iJ?RiNT. , ., ; ,;: ; - U.- u c,' THE DAILY OREGON STAJESM ANj T Z1 m - r .. I I Ht JEKLytKEGOH STATtsii AN Issued Every Mornlne, En..o: 1 s Issued. Every .Friday Momyig V. W. WATERS, Eusiness'Masvisier. TKHMH 1 I'nr venr.bv Mnllor otherwise... .1. . '. . 43 CO "Wit llWIltlWf f -MrtW MIlOTlK i 1 1. Q nb?r,i'ti.ti'iii(tiii every lnUneo,,l ka j)-l In Irani:.','; ' : ,i4, ? ' - ! i ?i I I ! ! 'J vi.'-,Uni!i4 Ihjltm:! rtiaio.ia'ite ruios. A Ul MATCDC Business Manager. Kerveilliy rarrlnr, per week aauirtf Kont, by mail, lr ynar Jwnt bv wall. IK iikiiIw.i.. ... r vol. 2: salem, oregon. friday -moiinin fei5ruary n; istg. no. i i. " ' (I V F B 1 H .. H1 H 1 I'M B 111 I 1 1 IB (a M r rlALJlV J1 V. I-..V. U'l-J-I u:;V' ' ft 1 1 W'V-11." A ,r "IT 'Jii JIiJJ'4.-V AvJitM. Vl: JLlirJllLAJJ 1 .'...'j.a . , .--aWi.-. '.,'.. . tbx. ' ' - r ' ?t e,i,, HI ; i-.: : : : .. ; T--T-.-, f N E?? PARTM ENL j t ele gk Sap ii XC; Nllihiiitc 'in i.f (! Piilml mxl l ulaii 1'itclUi' until ur.iiN. 1 WfKGTOS, Im-Ihuiu-.V 7. Tlic fluking fill III )li(Jl-.ilH!ll (if till' Uliiui) II 111) Cl'llllliJ rucl'U: iiinhwiil ('oirip.'inipii sent to t.'nn ensm liy I'm Si'eri'tiiry of llio Tira-niy to. Unv Htu thi.' wliich vero submitted In Februuay, li7o, inoviillii)? In ciu'l. vtuut for tho crj-mloii of tt sinking fund by tho pny- nioiit of curtain flxelamounU Into tho V. , S. Treuiuiy yearly, ani a4o ir me rc- I... tl... .r fill, w mrltllllia I ICIltllllJ V HIC JUUIIIIIIVll Wl an Biiiouiiwp Uii or tiit'ieaftor earned lor Govwnmelit transporttttlon. Secretary Uriniow cjc preRMHi an oplnloi: that hoih nueh arrange ment ahonld be made, but leave it wholly tot!otii!rres to deturia'mo liow, , aniHiy- what mean, and In what Mini, and wlt periml the HliikinR funds khould be ob tained and applied.-lie indicates, liov evor, that he coiiHiderg tliu offers of the two oompaule Inadequaio. The Oatral faciacpropweiltojmy KK).(HK) per an num and the Union Pacific :)0.000 pef annum for the flrxt tun yean, 7.0,000 Jor the next len yews aud milliou yearly Uierealler. , , , , ! s iMtHthN PaelHti Itllw . ,! ' In answer to the argument recently ; .used that' the Southern PaclBo, Hallway Company would not butld the road, even If authorized to do o. a reply 1 made that Mr. Huntington ha offered to have a road to Kio Graodo In three and a half year and has astjranw from tronj coio paule to have the line from New (.h-letn there to meet It and U willina to put dip , good and miltlcWnt sei-urliy in the Truu ury. KninliinttnnM Sent lt Hie Seiinle. "" IVAsniNGTON, Feb. 7. Tho" President " eiit the totlowltis llmnlnaMona tn tlw Sen ate to-days John J. UnnakiT, S. At tortii.v for the aotithern district of Ulinol; Ht th Wafer, of Idaho, Ki'i-ter (if the Land Olllcent I.ewlston, Idaho. f'Muurttl ul niruH.' JlHiitit't villi". hACUAMKNTO, i cb. ft Tliu i(.rcin(inlc cumiucUid iili tliu fiuiiaal, lu-ilay, ul Ibc lute btiitu Controller. lion. .1. W, Mivude vilki, were deeply impressive. The rc uiuuiH were, brnntlit t'i the Assembly ChamlHir at 11 o'clock, where, they lav in state in 1 1 U the atierimoii. guarded by taclumiiii from the 'icioi.:diiaird. ' a Re At 2 o'clock licv. 1. H. C. Ignite, '!' GiT.ee Chinch, nad the burial service, ftvi-rthe 'body. Senator ' Eiikln." TJowe,' Kiuiiiu and Koitch, hiiu Asseiiibiyme:! lUnny, A relief, l-'erml and Uelwlok noted afR IU bearer. The cortege wii ofgre.it li'liglh. A band preceded the inililary and played the Itincral niaicll on lie: way t'i the l'" tcry. i:ct4M:d w4 lit ItA lu UieSii.MX I'h't. jrt' t milter In SBn f'ritiirisrti ' ' S."''iiANiM.(i, Feb. 7. It in blow ing hemily l'rnin tlie south this -inorulfcg. fsnui" vain has lalliMi, and a norm is ex pected iV.1:"'1' wltf probably be getm-al .lliiniiidiniit III.' S1i- it 'u si,iwi!i!' lieHV- ily at Vrekil mid rai'iitig al Mary ille, ' f with iiidicatlnus of lain lit Sacramento anil thriiughoiit the hoiiiIu ru portiuirrf tlie Stale. It is cloddy .and snowing in the Illinium in.. ' ' i t lili'l JllMlll't' Willi,'' liiirno oiicl ililiiif i'uljtfnui). Salt I.aki- Feb. 7. Chief J-noc J Vhite. In charging the -.