6 WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. "WEEKLY " CXN" ST ATTTl AT A' J l- FRIDAY, ILARCH M, 1S7G. j-, l-Trotu Saturday at anlmsIUy.i 8Bf dtrUnnentof "Centennial Store,' r D . A A. A. If eCully. They opon up .plea- waeiuc 10-aay and Invite everybody toeonie in ana examine quality and price. Find Dm u toe atarkey block, on Commercial straet. Alka Ifer-fcnte. Isast Friday Tuning the Alka Literary Booi ety discussed the question as to whether the dead language, should be abolished from our colleges. The question was ably bandied, and tram tne arguments we would judge that dead languages would not be abolished from our col aooijmi ana Maj. jsarnardi were lb vicums of a good juke a few dart Knee. A well art an 4 adventurer oaaae along and purohaMd f thm several hundred dollara worth of goodi man umu mam packed preparatory ta shipping u aw uay. tub labor and the ex pense of panting and billing were undergone but taaatamar disappeared and has ntrl't iur mem. -oe-eev- afine (tot ia brmawrf ot a front- The Lieut, arnilee and says noth- A Koltnar, editor of the Btandard, was in the eirj jwitwday, and called on ua. Jeeee Parrish, of Marion, is now in the city. Nod H. Looney, of Jefferaon, is now doing a. . twyal, of SileU, u registered at tho nemeaeta.. -.. . Edward JJ. Deady, Deputy C. S. ' If arshal, b now in the oily on business connected with hi. Te (aralm. The carnival at the Opera House last night was agraa euareej, lb. spacious hall hi. complete jam. Following were the principal uujiojonion, nere nunstrol; W. . v,, oaaer; John Chase, Grant and Beat; Mr. Jennings. New York fir-m.. t .wam j in (Frem Suadsy morning's Daily. 'Saaasry Fwfclle. Ths Goreraor yesterday reaPDeinted 6. W. Bailey, of Panatetoa, Umatilla county, a Notary rutins ler in aiale or Oregon. f s bratna. In our notice of the earniral last evaninjr we slated thai.tbs Zouave oostome was worn by Mies Millie Taylor, whan it should hare been KUea Teytec. Trvu Tuesday Wornlutj'S Daiiv. Til tkit lf...h. IBlL .IV.., , . - - v ifw aoiq. at 7:ao a w Haaoock Lea Jackson, in the 80th year of hia TT K.Dunbar, Q. W. C, as in the city yesterday. Senator J. J. Daly of Dallas, paid our ai tv a flying nut yasturuay. Joha W. Cottar, of Bala, fe raoistarad at th. Cbeneketa. Pr.T. F. Wightman doparts Mondar ing for Eugene City. . ' " raiauwaj. .; . Dopoty V. B. Karshal Barn, j. i.. n!fv ofttoial bnatnaaa. su - Bhariff Shaw's family has iwoorered and ha is aaiu regularly at bia ofhaiaj business. Borne capitalist! hara nailt eaHmatai oa the T., of I. 0. O. T " u""m e pure mountain water of the auau IDIO BWD, tUTOUf b Kipas, Which Will gia aufseient nreaiara to aupply the highest ouuamKs. The plan is to pat iu the beat pit aaa mm aUaUUUlM ne are adrued, says the Orooonian. that u. Executira Oantennial Committee bare tendered nan. j, w. Haamith an inntation tn v. Tl i .i : . " "iar ny ineeTSUiug train that ilia three priaonors, oneparoVHW, WaUou, and Burke, who aaoaped from tho Portland jail some days siuca wera arrastad on Batazdaf last by Mr, laie Sheriff of Tawhlll aoauty, aaar Si. Woe. ': f ttnmmmvimu. t , wariaaTioa-Ai, roan rr Mtaa uzzia dotbh. Tt's always been thought a moat critical case, Wheo. maa is poasewad or more nature than rraoa. Theology teaches that man from the first Was smlul by nature and Justly accursed. E!? b' WM ""'J plan That God had loTantad to savs errius man: Ttiaonlr atunamxnt h. ....... ' To auud the elleut of his own wd mistake! Now tin. was tlicdoctrinoof Rwl Taraon Brown. " praaoaaa not laug smoc in a small e mutry town. ' nawassaalonsandoarnest, aud could so excel tBriuraa ot sinners la boll. That a famous rcriral oommencsd in the place. And huadrads of aoula fonnd aalraHoa br grace But he fouud tlial h huln'r ... 