... 4( P -imwwL.- m e1 .VfXt$. WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. MM YiEIIY CHESS?! STATESMAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST IS, lSTii. Froi Wednesday Morning's tail-'' mj:sia.4 t.E'riUi. This place is Incited nine mile east from . Staytem, and is becoming quite a place of resort, owing to Its many attractions fish ing, hunting and fine "ater, this place. Is designed te liecome quite ft trading point. Fhllinon Morris ha a store here; J. J. ltlonxer is erect his a twe bulldirig. James X Smith, the owner of the town site and ferry across I ho tantlam. Three miles tip is the l'ox vtiiey settlement, and one of thnb est neighborhoods in existence. Another attraction ot this va is It contains more good hiking marriageable young ladi.s than any place In Oregon, according to 'us population. They have a prosperous school here un der charge ot Tluna XV. fiiyatu. who Is giving tin- he-t ; of s i! i-trtirtioii. Next up the river is Kings valley, ckht miles trom Fos vallev- Mi l-a-He Sre.de. ot Turner, is teaehhi- school hen.-, and evr.vh.Hiy is - h ippy. I s' irf tomorrow morning for "Mr .fell' r?o or htist, Uv dn not pi-nnoHS tohn-t. Mocstain KoY. MeUnm. Aug. 5fh. H7. ' E.3tr Jt uiurtrisirr, rw.. El,. Statx-man: This place is located 17 miles son'hca-t of Salem. 0:1 the San tiam river, nnil 1 noted for her abundant water power aad manufactures. This plan-' has two hotels-the Stay ton House, J. T. Qnecuer, Proprietor, and the Farmer's Ui.il. A. J. Richardson, Pro prietor. Each I:on e lias a feed and sale stable in connection with it. XV e also have a boot and-shoe shop, two dry goids store g, one drugstore, dentist's office, sawmill, wool carding estabiisli ment, wagon factory, furniture factory, chair factory. sash and eloor factor-, gri-t -ralll, millinery shop, two bbcksmllh ftlmiw, one gun shop ami o.i.e-iioo nu- - merons to mention. -l.y the Gibson keeps tobacco, clears beer. wav, 1 ir . !nd lai;er K.NUICO. August 5, !7 . The Albany Democrat say; : "Last Saturday fcfteruoon, two lads, aged about 13 years, while play hiz about Mr. Nimrod Price's new building on .Lyon street, got into an' altercation about some trifling matter, and went info each r.iber in regular Ileenan Sayer? style. One of them getting - the worst of it picked up a screw-driver or cold eltisel left by one of the carpenters on the building anil dealt the other a frightful blow on the taee near one of the eyee, and making a -uiark that the youngster Avill probab ly carry to his grave. The. little fel low was taken home 'bleeding like a hutcher,' where he w properly at tended to." WILU Kr. Tl K I'SITKBltl. The following, from the Pacific Chris tian Advocate, liai been handed us with the ropiest to pulIiJi:. 'te first tei in or tire year begins Sep--tember 4:h, lt8, and closes November 10th. It will be seen by our circular that ihe year is divided into four terms, and She rates of tuition given in the circu'ar as 'follow.-: revision C Common Knglish. inciud '.ig Heading, spelling', Writing. Gram iiar. Geography, Arithmetic U. S. Uif .iory, and First lessons in Cnipositiou; per term, S. . A Division E Iligliet branche", including .-besides tlie above, Preparatory Latin and Creek, Higher Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Zoology, Physiology, Element ary and Modern. History: per term, all. Division AColtegiate, including, in addition to -tlie above, the Higher Iitln f,nd Greek. Advanced Mathematics. Sloral and Slentat Science. . and all studies not -mentioned above, except the extras; per term, $13. Extra Charges Instrumental Music, $15; Ue of Pianq or Orsran. $3; Oennan and French, each, $3. Paid in advance. I sent our circular to all preachers of the Conference, and request Ibcm to call tlie attention ot the people to oor Conference fchool. and end us all the .student they an. Let all who are interested in tlie Willamette University work for a success ful year. We trust all will become deeply interested, and work earnestly and zeal ously for the University. I will send our circular to anv one who will write aieand -eouo't it. J. IL liooifK, Aut. , From the Portland Bee of Aug. 14th Jce clip the