THE DAILY OREGON STMTS AN. Issued Every Morninr, Except Mandajr A. W. WATERS, Business Manager, THE WtEKLY ORFGOn STaUSMAN Israed Every Friday iforninp. A. W. WATERS, Business Manager. rr Mal'oTotherwtiia... I ft,r X ....nth, by Mill or otherwise S t Utibiwrlpiion., la every lnMtiwe, to bo yal advance. A-.Tertlseroea'- Inserted M reoiiaUI rule. 8rrlbT CwrHor, per t"'' Sent br mull, ,er year., J Sent by mall , six mom It. Kitiirllon. by wall oraiprea. mat be Wt dvanoe. VOU 26. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1876. NO. 9. weekly mmm mmm AGRICULTURAL. AURK t in ki:. En. Staitsman: I notice in a late U- sue ! t''t' ii atlsmav that ymi intend to devote portion of your ptiMT t agricul tural matter. This is as It should In1. The Statekas I mor, mechanic, tradesmen, men-haul, shippers and middle-men. It aitvneti'e sound national nml local measure. It would bo hnn! to Induce any of jour read ers to pay $2 50 per annum tor a moderate mvUKIIOMH OF OKtXJOM. NVMBKK 4. 4 I.IJtB i r TUt MVBillnl "When the ued up nml abandoned Im plement and article, and the ts ends of Fmni tU8iiDilT Wulcoiuo.l everything required about h liinnei'a The wheat rrowii" in Oregon Ism" P"'"" " ,,,l"u; 'WW'" three classes, vi.; A hard and lli.Hv; be groum year at yea r. ''"' ) a mellow ( plump and a e.h.s i , '"I'l'l to - I..ihhH.Io to ' , . .... ,- . , . keen Uch rendC tree of burdock ami tween ihe. two icel.nuite reflate ' .,.,.,,. fl . ,,. thrt uuuliiy, uh Ut dt Ut Ul; .... . . ..i...... I.. . . ... , . . . . : . . t t' 1 1 .... . 1 1 .. t II ill' m I" II U( tilt 1 1"1 li I" 1'iuniipit. aud, rend by h.r- lasagrnwu in the ihemetlc yulley, .-.tvlimu. ,,.d ,11IuU.r lf ,.,i ak,uto isusirrn urtou, .r.niwH ! .,.., -ix i,..ici I e mil !e thf nio-l llitly ;sn'l pro!nrtive til' tlx- limn. It I". i0 iloiilit. iiiipriitimUt' No tu fVfiy milfiMnkW, I will iimiiiion fMilv niH. A mn. tint hATlnz T wwkI hard hiiU Ilinti' liciit uml we Itti v-; known h very inffriof kiml liio'uirlit from elHi here unU wcUi d in thin vul-i ley to jnoiiiiee it superior (junlity of milling. Aa cubc In point, we cite the ijt, Kootiuu wheal. Mr. iu portion of lmnl firming ex,-rieee "ere , of ,,lt! mvarUX MUut"o.e- autl a towple of pnge. of potent !'(. gon City, procund from California a Pre"", when.the remuiiider of such sheet ivwy .large repugnuiit l(Kklmr wtieut- ghouW be fiileil with hetern.los mtitter. aiiriveiiwi anu in l ilt marRel en- jlif hud the wmne lilunled in thin vl- I ley and it prtHiuced the finesl variety oi wheat lor aiunufuciuriug flour we lmve ever aeen. Jr.ach anu tvery ono of vour true Keiiiihllesn readers would wish to read ha-di made np ol one. third litdenendtHit witshy-wnnhy I)r itinera v: one-tliird eaoiNin, and one-tlilnl ol 8tlc adTertlwmeuts. Kow, Sir. Editor, will you not devote four column of the STATKi-MAS exptvwly to asrleiiltnml In terests? They may treat iion hortleul tnre, fruit, stix'k, grain, ganleti and grac es. It i certain that amnjrt ymir nu- tneroiw retid-r. gool praetiral lten can be drawn out from tlium, iimnded on per sonal experience here. Yon ipeik of Ijavhig engsped an rxe rlenced firmer to fnruih you data for your paper. TIih U O. K. Yon need no long lot on hi farm, and bnyiofl; Ida firewood hy the cord, aold hi. pre?nle. and told the niivhuer, anioup oihet tliliig-. tlmt lie hud hi man work two Hay to cut and -any ofl' the hnnlKU horn I Iw Ihuim) lot, t It. t he could turn lit aht-ep Into it. The new enuier fmuid HivwiwhI enoiiv;h, hy flfnrln(f up the icroiiiid ol the rriiiain. of old wagon and j-liei'. Iinyjtack ana Mm. l-n, old ciierrv tnn'S tlmt were hri-eilhig worm, and from tlm dilapirialed fence and niil-Kiiildiiip;. for a family to uo lor lull a ileum yeara. And alter clearing this ground lie found it rherirent and lie-t on the farm, Tim bent thing one tan ilo do with worn-out iHiplnmeiiu U to pal I In- wihi.I that in In litem Into tlie wmnl hed for fiad, and Ihe oil Iron Into the. workshop to re)mlr other lotila with. 