The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, February 11, 1876, Page 2, Image 2

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n. W. Scott, Collector of Customs lu
Tortlaud, has returned from Washington.
The ConrallU Gazette ha been placed
mm a cash basis bo wbscriptlc-u received
-except pre-pysieiit I made.
Thk new llaaoatc Hall at HarrUbarg
will be dedicated In June next..: It ia id
to be the finest ball in the State, except
4Le one in Portland.
' Some of the people of Linn county
want a plank road constructed between
Brownsville and Halsey, a distance of six
tnlles. An Albany excluuige says it will
t "ten dollar." That would certainly
le very rbr ap fbr anefi an improvement.
M.ltMlftAl. RliWR.
Under date of 2Sth lnt., we find the
following items:
Tbe rate of posts on third clans mat
tec if being changed o aa to la tot the dis
tribution ot printed matter through the
nails. The bill baa passed the House anil
will meet with little opposition in the
New Mexico petition for aa enabling
act to bt come a State.
Senator Logan Introduced a bill proviil
lag that a mint should be established at
KHlll'r OHCK.
Tbe Centennial bill has pawed Cengres
ad our Mr. Lane, a Oregoa, Toted tor it
Tbe discussion of tl e amnesty bill devel
oped Uie tact that the people want no more
war and the leader of that Democratic
House would rot be permitted to force
ancb event on the? nsfon.
That excessively virtuou Democrat.
the editor of the Portland Journal says :
"Tlie plundering of the public is con
Stdereri h legitimise object the purpose
or wmcn tne omce was ootatned."
Be evidently hvl before blm tlie history
f his parry and remembered his own ex
rerienoe in office holding, wlten he penned
the above sentence. HU efforts to oonyltii
Ibe public that tiki Kepeblican parry i
composed of thieves anil robbers, appe
wry ludicrous to any observer, of passin.
The Hiilsboro Independent says:
The Independent Central Committee of
Polk comity met at Dallas on the loth
Inst, and recommended that tlie Indepei
dent voters ot that rnmity hold primar
meetings mid enmity convention on the 2
and 4tli ot March respectively, for the pur
pose or ejectii.B county ticket.
Aud Rev. Mr. Wlitney several mile?
away. He should be consulted, or hi
pr-y iu Wasliliigton county may not sue
Tlie 'liberty ot the press" has been so
: XVkW. -
much discussed that the suliject seems
threadbare, and yet the questions Involved
have not all been fully settled, The
crowned heads ot lurope have slowly
given way to tlie great hand-maid of pro
gress the pressand made concessions
from time to time, which have placed that
power second to none lu any civilized
country; but occasionally, even' In Free
America, efforts are made not only by ln-
lviduals but by communities am) Legisla muzzle the press li-whleli condi
tion it is completely shown ol Its useful
ness. Time ilone can cure tliese evils,
hut we hope it will be short when tree ami
utraiiiuielcd discussion will not only be
silmialilr hut positively required of nil
publishers ot public journals.
A reporter ot the San Francisco Chr n
icle recently had occasion to offer a slight
criticism on the comliu't of a meinlier of
the California Legislature, his statements
being closely intended lor the putiliu good
While seated at his desk the next day, the
said memlier whose name Is Wilcox an-
proached til in from behind and dealt eev-
era I severe blows pver the head of tlie un
suspecting reporter with a heavy cane.
Tlie reporter was a small man and his
assailant was a strong and athletic man
whose muscles had Iwen developed at the
anvil, consequently the contest would have
been very unequal, even had the attacking
party been manly enough to face
tlie party on whom he made the
murderous asnult. The stunned
a id almost breathless reporter, made an
effort to Ueleiitl himself, but was seized
and disarmed, by some members present
and finally carried away by friends to a
hospital, where he now lies. Every hon
est man Iroin whom we licard aud almost
a united press of ilmt State, deiii.unced
the act as mot cowardly aud brutal, but
the legislature has ru-lied to the rescue ot
tlie would be as-assin and nassed a resolu
tion excluding all ChronicleWeporUrs from
tie privileges ot the floor of eitlier House
I'his la-t act was wholly unexpected and
the people of tlint creat Slate, who regard
their liberties s worth preserving, should
at once presenile and remove the member
who has disgraced them, and guard hon
est reporters, if need be, by military
As Damon loved Pythias and David
cherished Jonathan, so sloes Gen. Brown
love Governor Watkinds, ' This Is well
from a personal standpoint, but when a
Senatorial contest actually comes up, It is
probable that tho said love will (how a
lower temperature as both are candidates.