-aiul jury Wiy AAnivei'nbiir noivii'ftiiiv. nid: 'V,i u..r tcr h.k It suuarelv.iu the face. distiiHleful as It may to soma, and govern our '.7en by right reason, and manly discre tion in .dealing will, it. Polygamy must be suppressed In this Territory. M01 111011 Um may survive It, and relieved Ironi it would stand unshuckled and tree aa every otlier creed or mode of religion worship., shielded and protected by the constitution of our common country. liuLif M01 mon ism cannot sever ilsclt Ironi polygamy it will lie to It the bridal of death,.'' j liitriiHely lll. Ntw Youk, 1'cb. 10 Intcii'ii cold weather here. Pii'ijueut cases of front bitten hands and V ; r.moug at;ige and car drivers. Ferry Uoats b it.weu Now York an.1 llrooklyu are greatly impeded by float ing Ice. , 1 e. ' UhImMM k Trial. ST. Pons, Feb. 10. '1 ho preliminaries of the Biibcock trial having been gone through with, the examination of witness es iiaa licgtin in earnest, though nothing of special interest has been elicited so far, W itnesses from all parts of thecouutry are being summoned. , One of the counsel for the defense sta ted to-day that tho trial would not to fairly opened until a witness Iroin Washington one high lu public ofllce could be called to givu hi evldeuce. 1 - VV ho this witness is can not be ascer tained : but front the manner of those w ho re In the secret,'' it would appear that the' party referred to, and the evidence be Is expected to give, is of great importance. , ,. IVHTHi:ilBlTOI'KtMI. There ia member of the Massachusetts legislature named F. W. Clapp, who dc . twrves special and liouoiable iiientlou as resident and legislator ot a State celebrated lor tbe number and rapacity of Its dead heads. He recently returned a railroad pass which had been t id to him, 011 the high mural ground tha-t he did not consider It proper fur legislators to accept such fa vors. This Is tlic first instance of the kind which has- been recoidud in Massa tilmseUs, though we In liuve something like It happened in Missouri a few years ago, when a h gislaior who I a.l rc.e'veda single pass declined it oil the grounds: 1. That it was not a season ticket. 2. That it was not tninsferable. it. That "he didn't live iu that din cibni." t. 'hal it he did lie could walk it .pucker." find thai l:r would '-.-ce them d-d fn-l." X. Y. World. t , - 'ivllSCELLANEOUS..., Wil t, KiritATOR WIT HIX. tH!1-KKIT Senator MiteliclMs just now innk' were limnmernble ftircs; fnoes full ot nr inK an ed'ort to rnwuro Rome wil t of :t irlxe unci i)iitoroHilmi, p.i.ing upon the civil government' for Alawka, whicn oVor since its purchhHe bna ln-on ruled liy a military dynaHty.'' The inanage ir'icnt of this Territory U an anomaly In Jiihtory. ft contravene all jirece dent and all exporienee. There Is u t'Bour(;tmeiat ut. - tfettiennstiU - J it fact, lUe policy of reprenhioit and ho Cresy ia about U that can bo disoovi eretf. If tho intiaijitants 01 AianKt CUoh to Wffanize a IVrriUiriul Uov- eminent and live under it, they would ... . . . t . . - " .1 1 probably be met by military authorM tv anil ordered to deftiat, . In whose interest la tbc military goverotnent of Alaska administered? What does It accomplish and what does it Tail to secure? It shuts up tbe country and jealously guarda It from all encroachments, save that connect ed with the fur-trading Interests of a single company. Here Is an immense Territory, acknowledged to be rich In natural wealths-timber, ooal iron and precloua metals. But. explorers complain that they camiot go in this country for the purpose of settlement without beinir subiect to the oontin- cency of military interference. Thatf authority isarbitrary and to a couhW erablo exteut irresponsible. It in a sort of. polloe force exercised largely In favor of a fur company which has paid for tbe privilege of taking a cer tain amount or seals, HunntoT MttcKidl nrouoaes to have some sort of responsible civil govern- mem.