WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. LAWS CF BIWEPAPIBS. 1. Fr.l'fcrib.- iv won do not Five spresa no tice to lie contrary, are cr.i.idmd as wishing to rantinne their ubfriptien. 2. If stibaci ibors order the diwoniinnanco of their periodicals, the rubliaher m,.T eontiuue and tlif m until all arrrarsgis are paid. S. irsuleeriberRnrgectorriiiMheu-peri-edieakifriin ll.nffre to aim h they are di verted, II ey are 1 e'd responsible nntil they Aawsttthd thtir bills, and oidertd them dis eantinaed. 4. If sutawribera more to other plarea witb ot informing the publisher, and the papers are cut to the former dirtelioo they are held rospeosuble. The Courts bava decided that "refusing to Ink periodicals from the (See, or removing and 1 taring tbeaa onfalled for, ia prima fsoi. evi dence of intentional frane. Any person who receives a neweawswr and -askes He of it, whether he baa ordered tt or Ml, is held in Jaw to be subscriber. If subscriberi pay in advance, they are bound to pre notice to the publisher, at the end ol ttmrr time, if they do not wish to continue tak togit; otherwise the pablisbsr ia authorised to asm It oq and tbe subscriber will be reaponsi kMsntll an cxpreaa notiee, with paynMat of aB arrearage, to the vmblisner KEY RATESJ9F POSTAGE. Xardly a day passes but w. an asked for igtaaaban relative to the pwat postage law sjaaewspapersaHd letters. Below we give the late a they now itand, whieh rrery baarneaa wa should cut oat and peat up fur future Postal cards, en rent earn, go without fnr ber charge to all parts, of the tailed Biafee and frrtT J . with an sildirkroal one aest stamp they CO to all (arts of Europe. All fctfc-rn to all part, of the United Btates and Canada, Ihrte rente prr half ounce. Local, or "drop" letters, that a, fur the eiry or town whore aVprwilid, two cmiis if delivered y carrWra. and one cent where there is no car ster system. Jiewspapra. dailv, armi-weckly, tri-weekly and weekly, regularly fawned ai d n nt to regular anoseribeTS. two rents pi r poond, payable at the fitce of publication; newspaper. and magsainee leas frequently han once a week, three cents er pound. Ail other printed matter, including transient nexracanen. magazinea. psmphleis, handbills. ' nuoaa. one cent tor each two oonoea, or aaotioo thereof. On unsealed circulars, and all mailable matter the third class, other than that designates! in $na foregoing section, postage as heretofore, sjm out for each ounce, or fraction thereof. She following ara tbe portal rate with Ei opa. 1rates for letlera an for the half eute, or fraction thereof, and theme fornews wnpers for futvr ooneea, or frscrkre thereof. To Great Britain atd Ireland, Wlm five senta, newspapers two cent-; Franco, letters Jrve cents, newspapers two rents; Mpain, letters -wve cents, newspapers two cent; to all parts of toil mailt inrlmlinr ftifni letters Breeents. newspapers two cents; Denmark, letter five eEsn, newspapers twoeeuwi; bwitnrrlaod, tet aen five cents, newapaprra two eenwi; Italy, let toaa five ocnts. n-wpapers two ore If; Buetoa. Vttfrv Bto cents, newspapers two cents; Nor mtiy. letters five nnw, iMrwoot-ni two (vntx; Swedrn, Irtteis fiwe nta. nr wp. erstvo c. nij-; ToTkT, Enroptan and Anatic, lttrrs fiveotnta. saewspiprrs tuneentr; gpt, htttra nv otnu. wewvpapers wne-nts. faetagts mi'aibg liqnids. p ieor. glass, ex slaeeNmiil', live .nmule. aharp-pin rfl au.itou;iiitt, ei -par, S' VT, or any oiVr matter featle li tu t e t'V Hrfiny the ctitfniB nt tl:e Sksil, aro n n ; r- wl fluid in or lln in pKM thiocgh ILe niaiU, ntidr any onwuBtFiicea. Bv a late art of Corrrevs, ahm, all fc-tfers or arreaUri) r Utimg to luitois, pift ornn,or sehinxs of cljuire tif any d.nrrtptti.ii, art oecland to Lo ui.mailallc, and timrtly ex-otaaM. THE FOE OF .'FAIN-! TO .MAN AND BEAST.! i ' ;ia tbe OraaMi M MUSTANG LINIMENT, fUKU li AS tTOOU JIB& Tit ST brprOBTl IJtAKJ. TflKKK V NO MtKE IT WILL NOT HEAL LAMENESS rT WILL NOT tTEE, K ACI1E, Kt) PAIN, in AT AFrUCTS THK Hr VKA BUI'Y.DK DWE11 ANIMAL, THAI . UBS KtiTYlELn OIT8 MACUC TOUCH. J EiTTTLB COSTUtO Mm., 50e or fl W), HA mrTKX A.