THE DAILY ORECON ;rTi U N lit WttKLY OMGON STATESMAN. Iaaned Every Friday Morning. Issued Ivirv Vomine, txceot Monday. ; i'iU U J. M. WATERS, ItiisinewH Mnmntor, J. M. WVlii:, I.umIhn nnuiiK'Cr. IVr Mai' or otherwise Mi moiiiliH, by Mail or otherwise B iiherlptlons, In every Instance, to bo id n advance. Advert b-emews inserted at reasonable rates. Rowed by ".rt( i . ij -t wi'uii iml Uimt In- in m .. i- i vi'jir twill by uihII.k'v immilm I yQ )g Subscription by mall m i'spru! ' junta ! id Hi tt.Haiu'ii. ' SALEM, OREGON.. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 11. 1876. NO. 35 mm jj.i mji:-z m -r-r ; WEEKLY in Uil '1 OXAlJUDlILilll 1:3 Ti Vi-r I. mi- .t i iii i-i-'.-.. tIIHt.ll.lll. ,U'l..i 1VAlitSOTON. !'' COIIHI.fllilllll nt. I' ' Oil tilt! Mlli.i' L't "I ' ' tary C.iuuri'ini it ml ( . hero from I'liHam !,.!,. t the rwii'uloiiti tl! n (onulfli rat'io lent:;1 h. V. or. VVil n j ii. I. nlii'i'mnii Were in lh' ( vi-iiinir and it liu ililaloll lit V'l i(T!lU'"-illl i- iolt hi liiihu' qu ttl i- f - si r!ii! rrtiofH now la tlio Wert iii'nr liiiMWi' .t I'"! prfn,t opc'aliou ai.aU.-it li!i iuiliMkJ ,'"' mimer hinlly, an well umh evtuy nUmr re-pott, j nlilo" 10 riit'ori'i; tils' l.-miiii4 f tho gov- j eminent tifmn ihc hnsiik' tiihi's anfj'to ef-j fiit'Ni liffipiT etili"tm-iitHln thehl. lieu. M ei-libm lione in ukmikw. r I'mtAiHt'tTfA; ' iftily fc-fcTo-nio-row, iuoniliigOin. blw'i:iilan, nrU,J4v for hi' ' lieadtmiirti'rs at Chicayfo, to WMilchqilace he ha . been mhirwr hy --f?n-. ? Wirrmftiij owing to the recent Indian" Vrl-itrirbajiCe: ; 'WetiS SW Jllir mater. Salt Lake, Jul v 7. A imhiie meeting was hold "here thi tvfiiinjr, ut which it wan reaolvisU "to filler- tin (jwvnriini'mt a regiment ot twelve bmulred men from this Terriioiy hi ten days to uvonge tH:, tlnt!i ol Cmtmiid lor the (isa-f iniiiiitioii i of lhft.4)ion tiUif. m m j i ', . A 'ofi"ilirn i'nri 'lti.r titii Merv imui I'ltt'M the Mohx. Sr. T.oi;ih, July 7. 'Hih ItepnUllcan'B morning spcclnl my Jol OJ. fihi-Htf, no te tl Coiilmlonui) OeiMirttl of thl dtate, (tent W'lepriim to l'rtwl4nt (inliit m lol Jown: "tJomirBl Otwtrr twii 4hscii killed. "W'e once fmiglit liim, and now proptmc to votiee him. Should ynu iluu rmine to call for volunteer, allow M,toun to raise 3,000." T.Ufi'." tul Hnt err rtNM ba :Ha fwr. KEW - YWiK, July,. 8. TJe World's Washington ninx lal hv the Seuutnrs nnd mcmtmrn twin the troirt-lfr with one ac cord fuvor tlie orguiiaatloii ot Volunteer lorccfi ol front lerMiUBri to lie pat , unUtir Crook' omiiMiid. Tliey ay , thiu thow men are lurniliar with Indian wy, and would make a gwlft campsljpi. ; l'mlrltl(l ljr r.eenMW Ilnt. A "VVoshliigton aiieulal tny Senator In viH, of West Virginia, w ir."t rated In the Senate Chamber and wan carried In a lifeless condition to one ot the committee room, where the windows, were opened. By the prompt application of reiprative lie recovuriHt sulllciontly to be, renioved to bis residence. - f Senator Morton was ro overcome with heat that he lett. the Capitol at an early hour unci hetonk, hiiiKM-lf to his hotel, where he is to-dar. Ivinc iu front f the hotel on chairs. Ho lathe picture of tx- hnttition. - - . . 