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About The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1877)
6 WEEKLY -OHEGOT'.. 8T1TESIA5 FRIDAY" Mit25,lS7J, MKAM ZAtBKiK OltlnX, I. 9 tt, W. ' Tha Grtnd Lodgi., L O. O, F convened in Odd Fellows' Temple, in Portland, Tnesdsy the T3tu, Grand Master J. N. Dolph presiding.. We publish from the Mercury the Grand Secretary's T.oport, and tlo election of officers: "From the report of J. M. Baron, Grand Sec retary, we extract Ilia following items: No. initiated during the year 571 No. admitted by card. .. lid iVtal membership, Pee. Slat, 170 2,S:I1 f' Miot paid for year ending Dec. SUM, 187C... 511,873 J Total annual r.-oe-ipts fr year aud- inn Dec. 81m. 18TO. ..: aH.UH 14 Number of Hrotueis relieved ' S'fi Widows " -gg Lodges in Oregon 00 " , . ,' ' Wash. Tar... " iUatioler... v. i AOtal number of Lodges iu tup . -Jariecuuuon., . ... 73 The Grand BecrotiryV Import, as Actual y of tan Widows' and Orpin us' Belief Association, -1mw nine eloaltw of members and $ft,521 as the Amount paid by the Association Jo their surviving relatives and friends. " ' - omcsxs elk-ted:" ,i.t the election of officers to-day tho following uanaeu arsons were ulcered: V. J. Bncxlgrass, ofTJuionconntj, Most Worthy Graud Mailer; Sear? II. Gilfry, of Saloin, night Worthy Dep uty Grand . Master; John Keuworthy, of East i"ortland, Right Worthy Grand Warder.; J. M Dacon, of Oregon City, Right Worthy Graud ttocretary; I. K. Moores, of Saltra, Right Wor thy Grand Treasurer; J. F. Backenato, ot Alba ny, Right Worthy Grand Representative to the Airand Lodge of the United States." At AY.MtAY M HOOW. J.- f r 8tE, Miylitb, Is;?. EBni'WiiiiIip.--I WPJlJost ny the Union Snnday School, at Uio T.k'tiy school iioose, was organized April the 20th by the Iter. Botlingame, of Salem. Officers tleet il,llr. James Kenworthy, Superintendent; Dev. IBuriingame Assistant; Mr. A. H. Black, Becre tary; Teachers, Mr. Matborn, Mr. Perry Os uorn, Mrs. M. A. Workman, Miss Mary Mothorn. We will ray to all that are interested 'in improving society, and bringing up their children iu the nurture and admonition of the ILoru", go to work and organize a Sunday School ireverj District, and gather all your children inw tlH Bunday Scliool, it kia them from irpmding the Sundays iu a bad way. Teach iiiem tho word of God, it implants in their -ouog hearts good impressions which wili last iarewer, and whn they grow np they will join in with us and become pilgrims ar.d will jonrney -saifh uo to that better land when) troubles never como, Tike this mil tor to hear; meditate on it, and bo up a:ul doing while it i.cdlnl to-day, Xur to-ruorrow may never como with you. Go U workaail organize your Bandhy schools aud the Lord wili bless you and T'-ar children in lue geod work. Mas. li. A. W. itun of ftimmoii, AcorTOfrxiuiXtint writing from Astoria ukda vute of yeski day, says : The run of salmon is tin The increase, and the high price paid the f: shermen, causes thera to he reckless, in ven tariug neir the breakers on the bar.' The Kin ney's hare lost two men aud a net. The boat came on to the weather beach. On Friday one f Badollet A Co.'s came near being lost. The title was sweeping them rapidly into the rreafc ca, but by hauling in their net in all haste, without stopping to kill or take .the fish or of the net, they made, their escape, and when 1! -reached the cannery they found they had 110 ne Urge salom fast in tho net, for which they would receive $55. The fish were eaught in two hours. The fishermen are very reckless of i.ferrOregonian. " "'""' Urnnd luluu I'lciile At Gervais is announoedby pwsU-rs foi the 28th of Hay. The Sabbath School and Good Tem v iars of Gervais will hold a Union Picnic near .ervais on the date named. An addresa by . C.Hrooautdi, -of -Portland, tor the Sabbath behool ; and in the afternoon W. R. Dunbar, -Cirand Worthy Chief Templar, will lecture nn ' Temperance aud various other iuterestiug t.jpics." The announcement at this date that Uronaugb and Dunbar will ta .thtre and ad dreas the people is smffkfent to draw a crowd. J," o alcohol ie or malt liiinor allowed on the .ground. It is the intention to make this the at tractive picnic of the season, long to be rerneni Lered. ( VacwIMinle. Miss Cnamberliu's class in music will note with regret that the . but Saturday in June cioses up (until after the summer vacation) i'je very interesting labors of scholars and Tachrj,iDthe class-of vocal moaic i'ew Jhe j;inners can commence at any time prior to the -last Saturday in June, and all possible attention will be given them by Miss Cbamberlin. The "'little folks," especially,' will regret the neces Isary disbanding for the time. - " ' ; ""'"-" ie. ; '' In this city, May 16, 18T7, it half-past 4 o'clock A. M., Albert M., son of C. C. and Anna Xaasaker,geB 2 years sod & months. Funeral to-morrow at 4 o'clock P. M., at residence on ftsateatmet. JErjend of the family invits to laaam veuuu t, jatlll goes on just "over the way" this time it jrt a "bran new," way up awning and C. W. Jiuaw A -Co. and Dr. Golden are to be immedi alT,bnefitrfl thereby, as well as the passrrs .'''jrriirrsista. K Herren, Farrar A Co. will bny all the good vA offered at the high"t nurkot rates fcr ariaiiu. Wijol grawomaMd Biwehants wilLfluil it to their iuterests to call on theegeulleroeu. M ;i , twining. " - - . ; '' Too cpeeial committee to investigate the tHiirim against Judi-'e Grover. will soon . be in or State, ami the Democracy are still unhappy. " Huowslluw. W. li. Riauchard, at Dallas is keeping a B"'"1 iouso, and is well patronxel. "Ha l.i:" how t, lie-p liutel." ' liu iu or Em tt tint the Evening Uatndard, Por tland mili put on (morning) airs tory toon. qt'AitTz infTKBESYs1 or Vk From the "Journal of Commerce" we con- denso some items, showing partially the work ing power as applied to mining process, by the number of stamps required and used iu crash ing the oro. We find that the mills notvd as amounting to anything, have in use twenty-five hundred aud seventy-three stamp, aud fnrua cea that use up fire hundred tons per day, re ducing ores tliat cannot bo worked by the ordi nary process. The "California Mill" alone working, by fnrm'.ec process, three hundred tons per day. The ' Con. Virgiuu" mill uses 60 stamps. The 1 roduct of the various mines iu Nevada is aim ply immense. A gentlemau well known In this city as a sharp, wido awake business man now a resident of Virginia City, and thoroughly posted --esticutiji, froru fiuiua aud data iu his possession, that the product of tho Virginia City mines proper--fur the twelve mouths, ending January 31st, 1S7'1, from a district three miles long and one h.iif mile wido, was sixty million dollars. This being true, the "bottom" has uot fallen out, notwithstanding croakers and achemcrs would aeeiniugly make it appear so. The "bottom'' u ill bo falling out just as long as it is to the tuierestsof those mauipu- lating stocks to u,.ikd it so appear. It is true, in the face of fact- and figures shown as to the product of tho nines n ferred to, that stocks have been held at "speculative" figures and dealt iu without any special reference to any backing or intriusto value- -so long as 'stock sharps" and "brokers could be found to manipulate yot thoae best informed have no fears that "time ia up" with the countless miliums of Nevada. The bniiion ia there, and sober business takes the place of "kid glove" speculation, then tho uiiuea of Virginia City and Nevada will reimburse by actual bullion, aud uot paper legitimate umatiucut. A rent Xtonf)- enter. The iiothchilds cf the Pacific Coast concen trate their wealth iu the "Bay City," and im mense capital is represented at this great com mercial city. The prominent bank represent ing untold millions are Bank of Han Francisco, Bank of California. Bank