The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, January 08, 1876, Page 3, Image 3

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i;tiV. : DKi'KMKKK 2V 17V
I'V Mn't'.V Ol' Wt ili-r-i'jti , Itv -V
e .lulu .a rr. 1. M .lour, "f l! any.
m n l.isi ni;;lit. Tl y nrc l"lli m'i a
c,, tltll'lll.'lll lltu li au.llv; l'i!:!'.i IH of lllllt
I. T. TV rtiln r.ill.-il on tin lit' ni'it. tin
'10 WrltlM of a I'lVe'.' Unil Htriltli!llt I IH' llll
im ra, Imt hatsltntili tin, coolm-ita
I p ill plliT. VtO ti'ld t!lt t iptlllll R ,'i lll .l
I'lilli iimn a noil us a tlioroiiKli busim man.
r. lhimna llrar-h, prominent cittxrn of
lutny, dlcj ytwtiriltiy morning of cninvr in
he throat, Ha was alum! sivtv vi ain of mc
artj Win a wife at the point of death with Hie
lame ilim-aac.
City Marshal Pmiili fnmiil two oWipli of
Confucius. In a flint clans "Aim Mean" low lt
uiht ami took tlicm in out of the wot. The
nan was released on hail ami the. woman lit Id.
Thr o will c mm up this . m mil a ninv
epect some phun.
atarlMtmi. Tve.
A splendid Clirtamias Tire Willi ready st
the M. E. Church, loaded down witli present
for the little one. We hope, the poor Utile
ones will not be forgotten and ntlitve they i I
not. The children of the rich will lx amply
proviiled for l home, but the waifs found on
thetihorts of tlir grtatocan of jwerty wll
seek relief from their tronbh and wu hop
Ceno will so away imply liaudrd.
If a crowd of Hindoos runclnde-l to iiivont a
million dollar in a splendid temple, in which to
w .rahip hm saeivd monkry, would not every
v.lerty holder insist on thai prop-ny hrariti;
prt of the bm tl'iti of taxation to airport the
Ifovernnicnt which protect It? The cmwd of
Christiana who follow the meek and lowly Jesna.
worahip ia ehssp h tuples and can wt II afford to
have the property taxed, providi d the rich tun
plea erected by womhippers of wik1i u God ate
roprrlT valued for purposes of taiation.
amtriny a-nols.
The several Bablwth Bchool. of thia city will
lave a Jolly good time during the holiday. Thi
f ivenile members, rent of whom belong to
"wealthy families, should be aent not slung tl.
by-wayi to brina in the ignorant and aijnalid
that they may rtijoy the fesiiviii and reoviv,
ome liiiienaHf rvpirtl and eneonra-ji ment, tl a'
thev he-ome eiwd friend in the fntnre. Tbt-
piHMl chil iren ahould enpape in the lalmr whir'i
the Great Maater mMmmtiidfd. wlun he aaid
'I oimt not to call the riiihteod, bnt aimii m to
t hnnh To sot Inn.
We give phuv to-day to a well written article
on the mihjtct of church taxation. The author
la evidently in fdTor of wraltl.v mm pnttinv
their anrplna cash, which i tnxahle, wheiv th.y
can enjoy it, without taxation. It a ChL-mt-com
reinttion 't np fom gohh n fii in thia
city.anrronndt-d by a masoilWiH tt ntple. wonh!
onr corn spotT'J'Mit t'anl" astve that the great
wealth abo-ild rrmam nntaxel ? In f tct. won Id
he T-e that any valuable proerty exc ept hi
"55n church ahould 1 exim;'ted fintn taxation?
Jftwpttroa irelnte4 affnr.
racing through thia ld ea'abliihtal pln"e of
amines yrstrnl.iv afternoon, wetiotict d that
the store haa H"r n thoroughly oTerhanli d nnd r
the carvful n)vrviion of Mr. J. H A lams, who
been aecure l by Mr. Holnv-s to awit him in
future. Each particular branch of the trad,
has been tilted np to ireelf and arranged io
auch a manner as to attract the eye op entetin?:
the atore. Mr. Holmra ia one of onr oldt at ami
most mveful mtrchanta, and now 1 aa l is
atore an am; i d so aa to rtflct credit not only on
himself bnt on the city.
Maoontc lllerlton.
At a re'nlar c-mina'intcti'ui of M tltnomiS
Lodjfe, No. 1, A. F. A. M. , held at th-ir Imii
in Oregon City, on Ratnnlay night last, the fl
lowing ofheers were duly ehcted torre for
t enduing Ma.-onic rear: J. M. Welch. W
M ; C. M.Keater. S. W.; J. L. Btrlw, J. W ;
W. H. II. Fonts, He-retary. S. W. nam'all.
Treasurer; J. W. Bli&t-nek, Tyler.
At a regular mating of Corinthian Lod t
Ko. 4. A. F. A A. M.. held at heir hall in Al"
I nic year D.
W .: L. fline. J. W
B. Fox. Secrt-urx! Mat t. V
Hrowi, V ler.
From t ally State-man ol Thnrwiay, Tec, 23.)
A bunch of k'-vs f mnd. The owr can get
ht m at this oflice I y saving for this inuiec.
tjorae days sine we noticed in the Sttesma
that a larce ami-nut ef wheat was stored at In
dependence. We find that our informant wa
mistaken in the tinmlr of bushels, tliere being
only eighty thousand.
te have jnst Ve n shoa-n a fine specimen of
job work done by Messrs. Muuker A Beding
ton on Commercial street, opposite the States
man office. All pei-sona wishiug a fancy job ol
printing will do well to call on turn.. The
above firm ia conir-osed of two en'erprisint:
young men and we wish them financial success-
Moaey Aavr. la mmej Vf arte.
Now ia the time to get ronr presents at Hol
bert'a. He ha ma immense stock of fancy shell
Taee, glaaavaaea, Coruicopiaa, toys, heart, and
vaady enough to supply the Htate. He propose
to sell off hi atot k of ahel 1 and Klass rases
at price that will Astonish everybody, ( al:
and examik: before purchasing. Mom y saved
ia money made.
The evidence ia tin? case f the Tnited States
vs. Andrew Harmieun aliaa Daa Smi'h, has
hown moet conclwnvely that onr old fi leud
Thomas Coi, was as innocent of that robberv a
an anborn babe. What next will bis hauduil
ef sne&k-thitf cacmiea try to briuK up aaina
him. All who ar. peronalty acquaint! d with
Mr. Coi in-iwa him M be a clever gentleman
and clear above any suspician.
JetfW-non Ifra..
The order of (Jhainpiuna of the F.eJ Crosi.
elected aud i&stitlit.d the following ofhe-ru k--i
Tuesday night:
W. H. Smith, C; J. H. Thomaa. E. C; as
Florence Thomas, J. C; Mis Smith, e y
H isa Thomaa, Treas.; E. H. BelUmer. C. I
The additta was delive-ed by W. T. R c on'
Esq. Fine vocal and instruait ntal ninic by tl e
fair daughters of JeT rsoa. A tine sapper wa
efcrved, to which all did juatioe.
Recsrter"a (sari.
John OnnnioKham, a native of "Bonn e
Sootlind," diyrod tit eoatitry by bei.
brought np b fore the ftecoitler t-i.i-t ni-iruii g
in a very dirty and dragKhd condition on a
charge of boiiiK drunk and disordtrlr. lie wa
fined $1 and cosh, and beiu out of fund ws
remanded to jail,
A Celestial It-male, who save her nam? a
Anna, for playf illy shying a plate through u
window at tine of her countrymen, was tiatd
the same amount.
rot's ii. PRot i t niv;s.
ComaL Chamber, Dec. 21. IST5.
Council met in n tralarsession, Mavor Wrisht
Present Recorder Hyde and liars bl Smi'h
Comic. linen Giliingham, Gilbert, Hirsch, Strong
Thatcher and Waldo.
