THE WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN tfflclal raper ef thp United Stalea. SATURDAY, : DECEMBEK 18, 1873. The Klvt-r. The wtur Is now within tlm bank of the river ind our ferry-boat it making regular trips. T ropes ara well aeon rod against all protablo acoi- donu. The Mmr. The steamer Orltlamme arrival at Ban Fran titeo at 11 a. M. yesterday, and will sail for Portland again this afternoon. The steam saw mill is in full blast doing . htavy business, bat the Kinney mills aio til at a look. The water must fall considerable yet to nabl the mill to move a wheel. Major John Foy at tba "Capital," received a letter from a brother who resides !n Minnesota, Which contains an invitation to come and, take a sleigh-ride. It seems odd to any one now under onr spring-like sunshine to talk abftit sleigh-riding. Deputy U, S. Marshal Bums is in the city again notifying parties of the Wilson case in rolving title to much real estate in this city.atid also looking np some w itnesses to ho examined in the trial of the cases. nlltlrnl IHhUIii. The I'mpqua Call will be issued at Rosebmg, hereafter. Eev. Mr. Whitney will doubtless be pleased to learn that it will be '-Independent in all things, neutral in nothing." This move ii." urea the sin-cess of lhat Reverend gentleman at the next election. Prof II. P. Crooke applied for a seat in the cabinet with the medium Jacobs at the seance on Wednesday night, but the medium refused to allow him the privilege. Tho Professor would probably have exposed the whole thins. We nope he may yet have au opportunity to closely "InWMiiyotc the mutter. A co temporary says: Shortly before the Gussie Telfair started on her last trip, the wife of one of her officers who previously had in tended to embark on the voyage, informed her husband that she had a presentiment that the vessel would meet with a disaster before reach ing Astoria, and therefore the lady did not make the wyae, although the officer thought little of the circumstance nntil after the w reek occurred. Dr. freater, t'ant. We publish this inoring a cant from Pr. Car penter, in which he uses the names of some other phjrsHwans. Any one reeling aggrieved will be given a reasonable amount of space in whi ;h to answer, but we must insist on the part all writers that strict courtesy lie exercised and communications be made brief as possible. THE MM AM;:i.K AM. ItlUHT. Bet- Arrival at V Irlorla with Broken Mn etttnrry Meporfrd. A tpscial telegram to the Evesing Journal Friday afternoon from Victoria informs that pa per of the safe arrival of the Los Angeles at that port. She had broken some of her ma chinery on the trip up, but got in all right. The line broke before they could get a full re port. Uverpool Whml JtnrUet. The following is the Oregonian's special cable gram of wheat quotations, direct from liver pool yesterday: Liverpool, Pee. 9, If T5. Obrjoxias, Tortland: To-day's Liverpool wheat market closed as follows: Oregon wheat, ex-warebonse, from lis 3d to lis 7d per cental; California club, ex-warehouse, from lis 5d to lis 8d per cental; Oregon cargoes alloat on the passage to the United Kingdom, lis 2d to lis 3d per cental. The market is steady. Henry Jviar A Sons. The above indicates a better condition of the market, bat no advance in the quotations. HI 11 AKY. Mrs. Virgilia E. Smith, the subject of this memoir, was born in Warren county, Missouri, June 7th, 182S. She immigrated to Oregon in lSKi, with her parents. Father and Mother Pringle; wis aaar r i to her now bereaved husband, Frabritns R. Bmith, Sept. 1st, 1847. Boring Father Leslie's pastorate of the church in Salem, in the month of Jsnnary 1S47, she ex perienced religion and joined the Si. E. Charcb. She died at her late residence one mile and a half South of Salem, Dec. 3d; 1875, after a lingering illness of st veral weeks. She lived a consistent christian life, loved and respected by a large circle of friends, esteemed most by those who knew her best, and finally died in the tri amphs of the christian's faith, with a full as surance of a bright immortality beyond. When told that she was dyit!? she exclaimed, "It is all right, ail light." kissid ali the mem bers of her sorrowing family, and quietly passed to the other shore. Bhe was one ofOrcg-m's eaiTy pioneers, and the esteem in which she was held was evinced by the large circle of friends and relations that gathered at her funeral to pay their last trihnte of respect to her mem ry. She w as boried with the rites of the M. E. Church, the Patrons of Husbandry, of which she was un honored j Member, joining in the rvvi.- j Dutiful child, loving iiV-. tifKv i. tiar- mother, i farewell, till the meeting in the m- rnin. I I.. 3. FowixL. ' LETTEK t KOH III: DAl.t.KV The Dalles, Dee. 5. 1875. Mil. E:!vob: There is'no new, save the roads to Canyon City is aim wt impassably Sinee the country has been settled the ground has not been as soft at tlm season of the year as now. I leara the merchants at Canyon City and neighboring towns offer ten cents per pound freight forthis winters supplies, which is in warehouse at this point, and can't n'Dd tems to try the trip. There are freight teams on the Joad that have been out three weeks and are not 80 miles from here at this writing. Stoek is doing first rate, althongh the storms have been severe. Tuo heavy rains have spoiled over half of the hjy that was put np last sum mer, and should the winter be as tedious as last was, there mnst be a heavy loss of stock sus tained. We hope for the best, but the pros- pect does not look any too flattering. The Hood Eiver Colony are quite well housed, bnt are net any too well pleased with their loca tion. Gentlemen who belong to the society and are men of excellent judgment, infoiTa ns that they have sent members nf their company to the Willamette, Pticet Sound, Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla, to find locations more desirable. We shall be sorry to lose them from onr connty, as they are the kind of citizens that ve are in need of to fiil np our interior. I am satisfied from what they tell me, only & small portion will make homes in the valley where they are stopping at present. The ColumUia river is higher now than usual. The rain is still continuing, with no indications 01 a "let op soon. The citizens of 'Brownsville and vicinity pro pose to meet on the 17th inst. to take into con sideration the best means to improve the road to Halsey. With nnion of effort and means.a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, the thing can be accomplished and winter travel rendered practical, as compared with their pres ent difficult passage. Good winter roads are quite too scarce in the Willamette Valley and the enterprising citizens of Brownsville are moving in the right direc tion and as an example to other toealities the Brownsville move will be valuable as a prece dent. Dr. S. C. Stone, a graduate of the Salem Medical College, is located at Brownsville with a growing practice. Diptheria with cronp has proved fatal in several instances with children at this place. We hear of some live or six students from Linn connty who propose attending medical lectures at Salem this wime. Presume there are others besides these. Wheat was reported 85 cents at Halsey on the Sth inst. Farmers and others who have not sold watch tSe rising price with deep interest. B. P. Bishop, son of Prof. Bishop" of Prin cipia Institute, takes the position of salesman in the mill company's store at Brownsville. Eev. Mr. Mann, pastor of the M. E. Church at Brownsville, is.getting out after an illness of six weeks. One of the Centennial Committee desire to get the splendid sofa rug, made by Mrs. Mann and exhibited at the State Fair, t3 exhibit at the Centennial. Times, business and the roads seem to be im proved lisce the iuiu let op. CARD FROM OB. t'ARI'K.SiTER. Salem, Doc. 7, 185. En. Statesman: My attention has Iwen called to an editorial in last evening's Mercury, and upon referring to tho article it was evident that t :e editor labored very industriously to pervert facts, and tho whole gist of his one column ar ticle seemed to be hurled at my official conduct as Pean of the Medical Faculty, endeavoring to bring reproach ,tipon my character, which demands that I should make a statement of tho whole transactions of the Modical Faculty, In reference to my withdraws! therefrom. And in doing so, I ho the public will excuse mo for being very plain and pointed in my expres sions: Then in the first place allow me to state that I did tetider my resignation last summer, but it was recalled at the earnest solicitation of mem bers of the Faculty and friends. A circular was issuod by order of the Faculty and everything seemed to