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About The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1877)
6 WEEKLY OKEGOI . STATES2UI rut DAY I MAT 1. 177.1 riHKWoiiKo a Tr r nr. Kb. Btatkhnm: Tka public mind has uover bnou fully MttUiUud rogardiug Mt. Hood, mid the altitude, outlook from its summit, etc. There aro those who any that it is importable to reach the summit of Hood, and those "(lanles" who say they have, are mistaken about II. Those to on Hod "parties" with tqnal omphaiiii. eUte that M t. Hood's "heavy crusv" can liu roaohed, mid bring very convincing proof that tliny have ilimo no. Htill there aro many who duubt. To remove tliuir unbelief, thj follow- PLAW liu been Miirgostod by one of lltoso ao-ttillfd "parties" who la willing to do bin part In carry, tag It tbrmiKh, viz,, during July, my tho 4tb, a party go np the mountain, large enough so that each one by carrying a imall bundle will make la the aa-greg-alu considerable; tad having two men who are to stay to land to thinRi, and Hie rent of tho party descend the mountain. At about 9 p. kt. of aaid 4th of July, make a bonfire aud aetid up tome skyrockets, eta., hav. io It an well understood that people Id differ ent towns throughout the Btato can be go the look out for the same and be ready to report. Tho above can be done we stak. from the as sertion of those who have been up, and now on the name authority, gay that the following will Its done, viz : A party leaves for Summit Pral rh o arrive on July M; 3d,ascond the mountuin to oanorlment; July 4th, go up again and leave mome itoes, flags, etc., aud with the materials for the evening. Moasrs. Urnyles and Miller have volunteered to stay ou top of Mt. Hood to nttend to the flfo-wnrks. Ttie parly spoken of will atart from Tygh ? allry, and all othora who duiiiro to lie one of those to asoond Uie mountain oan meet them at Hummlt Prairie, 60 m ilea from i'orllaiid.a good wagon road all the way, on July 2d. The artioles necessary to bring will be au outfit of camping utensils of course axes, gnus, fishing rods, compasses, thermometer, barometer, and if any one lovea DoUny he oan Bud plenty of new Oowers tu classify, la there Sl.bOO for the placing of a flag on Mt. Hood offered? Nod. TiiiKU itiKTitic-r ik iii;hi ixvri Tint;. MosiMnrrra. Ogn., May 10, 1877. Editor bH'atkhhan: I am requested to send you a rnport of to-day' work in the District Teacher's Iuntliute, to in set.aion here. The Institute assembled in the Christian Col lege, and waa called to order al 10 o'clock, A. M. by Dr. 1.. L. Ituwlaod, biate buperintunduut. D. L. HUnlcy waa ohoaen Secretary pro. turn Kiocllont muato waa furnished by a olioir; after remarks by the I'residout, on the object of the Institute!, oommittios woo appointed, and ar- raiigomouU made tor a permanent organlza- Uiui. Iu tho afternoou permanent GUiJors wore ohosen - ltuv. H. G. Adanm, President, Mia N finriiiKor. Vioe President; Ladru ltoyal, Sec retary; Miss H. J. Harrison, Asistant HucreUiy "Uiulifioatioo of district teachers," and "Or- ttinsranhv." were freolv disenssed. Iu the evening a larxu atidioucu assombled in the chapul of the oollt-go to hear Uw address of wuloomu by I'mr. M. 1,. I'ipea. it waa resnonn. d to iu bohalf of tlio taUera by 1'rul. L ltovul. Kioollnnt nmnlo by the Monmouth silver band, and the olioir eutertained the oooauiou Kvorytluug luilwuioa a pronlaulo tltuu With toaohors nut uure yol. Ha- iiUAL. a)H.a.lUN. "How fanilliarly we have oouio to talk of rall iioau as familiary as matda of thirteen do of dofi." All our mining companies are capitaliz ed In the millions. A man with a aiugle sail' Him la only a pretty wull to do Individual, Ho mut have at least five millions to be calied rioh. A fall tiro for lam than a million is scarce ly rutpeotablu. To steal lew than a million is rogardod as criminal. It would be au unini portaut railroad that did not issue Its bonds in millions. Governments rank accordiag to tholr millions of dobt. tttatea indulge in