Absent Adolph and Edes.
Minutes of the last meeiing were read at.d ap
proved. The following bills were audited and ordered
paid: John Smith, S29.65; J. Churchill, i28.50
A. Barr. $6; J. H. Moores, $831; G. W. Lawson
$3; Jndce of Election, $16; V. R Hydi.
i7 .25: J. T. Byrne, S1.70; C. M. Walker, tl.70
John Hujihr, $1.13.
An ordinance establishing fire limits was in
troduced and read the first and second time and
referred to Committee on Ordinances.
Bills to tbe amount of $166.13 were read and
re ferred.
The matter of adjusting a nnmber of assess,
ments was brought i p and referred to tbe Com
mittee on Was and Means, to act in conjure
tion with the Recorder and report at the nut
The Recorder was instructed to publish e
notice requiring all bills rains t the city to bt
presented on or before Dec. 30:h.
The Street Conimisstiom r was instructed h
repair the sitlewulk in front of J. A. Jol,u' lo:
on Hr-jh mre t.
Council ad; i-imed till Thuradav evening, Dec
30th, at 7 o'clock.
r.. i
TX T7i
J;i,'rr I. (. Tt-ooi.-ii, of Ailvmy, niilrd on na
Iam idk ii. The J titter .a on lua way to the
hiii.iiJ aide of Iho St ii'loi liiu purpoae of rna
te.iiii g. Will ii iiuiiu in tin U.dlea k rtmim
onio ftv l-a.
llll. Li nil I III 114.
Ve gtlllii'l' lln Inlloning iioiu n 1 1 Alh.iny i x-
Cimlii4r: ''tllU' ol l!u- lllo.nt cahllHiiulailll t'll
tonaiiiinrlita t Vt-r ;;titi hi ll'Orlly liy a tiavrl
ing nvg:uii;'..iti i urn pirsi nu',1 hi l;iriric DiHia
H.mimi iiii Saitiid;iy iiljiht by t!m l. ia I'lilniih
atii.n. The pot lui in mo' .u hiiil ly appri cl
ai il hv tho andii m e a nil led, which we
are plrartid to ay w.ia not lik lliu gi nt rahty of
exhibiiloua hare ofortt visiting na ad In com
mon with our pe pie we vote it mt-ritorioua in
evuy ri slHct, Oregon ha, wre ran aalely aay,
lit illiMitl Uion by lir fai iuna exliibitiolia
and trickatt -r mole than any other Hlate In the
Vnion; coimenueutly of lain, the majority of
entertainment)) have recent J but meager en
eon ragentrnt. The Lewi Culmination ia an ex
ception and all wlmat'end are ante to p o
iioutu'tt it ptiiimvortliv in eery in
aprot. The f at and drlusina Were new
and preaenteil with beaitlitul paraphernalia
and elV cl. Tne luggh-ty waa extiaoidiuary
a a niiwnirtriat mil tnagtn-iinr, Mr. J,cwia
atuiiila without an e.piil, we ihire aay, in the
woiiil. t)m-aiil fairly aehrd with irrepreHsa
b'e laughter at the oil 1 anlic of llnwtt utuhr
hi control. IVal iiou peal of laughter, which
faiilyaho.ik tho building, follow,, I tmeh act of
the anbjtct. We eannot ri.fiatn from pii -iioniioiug
Prof. A. tvlnl a a violinist the
heat dial has ever apB ared intliiapait of the
Btate. The guitar phtying by Mr. Luhtn, wa
xin llent; and the musical gi ma on the piann
by Mi Irene Watson, went rendered in fcivnl
tyle. The tableaux of statuary by a unmWr
of young bull" aeiv b aniifnl; and the acene
from lite an I living pietnrrs by Mile. Cecil De
tNnircey, were really fascinating." The a
Ilros. have established a r pntation, and to
night we expos'! to 9e IteuV 0rr Uoua
crun iU.l aa it has in ver is i tx fore.
tprrnie t ottrt.
, Ti rsruv. IHs) 2t, 1S75,
F. C. S r, appellant, va. W. F. Pnrdetia,
reapniVu-; ludgnuuit bt low aftlrmed; oplaion
by Prttn, J.
Ri nj Hnipea, appellant, a. Joseph Bczley,
reakonilent; Judgment brlow n-verset! and cause
orderetl remanded to the court below for fur
ther ptoeifding; opinion by llurnt tt, J.
J. A. McWhnuri t !.. app Hants, vs. E. C.
Rrainard, et al., r -poiioitns; decreee of the
court le!"W afnrtnul; opinion by Bhaltuck, J.
State of Oretton n ttlJ. W. Church, appel
lant, vs. M. Ihisiin, rrsvvdi nt; Judgment la
low aftii no d; opinion by Bonham, C. J. Mr.
Jutict Shattuck concurtv.1 ejscially. (Im thia
cit' the tonrt linlih tfiat the complaint waa in
anfficieiit in not staling that the voter who
w. re influenced to vote for n spondi nt by n a
aon of hi promise to pay a portion of his aal
ary. if brti d, into the County Treasury, were
IVtrne Triii'r reo-niletit, va. .Taa. Polai
app.ll.iu-; j idguvut bio a:TnineI. with 1U
pr c-'iit. d iin.ig,, on fjiitire of appellant to
nlawtra-isei ipt.
M iriha twey. nvsndeiit, vn. J. p). Fenton,
a -pellani; onlir.d that the CI, rk of the
Ciicuit t'ourt for the county of Yamhill lie re
'luired to cci ttfy to 1'u-. Com t the bill of excep
tion" hen I i fin d. in n 1 C.miit Court.
Jim -s Tippi i, a-, spin-.leii!, v. Tlnw. M.; b-iv". grau'e.l re-n-ui-lent to
rtit-idiaar moli-m to il.mis appi al.
Ish, ap',- llatit, vs Joiie. r, sp mdent; argu
ment rcsuuii d.
Wkcxesoat. IW. J2,l.
Barney Ti-ainnr. resp.ndant. vs. Jas. DuUn.
ap;iilau; ordered that mandate is-ne.
lh y. Jonea; argument n-aumi-d.
; Fnmi lally State-man of Kn.lay Ieo. 8.(
! ntldr.
Pror. R. D. Kentndy, the well knovn Dire,
uologist and PLysioguomit is reviving riaitota
and giving descriptive chart at the ChemekeU
Hon I, room 19.
Esquire Johnaon u,t nneasy about lii fee
for tl e matnmmiul service of the fair couple
nine weeks since. .'I; Jinke tliipk that
Gov. Gbba or K v. WVJT"!! K Tv
be piiuT'ianimon e
hy all nieiLoio j. Q. rT'-tlwrx', a to manufac
tures all the candy he sell and knowe hat It is
tn d of. He warraut all bis candies pure and
free from all adulteration. Nuts T vry kind
a'ways on hand and Bold at price defy rf com
petition. Kohltt n title MceptuK.
Fnm the Evening Democrat we learn that the I
honseof Mr. O. F. Parrish, who reside abont j
evtn mih'-s from Albany, who enteretl on 8nn
diy evening last, after the inmate were aaleep,
snd $1,050 eitracied from the pocket of hi
i:xiMeiet Hume-.
We Uarn that Mr. Dan. Clark ta eipc-cted
home on the steann r now due, though we had
iiipiscd that he would come overland, as he
has a deep prt-jntlice apaini-t ea travel. We
rdia'il be Kld to see him bac'-s. and his recent ex-pi.-rieiice
will be valuable to the Order.
Orphan llnnie.
The pood ladie who have in charge th Or
phan Home, bave ut Sited the little unfor
tunate sithaew suits and everything con
fertable. The ladies who are enKineering this
matter are entitl'd to pn at crulit, for the man
ner in which they conduct this home of the r
.M tUKIl l.
At the Ctmrt Hons, in this city, bv Fsqnire
Tohnson. J. P., Mr. Frank T. Gravea to Mi
E. M. Hinson, all of Marion county.
On the 19th of Dee., 1S73, hy Be. T. H.
