The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, March 09, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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MAllCtl 2, 1ST".
iFrom Wednesday Moimng'aDaily.
riKirit oiKr.
Monday, February 2u, 1877.
V. H. H. Waters admitted as au attorney of
this Court.
J. Kramer A Co. vs. Royal A Smith
P. L. Willis vs. E. J. Northeott et al ; Con
tinued. J. B.Tresdwell vs. T. H. Lucas ; Judgment
for $1,424 65, in golil coiu mid owls.
J. 8. Hoseubauin A Co. vs. J. li. Holbert ;
Kaminsky A Goodman va. 0. P. Blurts ; Dis
missed. E. M. Eugle vs. B. P. SUwena '. Pwmissed.
H. McAllister va. W. J. Jerman ; Dismissed.
William Delaucy vs. John Alinto ; Venue
changed to Clackamas county.
Al. Zcber vs. P. D. Palmer et al ; Side of
property bv Shei iff confirmed.
E. Cartwrightvs. John Jliuto ; Venue chaug
ed to ClaokamaH county.
A. P. Hotaling A Co. vs. J. B. llobinson ;
Judgment against defoudaut for S'iSO 2". gold
coin, and costs.
Donald McKay vs. IS. W. Deal and T.obert
Thompson ; Continued.
School Ind Commissioners vs. A. Mjerset
al ; Sale of real estate by Sheriff continued.
SI. E. Branson vs. C. P. Branson ; W. H.
Holmes, Esq., appointed to take testimony and
report same to the Court.
Venire issued for ten alditlouJ jurors to fill
the panel.
C. B. Downey admitted a citizen of the Unit
ed Stales.
Tuesday was taken np mostly with motions
and cases before the Court.
Tuesday, Februrary 27, 1S7S.
Elizabeth M. Csrtwriglit vs. Ed. Cartwright.
Divorce grauttdand alimony awarded amount
ing to $500.
James T. Hair vs. P. K. Mnrphy. Appeal.
Judgment for costs awarded dt fendeut.
Grand Jury reported three indictments, to
wit: State of Oregon vs. Gee; Wah. Indictment
for larceny.
State of Oregon vs.
State of Oregon va. .
Wednesday, February 26, 1577.
Ai. Coolidce vs. O. P. Blurts et al Decree of
foreclosure entered.
D. Pavton vs. James M. Bickcy. Decree of
foreclosure entered.
B. A. Biggs, administrator va. A. I. Sicklin.
Jury impaneltd; cause on trial.
Of Song Service at First Prosbyteriau Church
Sabbath evening, Man 4lh :
"Cleansing Wave."
8ELJSCT precrs:
1st and 2d Soprano Duett aud Quarteite-
of the Sweet Old Chapters."
Quartette Chant "Nearer My Ood to Thee."
Bolo.Chorus and Quartetto "Songs of the Beau
tiful." Solo, Duett aud Chorus "Calling us Away."
By special request this beautiful selection will
lie repeated. After the lecture the choir will
render the 2ttli Psalm in anthem stylo. Bong
service begins promptly at 7 r. M.
I.-ele-et Mining Sewn.
Under date of l-'eb. 27th, from Lucky Quoon
mine, we had the followiu ' handed u by a gen
tleman m tiiis city:"I ree'd jour letter to-day;iu
answer, lot me sav to you that the mill is run
ning with perfect success night and day.aiul the
rook they arc ul.iug out is splendid." We also
learn that the Esther Hiniug Company are tak
ing out a vtry fii-e quality of ore, and with now
officers are preparine to prosecute the work of
miuing in suuh manner as to insure success.
tretitt t'uiirt.
WejMESDay, Feb. 28, 1ST,.
B. A. li'L-.'i vs. A. I. Nicklin. On trial.
Janus SiimIv vs. .luan B. MeClane. Decree
of foreclosn to.
S. (i. Spear vs. J. V. and V. Cook. Argaed
and submitted.
Tutbsiuy. March 1, 1S77.
Thomas Farley vs. P. C. Parkor Motion for
judgment for costs, ou a mandate Jrom Bu-
preme Court, overrnled.