owing millions. Ctties that do not owe more than one million ludloate lack of eutorprisu on the part of their politaoiaus. We bavs oue hundred and twontv-two millionaire in the Htate." San Francisoo Paper. Suppose for a safo prop tuition, that in cutting off the "oue huudred and twenty" the "two' millionaires are left In Oregon, that does but hange the fact ot Immense wealth, and plaoed whre It will do the "moat gscd." MUliona will do. Wells, Fargo A Oo., of this oily, are adding sMistlilnff new to their business, ia the way of lmoraswuent loocinc to a safe ooodoet ef a eafo business, and In doing that it beoaae tieo essarf to have more than one kind of safe, 'nd thU time K is a "burglar proof" Weighing bout 9,000 pounds, although fross apoeanwxs od wovid not saspeoc tbat it would weld mors I than 1,049 pounds. It k the Beatasjt sale la the oity, arthongta net nearly ee larys as some others, and in poslUoa it adds to the business appearanee of the "ofloeyVaguer is just i oread of that saEgae be was over eatobing a ft!W piec innocent trot the other day. J--x llVr:Hsii Y IIKMN. ; iu m f (- t " i The literary rxnrcisos at tho Univernltj Fri day afternoon, ennatsled of a dactt by Miat Ada Morllwr and Frank irrine, wLioh was sonownat kmnsing. ; UecUmatinnii hy Ooo. tlnghau and Oray, who am the promining yonng orators of ttia Cni nrstty, .. . . Entertaining extracts by Nina Anua Law Irence, and Nottio Cooko, and ilittlut;iib by two mall boys. Tlw primary i xurciHoe were woll roudored and diwrved orodl', I.ncy Hiauliliiig dot i vend a gofMl rmitaiion and wan fullowiid by I'.lla Gi nlilie win would have (lmorvi (I much credit hr.(l nho succceduil In lior effort. , The f.xoroiiM'8 eloaed with a nn!o by Ijfwna Willi, and clioniH in whioli she is entitled to much credit. The programme aa arranged by Mr. titeurii r is nntiilid to that honor which ho alune could recoive. At ft o'clock the Allca Hocioty mot in their ball and with uuiumul intermit, dmciniiii'd the question, Itosolveil, "That the adoptinn of tu Hawaiian treaty waa policy on the part of the United Biatna;" with coimiilnrut.le dntilit the rreuuleut rendered bis decision in favor of the negative. .mi . Chan. Johns and Hugh Hani -ion aftirtnert; t, . 0. Nelson, I'.. J. Nichols, J. 11 LiwU r and O P. Uugues negatived the resolution, Queation fur next diHcunnion, Rinolvcd, "That ambition is a glorious cheat." This society has a ngbt to boaut of ia elo qnence, orators, and debaters, and fear not to onpe with any in the Bute. They with the aa Hlutauouof the AthcimiiniR, will give an enter tainment during Oommencemeut Week, and with the talotit which they control, citizens will nt bedimippomtcd, who expect a fire t clans per formance. X. ((inUIMIATIII. Eo. Btatesmak: As it neenw to be a tore- gune oniiclueinn that our City Fathers will not act ou the sewerage qnentiou for some time.not- withstanding the surveys etc., havo been made, would it not be a aousiblo iJoa for them to paa a law alxilishing Die une of wells in our fair oity and thereby forcing prorwrty owuera to Itty water mains and uae tho pure nvor water which h ut int to be filtered through links, etc., before it reaches the throats of our popoln. Bach law would force, through necemiity the laying of maim by the Water Co., all over the city, and thereby causing all to uho it. The same law in effect in all tiie large cities of the Eat, and works to advantr;c,aiid is tbeeaUHe of relieving: said cities of much annrcerfsary sickness. If the Water Co. should charge exorbitunt rates for water, opposition onmpauits would Fpring up or else the city could ertict their own worka and obargii a fixed rute for water. This is not writ. ttiu in the iutereats of any company or private porsiiu, but in the cause of suffering humanity and hope our Council will give it conaiileratiou CITI7KN t'lori'l I pslivnl. Tho ladies of the M. E. Chnrcb have in pi c paration, for tho cvouing of the U2J. an cntur taiunieut, which prnaiison to bu an unique and enjoyable