THE DAILY OhuON STATESMAN Issued J very Wornirnr, Except Mondy. I. Tl. X-Tlin, lri kf or. I.. O. NOKIO-V, llintlnem mnuHKcr, fHE WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. Issued Every Pride y Morning. J- n. WATJiltK, ' ' Proprietor. i:. it. SORIOS, riiMlni'sn Jlnting-ir 1 ' TERMS i ' ' Pir year, by Mnl' or "therwiso fn OH bix uioulhs, by Mail or otherwise..... 2 00 Si ilit-rl r. t:i every Instance, to be) aid h. advance. Advertisement. Inserled or l-e.Tsoi-nt.t'e y'r.- ervod by Currier, pur week sncnni Sunt by muii, per vmr fcs Soul by dihII, nix ntiintha an Suiukiripllousby mall or express must le.t.idlu sdvauou. V(Tl, 2G. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MOUNING, OCTOBER 27, 1870. NO. 4G WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN I i'- i TELEGRAPHIC. Very Latest News Reports. EASTERN. Alnhniwi ('mium. Washington, Oct. 18. The Court of Comtnlssoner ot Alabama claims mul to day. Three hundred nnd fifty-six ease remain to be considered. A fool Reiirl From hitting; Hull. The Commissioner ot Indian A flairs to day rocelvod a luttor Tram Indian Agent. Mitchell, dated Fort Peck, MnnUtia, Sept. 22d, convey ing Intelligence that Sitting null asks pcrmisnlon forhU warriors to come into 'hut agency to trade for amtini tion. The letter say tliut Little Hull, ICIk and Unlv and a chief of that baud arrived on tlio f vuiiliip of the h Inst., sii night out from Silting Hull'n eiunn. bearing tlio application ot bitting Hull. StenmtlouHl fctory correrswl, , N't: YoitK, Oct. IS. The Tribune's Washington special save: Tho sensational statement as lo the concentration ot 10,000 troops Irom th(! department of the Atlan tic at Columbia, are made In nearly all o!' Uie Democratic piicra. They are not tollable. A stall' ollieor ot 4r'iieral Wier iiian say to-night that ouch stories lire mischievously false, as there are less than .1,000 troops in the littpartinent of the Atlantic which ure available lor any pur pose whatever. Tho soldiers ot tho re union of tho Army of the Tennessee are ury iiuich excited ut tho Sunt lieni nit .na tion. There l a groat dual of bulJisrent talk among them. Some of their btre most moii nay with earnestness, that If dry Hhmilil ever take the held again, they would follow Sumner's plan und destroy Statu linen. AHilrni 1 1 III nilm.Nl JKriltlii)nn f uiuimIIUt. ! The following Is tl' address of '.lie l'e piihlli'ttti National Committee: ! The Kcpubiicau National Committee congratulate tho party which they repre sent and tlW country upon the result of lite lull elections already held. In Maine a I.cptibllmii majority ot liiw tlian 5,000 In been increased to nearly 10,000. lu Vermont tlie oi l ascendancy h:is boon filly iiiuiiitrtliimt. In t'olorado a Dcino ( ratio majority ot 2,000 bus been overcome and a ltepublican Govern jr und bolb branches of the ICgliliiture elected, secur ing two I". S. Senators and three l'rest- lieuttiii cleetor. in uiiio, tlio ucpuoiican majority ot 5..-ilK) has been Increasad to I....... ft lu.t .... J 111 IUUI ....I 1....I.II.M. onmmn if.miu ..-,.m. miUlm, ,iw... , 'oiicresmeii have been cabled, li. Indi- Hiia tlie lteuiocratic mriorlty ot 17,tHHl In- Im-ii reduced to 5,000, with a gain ol lour Kcpuuhcan Congressmen and tlie I'gislatlira ii)j juiiit bailor. Thee lilgiily gratifying results have been ob tained In the face Ot trauds at tlie ballot hux and in the unparalleled use of money by the opposition, . They show tlie drift ofj popular Keiitiiuent and clearly Imlicate a imiioiml victory lor tla? Kepubhcnii wrty In ovemls-r. All that Is now necessary 1-t ) contuaiu a vlgtti'oiM proscutloii of lie caiiiiwign; t secure protect Ion for all ei ui'tis hi the right ol the ballot; to bring nil legal voters to the polls, and to pruet'ue the iitiiiiit vigilance on tlie day of the ebction. Fortunately lor tlie country, our candidates represent tlio best spirit ol inform to which they were pledged by ev- e-y set and Utterance ol .their lives. Their Mioecss alonu u ill iiiMire honest adinlnia- iraliou and pre-crve the lioveriiuieut from tlif unfrioiidly hands of thi I whoforin er'y t-oiiijlil to destroy t it, jnd wlio now '-eekto pley upon its re-oil ii'es. -j CilAMH.l.i:, ( 'iiaii niiin. It. C. McCiik:k, Sec'y. v fi oS.wtHe oa hmI muon S'i', - Cittr ao, Oct. .