The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, December 25, 1875, Page 1, Image 1

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"i g " . -r.. . ,, , j i.y man,. n , , ' , .., , '. - V t ' ' ' '
r . THE WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN) j f .' f " L ' ' 7 " J' ' "" .iji'";
Issued Every BfttnrJny Morning. j J l fff f- I'' ' (T THE DAILY OREGON STATFSMAN.
' J"" A. V. WATERS, Business Manager. r g xl jf O I'lT 1 j'fj f& ''t tag " V?f "f" Afy Usued Ever' Mo' fPpi rtmfa,
I p.-r v,v,bv Mni n'mill w Jk. ft ' ft f j 1 J . A y ' f Hi N $ ' y j fr ''n I I I I 1 A. W. WATERS, Business Manager.'
Per st months, bv M.u! or otherwise SO J-C yV' AaV M 14, J J X , li VAiT A M -nwL 1 - 1 11 III ft ll 1.1 J . ., ,,
SubvrtptmnMn every Instance, to t pnhtl,, V V MJ X 'V 'J VAV A S rlT U H VVU RfL4 J.!? tarrler,, wcek.....i...MC.U
A.lvp.tlm.n-(.l...l-n.x1 at ronmrnahle mies. LJ S , fifntby mill, month.
- r.... . , " I SirtMwrtiitliMi.bjnwil orexreimiMt beptMin
;r s liMliii; . SALM, (Tit EG ON, CTUUDAY. KClf
nn nmr uu i v . v : : 1111 i
newstutht .lu.lgvHiHl mnnyot hUlVlomK Utter M ,n(Mii!'it nf Sl,.m l,rt,;,.h i",,u' ,! n. tiou fi nv nrliclf on , yr, , , nllv ,,,. . ,,, LJ
TIip AttKiny DoniiH-iat say .Ttn)gp
Slmttm'k Is a IVmoerst. Tin will be
news ti tht .ImlovHiiil ninny ol liSal'rloml.
III I 111) IUIJ1
A numK'r of nttulshns of Silt t.nki
City have re-'o!veil njiHiust "t!iinltiriu."'
Tliis is Vfiy minimi. The tl t-st tmui Is
generally pn tiTml.
There are thnf hnmlred t lions i nil b'i-1 -els
of wlwat at the little town of IihIch'ih1
enes alone, axvaltlug shipment. Wiipii
tlmt nurnlipr of dollars return It will K-aw
that roniinunlty eay fwm a ilnandal
stand (Kilnt.
Cong;i,os.loual pnnvi'tling; show that
this great ttopnblte I at "peam with all
the world and the rest rf mankind." I'n
dr rreid'iit U rant's Administration, af
fatr ol Gowrnnient have bei-n caivliilly
inaungtH) and tho country h at pencv.
Hfivnt clispaii'he intorin n that the V.
S. Senate lias imilirmed the appointment
ot Judgo Lltehentlmler to the l.-jfi.tcr-
sliip 01 the IT. H. Land' OtBe - nt I.a
tirandt), Oregon. We know the Judg
and can vouch for his honesty and ability.
The talk of war with Spain has passed
of in smoke. Should that weak power h
sinand nothhigelso will do, we should jtirt
take in 1'nba and pay the expense of chas
ing them. The United Stat-s needs no
t"uba and yet it naturally belongs to the
Vnlted Stales.
Gen. Brown is denounced as "boggisir
f'r wanting to carry off the Senatorial
prize. He has leen favored with the
State priming and ought to stand aside
while some men longer in the service a re
cared for, and properly fixed up. Gov. i
atkinds (with a d) feels a little nly
and General H.iydeu lotks wise but god
Large clubs of subscribers to the Weekly
Statksmas an; reaching lis dally. Ti e
firmer wants a good ajjrlcultural papt-r
which he finds in tills sheet; and, the me
chanic and professional man finds just luu
lie wants, and general news in connection.
- iitVigious (eople need no other paper for
the news i:i that line. Daily, 8.00 per
annum; Weekly. $3.00.
U VEKM S THE Hl fll.
iiieiie rents icr me last nve years in
Henry Ward Beecher's church have been
$.W,000, more than $100,000 of which
has been devoted to charitr. Xotwith-
standing the church's unparalleled diffi
culties, its inward prosperity has remained
the same. The unity and imrntnny of the
church was nnchanged, and the feeling
between the pastor and the church ha
been strengthened.
Gov. Curry, Gen. Uayden and Gov.
Watkinus (with a d) continue the Senato
rial contest on tlie supposition that a Dem
ocrat will lie elected. They are looking
carefully afler their several interests and
will appear in po:it:eal war paint in a
short time. They will awake after the
election to find tlmt a straight Repub-
I-Ut AMI lll'4Mt:l tMHU.
Kx-Goveinor Gtbbs writes a relresiitug
letter to some ciilzcu of Snlem in "which
he pt ttj 1 gs the U'ytho case, and say ,
as thoso n alin;' It. belli ve. H ere is a teeh
nlca' loop hole through which some lunlv
i going Jo steal something mid ho lurty
as well do it as any other lawyer. Gov.
Gibbs Is hi the pi art Ice of law and "of
course Is expected to u-e nil hoimruhl -means
to obtain tees, but in tku t;a. ha
knows the parties to have ; irr,W,-rf mid
pnhl.far tie ; ror,,,, mu that dlspossos.
lug them, now on the point he makes Is
equivalent to stopping si man on the high,
way and demanding bis money or lite.
The property in ill-puto was put on the
market and put ehiM-il, as a inle, hymen
who knew hut little of the Statutes at
Large, but did know the ch tractor of Jlr.
Wilson am! frit sate in buying. The claim
ot Dr. Wythe now tests upon a trifling
mistake made by Mr.. Wilson and w ill be
corrected by a court el'etiuitv. without
itontif. I tic transaction in the ttnpr
, t
were In good taltfi. and ti e en
... ...W ! . 1 . .) , . . . ..
Now. if Gov. Oibhs can afford $
party to m h a swindle nf a large number
Ot the cMjhmis of Salem, he shoiihl not
tempt (o make it App vir "pri)f. s-!o ta'.'
The lawyer is sni posed to aid his clients
In obtaining but never to aid one
hi perpetuating n fraud. Th courts will
do justice In the matter, out it Is expen
sive tor owners ot small properly to fol
low iif rich la wyers in such litigi t oil.
The Governor further says that no set-
s.eineni can be made except with defend.
ents "Individually," which looks as il the
fust suspicion was correct, that the whole
scheme n as intended to compel the own
ers of property to boy themselves out of
lawsuits. The parties and tlwir altonieia
wiil tind their supposed victims in Salem
more formidable than thev c-rimate, and
when they get through with the matter le
able to sec where they have hut much labor.
RnnU IN oproFit.
MuNTbFAl.. Dee. IT. The Mechanics'
Tiink will ri'iipen to-itiy, n ,iin t.t 1'2.",
W having been ebraineii.
Montkk t. Dec. lS.-The lSien ruhlic
new spaper temporarily suspended, owing
to financial stringency.
Sfonsrenl Kfoten 9Mnteuret.
The Rbcorder sentenced four of the ri
oters at the City Hail this ni iminsr to six
uiontbs imprisonment each, with hard
labor. The police are on guard, and ces
tirure workiugiueo atr prevented trim
gulming in crowds. Work is promised
some of theta on Monday.
Haulers Arn-sleti nml Unme onfieaied
Ottawa. O ,t.. lh: is. At tlw in
stance of the Fish and Game Trotection
Society tor the counties ol Pnscott and
Unell. a par'y of seven hunters from the
United States were arrested for killing :
oi-er our ot season in the vicinity if
e.-e.-k. i:-Uf been fined and
Then'iis ica-t!y a snhrnce in nature
out of which same kind of muic ha tiwt
en yoked. Mnfals, w
Justice to myself and my readers sug-
2i'" some correction to mv article on
Tolltical Greeds," publish,,! the
Sl'ATl-SMAN November ltl!b. If that ttifi
ele was nor. sot no bv Unit hiill-ni nshble
iippeiidage to a tirintiug ollire, the ttevi
some one played the devil with that arti
cle. I have always reuretted mv hmhHi
tV to write an Ititelhrihle h ind and b id
nan cause io no sorry, t ut never more
than now, (or faulty punctuation, "i hev
always fail to reach the statin," etc. Is the
first ot the precedins; sentence. Fur "now
finally" lead none finally. Thank" to a
tine government, leave an open Held fir
dl-ctHsion, Instead of as it is. H e tunc
ask each other, alter a careful rethrospi c',
in view of the present and on the. tint s.
hold of thn future, how far. etc., H!:tktnr
one sentence ot the two. Instead ot "z.'til
of a scientist," tvad xeal ot scientists. 1
take in v share of blame.