affair, inaHiutiou as thnxo having the ariaiigemonls in charge propoao making it all Miat. Among other thinga will to prcentod a "Qnoen of Flowers. " KfriHlionmt tubh'8 will bo presided ovor by youn Ialis, oaoli per sonating a particular (lower, attended by young ludy waiUoeiies, also personating a particular flower, such as the "Lily of the Valley," etc. Ilefreahments sorveU, wilivnibraoe ice cream, strawberries and cream, oysters, lemonade, oandiea, etc. The Tory best of vocal aud irj- trumentat maaio fur the evening. This "Flo ral Festival" or entertainment will be hold in the large and spacious auditorium of the new M. K. Chnrcb building rliicb. will be decorated lu encli manner that it will require no atrbtch of imag ination for your ideas to be landed iu a "Flower Oardou." The purpose ef this entertainment is social, aud to raixo, by giring inore than bn equivalent, fundb for finishing the church build ing. A laudabln purpose that undoubtedly will be responded to. liemcmber it is for Tues day evening, 21.1 of May, at the now church. PAKAUKAr.-ll) foMlfiened. Through Becil A Cux, agents for Koed' Opera House, wo learn that theEugllsh 0r Troupe, heretofore advertised for the 21st and 22(1, aro unavoidably compelled to postpone their visit until after their return from Tho Callus and Walla Walla. We learn from many seurces that this Troups are deservedly favorites, aad snooting with groat success in Portland. Floral festival. Ripe etra.berrlie. " " Good bye-"Pubacks." i netting decidedly hot. , i Lineu coats in demand. Nice weather. For rionics. -boa brecRc Is not seo-brcejw. Queen of Flowers who will be? No duet hut "poworful" hot. J The "Princess" for little girl. "Eel" ekin dresses are the latcat. "Water Works" Well, M it work. HikU Water, Ice Croim and riulbeits. News from 8.intiam very oncouraging. (Uu)ripo flt'awbornoH in (pies) market. "Who fefls proud?" Bristow of (""-ri", "Hotbed of Sweotnesa" Garden of Roaefl. Oo "Where? Young Love lies dreaming." liny your game ( And Fish whore yon ptease. "Grand promenad(o)"ing about this time. "In time of peace," prepare for t!e festival. Tick out your girl "that represents" your- ideua. Bslmon aro "raiming" away from Astoris. Unhealthy. Stacks" of flour requires "staoLs" of $20 pieces ntacked. Haas (wysart'ir Hhow Ut night ho expects to close hisshcp. A iiromiuent Jeweler of the city says ho wants to be a partner of W.vman's. Note the communication from Inlcrxjiidence. The lady speaks for herself. U. B. A."-Kuiy Fkic Elaok Board B Iilamed it mnut be the work of an artist. Btrahan A Burnett of Albany and Corvallis together make a btrong legal combination. The Russians all.iw no newspaper correHpocd- enlH to train with them in this campaign. F.nse Dailistii some ot them Just a "little sore over defeat and too "mocbee alle same" Iiue liall. Hosoburg' moans business, for their pro gramme for fliutlh of July is before us in the ' Independent." "Tho early bird" "catches the idea." In the Bummer over Europe will the buttio roll afur. And the betting be divided 'twixtthe Sultan tssjd the Czar. AHtoria eUims tbirty-to Hotels, outside of a long number of private boarding houses, about forty saloons and no Water Works. An other cannery is being built at Enappton. Eiutwy's fiahir.g boat No. 13, last Monday morning at Astoria, wentoves the bar, with two men a Greek and Italian on board. The boat ha.) boon found, but the men are supposed to be drowned. Trotting way down iu the 40'a along comes a pacer who pays no attention to figures, tut Htrikes for the front of course tho grey noire wu.4 mud and promises to b&vo It as weight to haul, iHit time. Two serixla don't make but one p&y-hir. ifyeugot beat tret t-eit time your bee'.. Lecture. At tiie Firrft l'resbyteri:in CLnrth c-u Sabbstb evening tho IU v. Mr. I'eck commc-uocd a se-rioa of lectures, and subject for tho evening was The Deluge." The speaker handled his sub ject iu a pleasing manner, which was listened to very attentively by a fil l