1 I.;.." .," "1"' Till I... h.,1 i LTTTir"?" - -km wis i. itxr aieuaire. This man was a bhKk.miti. r..i.' 1 , . w piseas, i bold. u uw,n, nntshed? Hot Ther stud. With great brawny sinews, like Vulean f ohl ' ,UBtim". and each day would dtselesa vmv im aviurc tkacm.r. sie is one of ths most divine arts, and how is this delightful study abused in our day. "u" are aur amsiolaasr Row many are Uiere in our city who understand this art We do not ask how many prehmd toundsrsUnd and area teach others, but how many thorough yamlarstaad music in aaylbrmf Take for iostanas, Harmony. I dare say ware we to lllaaatea a...ii. riy irom aorta ta south, from to west, there would not bs three persons wuu aren thought of this branch; and y.t It b one of the most .ubllrna ..uaiaa in musie. We will notice, for iitstanoe, mil, noli harmony la the predaetlsnt of "aiaohn, Hsndal, and uthar fa- -. musicians. Did tu.irmu.loal l.c.lia consist in being able to ail at ih I aY naa-fiaai sea snd rattle off a few ieea, ai.d then call thoir LKQAL ADVERTISE M ENTS. NOTICE aaaiHimii-Miia kii nsar tvaa Ml.a. k oration on th. approaching Fourth of Jul,, and Uar-oniou. and ncaaj Tawai "Z ( Z that the honorable gentleman has accented. Th. next eleetiaau n., - a..w 7 , ,77 rir aelecuon. oa, "nng." i. ord to mT toTZ: and that portion of the procraoim. ha. entnulad to able hantla. ranka bat ibay oanaai aocompliah ,.y snch Tka 1. O. a. It. aV. KMMraaJaiaaeut. Wa are informed that this entart.inm.nt k.. bean postponed untU TaasdaT a.ni. m i. i8th. As some of the best mmionl and literary talent of the city has bean engaged for theoo. easion, we are sure that we can promise our readers an elegant and enjoyable entertainment. We hops the I. 0. 0. D. S. and 7MMn-a Society will make this affair a grand financial oon he programme assumes systematic form it wiU be giren to our readers. thing. As aha realtentiaj-y. Ths religious acrrices at the FBltm(;,. fianday ware attended by a lama numtr nf visitors irom ths eity, Berricaa an tn tw hi,T at the aarne place next Sabuath, the sermon to ue Hraacnsa oy UM L'beulain. and u ... i - w a alaaM IU ti . . .tvnwu "Ur X OlfJT WO ITT ' be furnished by theaame parUe, who bay, I-"?? ?.', ?L,?"t,rttuU?u fre h. stM,uiu die; com, caed the choir for the past two Hnnda olam Xrou mfui - WoftbeLambandtheaiTeroftifa. A number of IWem elocutionist, h.re been Zu Tn '"V?0"1 inclined P v4s.9 A -as .a n ... . . 1AM 1119 PrUWUle laaifta m.nA I .tv a a r 00 U IHUetBiBitlt frw kh.! . 1 WflM LMV iMatnii m . , Andaometim-wMrsare-hn. i. tVrfJT"; He lacked the refinement that culture aonraya WtozVJl! """ rough and uncouth in h maunTd 1 Bin uowetur bwiking in whole or in nart we ara a,J7fV.,7r '" P"0'1 P'T and -und and allTuiht -hen you "JmeV bi. JSV.a'.!. 7 d uwt. ' i . 7: "-7 s uutunmu On dftT ihn trnnal naMiMt .'!. r . ri. ,7." 7 f " "im I'll mi laTOZlE. .rmiU,-T f Bter UUMi u,wfullT wont; Aad W bauimor iudiwlriously 'i1.' ud 1,8 P"1. "d exhorted and sung, , And warned and entreated poor Peter to fir From the nit ,.f . "'. I et ther sal II. JJ.. ulu"e. "1 a.hef., -Tr-"K""'Tt- 1 . T. "vrm muH t-k Mrs. J Jaujntgomory, one of the principal inTited to attend the Bute Teacher-. w..,!?le.if at Albanr. on th ! f a.., .r.:" - wua - va Itui S( 1 J . a right io undertake .7-." " . T Uirougb . thorough ??y" music school. " ""Miaas t derotnd entirely re should ba uml. hare Universities, music schools. Thisonaht r "VI "VI. ? 7- 7 ' j n ...ill it. There are anhni in .v.