-EI)THE UTh OF A HVMA MilNti, AND KBTOKED TO LIFE AKI) tSB JTULSIiSfi MAM Y A VALUABLE HORSE. awrSWwlr CARVIN'S ARE THE BEST. STAKDABD FIRE AMD BURGLAR S A E E S . famter, Platform, Wagon & Tract S C A EE S . Seed for Price List Agwts Wanted, MARVIN'S SAFE CO., 365 Broadway, New York, 721 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. W7 Sweca St.. Cleveland, 0. Hew Tailor Shop. ' TW vrv fiPReri a vr rhopin the U. xmi uw? -( i', vtmc!t im Connr aiuetmt, I am prerel K kiixle of work Ittry l.ufc, but will OKifcea aael:y of CLEANING AND REPAIRINC ill ..Mn.n rWtT.r e mmIi wnrk will be omnint' WT mommiiud ai ml kT m f-1 J. J. " ipTn?- MISt'KU.AXKOUS. DR. V. K. DOHERTY'S 3VIoc3iocil AM) Surgical Institute, No. 649 Clay Streot.1 Between Kearny and Montgomery-sts PR. 1 H)H EKT T "S I Jtfjrel v and Sieaittl y liwva hS Practit-tt, wtiioh has constantly kept tofewlth the unexamplert tuureaand ste.ity rrowihol the Paclflo I cost, imtifc-ed hi. removal from hi. lona eiat)l!shd and well-known quarters, on the cor ner of tiH-raniento ami l.eideelorn street., in this city, to more rnourtoitloiie anil elisihly looatett apartment", at Ko 649 Clsiy Street, where he has a .pavtotn . utte t hHiitNniei-iiiteti un nnd eeoventently arnuiad Kxamlnatlnn and Cenntl tallen Koom., tocunpvinc too whole of the two apper.trnee) watch patients may at all tiroes viait amlMM onlv the Doctor ant bteaaatManta. With tbo awiet grateful rentiment of regard for tbe Utieral Mironaa beatnwedon bun forlae past thirteen seara, at bis old oSoe, SR. DOHERTT Dertres tr, tu f orm 1 he Rfwrn I Public ami erial ty all thoeo laboring- uuiter all torww of Ckmnto Cneiplaiuta, tnat ko ni be eonenlteil at 649 Claiw a U oat every rarieJv of ptmue ot ibe Liu, Over, Ksloeys, Pajteritive and ttooito trmary Orai -.. and all SPECIAL DISEASES. Of which tbe lut is uumerou. aiul ulucharemon closely ooBOOiued wltb tbe general health than the majority of tle are aware. I'nhanpy Inva lid, tor Tears tersW tn eoooealinf their condt Uon rrBQ a awttvo nrtftiBaUnr tn mt.4aken rteltca cy.and auffer in silence until their miseries be otsne ion auwte to be repr.od. and mental ami uta .tca lteat I tv nnilt the sufferer for tbe activertu Uesof life. This latter (vao ot affliction manlUMts iwetf in tho eooiplaint ntosssManally known me drabilla, us all Ha forms ant stages; eV-romal Weakness, and all the riietron-lnz lorms of Wf Abuse, or liunsn : tmrraea, Gleeuertctiire; Nocturnal and htnnial Kmiseioos. txual Itebllt (V, Dioeaaes -i the Rck and Louh. Inftammiition .f the Blaster and KidneTs, ete , etc. The number afpenuBesufleriiifrfrumtbeeeharribie I't-wafe. tn whom the lwtor bs. elleutetl a radical cure, jan becoujiledby tbetbnusand.aoilthevoluntary jenlttcaieskn lu uoeMot, received from persons he has restored to Bralih.areenouah to saii.l'y all that the Doctor's skill in thetreaimenloi'thete af fections. onaMes him to warrant spew It euros, e'en in nbetinaie flaws. Dteeases wbicb brmerlv baffled the aioiical lll of the most learned and exuersence.1 Pnctiiioners of the healing art, and were reatet by toe majority ol Physicians otierlvinnrable. now yield to modern remedies, when preeuribed bv the iiiUilllfWnt Practitioner who makeK the human ev-ftem, wV thee epecial ai'nwuu, his constant study and subject of obeor ratsm. in no ease Is nubtiottv