'I la-.hi-, I ahe. tro7-u pntiitoe nml all pucIi thiis which. If colh-cted and given a lit tle (licwitng of limn or planter oeea-ioiially. would vield the farmer a lertllier worth iii'tn- limn all It leid nut him during I lit) year in keeping all tidy about hi pi cmi e. Kxchangii. BU ttlU IHfc. A It venrs (120 none imt the very tif- htt troni tla- carca.wta of tln-e mramrrltti d" llw American plaia were thoti)lit wnr- . I . .1 1 - L ....I I. . . iiij ut iitv iiiiiiii:r . it(ftn, niter itifi- plng tiieiii of their akhis, lliew litie nn- nt liole-ome th'-li re lilt oimi pr:ililt 10 rot III tlw.llii tr to Ik- ilevourvd 'v tla; cnriilveroua hirdathat ataainn there. Nmv. however, owing ii. the wnutiiii !aiigli'er that ha l)en carried 011 .tilling 'ato i-hiim. a herd of Iniii ihies I a iuo-1 uitu-nnl night lu phtoua where, witlitn '!h memory ol ttMe who are "till young, myrl.itU ot them paawd and reia-'d on rheir route to paaturea new at varinu tiitH of the year. inw, alxo, acvoriling to the Si-h-titine Americau; not only U the i.-urcnsj vvt milizi-d, hut the hone them c!ve f.irin the sourue irf a (inililaljie lui iitfi utininn ll -ttlru iu Kihi'h. Tlir pralrtea. for forty milel each way from the railroad. Wave been gleaned oer till not 1 relic ot tlie clio van ho found. II emit and rib are worth 5 a ton; thee are liiin'l to I'biiadvlplila ami ground up Into MttPfcT. Mdinaud boniii-r lt!ad, grain waa eounil, plump, lien and lllfllow. Tlie hilliiid climute of lliia valley ia jacullurly adapted to the cultivation ot a (superior article of wheat.. It ia Biifttcleiitly tar Irotu the aeu coast to pre eut the grain taking jou that Chirk appearance so ch" lacier I iatio of the cojibt whe tt elaewliere. Jome thr'c years ago there wu re ceived in this t'ilv a letter from Hie Secretary of the Chicago t'rodune or Ur.ilu Exchange, wherein the writer uuiiiowletlgel iliut hti gtioj quuliiy of w tieut ia not trown anywhere eat of tlie Kooky Mnutituitis ud alao, mi Ur article on farm ing. derived Irom t Sieri- aa cauie un.ler tlie k-iiu1 kiiowi ence of met. in the old Mate. Evwv-H,01 U,e, I iinu-h.tvt in Ihi I illicit S 11 im In thing in that line mnt be learned lier.(ti,b wt) ulv u think the riuti- anew. Hence Oregon esperienci's nrej rctary luixiaken, for we know ttiat iu onlv reliable to Urermi tiniduccr. The 1 paru of I aUli.mnt a uitml excellent 'fill ft in v- im uriiiitKMii. itm 1 nu fiiiu 11 v ia 1 J I - - iw... 1 Kbit i' 11 1 flcit 1 i f Mill U'at Iim Vat iiiufi bua-ll planting of new orchard here, and the ctuiivation or nu son iron ami wiri.a, .,,'Vrdo vulh-v. uud oilici wifi or should bea rrtrialty with our pi o-j fertile vall.y in Centra! Ariaoua, tile. The cauua of the great ileurtli atiioun our Iruit trceit here. a jiie-ii. n Of deep iniportuuce to 11. The cau-es and the cure ought to be well; known. It is certain tlmt policy would dictate to tis 'Mixed nn-ihatidry." Frnlu and vegetable of all ort-, that can be tned and utilized by our fruit thyer, should receive our Becial aueution. N country ever becanie pemiaiwntly weakhy in the produetion of wheat only, an a staple art Wle of exmrt. Sy. ooe-thinl ot our exjairta wheat and flour; one-thin! dried, f 1 nit and vegetable; and oiie-thinl frh. gold and meat; ami onr export- would he lri?e- sure and attraetiv. Onr jJICttl ! ..-f fcii, .Stl:n It ltd et. son, ktifitdd aftriiet the Nitt-iilinn mid dine j hive-tiyiiti'Hi ol'fcin ti-t iwre. One thinii ! in conrliMlint ot llti "catlertng article: J.!iKV, iiu-xpei ieliced muti. wiMiont cijitliil need not to gn into prdnc!iiui heie ex pectlng to get rich ! I waa never in any -country, where more -kill, science, enercy and ei pital were needed to d-velop tla; reo,ircea of the country than Iktu. January 27. 187U AI.FAI.I A A A Ml Hi t. OF WI AMH Of tin.