s MARXET REPORTS - , Wkdkrwak SvoiBtQ, tfarca 15)1676. ,n dlip the folio in j financial at fl ooHUaer Kid items bora a Portland eiafcange. Gold in New lark, lHVltH. IepU Tenders in Portland, bovtng CT SSll t . - ' .'T f . ., -: .... ,. r Coin firchange ten San Franrisee t per Mil Currency Bicaange ca Baa FraBvetase t par eat premium. Coin Exchange, on Kew Totk per cent, prc aaiojn. . Curreiioy "Exchange on Sew' York H per eent. premium. Telegraphic Transfere en "Kew York 1 pel went, premium. old Bars 756 par. ' " Hheat Market. ' A rortiand exchange nave : Tha wheat mar ket lias chanced bnt little ainee mr last niew, The resetls at band to lead are having good die patch, and bnt fonr are now on the berth, two hen and two at Astoria. Receipt tj boat and nil are .above the average for the season, and ted win be no more inconuderable qoantj on land here when these Tessels are loaded. BYnXBGKAPa.) , .., . ,; Sajc Fulktkd, March 16. . Jlour-Superfine, Si 25S,t 75;. extra. S5 W Sor shipping lota; (5 T56 33, for jobbing. Wheat Choice shipping, $1 KM1 85; ihnim aiming, tl 90. Barter Feed kinds, 91 25; brewing, $1 S&. Oats light, !2 69; medium, S2 25; choice Mtj, fi 25. -Eay S1"3P9 ordinary to choice. Potatoes Choice Tomalea, $2: good. SI 87 H; choice Petalcma, !2; garnet Chile, rem Ore Baa. 90. Buckwheat Xominal at $1 75. ' ' Balrereoin, 4g5! per cent. UMOoat. bro kers baring price. liTerpoiil wheat market to-dcr, 9 10d10s far average California ; lte itltSIOt W for rJub. KALES XAJHaXT. HOKKTART. legal Tender?, erring, S7c: selling, Sc riora, SKAix, .tc Wtstat. b whtte per bcaael 41 i. nt-r bushel , g s ioni Meal, per lb.. . aa ? Knir. best, per sack. (J barrel) 1 a Bockwheai rhmr, per lb - 4 Eran. nrr ton WB(i fterte. per ton, awji n a ! Cake Meal. rr too Tiax feed, per lb Baj per ton, rew bale4 per ton...... ttm 1 ease K mm Bhist, Fan TYanciece reflned. per fcbl MiGt Island ll 1 13 M M IS J J mhl f...i. Fowdemi i....... Graoulued per eniloa., Km lUMt 1 B Tea, Japan, per lb ........ 1 ee Tft. lmneim':.. 1' 1 M r X7 DaBee, L'osu Rlua, per lb ttui " Rio. HiSt Kooa. S Java 3b t7 SnU, Carmen la'atd. jer cwt....,t.- 1M UverpBiil, cermt.... ' Si 1 0 TaeruQol, dairy. ' 1 75 Bay.. m r . nrna, vnsmaui, nc . kpass. ........... '.. .v. ... - dried, per lb Tauhea, drieo. per lb. SeA . m 7 IMi W am k rnana, dried, sar Mi ,, . , . , fear, per bubne'.. stmat, per id. 7i&otoee. per burkel.... oaoEa, pertb .. OfcUiagc,pBr dosea.... BFma, BBoa, nc, 5 SK Mi bawr, Treah rolls, par lb.... natter, l per lb. OrecoD BTlaw. neV pound.. 4nt, i lb... ....... ............. ZJnceed Oil, belled, per callea... . 1 evfe .... . ltm 17 Tai Oil. per anllon. taaivn, peTaaiwa -Naautoai ut, pi TUK w, per lb. 1 Mite t eo a Heel bnying... Jwsjt .... ' -kenxsoa .... t eeluag.. 