Hand's Sew York Oar Homines, litre.
This is the title of a valuable work of com
mercial reference, just issued by Walter Heugh
A Co., Printers and Publishers, of 11 Park
Place, New York. It contains a full and com
plete list of all the Importers, Jobbers and
Manufacturers doing business in the great me
tropolis, classified and arranged by Trades and
Occupations, and giving their 6treet and number
address. It is an invaluable work for the
Csnntrv Merchant. It tells him where to ob
tain anything from a needle to a steam engine,
of first or second hands. The work will be
sent by the publishers to any address, postage
prepaid, upon the receipt of the price, which
is as follows: Cloth, fnll bound Editon, per
conv. one dollar: flexible cloth bound, seventy-
five cents; paper covers, fifty cents.
Tenivlxr Items
Eev. J. B. N. Bell, a short time since, orcin
ized two lodges in Josephine county. an-1 .". C.
Cooper one in Yamhill. Ashland LodV, to,
199, is the banner lodge, reporting 136 members
a gain os 20 in the quarter. Multnomah, No.
12, reports 76 members being a gain of 31 in
muTter. Western Star. West Union, Har
mon, Lake Creek, Crystal, Bi'erside, t'ltra
montone, Brooklyn and a number of others are
making rapid gains in number of members,
Tn Eastern Orexon a number of new lodges
iiave recently been organized.
Rlh Heu.
We were shown by Messrs. Beed It Cox, Bro
kers, yesterday, some very rich rock received
ty them from tlie Esther mine, also some rock
from another claim known as the "Uirder
claim property of the Esther Mining Co ind
from the prospecting doue, is opening out on
gome very fine rock, showing fine gold to the
naked eye. Beed A Cox have stock of the
Salter and Lucky Queen Mining Companies
for sale in quantities to suit.
At the residence of the bride's father, Amos
Colver. Albany, February 27, 1877, by Elder
Powell, Joel P. Gter aud Miss Calista E. Col
ver. Joel P. Geer is the youngest son of tin
oid Patriot, J. C. Geer, Sen. of Batteville, the
bead of the largest family in Oregon, and a rel
save youngest brother we believe of B. C
Geer of this county, who is one of onr most re
liable farmers and as straight as an arrow on
the Hayes question.
Esther F.lretion. -
The Esther Mining Co., at its annual meeting,
keliFeb. 23, elecieJ Henry Byars, President;
Aaron Rose, John Bast, Henry Byars, J. F.
Watson and Thos. Beale, Directors. The stock
was nearly all represented, a great deal of in
terest manifested, and the election harmonious.
WIllnuirMe 1'ullrsrlnn.
Wo are pleased to learn ibat publication will
bo resumed at an early day, probably this
mouth, of the popular aud spicy sheet the Wil
lamette Collegian. It will be twice the size for
merly, with'an entire new management, known
as the Collegiate Association, printed by E. M.
Waite, the well kuown job printer, edited by L.
H. Wells, with D. P. Stouffer as assistant editor;
Charles Johns and F. II. McCully, business
FHuie and KepuUsslou.
It is said that t"e greater number of the lead
ig lawyers on either side of the electoral ques
tion are volunteer;, asking and receiving coth
inc but that which nationally attaches to a
scheming well-planaed advertisement ; fame
now and glory hrreafter, and it were hotter pos-
bly for some of our Oregon lawyers, If there
was no benefits.
"Ya-ruiont Chief."
Mr. Alvin Cardwell, of Jackson coanty, will
soon arrive in this city with the beautiful stal
lion "Vermont Chief," who is pronounced by
horse men the fiiiest animal ever brought to the
State. Mr. Cardwell proposes to stand him
here during the reason.
t.dHiird Alkrn,
One of our prominent citizens largely inter
ested in flax culture is in the city, looking af
ter interests pertaining to the establishment of
mannfact rj, i .cl vtiil be exclusive for the
manufacture of twine.
Commercial Hotel crowded as usual.
Mrs. Partington it credited with saying that
few persons nowadays suffer from suggestion of
the braiii.
Books, stationery, etc., at H. D. Boon's.
