W35RKLY OREGON STA.TJ2SMiVTST. 7 TELEC3APHIC. Very Latest News Reports, EASTERN. ('ouvlctt'il ul JWnrdvr. Kkw Yoiik, Nov. 0 Charles Aseh wold and Tho. Jiyan have twn found guilty of the murder of ollleer Brnokcti, Newark, New Jersey, Augnt 3d. last. The nllloer had detected them coiiunlttlne !,,, .Ill HIT Large Funornl Prmwl"i am , ......... r..ll a atmi ....... l.. lu& ha. A liwro wwro iuiij u,uu n.n.i ..a -tw imi- lon yesterday, which iniiowen to trie ve the reniaius of Win. Foley, the Fenian convict. i (nlliflil lllin. Bakf.kbkikm., Nov. 5.-Ias. Hayes, who murdered Ia. Oodfln, at Tthlchlpa, on the 20th ult., was captured nt Asaflaeo landing, near Otmdiilut. In Ventura county, Saturday, Nov. 4th. hy deputy Sheriff Hurry Itludwnrtli, a1ted by Doc Frajter. The culnrlt was tnasmal', Ipwi-e near the landing, and w evidently not expecting mnlet!tt'um. The ah, tguu which he hud loaded aniint Hint bnforn with the (Icnljiu. in he mild, of shooting duck In ih ! hike near hy. within a few feet of him when tin- oilier, entered. Mr. P.ludviorth. iininriliiitely upon enter In. ci'Vi -red !iim w ith Id sxliiiiter aid fiMimmiiil liliu in l In ivv up liU IiiiiiiU. i li ii glance ut ih,' utin. mid iipiiaienily ri-ulr.lng the h ipi .iia. i f itii- wlnitifioii, lie ul.. v. d. mill hanih utt' were placed up on linn witlmiif re-Ntum-i'. Phe olllirei'". Willi ihi ir irioii.r. iiinm'llilcly 'l nil' mid in n v. il ill I! ikei-llcM nIkiiiI six ( o'clock thi evening. A Knml ileal nt cx- eltmin'iif prevailed when ihe, jnrty iir- rived, mid if I lay had heen brought lllroilll i t-iiiciiipit. nir -iriir in "ini"ti 111 llll prnbiiliilty he wmiiIiI have leii hanged wlihnui tin- humility ol a trial. He i now in lull under L'li'ird. where he will remain Mil hmnuht u Iriul. Ilaye evidently Inti'udi ll l eca on a schooner that wii then loading at the lauding, a he had been Inquiring alinul her duparture and destination during tlie tin V Aorlila-nl to l:m-eiintr inrinwr. MilwaI'KKK. Nov. C Hon. Malt Car penter, lo-diiy, while tcpplng Into a car- rlairc to eo In K aclne to till mi engage- uient lo sneak, slipped on the anew and ' ','Mm' . . .... . ..... "eu full tMlokWMiil, rue IIHCK Ol Ills lieilll mrilv log nil the -hirp curb. An artery was ruptured hy the coiii iMioii. The in jury lit not uecfairilv (hingorniiK. Savannah. Nov. (i . -ix yellow fever lllti.-riilclll- In day. U....I Miolal'l. PlIII.AIu-t.V.il A N v 7, Wool market firmer, w t"i -iel. I -lipply ('aiiloinin tine medium .' : rin-e. 22 .2-"u. I ..a. ..a: . aaall . . . Nrw V.-ltk -.v. IJ. l. in, ll.eliwuiil lull TIiiiiii.. Umim Iniv.' hi'i-ii fiiliid IT"''1 (if the inlir'l. i Ollin-r inii.,.-o at Xi Aria. N. .1 . ,u,n I '.It.. Il. The nllkvl detecletl thi'iii o o r taii 'hi --lt iV . la'ltke t II H'rMl I'auifaaaahalla There wen- lu iy (i OIHI iih-ii in the pro- Wi'loii V' -li'l'I'iy wl.leh followed 1" tin to the I'ViiVi- the r- iiiiiln nt Win. Kol -y. the eX-1'Vlitiih innviel. A JiDltfe a.l.'(l lolteialitu. t WCAdO. X"V (i A eomuiittee of twelve ell '.''ii V'-l' rday ptvueiited a peti tion ol S 01)0 iiu iin- ioe;i in Chic 'go ask iiiC Jii'lye Me.!li-t''r to resign, on ec count, of ht '.,,,. i.i.'f in Hie tveeiif Hulli-Viiii-ShiiI'iiiiI niii'il.r lilal. Afer lie ehiiirniMii h id in el'- hi-"iililie preeiirliiit It. the iliid'i' f.'in irk" I : "lenvei' wi'li j the eierk ; I i "i '-r a "'i I"". ' j have Iri'lii iu hi i. a -:iv." itiel iliMlli"' I i the m ittiT. Ii i in"' Xneeti'il hero llwt i-In: will mil lo-iip v i'b the r.