1 -WEEffiY OREGON gq!T3S M A.TSu.li 6 lECKMEi:R 1, ISTii FiB Wednesday Morning fail IAMAI. H "Whaw 82H ecnte. . JUver filling slowly. . -.-t Pleasant ywterday overhead. There can be no excuse for hng. i -, County court convenes next M nulay. A. 5. Rowland has bought Tave H. Smith s If yoawaat a aeieuiiiWatly mixed drink gu t. Uie Berviuere.'' The bar room of ttie Curm kt isfeoing fitted up iB eastjaet at) hi. . ... . , Th Wlllon dramatic trutipu is. in Southern tlregon, beaded this my.'' Tbe Occident, Capt. Miles Uell, lunaUt np a "lug Ityd pas htwis Mnerlae; iiigiif mm,,,. A Piety Mill belle baa had her party dreas made over ix time, siuco the 1st of 'eptemher, I" keep ic atyle. Charles H. Bo w h r L auauuiKi tTiiiTJrijii morning, aa a can di date for, City Treasurer, at KECEPnak of honI YcuniR. The undersigned, apprrciauag the valuable -ervk-es of Bon. A. J. Diifur in connection with the Oregon exhibit at the Centennial, and hear jng that he will be in this etty te-day, invite the ladies and genllemoa of rjalom and vicinity to meet at the parion of the Chenseiefci Hotel at 7 o'clock the evening to receive that gentleman aud extend a eordial greeting and welcome home. Addresses of welcome and rwfKne, and a plesu-ant hoar may be cxnecttd: OmH Jon's, -!"hn Mm to, ,? C liinaiek, iKy Health. hhu 4wfiiiut. o W is net, . Tir."B j Cro, V- M Vaite. ' w Jjojis Tatom, s J' knight, , f. i" Grover. A f! Croasnian, W W Martin, W P Rudy, T Cunningham & Co. Lew 1 liyrue, -lotto W tfUuert. Farrar Drua, J, ff C Jhafovaee, "5 H Gilfry. tieo A lak-i, M Hatch. M It Chapman, lien H trans, J W Weatherford. TMGateh. I O Norton, John Mm to. John G Wright, I. E Hirsch, John GraT, .M Mever.' Clarke A Craig, T l It-kv, W E H Water, It C Geer. J Henry Brown. Jouu iiogbes, I S Hkin. . H Kmwn. J J Mnrpav. r a l Aifj, i t 'haiimc;., Mart-"n Jr AHph: TUomOMMid LiUr'. Simng A Pin. Kiwi.- Htruns It k A A iioCiil.v. v j , R M Wd. tJv , : h Bre'man Bros J C"rith, f X Udliert, A T GdberS. H 8 liell, I. B Scott, " It A Pratt. J M Johns, V Cartvrrwh:. S F Hitttews, John ISoyoton, P Lnoten, 3 U HacaicDbUi, F Lew. The above call was circalaud lul evtuint; when it irai wtl easy to fiud many ciuzeui, or he Hat would have been nitwh larger. At a meetiug of the Exird of Slinxzr: ot 7!te Stile Airrienltnral t.m' w, txM last rTCD ag. a resolution waa iu:ruct(!, aud nuaiji nt ia-ly adopted, to aiieod tiie auTe rvcfjuiuu in honor of Sir. iJafur. 4 BreKlliouMl Krinble. Jiiill die "work goes bravtly ou," ia the way f .tri.'j'Te preparations for the Contrnga toual leatiral to-morrow, TiianUgiving even iBg. To-day tlie work of decorating will cum niauee, at Uie Opera Houw, while mauy a t.fat :toaewiXe will be in "doayu" op to her elLow f-tting the rare diuhea of -Old hew England" rtsdy for the range. Among these who will ae part in (he entertaiumtnt, i P.uf. V.'ttr: lj(jsurea.lnis during the Biectinguf the biate "T:har' Ioa'.ituu Lull fall, so took oar citizen iir storm. 1 cuiiosify Ubls will be spread hut ail the "Taol Prys" in the city can't find out aiij!iiirw about it nntil tlie time come. Let . -vi-rybudy gi-t readv fjragood time aii j go, -a.,j we will wagtr that llicy will lire it iheu I.:. ar:V wmleiit. Kttt Kr. '. li ; n-jj-irt ubiiahed rco ntiy in in I'-jt'-ii-A jm:vr, that atKamboat capaiu. refuted to iaio wiieat from th'j Frroe: wmeaou.o in this city, n inrrTf-?t. Jlr. Uerrt-B, tii nic-r-liitendtn; iufutnid m Ilz'. ho has uc- diSiculty ia s'u'.