Peace, but not at any price, is a "Bright
idea, Englishmen say. If so, how much.
Pote Eiuersou's tables are always loaded with
A wise man will make more oportunilies
than he liuds.
Wealherford's "Wigandia" is inquired for all
over thoglulx?.
Captain V. 1! Bentt contemplates placing the
City of Salem on the route from Portland to
Astoria ere long.
Holbort's candies are of home manufacture
and a pure article.
Tho Wet-Uly Statesman makes its appearance
regularly on Friday morning of each week.
Beed A Cox can write up insurance for you,
r sell you miuing or other stocks.
Prof. Dave Bean has place for several now
The little son of Lieut.Foss has finally recov
ered from a severe attack of diptheria.
Tho Dollir Store coutinues to give great bar
grins. Call ou them.
Prof. Haas, a great scientist, disagrees with
seme estimates of tho latitude of Salem. He
has flue instruni.nts.
The best band to accompany a lady vocalist
A husband.- Boston Traveller. Not always. In
tho case of tliu Jubilee singers, for instance, a
contra-band is considered the best. N. Y. Com.
Adv. Aud tho worst, of course, even for a
sinser, may bo said to bo banditti. Norwich
Buht lilt. No band at all is worse.
At Neponsct, Illinois, February 14, 1377, by
Bev. E. L. Moore, Mr. W. A. Sprague, of Ne
ponset, and Miss Anna C. Good, formerly of
Salem, and sister to George, the gentlemanly
foreman of the Mercury.
Prcf. C. H. Davis, practical Phrenologist, is
stopping at the Commercial Hotel, and is ready
to be interviewed by any one desiring bis char
acter read, and his peculier laculties of mind
Over two hundred people took dinner on
Wednesday at the Commercial hotel. That in
stitution is rapidly growing in publio estimation
under the management of Wesley Graves, Esq.,
the landlord.
( li mekrlH Aendemjr.
The second term of this school closes to-day.
The literary exercises will commence at half
past 1 o'clock. Patrons and friends are invit
Mot Improved.
Joseph Hoyt is still very ill, and but
hopes of bis recovery.
Cheering; News.
Hon. B. C. Geer, one of our "well to do" far
mere, was ia the city and reports everything
prosperous in his locality and the "count still
goes on."
J. T. Wortley, Esq., chairman of the Bepnb-
lican Central Committee, of Polk county, call
ed on us yesterday. He is one of the substan
tial men of Oregon.
Maj. L. B.Parrish is In the city for a few days,
visiting friends, and is looking as if the world
was running smoothly with bim.
J. L. Collins, Esq., ot Dallas, made ns a
fripnrllv call on Wednesday night. Hedoea a
thriving business in the practice of the law.
Blllmrd it'
Fully everything, that tends to the com
l(rt and convenience of his guests, Mr. Math
ews of the Chemeketa, has fitted up a nice, cosy
billiard room in the house. Tables, " latest
touch,'' and all the surrounding) first-class,
t brinestran."
It is one of the secrets of successful hotel
keeping to know bow, and MatbewB has leained
that secret- charges nothing ff it, but a
ouce, without effort, makes yon M' "at home.'
Why Rolf
Splendid weather all nature (miles, likewise
the Republicans.
Hlue UInm.
The genuine article can be fennd by interview
ing any of our Democratic friends. Yes, very
Girl of the period Election Bet Exchange.
We thought ber name was Louisa Ann. Norris
town Herald. No; it is Flora Day. Fisbkill
Standard. It appears to be 8. Carolina. Yonk-
ers Gazette. Or It might be Missis Btppi. rul
ton Times. Or what would you say to May K
or Bhode Island, or Dela Ware, or Mary Land
or India Anna ? Rockland Courier.
The snow-plough used on the Union Pacific
road to clear the tracks is about as big as a two-
story bouse, weighing from 45,000 to 50,000
pounds. With six or eight powerful engines be
hind it, running at the rate of forty miles an
hour, when this enormons plow dashes into a
drift it "makes the fur fly" gloriously.
t or Mnle.
A nice lot of fresh milck cows at from 820 to
$30. Enquire of VTst. Bavaoe.