, . UOV. WArUlMD.H. . . s ,T .
"licina bill to ask what he would of Hie Kinir.
desired thai he Blight know uoue of bis secia:."
rriueeol Tvro.
The ''thin" Democrats who practice
what tilings are dhtated by Oov. War-
kinds.siitnetiiiii sdisseut from knowing miy
of his political secrets. Such small politi
cians he chucks into the waste baaki-t.
l.lttle IlrmncraK look out.
of the assassin. We do not approve tho
rouiriolirTChronlcW," In 'many' things,
but simply defend on general principles.
That sheet of tlie 87th liist.i lias the lollow-
t .... ;. ,
Tbe original provocatlen given by the
Chronicle correspondent to the "Mariposa
Itlackginith." and which led to the mur
derous assault of Wednesday lust, U to be
tound in the tollowluir words :
They (the loony) dug tip tho work of tho
lobby ;cArVagn' and took tlie corpse "to
Wili-ox," the Mariposa Hhicksmlt'i. to de-
f liver an Ineemlhiry oration over.
Till) Very lieaii niiii front or our cor
respondent's oftVtie has this extent no
more. It was these lew wonts ot eoinpara
dmiht full that I e had been worse wrongHI
than the prop) -Morn ol the Chronicle had J
when the life ot Kapthnly was attempted.
So he thought he would catn the slanderer
a trifling offence compared to shooting
on tho public streets. j
From an experience ot more than twis
ty years as editor, correspondent, pub
lisher, etc., I am constrained to say that
If the course pursued by the Qirauiole 1
to bo construed Into meaning "liberty ot
the ptess," thru the sooner that "liberty"
grievance, while Ills blood was tip, lie HQ I , - ,
in rroreasor ttatrour rstewart'B ad
dress before the Mathematical and
Physical Section of the Urltitdi Abho
oiatiou some valuable remarks were
made upon the sun's influence on the
meterologlcal and magnetic phenom
ena of the earth. The aurfuce parti
cles of the sun are animated by throe
distinct forma or motion, t'.uoh par
ticle Is Influenced by the gigantic
meteorological diaturbance ot me mir
face, vlaible to ua as sun Hpots. Eiuili
narticlo. on account ol ua men tem
perature, la vibrating with exteiiMlve
rapidity, itieae vinrutioiiB giving 10
On the liberal but, safe ideas of politic
economy, as advocated by the grvit Re
pulillcan party, rets the matter of safety
to free iusiiuiilons. This applies Co cities.
counties and States as well as to the Gen
eral Government. The people are Im
pressed with tlie idea more forcibly since
the Confederate House of Repieseutatlvc
has been removed to Washington.
It is highly important that Republicans
attend carefully to tho next election.
Many places are to lie filled In which the
penplu have a vital interest and the time at
which to shape the whole thing la at the
primary conventions. Do not stay away
from primaries and then find fault with
any ticket, the making of which vou are
responsible for, by act of omission if not of
commission. We speak ol the question
thus early lu order to call general atten
tion to the conventions even before they
are (SUIed. Be on vnnr guard.
iivimt nanuie" inmin inii, Hroii-eu un:- . , ,, . i i,,
: .... . i. k ...... ..11..1....11 morals and the peace of society. I have
IIV Ol IHVf lllflLIJlllllll Willi I'll, IIVI !
trom him a torrent of hIuhu poured out lu I lived lu California lor the past two years,
tie Asseuilily. aud accompanied by his most of the time in Sail Francisco, and
threats 'o chuck' the correspondent out ot bnow t,0 m,nte In which tho Chronicle
Is held. Us columns teem with abuse ot
ladle as well as gentlemen, whose
poverty alone compels them to submit lu
silence, but lu their hearts they de
test the sheet. They have trleuds who
sympatlilzu with them, aud thus this frel-
ix lias spread throughout tlie entire State,
which accounts for tlie stupid act ot the
Legislature. Still irnoJ mar 'come of it It
ail (he facts are lairly laid before the pub
lic. W, II. CltANKT.
