WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. 6 WEEKLY MlUQH STATESMAN. FRIDAY, APRIL 2S, 1870. sFrom WedneMay Morning's l'ally.) nrrlrl. At Jefferson, April 21th, by Hot. W. F. West, Mr. U. McDowell to Alias Ida SI. Phelps. . AmIk jiee'a fuile. The stock ot goods foruictly owned by Joae p bns Holmes, to sold yeaiterydny by the as signee to 8. Friedman, twin, .,., ,X ,. Messrs. llaskius Kpler have established thsmsolves in this city in the business of man ufacturing bottled soda, champagne cider, etc It i cooling beverage ia hot weather od sill lie extensively uatd. ff e re tarn thanks 1 fur 4 box, brought in yesterday. 1 '- 4 Uiitrnrt Awarded. Our townsman Air. J. Itliwl Esq., ;has been award, d the contract of hiking water to ue Fair grounds from the Feuiteutiary. The dis tance is somethiug over two miles and the ar- rantroment involve the construction of several large tanks or reservoirs. Ihe contract price ia between sis and seven thousand dollar. The work will be done in the best of style. F raia the Miotikter. " ' We publish' a commuuicatiou to-day from J. H. Johns, io wb'b betUacusses the relative merits of aome of Oregon's public men iu rather strong terms. If he nukes any mistakes we would like to see thorn corrected, and will furuiah apaeo in the columns of the hTi.TE5-M.vs for the purpose. . B. F. Finri Esq., residing about 80 miles east ef Engine, on the McKn.iie, isiu the city. He has spent several years hauling and. exploring the Cascade niouuUuns'aud brings on this trip to baleiu about one hundred ileer skins taken from game which he killed during the past winter. Mr. F. reniaiaa in Saluiu ouly a few days. . Tlini Flailing; taeurslou. The Chief informs us that Supt. bikes Wor deu has returned to EUmath Agency, from Lost river with his hunting and fishing party of five hundred red-skins, Bikes is one of the most expert mountaineers in the west and under his management the valiant Kl.unaths got away with tho scalp of inauy a mulc.deer and antelope, and took for winlor use at lent 73 tous of Hie finny tribe. . . ..... .; Frtae Spealter. During Comuiefccenieut week at Uie Willaui- ette TJnivenirv, each year, triers is a prize of a cold ruadal award-id by the trustees of the Cnivorsitv, for the bent duclaimer, accordingly there is one elected trom eaeb of the societies to contend fur the same. At tho last meeting of the several societies, the following persons were chosen to contend for tho priae : Miss Ada May will represent the Atheneum society : Miss M iry Powell, will contest Uie claims of Alias AiU May, for tho Concordia society ; Mr. Frank Irvine has been elected by the Alkas, and Mr. It. D. Allen of the Heeperians will do all in his power to get the prize. All of the above are well known as declaimera and our citizen can look for a fine contest. l)i:HO(I!AI K STATE COS Y KVI IOM. "uiuar taut. .A. H. bnuth hsq., of Bcuna Vista, is to leave this city this morning fr Portland where he will take Uie next steamer lor ban Francico, from wheneo ho will go by rail to tho eastern States. His family accompanies him and they expect to be absent nntil alter the Centennial exhibition at Philadelphia. Many friends in Oregon wnth thorn a pleasant journey and safe return. Benton Comity ISesnueratie Ticket. Clerk E. A. Milluar ; Treasuer Tbes. Gra ham ; Sbariff-W. A. Wells j School Superin tendent J. W. Buy-son ; BurveTor J. W. Webber , AssessorJacob llodiee ; . Coroner Br. J. A. Davis ; County Commissioners E. T, Skeptoo, John Wiles Representatives 0. B. Smith, J. T. Hughes, G. W. Pruat ; Delegates to Btate Convention 31. shannon, J. 8. Palm er, L. Oalston, D. W. Hedges. " - lied. ' - In btaytoo, Kirch 27 tit, 1S75, Ieo, only child of Of A. and F. Clark. Ago three months. Dari.ni Loo gone forever. From our loving fond caress, - , Gone, trom ns toreyer, n Vol we know that he is at rost. Oh! 