- . v " " " uevowa ent Coli.K and in.lTtuiion. ''J'J tl....k ladies and gentlemen, we a lnfn,m, v. From a htUe black bottle i,,w . J ti-fii.-.V" Te li and with a lit. . JIOD 1 --a wuiuOtUIWU W I T u "lUfl CUUIU (A mtl aUu . advance UUIUU " "" Maines,.policeman; Chas. Belt, Gen. Squimalf Hale Backensto, aoe'of clubs; Alia Brown, con net; George Herren, Eory O'More; Willard Harran. Heatlwo Chines. Hiss Alio. Vu appeared as a page- Miss Bailie Price. Giuatv peasant girl; Mra. Orton, Jnnocewael Jtua Mto- ""J"" -wraanr. Measrs. Thorns,. Ootbim and Eddie Herren were made up as Mr. and Mrs. Grwndyand right Toyalljr did they per- JLDere were a Urge num- bar, of other maskers present, but the boase wa crwnad that it was ampoMibb Tor sour wprtea ,bt,m the naraea. Mm Miami, PoweU was awarded a gold ring, a, the beet lady character, and Mr. John Chase, shirt stud, and Uarva buttons, as the best gentleman char- " "uiw upen inisaTaoini; as usual. Go early and secure skates ' gABraBKfrrA AcAalat. ..uruana, leii io that eiry last evening i. company with Deoutv Dnitad R- u u. Buna. We hear Dan smith tw- j unu Knian wj to the Penitentiary tor the robbery spoken of, was taken to Portland this morning, and it is aaui that both these parties are summoned to gio endeuoe before the Grand J ia Jtuiuomah County. t-.ufciuiuo oi me exercuaa t ik. The following " "wmau rubbery case lately triad Pea tne lnviUUon and will ha t,-.. rneasrs. i,SL. ilewley. . G. W. nj!t n.., BU ,a : "I H "ot mention the l.i .1.- vr . - v.wu.bwi I . n.K - nn xyicaeraon, atlases Bertha aiuoro.. Q-.u c n. ..TTr,'. Carpenter. Ada . M.v and it w .7 Thf.n-;..i "7?J'" D dam ! ' ..-.a n, n, amur-i - t "fS, m 11 in rtHintl r li ouitrmt. what do you . Oiwgon - .toaT: Htoto ?. '"f the Union. rnr.RKs. TMIC rolXOWINO mcm?rib- . J' l'"l',"'tT. tonnU III the iMnwrnulon of wpa . i . urauu, raitmiin at saleat, MarlomuMin ly, Drt'Kun, was ai'laed liy the iinUiirmKnaU !. ruary iili, 17, at Salem anirvwaid, Tor a.xtint .r vlolailen orneetloa s.att, Ituviaad Hlatntea of tho United Hlaten, by the auld A. V. (irulil., K wit: . mMon. wni.aoy; 14 gallotis brandv; 4iallons run; igallunagln: ID gal inn. wine; 4 drawn, ale IpliiMI; sdnaeiu biner. (anmrtnl); li diaamju maoia Uiticvr; do.. pep.miiH; 4leoillalius aud uontniiu; i empty burreU and keg- Now, therefore, nntine la herahv alven In all iwnon.ulsiiaiiifr said above UowrllMt praiiariy, or any bitereat tharelu, to nipar before lb. lin- ilr . Mmn- Orrgon, ami make amih claim within thirty ,vi from the rl.to hareor, or lha aid propartr mUl be dsolaros forfnUitd in the Uuiied mattM, and soUi a. provided by law. ,. A. N.tiAMBKt.t," I"l"'ollirJM.trl.)tofOreaB. Balora, rubna -y mill. 1W7S.-4W Ma. Tbeseelaaea) Taieory .' Be ouiatlv a .U "I.." "" I aa uuu UMIU, UI I Otltak Ollt fit ilia ai . . Perwns feeling an intoreet upon the theorvso J?" fowlwrnbabslTnad bum nalr hilhead J"!: wiil'be wtZ. , musical advan nit. UM "J a no teachers in oar have UkeniTJ. to T- It. f"w lu"n from some ssoond r.,!. earnestly pleased to learn that Prof. Chaney has at length oonsented to deliver a ooar) of lectures upon too much excited to siug or to pray.' But thought that how " vu( uiaju . . " , m owaiea oy rraoe. Una anhlAt . .1 Y . , . . .. iaJnairS of tha I itiu, 1 . 7 MKiaiauva nail, baaing I plaee . 