WEEKLY OHEQOIsr STATESMAN. WEEKLY UEGON STATESMAN. FRIDAY, : OCTOBER 20, 1S78 BUSINESS IS BUSINESS, , What Democrats Want and What They don't Want. " In the llmwr; -trm TuJy,--iW-iol-4 lowing preamble ftud resolutions were introduced aud very promptly voted iown by Democrats. The merits of the move will be readily understood ty our readers, aud w& leave them to draw their own conclusions. . Read .ike following: Whereas, The report of the Joint Committee to examine as to the man agement of the Oregon Penitentiary and accounts of the same has been sub mitted; and Whereas, Said report lias been designated, both by the press aud by members of this House, as a white--washing job; therefore Resolved, That this House sit as a committee of the whole, this evening from 7 to 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of examining Walter Jackson, and that the Prgeant-at-arms be instruct ed to summon, forthwith, the said Jackson to appear at the time and place above mentioned, and give evi dence. A. X. Gilbert, A. D. Burton, H. Straight. . SERIOUS JOKING. Smile-Provokine: Conduct on the Part of the Democratic Mem bers of the House What the Senate Do ? On "Wednesday a bill came up in the iloue on third reading, asking that fe males have the right to vote in the matter if granting license to liquor sellers. As strange as it may seem, a number of Dem ocrats voted for the bill, but it is notlcable that most of them reside near the line of TVashinton Territory, and others telt sure the Senate would take the matter in " out of the wet.' THE RECORD ! DEMOCRATS BEWARE!! The pending appropriation bill should by all means be fixed up and placed in such thape as to protect the public. Democrats voung iui frauds when they are in ninjori ity must remember that their party is re sponsible. Tbe '-record" will come up in future. ; . t WHEAT -MrLACENCT. A degree of coolness selaTara knows or witnessed in the Legislative world was exhibited -by the Secretary ef State on Wednesday when addressing the House. He quietly took a seat and addressed the members in a manner, becoming a great prince. Bis figures and conclusions can he seen in ttie indefinite appropriation bill which we publish in another column. Hit word was law with Democrats and some Republicans, as the vote will show. The people are especially fond ot this .article ot politician, and it is not our province to object until they come to tbe conclusion that the country wou'd be safer in repub lican bauds. . . -aim:. ' Judge Lawrence was expected to at tack several points in the appropria tion bill, hut failed to "come to time." It is true he was chairman of the com mittee of the whole, but had an oppor tunity to talk before the bill passed, and yet did not do :t. Why ? uiii:at jiuoi'oi.t. It is well for members of the Senate to look out for the matter of controll ing the navigation of the Calapooia in the lumbering trade. If that bill -which passed the House is a fraud, its passage in the Senate should be ar rested. THAT TAMH1I.I.;b VIio has the lung- to make 32 speeches in one evening session, it is sate to conclude, laiew but little ot the provisions of the appropriation bill which passed the Hou?e We will "take him in'' shortly. I B1UIIT1M. T.X PEJI DlTl'KE. Look over what it costs to govern you, and see if it would not be better to have a Republican administration. Ficure up the cost, per capita, and then you will begin to realize the fact. The Yafjnina Bay Kailroad Bill lias iauil tiip Semite ill eood shane aud will wobably pass the House by a large major- ty. The arrangements are maue to pusn be work as oou as this bill passes. We mc the IIou?e w'JI not "go back" ou it. RECKLESS Disregard of Lnw." f . f