-small, Jamt M. D -mt ;it, of Chirk Pity W. T.
to Mis Emma Jacobs, i f Marien City, Oregon.
The Oivjrnn iy Ent.rj 1 1 pives lis of
wlmt was sold from hilf an arre of ground jnit
liis Mdc f tUat i ia-e, after the family had wll
;hf-y want'd. It is as fllf n: "20 bnsbel of
ats, 20 tf otat wp, 7 nf coin. 1 ol tmiona, 1 f
lt-ts, 1 of shell d Im-htis and J00 ll ada of cat -ba'p.
$70 wnrth of p-aWio, 525 of gieen ap
..!. $J5 uf dr d p.p'e. S32 50 vinegar a
15 of t he'iiis anil imlitss quanti i a of rad
i0n. Itftni-e, -e5i. Iim-s and blackl rri( 8 bt-
-idi s w- e .ivpt. of " If (he above pn n:i8Hh
i.r'r-luc v-rrrs't ip in like q:;ai ti'iei the faith
wtil be miiliiih.d ittxi repU losl.eil.
Orfuos Ht tiie .-t.tennitil.
C'itnm-ioiit r Pufiir, says the Farmer, ha.
'. i, U'-it boxut to Pmt'. vry. Saperin- of the Ii D, iiarttut lit for tin
-iiiit d States t'ci.tjnmal, c -nt.iintug 2 000
.rounds of bounic il speciiiii-ns from our Slate.
The ent-rgy with whii-li he jirost-cntes his unre-
numerated l.iborit s'louM eotitk- him to grateful
rt-mombri ii aittl ni-prcciniioti, for it is not
easy to aee that our Sta'e would have any ve--pectabh-share
in lie great i xpuaition if mil
ft ii nd Dufur was noi , Ho'ic and iletermined
in the matter, and pecuuu .y ab e to d.-vote his
lime to the cane.
IS MtRlllv.
While other b last of progress Jeffer
son lias mile m!eri.-l a mont daring tin
Season last. Be- d ti e two stately ware-uonse.
s:veral dwellii g-t. Improvements have marked
its progress, wi h two gji eal stores, drug aid
harness, and tsot store aa 1 new butcher shop
a fl itiring. saw aud hoeing mill, the celebrated
rawhide chair factory of J. M. Meu-.ier, Ervioe
giain separator manufactory, w ere the re
uowaed Swift & and SumwisU premium separa
tors are made, used in nearly ail tho warehouse
and very p-ipul-ir among farmer.
I bey louk for a boat up thore to-4av Dec. !i3d,
to load wheat from the 75,003 buahela no in
Monday night they have s 5'ason'a Installa
tion to el'tse witb a grand --'t. They have a
large and flourishing sehih i . wr.- rtna. danc
ing class and are to lave a Citnatnins tree- &e.
Mr. Ervine drf-ised two jiitTit ll months old,
one wieghing 375 aud one 400 pouoos. Who is
next on the lit.
D. Looot-y has a fine rarry and danoe next
Baturday. Everyb idy is pi-epiring to b3 hap
py and t ke a Merry I Linstmsss. Why not?
V oul J yi u b? one ol ih' ie or one of thoae.
In e1 ct-' town anil t i ! Ja. arsons may be f-mti'l
lr y liet-ii mii x-i igtn cout-umptlon l
H Lr. . IlliMTC MCKH.mMJ Au lACt.
a Toothache la w 01 U 0D BUDUl.
J O. tlolbert'a weM known Cumly Mntinf:
I y was liierillv f led with cuslnmrra yesti
d v. The ri'as o i be knows how to make cui
i j ind w lis cheap. All bid goods are wain run
id I'liie.
Hie l.el Itiaitiiers.
The entevtidomi ut lat nSnhi. at Il'eit'a Opt
House, was welt (tieiidrd and the and! em
ieniid well pi ae,l, Tim varii ;1 rfrmne
give full sa!nf -t, m -h itig iniifh I) Iter th
antieipated. Anotluit p -rforntatice llltie glvi
to night and nit who desire an eveniiijj'a enj"
ment ahould bs ircent.
Irnlf( A't,ftltitent.
Hai km, Ven nils r iJ, 1S75.
Coi . A. Uni t), Agent of The I'Immi'
Insurance Company t Allow ma to tend
to you and to Mr. WikmIubiiI. the adjnstii
of your (.'oiiiiHiiy my iinvct llianl
fir your prompt and hononihle aetion in di
Ju ting and pa lug ti e loss oen aioiu d by tl
b titling of my dueling house on the al terms 1
it the l'HIi int. l!i ectfnlly yours,
A. M. Hki.t.
Conn's llntliir Mine.
With the usual enb iprie and public apii ii
characterlalic of this fli in. On y have ngsin t
ken the lead ill the iliplar of holiday gomb
Hiicli a mammoth and q'ireily asmrtii1 sloe
Biiloni never tiefore witneasi'd. Toys nf evei;
ahaHi and of every mechanical ingenuity; abet
work, auch a the "dark, unfathonied rave o!
ocean bear." in fanciful hie and of rmlle
vire y: dolla, in wax, China, with human
and without, ready to speak it sta tus, so tit,
like; glasswaic, in iMaxlifut dinner arts, vaau
and a humlndoth r forms; last, though noi
least, ia their maguiHcetit display of silverwai, ,
such as, for price and beauty, would make u
think that nilvt-r had no intrinsic value, IV
aide the alaive nietitioiied, there aigjui1'"
of things too mi nn runs to nu tifn ,"'l'ie
'mi.1,1 l a M,-ii b m rsona conte.''!""""'' ' "-
.) ej(
the tntb
tjmlar pla
lae Oreini
Rev. A. E. (larilsyh.v Vlialf of tho or
bhana at Hie Orphan' Mlome would ten
d.r thank to the ritieiia of Salem who a
kindly respniided to id call, tor raising mon-
to buy Chriatma pres-ut, to ho put on tin
Chtiatma Trie in the M. E. Chinch. Twenty
two dollars and twenty-lice cent were donate,
in money and presents, but on account of sever
al of the children at the Home being unabl
from aickuea to attend the exercise at cluirc;
their present will lw taken to the II mi,
and a nice little tree prepared there, on wind
these presents will be plaeeil. Other wishing
to renumber these little ones on thia ocea-Mou
will And ample room mi the Orphans' Horn
Chrislmas Tne. Sen I on your presents, knn
frieuda, and make these little heart merry ai ti
Ieirtiern llamei.
On Sunday last, saa ihe liroven,' Jtiurnal, ot
Chicago, IVs-ember 111, Mr. W. C. Mver, o
Ashland, Oregon, tcarht-d the Vuion Hits-;
Yartls with two imrod staliions. one thri
and one four y-ar old; one mar-, ti nyt-ars old
br, d in Ohio, but a full blotshd l'i reheron; .
rilly, one jear old, larking unctnxtcetitb uf lul.
We have never seen finer animals of the kin!
than these Were.
Mr. Myer'a t-ngagett a car Itir the acial pu
ptae of transporting these animals over the In e
of the Cuiou Pacific Kailroad and on Thursdaj
last the car left the Htts-k Yard for lUiadiu; ,
California, with the horse referred to.
Their trussrtation by rail will coat 1700 and
after leaving tha terminus of the railroad they
will have a cousidetable laud Journey to make.
We have heretofore referit-d to Ihe rapiti
manner in which these French horses are bein
introduced In all parta of the country. Thty
are no doubt the beat horse in tho world foi
heavy draught ecrvice and thi fact is getting to
be generally known; they are jownfully built,
and all have a fast, e.i-y walking tan for aui
makt of their weight and size.