house. Some ot the arguments were uovel in their character and a littlo sensational, bat quite interesting. The preaching by Noah for oue hundred and twenty year without a convert, showed conclusively that Noah most hare been a man of great faith or poor pre&oher. That t ho Delude was not universal waa now puusible, and some strong arguments were addtieed in favor of the propo sition. That the time suggjated by tho amount of work required to distribute again to the several localities of habitation w8 inadequate and inconsiaterit with the facts. He took the gronnd that Noah and bis family were saved for the purpose of populating the earth with a bettor race and that tho Deluge was only universal in- so-far only as it embraced tho particular por tion of the globe looked after by Noah. Or in other words the Deluge wss intended to wipe from the face of the earth all of the family of miui NorIi aud his family excepted -but that it did not involve the idea that tho whole sur face of the earth was under water. The lecture was full of pleasing recituland original thought. "Start In thinking ever the past to incident is brought to mind, illustrating "Nfeel Mated," and at to lory Is not very long, possibly some one who has a good looting team, will appre (jlate tl ioke. Beauty dose not always go la 2:40, sometimes 3:194, in this ease a "well to do" farmer had a nvoe looking team aud they were "Black"- hut that even did not make them go veiy fast in telling and boasting of tho good (lualltiee aud bow ''nicely thoy were mated" when oue of tbero could go jo about 10 minutes aid the "under one" in side of 6 minutes the person addressed simply replied "Yes tliey are Buiol;." Wetl galtod "Niooly Maud." Mining New. From reliabio sources we karn that things ut the Lucky Quocn Dilue aro aesummg better bao. Work is being pushed lu a tuuuel, like wise in the now sluife, which is down to a depth of 31 feet, showing ' a good ledge; and rich ore in beiny taken from tho mine, and the Mill is savlnr; tho rut fI rrsults that ou;;ht to ho satiofiuitofM Tlnia nod "haug on will bring things f e- ' Water Wanted. Will the gentlomauly director, or the man agomeot of Salem Water Works, inform the rit sens of Commercial Street how soon or "bow long" It will bo before pure river watsr will bo running down the aforesaid street not as free as water, but for a oompoQsatlon. ' Sons of tho dwellers on Commercial Street are anxious. Hwlrsw Homing (tea. The organ tSAtioa effected eleoted the fellow. log names, gebtlomea asomoera: President, George Herten; Vie President Frank XsCnily; let Captain, W. T. GrUweid; M CstpMua, 8. U. WetsMte; Secretary and Treaeower, W. T. Oray. Mesa M Flueae for olub, ,TJndias." Kot to to outgone, has gone and "dmed up too. and he is now botler "flxed thai ever to io all the job printing that cornea along. Miller et Bloharda, San Fraucuoo, furnish the type and Stlotoa looks after the other little basin eas matters. i ' Mew Ths frvening Mereury, wHh lie 'uw dn,W nd things preseotsa respectable appeuauox tint yon know "appeiuanoos are often deceitfal and aud the "politics of toe concern nueos (reconstruction) a now dretis Soeuotiac. nrlnatty. "E(gg)"xaotly so -Imt Mr.W.U. I'orlers littlo girl in this city found au egg that "floM sway" with all ttK' bans eggs-ever diahed up ftr the publk)g6;p. It is a very (ma!ll grmt curi osity. miiiarflv Lrvin of il.d sport, ami the? are iiiiatKu, ulgli'.ly thtoi'gtlie r.iiliard Kooma at tl.o ('tie meliotft, aud there flml wxtvth'.ntt in cnlor. u .' nt the wtt! of ih'no h i in In'tT- !i t.V jsutrnw. Hoodluus. About three wotis ago, a certi.n hoodlum from North Howell Prairie came to Halem, and prewUd two forged orders to two of our busi uo men for payment. Oue of them paid the order lu a pair of boots, but the other order was suspected, and not paid. That order pur ported to be for $22 The hoodlum then offered to take eighteen, twelve aud then eight dollars for the order, bet SO' nothing u it. He was arrested oa Saturday, upon