1 ,uro " their toaoh ohaaner for th,'. v- "J hie of instructing i 32, T"W.?!7 nu P- of our teachea ail u i. a dLirl.n t S"""" one to employ tlMm flo TT""e,,,, "T who ha. .tnrt,Lm:Oo rather to aome one one wlm ku a V "rk'anixw achool.some 2 " ? dlP,om "uUtng them to teauh ... I IT.' " .uu? on piano-forte, bat .on.. I .. uvtiu wsat HCnOST avanmor ll?L . IWM riW Brrfln m I MuuiuaiaJia. lurmnn I l . . . . u.ua w . . . - . T I I aitinn nH ll . t , -li maat eoapo. wM w.u owa our Bkoie. laammk.. . . ' - "wi aanuav evaniae "ai nisnt. when ilia 1, .... I It .1 , 8l-t- is 159. m,d aronn, iw "Z?. for "ouths. It will ba worth .Mill . . high. ruun .tudr d T:.' "".. this three from Or,wm tt ' " . nd these lectora. r, if r,.' " And red snafu of litrhtnin almi h.;i.i I any In tha L'nmtT a"4 10 laapeat to w,.u , " . --w4. . :r, . through tha akv: ' Amaaoa. ""'"J xreoencjt Bchwatka. Th. i,.. I . oi mrormauoB that will The choral. ..f th. ,.t... iL. . 1 . ' . ta. n of F. G. Bchwatka, of this cir7d . " to th'e wanTof T&dT Summons. Juatiee.' Coert far lbs Pra.Ua.it of riarvai Slate of liragon, County of hlarbuu B.M. Kkbmb, l-fir, , ) VI. ( J'l.ll ... A. M. Mitoani. Daft, i . aaaaiw . TV. A,: MoCORRLK, THS AROTK MA MHO A ualeuilaut: lnUiaiuinia or ti. tti.i. nr .... flaon. y.n are hereby required to apiwar helhre the aoileraiKuad.a JaalUt at tin .. preulaot atuniNiiil, en Ik 41th Uny of ftlarvb, IWlL al one o'chx k in the afternoon of aaid day. at li'e uuxiun, in aaia nreoimit, te auswer the above named plaimm la a civil a.uion. The ilvfttndaiit will ih . ......... ..... ir l .. t-aVSwrr "'n'J,,l"t iMirein, the J'laintiff will take liulainent for two h.iniii ....a -. .- and lorty.mdrh.ooltar.aod uosia of uil, aod ' amf. 1 . wM,I1Mt,Fiiaj Ua I Ullltfl(!rn dtdumlaitt, in the WKKi.r Hai.KH SrATaaMai. INib ui,e, In Sln,, Marlon Cwl.t?. Or ' 'T b"'l thl leifi ilay orrebru- JAJIShl). TAl l.OB, Jmihiaiif ihn Peai'e. Notice. " nMlK WV.PAllTNKItSIIIP HKRKTOFOItK IX- "Unit hmweeij ihe uiiilurnliineiL under tiui -..Ived br n itual oa,,t, Mr. K Herrman and i..i.Jl. "'" "rm Horn the flTn. jhe ieonth Annual Comm.nm.n. r 1, I St UP Oaology, Zoology. Botanr And Chamis. Hpital Medical Collega. Bew lark Cily, and !? "'". With chr'' Bd Patatlnga, The .."fllfir., . li of grsdaates at that iuatiiution tor 16 TTS Bnn,ta' " 1 lliafiniaail to the pains f The avenga of the daily recitations and writ ten examinations: .show that tha "following pci aon belong to olass first; all those whose stand- uijs june or aoove being of this class. Of tuoae below ninety we make ho repoifcTjN am. ber 6f ituaoii6,"'8ittyfiie!, s m, s h 1 100 Reid F.ln. ilrown, h orris . 96 Bean, Frank 100 Brown, Ai 100 Berry, Ora f"- J08 Oohn, Theodora ? t 99 Cox, Zelia ly Coshow, Phronia 100 Cole, Wallace 100 OalTert, Ada ' " " 90' Cusper, Asggiei l' Oex, Azar ' 90 Carpenter. Mav 100 Osener, Anraer 94 Hewett, tfatbew -'- 100 Lafore, Lewis 93 Bl orris, Guasie 96 Parmenter, Chas 95 - i-ermna, Jii , leo Bejnuhia, Grace Scott, WinBeld bmitii, Clara Bavape, barah nwegte,- Ulevia ; Bbaw, Hmniav 100 90 100 90 -v iao i 100 100 Weatherford. Fred Idrt wait, Agsie . 100 Wait, Oiive 100 an Wagner, Thos 100 Beott, Grant Colbert, Viola lien-en, Ed Kosky, mma iloorea, Wylie Plamoudon, Patton. Marv, inm, Ida 100 100 99 100 100 100 100 101) 100 as The following persons were called borne two weeks before term closed. Their daily recita tions show as follows: ' ' - - Jiewett, Matbew 100 Colbert, Viela fpn, Tom 100 Buckner, ilary CLASS IS BOOK-KEEPI.tO. Edward Perkins, Frank McCullv, Malhew Hewett, f Tom Morruion, Ai Brown, " John Chase. :- As it is a regulation of the school tliat no one's name shall appear upon this report whose aTBrage standing in daily recitations aud exam inations, fall . below ninety we have had to omit some twenty names. Of these it is proper that we sa no one has fallen below sixty-five and a iajarity are over eiahty.' ;X. J. Xjawib. KTATE NCHtMJI, rtB