- gras the I.os Angeles Herald say : Xolh'tiig ijir;n:l.liig it hi pVmjiic'ive-tie-M and noiiiHidiig iower i louiid in Kortli Amt'iKn. Ii I iicruiiiitl in the ftrli-te-t eiee of Hie Ii rtn. u )liini ing fur a quarter of a century, or. for that matter, forever, and the.tlcM U st-.nplv a-'-toiiiltiiig. Year iifrer yer the ''I1hI tended bed of allalfa will yield lu twelve and twenty ton or hny in monthly or (pwrterly citning". -Wh"ller patiired". or led green or cured. It atfnrd a mimt niitriUout diet for all kind nt stoek. Tla tlieep, the hog. the milch cows ant! tin lare thrive on 1I1U luxuriant gra . and n-ipiire but little gr.iin. The winter growtti is ti-urt!Sv nuedetlt in mwi'li a UsKt of the -iiiimi'-r, while In he imrrhnrii nail ot -the Mute it U killed by the iVoj-. Out stctiirti inu-t, tiM'retori-. nhiinatelv have a mnii(fioly of tint whiter supply of the live etock lor tli Nil! f ninei'it) marker. In this grills Wu ni-o find the cii'ivrvalrtr- ol the wcail growing interest. Theraiitl in "tliix of population i rendering the old sy- : tern 01 ptmuiriug eut hero of alm-p tin equally u girnU ijuauty of wheat, tiul fiinn Anzuiiu none has ever been ex ported and not likely to be n'ue-o h railway tatiathe valleys in Central and Weatern Arizona. Oiitaltie ol these point), bo tur us We cau luaru, there ia only one place Where the quality compares favorably with the Willamette valley wheut and that iu mime part, of Italy. Oregon's Wil lamette valley wheat la taking prece dence over all other k uua lu tlie tug Hall market; but in auyiug luia wt lDUt imt be uuderalood ua cluaailig ad tlie wheat gruwu ill this valley a. auch, for it ia twt, but we winti to he uuderalood km ad vocutli.g thatclaaaof wheat produced here by farmers who i-.iIuvhh, for there are many thai akim the proouti don't plow deep and ai-o keep nittitig oil plowiitg un til the l.o-t inoiilii ami tin l) the ker nel, i.ii.e timed out of ten, ia unall and ahrunkcii, owing tu tlie lateiieaa of tlie HeuMia. 'lit i h r.eaaon tliio allowed it-j-lf more fully tiiiiuever We fore and il ia fouled fhul the next aca aim will aliow no improvement, owing to the Hiuail iitiaiiUly of luinl now in cultivation and. tier cotiHcmieti'-e, ttie iieceaaity of put mg it In luU r lu l tie sea sou. In Kuntern Oregon wc have si-en aotne good Httmplus of wheat; indeed, aeverul heavy Mliipmeiits have been re ceived from there lliia aenaon, which compares luvorau y wilu the vulley wheat. J iu fcupvi nir '(liulliy of j joxt- ern Orewm ia grown, ao we are in formed, on deep mel ow font-hill land where the a-ti va ploweii tleep and summer fallowing. The eyslem of Hummer fallowing liaa Uieiv very auo ce! fully iutnidu -ed in both Kualern and Weateru Oregou ami each year, it ia Buid, witiienaea increuaetl utlentioii glvtu to it, cupccially in Eunteru Ore gon. Of nceeBsity, where ao good a rjuau tily of wlo-iti i'!;rov 11, the floor mau utuciured troiu it will liu of auperior quulity; of comae, ihat i the cuh iu Oregon. Two of our (louring milis the Hidem l-'loiiriiir MilNand Oregon City 1-ioming MnNhiive the' luteal improved m.ichiiiery uud the quality of Hour maiiutaclured ia unexcelled, if equalled, on this count. 'Hie firat of ttieae mills aend nearly all their pio- IPRrAl lA OP riE BTOi K. Mr. W. C. MyerTof Aahland, called at our office the puat week. From him we learti that he arrived at home on llij Itf. all nfe with Ida atock, which cumdsts of two iinportotl l'erchcron atit'illoiiH "Fiei'try," a dark iron grey, 3 year. ohl, in id '"Pride of Pcrche," a 4-year nlil dapple prr-y; also one full blood mure culled "While IloKg" anil ote filly 15 ltl, one year old lat Hep tetuber. Mr. Slyer Snforma us that the above aiiinniln are t.he very beat ho could sekct while 'in the Knst. The talliona were adejted In France hy Mr. C. Fulliiigton in pemon. This gen tleman was on a viait to France 25 years ago and at that time was ao fa vorably impretwed with thia attx'k of homes that he aelected a three vcar old and brought him to Ohio. Thin coJt waa called "Ixmia Napoleon" and there was a great deal of h,ort made of him by tlie horHemen of the coun try. Til in horse nfterw.irN wen' to 11 linois ami was the the of over4i)0 atic-ee-Hful stallion and tl. mount rated to the ftocknieii of 'he Wct the value of this stock. Mr. F. has made sev eral visit a to France since and being familiar with handling and breeding of this block in Ohio, "Fleury" and "Prnu of Pcrche" are probably as prominhiR young horses as auy he has ever feloetetl. Mr.