Som; ill-natured finn of tlie forest down
a Sew Mexico are doing some mischhf
in the way ot slaughtering and scalping
aubabiranU of the "pale face" persuasion.
The U. S. troops have failed, np to date,
to induce the scalpel manipulators to re
ceive blankets aud sheath their knives and
feiry their little liatciiets but reports ol
aew outrages reacb ua from day today.
A threat that Gen. Brawn will pass that
way with his regiment or Brigadier while
an route for the Centennial, will bring
-staete belligerent rascals te term. Gov.
If atkincU pleaae tak notice. -
Since the pleasing result of the law suit
involving the title to our Jlarioa County
. Court House, tlie defeated claimants have
afcown many signe of annoyance ever tbeir
' tatlure. One of the attorneys In tbe case,
who is supposed to write tbe editorial for
4he Oregtmiao says :
It Is high time those antiquated institu
tions which we 011 courts of justice were
abolished. Ther have outlived their use
trine. auJ are altogetber too expensive
te kept merely for shew, or as roiics ot .
rt age. ir Uiey weru thlnB tliat conhl
enbalmed, or put up in alceliol. and
resenrea witnout any expense exoeot the
ejost of storage, they mieht nrooerl v enou?l
be iacked away iu thit form tor the enter
tainment, and probably tbe edification of
aim ua nana, aal in tbeir uresent cum
rou4 costly form they are neither useful
Mr ornamental and should be aboliabed.
Congress is reqoested to appropriate one
and a half millions of dollars te aid in
celebrating the centennial. An effort is
weing mitle te defeat tbe measure in the
21juse ef Representative), unless Jeff Da
U is agreed upon lor tbe next President
We hope no such compromise will be
eoadc by the preservers of tlie Union. Mr,
Davis proved a total failure as the Con
tederate President and it would hardly be
eaie to trust mm.
Iu the course of the amnesty debute in
Cooress, Garfield, rt-feirnig to tbe army
mod navy officers who bad joined the re
fcjllion; observed that "they had added to
tieir other crimes perjury, iu the eye of
tbe law."- This statement, stung Turner.
who sprang to his feet and declared tlm
"It reflected on some of the noblest men
wit'i whom the gentleman lrom Ohio
might be proud to be classed as a peer."
This is tlie temper of that Cont, dera
House ot lienreseiilatives. An article on
the snhject ot perjury will be
oriler iu eitlier tlie 'i'ortiaud Journal or
Albany IhuiiiHrrnr. article iwmiiinnii!
At this early d iy tlie uual light in tho
Democratic piirfy for control of convon
t mis in Marion county, has commenced.
m Watkinds ring, holds the power as
th mailer now seems to stand hut (here
a strong fitrce being organized to beat
tut rinj; when it conies to running nri-
iry meetings, .fudge (I.tydeu is charged
th p!ayii.f some very fancy jruues
t irouuli Mar-on county triem's, to secme
me iiifiiieiice in tlie Senatorial contest.
which of course depends upon the charac
ter and iih-as of the niemlH-rs of the Lcgis
litnre; whiie General Nesmith Is on a
stilt hunt" with the fame object iu view.
The force of Marion county in the Legisla
ture is very important and each one of
ret: aspirants for Senatorial honors and
crumbs," lully realizes the tact. Then
Gov. Curry steps iu with his Journal and
presses his claims as against tlie other par
ies, showing his strength in Multnomah
couuty as a reason why be should be
favorably considered liere.