-iiivt. i I a- I. aara. N'kvv Ym.K X.v ". I'he rear port inn ofaliiiil.li 'tier of KiifhUi and Wl-I Jlioailrt iiy I "'1' Ii e II I iilieriioon. Min er' itrt tnll'iy linldiiii: wn daiimtreil 1.0011 mid ll e nt i i injji hIT- red allh' diiumi- hv hiind iii. I'he lir-t flom ol KM ti'aaiitU'aV. nc. upied by (J. la IV'er. dealer in inu.ie. d mi lye lo tock, $34, 000. valley ot Mnrav alore. I'hey openly atx'iiiie the H'-rviiiN or Imyoiietmjt Ku- ian who titieiuiited. revolver In band, to uice them to uttaek the Turk. The 8tnda rd'n Belgrnde enrrespondent reMirt that nnme wounded Kuiau offi cer had tweti rnhbed and hacked to pieeea by men appointed to nirty tl.em to the rear. A Vienna dispatch to the Times say: Except Germany, which will probably not Interfere, all the powers have appointed comniiasioncrs for drawing the line of demarcation. Turkey ana tne majority or tnepowers think the line could be fixed by the poaltlorm held by the opposing armies when the armistice was agreed to, hut Rustda seems disposed to ask the Turks to withdraw to the frontier. Paris, Nov. 6. The Monlteur, or gan of the Minister uf foreign affairs, aays it appears probable that all guar anteeing powers will agree to a propo sal for a conference at Constantinople. A telegram from Itagusa states that the French end Italian commission ers have proceeded to the Turkish and Montenegrati camps to fix the line of demarcation, and places blockaded hy Motitenegrans Will continue unuer blockade durinir the urmlHtice, bat may he revictualed sufficiently for immediate wants. Tin t:Kler tue.tlon - London, Nov. (1. Private advice from Coii.itiiiilinople repreent negollariona go ing on for a direct tiiilerl.'iniling between Turkey and Uiihi which would render the KiirnjM'im in ileranee iiuiiPii!arv. IiKlil.iN, Nov. (i Mini-ier Von Hulnw. chief of foreign .ill'mr ot the Kni ire. in a ieeeh lielotv the U.-ichtiig to (IhV oii the Kii-teni ()lieiion. dirltireil thealfnii ol Turkey wi if not likely to h (1't cl li r iiihiiV direetly tir ii.ili'reily. The pollcv ol the Government llmt tJeriii'u.y shiii'hl alwiiy reinalii tii'iil. I.ONDOS. Nov. (i I'he Vielinu eorre. nonileiit. of the Stand ird R'ty the Port I vieliling to Ihe d'-iiiiinil of l;oin. and hot agreed tn reliuipilali the p.iltinii cap iiui'il by the Tink lnce Ihe idhtof Oi'inher UUl. Hence the iVHcimliou of leliirinl( The I'it ill a lender announces that r.mrlaiid Ii ih propoed a conference at CoiwtHiitlnoii'e. Toe conferenee I on the h,ii ot the Integrity and independence of the Ottoman htniiiiv. Japitu mid Her llehi'l. I'AltlH, Nov. 8. A telegram trom Japan, November 6th. cayn the .Tapaneoe naval and military force attacked the lnotgents that diy at Aagri. in the provlmw of Na- 'J'he iuurgeiiU were beaten and LATEST DISPATCHES. Hpccial to the Statesman. itM.ir.r or tif. Ai'M.i-ir.i. The Snrtieons of the National Suigiirl lntitiile. Innited in liitlimiHpoll-; ''acillc livioii. Alhiinihrii laiilliliii''. llu-li Kteeet. Sin Kriilieli-eo. leive yleldeil In the many mgeiit Hjiieai friiin their initio i n d I'rtenil- in Oregon and Walilog'on T,-rrl-lory Mod adjoining region to r,.viit I'.irl I'liid. I'he foriisT vi-ii ii blgb-y ai' liieiofy and encoiirnjiii g. nniov of thi' p.i tlrol" then neivpit d h-r tniitoieiit beiui; now eotirely eitrwl. uhile nearly all me greatly la-iielilted liml ill a fiir wiV of re covi'i v. Three or more of the Mt'i."'"!! Will 111' lit I 111- Cla-niopolilHIi Hole in i'o't land. O'i g'in. from MoihIiiv. ihe 2-i'h day "I lit ii . until Saliidi. the 2,1 of Sep-leii'lM-r. ix ihiy ioelu-'ive. They will hav with them a grent inn. 