WEEKLY OREGON STA.TESMiS.lSr. 5 mint carcos statesman Kill DAY A1'UIM3,1877. irrwn Saturday Miitiiik' Daily.) I rrt.irr. Iter. CJ, V. Anthony, of Portland, will Rive knnthi-r lecture, the second of writ", ru the kubji-ci of, "My Flint impressions of Ilia Sand - j wiolt IhUikIm." at ilu,v not tliiaiit,tlne notice j of which "ill tm given. Mr. Atilhony handle, hia iilij-ct hi manner that dm a not fail I" in termt, mul the church, of wlitch he is an honor-! ed rnn Htiuiivc, mi- foriiinaio in the nW'-cli.m t.f one an kbit- and ..CJ'tit In hi d. liuiati .us. Mr.: Amhniiy's leoiuro. first of lh series, last Friday niKla. ww luti-nted l" !' fair uida-uci-, but not such a the repntatiou t.f Hit' g. ntumun mid diaw out In hi- h.-atii.g.but that was ti"l the fuiill i.f ttio li-olurcr. Those who did not hoar biui then will bo only lo.i elsd u avail them selves of another opportunity, which in promis ed. In bear i.f the Hatidwwh Islands, will) its palm tit-en mid oili-r a tractive f.-aturns peculiar t j that group nf islands. Everybody that can should hear the lectures. Ik Prtk wrjr ol Opii Slut at Albany, mid pawed a very ploaaant it-s-inn. There wu' a very full rfpnwa ation jiri-wnl. and a lariM anmnut of business wan transacted. This Prcbylery includcr. ihti terri tory l twtn ttif Columbia rivi r mi Hit' north, tho w.uili luii in" l.ttin cnuntv, the roast l:ye on Did wcsi, and ewtaard t" iiii-ir.de the teriitory of Idulia. Thelndw.it mir.aii.na (r bapwai and Eamia an- under the nn5nrrriMi.11 i.f this Prerdry-k-ry. liir. II. W. Su-iiun. of Albany. a leotel Cimiml"i(Hir to represent ilie Presbr- tary in tha (irm-ral Axwinl-'.f , to be convened at Chicago, May 17, h, on .imp. I rlpWI'l. With a clear ky, an I cl. ar Hailing, a bright nn, ami a gwmlii favorable brume, yon run have frit-uda tu pltuity; but Irt tdvt-ro wind h. gin to blow, and the firmament cf your fr Uiuit lw overcast, the frown of fortune will cable ju to n iuct your friends for tliry will bat bo uomerous, ami a ime kdi- linn truly aaiJ. with ruforunco 10 dtlming furtuiica, ' Y -nr Irieuda will urorp Use tlio atriuga of a luu- of whiob yi.Q will ti;htt n, teu Uefjre yoo find tint tlial will Uar to atrt-nJi and kwp tlie piti b." f-lotirrrn. We found amouR the li-t of arrsrala at the Cberueketa Hotel ytti-rday, namia u.ai are . proroincut. a iduntifiod with the earlient hit-lory of thia eouutry. We gire the year of arrival: i Chris. Taylor, IW; f. X. Matliien. 14; ' W. Oiitu, 1H4-1; W. II. Iii-ea, lsH; J. L. I'ar riah, ISiO; S. O. Parri-h, 1-10; B. C. Geer, 147; J. B. MuC'laue, lr4D; J.Hteph Watt, VVm. J. Herreti, l-vto; li. JeiinmKa, IS-!"; Pavidaon, 1-H7; G. W. Huot. 1317, T. V w.Kirl, K'l. 1-44; T. L. Tka lwlre At the M. K. Church laat evening by I AuUionr, uhrrt, -My 6rt imprea-iotia of the bandwieli Inland.-., " a h.-tened toby a fa;r audiuiice, and the K. tamed laa reputatiou 1 r. p. nth nian tullr aua- 1 a b-ctMrer, el.-qtit-ut and tmpretve. ft'ewillgiiea n.ore eiU-iid.ra no-! lice on to-morrow. The "olo" by Ml- Olive Cbai-uUTlin, to bo appreciated uut be heard, Mid it ia oaiy fair to ay the amgiug waa just ucb aa yon would naturally expect from a C'baniberlin. Tb y all eing-well- they do. "Ivralul Irlsrll WoulJ indeed be a gotal thing to bare, bnt liaro off the " and i: h-mtina for the future to dot-low whether or uot tbe '-Telegraui"-a tirnuotted bv liitahwileri Co. will be a ucceaa There ia loom, aud ttie mQagetuut proposed would indicate a apiry aheet, at leaat. Wben wc . receive the firat "Telegram in tl.e evening, it will bo time to aay mure ktout it. , -w, ,., aicuilad. W. II. DutiUr, O. W. C. T., on the Gtb ink!., ' crgauib! a Lodge of I. O. G. T. at Gervaia, 1 with a large moniberahip. U i. 8. Brown V. C T Mollie Mantersou, W. V. T.; S. L. : Ua'inw. W. 8.; Joa. Goixlman, W. A. 8.; Ir. ' VT B Mng.