'tis hard to have our darling Taken from our home so soon. Vet wb know tu&t sweet, dcair Loo, ' Itests in peace beyond the muon. Rrpubllenn DvK'ffutca. The fullowiug arc titel delegates elected to the IiepuLlic.au Btate Conven lion from Linn coan- tv: F.Pike, J. B. McCay, E. McOlure, 0. P Tompkins. B. A. Bmith, A. C. Housinan, A. P. Gains, John Redman, IX M. Tnompson, H. 15 Uumphrey. The following persons wore elected delegates to the Republican State Convention in Portland, yesterday: Charles Hodge, It. Weeks, W. 11. Watkins, C. A. Ball, H. C. Hhattack, P. Kelly, John SfcCracken, O. A. Dolpb, J. D. Biles, George V. James, Qso. A. Steel, I). Goodsell. u AUBB, Editob Statbskak: I see by your last issue (weekly) I was nominated for coroner of Polk county. 1 hereby moat reapecuully decline said nomination, as I dusire no office whatever. Very respectfully, W. C. WABDnnta. Bethel. April 2.5th. 1376. OIK MLVHtWSI LETTtK. , Horses Poisoned. ,, Stlthbtox, Ogn., April 23. Mb. Editor Mr. Dan Markham and his broth er living near the Abiqua bridge, three miles from Hilverion, had three horses poisoned to-day with strychnia. - Mr. Markham wad in town today, and I got the following from him. It appears that their horses, six in number were out in the pasture last night; and this morning they wished to . feed them and they had them driven up. Mr. Markham went round the horses, and one of the girls of the family want into the barn and pot the oats in lbs manger. Ia doing so she discovered four small bunches of salt fat tho manger, where four of the horses had te est he supposed that Kr. Mary hum had placed it there for the horses, and thought nothing for' ther about it at the time. In feeding the horses she stepped on one of the bunches of salt and ot some mud on it, and brushed the salt out of tbe manger. The horses came in ami took their places .and were tied op. In a short time, Mr. Mark- ham noticed that all was not right with his hor ses, and took tbem oat of the barn. One of them fell down and wis dead io less than fif teen minutes. Another died in half an boar. The stud was affected in tbe same maur.er, hav ing convulsions, but was alive when Mr. Mark- ham came to turn him ont. The fourth escap ed by the girl brn-iliiug the salt oat of the maa- ger. Mr. Markham found salt and strychnine mix. . cd together where the girl brushed it out of tLe manger. He brought it to town and had tt ex- . amined by Sr. Davis and James Brown and , they both pronounced it strychnine Mr. Markham thinks it was placed in the manger tbe night before by some one to kill his '- hoi soi srtd thereby injtrre him. - i He valued the horsss that died at three hund red dollars. Mr. Markham is an old settler here ' and has many friends In this part of the county, ; and is at a loss to know who would take such Bdneadrantacstt of him. These are particulars of the affair as near as I ' eould get them from Mr. Markham, one of the parties interested., t t.-i . (From Friday Morning's Daily. I. O. O. '. There will be a special meeting of Willamette Encampment No. 3 this evening, for the pur pose of conferring degrees. Called. . Dr. G. II. Davis, of Bcio, called yesterday. He is rapidly building np an extensive practice, through most suocejsf al treatment of the vari ous diseases peculiar to our Bute. Proceeding ol the Democratic stnle t OU YellB,ilUI III MlDIU, AlM-ll Vtt, The Democratic Btate Convention auenibled in Heed's Optra House at 11 o'clock a. m yes terday, aud was called to order by Hon. Henry Uippell, Chairman of the Dumooratio Btate Ceutral Committee. Hon. li. F. Burcb, of Polk, was eleoted tem porary chairman. C. It. Bellinger, of Multnomah, was elected temporary secretary. On motion a committee of five ou credentials was appointed, vis : NulUier, Whiteaker, Klip- pel, Iom and Bliannon. YYeatherfoftl. of Linn, moved that a eouiruit tce of five on order of bmiuess be appointed by be chair, which, after some discuesiuu a ro jectod. Mr. Btaats, of Polk, moved to adjouru to 1 o'clock. Lost, i .." .