Of course, all this figuring is thrown
away because there is a clear Republican
majority iu the State aud the Legislature
will bear that complexion. But, the
ambitious Democratic leaders will not
agree tliat tlie game is out until it is played
out, and will make as strong fight among
themselves as if they expected election. It
Is simply courting a stroke of Senatorial
ichtnfng, and each one wants to occupy
lie principal, point of danger ot being
The questions are being picked up and
discussed by small politicians all over this
county, as the several county offices to be
filled are sweet morsels to lite uninitiated,
ud each one seeks strong friends in higher
place to aid him in xnrrying out his pur
As the forces now stand, all little office
seekers should go and consult Gov. Wat
kinds, 'as they stand no chance whatever
of a nomination for any office without his
consent and action. But, should Gov.
Curry's friends come in, as they .may do,
and make a pesitive move on tlie works of
tbe Governor, the result can only be con
it is tiowever, sate to coucluuo tliat the
scramble for office, among Democratic
rings, will result in an Increased Republi
can majority. Old Marion county cannot
tail to go Republican at the next election.
lid party lias no nugs which amount to
any power and a fair expression or the
rank and file" will be had which insures
harmony aud success at the polls.
While Gov. Curry's Journal has a larger
circulation in this section of the State than
Gov. Watkind's Mercury, it is not safe to
conclude that it has more influence. The
latter prop-ietor has a large number uf
constituents who ciunot rcail but can vole
wilh the coolness of the ail Gov. Whi
kiiui's hini'tlf. The little Democratic
party of Marion, county is clearly owned
and controlled by Gov. Watkinds and will
be used in his Interest in the coming Sena
torial contest. Gen. liroWu and Gen.
Nesinitli may as well give up I he chase in
Marion county, at lca?t. Weekly STatks-
mas $3 per annum.
the window. The letter coniaiiilnn the ot
feiislvv linijiwiie appeared lu theChimiiclu
of Friday, the 1-tih of January. On Satur
day the -JUacksiiutlr' rosn hi iihi Asrm
hly to a 'nuestiiui of privilege, "ami uiade
a coarse am I rulliHiily attack upon the cor
respondent, in which lie denounced him as
a blackguard and a liar." Tlie cor
respondent. In nllndliiit to this unseemly
exhibition, said that the nonunion) mem
ber from Mariposa and Merced had "made
an ass of himself.'' which whs a veiy mild
retort, and one the truth of which no Intel
ligent person will fuel inclined to deny.
Here we have tlie whole casus belli, so fur
a t lie correspondent and Blsck-mith are
concerned. Whatever was suhseuuently
said lu tlie Chronicle on the snhject was
neither written or lusplied by the eonv-
pondeut. Ve have set forth the entire
provocation, and wa ask, can any man
dare to sav that it was of a nature to lusti
ly or to excuse a murderous assault:' The
Senate has seen tit, upon a pettifogging
plea, founded ou a wooden teshnlcaliiy, to
pa the matter by, uotliwitlistamitiig tlie
manly ami cogent remonstrance ot Ed
tertBii and Martin. There is even reison
lo la-lieve that had it not beeu for tho nr
trniiiluir influence brought to bear by
Laine. the Senate would Imve betni dis
graced by a course of action which would
have amounted virtually to an Indorse
ment of tlie act of violence and bloodshed
perpetrated In its hall. The arguments
euinlovi-d by those who oppose nny acttoi
hv the Senate, belonc; to tliat siiecies ot
sophistry which is only invoked hi the lu-.
lerestsot sion aud prejudice to uphold
an iiuleleiisilile cause. 'Tlie spirit ol par
nzauship was too strong tor justice, lle
canse. flie crime which desecrated tin) Sen
ate Chamber was committed a lew seconds
after the, adjournment, mid heciinso a com
plaint hud Keen niiiile before civil trlhu, the poliiical associates uud symp itlil
ers with the pi-riietratnr of thu outrage,
argued tint the Sonata should tike no
notice of lu ami the plea rrevailed. We
do not think that this result, v hen ll
comes to Ih known abroad, will redound
to the credit ot the Senate of California or
to the lienor of the State
license? is uhridged, the bettor for public light and lient. 1h It philoMoplncal,
UHKS 1110 1 roienaor, lo niiipm ii.nt IV
Ih only tne luat or llicse three notions
that lufluHiiceH our eurtli, while the
other two produce absolutely no
effect? "Rut we liuve Heeli," lie con
tinues, "thut iibh .Hint ter of fact the
aim does appear to influence the earth
in three dlHlliicl way one in i u in-ll-cally
and iiieteorologically, depending
apparently on hla ierlnd of rotation;
a second cyclonluully, depending u(-
iareiitty on tlie iiieieoroiogmai ciiiiii-
tioiia ol lib auriace; ami a inini, up
meaiiB of his light and heat " I'rof.