-rs, P. W. C. T.; M. Mitchell, 8., and WUIiaui Terry, Lodge Deputy. The Lode is oouMiked of good substantia! matoiial. tor Sna Joare Mrs. A. F. Waller left yesterday to Uke the ak-amor Elder for California. Bhe goes on a visit to Ban Jeasc, where her daughter, Mrs. btratton, reside-. We bow lief visit will be pleasant and her return to Or -g ui not ttio long deterred. Many friends will miss her g'-uial proaenco. Al I lie li.-m. kcln. V'esUnday waa a gala day at tho Chemel.cta Witb Pioneers, Grangers and other people, too numerous to meutiun. Mathews was as easy and good natured as if tbe world was running j smoothly with him, and apparently the guests 1 ere more than pleased with their reception, as manifest by evory movement. Ono cau tell. RIeliitrU II. ItrnrtHtrit. Elsewhere will bo found the "ad." of Mr. DearlKsj-n, who is a very reliable business man, aud if you Interview him you will Cud he keeps a large stock of good goods in bis line, and is disposed to sell on reasonable terms if you give bim a show. "Our HaV Not "ours," but that of the "Pionee rs on the Ohemeket. The Flag of "Our Country" was thrown to tbo bretzo iu honor of the Pio neers of Oregon, who wero assembled iu the parlors of the Chi ineketa. Long live the I'io poors. ''Onr l'ln-4 Is still there." A inl Appointment. Miss Florence V an n;er was selected by tl.k School ' Directors of DL.tr id No. 24 to fill tl position of assistant leaehor in tbe ffouth Salem school. A good selection, ttud wo donbt not that Miss Warriuur will till tho position witb credit lo herself and to the eutiro satisfaction of bcr employers. Kelly A I iiderwooil Advertise their bnssinciw, and we have uo hesi tancy iu commending the men and their wt.rk ts being reliable. T hey nro good workmen, a'leod titrii-th- lo their business, and sell theh v agons, bug.-icn, etc., on riasouable t mis. IVrrlirri.u llwrxen do tiie H'i'f. M yeslct day. I'l-niimii. Jl ii H i ! is!.!u:i,l t: hand i.ttt Tlie O. 8. H. Ccnupauy ' attiamthip AJt whicli li ft Kan Franoiaca for lVirllaud Satnruay britiKa tlie fullowing LUtT . fA!WKN(,W(- Pr J W Watta, Mra N Moalcy, A J liira-. 11 1) Rict! fl H l)irclintin'. H H iwiii.lutl, 1. M t ieii A f, V Orinntiv,' A C I ew, W F Atitw.tt, I' T I'll l.ltl-ON, C lii lthall, l.ar Ackurmau, H VViKlitinati, .1 I. li.isi llf. Id, .1 It liard. tt, T I. Fistrll. Ci.l A It lvldv, I H A, l!i-r J KoAi rMia, 11 I. l)..ilt;, , A Wiixhl. S M ,11111, ji M Ura. r. MlHF. 1( llruiid, W rn M i-- c'liuinuti-,, tl l i.iii.i, C K ll.illim., f1 (i Ti (.ti.n, l)r II S Ain-r-11 k fy V, F.-in..d. 1) r rallaul, n nt. . niti. i.i, MiiikIi KnKli-.li, .I'-lin linf.'H, M llaiin-r, V. ra l.iipnnn, li T lluuitu.'.nd, 1. II Nidi..!!-. Mra M C Mi-Gnirn, lj..ina ISrntiuow, J H.iz lii, Mia A livor-l.-v, P 11 IlRrt--, 1 C..1.11. Mra W WCmm ingkara.il 8 IV.aalwahl A wl li VV ll.itie & fy, lli-v J Courrtan, .V "f ltUlklttN On Monday m..rniii; Mr. Fph. linK' r n;.s ao ruifortmiale aa to lo;iie one f KivalnuMt back hor-, under the f ilow;nc. eii-ciini-4tiirie'.ii: Mr. Olinper had reiurned from tlie railroad de pot from the morning train ai.d diovt: into Iho hack atal.lia of Capt. Scott, and fast. n d his b .rtuK-, and lml(;..ne a few rmla from the utaMea tonnnU Coinmereial a'n-.-t. when hia attniltnii w.ib called totlioClu-ici k.