lc bub, well ft I It: ' -villi Waltzes, l.alops. Polkas, wiuuiriiies, etc. LltherUsik msllcd, poJt-lree. for Retitll Price, OLIVLR DITJ, BUin. NOW 13 THE TIME TO Noised ru PHinwc. .... mi 1 l .aTlilrls....SS Off Klngte .. M ft. W B. CROSSOTC, Proprietor and Manufacturer, (kata 'trsst, gnlem. Oregon, dsuttf DAVIS' TURKISH BATHS ON" , Commtprlal Mreet, alm. J Slnfjle Balkw. sm Aallar Ttefcrla. teas atallara per al eat. Miawer Bnttsa wrllk MiasatpawMilais, tuts renta. LAntm-A'terr.nnns from or ii in n. L-SIlt MIIUUV. S.M I IV A t F . ' - '. -... n. ... . '.tw, niiemiani. : - - .- n "i i 10 leu, awe i all ttsy Htrndsy. A gunlli train internum. -ALI. Af ELECTRO MAGNETIC BATTERT For those who require it. CA1I letters nf tminlr; pmrnptlv answeroL "IH MRS. Ilt. A. L. DAVIS. Vitrified Stoneware Pipe 1 be maternal known lor Hewers. rnlvmfjL ' lr snd t'islern llmln- ,. is-. .11 m.. .... . - - ...... vii 1 iiuiinr Wm livti ntnr .in. I mi tw .i. ...9 healthy, send In y m urikrrs. ... A. IK. NMTTH A CJO hiMJm 'Inena Vista, tigs ILLUSTRATED PAPER - Pages clHjice reading with over 1041 KiianivJ ingsot ire(ion. vtatningion lerruoryanj BrtOli Coiiimhia ncenen, fur Si.50 Per Annum. An cv'vjfViit KM;nl.v,Ionm;t! aivi flv k'.mi lt kr.rwr Ut wiiri ti frihiula, Lf srsut I Mwt eto ,wil! to ny porm:iH"T nr Nnt L. SAMUEL, Ian 4af I'uliUweir. Port luntl, liregoa. t"J rimI Mot Kelluble Info.nwMon aismt the BL..h IIILl.s. Xorlhern Wv csTung aivl tin! irreut In'hnn vtivr wtl hImhvs 1st round in tlie Cukvknnk Mi I LEADER D I frttibte'ttr1 1 i..'i.i.;it...t ni Ri n ''"-f I'u-Kii n. i in lCn. ULHVil Vt'eninir. Iiaili-. 41 11 mouth-! a inr ; aa 1 1 a n ! Weobt". 3m. l- in ll.ja I wur, U 1 1 I V , l,wnirigl-m,Miot. II.Ui.am . nil I .1 K.b.'lilrf-r. t hnvroie. Wvusatac. IMkaVW PATRONIZE CEEGO.i IK3USTRY. Vi e Manutsciure sad Swll at ourj ' STEAM POnER WORKS. luttar Pota, Jan. Cboraa, Juca, jq.uk rsn, x lover fata, Hasetng f Bankets, Ctiimnry Floes, rirw Brink, "Well Tnultac, Sewer an Water lrps aU siiunu Mr Centatje' LlNIIIENTS. Thlolclft. Nurrat and Cheap PbystciMna w.MmMul 1 m 1 , .i. . - 1 - w,,,, .nti rnrnrrs neoisra lhat no suclt remeilles nave ever before Iwea In k.iw-w, 11. ,u win iTmini trial nettles In imsllenj men. argil, and will namu . f "n'Ulieilory reeslu than have ever bukira bswa ohliuisid. The IsnUnr I.Inliuent, White Wrapper. will mire If hiHimnun, it 1 1 .. , . . - immnw, l,nnilSi0, OOS- M nn'i Hmnsts, Kore Nipples. Frnatstl F. wi,.i.in m, riwuiiiiijn, onraiiie, aim any orUs ' 11, ....... . f . Tf Will HlHill ftWk wtliwu. a Mi 1 . , . . . " I" mm Ull-I Kb. . aim neal burns or scalds without a scar. Lock jaw. Palsv, Weak liauk, (akeil Rrossts, EaranlKt, Toothache, lich