j2 WEEKLY OREGON 8TAMSSMA3ST. VfEEKLY OREGON STATES W5 AW. FRIDAY. HECKMBEll 1, 1S76 m:n bli a ity rostvuTiox. , The Republicans ot this city will meet ml their respective wards oil Saturday. Nov. 35tb, at tfi o'clock lor the purpose ot nom taatlng one Councilman for each ward aud delegates to the city convention. 1st ward entitled to 6 delegate. 8 4. u 3 " - 6 4 5 Citizens ot K want to meet at W. I.. "Wade's store; 2d ward at old lotirl House; 3d ward at Opera lloiw; Lh ward at Bean & Iftaviilson's lltee. City con volition to be held Kitimlay. lleceuiber 2d. 17i. at o'clock at the Opera Iloue tor the purpose of nominat ing. 1 candidate tor Mayor; I candidate, for Recorder; 1 candidate tor Jlsrshai; I es-ndldate for Treasurer, ud a Ctty Cen tral Committee. W. 1. Louii. Chairman Bop. Centra) Committee. TOKAL VST. Major McDonald, ch irf elork of the Senate, who has seen Jmty years' aer--vice in connection with that body, and wtfo )iaa witniasiil4.no collating i f every electoral vote slac lhT. ; tight to l well qnalifiad to apeak with reference to the usage of Con-' jjreee in this matter. ... He says that ; from 1789 down t 1885 the ttsual mode was for the two house to appoint a Joint core eolation, which generally fssnnisted of three members wf the 8eu-a-te and five ot the Hnuae to report the manner in whU,h K should be -woanted. The commission always rec ommended that tellers b appointed -an the part of the Senate and the House. In 1637 Janiee M. Jdaaou, of Virginia, President yro irwrr of the Setiatg, presided at the counting of the electoral vote. After it had been -eaunted, and James Buchanan had been declared elected President, and John C. Breckenridge, Vice President, a Representative, Humphrey Mar nhall, arose and raised a question of -order, to-wit: Had the President pro I'm. of the Senate the right to declare or to decide whether, or not, the vote ef the State of Wisconsin should 1e ounted. The l'reaidcii -.ot the Seu ate )iro tern., Mr. Mason, refused to en tertain the question of order, and thereupon left the ehatrand proceeded back to the .Senate chamber followed by the memlnrs of the Senate, with out waiting for any question to )k put ao the joint meeting. In ao doing he virtually said to itoth Houses, "the power of. counting or rejecting the vote of any .state, under the Oonstitu tton is vented in me, and in tne alone; consequently, all objection t-r cot. ing the vote ofary Siute are entirely out of order." Major McDonald is of the opinion that we are in the same position to-day, and that unless some definite system is adopted, we must d.-pend upon the jiniguieut ana im partiality of one man alone. That mau, of couoe, will lie the presiding oflicer of the Senate whoever he may la?, on the t-eeoinl Wednesday in Feb ruary. l-.x. . THK M1I T1. li i- nmtidng to look over the election figures as given in Associated l'ress re pnT'. litre - one nt tlie late-t di-f-fniU-la.!1: The TriUua'-i Nev Uiieaio "iweiil s.iv: Iteemi inevit.