'lint ol Mii(jii-nl j 'j ! I ii 1 11-. iipplim i-i eie.. in (I i I'li'l eleiit H-i-i-iiii'l- Miilui'ik men to change, lit. and make Mich "p iniratii ll neiv he required. Tin V will collie epeei lllv ptepare I to treat all -lirgleii I ea-e- ; Paealv-i. all ki..il- of tie. formit it of the Kaee. Spine tail laiioh. Ilfit-c I l ilnl. Di-ea-eil ICye. Private Di-en-e. Pile. Ki-lhla. ete. AH who wih lo ii vii 1 1 theiiielve ol the inlvaur iiv'i of the In-'i il'e. ujilioiil ihe l.mg i ii ii. v tnaii I'Vi i cl-c " I .ell ma null-. lii,itil ih, -o at thi time. N'o ,.ai wl 1 I... Miiiierliikeii wirliniii a I'lii'lima' of r lle. It i. Iieeille to -ay that Hi ill-thll-: 1 Uenti'elv l'Moll-i'le. Ill il ihe lar-"-1 mil nei-t pOitl.ir (.'nil li' A ii'trieil. iioii g i lion -ii iii I inn ii illy. l!nieoiliet Hi. I una anil nlaee H'mI e-one e.'ll'iy. Send lo I In I iirt ll die lor i In il'at . ELECTION RETURNS. OREGON. FIRST DISPATCHES. MARION COUNTT. Sulem-Hayci and Wheeler, 193; Tllden and Hendricks, 16S. W'iiliams, 194; Lane. 103. East Salem Hayes and Wheeler, 331 ; Tllden and HendrlckO20. Williams, 330; Lane, 216. North Salem Hayed and Wheeler, 79; Tllden and Hendricks, 78. Williams, 79; Lane, 78. South Salem Hayes ami Wheeler, 103; Tllden and Hendricks, CO. Williams, 104; Lane. 59. .Jefferson Hayes find Wheeler, 107; Tlhlcii and Hendricks. 25. Williams, 104; I.ane, 24. Aurora ll.iyes ami Wheeler, !)5; Til- d.Mi and Hendricks 4. Williams, 'Jo; Lane, 4. G.rvl Hayes and Wheeler, SO; den mid Hendricks H7. Williams I .Hue. 1 15. M.irinn Hayes and Wheeler, 27; den and Hendricks 24. Cooper Gary, 1. CALIFOICXIA. San Fiiincic, polled nearly 42.000 vote; Hepubli'-an c'aiin city. SAJt FitANCisco. Nov. 7. Thirty-two towns and dit ritl. Hives 2.889; Tilden. 2109. In addition to tld It Is estimated there lua Republican mijority in Oakland ol one thouand. Third district, 19 towns includinir Mirvville.. Haves. 2.154; Til den, 1,493. Fourth dUtrict, It towns. naves. 911: Tilden. 890. San Jo?e not Included very close. D'tto, 22 towns, Haves net majority, SGI; Democratic gain, 1.590. Oakland. Cal , Nv. 7. 5.109 voice, Republican Com-nlt'ee es'imnte one thou, sind tnajorltv for Hive. San FiiAriCO. N v. 7 Nearly forty t'l'oanil vote cS'; very quiet. 1'lpi r nrob'ih'v ih f. ateil; return coming In slowly. Tll- 90; Til-ami XEW VOUK, PACIFIC COAST. SllK'llIt. Han I'hancihc'?, Nov. (!. Simon GUbertnun, a burlier living at lodg ing house, No. 17, Fourth street, was found doud in his bed this morning, having shot himself through the S heart. This act was propuhly com mitted S'ltui'diiy evening, us he had not left bis room since. Anollier Mi'ge Kobbt-ry. Redding, Nov. O.-The Weaverville mill Meildinir staire was stopped to night near this place by two lilgh- larlm at i.lxu llll.a.l WdllS & wal ill,;.., w" ' ' 1 - . - - .. Kargo'abox, which the driver handed down, but us the treasure was in an iron box fastened to the coach, they got nothing but a few letters. San Fkancicco, Nov. U. Col. Fry, ol San Francisco, has commenced R suit for r.v foreclosure ol it mortgage ngaln.M, the Utter mine in Coo county, amounting to about 15,0110 coin. FOREICN NEWS. Ilia? l:iNt.rn Wsr. I.OSPOS. Nov. I!. The Times, In a lender, say: We. think with the majority of our countrymen that the chances are n favor of peace, and of such a pe.ee as may asMire the well being of the regions '"WTieerued, hy removing every pretext for War. A Belgrade dipatch to the Times says: It i reported that Gen. TchcrncyelV will sojourn lu Russia during the annlstlic. Russian ofllccrs express the belief tin t thousands of Russians have Inllun in