and Uuanwius Lmialun readilv elo il lit II, Imuihii.1 ' ' ' ilonrv Bla.dt, ef 4.U, narttln Ca, Ohio, save "My wife has bail rrmunutism for live years ns rust, no l.rp, -bwW aaroely mk across the ftrs.r. Hbe le now completely cnrid by tlie nse lnt:iur Lliilmeut. Weall lee, thankful to yon. and recommend your wonderful medicine to aU m-rfrmnds." Jnmos Hunl, of Zanesvtlln, O.. av; Tlie tien Uiur Liniment cured my Nnurnlgis " Alfred Tush, of Newark, writes: "Kend me enr doien bottles by exprnss. Ihe Linlminit hfce mv.i ui.t iv. 1 wuui. tuuisiriunie lu Ac" 1 he tale of this Llnlnsml is increasing rapidly TbeCwaaasmr MnliMeut, Yellow Wrin-, la for Ihe tongh skin. Hush and miiMik ot' ' IIOtlaKS, lirui A Ll AMI AX. We have nere.- yei seen cie of Knavlr. SwriBiiT. Klng-lsme, Vlml-gnll,8crutchiwor Puti F.vll, which this Liniment would not sissslil lienent. and we never saw but a lew eases vlilc It would not cure. It will cure when r.ivthin. It is lolly to nwt t-'tl. for a f arrier,' when one ilollup'. wimh .,f i-k.u..- 1 . ... - ' " t " v-,.,.,l ..IIIIHHlIlt Will U I bettei . The following If. a sample of the tcstlmoni! Toduood: jBFrr.H.v.iv. mo., sor.10, 1H7S, "Home time aco I was shlmiiur horu. m na L011I1. 1 gm one badly crippled In the car. Wlia greiiidltlicu lty I got lum to the suible, on Foarm your Centaur Liniment, whs-h I nsed with siSH? in iwo uavs me nurse was as actiw and nearly well. I bsve Isjen a veterinary snr-' geon for thirtv yews, but your Lin tmenl bead, anything I .ver used. A. J. MVARTY. Veterlnsrv Surgenn."' 1 For a p..uiK! sisinn wm wtli mall a Vtamur Ak mUllSC. IWintMlnitlff l.niulr.-l .. ,,! .... . ereryHai D , Lnlon. Tbwsi Liiiimeiils an miit susi i.y an aeaiere in tire country. Lutrfrmtory of J. . Rista A Cri t! Dky in S i.-w Ton' Ui-te. It uili beh ind ri'jRIwr gags I ; Iliiyntwn, isi., Mothers. CrMtortsi Is the result nf W vutrs evts'TlnsWilr-t bv Dr. Ktrmiel Pitcher, ot Musni,-hinftt. It Is ( vegKuhle preiaratltio as efie-itlve ss I astort ism ntctiy ni.ia.unt m tne ui-te. 11 vsn is' en ijy tne yonngeei iiiuini. am' gnuws. trr. ,. j, ureen, ot of K: Hiuk I have trietl the Canrla and ran ess. Wirtiiynr its im rlu. It wlll-I think, h swav 11 ilrely wnfc Wtor nil: ti. is pi'mwri srsl hHrntkn.l sun is wortilerltiily etheai'tous iv. aii aiNirv.-itf.ui 1 Wtituw. it e tti verv trunu-. I Tbe f tLin d.'Kr'os worms. e.vr.Lit u-1 1 ;imis.h. runt Wind t'-itu. -iiei isrinjt-'s' t. t:t- f al rtuH!.y eiiieii. It le v.erj ill.-'Ss-'U Ui t ne.i 1 slel n-r Ae.C'.ningt.'U.l-ir.-s-. ri.KWM i ihs i Me til Lbs t.im.:l. hwI Lb-itor 1 St m l.-S s-v rtetn lr. Is .-Jt.Ktit. It OisSe ImJ li vj.ie kit WranWrtevf . It Hi. A Oa., ' Iv -a . Xss '.'is as '. i-d ll I