7 MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICES. I.KGAL, NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. misceli.af:ous. "WEEKLY" OKEGhOlSr STA.TESMA.Isr. DIPTHKHIA. At the mooting of the 8lm Aeailimiy of iihkIUIiib, Wednesday evcnli.g, the sub ject fur illoi'iitwlon IwliiR dlpthmla, It wns round Unit so much mutter ot Interest to the )rotnxlon ooiiiicxti'd with our epl di m cof the winter was presented, that It wiih voted to hold nn ndjourned meetliiR on Wednesday evening March 15th, 7 A, m.i at the Ileoorder' ofllon In I'ntton'fi block, and Invito all pliy-di'liirn of (rood RtamthiK In the city and adjacent country, to meet with in and lor mutual bom lit ns well as the good of the prole, slim ami the public, to have considera tion of I ho subject. The piitlmloiry of the diwaw will be prenented In a short and .eoneUe form, by one of Iho member, to be followed by (II--cuwbin. The coniplleatloiiH will then be considered, the nature ot the present epi demic; the oe(iuda ; the treatment, and each part being examined In detail us presented. Hoping that the views presented tuny be the meiuis nf giving a 1 a clearer knowl cilpr, of the subject nrt.ter, and that ana profeHdon we mav bo led to more concert ed action ncahmt prevalent dln"ii!, wc remain ynnra, K. K. Fiskk, Pres. J. 1U.ynoi.ds, Sec'y. LIST OF"TETKIlS. lComiilniiiK '.n tli Pnsmlllco, Hiileni.nl this date. Persons calling lor llmsu loners muni give the date mi wlili-.li they aru auvortiscii Ashelman, A I) Adams; W II Minn, H K Hoi i ii. Eva i llolin. I 'In llullivk, .Inniiie llullnck. M It llrnoks, i) A llrunihtiiigh, Katie llrimka. H lliillin. Litcindin ltnland, i arrio ltnuliard, Frank lin wolng, Mollle lluitl e, II lirnv ii, Kiln llnrrett, 1, ltu-ev, M A lurkcr, MnlW Hull, Hurah A llarham, J M Cornelius, A M 3 Cook. Sir W Clavunnl. Mm J :) ( actor. Mini' Clavpool.J Colleu, T liurkee, B K Davidson, Mary 8 Davidson, A c Oarilner, W m K liregotre, K S ilarroUon, r Oimm. J It I low tin I, J Howard, 1' Hunt. M lliltl. Mri K '! Haven, J Harrison, E Henderson, W. Hcnly.T Jones. Mint S Johiiwiii, d Liniinoii, 1. Mlllnr. .1 Mnlkv, MI'sM A Miller. Ml K Mnlir, Miss M M.'t'iinl, Mrs Roila .M.-Faddim .) .1 Mt-.lnlosh, J 11 Orv. A I' Ovcrlv, t' E Overlv, W M Oglosby, Wm Pull-on, Mary Palmer, Mm .1 A Pnrln Sum Hane-ov, Mi K Itlclrinlsou, J 11 Hlli f. .lames Snili ii, K Smith, C It H-uiih, J It Somaor, A Hiorn, Mr KnvattO. i H Htlll.H, W II Sheldon, Hoc HaviHh. A Idas Simmons, ti Huyara. H SclnilMirg, fl li Savage, II II Stmuson, T Swift, II r Hehriver, Oeo Tuppor, It K Tnpimr, H K Turner, Lnu Tnvlor. Mim Mary Wniln, L White. Clarissa WollHirn, Lilly Wanks, ljulora White, J II Wiltitirn. Mm l.ue W tnli. V Warren, J IS Vt ule, Mr 11 Miller, (J IIKXItV M.TIIATCHEll, l M. BAI.KM. Miimh 7, 1M77- DIED. HfrtttAItll SIarli mil. lrtTT, ,limili li. Iluli luinl. aim nl l.li llutibunl, two mtliw north f Huli'in. ul tin- ri)i4ldimt) of lil luttH-r. AttvA tinny t'uiir yuuim, mm n-.nntli ami iwuilave. KI;ilKS.-!n tlm Wal lo llillfi, Kithrimry 2, 1S77, Alvin M., inlHiit mm tit 'J'lionn anil Itusu KU:liui, Mcil one month ami ulevnn ilnyn. TheJ parnntH tuke tlii oppornnitty t tliaiik the frlnnilHHml lioixlilKir thai so klmlly hmsIkIwI Hum in Hip hour nl' nno'l. I'KUKINH.