'J'hurumtt. of OliKs- va rendered o uii well bv tlie heat that he had to keep in thohoiisie during the !" tiotwltlmtaud- ing the demand on him at (he Senate in connection w in me wiKiiap inatier West was obltswd ritr the amne reson to leave tile. Seiitite, liavtng aomewhat frlvhtnned bv the auilUeu IIIiimsh oi neim tor Davis. The temperature in the IlotM of Keiirese.titaUvca torn T lmH-. atKI 22 i:w ot uiiti ok(3 were re- ported. en. riMik llnnl Iroia, Omaha, July 8. Oriiwmi Nk'kerson. ol Oum 4iw4.'i( ittto "-"t "t wiitf tnt expedition, returned to Omaha yesterday, iie lelt 1 :reok a mir of the j InrkR ot Tonmie nvpis ISO milen Irom Tint Kettvr man, and (ill mile frarn ilMi raUrnaU.i l'h mmmmifi U wnltliijf the arrivid o rujj DlieK ami reltitircemi?nrs.B''!,le1itter, cuu- istlng of live comiinttlis'"li fr 1'ettertnan Juiy rfUi, auJ tJSJ'octu to iie'eliirflli about tint ll!i.l.,v.ile wWi'll uL-ii jbe joi ned aUmt MoihInv by about loU-mke ludi aim. "J'hene wirh the 'troop wll iue-tafl the iitimber of fnen 'ov-1.400. N ick- crson tinea not upprchend any Oungtr to ., ILiU Vll.ll.lUII. vl Ul'ft , .WJ..l.H"i inn over 70 -milesi from tlnmueuu , of CnstrrV niaxMiivre. m I ' I -WW' Mierldna Nenfl Relnltim'iiiitatliii Washington. July S.mAuctitcr dispatch from Ueneral Hhertdan tienertl Mier . wau i'ss.iiu Inu n.iLUiudi'iii'iy that h'ix ' A-ompiittieaol the ilftii cavalry,. in Mien- end Mlle, will 4mni4iMiy olir 1th n, and alxo tlnu li hiMij-eiiiiCHtcdjUcrtiiiaoAo xend froiB 3Uku.atatious ,ix .pompaiik-s of the tWBnt veuiinil mtiiiiti y (o itilii iiiiu, lien eral S .crldnii tur(her sayf he huH notitied General Crook of this tact, and that W lie jrciitin additltiiialf fidce than tlio livr oniiiuuluH already 8cnt,1ie can order e'lL'ht uompHiiies ol inlautry under Gener al Merritt to join him. There Is nothing to lie ferret ted -out (lie fleatl,ot Cii"(er olllccm and men. wttN .whom it would have b''eii ea-y to have limidlod the hid! an, if Custer Imd waited for the Junction There is no need lor uneasiness and I wl I eivu the Indian another Uinu 1 will h in Chicago by the first train. .General Bliuruinn does not think the Indians now liUinber more than '2,51)0 or 4,000. and must be greatly etiiharratsutl by then wounds. Gonuriil Mile has the reputation oi be ing one of the best Indian. ; lighters in the army. Kkthott, Midi., July 8. The 22d regl mont ot U. S. infantry, atationed at Ft Wayne, hi this city, lias revel vi A orders to join Gunural 'J'erry at Fort Lincoln. A special train U in " waiting to transport them. llnrltiK Hallway Jlolibery, St. I,otus.Jiily 8. Another daring rail roid robhtry took place in Western Mis soiiil lust night. Tho Eastward bound train ou tlio Mis-oui l 1'ucitlc left Ot- toi villo at iwo minutes to 10 o'clock bo-t niLdit, W hen two and a halt miles east Hi Al... ..1... .....I !., ., ... li .iiiivIiiaai. llllll IIIHLXI, Will III u UOO mi. mil v. saw a signal light to stop. Thinking there was souk obstruction he applied the hrukea and discovered olios of ties and lumber on the track, but could not stop She train till the locomotive had cllmbi d : partly upon tills pile, when the train camel I hi l!inilfti. At. (In! name Instant 1; .r 15 tni'ii appenred W illi li u 1 yell-, anil ili cl.M'giHK pitoU. (Iiislii'il ut the (rain iiml pioclahueil tlieir iiitention. Tun jumped urn the engine, and with im s y iwoivi r- envreu Ihe engineer and llrniui .- i ,f r ihn-titencil to kill I hem if they nils'"; l rc-il-Iai:iv. l;iiliii('ll, lla; tiii '.-i'i i." r, w I'uri'f d In JI.ive I lie key In the tial'e, die inliht t- uni ted Adams' fftle and in ih" entire tMiilentt Into a sack they lunl ivtlii Iheni tor that imriioae. Not In i'i to open (he o( her fate with the kf-i lln-y at rwm Utiddiid, one man went to the.c'buinv and trutti n:U and Willi thitt tinii.c i; a iin it eniiiciits were also tint tmo it sac Uii! rntiiiii'K also Went to Adfim-; 'PXpri Irelcht oar, hut found iiothiiijf tiut (wnitil worth tlmlr notice. While. ijiew act we're being performed the rciti-iiu'1r of Iho robber were making nljjlit hi 1 f.ii-, tfyMmhbi 1 1 tf tip i3 down the train,' yctl- I . 