the forged order for sis dollars upon which be got a oak of boot. The trial came ap before JueUse owiq, oa yeeesrday, and aaejiBation was waived, and be was remanded to jail to await the aotiou of the Grand Jury, at the June term of the Cir cuit Court here. We ferbeer to give the boy's Basse on account of bis mother, acd others who are good people. He i only It years of age, and thk oase may teach him .that ."bonraty is the best policy." At the Methodist SMsntlajr NHsool. There was t fair attendance, for the "Bong 8crvic"eirrcisee and the singing was just euoh as you could natura'.iy and reasonably expect from the known character of tho' who do the singing. The eelecUon aud the ia:;:r. were good. A tittle inoicient, not down iu soy pre gritmtn.a. and not necnttrily luvolved in the singing, but startling la tu snnouueemeut nobody si xt, and the incident was at an end. The B. IS. A. was thore and his talents suffered none on exhibition. The halt hour pissed too q.ilokiy. a1 thot eigaifioatit little U-U will tap. Il Sites 4. W.i ecu v; ii.v djipatMheg from i-f.u Fraacis- . JaniNiiM.-, Kvsrj thing Is "diessing np." even ttte prin tBrs talk ot ucu things, reckles Of conse quences, aud the spirit is catching. All around town you see the evideuoea accumulated "drossitig up," fixing up, building anew, tear ing down and building over. Your neighbor gets mad at siting you "fixing" thuifjs go nioo lv, and straightway ho goes to see Weatherford about "Avorill's Chomloal Paint," and finds It ohoap and he buys something less than a ton of it, and slashes it ou, because it's cheap, and times are good. T' - '-an; ' tvMenccs of permanent and nuu.iMi ::t, that present In a stroll over the city. lj. M. Flamondon is having Ixiilt for himself, a very neat and tasty private residence, and wheu completed wuii tuu m.i roundings and attachments, will add very much to that part of the city known as "Piety Hill." Others seeing his works on the "Hill" are stimulated to actio a and are brushing np. Eu gene Breyman has been improving the grounds and surroundings of his elegant private resi dence, and when eintptetcd, will make a very great improveme... 1., appearance iu that part of the city in which he resides. F. N. Cooke has decidedly the finest private residence in the city, in close proximity to the Htate Capitol bnildinir, and fronting on Wilson Avenue; es timated to oust $30,000. J. II. Albert, Geo. P. Ftolman "ai Joseph Dolman have a trio of resi dences fronting on Wilson .Vvenue and ad joining each other, that for beauty and unpre tentious adornment, together with well oared for grounds, are second to none in our beauti ful city. Dr. Carponter has the nicest "Patent Stone" walk in the city. Balem, and Marion County have the finest Court IIdobo and grounds cn the Pacific Coast. A full block of ground, centrally situated is occupied as Court llouse property honae and grounds cotini; in round numbers SllS.OM. Salem is decidedly prood. In view of the wealth that erects ubt inch public buildings. The Capital ef the State with a State Uuuae well under way, that will coBt when completed approximately $1,000,. 000. The Willamette University, a Methodist institution of learning is located here, and finds tno best of management, and continued pror- perity, under the special direction of Trof. T. M. Oaten a scbularly and genial gentleman and present Mayor of this city. The Academy of the bacred Heart, under the patro jage of tho Catholic Church Is here located, the building occupied costing some SflO.OOO, is an ornament to the city, and the school for young ladies con ducted by the "Sisters" of this church is a credit to the city, and the church they represent. Sakm names the finest hotel outside of Port landnorth of San Prar. eisco on the Coast the"Chemeketa"-costing,as furnished originally S125 000 in round numbers, and la now a paying institution, under the management of 8. P. aiathews, Esq., the prtaent landlord who kooiva "bow to heap hotel." Tha hotel is