(vnaj w'a ja'vsr hi wiVat. Tne ittort doabsle&i giesr oat of ikt fa?t tbat t.9 kii-fc tt tKU Sin" of ategatsr esnired a ftw dir. ;nce, and wai not tumh-I. Artat.viacn8 hwebwo mid: far Captain CoclranV tew line ttbud rettoUrly at tha rrm':r' U'.ct a- iti a ' tlty eomoie.ies rantitu. t'tt, 1I,w"'B1vibt M-rilees. "i .rc informed that ti e minuttri of f!ib i iifjiif religious deDuniinaliwlis in tlii city i.a've do-id..il to hold anion senricea rat Tb.tnW ;;.vi,!g fcy. lfcx'. H. P. Peck, i.f fce lrby t-ian Clittreli, will jLiivr tiw tenaon, th? tiii-r loiuisters asaii'.ing in the wrrvic?. TLc i.ui in o'.rviijes will Iw hslJ in tha ChrUtUa CluinA; corner of Center and High treefc, eniimi n'-iiigst. 10.30 A. M. Al! are corslinlly in t:r.l. MjouMer Iliilorateil. Jii. H. Jav!!!-;. the tcston of Old JfelU. a Xt.i(T.bail liik-fl filiouhi r dislocatol yn ! -r;ia. 1 .y tlie running away of a ttam lie ws driving. The aeciJent oteurred ticsr the r-.uth Haieoi eiiurch, and was caoed by a eoit he va totekinK i the leant b-eoaiing uuntnaealiie sfitf nialitnga rtnh f .T rta brush. T)r. J. S. Hi.VfTrc reset th'- broaen bsae and Mr. J. waji, X ia.it aevouttt-', d i- -.,.11 as otiid be Mt'tn1. '' Tki 'ljartl cf Manager nf ;he b:aia Agrwu'r- tiita! toci-ty, now m i.ur;n :nns c-y, y-; nrfav mwhi t're follottiriK aip-iDtatc-i.o: - ,-j'.ivc ('..lumit'c?, E. M. YVai'e. D-Io Jetftr- s .n, John F. Jlilie, ; C'u'ml ltar.-h.il. P.. A j It vine, of Lino comity: M ir-,11 of P-v.Icn, i. I. Pr ttyinan of I'oik coun:y. SrIri-ly Bour il. Mr. II j' n rt-jpl.nn, of the firm cf Ilootu! y ' -it Krui'h i hi hji p u jliasel tlie property for-. '.mct-'y c- 'iiii-.-d ty Mr. Whitley, on the o-nr , , C met eiiJ Trorit st-ejra. W: l--arn tiiat it i- Jlr. Sii;.',etiiir.inti titi.m to ere -t s ! smLion.e .-i-iM--- :ie eoiiiii'R 'Tt' tt-or. '.I rnpovtv. FRIDAY 1 i I JO At. ATE V- Urat, 5 eenta. Collcotion day to-morrow. TbantKiviu day ia tlie aiuroibg 8. FriedaHii deaia in goods of erory deaorip uon. Kul?rilie for the Br.vTBiU.itt for the holidays.' Tht! Capful of Oifsjon need.- a food clrotilat-! ing Uurarj, The pablicx:hoo ri cloMrtl for the halanc of the week. The Mount J-.r;u 1 Wag. Koad will anon Uke ihar. j-; . - Q q f t Tl:8 Ovvrland atom ta the nlace for great bar yiirs in dry ponds. - Euy your Sunda-go-to nieetiug elothos at Starphv i CroaaiuanV . .. . Frh Bboalwaler aod Taqnina Bay yvters ia Vjry style, at Ht.rWt s. Beilire buyout groceries, glaiwwire or crock- try, mil l f, ,u, y iK'a'i ,.,. ,i.. M.i Attend th Congregational fdtlral, al the Opera not!' , th: erentrig. ' W. W. Mil tin ex-iecta. br Ike next steaater. a large fapt- (ftravin. JT 71 Greenbacks ari(ivtrnmrif ecttTitfe'botijht and sold br L'. W. Bltiw t Co. The Belvidf-re is the place to get an appeli- Call and see thoee teaanfal thaina, pins and On this day of Thanksgiving drop into Sam J Adolph's and try a quart of hw ale. 1 B ivy man Bro.a cloat tn-dayjint will npau aa to morrow Btorniug bright aud early. . Weathertord Co.'a-'-Wigindia" will con any cold or eough you auy have in the houw. Everytliing from the vegetable kingJom may hefonndat FraaV S. Horey", at tbe Opeta Houe. If yon havtiu'l got au invitation ont to-day, go to Pete Etuer u"s for your TiiaukigiTing dinner. Tltoec elegant hats tkat you will ee on toe promenade hxiay. T purchnd at Mat. W. Moxh-y'a. l " The Commeroia!, nnder the ntanajeniant of Jfr. Wenley Grave-i, m- running fall, aud still there ia room. Belb says if he don't get aa invite to a Turk ey dinner to-day, he will go