1 1 II 1 f! ..1 . . rt" 1 .. 1'. " I i kg iiKCueviis auu iinug ou pi-ii. in tills way the-tiiisauiigcrs were coinplcloly terriyuduiudjiot the .leat show or j-cwHt .....a 1... 11 1ll.,. : !..,! ttiica was , inado hy them. , 1tue$ their work wan done tlwv lett tiio scene ot their dating exploit ant! departed In a ooutlierly uuei i ion, u, in nnuorstooy parti i in pursuit ami at last accounts tliey Vcre only JO miles behind. tSo far as can he w-arued Adinis' txtiress loses some 000. ami the U. S. Kxpresa Co. abont iVl- two, but these amounts may prove too The railroad company started fJicrifl P'.Ttcr widi a pose of men in; pursuit of tlie roblairA. General Bacon Montgomery ajuited Hgliter of guerillas during the war, has also tone In pursuit with a party of men. Tlie country will be thoroughly scoured, and from the well known charac ter of the men sent out there is a good prospect that at least some of them will tie cnpuirod. All the robbers were rocojE nixed, and so tar as now known no clue to their Idonity has been obtained. a Riot In Uorg-ln. Augusta, Ga., July 8. Robert But ler and another citizen of Edgefield county, complained they were inter rupted by the eoiored militia, who blocked up the public highway, Prince Hi vers, a colored trial juatlce. sum- inoned the witness, and Doo. Adams, captain of the company, hecame so violent that Kivers arrested elm for contempt. This evening when the trial was resumed, the company res cued Adams. Rivers, is audition to Mtig trial jnstice, was commander of tlie (State militia and ordered the onmpnny to dinarm, and on their re fusal he called upon the citizens for aid, when the militia company took possession of a brick building and re fusod surrender. . Firing was contin ued ou both Hides for several hours, and one white man, Mac key Meri weather, was killed, andanother white man wounded. One of the negroes if reported killed and nine taken prison ers. A small jicce of artillery was taken from Augusta to Hamburg, but after firing a few rounds the ammu nition gaveout. Thecitizensof Kdge- tioldiue aided i-ijr the friUnoBitof All- guKtii, and a-tvgiUar eifge han been tn4l to the MNtfll mg lwlsich nhe ne gro militia are. ! "- . The- riot at Hamburg rbf hated dimtHtrously this morning' b est ween 2 and three o'clock. BiJt negroes' nvere iltfiletfi.sMflinWfTPined- AfteTth whites flreof four rounds from the pietii of artillery, the negroes retreated from tlie brick building into the cellars and out JionHoa1 tfibkujoiLsi luHdlngs. f''ifteen were captured and the others, uclodhig l)oc AdnmM,' earapeff Into the country." It is reported that somi of tlM paiacJera jwebwt4ftor ficiuj.' captured- t,The. unfortunate ftuir ii deplored 1y all good eiti.enstnf, both Cttcett. S'lie 'rel ftbleat- Dill deep regret that Wood had been fihed and lives lost. No further trpable -fc ant lcijiated. - I ; . ", (UMHIMrAIKU. ' . .VM& "-8A I. KM, July 5, JK76. Kt). Sta'tksman: I suppose ai Enstern niiin onght'nott') gay anything abou'f tla way h'eptetj$aleu tutito the 4tl of Jifj hii Ms aiiofidta ceoui Natioiinl tioAday sliered i- M manaei iu keeping wih our national birth, I uat orally ask my-elf "where5 ts'tJiC eutcrprisi of this "people, wlio prefer ; to" enrich othei Wwim than make nu eQurt for the tnterest of home? , ; Whe we consider the maunei hi which tlie Coliteuuiai has passed in 8a lein, the thought suggests itself, "Why thi- apathy P" - The Capital of n great State uf whose greatness we hear so much While, every village and hamlet in thi- great nation