-ta Unti l omiiihiia dnv iiiij lip lu the alal.ie. Toe drirer i.f the '-bi.a"' poke to a Ttmni! lad atao-liiix in the di-or of the amble to uutiiteli Fph'a :eum ti niake room h.r the ''hua" to drive xn, which the lad proei-idtd to d;. lu lurLiuK out of tlin btahle th.: taui rratuped the buek in aiifli a .lil aa to nisp tl.n pelf. ri-iiImiK; it iiupoa Ml.le f..r toe 1:.J to uiinai;e tli. rn.lmt l. he! 1 ou to the reinmn li "-d atyU- until the iiorwn tnrnid a aharr-corner. taming the hack over and the hid wuli it. Luckily the luj eatrau-.! nnburt, I.nt tlie hark wan deiuoraluied. The borwa, a noble ptir, 1. ft to themaelvfa. aeparaiiel, one of tin in taking the pole with him, dulnd d.,ti Coni ntoreial btrt-t t, where one that wua Ittv tnrnid quietly to the stuble from a hence they uirt d. Tlie other kept on at a funoua rale of apeed I with the pole Hill haiij;inR to the harneua. and turned at State Ktrect, daahed on until u.-ar tlie I; uuet Houi-e, where be orerateppt d hitii ae.fai.d trippwl, fulling in ucb manner on v. ry bald (jrouud aa to uiah into hphnters ouc i of li;a foru Irta. An expert waa callod, and be pri,uuuuowi borae incurable. Mr. Olinger gaVe dmc-.ioiia tj kill the bune, liuh waa at ,)0ce t.rned ouL ltll Serlr llaaati ei mplilication in the case of William Huvae, counecieil wub the State 1H pa; tin. lit tuthiecity. II la "tenure of office," dt endiiig t.iiV- on guou ut-avmr, anu atnet ant tiuou 10 eum j uea, w ill be prolonged itidi finitely. Adminie tiatioua cl.anpe auddenly, but HavaKe ia a "fix I tun- of tl Departtut-nt. liver obliging, gt - C. V. tit man'iy in his dep rttuer.t, thoroughly yx t. i aa to bia dutita, taithful 10 the auialhat detail i), U uot all -auge that beb'lda bia Jaj-.itiou.aiib- out repaid to the vicii-aitudct of oolitit-al'fortuue that place etlar ruin with the " outs." Koi-t l W H:erl air. Tlie Social Club," ermp.ej of a large nuru ber of the elite of the city, cut at the rei-idence Of HiM Lilian Pat ton, last evening, and, a a matter of ooorae, went there for a "good time" and thoy bad it. "Ma-qncradins" and other a:nueuient wire indulned in, and the fair boateM waa tbc moving i-pirit in all O at waa ao well calcolat'-d to enliven and a Id to tbs enjoyment of tbe ertnicg. At a (seasonable botir UiU "Social Club" aeparattd, regretting only that the occasioua did not occur more freqaeotly, Mini at ! From Gov. Chadaick, who retuintd from 'kvn.il to tl o.ll.ea 01 oournern vitBou, vr, b arn that be ia fully satiafiod aa to tbs future f the "Lucky Quw-u" mine, that tbe mine ia a good one and the ui ill a spU tdid one, exce rt tliat thrre ha bteu tome difliculty found in tbe proceaa of aavlug or M-iiarating the meUl, which ia now iu a fair way to be corrected, iuasciuch aa tbe beat talent aud experience are brought ! into rwjUMition- INuowtlen atrflgN Dr. i'ayton went south ou the train yenterday t bound for Bnowden Bpritiga, where, Mrs. Pay ' tou baa been stopping for aome time. Mra. Pay ton baa had very poor health for years ; but since going to theso famous spriuga.haa improv ed very laat, and it ia thought she may entirely recovei her accuatonitd health. Large i.uui bora of our citizens are talking of Huowdea Hpriugs, as R n sort fur the summer. Hue liter. Thomas Cross weut south yesterday, after more of the "same sort "of beef he has be-n furnishing Thompson A Lafore with this winter. He expects to deliver to said firm iu this city by rail, thefiueat lot of beef yet brought to this city this spring. Tue cars of the Oregon Railroad Co., will laud them here next Battirday. Mr. Crisis thoroughly uuderstauda the business, aud will uot buy any but tbe best. "Tir," ot the ( IteuM-kFU. Everybody knows "Taff," as you ace bim or dinarily; but there waa a change came over bim on Sunday last.'aud "plug bat," "storec otbes," and "nice team," was what was the matter with bim. His best fi i. wis di J not recognize bis disguise. Perhaps ho was only advertising some "dry goods" bouse. If so, be did it suc cessfully, aud is attending to business us usual. KiMr Irnui. Mathews, of the Chcmeketa. basa'-wt-akuess" for a good horse, aud be Is the fortunate owner of a lir that go "away dowu" in tho fifties, so easy it is Jor thera to get over the ground. Well, never mind -wo may be "happy yet," aud ours will be '-2:fJ" 01 nothing, ni-ist likely the latter. A llali Ins; Prl, Went out to Battle crtek, onttuuday lust, having made omo mistake iu tbe day of tbe week. Oapt. Joe Bornardi, one of the parties is charged with wringing iu a s lver hook, and thus beating the oprosing parly. He will be brought to tiial on such grave charge. ItlHrt It-it. c of .'