lfl moving along harmoniously until about one month ago when lr. Sharpies came to this city as a partner of Pr. Pay ton, with these two gentlemen and Pr. Jonea evidently arranged apian to displace, me and substitute Dr. Sharpies, as all the subsequent facta will show. About this time I wrote a little article on diptheria for the benefit of the public. But Dr. Payton seemed to think it was aimed at him, whi h seemed to increase their determi nation to carry their point. Now the question natnrallv camo np, "how is this to be accom plished?" The following plan was adopted, to wit: Make it appear that 1 wished the Med ical College to le moved to l'ortlau.t, and if the case was made out must be condemned. Three Trustees were appointed for the purpose of in vestiKating this unpardonable sin. 1'tie inves tigation was had and it revealed some verv in- cnlar statements which when given will not re dound to the best interest of tho panic making the same, lo be contained. Yonrs, II. Cabvesteb. Sai.f.m, Pen. 8, 1S75, ' To begin where 1 closed in yesterday's card, I aa requested to appear before the committee and relate all I had said or done in reference to movinff the college to Portland, and stated lhat when I recalled mv resiiiiiatiou that 1 was act- iug in gixxi faith toward tho Medical Depart ment. At this point they discovered that there was no possibility of finding any charge against mt!, whereupon Dr. rayton put the following question, through the committee: If a niedieal school should bo organized in Portland next year or at any future time, and you were ten dered the chair of Surgery, would you accept? vvnien question i oeemiea to answer, mis seemed to enrage the Doctor, who then stand 1 had abused him by publishing the article on diphtheria. (Now if the Doctor does not know how to treat diphtheria 1 am not responsible. ) To which 1 replied he had his remedy before the Faculty. That all differences between the members of the Faculty, should lie first tried by the Faculty and failing to agree, it is then appealed to the Trustees, for linal action. But instead of proceeding k- ganv ne tnougnt ne couki manage me case Bet ter before the Trustees. Now, it was evident that lie was about to tail m making out a case against me. Yet determined to carry his point he state! to the committee that I never was re elected Dean, thereby implying that what 1 had done was not sanctioned. The following document will show for itself: Hai.em, Oregon, Sept. 10. 1ST5. Faculty met at 7 p. M. at the ofilee ot Pr Carpenter. Present, Prs. Carpenter. Pavton McAfee and Hall. On motion, lrof. Simpson's resignation was accepted. On motion. Dr. L. L. Rowland was nominated to the chair of Physiology and Microscopy, and O. D. Doane to the chair of Chemistry and Texicology. On motion, Hon. Rufus MalWy was nominated to the chair of Medical Jurisprudence. 5M circu lars were, on motion, ordered to be printed and circulated. On motion. Dr. H. t arpenter was re-elected iean. un motion, adjourned. Signed C. H. Hall, Secretary. Memorandum A letter informing the Trus tees of the above changos in the Faculty was duly forwarded and nominations, as reported, subsequently confirmed. H. C, Dean. State of Obec.os, Covntt of Marios, (' I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy, as record-il in the books and minutes of the .Medical tkx ictv of the Willam ette Cniversity. in witness whereof I have here unto set ray hand and affixed mj ofiicisl seal this 7th day of December, 1S75. ' Seth R. Hammkr," Notary Public. Salem,, Oct 3, 1S75. Faculty nt at 9 a.m. Dean in the chair. I'reseut Payton, Carpenter, McAfee and Hail. Business to stleet a member of the Faculty to deliver the opening address. On motiou, " the Dean was ordered in connection with the Prof, of Anatomy to make the necessary preparations for anatomical material. On " motion, Dr. Doane's letter was received and the request granted. The Dean was authorized Ho advt-r-tise the College iu the local papers. On motion adjourned. State of Oreoox. ) Coi'NTY of Marion, ( I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy, as appeals in pencil (written) , on a sheet of paper. In witness whereof I have hereunto set ivy hand and affixed my official seal this 7th dav of December, 1S75. " Seth R. Hammeb," Notary Public. Salem. Obegox. Dec. 7th. 1875. En. Statesman. At tins pint manv tilings occur to show that it was. as I first stat.-d, a put tip job to displace me. lint for fear of annoy ing you with a long communication, rest my case ior me present wan the following j statements: j That the Trustees act-'d upon a rosiM'nstinn f that was never presented to thtru, and Dr. ! Sharpie was nominated on the part oi the 1 Medical Faculty, that is, Pavton and Jones, and j confirmed by the Board before 1 as legally 1 out. which t-xrUins mv r-witioii in refmmi.' to I let either Dr. Payton or the agent bare the lew? us tfi nss, etc. i!ll r.s soon as mv resig nation was properly received. I then turned ov,-r the band, etc.. and should have remained qniet had it not been fur the leader m the Mercury heretofore spoken of. The following document will show how I resigned etc.: Willamette University. i Salem, Ob., Dee. tith, 1S75. ( Tiie Board met pursuant t-j a call of 'the President. Among other business transacted t the htliowing communication was received from Dr. Carpenter, which was read: Salem, Dec. 31, 1 875. To the Hon. Board of Trustees of the Will am -tte Cniversity, Salem, Oreeon. uenilemen:l" have the honor to acknowl edge the receipt of a copy of a part of v.jnr pro ceedings of yesterday's session of vour Hoard, to-wit: Judge Bosie offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Wheress, it appears bv the report of vour committee that Dr. Carpenter submitted his resignation to the Medical Facultv, that it was accepted by them, and that nofico hereof in writing was filed bv hnn with the Becretarv ,,t the Board, uneondiiioually, and that said notice was afterwards, taken away by Dr. Carpi li ter without the consent oi tins Board., it is therefore ordered by this Board that his resig nation be accepted and eonfiruMd. Which motion prevailed and it was so or dered. It ep-peara from the above action of your Board that there was a preconcerted pian to displace me. One who has labored faithfully for nine years in the interests and for the prA motion of the Medical Department, and gave the time and the expenditure of one thousand dollars for the purpose of making a journey East to represent the Medical Department in the American Medical Association and Conven tion of Colleges, that the Aiumni of this De partment should he recognized bv all the medi cal colleges ef the land. For one who has no claims npon tho University and one who wil be soon turned over to the" tender mercies of Algernon F. Hogg, and that vour action as above was illegal, unjust and without cause. Notwithstanding, lam now willing that vonr action may become legal and consistent bv re ceiving n,y resignation as Prof, of Civil" and Military Surgery in the Medical Department of the Willamette University, which I respectfully ask to have confirmed, and this statement placed upon yonr minutes. Very Kespect'ullv, II. Carpenter. Whereupon it was moved that without in dorsing the communication of Dr. Carpenter that the resignation therein presented be ac cepted. Which motion prevailed. P. L. Willis, Secretary of said Beard. a iia.i.i:n;i:. Hk. Statesman: The individual who wanted to compete for the championship of the State, as a snorer, at the late State Fair, is now in Al bany, and I challenge anybody in the world in a single handed contest for one dollar and two bits a side, to meet him. I inhabited a hetel in Baltimore for one night with this same snorer some years ago, and will wager all I can borrow that he can beat anything on this Coast. Du ring that one night's residence, the people for blocks aronnd rushed affrighted into the streets, supposing some rebel scheme would throw their houses down and crush them, and when once in the open streets they canld distinctly hear bugle calls, bursting shells and torpeioes, rattle of musketry, the long roll of the drum, the squeaking of the fife, and a hundred other sounds, all mixed up to gether; and a general stampede of citizens leav ing their bed rooms in undress uniforms, would have followed if it had not been for the landlord of the boose where the snorer peaoefully slum bered, interposing with the information that the city was safe unless the concussion should shake down some of the slender fabrics as it was onlv a guest snoring. The hills tremble to their base and the rocks break in pieces before his snore. Now, any one desiring a "set-to" in an exhi bition of this