-Tlie Tribnue's Ten liauto Special ': Hiut tlie election the Kepublienns of V igo county have not been sal lulled that their -defeat was lalrly accomplished. The vote was over 1,000 larger than four years ago, and the IHmik! niHioi lly from 100 to :i(HM. To-day Hie licpiibllcaii candidate lor county clerk, ' (lied papers contesting 'hoclxiMon, and it Is understood all the balance of the JUipub lican coiiuly ticket will lollow suit to-morrow. The Democrats are astonished by lliis move. Tin; papers charge liauds iig grpgailng over 1M1O hi each ward, audit is claimed that proof Is lortlieotuing. l'et ltnp alter nil the election tables must be revised, and Vlo coiiiity pit down Ko .ljU'llit.' ri:' M ', ' ; , " 'I'liitukN U ike Hr,-MAleii. i;w Vouk, s (jc. Mi Tbfc ; .Union League Club tu-niglit imsned resolution ,,liaiikiMg ,,yiu l'reident:. of the Uniled .Stales for his lucent ell'irts to protect South Caruhua lrom violence, mid to secure the exercise and free tunjoy inuiit .ol lltu rights of siillruije. 'I'liiiuks were also tendered lo the loyal press nf the .country, for its i able and manly ' vindication' ol kiw and hlMii'ty irom the aliMsen ol sectional iullii- , nee and partisan corruption. , ' , foreTcn'news. 'I J t Knalern lullilrHl , . ? b.ixM, Out. 10. Lata Tuesday morn ing summons was Issued for a c.iblnet c.mncll, to he held to-day Thursday;, and several miuinleis arrived last ghU It I rumored that the government contemplate s oalliug an autumn session ol J'lirllaitieiiti, 1ncoiveinencc of he grAve s'spect of the Ktslcrn question. It is aleo stated that the government 1ms applied to Lairds to have ships ready to transport troop. The Advertiser nay there Is a report that Lord Napier, of Magdala, lias been ordered to hold himself in readiness to rako command ot the .roops 'vhioh mav Iw fent to Egypt. 1 tie I Standard prints an importing table descriptive of the iron vessels ot the Kus slan navy, It shown they are in nnm ber, carrying trom 2 to 2'l guns each, PmbMhie I'oNldon of Frnare. PAins, Oct. lft. All evening papers do- clare that If the peace of Europe Is dis turbed, I'Vanee. will seriously observe a policy of uUoution. hlcnttloiMit Ofdw. II ai. ii ax., R t. ltt. The Bi itUh tlett here lias been ordered to remain till lur ther orders, Instead of proceeding to the west, mines ror winter quarters, as usual riMln t'.iiKlitn4. LiVitKi'Ofii,, Oct. 21. A leading grnln circular nays the threatening as- pctoftlie luKteru riuwitlon is such that holders of wheat are lens Inclined to part willi their stocks. At the same time there has been an active inquiry remitting In considerable business, chiefly for cargoes to arrive In July advancing -prices. The improvements in yt'Hterduy'a prices are from one to two HtuiiingH per rmurter. Since luos- day transactions have been large in thesa and the neighboring markets and 4 pence per ueiitul over previous currency iius ix-eu freely paid. Mair.e was altit) in good request and improv ed '( to 9 jietice per quarter. Wheat at the market to-Uay was firmly held 1 1 i pence per cental above Tuesday's rntcH, which checked the dcaiand, and only moderate buHiness was transact ed. )orn, being In limited supply, improved j shl Iting and !l pene per quuiter, put the demand was not live. , ' PAClFICCOAST. , lU-(lle. s ; Kvn .lo.sK.Oct- IH.To-day thia Oobj inuuily was Urtled by the report that John Slnnroe Ijittlefield, ex-oounly clerk and lately fcuerifl' deputy In the county assessor's office, had com milted suicide at his residence in the western portion of the city. TUe cor ouer was notified and an inquest held. Suftlclout wa elicited to prove beyoud doubt that the act was of his own seeking, nl that lie preferred death to the alternative of public Exposure of the late trauma 'tion of his in which he succeeded In raising a thousand dollars by altering the word '"she" In . .. ... .. ft jnortcaire, ny erasing tne letter -b ' and making it "be." He went home after drinking heavily, and sometime during the night took an ounce of luuduum. JMtueneiu was a mau or more than ordinary qualitlcatiosn.but of late years has been of intemperate habits, ana it was suppose! ne was becoming delinquent. He leaves a large family or children lo mourn bis uufortuuute deat h. Htoc KTON, Oct. 19. Timothy Sulli van, aged ilU, a native of Vermont,sin