-tble that tla' pie of the cnuntry. after all the labor of vi-ir-Vns committees trjm (lis N'ortli. will' b owiseii to accept the woik ol the ivtunt iiiw lioar.l without tx ioj; able to form an Uifelliuciit judgtiictit in reni to tlie lair-lie-4 of tfieir deci-ion unlil iiImi queut in vestigation U nunle public. The proceed ings of the board have thu--I;;r Ijeen oo du 'Ied in a manner tlat i calculated to inspire confidence in it. Smie of its rule Jitve seemed arbitrary ami tuiwie; Li;t no inju-itiie has yet been done to either isrty by titeir enforcement. Much comment i -luadc in dissatiiciion at the holding kack of retitnis. T1k: reia-ns of Franklin pnri-h lay in tlie Sontln rn Kxprcs oflice of this city ten day, ureuw no o.ie. vas aiill:oried to pay exities ciiarges of 7i txtiU. Tliey wer obtained yesterday. nrt placed on the ti'e ot tl botird, only wJ-n i x-iov. WiekliMe. one ot tiio i-in-didate-, funu-hed J he nioie. y to pay harues. Tlafre i- no eMen.t! tliat a single tlvure r any retnrn iw been ehaiieed dnrinir the time tl e." h ive b. en illegally withheld Ir.mi the ictuniingl heard; 'but tlie very laet llwt K ey wen. ) withltehl create (ii-.iti ftetion. j The Kepubli 'aim have eolle:U-d u i great mass of lttnun)y wilhiu the lat few day.t. ihowiiisf"the moat de plorable t'liiiditiun of alluir- in nil of j the bull (loured parili(. Tha'. there j has lieen great hiwlifttieM .in ui! 'hee : Mrishes within the p.iat year is no longer (totliilet. it has shown itself in ninny caws nl a-s sanation an I other ofli-iiM's of gnsiti r or less grav- j ity. J he only ijuentiou at issue u tne , eauce and object i it. Uepiildicuus j say that tho object is i o'itieul: I)emr-1 t-rats say it was not. In some ats;s here will be no ijue.tioii--:i. for ex- - ample, where a man shot while rrying the ballot box to the lliiig plane. Some aflViavit de.eiil e imir- . iiem Hi horrible a any 1 1 e'.i.ied by I lie kllklux between lui-', iilei 171 If tlo v are sul!sn! iated in il tliir detail"-, tliey ill fiscally kIiO -k tne Nnflll -aud detry t:ie sy-npatliy wlii 'b haa been ve,-v g-ierbl'y felt ,for the iiiifoiuiiinte p H.tjiui of; h ,-viutn.' 'A coinmuu ly -J..-? will bh.-r le smdi outrage h; . ilbt to ex rar ympthy. Marion County Gives Thanks to the Lord, atid that Jury in Our Court House Case. This Thanksgiving Day, Glorious. An Honest Jury Awards Our Court House to the Proper Owners. Tla jury in the c against Marion county, involving the title I our Court Mouse, has rendered a verdict in favor ot llie people. It was expected, of caune, and yet, strong influences were brought to bear against in. Let tlie people rejoice, tlatuk the 1-ord and the jury. MKKATUK JkU.Y I Tlt-BIV . WM. . hir special reporter interviewed Hon. J. K. Kelly yesterday, riding from the hotel to tlie depot, and learned at much is possible of tint distinguished gentleman's tmws of tbs situation, with regard to the ellelbllitr ol J. tT. Watts as Presidential Elector. Reporter Senatar, I see the OregonUn charges yon with coming back here . to influence tJayernor Grover aiot to give a certificate to Watts. Is I lie re any truth in that? Senator Kelly No, 1 came back on private bwbjes; Congres meets Monday bnt there U aoiking ot importance done nntil after tlie holidays, so 