. V. Down, r, in ihi-. bet. b. H. Mia-s. C. ri. 1;. iu- A', the I. : i: t-ity, Apul 7lb. by ! end M:olli onuMtJi I'iomih ahmmiaiiox. TL Board of Dii-ectora of the OrrRon Tii nr-t-r Association met in tbo parlor of (lie Che nicketa Hott-l ytstud&y, at 2 V. M., tccording to notice. Prom-nt, Hon. John Minto, rreai-d-nt; Hon. V. J. Ili-rrrn. ChriD. Taylor, and Joarph Watt, of the Hojird of Pirectora; J. lltnry Prnwn, lbcording Stcreiaryj Willard H. llomg, Cnrn-aptrndiug S.crt tary; lion. John W. Orim, F. X. Mathiua, II. C. Oner, .1. L. Parrisli, T. fl. Allen, Iwia Iitvjiuin, J. I'. Mi-Clane, M. I". Mack, T. W. Dan-npm t, andT. h. David s nr. Mr. U.t off. 11.(1 tlio follow in.-, ami na atlnpt c.l as cui-fH or n-MN-i;; 1. HclKHion of puce fir hoi ling tlie anuual t'lt-iiiiion fr 1H77. . . 2. To decide as lo t!,a tii.u; wli. o the c-uauing ri-.O' tin .-lull a-tj'ttirii. .". Apiiutment of Chaplain of the occasion. 4. K'.ection of Speaker tu de liver t! . A.klnaa. 5. Ll'-ciion of N,k ak- r to d -Hrer tho Cccm ioual AdvliOi-a, ruljtive more especially to the h'-tiory of tho immigration of lsli. 6. Election of aauecial l-'inanco Cotnujitloe, wboho duly will be toaolicit contribution to aid tlie AsMKhath.ii in dofraying tho actual tiecersarj ej.j. n-e incurred ia conduct iug its bllr-im-Ha. 7. Appointiui nt of C ; .litl. 0 to employ a band of mtifitr. supcruitcLd tho pn piratioii of tbs grouudri and biiildiugs pel.-ctcd, including i hail for holding the Pi..i:cr ball. 8. Yerlikl report of Truajiiivr anJ Secrciaiy 11 to tl.e financial condition of the Aisoctauoii; auiontitiu Treasury with outstanding indebted t f and f,.r what purports incurred. S. It-port of Committee on printyig, wiib er-timate of cost of hubltsliinij iu pamph 1. t form ti e kJilrciws of Jrilge H. P. B ieatid Hon. Johu Jlinto, iiieluding tbe unpnbiiahe l iraiaeiion of the Aiaociation i1..n to the a.lj..iinir.n nt of tlos r.ieetiDj;. 11. Adoption t.f prfigramma for tho annual mectiri!:; p wieia t-f r. l.ich the Committee on Printing r-ha'.l cause to bo puhlinhed and dis tributed on or hi fort- the 20ih of May. On motion of W.,1. H- rren.all who were prep tnt were invited to participate; in the- proceed ings of the meeting. OB motion tl.e State Fair Grounds were se lected as tbe place to bold the next annual re union. Ou motion the time of closing the next re union was fixed at Faturday Eton, June 16th, 1877. Kev. L. H. Judion was selc-cted as Chaplain ; lion. El wood Evans was chosen to deliver the Annual Addieaa ; and Hon. Wm. btrorig as al ternate. Hon. Joel Paltnor was ohosc-n to deliver tl.e occasional address in rtlation to the immigra tion of 1815. and Stepbsn St&ats as alternate. Ti e following were appointed as Financial Committee : V. J. Ilerrt-n, Jos. Ilolman and Werner Breyman. Coirm'.t'tc of Arrangements : E. M. Waite W.J. Urmu. John W. Hiuto, Mis. Mary Min to and Mrs. S. A. Clarke. Mr. Gat-r moved that the Grand March of the Association beheld at 1:30 o'clock P. M., on the first dav ( f the re-union. Mr. K ts introduced the following resolution for action at every session: l!,.ved. That the Board of Directors pre sent for the consideration of this meeting a p'ati by assessment upon the members or other wise, as to the Hoard may