lilts up the voice of rejoicing. hailing this glorious Natal Morn, our fan city sits solitary not even the ringing of a hell. Alas for tho spirit of her people.' Seluh. New comers, as a general thing notice tilings closely and form an opinioi front what they suppose a riiiht stand point. I, don't stop to Inquire what tin pecuniary effect is, though that cannot he less than $5,000, and that amount is teally lost. Well may the people- complain oi dull times, when by slow indiftereme to their own advancement their weald is given to another, while they mny cry "oh our leanness our leanness!" What more befitting time than tins hundredth anniversary of American iudenendence to muke g:(ld our lloll)c8 Bn,j lllinilil B ftnc1 , 0,,r 11 iend and speak of tho glorious things our nclcestohs achieved nnr'er tin blessing of God. May the tut ore be bright- est auiiinnre piogro.iv.- to this propie, is the wish of a Nnw Co.mmkk. Connmiriieatetl. ' IIU. 11IIA1. HAM). i ai;t. i iF.H oiui-rr or the hand. i 'i nn rliju-t of the I'lH'ml Hand is to cu! hivnlcltii- h.iiiit ol honor to p-iicnfs, ti) :unke iiioie piatii IK orikiugs in soe'ety; j ii leach I lie iniiig the way ot llilial duty land bind (.-ui-iits mid children more clo-e-I ly tngethi-r in ilitir happiness, Itop-cii and appreciation. ! lis meetings sliculil he so ft em lent as that they ijiay not loo-o the interest lil s pi red In them. Tim presiding ofticers t-limtlii be large lit;aiU:J, genial in temperament, syinpa ihiziiig .wnl) ..youth and age, discreet -Iu conversation, ready to acknowledge tlie eHimS ol each member of the Bind. The members should bo considerate of tliivweW'anvwt tiwconiiiMinity, cpcciailyol 5"mfnger memtni's who should been-, cisimged and allowed to join tlie Hand, nl ihougfl their parents may not be wilting to join tliemselves. Let adi mcnihur feel that they ara trying to add their might ot infliionc to heip inako a model, free, American commoniiy.. v . -; i -t Let AKJrtcanfdeasof gevernnient le taught,-and all bnuiolH'S ot jciencc te In turn dlsouwed ; kit poetry arts, morals, temperance, household arts, gardening, books, dlsooveries,? every thing .which makes peo;iln wise and home happy, be discussed there1" " I4t the pledge everae prominent, and its tlms bepreised at every meeting; that the young may have incentives to active dill i zenee, virtue, temper nee, every grace, of character which goes to torat a good cit izen, who shall tn turn reap tlie honor promised to those who honor their parents. fart of the early honors connected with this Society shall be rewards, or roll of honor, in acceptable style, having neat symbols, appropriate mottoes, and desira ble tor possession, which snail tie awaided for attendance, improvement, liehavior rowan! parents, amiability at home, ven eration lor age or extraordinary honorable leed. t nee cards, given at certain ages of membership and year, or for extraor- li nary acts, will be a recommendation and proof of membership wlterever one jaw, so that a ramily or young persons may prove their s'andlngiu a community. aniiat once resume their inemhership of a h thai Band should they change their resi- lence. So, lu -starting away from home. young person potseswd of an Honorable Certificate from the Filial Band, has no mean recommendation, and may rcason- ibly expect to succeed iu business. ART. SIX SELF KESl'ECT. The love o approbation is one of the earliest motive vn.ion inllueiices die mind tod lioui this a and point we can easily start its fuller and more ennobl ing action - which produce self-approval. Self-respect will follow, it a proper direction