gle, suicided this morning on the ranch of J. It". Cole, ten miles from this city on the Lock worth road. The deceas ed made his will yesterday, but after wards destroyed iu Ihe cause or tne suicide is unknown, presumably tern pory insanity. n(nl l ull. Kan r itANt isx, )t!t, lu. About 2 o'clock this morning John Ghallager living at tlie Adams House, Hacra uiento street, between Bansone and Montgomery, fell down stairs reoeiv ing injuries' from which he soon died. The ("leceased was a gambler, wel known among 4 he sporting fraternity and an old l'a--itlc coaster. He was discharge)! from the smallpox hospi tal alHHit 10 days ago, since which he had been drinking freely and was in toxicated at the ti me of t lie accident.- Wheat. Iu wheat circles the Iccllng is a little more quid nils morning owing partly to news coming to hand rendering it probable that Kngland may kep out of the East ern ngn:, also to tne lact rue extreme ligures demanded by holders yesterdav were tar in excess ut anything warranted bv t!m KuropeiiH market, or by the needs ol purchasers here. Prominent grain op erators claim that cargoes are mostly already purchased lor fngnccd tonnage In part, and that the Indisposition ol holders to sell at less than fancy figures, will list Interfere with the prompt dispatch of the fleet. Still quotations are all abroad, and dea lei's waiting anxiously for further news lrom the seat ol the impcudiii' war. Mrulall)' Murdered. Pm au ma, Oct. 22. W oi. Brown, an old aud respected resident of Marin coun ty, living hi Chileucs valley, about eight nille? from this city, white returning to and when within a short distance ot his lioine, was dragged from his carriage and brutally murdered, between 7 and 8 o'clock last night. He received no less than five stabs, t-itlrer ot which would have proved lalal. He also received a huavy blow on the head, apparently from a revolver, boine sixty dollars lu silver, a geld watch and cbiiiu and a gold ring were taken trom lum, - 1 he murder causes great ex. t-'Itement, s he was w:i i.nowu ihrowgh out Soimma autf Marin counties. REVOLUTION IN Hilti. Gre3t Political Meeting at Albany. DR. WATTS AHEAD. Et. Htatiosman: Will you allow me space lu your valuable paper in which to make brief mention of the political discussion which took place here on last night between Pf. Watts and Mr. Croniu. The audience wsSj very large, a larger portion Republi cans. Dr. Watts opened and closed the discussion, making a very' excel lent speech. Beep Interest was mani fested by the audienoe. frequently aheering the Doctor and exclaim ing, "that's so." Th speaker exam ined national affairs in a manner seldom heard in Oreironf showiue up the gigantic frauds practiced by Tilden and his nwrtner in crime". Boss Tweed, and made nis sudienee feel that it would be," unsafe' to elect a man who had been proven to be a swi tidier and perjurer. cronin attempted to renlv but broke down and Democrats were ruortielid and utterly failed to cheer their man. In closing, the Doctor had nothing to reply to, and seeing he hud his mau down, did not care to step on him. Mr. Crocln seeing' his cause was lost, lie could not make a speech. You need not be surprised if old Linn goes for If ayes and Wheeler and Williams. Republicans are jubilant, knowing that their cause is just. . Bend us a lot of extra copies of the Statemax for distribution, it is ex actly filling the bill here, and we want to furnlMh it to those who Rre not able to buy it. " Ar.UAW, Oct. Vith, 1870. i THE CANVASS. DR. J. W. WATTS AT SCIO. Great Turn out of the People I'.nnvu .Staiksmax: Yours being the only Ilepubllcau daily in Oregon, allow me space in Which to state a few facts in relation to a triangular discussion which took place here on the 18th Inst. The speakers were our irrepressible Dr. J. W. Watts, Daniel Clark aud Mr Croniu. Daniel Clark is on the track for " Peter Cooper, and opened the discussion. Mr. Clark stated in the outset that it was his first at tempt at political speaking, and be fore he closed everybody thought be told the truth, although he used all ine unit suioiieu mm. finance was bis principle topic, and proved to be a deeper subject than he could sueceso fully handle. He stated truly that ma Democrat would vote for Cooper in consequence of Tildeu hav ing beeu engaged