("tlniiot lii'conio a tiatlonal s-ti:. ? he
tween the Democratic iiariies, for thev aie
equally imder the coutrid of capitnli-ts,
but a new party may ttiaUe It hot for both
of them in the next national c'lifest, fb,
lij-moci-itic X,ll:,s t'oiivenii in will not
fillow the U&poitU n I'uniisviViiiibj.
l'he lnhrnki ty--h -'J!.t!ge4. i-i,.,.
Iracfjljwiiil eoji-eipieneos are before lis.
W e Hr&n -H(((.!ytie4ce, .though il U
said tdTie S school. The histnrv of
baiikb-g in tiitHlti'ti States, tottnded on
"gold basis," Pa hlstoiy of leal f an )
peiiietmted upon the peotilo who as n-i
acknowlt de igoonince upon fh.auct-. i.ef
all rest assured fh n capita i ts nuder-t -md
how to lay tribute upon ptoduie a. i h at
1 see men blindly follow itig lmctt fi"l ami
designing; leaders I itroiiulc sn-pvi-
we are not yet capable ot scil-govei miient.
This is strongly iUtl-tnited in tli,- financial
controversies which nine out ot ten con
fes tiny do not usidi't-sitiiiL e,iisi ,,iii,o It-
follow the artful, sonlid. selti-hly Inter
ested. Add to this cotitt tbtition a clas ni
men and newspapers who sell tln in-eive-for
place, paironrge and jwlf, still, con
victions of truth and instil a, id it ,,i
down the current of con itptiiiit. I f el as
though (he whole battle from dfHttitn
np to tine ltcpublicaiis b is to be Ion-lit
ovr again. The oh! battle the battle ot
the ages -is not yet determined hetwe.,
the indiistriai classes, u,() wealthv proilmj
ers, and the po-seesors of wealth," -jiecu! !-tor-',
banker?, capitalists, a ptivieged d iss
who as Jet contiol govern incuts am!
riuu out or iatior In rents, inti ivst, taxes
and protits the last farthing produced and
divert it tnim its legituu;:; clumiicls.
me mgnest go h( of coiiimuoitv, to stock
gambling, coiruptloi! tiinils. etc.. etc.
the financial problem iidcudes all
vu inunnuiai anu national eionomv.
u nen times are good we bear it said on
ill sides : " Money is plenty all kinds ot
business prosperotis-cvrc bode at work."
v hatever promotes ami e: counges limii -tries
tl.e production of we. lilt is a pub
lic b!e-8lag. V etity ot money and low
intetest tti a eonse pte. ice, bis "this , fr c .
Look at the recuperative powers of Fn u x-!
Where lies the secret ? Plenty of ino iev
over f30 percaptn, KoglaniifS). whete
wbereas we have but in stK-. ie h-w
than four, atid it all owned s'y tlie '.- c
who as soon as able control tin volume
and have no government issue, will put
Intetvsit at rans to please, themselves :
ntaiiufiictiiriug. shlpbuildinsr. etc. would i
cease, labmvrs would be tliniwn otitofcm-
ptoyment and general stagiiaiiou ensue if
liot insurrection or revolution. We have
no --wold bvis." The gold iti Wall st.
ami California st. belongs in London and
Frankfort, is here oi V-iit. Kight or ten
millions was taken from San Francl-co to
Xcw -York, last (.ill on speculation and
we w-ere thrown into fits. SiipjKise they
move that Own Wail st. to Kurv-!. w'e
woaid betbrowti into rerolut'Oti. Dj the
!lsi. of
l -J I
in a curiosity yti rday iu the Miaii of t
in. 'It ' which was tnketi from a hog nhuwli
oa hss farm. Cmioatty huuturs will tin w,
Kri an 1 nily Statesman of i-ulnrtlitv,
MniiKe I reitk.
If. Sli'Culliiiler. or Hmn 11 Praiiirt
h Kuiulem
vIim N' vi nil i
Mm .1 1 1 1 i.i (I M
W 'j' isliinvi m
A A Fmnhlvti
i Vf l :)..i... i. :
A fo tr-hnrse fwm lH.imKing lo Mr. J. i ,.s ll,,m
Lmio, hottaniB friKbteiit.,1 etrlav nft. rti(ii (i Vv.u,hi
oa ComiiierehU street mid ran tw 1 he u a, Vul'ms
broUo and the team niiiHl up near the W lsaJ
Xi) sei inns ckma-jo done. 1 j-mhorlind and wf
. . -"in t'omiDll
1 e I i,ii. 'i 1-elton
Be tern 1 of tin. boys aiu eenstmitlr m .f "'
JuiIeb Jobimnu will, il. .,i I... V "r-" H''i
.. . . " a """"". nuvu vmi . W ' limit
"' " J- r marrvins lF..rhbv
guHNiiigcoupie, recently." The Juilro mh i
ituiig la yroirtijj; very inoiuitoiieiiK
,roi j Win
I 1 I Ml
f lel'l,
"firo M Mew.
rlil II Ml- le
Art. f, !',','or,,
IV,mly V. . MM W. P. Burn 'i'"
rurner t'omn-'llr at Eoi. mi i,,..,.., ..r 'Mr Mm i.,m ikt,,l trr
., . - - ... -...,HW w( KliIII, " . v
itleuy 1!! nail rubber! In . -. - . l.vmi
Jorijr rim. We lmv no opiaiim in t, CM,
ii ainail K linil. ryo a jiKliei mV( st,Klt,i.i, t"iM----'
wi.nirs Marrtwm, a nuuuiipr. e,,.-,. i. o t
mi.aciuM lor aetwto at the Alka HiK-ieti, f ,r lf
! "itmilvcd, That tli Unit
Ol..... I... .A
-...,e in.ire to nur from f,1(1, wiihia tint
ii om liws w.ttmut Afflruiative Chun.,
matife ,. It. Wells.
Tun Uncoil KteiiniMlii)i C '(impair;', stennier
)rlUtui:4ti(. willed lr Han Itiuiciitenycstriltiy
iv, tin?, with iliefsi!lnHiii
,1 YVlmeck
.Mis M A Feolv ami dan
M vh I limn
II 1! Acker
fir Milter
Jul, a Aiiilcrsiuii
JI l'euli r
J'. N lives
N I,ane
W II If i -us
.1 II liiuklimt
,f t J' imailneh
K J Wini, r
.1! la llr Hull ami dan
W m hnniev
1 'liter Ilni;lin8
I len P .Monrnfl
fieo y Deplctl ! .
I, r.oiiclmnl wf ,V inf
F HfnrriKiMi
Mr. H h btviisni & iau
it r K')n rmlt-rlner
St ihs .Iftiiili! (iaribier
,hi tnitvt'H and fun
W H (lrieliT
U iMitiinM fftnina k '
Vt. M inr.ret I'
.v ( i rniniiu , son
r.tvtnut and itun W H ln-ist r
, ami-lU tit tlie suerane. -
A H.lpnuii
list' II i a i
i-Avst i;i:ii
The Oregon file.iinihlp Company', uteainor
Ajax nailed from 8an Fr.ucl.eo yesterdiy tnnrn-
ItiB with the follnwlng
(Jen Wilson, V 8 A wid Mia. Kitty O.nie,
MiH M K Webber,
J M f.yon,
U V Hiiniiston,
B I. Kins,
(."ant Simpson,
J Hiiinaniiin A wife.
J B Kiiitii,
C U'JodHtelu.
J It MeCrsehen.
Sins ),i!nnin,
L i HitsliiiHs .ml wf.
0 Ncid,
W Curtis anil family,
Wm A MbCuIIoukIi.