is giveu by those who are in eharne of the child. The moral seu,-e of n intelligent chiid is educated by tlie a licn ef the -, teacher fully as much us by , his word. uut sell respect is the foundation oi line honor ami nobility or charauer, and uoum can respeuhlm who has no self respect. Juftead of selfifinesa, this pro- luis kiiijilluess toward others, ami makes i child Tehpect Wie rights of elder people. is weJi as those of its own people, ao ir ue mutual esteem can be maintained without it; no true progress In kuowledge aa be made wuinmt it. .it correctly cul tivated,' it 'Is hiielul and sustaining to char- lotorilf wrongly trailed, it turns to sel lishncss, arrogance, barcHi tineas, and to gcnnral jiialiciMisness. Who loves amot- uibiliuu of these uharacteristlcs? (To la?h. cult ivUe, eU-espect and mutual esteem ic-lwccu purcuu And children, t lie ynunt.' mil the old. is the business of the Filial BanJ.:, J ill .yoa not support it by yorti iii-iisi-iii anil iiiii'tloit I '.i, . , lm. ucejiuii ncllou .. But some will, of course object to any uch combination as la proposed. "An ive not free to govern our families as w pleae?'' This will not hinder4 good gov 'j-uinent , 'HaTB we not alreiidy more r ha n enough ,f societies?" Yes, unless they have a "higher aim. - we not Aiaoh ai,l honor , si home?" )mbinatloN is strangth i One says, ','1 send my chll- Iren to Sabbath School: I expect , them to be tauglrt aH the commandments and tlieir duties there." . We ask in retura: Are you sure that they are taught, even in the Sabbath School? are tlie lessons of the Bible made tdain, and do you en fori e iheuiby your own example? Aivrther, "does not want too much Bible alt the time!" Does tiot that sa tie man wish comfort in his lamily, and loving, dear little children? will not his heart be pained tiy a profligate son or Uaugliterr Anotm r says. "1 go to church with my family, and diess them respectably: they have all pleasures which pass along, and they ought to love and obey me thcii own good sense!" We ask, do you pray, and teach them to pray that they may no( bo led into temptation, while they are enjoying; all the pleasures which pass along? Are you sure they are acquiring no spenthrift, wasteful habits, which shall lie a dishonor to you, and a curse to them? But, "1 do not believe hi coercion; I do not want my children to fear ne!'' Does a General, who desires a victorious cam paign, shirk from making every man under hhn do the duties of a soldier, thiuk inir that his men will be afraid of military rule, and will he receive any trilling ex cuse lor ausence at anil or paraaer Is a soldier honoring his government when he rebels or deserts;1 A laboring farmer may say, "my time early and .:, is nec.-urily occtip eu O. my larni; 1 take no time for recn ation myself, as my farm is not yet entirely pa d 1 y lid'-.-n ('eniiyed i-o I n l-iu them lime and (h. v ci u spend in soi-li nil Am-iii pi. a-iiiit." His j wife wiy, ! am -nn- t cm rake no more i time from home M .-.n i now n-e: 1 n,u-t be ; sociable w ilh n y i cij.hl.ors j i , 1 make : i.