1 concluded to come back and attend to my atlair-. Kenorter What U vour opinion. Sen ator about Watts' eligibility!1 . Senator I think be U no more entitlsd to the seat tliau I am. Reporter Who i entitled tlieu? C ron in entitled, who got the highest lH?n ocratic vote, or are the other Electors to fill tlie vacancy? Senator That U a question, but my opinion U tliat Croniu U entitled to it That I alo the opinion of the best legal minus in San t raiicico. (Our reiiorter otterwards learned that two very dUtinguUlKd San Fianci-co law yen pa-ed down on the same train, bay big arrived overland, ami no doubt the Senator knew of their coming. i Reporter AVliat do you think of the general reult? Senator 1 liave no donbt butTlMeu car ried the Southern States, but the liettirn lng Boards will count him out. b.it I be lieve TilUen will finally succeed ai d be insiigurated. Reporter If Til Jen is elected you will bardiy come hack to Oregon, 1 suppose Imt wili probably receive a foreign mis sion? - Senator Ws-l-l I r-a-t h-r expect to e-o-m-e back, but if offered anything good might appreciate it. Our reporter r'iKiiid tiic Senator in re markable and extraordiiisry ood health, and his robust a Hi genial apiiearance was eminently satisfactory, though he was rather taken aback, while declaiming against tlie frauds and corruption practic ed by tlie liepulilieaiis. wlien our rejiorter coolly inquired if it would be consistent witb'the "reform" principles of Ik'nioc racv tor Gov. (J rover to refiwe a certificate to VVatt. in the face of 1,2m mnjirrlty it. his f;ivr, ai;d thus disfranchise the people ot Oregon. .lust as tiie bus arrived at the depot lie remarked lh.it such notion wonid ot course tr bs-ed on con-ti: utio-ial ground. Our p.'porter lotind theSiiintor v?ry coti- ver-ib!e and willing to satisly all r hkinir ble inquiries. "We 'sincerely hope ifTildeu is ever inaugurated, that Senator Kelly will be trauF?rred to some foreign ?!a tion suited to bis gen'ul ways and portly bearing. We consider him one nl tiie bet tiatureiJ ami lu st hwiking Ieunx;rats in our State, and would have fu I confide itv that ifeiitcred fur a preiu'um notol course as a vegeiabie product , he would sustain Oregon's Oiiteiuiial ropnutlon. and carry ofTa mclal not a leather med:,l cither. Ijlcgau.' aud other interc-sted pjr tie will rt-meinbcr the uouvciitidii to be held on next (Saturday. 'n the action of tliat liody depends largely the prosperity of onr city for the com ing year Forward, tiiiouid bx- the watchword. Give us n (iekel of live and stirriii'? men, who will lend im in the direction of grealiies, as u com mnnity. Broad ideas of pubti allitirs in what we need. Given that ela of men to govern tlx. VIM Wt 1HI I.V. npt. J. 11. I.i'ter, State Librarian, pre--Mjiilfd us a tl. : skm"iii'!u of statuary Iiom a priv.itn colicvtiou. which pnrport connj Ir.mi among tlw ruins found hi ei eivntlng what is snpjsed to be the site of ancient Tmy. We piixu it highly uuc count of It anti'i'iby. its tnnge doigi, and the winner in which c hand. Thank. apt tin. t-inic! i::tn onr i I Kit. Ill I I.. ; Iimoc'!;ils nie t.ij.iea gie it ho'-vl Is -i-:iiie ('iiiuil S!t I mops an- pn-jervlng pt-aei! in rli" -rmu'ii- I'he .linc class -j c'.e'l i '-sifline'' much In tlie ;t. " .el ii - have eeice. liie Weekly Si Mil. i. i id f -So' tai.ied at the lo.i prii-e of 3.1 11 p.