- Mycr has now at his ranch three Imported and seven mares; that are full blooil of high grade; one three-fou t is mare being tne naA'eMt grade tif nas, The pillow ing isjuu extract from the Ijlve Stoclf Jouriiul, which Hpuaks for itself: Mr. K. A. illicit, who has recently la-come ne ot tlie proprietors and eUilor In-cl.ii f of the Spirit of the Times, has spent mol of his time for a ycir punt in Euroe. He haa always b-en au admirer of trolling ami run- tiltis; horses and Is an eiilhuaiaallo lov. r of the sports of the turf. While iu Ktirope he crlticelly examined the vartous liretdii of horn. iu tties-verstl oouutriea visited by hira and he was ho favorably impreaaed with tlie draft horses of France that he purchased 12 Perc.heron stallions, which reached New York in fine condition about four and paying from $200 to $500 each for one-half blood colta from "White Prince" from one tothroo years old; and we learn Mr. M. has tidetsfor more than he can supply from distant parties. Mr. Mycr haa ton head of breeding animals of this stock that prohuldy cannot he surpassed in the Viiifcd States."" It would afford our citizens a great plcasuro to see nix or eight of the e magnificent animals harncKaed to a heavy freight wagon and tiring us down a load of Ash and flour, but LATEST KEW8 ITEMS. An IikIImm riKhl. Kansas ( nv. Mo.. Jan. 27 A spcilal tlmt 20(1 lir'cni-t tt:iel.i il a ctenpMiy of -o!il'i r- ;t 1 ;' 1 T;:) mi't-' ft on-. Xc.v hat. 1 1 Fe, and a left Ugh, nccurn tl. a i.mi.herol Irttlian Were killed and li n e oldier. The IniPaii were linally rpnleil. Iu.'flfilarm.fclke Fori I'titw t'lht. I.KAVKNWOKTU. fan. 27. Further par ticular of Hie Hlit on Hie Ye HinvstoiiQ river, at Kurt I'ia-e. wlai tilting Htill' nun in Miiinx ivariior iitiai keii n par; v on the proaetit state of the romls will not ,. -1,1 ,,t.. show that several ,f the In aouiitoi 11. wregou neuiinei. 'l 'LTIV.tTloX F Il4fli: R4IHMI. Among the uiost profitable of niarket gartlunhig crops is hore-ratlI-li, In the ordinary rouglj fot in lu which we see it In market It pays tolerably well; hut when well grown It ia.'rhais lirinc a heller price, riiari were killed anil alio several ponies. The party d nine men who ere -iirmuiid-ed by the ret I devils, flitting oft' all com munication with Fort Peine, hi not yet heon lie-i nl from, aiel tint -it; i-i! Ion ii. that they have all been sliuigliiered, Thn linlian are highly excited atal ih teiuiiiieil lo mas-acre the garrison of ihe fnr. Troops in proportion to lata.rsnd the laud It o . , iXe ,e" "e'!,x lM but nu e they aiiive sim o, lite iirol:ibilPv i that everything will be in the lund of the In dians. The WI1UK1 Trnnbl n. ClIlOAWO. Jan. 2. The "noii.'e iialiif ed"' art) hard a' work hnntiin! up hail, anil omt of tlieiu comiilai.ti bitterlv that their bail lexifsive. Hi'sting ha quite given up hi paper, 'the Slaat Settling, to i hi. Ue,iui1cin nar- liir rich, well-decayed ui'iumr. provided the ; ty, evident ly exiaiting to irdu immunity plants are set in the proper m inner. 1'lii thereby. The change of fim.I has Iteen -o proper manner i a point of umcli moment : sinldiiii as to cau-e coitsli'enib'e nmu-c-in boie-radish culture; as hen the plants meiit. At iUiiwaiiKie sevim or ue wm-ky in g have been convicted. Filiteeii pleaded guilty. Kight have fleit ami cveu rciuain to ts.- tried. copies, than anything llsit U grown. The horse-radi-h does not like a wet soil, but what is called by vegetable growers a deep and damn soil; and, it radar heavy, so much the better. These low tracts, drained by open ditches or water-eon rcji. afford the best kttuaiious pos.ihle for this plant. It is not sensitive in the matter of soil, how ever, it will do tolcrahly well anywhere. It l loud of good living, and hna fondness are sot near tlie -m iace ol the grotni'l. a is very commonly the ca-e, mmiuru makes Ihe roots branch, or as ganU ners say, be cotne forky and this is the lanlt which it is the aim ot the good market gardener to avokl. To this end the roots should la made to glow up instead of running down and tin is iicconipli-hed in the lollowlng ay: Kvery piece ol hore nnlish root grow-; if we take jt piece ol risit almiit