seem best, which will free the Association of its present indebtedness. Hon. A. L. Love joy was chosen to de liver an address on the immigration of 1812, and Mr. Crawford as alternate. The old Committee on Printing, consisting of E, N. Cooke, S. F. Chadwlck, Willard B. Koes, John Miuto and J. Henry Drown, was on motion re-appciu'ed. Ou motion, adjourned till 7: o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Daniel Clark resigned as Chief Marshal, and on motion Hon. It. C. Goer was elected as Ch'sf Marshal and James Elkias, of Lebanon, Liuu county, Assisiaut. Moved and carried that an admittance fen of 51) cents be chargtd to all male adults, aud all msnibors, who pay their membership dues pass frei. The ball tickets was placed at ?2 0". Ou motion, the Uncording Secretary was au-thoriz.-d to retain 100 copies of each year's tran sactions of the Association in hisollice, for the use of the Association. Ou motion, Mr. E. M. Waite was authorized to print 1,000 copies of the transactions of 1870. Moved and carried that the members of tlio press be invited by the Secretary to attend the re-union. Moved that a resolution of thauks be ten dered to the Htate Agricultural Boctcty for the me of their Fair Ground. Tho following were appointed as Committee Oil Programme : President Minto, Vice Presi dent E. N. Cooke, Secretary Brown, W. J. ller rcn, and E. M. Wsito. Mr. Eeta introduced the following resolu tion : Kesolved, That the Secretary furnish tho several pa-wrs of this city, the Oregoiiian, aud Standard, of Portland, with a copy of the proceoditiKs of this meeting, requesting an in sertion of the same , ti,t r,,i I, .1.1, M.-Prakpn Moved and carried that Col. John MuCraken, A. P. Ankeny aud C. H. lwis be appointed a committee to secure bulf fare on the different linos of transportation. The followiug resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That tbe Pioneer Association of Orogon, fully appreciating the courtesies ex-teud.-d by 8. F. Mathews, proprietor of the CUemekeia Hotel, do hereby extend to him our kindest expression of good will and aiucerost thanks for favors shown. On motion adjourned. Jons Mi.tTo, J. HfcXKV Ubown. Sec. President. f Htt. f. l. I rndMll. It is reported ou apparently good authority that Capt. Craudall is booked for Secretary of Idaho. It is a geKid position salary twouty-five hundred -snd we hope the report It correct. ANlOilH Has 40 salesjns - reported and yet iht ic is rfrom - for impiovtmont. IHed. ! lu this lily. ApilGth, I'ar.tiy l'oail. p;r. di -, ji- .'..tu!.! i cf J:nt :t v rod r'liium Cnis-. DtKHTt:n. "Cold I no cold !" and tlio nihl looks dowu On a alnv ring form in a tatioretl Kowu, On a lono, lorn heart, and a pair of eye-4 Abrim with a life's kot o miseries; Ki on kisa, l'.y the tlakos are told, Kim on kiaa Hut oh ! ao cold, F.ven Iho ton; h that on(!ht to blna, M.ickijlli the wand'rei'a wretchednotH. How run the lorej in llio land of liRht, Poor IhroUKh tlio ili-iiml loi w of liinht, With never a alar to li-eak the gloom. Or sivi ep or.e cloud from tlio path of tlo.".ll) ! 1' tlllvO 011 tl.i!.!., n x-!.-..! I,.H, With touch so chill, With t.'iiir-h that sinks like tlio shaft of bate Dt op in the heart to desolate. "Cold ! 50 coM !" and (lie rnddy pluru Of lights that nli.it in tlio frosty air lteddens each lliko that falls tioii A r.'jVss, Ironii lis.