ltulfotir t-Uewarl expreaaes bis convle-
tiona that duccchh Iihh attained the la
bors of those InveHtlgutlotia who have
endeavored lo eatatdiHli a connection
between tbe atmoapburlo phenomena
of the Bun and earth and lie plainly
points in the estHbllaluiient licrcuttvr
of a similar coiuiectloti betwecu tlie
Mini's rotation and the magnetic plie-
uometia of the earth.
Fanlt-fiiiilcrs are found In r very country
and at all limes. Coustantcoinplaint.s uri
nific that Iftnincnits liolil the Ivst Feder
al offices in Oregon, under a Republic in
administration, and many hn their inter
est in the matter of party success. W.
igree that it is not good policj', because it
is not mule mutual between the two Na
tions! parties, but it must be rtmemlieivil
that many men claim to belong to which
ever purty U in the asiciidcucy and suc
ceed iu clianging their politics on short
notice, so as to accommodate themselves
to current circumstances. Now this ren
ders p difficult tor those controlling Fed
eral appointments to determine precisely
what to do. But, it is true, that tried"
Republicans should be tlie first trusted;
and, it such consideration of party inter
est is not conceded, new "powers that be,"
should be created, without abandoning the
smallest principle at the foundation of our
political fabric. Stand by the old party
and shape its servants to a gauge ot posi
tive principle.
A correspondent writing to tbe Put-
aluma Argus, under reoent date, from
York, Pennsylvania, gives the follow
ing interesting scrap of history:
In (September, 1777, while Congress
waa Bluing iu J'hlladuliihla, It hud
strong reasons to believe that tne city
would soon be iu the hands of the
Rrltiah army and that they would be
obliged to remove from Philadelphia
to a place wore secure. They accord
ingly adjourned lo meet at Lttncaaler
I'tiere also they feared molestation
and concluded to go beyond the Hub.
quchttliua and meet iu York, where
J .tigress was opened on me aiHU or
September, 1777. It continued In bs
siou here nine months and in J aim
ury, 1778, adjourned to meet at l'lilla
delphiu. Coiigresa being assembled
on October 31, 1777, John Haucoctt re
signed his position in the Henate,
winch be had held lor two yearn
That hotly then pusacd the following
Resolved, That tlie thankri of Con
gress be presented to John Hancock,
i;ii., for the unmerited attention aud
steady Impartiality wbich he has
iinii.ileHted ill discharge of various du
lies of bis olllce as ('rasidelil, since
hla election lo the cliair ou tue U4tb
day of May, 1775.
In October, 1777, Congroaa ordered
ihul the tioverniiient pniiling press
he removed trim i'iiiladvlplna to
York, so tliul the piiitiic ling lit secure
the iulclligeiicu tiiul CiiLgresa nilght
have from lime to lime. 'The press of
lluil & Hellers, one of the oldest in the
.-twite, urnved indue liuie and ou it
wus printed ull public coniniimica
liiuis, also in null of Hie Continental
Nine years after the first lie WHjmpar
win Htuutd by liurlgis A Roberis. lu
nuuie wus tiie I'eniisy ivauia Ciiioniule
nitdiork Weekly Advertiser. Alter
The Kew York Hun fays that tho
only fifli-r of compromise-ever made by
the old ring of that oi'y which meant
business wuu by Connolly, on the
night that he was put in I.uillow
street jail. Connnlly then had a mil
lion dullarsi in United State bond in
his iioiise, which he offered to give np
if the suits wnuld be withdrawn
against him. Mr. Wheeler II. IVck
ham was willing to accept that oiler
Mr. Churtea O'Connor, however, op
P'.ud it, suying that Connolly must
lie punished as a wurniiig to oilier
public thieves. Since thi n no praeti-, two year it was removed t Ilarris- a my oiint.R.