- " i ; . On motion of I.iom, of Baker, a reoosswaa dseured for 30 minutes to await the report of tho committee on credentials, The time fixed for the recess having expired, the Convention wai again nailed to ordtir. On motion of Koltner, of Clackamas, the delegates preeent were authoruod to east the vote of absent dklegates fruak Uislr respective conuties. On motion of Petrain, of Multnomah, the temporary officers were made the permanent of ficers of tho Convention. Palmer, of Benton, mved that the chair ap point a committee of five on ordcrMf business. Carried. On motion, M. V. Brorro, of Albany, was ap pointed assistant secretary. On motion of Noltner, a committee of one from each eonnty was appointed ou reSulutiumi. On motion, adjourned to 2:30 T. u. amsxooit session. The convention reassembled at 2:30 r. H. The reports of committees were called lor. The committee on Order of Business reported the following order: First Adoption of platform. Becond Election of delegatus to the National Convention. Third Nominations of candidates for Circuit Judges. Fourth Nomination of District Attorneys. Fillh Nomination for candidate to Con gress. Sixth Nominations of candidates for. Free.' dential Electors. Beventh Appointment of Bute Central Com mittee. White, of Clackamas, moved to adopt the or der of bujiness one. section at a time. Adopted. The first four sections of the Order of Busi- 1.1X AL XOTUS. Senamr Daly from Dallas arrived lu this city last iii,;Ut. Dr. 0. H. Davis is lu towu, registered at the Chetntkota. Bhoriff Dale of Yamhill county is in the city as jolly as ever. It ii reported that President (latch, of the Willamette University, will go to Engon" d take charge of tho Btte University. Wo give considerable space to 1! o subject of Polk counv politics to-day. I; is well to dis cuss ill sides aud phases of all sul j.-cts. Tlarrar'a Macaxioo for Slav, i received. It U well filled with valuable readiiig matter, cal culated both to please and instruct all classes. J. 8. Cooper. Esq., a prominent I tu publican of Pulk county snllad yeatorday. He is confi dent of the election of the entire Republican tickat iu that eotinty. . . . . .'. Dr, J. W. McCnlly has a new style of finger riug which beats all the jowelry ever brought to this market. Capt. Applegate inspected in last night with a view to purchasing it. : ' A mirriago in high life Is about to be eon simmated over in Polk connty. The male ao' tor U about six feet two inchess liiuli, and re. aides less than a thousand miles from Ualem He Is high up in the I. 0. 0. D. B. The 57th anniversary of the introduction of Odd Fellowship in America was appropriately celebrated yesterday at Lafayutto. Members from Washington aud Yamhill counties united Judge Enoch Holt, of Linn county, attended the Democratic Bute convention. Ho says tbe farmers in his neighborhood sro pretty well along with sowing grain notwithstanding the wet weather. Tbe Benton Democrat publishes a call, signed by several of the prominent citizens of Denton eonnty, for o mass meeting, to be held May bth to nominate a county ticket, irrespective of ex isting tickets. Captain Miles Bell, of the swift and reliable Alice, has tendered tho use of bis beautiful craft, free of chargo, for a grand moonlight ex cursion from Albany to Corvallis and return for the benefit of the College Improvement Bo ciety. - W. C. Kennedy Esq., Republican candidate for County Clerk of Polk county, called on us yesterday. He is a very clever gentleman, pop ular with the people ol bis county and sure of election. Mr K. is well qualified for tho place and v;ill doubtiess givesaiisiaction. Dr. A. Oeisey and Mr. 8. B. Hendee, of Au rora called last night. Mr. H. Roports frequent "mists" in the section from which he hails, and business moderate. Politics stirring the LIST OP LETTERS. Remaining In the Poatooloe, Salem, st litis dtUn, Persons oalUng for these letters must give the date on whU'b tliey are advertised : ltowers. Phi I llnrns, Nilnnv ltmwtl, MtsxVlorU Hur'is, mi- niiivy Knwer, Phillip Kmiliiaril, t runoots lirooka, I-a liny JHeanlesley, Joe Hell, ti n Hull, Miss Amanda llHhcivk, lieu it llsrtlolt. 