- NonrSalBin, Willie Pei ktn, as?! 1 7 yrnis, 1 illptlieria. ThtH In thulinii chllil, of this lttiiiHy, thul linve lallen vhttinn t tl'i" tnrrlhle illw ain, iliptheria. W.ARKET REPORT. U.K.M. Ma-ah ,".IH77 ri.ni' a, OKAiN, rro. V'aet, best while Kir bushel f Hts, iir hui-liel IIK m! t .iru Muni, pur lb it va flour, liesl, )ir barnd 4 On.it I'.iickwhi-al Fluur, per lb 4i Itrnn, s-r tun 11 (toad Hlort. )ier ton 2Ti .Mlafl MiildHugs, per ton ;t'i (in. oil Caku Meal, I ir lou 3.. is. KIbv hviM, nor lb 'J(u Hy iter ton, new I'i (i ' (ulisl, pur ton Ill ui flKIX'KKIKH. "gar, Knn Frauclaco retlnud, icr bbl tlt Island Hid " Crushed U!t " I'owilertil !:(. " (.raanlHliil line Hirup, sir gul Ion M Tatt. jaiiaii, iHir lb ritsm I nn -in ,1 6 (Nl 4 l en 1 (HI 1 .VI Tea. linpis lal 1 Tkw Cjflee, Costa Itloa, icr lb Sou " Uio (( " Kuno iiM " .luva :fi Silt, Carmen Island, isir owl W " Ltverxiol, eoar,o tu! " Liverpool, rialrv lit " Bay (K KRII1TH, VKlJKTAlll.KB, tit. A oples dried, jior lb AM r'eachos, dried, per lb v 1 1 ;fJ I'lums, dried, per lb lii'm rnra, pur bushel 4um nian, per lb fttf IbitaliKis, per bushel A0(i i taiuiif, per lb faitf BUTTKIt, KUUH, ETC, 1 Oil 1 110 1 7.1 K7 HuUer, Irosh rolls, per lb '.'. at Hatter, wicked " Kggs, per dom m ,10 .iid, so- lb., oiui, r.iv. Unseed Oil, boiled, per gallon.... " raw i. I.M-d Oil, por giilliin c.wl Oil, pergallon Nenlsfi.ot Ml, ier gallon l'4llow, su' lb. UK ATM. ItiwL buying .1 Selling... I'ork " .... ci7 " Mutton " .... " Vnal " .... ,1 " Oritsl Ik-ef I om lieef It tcon Iliuns Miiiililots livm SNkrt 1 li'.'it Il'llUJ 1 .'llllt ti; 1 "S .-III 1 ml III V." 1-i III (0 15 U JO 1-4 . . IM . IM . . Ha . . . K.0! . . . Itf , . . IM . ..lllVic . . . IM l.KA'1'III'.lt, KTi;, French Calf 1 Kreuch kip, per dozen i ' il anil Oregon Calf, per dozen... . " Ulp, tnta Cru. Sole, )K!i- lb Hides, dry green User Skills, dry, per Ik ' dressed, jatr lb WruH'p Tolls .4,1 (HKrf 7:1 00 .7.1 WMluo (10 .:w utiat! II imi . 4.1 (KM 0,1 no J7lul 7(1 4(u) l.'iaf 1 IMi IIXHJ CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Iluviii'' wild mil our inti'i'CMt in tin- H' . tirinlni'.' liipdiii'M to A. 1.. Mnirtiiii, tin; ft., ... t.i fi I , . i'Ii i I, 1 1 nri( . , 1 1 .1-1. i v i tit I mr 11 a,, I ' I lit- linn iimne of Ui'ilin-'lnu Keinlmrl ,,- i.M (liM-ailVIIll llV llllltllul IMIItBl'Ilt, All tiiiiHliuiiline; iii'iMiinls in tiivor nl', or uuiiinsl (lie Idle linn will lie soUled lv I.:. S. lleiuhuit. .1. W. JiKMNiiTON. ('. S. 1! K! Ml A K'l'. : , i i.-i 1 ,i i-i-l i s 1ST? Centaur1 Liniments. TIst'iQulckrat. Snrowt iiitd C liuip cat ICcnicd v.h, I'hynti'liitiH rmwinimnnil, ami FnrrlerB ilcuhrt that tin Hiii'.h reinmltm liavn ever U'lorn been In uko. Word art eheap, but, I lie proprietors ol tlioMiHrlti'lOH will evident trial lioltlfw to inelirjil ninn. (.'rails ami will Ktianinloo more raii'l nnri witlxliuitory ruMiliH than liuve ever Ixilnro latwi ob'Hlneil. 'I'lii' I'ftitnifr l.lntinint.H'lilt. 1ifip.r, will mini I lieiimiillHrn, Ni'iirlfl, I,nmli"o. n. iiotlira, t'akeft ItreaHlH, Hore NlppliiH, KroMtefl Feet. Chlllhla'iiH, HwullliiK", Hnrulm-, and nay ordinari Fl.RHH, BONK AND MCWXlf AII.Mf.NT. It, Will nxtrant tlm tiolwm ol liltin anri mincis ami hnal lmrn or wall Is without a near. l.i.k biw. rainy, Weak llm-.k, fikiwl l!rel, Karaclie. TiHilhuclie, Iieli ami Cillnnaoiia brupUuiie roaillh ylnlil to It- treatment tlonrv lllark,ol' Ada, Hardin Co, Ohio, iv "My wllo Iuih hat rheiinuitlxm for live ye-arn -nr. rem, no luep, -itoiihl n-immly walk ai-.roKfi tin IliHir. Mm l now uompliilnlv i-.tireil l.v the ue ol (lentaiir 1lnlini-iil. Wealll'eo thankful to von. ami riHininnuiml your wonilei l'nl inlli-.iiin tti all our frinmlH." Jnniim llurd, of 7amwllln, o , navn: The On taur l.lnlment uureil mv Nuiiraliiin." Alfred 'I'iimIi, of Newark, wrpea: "Send mn oaf dowin hottlea liy expreix. Tlm I.ininioui liu saved my left. 1 want todltrlliitc it. ftc," The mic- of thin Untrnont in inoriutHiiiK