vermitled exi-ept tbey exproMwteaof tnepaueni; ana tno iioctor r tentlv trusts that hislona;exrr4enoeandsuccew (ul praa-ttco will eontrnne lo Insure bona liberal Miareof public patnaiare. Bv the practice ot manv rears ia Enrnneantl the t'niieil Hales, he Is enitltieit t appl v the nwot efficient and succeas ful remedies straiiist riiseaseo if all kinds. He cures without merenry, charm moderate tea, treats bis patient tn a oorro-tand honorable way. and baa reiercaees of nnqmMinoable verao ttv, from noen ot know respectability and bijeb tt'aadinc- in society. AH rwrsons who may eon wit him bv letter or otherwise, will receive tho best and rentleet treatment. To FonaavIeB. ; When a fema'e wafllicteti w ub disease. af weak aess ni i he buck and limoe, Sln in the beail, liirtv aetNot sifrht, loss of mussuiur powr, palpujiitoo m the bean. irritablHty. nervousness, deranav seut of rttreslive flrnf tim. avneral debility, all invades of the womh. hvsterta, sterility, and aM her rttseajee peculiar to males. shehnalrlgnnr n-nteat oneln lK. W. K. lMtHtRTY. at hi MeilKal lnstliute. andshe will receive esery po rtli'e re'ief and help. Let no faij-e k- liccy prevent von, tsi' applv (n SMiiaiely .amlmve yourllfroriijaiD!!!l!UIieriua uul preniatnre death. Pfckjnin (mate or female) resiiUnr. in any part ot tliecsimry however ilitant. wlw may ite4re tne A uiinti awl wtviceot Dr. liiiherty in their respns- I iiMjte, awl whothiiik proer to stitimit a vvrtt '.en maienieni i such, in irtr Tt;ix t. noMina a P,fj-tl HHrvi w, an rfci,vt!''iHy aswirwi .titi ilieircirminni k-ailoiio will t; heM mix sacreii. , The itKA'tr tsa rttnar xraduiue, ai.d may b-onfciilit-l wi.h even- copU'ieni. If the dlsta'e be fully and candidly dewribMl. ptirwujl cmnmimlcstlon wil!. In m't ca, tie iini.en-ir , a iuin-, I'm. lor diet, fnmen ami thestmeral treatment of the caH! lt't tn-tltti the remeitiwi, will be lorttanled wlilioiit de'a, inl tn Mu;b a nvtnnr ai, to convt'T no iilcft f the purjrr oi Ihe letter or parcel so trai-Tnitteii. slwulil roiir condition rw.tulretrame.lwie at'en tlviii, u.I ten doIlarlnrHi,or ttmt vaitwln iMir rency; by Mall, or Well-, i'ar-j. A t o', txprw, and a piike rf n-1h:iie?- will lie lio-wanied to your auurei, vKh ;ke iic;?aO" iudtrucuoui. tii bee. tsuattatiotis. at th ofB.vor bylefterFREK Address W. R: IxJHEKT Y, M. V.,-n I okumo, lal. P. 8. The t'oilor will hte'I his pamphlet or -iwl lHa.ie, to any a-i'tm- on rmelpt ol ai oeuis iu peu?ciamwe, for return i0uiri;. exirtt 74. 11,000 REWARD i'OK AH INCURABLE CASE. X IE SUCSIAS GOLDEN BALSAM. Atler tn year, tri on tni" coast nai ,.mvut itself the onivowrattve it. a twttaJn class ordtseayw prnmi!ClAt7 riKrlk1 Trrai-tltioffrH a t icoraoii.. Dr. LeRicfiau's GOLDEN BALRA No. 1, jure Chancnres first sn.1 moim stuire H:res l lie Lei04 or Bdv; Sore fcitrs. Ever, h' , A-,;.; Copner-colored Hlot'hes. hvpliilnio Calijrh. Jiii" enei Scalp, and all primafv forms of ti e u'.-mi-c iiuowd. a syimUis, Price, yet bolti u or twe V LeRichau's GOLDEN BALSAH Ko. 2, .sures 'lnrtury. atorctinal, byi-hilliie Haeumatleti. Paine in the BoneBa2k of the Neck, IJIceraK ssre Throat: Hyphilitia Rrh, Lumps mil Con trauted ConU, wiltnew of tbe Limos. iind enuU jates all diceaseefron the system, wbetker caun? ov indlwreoon or rause of mercury lewlna; tnt blood ptire and beaiijiy. Price, ier joiti.-, c two for at). Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN SPANISH AN tidote, for tbe Cure ol lT-uifwrif ra, CieMt. irraiMin, tiravoL and all tJri.ary or k-n!tl ilrrawe aamta, Prt-e ti SO per Hot! le. Dr. LeRichau's GOlDEN SPANISH IN- ectwwi, a wva and injcurii for severe cases ot Uonnorheiu Insamtnaivry (iieet. huvtn nr a't all 41seas es of the hi'Uicy. an-i Bladder. Fl ice, II St Alw AirrtP tor PR. I.E RIiJHACS VjLHEN PILLS fi-r remioal WuskriM, Nwht l.mi t mi, Imnoteuvy, aPtialtdi-iettpt-HariAing front klAffu oauon and evesive aliuea. Price, fs ier twt'.le. Tbe Kcnulnc froLDEH HAlAJtf is put up aiili inraund lKt)en. iu rocint of price, ti e me.lv cineswlll be send to all parts ot tbe c ontry, lr express or mail, securely racked and Jree from sttiervaUu, sole agents, F. B1CHaJH8A Wholeai jini Bvul! Irnir.-l and LVuin. W.cornertaay aivl tuwofne parent, i-.r. f Vramascu. on-aitiiUiWlv m 33: 12 8ALEIfi HUT m HACK C0EF1NTS Trucks and Carriages AKE ALWAYS HfcAl'V fiE KUSLVrA lu M OTT, lroprlt-lar. KATES: ALU.N.-n -st ftonr -. " Kis'b s..s.tiijg biiSK IV BII1N-Per botT i Tn or man Trainsur ststMBOtsus. . . .3 rOK rTXr&ALAk-AT JW misc:km.aeous. Sheriff's Sale. BY V1KTITE OF As i JiKfTTHW, lwtrf;r out of lite H-iporah'e tn-iu1 t'onrt of the Sinie of Ore(nn. for tho ootnuv of M.trton. on the 231 ilar of tvohiT, it7ti. in favor of AlZii'lwr, ii aintltr. ad agiit 1. H. .Pa mer, noten 'aiit. iurlhc si m oi Thirioen llumirwl snd iglity -I hee and Hi dollar In U. R gold oin. aiid Twenty t'w anil so-ltsi ilol'ara, eoslH. Krether wl'h toieresi at the rale of one lir cent Mr inomh, amUw'rulnsr.'cwia.anit a ilem-ee therfln f" the frolos"re of mortiraae a dlheialeof premie, hereinatler ileiibe.1. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction on kATI'RDA Y, the Sftth cty or .November, A. IS . 1H7B, At S oVIack I'. M., at the Court Houe door. In said County and Slate, all the right, title ami tn tereit the said P 1 Pa'mer had taand to the tl loHint ilOM'Tihed proniiiws, on or after the h dav of Julv, ltffi, tivwit; "Lots No's Three, Five, Six. aevenj and Eiiht (S, 5, 6, 7 asd SI in Hhvk Nit. Korty-loiir 1441," situatetl In the Utv of Kalem. Marlon county and iitate of O.efnsn, as reeontnit in the plats oi rani oil". Terms of ssle- cash to hand at time ut sale. - J. a. BAKER, NifTilT alarioo cottuty. SaLKK, Oregon, Oct. 37. 187H. w4w WANTED. 1 (C WTBrBKK8 FOR APPLETON tjVW American Cvuloneitia, new edition. keiRg entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject, illustrated with severs I thousand engraving and msie. The best Cyclopeitla ever published, one that will supercede all others; tn monthly or bt-rooathly volumes. Kvervone who mails, mingles in society or larselsln. totomlll wnee aeea. It. txxl srenu are wanted tocan aas for tt and oiany other very valnahie work. Address WILLIAM HTKELK. )tS com tro Aaent aw Oreiroa, Porllard MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF TIIF-. .., . .. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITT. THE KLEVEKTII KEi.lTI.AK WRSE OP l.i-.turesofthe Werti,'al lepartnvnt of the Wi'lsmene t'nlrer-ltv will open i n at.mdav, I(o oeniber IS, ltSTC, with the following Pro&esu'r D. PAYTON, V. P.. fiotai of Obslencs and diseases of Women and Children. C II. Tl ALL. M. T. Trofe.orof PritMiples and praoltue ol Medkioe. J. W MCAKKK.M. T., Prohsssor of Peacnptlre and hurncal Auvomy. .. Z. ROWLANli. M. V., Professor m phytl ologr ami Microscopy. D. M. JONKR. M. D.. ProlHsor of Maieria Med lea a ud I heraupoittics. A.9HAKPLES, M. P Profrsor of Primiples and Practice of SuiKery. O. P. TMIANR. M. fl., rrefewor of Chtmrtry atul Toikrology. HON. KVWV MALLORY. I'nlted sates District Attorney, Professor of Medical JuMspnidence. All letters 01 tnquirv should be addressed to the Dwn. ti. PA YTuh. Si. v. KALEM, Oregon, Ocu 19, is;. lui SALEM FLOURING MILLS. Beat FumiJj Flour, II at k era' Eatra . tiuiscrOiie and (arabam. Tliddlinst, Bran ' and hrn Canntnul .n Hand. THE . The Highest Price In CASH Paid for Wheat at all Times! a. w. ki.i:v, wirji AeentlS. f. M. Cr. Music has Charms ! PIUCERXDUCEO. THE BEST 1HJHE WORLD. WILL LAST J L LIFE-TIME. 45,000 OK THE CLLElinnTLl. SHOHDJGEE ORGANS IN- DAILY USE. The est taSot in ths country -rwoonwflwl. Uiom iran 1 tie nic,: ail lnt Mro i.r ih money ami ircw better Hat&cliot: liiau&nyun aiatei They cvmpivie the cvnni:Li.A, irKCHITR.tl., P.tRi anrt EST lHntrat't J.'atiec'! ": 1-7 reail post b. SH0NS'.it H 0K(iA.N CO., IT tol liK'-TM T hTKKf.T. rylLtmi Kevv haven. Conn. PATENT P.I0HT FOR SALE FOR THE STATE OrjREGOR The Dongla.5 &, Van Horn Patent Win dow Blind, declared by all Architects, Builders and Com petent Judges to be superior to any oth er. Address for tes timonials and terms W.PAYZAKT, 339 Kearney Street, San Francisco, CaL ran r-tfiit tn w rajn. with faeaw Aavwrrislnr foo trocnw saw aw ios r-omcEs. LIST OF" POST-OFFICES. OREGON, Ibiker t . Antinrn, All.Mll'H, taker Oi., I "oik. Itet hoi, llrt'liniport, lliiena VisU, li.-i'las, I'ji'a. K'k Horn, tliaml Hondo, In'leisuiilence, Lincoln, Lik'.kimtitu, lwlsvllle, ftlonniniitti, lVTrvita'e, ltickreall, Keua. TUIauatook. narlhaldl, Nelarts. Nest nekton, Nehaletn, Tillamooa, Urnnl. Camn W.iion. t'.iuvi ri'v. t'amp Watson, 'larKsvilk' Kxiircwt llanch,! svvilio. hniiiiivio, tirnm. tiuin. .liilnil'avCI lluml.il, IMtnlii.lmwl I , ,l,ril-i Valley, Pinlriut i'y. Ite Val'ey, I'urkersvil e, IVnohi, Jonephine, Klihr, Leland, B'aU' Creek, Wahto. Murphy. JnehMsi. Wlnirvllle. Wiimter, Stouv, Benton. Alsea Valley, I'orvallls, IlrittCYeek, f'ol I Ins Kine's Valley, Lihertv, Little lk, Newport, Newton, Onesiia, Phiisniath. Ktarr'a Point, Summit, Toleitu. Yaijuina. Aniilecatn. Ashland Mills. Trash. Harrrn. Kllohia, llrownsbnrongb, Central Point, I'naitUlla. Ksale Point, tirant's I'a.s. Butter Creek, Hotnyirtncs Csulla, Jacksmivllla, tvuse, Linkvllle. Tleorter. flntaop. 1-ineell Valley, Lena, Plwnix, Milton, Astoria, Rook p.ilnt, ' ltttuwav. llti.ni, Ssma Vnlloy, alllchell's Sta- Isthmus, Table Hook, tlon, Jewell, vVrmtviUe, Marslull, Knaptia, Willow Springs, MeaitowvUk:, Nefculesn, Yanax. Pilot Kook, ttlmiy, Paanadlet. "es'iile Itoose, Kauto. I'maiilla, Hktnsnnn, Weston, rainer House, flelknap HpringsYellow Forks. West sort. llutte Itap- nnlnlBtent, Wtwi'S. Clacknauaa. t bewher. Crow, Antelope, Cotlaiw firovo. Bate liven. Barlow, Beaver. Bntie Creek, Canbv, Clacknn:.) '. Clear Creek, Cull in H-v Ills. I'anascos, fciiffee'k. t.isil Tvllugs, tiishlund, Miilalla, Mills. Ni w Era, Mllwauk-s, Needy, Nirtoti, Uroron Clt , Osweao. fprlivpwater, Sandv, - In 1011 Hills, ZJ,hi. roM. Ceqnlllc, Central City, Cistieitn. Co. City, I ra, Empire City, Falrvii-w, llcnryillls. Hermansvllle, lows tlongh, Marsh fled, Sor.h Be. d. Oil, RaiMlolph. ' M kin, "likiim. Coast Pork. RrtdireOeek, Camp (reek. Camp Pn'k, Cariwrlgtu's, 1'eschnuos, Dexter, Fossil. Kuireiieaty, HsvfYeok. Franklin, H,ioit Hirer, t.oslien, Msche11, lrtlne, Munt Hem!, Junettnn, tilex, l.img Tm, Prlnceville, Mnbsnk, K-.t. M-'hswk. Kpanib Hollow, l. Ksnlle Bridg.The Dalles, r ea-aiu inn, i gn valley Rattlesnake, Cjipor k!hiyv hiuslaw, Wsrm Hpi ings. ennacer t-reea, essm, eaniignolit, Wlllooirhby. i rent, WUitte Forks. Loan. Jfarsuu. Anrrrra. Aumsvlllo, Bnttevllle, Antler. Kenans. Ckewaukaa, 1 V.l L b-... tieose Lake, Fairfield, Linkvllle. Fair Orotind. ' Langell Valley, tiervais, Li s Hirer, riiihtjanIX Mnrainsvll'e. Ji'ffervui. ei'vor uic, Hprarae Kiver, Marion. Monitor, Nwwellsvillc, hsleav tuivevton, H. i e tit , K aviiiii, Huli'RMity, Turner, Vernon. Mmrnvr, Tiile.Labe. White I tail, Yalnav. Unn. AlhKny. ltrnwosvl'ic. U tier lit r. W.mila. LncliaiitMPra'e. rawfordF-vi"e, Wimibtirn, I lainmMi mil, CvlnmbtM. llarnslsir, WaaliluKton. sa va ii'T, Columbia ,l:y, ;rs . Kilge, Beaverton, t-eittrevil'e. Come lui,, I I'lov, Fiiren tirove, C'sn.