Mi. K M HoptdiiHoii,
J Iaimiv,
1 Willurd,
A K Coleman,
Wm Hume,
J M Church,
E t'l.pp,
W Cmyi r,
I It llollowav k fmy,
1 Jt.rne Slid dr.
F Miirmi,
J Hnliertsoii,
Wolf and Iwriilr,
T.ic escreis f Hi, pan!g- Aedmryitw,lt
HorniKio wr-n- of more than ,tsu itPr ,
w. re attrr.did l,y a large immtwr of tl;e trkm
of liie institntioa. Prof. B.-Hwootl makes n-i
f,.i...l.. A. it i , ... '
,uiri.imisoii8of Halcm . most pr
i u lessi-in i-h.
)"I.nilr. i,
raciac Wfl No. 60 A. F. A A. it. t leetf
cflirt rs lat ciRlit for tln enmiing Mn,ii!e y,
The list is M follow.: Henry If. Oilfrr, W. .H
T. S. Balieoeli, B. W.; It. A. Pratt, 8. W.: H, j
Thrall. Srt-ret.ry: E. D. 8i,t, Tnawnrer; A
drew Kt-llv, Tiler.
IJnll.l f ht. 1'hiiI-h Purrlti
At thBwmBd meeting of Oit.Aawci.tion, r
CmrOay, IHceml r 11, offlwrs were elected f,
me fiwning year, M follow.: Vie President.
"'. Mr.. 0irS A. E.1... Mm.
Br. A. ?t. p-i."h: Beiretrv 1 r a w i
i ., x reasuo-r, aim. i.. j.. GiJier
Marh, t're-tdctit rt Pacific
Mr. M, p. iUnuby, of Bilrerton. n of 11
C. K imsbr, met with a bad aeeiuVnt oaTV'M!nr
il.r ,),,K. 1. 1 1 . -i , .... ...
...... ,,c Kuppta ana i,:H while wa
eruig lna team, brenkiiig one of lbs bone,
th-sakle juint. Dr. P. A.
ami rtsl op nw ,Mtint tn M to mske liim eoi
f.irtaS !e. It will prnbably tak onie wek !
tinng the limb lack to lis old condition
u:e Kepabhe Magazine lor Decvwiier hat
h'ii iwthwl. It contain aa .nalysi. of the
Ohio election, a rnriew of thn cmtisiga of 1ST5.
an abie article on Labor in Enrope nd Amern
nd other anirlcs of eipial interest to thone wl
are interested in Governienbd affaire. This
sterling: moutldy i a power in the bind and
shoclj be in the lianls of every intelligent cbi-
fc ii. Rtitwription lirice on1 S-l n. '
Hfad d Ii c to Republic rublishiuR Cotntunr
Wasimt.qtoi!, I). C. '
Wno Htd t
A .'ooil story never grow. old. A uron-r oi e
lost a Imra from the front of his store and td
vr:isil that if the bam wa returned tht-a
wrwiltl be nothing said. The next mora -jr-tijirfta
tiaiug u.cre foand on the stepa to iW
store Awn y phi lw Hr.iTv.sMiJ, trrs to i-
A. S. neer is y tfing up . I iimhis illne.
tory of Albany.
The clti ns of Albany have a Inn,; p titioii
in cinml.tiou with IT sm af ir a daily mid
from Albany to Dallas tia Baneiia Vista, Mon
ili'intb and ludeiwndeiice, T b a lullus lu
Ume to reach Albany by 10l a, a., iitHkad of
goina to CbrvaJH. aa it due. Ti n (urn an.r
say at about 1 p. m., tku. making timne-tinn
with wain, for I'm :!tn,l, rt ili-m anil Robbing.
Alwri:iit.of Hucti Viita, Jiloiimon'.li, Indo
lomltW, lhtlIa.sauJSitlerare Iuoviiir lit thr
Blitlr to aecompllsh the ,no eod. Tbeae pe-
tttioiii will t forwanlid to Hon, 4. B. Under
wood, Biwcial pimtal Agent, which Wng an cb-
lect of o much importance to sa niatir piiplr
no doubt Kecure earlv ft tmidt-ration.
fietiliiina should be harried up, filled out
returned within a few day. that Uiey may
acted upon by the find of the new year, if
tltey reeette the favor of the Pcmtofllce Ourjart-
i: tating club at Independence ha. ehal
loiig.d the CotbgeCItib at Muuuiouth for a
public contest of their forensic powers, to come
Off soon.
At llnena Vista aii tie- petiuuu for Otily mail
connecting with the wail trams at Albany, ia in
J. W. Hobarr, P. M., at ItcBi Vista is fillitic
op his store with a n-w ami elect stock ot eoixU
for that trade.
The history al.o is turning out a sttpsrior
quality of e.rthrn ware.
Steamer Alice took on 1200 .aek. Hai e-d at
Cortalli., BOO aaek. of oars at APunT, 400 Ksck
wheat! al 1ml !-tii. iies km I a ur list of 1 -hi i
gers, anil reached Salem at ah i 1 4 o'clo-k v. n,
lai eTcuing, Sha w d-tna. 1 rfv t" e
np an) layby thre hangar Ii .r "s r, ,od
W M Jmiie. and family.
I'rrlxlird of lluuKer.
t.'uder date of December the 10th, L. 8. Dvar
wiite. from Klamath Aneney to the Farmer tlie
followtOB piuiifnl traced t : A Oernian emi
gratit named Joseph Fram l has perished from
hunger and eim.ure only five mile, from here.
Ho waa a Doliemiaa by birth, 45 year, of age,
and hail lx-en in America 23 year., and lias a
wife ittid five diildren in Crete, Mcbrinkjh kfl
3ir 1.-' i..n 1,. . .-, . 1.1
ire iiiwib oilKlSriIill
his old".L
France!. av
1 a
aww 1. . 1
X fin
FX r iamJii
yam, rctnrii ..r.,.v 3 a Si
moroir!?. Haring ba f w l. rib- 'ne .'.bet
would oonlr.baO mora to tn-. e-ml C ps
Mngetwif abiat tsrt any none ! 3 ldi-1. Due. SfJ
Cu'Iy, the purs r. , trives to mak.- nil cireiort j 1 win: m.' I- .. i , ,!'- tesj Ii i
I- in a 111 ,) n 1 1 d ,i 'o ucr -Inci'i,' f, , - I 1
rou'iiu.un.i. r r tiie ps-- nceis e -. ,
tHMM.di'i V ll
3 I. ii
k"pt on hi. tfrwr
not rat, T!ij enco
tefjcoid iu the "mo,
failed, tbt sb-lt Iran
their way, and tQ, ii
cam to a tpt ing, on the
er five milea Wuii!!1j4v-re. Finding
grs Uiey idopped to fd tlijf borsen and the
w.ll mail wen. :..,.! tl. .tream a littln disbiiire
to look for a road. W hen he returned tlie sit-k
aiau had disappearett with bis borne. He
had eaten nothing for eleven day., and Damn
nothing for .ixday.. D a n called and Marched
the rest of Hie day, and the whole of the nest
day; tlie third day be found his way to the
A party of oar people went out at once, and
afttr nearchins few hours, found bis hotly on
the opposite side of the riw, lying on his face
nd hi. horse tied to . tree eloae by. Iti. sup.
powd that be perished the same day lie disap
peared. Damn litd found a dead caynse pony
in bit wandering, and had warded off .tarnation
by eating the flesh.
A postal card from In. daughter to the de
ewiaed, dated Oct. 12th, showed that ansiou.
heart, al home waited to hear from tlie absent
hutdand and father.
I wrote to the da-g; liter a brief tceonnt of lo't
(teatli. Hi. r'in.tns mm broBght to t'f
H-nry. neatly cifllnw!, and burid in ttt er-,
f t,-ry at For K.'.m .ih. Arc mib , demt.
i-a-im is w. J, opes1 "ft H J.n
1 iri,vf"i iw ,n t' " 1 ft i rh
Htf p-. 011 J -
tt wi,t 'j'-1, IH
. 1 at iii r .
' il d -e- 1
Dr. S. II.