an inch in length, about the size ot a largH tie ill. anil pm It an inch helow Hie Mil tare of the prewired ground, a short pieiv will come to the kiirtace ninl folia a crown, ami auotlHtr portion will descend and probably fork to lorm a root; but UiKtead of thl. if we make a hole a font or so deep t it ihe ground with a dibble, and let I lie little ? chjiiujiiuu ui'i'ut tuur : , ; ,j . ... weett ago. M'. Buck is enthusiastic "?.Z ", ' I. Tm makeas clean ami ihritty a market iec as could lie desired,'' in ilia praise of this breed aud Buys that "ihe finest general puqaise ami the best and moat stylish carriage horses he has ever seen are the pro duce of the second cross from- the Nor man or IVrchcrou block in France anil le thinks they cannot fail to produce the rume results In thlscoutitry." We are especially gratified at this expres airt -, ult opinion from one ao well 'al iflv't tije critical as well as ttu lin i : I t'.j'brt! upon uch nsatUT", fo;' Al!en( to l;b a Rallreexl 1rni:. ! f't.i:VF.I.AM). Iay.27. rii'ispr---'i.iin ! coming i . it over III- J,:;kf h tr,. iU nsd ; Itt -t night, near I't'tferton, vtt laiarded by f ur men. win located th. in j strives bet ween the baggage, and e.tpr- 'car. They -oin-j-d. d in -aivhtjr a Imlc iti a door Pirj."- t imoJi to .a im ir a pif.--.ii. j Detectives weie or i the watch. i"My were numvi-,1 to proceed Willi llw-ir wmk. When between IViuieuii and Delta the train was siiii.Uit'y -toiipetl aiel nil fmr meii arrested and taken lalo custotly by the otlk-ers. Iswit at Ma. XrwYOTiK, Jaii. 27. fli;f iJlip Lr!l,a;r of ijoiitloii. 1'i'Hii Yokoh.iiiia tor this port. - ; arrived yesterday and report that on No- vcmher lOtli. while in mSJ m -iu. the chit t : ofiWr. A lohihii Brown, oat! two-aiii( :i, 1 11. C and Thomas Young, w.-ra rhflt ttirown from ttie sail yard and drowned, the ; I'hcre wn lien vv sea at t!ie tiuie ami a. .! ;;! ijltt a l.ui; litey go ta Uh --iistr, n. ueeonja Willi our -iWU Cit. Ii fx-; Trflte ries. l'lte lairiis are worth $-10; the p!"t ssed (;;rivic.tio;i upou ihia subject, I tip- h:c sawetl nil' here and sent to the j although oar views have lieeii fn;- i factories ol iiinhrolbi. fata.. etc. j iieiilly .oitib:ittet in these columns; I'lw remainder I' u-t-d by the --i--t. ! l-.v.geiiUvittell whMe opitdoti.t ateeu- Bitsur hide found b inning to the heath j tit led to great weight. I ire taken off and sent to tlie glue facto-1 As u ijtesti(lti of breeding, the t Meet rie. I. very fragment of the- animals l(of the cross upou our AnuTiean horses mane lo M-rvu a purpo-e. Lima nnu Water. A Viscoi'slu 'currcspomlent of Atnerlcan Stock Journal sav that tlrst unint of luinmiance in the rirothietioo stron-7 wind tiMwih" ! ol goon iiogs .a market is to haw animals I that can ba fatniied. A inanuiactiiiTr i might well try to make fiueelo'h out o ' ilt- ttis-tttuir tliiti n ii:tvv fa at' hair aa for a litiiu-r to niske lii-t- . eta-" ,wk m.l' -h.xU.ili.iuiJu4.u,U.L. 1 ' 'r nr;? " ': f Vn;!.") SaXO'l l(i ir prairie rtwi-r bri etit.f" ho. The -turner sn.'h -tot k i- tl.-po-eil n!. i,tl -mni-l'iiti ilpei-inr raplv it, the l.-i n.oiiev will U: lost I'V feetl' At ii: iim; MtKIMl HARD MAP. Mrtr i a NlillKII.. From the Xnmieh, ("iinn., Uul'et ti.j A beautiful incident is related to us whie.h occurred only a few iluys ago, I raiiicmire. n iu j.-e,, ix, ,eep m j .lucuotis abroad, while the other is uii acr. . anu prminee a superior nr.icie oi ,cultivatimr the home market to n-reat t r Id a tj- wool. Ihe wool grower, i-an, therefore. better aflard to pay f 100 r acre fir abul ia laud than o for sterile inoniitain sinpe or (10 for barren yiesas. In bog raising a country producing a Italia the year round can defy competition. For dairy purposu it Is destined to siia-ruaki all other modes of maintaining beef cattle. In the rear ing ot blooded horses it will lie to our sec tlon what tla; blue grass lias been to Keie tacky. We find, however, tiat tbeiv I not in Los Angeles any established market r tlie cured lia y, though it sens in ban ranclsco tor vl3 per ion hy wholoale. bile Iniriey hay I ring f J or 3 less. It r-ms