THE M.II. W witueaetd an examination of the pupils at aijsotatebcbool fur the Blind, jestenlay, oosretary unauwick, Col. GUfry and others were present. Mr. Chadwick delivered a short address, Congratulating Hhe school on its fine and effective condition. Superintendent Rev J. HBahcbek, Oaliveteda short address to both pupils and visitors, which was well received. Bev. J. fl. Babcock is Superintendent of this artiool, Charles H. Kaiser, principal ; snd, I)r. . G. Chase and wife have the imrutdiate-char-'e of the buildings and school rooms. ' The studies pursued by this moat unfortu nate class of people consist of reading, writing, mental arithmetic and English grammar. Three different systems of reading are taught and both Tocal and instrumental music. The proficiency attained by tue pupils is truly wonderful. With the light of Heaven abut out from their physical vidian, it seems j very straDge that they can lean: biiythiug at all of the mattOTi nientioned a thesubjit of their studies. They csrmaliy excel in mental arith metic, eolviug problems in ftaclious with a de gree of celerity that is unequalcd by most peo ple who are fouud with good eye-sight. In a walk through the institution we were greeted on every hand by positive evidence of ueatueas no sanitary mtaiures being in any way Deglected. While it is most unfortunate to be bereft of sight, such luanagementas our school receives if calculated to relieve the afflicted to the grea'- eat possihto 'extent, aittl ia looking ever titty matter a vi,kor natnrjllr concludes that it i noi so baa to be blind aft ell. We are not ad vised of the C04 of the iiHtiHiti jit to the Htate, but for such s humane purpose, uo tax-pay r. will find fault with liberal appropriations. x.ieurenaa, in the Dnited Bints. Army, and is now stationed at Sorth Platte. The Albany Democrat ia iamwi!l,u following item: At aa event in lha fnniMii. oently, which would properly come under the uou 01 insna neports." a surprise party was given somewhat after this manner. Due prep aration had been made to welcome the littl. nl "all the way from heaven," but to, the "heav rayr yiatter" broughta pUymate with him, and the unfortunate male pa-ti-ent of the new comers had to travel ix miles through the rain and mud to borrow suitable apparel to olothe me extra unexpected. BADE BULL AT KILVERIOS. Bu-VKirros, Uarcb 13. Fj. BTATEsatui: The BilrerTOn base ball mnh met to-day in tne towa ball and organized, with 1. Patterson as captain of the first nine, and Alpha Coolidge, captam of the second nine. This club did some good nlavin. i..t : ZS'b ' with They club that nl 'th. .".'V "i"? A" w- w UM-AU KaaaWJa i . TKa nnL.l,l J - W reek-a x. Vj" T.ana,n8. the element dire Last Sunday night Ber. Kr. PeTk. na. iSMS ? ? i "1 a- T w-wa aaau UawU IIUI I the Fir.1 Praabvtori.n u r. 7r!.1T . fear a- "m wuunaia liiiM CUT. UA-1 fr lu . bvaxed an able lecture on the immoralitv of . e"'blt p' J-tructien to near. -...Ptures. -lt reck has a fair and candid way Fwa. Mary. wa Hannah, and T. v.. uuutunit, wiuati enebains the attention of an nu Joe' ' tha listener; and in hi. last Bunds,', lecture dis- Wh'te Tl1" 10 oom. Ulow; ment therefore careful and clear. IT. ,i . Bnt Ali, eonclud. th. subject, but wmcoulinue iu con- 1T' slderahon on another Sunday night, and all Bha ,ild ory ot rer came, .hould hear, as be WU1 treat of rome fiS-wTf 7 pitiU 1 lie toid mother counted hor treaaura, of love j Wuen lo one was imius. oh. Faih.r.u.J- ' liow madly .he shrieked in her agony wild "Aly Alice, my Alice, oh! save my dear child I" rft Auen aown on hint r..u , UNION ' Flflf IH-UIIIIIH CO., OF CALIFORNIA. JBflES 4 PATTERSON, imsiitius -in 1 'j""""! "' nw rm. 