The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, January 08, 1876, Page 4, Image 4

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tflclal Paper of the lulled Siativ
gVTUUK.VY, : lKCEMnKU23. 173
I.nttrell nf Calllnt nla is doing a Inn:
amount of talking I" Congress. II.- Iih
..... .....l,,l,,.,,t lu swindled, or lliili
III doing H. a tithe of thirteen India,
tpiflWS In Sta'e out "f '-!0.000. It I
did not ilo it why llou'1 ,m ft"k ,,,r n
vaaHmtimif We do not kiiw (list the
rr ord hunter did It, Imt It I ' charged
ml tip shonl.l not talk so much about In
vestigating other until hi skill nre clear.
.A San Francisco dispatch, ot Ivcymber
.. Mrs fioodal . Xe soil tv Cl'ikbis have
telegraphed tnelr agent at Victoria, K. C,
that wing to the severe criticism of the
Victoria pre, they have deemed it advb
bleto withdraw their steamers for tlie
present from that route.
After hearing the charge, the jury re
tired to deliberate upon the eae, and In
bout half an hour returned into Court
with their verdict finding the defendant
"guilty as charged In the Indictment."
On Wednesday Judge IVady sentenced
Andrew llarmlson alias Dan Smith to
eight years imprisonment.
"Vlllllllllt A It I'. WK IIHiFllMl."
Ki. St AT! 5 sink: In your lsue of tin
2 A I nbi tve a i an e e headed "Whither
i e we Kit t ng"' he "Paul," CMitilnhg
ovt-nl iulstuteniti.t to which I propose
i . e ill the intention of your renders. In
he t't-t pi. ice he i inconsistent, lor he be
rite the l'le-lihht a the head of thl
- eat l.'hil-tiaii nation (-ii-cnlled;, for linn
jiiilol'iiU reivi t message w liicli relate.
I our eoininiin sellouts. .Now, elllier till
j. or it is not a l, hrisilaii nailou If it I
not, then why should he eetummtnu Tics
Ideiit Tor recoininendlng an amendment to
the Constitution to tho e trout that every
child In tie land should b educated trotn
the proceed of a tax laid Indiscriminately
upon all property and that there should
bo no religion text books teed in the
schools provided by Mich lux. But the
! whole tenor of his article shows hi
assumption that wo nre a Christian na
tion. The falsehood or truth of this
dimmk uiion tho meaning of the
term Christianity. What are the cardinal
.WtHne nf Christ a relate to man's
moral or social relation? Plainly non
resistance or the overcoming of evil will
(rood. In other words, moral suasion
Now. 11 1 may. with the old lady, be per
mltted to "diner with Paul," I should a
Hint we are Hot a Christian nation, am'
that it Is a misnomer to apply that term t
u or any other nation on earth. Chris
tiuuitv. as a code ol nimals, lias never hm
anything to do with the laws of etvlli?.ei'
nations. To be sure the "Mother Church
did once srovern men "temporally and spi
It, .lie "nut hv the non-resistant nrifteiiih
ot JesuhuU'!i'i
lrnr very able ooivmporary, the States
man, on yesterday morning headed its eb
li-lnl ivihiirina "ui'h an article entitled
"The Music of Mlenee." ConlWlii the I a 0f i.r dairgbmrs, in the ear
! m,,n?,J mA.?Jieo"i!I2lr t .lav. Qf this country, followed here
entirely, wuuo.k any eu.ioi.n - - , ... . . "w , r ,jMl,
the heading quoted above was very appro- ampie; our, maim w . j
t in i ill it .t:i: Mr. mtir risur I oinm
Et. STAT I -SM .N: Does your lorref-
pomlent, 't iiili," Intelid to iidvm ite the
establishment of . Stale Church hi Amer
ica ? Probably he would answer this
,putlon in thu negative, while possibly,
ndutUting tli-t he Would like to see a
Bureau of I'Mueathm ei;d'iUhed on a sim
ilar pi iuelpie to our present Indian I
lartnient, and tli" puhlie whool ol our
oiintry divided nil and pheed under the
Imrge of I ho various felljjloiw seels exist
ing in this land. This, indeed, appear to
he the lieu if st approach to justice, pro
vided wo do not consent to tho sectaiiim-
sm of our public schools. Xow thls
might he done In two ways: I'irst, by
giving certain school districts to certain
leiioniiimllons: seeoinl, by tlivitling Hie
school fund In a district among the several
religion bodies hi It. Wero the tl rut plan
adopted, it would result in the Isolation ol
religious aect. One district would become
Catholic, another Presbyterian, a third
Methodist, etc., and then what a glorious
lime there wouhl lie tor tiioo who enjoy n
"five fiisilit." Wero the second proposl.
lion adopted, it would ivsnlt, ultimately,
in a like separation, or by the division oi
thu school limd Into snuall tractions, Hie
present standard of school hoitrs and
teachers would bo much lowered
save the mark." To either plan,
there Is, of twiirse. the further
tiowev:r Inslgnitksuit ol'jei-ilon, that those.
.vboUid liot belong to any ivllgloil body
whatever, would iiccessarHy bo left out Wt
the cold. To this "Paul" would ,doubt-
u-ls ri'tjllj "IjMt artSSSij(! yhiWreitof lh
l.l: 1 1 1 li ls
i in; V
.i i rr.i:
s - '
nrliitn Memirv.
Tlie reason why our columns apiwared
without an editorial, was that Gov. Wat
kinds reqnested us t give him a rest as he
was at present engaged in business con
nected with the Knpreme Court, and bad
no time to answer for the Mercury.
At Ibanon, last Saturday, while some
workmen were engaged in digging a ditch
under a sidewalk, Mr. Jeremiah Italston,
one of the men at work, met with a severe
accident. It apjvears that the walk was
t lted up and supported by several nprlgl t
pieces of wood. One of tlie supports gave
way, and the walk. In tailing, hit a scant
ling, causing it to lly op In such a maorer
as to hit Mr. Ralston on the teinp!e,
knocking him senseless. In which condi
tion be remained upwards of an hour.
aft:r TiirclTiEAttMur.
A Sacramento dispatch, of lec. 22J,
va t it Aupmhlv. vestesday, Puilen,
who has been a seaman, was on five out ot
a certain ten vessels he named which
had been wrecked on this coast, intro
duced resolutions to have the Speaker
appoint a Committee of Five to go to San
Francisco atld ascertain whether the
tpamsbins which Toy age from that port
In the passage trado are seaworthy or
nt H referred. In his remarks, to the
many steamships lost on this coast,
lug tlie sacrlnoe of about l..rtt
said that no investigation hxii
had into any of them. Jt ws n
tial that the lives of passengers
orotected so far as the' autbOi
which was born from civilisation, oi
I ig and taking, the christian power o
the daughter churches, like that ol the I a
pal Mother, Is numbered with the thing
that were. Taul seems to regret the o!u
times when Church and State were united;
when men's enlightenment was so little th t
they could not see that Christ s commami i
"torbld not those w ho follow not with u,''
meant that they should not burn at tin
stake those who differed from them 1i
"modes of faith." Oh, how sorry "Paul"
'.s for the growing disrespect among tin
people for religious rite and liibie doc
trines. Does be see the reason? Why.
fie people are becoming more and mon
enlightened. They are seeing that tin
"Mother Church" and her offspring aie,
and ever have been, lalse to their profes
sions of belief in the doctrine of Jesus
The iact is the professed Christian has no
more rkht to force the Xcw Testament
L.t,. !. .,mmnn school as a text book
than tho Mahomed an would have to com
pel the Christian's children to read tin
Koran In a school supported by
tx!nn the nronertv of all alike. The only
hone of our Government Is In the en
Ihrhtenment of iU eltiiteus, and that en
lightenment depends on the adoration of
tr. euiiOTcn. ac'i-'-'1
suni:ii!iu sim: mon hi
it e no right
to the Ro
, together
IkkHild they
fadier will
stlVter to open
uCTicsr they ever
liier word tiny are
and lntidet. 'Tliev
oiilnioii. Iiecause
I iieh
IAB Boys: Yi -t i day 1 itl-'tideil
Hllihiitll Seho il at one of the choi1ieS III
rtalein, and was linn ll pleased o ten o
ninny bright, hippy looking llttln boy
there, ami I ihouglit. Surely none ot
thine, will ever hi conic W itlo d, commit
soiuo crime and Inve to be oi,t top' I 'on.'
I'he Sabbath School I H good iilaee, and
If the dear lllile children willoliey the
i. ii. himrs nf !lu Srt'elT llVIIIII IheV IHIIl
ih,. inn! II .(fit In i lie eiilin-l'l nl lbi i
LI...I I lite will llcVel' be wicked.
lint id.ove nil tuny they learn to love tint!
ubey th" blessed huvlor, who said', "d'eed
my Iannis. jnenavmr cmii iinnneu me
"riliepherd" and bis followers the sheep of
hi told. Tlw shepherd .takes care of his
sheep, po .lesus watches over his Ir'tnls,
and lovesand cares for them. I'.s'pnclally
desIlo care tor the Lambs of lltslloek,
and he bids III Mends, all who love Him
to inre lor Hi l.amhs. And when
those who love the Bavlor come every
Sabbath to Instruct tho children and
militia In tlie preelau truths ol tne rnme,
they are walking in bis lootsteps, and will
receive 111 blesaiug. lint there nre some
in, I.. i,.,r,i wlui do not attend Sabbath
School, di elso they do nottniiid what they
...... It, unlit
I few days ago l was toiu mat jhhnu
. . . i..i 1 .........,.t r
lines uesirovcu or m uruu miiiw ri" " "j
belonging to un Imliun. Xow II IheV
wero Sabbath Sebool scholar ami nail
,t,ipped to think they would have reinein
bitcd the word of Jesus: "Do nut" others
as ye would that they should do unto
you;" and I am sure that If an Indian
should come along and destroy their prop
erty they would not like it, and very likely
tho,liullait would be arretd. Tim pain
of evil is a dowu-liil! road and slippery,
and when one gets started oil this jalb U
U hard to stop .