Aa early hi the spring a l he minis are.
practicable tor wheeled vehicles, the com-
manning ullicer, rnrt KlHiinitii. win send.
In chut ire of a coininl-- linied fiflicerlnid
sultiihle guard, the n.'iienil prisoueix (con-
victa) tliiiu at fort Klanialli lo tori Crnhy,
Cape llwucock, Wasliington Territory, lo
be delivered to the post, commander,
which pol Is designated n the plui-e of
their confinement lrom tlie date of deliv
ery. It being impracticable lo ne ration
in kind, the necessary actual expenses ol
subsistence of the gurd and prisoners en
route will he paid, upon the certlllcnte of
the officer, by the subsistence department .
An iigric.uItui'Hl paper puli'lsbed in
California Iihh the billowing liem: "A
huge monster commonly known hs a
"sea devil," is hUid lo buve lieell Cup
Hired ii short tunc since i.ff l-.lishor
1'oint, Hulelii county, OrejTiiii. It bus
three rows of lu,rg- u-elh in eneh jaw,
with an extra set at the mouth of Uie
Htomach. Tho mouth is rw iiiidu-B lu
oircuinferanee, cnpableof taking in a
young pig. Two horns, six inches In
length, spring one fnnu each side of
tlie lieud, and Hub are on enc.h side of
the hotly. Its length Is i.t.out four
and it weight) eighty pounds."
ih:n the rehcllhin broke i iif ii Cim-
tatn or Police a: the ( 'iiiiiiol bnildlne de-
a.Tlrtl hi- post ami Mem Siai'h to II-nt iu
tfie tnukn ol 'treason, llewii-n niiMve ot
Virginia, uud ippointed IVuiiitlmt Mule.
1 he Deinoeriitic lohiiiil til' 1 1 .,- llnu-e ol
Repie-elit'lllvcs hi iugH llii v.,liiil ntlii liil
Into the public sei viis- iiguin. Tbe ex I n
federaie Doorkeeper iipp.uufi him ton ie
sponsible po-iiion. Ni.iv le ln il-I'unn
Ciilifniiil-l. I avmg renn.Ned to that State
soon alter the siirrcnder of the l ond dera
ey. After this iiphoiutun t.t vlm w ;
doubt the love ot I leiiioit'aev for those who
tried to destroy tl e I'nl m.
cal uroposition was made on behalf of
Tweed that ho should puy over a cer
tain sura and the criminal us well as
the civil proceedings bo discontinued.
That of course could not be accepted.
Three years ago Tweed was worth $6,
UUO,0lH), but property has depreciated
so much and his legal expenses have
been so heavy that it ia doubtful if be
is worth $l,OtK),(KXI now. It is said that
all the real estate he .owns would not
uell for $100,Oot ...... ... ,
' For the Utatumu.
"L1BKKTY OF Tllfc. 1'REHK."
MK!:'"Emtoh: While I endorse, upon
general principles, your editorial of last
Sunday morning, entitled: "Dastardly
Attack," mid agree with yo that the ac
tion ol the California Legislature upon
the case of Wilcox, whoe brutality is
The time is close at hand when Repub
licans of Oregon must play their part In
the great matter ofsekc'.ing the next
President of the United States. It is true equalled only by bU cowardice. U a dis-
the State Is small lu point of population, grace to our boi-ted civilization, I still
and Isolated, but will have six votes In the think the kgUlature bad great provocation
next National Republic n Coiive.utioii.anil tor the sliamclill blunder which the tnem-
those votes should be pla.ed in tla; lunula hers committed. '
of wise and judicious men. While it is To use the mildest b;rm, the course ol
not probable, the question of selection ot the Chronicle has been very erratic, see ra
the candidate may turn upon the six votes big to aim more for Its own aggrandiz,-
Oregon holds, and as it positively deter- ment than fur tlie public good, while Its
mines the whole matter ot Presidency, It utter disregard for the sacred ness ot prl-
is of consequence that we employ the best vate character, has rendered it an object
class of political agents. It U a burthen ol loathing, even to th m-tands who pat-
to carry the expense ot a trip to Cincln- ronlze it. Yet If any one says a word!