-ill or th'-y l!i -I'o'v me no favors a a i-i.ih,itii-) anil I -1 1 -t i ! In a by-word among tin in!'' llr-ar trii -i -i I -. h ive you not a mi-'aken polity? Had not the fanner bet ter take his imnily together wlinn the lime of the Filinl Baihl coinc-s" and let tlie children share tlie recreation winch the pawits need liojii labor, that they tuny live a-iore pleasantly share-the lauors.ueces sary for t-omforiablo maintenance,.! and. I hits gain knowledge neessary for tlmir own hoiKHsd'le maiiiteiKtnce, in future yearr? The mother would he Insured sociabiiityv Without oonfltiitig it to-one or two neigh-bors.s-with' an understanding tha thjs meeting .cupeicedea thq uectgsity of so many formal calls? The children can then enjoy the more perfectly tlie respites of- rile parents, tney win learn more oi mu tual cares, lie shielded from snares which nercliauce would entrap unwary .feet. Le.s money wiailJ be necessary forthm expense than tor meeting the eostorua tiouahle traveling shows and popinjay a flairs, which lead to vanity of mind and other wastes. - .' '' ART. ElGIIT BENEFITS, j !" But do you wish to know the g"ron,nr1s of hope of benefit, from the Filial Band ? There are many, and I must notice them briefly, hoping that your owfi mind will supply others not specified. Many, ann uaost good citizens, whose memory ex tends to the middle of the century ! Just passed, remember how very different from the practice or many at present ' were children taught about their duties toward their parents. The stern necessities of the years through which their parents had passed had made them the more thorough in their care and training ot their fami lies. Because we are blot with peace and prosperity abroad, shall we invite ruin and death to our civil and social institu tions at home? The first duty of the child In those days was obedience Honor to parents was enjoined a a dmy, and en forced ajs a law among trie ancient He brews; and with it was tonpled a promise of loiiz life. The nation who obeys it acknowledging God aslts Father, will exist in His favor. I Sam. 2 80. More than any other traitor condition of character is this honor praised in God's Word Tliere is no righteousness or faithfulness without obedience. . Abraham believed and obeyed, nnd it was accounted for righteousness. Eli, although the High t'rlestof God s service, knew that his son did evil, vet he res( rained them not. How great was his punishment ! Io the professing Christians of to-day really understand their duties toward the families nn ier their care? Di tla-y teach their children that they must keep the first commandment with promise, or else for feit tlie whole ? Because if one com ma nd is broken, it being a part of the law, the law U broken, or transgressed, See Jas. 2-10. Do our ministers. wIhi are set to i proclM,iie gospel, enforce the obedience l- ...... ." . . .t. ...11- . . in me law i nroiwniorf mm mY Hiit oi the niercv of the kind Heavenly father? in preaching one truth of life do they omit the weightier matters ofthlawf Sabbath .School Superintendents, teachers and parc-tifs, are., wo .not. all to tin kin enforcing the toachink of God's Word, that if we do not love or honor the friends whom wo have seen, we cannot honor the Great rattier whom we have not seen? 1 uie io ntiE oF iitr: thixity;1 The fact flint .the human mind U notable to grasp an Idea dearly Is not ever pre suiuptivu . pi-oof nl its boiug put rue. It may bu that this Idea ia too vast foi tlie mind. The mind muv lack ability, ot die idea Jack truth, , ... ,'.7 I . It any idea, in its statement contain what is called hi logic "A contradiction ot terms," that would be presumptive against lis truth as slated, ,'i'bU SYni think to be the dillieulty about accepting the JJoetrine ol the Holy Trinity. ' The fact as revealed has no perfect analogy in Our experience and it seems to contain in its statement a of terms. As stated by the strictly Calvinlstic formula it does contain i contradiction ut terms. But as stated bv the Catholic Cre d and as taught by the Uaircli, it does not. The trouble lies here: "How can Three be oin ?"' Now the Creeds