-, fiieiidb ss one; Drop by drop Of the hlood-rc 1 snoir, Drop by drop In the cup of woe; The thaiice tilled for t j-nt's r-i'r 1 r: , A panjier's feast forr. ( l.i a'ioi-:.ilL. Joy sails out on the Winter's wings, Arid turned for self Is the lav she sings. Its echoes drift with the ioy air Aud 1110. U the sufferer's piteous prayer; Wave on wave With the night wind strong. Wave em wave Of the l itter son. Tlatt flokfa where the se-ils of hope are fulled, Aud crowns tho wounds of a heartless world. "Cold ! so cold !" N'it the eut'ins bla-t, Nir the trosty cloak of the night cloud cast, Hut the eia'mpe-., iiiipityinK he-arts tbial boat The rhyme ot life in the tb longing slitet; Throb on throb With the chimo of p. If; Throh on throb To the- sna of self; B it not one pulse io the- measure sweet, That times the love at tho mercy Stat. Theniaht wears on, and the moon sails out And elonds sweep imck to the nalms of (lonbt, And the stars lixik down for the shiv'ring form Tyat braved the thrn-ts of the cruel storm; Fold on fold Is the mantle white; Fold ou fold 'Neath the eves of nicht; The drifts sre still in tho Winter's breath; And the spoilers rote is tbe wing of death. lAi:;;t 1 1 ic. Gray in all shades, will bo much used. Black net dotted with gohl is used for veils. Mr. Moody tells the Boslonians: "If you can't bv a lighthouse, be a candle." New Market bein? fltte;d upon Commercial street Billy Langhead. Dainty little parasols iro to take the place of the Bensiblc sun umbrella. A large acreage of fl x will be so?. n in Oregon this spring. Navy blue and dark brown is a utw combine tion. Mildew on wheat U whr.t's tlie matter in California, in some localities. Dick Barker is "returning board" iu the way of acting as umpire on mauy occasions, and very few can go Is-liind him. W". H. Watkinus, Esq., who has been confined to his room for several days, is ou the street again, able to attend to business. Tho relentlesB hooper promises to be very numerous in Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Min nesota. It is folly to pay for-y kents for, a sheet of mu sic when you cau go to church and got it by the choir for nothing. Ashland Tidings announces anew manage mentMr. Button rt-tiriugon account of ill health J. M. McCall fc Co., taking his place. Mrs. Olive England, being at home again, will resume music teaching aud her scholars will take notice aud govern themselves acejrdingly. W. R. Duubar trill visit Capital Lodge, Good Templars, this evening (Saturday), in an offi cial capacity. Mr. Barlow, telegraph operator at Aurora, accidentally shot himself iu the foot, with a pistol while on target practice on the 9th inst. "Grace before moat," as the youtig lady re marked wben she laced herself eo tight slio couldu't swallow. The wave ou which many a poor fellow has b6eu carried away is the wave of a lace-edged cambric handkerchief. "liaising the wind" is now denominahd more classically, "exciting the financial iEolus.' "Done ou my own hook," "executed on the re sp nisibility of my awu personal curve." Nothing will sooner establish the recognition of the eldest sou's position in tho family than his ability to beat the old man five straight games of endue in one evening. A Baltimoro paper says that the prie'o of board hasn't been so low for the last ten years and adds, "and the board hasn't been so bad either." Hops are a good crop, ordinarily, but there was a "failure" 011 hops last year, in Lane county, not "down in the bill," and tho cli mate and soil had nothing to do with tho result. A Ferguson street man had just said to a fiiind : "Let's take another "when his wifo I noi forgotten--"view of the political situaliou" he added . It is more laudublo to suffer great misfortune than to do great things, says StanitdauB, and it is better to stand and cuss the vocabulary dry whim the Btovepipe falls down than to kick thk the stove over. We've seen a man witk a tcu-cont cigar in his mouth talk of hard times, but a woman never cniMolains until she has turned the old dress twice and cnut't fluel another side to it. There was a large crowd yesterday at H. D. Boon's bookstore to hear