tl e I 111 Well re lal (111- illlll 'la III. I in h Kreat 111' UHiire tleji. ml hi npeii die upy In xliieh Hie Inivvt:! puf' iui tin ir nviieiiiitivo finiolioii. If lliey an leuiihir innl they can itliv vn ! i'iailt!i-d mi hv tie- Hie of 11 Kle'lei's Hittersan iinpnrluiit esi.ei.tial ol heulth in hr- mued, and t .ul bluniotiK it apt to follow. If tiny are irregular. elu mk' enHti;'iili(iti anil indi Keaitiiiu Hiqiurvoiie. the liver Im-coiui diHtidereil, and the bile buini; divert! d frmu its natural ulaiiitiel and purposes, eniera and contumi- uaU h tne liluml. pr.nhioiliat lliut Vi UiiwihIi caat nt' tliu nl.ni and whiten nf the mm whieli ia aiich a nnru inil x of hiliiiimni us. All these (lisiiHtrtms eniKii qiionees, as 11 aR others of a tar more serious nature, are remedied and pro vented hy HnHieti.r's Hitters, the leading American sixoitic for disorders of the bowels, ntiiuiach and liver. nroiiflilifM. I From John F.aKK. Kfq., of Bi iiniiintdii, N. H. "Throe years sinoe I was very niueh redncod with a dreadful cough, which resulted in Bron chitis, afliiOtiiiK mo so severely as to render it difficult to apeak iu an nndible voice. To this was added severe night sweats, and I was fi-ar-fil of Lroiiiu into a dueline. After reconriHi to various remedies, to no pnrpDse, I made, use of Dr. Wistau'b Baijiam ok Wild Chkiuiv, a few battles of which fully restored mo to health. Since that time I iiave had severe attacks of cuiigb. b it the Balsam has always removed thetn. I always keep It by uie, and would not know Imw to do without it." Hold hy all drug gists. Xfw Yoi.'K t'nv. N'v. 7 Tilden. HI 2'U: 1 1 . .'Is 410. 247 di-trict oic J le Ne York (lift and Brooklyn, show lift Drlil'M-ralle sfaio 2 7S4. !' ml pared with '72. when (Jr nt h nl 5 ..T? 5 in ijorllv. Democratic oiajorltv lu New York C'itv about 5.j mm a gal ust 2't (I0D in '72. and Brnoklyn 11.(100 m."iin-t 5 000 in '73. Nl'.W YliK. N"V. 7. Cltv pos-ihly litty lhmtitid Demoe.iiiic. Se'ittering re firiH halicate Repu'dieans cany New York, Connecticut at d Indiana. NKW Yoi;k. Nov. 7. FaHier returns rentier it proh ih'e Tilden let can i. d New York as well a Cunneeri-'Ut. P.UOOKI.YN. N Y . Nov. 7. -HSdis- ariutfj Til'leo. l"i 'i"1 iifjoi'l'V. SvitACfsi-. N Y , Nov. 7 Coin pi t. Hiives, l:!") ni.ij irit.v; Jr-iuhli-can gain, 40"). OHIO. CoifMI'I'S e. 7-30-1 want I'll O'l clni'' in siv'V eoiintle. lin lii'lii'sr La1 ('leVi'lai'it ami ot'i-l li't'il Ciniiiiia'' Have" gain. 4 407; Ti'il.-ii' g-ihi. 4 5! !: lief Demoi'iHtic git'.ii 143, eouiiiircd with 1S7.-I Coi.fMltl . Nv 7 -217 town Repu'i I'iiiii iri'ni. 3 015: Deinocrilic giilu. 3 012. Full return from large iiumlier ot small precine'. MISSIII'I'I. T.Ol'tsviLI. Nov. 7. Reports all over Mississippi, report election of 5 Congress men; State thirty thousand Democratic. loxivucTitrr. Chicago, Nov. 7. Returns bom 09 towns in Connecticut including city of Merlden, Hayes, 14.397; Tilden, 13.335; Republican gain 2.090 over vote of last spring. mi:tii t AieoM.&. Democratic gains whercever heard from. MJVXIOTA. California. Republicans gaining ev erywhere heard from. In Sacramento, all admit Hayes will have one thousand ma jority in the county. 2d district, Hayes, 4.b3I; Tilden, 3,6G0. Besides a thousand Republican majority in Sacramento, and ditto Oakland, Page gaining. 3d district, Hayes, 3,128; Tilden, 2.491. 