of Commerce, First National Gold Bank, National Gold Bank and Trust Company, Grangers Bank, Merchants Ex change Bank, Picnic Dank, Wells, Fargo A Co., owias-American Bank, Nevada Bank of Ban Francisco. These are only the principal of the prominent banking institutions of Han Fran cisco, to which may be added private banking j houses without- number, representing the wealth of the Pacific Slope, aside from the vast sums of foreigu capital thrown into thin monied circle. Ban . irauciaco to-day ia the richest little town" cf latter day, nure wealth. greater enterprise, greater scnemoa to insure succeett, or failure, aud a population, gathered from all nations, representing every slnde cf civilization, ready aud wiilitu?, with the great lever capital, to movo "on the worka" of any giganuc enterprise th it has any clement of suc cess attached. I'P tA r.tVEMJIIfti The O. S. S. Company's steamship Geo. W. TUder sailed from Ban Francisco for Port land, yesterday morning, bringing ing LIST OF rS3MfVZ3s: the follow- CaptG W Hall, Mum Lizzie Boyco, ii E Powell, F L Trott, G Ij Plimpton, 8 Noon, WUlw Elus, B neld, ilrs HUderhrand, H llosener, J Davidson, J Wertheiuicr T P McKeustrv A fain, W O Leary, B Vonnamon, Henry lUMUteld, K Oiburn, Miss J Lock, M Hose, J D Dement, W K Hpoul, N W Breariy, j J Jacobs A Hob, I H Levy, Vi I' Hammond, a C Hall, , ltev Atkinson. ltev J (J Biue.. -tt. Keve J.M Boss wf A sa,H Borustciu, J V Hard 4 2 chlurn Mm Mom Mias Johnson, C Thompson. Mrs Russell A child, b G Hkidmore, E N Chandler A famly, (r Bobinson, M J Bnawl, J B Chapman wf A ch, C Tingry wf, Mrs Conn & daughter. i Morris. W li Dimmitt A wf, r t Tflenser A wf, A G Mitchan, W H Gertes, W O Bruen, 8 W White & wf, M Johnson, Quarter Century. Fourth of July, 18T7, will cloae up the history not of a life time, but a quarter of a century in the history of the tint Congregational Church of this city, and thechureh, as acburch, proposes a suitable celebration oranniversary looking to the next centennial of the history, and prosperity of tbet-hnrch, siuae the organi sation on July 4th, 1352. It is somewhat re markable, but true as remarkable, that only two ministers, or pastors, have been employed by this church, Revs. O. Dickinson and P. B. Kuight, Rev. Dickinson retiring at hit own instance, to engage iu secular pursuits. Rev. P. B. Knight the present pastor, has filled the pul pit very acceptably for a large share of this "Quarter Century," and there ia no dispositien or feeling that would give him up. .This end ing of a '-Quarter Century" should be celebrat ed or observed in a suitable manner. . !. KnilroMI tteaie, ; - Under the' auspices of the .Portland Torn Verein, for the 37th of May, at Aurora. .. Every arrangement hat been made by gentlemeu, fully competent, for carrying out a programme that will wake tins proposed picnic, all that's "down In the bill.". Excursion" train will leave Albany and Portland, carrying paasengsn at special rates. Two German Brats Bands will be on band and ever; species of -amasement that ffcrs entertainment, suitable in character, will be placed nnder contribution by the Society having the management." .Elsewhere will be found particulars as to time, place, etc. " all fornix Imaaltrratlwa. Several "Immigrant" teams from the "dry sand" of the South passed through the city on Wednesday, and j:et they (the immigrants) were not happy for they were running (hull) down the "Sound country" aud Palouse, in the far distaue-e. This party were six weeks, overland from Southern California. They bring discouraging repot to as to the titter bar renness of largo portions of California. A large immigration from Calilorma will fiud honic-s and employment in the country where it rains. f There- is rr-om.j j JMeutr t:aritrHioii. ! P. Wauc-i- and G. Custendicek, r f Portland i Turn V.