University at Foret Grove, wiled 00 u
yesterday. He has just returned twin a
visit to the Ka-t. and informs ns that l e
expects imjiiartJint aid in building up the
University in a short time. The institu
tion is on a broad giuge and decrves lib
eral support. Five Japanese a-e now
among the students and all of t hem are
distinguished for their shrewdnecs and apt
ness in learning everything they under
take. sriMivtUKS r.
By recent dispatches wv learn that our
old friend and fellow citizen. Hon. D. P.
Thompson, has been appointed Governor
of Idaho Territory. We have known Mr.
Thompson personally for many years, and
know that a better appointment could not
have been made. Mr. T. is not oolv a
, gentleman of Rupoiior qualifications, but
is r.nd e ver has been a good Republican.
A few simiiar appointments in Oregon
would be of service to the couutrv at
eel) k,
emit -oi 10s rosornhlir,!! :i insmnneut
bei.i r pliyd a' a ilisrami'. Thus, we ee
natui-e. ti inssisteil by. art or Ingenuity,
for:, Mies for us mil.1 sometime grind
'id nil t'ol. Mtr-ibi .soft, ct-wn,io,s nnfil jif
list it bushes into cHence. Kveu iu miienee
ill "e i a kind of music, is every musician
well u ider-tainls. And in every c miposi
tioo it we not see na'u'v" inu-ic mirror
ed? 1'ln i-e isalie ru-li ot the torrent in
irrand crescendo, the moanint?; and hri.di-
in2 ot the w inds, the d asbii. ol the pelt
ing rain, then tie gradual dving away of
the storm in iliminu 'nil-s, until all is
bushed to silence. 1'ben comes the rst.
We all know the beautiful eH'.-i'tof the rest
in inu-ie. which is tin symiin! of the music
f siionco. l liets' is inn ji stc in absolute?
-ileiice otten grand, awe-inspiring, more
than is prihluced by the loftiest strains or
richest harmonics. When we are told by
the writer of ihe Revelations that there
was silence in heaven fur 1 he space ot half
.an hour, w-hat a taagnilicont idea it eon
itiivs up in the mUd; Thousands of thou-
sands and fens iil'rln'Mis,,Hij of brioht and
gloriou- angels, w 1k wwcll the choir of
heaven, lav down their ha "ps, with one ac
cord lor tlie sublime rest in tiie mighty
tnitt yonns wien.wiusyut c
'ir tn KorT 0 laewupn, it a ecronniw neklrw
r;ueth,- tifiv ? tins mmti wrnwer tresitut mm in nmt, in -j it..
n-.- 1 oev 11 avc ac ill ivd the iKiinr iiinw.M Ti. u i 1
1 ., , i c jixiuim
"'."JS caii.i.ig.ii,w our liilporting fei, and when
oemg nify million ansu tnv bi excess ,,t
our exports, which has to b,. j l j
goiii or ini-e i! aneona stocks whMl be
interest w li;c 1 come out o! labor. AIM
meds na de-
cthera accept fnch indefinih
elmit that their conduct i. n
i imrt:u'. 1 Jinnitll lmllMTetlilli trill
uuii. ita SIIUIC III It.
chart"- tlipv i
U4.RI,1U A It OI K fsrATt'TFS.
A correspondent of the Pacific Chris
tian Advocate, handles the question of
gambling without gloves. This corres
pondent thinks gambling as bad in a
church as in a saloon or club room. lie
1 suppose it makes no difference in flu
eye of the law whether this gambling i
called a lottery or a rntrle. Tiie m-inif. -t
object of the law is to suppress gambling
of any kind. Worcester says; "A lottery
is a distribution of prizes arid blanks by
chance; a came of hazard in which smai;
sums are ventured f,,r the chance ol ob
taining a larger value, either in money or
other articles." I suppose then fbat every
person ot average intelligence nni-t know
that these ladies find gentlemen, -rever-ened"
and others who have won at a char
ity ratlle a "prayer book." bronze la nip"
"embroidered cross." -vilk 11 nbioll.'i,"
"statue of Joseph," " Ufc of our
avior.' etc.. etc , have been guill y of a
manifest violation ot the law" and sub
jected themselves to imprisonment or
tine. I suppose it is lcirdly probable
that they will be prosecuted for ihi,
crime, since by long continuance in it, the
public conseieinte has become insensible lo
this most serious evil; But 1 think it is
high time that an effort was made to
awaken the public conscience to this great
and grow ing evil, and to call upon the
promoters ot these demoralizing schemes,
to save the commubity, especially our
children and youth from these most vi
cious allurements. The afl'rontery with
which this thing is be:ng clone is verv
remarkable, an i a striking i idex ot the
state of the public conscience. What
would be thought of such a thing as
the violaters of the game laws "pub
lishing in the papers each Monday
morning, a list ot what thty bad killed
and captured "out of season." on the pre
vious Sunday ? Would it tie tolerated iu
a respectable community, that the keepers
of the gambling saloons" of the city should
puuusn in ine newspapers tne names and
winnings of their customers, as a bait and
lure for new victims? And I ask, is this
parade of the winnings of the gauihlers at
a "Charity Fair" a whit more tolerable or
respectable? In the judgment of many
nncuiem. peopie it is worse, inasmuch a
it is done under the cover of religion, and
thus becomes a dangerous snare to the
sonscience ol young and uuinstructed people.
It is estimated that one hundred thous
and head of cattle are annually stolen Jrom
Texas and driven into Mexico by Mexican
marauders and bummers. The extensive
border line between the two countries,
reaching many hundred miles, witnesses
many atrouiouc acts on the part of Jlexi
can bandits that the civilized worid never
hears of. Assassi rations, robberies and
other crimes have 1 een carrie j on to ueh
an extent as to make ii e and property very
uncertain and insecure any where oa that
Considering tint the following comes
from a Iiramie paper it is not very bad.
l'he papers hive been telling about the
I.aramie woman who s,at dow n and took a
-.rood cry when 1; r vote was challenged.
Vow let theni t'i'k about the woman at
Medicine Raw who. ju-t as she was ilepo-.
itio-r her vote li-t e'ecfi'Oi dav, was -hu-pri-ed
to hear a ronh sing out:
'I chajiensre that worn in vote.
'On what grounds, sir?"
"She hasn't been long ercuili in the
Did tiie woman Ml down and cry over il?
(t is not. to l-i; reco-d cd. IU-r dainty little
hand glided back into the folds of her
noil-back and the next thing: that audac
ious cu-s knew be was gazing into the
muzzle ol a i!, !t';; a:r, while the fair voter
"How lo g have I been in this Territo-
"Look o
en s?d thing
t beg your p
trij-w r I -I-1
tins to our nano-ia! obligation and we si-
lnw m- ars tributary to aristocraev aid
monarchy in Europe. Our income sbmt t!
balance' our expeniiiturvscentribt',' 1!
should balat-co ceiitri ta! f. ret ibe
former preponderating, we will soon be au
asteroid anion;, the nations.
What h tlm plea of i-apPali ? tint w
inu-f keep our credit good iu Kurope.
What does that mean ? It tn. ms that we
must continue to eo in debt-prepare our
necks fr additional burdens, tin il Mr
mines railroads and medium of exchange
shall tie owned by foreign Sbvlinks. Tin y
tell us :st the same time that the can-v of
the depif ssion of our industries. U our in
debtedness. This is true. X, l.tidtie-s
will pay the interest now demanded. Men
having money will leave it in banks where
it will pay better than if used in ship,
building, woolen or cotton mills, rolling
mills or foundries. Usury is eat jog us out
01 noiise and home," (,.-. some o:,,
gixvl iu figures, fake our town, city,'
county. Stale, national .and co:)inirci'.ii
linii Dtettness ami make an e-liu;ate of the
interest we are anno ally payinjr to be com
pounded and re-'oaned to th,. peoplo.
then calculate how lonir it will tako for all'
w-ealfh to pass info the hands of the few.
Credit is our damtntioii.; We don't want
credit in Kurope. Our Government
"inxiKl snppiv a enrrence ml
to tiie wants of tia h-
at a I,
w iiitet
t and
y cost,
madam don't. That
liibr go off take it away :
-non; 1 dou't touch the
.1 ou-tak'Oi 1,1. the woman.