'ine l?iu.TTv 1 ir """'jr0" ""'" xaiin ay 1,. tlr-h aad Ed. Ilira h. who will S iiiV;-al',l,,,in,ow,,u" " mo.wr A HlKMCa llftlf) U a a.? a.. ,w ... ... 'ilAa Mil run , 4W Proposals for Fuel, Forage and Straw. ",as Ornta Ch q. m. Darr or TU Cotcwma. w.ad, On.. atarnh 13. in;" i a. : liktra. fur ll. durum the Ikwal lemUufi Vune 111, Hay Viid eVrew ' JTi' V"1'' Barley, rooT...". u. . fort Klamath, r .iTTvI "'"".."'II liuVjIaik noon, oa Wanal 7 " mry auppliaa. l.malb, riroo. ,,1'? 'hr alaa. of ln, .i'Ta!! tlOUCKl q lit ? "uTralf.'"-0 ' r,g, to reot VSSr1 t" .'"..es of da. Ulauk iiniHnlL a ptrson and Contributed. Strange but true, thore is eonsideraltfe fua going on, at au times at the University, and from several reports the Medical Department have their share ; several days since some one of the students fastened the Skeleton's right hand up to the ril of his chest ; one of the la dy stndents casually observing the same, during a lecture, was struck very forcibly with a eomi eal thought, which she immediatelv penned to a colleague as follows : "Skeleton seem a tn h . . . . i-r" "r-j . w ai mm with his hand striking his chest, aud that thoughtful look upon his visage ; lean fancy I can hear him saving : 'Give me libertv nr "irfT I ti t, Z c9n"fl1uen10e w supressed laugh from Uiat part of the lecture room ; and the lecture went on as usual. John Henry (sketeten) .winging to and fro in the gen Ue brWf grit- Uu III ttl. at all h j . ' '"" , ' ' . wiw vuauvw nu benign countenance. New Hwaietw. A numlr of young ladies and gentlemen met reauience or fym Ellen Chamberlin last oaturday evenine ami a mn.;.i 1:. ciety w parually organized under the name of TU' lvrrlbte of the Ird migbt bo I O. D. T. It is the intention of the anoint t Said Pnt;.r meet once a week Tor the purpose of pawing off , tJi ' U " " a few pleasant hours with Total Arul imtrnmai. I tn U don't suit this parlicuLiT 0t M of duett., solos, and quartettes, were sung by PT',- h" grot rms U be-mutted with a. a j 1 tiirc: "uo 01 me best rocaluts of the elhr TI ..: lamationi .were delivered by Meters. Frank iT "TST ZIZ Kg&U. vine, E. G. Clark, Mart L. ChamWim m. L. Ouire. "riua aioores and Clara Watt. Tliad. ltitcnw; - ciery will meet again nexf Baturday evenini; A U,8n ,ndr(frwt Joy. which cou when officers will doutbl t l.i, . un.. "J?1 permanent organization r fftl "uu on his breast A shout rent the air aa the darling he laid - wo hi va luuauer hl.l,ii 1P at!d moat greatfully smiled ..?T . JIOu be went hko a how j Id not be - TblsUthe GtvoTltetnimnvall nr... and in Portland. C mu,,Uved"t "l nl' truKon. li b, a' STRICTLY RELIABLE HOME COMPANY VTorking on a Wltl. . T ....... .. . - . u.,,! r.un LP CAPITAL Hal I., nuros at (be .. ki,i a.,.. ,7:.r.j ,.rj. "L0!!0". " WMi.an.l .1..... . .. ,Z '"luireoalea.;!. of bidding. oaVi'itioaail iT to Ihemanaar U.iarun-nl-J.?".' " ""loe, a to tha tonlo " 7, I""-, named. marked llMl t.lna "PniUMala l..r alu.uld b and I rrxMw1 ... ik. . . foal g.mrtBr;;;.8l,e''orlolne roapeotlv. K,N. BATCIIELttEli.. aiwjur anu c. Q. V . nutrl.i-lw proposals fornTransporta. wUl trauni ua v. Mav.t. iKTn .1.I. J .ou wmiu im.ad in nreauDiw of I Ida LOCAL OT. A number of new buldinga are in conna nt erection at Jefferson. - so pulo uud dumay- child. VERY LOWEST RATES ALL LKH l-'M.