that the bulk ol tin pnaiiictlnu I to stock on the farm, and the Pttle tlmt s come iu lor t-ale ha been poorly hand- being iiniierfectlv cured, and full ol t-t -ftini stintl. The stableiiien are In tla- i t ol giving their horse a small dully wance of given sHalfa, which It i said, ids tliem iu a healthy condition. Utitli er and stable kwfs-rs have an iuter ft f this valuable commodity; '' former should, t'.ierelore. take the n iiiht in prejiarliig hi bay for inar- U the latter tuny I'tsi n mem- :d with other food. . Kivcr. I nte of oho. of the is au Interesting one ami it is lu a fair! way to be tested. So Tar it has cer- ' tauily given very general satisfaction, ; for nowhere are they mure popular! .-eariv every taii.tir ntaaimuiate, thro tiino wnere iney uuvc oeen most t x- jn t no Home School to toae i mutes the Winter, drippings from lieef utel unit- , tetislvely tried. i articulat lou and Jip reatiing, at Mystic ni. i new van i-e uiiiii.ta lor tlie crease jii prooi oi imsexpecu-iion, mere i.-, by Itoiling hi water, allowing It to i-esil. j "Lulu," deaiguated by scrting men then removing from the water and boiling j as the "(ueen of the luri, having till the water is expelled. Take 6 pomitis! made the three heat mile heats on rec- of sal soda, C pou'i'l of grease. iiouiKl-t ottl. Her grau'l-dre was an imported new S'o ie Intl.'. 4 galtoi,. sort Water. u pound ol borax Put stsls. lime and water who mus of great tiromise a few yen if ai;o, but met with come accident and ilid not come before the public. Herewith is a letter from P. Wat kins, of Wasco county, iu whie.h he gives the reception of four head of one-half blood colts he liought iu tills and Douirlas county hist full and mak ing inquiry about aoiueotUcrs lie then saw: ntm t tu.. Norman churches a sli.ivj b:T,.'ti rum.ic- aitnitm te-.-r,f th . chui'cii except the at si'ltt wn the only sitiiug Hcoimiiotatn)ii fir its int'inticr. and vtvitiir. It; iM'j j.;.ftp!c are rrti- resented as i;ti:ig o.i the er'sael or stai,l li:r Ml I t , s little later the pe-m!.; ;. 1 low, thivH'-legged stotrii protiiiscuously j over the church. Soon after I la Norman ; coiiipiest wootl. ii seats wi-it iutnsluced. ' In J3S7 a decree was IsmukI in regard to ' tin? wi.i'i'iHng fm- seals, s common that I none could call any -eat iucliiirch bUowi..' Miss P.. au interest Imr cradu-, cxi-epr iioLiemen and pafio.i. each enter- oldest -iii-titiitiotisiV il"J "'""'gi into an iron boiler, boil till all in iIUkiIv. -I V hen wt 11 settU'tl. pour off the clear lye" washout tlie kettle; ami put In tlie clear lye. grease and borax; boll until It ennuis to soap, fiour Into a tub to cool, and, when siiillcieuily hard, cut into bars and put on boards lo dry. Ml tI P IS Ml -VII 11 j f.-r the education "of deaf unites, hav- in a desire to I .tint lo a petit; mid to i r.a I the Una of h -r Me-akinsr friends. French hors i. There was a one-liaif : Was rccoin nemle 1 by her old PriiK i- brother or "l.ulti," t-y tlieaamo hwrse, pal to try Mr. Whipple's school, and alio etiU-r.-d it last term. She made rapt t progress aim was mtieti aMoU liy the natural alphabet, the in veutioti of ,Pi, V. ' her teacher. This alphabet curiously ! ' .hf l' suggests aoun.1, or the right position: " r, "VUlr1 of theotvaaslo uUer -sound, ua well I "lt,nu ' J'u '"''dioneJ. : the one first found. From l.'.'!tl to lMd M-ats were uioruiiputonriuted. H cror-hir the entrance hearing the ii,i!l..! Vttci. of lU- o.utfr. I i lOl'i g ii!-'ii- were iiiU,!,uv.1. antl as early as 1'ill pews were arranged to a Sford com fort ly hein;; baiicd or cniioiiuJ, while the si If av.'.md w.-rt? t.i birflijis to liltle the occupants a de-vice of the Puritans U the ollleexs. who rc- when tla- si l ft!