May all the hoy wh read tbl aid
1... l...biiii,nr of tvf. and do to others
4.&OSwt-.rTtTn' nrt f 'mem
p it '
A isi lM,r.
ni.i-M an: It I painful Inf me to
illiiwhm line, I sin not an eiw-
ntgf'tfhiu, hut to vile pretender, who
mWio llvury of Heaven erv the
Ulmve noelmiity. It I wild that
.lldreiiof tbl world are wiser In
generation thinl tho children of
" And wo inluht add. that Judging
nine men's conduct, the children of
loiid are UrttT than Kitlin of lh() pri
ll children of light. A case hi point:
Hen Fletcher, of llowe'l 1'ialrie,
jdm county, Oregon, H termed an luii-
,j That is, lie mums ami net m "
tiik accnrdluir to bis own judgment.
4jnte'u years ago ho purchased ot Isaac
jJLlek some 2S0 acres of land, a gotxl
Jaud tlmlier. The south part of
irlleadrlck'i section he deeded to his
snyVllllam Ilendrick, the north part to
kglaiighter Martha, now Mrs. lhiugh
JfR, and the central part to Uncle
h Fletcher. The survey In that divls
i, was Incorrect, and Fletcher's deed
irs a part of the farm and the barn on
' . . star,. If . . . I . .. t- ,tf
L'd Ilnit.rhimilt 4 Itttlll.
st r -
at? Fletcher bought and paid lor his
IW, and has a general warranty decil
: It. That tract o! Mrs. Haiighman H
a a gift Irotn her parents, and was the
ijsiihie ot the section. Uncle ben nan
ym. Well, what did he do? lie re
lied to hold one loot ol the land beyond
here he was showed as Ids, and has
Med to Mrs. ISauglunan all the land'li rtt Intended for her !
. A ml he stands out to-day as rather a
ac- - , i
u,...w ,,ersonaie. Now. whether Uncie
Very I.'le-. llenir.
4 bC'i tt W W '.tl Ilielll. ' ?,,., Mlli. rwls., nc
I read Hi the papws mtHwUMi aith ' , ?, k Tetli
ban pardoned the little lv who was iniust say that his work are O. K.
the Penitentiary, t am v,-ry glad, an I alTtow turn lo another case; but first let us
tiie moiber ol ItttlB btiy ill teet Hiank- W orer faen human nature, and say.
pany, a man" facto! y t Kalem KfTlie
Pclton Horse Powers and Separators, with
other useful farming machinery.
Samples ot the Pelton six told gear
power and ten horsepower separator are
now to be seen at Boothby & Stapleton's
manufactory, in Salem.
Many farmers have examined them and
pronounce them to be far superior to any
power or thresher on the coast. Mr. Pel
tnn. the inventor and builder, has threshed
in California, on a large ranch with an en
larged machine, 6,000 bushe.s in a nay.
Thrw. or four farmers, combining in a
neighborhood, can buy one without in
convenience, and thresh all their grain,
early in the season, with a six Told geared
power and ten horse power separator,
which will thoroughly thresh and clean
2,000 bushels per day. The cost is not
greater than for the best Imported power
and separators, and the work done will
be two-thirds more.
It is also intended to manufacture the
ten dollar cast iron plow for gravelly lands,
and all tlie wood work tor the same kirn1
of machinery, powers and separator, i
the California market. A foundry am1
several large shops w ill be needed by the
It is Intended for the security of this in
stitution. that the ruling power ol the com
pany shall be farmers, something after tin
manner of the farmers' great storage honss
in Salem, now under charge of our most
able and capable fellow citizen, Mr. Wm
The capital stock needed will Iks $30,0CX
In 30.00 shares, about one-half to be paic
in for active capital, the balance to be used
as credit. About 23 powers and separa
tors am already spoken for.
Willamette Farmer and Albany Culti
vator are requested to copy.
Very few have anv Idea of the rapidly
increasing number ot Celestials, who in
rr rart of the. Pacific coast
from the British Possessions to the Gull
Uw'inn liLn so manv rats. And tnt
u "still thev come ." . Kvery steamei
coming trom Ciiiua into San Francisco.
ith. brines from nvi
hundred to a thousand Chinamen. Troiii
that point they are distributed in liberal
r Ki v. Tho flru'lf ta tilt
lots an over me iws. - ;,
nn-ne hrimrtnir With them tftt
rl'iCCM Q (II l vines of their country, inev
" !. ' k.. i,t- t.-. ibis enast bv a tew
are n uiviib", , -
wealthy Chinese merchant companies. a,-o until freedom is
WtlUSC Bl3 ...vj
bouebt by paviug transportation tecs anil
a lioerai cuuooe""". "j
if th Chinese immigrate to this coun
. nt tiiPir own accord and are their own
masters, haying sufficient intelligence to
govern their conduct, and will, by tneu
lihor. assist in developing our uucum
vated thousands of vacant acres, we cat
i v,;,tinna as it is the muscle ol
twnnii; f neaceable laborers that wt
want to make us the greatest people on
earth. But, if these or any other people
are brought to this country and sold, and
reduced to serfdom, It is planting an evi
little less odious and hateful thai
the African slavery, over which so
i,ni bppn snilled and so
1UUCU wiwu -i -
much treasure sacrificed. Let us guard
i-nnnntrv earefully acainst a recurrence
of the late internal war which desolated so
many homes, by setting the iojc oi poi.
tive law on every effort to encroach upoi
the dignity and high respectability of in
tollifrpnt. labor.
Our institutions are based on the com
mon neoole. and the standard must be held
,irri, ntl tvrants of whatever cast or ract
iriven a wide berth. Let Congress look af.
- v.!o Tattf.r nnd Soft tliatour OWll COUI1-
t,,: i ti.i.s ..........
try and citizens be not contaminated with
Slavery lu any imui.
heir opinion are talsc.w On what princi
ple, then, miV I a-K, u .nr. i "
hum exemption '' m ciunueii, uemj;
iiroii'dit up in l no leacmirg vi " 'n
uechuix-li? Nirely, not on Ihe grouiui
ihat as a paiviil ho ha a rigiit to inoge
w hnt is best for his own children, t or lei
him once admit thi portion, and he must
no i-onteiit to admit the Jit-lice oi me es
tHbllsliment ot tmblic Schools in wliicll tlie
teachings of Moiinon, loin Paine. Cou-
mcius and others should lie iii-tblet luio
i be minds of the young wh.iso parent
i,.,., i in hv ilLt inles of lhee wottllis.
Ami, I trow, thi would haniiy ! a pleas
ant thin tor our ll leil'l l . l nuunt..
Xo! pTotessor "Paul" wants bis own
rell-dou taught in the school. The Bible
should be admitted in sjiiie of the opposl
lion and opinion ot lw ltomanl!. That
i. Mr. Paul" is right, and his Komuii
trientl, wrong.
,v Mr. i:ditor. I cin't seethe oues-
i.C. i.. ti.u 1U lit t am a staunch Prtt-
.-,,t luii.lbur mv own opinion firmly
.and iHmelly."nd" U cause I hold these
v. 1 am will'msr to admit
m neve in me uo;ieiv ot iti
i.! ,Mia iv hi tliev itmv. J.eii
IM- . ,
ect f ti bK HV! IO "HI. UCH
i u-e. or let u aiMinn iiu-,-t,
1 or my pai 1 1 am de-
linlreii .shall receive
ir oHk num. a well as a tnor-
i.uis one. The former uiey
7 th.e public schools; the Muer
t in tbe t-uiiuav is'Viol, tH
i n- Imiinj. fo illii'-u
,"w a to i be rmtff,-
O. I t V . .." '
! at (be propot?T)n to
liltig. It a wxy
oid's," CiihjsTr
f-fe" I mtii ' ii. ' ' ' n I"
Tri'w iiieli the moot are vinlmeit
fiie propi'ttv of the, Supiing
I tie
till to the. Governor and ttlhtl that VVHIte 1
to have a good home. Ve hope he will
grovr up a true and houe?t man and a
good citizen.