- Me nas ineetore inirouucu inn nnuing AiasK 10 Iwltwy as a county, luis pin, ii passed, would extend the jurisdiction : r.,me HV,are fhnt, ' in being ?nirStu ilized, of civil courts over Alaska and would mv scns bad been perfected, f noticed lit ouce reduce the unilltary power to a j n,is tj, rpirar( 0 touch and smelP a we mere garrison duly, beyond which it i asoended through the Uclightlully oo5 and never ought to, have advanced. There ( fragt-jnt atmospliere W lien I was corn is nitire Kt'iTrV about tlie' mlliWy 1 maw led to "look," I ralJ my eve from government of Alaska than there H ! about the workings of the Chinese) (ioverniuenU, Jt itiiue that atTairs 1 lu Alaska were rdaced on, ii diffcrqnt ! Tooting. What is god for Arizona or ! lakota Is good for Alaska." -; ' j In the early .fc (story of California, I uUl;ouglilbe country was acquired y ' ' A... ......l lift--. tl.A i liVII Utlllli DUU ItJ J BUtlll om i , , Uihcovt rv,lrou"ht iu thounnds'uf ad- vetiirous wen, yet the niHitary rul-e was rjulckly eschanged " .'for a civil I'overiiineiit and no interest was on- da tigered by he t'harige. If Ala-jkn has tiot enoiij'h pixiple for a Territo rlaVtJ'fVeruriicnt, it eertftinly has enon'h ? for a eotndy orgauiiation. What fo- 'tTar "WnfhinftnnJnjrt U 1ri-V wnnlri br'f-ii'i'1 f,,p A trtki. "-'Clif Iticoble otigltf at leat ftm 4 ust'.iiJii hi ine iitw no'i injii B!iTi:r kibim vvbiCli Is ndinlnii.tered by the eourtci R. F. Huflcfln ' ' - : ; ' . A I IIHIt h IlKUtt. '. f ji -i:S?i- '.tp'irl lull Ill-lore lite f !l4 1 Vrtijit IjmIj: .-: " f rvai thfl Uoatiin Beacon I was flaring with a Iriend In a stranire, " halt .depopulated. city of the Old World. v'm,H .. -Ui'cclttig In ti e doorway of our Ih Autumn, discussing tho odd manners -"M'Jiil ,UUUC ttiWUla BU'II'T BUVHiUUIl and customs of the inhabitants, and the rise and fall ot that once populous city, wc were naturally led to speak of the miijtous .....I . t 1,1 . f 1 . . I and millions of human beings wbolinvc been and are no more. Then came ones-' tlons combi ning the future. Wliat Is it to be? Is there a heaven or a helli" la there to be an utter annihilation? These prob lems we were debating when we('ere sud denly Interrupted by the approach of an old, gray-hatred minstrel Although, ap parentlr, about the age of nintey, iie pos sessed tlie bearing and vigor of man of thirty. He was reuiaikablp tall and erect. His snowy beard deeended In wavy masses be low bis waist, and his hair, soft and white, full gracefully over his shoulders. I Us face was radiant with a manly dignity and teauly surpas!ng anything I hud ever bu nging.), eclipsing the conceptions of tho moat renowned p .inlet. Nor could any word-puiiiting have portrayed the happl ues and wis don,, beaming from bis Coun tenance! He stoppod at our door, leaned upon hiv barn for a few moments, and, looking heavenward ran kis fineers over tlie chords, which gave tortli sounds of un earthly sweetness, such as we had never before listened to. We stood entranced, incapabln.ot thought or action, unconscious of tkte gathering crowd, eeliig only tlic lordly minstrel, and hearing only hi heav enly notes. Th music ceased. His eyes tell smilingly upon us as he struck up a fandango. luiniediataly a little girl, his companion, till then unobserved sprang into the circle. An Immense crowd had by this time collected. The little girl be gan to dance. She seemed to be eight or ten years old, and was exquisitely beauti ful. Her dress wasot the purest white gauze and floated around her like folds of mist blown and whirled about by a strong, but gentle breeiso, as she moved to and fro, keepiug step to the music. So ethereal was lur appearance that I was reminded qt tho furies I had read about when a chili, ami, ' wondered if she were not one The dance ended, and all eyes turned from the child to the harper; when lo ! in the twinkle of an eye, bis face changed In to that ot a demon'. In another second, horns, talons and wings were developed. The ground all around, within fifteen feel of him, became a molten, burning, surging mass : liquid tbtmc, broad and massive, containing all the colors.of the rainliow, yet greatly Intensified, now and then :iurt Irom this boiling well. In which the inbwtrel --now the Kvil One -was swal- lowing up. The iliild again began fiur ilanci:. Kmind and rouinj site went, on tbe Vfry verge ot the flmlne cli-cle, beck oning 11 all to do likewise ; but ,-oiie dared follow ben 1 looked around me. Tliei'C jti.i - no, and I anid, ''I'lil nciiic as if Uu rc w-ehj a hell." Tho lat word had ccarcely left my lip when the Kvil , One rushed at me with outstretched arm an1 widespread I 'lnjr. ail dripping Willi the flsmhig. liH?