7 ... n 11 m - M IS t la - a Wit Iwasd Beef........ ' s wrii Beef bbou.Oert 1 ..a. 46 tw)K W PfB.-ii Kip, rr dosea 75 OOu-lBS SS t. and Oregon Cni per aaoes.-.. sea " " Kip, " 48 SS SenU Crux Bote, per lb..... se Es3e,dry - 7 .. . WE ... tftfe K ... 1 kw 1 te ... lias 7i laser okius, dry, per lb " dressed, ner lb Pelts. BOOKS OF HIM;: ORGill' MUSIC The t eat pieces in exMtewos rnr riano. foraiwrj All of moderate OiCcultj. Bonnd in conver.int feras. bold at a low price. PfMnlsfa Albnmi -C 12t pep riaoo at Home. . ,4250 ig;en. I'utno imate. - - - ' PUmfrle;eBB. r-.26 pages. II ooie Circle, Vol.1. 21G pap. Iloane tlrele. Tol. It. 260 pages. Organ at 1 1 nave. 130 nose. Xnalcal Treamure, , 200 pags. PaitVecalsi j Tbe above re all nnifonn In ' at vie. I Jive lure Full Wteel- Muic Hre.vevv ilensrlv packaH vwita Mreaaaat salualile Insttu. . wiemal uue,aad t per bosk S Jallavl.i0;tn.lot6,ssa. . a.el4aer-w1iere. : Xitber beuk sent, pestsee, for retail price. BOBTOIT. t. ar. saas it ev, 71 Bray wct, , Kew.Ii Ik. 4V !sw tsbsesVValkei fiu.iaiikipbia. CHEMEKETA HOTEL. fWWHIr 1 TMK lWr HtrTEL K"Ji!TH OT Hiu t'muUMiH' nwisislw la ENiai". is auian r atiif, aud tet up aUh aU Ui aw errs ijrsnsiBenta, t .. . .... t -j - . ,., j - - jj Obu(IBM8 to aks rsua the Housa Fkbc. ' Hum Opeu atl Klgkt. THOS. 8SITB, rreprletar. cronuerl; pflhe Empire Hotel, The Dallea.J . . C " i f '-4 i MANUFACTORIES. ."cj.n.tSETZLER'Sk'r RAWHIDE BOTTOM CHAlRS CAW BE HAP IK MiKM AIAMTKM'I Furniuire Knims ealy, -en, Cuauiietvial j at rest. In exarkevv Hwwa. m The Oest In the State. ai-Cat and sse then. All wets' jetraou. apni w w. it SEVEN DOLLARS BUYS A BETTER HAND MADE BOOT AX , ARMSTRONG'S SHOP, In south Salem, than at anv ether Shop in the State. wild THE S&LEU BiG F4CT0RT Has been removed t tha Iwjement reom of MKT- Kits' AGRK.UlVn. sCAX) WOKHS, SALButa. OREGON. ETEETTHING IS THS LIXE OX HASH, for atle, or will be made lo order. CEO. E. BRET, Agent. GREAT FRAN CO-OREGONIAN DYEIKS AND GLEANING HOUSE, Ko. 15 "VTufhington street, corner of First. T4tCII AI. .. PBOPBIETORS. Ladir X lionl' aad CbiUlren's Clotbim. -ilk, ltis- buns. Gloves and Curtains Cleaned or Dyed In a mnal'atuavy manner, lirr Gleauiatj without al- 11 IU11UU J1 M'LUI . I CIO.!! . TV1, ,ITailCQ BIN Frizzed. The Lalws of kalem ara rapeotmil? miiimiM iiuh .niHiiame eruier. at Air. noimer brick building. Sliue street, will ret-eive onlen for iln? above Wne, nuike fW-e and ee4 back v wens, t argt a bageucr iree oi enarge. decatuf BOQTHBY I STAPLETON, Uaniuauturer and Sealer is Sash, Doors, Bl'mds, Moldings, , " KTC- KTC ... I Brackctsatid all kinds t Scroll Sawing. HATINti THY.' BBiT I'ACIIJTIIX AKD the latest improved wottd-workiua; maehinery to manntaotura the alwre arttoleo, will otter In ducements to euHnmera. Also wood-tnrnituj In all u variettw. fiifOrders frrnn the eountrr prarratlT atteaaad to. Oauie and ManufaottrT tamer mat mm waia lssaaa. aattiawti new Fiimme hill AND CHAIN SEPARATOR A meat aeraMt naavMae ta Ike irarrbet. II aeparates wheat, oats. aarMrrciaikleandubeasand I all taut seeds. Also, aena rates tHnubr froaa aa-1 asa ana ottwr peeos.