rapidly. Therentnnr I.lnlinenl.Yellow H rnppei is for the lotion skin. IIi-mIi and miiHslea ul' HORSKH. M1I.KS AKD A IM A1.H. W'e hnvn never vet muni a mine or Rmvln, Sweuiiy, KliiK-hnno, Wlnd-jnill, K,rnti;hi or I'oll Kvtl, wlii. li ihu l.lnlniciit would not B-'dlh Ikiiii-IH. and wo never huw hut a lew i-jirdh whl-.h It wniitd not i-.urn. It v. Ill cure when unvlhhi(, can. It in lolly to niioiid $J(. lor a Karrier,' when mm dollar'n worth of Centaur Uiilment will do Iwtiii. The fulluwlng las tample oftlio teHtlmont produced: jKrPKHHON, Slo., Nov, 10. 1873, '"tome time an I wiih Hlnppinu; Imrmw to ft I.oiHm. 1 koI. one Invllv urliilHl In the car. Willi areai illftV.uliy 1 prot him to the HUitile. on Fom-tli A-enue. The lKlilc-keeier trnve me a Ikiii IcoI your Centaur Liniment, w hk-.h I umI W illi snob luu-.eiw that In two day the horw! wan n aittlve and nrurly well. J have heen a voierinarv aur ireon for tlilrtv yuan, but your Licliuont 'beadf auyiblng I ever lined. A. .1. M'l'AKTY, Veterlnarv Bnrpeon." for a poHtane utamp wo will mull u Ckinianr Al niaiiac, iinniuliiiiat liundredn of ixiriHli ateH iron, overy Htale In th Union. Tlawe I.iniinenla arc now told by all dealers in tlie country. laboratory nf J. It. Hiihe ft Co., 4(1 Dfy St., Nkw okk Mothers. CmUirln Is the result of l yearn exiKiiinMmtg, bv Ir. Kamiml I'tudier. of MamauliiiMitls. It is a vegirtahle prwi-atton as efleollve as tlastor Oil. but imrleotly ileasunt to the taste. It can lie tak en by tin- youngest in runt, anil neither pn;s nor (rriiHiD. nr. A. J. lirecn, of Koj-Hton, lad., tays Ol ii: iKH:- t have trltil the Castorla and inn upeuk hutli ly of its merits It will, I Hunk, do nwav on tlroly with Cestor Oil; It Is pleasant and liarmloss, and la wundertully efllrai-.lous as an awriunl and laxative. Jt Is the very thing. The Castorla destroys worms, remilatea the Stomach, cure Wind IkilU-., and permits of natur al healthv alii-p. It Is very etlicaclous In Croup, and for Teething- Children. Ilonev is not pleas aulor lo the tusie, and Cantor Oil is not. an curtain in Ita enecls. It costs but itiuenta. in large bottlus J. H.illiKSK, 4JCo.,4it liey St., New York, ucl 1-Ul SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. At a meeting of Uio Incorporators, (hn lit Sweeglc and John Hughes wore authorized to so licit stock lo the Mount Jefferson Pass Wagon Itoait. Kf.tu It. Iiammfk, Sec'y, Silem, (gu., Match 7, l77-tf LOST. liulwecii Commercial at reel and the fialem Wlmrf, a purse of money. The finder will be suitably re- nuidixl by leaving the sitineat Statkisiian otlice, f-iileiu, Man- h 7:tf N am y 1". L'ooimib, fCOTICE. ThcsliK-ldiuldei-s, In the Mount Joft'ei'siiii l'ue Wagon ltnuil are eiicsted;by the Incorpnraiors) tomuet ill Koed's 0Hra House, In Salem, at one o'clisik H. MSulurdiiy, Mimdi 81st, 1877. Ukli7:l(l 8KT1I R. llA.MMKK.Scv' LOST, On :ho 1th lust., between K. M. Waite's rosideiice and the railroad, a gold cull' pin. The Under will be rewarded by leaving the same ul the tatks- h an or Mercury office. ii-li(i:if FOUND, Near f-uleiu, by Mr. Blantao, a black liaml sachel or vallM', containing sundry articles; among otlt-ei-s, a miiiiII pm-Mj of money. Tho owner can have the smne by calling al the Htate&man of- llco and giving Bill Isfactory information ofowner ship and paying tor this notice. iuarcli3 WANTED. Dr. Siikii. wants those Indebted to lilui to call and settle their hills, for tlm past year, without ilelity. ' iik-,li::tf WANTED, A sittmtinti as furctnin or regular sltuatiun as workman In a custom limit and Shoe shop. Long c.Vsji ionee un'l good references. Address .'