Salim, March 1st, 1877. '
Haoax's Maomolia Baui preserves and re
stores the complexion; removes freckles, tan
and sallowness; makes the skin soft, white aud
dtliuate.' Its application cannot be doubted. '
Bay, Friedman A Co. do cot jest when they
talk about givtug great bargaius iu boots and
An Irish glamor was putting a paue of glass
into a window, when a groom who was standing
by began joking him, telling bim to niiud and
put in plenty of putty. The Irishman bore the
bauter for some time, but at last silenced his tor
mentor with, "Arrah, now, bo ofi wid ye, or I'll
put a pain in yer head without any patty."
By strict attention to bnsinesa and always
keeping the best selected stock and the best reg
ulated store, T. C, Smith A Co. bavo become
the leading drug house In the valley.
A correspondent of the San Francisco Exam
iner says : "1 thank uod, however, that I am
not cruel enough to seeanybnhy sent to an eter
nal hell, but if three ltadical Judges of the
Electoral Commission oouhl be placed in about
knee-deep with a sheaf of Straw on the head of
each, I would be willing to put a lighted match
to the straw." Demccratie expression.
Tho Farrar Bros, still supply that fine five
cent cigar. t
He took a sudden seat, be dij,
In all his gorgeous foppery ;
Such mournful spectacles we see
When sidewalks aroao sloppery.
And she, poor girl, went down with him,
In all her puli-bs'-",rippery;
Bach tragic incidt -he place
When sidewalkt j slippery.
Only two bits for gtfung your hair cut by Ed.
What do you think of the Hnxley tlnory of
man s origination as a germ id the substance
hornblende? " inquired a man of a pedantic fel
low-boarder at breakfast in a Chicago boarding
house recently. "Sir," replied the pa-ty ad
dressed, in a pompous tone, " I'm always ready
to dica?s questions of science, but when I'm
eating with ladies and gentlemen there are cer
tain branches of it which I prefer to avoid."
Then all the rest of the boarders looked at the
first speaker with frowns of disgust, which
made him feel so much like a criminalalbat h
soon telt compelled to ask excuse from the
Billiard tournament at the Chemeketa, to
night. It is well known that plants sleep at night;
bat their hours of sleeping are a matter of habit
and may be disturbed artificial ly, just as a cock
may be waked up to crow at untimely hours by
the light of a lantern. A French chemist sug
gested a sensitive plant to an exceedingly try
ing coarse of discipline by completely chang
ing its hours exposing it to a bright light at
night, so as to prevent sloe-p, and putting it in a
dark room during tho daT. The plant appeared
to be much puzzled and disturbed at first. It
opened and closed its leaves irregularly, some
times nodding, in spite of the artificial sun that
shod its beams at midnight, and sometimes
waking up, from the force of habit, to find the
chamber dark in spite of the time a day. Such
are the trammels of use and want. But after an
obvious struggle the plant submitted to the
chaDge, aud changed day into night without
any apparent ill effects.
The great Overland store has marked down
prices on dry goods.
Mrs A. W. Bowman, will resume school in
the University building, Monday, February,
26th. $5.00 per term. feb. 23, 1 w.
Two barristers, ot the names of Doyle and
Yelverton, were constantly quarrelling before
the bench. One day the dispute are so high
that the incensed Doyle knocked down his ad
versary, exclamiug, vehemently. "You scoun
drel, I'll make you behave like a gentleman!"
The other, smarting under th9 blow as be lay on
the ground, energetically replied, "No nevetl
I defy you 1 You cannot do it, sir 1"
Old Mr. Bledsoe,altliough he is a very profane,
wicked man, looks very youthful for bis years
One of his neighbors remarked to Mrs. Bledsoe
the other day : "The old man is wearing well,
isn't be V" "Oh, yes," replied the good womsn,
"he's swearing well enough as it goes, bat con
sidering the opportunities sad practice he's had
be might put a little more polish into it."
A tramp was arrested in New Jersey last week,
taken before a magistrate and sentenced for
three months. The justice, in explaoing the
sentence, remarked that, whllo there was no
evidence that the prisoner bad been guilty of any
crime, he thought It prudent to commit him,
as he had the wild, haggard look of a man about
to sUrt a newspaper. Brooklyn Argus.