-n-ins, were in tho city Wcliio-dar, I making arrangement" loosing tuB,a excursiou for the 27th, at Aurora. rARAURArMlV Pinnies. . ,7 " . ; Buineaer. "Floral Festival." ' Cooisnd cloudy. "Wbat'a in a name?" What you call it. Lost an opportunity. ' ' How's your title? Read up. Found a "golden moment." "Pull down your vest." Ripe cherries in Portlaud. "Not a ripple" in polities. Buy 'your wife a "new dress." Btiiiiuess tpiiet larmers busy. "Over the hill" and iu Polk. Immigration from the "Bouth." Remember tho "Blind Musician." Htarr Bros, were "let out" of Jail, Dress up" while times are good. Southern Oregon mines looking up. Salmon are running Into the nets. Oregon is showing its "gayest dress." W. 11. Watkindu "an honest farmer." Oregon weather. In the "Springtime." Tho Overland Store is a thing of the past. Everything is preparation at the university. Get your "store clothes' ready for tlie loth of June. "Boniheru breezes" olteu bring (rain) trouble. If you gc liur.ting ("land grabliers") take a good shotgun. Wool, wheal, and salmon are cash, Unity $ pieces and h g3l tenders. "Too much" lager beer, wad the cause of "too much" uoiso, yesterday. Crossen is on State street w ith an immense stock of spring beds and they are for sale ting spring. If two mules and two horses doa't make a "four horse team," how many mules and horses will make a (pack ) train? PERSONAL. Maj. Oeo. Williams has gone East. Surveyor-General Bimpson passed Soulh Thursday, for Roseburg. ('apt. Tichenor, of Port Orford, was in the city yesterday. "Pacific Life" Cads a livo representative in W. U. Flint, who has gone to Roseuurg. Samuel Robinson, of the firm of Miller & Richards, passed South yesterday to Roeeburg. Stanley, of the Monmouth Messenger, was in the city yettenlny, looking t a dressing up, and ew press. - Mrs. W. n. Odcll cam? frrci . Ditjco City yestt-rday, aud l:cr "c!d tiuie" niil find her at the-Chemeneu. E. 1'. Dorris, of City, cam up from Portland last evtnins, from attcudinco at t In Grand Lodge I. O. O. V. Officer Minto returned from Portland JWed- nesday evening from a "business trip." Thcro is uo use "fooling" with John. . Mrs. A. N. Morse, of St. Helens, has been spending some days in the city, visiting friends and relatives-- as well, will return to 8t. -Helens possibly to day. Winfield 8. Waters, Deputy from the U. 8. Marshal's office, came tip on the evening train, bound for Dallas on ktisineas connected with the office, and of course private. W. H. Taff, bill poster, and a lire man for the work you give him to do. "Tse rlghf'man in place will app.y with force to Taff as a bill poster. Give him your -orders. 'He can be foimdat the Chemeketa. Fphraim Martin, from Bay City, Michigan, and a very intelligent gentleman, was In the city yesterday looking for-a location for business; b seems well pleased with the general features e the country, but thinkB Salem "rather finished not in completeness but too fast for the country." mining Outfits. Beveral gentlemen "rigged out" regular "miner style" with "packborse," "canteens. "lots of grub" and "cookery" suited to a wayfaring" life passed through the city yester day, and were evidently bound to each other in some secret compact not to divulge all they know about the mines they were going to but tbey were evidently on a "still hunt" for "Mud Springs" or you can guess the rest. IjmtUc HeetlnK. There will be a regular meeting oi Pacific Lodge, No. 50, F. A A. X., this Friday evening, Kay 18th. The D. 0. U. visits the lodge, offi cially. All brethren are cordially and fitter nally invited to be present. T. U. Col, ' Secretary. ftaelal Meat Ilea. "Gathering Home" A quartette as sang by Misses Felton and (May, and Messrs. Kelly and Crandall, at the Blind Musician's Concert on Wednesday night, was one of the happiest ef forts of the evening's F.stertainment. - ' BClsawl rsSMle. The "little folks" of the public schools will bs on parade today drsed in the "latest touch" from home. Th Teachers trill look af ter the -amusements -on the grounds near the residence of Mr. Rush, the banker. Hope est t. The "newsy," sensational (?) papers are try- l ing very hard to get this little matter "fitted" to ' suit themselves, and a tho points involved are ottuftioit-ut to settle "the war" let it go on IteenllXI. Tho appointments of Rev. J. Bowersoi.P. E. st the Evangelical Church Friday and Saturday evenings next, are recalled oa account of sick iiess In his family. . IlKrsiNOKa. 