fur a Turk ish bath. Elegant toilet articles and perfumes suitable fir holiday presents, at I. C. Smith 4 Co. drug store, on State street. Mr. John Chase, of this city, ia delighting the Corvaliiaites with bis atoniabing gyrations on f jli-jr skates. Ik' says the Gazette. Toe CatniekeU a iiiaminattd last eveninf;. from "dilar to onrnt," in honor of Hon. A. J. Dufur, ar.d thr winning of Uie Court Hum sa:t. Our flag is flying to tiie brecia yesterday, noon the reception of the intelligence that the Court Hatue salt ia decided in favor of the ejuiity- 11'itUIsII BATHS. j Editoe Stateskaji: I am glad to lauu that I Mrs. Pari hit opened her bfUM for giving 1 TurUuh baths in :his city, and as there mav U ! many peraons who do Hut nniferatand tl.ir j mTJts. a !sv woras itron the saty-ct eectc ni- ry. Those baths are pievectative as well as cura tive, and have the virtue to eradicate many ewes, especially chronic ailinonts, without tiie no of medicine. Even for a common cold, it it wortb while to take a Turkish bath, since a ce'ta's aul opeedy cure will foiloir, whereas, if girded, inflaojatory aud chronic tiimtnU may result, eliding m mined fc4t:h aim often death. For rheumatism aitl that aiijat tenible of dianses, neuralgia, the Turkish bath acts like magic, became diseases of all kinds, and especi ally riittimalUm and neuralgia, aro caiuetf by ehstracticsa aluch the bttb will ito effectually remove. Cut the Turkish bath a not for inval ids aione. reraon in gooj health, d-.-siriiig to conunue so, should 'ke thee tatla quite fr qncutiy. lior is this all. Persons inciiued lo m-Uncb')!- iU Bud tlim a gover- in ta'.m lor tie ,:Llai:5." One half the easel of auk-idt wonid cut occur if all would u.e the Turkiab b.to. Fiualiy, a-t cl.-aniia . is next to GoJii-n-i-i. no one cat be t!rr; Jy m-iral who h not tr lMked in a Trma BiTn. Putts uuuly Irlbune. Tiie I'olk County Telegram, of Indeperi(k-r:c; , ; con-es to na thia seek, wirii the foliowing tdi-j toilal Mitioaucvt-acnt, which fully esphtuis j il!f: ... j Wt intend to change th name of iuia paper j tVora liie TeliKraui to tl.at cf th? 1'olK County T.ii'iitie, an-i eoueriiienTly v. ill rf;rt iaeutir-ly f anew: V.'e have aeut to Kan Frai:eheo lor a j new beading, lOt it will 1- two or three weeks 1 Ijefore it can L'ft here, ncii lallier that not have i auy pr 'inul that time we !,ave c .ncluuVd to ac the Tol gram luuie uaiu our tew name tT!7. ' - - '- We Lave noi'uing to do ..;u ii.t old Telegram ai under the cjntroi of M. I.. VU-. We have si.r ed an enliruiy new t-apor ami of course rill boj herenoBeibie for li.a uoej iretl aul .-.'.i-t!rrw of the ld Telegram. It is onr intention to make the Ttiijtiue a strie'tly local paper of onr Mate, conniy aod city, Lui more e.-rpecia!!y of our eonnty and ei'jt. As w or-liiies. we cooid-:r It", piilifhal P"'1 t jn mp.Jdy lor us to daubh. iu to xlj vry :t extent. Hoiiiiigour eflorts may prove tatirciory to nit eiuzeiis, we submit Lie hist issue of the Triimrie, itn. i-D M. W. A. WiiEi.Mii:. I oil ir i:i!ir Crokra. tin T to (day la.-!!, the team attached lo tl: liailasratsge whea ah'irt diataoce lil-i tiiki of Eiila, Irecame nnmarssgeahlo by (its I reuKiuf; of a 4sufe, pud ran off, tips' tting tlie atais.0. ami t:::i.ain;: t! oeeupaiiU oat. Jfi-s DfJri ll,:y uh..,U jitdiiiLt-jr uf .11 on, JJ-ti Havuen. had, V.rt e ollar l,o broken, the other K-nainiuK ;;e'f and driver ercaiihg without injury. M Ce:af attendance van at otieeitimrr.rmed fium t city, and Mii" IfsycVrn was tuavW a-i com- . ftrt.l.le as tlie fi if il rjta.e of the aeeid-.