following: "The materi al belonging to the Bulletin office was sold to day at BherifTi sale, and net- . fT-WJO The Erreat bulk of tlie roperty was purchased by Mr. II. L Plttock. The large iower press was .ild fo r $1,050; the job presw brought $1,230; the material in the composing i-oom was parchaseu for fbuu, ana Mr. T. 15. Oileneal iaid f for the job j.rinting office, not Including the t.resses and other machinery. The ilriglnal cost of thla ofilee was aU iit 432,000. . Mr. G. M.Stroud, the popular comiuc tirol the O.. &C. H. E., liaa so f ir re covered as to be again on duty, and pass ed up the roiiSvesterday morning in charge ' ol mari tram. He will. soon be as well 1 iovi-r. a.'V we im: lie may u-s j.ti ffot socb a jtrere $bake-p.; "." (From Thursday Morning paily.l 1,U.U, MIliA Pherift'IIerren, of I. inn county, wus in the city yesterday. " Deputy t S. Marshal Hums i; iu the e!tyono!iielalbu,iness.' 4 m. t.i... .. t ,,, ,.ir,- is lying very sick at the Chemeketa Hotel. General Simpson parsed down the road on Wednesday, having spent several days up the valley. S.im. Simpson, IC-.., "goes to Portland to-day, having spent a few days In Salem, visiting friends. Three prisoners bntke jail at'Orecjon City Monday. One was recaptured, the other two escaping. j AVhen a casV (f smallpox is reported within a mile or more of the city, Is j jt a mark of common sense for busi ness men and newspapers to adverU-e the fact, and thereby injure tli-j busi ness of the place ? We guess not. A t-oH!iUtnt ( oil' rli.,11. Sir. J. II itis. n, the talented young artist, whoso studio is in Coulter's brick, on (mmorei:il street, has now on" exhibition at his rooms ecveral very fine pHintitigs, embracing six views on the Columbia and a fine view in King's Valley, besides other paintings not yet completed. The rooms will bo open for visitors this week from 1 to 7 o'clock, and Sir. Hansen will take pleasure iu showing On Thm-day the following articles ol his work to all who may call. We ; ; incorporation were tiled in the county advise all our readers to go and see clerk's ofliee of Multanmah county: this fine collection. Rememiier the j Know all men br these presents that we, place, Coulter's brick, up.sUirs to the M. Wilkin, of I.me county, (i. B. Smith ... of Iteiiton. .1. lelev of Wasco, S. t'of- "'S'11- flnot VanihCl. W. SI. Power of I.inn, Pt-raoiiMt and W. G. Scoggin ot Washington, do as- Col. Thorpe and fimily, of Florida, are !,ciatc "nr-j-ivs together as a cor,,orn . ' , ' , ' tion and b.vh- politic, under and by irtue stopping nttlie Chemeketa Hotel. The 0f the iieneral I. of the State ol Ore Colonel served in the Union army during ; gon. and for such purpose we do- ioinll v the late rebellion as Colonel ot the '20lh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and distinguished liimselfas a- gallant soldier, as well as ; gentleman In the best fnc'ty of the couti- try. His estimable and accomplished ! ,.,, .. t,r ,,, I ..r ,-,,,, ..z.y. ... j her visit to the Pacific coan, but prefers the oranre gruves of Flor;, sr.a expects to return thither in a few mouths. Ma health and success aUeud them whereso ever their lot 111.1v be vast. I'Ol'AC'lL PHOCEEUlSliS. Council Chambkk. Saleru, Aug. 1" Council met pursuant to adjournment. ' Mayor Wright presiding. lloll called. Present Counelhnen Ba ker, Strong. Scott, Thatcher, and Ilirscb. and Recorder Hyde, Marshal Sinitivand Commissioner Price. Minutes of pc ceeding meeting read and approved. Committee on Accounts and Exen?es reported on bills referred at last regular ! meeting and recommended psyment of same. Adopted anil warrants ordered drawn for the several amount". Committee on Streets and Public Prop erty asked further time on the matter re ferred to them at last meeting concerning tlie overflow of Mill Creek in the north ern part of the city. Granted. . Committee on Fire and Water, tawbom was referred the petition ot Mr. Dickin son to erect a wooden building within the fire limits, in block 31, reported adversely to the letltion. On motion the considera tion of tlie report was postponed to next meeting. Committee on Health and Police made verbal reporr on tlie case of smallpox