Itut tlieru are two or three otlier boys In
the Penitentiary yet and ieihaps they
will not be pardoned a Vi illle as; in r
I.u.,o tl,. v uill hm-n In ami thitte till their
lluie 1 up and then nobody will want to
employ llieiil and good people will be
atraiu to associate wnn meiii ituu jnn
likelv a not they will ito on doing wrong
Until they will have to be sent back to
prison again. IVow. i mere anyimug m
tttn ilo to behi bad bovs. o that they will
stop being naughty atld grow up good
men? It Hie boys grow up wicheu, insi.
think olwhata country we shaH have,
wild to many men who drink, swear and
destroy each otht
and hurt each odi.
it. What can
tlU'9 tl 1ml lilt
1 was talkiiur lib a Irlend about It ati.1
a, t.,1.1 n. .,r ei.iitt, tittv who thtvwr
stones over Into her yard and killed "e
utile cnicheu. .o nuu u as
lo try to do anything for litem, of no
to tjieik kiudlv to them; they would
only laugh and do more than ever.
It made so sorry, nut sun
hope fche I mistaken and that
some of them at bast will liten to
kind word. At any rate I mean to try
by writing tetters lo them, to show them
...... .i.,r tt la t., In, militiamen.
1,1,1V), UVI1H . v
Will you please read my letter and show
j , ,1. . i . ...
them to your young menus; auu me
letters are the means of keeping any or
tlie bovs from being wicked and Imvmg to
be shut up hi prison I shall be glad.
1 our Friend, l.usoni.
Sai km, Dee. 20, 1S75-. .
a cou itry we shaU have, flnce of Junice, religion ai
men ho drink, swear aiidUiy rii,t!, t0 uurp ownei
other s iroetty and '-lll9 0, reai eiU,te lu Bah
Oilier, it I sad to thinl. I'L' " ' , ,
we do to prevent It? Lil fcvners In good faith bought
you think we can do? Ait now possess. I ktn
tho world will be delivered from If. On!
,t;-a aunt- nroittdi.ii that bTftcic thunder-
V Ifrlt
fir yourselves. five, as American
citizens ever should think; con
sult your precious health aud live.
Every free man, shou'd, at least,
to a certain degree be his own lawyer, hi
own preacher, bis own physician. Om
method of cure in fever is entirely w ith
out mercury and its doietul efl'ects. Wert
wo even not more successful than thosi
gentlemen of the medical profession who
trust to th virtue of crlornel, still th
... . . . l e . r....
gain would oe immense; out huui i.uu
emimerateti th'rly, by the botanic system,
we have nothing to fear from an impartia
comparison. The principal mineral now
used Internally to heal all the ills to wind
our flebh is heir, is mercury. It is called
the Sampson of the materia medica and
so it appears to be, for it Sampou slayei.
bis thousands, this mineral poison tia-
slaved its tens of thousands. It Is a mat
ter of profound astonishment to me thai
any article, productive of such deleterious
fleets, should be so Highly extol lea o
that profession and be so aniversally ued.
. . a I I ?t,n.
a firm on Myrtle Creek, Loughs
county, has butchered 230 bogsth sse;
McMknyille, Oregon, Dec. 20, 1S75.
Kditor Statesman Dear Sir: In tin
TCekklt Statesman, ot December 18th.
I find a letter published, written by my
self to Mr. David Xewsoma, The lettei
was not intended tor publiciition. but wa
it private note, penned hastily and withoui
proper consideration to my . old frieiul
Xewsome, and I regret exceedingly tin
publicity given to the careless words in re-
sr ,r,l to the Hon. Mr. Lane. It was not
my intention to attack him m amy such
manner, especially during his absence.
The words occurring in tne notex
only a Catholic, but Who was drunk e
day in the canvass," should be not
nntlmlie. but was drinkinc. etc. I w
make this correction in regard to the
Irunk. In reference to -he expressio
Catholic, it was not mr intention to use it
oHensively. With the religion of any
person I have nothing to do. All have
their rights and should bo protected in
them, and no one would go further man
myselt in aiding and demanding protec
tion to any and all the several denomina
tions of Christians iu our country.
Mr. Lane and I passed through the cat -
vass without personal abuse and parted
with mutual eood feeling, and now mai
he is the Representative of Oregon I cer
tainly shall wish him unlimited success,
hopinsr he will make a useful member ot
Congress ana uo muui wt wsuimv.-.
our State.
Very respectfully, yours, etc.,
IIesry Wahren.
the poor, what then? Let us examine uie
J-'rom a lor:"- expi-rience hi some f the
laTt st cities ot the woiid, I know that the
reat fttik ol the veiy ptwrest classes do
Hot attend public worship; ami w hell these
people do bear tbt Oo-ta l. It U preached
to them iu the open ai'. lu the wreicls d
courts and alleys in which tin y live. H e
n-e "t walth of the churches is immd in
ihe lagiiifleent temp c where the rich m i
on their velvet eti-hiou to li-ten to line
music and an cUxjuent di-ciir-e. or pros
trate themselves on soft ottomans. Iieueaiii
grained arches, where the lays ot the sun
hone on t iem with subdued liglit through
-tained wiuilows. and ihauk liod tt,ai
ihey are not as other men. This luxury
tstiiat which i exempted trom taxation,
mil thi exemption in ano.ber Instance,
...... ... .n ... ,.t ll.e ItlMllS'SSiOII Ot
ami. IK i.i .
.hose mon om- Lord has been p!eaed to
.n ii,..,,,,, i.-r tv tLe exemption ol
this wealth, poverty U coinpelled to pay a
i.i .i..., i f t iv:uinn 1 mv. thereiore
let the wealthy pav to the i.oro mr meir
temple, aud it rich Christians decree that
i. .... ka ... . int tiw tifnir unv tor the
tl. uiiit t ,
. .t,i.. 1.,,.,... : wiiich iliiv wor-
iew iiii-cia" - - -j
ship; or stand out under the canopy ot
Heaven a most ot them no to-iay iui
tbey may bear the gospel preached to
them. Hut ilo not tuaKe me poor m v.m
fay for the luxurious piety of the rich,
or me, I am w illing t pay the additional
tax on my cm i.ii i,isaiui"
jmr likely it dwells in the memory of
most cf your readers that when 1 first set
tled in galem I wrote an article on lever,
which rtjmbiMied iu all the city papers.
g I announced that I Uteov-
xars ago, a pathological fact.
utmost importance In tne
lever of every name and na-
excissive heat converts
blood into poison of tlie
that whicli excites the
bowed, I think, con-
fiSudiced mind that
ihe case requires
ade. uuiversal and
x tor lever auJ infla-
In Ih. ij,
imp I Vie
Ver VJt.1 V Xk"
m k.
woil V'"
i v m .
m n x i 1 1
n A
aof the Pbysio-MedlcaT
its early days, an iosti-
all medical reloimers are
I ai l committed to the use of
such saAative agents as are recommended
hv that W-hool. and should teel lost with
out some of them in general practice, but
my object in writing for the papers has
been, am is, to awaken thought on a sub
ject that comes home sooner or later, to
every fatally and to every individual. I
mean the treatment oi lever, x a.y.i
iUUOCC, ' -" . . .
an aperture in the apex, and a correspond
ing aperture in the bast?, and by applying
the egg to the lips and forcibly inhaling
the breath, the egg is entirely dischaig -n
ot its contents." "Bless my soul," cried
the old lady, "what wonuenui improve
ments they do mate: jow, iu iu,
rAniwur davs we iustlnade a hole in both
ends and sucked."
A little baby stranger came to a family
in Auusta, last week, and a bright five-vear-old
brother, who had been he to ore
Lhe oniy cuuu to "v" ,
broiT'ht in to see the new conn r. He
oreetei the little one with apparei t pleas
ure aud delight, patting it playfully under
the chiu and smoothing down its ott hair.
Then all at once came the in uiry: ".say,
now was God when you leit?"
The Washington correspoiK en" cf t' e
Walla Walla totatesinan intmat-s th t
Hon. E. S. Kearney will ebon y be ap
pointed to sine .-ed Gov. Ferry, o. Was,.
iiifitoa XerrUvry.
that manv will misrepresent, una iniii
some will misunderstand what I do and
say about water as a remedial agent. A
practitioner' ot medicine said to me, the
otlier dav, alter I bad stood by and
heard him direct tlie nurse of
a tvphoid lever patient to use
,1,. iii wet sficit. so tolded as to reach
from the hips to the arm pits, re-wetting
it a oiten as tlie skin became warm to tne
. t ,i., i. ...,iil,l i water s thorouurll-
lltlllll. UWIIH. -
ly and elt'ectivelv as I cuiild; and no ques
tions asked as lo the why and wherefore.
t-..,. thM? Ittid the. idea that it was or-
i ,.i u o.. ..i.i ti, medicine lie cave
liereu umj - cs ,
Xow this is alt I ever expected of ll in
7i n.-ral outside practice.hiit 1 hope to show
hi a series of articles tor this paper, that
reo-ulating the vital heat is of the tirst iu
iimtanee in restoring the sick to health.antl
that water should be the Hgent.
G. vv. KlUBKE, M. D.
A !.4KRin
In the year Samuel I. Xewsome,
ot Marion county. Oregon, started to Ken
tucky, from San Frauefeo, with about
two thousand dollars til casii in an oi
wealth to purchase line stock and leturu
ttgalu to Oregon. He passed on a steam
er to the Isthmus; and thence on another
hleat of I', to New York, via Cuba.