- 6.' tt;i att aii. -HiiiUAttit. Miiash; cut in half: clean inside : mtoovoii lle-ih siiicup, au Hour laier. Nrva hot. witn nutter. I Vd salt. Those sqoiii-ili not quite ( l0 good thus ImLed. '' advantage. While thewi two mills are turning out such superior Hour the other mills in the Stale make flour that, ouuide of Oregon, will rank over all others, Thiti is owing to the suim riority of the wheat compared with other States. BlfUXZK ItRHETt. At a meeting or the Farmers' Club ( American Institute), Mr. H. K. 1'ood suileu mat, uccorUlag to Ills long ex perience with turkeys, the bronr.e va riety have proved far more profitable than tho white, or even the black tur keys. Hy many iwulUy fanc trs the Oronze turkeys are much more hardy when young than the while turkeys. They can a i an be reared at a smaller loss of the young birds. Tie laying hen are more prolific, better nurses. less liable to run away from Ihe tinnie st em I and the gobblers are uaually heavier and hence more valuable lo mine tor the market. From an expe rience of many years in breeding these birds, we are able to indorse ail that Air. Todd has to say In favor of bronze turkeya, except tlie statement tiiat they are less liable to stray away from the homestead. They me cei Uiulyjt good deal lurger and more hardy than other varieties and of rare excellcitce for the table.Live .Stock Journal. - The wont way tnkeeep sheep In Ih j win. !er Is to allow them to rim in tlie ame vard with cattle and liontca, as th. y are liable to lo gored by the rattle and kickt-tl by the horsesand coils. Eesldc. the large aiiiiird always monopolize the ht"t food. It is th'ingm by som- firmer that ife re i oiiic ailviiuliige in having cnlvc. sheep run logetlwr, as tUe sliaep will eat what the otla-r leavt:; but alieep nre rath er dainty lu tin ir taites and will not cat soiled ami daiungetj forage. Sotnelady wrote to the clitor of an agri cultural pa per to ask how he would "break au ox ? " the editor answered at follows: If only one ox, a good war would be to In list him by means of a chain uttaclied tu his tall, to the lop of a pole forty feet from ! t ie ground. Then boisi him by a rope tied 10 bis horns to anotlier pole. Then decent! 01 lit back a five-ton pile-driver, and if that don't break liiin, let him suit a coun try newspaper and trust people lor sub scriptions. One of the two wsj will du it, sure. ' Scth Oreen the noted fish cullurist and sjKirtsman, says the most effective book in fly iihing Is made from a strong needlcaii uealed, bent and tempered, and eonse ipieutly withnut a barb, lie asserts that only In this way can a really sharp lusjk ins obtained, that the tension of the rod U amply Hiitllcient to keep the hook in It place, and that a very gentle stroke will lix ihe keen point in tits moulli of the tlsh. That animal have soul in the Ann be lief of many sensible ieroiis. In view ot this tact, it gives us pleasure to state that during tlie fox-bunt iu .New Jersey, the other day. when the whole party came to a sudden hall la-fore a piCnet fence, the kind hearted fox pained in its career, trotted hack, beckoned the bold rider to i'ti 'i t;t:.v Mu.K Chickk, Gov., 1 .Nov. 20, 1870. W. C. Mykk Dear Sir: Knowing, or at least believing;, that you wouid be glad to know how I suwt ctlnl w ith my hornets. 1 shall endeavor, as nu op portuulty otters, to write you h few lines. I suppose you learned that I bought Mr. Kaymond's "JLJeeuhcr." lltj Is a liue fellow-an Irou-grey; xttiuds 1(1 hands or upwards, high, and' draws l,dO0 pounds. 1 had uo trouble in 1 bringing them up, except that ''rioott" I I l:..l : t'ttuime tiLiie aore loobeu, uwiug lo his not being used to traveling. How shall 1 any what the people thittk of them? Along the road it was, '-Oh, what nice horses!" "Hallo, going to the Fair?" "Where's My ers?" Ob beiug told that they be longed to me, they would aay, "WJiy, that's Myers' old mare, ain't it? In Portland it was said they were the finest horses that had ever walked the streets. Up here everybody aays they are the best horses tbey ever saw I mean everybody who Is not some way concerned in other stallions. I left them iu the Dalles one day, as I came up, that pco))e might sec theui and I think they woe visited by two or three liu mired. In abort, the Peichc roii stock of horses ia conceded by ev ery disinterested individual that has seen them to be the best stock of draft horses on the I'acilie coast aud if the bext on this coatit, why not the best in America? Fbk'bv VVatki.ns. as