- As a rhaffin M. B. na auuL The -iWIKT A V I TA. IllbH aeriwtlT nepares tbe areaia kr Heed and araea. taanor utcreasnc its varoeanaeaao- 1 1 I lv f.rmr tit nM.ln Iti. MIKAmi aMd whhwfc Bchas fenaerlv pant tbe awrvbant a aatrcrn for lakinf. and a'iso eaabass ban ta save mach which SMAj)ranorainKnwoiiiiM,,ainpai wttbia inr nacb of the await a well aa tbe avrn ntrtner. All orders prompt It alien bv . B, tit- WIS. Jefferson orCX"'MJtliAkl avCOhaleax aecM-am ,. :, . . . 5 New Chair Factory AT STAYTON. THTB FIKB TVBSB OVT A TIKI BUT- riorqualltv of raw-hide sealed chairs, got si. to laA, suiof Hue strle aud nnith-f va-knis pauaraa. iw rvBjcs- LF1GH, ilFr k CO Proprietors. inrisa, atanoa Caw hat. II-. IKi -II New Jewelry Shop, At Br- PlnjBUBsex's IDi-mfc- Stora Al- riBU BecatiABTaiKHAS JC8TOPECID aut at the above piare with a good run at trarte. ureertke east werkaMa is inetaaaa. Ali BMsiaasa donees the) aqaant aad at far tag nataa. decWaw J.F. STAIGEB, ANATOMICAL BOOT MAKER nwslttias aad lawsat U manHtaiv 1 ture aa esuer ho. 1 usots m all 1 JJ, kuaia than any ether eaep town, far tbe atna; asoaej. CeneralSatisfactioti and Fits CuaranteeA Cowansmsal street. lem. second door south e Brevsaan Bros. sure. ijSSf J. II. DRAPER & SOU, KaiitifjM-tirrerf ef W KITING FLUID -ASD INKS Of AU Colors, "lit ? f j i. .a mm - - K a t i .- Sealing Wai, ' i . Laundry Blwe, - Crease Extractor, Tbeae avtkiw are of the Terr bey fjaalttr, al wars 1 Bttwff iwiii iiw saaism tnsa Also a torr; frock ol '.he OCEAN POLISH 1 For Polthinr V erw.ire.eu-. Th e i really Ike . bert roti-b us the bi tted auies.Tr M. . : Dr. Conray,s HRCAT ' 1 GALiFOnniA CURE ! For KHECMAT1RM, KWKAU.I A. PII.E ami ALL ULlOuKfen, Whole-jils ai d KctaU, CL STtJ in fcO LICITEI. " OppoaUt Cuooeketa Hutel, 7J , ,. Teisiwt! saiem:oreco ". , 11 "MlSOILtAXKOtiSr GAIJDY FACIDIiY, Commercial StM e -i t aitm..- rat :-'u. kJ American, , v , 3 French and German p, , m Candles Manufactured and Constantly on Hand, Wholesale and Retail." CIGAKSOr AlX BBAXWB, CHEWWG CVM. OYSTERS I EVEET STYLE' ' : ..... m ,. ,-, -3 Fetwlwrtf . , , J. Ci. ROLurtri . HEW.ESTaBUSHMEHHxd A General Assortment Jb! U JbtiPaTIT O X3Hi! Kept Constantly on Hand and UPHOLSTERING In all its Branches Done, - -' JOIIV GRAT HAS rfBCHA-Ort) THE FTRXITTKE btnre of eaion It Loucharr on C'amiunual Hreet, and will conltnue (Ira huainetwat IheoiU :anu. apt one wanuus anytutuM Ui Uie , , Fnrnitnre or l'phol,trj Line Will save maney br gtwftiir h'.ma tallaud exam? Initut hla avla aaX ptices kwlure IKtruUuiBtf ud eju utvuai ape elaewhere. Bis motto it to MraMi si Wood-work and Cpholr Jooe m le beat manner. On tor g mllcited. Re- aiember the place next dour to alaitis A AJ Ka 'a. tulvlS- FINE POULTRY. 