(il'lH Wkiihkk, fell 3::it I'ortland MUSIC BOOKS FOR REED ORCANS. CLARK'S NEW METHOD u Olt i A MS Ci WH Is iiuiversiill v known as u FOR UKI-.I) one i t lin e merit, not it in me ltisi ruciit e course, ai,n nn: iui i-.nosvu mis lor piur.wce. rtTC'c Lrunn iw i-jirlos UL Lk O Mb UUk etil.AN i'2 .10). '1'he i-iile ot inoie than IMf.oeo c jites is me irisi prooi in us greai Kipuiarit.y. FMrncntic 3t-ptw for LI1IL.nOUl101v!l3sa?JH:OX) KKi:d OlttiAN", (-2 Sin Is the work ol two distliiKUlslieil music niis, uini is euai io ine is.-hi. ROOT S SCHOOL H all) is vie of the nl !- a FOK 1 IIH C'AKI KKT OlttiAN i-l and liesl. iiiiitluul. n iiioiy Known ami used. CLARKE S RXGfrStfia FOI! KI-KI) KUAN, is an uliln eiuileit lull very himhI inetliiHl for isivluuei-s. WINNER'S NEW SCHOOL? IM-.T Olit.AN ,7-.'.;U I is I br iheais-sl. am FUI! .('A It. 1i-.i oiii,A , .M I is i tie ,'.lieiiiu.si, and an ei:ei leui i-it.-i nisi i uou.iii lasik. ORGAN AT H0ME,':r:rt; wi'U known Kt'ctl .i.in jucm's. OLIVER DITSON Sp CO., 13 O ti T O IsT . 4', If. ItltMH) A' Co., I J. i;. IIIImiiii A 4 .. 71 1 Brondwsy, 8uccessnrstflbeWlkei Newoik. I I'hilailelphla. SELECTSCHOOL. Mrs. I. M. Xickkkson will open a retort school on next Monday, February Sfilh, at her residence on State street, iilsive the railroad, op posite Hie residence of Kev. C. W. Shaw. Ti-;rmh!-$4.00 per Term of twelve weeks. fe22:dlw KORSAl.E. A pair of large mules for sale, on easy terms. Apnlv at stable west of Poslolllco. (iwi. Fuss. Id) 2l:lw STEAMER sj. CHURCH. Owing to scarcity of freights and low rate ol carriage lor lame, ihealiove named steamer will not, run again until further notice. fehi-CHId J. W. I iXIIKAN Co. CCNSER'S FERRY. At Jefferson, Marion county, For Sale cheap, ami on reasonable terrjl. Apply to KKF.n & Cox, Agent),. BRANCH MARKET. Slessrs. Smith & Collins, the popular butchers of Si aiy street, in order the better to accommo date their fast-growing Irarln, have opened a branch shop at Judge Lawson's isomer. The well ami favorably known manipulator of cleaver an.i knllo, William M. i-aiigtuad, Ksq., is behind the block. Call on mo and get my prices fur Mourning Cards. WV. J. CLARKK. NOTICE. SPECIAL OITIi-K ItF RiNfiKnMOt FACTtlHINGCO.. ) I'lHKT AM) Y AM1I1I.I, STKKKTH, ! l'ldtTLANU .Or.'. Jan 1.1877. ) For the benefit and Informal Ion ot onr custom ers, and to all persons desiring to purchaso our ceiob'ated Sewing Machines, we resiectfully no tify them, that Messrs. fioonr.icii Bitos. are our AgeiitK for Salem ami Marion noun I y, Coryallls and r.cnlon oHnty. und arn fully authorized to ibeut and sum le ou'.niau-l ng account lor ua. TU1C WSEU MANF'G TIO., M. W. Tarsoks, Manager. I'ubis: ly Orcffon and W. T. WANTED- Du. II. Smith wants th ue indebted to blm to call and selilc tlictr bills, for the na-t year, with out delay. fcb9:tf MIXED CARIIS-4 different styles and col ors with name neally primed theroon.'srnt to any addresa, uisin fecelt ol S3 cents and three cent stainn. Address jan -Jtrtf W. J. Clark b, Salem Ogn. VOCAL MUSIC. (ll rOl BEUINSEKK. MISS ELLEy J. CHAMBERLIN will open a class for Boysand Girls wishing to learn the ru diments of Vocal Music at her residence en Front street. The first class will meet Salnrduy after noon, the '201 Ii Inst., at t o'clock, and every suc ceeding Saturday at the same hour nniil further notice. This Is as excellent opportunity for boys and girls to lonrn to rea4 and understand Music. Terms :::::::: ll.oo per monili. WEST SHORE. holMcriptione received at the Post Otlice for the Regular Edition and tne Holiday Number of the West Shore, bv 11L1S J). KK'IiEY. dlltliv. PRICE