which arrived from Gcrvais to-day, stat ins tliat the individual lud been kept out of tins city limits, and be provided for. Petition was read from Wm. England to erect wooden buildings within the tire limits. Referred to Committte on t- ire and Water. The following bills against tin; city were referted to Finance Committee, viz.: B. F. Drake, castings and repairs ' on fire en gines, $12 20; J. H. Howell, witness fees, $10 20. The Street Commissioner was iustf ucted to procure proper fastenings to gates on Marion Square. The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted, viz: Whkkeas, After reading the decision of Judge M. P. Deady in .the caw of Morelaud vs. Marion county, granting the plaiitiff a new trial, it is the oi.iub n of thU Council that the same Judge Deady is so prejudiced as not to be able to give the r .,-1 - ... 1 1 :.. .. 1., .1 - citv of rialem a fair and unjust trial in ti e Marion Square aud IVlllson's, Avenue cises; therefore be it Kesolved, That tlie City Attorney be and i hereby instructed to use all honor able means to have a ehingo of venue granted in the above eases in onter.to wke tl;e Kime out of tlie court of Judge Dcady. The Committee on Streets and Public Property were instructed to examine and report upon the feasibility of purchaihiga piece of land upoa which to erect a e-t house nnd provide for the care of pt'rnns having ii.fectious dieases. II n. rieth S. Blater died ut Lewis ton, on the llth inst. Tie was an old and respected citizen of Oregon. . W Alts are he-alt by things if fought In to c nation yon dont'l Isjlong to, Tliere'. more money in selling powder tii'ii in looting It. - 1 Jwo - thiess. . J Ulii.to.l I- :KrSm Krli'av MnrnU'g natty.) IIICtL MlKi i I An Saturday morning, at half past ton I the tent In Mario 1 Sqnain-, will be given jnathlres to mothers. All are Invited. Subject at the tent to-night, the Two I.ans. or the moral and typical laws ot the Oh! 'iV-t'i'.ioi,r, and their rclutioiH to each otlu r. i:. I) No-to: Ki , of the Albany ! JVinoera iKihl our city a flying visit ves- I terdav. i Mr. .lol.i.- hi. w!' l.a- been si. k at the ll .'el. is npldly i-ecoverlng i Che I'ek. trt Iruni a fi vi t ai i v ! I k- w in a tew, !r!.vs. ('apt. Miles 15 1'. Superintendent of the Sintiam Mining 'rtmp..ny, leaves for the mines to d.iv. He takes H working force i with hlin and nill he absent several (weeks. P.. Dii d.ar. C. W.C. T., on the l lth orgiui:.ed Astoria Temple. No. 2. ii!e Templars in A-toria, with tvven- insr., Juvc tv -'even meml'rs. Xathan Ilavmnmlis C. T.; J. O. H.i.irih.-V. S.; O. A. Whit ney. 1. C. T.. am! Klizabcth Sludge. Su perintendent; Mr. ". V. Parker, Mrs. Sarah Fox. Sirs. F innie Warren. .T. O. KoHrtb ar l P A. Whitney are the Kx etiuive Committee. AKTK I.H or IM lll(IIMTI(l. i 1 cverallv lier.bv imvu to and with j ! this cor- nration -hall 1 the Co riv-rut'iv c ComDa- nr. stnl it ilorifion sill be rterpctiwl. " Seeond The etitcrpriso and ixx'iipation of this cori)irati n shall be grncrul busi- TIP-. incllKlt.ijr. in .1(Mit0:J tl tllO b hnr am, i,-,, of".in ki, f ffnflJ .' ai.u r.i:rc;..iiitii;r,-au(i penonai proierty, I!m hiivinz and f iling of real estitte; bor rowing ami loaning money; subscribing to bnyl.ig ir... eliine of .stock in other joint sto. k romrn.it-s Third The piiueiinl nflSce for thp tnnai tion of -l uiinr-ss rhall be loeated in j Portland On en ; but thU corpnmtion ; m.-.v hv : nsrentti or subordinate otllce at dlfterent poisfs in Oregon. Washington, SInntana and Idaho Territories Fourth Canity stock of the corpora tion shall be $1,000,000 I. S. gold coin, with nowpr to increase. Fifth Amount ot each sham ot capital stock of the corporation is fixed at $5, gold coin and no one shall be allowed to !ilseri!; for "or own over one hundred share of the stock any time. Sixth On the co-operative plan com-mis-dons will be allowed to Patrons ol Iiu-Uinilry en their purchases in paid up slock. ABtVT TAttriRA. Our IHnkry I.rller. Sotrrn lic.tcu, Aug. 13, 1S76. Kunou Statksim an: It is not necessary Instate that your "donkey" friends ar rived at tla-ir destination safe and sound, and last Wednesday evening found us safe at Newport. The