nati. but there will be plenty who would against the private character of tlte pro-
wlllingly shoulder said burthen, and dis- pile tors, or their friends, they at once as-
cretion in selection should be used, lest we ?ume the role of assassin, disguise them-
tiave conflicting elements in fhe delega- selves, and In broad daylight, upon a pub-
tion. An uncompromising Republican 11c street, near tlie postsfiice, try, to shoot
mut bo nominated and Oregon must be tho traduccr, and did fucced in wounding
rlglii. Ij;t every Republican be on hand a small boy, while seveial other innocent
burg, in 1790 was issued the J'ennsyl
vuiiia Herald and York General Ad
vertlser, liudur the niuhageuielik vl
lvlie & Wilcox. Tbe type weitf east
by a Hcolctiuiau by the name of Bane,
who lived iu 1'uuusy Ivauia. This pa
per cwutiuutal under the above head
lor eleven years aud then changed iu
name lo lorn Jiucorder aud wa pub
liahed by icdie McCleuan. Tbe pa
per was Known uy mat jiame uuui
and wtut then ubaliad te tue
York liepublican, under which name
it ia auil jiublished. The York Uaai.S
waa Issued tn IK13 and ha novel
changed it name. Of uine vaperii
started prior to lsn-l only two ara ow
pruiiea-ttie uaxette, the organ of the
ieuiocrauc paity, una tlie Kefmbli
can, the organ of the party its nam
now -iw iimjit a iumh.
Jcffersou City Journal
at the convention which creates these del- 1
egates, by attending tlie primary iu his
The Republican party is the only exam
ple in the history of this country, which
has prosecuted and j unl.-lii d dishonest I reason ol any slander printed against htm
parties met with narrow escapes from the
death dealing bullets. Tnic. the disguised
ruffian was arrested'and bound over, but
never punished. Here, then, was the
prccerleut established in California, tliat
tB man : who feels ltiin-elf aggrieved by
Our correspondent Chancy writes like a
man of good judgment, but draws so
KALE'S lilllDWE.
Tlie question of building a bridge at
Salem is attention. Men
of both political aud molded influence in
Polk county cill on ns to asture usot reail
iness to grant substantial aid to the enter
prise. .Vote is the time to move and yet 1 any point iu it
our people au stand on and wait for some , Francisco Chronicle has been an
one else to moye first. Who will take liold ghcet aud it Is further true that it has
of tlie enterprise and secure tho necessary 1 ms(e numerous blunders; but when anv
aid to insure the erection ot a bridge dur-', one is aggrieved the law offer' full protec-
)tt - - tloo without tbe aid of bludgeon or knife
may take the law into his own hands, try
to kill the slanderer Rt the risk of killing
others, and escape with Impunity.
I look upon this as a very dangerous
predicament and will 110 doubt cuuse
nicely the line of distinction between fr- many a murder, judging by the way the
dom and license of the press that few can law making power ol California has
About a week ago asrentlemau front
Tennessee, representing a capital of
twenty thousand dollar. 111 search of
a good locality in which to engage li
business, gave ua a call, and after
stating his mission West, asked to
look al our paper. We handed him
the MoJhing Journal and to our sur
prise he did not stop to read our newsy
"pick ups" or our attractive editorial
page, but turned at once te eur adver
tising columns and commenced count
ing our advertisers and measuring
their space. ,
"Well," be aald, glancing up from
the paper, "is that all? Is that tbe
business of this town?"