-itt i w .uiii j.hn:t. Will Opea. Tlie Ctemeketa Ho(--l, nude;- the now man r r. llr. S. V. MaUhewa, wlli open tu-moi row i i-. ini 1-t. J'intu-r I; til Sr:--; lu'.i-l OREGON MINING KEWS. (Our Weekly lViMr!.) r 1 TKixoaiinc. A kttsr maived fmra Mr. 1. K. Money, Su perintendent of the Tellurium Mining Com pany, dated Car.Tonvillts Hovember, 82d, con tains the following la regard to the program of work: "Thinkin j that those Interested in the Tellurium quai la mine would like to hear how we are getting along ait the work on the mine, I nave though! brat to write yoa, as u will save me mach time and writing. We are running nujht and day wili Uireeshitta, sinking a shaft, . s are now down about ntty feet Water bas been sonitug in very faat for several davs past, and has been rtmuing in at Uie rate of one hun dred gallons per honr. Tor two dava it ran in at Uie rate of 6r:ehnndred and twenty gallon per honr. ' We have Seen setting out soma rick ore -as rich aa ev-T taken from the ground, tp b called ore at all, and as we go down the are increases iu jlcahtai-tbi last, rroi; being the beat. The ore contains gold, bilver ani copper. , . ...... . - xsoush xixixa ro. " " A letter from Josephine county says; "ft English Mining Companv, and other coraoanws are rnnaing then mines to the fulleat capacity, and are paid welt for the mon-y Invested, O titer aiioea in other parte of the awuuty are being worked to advantage, and should this winter, like tbe last, be a rainy one, tfwhieh is Hacking more than probabla from prwaaut ladl eations,) there will be a greater amount of guld taken out than for many years past." TBI fcHTKXi. Benorts received from the Esther mine, on which a qnarti mill is ponuding away night and day, state that another "clean up" will be made in a fvr drrs. It ts al-w stated that Ir. Iiucuet, Superintrndunt of the mine, expects a valuable return f;om this "cle&n np, exceeding by great odu a'l heretofore made. The quality of ore erusbetl ly the mill during thn past month lias been of a Brat-class quality, such as the vein now beiug worked shows upon its entire surface. This vein is over three feet in width, containing large quantities of silver, aud show ing free gold plainly to the naked eye. Six thousand share were sold in E j burg last week. The stock belonged to Mr. Joseph Htevcns, and was purchased principally bv Mr. A. Marks. The terms of sala were private, tccrr QUEES. Advices from this celebrated minoconiinoe ta be very Qatteruig. Work on the lower tunnel is being puslted rapidly forward, and the quarts thai is taken from tbe winze, which is to Conner! tbe lower level with the ona above, shows in creasing richness. Work is al'o beii:g crowded forward on the nil, which will be ready to crush quarts in a few weeks. Judge W. B. Willis made twelve sways, f( rock from this mine on thn 11. h inst., with the following results: Time assays gave $i J8 gold par ton; two $-151 gold and $29. 21 silver; one f331.43gold 520.7 1, silver; one alT2.51, gold. $30, silver; ooe 311.90, gold. silver; one S.-HO.tS, gald, $T2.7J, silver; oue $351747, gold t73, silver; two gave 73.23, gold, $-!JJ3.iivr. What illtld stock there ia iu tlx- marlj(-t Xieeis I' with a ready sale at par. WUITB ELLI.. Twenty-five tnoustud shares uf to.