a.. A..Javt Old "Clerical Aid" Shows j. ; His Head. What do the People Want. Can such Frauds toe Per- petratedv Look. Over the Following - Appropriation Biil - The Bill Should be Killed In the Senate or Vetoed ' by the Covernor. The People Should be In- Tormea as to wneretne Money goes. ..... How Long can such Jokes be Played upon the People. ' Only a Half Million Dollars Expense for Coverning One Hundred Thous and People. The consideration of the general appro priation bill in the Hons?, last night, was interesting. The august body went into "Committee of the Whole,' and consider ing the bill, section by section, amending and hup roving as tbe Chairman of the Committee on Ways aud ileans dictated in 32 speeelies. The result ot that "moon tain labor" is seen in the following re port ot the appropriation bill, as amended. I ... . A bill to provide for the ordinary expen se of the State Government, and oth er General and Specific Appropriations: Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oiegon : Section 1 Tint tbe following sums and no more, be and the same arejiereby spe cifically appropriated for the several objects hereinafter named, for two years, commencing from the second Monday of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, to be paid out ot any money in tlie Treasury not otherwise ap propriated. - - ..- EX ECTTTVE vrxi . 2. For salary ot Executive officers amended to $10,600. , A JiiHciAL nm. , t . Sec. 3. For salaries of Justices of the Supreme Court, 1 District Attorneys and Supreme Court Clerk, I3G.J00. liESEKAl FCKD. Sec 4. For salarr of Pilot Commit. iiouers. Superintendent of Public instruc tion and expenses. Health Ofhcers. clerk of Board ot Pilot Commissioners, expen ses of Mute School, Blind School, Agricul tural College, advertising, printing bonds, warrants and stamps, or so much as mar be necessary, $40,000. . ., , For deficiency in excess of oast annio- priation for Mute School, $253. . ., t una deficiency--salary of clerk of Pilot Commissioners for two years, $1,200. PENITESTIAIiT FCSD. ' Sec. 5. For keeping prisoners, salary of officers and guards, goueral expense ot the Penitentiary, $40,000. t : w For salary of Prison Inspector, and ex penses, GOO , , ISeANE AND UJtOTIC. . Sec. 0. For keeping insane patients at the Asylum $120,000. , For salary or visiting physician $1,000. - convict m:ki. Sec. 7. For deficiencies in excess of past -appropriations $1,027 33, and in terest. For conveying convicts to the Penitenti ary $10,000. . 1AXE mil. , Sec. 6. For deficiencies in excew of pa?t appropriations $6,155 and interest. For conveying insane to the Asylum $10,000 . , . I'KIXTING 1UWJD. Sec. 9. For deficiencies in excess of past appropriation, $1,0;S9 01, and in terest. For public printing and bindinjr, $28,000. IXCIlJEXTAL FUND. Hee. 10. For lights, fuel, postage, newspapers, salaries of night watch men, janitor, and other incidental expenses of Executive, Iegmlative, Htate and Treasury Departments, Su preme Court and titate Library, $25, 000. KL'GITIVE FUND. Sec-11. For deficiencies in excess of past appropriation, $404 Co, and interest. For arresting Fugitives from justly, $2,000. - - IXDIOKNT Fl'NI. Sec. 12. For sup)ort of the non-residents indigent poor in the sevrcal counties, 3,0O0. COMMON SCHOOL Ft'XU. Sec. 18. For clerical aid, maps, aud other expenses incidental to Common Hchool Lands, $4,000. rxiVKBSITY FVSU. Sec 1L For like purposes as School Lttxid", --0C, If f STATE LAND FUND. Sec. 15. For like purposes as School Lands, $5,00X1. t -" f &e. 10. For voIuimm four and Ave ofHupremo Court Report out of the General Fund, $3,000. i,Tht bill iliows a total '. disregard of all the principles Involved in disposing