- I lire tin Id. Imagine my agony anil terror. ywi wIm Uf lur It cuiuoi bit dcciibtd. I I drew hack, and instantly a moaning. oftand low, but leep and wide, ami i peaceful an tho aonnd of octan wave in i Slimmer, escaped from tho surrounding niulutuile, and God stood luonriindst. P? me-"u T' s between ui." 1 lifted up my hands to Him, called upon Hi name, and oh, what joyi I was accepted. InUiiUui:uu.-.ly my body became light as air. Mr whole being was iii ritualized. 1 re alized that I was never, never again to kitow.orrow or anflerliur, nor doubt,' nor tear that all earthly care and trials were gone into the eternal past that I was tri umphant, bappy at last. In ilia mean time, Satan, with smothered ture of rage and jealousy, sank down, down, and the boiling waves closed ever a nd dUappcared with lnm leaving only a dry cavern ef; ashca and lava like stalgamite. 1 ben a sister siiU'it tonchinir me. said "Come, I want to show yon something." At a wish, ana without any physical exertion, we moved along jut aoove the urfee of the ground . without touching it. 1 followed through a winding, uhtenanean passage. It was not dark, but lighted only ty our spiritual presence. In a short time we rmer2pj itoa broad, open nreet nd floated to tho top ol llie highest building ! in tlie city. J nere utie ktoppeci aim ex- ; claimed, "Look!" I now, however, be- the street below and looked abroad, it: was Summer. ; The wliole conve world lay spread out before me. Kivers, valleys, monnfslfft, ocean, stars and plannats setiiod ssdistinet to ray enctianced vUion as If every point in the immense prospect waabiw a-hortt distance from me ; while the Mitlre broad extent oi one sldo of the ii'iie w ui tuc n.regniuin.i vi nicM'i nfillar snfica'f beheld. 1 looked beyond tiietartli. below and 'above, and ga'v 'Wot IdJ Inhabited ly our departed fiend Ihe.'iir, to. "-which oirrtpk'U all paoo,l wiruil of splrlta and, altliofigli thou winds of miles off, I reoonUed my failur ami otlier friends, and heard them talking. All thi-, and more that I cannot 11 ml I iii Vrtt; t xplaln, 1 saw at a gliinoe. and I iuuight "Jh,.if f could only have kuouuj ( 1H, t" i mow nappy i sdon.u i ' wi- iwio muiwi -nm- n-c i J .rittt'onm part of xUt i bow insignincaut w was in siorp for m. mv itieatest tr mti :1 Would liaxe sioined I pntd.l km Imrnnl - DVprvlJiiniT ,ilu..il a II . .n wi.tr ,, IflUI I1IUI , i to meet my friends, ii)', and U!3.!o iq ttiniikfulness, 1 beea ' and shouting praises to God t'f my own voice awakened nn. I ' - - t A .'OKitirojDEST ef the N. Y. Ileiald says biokes, the murderer of Jim Fisk, is going blind, that all his elasticity, and dash, and nerve arj gone, and to me he touked a broken man 111 every respect out nun nml lliuf was In iKa ai.-a Uf.l.. luiic one, and that was in tlie eye. Stoke's hair 1. .... .... .4 . ? L I . I . A. Is a iierlect gray, not one and is slowly turning Iron black hair left, from gray to white. His features arc rimmed with black whis kers, and above his upper lip is a Iimvv black moustache. This contradiction is explained by the fact that no more fever ish and tormented brain lias beaten in the world tor lour years past than that which Is located under the uniform cap of Ed ward Stokes. His has been a sad fate. LIU brother Clinton and bU lather, both Dead of broken hearts; Iris wife divorc ed and living in a foreign land, and his beautiful daughter, now In the very bud ding of maidonbood, also in a strange land. All these have made a wrack of the dashing Uroadwsy dandy et five years ago, who paid a yearly sum of ftfLOOU to a Union Sifiare fashionable tailor to keep him dressed and to send him all tbe new thing in coats, vests and trousers. 1 walked up stairs into the hospital wards at the Invitation of Stokes, who keens tlie books ot this deuartinent, and who nas already learned to write prescrip tion, and doctor the prisoners a littlo when business is crowding the regular III ..liliv l.ui 'Well." answered Stokes, with a weary smile, "this isn't Oelinonico g by halt a mile. They say I have luxuries here gorgeous as a Sultan" (with a lonch quite metallic'. I don't see any luxnrles, do you r This U the bed 1 sleep on, and It is nounng imt straw.