Tho soil of Polk county turns out soma dar
log "Iotlmluatow." ' '""'" ' ' " ' " "' '
(lus Wheelor is at his desk again in the tele
graph oftice, looking after "oiphor" as well as
other dispatches.
A new artist has been addod to the Statesman
corps, and rich duvelouiuunts in tho way of
"cuts" may 1 looked for by our readers.
Bomo chauges nro likely to bo made in Hi
management of aome ot our Hlato institution,
Judgo Urovcr 'a "cipher. " writes many huge
items in his master's praise 1". r tho Democratic
press of the Btutc.
A now dally papm- is tall.i d sf iu Astoria.
The people of tliu: burg n-i d at least two dally
Tho ralo of mortality in Hulm during the
year last past sums tu have lutu heavy, aud
yet our streets are crowded.
Two express messengers in Dubuque, lown,
have (iinrrelleil ovor a youug lady, and propose
settling their ditliuullies by a duel neeoriltng to
C. 0. D.
"Let nie," said Mr. Moody, whon he opened
iu Boston, "let mo call your ulteiition to a btok
called 'The llulv liiblo.'" Several of his hear
ers went homo and found they had ouu.
All railroad caraiu France are now heated by
stoaiu or hot water, in soinu form or other, and
exuoiimeiits are constantly going forward to
devise improvements iu tho piocesses
Buys au exchange: "Any family mau who
savs ho is too ixor to tako a newspaper should
be indicted for obtaiuiug a family on talsu pre
tenses." An Austin man says that the now bill compell
ing gamblmg to bu carried ou upstairs is a seri
ous matter. Ho thiuks tliat he will always be
sober enough tu get up, but says that getting
down stairs will be the trouble.
Of Judgo Bradley it is said: "He is able to
lead Hebrew, Ureuk aud Iatin, and talks flu
ently German, French, Spanish and Italian."
And yet the Democrats want us to buliovu that
he can't count a few Munis correctly.
Tho man who invented the process of send
ing photographs, by U-lograph first bocanio im
Dressed with tho feasibility of tlie thing when
he telegraphed to his rich undo for a loan of
o00 and received a negative in reply.
Deputy U. 8. Marshal W. P. Burns passed
down the rosd yesterday haviug iu charge Mr.
Cooper who has bijen arrested under a charge of
having passed conuterleit coin iu Douglas
The Louisville Courier-Journal touches up a
Kentucky editor to this effect: "No, no, It's
not t-gotisiu, it's only his way ol talking. When
he might say, 'it nined hero yesterday,' he says;
' Wo were pleased to ate it raining iu our town
yesterday." "
It is said that Albert Edward of Wales has
countenanced a proposal to hold a real old-fash
ioned tournament with armor and lance and
feathers, and grinding of teeth and prau.-iug
steeds, aud Priucess Alexander, is to play the
part of the Queen of Be-au'y.
If a half dozen men offers to pay flue and
costs if one of tuo number will go and "put a
head" on some body, is it not au indictable of.
fense ? Has such proposition been made hi
Salem recently? Wkebxy States is only If.'!
per annum.
Thoy tell the story of a man at a Chicago lin
tel, whose room was on the top floor, the bell of
which was out of order. Aflcr wrestling with it
half an hour, ho went to tho window and col
lected a crowd on the street below by waviug a
pillow case. When a multitude of fellow citi-
sens bad colleotud, be shouted loud enough to
be beard in Omaha, "Some of you fellows no to
that office and tell them to send np a cocktail to
Bakhr City, Or., Feb. 16, 1S77.
Kurro Statiwhan: Baker City (the "Hub"
of Powder Biver Vulley) baa made considera
ble improvement since I washers in August,
1H75, and quite a number f people reside
within its limit When the Virtue Nine (the
old Boekafcllo". quaria Wdiro) "starts up"
again, Baker will still farthur Improve.