4th district, Hayes, 1.692; Tilden, 1,838. Pacheco running ahead. Private dispatches say New York has gone for Tilden; New Jersey in doubt; Missouri close. Loulsana and South Carolina probably Republican; North Carolina, close; claimed by Republicans. New Jersey Deinoeratlc by 1,300. Iowa Republican by 45,000, ami elect all mem bers of Congress. Florida Democrats claim State. South Carolina Latest, close; claimed by both parties. Alabama, 25,000 Democatic. il o'ciatk p. n. S.v- Franci.tco, Nov. 8, 1 A. M. South Carolina Is reported Republican by over twenty thousand majority. Democratic majority in New York and Brooklyn estimated at fifty-three tliou- and. Large Republican gains in the election of members of Congres in all the States heard Irom. l.ATEST-2 O cloek A. M. Macon, Mo. Democratic gain, 5,000 to 7.000. Indiana. 140 precinct in 5 counties Democratic gain 617 over Oetohpr. O ikland. Cal. Rppiiblicin majority In the township, filtem liuiidreil. San Fraiicico. From all ri turn up to 11:40 l M-. Tllden tirolai' lv ehe'ed. No loiiiit Legislature Remihlicin, boih htauche. Los Angelos. Wigglntnn will fall he- bind ticket 250 votes. Republican claim Loul by four thousand; Democrats claim the State by twenty thousand. Indianapolis. 320 townships, net Dem ocratic gains over October. Democratic majority in Stale probably (j 000 to 7.000. Hartford, Conn. 138 out of 1G7 towns, 4.684 Democratic majority. Chronicle furnishes the following: 1:30 A.M. 12 preeintp.litt, 3d, 4th, 9th, 11th, and 12th wards, Hayes. 2,836; Tilden, 2,834. Davis, 2,921; Piper, 2,597. Milwaukee. 171 town net Democratic gs'iii. 7SD; D -mocrats probably carry the State. Trenton, N. .1.-1.300 Democratic ma-joritv. New Y'rk. O-wego eouiity. 3.000 Re ..nu'icin iii'ife-tti : O'loudago county, 3 G53 maj !!' v. for Have. si Fr-jm-i e i ll ive steitdily raining; ill lii lieiti'.n an that all lour Reptlbli ciu Congre-ineii ure elected. POLK, Dallas precinct Hayes and Wheel er, 114; Tilden and Hendricks, 37; Williams, 114; Lane, 94; Cooper, 10. WASCO. Celilo, Nov. 7. Tilden and Hen dricks, 12; Hayes and Wheeler, 2. UMATILLA. Umatilla, Nov, 7. Eighty-eight votes polled. Tilden, 21 majority; Lane, 26 majority. coos. Mabshfield, Nov. 7. Marshfleld precinct gives Hayes 155; Tilden, 99; Williams, 152; Lane, 99. Empirk City, Nov. 7. Empire City precinct Haye, 61; Tllden, 55; Williams, 64; Lane, 55. DOUGLAS. Oakland, Nov. 7. Following is the official vote of this precinct; Hayes and Wbeeler, 187; Tilden and Hendricks, 137; Williams, 191; Lane, 130. Roseburo, Nov. 7. Hayes, 218; Til den, 188; Lane, 203; Williams 203; Cooper, C. Canvonville, Nov. 7. Thi precinct gave Williams 30 majorirv; Hayes, 15 majority. RoSF.lttjiiG. Nov. 8. Douglas cotintv gives vV'illiains 170 majoiily. Jaekon and Lake u've 3.10 Democratic ma jority. Coo, a stnill Democratic ma jority. JACKSON. A?UI.ANI Nov. 7. Haye" and Wheeler, 30 majority; Williams 27 majority olhVial. .lACKSojivir.i.i:. Nov. 7. Thi precinct elve. Hayes 121; Tilden, 223; Willi im?, 124; Lane, 21 J. Six other precincls heard from increu-e Tiklcu's majority to 100. WHEATLAND, Yamhill County cat about 80 votes.giv iiiir Hayes and Wheeler six majority and Williams seven majority. tiKBtJI IIKI.IIS IV THE ntlOS. EASTERN ELECTIONS. Special to Daily Statesman. The feruviHii Njnii! Vitalizes and enrielies tho blond, tones up the Kvsturo, Imilils up the broken-down, oures Dys pepxin, Liver Cumplaints, Dropsy, C'lironio Di arrhuat, Coils, Nurvmis AfTevtinu, Chills aud Fevers, Humors, Lous of Coiiutilutionul Vigor, Dmoas of the Kidneys and llliidilnr. Female Oomplaiiitii, anil all li8ea s oniiii. tiling in a bud Hiute of the IIIixkI, or (.'aotiipiuiit.d by le bilitv or a Itiw ittute of Ihe Hystcni. CAction I Ho Hum ynu get the Pani'vus 8Yttcr. One dollar nntl two dollars a bottle. Prepared hy Keth W. Fowi.r A Hon. Hli Hr rion Ave.,' l'.Dbtiiii. Hold by druggist generally. St. Paul, heavy Republican gains. IOWA. Partial returns from 17 counties in Iowa, noti Reptilillcan gains, (UI2. M At III :UTTS. Boston.