of the people's money. Sec. 17. Xo money sliall bo paid out under this Act except upon warrants 1 drawn by the isecretnry of State upon the State Treasurer, in the order in which tlicy are presented. "" Owing to the necessity br maintaining the public credit this act sliall take effect and be in torce from and after Its approval by the Governor. . From this bill can the people tell how much money Is paid tor the several item?, and whether exorbitant or not? We publish the bill in full this morning and will show up the enormities hereafter, but tbe Senate will arrest it iu its passage to the peoples pockets. . It the Senate fails to kill this blU or so amend it as to protect tlie people, then let ns have a veto. A general appropriation bill is, ot course, a necessity, and should be passed, but our little State cannot afford tbe proposed figures. Let every Senator examine closely this bill, aud raiso his voice in defense of the people by cutting down this bill. Such extravagance cannot be carried by the tax- era of tbe State. DEMOCRACY AND EDUCATION. Serious Joking on the Subject by Members of the House. . Speeches Which Were Calculated to Cause Merriment Among Scholars.' ' .. Compulsory Education the Law. Tlie Solous of the Ilou;e took up a bill on the subject of "compulsory education," on Tuesday, and alter much discussion passed It. It is not necessary to discuss the provisions of the bill in this connec tion, but simply to give the lacU. ' Mr. Elrkpatrick, of Douglas county, a scholar and orator, made a forcible speech in iavor of the bilL TTe , regret that we cannot give a lull report, but will endeavor to give figures hereafter. Mr. Ferguson, tlie scholar of Yamhill, said tbe expense of bis . education was borne by a friend, but be was opposed to compulsory education; giving many rea sons for the faith in him. ' ' Mr. Cheeseman, ot Lake, bad many well defined ideas on the great question which has puzzled so many statesmen, and gave tlie Bouse a full half hour of most pleasant talk and forcible argument. , 1 Several speeches were made, pro and con, and tlie great question which has an noyed so much brains in the world is uoir permanently settled. M'e will publish tbe bill in full as soon as it receives the appro val of tbe Governor. ' DEMOCRATIC APPROPRIATIONS. OUTRAGEOUS FRAUD. The House Non-Repentant.' What Security Have the People ? Tbe half million dollar appropriation bill, in the House, on Wednesday, should have been killed, but quietly passed. We hoped to see some opposition btrt it bad none. When "Old Clerical Aid'1 got away with lrom fifty to one hundred thou sand dollars, we had no means of prevent ing it, and could not even find the man. GREENBACKS IN SESSION. The Address Issued, Published in full this Morning. A Great Democratic Fraud. We give our readers, this morning, the full text of au address to the peo ple by the "Greenback Convention," which assembled here in Salem, a short time ago. The document i lengthy aud is designed by Democrats to create distention, and, if possible, a "split" in the P.epublican party. We trust republicans will not full iuto that trap. HOW MAS1 Jlembers of the House can tell for what they voted tlie half million dollars, last night? It would bo a good scheme to know on what you record your vole. 1'EX riCTl'KES or TfleiulM'rs oftkc TLgllature. ' JoirxSvuiTEiKKB, of Latiftcounty, President of the Senate, is remarka ble man la many wava. lie cam to Oregn1n lR62,trom Indianatn whlv.h tatehe was bom in the vear 1820; served as Governor of Oregon for four years, and has since tilled manv places of honor and trnst. A icorresnondartt of au exchange says: "The unauiml- ty which eliaraeterlaed th election of