-ou. iiMklOn, tjiecnvillr, .t'M'ln, irlli.mi. .ili'i.lletiui, MoiiiitH n I'alo, Peak-. Shut is Krrrv, Ta- 'o-"- ftjrr','. Tjiiil.-ilm, V.'ttlxllo- C'A,j.laiiio.' Ila'w, ln li aud. Ilanior. Hm r i 'e, Ht. II,, IMl.. l,',non, Milli-r M . l'l'Snt, Sanvie:-' I-bind, VvWrru, SOU'JMl. l-enr. Pine, Cinir. K-l", HwlnvlPe. Ktle.iniiiK., Sta surlii HheiUV. tin jr,tit. Waieiioo, vliilt.iiii.tiiih, KUt'ii-burk. P,jit ill lord. IKittlMn. A lvnl Cn!fN Valioj, (;ii:velainl. (.,:im;w Vaiii'y, liraiti, E'kt-m. t.aN.'Hiitje, t,iinlnrt, Ke'Nwx. Iiokliicljis-, Jlvrtle t.!re-k. North ' ao on vllle, Oakland. Paw Creek. Rosbnr, -otilturs. Ten Ml e. t miiiiia City, Wi bur, uuculla. Kait Porv'aT-.!. Powell's kallny. VituihiM. P-n-tland. hirrtnjrville. Amltr, Mutvie lUinrl, 11 'uvn,;, H. Johns tiir'etoii. Wi.Uam blouch. I'svt.m, l -atneiu. SIcMlnovH'e, Afountaih U'Miae, Nimli Vaniliiil, ft. J.ie. I'nktn. Cove, l.iand Cltr, Latino-iiL flieriian, North Powder, West Clieliallm, vo Pell. W'lieatlatKi, Priichurt., Newbent. Iiimrnrvlll, Hiar a. Ku-I Liilge, WAEHIftCTON TE311TO 5tY. t4'i!ar4Miiu. Vw liTTn.'iiifw I'ori Ai.tjHti, C arks, tVlttletironn'l, ltruh Pr.iirk', Martiii'sllinrf, Pekin, tinlon Rlvor, Vsis'.onver. Iwlnud. Coupsville t.'ovelanil, litiaiaiiy, Jetfbraon. Li linli.1. , Ce.tsrr3lo, i.nli.t.i, Pisiit, K'nvu ' '.ffll.-tTl, Montesaiio, hi'IH Slmroo. vmltta. I4i"f' I'lrrolltiui, t-'r,MW,rI, K;il.irna, Ml. icrl ", Uiik 1'i.iiit. XktUitip. lllakpinlv, I'on kfvi)ori. Port Wll'liim. Port orchard, heaueck. Tee ka let. Lewin. liotsfort, 'uwllu, a.itaio, lilen'li'm, t.ranil Prairie, PuirtdhreyHi JIIHlllIK, bkookutocbuuk. Wliaseoift. huiK. fl'iM:k Hirer, Ktt:hii, Kauli:. HlaiiRhter. Hooiiaitnie, Kmak, White Elver. Pieree. Port Dlsivivery, Kills, Port LiKtlirw. I raukllli, Port Towniiend'ftoila.io.iin, . Taooma. HJsrJtlkat. Mknasiaailis. Rlntk House, ColtirntMi.7 Caer'ailes, bolduo'lali White r!iou. Xasnn.1 Arcade, tmkland. SkokunWsh, r-iwrwooil's 3I.li. ainc. Ilru.v:prrt, C'hino!(, KoiSiiTon, CWerville, liivi.-rs.ile, fiavveus. Fvfcilpo, Jjatoiiuer, Fort Oolvllle, humish, Rock Creek, fkamt, npokane Iirjle, Whatcom. f mini x iai. M'alU Wnlln. Ih-lia, Palalut, Tiikanun, Tins-hit. Walla Walla, i Wuliula. isklwa. TTitMtou. Wnaver, .ul Hsnk, tlrarul Misinit, .Miama Prairie, Ulympia, Tniiiwater, Yeiw., hiioliiMiiinti t nlty, WoslwanlV iiiiiiiug. WnMHkmu C.ithlarry' LagieClilf. Atianmn. Fort Mirs-on, Komir.wiAk. Kltiitas, M,k See, s;lati, Vakuisi. Lowell, .Mukilt.Ms "r oliom.n, Iiialip Mone.5 hiler!h,jej. J. C. PKLlll.t-, County Ju'lge. Notice to Dcbtors. tm If le. 1 Tt) tHVK .Vtint'E TO AIL PLIt. I mmis iodeMed Hie KMuie or the late J. 11. T' niin. of ilejlersioi pre..Jr:l, rf wiirionamiitj-. o.iil and "Hit Ui.rr s-xonsu lorlliwiltii.r steiw w jl ur uiinnUaloiy iake tocollect them by law .... ,...-.i ..j. .... O. H. H-sA. ' : Uti VOU H),.vic;, .-. ,.Aimsikr - WlSOrCLI.ANEOJr.S. HEW GOODS AT Direct from Eastern States. allecany" leather KOltiniXL KITS, OVER-DRAW CHECKS AND BARS IlOltr-510 COVliHH. Also, a larye assortment of SADDLERY, Team, Carriage and BuggT Our own make, of Iwst tillforula and Katun Leather. Etr AXX WORK : WARRANTED, Repairing well done ami cheap. ",' 'vltkilawtl - " J. M. WETZLER S RAWHIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS CAN BE HAD IN SALEM AT A MTERi Furniture Knoms, onlv, on -Onuunerdt street, hi ntarkeys Ul.uk. The Best in the State. Mr Call and see them. All w ik warrants Jefferson. April la 'v :just issuedoth editiok. MANHOOD, REVIHEO ANDOOHKaVTKn BY TUB AVTBOK, E. de F. riETIi, m. D., Ec A MerHoal rseav on the cause ami cure of p asters deuhna In man, (bowing how health il his ind howr regained. It gives a clear synopsis tho