- Nov. 7. 123 town.. Hayes, 51,404; Tllden. 41.G01. H.lalXOIS. ClUCAUO, Nov. 7. Returns Irom 20 towns, Hayes, 4.339; Tilden, 3,481. LATER. San l''itAN0ico, Nov. 7 Iii Louisiana, straight tickets so far as counted lu New Orleans, show Democratic plurality. In New York. Ueptililiean -claim the S'nte, hut iiflniil il to l e i'I-im-. LATEST DISPATCHES. l'.KNTON COUNTY. Corvalli. ri'deti anil Hendricks, 237; Maye mid Wh.-el. r. 21S; Cooper, 9. William. 925; Lane. 237. Mud.lv Precinct II iv. Hi Tilden 13; Cooper, 10. Lane. 11): Williams, 14. MSN COUNTY. Alhanv II ive and Wheeler, 410; Til-il.-n ami H-iiilrck, 403. Williams, 421; In e. 30 1 p-ai k'i i H'id '.lo firecincts give Tilden i d II. nil; ii i,- 100 maj u-ity, and Lane 100 in-i'i- i' v. 1 1 ir'i-I'M -.' -II ve ami Wheeler. 12i: rilil..'ii i llcnilii.-ks 151. Williams 127; L" e. 1.V2 l-i-v,.vi:ii g'vea a D.rii'ii'r:iiii; tu 'joriiy hi' l-i no I'lviilcnt and 12 on Congressman. IIai.i:y. iv. 7. The vote nf thi pn ei et Ij a follow : Hive anil Whe-ler. 17 j ; Wii'iinniS. 1S9 ; Tilden and Henil riuk, 103 ; Lane. 108, Cooper, 23. WASHINGTON. l!n.lnono. Nov. 7. Hayes and Wheeler. 142 ; Wilfnm, 144; Tilden aud Hendricks. 6(1; Lane, 62. Coknf.lius. Nov. 77 p. m. The fol lowing are the the returns from this town: Odel). 50 ; Watt. 55; Cartright, 53; Klip pel. 51; Crouin,52, Laswell, 51; Williams, 55; Lane, 52. LANK COUNTY. Junction City II . yes and Wheeler 137; Tllden an j Hendricks. 152. Williams, 140; Lane. 149. Ckkksswell, Nov. 8. This pre cinct gives a Democratic majority of 12 and 3 voles for Cooper and Carey. Cottage Grove precinct gave Tilden 81, Hayes, 88. Lane, 91; Williams, 90. ftt'UENE City, Nov. 7 The vote in North and South Eugene precincts is as follows: If aye aud Wheeler, 312; Tilden and Hendricks, 318; Williams, I7; Lane, 312; Cooper, 4. CLATSOP. In Astoria precinct Hayes, 301; Til den, 270. Williams, 298; L,ane, 271. No outside precinct heard from yet. CLACKAMAS. Okeoos City. Nov. 7. Full re turns from Cuueniah precinct gives Hayes and Wheeler 34, Williams, 33; Tilden und Hendricks, 9, Laue 10. Oregon City precinct Hayes and Wheeler, 245; Williams, 24S; Tilden and 1 leiti'rieks, 1"7; Lane, 151. Washington, Nov. 8. Latest ad vices from North Carolina represent that districts not yet heard from may possibly overcome Democratic majorities. San Fkancisco, Ntov. 8. Sargeant has a telegram front '.lie National Re publican Committee staling that Hayes has 185 votes Hire. ! Columbus. Ohio. X v 8 IViere 1 great excitement here oi-er iln; announce ment thst Hayes i el.-cV'l. Hi private secretary is sending out. teleuran, claim ing otic majority tor H ive. Xfw Yoiik. X-v 8. I'uues concedes the State to Tilden hy 30.1(00. Columbus, Nov. 8. It. C. MiCotiu'ik. of the National CommUte... h.i' ju-t tele graphed Wyncolt Ch iirmi i "cute Central Committee, that IV.i.i--lv mia. S' null Carolina, Wiconin. C t'itornia anil Flor ida are all sure for Hayes ami Xcvv York uncerUin. NewYokk. Nov. 9. Feeling growing stronger that lliyes i . h eteil. Times. Herald, and Tribune all claim Hayes' elec tion. New YoitK. Nov. 8. A peei.il to N"W York papers place the in ijnrily I n- Hayes and W heeler at one. While ihi -.lein niili, it may he -alelv e-i i n iu il ihut the in.ijotity will he much ''n ;; r. Hon. W. P. Kelnyg, nf I, 'iiUiuua. tel euraph Senator