as I ways cx'ilaineil by the Church do not make any such -tateni"nt. The Creeds -ay. Three Persons are One God. It wc -ay three nn n aru one man, here is a con tradictioii of terms, it we say tl r ner-oiis are one family there is no dilli- cultv. ' . But iu our experience there Is the Indi viduality inherent in the Personality, and we are uuahle to cone, lve now three l'er sonalities can subsist in the God head and til be undivided iu substance. There i die nivsterv. lint what right have we to transfer and apply our physical experience to nidge ot the truth In the highest Sphere of Pure Spirit? None. What is impos sible in matter, may lie the only possibil ity in Spirit. The fact may come from tlie uiispertection of the material. The oilier truth may arise from the perfection of tlie spiritual. Then the slatcmert of the "Three iu One," u-es tlie numerals in different -nses. The God-h-ad is three in res pei t of persons; and one iu respect of substanci . Tim these words are used .strictly as we apply llie-.n to matter is not necessary, t'hey are the nearest expression of the truth we can now reach. They are parts ot the Speculum iu which we now "See darkly." But when we "See lace to face," and "Know as we are known," we shall see tliis truth oiore clearly. i for. 1 do ' of ail t'cu n ! mrmry, which ! waj as thev '1 MlhCF.LLANlCOli." is CALLS ATTENTION T 1!IV URGE AM VEU, SELECTED 5TGCK OF Crockery, Glass -Ware Plated "Ware, China aro. LAMPS, CUTLERY, ETC Commercial Street. , , , apri!21'75 4 ! -SW4 ST. CHARLES HOTEL- Corner Front & Morrison t.ts. PORTLAND ' OREGON COGGAN & HARMON, Props., ,; Tim only first class Are proof hotel lit the city; containing 100 wel! furnished rooms. FREE coach to and from tlie house. ; Best tables, Billiards and Baths, tf ELEVENTH CSDEE THE'AUSPICES OF TnK MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, WILL OPEN August 8, 1876, at 11 A. M. AT THE PAVILUON. ALI PERSONS BESIKIMJ SPACE TO Exhibit are requested to inalie early appiu-a- lion at the office, 27 Post street. Institute Build ing, from 12 to 1 or 7 to 9 p. M. 02w ' WANTED AN AGENT FOR THE SALE OF J5. BUT, . trick & Co.'s eelebratedand reliable iiattenir t'orthia place and vicinity. Uood rolereuces iv quired. For terms address n. A. A'C.l.ll.,, Ill Post Street, Sail Vmuicumo. ,i SALEM SODA WORKS, , CEO. W. EPL.ER " - : u f.iCFACTTHEE OF SOOA," PavsahsriUa. Ul Bar "vnins and Chamrjacno Cldor. Commer cial stMjet, Salem, Oregon. , June 14-tf MERINO BUCKS I SALE. Sheep Growers Take Notice ITSTEHAVE A NtUinKll OF VKTtY FINE w - 'HHAMKIVaud I itOlt( UIIKKI Merino IJuclis lor valval verv reusoiuilile prices. All sheen sold roainiiteel to-hetiwl as li'in (.'sent- Jr'ttriMins att.-U'iug muib Mock can app1y-t4 A. u- iv I'i'i-Ru ,ii ii... ..m.-.i i ii, Wl, . ,JL, i v. T.. Siiienvrle - (jHAHLh ARM L1 . ivjt:iidcwu i.a lii-ttiine, yruiron. BOOK - AND .J03 PRINTING - '"i ' "'- .1f HJ MOTKEES k EEDIHGTON ' "'"' ' t'omraeriilal a., 8aleo. 3"Orders by mail proranfly (Hied.- J ii t V v E, SHEIL. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. " ' "'-'' " SPECIALTY: ''! w ' CJHironUj 1 ii-ioas0(-ijj OF THE j - ' -. - i ...... Head, Throat, Chest & Digestive Organ?, AMI OF THE IV Ft' VOI S KVMI KM UICKERAI.1.T. Oi-rrcE-Commerctnl lloiel, Ss'em. niy35-tf SHIETS 3Vltc3.o to Order, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Inquire at y:tf D. FORSTNER'S, Commercial St., Silein. TH 13 SALEM DRAY AND HACK r.OKPAM'8 Trucks and Carriages. ARE ALWAYS llJfialK FOR bUSINESS, Ij. S. SCOTT, Proprietor. BATES: CALLING-First hour $1 50 " Each iiii;eixling hour 1 00 llIDINQ-1'er hour 2 50 Toor lroniTiainsorSluiinuoats., 60 FOR FUNERALS-A hu.:k 4 00 Febiixllf MISCELLANEOUS. TliE EaiSM OF DISEASE! HE F6E OF PAIH ? lO MAM AMD DEAST! Ik) t!ieiru( Olit : lil'N-ISlBNT, WHICH DLA5 4TO0D -TIIE, T,liST. OF FORTS" YKAK3. ,'..;. 