11 Haker, lnvls i Lis Itier, Kdwiml Hi-imrH. John t 'otl'e, Leonard Curtis, A B li iliivis, Alt l M Chaiuiii, Mm K il . ('Iiaulii, Mi ai.ii y l-'iall, Mrs Iteliecca (Hie, John ( liamxill. Vf II Iioiiinart, Ainurt Davis, TJ Iiavls, Airs Martha a villain, airs M it limy, K K lhirniuii. $ I. ttnrnon, S K llnbriel, llrlgliam Hnrutuker, (' C Howell. K B llamlln. Airs Emma llava, lleurv llun uum. Miss E lladly, J II JohiiMio, Aim Alvena Johnfttnn, A .larilic, ley ktliain, W V Like, Kdwin A l.tchly. John lau.driiiu, 1 Sai.km, April 4',. Molntlre. John A M.h:ov,J (i Mi'.(4tinion, Abe Mnokler, Charles Jlysrs Mrs I It MtMire, Itul'iin S Mnr hv. Nancy A Maruu, K it Mai'llu, Mrs M A Meek, Mi.s l.nuia Maekhair, Alin Ksther Martin, Airs J U Means, V li Nial, Jiime N ve, Allen N.-Uiu, Mrn M M KolieriMin. Misskirtili Ulls lr II M KollanU, Miss lUtstur Uoituis, T W tilnolil, Joseph Itnne.lpllor, W T Mnllli, .Joatitm Sinllh, Mrs M K Smith. Col K L 2 Stiloklln. T J iAVimR, Al Bhiwunl, Mr Stlvens, WWW Simmons, Murnt 'I hnriilxlil, Miu-at Tiiikus, John A Thorpe, Atl.s Vlotn Triileh, Alios bell Tharp, T M Thavi, Mr Mary Tavlur, Julius 'liilwr, Min llaillu Ti'veeii. l'elnr Wtssman, Martha Wllllnms, lleurv Wi'lMnr. Miss A K Withers, 1 K T. 11. KICK E V, P. M. PROFESSIONAL. J. W. 11 c A IT: K, M. !., Vli.vwloinit inttl Hui'tft'on, OrnOE-QriswoM'i Block, Up Btairs- li7arilairV itej noitl!, I'tiVM 'l.Xf AM) SlTttiKOXS Monro' llkwk. Sulctn. HoiSdawlt Dr. E. Y. CHASE, wuvvirr- it cm... LATK WMWiKOS V. . 1 Volunteers. UlUe In Huihlii's block Up! atalrs aiih.7iilv JAMES F. BROWN, Attorncv-at-Law and Notary Public, RmroneOHy, rtin. a oi Mart P. C. Vttox-nciy-nt-Luw, Will hnrcRrturbe nmndat the sum beast sorner room of ItneU's Mra llmiso, upsuurs. Salem. Oct. 4-cllf. St 1 NEW ADVEKTISEMEXT3. Notice. ""aJOTit'R I IIEUKIIV tilVEN TO AU. Il whom h may eoiictirn, that trom and utter this clale I will u.k bn re-poiuililfi for any ilcbts cuntraeleil bv inv so:i, tVilliml Wl'co.., who it. under age, bill bar aUiinloiir.l hi. home ami t'nm llv. TIH. J. WIU'OX. AVMHVtt.l.K. April IT, IH1H. w DUKSS 31 A KING TlK. C. II. BOUKER XTII.I. CAllRY OS THE Bl'SfXESS Of il Mr o(w Making at her rwiitniK-e, eorner of Wlntor aud Ferry strevu.wsM ol Uie I nivernlly, where .lie will I moat luiiiitv to nxolve all hor olil ciiitomori ami a. many new on a will favor hor with their lmiroiiaua.' Aly motto will be to mease an. np-.uiii ness were, on motion, adopted. Tichenor, of Curry, moved to adopt the 5th order, providing people up, and 'a musing ltcpnblican majority for the nomination of a Congressman, and may oe expeciea irom mat pari oi hib roumv .1.; .1.. ....o ...1 .M .ll,l UpUU Mil lUOHUl. ..w, jmd awu " " ' " ' I AlSCtlOIS for. After considerable discussion, pro and eon Qn Batnn)4y nexti lt 10 o 0lock a. ., at Jose- tlie. previous question was eaneu lor anu sua- pilllB tiolmee old stand, there will be onereu t,;n.A l,i,.,. ,,nnn moiinnaf K iDOel. of Jack- ono cracker niaemne, a ceuerai aiuoiiuiani oi son sion continued Txheoor, of Curry, , ,f urward, reconsidered and the discus- "vo'i nfoneV ing tiie sale. Great bargains will be onored. IF YOU WANT TO GET SHAVED CO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS OLD STAND Opposite I!rv man Bros.. Corumoruial Street, fja- icra, wiTiPiii. CwUea Hall. A calico rarty will be given on the evening of May 5th next at the ChemekeU Hotel in this city. The committee of arrangements consists of Geo. Belt, E. Meyer, A. B. Croasman, H. H. Gilfry and E. B. Bicker, which injures a pleas ant time. Itewleu fttinE A. H. Gilbert and wife celebrated tbeir "Wooden wedding" yesterday. A large num ber of friends called with genres of appropriate presents, and after enjoring a few hours of amusement, departed, leaving best wishes fur the bapple couple. moved to postpone the further consideration of the subject to 7 ' . M. Lost. The committee ou reseiutions made their re port, which was adopted, but is too lengthy for publication. Isora , of Raker, moved that the convention