Prof. Stanley play on his favoiilB piauo tho Steiuway. Also the splendid bliouiuger Organ, II. D. Iloon, solo agent. The Sunday School limbic at tho M. F. Church attracts largo crowds even Pagans seeming to enjoy it. Mr. Chambei liu leads the singing, and is not only an accomplished musi cian, b'tt a thorough oiganiaT. "See the hosts of sin advancing; Satan had ing on," is what tliey aiing in a Chicago church us the Sunday Krbta.il mnrol eel up the aisle, liea-ltd bv li 0. lif t:. nenf Mule. Any 0110 desiiinga neat and suliatauli il Joh of work douo in the lino of bottoming chairs, and wishing at tlio same tiino to render aid te tbo unfortunate, will boar in mind that there are several pupils, nofln good circnmhfanccj, who aro desirous of helping thotiiselvos by ren dering an equivalent for what they receive. Any ono having a chair without a oano bottom cun liavo one put in on short 11 it slid to their satisfaction by calling at llio Daf Mute School and leaving thuir orders, and Jlieri by aid tlitso uiiforlunato young persons ai s. curing a s llicui.cy to take them home. 1 v-ilu 'I'i'li'trrnuit Frank I'., lloclgl.fn loaves us t-ed. y, to t.-ike prtsition on an evening paper. i:i Portland,' Iho ' Fvening Tolegram." Fl unk understands tlie Oeicio.ss iu hand. and tho management have from Rood tosto snd business se-nso in their selection Frank will make friends - tho piper, and wo doubt not ho will "go in " lot- making the " Telegram " a spicy sheet, md wo expect to hear from him, a good repojt. rumirnl .itlte. Died, at tho Commercial Hotel, al five o'clock P. M., on Monoay tun 9th iust., Ma-u.-, wife 1 f A. 15. Cardwell, imd danghler of Wesley and Rebecca Graves. The funeral will tako place from the M. E. Church, at three o'clock P. M.( this Tuesday, April llltli, 1377. Frauds of the family arc invited to attend. liaisrl ry. The boot store of J. F. fcUaiger wa.i burglar ized on Sunday night to the extent of four pair of new boots value about $10. Entrance was madu from the rear, by a window, app.n c-ntly without much difficulty. Home one has estimate.d that each person on the globe would rccive two dollars if all the crold was parcelled out. Aa mmy of us would only bo thirty-Aye cents richer by such a ' divvy," we hardly think it is worth while to go to that trouble.! Nor. istutrn lleiald. Me-rti liiiill III Sew Yoi-It, Xot lecturing in San Fraueisco, as repoi led. At latest dates Mr. Meachara was in Albany, N. Y Eon. V.. Mallory was in tho city Monday at tending to some very important legal business. PHOTO GRA Poonve the Mia low lire tlio eoiVtiii.ou f:.Uv I5 A. H3IrriI, Aitist, Takes photographs, earl, cabinet, an J life size Stylcand BnMi equal to any' work done In tbe Slate. Prices Rcamouttliln. GALLERY .Commercial street, between Rtate and Oourt stree:s. Salem, Uga. Jan4 tf V YOU WANT TO GET SHAVED CO TO BEN. ILELSAY'S AT rUS NEW STAND et deor to C Czafovge's. near the Hotel 775. Ct.1TES.1IA!. 1376 CASH STORE Dealers in) GROCERIES. Cured Meats, Lard, Etc. Starkoy's Block, Commercial Street, Snlom, Ogn. ull-ti JONES & PATTERSON, I U S U R A U C E -A- 3ST U General Agents, Opera House, Saiem, Oregon. c IMTTf.AKS PESCnil'TIVK OP OREGON lor gratuitous illalrliiiitinn on a.pll. alioii ieb7:ilwlf TlloM. A. MAVZEY. O. I'. M AUZKT MAUZEY BROS., PLUMBERSiG&S FITTERS AND DEALKItS IN Hot WaterBoilers.Bath Tubs, Ilubloer PTo.se, ANT) Iklttl Ill'l I'llllipM. Have ewislanllj on handjAli Sue of Pipe and Fittings For'.Caa, Water St Steam. Jobbing & Repairing a Specialty. Shop on East Side Commercinl St. "EAL Estate BUH1NESS CARD-J. HUELAT t EASTHAM. A I tonic) a-iit-Inw. OOiue in Port hind In Xllor OrogoD Cllr 'Iikii....j s lilen-.k, Ida a strctrt. K. L, ".MTHAIf. Oregon, tut? iill's new brick, Nu. h, rlrst strixM. b IlL'Kl.AT, Poillnuil, line I J: tin JAME3 F. BROWN, A!!ornev-at-Law and Notary Public, Liigene City, OiTfrnn. J. A. APPLECATE. A.T'X'OIK.lTIE'X"- VI'-Xi-A.'W: SAL KM, OREfiOS. Oifice e..jni:iie ,i.o ftaiik. tn nrlwclil's IHoalL ilev.'i:tl JOHN J. DALY. lHorjH j- end C'HHclor ut Law, Rooms in Ilutlor's Old Store, Dallas, Orogoa. Will prmrttew In the State and U. S. Courts. VL ec.llonaaepeeialtv. JNO. J. DALY. 