TTm l ani'ornia steamers then running
Jjlw;eEere generally rich prices to
Captal-'if vales niiu iih niiiiiiTiitBini
who w?S inii-sioned and uplield by
, J ..t..,.. I '.M.r...l.,r,...- I l,,r i
umwmmmmf- .a1 rmiii .tutitiivi -iittt vi-
ifornia sreainer a merchant vessel, mm
unarmed. , She jiassiHl on well; but early
In the morning oi me unv on miicu iutj
wuiild arrive at Fort re Monroe, Semmes"
pinitic;il ship hove in sight, but somedi
taiice otf.
t he Captain of the California steamer,
with the aid of a spy -glass perceived that
f. ..... I .. . f 1,1.
tlie pirate nop was iu nut eni-c
ship. Kverv sail wa set, and steam
raised to its "utmost strength onboard ot
his craft. A large number ol passengers
wee on board; and then came a race for
life or death. Gradually tne instance les
sened between those ships. In time fear
.. .... ,i,,.a..i..,l I,, tv iitinilt'iianct; oi lite
tiassentt rs. Hut the ollicers and crew of
our noble, loyal ship, had confidence lu
her power of euduraiice Under Heavy
steam. The day was clear ami a Bein.e
breeze filled the sad ol l" 'Ps, "men
were steering utrecny iwaiu iu...v.-
T'.. ih.. Infill one there was lioiie
it it could reach that point betore ttio pi
rate should come iu reach with her luur
th rous eiius. To thu irate, the only"
hone wa to come near enough to our
ship to give her a broadside, or else cap
ture all aboard, .note auu inutc
waauiade on btvard the California steam
er, while she seemed to quake under the
great power profiling her forward.
The lady passengers uttered piteous
pleadings to the ollkeis ol their ship
to escape the pitate or all go to tlie bottom
ot the ea together. At length our noble
bhip came In ten miles of the Fortress and
. i. . ........ I .. rl,..,i,,rl, liii miff ebtSS. COUld
I lie im,li, ....-e, i is ...
.....ti,,, riitmiiotiou ill the bortress. All
tlie men were at the gnus, which were In
. i ....... i.. t.i t...i..i I'.itth the monster
umcc iir.i,,, -- - -
balls of which all the rebels botith had
. !,. il. clur insr th civil war. then
not vet ended, March Vi, 1S04. The pi
... ..i, u'ttli n.liewvd speed, but lOV
Title i: i iii " .. --- ... .. -
joy was perceived In each coulitenaiice on
board, when tney perceiveu n".
. .. 1 ..I .1 l,la ..nurse and passed RWIIV
null i ia iu --. .
a fast as he could. The fuses weie ready
.,d In another halt mile run me puuic
would have been in range ot itie o-au
iroiu toe i wi",.' . , ,
Shouts went up trom those on imam uui
i.i., V..V...I- ii ill inv into 'mam. oiit c
so fully realize the blessings and protec
tion of the stars and stripes as on that oe
i.... 1 1,., ainii ifiiin relic leu tne i m i.
CT.SIIIII. v',,1 i -
..aJ ...h.,..., they n remalucu lor tnree
davs under the most kind and Humane
trnuntietit trom tht" noble loyai cuia-jis in
that stroi.srhold. Many of the passongets
..... .7,J iWnivr batterv (so called
Willi H,'" .. '
ami looked at the forty aich-ways, each
with its grim. niacK, nun. reuoy to pom
out its avaiancue oi ueaui. iucj
i.. t'.n l,.u u-Iii-i,h. where tlie senti- r,oo 'iTiev eliiiilied to the ramparts
and then 'to the parapet, by the aid ot one
nf the witii earriasres. Around and far
.. tl,. c, i-l.-1! tin. u-nrers.
itviiijr wtiu v,ic d "fe
Hampton Road were below and around
them a beautiful harbor. Off to the right
wa seen the mouth of the James river
i .1... lort r-ii..., llnr. Far be-
...... s ti.u mkn- was discerned tlie
........ ..-. j - , . . a tv.. .1...
........ ... I ,a nclilfl 1 11.1111 I1T. .'11ICI l.llf
days of re-t there were ended the gallant
ship passed on to Aew iurh mwiraj.
Ac sin iimi, 1 I. ewsome passed through
Virginia and Maryland he savv the sites some of the bloody battles were
fought and the marks ot tire and carnage
L.tA 111 . ou.lif.
Dec. 22, 1S75.
ie... n n llvmienitea." I allude
i Hut Wilson heirs. In reference to tin
n... i.i ml titles In nart. It Is not pre
,de.l but that the Wilson's received,
ted and enjoyed the price and worth In
ai for all the lots and blocks wincn tnej
lid at an early day In Salem. Hut owing
t certain quibbles, judicial decisions aim
ujust construction of the acts of Con
gest, In reference to the donation law In
Cagon, Mrs. Wilson and her hopeful
hirs first; and since her decease the two
back coaled reverend are striving. In de
ft nee of juntee, religion and private ami
iblle rights to usurp ownership and ben-
iu Salem, wnien me
bought aud improved
prMw. l knew nr. ""
-.-ii ! Ii was mv best friend. He told
, of bis eetieral bequests to Salem
slowed me henl and or sales be bad
,.,a,l. And had be lived there would
be none of this Infamous fraud practiced
inm innocent persons Holding lot
from Wilson's deed. The case ot
r Court Home block, on which Is our
lendid Court House, costing our tax
about one hundred and forty thou
ml dollars, concerns each aud every Ier-
wn In this county. A cat's paw is made
use of by the two black-coated W!lon
in.irsi. to sue for and recover tlie Court
House back from Marlon comity
Tlie State House, the Salem Flouring
Ullll county and Derbans a score of oth
prs b Salem, have been black mailed, or a
tribute levied on them, and a compromise
nbialiipd and money had from them ny
thoan hnltr IMrSonair(ll ! Allll tli elld i
v... ....
.., ,-.. Ami t h..o., iivn rtivftretitls are in
lsttrs ot Christ, holding licenses to preaci.
Christ, "who went atmut doing gcml."
Show me thy faiih without thy work,
and I will allow thee mv faith by my
works." Salvation bv faith only Is a very
comfortable doctrine to those whose livi
cannot square with justice aud truth
i V..i ii..,,'o wnrka ntnl llwTe nf Rev.
U, , and (i r- m iM lore us. n iiilh
sfc pneferablef
, lec 21, 175.
lieiu ill 11 ti u sr. .ii!il '1.
W ASIHMi KiM, tl-e '20 . - I'heie fs illmnst
ilulveisil ,lis.!l-! icio.i u lib Mm SpeaKer"
....... I,... 4i.h i-i i i j. unit IhU itiscdiite'il
Nheaiil In a uiHil.i-d ,1. .!! by the fliill
f.irnbi di ii gilion. 1'imi's appointment
ml the C"ininili.'e mi cii iiiin ice inei i.ih-
tiell' nil the I "in Miliei- on I a ci lie Ivali
hiiiIi. me acceptable. Inn WLiguitnu' on
I'l-riiloiie-, mid I'l'e on Indian iifl'-iir.
nre imt tmi-iili ti-.l -nil ii 1 di-. I.nirrell. by
i 1, ,.r ..I!-1' ti -i, ua t iiililed lo a ch ir-
manslili of some inuiiuiitee. and wanted
nun in la on the eoiumiilee u Indian or
.n .ii-a The I'ai lihi Hallway com
,.....-... ..,..iv...
in Hen la ronsiiv in nivor in n i"""
.in,, i.i-i.l, , i I hair, nan Laiinir and
i ni i ii w i " vi . , .,
. .. . ii ...I. .....1 I r
R.t...-,..d 'i iii'ih.u nun i.i t i. tiai tTitn iiini
i,l l-S-l s. -- - ...
v.lll ..l,.,l nmitii.l I ii Initio a Hill I-Miimuiy
ll'lll ... .
resollltl' li. Walker, of Virginia, whore-
.- I .1 I....... .,,.11,,,. mi f '! 1 lsl II III e ! I. I
irilllieil linm '"IS , .
known to ne ill lavni ol rieiilt S bill, i ft
thesiillie thing I- ciinsKleieil et iiaiii ot nt-
kins and Trait, who also n.Higeii i ne
1'hillips, (1f Kansas, "ho alo dodged th
vote. I likewise considered certain to Vote
for the Texas J'ui ilie hill.
f nne of Oregon. Is the only one from
,i,..' Pn'ellle Coa-t. beside I. ill t rtil, w ho
has umre limn one l ounuiHee poslil.m. be-
Itnr as.slirued to public land ami iiiiiuu i-
' ri " f.. . . . . ,,,u. till
fair, woonuio". u i. n-
minimi ciiinnln. e VI ..nrliy Ol new mem
bers are given one place.
Ar tlil-l.
1 1. i i I! I) Wlnnr. w ho
...... ..,..!,.,! ai liu'i ilfi. in June, for tlie
i,.-..,. of the name ol isarii'iin
strohl and K. W. H.i l-mi to a lrgi
t ,.f i,i,i r lb unci i O! Willi"!
aiiti'iiii, ,'i i'"i" ' i
he used in l iah, In minbig oneratlon. wa
iteniiilte.1 by Hit- jnrr wtihoilt leaving then
seals, oil tlie gii'Jiini in it juii" twin""
1ruHI. iT liillliilt IH iul
tiiiiit-ititua' U f 1 1,... ii" aiCPr(it-
tine stai loo. Kimiie ts;-,-iriiierly of
A , cob H iratj f f irniTi i niin " iiui-
ciiasei! bv ijfiviin"r HssioWor sla thons
nnd dollai-s, and taken to gecoiiset, diet!
nllttlll,tinl nveitllon
liisn h. Iiee. at! T he innvention to
Irauie a coiistlHiiiiin t ir Colorado, a-em
hied and teluinn H ill" ortfanliM'd to-day
ci.n ,U. iii'i ii mi- ti, 'station will be l"l
r....iu.l ti, iii.i, rmv . ill Itenn'illciHiS have
laiire maim il v, hot et-e a share Of Ol-
tlee lo the inbioriiy.