Mitchell that the f-Ufe has gone Republican. The Governor o Xortli Cirolioii telegr;ipli lo Senator Mitt-hell tint Ids Stale ha gone Kepnhli eau. I'hese two Siales seltlt! the question and -ei ure. tieyond question, the election of Hayes and Wheeler. The very latest reports settle the ques. tion and elect Hiiycs and Wheeler. The peoplu tire pleased aud the country is safe. SALEM MARKET. W.V1. H4WKINS, Proprietor. TVmi'OHKS T') OO A FIRST-CLASS 11USI- I . t ii i m ii; thu highest market, prk-cs for Beef- Pork, Mutton, Poultry, Etc Al- iir.i'!ii- - il I low a t :nui't. and prices. Market, corner Ulgli Slirels, Eureka Market ! K. I.. MUKIilS Froprleuir Kcei ronstaotly on band a (ul Assortment, ot FRESH BEEF PORK, VEAL MUTTON, CHICKEN8, SMOKED MEATS, ETCs ETC. HATTltHT.alfiii. Itrilft.i, (From the tclenlillc American I When the moon Is at the full the un assisted eye readily diBtinguIshed on her face certain dark gray spots, more or less sharply separated from thi brighter portions. Through the teta acope these spots appear aa bioad. level Hpacen, resembling terrestrial seas. Indeed the earlier ohservwa mistook them for seas, and by that name ( Ijitin, mate) thev are known tu this day. They a.e not seas, however, hut are ancient sea-beds, now probab ly nearly, if not quite, destitute of water; vast arid basins like the Haha, ra, or the great interior Utah basin of our own continent. Examined more closely, these dried up sea-beds are seen to have a roiling surface like some of our Western praiv riea, or to be traversed by numerous long ridges, resembling the wave-like sand-hills which give so marked and particular an appearance to the des erts of Western Australia, the leveler portions being dotted with low mounds interspersed with small enter pits. In many places formations of an ap parently alluvial character abound, while the ancient coast lines show dis tinct traces of water action. Two of these lunar plains Mare Humorum and Mare Cursium are walled in by lofty mountains, presenting stu pendous precipices to the vanishedaea. The larger mures are mure like ocean b df. They run together a terrestial oceans do, and sometimeo mrire inta the brighter continental regions with out a distinct line of dt?murcHtin. In other cases, show a ragted east line, rising into cliffs and peaks, and pierced at times by valleys and ravines. One of the most conspicuou of these Inner ocean beds, a'somie of tlw (Wri est, in known as the Mare Sereiiitaia. lis area is nearly 125,000 square miles. Within its dark gray border, from, thirty to eighty miles wide, in an ex tensive inner plain which at times present a fine, clear, light green tint, with a central streak of pure white the greeu area lying lower apparently than thegray exterior. The green tint is difficult to catch, except under favorable conditions, and is much weaKened by the effect of numerous white round spots and gray ridges. Another of the moon's plains was discovered by Madely and Mare Hu morum, already mentioned. This is one of the smallest, and most distinct ly bordered, of the dark gray pining Its area i 50,000 square miles. Ths greater portion or its interior is dio tinctly tinged a dusky green some times very marked, affording a strong contrast with the pure gray of the borders and high enclosing ridgea: On the west ihe green area extends nearly to the etlae of the mart, but elsewhere, as n the Mare Serenitaiis-. it it separated from the border by a I-narrow, dark trrny frincre. except on the northwest, where the grnv ant tireen areas merge insensibly into each oilier. Still niiothrr sr. a ot grern I ohprvtI in flip M ire C1 riiilin. one of the mo-t iiwi picuou ot the inn ni' dark plain. It i eonipli tele eni-ln-e I. and is peiliap. rl'B ileci.e-t n the lunar mitres. If area i 73.000 Jqnare mile, ll elieral tint i t Stray mixeil with an uiimir.