Please point that the other wa v. I'll lick
tbo lvin' sbcep -thief that savs VO'i haven't
lived in this town for ten years, I sw'ar I
f ie scooted around the corner, and she
smilingly passed in her ticket.
Wc clip the following from the Weekly
I re mi 7.0V.
Day before yesterday we met with an
incident that illustrates the idea that Dem
ocracy is blossoming. A Democrat
called to give ns an item for the public,
but tirt wanted to bear if we printed "a
Democrat paper." On being told that
this was nor a political paper neither
Democrat nor otherwise, but an outenoul
independent journal, working for the good
of all, he soured on it, and said be would
go to Portland. "But there is no Demo
cratic paper there;'' we mildly suggested.
"Then I'll go to Oregon City;" "None
there my triend!"' I hen where'n h I
'II I go!" tie blandly inquired. "Any
where 1" w;is the answer, they're all down
then . and it you meet Mart Brown on
f'.e wav iust irirptire of him. Wc didn't
get the item.
There was a woman passjg the post
office slowly, yesterday. Her head was
bent and she was eyeing the pavement
n -st intently. An elderly mau accosted
"IjOS- anything?"
" . es, sir. a brcst-pin."
'(io.d breast-p:n'"' he anxiously in
uire 1.
" Yes, sir," -l,e eijrerly replied.
" Pretty goo 1 size.-1" he suggested.
" Oh, yes, sir," caching her breath in
painful expectation.
" Well," said the ebb rly individual in a
tone of sympathy, " I never lost a brea-i-pin
myself, but 1 imagine it's 110 joke to
lose one," and he. walked thoughtfully 0 1.
it It will brimr down our bond
to fifty percent, discoot what
no injustice will be done.
A national currency founded on
faith and propeity of the nation, is
-u-ijeet, 10 suspe, t -loi !, I.uiui'e. panic or
crash so incident to a "gold basis" which
may be moved or squandered by inilividu
aK All debtor l.tions should supply
their people wit'i a sufficient currency to
make tln-ir cxcltiges with and it the nie
talic currency ca.hior Maud die connx-!!-tion.
let it Seek friends. Drive if
back to England w whether ic will
not reduce interr
The writer heiT ?en a Reou'hli
can since the org-T f i V party and
endorsi's its i,sf financial
arpc -H.4J.J V..!,o fiiciu-
savior. Dot ii ot the virgin pa'-ty. in the
manger of utr nationnl poverty, conceiveu
hy a di ine overshadowing ncceseity ; i,-t
not I'il.ate (Grant) yielding to the de
"lands ot the Chief Priests and Pbrasw
ihulionists) who cry "crucify him, cricilV
linn.' sign his death warrant. It he the
ne win riseag.iin ; and woo unto his b
layers and crucifiers, I lie party w hich
has been the exponent of the rijjhts of
man, is now, I fear, rh'dffed to a oour.
which can only please capital and degrade
taoor. j. (j
I nt M-liiKHipr Np irroii Wrrrknl nt the
.Tiouiii 01 amiMiuit-i iiree Mm I. jst
J I.le.,i n,, xrit,.,.
i J ,ie to, lowing ia tlie fpeeiat cablegram ot
, wm -at direct fr,,m Liverpwl to the Drtgoninu
! jLireaicou Dee. 1!. 1S75
t.i-Koniau, Pisrttamp-To-day's Urerpoo
nnrii market closed as followsc (liegon w-iea-
:i-w.rehoue, from 11 2,1 to 1U3.1 per cental
C.Hfiiruia clab. ex-warehouse, from lis 3d I,
lis 61 per een ltd; Oreon cn,'nes, afloat on pas
. we w. ore tnion j&ingqotu, its to lis Id jsti
j cental. Ine in gieady.
j Heshv Jcmp i Koss.
I The above quotation, .how a steady ih-cliui
j of i,l prr eeu!l. Under these figures for Ore
! goB and C.difortiu club, the qineaaons for ar-
t 'rase lanioima wheat would bo 10s 11(1
I & lis or an average of ;Ufg i.l lower than Or.
gou cai ijocs.
Tlw tlregoninn nyt : " Wednesday ctenint ,
abont X o'clock, a bold attempt was made ti
bc-a'c from the comity jail, by the inmates con-
i i" "are. Atwuttliat hour the new jailer,
j Mr. B.Stimson,went into the hallway to lock up
j the pmioner. for the niaht.- Hi- hud no eoonei
got Uirly imo tlio hall, tbn he waa " tackled "
by several of Urn piiwmers, who attempt,! tc
t'niow a blanket over hi. head. Htimson niadi
desperate teistanc, and being inworrnl man,
bruke 1 .ie from bis ass-ailatitB and managed ti,
elude them. During tlie souffle bL keys wen
droppi-d. We ran through the door wliicl
open, into the main hallway leading through
the jail. The door fasten, with a spring lock,
and Htirnn'iu contrived to get through and pul
the door after him before tho prisoner, conic'
prtvtntliim. In this manner be escaped aw
wc tired tlie t" isoners. He sent doun to pnli,.t
heaiiquarters for scvcjal officer, to come up ami
render any assistance necessary. Officer McCov
went o;, and also Mr. Eli Morrill, the late jailer
The door was unlocked, IStimson'B keys found.
nrii the prisoners securely locked np in th
4 I f'm I i i
-rf. it. Mirn, r-'ab lhnnT
-fjti ! IVitmljn at r-
c'.si'rr mea-b r. 1'. V. to-
atirj Fuller, W. V. T., and It. l e
1 . W . 1
t CI man 1.
BectioU M, Title tlianter 4, of our !J
'. tarovdiwi that j arti.s liavlng ,ir0rcd
eoiai t :afid!v narrraja n rntil six month,
.hall base elupsed ut- obtaining sncb divorcf .
Wonder if anytn-dy in i-iilun has vieland saiti
lVortD you be exempt from uneasiness,
do no one thing that you know or suspect
io be wrong. Would you enjoy the purest
p'easure, do everything in your powei
you are convinced is riirht.
GaRPXER. Dec lo.
Ki. Statesman-: On Saturday the 4th
inst. the Schooner Sparrow-, C.-i'pt. Chris
Lawsou, was wrecked while in the act of
crossing the bar toward Gardner, occa
sioned by the breaking of the wheel rope.
The wind was in the southwest and the
bar was very rough. When the wheel
rope broke she broached to and capsized,
the mas's and bowsprit were carried
away and the men swept into the wean.
The man at the wheel was lashed and
was thrown over the side of the vessel
and was found banging there next morn
ing with a frightful gash across his fore
head, who with the colored cook and an
other sailor were lost. The Captain, Fir-t
and Second Mates r.nd two sailors got
aboard when she righted up, after the
mast broke and were carried away. She
was driven ashore on the north spit, the
bull being but little injured. One pump
can keep her dry. Captain Bob Simpson
will be here in a few days, when thev will
decide what they will do with her.
The Lietitia, Captain Ilandley, and
Maggie Johnson, Captain Xeison, are tak
ing ui cargoes and will soon be ready for
sea. lhe new schooner J. ii. Leeds, bunt
here this season, will begin to take in the
cargo to-morrow. Captaia Chris Law
rence takes command of her.
Weather fine now. We have had fear
ful storms ai.d great lains; hut three frogtg
tO-da'. PlOKXER.
A ,i3': 1I.K1.
to. ivrvTEasiAX: I notice n item in th
Evening .Mercury w hich was undoubtedly writ-
b n by some one Viio dt sii-ta to, injure the goo
sa.i-.eX W- C'Cnmioioml Hotel. That paper
conveys tlie idea that our ohickensiue killeo
without regard to numbers and left dead am
ci railed until incidentally picked up and served
lor the guests of the house. ThiH is a willfu
and mahcioas lie and the writer knew it. 1
claim the right to kill my chickens as I chooei
witnout consulting the Mercury, but could
have no possible interest in any but the ordin
ary method of killing chickens, which is prac
ticed by men employed for the purpose. Such
cowardly attempts to stab the business of a cil
izen are indulged in by no respectable pcrsor
or paper and the public never fails tocoudenmit
when aware of the facta. I am almost cenvinctd
that 1 had better buy my chickens as I need
them, instead of keeping them so close to tin
Mercury oflice that they kno more about them
than I do. Wesley Graves.