uniiedlments to marriage, the treatment o aervouaaad physical debility, ox harmed viullti tad all other dlsa appertaining tlisreto ; thur, suit at twenty years successful pra:tlce. CcariD on " M Knoon.,,-TJsrB it no ma her ot society by whom this bv will not be fnna, assral, wlisiber he be parent, preceptor or elergv nan. Lomlnn Times. CntTis on M AKFtoon.1 This book shoui. lie rcit.1 hy the young f.ir tn.lrik:iein, aud by th irlttced for relief; tt will toluro no one. Acdicn rates and (Aurttr. Pnoe -One 1ollsr, bv mall or nprsss An tress the anthor, DR. t:t'Rll-, tr!Q snttor slrse. wP . Iiovgj7 Sin Fmnciwai. Cal. ancl&t youuq mi Who mar bestiffiirli.gfriimth'.clle.-t oi vomh ful (iiliiesnrirKltwriMliiii, nill duwell toa- tll ihtrmHilves of this, tl- yii nlo-t Usui e er lnt-1 ai Hie alisr ul -i llei n(.-iiiiu.iniiv. J K. Bl'iN. KEY will giisruii e.. i i.ti. h j,vm t'oruisrv cii-i, o errmai iwitiipw, r privii'i- ill -i-u-e rif snv kiint or c,;iri.-er v,hi-ti hi i,nli itils a:,ii til lie tociirc IIi-wihi;iI l tM'Ti'tiin. Miy in it nnii-niiiali. sitlicver v.li. live rin.l tn: . ii.4m:i.. Ifi.iE von aie iriMiln.c ifpmi ifii.iv er-mi pr.iuofi r.'hu viwi limi-rm-Uv In t..kin(t' lliii . jini(r rmiH-l tor ;.imre.Tii.'';iiat. Von nn Isr in ti c il- t !ii:; rtm, inK-r inuuit'iiii pnochli r 'he lal. H' vi.n ;n IsT'iTlng ,,n in, ti , ninl ari- .iiiT.-ri; a mt-nr u'l ,.i ill i.fl..i, ri.n!cmi;r itui! II on .r.l in pro i-i ;i. tniil.'n. it-e'Ilnie nnrt i'.inn whon llw rni-l sl.i!Mi!l .iv.-3. m iint n-i.il -r vi.ii no tt-i,-''e' ; bvil till' il-tr nj li..; win ixiclit-.-l H.Hll.-! ; isi; v tH'l. li't lit ;'!! ii!'mt':."V iii, iiriiiir you ri'li.;t. In uiii jim. ii.iM tli- li.., t tilled ni hoci'im. 1 in n let not ile.atir wnrk nH.n y,nir iiiuiiiiuim, bin niml v.iirnoU Y the lntl, i ll rwuli. of In. lr-t:ui t twiorn your eao ! uooimI the na. t. of ineiUcal liill, or ts'lurc (trim death hiirrlw vmi to n im liirn grave, t-uli i.inri. t lr.-iin'nl frA'i (. Hjnd niuney hv Piwiom.'e orfi?r or ILiTm nub i'.ili tlci1isi.ii olea-o. Call, nr H'idie,ti. . DP.. A. B ISPINTV'EY, St: it Ktviriij stn.x-l.Ouii k'rauciMo epltkilAwly TO THE UKFORTUHATE. NkW RlMiillU: NEW EKMlllilt OA:M 623 Kearny street S-WiVl Cttfiivtr C'oiininT:i;i! NI. AN FRANCISCO. KslMh'Mied In laM, for the fxntmi nt of he utl and KimiiiKl tniMn, uch as t uniiritHvi ,lw;l, Htri.'.iirK, Hyuhllis in all its lr Seminal Wenknoas, lmiilii. T, elc. tkln Hii .a, es o vea stundtiig and like tied Lv iu,..nl'iHl) treMUnt seminal tVeaknrM, Hi'minal emission the enrMmiueme ot wll-al lee. This solitary vl - ., or dopiavist m tuttl innul Oince, Is irrautkil b the youth of iot.U sexe. xi an almnel unllmiml extent, pruts jing will luerHug certainty. Hie fnllnwlng mill oi siirrlik lyniptums, unless cimlil.l by scienti lumedlca nnasores, viz'. SalK w .sint;imr., rtarkspnts nndi rtbeeyes, jiln in the he .d, rinint; tn Hie cars, not; Uk lb. rustling of Uaven and raitllng it ctuiriiit) uwttsloobe about tbe loins, .Minlum il vli lm, hlmit jil Intellect, kwe ol conlidonoe, illlllrti ik In a pros:hiriKstraruigers,dlsllketit'ormn'racijiialnt nses,a dispnsiiion to stiun society , lo w of mem rrv. tioeti'. ftnBlierf ami vorl'Mi eruption laliwit tin ta-, furreii tonfrue, fcitld breath, co igtis, coi uimptkin, night sweats, monwunli, and t're- luuit ituwiiiiy. it reiieioe not orj aincu, til. iiltonrr shin Id apply luimeiliatelv, ii person oi oy letter, and liave a cure effecteil by h-s new am , Semitic mo e of treating this . limine, wh.:l fievi-r rails 'Heeling a ouick and radical cur. l.r. i. will rive one hiimlred dollt.rn to am person who Jl prove satist'a.:torlly to him th. je wanciireil of this complaint by iner ot tin ian knuK-ittC.iiiiAA.ik. CtirsKl