lion. John AVhlteaker to the Presiden cy in the Senate, gave evidence of his popularity with the members of- that body, and time has proved the wisdom of their choice. Mr. Whltaker is in every respect what a presiding officer should be, courteous, just aud dispasr;, sionnte in his rulings from the chair; and when he takes the Door, his speeches evince so much of sound sense and convincing argument that there Is only one thine to be recretted: i. e., that he cannot he In both places at once. Mr. W. is bq well known to the people of Orecon, thatonlv a slight description of his personnel is necessary. He is above midium bight, well built, somewhat gray, aud con veys the impression of being a well-to-do farmer which he iswho finds time to read and keep posted on all the public Issues of the day. He rep resented Lane county one terra In the Territorial Legislature, in the House, three terms in the House under the State, iu uuc of which he was speaker, and as was said at the beciuuiiur of this sketch, is President of the Senate at this present time." The Governor is a nisn of extruordiuory Judgment and quick to observe a point. As a presidium officer in the Henate, he is a model. A Democrat, but not a bad man. S. G. Thompson, of Wasco and Lake couutiea, was boru iu Polk county, Missonri, in 1S4; moved into Oregon in 18.r:t, and settled In Lane county. Mr. Thompson was engaged in merchandiHhing in Harrisburg, tea years. , In 1ST1 he removed to Wasco county, where he now resides, being engaged in stock raising. Mr. Thomp son was a candidate for Legislative honors In 1S7 ( but was defeated. He "made the riffle," however, this year and comes elected as a straight out Democrat. A. J. Lawrence was born in Mary laud iu 1832; brought up in Louisiana; came to tlie Pacific coast iu 1857, to Oregon in 1SG7; resided from KjGO to 1S67 at Vancouver, W. T., from which place he went to thellawaiianLilandp; returned to Oregon in 1572, and has since that time resided in Baker City. Mr. Lawreuce is a lawyer by profes sion, and has seen much service, be ing exceedingly active and a good speaker as well as a good Judge of law. He makes an active member of the Houae, and occupies the responsible position of chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Alt-hoxso W. Stasard was born iu Buliyan county, .N. H., in . tbe year 1829; moved with his parents to Vn Buren county, Iowa; obtained a common school education; cronsed the plains in 1&2; married in Decem I er, JSo2, and settled on a claim near Brownsville, Linn county; remained on his furm until 18G7, at which time he was elected Ceuuty lerk; moved to Albany, served two years as Clerk, and two years us Mayor of Albany; engaged iu the mercantile business three years; moved buck to his farm in 1872; Democratic in sentiment, broad-gauge; member of the Baptist church, aud strictly temperate; grang er, and not ashamed of it; member of the Legislature in 1874 and also in 187i;; is a model member but will not do to rely on, politically. HOW MUCH? . Intelligent and Honest Democrats, Look at that Bill!! A-ik the first Democrat you meet how much has been appropriated lor any par ticular purpose, and he will tell you he "don't know," bir. presumes it is cafe in the bands of a State olliccr. Thus our Democratic Solous pas under the party rod, giving a sign ol general gtirveillanie to those who seem to be placed over them. Col. N. B. Knight, of this city, has accepted an invitation to address the citizens of Htay ton, Saturday evening, the 23th inst., upon the political issues of the day. The people of the sur rounding country are invited to be present. KfcTMAdlO.V We charged tlie distinguished Tamhilk-r with having made 32 speeches at