Dec. 17, 1S75.
We find that Independence include, four
stores, two groceries, aboutsix warehouses, (thf
Granger warehouse being new and 150x30.)
deess, furniture, harness and millinery stores,
new M. E. Church, wagonshop with steam ma
chinery, livery, hotel, blacksmiths, saloon, I.
C. It. C, Ind. debating soeeity, schools, 350,00
bushels of wheat in tha store, two sawmills and
all the usual enterprises of a business OregoD
town. . -
The laat question before the club was one cf
great interest tocitizens oo the Western Slope
viz : "Resolved, That the importation of Chi
nese out to be prohibited.
The debating of the best debater in the com
munity, and die interest taken ia their delibera
tion such that they are not ready to give up
their right for a lecturer on Phrenology oi
any other common topic. , The points made on
the above question were good and well offered,
but too lengthy for a full report, hence tbt
members will take that a sufficient apology.
Building and other church contract, are
talked of and minor has it that a party from
the States has pnrchaaed the hotel at a roun.
sum and will open out soon. Taking the price
named as an index real estate is away np in In
dspendenc, a good ied.x of property.
Ii. Dun! or, JUti , .,. w . C. T. on the 16th
int. organUs-d a I.ode of Good Tiitipl.ii. at
Snin-illc. will, c chart, r niHidnrs. II. M.
Perry is W. ('. T., Ad-!ia SUck. W. V. T., Jot!
Vail W. B., James Pdwards p. yc, f. T. an! C.
O ISurza L. P.
Dr. (i. L. Divis, ,.f Scio, cah rd on tit
Siy. It was Ilr. IHvis w! o n. rforme.l Ha
omlorlnl .'trgioal ip.-r.i;i-.i. near Albmv some
mm-since, on iiis Ibiukui. taking ,t the
greater portion of the s j., ,ne. WV are in-
fb'm -d tlmt tiw joihi'; j,, flst hnnroviriK
a ia wtli soon be able to w di, ns w, !1 aa r
ine Albany lit mocrat says: -Tfe advance
lgetit t,f the Un is lire?, l as elected in the
ij-era ilo-ine ruse,! seats in the rear mil of the
ia!!. capable of sealing 200 .w-i-snu. Judging
ii rinniiiii,s cny irnm ott,er nlnc"R tbi-v
iave vifiied, this was remit rel necessary to ac
ommotUle fhe lure? crowd that v.ill be present
'O witness the ciiieilaiiinn nt gintiby ibis cx-
"" '"i re i-i mini ami jneuu.y evenings.
till, tte v, i,,tt,.H.
The students at the Wiilametie University
vc fmr di batine mieielics, to-wit: Alka, H tin-nan,
AtlKUdtm and CVinemdia. The Smt
wo are gents and Die but two Indies. They
vo two rooms flthd np for the esiM-eial pnr-
pisesof these so -irt es. Th meet and
debato alter school evciv Fri.liv ri.r,,n
i'hc gits hold tl,e-r debate, every Friday even
ing at 7 o'clock. Open to visitors and are be
eomin? qnite interesting, the ti-aestiotiB lieimr
at'bate 1 Willi much spiMr,
In th town of Stay ton, .Marion county, Dec.
M75.Uibrella, infant daughter of Gabriel and
Stay ton, aged 8 months and 21 days.
"I take ttieno little lambs Bjiid he,
Atid lay them in mv breast.
. 1 rotcctioii tliey nihil find iu me,
Iu mo bo ever blest."
Funeral discimrso by Dm writer from Job.
Oag.m papers please copy.
- iVm, Cari-N.
Statton, Orag'n, Pec. 16, 1S7.5. -"- .
. . IIn:i(fHoi2;c lreseS,.
At the close of Prct. Ctrrinons' writing school
t tlie liiuversity, the bc-ht lady writer will be
presented with a silver cup, upon which the lady's
aamewill bo engraved. The b?st geutleman
yritor will receive a copy of "Hill's Manual of
ihrninesa Forms," a largo and splendidly bound
vohuun, and be highly prized by the young
ii'iiiwiiiiiiuiiiiiettd u morn; u. a goto pen
will be awardiid to tho one miking the greatest
improvement and $2,50, coin, to tho best writer
indcr the ago of fourteen. There w ill doubt-
ess be a lively competion tor the above named
prizes and we will gladly publish the names of
.ie huuccssiui jairties.
Ed. Statesman: That dirty little sheet, called
the Mercury, again asserts itae falsehood that tbe
quests at Die Commercial Hotel are ted upon food
vhich, if their statements lie true, is w holly imflt
far the patrons of any house. It says:
When It is desired to have cbtckens for dinner a
thiuamau is sent out to kill them, and he just
in iiiiiiscu n.mse it me coou armeu ivitfia long
bib, anil strikes rtelit, ami leil. killing some,
naiming others, seeming to take a liemlislnlelight
,u torturing Ins iieiiiless victims mini a Hiiin.-.ieiit,
iiiniher are "laid out," w hen he gathers them up
ml raanitaes ort', leaving a iiiiniberorthewoiuicieil
ne ti)Ji'b!)!i around iu misery until his next
I denounce 1 this as a willful falsehood, and the
irresponsible ftemizer re-asserte it in last night's
issue. I have taken the pains to cal 1 on a number
of printers who work at back windows, where thi y
san see tne coop, and Inform me thai, they obsei ye
he process ol killing chickens in my coop from
lay to djy, but have witnessed no such lierfonn-
a ce as is charged In the Mercury. No reason
can be given for this attack on me, except a want
oi sense or desire to Injure my business by creat
ing a suspicion tnatl furnish unhealthy foodlo
my gnesls. Tbe statements are false In to-to. as
can be jaroven by a score of w itnesses. The man
implored to kill mv vblckma. o-oo in.
mod, and with a pole eak-lies each chicken bv the
ev.k, wishes n to the ground ami I he can get" hold
i ii, wneii ne cms us neait off with akulfe keut for
pm-pose. This statement ran h nrnn i,-
& a
'H l,diiy-estJ
''m-s oi Sf, H. J
r mc -iini; i'V
an si! !,!! f
lrf. Herrmann.
Tbe werld-renowned prof-waor of magic art
will give entertainment in this city on the
evenings of the 27th tid 28th hints, lie has
been playing in Portland to crowded bouse, and
has received flattering notice, from the paper.
of that city.
1o pugilist, near the residence, of je local,
tried their mnscles yttuterday morning, both
coming ont .ecoud heat No bone were bro
ken, buts large amount of language used not
found in the latest translations of the Ilible.
if tlti: .
At tbe (,'ommereml Hotel, in this city, Dec.
II, 1875, by Itov. H. M. Baxfon. Mr. Allin P.
(,'ardwell, of Jackson entity, to Sfisa Martha E.
Grave., of this cbv.
At the residence ot J. I), (larreft, Cla.kiimai
county, Oregon, Dec. 13, 1975, Walter Adrian,
infant .on of Hon. J. W. aijd KbiiiisC. Oar-n-tt,
of Pfafervfl, I. t. Coniicctictitt and
Halm pBjier. please eopy.
Judge J. 3. Walton, of Lumaie Cifr. one of
thi fits', ayr. ol OreKoii and fa member of
tltr : ,.i:i of Itegettts of the Stale t'n4verilv.
'i'l. ! ' MmS-ta (.aim. na
af the work v tfelv-slty (tftt
jy and t ill Is compleud in aiwut two
outlia. The fiwt tuna wiil nrobablr com.
iiice atxint the lirst of September next. Per
ns desirltIB to find the Jlldt-n can rl,i an l ,
dling at the Chemekfta.
Prom the number of celestials nrtnecf dur
ing the tiaboa. err ru trial Thursday evening,
lay. tlie lioian Htatenman, one would hare
thought tlie following Chinee ditty true:
We are corning L'nele Saror.
Uf) liundred million .Doug;
We are coming to rnakee Idaho
Ail samee as Hong Kong. -
We will workee bt-rw ebeapee,
Itiit white man allee way.
And make por w !tite- loonien
For fhow-cloy cly all day.
' CenliiK SieliiMil.