mt Home, Pwons at n dlstamse may on lit IttlD Ai FfOME. bv aditnwsins a lotli-r to 1) r. tiiktsm italtng cae, symptoms, length of time I oc (IImmis. tas coiitlniiel, ami Have nsllclne promptly lot warded, free from itiiuage nnd itunos ty. toan part of tin: country, with lull ant plain di n.rtlons tor use. Porons writing to the IKwtor will i ease stU '.lie namn oi the pit p:r they saw this adt ;rUuneni ui. I llv hicloflng coin, tn a nf-isie to i;tum -.hniuih th'' Poi-tOlNc. or thnmsh Willi , Fsriro A ! Co.. a pai'.kagiiof luedklne will be I'll ranksl la I any pan oi use t nion. Ail coTreaooieieocHirK'ir wnimrnin'i, Aildre lilt. J. F.ulKt,iMHhi,ruyN.rem. uii Francisco. I'n'l. m.v Hox jMti Koli HI ileoit'wlr IinMslulian f t ss-pHrtiirsltlp. 'VHWi k-P .MtTKHSHn" F..X1KTIM1 W.- .a .lu'wn sti'.heit,o nud Kohlnm U fh-olveii bv mutual cotiiil. Mr. It.Miuion take. tb oiisi w.apdH.s;ounl.sand r.i't wtleall truiebtednem MISCELLANEOUS. Look Here! J. M. COULTER fH NOT DEAD NOR "VT HLKEPINfj, IHIT IsnlivHsml kickuiK, and rwtily to furn.iih you srith all kinds or Coopor-wnro, is Salem or East Portland. hop in fVilem on the lot where 1 built the brick m Commercial street, hhop In Kasl PurtUusl at die lanitlngi fine Mark street, llirrv. (bjaf All work warrantud oftlie tiea. ft'liVitt C. C. VAN WAGNER, 0CA1KR IN FURNITURE AM) UPHOLSTEBa GOODS, : Picture Moldings, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Etc., Etc "" A goad asaurtmeut of I "VV"A.IjtXi ISk.Il4lIl AKll Curled Wool MatrcssOT. COFFINS AND CASKETS Alada on Short Kotlea, C3T-Alsnrsnnlhctnre. thni-eleliruted NAR A CtJTT f lKMMl un 1,. which k- the moatPrae .ical Fanui' g Mill nn ihlsti sst. BajTi ememiier lbs niaoe, Hist street, nesr I.ib enj, faleni.tn-egim r octnriwtr MONTGOMERY'S VEVV GALL BUY rhls esuthli.hnMmt Is now open and realty In take pkmires ol all ilies, and newest styles. rioats, IVoitietiadr'N, ( abineia V Carda, a hprrlalty. in work hnves ihli gallerr nnlesa salietactary. Irruo his k ut lian,es, ..fall stses. Perkins can liaie their tSctiiroH takun, flu lied ami ft annul at Uw gullcrv. atute Mrrrt, . Nulom, Over Willis' Book ntora. PLOW FACTORY ....AND.... GENERAL BLACKSMITH1NGL. The Halsev Clipper Plows, all (buo mi baist and tasile tu onier. These PIowh rlo the lies! work tn stiililile and sod plowing, and are tn gmmml u ariMnig iHtniors in LiiinClo. 3ors3 Shoeing, Wagon and Haci VwtoiI'. 1tws sn.t a'l work WirraifJL and put up at li.wwi rait;., C. M..PAINC, Prop. ,lilltl llrtlivv iif"7 IF YOU WANT TO GET SHAVED CO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS NEW 8TAND Next doer to C, rtaf-TgeM nirirtric Cli"iiH,kir ocl'ij llol e. WANTED, -A. C:ONTXTAOT HAULIFC LOCS. I Iwi ' ifuml trim. vvngon and otfcor tiiiiigs ha? ilo Wi.rk all ei rrijilcl.' fiMri " WM. T MHCJl.r, i !4 Knera Vi.ui, Polk cuuiity, tin. CA.JL.X. OJX J. B. EOBINSON, (Si.'iv ri-Kin to M( K l.NflK A UiJli'NSI in,) - For one of Ins XTTG-IX XiXXjG, ' LITTLE C KURCH 'ROUNDTHE. CORNED CIGARS. Also, the best of Lipuors always on hand, At P. II. PAl-MCK-f old staiid. -mmsitiilal Ht 6JT1IROP AKOVM AlCD MMPLK. in.i LABISH DAIRY. 9 UK :NHKHMt;Nr.T 1R PHKPAKKU Tvi furnisli fresh rm'k, lw.ee a ilav, to tiimllti. ami hotels. The milk from one cow is keptietsi rate ftir ctillilreu. H. ii. 1'UtikL .vJicif JUST OPENED! PIONEER BAKERY. j (Commercial Wirert knlif the tut.'atttHti M1t-. . Jffsoilk Ilrfiutl JtJtiti)-. MT PlRH AD'".s B yjt I'M fhiniiies and oountry trtsle Istkeil to order. grlyonNAJIKKTAt, tlSKKS lor WurkUligs, Ms eiatiles, piouk-A. ate., bakirl ihi stws-i not' . mavrr STRONG at AIN. s . w. a, s. ,i CAPITAL Urr,E, Ko. )1. ineef er K.' I do evening at 7 o'lli'k. lis!. .1 aUXMavny ireela,, . Or,piiru, HI v,w". -1 ii )