At the sale siabi. h, i at the Ci ion Btnck
Yard, gelding of thia I rl are alwaya ia ti e
higheat favor with par tea wishing to buy
draught horses; the are very hard in. constitu
tion, are easily kept In nii condition, and tr
capihle, ol gr nt t nuura i, ai u wj ate uti-
inly glad to a tl m coin ng to t fiout, a
in public favor iu all a of to- coun
markit mom.
Thvusdai Evexino, Dec. 23, 1875.
Gold in New York, IU.
Legal Tender in Portland, buying 87; si ll
ing 88.
Coin Exchange on Ban Francisco at par.
Currency Exchange on Kan Fraucisco per
cent, premium.
Coin Exchange on New Tork H per cent, pre
mium. Currency Exchange on New York H per
cent, premium.
Tel'giaphio Tratiafere on New Xork 1 11
ceit. reniium.
Gold Bars 750 par.
au franne Wiarfcet.
Bah Francisco, December 22.
Flour- Surei fine, ft 5tVg5; extra. f5 S0(3
5 75, for shipping lots, and to 75g,6 25 for job
bing lota.
Wheat Choice shipping, tl 95; choice mill
ing. $i- .
Barley Feed kinds. $1 ttVl 25; brewiug,
fi 301 3?H; chevalier, $1 601 63.
Oats Feed, tl 752; choice milling, SJ 5
3 10.
Potatoes Sweet, $2; Salt Lake white and San
Pablo red, tl 60(31 62a for beat marks; all
other kinds, tl 50 dowu to f 1.
The When! Market.
The New York Shipping LiMt of the 1st in
stant contains the following on the wheat mar
ket :
The sudden closing of canal navigation, by
which something over a million bushels is sup
oosed to have been embargo d on the l'ne canal
s-rved to arrest the downward tetidency of the
vlit at market on Monday, but with the viaihl
supply far in excess of the demand, the tone
again bccao"2 very weak yesterday, and the lo
grades of oth spring and winter growths chwrrl
if anything, cheaper than "at the 3 of um
per than rat the
last. The choice grades Te not pressed for sale
is they could only btSforced off at a further de
-line. With cheap money and cheap storage. th.
thi.- heavy reeoivtm pr r to placi their uppli(
in warehouse. Ihe c;f element of depression
is. as we have said, tlie,,s-ivii supply, aa an
vidence of which r jjfeJflneA nd
tr,5tfr QwttJl v.;fr'l "i" vhuia qnarlor.
r.His aiia
'" 0 '. '-Jliels, with at least an eqtul amount in
tur seaxboard mark! and in the warehouses at
rini'ljial shipping points in the west. It ap
purs that the surplu i ol list year' crop on both
ides of the Atlantic has been greatly under es-
t.mared. I,i-ti a 1 of the old crop being near ex-
ansted at the berimin-t of the present oarvest
year, there was a large supply in this conntrv
in iraiiC , in aoutiiern nussia, aim iu umn
oarts nf Contin. E none a surplus, as it
turns out. amply to make good what
ever deficiencies there may have beeu in this
vtar's harvests. Alihough but three months ol
the crop year have gone by, Oreat Britain, tin
dependent conntrv, has already drawn
from various onarttrs. fully one-bait ner
Ltimated requirem. nts of foreign wheat h
fie year endin with next August. This is sut-
ttcient to ex, la n the gradual fall in price
tinae the harvest, which b-u fir excoeded the
expectationa of the most pronounCfd liears i
that cereal. Under these circumstances, cheap
wheat during the winter months is regarded b;
the leading operators here as a foregone conclu
The Farmer ha the following on tbe subject
Wheat remains depressed and even more ao
than last week. We bear of a large sale at Hub-
hard at 91 cents, and 90 cents still centinnes to
he raid bv the Salem Mills Company. At Port
land the market i dull at $1.70.
There is nothing in the near future to indi
cate an advance, and while it seems probable,
and even very certain, that wheat will advance-
in the spring, those who hold it must decide for
themselves, whether they can afford to continue
to hold it or can better afford to bell at present
The Holiday Goods ut tl e Dollar Store are
miiimont verv fast. Call soon or yon will lose
to uia
3 -MH
tw 'Vtwaa Tjef
th hanre "' et;ing a good asaor.ment, and
good - rgU -.
VAItll ll III IH.
Wo loarn thai the Yiiiiiia liailiond Company
net on the 2'A1 luat., at t.oi vullia, to take into
oiislilelullull Ihe Inst lutulis lo pminotu the In
on sis of the company and build the load.
Mol. King's Until linn makes the daily trip be
-vteu Albany at d t'orvallls over tho rostls,
uicii bio in place ipnie suit.
t in V ill i cl.,iln.i luUIXKl biislielauf wheat In
Mire at Ihe ihite waichtiiisi a.
The Htaie Agrieiiltnrul College la Insufficient
BivimimoduiM the Inureiistd number of tu
I ula, which 1 1 t y propose to inmudy by t-iiluig
K next auhimer.
Cousiderabln interest i nianifesled in ti e
. aqu ina Day llailroad, also in the completion
f the West H ile Itailroad from Ht. Joe. Ilu
mr aaya J. L. liallett has the contract to grade
irly mile on the O, C. II. II. thia coming a
iii and if ao the public will concur, kuowlnu
ie energy of the ceiiliaclor.
The new fiuit dryer ia not in nia-nttlun Juat
The eight atore in Corvalli seem to tie doing
fair run of trade. The hotels, North Pacific
ml New l'.nelaiiil, take rare tif the Iravrllng
-n bile, vi hl! the rive aaltaiua, two drug stores,
iiddler shop, sash and tbsir fir lory, saw anil
I lining mill mill lo hit,
Slurill Palim-r reisirl $a,0l(l,(XIO assessed
aroperiy an I taies 13 mills lit H.-ntoii and pro-
mnd peace iu all part of the county.
'lie tie is taking a mat for a month, and
II coiiliuue iu January to dispense ilea of all
tititls a hetetofore.
Air. llci ry is shipping in Albany for a few
lai. Ho report wheat H cent to-day and
.otue changing hands.
Tue 81. t hai Ii will get up the aupper fur the
V 1 1 in ll v Firttneu'i Hall 8'ee fJxchauge will
jujj-f-rrr tltio, nud (hoy pay their luotiry and
tk their choice.
On htr last trip np the Alice rea.-l.ed Albany
l tt i. . The Cliu r was half an hour later.
A - thry bolh go up and dowu on the same dav,
tlw Clih f from Portland and the Alice from
Oregon City, there i generally aotne Interest Ut
aee which geU to Corvalli and beak first, thai
naturally silra up the owner to do their tt,
but the Chief, having the distance from Oregon
City to Portland una. labor under tome di
idiantago, yet they generally pas the same
yiinls within an hour of each titlu r, the Alice
more frequently ahead. Capt. Ilaiighmau re
.sirts the wire rope at the Halt ni ferry danger
msly low for the smoke stacks iu case of a rise
u the river here.
Ilher fulling at Altiany.
Wt atht r cloudy.
The Ohio passed up Wednesday night to flar--isburu.
Champloa luaitmg at A litany for the
lem Mil'a.
E. O. Norton proposes t visit 8alem for
C ri'tiua tur k. jr. He will i.iolsibly go to
ir ve' for a fat -aka.
It apiar that almost every commnnity if
niv i- propos) to crlrhrate Merry Christmas
ir having a getu-ral gtsa! time, eatit g good dul
ler, parties aud dancing in the evening, thus
duing so to apeak, Joy to the world.
Hang up yonr ti-kings to night.
Ibgular btiliilay bevetagt at the Idaho, with
igar areunipaiiiinent.
The North Salem Store always delivers goods
anywhere in the city tree of charge.
J., lternardi kwp the Capital P iloon up to
the ex-ctaion of the most fastidious.
(!ive your wife, mother or sia'er a et of those
nice furs to be found at Bre.itn in Uro.
Biwth A Btaiie tiave every thing you need for
to-morrow. Fresh lard, butu r, egg, etc.