- new ruin ing organization was pat on the PortianA mar ket one day last week, and every afcare offered was sold in leas tuau three Lonrs. From what is known of this mine, which is located at Quaxisvillc, its proprietors arne big results as noon as active work cotumenses in the stiring. CaPlTJU- This eompan) has the largea! ciaiiu in extent, and one of the riohestha the bantkm uuttiot, and is the farthest along toward devcluprneut. Work on the tunnel is progressing. A uioetioj of tbe Board of Directors ia soon to take plaos to make arrangement to posh the work a sooa as spring ojiees. TefM-tilna; lo fto'iebitr; We clip tte fullowiDg in rehtion tn Ms-s Alice M. BeoK, the U-autlfu! anil aocotapIU hul daughter of Jlr. 8. B. Scott, of this city, from the Boacbnrg rUindealer, of last Saturday, at which place th is a' pr s rit Wi-;!iing draw iug : Mi- S-.-ott, of fca'.-.-m aii'l Mrs. (.'artwrtght paid tn 8 visit tlibi wevic. Ji, b-f.-tt aiion'-u ui trie pleasnre of examining some of her st-ci-naeai drawings and patntiog.wnicu wecoui'J nut l ot prun .unce excellent, bun is givii.g private k--i:: in jumting. and we enderstand hia e curcd q:itto a lira" eisw. and we rre q'lite snre u one ever cr.peeu a be:r ovpitrtubity than inis uiiy now oli-.-ra. it they tver u.ire to b-arn ttieart." ilrs. Cr;wrtgiit, as a puiui of Urn bcott, siiowii, by l.er aoile, iiiii't'iven.-jiit Ly f'- slid at no rr at f.iture ;f ti ifT:p"'T'-iucLt contiiias v. ill rival tlif f'T-iueient of the art. Wt Y. all v ho h.-.ve nr.t seen jiuw bcxtt's nii3ittr to call and do o, a-i we ai.-: coriiideiit yon will he gnaily pUwd. and if y.,u ev',v jTopote tuktug JesKuh do it tmw iiX-i im lite Hn4 I;y ti c rMrn'jig ever of an oil laiuti iu the dininj-ro'ini of ATr. B. Culm's ro,iuenet r.i. Pirty Hill la. t Tufs lay 1 7eni.,g, the Cisrpet took fire, the c.-.il oil U'mZ,uj ia manner tut! thrcatiti-.-! to e". :-e to U.-i hon.0, "no:, in vuieni." F. rti.eaioly iir. CoLeu at h"UK, ! aud by a prnit and i:b"Tal ua cf w-t l,iiu-1 eta, lha hlae was put out itli.,u: an j ai-m. The (Umaua auinmited to aljotit $'0, j wliieli is covered by insurance ir, the Pin nit of ! Harifiwd. 1 eirai 'trnin aeett.. j Ti.r Albany tapresf S-tiith. Iat cvtisiu (.oi--ttii'it'-r. Cloths Wuion and Engineer, John W. ' B.-aylt. af the firvt train I" cri-:- the i..-w IUilrosd bridge over the Clackamas the other ehic of Orpn City. Too new stmetoie is s , haudWime attl 'nlHM'l-! ori". and wax bo lit . r.i:.h r th'- ioitindi.i'e snirviiioti of Mr. T. I. Claik. the th-ironsli going roail tn!; 01" !'. , Cotniwy- WhlMitiliK .Holeli. A siiim'.iI'C Diaic h f.-r the tr.'l ; 1.; othei' hiK-di', such tt our forefali.er.;, gixsl eid la- of yor wrjrx in t'ne 1 itnliiliek 11 Uiii.i! iijii-iay ri.oi.t", w in !!.e J.i ol !i taUe place iu H'-t'.tb hakua to-day. iir. Cto. fh as imviter cf crriroiniea, a guaraiiue tb.-t .;.d the cm l Juried ic go.l 4o.ill.er nncy Bro.' : at tuoir .i...i. Ti i AilvHtiee. yestenlay aOtaii--. .1 i rnili in this citv to -a iii ' 0 tr-p- -I !,' ! i pr.e. ot ceut-: . r h our in -i Leatsre iaMwsL W. K. Puubar, G. W, C. T., on the 31th inst., ontlaiasd a Iaxurs of I. O. O. T. at Cleveland, ! Douglas county, with forty members. Zae. Tairormaa, ia W. C. T., FliaalMth J. Bradley, W. T. T., O. B. Tale, W. t., t A. Llviugstou, P. W. C. T and F. M. Good. Lodge Deputy. He baa appoimad Hon, A. A. Matthew, a State Depoty. - Srw nasi mm Sal stasrwls faery Tom Scott, and Jack Orsen. started yaslentay with oue of Captain Bcott'a outliu for the ttauta am above Mebama. for the ptt'iwso of bringiug in a load of ornamental shml lKry. After their return, yon can takes look