-r anniiin. :iml -l.o i -I i-' in i-vet'.v ve!l-i-gulate-l fiinuy. , For This Favor We Have Received, tho , Election of Hayes and Wheeler, Cood Lord Mako us Thankful. We Havo Exchanged Our Thanksgiving Turkey for this This is a fitting occasion for all the civ ilized world to give thanks. Tlie electloa of Hayes and Wheeler Is an event never to be forgotten by the generations to come after us, am our Governor foresaw the event and recommended this particular day In which to give special tliauki to the lord for his goodness and anbottuded mercy. We append for this solemn occa sion. Thanksgiving dy, the 93th and 98th Psalms; which should be prayerfully rvsd br all patrons or tlie STiTEMiiN. I 0 coma, let us sing unto tlie I.orJ: let at make a joylui noise to the Rock of our salvation. 2. Let ns come before ids presence with thanksgiving, and make a Joyto! noisr uuto him with psalms. 8. For tlie Lord Is a gre.it Owl. nid a 1 srreat Klnz above all cods. j 4. In his hand are the dwp places of the earth: the strength ot the hills is hh also. 6. Tiie sea U his m1 ho ma'iu it: and his bands formed tlie "Iry land. . O come, let tw worship and liow down: let in kneel before the Lord our maker. 7. For he is our God; and we are Hie people of his pasture, and the sheep of hi hand. To-day if ye will Iwar his voice. 8. Harden not your heart, as in tl provocation, and in the day of temptation in tlio wilderness: ft. When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. lu. t orty years lontr was l grieveu with tin geiieni'.iou, and said, it iu a peo ple lliat do err in tlieir heart, and tliey liave not known mv ways: 11. I'mo whom I aware in my wratb. that they stioiild not enter tuto my rest. PSAI.M XOVI. 1. O siii unto tli-J.ord a new w.g sincniito the Lord all thwearth. 2. Sing onto the Lord, bless his name; slmw forth his salvaticn from d.iy to day. 3. Declare his glory amoug the heath en, liiwonders among all people. 4. For tlie Lord is great, and greatly to be nraised: he is to be teard above all E ds. r. f or all tlie -Mils of the nations arPidots: but the Lord made the heavens lie neaeiM 6. Honor and majesty WU 7. Utve unto the Lord, u ye kinurtiu of the people, give unto the Lord glory mg up tne wnio river uie ouier tmj i and stith. t a little girl who was standing on tlie . 8. Gi unto the l.md llie glorv due; hotel stoop, rau into the house to lier , untohis name; briiiz an ollering. and ' mother, calling nut, "Mother, mother ; come into his courts. " inmo and see tiiis ateamhout.i it's got , 0. O uor-hip the Lord in the be-iuty ol a Im-tle on!" holiness: fear before lens, all the eirh. j vjj )!t? COst Vcrinmit $-'V2,.")W more tliun ; JO. Sty anion" the heathen that the Lit reciived in flues i snlon.t)ie frohib-j Lord reineth: the world also shill . 'nry Li'pioi lw - ilnr'uig the jn.t two' etabliild thtt liall not be moved; helypat. "j j'"1 ti c !" "I"1-' rlg!ilolv. ( j .rj, (rf.stru-.stnirv Catheiinii, Liti.