'JBBED,..J5T,, M. EYfiK, Jl. ' 1 - ; ' Ai.'I , JT Hp a, fjulilorxiitt.. - I TJkO'ZI TTRKFTS. WEKiHlNG 40 LBft. isjr ""uii. ii" .IE. wvig-nmz imm to 40 lia. per pair. Jlrahma viI.'lhrnA.,GiiDii!i. eic. VKi'rn,,tiiiDit!, etc 18 Ao501b and beat bf rin focas, averaai I all Ducks as Lavere. I Also, a fine aeairtaainA ta rsJlalWU. i iTnrM?rflMiui Mm.i I rBc to same. irL sou weu pKcAeii, aw wnaawonmpnoa', - (( ' I Bend tar Illnatiatad Ciiii!ar and l'rve Ltatto 1 ..--. f ,.VJ,r v.... i-.i On receipt of 10 tenU In stamps, I will fin-sink a specimen copy athe JULLXKV IUXLtTfN.an illuArated at-rage BeiillilvjJivj.'eTtiei auibor Itr in Doultrr nuuters in the t'ntil hvw. anil uecidaiU, Aae best Poaltry aauruat auvaanra. a jar. I V1" atau 1 wbere you tiw ablaadvaTUBSBVsb dhlert may also be left at thv odice. jvi:3m NATIOHAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street, between Merriaon and Alder, and Alder Street between Front and First. 1 PORTLAND, - . OREGON. M. DeFRANCE, President W.L WHITE, Secretary, An tiistltmta deafened for Ihrbnrfneis'rraln- tog el both sexes of all ages. T1 HK COCESEOF PTCDY EMBRACES LL tlie branohet, iertaininr to h tlwirfiitvh ltlTw lEt WK;aTIo.H. Alter baring bee nsde aoqtaunii-d with Hie fhenrv id IhU Hi.E t.l mv. ,LE ESTEVrMKiK-KEtl-IXti. Iiu-i. . tnnu. I towesercial 4Jal.)a4atlo, Mer..antiie Smkj I ,he andema me ui an Actual liusrne ep. " I .mwic lr WUTl. IWTIHT. milHI. .1.' 1 1 . i i i 1 nu I... l . . - . . - r - w ne nnmiK- 01 a nri-uias DusuieM eiUililiabniuMl oiall kinds. . ... A nanrtasentiur rniTtkttian In TPI ken i pin A GiiApUl Inntruaion In FEEXCIIaud I.I KVIV if,U I .ImI ' IotTO.-tlrm In Ornamental Pei.nianliin Tiraw. lne. Mapping, Aivhlte-junil Ielfn, etc. In the whuiecourau eacb autttiut iwhci atiurat(.uii inaiviuuai lninflioti. ' " " Benarttneiil fif PemnaiialitrPHtYKii-ra'WfillM i . niwu sum; Tbe Laibes JlenrtmnnrXf anllnflv iinsW i " " um. iriiic tor wuta. For full nartlou'ar srn.l tnr "niSwa rniu. um., iw.ut iw piut oi toe cotaury. OeF AM C etrWmT?r' f7isiat f.f J-ackl;m it4, f erthiud tlgji C. A. BURCHARDT WHOLE6AJUE A' U RETAIL HUI.kil IS FINE ViNES & LIQUORS; 0" IIIW t'.tff orreus for sale 40 Cases Genuine Rhine Wine Fmai tliefcmons Bremen ftarhsleller, FREN:H AKD CALIFORNIA CLARET rresob. bvl Ssana Wltite Wine, The lie In the H'liiutry. ST. HELENA WHITE WINE 0 t f f FEEKCH COGlfAC, EDI, WHISKIES, By