'I lie Kltler Bteamer arrived m Portland Thursday morn in", with "500 nasaeugera" o reported and still the steamers sail from San Francisco ever five days. Hmis's ITvonoui Balm preserve's and r 'ores (be eomtilexion : reOKives friekles, ta ji-i , wa. tUc s.-tu -'-It, white X delicate. Its ap;lleatiou eauoot be doubted. 'IHIKTV -YITK" '.JIT Borne people appreciato one tuiug and uthsrs a "thirty-tire" cent ahow. Yen tea it is Im portant that figures bo given, to help us out in the assertion "people appreciata" (that is to be plain) "thirty-five" cent thows. If a traveling, irraepoiisiblti mountebank throws I. is "traps" In sight in tho shaiw of "you wytl a.v a gold watch, anu you may draw a psm-il" tUo me cess of tlut"show"is assured in n l ousing linuso, entliusiastie In nmulmrs. Al Reed's Opers House, a few nights aj;o, the densely packed house will bear wituess of thetriilhof uuras sertions.and implios that merit ami talent stunj uo show In tho seale, when rnunterbalanceil by that which is worao than child's play ami tom foolery, not even approaching the dignity of a "trick show," but tho most Cniitotiilibl farou that over humbugged a community. Without dragging any into a participation in the fraud referred to that were not there knowing that it will be difficult to find any one that was there; yet the house was filled, as iu formed by Heed 4 Cox, who were by their peculiar position Agents for the Opera IIoiiso compelled to be thera looking alter their building, to sec that the fraud did not "get away" with that. The point ia definitely settled tnat the "house was filled" by somebody -aud what for? At the risk of seeming a little harsh will only sug gest a fair, legitimate and reasonable solution anel in direct opposition to merit, or talent, and ask the reader if tho conclusions are uot war ranted by the facts? Iu this great "Lottery of life" there are prizes, and almost every oue hopes that t hoy may, porchanoe, draw- a twin ning number, and THAT is tho idea carrieel out, plaiuly spoken, (hut tho truth) tint in one case tills Reed's Opera House, and enlertainments that oiler to the same pulilio real merit anil the higheatordcr ol tuleut tind receptions as to numbers, uot complimentary to the boasted iu telligeuce of the Capital city, An.srn Pintle. Arrangements are fully completed tiy the Turn Vereins' of Portland for a grand culmina tion of "picuioa'.for the 27th of May, at Aurora. An excursion train will leave Salem at 10:15 A. M. of that day, returning at a seasouablo hour in the oveuiug and carrying passenger at very low (special) rates. Portland and Albany pro pose bt-in:; "counted in" as participant of this excursion arrangement, as trains will leave uotn places i i the morning of that day, tho 27th. Ttta Germans at Aurora have beautiful gardens, and furnish the best music in the State, and every puce of it will bo thereon "dress raraile." If this proposed "picnic" eiiurnion is not a sue- cess, iu all tiiat is promised, ty roasou of the public not availiug theniaelvea of this opporln- j nity, it will certainly not bo tho lauit of tlioso having the management. "Fix up" your ar rangements should ta- r.iade to bund to lliis lUiiruad Finnic. In Tb v'tin-; n.n t t 1 t.. br ttf- Portland .-t , to h-" in lucli paters Waltc r Robin although the- pajwrs il" nn! give thr iiatiiu of th "prandfather" that '-died in Cincinnati or! only that the news osme front Cincinnati" as t.. I that it matters tint, why tlii.s WalUT did havo a 1 ratidfather -a verv nice oil -iiti.