nwil to this place Is ex cellent, and the country thickly settled for the mountains. The country Is productive and the improvements first rate. Our driver, .f. 1). JlcCnllv, established the rep utation of being "thtr only religious driver in the JState." and his cooking, you can Imagine what IT is, John cooks when Frank McDowell is iolispo-ed; and the w?y be can flap flip-jacks is terrible. By tlie way Iong. has been quite sick since his arrival, but under tlie treatment of Dr. Breyrnau is. now rapidly recovering. Abe is never ready to get wood Ptc, but Is alway tl first one at the table, of course excepting your humble servant. For tlie benefit of those who intend coming to this place, we would say: Don't stay any longer in Newport than possible, but get 011A lie terry and cross the bay, where the gctitlcmenly ferryman, Mr. DavU and Ids family are ever ready to make you at home and give you any in formation you may ilesire. There is no Uck ot amusement in this plao"; for Instance, sailing, rowing, fish ing, bathing, visiting, riding on the beach, oyster dinner, etc. All the Salem folks visited Seal Rocks, on. last Friday, and bail an excellent oyster dinner upon lhoe animals fresh from I lie beach. We have just finished 0110 of (he best of dinners, served up by the ladies of our colony, and you may know "donkeys" appreciate such things. Tliere are some forty Saleniiten among tlie pleasure seek ers now at this place, anions w hom are K.N.Cooke and wife. Willie 1'atton, Warner Breyniauand family, William and Geo. Gray, Messrs. Slorrls and Kay and tami;i , "besides. Fiyi. J z:.i his del egat'on, which arrived yeterdav. consist ing ot hi' two sous, Claud and 1m; Ed. Kite, A'hael Hush. Jim Biggs and Geo. Hughes, also Sir Stewart and wife, ot In dependent". Tie Mercury ays that Prof. Gatch commands tlie squadron ot loys with him but we doubt it. tor we think tlie boys run tlie 'tioctor." With the aid of tlie SlAlfMAS we hope to do a g.jod work towards ctiristlanizliig the iintivesot Vaipiiua Bay Advising all the rustiitiug coinniiiiiity to turn their way towards litis place we will close with, yours tru'y. lll.N. Yin 1; ..i.l-.!-. Lciii ::u'."-ai.hi highly -on, il y..:i .jj tup, 10 a (Mii'ir.iit pii.iltl'. ' . ' . ... .; i I .', hi' 'at the wineshop," WHY 1 IIKI.IKVK Till) nim.K. I'ruin n Nrrnion nl lir Iloitiui 4 iurrl, Nundny, ante. IS, 17, il iao H. M "Ilolv men of-Ood spake as they were moved by the Ho'y Ghost." 'J Pot., 1:21. Tills text contains the pith of the. whole matter. II any person sh u',d not belli-ve it, he ot course would u! l ellcvo the 1)1 blo to be thu Word oj (iod. It is pro posed to present a lew of the- proofs, but only a few, since it would be very dilllcuH to compress into one or two sermons, the argument and facts which till s. many volume. Nor ought wo to complain ol that, (luce It is the In vv of nil other pro fessions. Xo lawyer, physician, or states man ever mastered his calling without long ttudy ol learned works, and much laborious thought,. The lilblo, written hi languages Ions since dead, stretching through ancient centuries, and dealing with the invisible and highest destinies of the race, Is not more easily mastered. The Hist reason (in point of time) why a Christian believes tin; Itihle is usually because in childhood be lias'becn taught to f believe it. Hut this does not provu , it tri(, " he would have been Jut as likely to ho an infidel, 1! so constructed. It Is wis ly ordered that n child usually takes his mother's religion, since it grently promotes the steadiness of human society, lint a parent's faith Is not necessarily in fallible, since other parents may be teacl; jug exactly opposite doctrines. Other and better evidences speedily ap pear: 1. Its wide acceptance ly able, ami good men. It Is true that errors have sometimes been widely accepted, null so, too, wit nesses In court have sometimes swnrn to a fal-ehood; hut that does not prove that witnesses always lie, nor that a wide and intelligent btftef has no foundation. Such beliefs usually have a very solid founda tion in fjct. Xo other book has been circulated by so many societies, or printed ill such numbers, or translated into so many languages, or attracted to itself so much ot the ripest, oiul ablest scholarship ot the race, or found so many who were willing to give their lives to the work of teaching it to the woiIJ. There mus be i reason for that In Its tiitth. 