- ' 11. l.i ! the heaven reiuiee. an 1 L-t tiu- i ... .u. i.. i.. ii u ,.r earth U-K!:mI; kt tin -vi Voraiwl .tiw uH - IJ. i.er. me iumi! i.-joyiii:, ;iru :iii in.-ii is therein: then -hail i e !r'-'e-of the uihiu Lt. liehrm II Lonl; for h. eotm-fh, f.rLi ""T tn,vvl 'JH,Ur7T l... iii i.-. ImiI.tu ,1,., ,..,,tl.- I..-. judge the world vuth rihle.ii.ne-, :u! ,,i i.ij i. Progress, Triumphant. created u profound Mirprirsj in the tuwn, I liipatelie now in 1 and -ettle o-ilively :aw , was a jovial lellow. apptirentlv with tlie umtter oi the devtmu ol li-iye au.l out i can: is- tumult- f any kind. !! VV heeler. Ileliiocnitic Iniiids are being5 expo-eil in aevend State, and. of course. will In- shown up. Dnr Kopnblican roo-ter still crow-, which means that the great p-iry t,f progrr-. a trimnpimi.t. . FKHtO.VtL. . TVrrv. of ,iu oi.e of !!ie i)!des:. .lo-i-e ;. N well known a Kriin i- o. j -i-ilii-r- "I ' Sth'iii. has lietn ;;endiiig a few diy wl'h friends in (lognn. hut le.ive f-e lioine m, tne nest steamer. We tluil tne .fudge a i very pleasant a well as cultivated getitte-: man. His friend- regret In he .eyiraled j I'miii hi-li. uiniiw:l The Men.iry and Standard lav Ilia -:noe ciiuori.il iiintti r. word fur word, and to j .hide rover, under direciou of Sunainr pioliihly the ,-itithor. Wouderlnl i Kelly i- pio.lie-i.ion lili the column ol !ho-etwiu ii". !-. T lie w hi Mil Mud ol the tnte l nl!en;ig. in i he nie intune. ntJIM! DIVItlllUV :- Hit' inp'i.-.te ;i p!i iisill'e visit t" the Smth. linlei- I lilted -stule lioop are oi lei'-it to Alaska, or ome other pia--e tiiei more bile men put iu that -ont Ii CitroMiii 'isl.-iture. lie will -: li the liiittie! of I i-. V;tt t-' in : i lie. lie in-ton- ilepnrtiiiu. t.,i;ui jug ne'.sst -ny: 'ii' bus- i!lt-a- wt CMt lo,ig illld ilib I' etitt In i ;i-s'! pulle i iiim ll. WE ARE TI1AIIKFUL! "- ' - M i BEHOLD HOW BRIGHTLY BREAKS THE MORNING. THE LORD ON OUR SIDE. EUTHEETCED B. BATES, PRESIDENT OUR REPUBLICAN PYRAMID. omo, 11 IOWA, 'I A I 1BAI.C, li41V!A, ..1 NEVADA. OKEGOX, , "' V ILLINOIS, FMBI14, -' TEMOST, "J . - "alien IG AS, XOIISIAJIA, Si OOUJBJaVDOlf 1' J -KEBRASliA, a WII4CONM-,-M I N N B OT.l. CAMFOnSIA. HKVLVA-I4, KllOItC ItLA, 4tsBAtUl.'SCTT!4, ' OIT1I t AltOLIX EW IIA5IPMIIUK. m'ErTiOK. ' A. J. lufur, Esq., was received in good sliapo at the Chemnket llot;l, on Wednesday night. HIM li.UASIWI f IMPfltHJa. A genuine roar-back an echo. The girl of the periixl Kleutinn Bets. Mrs Partington lia dnippod a stitch in her buck. Bessie Turner is now a waiter in a New York restaurant. Wong Ah Tim votes at Monterey, i h ii-ttivn-biini l-lt;ZHll. Tweed evidently doesn't believe in small fails mid quick. return. The man who hot bis pay will feel bad when he has to pay hi liet. Jerome B. Chaflee ami Henry M. Teller have been elected V. S. Sena tors from Colorado. The widow of Jules Jamil left SG, 000 to Kt. Elieline, where her husband was lairu, and fiin.iKH) to Kvrenx,-lier own birthplace. The improvements iu Westminster 1 Abtiey are rapidly advancing toward completion, ine eneet 