proceed to select delegates to the National Con vention, in tbe following order One from escb judicial district, and one from the Btate at large. The yeas and nays were called for. o..eiH.r cent. tntere r Yeas, 71; nays, 43. Bo the motion prevailed. . I int uiion ami will sell at public an--iton on Satnr- (, r t,i,, f u..lr,n ( 1. Pn.. dav. tnex'Ui na in aiay. . i. 1010. n i uciue vention adjourned to 7 P- si. xvrjnNa sxssiott. Prises s be AwarOed M late I'sUveawity. According to the custom, on Commencement Week, at the University, there will be the usual prizes offered for the best declaimers, ladies and gentlemen. In addition to the above there will be a gold nwlal offered by Mr. A. Bush far the best speller iu the school, contest to enme off some time during Commencement Week. Mr. J. M. Garrison, the popular writing master of this city, also intends ottering a handaeme prize for the best writer in the school. Mr. Garrison has a small class which he is intend ing to train for the same and be expect) to make them the best writers in the school. Heettsur af Ftmaeer AVsaeelaUon. There will be a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Oregon Pioneer Association held io the Senate Chamber at S o'clock T. M on Thursday, May 4, 1876, at which time all tbe members of the Board are requested to be pres ent, and the different committees to submit re ports for action, in regard to the re-union to be held on the 15th of June next. Other papers are requested to publish as matter of news. J. B. Bkovs, Bee y O. P. A From Thursday Mornirs's Dally.l - Pleasant Tlsne. The Odd I'ellow.'s sociable at Legislative Hall, last nighi, was a grand success. A large crowd was in attendance and everything pasted oft pleasantly. , ttvsilal. The Captain denies the statement that be ii -apected Dr. McCully's finger ring with a view to purchasing. He says there U moisture enough already in the atmosphere without ad ding to it by machinery. That Hinlrnl KntertainmeMt. It is said tho musical entertainment on the tOlh, aud 21st lusts, iu Corvallis was a superb affair. The Uraturia of Esther tbe beautiful queen was well rendered, the customes being appropriate, the music good, and the perform er's displaying a good deal of dramatic skill. Will Us. The Chief informs us that he intends leaving -us for the land of sage and manzineU as soon as the Bute Convention is over. We presume the hoys out iu Lake thought lie would becomes " permanent resident of the Capital unless tlw-y hunted up a campaign fur htm. Il'i' !:w cm t i I. 0. O. D. H. spare their clii 1 ? Opmlaar tor AmisI H waters. Mr. Eiblinger has just returned from atrip to the coast, fifty stiles west of Salem. He ays he foand a splendid country on both the Little and Big Nestocka rivers, nearly all of which is open to settlement msder the home stead law. A number ef settlers have already taken up laud and will build houses and take np a permanent residence tbe present spring. The country is well timbered end watered snd grazing country is aot surpassed on this coast. A few settlers have planted gardens and sowed mall quantities of grain. Persons desiring good lands under the homestead law will do well to go and look at that portion ol Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. BT VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION. ISSUED ontol the Honorable l.lruult Cxiirt otitic 8 ate ol Or. run, for Ihe county ol Alarkin. on the Suth day of Alarch A. l. 1S7H, In lavor ot Mon trnvllle Flske, plainlifl. and ntnliiw H. J. L. Wtiiteman ami Alawrle A. Whiiensin. his wife. ltiMim. lor l lie Mini of three thoumml tour hiinilTwl and six and thiriy-twiKhiinitrethsdolUr rohi coin, anil Ihe further sure ol ihiriy-ilireeaitii txty-llire-humlrehsilolUrseoIi'. inxetlmr w!ih p. m at the Court llonae floor in m i onm, ano hii. all th rmht. Ulie anil I mere of the said . J. L. Wnltemau ami Alaaxte A. Whttemau, his . , . , . , 1 ... ,1i.a I " I" U W .UP MJ.WW.Mft jf.mmw Aim vuuliuiliev luci L u law. auu jhhwww i toWtt '. to ballot tor candidates. The following gentle men were nominated for Judges: Judge Bou- ham. Judge McArthur, and Mr. Thompson. Hon. L. F. Lane was nominated for Congress by acclamation, M. Clippell, E. Cronin aud L. W. Laswell were nominated for Presidential electors. Bemovlua: Ufe'a Heaviest Borsreaw To remove the burden of disease, tbe heaviest tliat poor humanity is compelled to bear, is cer tainly a grand object, a gloi inns mission. As suredly the discoverer of a n medy which ac complish! a this result is entitled to the gratitude and respect of mankind. Buch s remedy is Hoetetttr's H to reach bitters, whose great success is attributable to the fact tnat its restorative action npon the debilitated and disordered sys- Tli ilniulinn land claim of Wn. Hellnm'S. It hrimr.-.laim No. 56. and In sections 13. XI and 14 in T , 8 R 4, west of Willamette Meridian, ex tiewtlaga small fraction in the N fcoornor ot mill claim, nppned to contain about one sore, It belli); til ol saiu claim ivinr on me i. r. 'i ui hi. lake, ami the tame solu to Heivr follv. almi thn i1.mi.Hmi l.ml ui.iin uf Wu. Nuruvkealiil wile Oelne claim Vo. 1, In sei:tlnns ami A. In T 9 H li 4 W. ami c'nim No. 4", -n Mw'l'nta in, VJ anil J, In T ft, S If S W.or Wlllamnite Hendian. e.-CKSli.r-21 87 loss -re. thitreof hurelolore ilewleil Dl SUV L Ji. K.namiug. .nil w .-T,imu, .'-v, i m.'r of limbervfl land wn ralii Nonlvko claim, bereKilore convcred to Samuel Irvln, all being in Uie county of Alailon, In the stale ol on-iron. T.C. W1AW, Sheriff ol Jlarion County SALKM, April 77, 1878 IW Sheriff's Sale. SIVVTRTCE Or AS EXKCL'TION. ISBCEO U out of the Honorable Cirauit Court of the Uiuj. t.f t ir.vitn r.,r th f'nlintv nf Marlon, on the leiu is ill aiaajruaut nnu iw piuiv.i(ioB vi wu.- i -flli aay ol April A. V I0it. in uiw ui "ii n mon sense. It iuvigorates the nice, ana, as their strength increases, the burden of Bisease grows lighter. It reforms those physical irreg ularities which render weakness chronic, and thus eradicaates the evil at its very source. Liver compUint, malarious fevers, const tpation, urinary troubles, uterine weakness, and many other causes of general debility add ill health, are completely removed bp tbe combined tonic and alterative operation ot tbe Bitters. HPKC1AL KOTltK. Notice Is herebv given that I hae sold out the Halem Drug tttore, and good will to Messrs. T. C. Hwith A Co. Thanking the public for past favors and hop ing iu behalf of the new firm yon will continue to bestiiw them. Von will find them in Patlon's Block, Htate street, elegantly fitted up with pure and fresh drugs of every description. Having long been connected with T. C. Smith, I can aafely recommend him as a first class druggist and one who understands' the business. All persons knowing themselvss indebted to the Balem Drug Btora will please call and settle the same with myself or with T. C. Hmith A Co. And sll persons owing in the dry goods d'.arin en C '1 at niv place of holiness in ex ecutive bl'xk, Commercial st. and settle the sa ne. B. Fbieumax. ' Lesp Tear !" said he as he threw himself in dolently npon tbe lounge. "Ob, I wish I was a fascinating stunner of a gal ! I'd have all my clothes eat after the 'Domestic Fashions,' and just heap the style on. And wouldn't I pile on the duds aud wear a big bustle I Oh, no. Hi ! ouch V and ust here his father, as be led him out by tbe ear, said : "Young man, if you don't climb out'n this and make a big bustle in tbe neighborhood ef that wood-pile, I'll fix ym ao's I ..... .nia,,', . 1.....I.. f. . rnmll. A I SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the na sal passages, discbarge falling into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, acrid, thick and te- nacions ruueoue, purulent, muco-poroient, bloody, putrid, offensive, etc. 