in such gigantic crimes of defrauding the government in its darkest days, swearing to false return of his income. Mr. Clark stated that he knew of many Demo crats who would not vote for Tilden unless he come to the frout and de nied the charges now stakling against him. Mr. Croniu was tlie next speaker. and it was plain to be seen that he wa9 badly demoralized; he Hew the track, and mvh epithets as he threw out at Peter Cooper, iJiick I'omeroy and auy Democrat who would support iuciu, we eeiuoui arar irom a mail who is asking vote. He lost a good many votes in this place. Ir. watts closed tli 3 discussion In a very able argumentative snoech. and the way he went a tier Crcniii, Democracy and Tlldin was terri lie and was received with frequent rounds of applause. Democrats and all felt tliatt'ronin richly deserved the skin- ning lie got. The Doctor made many fust friends here by his gentlemanly manner. urging Kenublit-ans to stand by the old flag and the national party. The speaker clearly showed bv figures and history that the only -safety was to stand by Haves and Wheeler and Kk'hard Williams, to save the nations honor and credit and to preserve the results of the war. Orand day for Republicans here. At the close the appiaure was lernnc and a grand rush was made by ladles and gentlemen to snane ine uocior by the hand Dr. Watts' speech at Scio will long ne remembered by the citizens of mat town.- 1 ou can sit down a larue jwiuitiicnti gam in mis section. - Ha ST! AM. k'IO, October 18! Ii, l7t". J O .iN - Jf o . j. jST D P ATTEIISON,', COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, SALEM, Offer for Sale, at very low prices, the - ; -A - ipjxjei.tul if No. fii. Si a.-re, -.16' in lies S. t. of Saiciu, In T SS..K 1W.- Hoiiw: anil liarii. id .le.res In en Ii ivmlon; Seres unvrpiliile of I'ltltivation; tl aures Umber pasture. 1'rkHi $:nw0. Kasv , , ," . So. an. . 4J0 in: re' faun, 5 miles cast of Silver ton, In Marion eountv; fni-m house one ami onr half stories! 4 rooma; lrame barn. 4sx4s feet; 64 . rtsof orchard; 60 acres In cnllivaUon; llunco scattering Umber, au) toniebnuh land; several ft rreams airl go'l spi-mirs of wiitert foil red lonm. rery ilark! Is vrbkaiye, raiw-s lino wheat, ami w pood (rmi land, and a gool raiice tijr lo. k. Price, tiJiOil. Tei ius, $1000 cath, baiuiice l one an ! two annual tnymt nta, Willi interest a 10 )er cent, oer sniinm. . . i ... So. sri. ,, iisil aere ftrni a miles s. K. of Sairm. lir Murivu vouiily, an'l known as tlie Cornelius do- mitioa claim, uii-l a lioluinir the I'anlel Delaiiev claim or lite soqth; 1 iHveltlnff house, 5 rooou"; and one old ho-; 2 aood ln.K s lo 10 acres of u"-,..lia,(: ;0acre in cultivation; -2ti acres of p'ai rie nahtiire. ncS in; halaix-c brnsh and tbnlier l;m.t; 4i aTe ot ln wl.w on the farm; two swkI reni of water; veveral amxl springs ; the upland la rtdluun, and the butlom laud is black loam. Tin is n verv choice farm, located m-fir the u. R. R.. and about to and a half Diile. Ii-oill Ziuneri) ttatioa. I'rice, fl-JOII Xei iiK, one-third iji-Ii: balance in three eij'iul an nut iKiymeuis, with interest at 10 per cent. So. 242. 8"2 sere farm W miles K of Silem. In Mari on onoiiiv, Dt-ina near theO. & !. It. K.. and onlv almia throe aniles Ir.uu Turrer'n siuliim. Frame house. S moms: 2 one of them new ; 3 acres in ms-aiiow ; rfsi a.rM in etiiiivatioit ; Sjo acres ot vralre, ued as pasture laiwi; belanue is limber and brush land.; several stjrin-rs and -nreams of Sol durab e u!er; all nnrler fence; soil rel and black loam. Tht? wrra is knov.'iaas the Wni. Kra- jiier, awl a pan of the Ilunsaker donation land cbuins. lfr a -tiiLeudiil fanu lur a eiau Willi uaul'al to invert. Frice, 417000. Term, one-lialf cali; 1-alance 1u one ann two Cfiual annual payments, w ih interest at 10 per cent, per annum. 1 - No. S3. S.VI acre fttrm. 10 na-aauuth of Salem, and -ar the WiltaiButle river, beinir land known as the John Snyder iHi m, and is sao acre of a 1.U3S acre lrtu-t: Z H.sU kouaeK 1 iok barn: 3U0 tu 400 acreoln cultivation: lialan. i pr trie, bruti und timber lano, iiseu now lor pasture; fu acres in on-lmru several hpiIiies and runnlnz ' reams of water soli black loarn, very easy ol cultivation, and pro- oucine. l ius place has some ferv une narii wwid liuilx-r near the river. i'rioe, -MO0. Tvrais, one-UiLrd cah, InlaiK'C In two unnuui iwymenls, Willi Interest at 10 jcr cent, per au- n am. Wo. SOS. 174 acre faiiu'adjoinini; button, Hi miles ssilli tist ofbaleoi; box lioiuc, weatberboarilud, two IVaine bains .Mix'o and 30x102, and one leu ami liauie barn, ISxSU. About i acres of orch ard. 