-il-ahle tinge of cn-en, esoecbillv under lush illuinhi'imvi. This verdant tie is -een to l'e-t iiilvnilage for w-veral day l efore and after the lu.I moon. 'i'heeaud other color change" on the fiiea" of the moon a, for in'Hi.ee, the rlarkeningof the great lingof Plato, with iiicreing light, and like thai ge In ti r taln lo- g n-iiiiling In. mr valley led Beer und Ma-i er to iiiritet that thev won d indicate vegi t'itinii were vegetation p-i-b'e on Ihe -U' fiC" nf the m am Rm hav ing accepted Hiel' eoi'e'iwion that ihi rs conhl lie in-blier air O' water on fie lunar ui-fiep. a'i'l eon. piemlv nolTo, llie-e nilli-h reni i-teil -i le o.;' n n'n r emi'il not en erla In the hvpntl t-S of lunar t g-HtK'-on. hovvi-vi r -tloig tit' ivi'Vnce nig t eem. a . . a I a-1 itoaa iii'niitent ft oiilc u i'h ln- i-. n'l'ttoi- on lehieh h- l.-ja.l hi- eali-il'it' i o. lac alo with 'he re n af oioi-e re"i't 'u'leot tne ta' ot ha moon tii'l'-H- . S-i tar I'lii'ii la-in-: an air-h-9. n liter e II 01 Itei ah'e ilee' i i i'll-iligi'es in i ol dead lil i'ter. Iil;--i' inileh V'lh'anic -I'ori i. tin ni-eei i oa.ta known to have tin ntmii-phi-re i f ino-i.l- eratile Volume and ilens'tv. to ireaet sliunil nit i-vldi nee of tihy-'i-il ai i'vity and chaii'ie, ami to have in hM iomO deli li wafer eniiiiiili to make life ea-ilv io'l.' on its surface The inoon i living, lint very far fn m dead Being o mucli miill- er than the eaith.it ha inn it coiipw more rapidly, hut is tid a g "'l v iv tT from thai toial ct ultiinaft ileinlne to which so m-iov astrononieis bav theoret ically asiened it. There i nor the -light est adequate evidence ol the popular view. antl "its truth wouhl he atlni'tteil hy no astronomer who hint devoted -iiffleieiit attention to selenography to enable him to thoroughly reau.e the prouab.e present condition of ihe moon." Such being the cae. the hynothi t't tlie moon's green plain derive their color f om vegetation seems to be imKssible or aDMird. The evidence is not oi n enerao ter ta Jutify a positive aertion that the mythical man in th - moon may have abundant paturnge for hi cattle; but bis case. ceaes to he absolutely liopee when, a thorough-going si-lenograplier can say as Nelson iloe. that the moon may ma scss an atmophere that mint be reiirded as fully capahle of sii'taining various torms ot vegetation of even nu ailvauceil type; that It does not appear how it c-it iustly le qiiesiiuncil that the lunar snrfie; in tavorable po-iiion may yet retain sufficient moiture to support vegetation ot many kind-; ai.it tint in a very cons I erahle portion ol the entire infiee ot tlie moon, t ic temperature wnuhl not vnry sufficiently to materially atli-ct the exi-t-unci? ot vegetable life. TllIOIN 1 Olti, Attorney and Cimsisclor at.laaw Salem, Orctui.', nit-!in P4ttu'b Brh-k BilIiIIiis. t'oStairf. irafcl.'-.'Ti Administratrion Notice. DAVID RAKNKS, u MIMSTRATiiIt the Estate nl' Jame Uariiei.. de.-.eH.4il. Iniv leg tlleil hi aocmiiit tor liiial ""'lemiait ol rall ICmatti, neiu-e in hereby given '.hit, Momlar. I be (Ii li iUv nl" Novenilier ihixi , I net . .r llio licarlita t.f. ebUvllon. to ihe nime, lieleri! mo. at ihu Ceurt lloiist.. in s.'1'eti). in .Mai-ton c nu v, ort-iin, at tbtt htllll'O!' Jl oVl.K-a. A. M en Kjli'l ll-lf. J'.imn c i'KKm il l :l ISTii -IH Caur.ty Jn.Ige.