fine art can address me in box 1776 in the post office. The contest must, of course, be conducted nnder the rules laid down by the American Association, and ample time given on both Biles to arrange "conditions" of contestants, Yours Truly, Fere Ajti3, A correspondent of the Independent, writing of tho quarterly examinations at Forest Grove, says the Japanese students excelled most of the American boys, showing what, dose application and studious habits will accomplish. Dr. Dawne's new academy building is now ready and the school opens on Monday. Eighty students can bo accommodated in good stylo, and all the branches taught in any school in the State are taught in this academy by competent teachers. Fnder tho Influence of late warm weather grass s growing finely and cattle and sheep are keeping fat on pasture. In the Middle and Eastern States people are enjoying the sleigh ride and are putting up ice for next summer's use. The Coo Ray New says: Frank Geary, tho night watchman at North Pond, was missing last Suudav morning. About half of his night's work was done. It is feared hi is drowned Parties were search ing for his body on Sunday, but it has not been discovered. Five clerks in the custom houso at Portland have been relieved from further duty. The Journal sayB tho expensoa of that establishment have been cut down about 50 tier cent. If the public business can be as well cared for under the new management, the move is a good one, ?Sew firm. Messrs. W. W. Munktrsand J. W. Bediugton have leased the Hook and Job Printing office owned by the estate of the late Emmet D. Will iams, Iioth of these young men are excellent Job printers and energetic in business, and doubt not that they will receive their share of patronage from an appreciative and business community like Salem. Sertoli Accident. Mr. I.ewi8 Byrne met with quite a serious ac cident last night. Iii going down a stairway into the cellar of his grocery store he slipped and fell head foremost a distance? of about ti n feet, cutting quite a gah in his head from which he bled verv profusely. Dr. Hall was called in and dressed the wound; and the lm tient was soon after taken home. It is hoped he will lie out again soon, t nt. The Forest Grove Independent says: Our dentist took a candle and started up stairs to bed the other night and when he opened the door of his lied room seven cats which had been shut up by some mischievous wag, with glaring eyeballs and hair on and made a rush for him. One old feline took the had and got fast be tween the dentist's legs and she made the skin fly lively for three seconds when the dentist fell backwards and rolled down stairs with the oth six felines on top. He w ill not net d to scratch his abdomen for the next six mouths. Kxpelted. We are informed that the M. E. Church has purged itself of the incubus nlnit other mtrn is Oill. It is in keeping with the character of the Church to put off all frauds and purify elf from the weights which are liable to be et anv Church. That Oill business in the matter of Salem real estate stinks in the nostrils t every honest man and woman, in the State and the church steps to the front and promtly declares him unfit aA a teacher, and even a 1 lad egg" with whom to associate. Thi action on the part of the church, raises it in the estima tion of the public. The State 1 ttiverty. The Engine Guard says work on the Univer sity building is progressing slowly, long contin ued rainy weather bavins delayed operations very much. Abont one-half the first story has two eoatof plaster, and as soon as the windows are in the remaining room will be plastered. The carpenters are putting iu the dtault ning for the first floor and will have that floor completed in a short time. It was expected by the Direct ors that the woik in the fii?f story would be fin ished by the 1st of January, 176. but owing to the bat weather it cannot he finished before February 1st. We are pleased to see the work pushed forward as fast as it is nnder so many difficulties. IttKt f Mun. When the new sign appear, d over the bank now occupied by Mr. Push, a number of citi zeds could not understand it. and it took a newly imported ''Philadelphia lawyer to un derstand the ' situation."' The banking house was on the "disputed gmtuid," and it seemed that Mr. Gill, whose name appeared on the sin had taken possession. Cierks and Cas&jr all begun to look after new employers, when some man ended the scene by punching down the sign with a broom handle. So Mr. Mush pro ceeded with business at the usual hour and dis counts and other business went along as if Gill had never lived. l!tiii!Kiil flour. Messrs. Savier A Baiuside, says the Oregoni an, had on board the Gussie Tett'air at ti.e time that vessel sunk, 315 barrels of flour, ali if which was completely submerged. Since the accident, that firm have had a ncmlx-r if men employed in gtttmg the fi-eight out of the vrs. set, sorting it over, and pnttir such portions as have escaped damage from the water, into bar rels. Yesterday the work was completed. Out of the 315 barrels. 175 have been saved, which are wholly free from damage. Considering all the ciK-nnistances, it is quite fortunate that so large a percentage was saved. The total Ios will aggrt gate alxmt $1,500. This will prove a dead loss, as there was no insurance ou the flight. Farmers are preparing to start the plow and implete seding. The new dne'.lings and ware houses erected iu Albany the past season, chan ges the appearance, proportions being uituli for the better. Wheat here to-day, Saturday, 91 cents per bushel, sacked. First street presents a business like ap;earanee, but ono hears com plaint of scarcity of money. Travel keeps up well, the hotels doing a good business. The St. Charles, since it was elevated to three stories, Is quito au imposing structure, much more light and airy than formerly, the new mattrassea and furniture, new arrange ments and lady waiters in dining room, reflect credit on tho tasio and enterprise of the pro prietors. The Exchange changed hands a few days since, arid has bet a refitted, it is now under the control of Mr. S. W. Eddv, formerlv of the Citv Hotel, a alia Walla. Both ho'isea are well pat ronized. E. O. Norton, of the D.n'Iv Evening Dsm crat, formerly with the Statesman, claims that Albany is a gixxl field for newspapers, especiallv for local ones. 1 he river is fulling at this point cool and cloudv Veatlu weithkh iii:tn:r. XovcinlHT, I.nirMI!o 4.V 33 . Bftude 120 5.'. Tlw mrmtli of November past has been the most stormy month for years. It gave us only 63 clear days and 20 cloudy days, other than those which were stormy. The rain fall and melted snow was distributed as follows: On the night of the 1st it rained measuring .17 inches; on the night of the 5th and 6th, .52 inches; on the nignt of the 10th, .04; on the 12th and 13th, 1.26. On the 14th the first snow foil, beginning at 2 o'clock p. M., continued un til 8 o'clock p. M., measuring 4H inches, mea suring 1.84 in rainfall and melted snow for the day. On the 15th, light snow inches, with light rain, 0.12 inches; on the 16th a heavy fall of snow all day, with mercury down to 19 deg. at 9 a. M., wind east, measuring 8Vj inches; making when melted 88 inches of water. Oh the 17th and 18th had heavy showers all day, making 1.04 inches; on the 19th light showersi during the night, 0.11 inches; on the 21st and 22d a light sprinkle of rain each day, 0.13 inches; on the 21th and 28th, at night, a light fall of snow foil, measuring 2 '4 inches (water fall), 0.25 inches; oa the 29th and 30th rain foil at night, measuring 0.52 innhes. Making a to tal of rainfall of 5.9S inches. Tho whole num ber of stormy days was 3 H . - The first killing frost was ou the morning of the 3rd. Mercury was down to 30 at sunrise. The coolest days were on the 15th, average temperature 29 30-100 deg. On the 16th, aver age temperature 24 deg. On the 21st, 23d, 24th, 25th, 28tli, 27th, 28th, and 29th mercury ranged from 21 deg. to 32 deg. during the day. The winds were very changeable for the whole month. During tha same month last year, 1874,5 cloudy and 20 clear days other than those on which rain fell, giving 2.b'5 inches of rain fall. The mean temperature for the month just past 3S deg. Highest mean temperature 43.23 deg. Lowest mean temperature 34.29 deg. The maximum temperature was 59 deg. on tha 4th; the minimum was 19 deg. on the 16th at 9 o'clock P. M. Total snow fall for the month. IK inches. On the 30th nearly all the snow fall had disappeared. DAjiEg, Or,, December 1st, 1875, SUSPENDED IN EFFIGY. OI K HF.I'Olt'l 1. II ltMVr:il AH I'M t o KIUIIT, While looking tip "midnight items," last night, our reporter cams npon n slgh which would have