'ltv,-lM:ti TILMON TOJta, Vtli m y iintl Counselor at Ltw Salem, On 'tin. Oltioc in Pattern's Brick Building, t'p Stairs. ronrctaST.l 3. ttVIMc'Al'iaK, M. DM PJiysirltm & Kurtfcoii,; OFHCE-GrlsTreld'i Sleek, TJp Etaira. v. c. slllivaI A-ttox-iiev-nt-Iaa-vy , Will hereaficr bo found ab the somheast wm of lie.; IV 1 it;ra HoiiLft, upstairs. saieni, th-.t, 4-;iii. G. H. DAVIS, IV!. D., Tomlers his professional services to the peop! il'Sjoio a...l vicinity, lie will go anywhere in tau- to act surgicii lly when called upon. tttttf SET S3 SS. SIASIIllili, (Sen! Estate Agent, City SurTCf or, Civil Engineer and o- ary Public. egS-OfflocirPatton'sBrk-k Building, np:stai. mari-h:io7s n. n. ortosi, iKTSE PAINTER AND PAPER HANfiEft. a M Kalaomr.iingr also douo. Work solloiteit ami. eatislai-.tion k-uaranteed aetrftna W. I SMITH, n. !., Pliytsicritm :nxtl iifir;oia HARIIlSBtnU, WRUUUN. mavStl E. SHEIL, D., PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOf. Sri.CTALTY C'lii'onic; liiisojitsioi-j OF TUB Head, Thrwat, Cliest & Digestive Organs, Alio OP TIIE JSITVOIW SYSTEM UKM.lt ALLY. itFFiCK-CIommerclal Hotel, Sa'em. B. STRANG, IKALEtt IS COOK, PARLOR, 'BOX STOVES and RANCES. Iiiiii'tHrtuier ol TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE. Union Block, Commercial street, Oregon. C3rComo in and cailne our new goods. uHll SHIET.8 Ma.dc to Oi'clcr. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Inquire ai B. FORSTN EH'S 'ommeri-.iul st Salem. .Look Hero ! J. M. COULTER SS NOT DEAD NOR ET 8M0KPINU, BUT isultve awl kicking, and ready to furnish you evilh all kinds of Ooopor-Wnro, .IN Salem or East Portland. Shop in Salem on the lot where I built the brick n e oiiuiHiroitii sireet. nnop in ir.ast I onianuaa .he IHti.t'ntc el the Nark street terry, tptr" All work warranted nf the fiesu P-klUl FOR SALE. A STOCK OR DAIRY FARM Containing 690 Acres, CMTlTATRn ON THE MI11TII SIDE OF- THkl O Columbia river and on the east bank of t hl-iw-ok river at its inouih. uiid shout 4 miles above Korl Cuiiliy. It is esiM-chilly aelapted for a Dairy Farm, ahoitt 5ei0 aci-es of It lielng excellent snisa liiiid, siitth-tent to winter lot) cows Willi littfe t no extra feeding, a pot-lion of it being sanity huul wt ere 'he gi'ii.is starts arly in the sprlnjr, and when that aives out there is n-npte liih) htn.1 raiifcO where the grass never dries up. The whole tiloce tOHced, with a hoiino and burn on It. ttud can with a very liulo labor bo increased milch beyemd II a present c'liwciiv. Kir ftinlier luiili.'iilai'.e enquire of If. H. OII.K, (vstervilkK, t'a. lllc. i-omitv, W. T., or A. 8. tlllo.-r.'l, Ntv 9b, . tirnt street, Purllaml, Oreitoii. feb-I 6us LABISH "DAIRY. UK irNliKltSUiNKI) IS Pit Kl'AKKD TU " I'lirnish IVenh milk, twice a ilay, to lnli and heitels. The itttlU fr.,tn one cow is ketrt sepri rale I'oi clill e . U. I'OUM. v-.i.:n ADVERTISING! S:i,5.".t. It ..r h . 1" vj.-i-'f in wii ioue new'Hfn. Ik-is .l-ti-:oiite 1 through thirl -, tatet.nill Imi mI for $7 uo c.-4r.h. A. vo i .lie iuei i ion- uiuirmit,tl. A li.l ol l he- mit-,. i tv iiif: .fjiiy aiol iy-kl elruu lati.ui Mini piin:!.! -.-iieeiul,. of r:itv. wnt fr- t i.h appli.nti-Hi I..IIK.). I'. ItuttKII.A to., New. t-;i;M-r . - - r- : t-i .1 4 A-,-..:-. N r. 41 lfH KoW, . .i b,-4 l isk of la,. lte I hi al. itv iae It II N :v UI I.I r I t'