'In others, a dry ness, dry, watery, weak, or ibflamed eyes, ring ing in ears, deafness, hawking awl coughing to clear the throat mo-ration. scaiM Irom iliiora, voice sl'ered, naoal twang, offensive bresth, im paired smell and taste, dizzinesa, mental de pression, tickling congh, etc. Only a few of tbe above symptom are likely to be present in any case at one time. When applied with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, and accompanied with Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery as constitutional treatment. Dr. Bage's Ceurrh lieniedy produces perfect curee of the worst eases of Catarrh and Oz.ni of many eyars, standing. This threngh conrse of med -cation constitutes the only scientific, rations', safe, sud successful manner uf treating thu odious (iKease that has ever been offered to the atlltcted. -.iM-nrer. nlatiiiirT. andairainst J.J. Fatzer.Thoa. Burrows anil Simeon feinllh, ilelemlants, for the suns of seven hundred and twelve anu rorty-Mven h,indrih. dollars. Eolu coin, and the further sum of thirty-lour dollars costs, tether with li per jent. imprest per annum, Inim the i.un a-iy oi alarch. ltfiti. and ace.rniiiK costs. 1 have levied upon awl will sell al public auctioa on Saturday the 47th day of Alay, 1S7, at S o'eloek P. M., a i h r.ntirt House door Id wild County awl Htate.al iKriaht: litis ami Interest of the raid -I. J. Kais er, in and to the following described premises, Commencing at a stake at tbe Intersection of Tu..ium and Clliertv 8tre-U In the cllv or Halem. ami ewai lug north from I tie northwest eorner of K,..k No. l in aaid cltv.amt ilnunt 9H reel ami running nortb alone Ihe east line of snlil Litwrly ika im to a .Lake: I hence east KS6 feet to a Hike; Ihenae south 16S feet to a stake; I he lie we-l 165 feet to a place of beginning, and situate in Marion county, tnregmi, together with the tene ments, hereoiumenis ami apiiurieiiaiicca mm. unto lie longing or in any wis pBirmoii"a. t . 4. hllA W. Sheriff ot Alar Ion County alck. April 7, lWO, 4w CiyTlie National Hold M--lal was awanled io Hi..,i; ik ii u i ol oii to r i In-'k-.i r':iiiior.iil! ini: e I ri I r.-i-e-. I the t n-oii.t M.-l.il o,- i ti- i. -i .li il.t u-ti'l I. oi u -in.-t- -; -1- K ...... : A fill" lot i-hnic- Chili mi: i-r- r -. A or Knle. of Garnet Chili clulaiirin'r :r ieiif : .: p-rfa-'wt for w-ii!: whi-a'.itiu two tli" tJ, al- i v."- p -t-!:.-. i.) Citation. In the County inrt, for the Cunty of Marlua Millllg in rniwito. tn the mill leraf the liuanllaoshlD of Elijah Pel Ian I, junior, Alouio Bovine and Augustus 14o- vine fclliau roiutru, uiutruian . aTiiw AT THIS DAY COMKS EUJaH PET. Jl lan t, Ihealxre uaimxl giiarliau, and files hi. netiiuMi i,ritiii ror an order io sen inc rcai -mtutt. iielniminir tntliesbove namwl wards, to wit: ii ih imerM.L ol ihe anlil warits In and to the eaut balfoftlie donalion laud elaim of Peter Waggoner awl wile, in Jlarion .-oiimy nnu oiaie of Oregon, wive aim excea auout iwumj to one 'l av lor. and save ami except that iior ii.m of hiIiI east half inuiing lo salil l'eler W, roner as survivor of his said wile, conuniiln uw.ni ...... hnmlrMl anil fniirteen acre o lam anil lt ann-ariur to the Ciairt by said instil Inn lliaut Is necessarv anil would lie for the beat Inter Mini nd ward, that Mild lands should be sold. It Is IictkIiv onlereilaiiil ilecre-d that Hie next of kin of attid wards, ami all other per.uns Interest ed in Mild etate, be and apiar In Iho Coiiniy t.'iairt lir said county, al the uflice of tbe County Jinlge, at the Conn llouae 'he -ltv ot Snlem, In said ciMiniv and Htate, on the first Aloud av in lav, A. I. 1S7D al the hour of I o'cn r.n. f sal I dav, und fhow cause. II sny tliey have, wh: .aid oniei- sbon!d not ! griuitisl as pra- e-l lor In taid lieti.ion niiil.orliicif the said ann.-'iiaii lo sen mm real i-Ktate. a.-, hv law ritinrot. t Ins order ti l.llli'i-lied III the "JIlK.i. nl M tM.V -U.-.-es-IM- -.ie'k-. ft-- ol U'V "f .1 I'KI.III.I.-. i-1' 4. ' -7 .. :; i - nil -. .luk: 776. CENTEPLMIAL 1876 CASH STORE IU. I.. R. fvIillT, DENTIST, Assisted by C. F. TUCKER, Over thu Ituiik, fSAlJ.yi, .... UtOSI. sprll-Iy -W - 0 -I lOvTOIi X. ItEXTOX, l'liVMiciitii nni! HiirAj-""s lim.