I was pleased to meet tho sumo genial post
nmstiT lit his post Unit was here wliui. I was
here before. O. 11. Tracy is a favorito in tho
poatufti, ami the sitizi ns of Baker county will
lnso a faithful, honest, HhViont ollicer when the
Department makes a change. Baiter City is
blessed with mails. Mail coaches srrivn evory
dav, both going mid coining from Iloise, and in
addition llvieto, Kullngg tt Grier run a stugo
lino, carrying mulls, to Canyon City, three
times a week. A stage ih- twice a week to
hpartu, (Kaglo Creek,) and aimthor lino (Mo
Limrliiin'sl runs to Eldorado and Malheur
three times a week.
N,.wu miicheie ns this cveniiiif that tin) Mnl
hour Htagethat left Ituro this morning on lis
regular trip, met with quite an accident going
down thu mountain Just this side of tliu toll
gato. One of tho swindle trees came loose and
fe ll upon tho Inula of one of the horses, when
away thev went for a g. nuiiio runaway, which
resulte d in the upturning of the coach, and tho
breaking of the log of Henry lluss, of Clarkeet
liurg The diiver, Jack Doylo, was rim over by
tho whee ls, hut not seriously hurt. ( al. Hyilu,
rorinorlv a siiuleut in nalum, and now an attor
ney in this placo, was in th iirtli up," hut 1
hmi ulad to Inarn. n ci ive-d no injurie s. Dr.
ISovd has starieiil out this oveuing to bind up
tin- broken hiiili.
The young m and around P-akernre fortunate
in haviug good schools, and it' tlioy fail iu get
ling an e iliical ion it will mil bo lor the lack of
good teachers or well arranged n-hotils.
Win. HarriMiu. a son of lion J. M. Harrison,
lie-ar .1, ttarson, i principal ill tueih itriel selusd.
Miss Ella Whipple. well anil favorably known lit
Kali-in. is assisting, as aUo Mrs. Ue-rrim. Tlii-y
an- popular teachers and givo general salmlaei
tiou. Ham Small, formerly from t oast Fork, im
tho tthoient School bupe-riiittiinlent of Ihw
'I'Iib TcniDlar's I.ixlire hero is a Hiilumlid one
ami is adding to Its inenilwrMhio evi-ry night of
iiieeiiiiu. "Shop." of llio BdriK-k Democrat
enlisted for tliu war the other rtiglit. His fami
ly has lor many mouths been unions the bettt
workers of the 1kIl:u.
I "no the mountains a:ros" to morrow for
Prairie and Caoyou elites. Yours in Haste,
W. It. 111 . Mi .ut.
1 1 v.--.--
Til 10 OI-l KTAMD
Slitto trct, Siilt'ui, Orrsoii.
ill eon
nnstiiiiiy on hand.
totf. i
A. r.JII' TAI.lNll,
.ui r'niuclM
I K. C.
Hole AumitH lor the
And liiisiriors of
4.11 Jackson Kl Sun Fmnclx'.u.
And ait front Mrrt, I'orlliiufl, Orreoa
II D Mount, hilvorton
11 C Tarpley, "
H Dudley "
T It YVol'U, '
M Clever
v MoClain, "
P Clark, una
Mm Wulch, Jefferson
J W Hasinas, "
Mrs Story. Marion
(eo Weller. Alltany
A Dunbar, Portland
L'nless she baa property of her own, to obtain a
share in which be must bo on his good liehavior,
tho averago Turk treats bis wife with the scan
tiest of countcav. He travels on the steamers
in warm, dry and comfortable cabins, while his
spouse shivers aud is drenched on deck, aud
lives on wretcluri food at which a steerage pas-
sengur ou tho Atlantic would turn up his nose
We have i eon actors appear in four pieces in
one evening; but the other day a man in Sing
Sing, N. 1., attempted to dig up a can of nitre
glycerine which be had planted in his back yard
for safe-beeping, and it is estimated that he dis
appeared iu a thousand piece s in a second, bo
sides "bringing down the house." The mimic
stage cannot compete with scenes in real life.
The Breyman Bros, are ready to do the t
share in building a bridge across the Willam
ette at Salem. Let us have the bridge.