REDUCED. lUIlt CirTTISti 25 C'KXT3 - Hair cutting from this dute, in the roost fashionable style1, for 25 ceiita. A close comfortable shave, with all the tlxlng, alwaye obtainable. A. . Ukitzkl. jan 21:1 f l'roprlelor FOR SALE CHEAP. A line stv-oiui-liand wood Turning Lathe, in good order, lor mile cheap. Who wants-it. Address BlJIlTHBY A. 6l API. ETON. jun ls:tf Salem, Oregon. agents: Vi Klegsnt Oil Cliromos, su.c.Dxll, byiuail, prepaid. lor 1.110 Kend address for Illustrated oalalvgii. V. Mt'NSON.Jr., jan 4:dwly VH Post streets, San Francisco. A MACNIFICENT PAPER, Tbe West Shore for .laouryisa luagniticent paixir in overy souse. It is a volume iu itself. It lias forty-four pages of interesting and val uable literature pruned in a hauilsome style, and embellished with interesting illustratiuns, photographs of Oregon's prominent men, and eugraviugs of our noteworthy architecture and natural scenery. This number contains brief sketches of the different towns iu Oregon, aud devotes all available space to tbe euterprise aud the advantages of our admirable State. It is in fact, a striking witness iu behalf of Oregon's natural resources aud of the onward strides of the undertaking and thrift of her inhabitants is in itself au exhibit of the enterprise charac teristic of the section it represents. The West Shore is an excellcunt family paper and just tbe thing to send to your frionds abroad. Subscrip tion price, $1 50 per year. Single copy 20 cents. January number 50 ceuts. Free to yearly sub scribers. JL. Samuels, publisher, ' Portland, Oregon. Local Agent for Salem and vicinity, Miss D. llickey, at the I'ostomce, who also" has extra numbers of the mammoth editou for sale at 50 cents per copy. ODD FELLOWS DIRECTORY. Salem Oregon. UAI.L AMI MKIIAIt Y ROOMS, HIKMJ CJoinniercial and Ferry alreem. hour ol meeting h-as follows: January, October. Novem ber and JHioninher, 7 o'ekvk', V. February, March, April anil Seiileiuber, 7::W o'clock, v. si.; May, June, July and Aiigiut, o'clock, p. is. Members ivom other places are cordially in vited to attend. t'HKMKKETA Loikjf Nn. 1. Meets on evcrv Wodneiiilay oveniii(r. M. M. Miller, N. (i.: Win. Waldo, V. (i.: M. L. ('hauilmrlin. K. S.; F. ij. Moore, P. S.; J.U. Jordan, Ti-easurer. ANSlVKitaAKY LmxiK No, IS. Meets everv Muiutav evening. W, L. Wiule. X. (.;.; . ltiei-, V. ().; It. M.Kay. K. S.;T.O. liarker, P. S.; Jus. Cotfey, Treaaurer. Oi.ivb Loikik, No. 18. Meets every Satunlav evening. C. J. t'hiirchlll. M. li.; John llnlmaii, V. (.; John Mlnto, K. S.; Saniuel Acolph, Troas lirer; Hubert '1 hiiuii.-iou. P. S. WII.1.AMFTTK KSCAMPMKNT Sfl. S. MlH Mvoiiilaml Ibiu-lh Tiiesilavnol'euch montli. liwi. Wllllani.-, P.; '1'. D Hnrker, II. p.; Win. Waldo, S. W.; II. II. i;i fry. J. w.; '. M. I'ar ineiiler, Scribe.; J 1). Joi-ilaii.Treasurer. (Mm Kf.i.i.i '' I.tBKAKV.-Memliors of t- I roui.ing Lmiues, and their l':imilics are enlilleil ' to free une ul the l.lbrury, sulijivt to the regula- I tioiiH. Uonms iiiii every eveuliiir. SiiiiiIhv, ex. ceiiU'd : oien, alio, Sunday af'lernoon. iMd Fel- 1 lows visiting Salein are iiiade weliime. Thi-y will . lind a ch-'lce seli-etiiin of lnik-;, and nn nniplesiiw j (ily nf current lileraliirc In the iikiui. The Hoard j ol'Triwioe.-- cnnijioiisl of the Trustees ot ihe i-.nn- i Iriiiiiimfi i.inimis. Time ul liiii-i unr. third TImrs diiv in each inniiih. Win. Waldo J. I,. Wright, and J. ,1. Mtii-ihv of No. 1. T. u. Ilitrker, lleoiye William ii in I K. ('. thm.-lilll of No. lit. T. M. l.nt.