-e wltti C. W. 8bav A Co, Ilrokers, I 'otnimirchii Street, NAi.i.n smixio.v npvll-ly ALONZO CESNER, CITY AKD COUNTY SUEVEYOIi AMI 4 IVII. DMilM IH OKKIt'K COIENKK OK fiTTAi.K AMI Ktt ry streets, ilem, Uregim. msr'Altf m tii it. Bi unu:n, Itt'itl IUtair Aircnt, City urvr)- or, lit II Entfliiccr und Xia turj luhlir. KiTODloellu l'sltiin's ltrt.-k Building, tre niarcli3i7A II. ( IKPtVI DII, I'll Vasliiiin iitttl mtai-jjoon ee Opjiosllc ltenni'tt Houxe, apr257J SAl.KM,;OitKio.N. t. A. ft'TTIICO. O. w; LA W SUA LAWSON & CUTTING, 4 TTORNK VR-AT-I AW late AgeiilH. batem. UreMol'. AND REAL E- llltlcc In the old f. ourt llou-e, mau C. H. DAVIS, M. D., atioimt ttud rSitrjfi-'OlA, Tcmlnrs his nrofiiwlnnal wrvice tn the nemi't of hcloaud vicinity, lit-will go no v where Inif AIrT, btate toact surgiciilly wlieocailci Uniu. o aiHWu J. A. APPLECATE, tin "5TLk Ai'itro6Nr -'iiv. as Wholesale and Retail D. & A. A. ...cCULLY Are reielvlng direct from ean Krancl"co, larj(eaud well sulecled slock of GROCERIES, Queensware, Glassware, Woodenware, Safety Lamps, Breakfast Bacon, SugarJCured Hams, DriedlBeef, Shoulders, Extra Clear Sides, Nails, Ropes, tic. OTJB JVCOTOTO: SMALL FEOFirSiHD QUICK SALES. OilltU) ojMmiitj lUu Uwk, In t,rlnwuid,ii Hkj;k. DR. T. L.! GOLDEN OCULIST AND AURIST, Oftloeaml rfiiloiNe m Mlwriy tiroet, opnmlttj Um liiiLrtirH Church, NiitMii, Ort'KMii. ituli;tX ri IIIUII1ATPKII'K PAID fOB 33xxttoi- nncl tE&&i& "1.VM. IV AND EXAMINE Ot!R8T(X'K AND KJ prices. No trouble lo huw gnoils at Ihe CENTENNIAL CASHISTORE, Slarkey's Dloc:. Commercial Street, marl7-tf CUEMERETA SIIAVLNG SALOON JAMES LAWTON, Prop 1.. lorthrev l "im. hati'l I'NKEII CIIK.MKKKTA i 11... ..1 1 i 1 1 ii. -in iiiiTi iitii nii'.-f.-i. i'.. . Ilasconsiantly mi f v 7"" ert't nii-ries, M.iIrS . - iii -. -i.-. it vrii-. hota-.ii rCr c.nd. alMa i- vendi . l'.-i:i XILJION FOJtD, Attomfy uud C'oiinseltir al Law Mnleut, Owon. Office In ration's Brkik Uiukling, marulii'7i tatrs. JOHN J. DAdLY, Attorney Hni 'oanrlor at L4tw, Rooms In lliitlur's Store, Dallas, Oregon. Will nranilce In the Hlule anil V. 8. Conrti.. f:.J leollon. a specialty. JMI.J. HALT. ilecib:ll W. H. CHANEY, t t01'llriv'U t-IM W, 4I7II.I. I'RACTICK IN TIIK BEVEtttv ww Coiiitii ol Uieifun and Walilr.glon 'XeT torv. illl.-e, In Urlswohrs Olock, Halem, Oregon. I Jrii r HUELAT & EASTHAM. Atlornt')-Ht-L.uu. Office In I'ortlnnil In j Opltz's new brick. No. 3a, first street, g. lie f.i, at, Portland. novlXlm Office In Oregon ftlf, Clmrmau'6 lllock, ilaui street. K. L. Rahttt AM, Oregon City, NOTICE TO LAND BUYERS. NOW MH YOl It TI.HH TO IVMC TO TUB tHONT. iislnsT, A PART OK THAT BKAUTIPCL FAR XV Vamhlll t omity, kuuwn as the Annstrij larm, lor asle at a great sacrifice. Will sell anj- wuvic iniip lie, luowwinii, an improvni. JiJMti A PATtKRHtlN, feli!HI balers, OrejpiiJ JUST KSUEB---200TH EDUIOll. ' MANHOOD HKVIHED ANDCORRKOTKD BY Till AXTTIOfc, E. de F. CXUTIS, M. ., tic. A Meilical emar on tbe cause and erne of nr mat ere decline In man, showing bw health S and how regained. It glvus a clear synorni ef the Impediments ts nuirrlage, the trcattuenl cf nervous and pliy.Ujil dnhlliiy, exhaiMtcil vitality, and all other ittsease npisirtalnlng tlwretc ; tbors suit ot twenty years successful practice. Ct'BTis on " AfANiioiiii. "-There is no mem ber of M.-lety by whom tin b sk will not lie fauist Hseful, wlsilhur he In- wieut, pieceplor orclergy-nuio.--iswufim 7'tMfa. Ct'KTis on "AIamhxid." Tills honk ulionle be reml by thn ynuiij; for instruciiou, aud l.v tle ailliceil for rnlli'l ; It will ii.iine nn on'.'. Sfftyff Ttnu'HUml Uhz' Uc. w 1'rlci) -One Iiolliir, lie n,:ill or evpress. Ad dress the author, liK. CI H I IS, Md miuw stri-ot, or t . Ilnv :ui7 tiaii Kriucl-ce, ( ul. nngl'iy r" bz-. 1 1 riWM I Iliasasia The BOYS' OWN" l sent FW E fe. '"' "'' nioiiih. A'lilrie lt.,1 1 . . -..v .!, H -isioi,, Ms .hp t 1.0 nine OOlllll tins; i A Ma i 5 I'M to m i I V I! m a n i Ml W 'f k- iU k; to Its M A 1 m lr. He h Pi iof gH - Sr. nu "1 fe ; t'i it: re- las pud i. i r