The meanest attempt at conjugal deception
occurred at Harlem just after the late fall of
snow. Bimpkios pretends to read from the pa
pers that a woniau at Yorkvillo found a valua
ble diamond ring where she was shoveling the
snow off the sidewalk. Mrs. Simpkins gazud
at bim scornfully, and carelessly took up the
rioker. lie gave a boy a leauen dime to do the
Prof. Bean, luto of Clay county, Mo has sent
Capt. List) HcDauiels, away out on the Yakima
a lot of spelling books to open a school snd
prepare oftice seekers for the success of the Dem
ocratic party in 1880. We hope the mission will
prove a success.
Salkii. March 1, 1877,
B II Scott. Unite Creek J It Ashhy, Amity
T L Herrell, ticrvais 1-. (lauelier,
A M llrowu, " W liomlersun. B t
HD Htimpon,Silvertou.lihn Hud wt
w 11 laewis,
M Htzgerald "
T 11 Illrckerby "
Ja Niekleaon, "
1 1 I) Caldren
C Clever
J J Orahaiu, Amsvlllo
J 11 Porter,
A M Martin, Zcrta
O Anderson,
F. C llrown
J W I taw Uuk.
C C dinner. Portland. W P llaities
J Williams, 1'i.rtlaud C 1". Slayers, Me'vll
A CiHiledge, StivertoB J II hlgiil, Bed Utlis
D J Cooper " M Miller, "
u Lsiwis "
nil; i-iiouiUAl,.
Inheritors of vast wealth are proverbially
apeud-tbrifts. The golden ore is dug from thu
mine, retineei, and coined, by the labor of otheir
hands aud the sweat of other lirsvs. Likechil
dren playing with an exx.-naivo toy, they Can
form no just estimate of its value. When tho
Uunor weighed it, he cast into the balaaee so
many days of unremitting and fatiguing toil
so many anxious and steeple uiglils, ao much
aelf-dcuial, and so much caro. But the inheritor
into his balanco throws only pleasure. The
one, values it by what it cust him; tho othor,
for what It will purchase). Like tlm prodigal in
the Scripture parable, ho thoughtlessly cxpemU
it to gratify the caprice and cravings of his na
ture. Then comes the last scene the misery,
the remorse, aud the long and wearisome jour
liey back to tho home T frugal industry. But
there are other prodigals. On her favorites onr
bounteous parent, Haturc, has lavished be:
richest treasure health. But thu prodigal
values It lightly, fur it cost him uaught, am
recklessly squanders It iu riotous living. Preif
nt nloaaiiro obscures future want. Soon tho
curtain rises on the last sceue. We see him
bslpless, impoverished tho rich treasures o1
body and mind all lust in misery aud despair.
Boniorsefill Conscience hohls up l liim tho
mirror of memory. In his own reckless follv
i, ne.n-Bives the cause ol bis present pain. Ho
resolvos to return. The journey is long
and tedious, but If ht purtavanngiy toi-
lows tho right road, be will at length sen
the heaven of his hopes in the distance, aud
Nature, seeing her invalid child afar ofl, will
como out to meet him, and receive him baok
with love and blessing. To find tho right road
homeward, the suffering prodigal should read
Tho People's Common Sense Medical Adviser.
Therein It is completely mapped out, Its land
marks all indicated aud.lw milestones all num
bered. Bead it. l'rice Jl.flO (postage prepaid) .
Address the author and publisher, B. V. Pierce,
M. D.. Buffalo N. Y.
Northwest Cor. AUer sua front sts.. Portland.
Newly furnished and stocked with
he fmifst Wines, Liquors and Cigars
in the market.
The Standard American Billiard
Tables, with the celebrated Phelan
ti Collendar cushions.
in it
9? tee.
JUL utile
I he biislnoss I iln not liiisiiHtn to guar
mtlsl'axtlnii. Mnoii oniiosiie Kxiirww
leat nuil '1'ulivnipli ollliso. HI' M A IKS,
fhl7 J. J. WK8KT5&KY.
jggj feed
ga vr.Tra
BLVN HAVI1MON, : : l'roirii'loi.
and Carriage's In let. Hint all oilier biialiiess
inviir Hue proiaiitly alleaded lo.