-nian, audi TAI.KNT-AKIt wealthy too, re-sident of Yamhill county, by 11. O. Parker, on the Ulh. No chloroform was ad namoot Jackson, and from our knowledge of j niinistore-d, oncoiiragouKiit at.d pivsjitsit of euro the old gentloman. as touching bis relations ( induced her to bear it. he. lnvia acquitted with the aforesaid "Walter," the chatioea are himself with his usual ability; his pleasant good more than eveu that if Walter prove himself- nature and coolness inspired all with coull worthv of remembrance, in tho "latter days" ; donee and the result lasucoesH J. P. T. be will probably be twice in luck -providscl he has bad two " grandfathers." New IH-pni Sure. Our fellow townsman, "Op" B.-ott, has taken a "naw departure", iu ominous, in the interest of the leading Hardware House, of Portland, Hawlay, Dodd A Cu. "Op" is to tie the the traveling agent for tho sale of machinery and Agricultural implements ol ail kinds, and lylhiug eUe in fact in the hatdnaro line. The house Mr. Bcott represent have shown in j tlieselecton of traveling ag..-nt, ijood business j sense, as .Mr. Scott Ls certainly popular in tliLs eotftity. Hliuil .tlmlrlHit'e (oiicerl. The Entertainment Wednesday evening at Reed's Opera House, by Prof. Wood, the Blind Violinist, assisted by Saloni musical talent, was all that the Professor promised. There was a fair audience who were highly entertained, and the unfortunate gentleman carries with him the warmest sympathies of this people wherever he may go, and we speak for him good houses, as he ia a musician of more than ordinary talent. Plentas This time tt will lie "over in Polk," near the Highland school house on Tlosfisrd's Bttttc, time named Saturday, May 2!tb. The ladies in the vicinity of Highland school house hare this picnic on their hands, and intend making every preparalion necessary that the "llttla folks, aud others, may have a good time, Capt. Bcott was yesterday calling oa his numerous friends and from his manner and expression--exceedingly pleasant method re minding his customers that (rain) street rprink- lintr in the capital eity costs money. His cus- tomert responded tor rear of t "drouth." auroral tun ln. A pleasing custom, of tribute to the memory of our dead heroes, will he generally observed by ill the loyal citizens of this nation, on the 30th of May. It is hoped that this beautiful cus tom of decorating the graves of the slain will find observance even here. "Bess. '" ' In the changes incident to lumuiii life and ex perience, the "wheel of fortune" w.-nds round to the top suddenly and -K. K. Miller makes a "good boss", of the Halem Oat Vorks-"ad in terim." Anulltrr Move. This time it is the hay scalo of Farm' Bros to a more conspicuous posilion iu close prox imity to ono of their stores 011 Contmeroiul street. lii!e t ftriilnK I City Treasurer. M- M. Miller, f;ivs tiotiof! tt d.iy to partio" holding City il r, that will lw ol inb-ri it if you read it. Kotll .I'.nu!:' i;-t of ''M'.'Cviinie'.'s i I being piddled throuyh our slrcta. ITEMS IN BRIIF. . Steamer tn? Tss tsasMr't In. -;'-"Floral frtstlTaf-feast of flowers. ! " ' Alleghanians and Swiss Bell Ringers. "Glories or night" fade iu the nioruiug. "Conscience makes cowards" in the dsrk. Blightly breewy. Di I you ever see (a) breene? Weather, "cold and calculating" for a frost. "Hurry up" your boats tho moon is "light ing out." hero does "young love lio dreaming?" Oa a bed of roses. To-niorrow--"Vigil of Pentecost," and fast day, with Catholics. Comic Oporaaiid--"the English "when they return from Walla Walla. Is it any sign tbat wood is coming down when you see it falling off a wagon? "The blazing light of the nineteenth contury' ths hoaellight of a locomotive. "A city of sawdust, saloons and Sainton," is tho way a strauger "puts tip" Astoria. "All over this broad land" is not very ox tensive, when applied to