-r(.v PAH.withl ,. to loreim, adjiiaiers. . run, li, lHlti. Those tears of brave manhood that rained Kl,..l ...... ' .. ..uo K'ace OI nature n,l n.i. r urtu-n ' " A manifest token, a visible sign OX indwelling love of be j,int divine. to gaze upon Tricbluear. ' At monmouth there has .been of late several oases of what was supposed to be Typhoid fever. uu u mortality was Urge for that disease. In one family where three persons were affected it wasiouna that they had partaken freely of uesu porn oeiore tne sickness manifested it self. iSorne portions of the flesh being given to Dr. V.aterhouse, a physician lately from the East, he examined it under the micro. and found it literally alive with the trichina). The other physicians were loth to believe in the xistence of the dreaded disease in their midst, but nevertheless were obliged to con fess their mistake when they saw the evidence. in the ease of one person at least, thev are coming out in little sores all over the body, the norms uting uucuargea when the .ore matter- ates. Tiicuiuiai, the name given by the doctors to the dueaise caused by eating pork in which the worms exist, is among the list of tli iMni. bles. If that is ilie kind of typhoid that we have been having here in Salem, would it not be well for some of our careful snd competent physicians to examine into tus matter ? Their usefulness would be manifest to the public, and perhaps the mortality might dimiu-"b- " Kblah. Consider such natures and then if you can breach total depravity mate in uiau, 01 uiaspnemy, why 'tis T ... .1... '.,' "' 'loiaimT ,1m 1 ,oor ul1 oura own wild PASStSGKH LI.ST. IxtdtfC Oreitnlsed. On Hie 10th in.t.; b- direction of W. K. i)uu- tar, (J. TT.-C. T.ET. E.'Trankliii'.D.T).,- assist ed by C. W. Mii-jk, orginizjJ a Lodo of Good Templars at Grv.-nville, with a Urge charter lu:. 11. o. K';iii:mo.i i:iV.C. T.; lliry Pierce. W. V. T.; Gji. Vlii!e i...id, V. h.; Thos. WiL ou, P. W. C. T., and Mary K. Ingles, L. II. See that your neighbor, got the Statn.i. '. the only Eepublcan daily in Oregoa. A family reunion on "Piety Hill" vesterdav. mustered about twenlv-three. Tho author of Salem notes to an Albany pa per is threatened with being "snatched 'bald I beaded. A loilow on Bute street is said to have an open countenance," because he has a large IUUUIU., Thfl MawI. nnmMm f .1 - TIT: 1 1 ... .. uu., u. TTuianteiie L.oile-1 Ti,fl n ... u.ue.. p uaiaro is uui tne expression of grace. a oaiem correspondent of the Albany Demo crat has his articles headed "Salem Lie-abilities" a good name for such items. A flag floated at half mast over the Btaie D- partuent yesterday, in honor of the death of ex-Governor Jackson of Missouri, deceased. treet commissioner Price, about to enforce I Jos A MilW. il... 1. . . .... ... i t, :i uiuiuauue requiring streets and alleys, to UI 0 """arm, carefully cleaned out before summer sets in. , , ",c1l,"i. .... I J A stiller. we undeiMUnd the balem water coniuam C HtrausM will sown extend the supply pipe up the river b a point above the month of Hill creek. That 1 a good move, Street Commissioner Price has just comiilot- etl the flooring of the Mill creek bridge. It K 1) lia..Ler.Hlos. woa sixteen mousand leet or lumber, bnt no r J l"tciieia the work is substantial and will last for ye-ira. The Idaho Statesman sayg : Frank C. Bakei was never appointed private secretary by Gov. Thompson, of that Territory, aud consequently never resigned. There was some niistaki about it. Judge Grover will hardly bo 011 the bench dawtt J. W. EEDfSUTON. W. W. Jll'vu ua- tl.v 1.....1.: . :- irannuortail.m or stllliurv hom ii " W i"'lt feTlle.l rl,mes ln'th, i in lb" full"w CoiomMn. during tee J"1"""""1 r frinu iLltltfs. KVl t) t.h. r. .. I'Bllea. ore'.,,. tei'ZaX: JST llouie o. a. iluo imsi ii "" " ..m,. N. 4.--aoo.n.m 11- "u- "rogon. 1101 - rurt KlJS.'.t.ofe aoH."'