A I the solicitation of many of the patron, of
the public schools, of thi. city. Prof. Garrison
ha cons4;tit(l to giTe a course of lessn. in
Bpencerian penmanship at tbe East Blem
School Houne, the course to begin tint evening
6 '4 o'clock. Thi. will accommodate many of
th yonng iietiple who are not ei ranted uulo
attend the rlaa. at tbe t'nivenrity. Parent,
who won!,! their children pemraM a correct
tnl practical band-writuig shonld give tbem
t ie benefit of this eonrse. Yonng men and la
dies who woold yield tlie pen gracefully shonld
not let this opportunity pa, unimproved. All
who bare a leisure hour of .n evening shonld
'wnd it at the Fjist Salem School House with
Prof. Gariis jti.
3 lis Albany Ddinocrat says: " Last eretiinp
aVnit dals, a Chinaman who d the cook ing
irj Bog A and Allen's loggi ig camp a--:ros. the
river, y rfwl for the city A abort daL-nus
Ih-I' lloiiaa nnriird.
Alxmt2 o'clock Bnnday afternoon the tlm
liell rang out an alarm which it was aoon di
covered was on account of llw residence of Dr
A. M. licit king on fire. 1 he firemea were e
tiid with Hielr usual promptitude, but owing
t the bad condition of the trtU and the di.
tuc the engine hvl to be drawn, (be lire bad :
gained considerable headway bc-fore any efforts'
could lie made lo arreat its progmm.
The fire broke oat Jtwt aa people were on tbeir t
way to the ditTereut Habbath School., and in a
few minute a large crowd bad collected who
rapidly emptied lhe fower urf of the honso of
it. furniture, nearly evOTything having en re
moved before the Mgines arrired. Company
No. 1 got the first water, placing their en- ,
Kino on tbe bridge aero, the a mall utrcain jast
below the burning bonne, and soon had two
trenis jilaj ing oa the building, while the
Tiger i dragged Oieir engine arotmd io tlie rear
Of Hie btiilditij? and look water from well, and
were noon aiding in extinguishing tbe flame.
The lire, which u thought to have originated
ftotn a flue in the tippcx pari of (lie house, wa.
kept confined to the upper .tory and ww toon
brought under objection.
The building wa. ruined and tbe eontrnf. ef tlie
m.p touwrall JilMs),t
TU Doctor hanly $1,500 insured io the
Fitwnix Insurance ConiMny, which will ut
eover the lc. T he tc-veral fire companies were
on hand in good time and .11 worked well.
lr suine, ( -Of
ail things to us most dear,
Are tbe holiday., from Cbriatme until
tlie New Year;
Joyously we extend to tiiem a cordial welcome,
la their train pleasure, creep,
I luring their day aorrow'a sleep.
And thone who enjoy tlie holiday, most, ar
Uiote whoae dutie. have been well done.
E'en io life', bumble! atabon, T
Whatever may be one's vocation,
Uolid-y. corns, spreading beam, of light round
their pathway;
And bnrden which bare been heavy to
bear before,
Became much lighter than they were of
Owing to the joys and pleasure of a holiday.
Obi tl merry, joyous holiday.,
Let ua sing to them happy greeting laysj
They come in the month of December.
And while we are en;'oying this .lay.
Loving, as it were, hot for a .ingle day,
Tln-y rise and as fleet a a bird on tlie wing,
ailing aloft, all to soon disappear.
And their memory, like tliat of a .am.
Biers bliss,
When chilled by tbe touch of a wintry
j Fades into oblivion and leaves only life', plam
tli which wreath day by day.
siSng of lime to seek tlie better wit.
e gU in tbe life to come, one long
of sanctity.. m
, j,, ,, .in i , .ti irvx, w-a a.
rsi-i d and educate!. He removed to the o
wifstern put ofMiasonn. and resided tr
year, in BpringHeld, in that State. From there
hs emigraSed to Oregon, crossing the plains in
the year of 1818 or 1945, we are not positive
wiiH-ti. B. tlbrig upon a farm in Yamhill comp
ly, he continued to reside there until b re
moral to tolunibia county a few years a?o. He
was a physician by education, but after be had
passed the years of his middle life he devoted
but littla time to tiie practice of lug profession,
confining himself to the business of cultivating
his farm.
The Dr. was a man of large views, and en
dowed with a kind and literal nature. H is sym
pathies extended towards all, of whatever creed:
race or color. Bom and reared in a slave-hold
ing State, he threw aside the prejudice, of td
ncatinn, and early allied himself with the party
whose prominent policy was opposition to the
further extension of slavery, and actively con
tributed both with Ids voice and pen to the sue'
cess of that party in Oregon
The deceased held several positions of trust
under the Government, the principal of which
was that of Minister from the United Htate. to
me , i. , iu ttnigu mi, to wiuca otn.:e be was
appointed by President Lincoln in 18(13 and
continued in the discharge of iu duties for
.bout three years, when be resigned hi office
and returned to his home, since which time be
has lived in comparative retirement,
Dr. M'Bride had passed the limit which the
Psalmist assigns as the term of human life, and
during the greater part of that time he pro
fessed Christianity, and was an active and zeal
ous member of the denomination knojrn aa
Disciples" or Christians. A. an Eldi fhe fre
quently preached the word, oftentimes with
great power. As a sjieaker Dr. M'Bride was
i i
aisoe uicorainary stamp, in tus best ilav. na
ttwntion of
proven by a
nuuioer ux responiDie witnesses. The pcrsoual
"" 'Y01'" lne wruer. iran more as
s iultsare niadeon n;or my house I" promise to
nakethertKoussion little pertonal myself, and
rosy prore wor e than the Mercury ltemizer
ai"in" K'ff vvu jfiuauy to reaa.
a ccr
f rOns
. Avhom
he A
ss 1 faSt
IX Tin!
a m
ture having fitted him with
presence thai at once secured t
an audience, lie was not eloquen
is ordinarly used, but dealt w holl
tation, showing abilities of a
The deceased was blessed
family- of children, fourteen
ters, being born to him
me living. Mrs. S. C, A
temporarily residing i
of the daughters, as-
was elected to Congr
is hi. riacst son. He
I'itv u'he rest of the
Oregon and Washing
11' nan linily Statesman of TiiFaaaa- P. 19.
w e are in receipt of a commnnicatTn from
W. B. Mtxji-o ol Klamath giving the Jletails of
the affair culminattni o the death of two pt r
sous by starvation, an account of wbkfli has al
ready appeared in the Statesman. I
lilUJAl', jJce il, 1873,
Court mat rnnmaut to adionrnment. All
t the judge, present
Dove vs. Hayden. Ordered that the time
for filing transcript be extended to January 15ih
and tliat tliis order be entered as of the second
day of this term.
Mahal Wilson vs. Frank Haddock, Jadg
tnent below aftii rated.
Beddingtnn. IIostett-r Co. vs. McKinney A
Boyd. Judgment lxdow affirmed with 10 per
cent, damage for failure to file transcript with
in the time prescribed by law.
Alexander Thompson admitted to the Bar on
certificate from the Supreme dart of the
Btwte of Michigan. ,
Ish vs. Jones, argument resumed.
I.lertlon of Olllefra.
I" a regmar Hieeuug in junt uon City iiooge,
A. F. A A. M held at theu- hall December 18th,
1375, the following officer were duly elected to
serve for the ensuing Masonic year: W. A.
Kirk, W. M.; George F. Craw, B. W.; O. R.
Bean, J. W.: James W. Brasfield, Secretary; W.
C. Lee, Treasurer; T. M "flat, 8. D.; W. B. Lee,
J. D.; J. ISutler, T.; J. It. Btrrv nd Henry
Moore, Stewards. The officers will lie installed
on St. John's Day at 7 o'clock p. H. All Brroth-
ers iu good standing are respectfully invited to
be present.
Jefferson Lodge No. S3 have elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing Masonic year:
Chas. Miller, W. M.; John A. Conser, S. W.;
Ab. Smith, J. W.; F. Steiver, Treasurer: John
B. Leouey, Tyler; A. B. HudJlewin, Sacretary:
The officers wiil be publicly installed on the
evening of tho 27th, on which occasion Hon. J,
13. Baldwin, of Albany, will deliver an airororiri-
ate address.