"Oh; no," said we, "here la the Tri
bune with a few advertisements that
don't appear in the Journal." '
1 He then oouuted two additional lo
cal bUBliiea advertisements in tlie
Tribune, and aguin looked up with
tlie remark:
"And that's all. is it? XVbr. vou
havii't got near as much of a town as
1 thought you had.'
And then we explained to him that
we inula g-eat lnuny buslines men
who do not advertise.
"They are not business men to hurt,
11 iney uon 1 uuveruse," Was his un
; BWer.
We could not contradict him and
were powerless to vindicate the claims
or the city
lie left us, Raying if he bad time lie
would 100K around, but thought this
yiw no piuce lor mm.
nil' is only 0110 instance and n
TltF. Albany D.uiioeiiit says: Mr. John
W. liingbani and MLs ..,i,ih li. Lbes
were niar.l -d 1 i-t w eek by R. M. l'owers,
Ksq of Lebanon. As Mr. liinglu as
took his lair bride from the parental roi f
trce, some three mile, fiom Lebanon,
without first going through the loruiali y
ef asking the consent of the old folk-, ana
at tlie dead hour of night, the holies' par
ents are "hostile" about it. It U now
stated that the young lady is a minor, and
tlie (Kirsoii or iiersous who tcMilicd when
getting the license that sho was of age.
are to w: hauled over the coals fr it.
TliK Coivullis (inzetie tays: "Last
we'k we oiinmiiicid a chi tie soon to 00
enr In a uierehii utile firm hi Ibis city. We.
referred to Mist. Price & Wit ten, whe
Iihvc ild their turner More." lo Mr.
John Hay, late of Nchrr.gkn. Mr. R.. af
ter looking fiver Oregon and "W n.-liingtnn
Territory for a (mudou for l iislnesn, ha
tlnallT settleil In Corvallis. Mr. Ray Is an
architect and builder of experience, hut
for a number of years previous to coming
to this coast, wn's enpng. d In the lumber
business, uillliug, eti:. Me intends, by
close application to business null fair deal
ing, to merit n share of public patronage.
He is assisted by his son. Give them a
It is true that the Kan shown its respect for that, barbarous prece
dent, W.lcox, an ignorant blacksmith,
was sneered at and held up to ridicule by
nil nti-nKui. nf Ilia fl,... !..!.. t..
away more painful to Wilcox and hta' ?""!', tMt,"i':Km?!'tui- !''-T came
A Cheyenne paper slates that ten thous-
anu penpie nave gone to the black Hills
friends than ft direct attack upon hi pri-'pait ot tlie country.'
The Kan Jose tCiil.) Mercury of the
2liint. gays:
Tbe mastelry lecture bv Calvin B. Mnc-
(lenald on the "Massacre of Glencoe,"
announced for this evening, has been post-
poiicu until Nitlirday evening at the same
tluir and place. Mr. Miiedoiialil arrived
in town yesterday, and lectured last eve
ning In 8aiita Clara. The postponment
tor .san .lose has been made at the sugges
tion of b lends of the distinguished speaker
In order that he may have a clear field,
lie aught, and no doubt will, have a full
home. It Isa lecture that carries all hearts
by storm.
An exchange says: May be you think
people don't like to read 'advert l-cui.-iit:
It you tlo, you are mhch pilstaken. Fresh,
1 un'irni,, v,uif-inceM nuveri iwc infill tire
news! Thev are welcomed, read nav,
studied! The uewsptipor that l alive
with them Is Increasingly Heirp'jiblo. and
so is tint husiuc-s house tliat know bow to
get them up possessed witbil, with the
sagacity and nerve to keep them up.
James Fiirtuu Is described as a iniddh -sized,
lean and spectacled gentleman, with
pleasant, brown-bearded face; hair flat
tened on the top and sides nt his betid; a
suit ol black broadcloth that did not fit
him; the evidence of 11 little bad taste in
shape of a watch chain, dangling ncross
Ills low cut vest.
Whether women be angelically beau
tiful or devilishly ugly, there Is net much
difl'erciice ns to the result upon men: lor
if tliy are lovciy limy iUru uur beans. mid
it they are ugly they turn out stomach.