Rhode Islaml.J Commercial.street is not a Rood place torun trotting horses "in the summer time." The Grand Lodge I. O. 0. F. of Oregon, after a ploaaaattroalon, sdjonrned last night. "What's the usoof orylug ever spltt milk?" It depends entirely on the quality of the milk. "Local Optiou" as a law lias boon vetoed iu Massachusetts. Rough on the "local" or the law. "Starr Pros" are agaiu makiufi "Uronbe for tliemselvoe ami will not quietly submit to a wrong. Strawberries in (ono sealo) markot nud plenty of silver iu your pocket or don't any a word. "Catching st straws" "oatohing trout iu Galea Creek" is the way it ia clone else where. Street sprinkler doing good work but the town's too big. Dust raises (thunder) on tho "outskirts." Buggested only as a name for the "Salem Boating Club's" boat, being built- and no name --the "Quickstep." I would like to be a (Grangor) farmer, and, with a big ranch "stand in" with thorn -for big prices in the autumn. AH the outgoing steamers find full carge of saluiou, at Astoria. That may be called salmon "running" by steam. "Remember the 22d" approaches "mnch- i ly" a you may be disposed to say thore is "no I peace" without strawborhos and cream. Tho "new sty! i of bonnets" has its "draw I backs" and tin- ' old fashioned" "Finbacks" had I tiit-ir "Priilli.iok!-" but as "lifawbacks" are the Int. -S tii" litilics will not "go-buck" on style. I lltlUI .MI Sl linirn:; r' ;at&'.i vv About a do.n of us ' l'r. Davis uf Scio, uko n cancer out of the face of Mrs. Cornelius, at toe resub.-neeol Mr .N, ALHA.M IlKTt.V . O. Smith, dentist, returned from a trip east of the mountains on Tuesday. "Mud Bprings," was the excitemsut, and the prospects nattering for a " New Bonanza." Two firemen had a little "unpleasautuews, , Tuesday evening, after the drill, but aobody wss killed and the war suspended. Tho city is very lively aud general business good. A Db Lasd. People ar escaping as from a pestilence the "dry land" of Southern California, and their escaping is true in a literal seuse, slthough it may seem anomalous, yet such are the facts. California is sending out dologation after dele gation in search of that "better land" whore "dry laud" In the smse implied Is unknown. Oregon at this time soems to lie tho objective Mecca of the "way worn aud weary," that are seeking rest, aud a suspension of doubts snd fears, as a realization of their hoies, not attain able in a longer sojourn Iu tho land from whence tbey are pilgrims. Oregon Is a stran ger to drouths and (allure of crops, aud the so ber; industrious element of immigration can find here all the necessary aids to success. Ruai aess may teem quiet, but there it a feeling of security, calm aud deliberate, forcing conviction that the country is prosperous, in all that should make a people happy aud ooutooted, , ferwvtM Kyrup. auam M, Kept. 7, 1370. Dear Sir From early youth I was in feeble health, troubled with humor in my blood, waakness and debility of Die system generally; was unable ta labor . sauah, and; only at some light basiness, and thea euly with great aaution Seven yuan ago, the past spring, I bad a severe attack of Diphtheria which left my limbs par- alized and useless, so I was unable to walk or sit up. Noticing the advertisement of the Peav- tu Bintir, I concluded to give it a trial, tad to my great oy soon found my health Improv ing. I continued the use of the BratTF until three bottles had been used, add was restored to complete health, aud have remained so to this day. I attribute my present health to thu nse of 1'krcviax Brnur, and hold It in high estimation. I cauuot spsak - too highly iuiU praise. I have iu several cases recommended it in case verv similar to my own,, with the same good resnlts. Ifours truly, Chahu E. Pkauov. Front X. 1 lutU-ltfr, 1. Jt , of Mention X. "WiirAit's Balau w Wild Chumhv give universal satisfaction. It splits to euro a cough by loosening and cleansing tho luti,',-s, and alliiy 111 inibilioti, thus removinir tlo ciuso, instead of drying up tl c.oui(h and 1 avln tho cuise bcliiinl. 