at Col. T. H. Cann's Dr. H. Carpeufc-r's, J. W. Gilbert's, and Dr. L. B. BkifTi front door vards, ind sea the result of their mission. - Alssaa si ! . . u - Tbe new callage bouse oa Trade user Church street, camentsar burnuig down yesturuay morn ing. A lot of shavings took &rP (.urn a stove that bad heeu put up to drj the plastering, but was thseovaritd Juat J the tsack of lime by a passer by wao nuhad ia anal extinguished (he "' ' - a m -to'..,. S jssvs aragenoraaed iadividnal last Babbatb avaoiac, task a kit of amht-sUaa from the vesti bule at taa Melkodiat Charon, aod hid these in an obscure place in tbaabtasok where they ware fuuad yesw ruay. Th ewaars osn and tkeaa by calling at T. Oanaiagham A Oe.'a. . aaiead. Mrs. Joka BarrJ adrsrtised twenty-four lee- eons ia music as a term, which our printer set j ap twenty. Hiie gives twenty-fonr lessons for a. teen dollars. Lovers of the barmouT of sweet sounds, arc (uvittd to esll and see Mrs, Berry.. Hasfsess Is giving special attention to the matter of sup plying ovsteri, clams, etc..' to the public in bis haudaomely fitted up saloons, and will injure satisfaction to all who call on him . PERSONAL. Mr. Vaa tiesm-r, returned yesteriiiy, from his San FranciseoJ trip, singing "There 11 no place like home. " Hon. 0. K. l)eiiuv. of Portlatul, wss rc;is tered at the Cheniekuta yesterday. Mr. Btearos, or tlie Portland Bee, calll hul night, and expreeuea himself well fixed 1 rose a awtatiaarnaataew Jurlat. 1 have tried Uie Peruvian Kyrup and tbe re sult fully sustains your prediction. It lias made a new man of me, infused into my syatcm new vigor and energy. I am no longer tremulous and debilitated as when you last saw mo, bnt stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, tltau at any time during th ltt flv.? year-." Sold by all drug-g-its. A It-wasrkllr I ur- Wcrr Towsar.xo. V; May It lrti). Measr B. W. FowieA Bun- (kutkmt o; Sev eral years unca I toon a severe cold, which sot til on my lnng, where 2. reiuaiuod without Itdaxatiou. f was tis.li iu Ma-a,u:lniw;its nod 1 growing wore and. becoming uual le tn att-.aJ , to my buiiue, I returned home aud cotu j menceo searching ia wirnedt for some medicine which would reitore my hwt htailii. Icon suited pbvsiciaua, I tried miny runiedt a, hut obtained no help, hut daily -row WLir-,e. i I had a terrible c.,usio aud raise 1 a g.i.t deul ; of blood. 1 had prole. j night ,at-., aud - severe pain in niy side. I c nitmiied in this state for months and became so weak that it was with greatdifftculty 1 coiiid walk, when was advised to try WuTta'e Balsa or Wiui Chebbi, and to my great jy I soon fouid that this remedy had arrested the disease. I contin ued to use the Baiaraa to the c ten ' of live bot tle and nave since then exierient-ed to cliiTi ;iil ty of the hingi. I believe tue Balbak faved my life, and I .tliaU i"-t hnid r. in high estima lion. Wiur truly. I.BWL-i l'iil.U". Ha..j r MaosoUa bALar pr"i" rv.e amlr tr.rea the couajilexioii; n-tnevi.s frecUbM. tan and saliowtieat; makm Uie skin ofi. white sih! delicate, lis applicaliou cannot I ileto'ti-d. Ltcirs hATHArui) make bjautiful, glo-;-luxuriant loir: prevents iu fall.ng out or turn ing gray. Ii tuts Htood tiio fcstol 40 years. 1 ciiarruitigly p.-rfumcl, and has nr- rival. AffWO'JNCEMCNTS. FOR CITY RECORDER. By I'ne pUft of nunarron cUizeus I hereby anrours-;e ni",M-if an luib.-i'ieii'ient eAieliilat for i me oih e ot City Kecorib-r, luhj'-et to tuo il' . eli-:oa of iiie '.'tors it tbecrv ouoleotiori tlav. ! J W.O COrTUV. PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. i 11 v.i.n II- ll.