-' Mere Stokes lilted up the coverlid of course check Btuff, and wanted uie to sound the straw bed, which I did. "The doctor allows iuo an easy chair a hen I ha ye a fit of tho asthma, and by the courtesy of the prison authorities, who have treated toe a kindly as they were auowea 10, 1 nave tne use or books You can see what they are. I do all the reading I can, tor it is good company, and I have read a great deal of poetry. That is a lavoriU book of mine (taking unChas A. liana's Household Book of Poetry) 1 there are good thin"? in H. You should read it yourself. Jhit I am losing nir eye sighf. I have a cataract in my left eye, iinu 1 can nanny sec my Hand before my lace. It's hard here. I have lost so uiauv ot my family, and could not. see them.' vi 01 i no gruaresi uiesiug n wrann that ttlilch elevates one above the nects- .sity ot lodging In a room next to the Idiot who is trj ing lo learn to play the ll.ldle. There lire few lodging Ii use.- minus the liddiing tl:d. .. were apionc... ; V" , p?cuw w,i,r" control my Vv and . ,P,"e'1 ",l ?,UL f :T '' n olapniiia niv-lianils : 'lJ ?'. s "" UJ u,':'lcd t!:"'" A TRYIXM Nl I I AT ION. Burlington Uawk-Ejc. - i Mr; ltilderback, we feel authorized to state will not attend divine services this mor;!itg. T he old gentleman Is, we are paling to learn, lab Ting under a very dii tftssshigl'rauie ol inind, being greatly iu eeowd arninst them on soneral nriueiiilt'S. Hi doesn't like to talk about this matter, but wi Iwiriicd all a.bout It despite bis re lficcr,ie. It Keemirtrt .Sunday morning he 'M dozing cotiutinpbty hi his pew, iu the elrrrr of whtch he Is one of tho main alee;iiT.s, when he hi-i -inie awMro vf an p para.'on gliding soleniii.'y dow n the nKle with a collection basket in his hand. Mr. Hilditlwi k braced up into an erect posture, cUtared his throat rt ponderous tuno of Roman III nines, as one would say, "Who's been asleep?" and as the basket waa extended toward him, he felt hi his trousers pocket for his wallet. It wasn't there ami as be withdrew his hand and loft Intlie ot'irr pocket, he felt that the eyes ot tho congregation were unon him aitd that was all he telt, lor be certainly didn't led any pocket book. lie nodded Ote basket man ; to wait a second ami leaned over to tho left while lie felt in the rlglit inside pocket of Iris coat, from wWh, In his increasing nervousness, lie drew , half a dozen chestnut, which rolled over the 1 floor with a rattlo that sounded lu hii ears like the thunders of th Apocalpse and made them hotter stilt. Then be leaned over the end of the pew and felt in the other inside cool, pocket and drew out a bundle of lotter, a lot of postal cards, a circus ticket a photograph of an actress, a lunny story PTiuieii on a card, a pocket coiut), and a baigstriiist, and Iris lace crew so Ions' his V.....-.II. ..l. l:l i.t i t.. ri-i ,..1 -.v.... civ ... a umjM.. ..icii snaareu ins eioows ami went, ior ins ve IHK-Uts. ami strewed (lie pew cushion with breathing new life into the ghostly ; ; h; "!fl " Uhi" Vsis riu" q-V'l tooth-picki, new-paper scraps, street corpse of the lost cause. The notes of , J,nUu'd0w,h,'LV. LZ? !'' car checks, a slioe-buttoner, some lead warning that are now sounding iu tjf.T , A n -I . 1. f? pffiJdl stubs and crumbling indications of Washington ere not unlike , those ' ,T "n, f , fl'-V cluing tobacco, a bit of sealing wax. a which startled the nation rificeu years': H rtL i ? n,u picceof licorice root about an inch long .ago. Republicans have a fearful re- 1 frQ" and three or four troches. Then he leaned 1 snonsibllity restinsr upon them, and ,te- C 1,allH , literature an,: tVrward, and stung to madness by the I let us bopthat our jubilee year inav f '''' -V..unS gentlemen and you., Fiuiles whUH, were breaking out all aro.md j witness every one doing his whole lalJle,Y m alre 'T1! e"r',! tbatcliuich worse than the measles in a 'duty in the sublime, patriotic spirit, ot ; thCAilfSUiid who hay priiaary school room, dived into his coat,' Tij. '. , , ue ui loi;o.o tlK'm.-.ervcsaud then toil rockets, and drew forth a red silk Tho rainfall-over 15 Inclie-lvs 1 !!ls-ri,ct0rs-, t&aulty do all in liiudkerchief, two apples, a spectacle ea. ! l,ecu ample to secure good crops here lili(:r"'l tV of- do2tki,i..gloves..C.