01 removing so roucti suiioriious ami imslgtitly , . .. ,. . . . , ? rliteU. or eveuiteai. ' " As a stern-wheel steamboat was pa-- i ;,(1 h "Uu hltoty wlltI,plal v rc p--d by ... I'.ll...! (i,-,,,), j ' . I. ne iimiu. nt i" ople into Ti veai. i ue iw't i- nm ii j;. i -V"'1''11' .,' r,l the i mem m t.uinorina. Mteiie! Keller, a Miner Cieek clerk, atleiiin'ed suicide hft week. The even! in;li" int-:lielry f suppo.'U to in; ine cju-x-. He has a iii- and two children in iSin I'l irxi-co, from whom he had la-en ipat-a:ed on account of incompatibility nf 'temperament. J A,, liarliii..(.t of tl- New O.-Iean- Mint W anani m nisrrnlion. I lie receipt nt Milium ha so mr rs-en iioni ina1. biir.it is expected tlmt Mexican bill- iiim will lie-in to ionic ii h-coines zeiier.dlv then- i. known lem! i -non s li.-il the neiti- ate ' Smelling and A-nyiii-; in working order. ' t-uiplired with t.lie l(" of the ltoio in lieiillblic, the American ib-puhlii: i not n srieinw ehiekeli. but. a la dearly beloved, li Nun l iliUMi is eiei-.t n. ii miii ii i ve ui .iraicli around tor t be next four years with pretty iiiih-Ii nothing ea it nut its niii-feather. lV.ti Ii:is a etavc dilllciilly to .uHe wl.at to do withlii-r dea'K- For ten year. II. I llll- Pll"J'-ci ia:i-n mrin ivii'im-iiiinr,', ami ha ron Haii-smaiin . imiil'iirieil t Imi the dead gave him far inote trouble tuit the living. ' ' We hear fieipieully id lie- ci ift tlu'it si.i the sea. Imi f nf.er a lets year' e;i..i ienee in a-eniil and uncum itaiiie ivntlit. vi'.- liel t liu iiu le i- about .1 on.' ll !:; f: i'.; th I m.i a on tii Water. J- M. I, ray h;i inb!ihed the iliiigeim -oilgfrom "Ll l'ei'k'l...'."'lntit;le!l. -f ; Love V"U. V'i't I;ngu-."a- -iih be M- Ln.ily Melville. m -- 1 tie-, your lili' i ;i pi.Hit - , f ,'in illits- ! :.i inn i your pie icbing. i o:i nill lie infilled tt deliver -erni to the ilenf fl.'r!'htmb die il.n ol ii. in liv. WHO IS DOING IT? Strange Coincidence. The Mercury and Standard "Fixed." Boot-jack Kelly on His Muscle. Senator Kcllcy lias lice. I In Salciu aud gone nalu. The Jovertior is evi dently "Used," mid the Senutor de parts iu a happy frame of mind, lie will be able to report to the lcn:o oratic Central Committee when lie arrives at ahington, and, in the meantime, Jtepuhlicans will look on with great complacency, and ask no odds on one vote in Oregon, as we have ample majority lu any event. Hut the funny feature yesterday was a brilliant editorial, evidently written i by the ftenator and Governor,- and jpubliabed IntheMereury and Stand : ard at the same hour of the same day. Ladles Dancing Class I . ""tor. parrisr vni omiiviit a JAT rnvai iNnwiaaClaw. Mr hnllvi vxrtls- atwy, humiiimwh S Mlnok V. h. Fhni tar aucauoa will bo muil to beniunera. J Inw. tr. 1 nrerv SunUy fUrn.win. Thv rie "i .uwwiip. will w MI4 W&T MOB WMO . For Singing Schools! IUk tkm dmtulT Imanmlar by lalradKitiw THE ENCORE !! B; L. 0. EMERSON, 75 cts; $7.