Get your oysler for to-morrow from Tele
Emerson. They are always fresh and nice.
Hovey ia atthng at holiday pnees. Ail the
luxuries imagiuiuable on hand fur Christmaa.
Col. lhel' Panorama will be on exhibition
at the Opera House on Balurdav evening, Jan
uary 1st.
Tl t Comim rcial Hotel will serve op tta nua'
Christmas dinner to-morrow. Call and get a
geod meal.
A nice pair of clipper are one of the most o
eeptabie preMtits to be had. Oct them of A.
S. O l'jcrl A Co.
Rush around to Mayor Wright' the 6rst t
tbin ihi morning, or it will be impossible j
nt get in Uw atore. ,
If ti s 'irn no iiiiL: of drta
Torrei Jtful Dhatn, and
word as qow! aacoia.
Wea herford A Co. are offering superior In-
dncemetit in ihe toih-t and perfumery line.
Call early to-Jay and at-lei-l.
Soaps, toilet, was'd lg, Castile, bleaching,
cool water mi a huudretl other varieties for
a It cheap at Jirsephua HulmeaV
Just reeeived Some nioe broken plaids for
childrrus' dresses at the Overland Store. Lous
da c m n-liiia, eight yard for a dollar.
If you want shell-work call on Holbert. He
ia boiiad to eltste aut tii stock. Pure, freali,
homematle candy in a hundred different forms.
The Salem Drug Store i the popular bazar
with all the t lie and beaux now, while they
ai at lectins nice things fur Christmas preeeui.
No more substantial present iu the world, or
me that t more accep auie iu your wiie, uiao
nice set of furniture
to be found found at
ohu Urav .
Bemaialng In lbs Poeioffloe, Ra'eai at this date.
Person calling for these leu era must give tbe
laie whicfe they are advertised :
lien. Mis M L
ndersia. John
lien. 11 k.
Lntseii, Jen
l.Hiie, Mrt-.-rh
IjiIvii, M es ey
M.n oi, W t
M, Kmsev, Mr Flota
Moore, J '
Morgan, Mr ft
Murgau, 1 has 8
MotJieu. Wmliert
Morris, 1 M
Morteiet-u, M
Moore, Mik AM
Morel eui, s At
SI in Kan. s W
Miller. Mis M E 1
atiuhman' I ai t W
Beutly.U W
e, ler, Mln Annel.a
ratt my, uaviti
liaiihmen, J U
ia-lie, B.rucn
ilatei. Mora
limine. ie. Miss A Ik.'
nllei , . (
i i, Mrs Sin, tknl
itisiluiitn, John L
li uss, wrs Jaiie
itniwi , J at
Mfs.-her, tli inei.s
irtimliw, Mr Mary I. MUeiu, i m i-iooiite i
toiler, i ,eo r
M ir.iit. Mrs M A
Bo in, Mi a;iliy
Marin,, U ni
Mrti, H W
Nic,Ja. M
iroKfi'l ,uo.m
- er. J
llii b ii. t ho
ImUKll, M
iu is lltta
it vaiu.ti-, iiuaiu
o'limn. Adam S -
otivi, Jas is
..r.i'-, a tt
hut., Mi-nJiiMa
ol.tti.-, .Mrs u W
-olirs, i lirti-l
ooiier, aena
onier, Mr- m f
ouiejry . vr- tmily
Cno ti, h Q
ha. in-...... C A
lavell, Na llooel
Uy.ur, Lewi,
oiiB,ier, A.bert
Ouoe, llnrt.ett
ober, tNoiinel Jr
rivlisiu, i, ii
I'eliijoltii, M C
1'rcke.i, U-iwarl
l'eliiiiua.ou, A H
Tel-t , lieitry
t-urk'i.., t, t
llll:g-,J I '
lietd. oa- H
bemw.a.t i.. D W tt
liuuu.ei', ( eo .
Ivuni. Ja
liiKkEt-. Jas
K. e.l, Mtwinei
Koher.Mtn, Mr- Mai J
K. 1(11-1 , illlsa naul v
ItoneriB, .Ula- Mul 6
H..biititit., J W
l&use, Mi N .no D
iniga-v-. M.a L.t. y
bisect), AH" .Lice
..laitc. i si
teocer, Ja- ob
Oeiuxe, V a.eilllne
Liuviuan. l lio-
riit.tu, r u
.i.n ;t(i, itcry
i, cn;ta ii s
l.avii-, eftiiriey
n... minster, 1-tOi.ard
s m.,rv. IT. f
ha.-luWook, John
Kt.of., airs I.. nuts.
r.4ubrooka..V,or Mrs tmith, .ui . Claia
W M.iut.eri. a t-iiu.n, .iiiuti
r isk. Jet U
Mm n, Iknr or BUe i
e-iu. b. All - L.iazie U
IMU. h Alias Imim U
bun ti, biua
t-iui.h, Miss Liu uahi
Hism, Jan, tte A
IMii'iini, iKury ti
!N ill, Jewell
I ir, Ai.ilreW
Shrum, J W
Mono, H U
Meet, Kobi i. 2
b.uoes, .uasler ddy
siiivtler, MUa fc,Uen
buipcs, r.
Mair, if VV 3
iMeveiisoii, Jo B
!Sh iH.-r, Jno
'lai otivk, v;nas
Tiacv, llazil
Ta.iiici , Jus A
'1 tt iipson, Mrs Jno
TllUJosol Jno, A V
Vowen, 'i W
Wood, Mrs S C
WuniK-u, Heury
Wood, i.aviil
Weeas, ilenoerson
Va,H, Jas t'
Wi.wii, Joint M
Wtugeu, Jolni
Wise. Miss -usie
Wa.ker. A 1'
' eeks, Geo W
Wright & Alien
W'eich. Miss kachel
Wise, Mrs Mancy J
W ick mi, K f
VV'iliiains, John 2
Wens, W K
Weils, Alias Lizzie
Weils, lJ -Walling.
Miss Alice
Wilson, John
Welch, Mrs S M
Wood, Lewis
Young, ulian
ork, A t' a
York, r'telcherS
Youtiir, H fa:
X. Jl. iUJaKT, P. 31.
l i ct 1 -, Ceo
li o. , i.eo
feg-irij, ' J
r iiui, j
reriei , St ra 3
rulih, A J k b. Air - i-iume
- i. -,
r e i. A C
ti e.A, chas
i,o tiuch, 1 Jr
crainv; Win
art is. li, Ali l
uati, Ji h.i
.1110.. JitO 'i
liari -iscii, Jli-8 Cora
.a h, Alra i.iiza
miner, J It
Hotiitiay, lador
iluhuur.l, & i
Hone, Jas It' 2
ct, Jas
tia.e, Jos u
ll.t.ea. 11 u A.
nay re. i uos
Henry, riios
Uuuo, Mretiarah
Ueliri, llltHi 1
ieiir'. Mm 'lnos
llajel y, A W
iiauitiiou, V
Hanson, J U
juliuiuu. Miss Julia II, Miss Jtlila
Ji.Uaui-nu, jaooo
Johnson, Airs Marina
.one.., ltkV
Jones, i K
jouee, V in
Jones, W .ll
johin-oii, Mrs Anna 2
JeUoreon, J W
James- Mis M A
Kaluc, .Mint, Jennie
ku t, .llrs CaLiiarlue
Keliy, Misn Laiitu
Keniie-0, 1 K r'
Kuowies, J li 3
Hukwno.l. J il
Kiucaid, Miss Mary
Keiur, Mi.-s Fannie
i.oagslail', IVm
gALBK. DCU. 20.
nun lite Wlllitnella Pi ne .
OjiBaoN. eo. 10, 1875.