'Ihe 'otttiullte-t n't 1. H. K.
WiSiitsljtOS, lli-c. 2tl. Ol the IIolle
Cmniiilli tin I'a. llie H iliio lds. tilt
I...U... I i.m w . v,r . tl hl-t Vl-lir to-
. . ... . . ....
.....ill t in, ttili-s in la I li'iu rii-iiii s ,i,n,,i.
ti,. trX-lll I- cntl's Fbillldel
' I e ... , . . ,
hi i niueelit ! IVe. I lu in k moi ami t
i... T..a ln ill.- I n una.ivV servita lo
come to l ongri Uaiker I mnhor of
au ela'Nirate t j,t luH- ieailng -dit pro
ject. At kins' I :i.i -iv t onnitllelicy, ex
pect a cniniectiii branch rom.
I linlriliail of ot!tlt!ll!M .f
pi-patches s,iy the placing of Represen
tative Moni'on. nl liinmls, Ht the He-ill oi
the Way -md YJ.-aiist.miimlttee. OtnlOil
vet)' general -inprl-e. ti tttl to UepunncHili
and ii-iii'Hiat -. ai.u isretviv-u oy im-
maioritv of I -U'ocralie nieinliers witn
ilronif manif' atiou of lb -approbation.
llefore the H-i-e a. -milled to dav group
ol three or t.'isr I leinoerttle tiieinner
... .,i,.i, ti... hi I i i-hlsih Mitaker
ii 1,..... ,
k"..rrV atd-ctioa ol in w Oi-iiioenilic lead
ers and the opinion alnio-t Universal
he would proi e a I n un and be ail eay
prey to the U-1 ii' Hean id, of the House.
Itepre-entative I In a eonver-Hii"n
hided to the a. r'-1 hmce in a an-Hsiic
i.(, ,it. v mill Im 1 1 Ihat sit far an he could a-
ivrta'n tin re w a vi ry general disgut
aiiiong the l I 'lid' r itic uieiiioi r. hm
Ilim'H lie did not care now where le.-. wa
platad on coiiiiiiiitt-e ntnl he whs deter
mined for the tit'ure to cut loo-e and act
t., bi.i.ii.if lie I bv Ki-rr when be
needed strength and a- put iMide for new
f, ...., .... ..,.,-,-t tli,il tii Ti-nas Pil -
iiin. . - - - ---- - -
.ille IJailrtiail Imtl bad soill. thbifr to UO
w ith the . formation ot commiltei-s. In
brief, Cos said he was thoroughly dis
gusted. Kill t. It, liittnirw OrM.
Senator Mitchell liitiivluced a bill to re
i.l.iii.u th.. Hi ale i.f Oia-tfiHI for inOiteV
(mill HV Mint hlaie l UK wipitr-isnn, ui
t-rinr'Koi f r - ''" 'f"
GA1.VK.STOS, Dec. '21. Advices from F.n
Kle Fits stale that 3U0 I,lpan, Illiols, and
CoiniintiiH liidlan warriors are ru ported by
a MixIibii Tiaili-rat the canyon of Han
l-,l,.... Jll ndles Hbnve lteinlln. It I
Hiniight I Iih object of tlie gathering I dep
redailons In Texit.
Menlenn Mranlera.
I ll ...nt..tli.d ll-llltt Knit Clarke, savs Ihe
in-i"i .... . .
i..i, ..rtisicd ihe river 1J miles ne-
nw Han Felipe, and snrpri-ed I ouii
ranch. Killed three men and captured all
the iirui', bore and 000 head nf Mime.
Cniiiptlitte o! eill.etlS were oigHlilwnl to
follow them, ftlilcli trmioie i leareu.
(3liANIilUiIIa, lec. 21. O. N. Cady,
fur the Sea-Oil. Hales of X and XX Oil o
mil! I'eiuisvivania ueeees hi i ise mt
pott i ii I : Michigan and Wisconsin and X
.....illiim nt 4 'itISc: cninliliiL' and (tela n I
fleece 0H'4li"ic for washed; 4:istl7e for uu-
na-bed: pulled wool bn been lit ileiiiaml
lit HO 50e lor ii-er and X. and very clmliw
Kiisli ru mpertlue at higher price-; Oili
fiirula wiml coiiliuili" iu fair demand at
loitHJe for fall and spring, atconling to
Fnllei- lillniilltiB h ItMiHlnif Ballraart.
1'iriTSVH.I.K. I)ee. "22. I he .eclal
police of Ihe H-aiiing Hiilway Company
are (jiiaidiiig the tin. k and Irabi III the
Vicinity ot Mount l.aimel uwiMy. oiniiK
called there suddenly to protect the Com
pany pnieri y, in conm'queiice oi a g"K
Cadr. ! , .1. .. .'.i ..,i. i i.i
formerly a prominent business man of Al- trB(ll imt juht. and fired on the conductor
, ..i ... . .1..1.I...1 I...H la&t ulivl.r fftv I . . . .ii. .i ... i....M
ami a uraaeiiiaii. woiiniime me mim .
bioii. Mich., suicided here last night uy
taking poison.
II. ". llowm v. Brlily rl.
v. .., vim lis., 9l.Tlm suit ot II,
r, I, .. 11. llrn.Llun KhpIb Wa be-
Vy. Illr-n s. ... r,
uini lo-diiv In Hie same court room in
which tlie TUton-Weectier case was m.
A horrible nmssacre Umk place near
Atoka. Indian Nation. I be iwaiM
liuir iierfius were lound burned on tlie
prairie, two of w hich were females. Two
ltlitt. Ihe
n.,.. .........., PS H.t.,ii Iw'Hitntf ilw etHitliiettr.
tt- j ....... ... ..- : .
when tlie passengeis came to his rescue
and sumi-ciled In driving them trotn the
ear. The excitement Is very great.
EarttMiHak nt lllehiiiontl, Mm.
ItKHMOKJi, lec. 22. A violent earth
quake shock wa felt here to-nigbt. The
guests of the diflerent hotels were so much
alarmed from the rocking el the buildings
las to gather In the parlors ready to leave.
.... . i. .i i..,..i. i.,a..
the alarm was general; me bihh; 1111
r,.it I,, all iiirii nf the t-llv and citizens
11 recoginii"", ... -.. , -- - --
othel were whites. A pony with a lady ' leaving meir oomicuea in irigm..
side-saddle, a dog and a gun. were immu Nra. 1 "" .n
i. ii,.. 1...1I .11 fawn ilmt. Three I
e.i w ho were seen riding nine miles from New York. Dec. 22,-Mrs. Kmma C.
Ihe spot Tr smqKd to have done the Moulbm has decided to call an e-parte
si Mini hnr. The nra res were nreu ui ue-1 council m er i--, y--
SIHHHIIIK. H1" I fl....l. ,...t In t IB lutlltilttf of mil-
stroy their tracks. v v . orK)S4rt
Hank ml El' ... ,, ' tl lt lolior us well
Loniis ' bTmS "t rth by the church. Tl
rrouilbe liai.kof Lugland on balance to- wili mmpriiJ tuch M ,he
day, i'lS.OtX) if0.0,e,i Bre Hie best member nt the
M..Hj.r IlMlllf ed
i-..i..ii.t.,l,f etiiivlt-tad of the
1... ..r lut-ili T uiiH. In White Chapel
llliiniei m , -
road hi thi city, was hung at Kewgat to
ditL Just before be was pinioned he
tbe governor or tne prison wrti
Jiemeut, wbltis ! desired to be
niadepU!IIC. in tun paper on
editvd the justice f tlie sentence, though
he dor not eipHcllly admit that be mur
dered tl youim woman.
Urn Ja-U I aalai-0Bral ft Cta,
i . rtos, on nn. .Invellar. Miu-
haviiii'i vcv,. - - .... 1
later of ar, hai len appointed (;P''"-
Oeneral or Cima, ann, wnn v..-. .
sbnitly have for Cutri. Gem-tal Qiiesiia
wi I lie pi aimed commander-in-chief of
tlie armies 01 the North.
Hon at MMtvltHi. Iec. 20. Mount Vesuvius
sboiv a gradual tiicrease of fire and
smoke. 1 be Instruments in uie otmer,.
torv are lu motion, and I'rot. I'almitrl
predicts a long period of eruption.
M tatattr iillldrd null hunk.
BOUUKACX. Ic. 21--The steamship
Louisiana, from tlie West Indies was
sunk in Ground Hyer alter a w nwni.
8 Xii eu ierons were drowned, Including
the Captain.
I haute r War lnlWr.