the property of. Ladd A Bush, bankers. Heed's "Opera House" under the direction of Heed A Cox, Agents, fills the demand cf a "theatrical world" ted oil er shows and eotertaimenta. A fine hell and woll managed capacity for seating SCO to 803 people, costing originally $40,000. Ladd A Bush aro the banker! of the city, v?i:h S. II. Albert, cashier, end A. C. Brey, Account ant aud book keiptr, with Mr. Bush as mana- yor and director, who gtvo3 thsir large business bis persotml attcniioa. The bsnk id oua of tho solid institutions of a solid country, and is well and safely managed. The bauk building ia an elegant structure fronting on Shite aud Coramer oial streets, aud U an orssntent to tho Capital city. Among the private lesidencei on tha "Hill," deserving of special mention is that of A. A. McCully, aud a bewtiful home it U, with sur roundings indicative of wealth aad good taste. Goo. U. Junes, of Jones A lV.tersoa, has a magnificent private residence on another "hill,1 overlooking the city. The locality is known as "Gaiety,"(not Piety), "till," aud is certainly the flue-it location iu the city for a pjivata resi dence in that it commands almost the eutirecity from the emineuco. A stranger strolling ever the city, would nat araily find attraction, and a prominent and per manent improvement on, the water front, as towering towards the sky, in vast propar lions, a maguiHoent Vi'irthouae. owned and controlled by tho " Orr.rgers ot this county. It is a magnificent building with steam hoisting works aud all the modem appliances for dispatch aud safety in tractHtciing the immonse business iu handling and shipping the large amount of graiu that seeks a market through these chan nels. Tho "QraugMr's Warehouse" Interests are closely aud aaiely managed by Wm. J. Her ren, Esq., than whom there is nunc better quali fied to fill tiae requirements of such a position- As a financial scheme the warehouse u a suc cess. There are ef course, many other items cf "Jottings " that caanot find place to-day, for fear of wearying the patieuoe of our readers. Borne ether time you may expect the pencil sharpened and shot at you, so pat year bouse ia order, &d "dress up." Oao buy hum, from tuorn till nikht, iu Salem, yesterday." ' . Wheat $1 4o, and more eomiug in thsa one would (aspect to be ia the country. Mercha&te sniUlns, over Urge sales ia every department. Farmers are not afraid new to buy and the greater number have the cub, cr will have it "after harvest." ' ' Weather, just sueh as farmers want, a trifle Warmfor overcoats but Just right for tiie soda man, and he Is happy. Everybody tashing around, earnestly aliasing a phantom. City improving, times getting bright, every body drew s priee Friday night---and thev are happy. Mr. (iriswold says he is going to push his mill to an early completion. Hcmebody will build a werlen mill after which the water works will be sainted, the new M. E. Oboroh building will be finished bv the efferts of the ladies having the little mailer in their hituV "After Harvest" will socu be fcorc, tlw far mcr's ships will bring golden returns for their labors and with prosperous breeee, aud threat ened gale w'th salld all set, and Sag unfurled, for the next Ontennod, "will bid yni 'good bye-,' f.nd ra;- t you at'rhe giosu-iiig." , ITEMS IN RllF. , Cool, Cloudy, Nice, Weather. New moon. 'Queen cf flowers," Make your guess. "Cal(l) aLll!y "beautiful?" Sam'l h. Simpson, writes nicely. "How Bivootis the tninic" :it B wn's. Strawberries and cream and all that. Some of tho "fast teams" aro tiod up. "Tho light of other days" Lamplight. Lively times at tho Ciiemeketa. - Steamer. Booth's "Swackhammer" ia ont of town. Tick out your "Itoso, Geranium and Queen." "Every moment rmis itself" In golden sands. Wheat is coming up all over the valley for larvost. "How s-roet to bo remembered" by your enemies. "And running o'er liko violet cupj of dew" the days when we went strawberrying. A. J. Donaldson has the fever and now ha Is bound to have some of