startlod Tain O Hhanter eveii after passing so bravely Kirk Alloway. It jps the bodies of two men suspended in front of (lie Oill store house, on Buito street. Our reporter was not in oondition of Tarn when he was supposed to feel : "Inspiring lowl, John Hatlevoom, What dangers thou canst niake us saorn, Wi' tipinie ne fear na evil, Wi' esijuba, we'll fiuse the devil." But felt more like the good boy who thought "No evil ran betido, Tho virtuous and the good." After the fright was over be approachd the dark looking objects and closely examined them, with tho fellowing results: MOt'llK no. 1, Was well dressed bandy legged tall but not oinmanding-straw hat ugly features, and li orally plastered with sheotB of paper containing hieroglyphics ami short sentences which read something like this: "Bkull and cross-bones black-mailer what is it? tho robber" etc. riui'ite so, 2, Was a man of less stature and had posted upon his body in conspicuous characters, "In God we trust," "A nice son-in-law," "silences' preach er," "Plenty of tir and fathers." etc. and au hundred other outward signs of inwtrtl love- Veliness. The exhibition was, to onr reporter inore on- accountable that) the apparition of the ghost of llamlit's father, tho apjieai'atice of wsich, iti-f duced the affectionate sou to ask: "Why has the tomb wherein we 8aw thee quietly interred, Op'd its pomlorons and marble jaw, to fast thee up again The eanse of this exhibition was unknown but the names of Sullivan and Oill Were pasted on tho strange looking figures which prpyn) on close examination to be old clothing stum d with straw. Our readers can probably find this strange show by calling early this morning, VAI.Ktt I.AM TI1I.1M. A met ting of such of the defendants, wlo have lieen sued bv W. T. Wythe vs. Citizen of Saiem as could be reached, met at the legina tive Hall, Saturday afternoon to consider tie situation. Interviews between Mr. J. K. till and his counsel were reported by Messrs. Ctrl nihyham, Patton and Chadwirk which chanfed the complexion of affairs so far as Mr. GUI is concerned. We were nut aware of this nieetiig hence eould not know the position of Mr, Ctll as represented to ns by these geutletnsi. Mr. Gill it appears is willing to make deeds to parties requiring them fur the expense of mt iug them out. Ou yesterday afternoon anotlfr niieting was hell at the same place to htr letters real from Mr. Gill to parties here, which be more fully confirms all that bad ben said concerning his determination to quet Salem titles to the fullest extent of te interest he represented. Mr. Gills lettrs nmle a good impression and many felt as if at injustice had been done Mr. Gill by those irt knowing his true position. As an exprtssionof the meeting towards Mr. Gil! Mr. Bush oflltd the following resolution which was unsi mously adopted: Resolved, That Mr. Chadwick be teqnesrd to inform Mr. Gill that we regard the sedi ments expressed in his letters, relative to Halm titles, as honorable to himself and jnst to tie projH-rty holders of Satem. We take pleasure in doing justice to Mr. (ill and hope these matters may be adjusted on principled satisfactory to all parties. Personal. Judge McArthnr is in town attending he Supreme Court. The Judge is talked of n. Eistern Oregon for the C S. Senate. J. J. Daly, of Dallas, is attending the fa prprne Court. He is a Democrat of the Gsr. Watkiuds school. m Capt. S. B. Humphreys, lately elected Mair of Albany, and one of the best lawyers in te Btate. is in the city attending the Snpraoe Court. Hon. Ben. Harden is in the city giiing'ar some legal sealps. Ho is opped to all Oder candidates for the I". 8. Senate except ka self. Dr. D. M.Jones, of Albanv, informs ns ftat the mtdievi tt.'rarfmmt of ttw Wfrbmw.'i',ii "tp versi'y is in a very healthy condition, wirt- a number of ladies attending.- . " I'ttSIMilD l,HT. The Oregon Steamship Company's s leaver Oiiilamme sailed from Ban Francisco for Tr! land Saturday morning, with the following ! IJST OF PASSEKllERS ! Pr U E .Tones, G W, .1 O'niniig. 11 H Vihhard and fm, M?s F. Graves A dr, is B Hemic. Mrs A M Martin ch, Ja Hazi'in, J H llainev and fam, W G Smith. G Bav and fin, h M Johnsou, Put Smith, W H Hsssett and wj N R Fockwood andwf, Wm Wolf, Master T W Caldwll, W L Van Boholaek, J I,"ngstreet and v.fe, 8 H Walter. Ward and Family, I, Mott and familv. Mrs II Kopperholdt and D M Heveibing, child, Mrs J Harm. L 1 llwood, C W Reese, .1 S Waggonet and fm, W J Counei, ,f C Bowermsn A fmv, W H Bell and wife, " N Willard add wife. Whittle, Prof W H" Chancr, Captain J M SeMcn tnd familv, F Miller, S B Smi h & family, J H Groves and finy, J Guy, Mrs D Lester, son A tlr, O H Crackett. A Cophu J H Jaoksnn and wife, ,1 Albright. W C Wallace, Prof Herrman, wife aid troupe. TrUIiik the Vail. We clip the following from a Portland paPr. O that we had more public schools rnd teacters to instruct our children to think: "The ta'ing of the black vail at St. Mary's" Chapel, Ibrt land, by 8ister Mary St. Cecelia (Miss Margie McManus) and Sister Mary Ignatius of Jisns (MUs Augusta Funk)," whi' h was to have tiken placs on Wednesday last, the Feast of the Im maculate Conception, was postponed untilKat urday. The ceremony was performed by the llight Hev. J. F. Fierens, V, G., and was wit nessed bv a large number of the young lalies. besides the orphans and scholars ; onnrrted with tho Academy." Jllililtl.. Kieme Court The Supreme Court met yesterday afternton. All Judges presen t except Judge Prim. Docket reaa and appearance of attorneys no ted. The Chief Justice announced that candidate for admission to the bar would be examined on Wednesday. Adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. LOCAL A'rt'l !C The Statesman is the only paper in the city with sufficient enterprise to set nf the Presi dent's message. The reading public will appre ciate it. There will be no reduction of fare to visitors to Philadelphia during CentennW year. It makes no difference to those who tb not intend to go. Hon. W. It. Dunbar delivei ed a temperance lecture at Jefferson last night. He k an earnest worker in the cause. - Miss Clara B. Meaclnun has, wo understand, accepted a position as assitaut teacher nnder Mr. D. M. Gault, at Ilillsboro. Hon. I. R. Moorcs has been instructed to pur chase a lot of books, at a salo iu Portland, for the I. O. O. F. Library in this city. Mr. G. M. Stroud, conductor ou the O. & C. R. E. is stopping for a few days in this city, be ing off duty on a leave of absence. Tho streets and business houses were crowded all day Saturday with people and our merchants were happy ever extensive sales of goods. Lieut. McAdams will propably join in the great chorus at the Centennial. He is credited with being one of the best singers on the coast. U. S. Postal Agant Underwood is in the city 'to remain over Sunday. Ho goes to Portland on Monday to look after some business in the courts. See card of Dr. J. L. Golden, Oculist. He has permanently located ;in. Salem, and com ing with the best recommendations, cannot fail to do a good business. Steamboats find considerable difficulty in navigating the Willamette, but large quantities of .wheat are being transported to lead aea going vessels. A report is in circulation that an effort is be ing made to secure the par Jon i f Professor White man Who is now in t.h Priann Ml the ground tL&t his services are needed on the outside. THIS WAY WIS WASTE. Oiifl of tlio fact brought prominently before the world during the past lew yenr Is, that France Is rlili. The enso with which aim baa recovered liotn the disas trous war with Prussia and the prompt ne8 with which she lias met, not only Iter own, but l'l tiMliCa cuoiinotig expanses In that war have surprised oil hnr ulster na tions. Every poor tunn had dig horde ot money which Iih was anxious to lend the Htitto. How did Im get It? How did he save It? Why Is It that in a country like ours, where wildest art) high and the oppor tunities tor makliijj money exceptionally good, such wealth and prosperity do not exl't? These are tho important questions at this time with nil nf us. Business is low, Industry Is paralyzed and the ques tion of bread stares inullltmleslii the tin. Well, France Is aii ImlUHtrloits nation, It Is said. Hut Is not ours an Industrious na tion too? Is H not Indeed one of flu most hitr l-worklng and energetic nations in the world? N'e believe It to be a harder, working nation tliati the French, with not only fewer holidays, but no holidays at all and with not less play, but almost "no play at all. It Is wtlil, too, that France Is n fru gal tuition. They probably have the ad vantage of us in this, yet to feed a labor ing man and his family there inic-t be a dclliiile, necessary