M it, ,lfA Tintii-
' or hi iifit i"r onr rform movement,
tint the ymi I'slre. nut only tn Ben thw
HrHi(i h Hocer-sH, tne'ally end morally, buf
In -tecslHii iih eiiiiilltliin of the I'sriiinrn on
Ills in. i In every linpriirNil. I lake the
I lt. ri nf hr luliiiit you fipy f lh (hrrgtm
Cu''fufoe, wbh sutmorlpilsin Itlnrik, rw
Uo'i aw I Ion If" "iu hitve) not lredir nb--lo
II Tr ll (timlnr lh nninnof lh fVrnttper)
i hiil 1 (lit so nt unoH, atwl thu with
viirf Vi, ymi villi so ml alsri tlnv nainne o'
mi rmr nelubhiirw n rxmelbla ('!
t too Fhxio ably expeot, thia tnuoh nf yout
I It It lor ib 'fill lowing rmninsi Farmer
have rletiintislrHtoil in tint exnerlenrMM of th
i r-w yosr itiat. an lniletftiidnf prm In
t o Ir lull resist Is the if rent A nth lined 'an lever
bv bifli (hey fNii nintHi Ihti world, Tby
I'jTvTtlrttneil ijiri iinritvirtv that ton tifleo the
prit our c nitneri-lal psmtora 1 attbornerl
l'V esVl'l, "npp ifta tlin trick of I redo, and
iIiikn the liiiliilng of rlnv iluu fallen on th
fruliH fif titir liilior. Aualii. that nn lisiisr
etii loan tiittt Hti'lent ailtocal of tha far
tni'rajiiterisl ilmt hs lo iletw-ml for lm attp
l'iiri( mi lli (ttlvrvtiini patromtge of our
fYtu-ett(er. V" kuiiw reiy well tint J IhetJ
preti atr;ioef, th tf wil vtmzete it.
ThftHfuiH the Is r tilers' pieirmiit be aop
pnriitl by tl fiiriut-r, ami Ma frltunjit. Wbn
ihi laihecuHi-i his li'tnreMn will lie gimrdeil
Hgil'-etll tliH Intrigue ihat trail Muka t
I'fn l'-f niHin him. A lllieral auttacriptlnn
lotn loe tin rtier, and a liberal advertising
p-iirtniito fur 1 1 inaniifsotnrera and mer
I'lmii'S) w ho will rleal illrrei with thw farmer,
will eSnr to bhn anil to hi family, a paper
lhel )l !. both Ins' ruollve and proli'ahle.
Such a una I svant n give u you In I be Or
rj7'i Cultirulnr, wlileli It la nitr tiirpoM ti
in ko, mil only a p'tl'adtiim 'if the farmer'
riulit. lui' a eatit Hitr aud helpful friend
to onr order getii-rslly.
Have y'iriii"ha pp-r InOregnnT YonwiH
attnrr ''no " Then, tt siipplr lb want, i
will (siai p piiiiH.iiHt much money. Will
row eome lo thrir HHpp'yrt in the nttrmptf
;fijsu lit into the xiitftt of our rrarm
mttvAitwnt, nm tiHxttrtitvth'it you will. Tl
iis'te,(. i,a vi.ili iniiat tm on iiHrarva
Tin r'f i', it. i, lb r vuuriw-les ,-i
test akl Iw, a iivst eitnit fr tb (MUivator
W heilnlie pnlilialiera lO'nlsh aim WW fnr ib
pais, iWiinit i tie E utor grind nut til oopw,
wli 4rt ynou "iv Pstron Ilmi her, take bold
wilb III M do your par, by aendlng u a
miming aiil H-ilpiinn llnT If tall of our po
pl but tin thi. Hint- I aawured already,
antt the ytrtiiiH and frmrn f thi reglnn
will have a good a fmperae la any body' pet
lie r
tf from any oatisn yntt ahnuld decline to a
alsl ti In tho tnnntior rerjiieul, plnasa po'
tills, wl h tho blank and eainnlg taper, Into
Ihe hands of in Hnuher who wilt do mo.
Kralfrimlly Y -nr,
N wjARnmwiw,
Etll'ornf ihe Oregon t"ultlvtr.
P. t (ttiieniiltlnir that tn th fn'ore I
absll wttn' to trarmtnlt through the Cnlttvntor
In rntilidont.ial iiisntmr lo onr order, inrpor
io I'tm I'geiuw touching ior work tl
imrko's, e e - I have dechletl tn furnish,
ni' pt'ifiti tie Msattt and MecretariM
t-vr the tei of their Uistigs Kew, he iba
liMe,f w Men the onnfliltnttHl paragrapHa aft
p wing frjm time ti lima by ulpher ny be
rea... N. W. O.
Aruwsr to th Abore. Or., Dee. 22, 1875.
To N. W. (Jahhktsos,
.K.i'I or i f tl-- tr gon f'ultlyator :
Wuhthv Hkotiikk: I cannot accede
to your rjucst fur ninny reasons,
ttinong whit It tire:
jlt The Onli-r In this jurisdiction
lti not nt'fil,iw I think, ant cm n not so p
ltrt, inori' thun one jaifr devoted to Its
'2t. To fiicounirre n strife for the pa
tnnntBt of tlit Order in that direction
is mire road to division rather than
3d. At the Order, by action of Its
representatives, has chosen the WtL
Lamettk Fakmkh as ita orjuin, I can
see no renoii for its ahandonnient in
f.tvor tif nny newer, less etalli.shed
IMtper, tha lnisine-n interests of iU pro
prietors tH'iny; certainly no nearer to
the farming interest than are those of
j FvH.mkk, and can hardly be ao well e-
Lt't tu liMik at (his: Mr. MrSerstart-
mciisurv of commercial economy. Ills
uterpri-'o iriivwl w near a huaineim
failure thai lie wuh ttunjH'Iled to resort
to the formation of a joint-stock com
jhiny. In order to preserve the paptir
an it liK'itl ailvocate tif apricullural in-
teretstf, Ktmietif the letuling farmpr.t jf
l.iun county (where there are many
Mililic-ypiritprl ones) ttrnk stock in the
omimnv hi ortfanizett. This rhantre
ha-ei a IimI Mcrs. Hrown A Stewart
to lu'coiiie lv iiiin hitue the virtual. If
nut ithsoltitc, owners of the twper. Of
nrmtif iirown Mtewart l have no-
Iiitia; to v, liut of Mr. Hrown, an the
I o'lh r nf one of the most lurratlve
State oflkt's (that of Htnte Printer) and
th fueh, ti devoted iMilitlortl pitrtiHiin, I
It i ti k it is not tiHt utui'h to nay that he
w ill find tue ttm to irive a partisan bias
tho foluitiim of the Utuln'ater; in
deed I think I i-nn see a very decided
colorinir of that kind in this the first
nuralierof the Cultivator; and permit
me to Bay, I don't find fault with you
or the wililixhers if thi.-t tie so you de-
penuino; on tne itenvicrat in large meas
ure lor your imiIiuchI Dews, could hard
ly avoid sui-h a result. But, while, as
a patron as well as a citizen, I will
watt h the course of the paper intently,
1 do not care to be its servant, much
less ils Kuljeft.
And here irermit met a few remarks
upon the words I hare italicized in your
circular- i reati a craca oi me -whip
between the lines there, to which I,
and the generality of old Oregonians,
are unused. Puttine the best construc
tion iiin your laiiuiiHRe, I do not think
the inea-ure of my devotion to the &g-
rit ultural interests, to which 1 have fie.
voted thirty-one years of my life In
Oregon, is to be pauged by the alacrity
1 may t-how to eo-ouerate with you in
uptNirt of the business interests of
Messrs. Hrown & Stewart.
Another reason why I decline:
present origan of our Order, was nursed
intu existence by the agricultural In-
te-ti.ts of )rep;oti as represented by our
.state Airrtctiittirai ssocicly, and liberal
ly subsidized by it during its flrstyears,
tuisier the sUmilation that the hot lety.
tliroutrh its Ito.ird of Managers, should
havei the sidection of its editor.