-1 "",Ur'" "'Snob, MUNKEES & EEDINGTON Fq Book & Job l RJNTER 1 Then team of the star, and the dew .Pagied Smith's Block, Commercial St., Salem UA wan TAKKN THE OKKICE RKt r. ..-.IT ."" led by William., A Conor ENT- Coimrer, we are now prepared to do All Kinds of Printini- AT THE LOWEST LIVING RlTFS. r... . . . . .wa iiie uregon hleamshin Cumiv'. .t. viaiTIKG CARDS A eowrMA.w oan rraucisco for Pr.rti.t Som 1.. . . . . halvrdar ..ll. n. r..,i..:... u " ""u :'ll j , ...... , ,j .u.iomug UST OF FASWESOEK.S: J Ilflllv, jos iiri. Miw. .... 11.. K-....,K. OregoYnrokirZri,0:, .sa.HnruriNMa ul J, ihVr T. 1 '"-l'"tlun .m av or Bn Tha . ,'''0,,',n,'"1",l,ru,,ived. .ny,"r'a-;,,V,r.:;ni.,'W"VU" l"e rejart iln on toiuo iiwhimr At 1 ,i.i,if ' , 1 'nlnna ol.Wrv,,l l,rb"H .r" ami '" ," U',"1"""' lo Uo Miliinrv Olri-lo ,,f n T-. -ii ' f y""r'"mter, taliloriiln. 8 '"' ' bo" runoloeo. Knvnli.imM nuti'a.Mt, 'It ninli ll:tf Miss O Wittenlx-rg, L Kline and wile, J II Hntctiinsou, D C Cochran, A Arteld, Ll Montr-. J Kehn. J i Jtilluor, W Fuller A wii, J McDonald A fimiiv, H William., A Waldniau, Bam Ivy, J P Cochran, Kani Jab, B Gnlhn, jos Butiierlaiid A wife, H HiiXeT y L Ik'ttman, K V. Alatt, L O Kline, P Koriniuiky. J 1( Truwavas A wife, A Conklin. hn-oud IlHitd rututiiire. James Coffuy is now payint; the highest pri.-. iu cmu iur iiocoiiu nanu lurmturx nf .11 h. ""P'"". . kiuim 01 uiruiture repaired in when those.-crooked" school money cases comt changed for old for a reason!. AlV, L..i."" up lor adjudication. A sound Itepubliean miuil " "w utli of the liank, Commercial occupy that place and protect tho interests 0' nill,:IU- Oregon. our children. ,. . TVe krarn that Mr. Arthnr C. Hillman. one oi Marl-7U:lm. lr. ttlKlttmnn. '1tTtfma ilmirinfr tnVjtmnnt 'l.Mtl.. ..Ui:... 1 Hie route agnt fin the Oregon and ( slifornif man proo," will havo one mora opportniiity Klilrrairiiai )en rmiovcd ami Mr. Dan. W I "d of these most troiiblesoioecouiplaiiiUf ni iimrriioiii or I'lies,- le. iatioii of 1U.-C- Appb.-gate, of Yoncalla, has bten apjmir.ied tr the Xitiou. The i:i r appointeo will con: mence t unning the first of the week. mm. mm isuu: 111 Alio;" null be afsiirl Ih. v ' (Miinot return" a-;ini, as the cause that produce Ilium is removed in a natural wav. C. A. BURCHARDT 36 Washinston St., Portland, WHOLESALE AMI ItETAIL HEAI.KU IS mi & liquors, OKr KIW 011 SAI.K 40 Cases Genuine Ehine Wine From the famous Bremen Rathskeller, FRENCH AND CALIFORNIA CLARET French and Sonoma White Wine, The best In the f.'ountry.T ST. HELENA WHITE WINE, Light and Vary Pleasant. ' FEENCH C0G5AC, EUM, WHISKIES, By tho Barrel, Callon or Bottle. jiiiihilAwu' nmilii-tw iinll,,ill(f ,ro,Knl, shoul.l I- miunii. iur J iaiiBii..i nau.n on ii,..,7., and .l, Ire .! , tfM. Z fUM It. . lI.T:KI,lHir, Major nml ;. (f, f. FINE POULTRY. BRZD BY INmih HONZE TLKKKVR J 0a4.il. Km 1 w ll.. imr uilr I'.iKiii i ma Oti J Morii lit. WhiiJIIIMi 40 riw U(lH. H'll.rliit..r . ... . "-I T..;;;w ALT.. ''..,0 uvomBliw 1.1 K, iu ll..,., ,,,.,1 u.Vi ,,'f nil l'IU;lL h .r,,. AUo, a tine flHrrtiuint of Pil. 1. 1 . .. Oiiinea Fowls and Ker". " V"M,t, Any variety of mwls desired Imiwlod. KUtiS, true to n uiii. fre.,b 11 ml h ell i.r. .1 .-1 . saleatniisleiiiit.j.n.w, "Ul """ed. lor Bund far llliistratetl Ciniularaiid Price 1.11, to M. LVltE, Nnpa,Cttl. On rc;ei.l of I .') i.mti. in iiihi, I W f,irnii, iKj.:lni.!ii .;opv ol the I'ot IJ KV l!l"l I iK 1 a llusiraied uionthi; t, ,', JJ .; I'v In ponliiy nutters In . 1 nhrJi w , ,"u J ; ; .vi.le.llv ,,e l ,. .rv"1,,!;.', 'It. rlllllr VVlllTH VlHI at..r II. 1. -.1 Order, ,v also ,e loll nuili, M'WnmV'- V.A V '.xfi;i,ll-wtoii,;Ms