tho "patent atone" side walk. The "Song Service," at tha Presbyterian Church, Sabbath evening, was a ploauant fea ture cf the exercises. Salem has a band "and they make tho night -or words to that effect. There is "lets of music" "in a horn." Wool baa already commenced coming into market, and from all quarters we hear good re ports in reward to the quality and yield, the re sult of a very mild and favorable winter for shoep. Prices for wool aro hardly established as yet but there is no reason why good figures should cot be obtained for first-class wool in good condition. At a fair figure for wool Ore gon will be able to make a good showing in cash as exchange for the article. . Cuardlan's 6a!e.; , NertrK'w HKItKRi OtVRy TffAT BT virtue aa enter and trnf IhvCnwxv 't-nrt uf Marine euih.y uregmi, aisle on tta Tea dvef April A H.,1K7T, I will exse for sal I ho highest bidder, tni ash In hawl, all the nut title end lateroxt of K.I ward an I Alfred lrHt, minor hoi r lit Au.imtos lwiillol. leueat. 3 In and to the I'M lowing de-nrlbe.1 ,ar -ei of laait "HiiHteit in Marlon eoiimv, 8ta o of Ornr, e wit: omiineioiiKi th s W enrner of Jia f, I'l iiin le'it-umaiion lam! claim InTS, K, W of Wlllainctix wnHtn, lK-tnf claim No 4.);iheao easterly online nf tlt claim lit pii: (henoe N to S line of sastulaiia; Hiencc N 71' 4.V W tw the NW,rn r of Ml-1 o'aim; then -I l,t H ctioe benoeK KchaliKthenonH liihg p joor3 a'.nolnjr, o-in'ai.iliKabo'il lWa .re m re or !e Aln, enmmuiujiiv all he N W corn-ir of the ta nnl'en laml claim st Aiigo(ii Lamlerianl wtte. No. HI. and noililcatlnn 3!W in raid Comily au4 nit 8(aie; ihoiwe S on llui of mM claim C4.' ohHttis: Iheiu-e 8 8U ti Sftehitlns; thence N IS 3o' K 72:7.1 Iminx; tlienon Won Hue ofnaiit olaiaa V. ohahiH to i'oe (it be;;tonln, ooniaintiu-; abtHic 2ooaornii'eorleii Aino. the M ha'f nt' ik.4 ilonation latid claim 1 1 John McKayaml wife. No. 43, tu T5,8 tt I Wot th WlllaimiiU merldtn ia naiil (.ouiity and Slate, and niHilt-iaion H7i, ooo tnlln(( atwH awanre morenr le.; tho Intereot. ol the said helm being oho (hint eaeti in each of wkt -i(rturltitd piooea of land. sii-ct t i no oower ngiu or the mother nl lbs uita minnra. taint snle ivi II lake p ate at the Court Hoiiie door 111 Halen. Ua. lon colllltv. Orernn. at tho Knur n one o'clock F. M., on iho ;h day of June, A. is. I'". I'. hULl.l VAN. April ii Onanlian of Ud minor hetro. nS UKnisp.-fluNlco HAVE TtEKf AHnO) 1 clAUil for some tine ds4 wiih H. 1. Mima. and now desire to give notice that we will not reipecmny oi ms contracts alter this dale. M havine abandoned the btMlnePsaDd Koe to warte ananowa to as. All parties Interee-eii will take auo notice. T.J. IIALt J. Kiaiuta. Pllverton, O-jn., Anrll It, la77:4w Hut this f. thit city. l;.i ti?e hi 0"! tlia incr-s- in i Hg Iwti-i . T.i.s sirti'-H t fti ;vd i.i ria !.!;' f..;'.! -i.1 ti'i Gin - Nea;iiitu is furouug on ar. fxteastvt scale, aud yeshidnj he prcl-.s-d a very lsrf oi.t roa rolli r, wi-.ighicg about f.OOO poueds. Mel. i.i &U ti'.e f i.U iif,.' mud. tn iiuprovew.-ni i Legal Notice. Ceruviitn Kjrrup. Baooxa, Me, Sept. 7, 1670. Dear Sir From early youth I was in feeble health, troubled with humor In my blood, weakness and debility ef the system generally; was unable to labor much, and; only at some light business, aad then oaly with great caution . Seven years ago, the past spring, I had a severe attack of Diphtheria which left my !lmb par alized and useless, so I was unable to walk or sit np. Noticing the advertisement of the Pebu via Svcur, I concluded to give it a trial, and to my great joy soon found my health lmprov ing. I continued the use of the Srucp until three bottles had boeu used, and was restored to complete health, and have remained ao to this" day. I attribute my present health to the use of Peruvian Sybup, and hold it in high estimation. I cannot speak too highly in its priuso. I have in several caaes recommended it in caics verr similar to mv own, with the same good results. Yours truly, I