Stabk'H on Curnttr (.'oiuiiieirvinlanil Trutle
MrwtH. foblti
1776. CENTENNIAL 1876
D. & A. A. McCULLY,
Dealers la
Cured Meats, Lard, Etc.
Riarkoy Dlock, Comtntroial Strset, (fiilina, Ogn.
t$ $
To liiff Worst Iiik 'l.
We are now prepared to furnish all classes
with constant employment at borne, the nbole
of tbe time, or for tbeir spare moments. Busi
ness uew, ligbt aud profitable. Persons of
either sex can easily earn from SO cents to $5
per evening, and a proportional sum by de
Yotiug tbeir wbole timo to tbe business. Boys
and girls cau earn nearly as mtieh-as men.
That all who see this notice may send tbeir ad
dress, aud test tbe busiuess, we make this nn
paralleled offer: To such as are not well satis
tied we will send one dollar to pay fur the trim
bio of writiug. Full particuUrs, sample
worth several dollars to commence work on,
and a copy of Home aiid Fireside, one of the
largest and best Illustrated Publications, all
sent free by mail. Header, if you want perma
nent, profitable work, address, Oeoboi Btihsos
it Co., Portland, Maine. I.
...v av to lamefor an editor to have
lot of "literary" standing (hi type.)
Kenovnlloli, not Heontratlmi.
Did anv enfeebled human being evor become
strong under the operation of powerful cathar
ticsorsaliraritH? It is sometimes necessary to
regulate tbe bowels, but that cannot be done by
active purgation, which exhausts tbo vital forces
and serves no good purpose whatever, the
only true way to promote health and vigor,
which are essential to regularity of the oriramo
IiliiotMtis, 1 to uivigoraio, innyiiinie ouu ijumj
the system at the same tinuA The extraonh-
tiurv Allir-UCV Ol MOSUHier S nuiaiae;u Jieei (il
cases ot ueouiiy or irreBuiariej " b"
diuiMt on. aeuumllation, secretion anu uisuiiaine,
tu e,i,ivf,,Haiiv aeiiuiium auuuiiw, ru ui.
e. .rociilnrljalutof bodv. active circulation
tit ei, hlond. and nuritv of all the animal tin ids
.M iiuliii-eil bv tins suuer tonic aim corrective
It has no equals, moreover, as a preveniauvo in
chills aud lever, and other types of malarial
disease. To emigrants and travelers it is partic
ularly serviceable as a nieiiicinai saieguucu
A. II. Kobio, Esq., a prominent speculator of
Idaho, is stopping for a few days at tlie cne
A paokago of muslin, marked " Ohenoweth,"
was loft at a residence in tho city, through mis
take, tbe same can be had by inquiring at this
office-- . rf-.; -e ;. ,... ..
.T. M. MOOltK,
tomuie-re-lill Mrert,
Siile-iu, Ore-sou.
Weatherford's Preparation of
The great KxpNtorant anil Altoratlve Toiile
the tleealing Itnlnum lor AlleMHewin of the ThreHtt
ami Ieuiiaw. Tlie Ural Jee gives rellof. Tiv It.
Muiiutacluri.-il bv
Drugs, Paints,
Conuneiuial Slreel . Saleaa,
Containing 600 Acres,
O Columbia river and on the east bank of Chi
nook river at its mouth, and about 4 miles above
KortCanby. It is especial ly adapted lor a Uairy
Farm, about Son sures of It being exejellunt iruew
liind, sufflolent to winter 100 hows with little or
no extra feeding, a porllnn of It bnlng sandv land
wtere the grans starts tarly In tlie spring, and
when that gives out there Is ample tiele land
range where the griues never dries up. The
whole niece' fenced, with a house and barn on IU
mid eiiin with a very little labor be tmirwised
much bevond Its present caisuilty. or fnrthor
iiBrUoularsenniilie of If. H. (tll.K. Oystervllle,
Pttcllle) eiountv, W. T or A. K (iltOSS, No. M,
,:uyt sjroet, PurtUijid, Ovegon. 6Kii
I u