tre BarrelA Clreti er Bottle. J 1 . ' l . M ., ' r iij.jiiHi.pj PATEfJT iniEUT F O R S A L ETO f T H E STATE "OTOEEGOH. ,qodS Ttrr9t we V'i Tlie Douglas & Vail .. . - .... J Horn DPatent Win dow Blind, declare by "all Architects BiarConi. petent Judges to be superior toany oth- ri Address for tes- er timonials and terms ; atJt fc-a.A.aJa.VJwrv ja' W 339 Keaxney Street, San Francisco, CaL SALEI JOOK STORE: H. D. BOON WRBftWUOlBjIay. D1ALEIHS e .... .I.JEi. JL t,j i. . 'O BQOESIjIjUIIEI sVKaS 4 3 v a Si St)S16AL INSTRUMENTS. v ' . as- a SHEET MI?SKI, ETC., ETC. CHYAHdW THAW ARE SOLD AT EASTERN PRICES. a t ju r t as 4. a vj Atiii STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. r5LdawlrQJ s'iMf TA PORTSWErS EMPORIUM, 5? rt 1 I it il Next door to fi. M. Wade, Commercial St r KKEP COXPTA5TLT US HABT) ALL kinds a. or r , . , i . Guns, Pistols, .Fishing Tackle, &c, ." pf lh lateat and keetaylae. Jamre aiae : ; ae awat af .' . Xlast'eru Powtler and Shot. avesiissntf nSesiilew-slme slasae tha bws inem I ear, sell cheaper tnan Inesheapest. Also Gun Eepairijig, LocksmitiiDf ,S 'MODEL MAKINC j :'..j".. ... 1 ' ' . i, It aim n.i iimtr or joimivu, such as M ' SI . ' , , t ewing niicmnc nepainag, tneTlCH uunmr, saw UetvmmWB Mmm, kc, Done with Neatneaaand Dispatch 3T flive me a eall and satisfy veorselves. ' BENJ, FORSTNER, Prop. y25:2m JUST OPENED! PIONEER BAKERY. Commerriul Str'ft Opposite th- hUali-HifUin Office, ., JFr-l JS iPfi ,Iul jr., t Pir akdCaiim for htmlHosand country trwie uaaea oraer. - t-irORHAar.TI, (Takc for Werbltrun. so- citflilee, plcji leswata.. bakssl noUsV v a. STRONG at htAIN. T-r a i- .... 1 : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS Comar Court ar1 CoasmeroWl aaasl 3A7er. FerPr and CammeroN J Streets." - r7:tf NOTICE TO LAND BUYERS. f T"m it mn f f ar? srw Htv is yogs Vive: Te !. e S C I rHT. i U ari i . A PAUT OK THAT atKAL'IIFt'L FAUM IX V laiiibtla t winty. ksiBBB aa Ibe Arin.u btriu, lr m.Ik at a trial uurifi,w. Wilt sell pap- wbere rrotn too town s.:re. sn irnnroveiu , ... ,, where rrotn lwi , f. l:l J., .. m 4):;VnlouMRWiUixi :yrati separator. g . . . ; i"'e V mi i aa in" 1 a ami i few . tlri are rirrf Attr&To ill a vr fa f "Tctite an p rn.i. ai.i. ordkus run tmksb rw- II -nwt 114 aanitu ims. All aur work Ut'Aalt v wairanteil. For particular", wad ir cirnulars aufl TirWe luti. wlik li fulHic arm Ity nuul a Knn as tlrdrri nhnuld l- sent raria, IA avoid dlnapiioiutnient, aa ' tor uie uurauiK auasoo. A wire at PELTON 8. 1'ELTOek imarlO - if" J :" t2. .i-"ji- ' .