$0 per doa. ; THE ENCORE i i onmiin a r irn-i;iam Eitimmlary l Hir, i lib iih- WM kiim or f leniKH, air, nine, lit mm, I two. ihrrv or lour (atrM, I or pnulw. THE ENCORE fntitmnji 100 imm AIImiI uh lurLht wl,l aak. ray kIiwhiiihI four irt -onr Ti. a Im it Rtwit liliti Him a wall a. Matin S-ol THE ENCORE oii.nlu. JO n II nui-litniul Alilbfna nf thp txii cnarwitn-. :r O. EMEEBON, llntf a mt'Hn nf n-krwe Itonkn luirr lmn li , I uey exc,!il? " I ...... n.. ,.. .... ... . tvmilMmer and nr- In tlm pub!U' ! iteie. Hi. hh:!" In IliU iiniiu:r, ir In till lll.ir. 1 nun tr, THE ENCORE i Fiirntlaby all uromiiHiar dualern. ' nmillet. ol-fn3 for 71 nenia. OLIVER DITSON fc CO HOSTOH. . II. mwon A .. 711 Broadway, Nuw Terk. J. K. IMtaAW A ., ! BuacaMOntobaaaVWaUa I l'tulallihia. LOOK AT THIS! j DOIST'T rw,..K..H .WAY UVK MKT 11U.M tub "hew amiricau ezwi5g machine" Ha- im Miiiwlnr. ami Mnllv an ninul, iiwiIi. m Uus or am isi t;r e-Miutry; bui .r tliv.'"Oi in hand I will mil yn an liM-hinr Tor mm.'ii. SiSJ.AO. i' - a win .n;i(. -( In re.i,.-I. nVOtlil ij:; liMvn"ii will tiiv Miiir.-11 line I Inii-lii' l im inne mmi Ht-rti U ii t'.tut rtf tw in-. ! i- r. ". I'li-ni; il aetjil rvieo'i-i . j (".-.- : i si.-! !' I-a- at' ni i-.-M.ie-. JP3 l K liA IKS. i.Ai'i -miie-r:i.ii tr:. -.I'l.m PROPOSALS FOR TRArUSPORTA- in. nil. I .new Ton Imii an Sceri.im, i ri.KTi.Ann, OTi-in, Sm. ), ih?b. i e.-;ecl l'rfiiimails to trtii't.-are will ha reelil 81 tin. udli-e until ii nvU'li M , Nn-rero'wr ii. IST4. for tlie lian (iin in'Uiii of liim Mipullao iw I'ullim-v, vi. : Fri.io fia-ilsnd l Nlh liar, W. T. ifliinaieli AjP'twy, W. T. - SkukHiii-h " TuUillli - " ' Klaniaih (rr.ipm. llullmer " .. I muiilla " Wnrm irliHi 1 he tcvi i niiu ni ri;-rve t nr rvie : !: mo iiul nil bi u. l- uriher uhrtiii: un la i,l ,0ir4 a liui tiSi.-t. rinv" a' iiii In: i.-'ni,-iU-1 wl'ht ii.- lK.n.lti M-ifiii til-!. lur Ute rfrf'nrmin-e ef Uh' t CMil rav-lw, Ui'O plmliU linrki'il eh ijic nut4 it nl i Ihe ciiveinjie. "tfi')ii - l'-r 1 i ;tt: -r i: ,n ii -.n . j tielwii Smi)l,.' . lite Ireiylil will Ij.- In liani I ie,, e a; i -in i.l she lihi-ef I-i'(:..j,. .r. rli ii. r-i 0'."l. in eiirrt.iK" ll'il- liu- title v iu-r.ttil rtnmw Irniu-wii- i wi mi. W. W, HI 1. 1., K . an-i I . , . nil lii-i.-oim' InilUin i-uj-i-li- J .SAVE YOUR MONEY, TJ ll i a i rt Ti Hj I alrOhlZlCg bai'm Hag I BOlorj HAVIM. I'll IH ilASK.I. Tlfh AIKIVK ! .'; I on i.l am ii iv i(i'-,l 1,1 fiinti-i, nuir kaeks. KRuii awl iary Icij In nil llill l!' if ...'.n i-i,, . . BOLTING CLOTH - ore. 't;--t im -eirl u-S'e, a-aniHT jivt ,c- i-b'-.i 4n t,, IIL'I'U ll ! Soil. . tents.awningswagon covers! I.i.:.. i-V . m , i I il.-1 I mi e, I 1m . !,. . "I'll liejiliM'.a "' ''nil Hive rfllt,. I'li -l Ibrt HI,. -W 'HolUi, IV'-a-iier. . I llll 'I l . K KW AHVlUiTLSKM iJNT: c . s. Keimiaht. J. W. ItKDINOTUT . ; Rediaglon & Reinhart, Sneeea.or to Kcdinpton A Kiev, Book end Job PRINTERS COMMERCIAL ST., SALEM, - - OREQON. VVOODBURN NURSERY. J. li. ;t i i.i:iii:r. . . ir r 1 !"VO llrfearl 'IrT. HIM-E.OKN S. - MJ)9 lf iihiiiihI aiut Nm Tmm, tim:s am) siiKiuntKY, Coaoaaily no ruiiwl. S.m-1 f.ir Calnitiv and lri. I.l-l. AiMm J ILSCTIUHIKII, WiHKtlXim. W iwSbura, Muri.m toouiT, Orcana. w Election Notice. Vgrinc w ekkby ,ivr., that ts ike dritt MoniUv. Uim 4ih ,u. Ar rkM...ar