Wo haru that the proprietors ,sf the St.
mianrs mini at Albany are fattening abont a
dozen turkeys for a Christmas dinn-ir, which is
quite propper as it only help to elevate thei
reputation, already away np. '
Hon. W. It. Dnnbar, Grand Worthy Chief
Templar of the Stalo, will lecture at the follow
plaees at the dates specified: Tangent, Tuesday
the 21st; Junction, Wednesday the 22d, and at
Harrisbnrg, Thursday the 23iL
Mr. H. D. Boon's new advertisement appears
to-day. This is one of the largest establish
ments of the kind on the coast and is conducted
on business principles. All who want anything
in the line of beoks or stationary should call on
The editorial force of the Statesman ia in
vited to the grand ball to be given at the Clie
meketa Hotel on New Year's Eve. Bcligious
duties are likely to call us in other directions at
that time, but we are satisfied that Col. Smith
will have a good crowd.
(Several day since, Mr. C. Cowan, says the
Albany Democrat, while at work abort dis
tance below tlie city, near the railroad, had his
coat and vest containing his watch, stolen bv a
tranip. Ho' was cutting cord wood and had
laid bis coat and vest off ni ar the track. Miss
ing theni ) he stepped upon the track, and some
distance tlowu the road discovered a man mak
ing off 'Vith the ar'icles. He gave chase, when
the thiief dropped th.-' coat and Test. Upon r.x
amintig thi m he found the watch gone, when
;ain gave cnase. just as J9 caught pp
tlie robbfr, that individual picked up
and lnng it with such precision and force
it hit Mr. Cowan on the head knocking
dm down. Eecovering himself he grappled
with his assailant and a terrible fight took place
"then and there." Mr. Cowan, however, got
away with his man in a shape that would de
light any lover ef the manly art of stlf-dcfeni-e.
Ut course be recoveredjus watch.
l-tim t
Li. that
j . .... any tinng uetier tiiiui a
Ar rested nmd Helen sel.
A small boy was arrested on suspicion of hav
ing stolen money at tlie burning of Dr. Belt's
residence on last Sunday. The Dr. subsequent
ly found the missing coin and the boy was released.
Seeking; Relief.
X. D. Orton who was shot by Watldnds in
the court room, not long tince is still suffering
from the wound. He went to Portland n
Monday where some experienced surgeons wil
extract the ball. Mr. Orton has not eaten but
Ihttle tor two weeks, being unable to open bis
m siith.
Columbia Klver Improvement.
The Dalles Tribune says: "The Columbia
Eiver Iniprovent Company a few days ago em
ployed tho stcamor V lilamette Chief, to see if
the Upper Cascades could be reached by water;
and laat Sunday, with one hundred pounds of
steam, tins boat ascended the lower rapids
"with a tremor," and passed on at the rate of
six miles an hour to tbe middle rapids, which
have been regarded as still more difficult. The
Chief, however, stemmed ibe current, and un
der the skillful pilotage of Capt. Baughman,
never swerved from the line to which he held
the wheel. On the middle rapids ' the steam
gauge marked 115 pounds, with a legal reserve
of 15 pounds more. She touched the shore at
the lower terminus of the proposed canal, in a
run of forty-five minutes from the lower land
ing ot the O. S. In. Co., havuig gone nearly a
half hgher up the river than any other steamer
ever ventured.
Startiug in at this point a canal, in order to
clear all the rapids above, mnst be 2,838 feet in
length, tbe fall in that distance at low water
being 21 feet. Such t canal, according to care
ful estimates, with tlie requisite locks, two in
number beside the guard lock, would cost 8300,
0)0. Ih s sv.m, though seeniimdv a larc one.
is a great deal less than the locks at Oregon
City cost. The line of such a canal is Derfectlv
! straight, and at no point would there be a cnt
exceeding twenty-five feot to reach a level widi
low water mark in the river. The number of
cubic yards of excavation, allowing for locks,
50x225, which is larger than actually necessary,
wouid be 87,857.
The Columbia River Improvement Cocrpany
deserve much credit for tbe energy.tbey have
already displayed in Die prosecution of the
great object for which tbey were organized aud
incorporated; and we hope and believe Congress
will yet grant the aid necessary for tlie success
ful prosecution of a Canal and Locks at the
He crime homo yesterday sml found l,is
n ife putting np peaches in tiiose old-wch-foned
tin cans that are closed with sealing
wax. She bad no old apron on. and two
or three little blotches of sealing wax or
namented the floor, while tho cat under
the table was licking a piece tlie size of a
postage stamp upon her back with great
"Sfo 'here, Maii.-i," said lie. "you'll
crtoiilc yourself with that hot wax cfirtet
ly." But slie made no answer, and he contin
ued, oracularly :
'Women never have any mechanical
genius, any way. Ir there's a way of do
ing anything wrong, they're sure to fry
Do you ihiiik yon can do any be tter,
she observed, with some aciditr.
'Why, ot course. I can."
Weil, liere, just distinguish yourself,
So lie sat down.
She banded him a fresh can, just out of
the water. He took it in his hand and
dropped it as though it h id been a sfreak-
of lightning, while lie stuck his fimrers
into bis mouth and looked sudden death at
her, because he could not swear, fcilie
gave linn a towel to hold tlie next one
with and be took it on his knee, liirhted
the sealing-wax stick and commenced
prodding around tlie top but tbe bottom
burnt his knee and lie ierked. brimmi?
the burning wax-stick across the back
Of his left hand. Then lie
up and howled, dropping the can
which emptiod a spoonful ol boil
ing preserves into his slipper. This
msde him frantic, and he went (lancing
shout tiie kitchen like an inebriated der
vish, waring the burning wax. unfit a
drop took bim on the nose. In bis aroiir
be kicked the offending can through tlie
window, spatferiiiff its contents nwr Him
dog. who rushed into tlie street howling,
and raised tbe alarm of mad dog. that oc
cupied the attention of ail tlie people with
in three squares.
lhen he submitted to be laid nnon Hm.
sofa and plastered with flour and sweet oil
until bo looked like a badlv-renalrnl
He is now willing to take an afiicavit
the size ot a barn-door that he will liere
after let womeu be just as awkward as
they choose.
-i'iVi isto msixHvx.
It is usually considered a great ad
vantage to get. into business; yet there
are often many pitfalls awaiting tho
unwary, and experience is sometimes
dearly bought. The following litlle
anecdote, related by a German gentle
man recently retired from business, is
a capital illustration of this point:
"Going down town the other
niglit," he said, "I got to chatting
with a (Jermiui acquaintance, and
asked him what he was doings."
"Veil," he replied, "shoost now I
am do, nodings, but I have made ar
rangements to go into pisszness."
'Olad to hear it. What are j-ou tro
mginto?" "Veil, I goes into partnership mid a
"Do you out in much capital?"
"No, I doesn't put in no ganital."
"Don't want to risk it, eh
"No, I puts in de experience "
"And he puts iu the capital"'
"Yes, dot is it. We d-ops. t
ness for dree year; he puts in the gap
ital, I puts in de exnenenioo a t
end of dree year I vill have d'e gaptaih
ami he will have de experience."
Prof. Clpeu ot the Com i v-....
School says that it is a popular fallacy that
tbo pale laces a,i broken down cotkitu
ttons found in our schools are due to bard
study, lie adds: -If the habits of life of
these so-called luird-workcrs could be
traced, it would be fouu.I that late hours,
unveiitilated sleeping-rooms. ,,ck of exer
cice. eXK)siire, rich food, or food that is
poorly or unwisely cooked, fasteatiiu. and
the like, are tho direct am the ellicient
causes ot their poor state of health."
Josh Billings will have $iio.000 w orth of
comic almanacs to answer for in the next
world. I f will probably fry to tl,rw the
blame on his i,nbt;l,-..
. u ,i-.L
A Jfcyrrisii .sttidont, supposed- to lie de
ficient in judgment, was asked bv Vto
tessor, in the course of his examination,
how he would discover a fool. -Rv rl
(lliestions lie won , I -i-i- ...... .1.. -
Aa'ud hiirltlr 7io-osfTM lUU
tf wv'a ivpy,