- overcoat i this neason. At tho present it is rail,. u ' h t K " Y .Tf T button, and a lhie assortment ol bits oi ling and within the last 24 hours snow hiT ,ph" ll , 1L I n i e I a," ange pcx 1 and lint. Then hq stox! up i has fnjn c.uite low down in the foot- i Sclf' I 1 here is al.!0 a ?' 8hlf Trt devoutly praying that an earthqunke mi-l.'t 1 hinl l-. t e Zvn coiiZ " n .nrectl v i ra?nt " i1" ' come . along and swallow . up. ,l,er'from SaVp.eRmrdinoTrougnt sn I " ""i? ' teWgphy, . mai w tne r or tlie congKg.mon. Iio Unln t tniiLh e-iio wind:, went dawn Into bis hip pockets, which ho evolved a rev ilver. a sind from i sork- P.y this time Mr. IHIderbacU f,, v a -; ' mrk-tclcnr down to bis wai t, and he .! tii'it ho iienrly J th2 firm- w!;i movd nwir. it Ami ! fcaelf litoHotheisnfr- wi.M,. .1,, ... n. h i-'ki-t C'drt't b-vve ''-Ind died for fM1 in". ffiactc, 'n fctlora di'sniir. once nnnet. ' faimacd hi liamVit.to fio troier iim'kx-i t' 4l-. k. !, . . I. .1. 1 1 'tOli ii ir. '. I. ,. . k'l ' it L 1 1. ueibu.k dropped into his st;;it with iu at): uptness that made the windows l ittle, and registered a mental vow that he wasn't gu'uis; to come out to church again to lie xiaue a fool ot by a man with a long-handled dunning-basket. Wfi S-ycss that the manufacture of revolutionary relics of various kinds, to be disposed of to patriots during these centennlrl times, is going on. All patriots who are disposed to invest in any material of this sort must, therefore, be on the lookout. If any body otters to sell you George Wash ington') autograph, or chair, or boots, or jack knife, examine the thing riuwidv find filko tliu od.-fnn rif .-iwn. y. y --..VV. v,. triMidfl HIMlIlt it. 1 f nnvlimlv u-uiita In UllV KDOcimuua or coiitiiipn tal iiioupv. i monev l. i.,i,".. n,ui i. i Af ,,,..f ,,-,a.,r,:i y-" ""v j facture If anybody oflers to se you f evo utionary riint lock, don't get taken in by it In abort, rehc pur- chaaera . will find it safe not topur- chase re hes before cross cxamming them, lo be sure, thore will not be any extensive dea ings in these arti- cles in thisbtatc, but it will be well to look out tor agents, for they ore on.......s uiiiiiuuv w" OregOU. It is a sad fact that increase of papul. tiou always brings with it an out of pro portion increase of poverty. The rich get richer, and the poor poorer, until some of the latter get so poor thr.t they don't know what day ot the month it is half the time. The snow is so deep in tbe Little Cot ton wood mining dlstrlict. Ft ah, that all travel and transportation of ore is impos sible. Snow slides occur every few hours, sweepiug down forests, wrecking cabins, and occasionally burying miners so deep In dohris, that a search for their bodies would be In vain. Ir is all well enough to have plenty ot hope aud perseverance, but it would not lead a man to spend bis lime teaching a horse to walk a light rope, or endeavoring to got rich on lecturing in ' Mud Springs, hoxiK men aro so lazy that if Gabriel's trump should call the puck and the dca.', . . . . 1 .'mild in ,t emitn In ti. louij to either cla Av F.nglish geologist claiiiH tiiaf I ho first l.irnis of lif.i gr, w-out of the chalky deposits ou the bottom of the ocean. The-iiiw grew all higher forms ol life. a I', 1. Illl.I l II1 fill I . r i . l lie sound , .." .. V "i-'-i -' , ... " .1 i;i;t I'M in rv. if'T trn ;i iinrii- : ji.n'un ucari in ; lint House. J'.ut 31 r. Itil O! R AMt'OH-VIA I.F.I Ii: It IiOfJ Cal.. Jan. 152, 1870. j Ed. KxA fESii an : Your paper comes regularly and ii welcomed by us as an obi friend. Its familiar pair's fairly . .spur kid under tho present, fib';; ni'iu- agcnieiit and ri.llc't credit upon tho craft. Jourmillsin In Orvu Inw suf fered, of late, at, the Iiatidn of those who aspired to be iu Jeadcr., an 1 it is to b) liojw.t that UiO penphj :',!',' i.!i- couraje and tho pre:s cullivaie a i.tore elevated and dignified stylo in the fu ture. Asa blackguard is known by his language, so are a peoplo always judged by the current of literature of f.lifdr Itiudttitv nnuiunanuKi rpi. t 1. 1:.. ii... ci ... i i wl,-.v-, . M,u,ail over-ruling. Creator displayed ir cau w .cjoice mat, niey nave, iu me , hTATKfeMAX, an able and honorable 1 exponent of their principles. As tbe ' groat contest approaches wo cultivate harmony and seek to forget 1 the petty broils that have been kept j too prominently before us in the past. "! I am no soothsayer, but it requires uo prescience to enable any one to read . the political signs of the timeH. We ' all have our duty to nerforto and. we .hnnlHhomi n..,..Jr. i,i..i. .... 