-h. K. M. Wall and il. ll.tilll'i-v oi Xo. IS. F. ti S-liMulka. LilH-arlnn. nnulC'Tiily In the matter of the F.staie of C. L. Henslev, de caed, William Millksan, Administralor. Ap pllcatlun to sell land. Citation. lo William W. Ifonslev, and any and all un known heir-i of said deceased: You, and each of you, are herebv i-i'ed and re quired toap.irin the Coimlv Court, of Marion County, Mlaic oi l n eiton, at the Court House, In ralem, In said County, on Mondav Hie &l ibiv ot April, 1K77, at lijo cli-,k, A. M. of said dav. then and there to showitfiiiM), If any exist, whv an nr. rier should not I made, by said Court, anlhorl. ing William Miln.Mn.aMrolnimWornisakleslala, to mil the real propel ly ol -ald il -eased, for the iiaymentot the exis-nses of admlnistraiion and claims against sjild esiale, a pciliioned lor liv said admlnisti-ator said real esiale is ili-scribed as follows, lowlt: 'f-iinate in the ( itv oft-alcm, Ma rlon iWHinly, Mate of Oregon, and known and des ignated on the recorded pall or said Cilv. as Lot No. (7) seven, in Block No. tin, twentv-e'lgl.l." It Is oniered by the Court, thai servliw'of the fore going citation lie made on all jiarhes Inici-estisl In said estate, by pniillnanon In iheOKKiiiiN Wf.f K 1.V STATtsJIAs lor six successive weeks. JOHN C. I'ltKliKS. Salem, Feb. 5. lK77:iebil:wt;w County Judge. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HKltERY CIVK.V 10 ALL whom It may concern, that the undersigned, h. J. Lcmmon, administrator of the estate ot Jane B. Leniinon,deceaseil,hasHlcdtn llifil'outnv Court of theMaie of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, his Hnal account nssnch adinlnls'rator, and thai ssldCimrl has fixed the lOlhdav of March A. I). 177, at 10 o'clock A. M , as the time for hearing obiei-linnstliiirelo, and settlement thereof By ordet 01 Ihe Court JON II C. 1'EKBLK.P, Judge. Salem, Feb. S, l77:w4w Administrator's Notice, VOTICK IS tIKKRHY (lIVKN TH AT OX THE loth day of Ke iniarv, li77. K. M. K'lgle and B. F. Kngle were duly aiusilnlid hv the l'rubate court for the County ot Marion Stale in orein Executors of the lust will and Ic-iament offrlos eph Engle, deceased, lale of said Ci untv and stale. All iersons laving claims againH said estate should nresent Ihe same. i,roierlv ntithen. Heated to them, oreiiheroi thein, at their resi lience at neipai. i. in said County within six months from ikisUalu. E M. ENlil.K and Ii. F. ESi.LE, Exeiiutors of Mid hstate. Gervals, Oregon, Feb. 14. Is77.-feblli:4w Dissolution of Co-Partnership. pnE co-parts Knsnip emti(? p.e; 1 twecn Inman ft C'rosson, In ihe manufactur ing of the Adjustable Sprln" Bed. is diisolved bv mutual consent. Mr. W. B. Crosson takes the business and accounts, and will settle nil Indebt edness against the firm. W. A. IN M AN. Salem, ogn., Jan. 19, '77. W. II. CUOSSUN. Executor's Sale. To whom It uiav concern: rpH B L'HiltlMo ED, HAVING TtF.ES X uljr appointed executors of tbe last will and testament of A. B. Gosper, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against ine esiaie m me sai.i a. k. i;oner. oe,-.saaivi. to present t ie same within six months from tbe date of thlsjiolice, to the undersigned al the res- iifruTO vi . . o. nuiKiii, in ine cuy 01 raiero. Marlon Coiyty.Oregou. Maky J. CVispkk, a tr. a. kxioiit, March 9: 1 IS", K.xeoutora. (4w-w.) In the ma 3 it of the guardianship of Edward aud Alfril Damllot, minor heirs of Augustus rianillot. Ipceased. NOW OM THIS DAY, MARCH EIGHT, 1S77, came C. Sullivan, guardian of said minor heirs and Jesedted his petition praying for an order to sjll the real estate of said minors, in Marioi eoiiaty.Oregon, described in h'.s said pe tition, aud k appearing to the satisfaction of the Ourt that i Hs