'U vUV-r-i THEKE IS MQ.SOKK IX VILl- 'OT HEAL, NO LAMKNliSS..i:t' , WILL, NOTtJlRE, KO kACHfi, VQ PAIN, -THAT AFFLICTS HE HU- UkM BOPTUJt JJOMESIICASMAL, THAT DOES KOTriKjtB.iOITSMAOJOTOlICH. A BOTTLE ,COSTMJ -Su.,,. eOo. ot ;H00, HA3 OFTEN jSAVjEB THE LIFE, QF ,,V -HUMAN BEJNiG.AND KB8TORE1) TO LJFE AND USE FULNESS MANY A VALUABLE HOJSSE. CENTENNIAL', HYMN LA tmijt the Opening Ceremonies, in, Ph llndel- Iinia. nonis di nnnoer junkie oy u. rame. n A -parts, for Mixa 1 Voices. . Priee hi (She et Mu biclorm, go ate. In Octavo form for" Cher uses, 10 cts. No celebration this year will be eimplete wiihont the singing of liiia niatttiUlcent H vnm. Ccplennlal, Machinery. Horticultural, Sem(v rial, and Agrlcnltiiral Vari!hes," each fiO cts. Washington's O11' (40 cih) Marches, Martha Washington's Waltz (73 cts.) C''a ml rflur. h, by fiowning ! i;ts). Centennial Waltzes by Flege (7Aels,) and Qrobe't Me4ly ol National Ar8(3 ctsi; all have spleniliil Illustrated Titles! and the best of mnsle. i Centennial Colleection of ; National " " : Songs. , ,: An elegant and attractive Toliitrie, contains the National Honga of this and twclvn oihcronntrle. in convenieut form lor Solo or Chorus stngtug. In raper 411 cis. liiwras o cib. GOOD NEWS! Charmlng New 8abbati' D ALT AS HOTEL. W. U 1SL AKC HARD, Prop. . IDA H.X.-A.SS, on. MR. B. (TIIE NEW PROPRIETOR) HAVING relllted and renovated this hotel, hv sup plylne ihe table Willi the iwst of the rrarket, and also strictly attends to the comfort of guests. It is the mnsi popular house in (he county. TERMS LOW. Travollng public cordial! r hivilet". luiielO U IMPEOVr Y00E POULTEY J , ' ,', ' " l-'CLL BLOOD . '; ' Light Brtunahs, Brown Leghorns, Partridge and. Buff Cochins, BIRDS AND f JGS FOR BREEDING. ..For sale Iv - - 11 "' J. W. HOBART. Febt Sra f i i ;, Buena Ylsa, Ore X ABISH , DAIRY. HE tWlTERStriNErj TS PREPARED TO ! t ntrtiisbl'i-eiib milk, twice a tlayi to famllie iud hotels The mlklrou oue cow is kept epa 'ale tbrohlldfen.- '- 8.4. HUGH; Otfy-.- ,' 1," .--.j,-;, To all wlwk ars iiiflbrinn troni .tb frrors and indiscrelione ot yoiuh, early decay, nervous wonknesii, oao fnftniiaeiL -Vl will nend a re-i-"litlhat will cure ynu, FRIiE up CHARGE. Thin oreot remeHy a dlweowreil bv Aoilsslonary JljSuulh America, end a eelf addroseil envel ope to fhe Rev. JosKrti T. IS-mah, Station B, Bible Honoo, New Jfurk Otty.j,!r4i-,, June 16 Dr. E. Y. CHASE, HBEVET LT. COL., LATE StJRKON U. 8. Volunteers. Oliico in 1 liiirhln'n i, nn stairs .f.,w V;ttuia.7fHvMt , Lots in North Salem. rVni. SELL lil.O( JKSOR LOTS is NORTIT Salem, lower than have bemi offered since IHf0. Now is tlio chance to secure a home. For OTms apply to - - . J. b. Met LANF niarchSl 4 fJi New Tailor Shop. I-! -f-,' : i ,.. HAVING OPENED A NEW PnOP IN THE seoonit story l'tho pnaloffloe n Commer cial street, I am prepared to dn ail kinds of work in my line, hut will make a Sieclalty ol" CLEANINC AND REPAIRING. All person-desirl g siK-.h work will be prompt ly accumrnoilaled at. rcaonahlo prices, ovdvro sollciicil. J. J. WEnETZKY. luhl7:dwti NEPTUNE BATHS ....A.NDM., JSlanxrixis; Saloon, Atewnrl'a Illoek, Comiuercim tit. MOORE 4 HEKKLE, PEOPEIETOfiS i; t AT IIS, HOT AND COLD, READY A L- uovaitf wa.yu. IFYOU WANT TO GET SHAVED CO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS OLD STAND 0i Oolte B -eyman's, CU3ier;ial street, rtiCitt.