7 rX:"r;", I resolitions of '98 the stalwart spirit ot We Rig .b, is again talking forth in the hall of J v. ,"s - .oi-.y.. UJv u mwi, may bo burled. ouu jih votaries live, aim. incy : l.nt. itH vnfari ii ,n I tt.,.., ... tho dt-not in this rif v when. Iv..im of the Sport C'Ujnyvil a, fljiC ElVw'b:il!ii,.T. niiriny the voarT Imvn llvml In. in IK j u siii!'iili,r to note that I-os A t.zUu 'a p fi n (m I ii'!' v j). 1 i" , "l"' t' K m ' a,al,.LNor. ,t'?,tV iU 1 ! ' I " Settlers hero fliv SO- tu'lcll iis-Mi to -aying thlfor tbe inf..nn i liou of travelers i.nd new comtis th.ut i u.s bcooniii :t a- t iilmif-o wii'i lin.o- nid I'ou.iu'ass in to lnsfurv. a n'icaii.2 of tne Cliv 5lnrd'of - 0m. nroviosaw tVem ro.,i,.0,l (k. n.. .I-...J... ....... -v..v.. .. luc -umeruitt paiupmei. et-rs olring to -supply the Jloard of 1 rade with val'Uklile printed iuforiuu- iu.-ii, butuiDio to tic sent abroad wr tne ' ! linrtinnA t.f ln.li!! !..... t,.i. 1.-. -i!, 1 1 ' '""'-'"s iiiimiiiuuuii w jo is -piace. uie piunpiiicts were ol- iciun o uie live uiousauu copies ana Seizing a pen, the cashier. (,uickly repiic; the oilers were favorably considered, as follows: '-If. the., note, is genuine, -showing that tho people here have isn't worth a d n; but it a Tor ery t tail h in the potency of printer's ink. j Unptist bn theln will probably make 1 I have circulated a few copies of the I good.-' . When, the . President of the bai-!. pamphlet sent out by theOregonBoard camo in the cashier, informed him that I., of Immigration aud 1 consider it a ; had answered tho Albany letter; but tha. fair, reliable statement of facts. It be would show him the response it he di does not "pile on the superlatives" na sired. The President assenting; the cash we do. Stimulated by the growing ier's letter was produced, npou perusal o. system, of railroads, this country is which the President smiled gfmi!y,-m rapidly filling up and all branches of ' said: "The letter may go, tor your fio business are developing at a rate never ; are correct, but I shouldn't have cxprewr , before anticipated Tho Southern Pa- them In Jt tlmt way." . cirlc Railroad is now completed 100 I - - - nines eau towards tlic Colorado and Will rim.ri lliali. tha niintiunHnn ,ir,'!li ,. l...... .... . . . I ,111, KiniivLiiun nuiiu lu jMunuiHco. jno independence 1 l.,;i i .. ... ....... is eomnletod from Santa i Muni,.,. u,i. itt, ...i i i . 'i "r.'" ""U.V' ?T: i ci.ii miles on towards trie i anamint mines. Thus our city 15 miles inland ! t)ai two railroads to tide water and a third reaching out nearly half way to San Diego. , To accomplish this the eity has incurred a debt, of nearly $lJ()0(V) ,, it BtU, h to , further debt of $aOtl,tRH) for public buildings and sewers. Taxes are now $3 8l ou ti,e $100, aside from all spe - e a levies. Theso tlL'urea do not, en- ter into any of the pamphlets for cir- l l4! 1. .1 cuiuiiuii uurunu, Judge fctrahn, of Corvallis, was here for about two months and iii - tended making it his home, but he left recently tor .Santa Kosa with bis family. Col. George R. Curry waa here dur ing the first half of December in search of a location, lie Las since settled at bau Riienaveutura and H! well pleased with his new home. Hon. 8. K. Johnson, of , Urarnt county, passed through hero en routo from his Arizona mines to 8an Fran- ciaeo just before Christmas. Mr. Armitage. of EiiKeue City, ar.d J his daughter have been upending a icw weehi nere lor neaun. Jilr. Smith, late of Jefrcrnon, in yni.r cuunty, is now in tow. Oranges aro now ia season lint not an plenty as last year. Tree punning n luw muni iimoi nun a gieniri iiuul- 1..,.. ....ii 1 .......... .1.1.. . l uci vim ue mi uuii hum e:u iii;in ever before. Oregon apples In-iii'' f M ) h"x ht,.re n9w wll;,l l"-''W" 1 ' nR", ' ran iseo isoniy h per ion. , iHmi, u,, ,1 i..i,l iL,l.. 1...1 .:.,i "TJ, U , c -v .... ..