expenditure In both countries. The d.ll'creiice In wage ought to cover Ibe difference In expense and probably does. It the American laborer spend twlee as much as the French he earns twice or three times as much; yet the American laborer lays up nothing while the French laborer and small farmers have money to loan their government. Their old stockings are long and are full. The wine and the silk which the French raise for other countries must be more than eo'inlerbalnnced by our exported gold, cotton and breadstuff, ro that they do not h ive any advantago over us as a nation, iu what they sell to other nations. We shall have to look further than this for the secret we are alter. There Mesa hook before u written by I)r. YYilliim ll.irgreaves entitled. "Otir pasted lteseurue. We wish that the politicians and political economists of this country could read this book ami ponder well its startling revelations. They are revelations ot criminal waste the ex penditure of almost incalculable resources tor that which brings nothing; In return. There ate multiiudes ot people who re gard the temperance tpie'tion as one ol morals alone. Th men who drink say simply, ''We will drink what . we please, and it's nobody's business. You temperance men are pestilent lellows, meddlesome fellows, who obtrude your tuppenny standard ol mortality upon us, ami we do not want it, ant! w ill uot accept It. Ueeause you are virtuous, shall there be no more cake and ale? Very well, let us drop It as a ques tion of mortality. You will surely look at it with us a question ol national economy and prosperity; ele, you can hardly re gain yourselves as patriots, we have a common interest in tlm national prosperity and we can discuss amicably any subject on this common ground. France produces Its own wine, and drinks mainly cheap wine. It Is drink which, while it tines them no good, aetord iiijl to the showing of their own tthrsi- claus, does not do them harm enough to Interfere with their InduMrr. Their drinking wastes neither life nor money as ours does, and they sell in value to other countries more than they drink themselves. During the year 10, in our own State of Newt York, there were expended bv con sumer hir liquor more than one hundred and lx millions of dollars, a sum which amounted to nearl? two-thirds ot all the wages paid to laborers In agriculture anil maimtactures, and to neatly twice as much as the receipts of all the railroads in the Mate, the sum nt the latter being between sixty-eight and sixty-nine liiilliens. The money of our people goes across the bar all the time latter than it 13 crowded into the wickets of all the railroad stations oj the State, and where does It go? W hat is the return for It? Diseased stomach, ach ing beads, discouraged and slatternly hoines, idleness, gout, crime, degradation. death, t hese, iu various measure, are exactly what we get lor it. We gain of that w hich is good, nothing no uplift in mortality, no Increase of induMrv, no ac cession to health, no growth of prosperity. Our State is lull of tramps, and every one is a drunkard. I liere is demoralization I everywhere, in consequence of this waste- j ful stream of fiery fluid that constantly j flows down the open ti!lat of the State. j But our State i-miot alone. The liquor! Wil ot iVimsvlvanitt during lsxo was more j than sixtv-live million of dollars, a sum equal to one-third of theepiire Agricultural product of the State. Illinois paid more limn forty-two millions, and Ohio more than fifty-eight minimis. Massachusetts paid more than twenty-five millions, a sum equal to five-sixths of products, while the liquor bill of Maine was only about four millions and a quar ter. Mr. Hargreaves takes the figure ol Massachusetts and M iinelu show Imw a prohibitory law does, after all. retime the j til nihiiii. tmi iv i? vtii Jim imv n i this qneMio'l. What we desire to show is. that, with an annual expenditure ot iOrt.lRHI.WMi lor liq uors iu the I'liited States and all the fig ures we give are based upon oflhtal statis tic it is not to be wondered at that the times are hard find people poor. Not only this vast sum is wasted; not only the cap ital invested is diverted Iroin grod ns;s. and all the industry involved in production taken from beneficent pursuits, but health, morality, respectability, industry and life are destroyed. Sixty ilmi s iiid Americans annually lie down in a drunkard's grave. It were better to bring into the field an 1 shoot down sixty thousand of our young men every iiear, than to have them go through all the processes of disease, degra dation, crime, and despair through which thev inevitably pass. With six hundred millions of dollars savetl to the tv.imtiy annually, how long would it take to make these United States rich not only, but able to meet, without disturbance and distress, the revulsions in business to which all nations are liable? Here is a question for the statesman and politician. Twenty-five years ot absolute abstinence from the consumption of useless and worse than useless liquors, would save to the country fifteen billions of dollars, and make us the richest nation ou the face of the globe. Act only this sum beyond the imagination to comprehend would be saved, but all the abominable cous'-queiices of misery, disease, disgruco, crime, and would How from the consump tion of such an enormous amount of poi sonous fluids, would lie saved. And yet temperance men are looked upon as dis turbers and fanatics ! And we are adjured not to bring temperance into politics! And this great transcendent question ol eeono iuy gets the go by, while we hug our little issues lor the saKe ot party anu ot omen : Do we not deserve adversity ? Dr. J. G. Holland in Scribner for December. THE UIJ-Ulli DKV t llUltl S. Yea, ret nB boil it down my boys. For that's the proper way To deal with ali long-winded bores, And make the paper pay. Who wants to wade through columns long Of stale and senseless stuU ? So give-the bright, the witty points, ' The facts and that's enough I Boil it down ! Geo. Holt, a minir and prospector, in a letter to tli Secretary of the Treasury, transmitted by the Collector of Customs at Sitka, Al. T., dated Sept. 20th, 1875. sets forth the observations made by him on a recent exploring expedition in that coun try, lie reports having seen hestls of cari bou deer, mountain sheep, moose, hogs, porcupines, rabbits, and a great variety of birds, swans, cranes, geese, ducks, and all kinds of fish and game in great variety. The most important discovery reported by him appears ta be gold, and in paying quantities, and he gives it as his opinion that there is a vast gold field there in fact, a second California. The action of Chief Justice White in dis charging Iirigham Young tor alleged con tempt of court for disotledience to the order of Judge McLean, requiring him to pay ali mony to Ami Eliza, is satisfactory to the government. It is the opinion of the Att'y General that the woman in question, in marrying Brigham Young, violated theU. S. statues, and therefore could not avail herself ot her own wrongs. Eev. I. S. Kallocli lectured recently in Sau Francisco on John Bunyan, whose preachings he said were as terrible as a charge ot' the "Ironsides," being a man of courage, kindness and common sense, who, if lie had never read Greek, human nature, which was much better, and when he finally passed over the river of Death all the trumpets toun Jed tor him on the other side. M.tKKIKIt. On the 9lh day of Deoetnlier, 173, at the residence of the bride's parents, near J'arken TilfB, by I. Weisnor, J. P., Mr. Millard Stevens and SfisaMury in-own, ail of Marlon eouuty, Oregon. Dr. Peek explodf-d the Elude, math r of pirif ualistu in his sermon last Knuduy. A number of persons hare ex presstii a d sire that he re peat It for tho benefit of flume who were md present. We hojio ho will ennsr iit. DR. PIERCE. (From the Tol.ilo P,Ude.) "Hueeei never achieved without merit. A man nmy make a poor u-tielu and bcI! It n and there bciiiK 4(),HMl,tKH) people in the United HUttes, the sale to each oui; would ho vnoilfrii to make a decent fortune. I'nt an article that hold tha field year alter vear and tho te of which mereajte legiilaily and rapidly nmt have absolute omrit. l;r. It. V. Pierre, of Buffalo, N. Y neeuphw our entire eighth pasjn to dny with his various artirlea, VV admit it. heeaiise wn know the Doctor, and know of his at tu len. V" know him to be a regularltr educate J physician, whoxe diploma Ihuik ou tho wall of his office and we know that he has muuieuM with him several of the nnwt eminent pracilcioner in the eomiiry. Wo know ilmt purlieu eonnilt him by mail urn! In person from all tho Htatin in the Union every d.iv anil that Un y are fairly and honestly dealt with. 