2. Its Influence in promoting th high est civilization. Xot only do intelligent I ne:i accept it. but ltinrant racs n.-cpt-' Ing aud studying it b. cooie Inti llleut. j Athens, In tlie time of Paul n jctp d Chris tianity and went down. Home accepted It, and forages the ablc-t scholars of their day, wrote in Latin. Ihe language of Home. -Queen Victoria was riyht when she sent a Itihle to an Alrlcnu King, telling him tliat was the "secret ut England's glory." 3. Tlie Bible triumphs when fcrought into contact with even the best of other religions. See China and Japtu, those oldest and best governed of tlie tieatben nations, not only opening their doors to Christian civ ilization (with Its locomotives and Its bible;, but actually sending Its princes to Christian countries to be taught. And a few missionaries can reconstruct even a tribe of cannibals, as an army could never do, because God 1s with them. 4. Tlie long conflict which the Hiole has endured, is evidence of Us truth. When a bank, (like the bank of Eng Ian) endures every financial storm lor many generation-?, men believe iu Its soundness. So with the BlbJe, it has been fought from tl.e days ot the n post ate em peror Julian until now; first with dun geon, rack, and lire, and then with hos tile criticism, argument, sneers and ridi cule, and still it abides. And why? Bo cause it is true. snvt.io. . EimoK STATK.-MA.N: Many of tlie farmers iu this oi t - of the county are threshing (heir fall grain, and it Is tl 6 prevailing opinion of all, that I have talk ed with, that the yield this year will foil far short ot but year'a crop. Spring grain looks much better, but as none has been threshed yet It Is not known hew It will yield. Short crops and low prices will Injure many of the firmer this year. T. R. HinnAitn. Hilvcrtoii, Org., Aug. 19, 187(5. Inquiry Mk. Statkshax : Who is Richard Hurley ? As the probable Investment of much capital depends upon tbo value of Ire name ; we would therefore inquire. Yours, etc. CAlTTAUSr. We are not acquainted personally with Mr. Hurley, but understand him to be one of the principal a.snyists of tbo United States. It will be an easy matter for you to And out his reputation aud character. The Kiiij of Dahomey has invoked the protection of his gods against the British ship. As his manner, of doing so is eomewhat curious it may throw some light on the char a t ;r of the African negroe iu its pris tiue purity to describe the process. An Imitation of a Hhip in wood, exe cuted according to the most elementa ry ideas of naval architecture, has been placed on a mound, and 800 or 000 negroes ha vet been paraded before it. A di ink was then administered to aril malt, and,- acconling to hisi nt iittide alter iui'iibiittr, the- chief priest if(:id"d wlwtlicr lie was to he so'd ; h a sin'.-;' av .!!' r.-:! nt.'a-n '-:nTifi.; to NATIONAL 4'OSVKX I ION r 4l.lIt:lt AM, SAIl.OKs IF TIIC l'MO ARMY. HicAnortnTr.ihi. I'nion Vkti:hans' N'aii.inai. CoMMITTKE. FlPTH AVKNCR M.iTKl., Nkw Yoiik ('itv, July 17, IHili, To the Soldiers and Sailors who served in tho Union Army aud Navy during the late War: CojiltAims: Tim undersigned, 11 com mittee appointed by yoiirumiiil National Convention, held ut Plilshin-g. Pa.. Sep tember 17tli mid ISth, IS72. hereby Invito you to meet In mass convention at Indian apolis, Indiana, on Wednesday, the 20th day of September, 1S70, at li o'clock A. M., to express your sentiments In favor of tho principles for which you rnuteiiiled on flood and fluid, and to lutiors. tho standard-bearers (it tho vnrty which sustained the Uukin and your efl'orts to preserve It wlille endangered by domestic Toes. In the war huh lust the rebellion vou ol fered your services and periled your lives to maintain and perpetuate the Union es tablished by our fathers. Hemming fo your homes, alter your great victory over Its f.xH. you resume 1 the pcaci'fu! iursulrs ol civil life, but AS good citizens of