-.r, I'mvn mo i-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 iiiaiiy io piant uppie orciinrds iiero. ' Mrawl ernes aro m market at l." ecu 'per pound, lint lids is cruel and 1 'will cln-ii', I. I imiii,' your mouth ' water, ' W. V. K. ,. ,,.w:ii;jvit'ATEf.,. -f,i H ".lilnlil) 1'iiT, linnw. I This truly beautiful town is situated on the Ti'.'P.vpmvorl'i, f,tuvrenr-o' am'. ;ilvest')ii' T!'i i I io.kT, in OringlaK county, trnu ,. ' ?.' dHunMbn .,.!! hardly bo nil pii.v.-H?.! in beauty. It lie in .'i rich fanning, country, iiihubiteO by steady, horjest, thriving Grangers. In tho M;rruuti(5iii counUy is fouj'; i;oine of tn ni i-t ii.v;"iflc(-nt wifry in liic htitc. r.-oiii tbe beuulifu' waters of Kilver Creek, which go ning int; alnnc: bene'ith the tall and over arching forest trif tn Cojinan' Iiei, than which more Wwitzeriaini), cav erns, nuts and vales can not be very often seen ve soo tlni grandeur of the beauty of Lis" works. Nor woul wo omit the mention of a beautiful dropping spring whose trick ling water mance tho 'place is rendered doubly interesting after hearing the straitfe nd melancholy legend connected ' W J ' ,1Jnl of crcatiou, :speciafty the younger portion, boast that they liuve In this place the -bet baseball grouna in - seven counties" ana k '--'laiiiiiiu.i piuu. nuiiueuuiti aura . . i : . , r. I . . u n.,ti i l .. . fthe placols the college hM, Situated. Baker University, J. I)en- ZtMi ; I .iW',.. I .V' " ' 7:.' r."' ""'T..'"r I tt 'u,s ciij , luyeuier wun ine froma iarBe citv, together with ' ,,,lHn, h,f. nli.vl,,;(u u.;" ''. 1 P. . i M'ViU'M'-jtitisihii.. nn: l-.-V IriiM.itV bl Ncavcl honor Uv- ,mS mX to' 4 r i,--,u,-uli; . fi . 1.1 j .1 trtr- ehtirch. tho -Rtjifn 'ti,: tho hatinn. 'May sh ever he otie'Oi' iufi by,ue.iU sUtis in tko;diadm:o: our gioi ious Uvpubii.t,. . . -i .'in sifiiEsKiioiil l bo-'psk-Inl !io! tk?. i -On ibc luiid of lti (.! i mum'w . i: , iiaiit'ii, CItV"! Oiul.iut, t.-.ili UiiiSAorv: I I 41, .'..I-.. ! &': -t--. tw' Pi -. -i 'i:f of one of P.: ill-!-, a VY'V.it. WnrV. u i,,.r n..--... n,,-. .....u ...iT. if.. -:.?'. ... . V ,S ' "' v .i "H--I IIB llHHHi . luttw ) i win. an Alb.uiv ln to the Wuo -f a 111," s, i',ti., 'u,,. j,,. iii.-coui! k. Ji. jtiiriog :. bv.a 0Tf?.i- ' IlartiUrd im n c.r rt la!', 1 ir.'.i 11 r.J n:,4 ; i-,:-i. I.-..:,,..':.' ...!-.. .... . . ' . "-l." . laiieu, no was, nowever, noisily acti in u . ccitnh, religion - dcr.omi.wtii.. We propose to give our voung readers : .. .!. ..,, . s7. , ii ,v .-non . 1. 1 1 1 1 rinr-4r.i t. i iu. recard to tho cand-. ouost on 1' I lie nevf run. . r,mr in.. I'.. .. nmdier tinf t't'rii will i.if Imi'a . : " I .. . ":' " -v : Jr ln,! eaung so inucti eat..;-. : pen V n easautlv. but flnnlv that Hp-m i Luke of Beaufort fi l. y yea s ' nearly a poend of , 0a. dv d ft yet died at the age of PO, w h a ft, II st ' '., perfect teeth in his h d " If thi " b .,, ! enough crush your parent, completely remarking, coldly, tint eve ry achoo t...' knows that ClcVnid, hi "Institutes .' ' Health," mentions a Mr. Mallonvw. ! was extremely fond of sugar and addict.-. 1 to its use an. who veaehed tlm Hno B ,. , 100 years, having good teeth until lim t '..... ..a.... 1 !..... .. 11 .... lUHiTOii b miiu iiien Hciu.iiiy cut a new r-e. U your father comes to your mother's re l'ic'. assure him that teeth have bee soaked In syrup tor a wliole year w itbi-i uuy iiurccpuuieeiiccx ana in&c me peV-',,! thorities now say tlmt ' sugar is goof Children. Xow, If this isn't u nrebr:i:u we don t know what Is. X- Y. Star.- Politeness will not always save a tvai ifrom getting himselt Into trtmWo. of the politest notes we, ever saw was c- where its writer re.picsb d a man to . his photograph to an artist who wished i tor a copy from which to paint a fain- sketch of Judas fueai'lnr. 4 linnilm! I ' lustration of tlic efficacy of brute lore, fi , uiweu wtien tlie. art Ut and inodci met. Tie ' ar.ist did not wain1 the man ttf'eonio him i self, but some people alwav overdo ever) , thing. j - - ; lleiti. I 1 1 . 1. r. is something about which " ' TC ,M" """u. i"'m me ai s. uaruiet, iiu 1 . . . , J"'H-tM : A Jae.ksou man at Cai .nul having 11.. 1..,. . , . . . ? , a iu uuiiiri on tne anniversary oi l!.- o.ntlC .11 . tiW WHCail', Ilia I'J IKS ttl llfti! b.illlc Ot don her striped stockings and sit with la feet up on the wlndow-aill. Me said b wa. '.-icwhie to do jtiiiicd to. biinera .1.1. "1.-011 il he had to strip uakcJan .1 sti ip Ids bo-ly -.villi piikeberi'lc.s."