form; and, whenever a mule mini I can read a iid write it, he or she can , generally give any ot ihe forty sounds! of our diflluult language with grent pi'eel .ion ui: 1 discrimination and o! ten A Wlt l'S o,H, A good wife is to a man, wisdom, strength ami coo rape; a bad one is confusion, weakness and despnir. No itiai ktilile correctness. This condition is hopeless to a mun where .voting l.tdy, fill"d with enthusiasm at every atcp, mastered Mm ulpiiahct with little dillicitlty nml one ili.y came to her te.ielicr 1: Ii something I written on her idate, wliieh slu- asked him to correct, her mind being agi tated with emotion. 1 1, proved to-bo the Lord's Prayer, put into the lan guage of articulation. Perceiving her agitation the teacher could scarce restrain his own tears an he corrected a few utiitnportaot errors of pronunci ation and delicately returned it. The next morning the lady cameexultiug ly to her teacher, exclaiming: "I prayed last night for the first time In my life with my voice;" and neither of them could restrain their emotions. He ventured to asa her if she had ever prayed before. "Oh, yes, I have thought my prayers but never spoke them before." "My lip shall praise Thee, O God.' "Attend to the voice fof my supplications, O l,ort." The earnestness anil aathJAtctiou of the de vout mute who had now realize I one of the bright dreams of iyr life' ad mitted of no Question and called for no reproof, if sue was something of a litcfulist lu her Interpretation. We have devoted considerable space to the above subject, but when a party invests a large capital and time for the introduction of valual.le stock ZZ ?Z',1 I '. . l i. , Wy . l0, iue fnatrial crd, lia was form! wrecked about 40 miles ' ever erring. . . ., V . I, ' !"' " 'ur -mi-e, imy anouiu oe south ol Tatiaish lighthiMisc, at the south mwHtm HZMZ2 uune.i. v, e nave ttie proof or this ; crn entrance of lis, Straits of Fuoa. No I awl v. Father, tive ! eraa led through. Brooklyn Argus. I in parties coming aud sending here further particulars." The alone. the wile I):imc9Scs lirtnncss. decision uud economy. There is no outward propriety which can counteract, indo lence, extravagance and folly at home. No spirit can long endure" bad inllu-. eactf. Man is strong, hut his heart Is not adamant. Ho needs a tranquil mind, ami especially if he is tin intel ligent man, with a whole head, he needs Us moral force in Ihe conflict of life. To recover his c mpos'.irc, homo must bo a place of peace and comfort -There his oul renews its strength and goes forth with renewed vigor to en-con-iter the labor and troubles of life, llut if at home he finds uo rest and there is met with bad temper, jeal ousy and gloom or assailed with com plaints and censure, hopo vanisnea and he sinks into despair. MIRIMiAUt: AJ lai'AXKKH, Somebody having been stealing wood from the Ktireka tsenlhicl editor's wood pile, the editor explains t he law of eXnan sion and contraction iu the following inui and Miggesllve maimer!'' I'Iih beat expand and cold contract t is principle of philosophy which win never more conclusively il!u-lrat.. il than in thn " '" i case of our -wood pile, which during tla llicre now seems to he no doubf .that last two cold nights has shrunk more than : ine nine sieamttt' i .ortiena, wjncii letr I'Jm-1 halt a conl. It the shrmkiige continue I liire City for flic Coipillle 1 1 eceinher 2-1. is j the ch inccs arc that somebody will be sent ! Inst with all on board. The Coot 15 ay j tti place wli:re the temperature U expap. llocord says: "I'ln. foilowini are the Uivo. and where tire wood ln'r vvoi ih ti. names ot nor crew; i.eorgo j-lemming, j masicr; J''rank Freiichie, "mate; Jamus , Caslinian, engineer. 'J'here were also on i board two seamen aud the (Viok, their n lines to ns uukuowii. We have just : hran I that a vesel sinitTOsttd to be tlie stcu lug. "IK Co l." said hewing, -lieM all tlMth slmt hi His right Imud. and in Ills left nofhtng but the restless instinct fo- truth, though with the coiiditiwii of forever and aud should sty to me Clawwi-! f would bow reverently to Hit left hnn I. I'tire truth I for