r;. S. lliMteher, M. D., of Ilerauon . T. "WwrAB's Balsam of- Wild Chirby gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allay ing irritation, thus removing the cause, instead of drying np the cough aud leaving the cause behind. I consider the Balsam the best couch medicine with which I am acquainted." Bold by all druggists. . fit ay tun Hem v. The Willamette Manufacturing Ditch Com pany completed the Pitch and water let In, which came driving down to 8tatn. Mr. Garden purchased the Interest of Dr. HcCaully in the dray business, aud the Dr. will practice medicine. Stayton Saw Mills are ruauing on time, btoy too A Queeu Proprietors. Every- thing around Stayton is prosperous and wator from the North Hantiam ruus freely. FARRAR BROS., WHOLESALE Ami RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Court and Commercial, an4 Corner Ferry and CornmorciaJ3 streets ttOVl'tl 1776. CESTEN.1IAL 1371 CASH STORE D. & A. A. icCULLY, liealers in. GROCERIES, Cured Meats, Lard, Etc St.arkey's Block, OnimervLi! Street, eaiem, Oga. nll-tl Pretty as a Picture. At the store of L. 8. Batee on Comtoerclal trcet, may be seen, "The Bird of Paradise," (in wonted and roses). Miss Ellen TUotson, of South 8sii m, is the- artist, and the work is neatly exoented. The piotare will be on exhl bitton for one weefe. "Uolden sunset, balmy breezes, and splendor iudia:rib' le," sounds nicely, as from, tha As torian. Well, what did you undertake the lit tlo job for if you can't dscr:be it tell a Hah 'story. t'oart it Online. 'roe regular term or Court at I'allae ccm- (aenced on Monday. A very large Dumber of Salemitee were summoned to appear at Dallas in the case of Scut Bros. Kail Potatoes. Kuae. The first Oregon raised potatoes of the Early Rose variety were thrown in sight Monday, by Mr. Hy Gorman, ia the Halem market. They were niee. , rttMtawe Drift. The McMlnville loaded at the Qrsngsr'e Warehouse Saturday morning &0 a&cki of wheat and 400 sacks of oats, and there is more grain In the warehouse awaiting shipment, - frerUI I Wigandia ) If r Vie wanted "AverUl" ( Chemical Paint) Go to Weatherford's. (Martina. Quite number of eur "lgij (rater nity1 took up the liue of march for IaUe, ou Men day. Courting going on. April LEO WILLIS. WOULD TALL TlIK ATTENTION OF BUT era to hia new stock of 0R6AI.8. PIANOS1 Just receivod and offered at en-aily redueeil prloee. eUhor tor oasa or on ui&taUuK'nts. HIS BTOTE OF BOOKS AND Stationery Ii also complete, and will bo cold at to salt lire tunes. Mill fiirni.h. at short noth. aa hook uiUUa' ellu the United Staiei, at imlj!yliers Orders Aol'oiteil And au examination of hus stock re-tpeottully Invited. LKO WILLIS, S T T S 8TR1BT. April lt,ls7T;8J. CBEyEKH. flOIEL SALEM i i i OBrOOK. Ttiu riit-ir clajsh hoticl, ooait.ite to au ts appotatiawts, has been leased by S. F- MATHEWS, Forrnorly of Iks at. Charles Hotel, Albany, far A TERM OF YEIARS, Aad Is now open t the budUi:. ler Day, nroa H upwards, aooordiaj to loiwUvaa et room awl a.'teodaooe deslreil. Board ami LoDouia Item U a week npiranU DAT Boakis P per week. A Frsa Onsubas t tt4 if m all fratas. tVess lung e-cperieiwe ta Katnl iMistnena. M Mathswa tMa jutttlteil ineipeotfug a taur ehassj at the peereaags ef the Trarellng aad HiMae trader. Try theCH&U&ia.fiiTAoa.ia.lyoi will caQ affsia. deoatta A Physit'lHn'a t'.xerfHr. OAMiATTsrciLUE, Otseeo, Co. N. Y, 30th, 1876. K. V. Fieuos, M. I).: Dour Sir; I recently trtakd a c-ue of OMieii- pation of many years' btanda.ii:.e,n which 1 tried almost every remedy in the inuteria uiedica thut ha ever been used for ths.t paipoie, wiihout . obtaining any permanent relief. In my cUrpair j I boasrhta few bottles ef yonr I'leaennt Tizrga- j tive r.dlets and presoi ib d tbetu with the h;ij i piest rosults. The patient is uw pertnaiiirally J r-f!.(Hvl. Yo!irs FTaU-rr.aily, : Palace Hotel, 8AM FRANCISCO. GRADUATED PRICES. Rooms with Board, $3 prr Day Rooms with Board, $4 per Day Rooms VvWut Board $1 day Anj Upwards Warren JUeJiifu! tw a thin V