MAMitli. lhc. Ohalloa will
suut-fU lien. Joveiiar as amwi
. - .. ...I t .MmlMlftBtf r,nai Bum'
ItOMK, De. 21. Siguor Blanc, tion
Minister at Washington, lias been nomin
ated Centennial Commissioner.
t lertlota mt I r-nrli Itrnalora.
rams. Dec. 21. ii following were
elected uiembers of tl French Seuate Ui-
dav: Admiral de Mouurguac, ""
lef of Marine, and M. Leon Maleville.
inenilM'r for Tar et Garonne, of the J.ett
Centre. This completes tlie list ot heiia-
tors. so far as the jauouai awihu , .
considered. 75 members haying been elect
ed by that body. Oilier members. 225 u
"1 .a . I . ft i..itisaitt I ar Ittf f IkA
liumiier. are to tie eieeit-u iiii'j "j
people of the several cieparintenu,.
Inmitmi-Ktu .
Congregational Church lu tlie United
20 Uvea
Z ' - -1 on Miit'ary Affiir. f'K '
Rurnlns" f a Tralntna- hlp-
Ixjkww, Dec. 22 Midnight The re
port tliat no Uvea were lost by the burn- .
big of the t raining ship Gollah,are contra
dicted. There U reason to believe that 20
Km pi loa at lieaavHM lmMt Tmr.
iius riw, 01 I ilurmtehe from Na
ples report the agitation In Mount Vesu
vius Increasing and an extensive eruption
looked for.
iMlaiatlv f -mii t Inquire lt4
Marina lam en.
ci.t-nnrwi, iim.. w Tlie resolu
tion of Assemblyman I'ullen catling for
tlie appointment ot a legislative commit
tee to Inquire into losses of reputed uusea
worthy vessels nailing out of Han Franiis
to. excites no little comment liere, more
particularly in nautical circles. Tlie fact
that Mr. Pollen was recently an employe
ofGo4lal, Nel-ou & Irkins,and I a '
. . .... ... ......... t 1 .
Verl III mailers perutimiig i bii-s
life, adds weight to his sugKestion in view
of recent occurrenoes. There Is a very
general impression here among seafaring
men. that something of tlie kind ought 10
be dune without unnecessary delay, and
I'nllen's resolution I considered a step in
the right direction.
Efforts have been made for several day
past, says the Oregonian, to get submerg
ed steamer Oil-wie Telfair afloat, which
have at length teen attended with sucee.
Since the recedure 01 tne water 01 ine vm
UHittia a thick, liea vy sail ha been stretched
ever tlie breach made in the bull, and
Thursday the large steam syphon pumps
e-.mmenced to clear the bold. The water
wa constantly gained on, and the vessel
wa got afloat yesterday. The breach U
hut will lie sufficient to
keep tlie vessel afloat nntil she can be
towed lo Astoria and placed on tlie "grkl
I-..,, " fi a rrmmupn overiiaiinoE.
mitt 101 ii.,iu,is,i s.. ... -...
hold Is almost free from water, ami to-day
.1... .1 , 1 f-ii.i.t will hn talfcii rait and
lawrrmiH t uie uhiiihb ,.c.ii..s -
. - iw- q-i a narll fmrn Ids- transferred t j the steamers hhoo Hy am!
tm i .tales that a Portuguese gunboat has Occident. To-day the Gussie Telfair wUI
!m" .'fJ:., r; ",t "Li.,.,1 f St. Tbnmas. ,.r!blv be towed down to Astoria and
iteen unit-rni i, - - - t r . y
neen unii-ii '' J - r
In the Gulf of Guinea, on account of an
alleged Insurrection or negroes.
Analhrr MeanMblp Dlaaaler.
nonnF-ACX. Iec. 22. lhe steamer
Touisiana sunk in t-n minutes after she
wa struck, liie steamer Gironde res
cued 100 of her passengers and crew. AH
persons drowned were passengers, except
the Captain.
A Former explain fieaeral af ro trml.
M until). Dec. 22.-Oen. Ceballos De-
q l, rorme'rly Captain General or cuoa,
ta fllld. 5 " , .
The seeds ot the mammoth trees m
California are not more linn half an inch
1 , .dvihnf mi inch wide, aud as thin
as writing paper, and lifty thousand ot
.!.... ..wr u.-i.di a n iiiud: iiud vet from
L'leill v,i". - '! - l ' ,
.1 i;,ri.. iii thni. iiiiiin nse tr -cs nave
H1CC nil", vvj ...w .....
.rinwii. not less than 3. UU0 years old, and
" oirfi t isn fner. iiiiieiirlit more
si'UlC nun, iv.v -w..- -s
thin double the height of Bunker Hill
Minumeiit or Trinity Church. One tree
now standing contains 51U.O00 feet of
sound inch lumber, nd another wooiu
make 1 000 cords of iOUr-foo wood and
100 cords ot bark.
a faii.h:e.
a Krt ton lvmit inio fl Hrand Tiivet
n vyty ,-. -- -
avenue grocery yesteiday and called for a
h,.r anmi lie lelf, H nick 1 Oil
the counter and started out, but the grocer
ea'le(J: . . , .-W' , , T
'See here, boy this is a lead nu3kel I 1
I.l-a U.ii.l, nintll'V 51 4 thi.'
UUH 1. v , 1 1. v. .i.. ...w.-.j .
ti,. hiw lhe snan and took 111) the
nickel without a word, but on reaching
nrolL- lit. hnpf. out:
i-i told ma he wasn't near-sighted, but
she stuck to it and stuck to it, and now I
am liable to ue jaueo y
"Kx -Senator Nye, confined for some
tin in Sanford Hall, a nrivate bos
yital for the insane, in Flushing, Long
Tio.i.i line nnrtinllv reeovt'i-ed aud
has been taken from the institution
by relatives, lie is et present vvuu a
daughter in New 1 orR Jity.
A French writer described a young lady
..n i.-Ua,lipr trpiitleiitiiii friends till
Vllt. ,IW ... . - J
she is six years old, aud then- leaves on
until bue is sixitftu.
En. Statesman. When we bear the
head of this great Christian nation so
called? talk as President (irai.t does in hi
last message to Congress, Is it not time
that we should pause and consider whither
we as a nation are tending? The Presi
dent recommends an amendment to the
Cins ltmion providing for establishing
and maintaining public school in every
Slate for the education of all the children
In the ludimeiitary branches but forbid
.11., ,1... toiii.liiiiir In Bttul Achonli unv re
ligious text, whether Pagan or Christian,
aud prohibiting the granting of any school
funds or school taxes by the Legislature.
mini i' na or outer iHjwtT. ittr eniii i.-nii-
ions Instruction. lie also recommend
that all church property be taxed and also
expresses the opinion that properly even
..inn-ell Imnupa Ktmiiid tint, lie exenmt from
taxation. He says tlie exemption of such
nronertv from taxation is an evil in the
I am wondering now if it Is trui that
tl,. A n-i,i.ti,aii tiunnlrt liavn an tar tlenarttal
111,3 rttlltl.V". n.wj.v ..... .... ---e
from the precepts of the Bible aud the re
ligion Ol meir larners mai iney aro pre
pared to say: '"It hath been paid of old.
The earth U the Lord's and the fullness
thereof; Train up a child In tne way he
should go and wheu be gets old he will
not depart irom nj ne tear iu me inu
Is the Oeginnuig oi wisunin, etc., - out r
... ,.n.i ir l.l ililmra nnt rliliid flWIV.
and having a "knowledge ot the law writ
ten on our Hearts, we win oe a iaw muo
mn-aiilvea." W will not tax our nronertv
to provide schools where our little ones
may be trained up in tne lear auu anmiru
,rtli I nnl lint w tv'di tax oni-
lauii in ,.,. ..
gofids and our lauds and the house of God
and the sacreu tilings iiiereiu. uie iyu
of bra and the lavens of silver and the
gold candlesticks and everything that U
the Lord's to provide teachers to inscruct
our children In the ways ot tho woriu ami
the wisdom ot men. " Tis thus we
should first lay down in the rudiments ot
the great wariare oi me.
Now. Mr. i-Jditor. w hi e we are uoastina
n tho nrnitres of the I'lirislian nations.
mieht it not be well, in view of the les
son of history, and the unfriendly iegisla
tini, riiitimmeiided hv thu President, for
Christians and lovers of Christianity to
.1 1.. ...I... ,
pause auu eoiisiuer to t tiai. ihhl jiugicw
. ...1.I..1, .l.....,-!. . n...i ....t
lll.IV enu, V uv',HW lllttlici nun jvt
further trom Bible influence and Christian
tiutriii'tiiin "-
find the church both the
1 Ami temimral head of the Christ
ian nations called Christendom. Next
Christendom divided: hnirlaud
....1 l.. .nil .f l.u- .,hiat iu 11 tlutilm
auu r i it 1 1 nn uiuvi ,. i........ ,
istablisn temporal anu spirnuai ueaus ui
.. . ri, i i.. ...t n...
their Own. Alien r.iiiani-i mngra n
spiritual in the temporal, and finally the
.a...-..t. r.r..iTt tuna avo l-nL'nii awav. until
Cllllllll (HCI HIVI ,S. ... s -J , .
there is nothing left of its former grandeur
line uie su-caueu viimivn m iiii.n..,
which has but a small voice in the govern
ment ot me reaun.