'ai.U-p, pears, phiins, anil cherries!; Kit acros In cullivatkNi, alysit acres of meadow ; S acres limber, the remainder is open brush and prairie pasture land: the soli ou the high land is red l-aui; the bolion) land Is black trravel. Price, 1:-oe. 1 ci ins. nail, oalauceU) sui! puroliatcr. jiii,-ru-i )ia(iaoie aiiuunMy. No. II Sb. aoee ai m U miles wmth-east of Sl-rtra:old Ikmis.; Khed barn; i acres orcbanl; Si acres inciil tivation; (10 a.' res Vn-uli laisl, In lance limber la lxl; all under fence; a to S acres inuadow. Sau tiaui river forms the I orth line lo tlie place; sev eral Koud auriugs; sot loin land black loam; hill utoitdark red liiu; school within ono wile; also e nivenlent to i-aw and flo-iriuj; mills. I'rioe, fl,'iw Xei ius, liaif ca--h, balance iu oue )enr. So. 313. 3-20 acre fiimi In f.lnn county; S miles south east of bum en; 70 acres in ciliiivull.m; II acres in meadow: 4 acres iu orchard; alioiil .V) acres ot mine lir timber: balance is fir and oak brush land; marly all under fence; suetll house ami liani; Ibis place Is well watered: gistd rich up lano, mjoi anu easy ot cuuiviiiuta i attorn, oue-Ihii-d of the piace botttun land and Molt adapiel it grass, i-rt.e, jerms ri per ll.OuocMsh, IjalMiiue in 1, 2 and a years with in - teret. So. 331 ISO a.-e ofUndooshoMlwaloi' llay,ihre miles intn tne loiuntuia river; 2 miles innn Lutiy, w, T .; It uso msll orchaul; 2 acre gardoiit 100 a.jre llde land prairie; 10a..resof ovsters. l.nnd w ill I him Willi tins piaou on winch has W-n iilauteit Bjsw biisluila ot ovsters. PrUs tLSOt1. o. .. . A gool flouring mill, aud saw mill, wllh 4 acres of laud: a good resident house; a liaru and other out -buddings, in a good locullly; pnsieriy neaHv all new, aud in good order; has a granary of 1-V.I00 Dusiieiscri(s cuy; one set oi .viercnant turis a.v feet, ami grinds Wit bushels Htrbour, and Is m ik ing a lirsl qiialily of Ilour. 'Ibesawuti.l batwo circular smws, 4S and 40 inches, wllh a eniMhaty of 5,oott feet in leu hours. 1 bis is a steam saw mill, plenty of iMiwer, lecuted on the Willamette, at Lincoln, Polk c .mil v. 11 miles uorih of iSalein. Pri.-A', S10.IKKI. Would prefer to sell only outs hu'l ol this protierly to a good business man. of steady liabita. as Ihe owner would prefer to retain a liiiii imci esl. Half interest fi r $".ouo, cjiIi. . So. 37. 4W acres, wild a line largo iann lioo.-e, well I'tiill: aisd ou.-hou.-es; a large burn; a oodaluni; S acre of orchard, npples, jears, plums, clc; very aue springs of pure water at the house; a beu'utilul small creek running across the tlirin: loo acres in cultivation; J.i a.,rtM of iikmiIom; ululllt lO ll.'.fl.S lit tf.:iv,l' il;l till,. I- '.'till ll. -1-1.4 feih'4sl; tho latianco of the farm has m.n'e oib8 i brush and limber. There is over 2o0 acres oi as Hue lir timber land on Ihe bunks of Ihe Sunttam river as can lie lound inlbosta!e. This 4a cut Is within i utiles of Htuylon, In MarUai county, a growing town with gio-i water powers, rtoii on Ihls furiu is mostly black loam Pri.-e, J'-.l): omvkalf cash, lutlance on one and two year- Dine, with interest. ' ,, , ' " So.3N3. Ill ttel frout on louunerclal strisct, wit li a two story wooden building, adjoining K. M. Waile 4 o.' brick warehouse, v'u the north. Price. 41,Su0: lllx ral terms. So. 314. House and lS lu Jones' additton ; gissl bouse and well loiateil ; owned 1 a uou-rcaidoiu. w ho offers the proicrly vei7 cheap. Price f si. ' So. 31. House Suit lot IVoniiug ' the Msttis' School; i rootus, kilcben und panli v , wilh wosl shed ami other oiit-buildlug. A Very pleusaul locsilton for residence, and convenient lo v.-bools. Pii.. tl200. Term-, bull' an sh, llaiior in one year. FARMS FOR SALE. following desirable property, to which ,. , . buyers.-, , ; .,. Ajsrxy stock, iawds. I Ko. 813.. 