'i'hiii grand result him Iwri accomplished by two attend-gixxl. reliable arf!rleartil which iiiiee introduced, work eaaiir tlx ir own way and splendid bu..iiie8 mime,t mr-iit. They hnvi succeeded becauxo thev ought to have suc ceeded. If yon would patronize M. dlcim-s scientifical ly prepared by a skilled l'byieian and Chemist, use Dr. Piereu'a Famili? Jleiiii.-ine. Oolih-n Ma lira I Discovery is ntrlriiiou. Ionic, slterstive and blood elesuminj;, an unequalled Cough Item ed'; Pleasant Portative Pellew, saarw iy larger than immtaid w-edn, constitute an agreeable and reliable physi"; favorite Prescription, a rme dy for d- bilitatel IWnulei; Kuract of Bmart- weeo, a magical remedv f ir Pain, liuwel t.'otn- plaints, and an tnieii mib buintti and horss ih h; 1 Liniment for both while his fr. Ka;e'n Catarrh Itemed; is known the world ov-r a the ereairat apeeftie fur Catarrh and "Cold In the Head" ever Bivnn to the p jbiic. '1 hey are noltl by druggist. 20 YEA KS A HI'l FKltlili.- CI 7,''D ft THE UOl.UP.X MhWIVJl. UJSi Ii VllHY. Pr. It. V. Pienee : Hear Bin, Twenty yearn H"f I as ship wrecked on the Pacific (i.-eati, and tha cold and expoure canned a large ahacs to form ou each lei;, which kept eontimtallv uiselmrsjjiig. I waa attended by doctor iu Liverpool, llavre, New Orlram. N'ew Yoi k, and at the hot-pnal on hta tan Island (hern the d a tora wanted to take one left oft.) liually. aft. r Bi-tidiotf hundred of dollar. 1 trmira.inAa to try your "tJolik-n Medical Discovery," and now, iii fi-su than three month after takiti) toe first bottle, I am thank ful to ray 1 am eouqilatcly curd, and for tho first time in ten veal a can put my 1 ft heel to the gcouiNi. i am at hom- tn-arfy evt-ry even ing and shall t e glad to aatiafy any in-'rsoti of th truth o! thin inlorrnatio!!. I am, tir, your respectfully, Wll.UA it liJOFIt, HI Jeff frsoe S'reets, Buffalo, h. V. IjkiI. An envelops containing five ?''.) draft on Sew York a id two hundred and thirty or forty dollars in gri!!tiact. The envelope i ad dressed to Jss. D. Iti-sM. Mr. Hi think he kMt the envelope eomewhire ttwen Salem and Perrydale. The tinder will be suitably re wartied by returning the same. SALBJt.'Dec. ti, IsTJ. diwtf. WlMtt-J. A girl to di freneral fiotisowoi k washing, irouiui; and ciktiis f.jr a family in Bid-w. (iid wane will be paid. AppW at tiiia oftice. Mot. M, it. fri?Tlie S.-.tloea! Oold !.-!.-! awarded to Bradley A i:itlol-,?n (orlhctie t'lco'raph Inllie I' oited State, ami the Vienna Mebi for the beat In the woi Id. Montgomery-el. 1 ranele. 0 ft lit t,ir . Beware of hnmtmgs. The only plaee iu Salera to pet fir! eiass l't:-foift . i . ami Livr sizk pob raAiTS iat F. A. Simtli's, Conttueretal street. wptlltf A Card To all who are Serbs f n m tb errors and fn tliwretinii t yonih. ttervon- eakne!, eari le cy. lo of mnhti'l, et... f will ei;tt a recij-e that will ,-ure von, v iii- f. i en Thi-c-eat reine-ie wa di-s-orere-f !v a mi."narT In tv'li'.h America. Seed r l-a.i i-.- -t enveije to the Rev. JiisikI'H T. Lnuas, Huiiwn 1, H t- f.,n.-, JNVie T-i k. auvi-'jm REMOVAL. John ft ray, the well-known fiirnilore dealer, who Im hfiTtolore rxv.piiil ihe o!d Kaut of A.T. Yeatoo. wl!l morir fiW efiTre tivk fhliiiar iSatur ilayi to iMirtnir.-i llit-k. c.-rner of Commercial and S4ale street, fie wliililf ti new 'andwhha full twek of eew prl-, an I thoM; de-ilriiie any ihsniE in bis fine wut fio well to sire hitu a .ail. SAVE $50. WECT BAGHIN 3m FiEDUCED PF?!CE S35. it: wn iioi i: siii;tti.k E,EEUCED TO IJV km HKK MnilM A1IF m anyancla-S; m-i f, winum to nth: hi ifCrel'e. ttro ihtva't- t-hi")te-t, mill i!) iiilrp.-i rumiipji liMt-a-p ina- lii In Urn market. To seir i- U) onvime xnv.r THE HALL TREADLE For Sewing Machines. lis!) Tne most Important Imvrovement ever mad It laves !a!'r and preserve ltc?r! h. No more dis eases and deaths, side or b:ick-achest'r .m usinn lew inir fmiclnne. N i lenclinifi required. A cliird cu run it. Always start!? the nulit wav Never iBickwanls an l hreakes tiling. Can I' sioppou iiiMnntiy. 1111 it on your machine, you can do onuh!e the work you can do without it. - r my ioir ptitcne tvtn Im- mad - wilh one in e-sure oi one n ot. it can u? ainmeo 10 any sewing ma chine. Ani!-oved by I he MnosachusetM state Hoard of Health (hh official Rennrt. t72'. Ma siclmtts Meithstl Snviety and Masa,'htiaetlChar- itahlo Mechanics Asn-!.-Uion. Tlie IIA1 TKKAH1.E uaH of all IMSIE MACHiSES soul uy e. TSic UlttSI Treadle (.rinding: , jlitcSttuc. Mut he se.ii to he njiprcciated. For a farmer or mevdianicto nee it, is 10 buy one. It is an indis pensable article in everv iiiitn home, i-hop or hotel. Tlie ISall Treadle Jfis Sstw and Boring; Tlitflimi'. Is an accnmpli-hmont In every werkshnp. The HALL THEADLK Is applicable to ail mach nery mjuiriiiga foot power 8cwi n Macliines, tiriiid stones, Jie Saws, Turning L-aihes Jewelers' and Dentists' Lathes, etc. f-e-nd tr Circulars. Hall Treadle Manufacturing Co. 17 New yionlxoiilery Vt., Nau S'ri'iieiseo. uo;ir:2iii Beef Cattle for Sale 25 or SO Head OF BEEF CATTXJ3, FOR SALE ON KCASOaABI.E TEB2IS At Turner's Station. no!7:lm - c. TV. SHAW, Notary Jhililic. I GEO. WILLIAMS. SHAW a WILL Real Estate and EVioney Brokers. SEIOKT I.O.WS TIAIKi:. t Office in Moorcs' TC!-k. Salem Oregon, ivll KUELAT fit EASTHASV!, Atlorii:cj-s-a!-I aw. Office in Portland in Opltz's new hrick, Ko. 33, First street, g. He el at, Portland, Office in Oregon City, Charman's liluck, Main street. E. L, EASTHAJf, Oregon City. SEWING i m let im LEGAL ADVEKT1SEM EXTS. Atlminlsf ratftr Notice. fl'HB t'KDRRKHSNKri If A VIVO I!EF H m duty ainmimel Ailmlnlnritlor of tho i fitte of Wllllnni McKlniiev Intf of Mark n county, ihvreiwif, tliDrcloi'fi all pcraotis havliij claims sttabist il. esidtn will prexuni the ame to th ui)'lerf.i?neit whti ttitt troMjr von,:fier, at Turner, in PJi!, cniitlv, wilfiin fix Month from this ilnt; and all xirwm knowing Ihi niK'lvon iinl -hieil to mid (ntule will make im. ttwlltttc paviiM'tif. E. E. MeKINNEY, Aihnlnlntrator. Turner, Noveoiia-ril , ih;,-,.-iw summons! .fuiticen' Court for tlm Pra lnct of Marlon, Coun ty of Marlon, Mtale of itckoii. J. 11. Irvine an'l J. Morri, partner-., ifir,hnkU A mi-a loiilur the ihrn name and yle ol Irvine A Morris, i'hilntlflv. F. C. Dopnn, Defcii.tatit. ) K. C. I.h;a.N, TIIK AltVK KAMKD B iifliRdauf: In ihi name of rhe HUiin of tire, ffoa you nre heretic reipttred in appear la-lore the liiiderffieiicd, r ,!iii;,-e nf the Peace lor I he Pre liict iire.jiid, on tin, t.'.tti ilav of J.inmirv, IH7H, at 1(1 o'clock In tlii forenoon of talil ,lav. at the nBha; of raid ItiMlc.p. In tal l Precinct, u an er Ihealiote named i':iinlilN iu a civil action. The ili-feintml will take noltce llutt If he liillx to aiiHiverllm complithit herein, the plaiiiillln will take Judgment at'tilcst him lor tlm Ir,. 1'or givrl waren ami mcr. li.-ncilke, wilil Mnl ileliverl by pialtitlfls to defendant, an t Ihe fiirilier sum of II 111 on, In gold coin, due on a H-ommi-w)rv noie, eitccoieil and ilioiiercf hr von to N. (;. McDon ald, (laled AjirP IIhi, 17:,, and bv ran! McDonald B"U:nel to Ihe piainiif!, and the liiierei due on Kild sum of money, benlc thecwtnamf di-htirw-mcnia to lie tinwl. And (tpfeinlaiit la ftirlher no tilled that Id property baa been attached In Hii action to!in.fy aid ilcniand and costs and dla bm iriWMila. 'J he order thai thl timinon Ik; K-rre I bv pub-Ik-ailon Uvira dale NorcmU-r 27ih, M.i. (ilreii under mv hand thin 47tlttav ofN'orem t?r, H7.i. H. H. Kl I IIKl'.Ftilfli. occ'2:iW ,lKtt,-e ol I he Peace. Sheriff's Sale. HT VIRTUE f'K AS K.KECUTK'lN, IICI) out ot Hie Honorable i ranlt Court of f lie Kiale ot itrc)foii, lor ibe count v of Marion, on tlie 1st ilav ot liotemh'T, l.l, in favor nf I,. K. K-Jilt. p'ainlirt-, and tuiainvt 1. C. t-uliftati, defcnit.tiil, lor Ihewumof one fooi'lrel and for'v-t-iiit atsd flfiy-hiiiMlicdihn ifoHara, fc-ui colii, ill' V) loa-tlicr will! ten jn-r -nt. Interc-t per ar num. from ihe 8'hda of Aujjint 175, ami accru ing eostF, I have levied upon and will wil at pub lic auction on Saturday, the fill dav of January, 1h7:, at 1 o'clock v. w , a! theCoort Hon, door in aid conuij and Stale, all the r!rht, title and in terest of i he said I'. C. Sullivan in ami lotiie fol lowing premikci, to wit: Lot No. two i fn Block Nn; two S in the Koiith-wct addition lothe.-ity ol alcni, Marion couniv, Ore4n. T. C. SUA IV. Sherf IT or Marlon count v. Pnleni, Oku., Df 7lli, 175.-w. Notice of Final Settlement. VtmiT. IS HEREBY (ilVKS TO ALL -i. w Wh"in it may concern, th tl tli under-ift-l lrt flitnl in the Coiiniy Court of Man on count, iin-on. hi final account as adnil nigral or (.feyoiV nm til the estat ,f t;erise Loiii?, ilia-t. and Ihe ftasd Court ha-" lived Mon,(av, tiie .llilavof Jannarv, A. Ii. l!