FViinop. trom a denial ot tne autnontv
of tlie Mother Church, pdngrefsed more
-.i,,;,u,. mid final I v renudiated not oulv
The Church, but all religion resolved
there was no God, spit in the face of the
image ot the Mother of God, and confisca
ted the cnurcn property.
'I'lm .ennie oi rue. tniceu oiaies in e-
i.t: . t.:.. tl. In I-,,.,,!,);., Qrfnllv crnarded
UtUllSlllll lino ivruw,,v, j t,
n..iot- quit tniiinnral ..ittthoritv heingr ex-
1I(111. T --. - - -. . J
ercisea oy uie cnurcn in guranuicm,
1 1..A writ nvillunilll unil piu'.lHr.
unii icvuiuiau ..-. . .
5t .nu'th hir nrnteetillif its relis-lOUS
and property rights, and exempting its
property from taxation, and generally al
lowing the Bible and other religious books
to be taught in the public schools. But to
trace the gradual decline of church influ
ence among our people, would extend this
i,-tti,la tn tnn o-reat A leiiorth.
Suffice it to say, that every observing
Christian must nave iiuiaccu uro K'"'S
disrespect among the people for religious
r ithii nnri Kin n aoeirines. ii m oe
:., ,i,A lmviclattva ballc In the news
been 111 iug njiaiuni. ..- - -
papers and in .the every day conversation
t-Un. rvai-mla ami lflC- hlif". lint. lPSt..
Ui Lllt3 JOVpii'l " " ..-ws.T " " - -i
comes the proposition from the President
to enact laws classing ciirisuaiiuy wuu pa-
...,lcm anrl tt ,-relndn thti Ttibla aad
tleatlien Mythology alike from the public
schools and to tax the church property to
support such secular establishment. Yea,
verily, when it shall come to pass that the
cnurcn is oniy vaiueu as a piusiiatu vtti
,.i tni thu ctnt.ti rn feetl iinnn. the ntrinb.
esy, "The last shall be first and the tirst
O. II. Patterson.. Ki lerrtd tLu
on Cliiim.
tnvelsS"llon f Wtih
Ban Lin t ibisi. Dec. 20. Tlie In-
VestigiltlOll III till" t i-e Ol .llllltl natlRii,
,o!iceinaii for kilil g -l'e Itmliegue.
tjilllday night, is " ot lanitliiiled. lile
.iv-iiiiiiiatlmi li fliorotlirblV Dros!-
ciited and will no di'iiht be completed to
f old W.'Hlher.
The weather hi turned unite col I, with
heavy uorlhea-t wind.
1 he jaO.OOO li -r - t, t orn" o!T un lhe 2Sil
i t . lint try
San Fn.AsriMO. lhe. 20 A meeting
of the Pacific Club wabeld tiwlay
... .1... I i. k 11 nun ill 1 I" M . M-iior Bry
ant lr,-idt nl. iii Hie chair. K. J. B ild-
,l.i M A. I.itiell. A.iiaifi-. ' iMuitis.
i u.,t 1" f! Moore. Mr. Fawcett. Mr.
VValdeu and others, till owners of horse
entered for the f.UI.IHIsl pure. all pre-ent.
Hi- it tiii.t 1 1 1 in nu s iu in r-iaiioinsr hip
.."ill i.iinii, nit' iin the 21 of February
n.u i.t i.-eii, ,, iiievuied betweeu ti"
ntviier of the ln'i-es and the Club. Tile
Jockey Club t-ii irantee a certineu ctieca
rr :ut nun. ti, h- iiivett i uie mirer ui mi
iudires oi the race o i ihat U i v. to be pai
in i in ii- iiiuiri. a i int oriL'inai eniriip,.
nine in immber. remain In. 1 lie meeting
mlioiirm d willi three cheers from the lat
ter lor the .locki v l lnb.
Aluriiii iu ,- frvaa Treat
San imoo. iec. 20. Xmhiug new
froin the bordi r to-day. The World has
a letter trom T rente stage station which
savs: "As near as I can Msii naiii, we are
to have rouli ti ne iiloujf tne line anon, j
Mexican re-iili-nl tne u.inb e, " willing.
to remedy Hie existing -tale ol allair. A
letter I'roui the li lliey ha ye aj
guard of 13 men !er anil I here now.
and thev feel much ea-it-r. There have,
hern two skulking pari I. inoiuid one ol
seven ai.d auntie i ot b ur h r-uis. nen
they 1 id U- well lisi-i they left.
Hil Male nr l'5.litj lirsouora.
Trcsos, Dec. 20 Mr. AV. S. llronson
and Major T. ,1. ISl.-iK.-i.i-y- well known in
San FraiicM-o ami NJ'Aia City. j'-t ar
rived overland ti diii iii lyina. through
Sonora. cm roboraLfi lUtd re.ort that the
iieoiile ol that St-rNk H doslttnte con
dition. The ti sarfatlv prevented
the pbuiti.ig-i V' ,,,"'l"Ji ,",
uing yyarlP h-U-pend uiion
crops ot liiii riI,1,,f-f1,,,
the Hs'etlXll "x;t-Ji he
sentiment in "-'i, . ., '.'
nlutiou. Tl,l'!l" "nrleinen Hiy 300 disci
plined troops could march mccessfully
through the Mare, iii'spue tne niaie tuices.
The fideral iiiithoiiiies are entirely neu
tral in theeon'e-t now iroiiiij on, notwith
standing tbe.V recognize the elections last
summer as legal. l in y were tout ny tlie
Prefect of (Juaymas. that it a haltle be
tween thu revolution!! and Male mrces
shniild neeiir there, the .100 lederal troon
wuiild lake no nut whatever. llieyile-
si.rihe the e.oinitrv as an easy ro ue for a
Iledlciitioii nt'lSie Slereimnla' i:xebause
.VI. 1.11111,1.
ut T ni t II. e. -21 . The Merchants
Exchansje in the new Chamber ot Com
merce building wi s di dicated this moru-
n.rr n-iili el ihoi-ate and hnureive cerenuv
nies. The fcxcliange was eauee to onier
in the old buildbii'. which has been occu-
,.i..,i inr on wars. 1 1 A. M. bv President
ltowliiud. aud a beauiful and a fleeting
farewell address was delivered ny w agner
--rt7iii,. line nt the oldest merchants.
The procession formed under the grano
marshal, Wm. Hamilton, and several
aides. After the great crowd entered the
snaeious new I a I. the assembly wascallen
to order by lb n O. K. Stauaid, and Mai.
c... ...a.., tl,u .i ..i.ttui.t nl tlie Inn ilnnr. wa, me iiii,,,,., v. p.-
;.,t..,,i,,,.ii .and in a Iniel sneecli surren
dered hi trust and delivered the keys of
run na 1 rn 1-t. .1. I.IH-Kiann. L'resiiiein. ui
the Chamber of t ommerce A-sociation,
ii'lin iii tiim trave thelll into tlie llOSSeSsion
of D. P. Rowland, President ol'the Mer-
ehniits' Kxeliai ue. who-then deJiverea a
congratulatory address.
CouiuierclHl l.nn 'oii:iy o be Wound
CHICAGO, Dec. 21 The director. of the
Co ..mercial Loan Cmni aiiy yesterday de
niiluil tn u-tiul mi their business, not on ae
count of financial troubles, but because of
iwrsnna d sai'i-eement In the niaiiage-
mai.t r.i.ihia, with einital. are
$500,000. which amount i fully c vered
hv sunset. The susneii ion causes UO 6X-
Citepeut in commercial circUi.
ti, Walla Walla finirit savs Mr. Dan
Gillam, an lndutriou teamster, returned,
last week from a trip to iwise, oarigerousiy
poisoned by the Imprudent wear of gum
!'..,..., it,j a-linlo Lmlu was at one time
covered with a solid scab, and his suffering
on the roa'l was truly neanrenuuig.
onetime his life was in jeopardy, but
through tlie assistance of medieeal aid from
Baker City and the kindness of Soe Wads
worth, a fellow teamster, be was at length
enanlwl to reacn mis etiy, ami is now tv
rciveiMig. air. l. wag severely o
l n'lilia ,-nl..,ll.
a oats nwiiiier near cuiiii
sis 'u tie, uiiwi ?srw J i
at Bremen Haven is 123 and of wounded they should be ued at all tune
&i. I be Bremen Aid committee rrpr , - .
that 20 of the injured are nopeiessiy
maimed anil tlie re are un wiuows aiiu w A Mb -ffiOMAS. of Ashland, recently
orphans ot victims of Uie disaster. Tor the lmrrow esc8pe irom drowning bim-
lient fit ot whom it proposes to raise a suo- and team wlMe fg Cottonwood
a riptiou of 75,000. creek, which was running quite high du-
I m
A Silver City (Xev.) young lady who
Km. - mia.inn f, ir nrotf v Knhip. tn a four
it nes elates that tne nrst iiitiinanuu ' - '- ' " , . "
bright flash alxmt the middle ot the year old angel who has a bran new suter:
uewy. followed by a sharp expios ..on y, . - -
iving-stone. etc.. llvingni an uireciioim. sist,;,, . .. -..6 .. ;-s.