that Republic which your valor preserved, vou lost none of the inspiration of national. honor an.) patriotism. anateil imiiung from your purpose to penictuate 'he prin ciples for which you bail heen contending Smco-tlio war you have met at the la -lot box the filue political organization which 11-ed its Influence ugainst y. 11 while fighting In the Held 'he Ul't.. many nt' whose It itilcis boasted in Cnugnw, even while the war was iu proyrfs, that th. y bad "never voted a dollar or 11 man tn e'lrryon this unholy 'war" the pirty which. In 1H71, in Natimial f 'onventioi , adopted the resolution ilrcl ariugyiui- et 1 rt In fie field u failure, and dui'a .iliug a ceS'atlotl ol hn-ti!ltles. It Is the old flulr. .again; tho nnie t.ai tv and the tamo men are arrayed n'isiut you. Upon the issue ot the eontest d -peni's t' c question wbethnr history shall vhniicate you or your opponent whether you or they were lighting on the right Mile. Tlie Democratic party tire at this tune as eor true to their southm-nts, and they have presiented twe c.iinlnlates who had nrtiu sympathy tor yon or your cause. That narty denends for Its success upon the votes of tlie ninu wlinm v.ni couipier- ed hi the field, nnJ It miivessful It will U dominated nnd led bv the same pollticul element. Crippled I 11I1111 soldiers will In- removed from public nfllces, ns thry have been, and the places tilletl by Cimfeilcrole J At such a lime, anil in meti a content . the Union S'eteruns mil a act together once more. Let us then inmo together at Indaitia; olis, not a partl-an. but ns pa triots who have once ofl'tired their lives n sacrllice for their country, and who are ready te be l! defenders In pence ns they Were In war The Committee desires to organize com pmi!". regiments, brigades divisions, null em (!, of Hoys in Blue, with uniforms of bars, caK-s and torches. Full details of the plan nt organization will Ik- luruUhed 011 application to the Secretary?, wtib whom nil pcrmns who (.pprovn this call are invitee! to correspond. Fraternally yours. John A. Dix. ( 'bairnian. Jami:s A. Gai:kii:i.Ii Chnirmnn Executive Committee. L. Knwifi liDiri.K.v. Secretary, Fifth Av enue Hotel, New York City. DltAKi: DkKay, Recording Secretary. NEW ADVKRTiSGM EXTS. TURNER STORING & TRADING COMPANY. TOacKtS IIHUKBY (itVKK TIUTeifT- an ;ilMm U thu H.ilhnri1 Annul nl llw Tartwr KOrrliin amt Trailing eorn,ny. HrllB wUIiIok 10 More i.v lili icrnln can fln'rt Mr. (illwon at eomiMny' wHrfllieti- In ih lown or Turner. HF.NUY HMfTfl. Hrasl.lent. I.KWIS IJUKAKNFV, tol'jr. a.lUW lw RUNAWAY. MT HOY. AnitAHAH l.tNCOI.X BWAKTH, runawav f.oin li'tna; age, 1(1 )., ligUt gray yes, lirown hair, anil Arti facv.' I ,,.,rn all ier-eh not totru.tnr harb.tr him on mi a i-'in t. Ahv person rIMiik mc Infuriuat on bis whorrtitKlt. will ocntur a gretu lav.n en nie a m.i Ue nnai)iv rewjirvleiL A. SWAH1.S. fcalem, Aiix. 15, 1S7S. wlw NOTICE. UlllLHilC HUILUEltK. NOTICE IS IIKKKIIV IVKN THAT A ctoiiirsct btr tlie bullilln of aiwdaii.t anb. aLaolUtl BriilKc 011 11m HuUiljiiff river, on llu. rmxi leailing from lHiD.-)ciiiNtiuplo lirvj, Marion eounly. Uregon, will lis let 10 tlie limnrt reKin mbla blrt.trr, on TnuraiUv, Anauat SI, IH7S. The letting to take p aoe liyiiublU outary, on Ibe Eaat bank 01' aald ttreain, at anc o'oluck r. M. on iail day. Thrlan ami fruvlrlcsllnn nt mlX brlilga may be teen ou tile at tbo County Cltrk'norll, in miM county, or IImi com ra.-aoi miivexjuBlne ibe lower AlSqua br4e, n hksh la a Inie aamnle of Ibe one to be let aa above auus. Tlie limn lor Hie uompletl.m of aai.l brlilge will be aia.lt known mi the Uay ol letting the nuuu. The county wilt pav twctblr.l nf the uoat .f oontrutln( mel beiilgc, provided, it dura not i-MtiTr t-W. tlie cliiu-nii ol Mid couwv will par. by iileiiptlot,nthlr.lor ibeomt or bill M ing the auni4. Orar $.100 has alrea.tv ,been aiib KitllMSl by dtU.ma ton ant the .-.mm ruction nt at tit bnilge. BKN.f. t:iyh.AVKIt, nllvenon. Aug. t. 1SX mipennleutlaut. augLi:.lawiw. " Wanted. A SflTL'ATIOX IX SOMK UKSI'KITA tlt.K family a a aoi-rant. Kelerenewi: llnury Mct'srtcr aut Soia, llnl.-liciv, Inella", Oreirnn. WHS. !AIU;i.LA M.