Through the partiality of the Board of
Managers, mid oilier prominent mem
bers of the Society, 'I was selected for
that position, without any other single
iU ililii'itlinti thm my devotion to the
interests of agriculture as believed in
by my brother fanners.
My relations as editor, and an inti
mate connection 1 have since maintain
eu with the conductors of the paper,
lead me to deplore the fact that you.
Hrother, have to lead on the attack
.igainst a p iper established as I have
outlined, and which has been so con
ducted hi to retain the confidence not
inly of our Order, but of our State Asr-
ricultural StK'iety as well.
In the number before me, you give
the specific objects of our Order, first
among which, is to develope a better
and higher manhood and womanhood.
Do you think it conducive to that end
that the brothers and sisters of this jur
isdiction should co-operate with yon in
vi m endeavors to carry the business
interests oi messrs. urown anu oiewan
within the gates of the Order, rather
than that you should cooperate with
them in what thev deem for the in
terests of the Order.
You know none better that there
are thousands of men resorting to all
manner of means to get within our
gates; that, in consequence of this, it
behooves us to be circumspect and care-
tul with what we co-operate and in
whom we place confidence. In such
time? ai d under such circumstances.
'Gos!o ' and keep in the middle of
tn.f roaa, ane words of wise counsel.
Fraternally vours
, John mihto.
ied th Gi-atujerM a irivai j,erprlset
.'Mil ttailj.A.m, ,l,u, MAu UiiKl-Cf-flTftiHg tt
ill And tt . , t . . t
prpsf-nt ystt'm of Internal, carrying
' te-j,t rnirn 1 i tri In ml tn AuMria aa a
ft, tit.. II Hill S I'l tlllllU W fc' , V. - -
No. IS Washington atract, corner of First.
Iw mai. ., is. tjniins'
Oftnla'aniUhllilrsii'siniiihiiis, Fl'ks, Hit.
bona, Ulov and I'lirialm t 'lmnod nr live I in i
saniu-4orr manner. Dry (llNinliir wlihnnla
trratlonoi eolor. Faalhur HvmI, ii'snisl aif
Vriaael. Thm lAtlm of iftlem nr rts-trttlt
lufftrmmt Ihat Mabttna Vcrtllftr, at Mr. Ilnlmii
brtck bnlldiiif, B ai trt, will rnvlv or. lei
for ilieaWir buniw, make prk-M) and asnd hacl.
bv Wnlla, Fargo A Vo.'t aRauci free ol ehatfo.
moat psrniitf nattlilna In th market. 1
arparaM what, oat, lairlrj otaikle anil elms aisf
all Iihii aeari. Alva, aua rates tinv.inv irorn cul
ver artfld. iSrena graa and nrhir wts. Ass
chaffer l hu ! iiial. Th.WirT AND 8TAN
ltSH prfnotlv prvpr th grain for sfHsl ariH
Markftt. Iherehr in. raliif ii value ami etials
II a lha farmer to retain th nataand seett whs-l.
ae Tia formerly ld the merchant a margin flu
taking, and also enable htm tn save much whlrli
bar haa formerly glvoa I the Miller 'l it "Wig I
A KTAN OISH ((rain Hemior Is durable, ptmp e
easily managrsl and raiSd worker, lis pn. l
withia lh reach nf lira una 1 1 M well the larici
fartnnr. All order liromptlv Idled hf U. B, fcH
W I N , JetTer, or Vil H H I.N (ill A M A CO., h I em
Mint Htreet,
Ia new receirinf sa Elegant Rtotik of
-a. -
l r' ' A
aleea, !. SO. M
Salem BagT
latYta-4' AOBTXLTn
3 iV-
15TERTTH1U I Tin 1-InV HAN f).
u lor sale, or aMSSvrnaae to erner.
Wll! attaad M all Bsidnea connected with the
uMra ar lb emtirtetov.
NT A aeatlauaac of patranag aallclted.
The LurgtKt tad Best Seli-cted
Moat PopInr Ca
One of the Finest
to be rc-
Solliner out at C
Will Mil at coal, tor caah, tnetr targ and weil-
mhsbicu nous or
ml KAVKLltY,
Clocks and Silverwar.
tad a (! atwrrmcnt .f
YanliM Ntint and Christmas Presents.
VTaTialSXOHl'MBrO. Comeaad trt
aaiam, ao. na, iota.
Sbavlna; Saloon,
Itawat'a Blsok.Caaamarolal St.
way., novwui
C. H. DAVIS. M. D-,
l'liy Hioimi (ind Surtfeoii,
T.nHMra hla nrnftalnnal aervli-.
w m vlclnltv. .le miu co
atata to act au.i,.allv whoa call
J. A. API-
laoaowi w iu ... .
nrgriMa, will plaaea eoma Ttrri-y n f
wtitTB- B. WHIiaaaa. at tn lawoOlcelG iNiwoul ".
a, ,7k, r wlla aa aaraaaallr, awl aav.eoji.
It. W. tX, '
lata of th. arm of uox Belt.
(Grad. T.lajl Mea. Col., 8. r,S
OFFICE Grlawold's Bl ck,
rN Book & Job
Smith's Block, Commercul St., Salem.
ly cantlutstetl byWiiliaaiaA Conover, we
ara n.w preparad to da
All Kinds ol Printing;
Saaw bulldlnf with F. A. Smith Photograph
Gallery. deull:tf
lad.htsd to tb. old Arm of Wagner A Hover
will do w.ll to pay ih. name to the UQilersignetl
br th. In of January, 1878.
dl:Uwtd F. 8. HOVEY.
rey mara, 10 or 10 year old, collar mark,
on both ahoaldera, wart oa center of breaat, new
1y .hatt forward. Information as to her where
abonts pent ta tn. BTArravtM olflca wi-l tia
tnaiamiiy rajalved an4 aaiutautoniy re war-led.
b. r. auta niii.
r a
Presents to A
.1 J
BTATK aTltf EB. BnJItllna loraoerly eej
T Terrell A Ullllng ham. JrV y
JSfi tli. people
i ntuaii.1. ittv
V s
5 V,
OfflC th. Bank , k.
-7 TU
No Gifts Better Appreciated !
Juat Out-New, Fresh, Handsome
A rerftvt col tec-Ion of son, with plnno a.votri
nanlmrnl, c"inirtnc orBr7't ol ih-rh ,-ci kmi.
Hailed, Iniet and (jiru let known; ee'eeied with
.real cre. and will) eifi;ll leipird lojiiM!lt)'Mid
KB lgf, lull rnil-lc tlze.
Th N. Y. F.veeltia Mull sites; " a tnnt eitrri'.r
Ihinrrcolleclion ol rctll lire snnvs, line
oiihl hanllv linairlnn oinaiiv tirZuWcf'Hiicoiilil
he olMftlneil In a single voliiine.
f ru;.J 60 plalu; Clin itiuslln: tl full gilt.
Of the anm form and irl, full tniislc. it, are
"Gems Strauss,"--
A nw (lltlnn, tMinij.rii.Hig mrr 1W !it Stratiwi
Waltx, cto., tie.
"Organ at Home,"
"Musical Treasure."
"Gems of German Sone."
"Pianoforte Gems."
"Gems of Scottish Song."
"Moore's Irish Melodies."
Anj of the shore hook aciit, posl-pal'I, for retail
0UVEB DITB0M A 00, 0. H.DIT80N C0
BtWR. IIMwajr. Ner V'irt,
II O T 12 r, ,
Corner of First and Washington Streets,
. w. , i'iioi.
(Formerly of t'lty Hotel, Walla Walla. I
J nooillar llofel ha lieen rrlttetl anil rt-liit ti
Klied. and nr tiifers Ihe traveiln t'ltltlit-llm heat
Btwoanandatioii on the most reaauiiahle toitn-i.
r j a"' " f 50 tr dav. arconlitiir to room no
ir u pi ml. rstaree ntr H-vllt-, t-t Sf til. llrrwn
ta and He U HpHnc 1 1 ttere. shsV In Ura : Im
d from the- bouat-. C'ou. tit-s Mud liui-lt'i- in
r.nrm to confer paaMrngcr lo any n of the
wintry. . deil'tl
Ofl!.:e and resi'lem-.e en l.ila-rty street, optrftelte
the fiatttst Church, "silera, orepr'm. d, ll:tf
W. WtATHesroKD.
) . W. WaATHIUtroiiD
Drugs, Paints,
O I L S .