40 acre farm in I.ittn coeutv. -1 mile- I'lvsn Salem, and S miles from Slnyton, beln-r Ibe Mount r ea-ant post ollice hum, 12 nuies irom iutnir s railroad station, and Yi miles lrom Marion rall- nsid f-tatlon. The main traveled rorol across the utrm: there is a school houc on one rait, of the larm, aud a church building ou adjoining land; mere are two siinnpfe oi water and one niminii" stream snmilvlnr the farm with coot! water: about lut acres In etiltivation; a good, new bouse. mini ai a cost oi aoouc l ,imsi ; aoo ixat'ing It'UI -trees, ad .V0 yonn-r-trees not bearinir: a :oo barn. 4im lt. This farm Is dry, roilltiK land, and Is a good uraln and sheep faun. Tills i- a uenrauie larm and le onertsl very low. p:1.-e, 't.(sw. Terms, half esh. balance on time, Willi Usniiereent. interest per-nnnum. This farm is cheap, and the owner offers at a s.tcrltlce on ;c couni, of outer business.. a ( So. 37V - -" - ' l'iOaeroeor Idnd I mile Ir.-im Tolsl-i. on V- qninna Bay, Benton oaml v, Oregon. Iiux house, 4 rixiius; 2 small barns: lijo trees of orchard ; 4 acres In cultivation; 100 acres of glass land, bal ance hill land with brush; ."il acres fenced: one stream ofwicer, -olalliu Greek ; several -.iiriiiK; soil, black loam; steamer mti on the creek with tne n o, - I'rwe, 10 per ere. Terms, one-:Mrd cash, balance o& nme, with interest. i So. MS. 314 acre farm on Krenctt l'ralrie, 2 miles south wK of (iervai-. a nart (f the Wm. lju klns doi'- li'iu claim. 300 acres liralne, 14 acres tlmlssr. house and 1-arn nearly new. 270 acrjs In cultiva tion with the plow 100 acres In summer fallow, 170 acres In grain. All fenced but tlie 14 acre Of timlter. tiond well of water. 30 acres in past it . Price, 10,isst; one-third cjtsh, balance in four an nual payments; 10 percent, annual Interest. So. S62 -'"oaltnnel. - " , 100 acres, all clean prairie, in cultivation, ni tr Gervals. on French Prairie, Marion counlv. On the road, in sond shape and fenced, with tiu'rn and no house. Price, Si,;si; ,issi , -ash, balance on lour jears, annual pfiymeuus; liilerest, 10 vr Wl. -.iiiiVMUijr, So. 32 . 200 acre farm on Krench Prairie. House :tad barn. All under fence and in cultivation, nnd If sold, the landed share of growin crop w ill lie iu wHii ino lanu, prior lo navve-win--. -ru-e, l,is) eash, Dalaoce on tour vears time; i . . . . . . . , . . . - niwicDi, .u jkti cvuu miniwiiT, So. o. 1?8 acre farm nve nrtles souiheast of Salem. Bot hou.-, iuxis; frame barn, ttxk It a.-.t-es orchard: C acres of meadow; SO acres in colli ,a tion; lialance open brush land, easily cleurml, all under fence. About :) acres of bi-avcr dam laud, very rich black soil, easily put in cultiva tion. 100 acres red loam oll, C-t.-ellcnt wheat land. Piioe f.,4ii0, oue-balf cash, balance in one, I wo and three years; interest, 1 ier cent. r annum. So. S7S. . 70 acres ol unimproved land, three wiles south of Salem. Good level land, with some brush and oak timber, lylngoa the road, bemttliullv h--cateil aud fercwl on two sides. Will sell any where from 40 to 70 acres at 3fl per acre. ' '"So. Ml. 4 acres adjoining the city of Salem, flood house and barn aud young orchard, all fenced and in cultivation. Good soil and good water. A ple.ts ant and healthy localiiy. Price, tl.5on, in pay. ments ol SMK) oah, balance in one and two yearn So. 3.MS. .' 810 acre farm. 5j miles eust ofStavlou.ln Ma rion oonnty. Frame house with live rooms: a giKnl log barn; flveacros of mvhanl; 100 acres In' cultivation or good Ssniinm bottom land-prairle; 1O0 acres of level npltui.L. red loam, with antue smau eru-n, easily eienreii, aim is good whu land. The remainder isiJirt prairie awl some bruh, with nearly '-tl acres of very Hue timber land valuable. Sinluim river boiimln lliis farm on lite south, and iliere aregoisl springs ol run ning waler iui the plm-e. . - This farm i oflered very cheap. Prien. l,0iKI; l,U00uash. baliiuce in miV, two iu.d Itirue rears; interest, 10 per cent. Ho. T.: -.' acres I' milnsea.t ol Salem, on tlie urttirle. Box house: ii acres ol stiuunor lallovv vheat. t A very dusituble place, close lo tho eiiv. l'vl,!, i.:ioo: one-ibird cash, Utlau.'.e iu one and two I jears; interest, ut percent. So. saa. ... 3n acre fnrni adjoiiung the tow n uf Auuit-vlllc, mt the siailb. Twostory frame house, nine rooms; frame barn, ;'; if, acres of orchard: "uu acres ctear iiinu; tsi acres in cuilivattoii; all inutor ien.; 12 acres lmwdow, S streams of wa ' tor r tie sou is n.