1 consider t!n IUlbam tho b.-st cottgli modicliie with whivU 1 ti.ii u "ti:i'..'.l." ti.'J. by all tlruaglitt. , 1 rrttvtTt nf iiioriitKrW"' j Many having used "patent" and prepared medicines and failrd in fitidiug tho rullef prum iaod, art thursby prtjndicod sainst all inedi- Oiiiea. Isndsrlghl? Would you condemn all physlciana becsttso wte Mlud in giving the re lief promised? Snmo go to California in search Of gold, and afhir am kinii liaid for mouths and finding none, return home mid say there is Uu (old thcro. Does tnht provo It? Many aulferlng with Catarrh , and pulmonary alTeotions have tisod thn worthless prepar ations thai crowd the market, uml in their dissppointmi lit ssy llteru is no euro for Cu turrh. Docs that provo it? Docs It not rathst' prove that th y have failed to employ tho pi'ojwr remedy? There are thousands nf people in the United States who call make an uflidavit that Dr. Bilge's Catarrh Rouieily mid Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Itiscovury Imvo etlectod their entire cure. Many had lost all senso of smell for mouths, and pieces of bono had rupoatodly been removed from the uasal cavities. loll ol honor. I'lkaiuvt Vikw, May 14th, 1S77. '' Dislrlot No. M. Nollio Delam-y, Ida Kmrns. Alioe Smith,, 1. uella J Manny, (iora lltinaaln'r, Belle Itarner, Mary Smith, George i'lurco. Eunice Harnet, Mia OlniRor, J'smuU) llumuiker, .Mug;;io Uunsuu, l'altiii;()linj;er, A tea Jtarnet, Adiliu H.iiiih, Arthur kVood, La B.iruet, CharU's Heuson. I.IIV ANIlKllHO-t. Toaclier. Glyde Parker, fine Mn. Prof, (latch ie(?ivt?d yMtnnlny, by WolU, Fargo 4 ('o., from thu Rast a very flue map size I9xlfi feet, for u. of tho University. The freight charges alom- nun: ten dollnrH, or mor than five limes the pricii of tin ordinary map. AiiiiiiiiI HrelliiK The meotiug ol' the Christian denomi nation cenimein eB at T):lH nln,, jronnds, on tho 1 1th uf June-, finally a voiv large num ber of people frontall part, of the State gather at the "annual uieetiiig ." I Lton's Ksthsiho.n nmltoi tieuutiful, glassy, luxurious hair ; prevents ii l!Jin out or turn ing gray. It has stood th. tost of to y.ars. I charmingly Corfu med, ami has no rivul. MI.SC'KLLANF.OUS. The Auoiil di'erllt.iliU. pi ieiiliev aii. I iii.-i live babit, in tv i ttio Kvltjin wi'l of li Itlllinia 1 1, lie, thu io- i of I hum,! I: ,!K . .(I,,.,, the i! ".up i -. ull.i,.. tr.iui a nn . -V. Hiil. :iv,i;,(.,l ,y .ninthly ti' W b'r Mii.l r.M'nMhltiir t.iiiiUni l'rriira;t.ii A r. tll KNT, I . v;;, . ... l.lllKAM'M Hi. I KKU u iin tinii.-ils. WSLLAMSTYt TRAKSP0STAT10N LOCKS COMPANY. viTirt:-riiK Kiii.i.nwiNii n.Ti-:s or o-s frelirlilon tlnim ninl r'loiir have been e taDlls'ai'il lit thUeinsillv a-Hie mormilltn rati-S for one yesti IV..111 Al iv l, l-)77, v,i: Per Ton. tl 00 1 7.. 1 7S 2 10 .. 'i in ..... 3 M -J .VI .... 1 '1 .Ml li 2 7.1 : no :i uo ;l wi o mi H M 4 en 4 uo ...... a 00 Orison t.'ltv I llollevilli. ' 1'ortbiiiil,, Chatuiioeg imvion Kairiteld Wheal laud . . Lincoln HHiont Kola niMTiien'lencp ; A 11 Sony' 1 l.urullng Bueua Viauc tiprhiK Hi II Alhsny . Cnrvaills ,- l'eoria Monroe ilArrlsburtr knxeiic ( i'v tlinln iiinI nn'tr "l t'.'om the DOlnls above nieiiliomst illrnel to .vsuum ll lw charged SI no IH.-rton additional. The companv win wl-.h partlrw who desire U 10 traurt i.riuoftinl Mmir at above raic lorauy ptciii..- tmi:. not eicijeuiiiu llvtl years. . li. KKKII. V!, l'n..l l,.,t w, T. A I.. .o. PortlnuU, Ajnil Js, Itii". iuiy 2.u- PAJNT! PAINT! Averill Paint, MI.V.KI JtKADT :F-ltitrK. ALL COLORS ' ' - - AND PURE WHITE. Weatherford & Co. m a. i; y 0 ic i; t o n . JONES &' PATTERSON, EAL Estate, INSURA HOE vft. is r.) Genor;"il Ago nts, Opera rSuso, lat-m, Oregon. fv,i!'i-i ti'bi.i;n'1"V" -r enwi;i.v ni lor graluMaus tustrmmioa aa atu leU7;dwtf V