-'AKKE w!-ho- loa-in.iun o lo tlie vutui'sof ihi city that hei!' he ua Iwir joileut cauilahiie f-ir thioilice o! f 'it;. Trwaaurer uf the cjuiuif '.".:y o!c:;b.r,. p.-Xr.il PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. Mr. J, W. T.ns: ! autuiiKe t lb' ivrrs of tJ;w Uitj tli.'ti Iwrwi fi Ihj :tii ,nttn'Cis4i:iit tranli'U4 U itw (.-fti - -i C 4 , UAiusifAl. t th" ,:i,uiuut al tjt-cit"M- . tvif-t For City Marshal. . , 1 iHTeoy aim my-tii' a ..-..vtl'ta'e for the j .ifH -e- nf City Tutli ' tin. ei-.nlli'jr O''lloii. j Sere.'t to th'- 'b'to.io!i of lb. fc-"inibii.--irj C.h ! T.-.ttiTt. 'J'. . I1.VKKKJ1. li.wM-t ANNOUNCEMENT. i &!.; I i:y 1 re uil.'-m.'- mi --:ll uer, ..Hi t uii'l. i,ue loi i-'.-ion of (he KeisMili -nu I V ;.ine.iiiii. WK. KiAMor. A CARD. , i'itiir-' niiT". i iif !r i.n r r.-.s .titii ol i f.T MI'.h. firlv lrV, tVIM-VfilL- ( T-lAit. V t k ! ri-.,)t Witr i:.ir 'Mi. n:tf. P lmahijIs. 1 ) - ttrt-n). r' rt.i t v a it.n.-rrd hvamimiuirv ' in f'i A.mf.o. N-iiii ft wil-ft'UlftjHM-il nvi,- is,-. - :;.- - v , i ' v 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. MA.U-M, ....... Itr.SjMM. Tn the t tuons of tslera and the TravelUie Pnhlic: Tbe rumor that I am tn the Cheraekcta Hotel ts tali. Ism still keeping tbe Cemiaeruhil Hotel as usual, at iw.e hil lar per day, btwrd ami loda Ing, a..vorilina: tnrnom. I keep 110 eoonil-cht' knuse tn tbe Paste ( all aatt see for yourself, aad It nut tail aet uooaarjre naute. WtVvLKYGRAVKS, " Im Proprietor. A NEAT PRESENT. VI K. Jam an Cot-rev his Just reoetved an In-v-e of ananteh and flra-Mbniiper Knckers tat the Mtlle lks A pretty and sabatanttal present for the boUilava, Call ami see them. They are a new thing in the market. b- . TOUNC PEOPLE. ... . Like ystmg State, must aster the Value, as Ter Dtert. 1 Mow wtsea yen nisi 11s frosa yor p res ant TerrMery Is tb '-Hull af Mairlam?," (he vary beat thli-a yea eaa do Is o go U Bales'- aud pun-bam one el those splendid 'Mw Aatrioa:i Bewlng Maohlne,' whleb be is eUlng so low, aleo a supply of Pbanree, stirrers. Bracket, (.Took Sbelwa, etc., eo. . atMcfw TO BE CVOSEO. llrwyama Bros, wtll ofctac Uiatr ataww on Tkatika rvtag day. OnMoaaers will tab due aotace thereof aad in-ara ttaeinaebrs aooontlof lv. ut time; All peritons knn-vtns; thrnnsetvea I iwletiied to the Uwlerslgned are r0. ta settle by cash or note on or before DfveiBber la. W7, ororwltt will be reftwed hervsTTter. J. . WHKHIT. H.VLKM, Snr, n. wr. ESTRAYED Tihorisw from the.ia-apnm.- Itie iV)hS. One ntnll brown horse, wlitie sinu in Is.w and white fbrt. lour years old rest. The olker Is a brown burse, four while net. an. I .-ilio.il five Venn old. The anlmils were ml-v I m m ammt Uie h of Hootemher. A suitnhto rewaft will be nsvt tor I the aaltttals or for lufiinnstlnn elim IhM miT be found. h. JOIIX HCTCKIN.. iiSlv IMPORTANT NOTICE. Alt ira.wm knowing lhemlves lo lelxe.1 10 tbe om.erslirrted muM .-ull imm.tMely and set tle, te save costs and titwhle. ri."w HE J. D. MoCt'RDY". AT A BARGAIN. A spndkl new Aiwrt.n Vwing Machine wuk liasonly beenlnuwa short time, ami a beautiful set of gokl-ruiiuted luoawaro. Apiivu. pnate holkuty prewints. WillhotilchenOB so. count of iriteo'i.-0 itunnure fr.sai Uie 9tat -. Call at tb rwiil":w uf Mhh. H. Coll, d If Jiear -Sisiers' sclimil. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. IH7Cl-"77. Si-i-.,.vr.Ti K "v-ii s Novenilwr W. l7t Tld 111 1 prat bchi January Sw, WTT. Koorth ttmnU-iiu AnrM 9. H77. rw foil tiiKr.