-7fl, at 1 o'cio-k e. M. for hearing olOccilon therein, KD. ItlRStil,-. AominlKirMur ! txmit ton of i4ate of fteo. Ijbog, cie,-ted. Salem, Ink. 7th, W3,-t Sheriff's Sale. VIRTUE 'IK AN' KXKITTIO.V. Is'Er III Ollt of the Honorable County Court of 11,0 rwaiem tireson, lor me county of Alarton, on the 11th (tar of Korenilirr, 1"7.1. in i'aror of tlie urejron thy Manufacturing dimpan v, p'ainiitlii. and a:iin J. M. Johns, defendant, tor the sum cf ttiree bsindred and elht-nliie and seTeut--ifftit oKe-fmndrclth dollar, col coin, and eleven and ninety-tire onc-handredth dollar exists, togre'her w iih I i jier cent. hitereHt i-r aiinmii from ihe t;i h d:ir oi July, K",, and a.-i uingr co-itss, I liave lev icl iifMii and Willi writ at public auction on Satur d ty, the i;h day ot January, l-'i.r. at 4 w'clock e. M.. at the court Hou-e door, in iid emim and Stal. ad the riktil, tilie and lntere-4 of ihe said J. M. Johns !n' ami to the following premi- to-wit: Lot i, in Blo kSntil, in the citv of fra!em, Marlon eoutttv, and Slate ol Orcon. T. C, SHAW, Rierfff Marlon Co- nty, Oregon, ftiiem, Oregon, iJecemtK-r th, Iy7j 4'v Notice of Final Settlement. TOTtCK H HEIiLrtV (JIVES THAT THE un ders fried, adinici-iraior of ihe estate of Muaheth L. Myent. di?,-ea-t. has this dav tiled Ins Una! account, and Wniurdav, the (!h Vlav of January, 1--7''.. at 1(1 o'ciin-k a." m., hm Ijeen'ap Iiinted by the Court for heariujf oUectfons to the Kiaw AH fHToux interested "In waid e-itateare tic-refore required toaopear in Uie Iroliafet'ourt ol Marion cotmty, orefron, on or tiefore tl.e?-tti day of January,' l,7ii, and Die their objections, if av ther have, to lue allowance of said accmnt. O. llt KIN-i-i-V, Administrator of tit estate of tlizabeth I- Mvers. iHrcenalnr tith, lf;i,i. 4w Notice of Final Settlement. YOIlrE 13 HEREBY ftlVEN TO ALL -i-w whom it may concern, that ttte tiieier;icned h.t-filed m the ttmtv Court of Marion eountv. (trifpin. hi final amount a administrator of llie etate of Tho!. A. Townsend, decf aet, awl Ibe said Court lta He,l TtieAilv. fl lit dnc.,r.Iia,,it- vy, A. D. 7H. at 1 o'cio. k'p. M. for lte-trii:B ub- Jeclions thereto. t,tu. M. TOWNSEN'D. Administrator. Salem, Iec. 7, 1-T5. -4w Administrator's Notice. rnKrxfKi:i;NKi havixu bkkn iuiv m a)p"itnwt hy liir-i fnit y ( hihi( Morton iotmtr, tr:on. a'lnunitnttur of the e-iafe i J'rJm fon I, ia eof sui'l county, da ea-t- (, therefore a'! person tKiVHtgciaim-i as;Mint snM tate will liTf-ut (ttt atiH. wuli proper voitcUers, t!lie on ueisiensl. a hiottice in !ntfrn, in lite ttf-treHi countv wiibm six la rm hts d;iir heref: ami all Krstniji knttaina thfmelve i:iieblet to i estate are retjiietesi l ni;tfce hmiie-iiMfe pav litent. XILMoV K tHl. A'iinintstraler. lift. 10, IP75-4VT TO THE UNIFOilTUJIATE. StW rtEMEHIESt NEW REMl DIKi DISPENSARY, 623 Kearny Street Comer Commercial St. SAN FRANCISCO. Established In for the treatim rt of Sei- nal anl Seminal lni.ces nch &$ 4 KmorrbeA, Mri- iure. &viniii in an t tf loms. SerimiiU Weakness. imnoieneT. ere. Sklu eaefl o yeu-.- landing and t ice' lied Lege 8ihvesiuni rratMHi svnt m 1 Wen h n e Pemmal emltssion tli ocn.-tiueiK'O ol pell-al n-e. Thi; soiitarv vf or depraved ?esi!ial induV peiu, is vravrik'ed b the youth of Klh se.xeJ? t an alnHtot uniinnteti exfenr, prode zing with intern tig cert;uniy. she foJiowiitg trair ol morbid pytnntoms, ttnie? eomliated hy scienU 5s medfca! nH'asures, ti.: Salic w t-onistenanoe. dark pts nndti r the erep. iimiti in nit nt (i, nninng in me ears, noise UientstUng f (naves ami rati line f eharints iinfamesfr almoin the loins .mlu.l vl ion, blunt et iiueneer, ti ronh-ten.-e, .iuifk nee in aj riroHt-hj traiiHj;f-r!?, dNiifceto form neiracqnainl- aiKes, a tUsposttion to Main ot-ietv, !o ol mem ory, hwtio liitsites and vari-np erupt ion alxiit th t:i. e, iun-e-t MMtie, !tt!d nreath, t'O igh?, oon- jiumpjion, n'ifht sweats. monomanUi and Ire-qin-nt inntv. Ij" relief he nt ol' afried. rbf sutTerer shunid apply immedtarlv, ii- jHTgon or by letter, and tiave a cur efiewd ly Irs new and sn-fentific- n.oie tit ireaUi'gr this U:.sp whicl never faiU nf eiTcting a vWk and niU-al cure 1 r. (i. will give one hundred dolors to anj perfon wh will prove .af i-f's;iorily to him thai he W!tcnrr-d of i!ri; complaint by e! iher ol tht S:in Franciik'.o (tnacks. Cured Mt Home. Person nt a dietjim mav m CI RED Al HOME, by addressing a letrer to lr. Gibbon. pf atin tHiae. svinproms, lensrih of time t as disearW hps cKitlinied, and have medicine pro nptly loi-ranle-J, tVee fnun damao and curio'tv, to rnrt f the coutttiy, with full ane -plain di Persf wrUinsr to the Poct'or will f. ca.e statt the name of the japer they saw this ad trtisement 1h. TSy tmdoflinp' $10 coin, In a Tveiste "ed letteT through the Pnst ( ffioe, or through Weil Farpo A Co., a package of medicine will be foi vardel to any part of the Union. All correspondence strict 1v eonfldenrH. AiHre 1R. J. F. finRON. 62 Kw ny Street, San Franciwo. Postonlce Box 1,07. Feb lo fieoI!w3v "Who may lw EJifferintr from the effect oi vonth ful ffdllea or intlirerlon, will do well toavail them-e!ves of (his, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffer ng hnmanitv. J)R, SP1N jKETwill n Aran tee to forleit r00 foreverr case ot enlnal weakneai. or private disease of any krd or character which he nndet takes and fails to cure. He won hi therefore av to the unfortunate ttitierer who may read this notice, that von are treading npon danureron8 ground when yon longer delav ia seeking the proper remedy for your complaint. You may l in the firt Ptajje; rememlier yon are ap proaching the last. If you are bordering upon the tasi., and are suffering some or all of its ill effects, TOnH'mher that ii you persist in pro iM'asiinatiou, the time must come when the mot skiHfid physician van render you no as siitancc; when the door of hojie will be closed against yon; when no angel of mercy can bring you relief. In no case has the doctor failed of success. Then let not de-fvdr work upon yonr imagination, but avail yourself of the beneficial results of his trearmert before your ease is beyond the reach of medical skill, or before grim death hurries you to a prema ture KTave. Full course of treatment (.. Send money bv Poetofllce order or Express with full description of case. Call, or address. DR. A. B- SPINNKY, No. 11 Kearuy street, San Fraucfeco. New Chair Factory AT STAYTON. ralirs FIRM TURNS Ol'T A VRRY SCPE fi riorqnaUtv of raw-hide pe;iteil ctiair. irnt up to last, ami of line style ami Univ-ih of various p.uterus. iitiw pi toes. Stavttji, Mario a Co., Hot. IS, ld'Sr- tf ft! MEDICAL. DR. W. K. DOHERTY'S Modical AND Surgical Institute. No. 649 Clay Street, Between Kearny and iMontgomery-sts SAM FRANCISCO. IiR. liOHEIf! V3 I.nri-e anl tlily Innrrav lug I'm.-tk-.., hi. in. f iiiiBinntlT k it o lih tin; itiinrnilMl in,-r(, aii-aily prowlhofllie i'm-.lllit ( '(, itiiu,-( i hm rcmmal from lif lung wimlilN!ii!l:iiii -l. known qurter, on the enr iicrof Hii.-r.-nni-nl'i dn.f l.ili ).'trfrBtri-el!, hi Ihlii --ity, to miirii it-mfnltiiin an't ;llirllity I'vatei! iirtmi.t, nt No 649 Clay Street, wliwe lie liana Sia.-Iiii o!i. i,j :ai)i,i,mnil.iiii-.l up an( iMinv(;uii;Hilj- Hrrniijfi.'il Kxintiliiailnii awl i umitU fatl'iti Uimtiii., im-i'iijii-me tlie whole of ihe two npii-r Hi re) fil.-fi .aiii-m may at all Bin! only M-Blhc Kn.;lii awl 111 eil.'un. With the tnwt (rmicnil tentimifiitn ir refanl for the liUitnl lairKig'e lii'tmed on him for I he imst tliirtwn rears, tit his old office, DR. BOHEHTY DftlrCK to Inform the m-nenil fulilin.anilpsjiw-lal. lyall tlxw lalmrfnir tiiKler all lorma of hronki Comilainf, thai ho i-an 1 iwuimiUmI at 649 Clay atreeti " erery varietv of t-l-t att ol Hie Ltii.Ks l.iur, Kiilneyn, ijijstftive ami (enlt Lrinaty Oreai.K, awl all SPECIAL DISEASES. Of BhHi the lint U mtmcroii, atnl ft hli:h arc mo e elmely oonnei;;l with Ihe jteueial health than the m;tj iri!.y nl ,ii le :ire at. ar. Inva Ifilfl lor (-;irn irrhir In i-.din-i a!ln their cliil tfoii Ir- iti a itiotiveorifrlnaiiii in mi-taken 'lelte. i-y, ami utiflf.-r in f!li;ii.-j; iinlil lhi-ir miHer!e he rume tio Hi-tite to l npre-e'l. or have awirrieil a tunn that reu'lerB iiealmjf Iioth ftmj.mlt ani est-ltn-lre. Thl latter tyi of aflfMioa manifUl It-e'fln the imi!ftliit iri!feMiina!lv known ai Hvihili, In all lis f.irm-f airl atairen; Scmlnnl Wrakuef, anil all the lu!repln(r lormii of Self Ato or tififirilim ; I ;i(rrhi-M. fiteet, Strti-tert-: Nocturnal ami lunrnal l.milons. h-x nal jiefillt ty. liiw-awwof tin- ia. i amJI.oln, IntiamtnaUonuf Ihe li!aMer atiif Ki'lnejn, eie., m-. 