nwessary and for the best Interest of the said ttinors that the said real estate should be sold. luis hereby ordered and decreed that Ihe next o; kin of said wards, and all persons in terested said estate appear before me at my oftlce In i - cilv of Salem, in Marlon rountv, Oregon, on he 7th day of April, 1877, at the hour 1 one o'cl k H. m., and show cause (il any they have) why i license should not be granted for the sale of id estate. Service nl ihisorder shall l mnde b- ubllca ion In Ihe OukimjN Stati-s- max lor tbli-e weeks succKsivelv liefore said 7lh day of A le77. John C." Phi hlks. nniw-xw. I Countv Judse. rinw. a. m irzEY. O. P. WAUZEY. Mi UZEY BROS.. PLUMBEBS3QAS FITTERS AM) ItKALElIS I.N Hot WaterBoiiers,Bath Tubs, Rubber Hose, AND Have cons'anlly on hand All Sues of Pipe and Fittings For Cas Water & Steam. Jobbing & Kepairiiig a Specialty. Shopon EastSide Commercial St. inarch 1 tf Supplit-ii lor I lie Oregon I'eiiileiiiiar). suttv 1ILS WILL BK KKCKIVF1) liV Tin: rv- 1 der-igned until :; oViock r. M .Niturilav.the ldavof Match, A. D. muiHlies: 17 I'm the follonini; 5,000 pounds No. 1 Meivhnnta'jle Flour jk-i-month, for the lei 111 of six mouths, li-i ni March 1st. Paid Hour to lie delivered at the deii, or within the limits of ihe city of Nilciu. The Mailt reservec to reject any and all bills. Payments made i voum-hers as usual Id. mis will be required in double I lie amount nl tiie i-oiitr.n l, with stillii-icnt xvuritv. Jlt hltl,l J. F. ML Itl'll. Miii-i liilenilent. fUR NER STORING & TRADING COMPANY. fOTIl'KIS II Eli KB Y HIVKN'Tll AT (it Y i.'J an liilisou Is ihe uiithoriisl Aiti-ut of the Turner Storing and Trwling t'duiimiiy. Parlies wishing 10 stm e or sbli grain canllnd 5tr. IVilkion al ihe ciniiiiiinv's MarelieUM; in il-e I.KWH ISl.KAKNKV, Si'c'v. Slllll tow u of Turner. J1KN11Y .SMITH, Pl-csideul. i v yo i: WANT TO GET SHAVED ICO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS NEW STAND e diKiv to (.', t '.il for go. Hotel near llu MEAT MARKET. SMITH & COLLINS, -AT TII10 OX.1) fSriV7il ON- Stulo Wrt'd, Sals'im, 5rt;on. MEATS OF ALL KIMtf, fiAME AM) FIII constanty on hand. lelti A. 1' H'TAIINd, ( "?iu Francisco. IK.C , I.oltn, 1'orllaml A. P. H0TAL1XG & CO., Sole Agents for the .j. ii. ciJ,x,rr'iGi. Old BOURBON WHISKY -nd Importers of FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. 51 Jackson St., San Francisco, And 23 Front Street, 1'orlloiiil, Orison felt!:0m JOSEPH TAYLOR'S OFFICE. WILLAMETTE PALACE. Korthwest Cor. Alder ana i'roat ts., Portland. Newly furnished and stocked with the finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the market. The Standard American Billiard Tables, with the ceiebrated Pheian & Collendar cushions. feblS LIVERY, FEED SALE E3T?.X1T s"Fl. BEAN & DAYIDS0X, Proprictoii. HOUSES BOUGHT AXD SOLD, HuP.SES and Carriages to let, and nil other business in our line promptly attended to. Stables on Corner Commercial and Trade Streets. feblG 1776. CENTENNIAL 1876 CASH STORE D. & A. A. ficGULLY, Dealers in GROCERIES. Cured Meats, Lard, Etc. Starkcy's lllock, CoraincrcUl Street, Salem, Ogn. u!l-tl BAR PER AND HAIRDRESSER. JIIOP TWO DOORS J fcTATKlSMAN Otlice, I ouimerclnl Mreet, IclOdtf SOt.'TH OK TI1L iiileiiif Oregon. FOR SALE. A STOCK OP. DAIRY FARM Containing 600 Acres, CITITATEDON TFIE NORTH SI DE OP THE O Columbia river and on t lie east bank of Chi nook river al its mouth, and about 4 miles above Fori Canby. It is especially adapted fur a Dairy Farm, about Sot) acres of It foeliiK excellent puss land, sufficient to winter 100 cows with little or no extra feeding, a imrtlon of it being sandy land wtere ihe grass starts early In the spring, and when that (rives out there is a-nple tide land range where flie giuss never dries up. The wlinle iiiece lenced, with a house and barn on it. and can with a very little labor be increased much beyond its present caiuii-iiy. ror further particulars ennuire of H. s. OlfE. Oyslerville, Pacific countv, W. T., or A. g. liUOWS, No. First street, Portland, Oreaon. l'eb-27-lini IMt.T. L. ii)l.l)i:X, OCULIST AM) EIST. UK. tMII.HKX has hail evierien.