Coitj-wntletl ami I ret. ipUooa
lawSral rtimnmUl Slrv . a'p
bMITIfS mm atvle ttl Patt-nt Plate. OIBoi.
opprwtte Itreyimira new store, Salem. Oregon.
Stayton House.
I tn Stavton, corner "I Fioreni-e ami Thirtl
ret.. New aial neat. Ste slop here. Frl. es
reaaoaable. Tbe public contiatlv invfietl toitive
aieall. J. P. yL EENER, Prop,
nov 17.3m
T. M. JT II, Preelaent of Hie Cnlversity.
T. M. SiOWAS, M. O., Eruerltua rrofe5or of
JOHN WrvWFI l. HI. D., Emeritus rrofeaeoT
wri of llygeae.
DASIIFL MTTOS, HI. !., Proffsor of )b
ftletrl, .art-l Utaeaaesof WonieDainl'"btl'lren
tt.H.Hl.t,a. n.. Profeor of Special Pa
thology ami PractW of Metlictne.
1. W. Rrtrrc M. n. Profoasor of Surgloal
and lieaorlptlve Anatomy.
D. 91. JOIfTt. t. Tt.. Professor of Materia
Medina and Therapeutica.
Im L- ROWMANO, n Professor of I'hysl-
ology ami xtk n 0iy.
D. DOANr, Phar. I., Professor of Chem-
i:ry r na l oxicoi.ifry.
fIIRPI.r. A. R-. Jt. !., Professor of
Civil anu Military Mirery.
3, R. NttilAKT, Prifeasor of Medical
I. PATTON, M. I . Draa, tn whom ill let
ters of business anil inijniry con. ernliig the le-
parinKitfr-oi Metiiciiie sntmia ne nniiresse-i.
Tho Dean will lie at the Faculty Room In the
Willamette I'nlverslty dally, froth V It 10 a.m.,
and 1 to 2 P. M. of each day during the first week
of tbe term.
tleoo: irn
When the Blood Rushes with rocket-like vi
olence to the head, causing hot flushes, vertigo and
dimness of sight. It is a certain ,ign that a mild
salubrious, cooling and equalizing laxative is re
quired, and
Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Ajierient
should be at once resorted to.
For Sale.
-A. House and Lot
Inquire of C. FLEIUSER.
Notary Public
Real Estate and Money
Office In Moores' Block. Salem Oreson. jyll
OFFICE Commercial Hotel, ?irr, O.egon.
r LX
r i won
2School Book
MiuccLancous BooH Tancj Goods, tiauoi
an-! Organs,
i&T i'attou's Block, fi ne stn et, hurra, tiregoo.
rri :: t ly-
ONE I! Y MAK. f iri KKV IIASI " HlfJH.
Ilm-it !(tir iilij, Said caioe to my
iiiaca lune 1,1, ia7.i.
dei-'i-Sw Kluva alley, ll.-nl'iti l ., ipn.
Have a Large Stock of
omoo U'urnitxxro
WhLdi they oner at whileile and retail at ah
!itTest rrlee for C'aMh.
All kimtaol lnrnllurn ma'le to order, and repair
ing nml ly (lone
Coffins ami 'aket on liaml or maile to onler.
irl lilUm
Hiih'in, Ori'iron.
Iviifs ii the r:nF.T rurTKr. n'irth or
San Kranriaco, rnntjiltil--t I5tf It'anna, lo
ni or uliigie, and flUirl up !lh all the motl.ra
OMNIUM TO A!0 ruu THf Hrf rKKK.
lliiaie ttitn all JflfIU.
THOU. SMITH, rrnprleler.
i Formerly of tbe Empire Hotel, The Dalta.
neviKeo Ann rvmitwTr.D bt th Arnma,
i;. Ie V. X'RTI Jft. It., Klc.
A MeiHeal emir on the tnaie anl rnreof pre
mater deeline In man, vhnwing how health hi Vumt
ami bow regained. It gives a clear aynos
the iiotietlitnent to mnrrtage, the tmatnv-nt of
nt-rvnuaaml phydcal debility, enhansted vitality,
and all other dlMtaae aiiertaltiing Urereto; ther
suit ot twenty jrl sncceiwftil pratrtl.
CfKTW (iH "MANHo'in." Ttwre no mom
her of ai-le(y by whom thia hvir will not be f.mwl
H-efui, whether I be (areut, preceptjr or cU-rgy-man.
lymditn Tim.
:i-rti "MA!.nrriD."-Thi hook rxmd
be rtH by lh voung for irtitroctton. and by the
amtceH for relief; it will lulure uo oa.Mnlirxd
Timtantt UtrUr.
Prie -One Iollar, bv mall or express. Ad
dress th author, I'R. I T'S I IS, 5S0 gucu-r irma,
or P. it. Box s.t7, San r'raiwl:o, Cel. augMy
There is unquestionably no other remedy
soeertato in li eff .-ta. ASTHMA, WLV l td i,H. liltuSl. HI I IS ami liISoRDaBa
of i lie THRU AT alike yield lolls uinm-nee. The
hishet metHcal leftimatiy states o hettr eunt
lor tlieite complaint exists mow ttrred by aver
tiaf a century's eper!en.-.ei. They contain no
oH'im. morihta or anv violent drog. 'KEATi.Vii'a
('nL'iiH U.KNt.ts. prepared bv THOMAS
K t ATlSii, liu-lon, Briuun, are sold brail briif-,i-t. f.trihe Pa.tillc REWSUTOJI,
IHrtl TEK 4 Uh. ftin rranttl;o.
Rark street, oetween First and Soeopd,
Port-jnd, Oregon,
heaier than any tlhtr h.'iae In the cuy.
- 19::jrii
During My Abrtsce fwn fits State,
orS l.r!m
North Salem Store I
H t iii--i receivea a full assortment or
Ceneral Merchandise.
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
C'al?nlatd for th.eity and eotin try
liotiirtit a low. awl will be aoWat as small a po
as those who ?ll at iist. fc-tioorls ilellvered
anv ttsrtof the .rltv tree of citHre AprandAwtl
I t 1 -1- i Mnniiiactorer
Boots fvxacl Shoes
tST" Commercial street, between State and
Court, next door north of Inrbtn's Livery dtabie.
ma -
Comnicrcial SirocI Oppoaile tbe
Mateman Ofllrr.
Frowh llreml Il 1 1 V.
t-3 Pit a vn Cakes for families and country
tratle baked to order.
CTOBSAMENTAI. Cakes for Wedtfinga, o--.tabies,
picuic, etc, baked an abort notica.
J. G.
Glass Ware,
Cliina Ware,
Commercial Street.
Best Fa in i I j- Flour,
Bakers' Extra xxx.
Siiperflne and Graham,
niddlinga, Bran
and Short.,
Constanlj- on Hand.
The Highest Price in
Paid for Wheat at all Times!
mavls-7.-. AaentS. F. M. Co.
Salem. Oregon
the C'hemeketa Hotel, has lea-cl the
For a term of years ami has re-ritted and re-ii r
niheii the same, and will keep It second to lo
hotie in the Suite. He can at-comntUite one hur.
dnnt ami Buy guests ai er his old stvlc. So via
need not leiir to irive him a call, for hla table iviB
lie snppHeit with the best the conntrv aOorc'a
Charet reasotuiltle. Oirne one, con, all.
rurnitwa Rooms, ouly, ou Commercial
street, iu s-mrkey's Block.
The Best in the State.
" y r'