-CAIt'I KK. lliai, Uivg..ut July is, Uwtf DR. I.. . tsKIFl', DENTIST, Actuated by C. r. TUCKER, elver ih.i ltanX, NAI.Ut, .... MMHIV aorll-ly I. O. C. T. CAPITAL I.IKiK, Xo. II. uioetn avnry tnlttr. Any voiilng lit 74 o'clock. IJiitl corner of Man? uitI.HairtrHtroi.lM. se.IH.Ilf 8ALCM SODA WORKS. CEC. W. tPUEH : '"" l j vt'i-.Tl.i: "' Jlai at.-eot, 8am, OTes-.n. ' tune U-lt LEGAL. Citation. IN the County Court of tl.e Slate of Orrgnn, for the miunty el' .Marlon. To Mavy Jntw Ituknr, wl l.iw or John Wesley PiVit .t.'ft.'uu'il; Kttn .1, ftaker;'Mnry Ann linker Mmll'la tlak.irnn.l tlenruii W.'ll.iker, ehllilnii nii.l liro'n nl law of Haul ileeasiw.l, and all othur iiof.son liilnresi.iil. Iliintiiiiiln llii.wn, A.linliilnlnitnr of tlioestale of J11I111' Wetttev linker .leeeii-uil. Iiavliik II Hut hlr. p.alll.111 nH uoli Htlniliil4tritl.il- HHkliifc lor an oritur lor llio ante ot'iMvoiirv uo.l lx l.i.ith 11.1 rtw of land known a. Ih John W. linker I'Ih.mi, In anld oouu IV nl Marlon, in mielinn 'M nv.l 'M, and t'i aoreu nftlinli.ir lanit In i-n llnii Si, a more purflmi'al ilrv.l Ipllon of wlilell will lie fniliid In llin rn-.onla nl'ilie .l.-tidM of rtii.l in-euilsei to Hild John W.lia Vor. as rei.oriliMl in n Nik s of ri..irila ot d.iediiof Illiuloii oiniiilv iu llio olll.-e ol 'urn ii.iuuiy Clerk ol Kind .'utility, fin pmiii filll then ol nnd Mlo the H. K. iine-loiirth of N. K. one toiirih of aoeilon :tn and nil of the Itlli.vo ileS'lllie.l liruiili-en Ik'Iiik T. ISS ft. 4 West in Mildonuuty. Iiot.iniilitjt to aald ntftuui, lo imv llio olnliua exiHiloK iWiln-l Mild imIiiiii nnd tliaiCNpoii.iis ol'mlniliii.tiiiiloii unit an order hav hiK 1lii ttihilav ol .Itilv lsjil been mii'lo by thin c mn that nnlil atppil.'tiiion Imi lienrd 011 .Mon.lii) Int. 7th dsv of At'iinst, S7.I hliiiii fn.lih'k, P. M., mill llml Ihellallou h.iiulii Inl polelfihi-d I woeki. In the W hkki.v st.iti.-m an. Now lli.ircfi.ru In llin Home nl'llie Hlnte of iireifrin, you and eaoli ol v.ni are ultd to uppenr In sold .'.o'url in (lie .'.iiirt lioiiHi. In Ihe elivof wi'eiu in.., id tioimiy, on M.ir. 1I1. v ihe 7ih 1I1C of Aii oi.1, A li., luiii, at 1 oV.t.vk'IV ami -how eniiv:, I' nu e-n-u, whr the prn. nr ol l'd ki' li Ion eliiiillit rul tht untueisl unit niild lain nntontil us pi.iyt'd tut in aald po tion. Hand, tli!. : It dsv of July IH7.1 j.ni.s r. rtci:ii:.Kt " tim.i.v .ludsn. horfi ' Sale. 1)V ViltTl R n- v twniT'noN, lst'KI I mn ol lie- Ilonoinli'e I'tivui! ( ourt of llin S'nie of Ovetron. for llieeoiinty of Va i.ni. on llin .didiiv of Atiuu.t, t'..'i'. In I'.tvi.r .d A. J. ronald ...e, p'ni intt, nnd . --.loti Wil i.nu Se.liiH, d.w r-i '.-i'.t,l'.r ' In- iimor one lain'r.'dnn.l mnety.flvt mi tli'-i''t:lit one loin ire'i:ti iioltnrM. uh. . .ov ,.n lout l l liMioiio tin ndre.tlh i!o' liir.iosli',iin(i tU te tviih leu pereenl M ruin'Utu IniereM and ae.irn- llt.'-t'l-, i tuve l.te I lloon ,'UHl will md! ft' p ti ll ' aitel ion on Sitnnlav lile tl'l. da of S.,pinlKr, liiii. i.i nviin'rir.-k. e ., 111 lliei'ourt llnitot. 'l.M.r In ii.' onipv 11 ml sinte, nil tlie ilunl, U'te and In lenslol iliew.i t WiillMin Neclilil In and In Ibe foltntvii'g pre.nPe, to wil: l.m Xo. wmn (71 111 h nek ?,it. lour 111 it. ii. euv 0.1 uieni, ninrion eeiniii a'.l itili! of frt'iu, a. ve,-..ink.t Iu tin-p;n- of n l .'li.v. Tlie aate I" he nutde .lihpva to H niinrtirnjtti fm- V7.i no, gold eolii, with inn it ..nl por nionlli Inliiresi iVntn July illh 1K7K. 'terms of ale l.ej.'ni leader onrrenev in lion lav Una- "I i'e. J. .. HKHt, M. orit! iMurlon f'ou.ity. fiulcm, Oregon, Anijuil luih, 1H7D. anll-lMr' Shtirtrf Sale. V VlTtrt-K t,r AX 1'XWTTffSV ISSfED JlniltoJIlie ft.eioriltile Cirenlt Court of tl.rw Siniel in-on, for Ine ei.uiilv of Mnrlon, o 1 Uic lih dav "I .111"., Irfiii, In lavor ol '1 iioniaa (. Ilarknr, iiainiln, and niOni! P. C. Siitlirun. K. . II. Sn'liviiti, I'lrc'i.u C, K.illiviin, ciuirlnaHnlll. van. JamoM M'-i'iiln, Electa C. Met nin, til. wire, Win. .1. hullivun. Jlnrv K. hulllvnn, It lit. Sullivan and I.. H. Si-oll, iletendentn, for the mini of two hundred nnd Iwrntv Iwn.lollnrx, goltl eohi, mid forty-two and .TO-1 on dollnrw .'