-e in 1 1 Haling I he various diseases to which the eye and ear are subjiv.t. and 1',-ols confident ol giving entire salis-l';i.-iiiiu in tiioe wiio may place ilicuiselvcs niuler his ca re. SALEM ORECON. IdahO SalooH, COMMERCIAL STREET, Itelween Mle mid Court. ,. AY- oy ineiil ' choli HAND A FINE ASSORT; LIQUORS WINES & CI6ARS.I l Two eli ml Phelau bi'. Hard lali'i-s Ehm-IkM lioine. .Ms. I- F trca!el b.-iii'l-sinu Iv and made a .1. :. AI'KIXS, Pro'M-ie'or. il.KS. At. HilWCT-r. -.-oUtf iKz liiriiisli lre--4i milk, iwicea oav. 10 uiuuiu- nnl hotel". I lie milk, limn one c-w in U pt n- a fi.r chl'itn n. ' Pl't.H. i-in:il . AND Palace Hotel, SAN FRANCISCO. GRADUATED PRICES. Rooms with Board, $3 per Day Rooms with Board, $4 per Day Rooms with'ut Board $1 prday And Upwards. Warren Leiand, Lessee. lVhin-.2iishv EVERYEODY READ. A LI, KINDS of "Sewing Machine Needles." for fait!, bv IIatkm. at seventy-live lanits jier do..; also, superior machine oil. BATES Is the local, and delivery njent, for "Ap- pieton s American Cyclopedia," lor Haieni am! vicinllv; he Mill lie happy to show It and lak subscrlpi ions for the same; it contains a world of Information. THOSE splendid "American' Sewing Machine", than which no Is.-ltter were ever in.-ide, are lie lug sold twenty- II e K-r cent leas t han any other first class machine hi O egon. riCTl'IthS, Krame.and Tanking Glasses are be ing soin, "j wo leet, and six ami one-hair inch es," belosr bed-rock prices, nt Ihe 'lli.-use thai Jack built." s. Jack PoKAbnsoN-. Es, "Itoiisc that Jack Built." cimsinicteil tlm teb 1 i JONES & PATTERSON, ItiSURA General Arrents, Opera House, Salem, Oregon. CIlRCrLAKS DESCRIPTIVE CP OREG0S J for gratuitous distribution en application. leb 7:dwtf SALEM BEAT AND HACK COMPACTS Trucks and Carriages ARE ALWAYS KEAD1' FOK BUSINESS. I..' s, SCOTT, Proprietor. CALLING First hour ft'on Each succeeding hour 1 .So Per hour i utr, To or lrom Trair. or Steamboats., if- NERAIJs-A hack 4 St.-. s'eb'i'ilti RI ISfi PORTLAND EXCHANGE C. CLASER, Proprietor. !llobinon's obi stand.) CIIXTltK OF PLACKS OF AMUSEMENTS J in suem. Cull for BILLIARD OR RffRESHfflEHTS. LIQUO BUSINESS JUST OPENED, VVHOLESALt AND RETAIL SAMPLE ROOM, Opposite tho Statesman Otlice. T K ESP THE BEST OF LIQUORS FOR SAW X turn to test. Also sell it hy the bottle or it. Ion. at Portland w holesale prices. Country tin tolicited. liive mea call it nil you will trade a: ue situsiieit. JAS. DICKINSON. luchllt f INow Store. LITCHFIELD dt MANNING, ni.o.Eits im FAMILY GROCEEIE . PROVISIONS AND Country Produce, FLOUB, FEED, BACON I LARF. Will li!-ami sell ifti ccnniiisslou. Cnnsigim.i'i .-ijiicuoil. Terms, Cash, or iis equivalent. iliv2S:tf Sc. -ere the shadow Ere the siihstauce fade h .V. MMIT1I, ArliM Take--1 htiiograiili.-, card, cabinet, and lite.-; SU ie and liul-h eiiiuil tu auv wnrl. ilnne in 'lair. I'rit'i's 1 ii-:i.oiuil)0. i Al.l.l.liY -l online, and I'.uin siivi" Lots in North Salem. I WILL SELL BLOCKS OR LOTS IV VOUT Salt-iu. lower Ihan have been nii'i.,-,..! i ls .o. .Now is the chance to se.-ui-e a linme f, tei nis applf to J. li. Mi I LAX r iuarcU:ti EAL Estate