II" KUyoCwIaa, Mftrlnniuiiintv, tire "w Mnium U,hiw n ih Una want; X iat"iu-i Hoiw la IhsuMflnitwiint; st KflsrlV rni rteuws m uw uilnl ward, awl at bwi " l In Mw fwirlh wmil lf wKI itr. elin will to hold Hir IhM fullowlni oil n mTL u one H winter; one Marabal: au Truiwr; on a Icier mn of tha arm wr wmi SMtftwwjaartMMeoiMlwvrS: tar AMvniwa aS Ib Hunt warrt; oiw Aktsrumn of Uh wji waul, whioli dIwUihi will ba bold at alwa n'jla. In the DMiraJnir. mxl will eouilnm uall) fcurr CmftjA bi th aitetnoon ut ikm mm imi. ' - . V. I.ti, CUjr kteoofilar. Sidewalk Hotloe. UTOTICK Ut IIKKkKV GIVES Til AT AT X r'iiiBi- ni".un nf iho I'wmun :oiiiicil, oli ihe.ii v nf Silnm. held Mnveoilwr 11th, ISVii, ao order was w. ri-qutrlnr lh .rnw?rtT owiiit Iim Uir nut u.lrof Tm.lfrh Mrnrl, Irmn Siair Mivet l Uul lrwt, to owi.truoi a fj.kiwulk wlwra the Mimn lin onl alrpwlv bmi done -wplit rs la ulia In froai of aad aownt to wnd pni rtrj muiI ai.lewla. at u amithnrn teralniw, l ha iwrriiwr.! down mi na nnt in tnlnrrere with na -Inp irnln. ..r cum. hnil .litewalk In be tnaniilauHt wiibln ihkny dav. from Ibe iwrenf. "Tl,-' V. R. HVnKjHBO.mlur DAVIS' TURKISH BATHS OIT ottimrrrlat ttrn-t, aitliii. Mnt Hatha, wn rlnllar Tleaiam, leu Owllara Hr ua-ai Mi.wt Mote with ShaaaaHMlai, Sin t'AitiPH -A temiwm. Irtan line till Svf. en- ,-eil hiiih .Mv. Iir. A. I., hail", lUuiiulun: Hunt I I .l !.TI.f-MI'S veniny., troni .ivlnlmi. Bllil!l Nite-lav, A yunlUiinuu alleouam. AW-1, AN AVLECTRO magnetic battery K.w llH.-r wImi rantiln-- 0. fc-."All Uilfi nr lninir,f ,ininiw.ty att-wirrrt elf MIIS Hit. A. f.. PAVIV W. W. MARTIN lK Af.KII IN Watches, Clocks, Je-welry, And Silverware. 'iv:.il REPAIRING it n i : I II 11 Wii jj II 1 .i III.' A?D P.E3JLftT!N8 OF . v.- .v i 'i 1 !, In Hank ll liH.nc. tdr a -mi t - i.i:if l;..-)...lt , a. r HENRY 8ALEM - DIPPELL, or - - OR EC ON. K.S To IN Knit Mi file flHKNIi. W mm Ua? inilihv-fft'neruili, Ui.-il neh.ii i-un; itiirl tr IImi Iii I veaif le ii-r.irm inirxu-al naii'alHl mi the nhl Immmm aiid Miiu'i'. by ail'tinff fm. Mil' In' ifinl Hie Iihi-, hlmhiiK the ln oki-n, hm'l.uelW nniKlerl. niioitln UM-d'n.tUtiruMi.niKt mieniil- IDK I be Iai-Iv Willi a newhilv. Illr line ealj ! ai twelve dnUAiw. alii be fniiul a iiiartu- a as wf I o tftrew. Ian n-lmlriblv .niol or tko w tin lieaii ihiH i-i the ih- nl n. liMl'le. Till' ntiil4lr iiiiul tf. litilli lianti; unit thi-sr ttii" rinH e. fiiirU a. nun un- Un. fci,-. uf cuLliflioid. lilt 'U IV. BL&CKSKiWrm II AVIS i i in- re l't'lti'l!,KI 1 III, Mil IK : i, on I 'i.iim.r ! I'l l ll'.l iil-'l l.v 1 . M !-. ' , ni. Oii-liilii ici.l ttii'l lie DETTER THAN EVER ti-i,i"-l i.. nliei.,1 tr :'i"'r v.'iie-. I -mil ' 1I4 iii'U'' hut FIUST-CM.SS WORKMEN All .li- lull: ii" pliie. t-ea-i!iiib)i'. .II. liu. I'll', " ' Live ant) Lot Live" is mv motto. -j iv.lai ailiiiiUnii id I" HllOllXi IIOWsl And lli'jit i'iii ii.tftclf il'all kiii'lu. ;ic in- c;ll jnflN KNHJIIT- New Tailor Shop . 1 tial nlriM, I am imtatml U den-' 'n-.1 01 " n m Uik', Iill Ul umkea nf-uu; "' CLEANING AND P AIR WIS- All ia-i.onlli'lrliil ala-li mill ' l1 'r a. iiiBiBiateil ai mwihiI i-TliV .r.iil. j. ..wtu 1 1 j i