. .. . . ih. in "Vn I laint." Voiins larlv (wirik-
Ahnost Immediately the caueway on the
. . . .1 l ...t, iU rim rra a mailt
was rll iuto the river, carrying with it
...a... i hiipiiAi i3 uhn wr Atmined. The
... .if" ttiA Ininrwid fir killed hv the ex-
llUllloel ,,i vito ,,ij.i. -j - -
...... i. a iiiii iii. h 4. 1 i i,ru. nut
IIH1SII1II 111. 1,,'fc J
it I feared that several are buried under
tl.e debris, or are at tne Doitom oi tne
river. The pavement was completely
torn up for a distance ot 150 teil Answer.
vrnrVnor rw 91 V. A. Rombey.
uki.ri.Tarv til thfi New York Rectifying Co.
was this afternoon held by the U. S. Com
mission for the action of the grand jury,
for having fatied to make proper entries ot
. . ,l'.,,.l,i.a nt er.1pitJ
b IIS llltllllllll.l.UI ti V. Oll,,.!..
Pnnded over to the Officer
Wm. Mortimer, the alleged robber ot
the auditor's oltioe at Toledo, Ohio, was
banded to the officers of Ohio tbis after
I. -Iter from Keerelary Brtalow Kettliog-
IViSBixnTfis. Dee. 22. Secretary Brif
tow writes to Mr. Sargent settling the
Lower California wool question adversely
tn the interest of San Dieeo merchants.
He says wool on the back of American
sheep, returned from grazing on foreign
soil, is tree: but if severed, is dutiable.
a l-nlvaaiaiiai araienst-a. , s.rt tKa lata cmrnia Hi lisrt snmn wiiiskv
iit I lit City. Iec. 21 Geo. Key- Umi ntlier freiirbt for Chinamen at Cotton-
nnliU nolviramist. to-day sentenced by Wn0tl. which he hauled from tlm cars at
Chief Justice White to lour years impris- Reading, and after being carried down the
O, ment and 3UU nne, was reieaseu vn gtream some distance, reacneu a snanow
$ 0.000 bail during appeal to the supreme pac w,ere he cut hi horses loose and got
, I , i., ,. mil lie alsn. with the aid of otliers.
C IUI1-. I i-ii.m - , - -
. . far., t - .a i.iu u-airmi lair, lit wuiskv anil
ierrir.iv i.,iii-i-a - - i , , " . - ' , , -t .
Boston. Ic 23. Shortly before 7 P. freight took a sad down tlie Klamatb rlv-
M a terrible explosion occurred In Soutn er. muen to tne uisgust oi me -,mues r
.. . ,i I - 1 ....... Iw.- 1. 1 in,. I MClAfl
UostOU by wincn a iitn;c iiuiuwi v. ps, .iw.v-. .
.,n were iniured and several killed. It I ,.., ... . ,u rntm. Pa.
is impossible as yet to learn the : caus ,flcrml,po,d--tiieo,iier Uay knew bow to
f ihe exDloion or tlie extent on- . . vnt;nlr . nl:inir ear
ilwriamape. The raa main running un-1 R ,...... i , ,,,.
der Federa. sheet tirldp toSouth Bostot J. oVU
and along the water t edge H gw Bext fclntet, tway
pavement on r euera nnx, Has any gentleman here any liquor for
with a loud report, tearing up PJ- lier? -Twenty-eight men in that coach
ment for liO feet or more. 1 1 sj.ret was UteIy arose to their feet, each with
.iimi.miI tih tiMn ii it the time. Jiany I , , , r t , . . .. i- . AV
in,.,, r-r- - - rvtuhw'a a nasa HI ins nano. n inuie ciiujui-n, c-
wrre buried under the debris Crosby olsympathy could not U con
era in warehouse was badly shattered and v j
will have to be Wkau down. The foreman ceivru.
was Inftantly killed. It is supposed that Testerday forenaon a Vickabure boyen-
aeveral persons were blown into toe water, i tered the simp where his rattier worm ana
s..iunil il,. ail h.Klie have already been ta- .Teitetllv announced : "Ob. na ! ma's aw-
km out. , ful sick I " ''What's the mattr ."asked the
The lit of killed and wounded thus far iather. Oh, she's awful white, and she's
is 7; fatally injured, 4; seriously nun, w, shaking all over, and there's lots of women
..ii. .i.i in iniitred. 3. rieveral oersons are I i ami thev nr she' coin? to die!"'
missing and are supposed to have been (ne u yet " inquired the father, as
blown into the water and (lrowneu. it ' be rolled down his sleeves, "ies." " that the recent cold weatner vVell. we'd take it kind o' slow.tiw", so
eaiised the pipe to burst and the ground in home."said tbe relieved man. Vlcks-
la-comiug impregnated with ga. Ignition Durg Herald
imin some cause coinnumicated fire to tbe -
confined gas and caued tbe explosion, a
. i ... .I...1 i1.a ti -jt intiinfllioo Wa
W ll lies;, .mirr niui ..i -v -
. . ., i.i.ii. !.
Inz at her young man): "Why sonny
, . . , t .
wtiy won t you give me oauy 10 me
llnnnrnl iiiidt(rnantlv: -Fv. Iie'd 'larva
.,..(' .... , - - j i- - j - ....
to death; your dress opens bebine." Pain-
i -, e . i. .. . .-. r. ...:.... n
1UI allelic? lor i.iic uc.b lttice.ii iiiitiuut.
T.ttfle AVilla havin? hunted in all the cor-
..a-u t'..r Ins slina nr. last, ftnnp.r tn civfl
them up, and climbing on a chair, betakes
. . , 1 .1 . 1. 1
litmsell to a uig uuoa on a sine mine.
Mother says to him : "What is darling
dohg with the book?" "It ith tbe dic
tionary ; papa lookth in the dictionary for
things, aud I'm looking in it to see if 1
Torn nreaehera Were some time affO naSS-
Ing Hawes' old mill, en Lead creek.Ky.,
... . . , . . 1 1 . .it,... : i.,i
is men was at mat nine sauiy uiianuaucu.
i . . r .,... M.m.L'01 thai rliA until nMt
ed a new dam. and was horrified when his
reverend brother earnestly answered
"That mill is not worth a dam." The
seeminelv wicked brother U now our pre
siding elder.
It woa "il it m nli ii of Hatl,' at Trevor TTalL
and tbe boarders were fast appeasing their
. . i , .. e .t .. , 1 ;
inoruliiute ue-irw wueu one oi mtiu u'
covered a long nair issuing irom u
soil, is tree; but U severeu, is autiauie. i uuinpung. tie i-ieu quieuy to reuioc 11,
.i-i a. ........... nt to EnDi.n.;Ana nnmnlii tniwl I Kit .ii.,uamii1 tlmr ir was nn looe anoend
l lie urpniiuinut a iii.iw ii, iiviiei ....... j ......... .- . li. i. .j . . , - -- .- .. --
... ilu, a.itma lavimt iinnniit he lptraHvlaira He then handed it to the Waiter
. .. .1 .... ...... ..1...1 i,l,Al r..-.V.- Iuir I ...I.U ,.llu.-.a -vamnPA thin Rnd IflC A
cnaugeu uru,fit;iiucu wimuui ,u, i " i . , ,. . "
islatiou, except for tne wool on tne oacKs i oald-neaaeu one.'
ot importea sneep. i . j , . . ,
1 e I t . sa -.i!i.i-f ...I .a lei i-iii.r etfemi-ifeil
Tenia Pacific Railway. a ui .vi-.,. -. -..- - -r-
. .. I Q.ili.iilu ha.Miiis he retralet! himself with a
iv.. - .. I more such condiments, n ny snouiu an
sidy, exceat under rigid restrictions, j ,nnt m. aeensed ot suicide when
that thereiore .tne recent "u !"'uh'7' physicians frequently charge liberally for
against does not damage tbni ; ly the same prescription, and no one
I IT I-. I HHI'IJ. lailU L LiC V LUIItlUUO KW J " I 1 .F
r i , ' . I accuses 1 1 It 111 vk uiuiuci
lamiy nopeiui. i
oranrcaswiathesnpreiiieyoar.. f'HiCAGO naner savs nearlv half the
a ic vjri aut i -- a., . vr. , ---- nAmiiiftrinn tiw M?nnnt Mnen lie lueuia iu
f riu vi.rhr nf SsratAS to reSTUiate the I , .i'v,v, kn,.,-a th
v " m: r. WinT f,irriii. i w woiueu. -
CarrVlUE THLCS Wl mm nn, is, .....
. .1 . . . . .1...
argued betore tlie Supreme Court on the
11th ot January.
n. rw 1-n Wool There is no
As. ,. - .
niaterial change in prices. Holders being
n, lu.,, tbar ii re sent fimires will be su
lyiin iiviv.iu e a
taided, are not disposed to make any con
cessions or urge saies. xuanuiat.-iuic9 w
liime to nurcnase as wauieu. uiwr.
, . i . i. i -.
l.iii'a wnmfiil are all smart. They make
capital Superinteudents, and we mean to
.. .i .. v ...l- i Vioi- q for
five tuem a ciiauuc wucuci ."j
iv.-ir, from the country, are you
not, sir?" asked a city clerk of a Quaker
who had just arnveu. "ies. -nen.
here is an essay on the rearing of calves."
' - - -
i t
eon, aud wju kill a gooa many more.
yf" iaV