.!', togeUier Willi 11110 nir e.tnt. per nionlli licere't nnd iti-eriuiiK r.wti., and a decree llierein lor lite fortvl.ruirn of niorin. nnd the wie ol lheprenil;e lierelntttinr dea,irlUJ, 1 have levie! upon and will m.11 at pitldii: nikdiou lor cah, gold .:oli) In hand, uu haturdav, tlie It, 1 1, ilnv oK Antiwt. IS7I!, nt t o'elmk f. m at Ihe Court tloUHoitoor in mid e.niiutv and Stale, all llio iiiihl, title and uuerunt of the mid di,'fendntttM 01 and In the Irttct of Intnl. mea .iiiiire and prenii.es rle"U.el a. f.dlovvH, o-wit.: 1..H No. two t'i' In hi.i. k two el) in llin tj. W. ad dition to Hi" el'.v of Salem, In tho Coitntv of Ma rion Mid Stair nf trr.ron, tiHlntr wlihatl aba apisirn-naiii'". tlu rolo. J A. liAKKK. "lieTlff Marl ill Counly. Mateni.OmK.Hi, July , ta.ti. 4w Administrator's Nptlce. Viyrti r: is iikkkiiy oivkx to At.t, ter- is unir lutliiK .ilalius mt ilnil ihe uataui of Amon K. Kiewint, ileemaeil, t pvennnl thnin to me, with pr.nmr vmk'hnra. at my p'aee of b etneita In KtlooilMiig, C' trry uoutuy, Oregon, wiluin alk luunilu' 1 1 mn ibitc. FRANK A. STEWART, A'lmlnlatnUor. bllHiuliurg, Or., July 14. 1H7a.-w Adminlstratrlon Notice. HAVINfJ ItKKX AIM'tltNTKT) !)T TI1K County Cou t of Marlon Cuiintr. Oregon, A.lmmitiairii of the e.i.ne o ,. i. Kioit, late ol laid wrttniy, ib)iMWeil, llila u In not try all perton liaving olainwaguinM aaiti e.uue loiiro nt Ihom lo nw at my rn.blmkse near 'tillviirton, In mid e.amty, ruly proven, within l inonthn from lid-iln'e. anil all iiriin owing aaiii eilale are riaiilril to ninke enrlr m'tileiiwiil will. me. ' I I.I.KN W.'liTT. Augu.t, IH7i'. AdmlnlstruiriX. .Administration Notice. HW1NC W.f.S AI'I'tllNTKH BY THE Coiinlv Court of Marion County, Oregon, Admt'iM'ra.nr, ivith the will antit'wil, of tho e.inui of I'roi v H. Slnvuiu, kiln nf aunt onnn'r. do-ee-li "I, iliis w tt uotifv ftti pertmna having eltrimt agdnirt wild wiate to prvaent them tome a my om e In Snlein. In aai.l cnamy, duly proven, within "ix mnntne from till" ilui'e, and nil Htrmi owing said "!.ale are leipilre I to nvika eni lv aev tletneii' t'h me. (i. W. I,.VWfiN, July I". Mil. 4w Admlulterator Executor's Notice. VINAI. aMTI.KIIt'NT - NOTI f'K t JT hereby given tuat lmvid M.; iillyn.t Aw A. MeXailly, Kxe.:iilr of the Inat Will unit Tun tament and online of Klunlwlh J. Oroeiiwaoi!, taie of .Mnrlon esninly, Orivon, deieai.l, have Died their account for linal aettloinent of Mid eitato, ami I have aet raid eaiiw for hearing bo fore run at ttva Court Houm, In Sl,.m, n Ml,i eounlv, on Soiurdav, the Hth dav af Heptemlwr, next, at 10 o'clock A. M wberol will boar obhjc Itona U al.l aoeount and final Mittlement and tn the itlatrlhution of the tetidue of the esta Among the Iwlra, legalaoe and de ulaem thereof,. JIIU.N C. fKKULKH. Aug. 11, 18711. CouplyJiU(. 4vr Dissolution of Partnership. TtIK I'Ait rNKRSHIf HKRKTOI OltE EX latlng under the Ann name of Camplmll A I.nlin-e, in I lie .own af Hiavtnn, hue llii. dav lawn illnaolve.1 bv niutiutl consent. Hualnenii will t.ere arter a! eariiotl on by l K. Cainiilmll, who will elite all oi.t.Uuding a,.n.iint aud uolle.d nU ik'ISf due the II rm at llw iirneut ita'e. :aII'BKI.U A I.AKilltK. jlnlyai, IH7S.--WH Notice to Tax-Payers. Ninn t. is incrtKny t;ivi:x thatthk. City AnwnwiHiiit Unit Ir in inv p. s.enMon, nut tlist Hit? i.i.vna are due nod inn-i !.. ,i.i ai. f.r Hie till day ol SeirtoailKir. thjti, under penal ty of Kve prreent. lol; nlltrd (herein, il not luid b. 'f"io tire d ee, a' inv ofllce. in riii,.n' Week. JOHN s.lllTII, M ir-ii il it.; r .silein. HAI.fit, ,1.1:1 -.'S, Is. I -illvr ' Cxscutors Notice. '! M liaia It Hg 4 oiieerx , VOTI K IS HKKIiltY III VEX Til AT TICK nn.l'.r.Wo.t Hive iwendulv apiKiiu cl K- c. ;nl..rol Hie t.t.t Will ami TeMmiient of Louts UeruevP., la'e of Marion eountv. lireon, de. senst'd. Ali poraonn Imvliig e.lninH Msnliisl liU i" an. are r.iii:aUnl to pre.i,t them, wilh the prnivr voi..'horn, wi.lun six ni'mthi IroinlJiiidaU! to llio nnd. . -iKne.ll tl.., tale roi';eiie.e of it o .U. cea t, tn Cli'inii"eg I'TWin't. in ,il, cmin'v, .1 It V IMHTB. H AN. I.. lihl.iitcVlX. AiviU t, l-M. I.v hxDeutoia. .1 . Vn A I'lX, M. W t'li.vall'lnii - A .. , iirii-.sou, .. UttlOia U.a.lbi i WkA, iy om