-SILVER A TEST OF 1XAH3 .H .v 0'R..C3-A M I v Xbc cheapest' l-egausc the 1 si. Fully warraitcd N'ew' Styks "just ready. Send for Catalogue rnd Trice Lists. Examine our new method of lighting the music for evening performance. Constant improvement our policy. Styles specially adajitcd for Parlors, Churches, Louges, Mu?ic 1 1 all s and Conservatories. Address the Manufacturers.' ' i E. P. HEEDHAH & S0K, JTo. 143, US Jbl41 I'xiHt 23d St., Xrw York. 3 ROCK SOAP! SOCK hOAP is anelunfl pradnitt, porrraii s Boat rW.i cWsr.ii s ard crimi Ik prin- erttes, aesatss iber MiHMa'aus sobMsacsa It wbibuis All mina, which i. aioie fiowetliiliv tteiersnt thaa most Alkaline hos. hix k hvap l aKertaiaed by aaaly.ls to bate drlrratve iri. rtle riiut ble teas enlaeat diiee lr ibeparpMss lor wbnh It Is riMB-ieBddjiBd toconiain uotklrg Iniarloi ) ita mica asa. mi.j .pm i moiiw wii. mv ,mwi 'rK More 1 MOLD rratrMiFa.-l( gdld and eilvsr; ri move ell and greass lrtm WANHIK43 rsi-s. tTM.-l Is UflrtT)ll tbe water, laosienlng tbe ittrt, and nrsues aaefairg without anv ef the lulurMxii rBt.:t atirnrllos the more or lessoaUMIc proisirlk-e,- IT 1" (iL AttAfcT k-Al But mi injure in tlie leaitiicgree tbe nnst lab'ios. and wi III save half (I. uuantlir of tuap uiuoily need. It saves aa eaurmeus waste in sunn and I wear and fear of IojJhm. ., l ' ' Sa fSII.PT AftM BATH. -Re. A Posp I tny-rtclteTwiis ellict upou tlie kin. It Is iri:tly. batmWs, and gise a vlfnitniu simI aialuilul I ,w. t . a.u., I I U. IW III. KmiW. .IN I put up wtin a iiriiiu.nl lai et, and a baring an .n t o Ventura rock soap co.t Feb2dAn.ni MOKTOC HtKT tTltllT. - SAN FRANCISCO. THE " UATCIILES8" DURDETT 0RGAII8 :r ;-;;EEIE,:PEKN. ' Sendt tWrSwfdWt Cfrt'CCo,nrW.r,i PentiajWantu, tor Cintilai. ABETTOTTGOINGTO PAINT! 3? fiX then USE KEW YORK EMAMtt PAINT CO'S - rCHEMICAL PAINT, .k-- Keady (or iiein White, ami ovtrTnff"Hntitrf T lMtrrrmt oIoth made of utrk-tly pi line Wdlte I.fatl, Zinc ni. JQ4lly Clnlcal!J combined, wrrHirf' Hi noil HttiitUlt-r mul t1i-iipcr, niiil to Itmt 'J''I( 'K AS I.ON'G i. any tillii r Pii.t. It iutatnktiii tin- FIHST I'J:KMIlM"l ht tivr-inv tt fl,e f-tr.te Faiie tiCtlK? H4 itulNY TIlt'I'SANt) ol Hi fiiitl lintim In tl country. ' Afldwaa, KEW YORK EKAKEL PA-INT COMPANY, PicicKA Rfciiucao. - Hut a . , i b: JtMlb l.w:-. m i. publMiee). I will mananktiiirs prlnctAllr on otder ft 8AVACE, Salem, Oregon Oul LEWIS BAVAUE. TONGUE THIRTY YEARS. a, ji w BvTtrvtiT assi .saias la us wiTratMiaa. i-trsns kbcbea atrasll. rlais. sad tswire: nntaari lebles aasl Seers. It w a great tarllig ef Hats aad labor. rr aUif clots. It Is not an alkali, but it soltet.i less Isboiicue, and leaes ihe civtlies much abltrr, use at soda tr wskhins powder, whiob alt uenun , ... . : ,, m.ssesase rrsnarkoble omnmtki nronertlea. wttbont U,V,'W J.IM.M ! H W.MWl . Hl II f ' ' ' " . . 'Vll, . 1. ur.mrnie raia. it sens itseu. eee cjuoiatmne. MimtCAitwfwTl'itre.' 103CfeeanterSrieet, VewTcik. .. .i f