1 he niimtr of toii etiflering f rom ihee horrible Ifstate., In nlmm lheJ:n,:tfr ha effe.:ti a rafi!il rare, can be -rM!fit4.-'l hy thettKi;inil. an'l tlteToMrn'ary certitii-arei In liti. fei-stmi, reeelre! trtm rierwontl tie na?- reae-eil. are enmiirh to mtlly all that If!tor nkllt In the I rr-almmitf ttum art enaiiiei' ruin uicoreaii t:iiraoiei-e?i. ;iii.i In Itiwaiu-t itiva re'ji-t. IM-es-e which Kirmerlv baltleil the ine-Ui-al k'.ll of the nwo-t learned ami exierienil I'ra.-Ji'lutjer!. of Itie h-atnf art, anfl were reyai'lei! hy the nuijorlty of I ;t -Ian a4 utterly m.nirahle. now rlelil lo twili-rii reniefie, when iirtri-rilw t hy the' intelligent frairtl! inner, who make ihe hni'iian M'tern, anil thee ailimriits, his c.mtant .stuly ami Diifijet of obser vation. In naiaw In jitihlli-liy fierrnif'ed exi-ejit at the evpre. ivfh ta t he pntVrt : anil the Uo.-ior i-ontf-ilenlfv trio.! ii lhat hi !ffle!w-rM'iv anil fnt.-eis-fnl ra.-ll.-e Mill .-onttnne to Iti-ure him a lilieral tiare of pohtic Wtronafe. Itv tlie praeti ot many yearn tn hurojie mul the t'niierl Sta;e. he I enuhleil to iity the mot i-flii lent ami su.vei f ii! remeiliea a?;nnt ill-aM of all kinl. I le ..i!ti- wijhont mercury, .'harfre moderate tfS treati hii ttient! In a cdnft;! and howrahle way. ari'l ha- ret'rew.-es T unque-lhmahfe ver.v My, from jnen l know repeetahility and hylj staniliiijr in wn-iety. AH nerioii who mar con sult him ly letter or otherwi, will receive the he awl gentle! f reaiment. To Females. When a female is aflit teil with IieaJ, as weak ne ot the liak and hmfi. (win in the head, llm uei of ifht, lo nf miiKtilar power, pt;lpitati9 ofthehiart. Irritahllltr. nervotwneKR, ilerarife ment ol iliewtve fomrlions, general deWiltv alt iil-ea.:e of the wunih, hyftena, ste-rtfirv, anil all other lia peculiar to female, ehei-hoi'' -oor write at anee to lK. WPK. I)HtRTV, at t Me-lfcal Institute, and she will raive every p Blhle relief and help. Let no taiMrieli.-aey prevent roti. hitt applv im rned lately, ami kivb yourijclffrufu painful suffering and premature death. To Corres?ondeats. Pa!ent nmle or ;male) refldinit In anrpartof thee'Hiniry howeier liant, who mar leire the opinion awl adn.-e ot Itr. Xtnliertv in their repf llveea'es. ami who think proper to submit a writ ten statement ot such, in pretereni-e to holding a personal interview, are rei;tfiillv assured that their comumnli-at lone will lie held mret u-ril. The levtor i a reuiar graiinate, and may be eoniiiteH with everv coofiden.-. Iflhedlftensebefnlly and candfdlv deKcribcf, per'iai communication wiil. in roijit easea, he unnecessary, a iutKj;ikms fir her. reiriTni nnil me p-uf-ui ucii! .ii ine.-ae nMn tincturing Ihe remeiitesi, will lie forwariieil wlthotu delav, ami in such a manner a toconvev no lilea of the purport ! the letter nr par- el o'tranfliiitted. Shmild vinir conditinn reijUIre hinnedutte atten tion, enl ten dollar, tn coin, for that value fn cur rency try Mail, or Wells. Fargo A t.'o'a. txpres., and a t-ackaire of medicines witi le forvranied ti your aiHre-, with the necessary tststructloas for use. t.on!i!fa!ioni, at the office hr letter FREE. Address W. K: liOIIHRXV, M. fJ., San Francisco, Val. - 1'. 5s. -The roctor will send h! pamiihlet on Pfiei ial Id--ases. to any address on reneipt of six rents in postage am. for return poetage. may 2 74. POND'S EXTRACT Hear, leF I will speak ef excellent lhlan. POftD S EITRAGT-Tbe great Teetable Pfa Het r rr. Uaa beea ia oee over tkirty years, and for cleanliness and prompt cura tive virtue cannot be eioeDed. CHH.0BEH. Ne faasllycao afford to be without Pond's Extract. Aeeidents, Brwlaes, Contoaiona, C'aca, Spr.iiu, are relieved almost instantly by external application. Promptly relieves pains or Burns, Scalds, Firorlationa, C bafinga, Old Horea, Beits, Felons, feres, etc. Arrests in- fi.tmation, redoces rweiiines. stops bleeding, removes di-olorations and heals rapidly. FEMALE WEARKESSE8. It always relieves pam in the Ijsce and iouis,fallnes.aiid preeuing pain in the head, nansea, vertigo. . Ml LEU G 0 Ii R HIE A it has no eqaaL All kinds of el. eerstieea to which ladies are subject are promptly cored. Fnller details in book accom panying each bottle. Pllts """d or bleeding meet prompt relief and ready ca. No ease, however chronic or otwti n ate, e long resist its regular nse. VARICOSE VE1IIS. It is the only rare cure for this distraeiong and dangeroas condition. CiDNET BISEA8E.-H has no equal for perma nent care. BLEEP I II 8 from any cause. For this is a ape. iilir. It has saved hnndreds of lives when all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from nose, stomach, Ian, and elsewhere. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. Teetheene and ararbe are aM auike rekered, a Lid often per. manentiy cared. PHYSICIANS of all schools who are acquainted wilh food's Extract ef Witch Hazel rec ommend it in their practice. WehavelettersoC commendation from hnndreds of Physicians, many of whom order It for use in their own practice. In addition to the foregoing, they order Its nse for Swellings of ail kinds, Quinsy, ftore Threat, Inflamed Tonsils, simple and chronic iMarraera, Catarrh, ffor which it le a specific,) Chilblains. Front ed Feet, Nf inirs ef Insects, MesqaJtees, etc Chapped Hands, Face, and indeed all manner of skin diseases. - TOILET nSE. Removes Sereness, Beaithaess and MssnrtinsTt heals Cnts, Eraptiens, and Piniples. It rerireg, tneiorafes, and rs frakes, while wonderfully improving the Complexion. TJ f ARMEBS. Pend'e ExtraetNo Stock JLtveTyMan can alford to be without iu It is used by all the Leading Livery Stables, Street Railroads and first Horsemen in New York City. It has no eqnal for Sprain. Har ness or Saddle CAanaaa, UOnees fticratchea, 8wellln-s,Cats, f inrrrnrloiwi. Jileedtaa, PneameBia. Ceiie, Dlarrhow. t Mils, ( olds, etc Itsrantieof sctkm is wide, and the relief ft affords is so prompt that it at invaluable in every Farm-yard as well as in every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and von will never be witbont tt. CAUTIOH. Pond's Extract has been imitated. The genuine article has the words Pond's l.x traot blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons living-who ever knew how to prepare it properlv. Refuse all other pre parations of Witch Basel. TbjB is the only article nsed by Phvsiciana, sod in the hospi tals of this country and Esrope. HISTOfiY A Hi mi 8F POUBt HTRACT, tn pamphlet form, sent free on appLvcauoo to PftlO'S (ITDter snssnian L u.u di l (f REWARD fPl.UUU FOR At INCURABLE CASE. X DK. Lt ItlCIIAt'S GOLDEN BALSAM. Alter ten years trial on tins coast oaa prove it dell' the onir curative in a certain class odi6ease pronounce-1 by melkdl practitioners as tncnrabl Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN BALRAM No, 1, cures ;han:hre. tirst ami setMnl stamen- Sores on the Less or Btmtv: Sore Kars, Kaes, ofe, Ac; Copier-colored Itiotv-hw, syphilitic OaUrrh, Ii eased Scah, and all primafy forms of tie disease known as Syphilid Price," 5 per betUs, or two for fct- Or. LeKichau's GOLDEN BALSAH No. 2, en res Tertiary. Mercurial., Sy pruritic JSheunmtism Pained in ihe Bones, TJick ot" the Neck, IJTlcerated Stre Throat; Svphiiitic RiV-h, Lumps nl t'on tracteii tUntts. titrnes ol'the Lims. umi eradi cates atl diseases from the sTsrum. whether caused bv indlK'-retion or euuse of oiercury ievlnjr the blomJ pure and healtly. Price, $5 cr wttle. or two tor ft. Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN SPANISH AN- . tidote, Cir the t'ure ot (itiniwtKia, Cleet, Irranon, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genital disarrange- . ment. .PH.-c ,2 5) per nottle. r Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN SPAMSH iN- teotion, a wash and injection tor severe cases ot Gonnorhira. InHammatory Kleet, Strictu -efand all diseas es ol" the Kiiijieysand Bladder. Fi ice, $1 5 per bottle. Also tor Vli. LE RICH AU 50LPEN PILLS for Semiual Weakness, Night Lniissions, Impotency, and all diseasefc arising from Mastm ba'tun and excessive abuses. Price, $3 er l-ottle. The eenuinc Goldkn Balsam is put up only lnraunu bottles. n receipt uf price, ttese medl ciueswill be send to all parts ot the cfuntry, bv expre ss or mail, securely packed and 'ree iron observation. Sole aouts, U. F. RICH Alt rs & Wholesale and Retail Drwirts and Chemists, V . corner O ay and bansmne streets, san Francisco. un-20,74:dewlv NOTICE. A FTF.R PKCEMBKR FIRST, 1875, I WILL -U it'loiitlhe cjish or rea-lv pay system. All persiiti iiuleliil to me ill pieaj ciiH ami Hettle. BelU'Vtim this the only wav to sell cheap ami keep a full" stock, I trust my old customeru will sustain vie ia so doinir. T. SL BLACKirJiBY, Silverton, Ogn., X'OT. 18, 187i U