-n ti'a. k loam. ItiO acres of brush land. Theie is smno ariivel on the land but mostly on Die Im UsIi land, i'rice, 7,20U, (or 20 per acre). Teruis, oue-ibud cash, remainder on time, al 10 per cunt. Interest lor the Hi st year, and 12 per cent- interest lor uddiuoua! time. " So, 373. 3 acres of land In irmvl eullivaiion. A gmvllt story house und a small burn, one-hair mile south of Siilem; all In good order. Will lie sold at the low pi ice of 41, 000; nub-half cash, liainnoe in one mnl IW'i 'Mis bl ef cent, interest. So. :i7. 2racrc. A line farm, five - miles soul beast o! s'a'ein. Frame house ami liaru; giVKl orchard; iroisl waler anil plimlv ol it; l-.'O uei-es Inculllva- lion; So acres of iststiiro thin brush and scatter ing ouks; 03 acres oi limlter land, oak and lir tim lter; all fenced in. E-od on the creek bottom, black; ou Ihe upland,dark ieil loam. l'riu), 2a per acre: 2, casb, balance on long lime, j So. 33. .117 acre lit t in being the sottlli half of the dona tion land cluiin of t'. A. Heed, ;t miles southeast it Sunn, on lite Allwiiy road, lo acres In colli vailon: a a'i'es orchard, e acres meadow. Ihe remainder of the land lias some scant ling brush and limber. II is a II under fence, has one large Spring ami two good wells; frame house aiid large frame barn. This limn i.: In ul I itliv lis. caled. and conveni' iit to market. Price, f -JO Iter acre; oue-lourili easli,reiuninder in one, two and three years, ut lo tier cent, interest. oity iribi3aiiTY So, .). Hbvk o. f! in the city of Salem. This bltvk is enclosed with a gool lioard fence. Is high and dry. and slopes in everv directum t rum the centre, making s very lieontiful locution lor a line residence, is only four blocks from the business part of the oily. Price, 4HKI. Terms l-easonable. So. House and " tot S. W. ' corner I'heuieke ta and Collage streets: city of Sulem. Oue and mie-hult stories, eight rooms, small 4mi'ii, gisid property, well located. Price, $looi. j;-y teims. So. 3. House and one lot, lot No. 2 in block Xo. 7, lu Salem, on Col (age alieel. between J oners they irivHe the 'direful attention of Sr. It 72. ; 1st.i.-re, a line farm In Polk county, rear Sfoii mouih, being a pari ol tbo donation claim nl' VI", .I.M'ittiey, nit.if.Ining laud of Davicl Bl.iun. I are frame bonse; new ftaine Uirn;4i acres la or.-l-.ard; 120 acres in cultivation: 40 acres brush land, and 24 acres timber land ; 110 acres fenced: 4o acres summer lailowud wheal; 8 gpringsaud 1 well of waicr. -i lie rami is mostly prairie ru-li ilark anu. vial soil i with almut 25 'acres botloni ir eadow land, and some upland. Price, s.-,t(ioo. Terms, I'l.WK), cash, balauceon 1, 2 aud 3 years with in terest. . ,.. , " . So. 3T8 1-3. 2C0 a, res i,ii tlie high tamls sotitliwc-f of Tur ner Station, 10 miles from sslem, fonr miles from the Station. A line bill land farm; H acres in cubivation; go(l houseand bam, with zood imdiard; all feucetl: the best of srriug water; soil, good grain lano. A Ivaut'l':;! lai-c, and nr. smiiaeseil as a heallhy .locality Price, tn,m.; very cheap; ene-)iall cusli, balanitc iu one and i wo vears. -- . SO. 37. .110 acre' fanrt In Pol comity, two miles south 1 Monmouth. Frame house, four rooms: frame barn, 4sxl feet: small orchard; 130 acres in a good stale of cultivation; K0 acres )H-uirie land not tu cultivation; 51! acres ot nrusit lan't anu tiiulsir; several gool prnigs; soil mostly black loam and very l'erlile, ami is beautifully rolling and tlrv. This Is a Hint-class farm, in a pleasant nnd Is.-alihy locality. Price, $-3 per acre; 3,otst nash. balance on one, two, and Ihree vears time. with interest at 10 per eeut. per annum. (5b acres suunner billow wheat renleil out on the hajl, to go wilb the farm on the ulwvc terms.) , i . : . . SO. 363. , ! ; ' .i. lso acit: larm, H miles norlbwtst i.f&ibrWty, in hlarion coitnly, Fi'amj bouse and barn; oV ehard, and 38 acres In cultivation; 45 acres seeded iu grass; balance timlter aud brush land; nearly all fenced; soil red loam, and good grain land. Price, s per acre; tialfca-sh, bafcino on .one year: IntcicM, 10 percent. , . SO. 34. sl acres of land odioining the twn of Turner 'Turner's railroad station), in Marten c.cumy . Mostly all clean, open, clear land; some small, brush; sll black loam; some gravel; very rich soil; one stream of watel Mill creek. Price, 23 per acre; mic-t