-ni'l,.ii a't-lrwo V.r.V. It Kia.ltX. Vn?, (n, T. M Gati ii, Vsvu '., aorl tisnn. BILLY STANTON, XKtPtM?lvT.Vn.V 11V HASH FUAKHANT OK.AUN A Ml CHOICE TOBACCO. Commercial St.. Salem, OregOn. feolttl DR. H. SriTH, .-"f::ksj "w-Trrw KTrnram -s m a,- -a- jujs jl. a OmOE rca;d oi Brnynwn's Kjw 8tre (IPl'H'K H"U KX Iroiii a M. Kir h. :i:ttf bAl.t.-" ii.i.(OS. J. G. WRIGHT. CALLl ATTt.snjNT lUj UEGE AKD WELL SELECTED STOCK or Cfockorv, Glass Ware. i Plated Ware, I China Ware. j LAMPS. CUTLERY, ETC. i f ouirtifrfiHl Strict. anii'-iiT.'. 1 1775. CENTENNIAL 1876 CASH STORE D. & A. A. ilcGULLY, Wcrttoii it; G It O V K H I 13 S . Cured Meats, Lr..rd, Etc. ! h r-e:, -((li-iii, tin LIQUORS AND GIGARS. yn it , v k ' jv p ii & hn:t si.kk nr LIQUORS AND CICARS K'or hro.ilil to tl'tWHie. h'.-h will mil la uiiiilf to i-iiit, Ht tltt li,)lviioi u rViii-m, Ofe-lo-.-i'.-Uil -a.i-.-ei, i-a.--ii. iin-g'itt. I'l.tV'Mi' .' "TIMI'-iDV. : !---, i' 1 L M fflCni.L A VROtTS. C. C. VAN WAGNER, bKALKK IK 1 KaZi FURNITURE AMI UPHOLSTEr'ixYG GOODS, Picture Moldings, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Etc., Etc. A good aasanmeut of ' AM) . Curled Wool Matresses. COFfJNS AND CASKETS Maite oa fthort Notice. rSZAJ" "'uiactrrr,'. the nelormunt K AKH A rrTT FA.NklM Mil-L, wlikaittkaf? 14. al ranni- Mill On ibis C est. CT"hemrnibr l he Plane, Huai street, nrar lal en, SaUxu.irwiiic isiiU dwu VANTED, -A. OONTIIACT Plat HAULINCCLOCS. I tuiiT aeim! Uwm, wagoo aurl other tkh an I tt e work ail complete Adorns. Wat. T. M ETC ALP, -"t 84 Boeiia Viiiui, folk county, Of CA-ZaXi oir J. B. EOBINSON, fs-.-rrniKoii Tv. WiKEXME A ItJI2'!.V.j Pur one of his more Lrpnj, LITTLE ( r!URCK ' F. 0 U D THE CORNER CIGARS. Also, the best of Lipuors always on hand, All'. t. P.vl.MKK'S ohi maud. Omuueruiai bi C-IrtP Anoi NF. AM) RAMPLK. wvi LABISH DAIRY. eilfr. tM.KIt.H.,NKD PkKPAKKIi Tv a liiniU, ire-h eiHk. twice a itov, lo lmi1K anil hoieli. I he au!k u m one cow is kept -ew. rale fur children. ti HpiilL JUST OPENED! PIONEER BAKERY. m.ii r iu! -t ((.,0.iu- th Mitti-amuu OHUf. l"r-Mi llt-4-mi Iil,a . IrldfcVsaW; S,' B"n"1" trT tlKNAWKKTat. t Altlat tor Wt.;ll)0. . iwhlew, pUili;, etc, bkkm! un short . "r" STBOKC st tAtN. I. O. C. T. CAPIT AL Uila.K. V. U. nnTJ Untu,. 'lav ..veulliiT Hi 7 ..oLH-i.. lUiil OTW,.,," tjILll.-,u s..,is.k, i 1 YO U" WAHT TO GET SBAVED CO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS NEW STAND Ki'ti 'i..i t,.c. lmtr near the ITera-iu-ta E. SHEIL, M.D.t PHYSICIAN AND SURGECH. HT'l.n.M.TY ;'al"Oiiij Ii.-IMM II' MB IKuJ. Ihiuut, Cbt-5,t . Di-t- tire Ct feTai, a.ei u; rait MfVOt S XTSI I X ta. Iltl.l f "ii'iicK f.'inm-rc!n) I!ot.-l, 1". IT:' PLOW FACTORY ... AM".... GENERAL BLACKSMITH ING. The HaJsev Clipper Plows, il nil 4t. on hind ami made to onlor. Too Piowf ik- ta-- v. io k in iuhh,cai,i fai plowing, an'! are In m-norul u nnwHig bn-TOoe). !n Unn U. Jorse Shoeing, "Wagon and Hack W O TA SZ he-.- jireniKlr. Plowe etui all wo'lt wiirrnniets. aad I "I 1' ttt lowitst rale-. C. M. PAINE, Prop. 't,'' ,,tl llui .- lH-rn,,, Look Hero I J. M. COULTER Is N'T HK.AH S'OK ,KT HLKKI'IMi tn itiilue ami Ki.-kiCK. a.nl n.o. i, (uriiasi vk Willi ail kiwis of ' Coopor-Wnrc, IN Salern or jCast Porllamf. ihoii in Sal.in on th.' lot utien-malt t Irrs i mf mnmiir.'.lalstri'et. Ko.oi a. raii I'ur.laaa! ai 'Im laiwlhi it tsi- tiittr't fivwi i..,-. y. tat 'A' v.on, v n-'iiiiM! ,( , . f trfJ I