one even ing session, wltcii it :unis he only, actu ally, delivered 31 speeches ou that occa sion or that cvi-iiiiig. We have no desire to injure any member, and arc glad to WtKctnuy error we ui'T uwkc, . . MISCELLANEOUS. DON'T. TKU, ABOUT "JOCU 6TORSS AKII llmail Mooko of ( uutU. Umn to the " House that Jack Built," : And ane th lmmima sio'k of- -Mlrrora, nnd flrlurr FritiuM, Monldliiiph PrcKldentlnl t nuUldnl,NwluK Nevdlm, nnrtaliie nil, I'nrd, Tnwu.lx, Coruer aud Side ItmrlirlH, Hall Pnrltt'lH, riork Mirlrn, ? . rlrim Kuoba, Sit-, Mala, ete., rtf., nn thon -mllo ; eixvl allv aftor tlw Tmivnl or llio mt.liiiimnl Invnli-n mw MMHarw?.Hi mww ttio wmm..r.-N-nr mlml tlie oltl iiwiii who t ixtv-tlirft venr old lu uinrrtiw, he will li-v ki- l-i.iii uk'imi imi DR. H. SMITH, :o:i3rjTX3,,i OrFTCE moved OTor Brtiyuum'i How Bton Okfice lioi-HH lrom U A.u r a aV H. ' iVihr S.M.KM, OKK(iOX. MUSIC BOOKS! MUSIC BOOKS THE ENCORE !l Comnlnii a exevltcMit Bliiglnfr Kili'l CuurMj. fttta rolliitH'u of l'Htim Tunpg and AM hero. SrSQINO BCHO0L8 By L. O. EMKiunN. Blik) bov tlwro it re neitrlv HX) tttjn-- HI Imi Willi IIihhh. may i'un Boniis autt Uiuut lor l'nu-ll.-eaml Krutllou. A will beaaen. thro aw nhumlant BtaloriaU ol U beat ohara.'4nr, Im- nutklnfr Hingiiut Claawa umrtwlliig, whlo uHke and K)ilr. ThKNN)KKialun utcollvm botik In use In rmiveuttoiit, Acvkmln, Collcgu t'Uolrs . Ac. "m'.e 7.'m'J. 7,l wr iloiun. The Salutation! CHUB0H MTJBICB'K For 1M76 T7. By L. O. Kmkkhun. tondtlnii a tltorotiKh Siiiglue 6-lil Oonralnna iflOtitl Cullrv. lion of Suo ularMualu. i.)uiirtt, with aliuixuiia exoruiHui. Bill the gTCntnriiart of this now anil important muitK-al wirk hi lakon iu with ir nlmrL .i Tun, Anlhema, Henlamia, Cluiiitit Ac Ao. Tlw WhOlSl-OIMtlUIIlM a lllllk ulllll! mull l.i tluun Ml. rcwlv publi.hwl, whi. h hv aiiim! (tin nunw of ir. .rorn to ie wlili'ly knutvii an one ul Ihu mot miLveiwU'til ol aiotlern comntMMira uf btton.1 Aluakj. i'mwAian. 1'isr Uux. IU.IW0. niwulitttm cojM niitlletl, mmi iree fur retail OIiIVZR. DITSON tt CO., C- " . V,ym ' I K- DIWhmi A ., 711 Broadway, Bucnuonhilywl Waikai Turk. I rinladulnliia. RAISEWG00D "STOCK ? Or all kind. e)ieflllr whon tt pny " miiuh btHlor limn ar.rub rtiotik. R. C- ic C A L. C E E R, Have eonmitlT fir anle Pt)I,Al CHINA rtlKiS, RIIOKT-UOIUf n.r (;aT TI.K, CtKatlS awl lOliKIMi ( Hit RENH,ai heir lama tweve ml Ilk cast ol rttkni. Orca-an. FebirU . -. A AL. tlUC IF1 YOU WANT TO GET SHAVED CO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS OLD STAND Oppoallc Bieyman , Oomaaarulat treet.aiem, LAUD BUYERS! ATTENTION! AN ADJOURNED SALE ' Oi- THE TU0JUS CROSS Unds, in the ticiuitj or halcm will be lfdd nt the COl'&T KOIKE JIO0U iu hALKiH, on SATIHUAY, BioT. Hth, n,(, at 11 o'clock. A. . ' Of (lie richi-tt and mort tirortuolive lands in ln- ricui i-oiniiy, MtnnKM almut omjo luiitui norlliol' Mulcoi. oi t!i WllluiniiUe rlvi-r, Imjuilict' with HiHiatM, Kuril. Oivliartt. "etn-i, el,:., anil b!iiir inrt oi ine rnrtiy, Hmxifiit, htvetiMn, niuB, lmrroiii?h nml Wufcuun iJoiiatiuii itml Clniiun. tOKellicr wllh 006 .OIUEJS! t-yltig anntheaat til SuIito, on the W. II. ltc;tor aptl John llaum InmMinn Lain! Claim', will J104I livtily bu ollcruil at PUBLIC SALE ! At the pJai-eantl t(m ubovo -iviiic,l, , 1 tie )viai aUt-hliuri ot 11imm: utrqiring o pur oliat inni i Ifivttl tottie&ilvantaxm thi mik win afl Til bolii tn tin' kK-atiiiii uud cliurucii-r of llw tatiMMiiift the l1lMrai titns vlii'l thf'V will ih: mu . TERMS? ! To inr;liaer of olllifir of tlie almo tra. ts In out! Ujily, uiit'.tlilrilciiffii, rciijalnilor In live aniiurtl initnents, luraring tn ier t-ent. tnUireat. On Hnallor inn.