bird cash, balance on t hue toeult purchaser. so. sets. 872 acres, on the cast side of Salem Prairie, miles ess! .,i (silent: fruiue house, rooms a Isuii; yourg orchard, 130 trees; 2oo acres fenced; JO acres aeeded in timothy grass; 40 acres brush land cut of and in condition for crois; one' stream of rn lining water; good w ell water at Ihe house; soil Is excellent, same as Salem Prairie. All the land not in cultivation Is covered w ith scattering timber and brush. This Is a good piece of laud, and well located. Prk-a, 20 per acrc; 1,UOO cash, ta lance iu one, two, three anil Mir years, with interest. : , . Ho. Mt. 17:4 j acres of land, 9 miles southeast ol stlem. House, barn and orchard; 70 acres ia cultivation, balance brush and Umber land; one good spring ot wuler; soil red loam. Tbia is a good piece of ml soil hill land near the city, aim is offered at tt.otiO; ll,iioo cash, balance in one, two and three equal annual payments, with interest at 10 per oral, . , ... . , i - So. 377. 517 acves, the Enoch Garrison donation land olalm, miles from Salem. A good new fi-amt house and barn; two tenant houses and burns; good orchard; line springs of water; good rich soil of three varieties, to-wlt: bed alluvial up land, black lrnm bottoms and black gruvollv loam. About iiooacres of on prairie, gruss btnii and ilow land in eullivaiion; all well lehced and in good condition. Price, $20 per aero; one lotirlh cash, remaindur on one, two, three, four und live ears time, Willi 10 pur com. interest. So. 173. MT acres, ihu donation IntidEcluim of Reulien Lewis, 8 miles east ot ssalem, luthe Waldo fill Is. and on Mill creek bottom, l.argo tlauio house and liaru; S acres or.-liard; 3S0 acres in eulliva iion; 3U acres uf oak limber and bi nli luud; tie acres of timber; 20 acres iu meadow; balance pasture land: two streams of water Mill ano lleavur creeks; farm all fenced iu. Price, 23 per ai re; oi e-tbird cash, lialance on lime to suit pur chaser. 'l. So. 374. 130 acre'. A gisul lillle fiirm on theetlge ol How ell Prairie, In Marion county, beiuga part of the N. English donation land claim. 33 acres prairie In cultivation: lialance Is Hr brush and timber laud; Ihe land is nearly all fenced; one spring, and Ihe land corners on Pudding river: uo building, fur the buyer locouiplain of; the sou Is claimed to lie very good, same as Howell Prai rie. Price, AO tr acre; one-half cash, remainder on lime of one aud iwn years, w ith interest at li percent. So. asto. 52o acres. A line farm 21 miles uksl of t-cio, ii f.inti couut", on Thomas1 Fork of tl.e Sauliain river. Gooil lrituie house wtth 8 rooms; lari frame barn; a gotsl oivbartl of 5 acres: several f-ootl springs of water; 2tSl acres iu cttlilvaiiou. o acres oi' meadow; about loo acres of brush and tiinlier bind. . The remainder Is open pasture land, or Is now used tin-that pin-pose. This is a very liuu latin, well improve I and well fence I. Tlte soil is mostly black alluvial deposit, rich dr bistom laud, very fertile mid easy of cultivation. Price, 4l per acre; oye-h.ilf cash, lialance in one and two vears limn wti b iiitorn,r. So. :tt. Sisi acres of lanii, agooclfai ni on Dm ?aiitinii boitoni, 12 miles si'iulieast of Sittein. being a KUi of Ihe James Pi lchard donation daud claim, iu Marion i:oiiutv. Ftamc bouse, two storie-; suiuP oriltaiil: liitlacrcs iucullivatlon; lklu.-rfls of oak timber and brush land; so acres lir timber land, 27u acres fenced; one si ream of liTing water, well al the house; sntl black loam, very rich Price, 4bi per acre; ball ca-h, btlaece iu one anu two years, wilh Interest ai 10 per eeni. u auuuin. - .. j. i Court and Cbemeketa; very oonvoiiienl for a mi ckiiiic or uadebinau. Price, tl2tm. So. 314. House and lot opinion o Hie resideiKis of Dr. Belt. This Is a neat residence, and suitable for a small family. Piico, SI loo. Term', Imi cash, biHiuc In oneaad two yours, with interest. So. 351. TOt 'o. 2. In bbV-k Sin. 20, lu the Oily of p i'm, b iug Ihe 2d l uiulh of the Baptist ( bur a good sir,ed barn ami is in auesinible ' tor schools or husiuuss Prkco, Ssoo, h: rem tinder In mm year, at 10 per cent, lnl Vacant bss for sale in all parts ol from I2U040 SO0 eucli. Persons wanlii lots to Improve, can liud withusalarg tosele,l from. Any one ol Iheui nil! hedroi k priie!. & Patter-soi