-elf, oiio-lliinl. atah. renmliiilt-r In llircts aiuiiml invniema, wiin inelft! pt-r wini In lerwl. All iiiiyiiiiil in I'. vohl niln. T-n lierwnt. of ( AMlf I'AYMENT will be i-iiiiiel 01 luir.rlafCi on u.iy ut mih;. PERFECT TITLE WILL BE GIVEN I Fuitbor Infornuilion may Itc batl, inaiw nuiv he aeen, anil nponrtiinilY toyisit and inapect" th: ii'i:uuw will Im affonletl tipuu iillaillim 10 MI UPHY 6l W1IAON, AUDIIU, flltilll. Vt. 15. WTit. New Tailor Shop. f AVISO OPENED A NEW BIIOP IN THE wulatruet, I am ieiai'el to ilo nil klmla of work lu uiy line, but w ill nutkt-a aieotalty of CLEANING AND REPAIRING All uoixin ilcalrti k u'ft work will bo iiromirf- !y a:oomnioila:c"l ut ruuin.tlil irrlcen. Orient olMt. J..J. w'tJifcTZKT. awuiiwu BfJiUXEta CARDS. - HUELAT EASTHAM, 7 I At1orno)N-Ht-Ijm-. Office In Portlaiiil In I HAi.mtnn.. m. ?J'''"JI,,W hriok' Nu- fln-a itlu.4, Mttlu J3,firatMrtt, nrnot. J. Ill'RI.AT, ronlttUtl. ATITAM. '" lidvlllui Ort'Ktiu CUT JAMES F. BROWN, Attornev-at-Low and Notary Public, Eiikoiu! City, Oregon. J. A. APPLECATE. ATTOENEY -AT-LAW. i 8ALKM.OKEOON. OfH.e-oipim IHo nnnV.in Crlnwoltl'a lOock. JOHN J. DALY, Attorney nnd Coilnwvlor at Law, Kooma lu Buller'a Oltl Store, Dallua, Orig in. Will praotkre In the State utl r. B. Conrta. Col. Itxitlon. a BiHMlalty. JNO. J. IALY, iltvlKtf J. M'. WrAIT.ft, Ifl. I)., I'laJ-ftW'lUH . Hurooa, OmCE-Orlawald'a Black, Vf Btain. , f V. C, fL'LIJYA, Attorni.ratLH-tV, Will hereafter be futind at the aontheaat oornax nxmi m KixhI'k (iara Uiiurie, tuiautit-a. 8a Man, Out. i-UU. IMMTOR X. II i:TOX, Lli.VMl-iitii untl HiirA-i(ft, OBloe with (X W. tthaw A Oo, llrokera,, - , .Oummuruial Ikreet, hAi.fw. . . . . tKisuoaf. aiirll-ly C. H. DAVIS, M. D., i'liywllitit And Hurircon, -' i""ii-niiiiii thi.u in uifliemi'e 9f Siioand vi. lniiT. lie will in anywhere In th.. TniuLw. h(. . I. . 1 1 , . aui lotft anrKically wlien oallril upon. . d:tf O. W. LAWHtiM, a. A. ci'TTma. LAWSON & CUTTING, ATTORNETH.AT-t.AW- AND Rf!AT KP. tale Aimta, ttftiue In the ulUCoun ilouae, mlom. Orenoti. ktnMt' W. I. h.MITII, !tl. IM lli-Mi-Iim untl nttreeuu, IIARKJSBI BU, OKIItiO. mavitf DR. T. L. GOLDEN, OCULIST AND AURIST. Ma and malderwe en Liberty atreel.ftrnmlia .lie liaiitm ChiiiMU. baluui, trn!ou. ULh.-u tallTII Jl. HAnSCK, f Kt-ulLatate Affcnt, tttf Harej- or, Civil Engineer and t- tary Public. tarOflwe In l-atlon. IlrkJt IlulMlm, tin Hurt, mar.liau"75 . n. oitoh, HOI'BE PAINTER AND PA PEtt HANKER. KalMniinin)culMiaou. Work aulaiitetlantl laUaliaition (uaranluwl. auiatlir Look Here ! J. II. COULTER fS NOT DEAD NOR 1 ET BLEEPING, BCT la alive autl kicking, untl ratify to f unnab ton ita all kinds of ' , Ooopor- W are, - IN Sal-sm or East Portland. Shop in ralem on the lot whnre'I htillt the brk on C 'ommerolal acreou Wion In fcaat Portlaiitl at Hie lamlltiK 1.1 the (Mark alrect ferry. fcatt All wuik warranted ol ibe Uiat fubl'itl FOR SALE. I HAVE 75 ACISC? OR FINE GARDEN LAND I11 rlk comity, jitnt ojijiostte Salem, tt hl.rh I will will in nvr or tks a.-.rc lots or io anlt (.urulinsorn. Prkea low and li nna oay. AT.0) ' " ' ; ''" A Fine Two Storj Dwelling House Wall linlahed, eonttiiiiliij; 1.1 roonis, bnable wol lioiiw.. nml barn,--all ueinuiiient. i.,mum . gooU. - .a . AI.6U,,-- OITE COORNEJH, LOT . ' Hbi.I. IMI'IKlVJSII. liKiiiirc of J. W. fill.ItERT. or JOHN PAINE. HUt!! If C. C. VAN WAGNER, FURNITURE AMI UPHOLSTERING GOODS, 1 j Picture Moldings, i Picture Frames, I Mirrors, Etc., Etc. I A nootl asaortmcnt of ' Al) j Curled Wool Matresses. ICOFFINS AND CASKETS Nwie on Bbort Kotica. r-i-'fJ5'l.'i!lW'.,.r,i dilubialml N AMI A I i .,.1 V- il 1. "iu niont Prno. ....... n. 4iiM 1,11 11115 VytillAI. ms n.:in iinxir tne iii.:e, M.itc .'liciil, near I.lb- t;llitlVU t ;;i 4!lii, Vi